The Handicraft of Eten City as a Means of Development for Tourism Leandro Montenegro Sampén 1 y Marielena Gastelo Risco
ABSTRACT The main economic activity of the Eten City is the handicraft industry, producing a variety of products based on material macora palm straw, activity that is primarily concerned female hands of every home The Eten City for several centuries, is becoming one of the outstanding handicraft villages, especially in manufacturing hat, garment that has come in many towns of the country and abroad for its prestigious art that give prestige not only the Eten city, but the Department of Lambayeque and why not say the whole Peru. It’s a proud for the people from Lambayeque to offer artisanal products from Eten City as tourism products, for that tourist who is interested in knowing our traditions through artistic expressions found in the Eten city. Keywords: handicraft, Tourism. Resumen La ciudad de Eten, dentro de sus principales actividades económicas está la industria artesanal, produciendo una gran variedad de productos en base al material de paja palma macora, destacando el tejido de sombreros, actividad en la que se ocupan principalmente las manos femeninas de cada hogar. Desde hace varios siglos Ciudad de Eten, viene constituyéndose en uno de los pueblos sobresalientes de la artesanía, especialmente en la industria manufacturera del sombrero, prenda que ha recorrido en muchos pueblos del país y el exterior por las prestigiosas gamas de su precioso, fino y delicado arte que dan prestigio no sólo a Eten, sino al Departamento de Lambayeque y porque no decirlo al Perú entero. Para los lambayecanos es un orgullo ofrecer productos artesanales de la Ciudad Etén como productos turísticos, para aquel turista interesado en conocer nuestras tradiciones a través de expresiones artísticas, que en la ciudad Éten se pueden encontrar. Palabras clave: Artesanía, Turismo. 1
Student of the eighth cycle of the School of Tourism and Business, Faculty of Business Administration, University of the Señor de Sipan in Chiclayo, Peru. Email: 2 Student of the eighth cycle of the School of Tourism and Business, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Señor de Sipan in Chiclayo, Peru. Email:
The Handicraft is an excellent demonstration of tradition and culture in our region of Lambayeque, It has become an icon of cultural identity for the variety of products, their ancestral skill and art transmitted by long years; all these features, shows the essence of the Lambayeque culture. In the district of Eten city, the handicraft is truly worthy of all recognition, just enough to take a look and we realize how wonderful they are, their characteristics, reflecting the cultural patterns that have been passed from generation to generation. The handicraft in this district evolved considerably; it started out as just a cultural expression of the same people, but gradually grew into handicraft production; now constituted as a sector with great potential to exploit and excellent development prospects for tourism in the region. This research is important because it allows knowing the varieties of handicrafts that the inhabitants of the Eten city made, and this is an attractive potential for tourism development. Furthermore, this study is relevant, since it will serve as a reference source on the subject of the Eten City Crafts for future researches.
THEORETICAL The Handicraft in Peru "The handicraft, their economic and social importance" It has been proposed as a definition of craft "all creative manual technique to produce individually, goods and services" and therefore industry has defined as "any mechanical technique applied to produce socially, goods and servicesâ€? (Eutimio Tovar RodrĂguez, 2007). All of them, men and women, old and young and even children, are engaged in weaving straw hats, the market is known by the name of Panama hats "... to go through the streets, looks inside houses, which have the doors open, weavers of all ages who are sitting on the floor in full work. While working just talk and pay attention to his fingers, and the strands of straw are moved, as handled by numerous needles. (Ernest Middendorf, 1973)
"Understood by handicraft to the economic and cultural activity aimed at the development and production of goods, either completely by hand or using hand tools and mechanical even means, provided that the aggregate value principal is composed of labor direct and this remains the most important of the finished product component and may the nature of the products to be based on their, intrinsic to good end either in terms of historical, cultural, utilitarian or aesthetic value distinctive features, which fulfill a social function recognized using materials originating source areas and identify with a place of production." (The Law of Artisan and Craft Development Activity No. 29073, 2007). The Artisan Tradition in the Lambayeque region. Originally, the handicraft is a response of society to the specific material needs in different fields or activities. The handicraft comes from our ancestors Mochica who were characterized by their beautiful pottery and expressive style. The Mochica artisan made their boats with vegetable fiber (reeds), until now used in the artisanal fisheries. The goldsmith and metallurgy are also art inherited by our current goldsmiths who have their inspiration in ancient Moche. Palm straw hats weaving and other crafts comes from Tahuantinsuyo (now Ecuadorian territory) which to date remains a source of supply of this raw material, having improved their quality of fabric. Also in our region, craftsmanship has evolved greatly, from folk art that developed and developing our people as a cultural expression, until it was turning over time in handicraft production, defined as the mass production of artistic objects of origin popular; now becoming an important sector with excellent prospects. Handicraft in Eten City The Eten city crafts, has begun to have significant changes in the products offered to visitors who arrive in this city. These innovations have made craftsmen save time and money, but your earnings are significant so that their products are brought to different parts of Peru and abroad. Among the crafts most requested by tourists are: the rings, bracelets, collars, earrings, straw hats, wallets, etc. All these crafts are produced in different colors based and thatch palm.
The straw hat of Eten City In Eten City the world's largest hat was designed. In task 25 women from a soup kitchen where different crafts are exhibited participated. Precisely at the Fair of the Divine Child of the Miracle, showed the world a giant hat when entering the Record Guines, speaks volumes about the laborious delivery people Eten City and craftsmanship never seen before.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The methodology applied in this work was the ethnographic research - qualitative, since the natural environment and context given to the issue or problem is the direct and primary source, and our work as researchers is a key instrument. Data collection is mostly verbal than quantitative. Also apply one of the feature (Batthyรกny & Cabrera). Natural context, the researcher as a key instrument and interpretative perspective, prior to an interview with Mr. Arsenio Liza and wife.
DATA ANALYSIS The research data we will provide below, but first highlight one of the most important characteristics of the people from Eten is that they are humble, kind and welcoming people. In the town of Eten what stands forth are the different crafts, but will mention only I'll cover what is the realization of palm straw hat macora. In the interview we conducted Mr. Arsenio Liza, questions asked were: How did you learn this profession? This manual work is passed from generation to generation (always in family groups), no people from Eten not know weave a good hat. In the dialogue with Mr. Arsenio, let us know that this manufacturing handicraft profession is leaving a legacy transmitting all their skills to one of his sons working with him. This manual work is a great help since this craft is a family support and many of the people who perform manufacturing are very talented. How long have you been making hats? We've been making about the time 40 years in the development of hat, we performed first for fairs of our city, but now we have a home business.
Where does the macora palm straw come from? Mr. Arsenio Liza said that a man sells macora palm straw from Pajan district, located in the province of Manabi, Ecuador. The Ecuadorian exporters buy them the same processors and then sell to the Peruvian city importers also told us that some Peruvians traveling to Pajan to buy the product (this no longer happens); after the product arrives to Peru, is sold by retail packages that expended per kilogram in different outlets. (Monsefu, Eten and Santa Rosa). What is the development of macora palm straw hat? Once you have palm thatch macora the procedure of washing with water and detergent made subsequently to a second wash but now with lemon leaves about 6 hours soaking, rinsing takes and passes dry overnight or else the sun, a once left to dry the straw passes give you stretching and twisting, to continue its development by making a knot, then start the top of which is called the Crown, when this part is over, you are given a bankruptcy and is passed what is known as Copa, weavers hat have hornas made of wood sapote, they serve to give cylindrical to the crown of the hat shape, then start with the break for the skirt, and culminating in the auction slightly wet, cut fibers and surplus auction. It is subjected to crushing using a cylindrical stone, this process takes about a week, of course it's always good to emphasize that depends on the quality and the hat. In addition to observing we realized also that Mr. Arsenio Liza, not only is centralized in the hats but also in the work of modern handbags for women, holster, porta lens, purses and more.
What is the difference between Knight and Dame Hat? The hat gentlemen, on top of the hat what is known as corona is a bit Angosta, its narrow and square cup. Ladies hat is just the opposite at the top of the crown is wide, his glass is oval. How much is the price of a macora palm straw hat? The price of a good quality hat is S /. 50.00 hat for men and ladies hat S /. 40.00. What is the month where most hats are made? When the festive are dates Eten that is where most of us took advantage in pushing all our crafts.
DISCUSSION The results of the interview, we can say that the handicraft is one of the economic activities carried out in the district of Eten city, this work has allowed the district fails to achieve some recognition, however, is not convenient to develop, and become known in Peru, because they haven't a fixed place to sell their products, that's why, every family has preferred to sell what they produce in their own homes, which generates that this impact cannot achieve sufficient to maintain their income at the same level throughout the year, but is seen as an activity whose realization is still limited just to survive. The lack of cultural identity by young people is a problem that is now being felt in the district, seeing that the activity generates low income, they lose interest in learning and continue the tradition that has Eten city, looking well, other activities in which they can make. In spite of the factors limiting somehow positioning crafts Eten City, there is great potential in it sustained on a long tradition. Furthermore, it can strengthen the accuracy of the results obtained in the interview, through the publication of Ernest Middendorf (1973), who indicated that the majority of people, regardless of age and gender, they are keeping the tradition CONCLUSIONS The development of straw hats, is an activity which occupies almost 100% of households, with the participation of female hands. Thanks to the Palma Macora, they have learned the variety of manufacturing, and thus can have a livelihood for their home. The Eten city, experts in weaving straw hats transmit their skills to their children to keep their artisan tradition inherited by their ancestors for years lost.
RECOMMENDATIONS Should conduct market research in order to export the product, and somehow the artisan can earn more and fair value for their product. It should also make creating a website especially what the straw hat palm macora so they can promote a product or marketing approach at national and international level. The weavers should drive more their workshops so that these customs Eten not become extinct.
GRATITUDE We express our sincere gratitude to Professor José David Sánchez Medina for their continued support, which It has been an invaluable contribution not only in the development of this project, but also in our university education, we also thank the residents of Eten city, for their collaboration, facilitating information in your district.
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES La Ley del Artesano y del Desarrollo de la Actividad Artesanal Nº 29073 Ley_29073.pdf Blog de Eten Red Social