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Creating Loving Relationships Healing the Heart 9 Ways to Ease ADHD Good Diet – Good Mood Relief from Bell’s Palsy Symptoms February 2015 | Chicago | NAChicagoNorth.com
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Health and Wellness Coaches help clients to establish goals, maintain motivation, remain accountable and focus on their successes as they change and manage their lifestyle to embody health and wellness.
Become a Clinical Massage Therapist
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The innovative Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate Program from The Soma Institute provides the hands-on training, practical experience and industry support it takes to pursue a rewarding career helping others. You’ll learn the fundamentals and ethics of coaching, components of health and wellness, preventing chronic disease and learning the business side of coaching to turn your new health coaching skills into a successful career. Upon completion of the program you will be a Certified Health and Wellness Coach. As a coach, you will be able to develop health coaching programs for individuals and groups and guide and empower people in changing their lifestyle and behaviors so that health and wellness are put at the forefront of their life. Best of all, according to human resources consulting firm Hewitt Associates, who surveyed 450 major American corporations, 67% of American Companies either have or plan to have coaching or prevention programs to help boost worker health. So the career possibilities are endless.
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Monday, March 2, 2015 6:30PM-8:30PM Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook Hills Conference Center Thanks to Higher Brain Living®, we can change the physiology of our brains! This system creates a clear channel and energy surge to the Higher Brain that opens a gateway to expansive higher living like no other psychological, spiritual or physical healing modality. Learn how you can activate your higher brain by attending a live, mind-blowing demonstration! (free if pre-registered, $97 at the door)
Anx ie t y Wo r r y Str e s s
higherbrainlivingevents.com/chicago Also visit us at the 2015 Body Mind Spirit Expo in Chicago!
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Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Laser Dentistry is Changing All Aspects of Dental Care The alternative medical and dental fields have been educating patients about the oral bacteria/body connection for years. Now it appears that mainstream doctors are doing the same. New scientific clinical studies show that the bacteria found in the lungs, organs and atherosclerotic plaque in the arterial system are specific to the mouth. How is this possible? While brushing, eating and especially during dental work, the bacteria in your mouth can get into the bloodstream (called bacteremia) and move throughout the body. The body is also challenged by an inflammatory reaction when the bacteria in the blood goes to the liver. As the liver clears or cleans the blood, the bacteria triggers an enzyme release that results in a whole-body inflammatory response. If these bacteria are consistently released, your body stays in a chronic state of inflammation. What’s the solution? You wouldn›t want to completely remove all of the oral bacteria, because there are certain helpful species that are needed for digestion. The goal is to keep the good bacteria at a healthy level and never allow the bad, or pathogenic, types to move in. Laser dentistry presents a simple way to sterilize the mouth before your gums are probed or teeth are cleaned. To further sterilize and treat the pockets under the gums and around the teeth, we finish each cleaning with a subgingival (under the gum) herbal irrigation. It's a painless, simple and easy way to prevent bacteremia during the cleaning. This method also reduces the variety and amount of pathological bacteria to such a low level that adequate protection can be continued by implementing good home care of your teeth. For more information about this simple procedure and other methods of nonsurgical laser gum care and eliminating tooth sensitivity, and to schedule your appointment, call our office at the number below:
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FEATURING MIKE DOOLEY March 21-22, 2015 l Chicago, IL A Weekend for Writers with Mike Dooley, Reid Tracy and Nancy Levin Are you a writer with a great book idea with a strong desire to be published? Do you just need the insider scoop on how to perfect and publish your book?
contents Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
in the Face of Adversity
Obstacles Point the Path to Wholeness and Healing by Deborah Shouse
If so, this is the workshop for you!
26 FEEL, BELIEVE, BECOME at the 2015 Body Mind Spirit Expo by Carrie Jackson
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Remedies to Heal the Heart by Kathleen Barnes
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Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Start a Great Relationship with Your Health Practitioner
Eating Healthy Foods Fights Off Depression by Lane Vail
Tips to Bring More Positive Energy into Your Home by Sarah Tarver-Wahlquist
Healing and wellness starts with a
two-way conversation with your practitioner. Using a truly holistic approach, we'll work together to ďŹ nd the
cause of your pain and symptoms. I invite you to visit me for a 15-30 minute free
for Spring Break
consultation and health evaluation.
by Mira Temkin
wh we learn, you and I will Based on what
create a customized treatment plan to
A Guide to Mourning, Remembering and Healing by Julianne Hale
get you feeling better.
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natural awakenings
February 2015
letterfrompublisher Truly connecting with another person is a process and a journey, although we may struggle at times to find someone with Jim Irwin and Peggy Malecki whom to start a friendship or a romantic contact us Publishers Peggy Malecki and Jim Irwin Circulation Manager Jim Irwin Sales & Marketing Jim Irwin, Peggy Malecki Sondra Brigandi, Heidi Hetzel, Iris Winter Editors Martin Miron, Theresa Archer, Randy Kambic Writers Linda Sechrist, Megy Karydes, S. Alison Chabonais, Carrie Jackson Design & Production Suzzanne Siegel, Martin Friedman, Stephen Blancett, Steve Hagewood Natural Awakenings Chicago P.O. Box 72, Highland Park, IL 60035 PH: 847-858-3697 FAX: 888-858-3107 Info@NAChicagoNorth.com NAChicagoNorth.com Follow us on Facebook and Twitter © 2015 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $29 (for 12 issues) to the above address.
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ruly connecting with another person is a process and a journey, although we may struggle at times to find someone with whom to start a friendship or a romantic relationship. Many great resources are out there, including websites like our very own NaturalAwakeningsSingles.com, which is perfect for connecting with like-minded people leading healthy and sustainable lives. For those inclined to be extroverts and enjoy meeting many new people, online dating and singles scenes can be a perfect venue for meeting that special someone. But for others, it can be a long, scary, lonely process. In his book Mindful Actions, author John Shearer suggests that being selfreflectively mindful may be the best way to connect with others to find the right person. “I liken the whole process to that of an apprenticeship,” he writes. “True connection is a process, not a quick fix or a miracle cure.” Based on his own experience, Shearer suggests that we start slowly and take small steps, being mindful to get out and connect with the world and not just a potential date, because isolation is the enemy. Be curious, listen and look for deeper meanings. Being present and listening without judgment will let others come into your life gradually. There’s something that rings true about the power of your mind in finding that special someone. Author Ted Murray encourages us with, “Trust in the synchronicity of the universe. When you begin to open up to the idea that your intention attracts the right people and circumstances into your life, then it truly seems like magic happens. You create abundance in ways that go way beyond money.” He notes, “You meet just the right person to partner with or to help each other grow through the most unlikely of circumstances. Instead of seeing these things as unrelated random acts and that you just happen to be lucky, see the entire realm of possibilities you can experience... If it is for the benefit of all and not just a selfish desire, then the universe will conspire to help you.” The “Law of Attraction” has become a buzzword over the years and may seem cliché. But I believe that Shearer, Murray and other thinkers of our age have something deeper to say. Being mindful makes us slow down, breathe, enjoy the process and find out what is truly happening. Actual listening moves us past the bling, first impressions and outward charms to find connection and meaning with a date or a new friend. It is the antithesis of speed dating and can open our hearts to new potentials that a superficial assessment may dismiss. In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we dedicate this issue of Natural Awakenings Chicago to building and maintaining healthy relationships. We also address managing grief that follows the loss of a relationship, the death of a dear one or even the passing of a beloved pet. Of course, because all healthy relationships begin with loving ourselves, we’ve also included lots of great information about taking care of your own body, mind and spirit. Happy Valentine’s Day! P.S. – If you plan to buy your loved one a heartfelt gift, massage or other item this February, please remember to visit our advertisers for the best selection of all things healthy, green and fun.
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
advertising & submissions how to advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 847-858-3697 or email info@NAChicagoNorth.com. Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. Editorial submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: Editor@NAChicagoNorth.com. Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month.
Subtle Symptoms:
Poor Sleep Food Cravings Allergies Skin Conditions
calendar submissions Submit online at: Submit.NAChicagoNorth.com/CHI/ Calendar-Listings or email Calendar Events to: Calendar@NAChicagoNorth.com. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month.
regional & multiple markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets, call 847-858-3697.
Obvious Symptoms:
• • •
(Excema, Psoriasis)
Gas/Bloating • Heartburn/GERD • Constipation • Diarrhea • Crohn’s • Colitis •
never glossy always green natural awakenings
February 2015
– Event sponsored in part by Natural Awakenings Chicago.
Meditate for World Peace
– Natural Awakenings Chicago distribution location.
he Infinity Foundation is holding a Meditate-A-Thon: World Peace Through Inner Peace, from 7:30 p.m. to midnight, February 20. This special night of meditation focuses on the healing power of inner peace and each individual’s connection to a foundation for greater world peace. This event is designed with an open and inviting format where participants may join the program at any point and stay as long as they wish. For newbies, it is a beautiful way to be introduced to the peaceful experience of meditation. No experience is needed. The evening features five different meditation techniques, led by Infinity Foundation teachers employing kirtan (joyful chanting), guided relaxation, sound healing, breath work and guided spiritual meditation. When individuals regularly achieve a peaceful state and live in a vibration of joy, love and compassion, others respond with greater joy, love and compassion. This is peace that is reflected through families, friends, coworkers, neighborhoods, communities and nations. Proceeds from the event benefit Infinity’s building expansion project to increase space for more classes, events and other amenities. Cost is $50. Location: Highland Park Recreation Center, 1207 Park Ave. W., Highland Park. For more information, call 847-831-8828 or visit InfinityFoundation.org. See ad in the Community Resource Guide.
Become Licensed as a Higher Brain Living Facilitator
ith Higher Brain Living, created by Dr. Michael Cotton, people can now change the physiology of their brains. Attend a free presentation and live demonstration from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., March 2, in Oak Brook, to learn how to change lives. This system creates a clear channel and powerful energy surge to the higher brain that opens a gateway to true, lasting, limitless and expansive higher living like no other psychological, spiritual or physical healing modality. Higher Brain Living facilitators are passionate, educated leaders in psychology, life coaching, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, yoga and other holistic fields. They choose Higher Brain Living because it offers them an unprecedented way to help clients change, grow, evolve and live with lasting peace, happiness and confidence. These leaders have discovered that their area of expertise alone is not enough to facilitate the extraordinary spiral of positive change available exclusively through Higher Brain Living. Admission is free if preregistered ($97 at the door). Location: Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook, Hills Conference Center, 3500 Midwest Rd., Oak Brook. For more information and to reserve a spot, visit HigherBrainLivingEvents.com/Chicago. See ad on page 4.
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Learn How to Control Inflammation and Pain
NSIDE Holistic and Cultural Art Center is hosting a class, Foods to Fight Inflammation for Pain Management, at 10 a.m., March 14, with certified health and nutrition coach Michelle Eberwein, owner of Inner Hope and Wellness, and wellness expert and shiatsu massage specialist Rita Hickman.
Michelle Eberwein (L) and Rita Hickman
This class will give people the proper information about which foods cause inflammation and which foods can fight inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be painful and sometimes debilitating, and is a major symptom in many diseases such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and many others. A diet high in fat, chemicals, and refined and processed foods increases inflammation, while a diet rich in vegetables, fruits and omega-3 fatty acids tones down inflammation. Attendees will get the proper tools to learn how to eat right and fight inflammation. Location: 1241 N. Green St., McHenry. For more information, call Hickman at 815-245-9673 or email RHickman@InspireMassage.com. To contact Eberwein, visit InnerHopeAndWellness.com. See ad on page 33.
Dr.Taf G. Paulson is an exceptional dentist who has been practicing holistic dentistry in Chicago for over 27 years! Her engineering and chemistry background serve as the foundation for her passion for dentistry as a form of art and “architecture”.
Happy New Year and infinite thanks to my loyal and wonderful patients who have chosen me for their dental care and have trusted our process in leading them to ultimate dental health! Have you made an intention to improve your health this year? Are you looking for a gentle, preventative, and holistic approach in choosing a dental home? I’d like to invite you to our practice. To me and my team, listening to your concerns, caring for your oral health, and providing a comfortable experience each and every visit is essential! That is why we are here! I know that choosing a dentist can sometimes bring anxiety and doubts, and we understand your concerns. We are here to guide you towards your most “healthiest mouth” in a conscientious manner. Holistic dentistry is about seeing the whole picture and knowing that oral health is a reflection of whole body wellness. We focus on providing each patient a personalized approach and the gentle conscious care that reflects the intention that brought them to call us in the first place! Whether your visit is routine, cosmetic or to replace old fillings, we offer a calm, friendly and welcoming environment that helps YOU relax and be at ease so that coming to the dentist can be a new, refreshing, and inspiring experience. Please visit our website, www.ChicagoHolisticDentistry.com or call 312-944-7444 to learn more about our approach or to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and sharing smiles soon! I’ve been going to Dr. Paulson now for the last 15 years and I’m extremely happy. Indeed, I trust her so completely that I still see her even though I moved to London. Every time I’m back in Chicago – twice a year – I make an appointment. Why? Dr. Paulson and her lovely staff do incredible work and give great preventive advice. Dr.Paulson has an engineering background and it shows. Her approach is thorough, meticulous, and long-lasting. And she’s helped me completely turnaround the health of my teeth and gums. As an actor, when it comes to my teeth, I don’t want to mess around… I can’t recommend Dr. Paulson and her staff enough. ~ Jeff Mash
Taf G. Paulson D.D.S., P.C. & Associates
I always feel like I am in good hands with Dr. Paulson and her team. They are consistently sensitive, collaborative and efficient. Dr. Paulson and team are so gentle that I have often fallen asleep in the dentist’s chair. Who falls asleep at the dentist? ~ Rev. Jacki Belile, CPC
Chicago Holistic Dentistry 233 E. Erie Street, Suite 816, Chicago • Free Indoor Parking 312-944-7444 • ChicagoHolisticDentistry.com natural awakenings
February 2015
newsbriefs The Tastiest Festival of Them All
he 11th annual Good Food Festival & Conference from FamilyFarmed will take place from March 19 to 21 at the UIC Forum at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Join the movement that is transforming the way we eat and celebrate entrepreneurs that are rapidly expanding our local and sustainable food systems in the Midwest. Business issues of Good Food will be the topic at the Financing & Innovation Conference on March 19, a dynamic day connecting funders with food businesses that will be enhanced with presentations by fellows in FamilyFarmed’s new Good Food Business Accelerator. The Good Food Trade Show, Food Policy Conference and School Food Conference have three powerful tracks for food industry experts, the trade and food policy makers on March 20. In the evening, taste the best in local food and drink at the Localicious Party, one of the year’s premier sampling events, pairing regional farmers with Chicago’s top chefs that value local sourcing. The Good Food Festival on March 21 includes a day of inspiring speakers, workshops, demonstrations, a trade show floor and more, all designed to grow the Good Food movement. To purchase tickets, get directions and view the complete schedule, visit GoodFoodFestivals.com.
enter to win a free ticket to attend Good Food Festival from Natural Awakenings Chicago.
Enter our online contest at
Explore Infinite Potential and Abundance with Matrix Energetics
r. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy Jonsson will be in Chicago to teach their Matrix Energetics (ME) seminar from March 13 to 16 at the Hilton Rosemont Chicago O’Hare. Friday night’s opening event, a Matrix Energetics Experience seminar from 7 to 9 p.m., is free. According to the organizers, participants will learn to access transformation and infinite possibilities by tapping into Dr. Richard Bartlett the field of the heart with the Matrix Energetics Fundamentals Intensive seminar and open intuitive abilities further with the Unplugged: Spatial Clairvoyance seminar and provide a practical and deep expansion of ME skill sets. Students will learn how to access the field of the heart, expand beyond limiting belief systems, and how to get out of their own way by tapping into the powerful Morphic Field of Matrix Energetics. A free seminar prize is available for first-time Matrix Energetics seminar attendees only. Location: 5550 N. River Rd., Rosemont, IL. For more information, call 800269-9513, email Info@MatrixEnergetics.com or visit MatrixEnergetics.com. Enter to win a ticket to attend a Matrix Energetics Fundamentals seminar at NAChicagoNorth.com/chi/contests. See ad on page 21. 12
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Conscious-Con Comes to Nearby Cincinnati in May
he Conscious-Con will gather many of the world’s leading transformational masters, beginning at 8 a.m., May 16 and 17, at Cincinnati’s Duke Energy Center. Keynote presentations feature Panache Desai, recently appearing on Super Soul Sunday and Help Desk; Paul Selig, author and clairaudient/clairvoyant; Matt Kahn, founder of The Love Revolution, with guide, teacher and sound healer Julie Dittmar; and Tara L. Robinson, speaker, publisher, radio host and life coach. Transformational workshops at the spiritual convention will be led by Abdy Electriciteh, Kelly S. Jones, Jennifer Schuitemaker and Raquel Spencer; with life-affirming workshops and musical performances by StoweGood, Shawn Gallaway and Charles Holt. Film screenings include The Power of the Heart, the latest masterpiece from Baptist de Pape, director of The Secret; and The Nature of Existence, a thoughtprovoking documentary directed by Roger Nygard. Expo booths will offer consciousness products, services and art by healers, spiritualists, readers, mediums, energy and light workers, channels and transformational teachers. Cost: full weekend access is $199; expo areas only access is $20 (includes vendor-sponsored workshops). Location: 525 Elm St. For more information or to register, call 513-515-0087, email PattyGoedl@ConsciousCon.com or visit ConsciousCon.com. See ad on page 49.
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February 2015
newsbriefs Fourth Annual Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference in Wisconsin
he fourth annual Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference will be held June 5, 6 and 7, at Camp Helen Brachman, in Almond, Wisconsin (between Milwaukee and Minneapolis, Minnesota), with guest speakers, herbalists and authors for both newbies and experienced herbalists. Dr. Jody Noe, Leslie Tierra and many other speakers complement more than 60 workshops, plant walks and a kids and teen camp. Serving the Great Lakes and beyond, the conference is a “wholistic” gathering of the feminine, including a wide spectrum of Midwest herbalists and Earthbased speakers on topics that include herbs for family health, wild edibles, fermentation, permaculture, movement, herbal wisdom, the Wise Woman way and much more. Highlights include swimming, evening entertainment, a marketplace, film screenings and roundtable discussions on building herbal community. The organizers have experienced herbal apprenticeships in the Wise Woman tradition, and the Red Tent is a communal space invoking the spirit of generations of women and celebrating women’s inner wisdom. In addition to the main conference, five longer preconference workshops will be held, including Herbal First-Aid, Herbs for Lyme disease, Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis, Herbs for Body Systems and Holistic Sexuality. For complete information, visit MidwestWomensHerbal.com. See ad on page 25. Sponsored in part by Natural Awakenings. Win a ticket at NAChicago.com/CHI/ contests.
New One-Stop Holistic Wellness Destination in Oak Park
waken Your Spirit Massage & Energy Work and Embrace Your Journey Life Coaching have joined forces to provide a holistic means to nurture and heal the mind, body and spirit in one location at 319B Harrison Street, in Oak Park. Massage therapist Marta Zielinska and Chiquita Davis and Marta Zielinska life coach Chiquita Davis share a mission to support humanity in achieving optimal health and overall wellness. Their dynamic combination of body work, meditation and personal guidance cultivates synergy, balancing the emotional and physical. They believe that a healthy mind, body and spirit leads to making healthy choices, creating a loving, peaceful environment, and also allows us to harness the body’s magnificent self-healing abilities. Davis and Zielinska say that all people should have access to resources that explore alternative methods of restoring balance to the body. Their comprehensive, holistic approach to health and wellness ignites clients’ consciousness to their innate wisdom. They meet every third Wednesday of the month for a fun and informative wellness workshop. For more information, call 708-434-5370 or visit AwakenYourSpirit.webs. com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide. 14
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Relaxing with Reiki
ichard Gans, MA, RMT, a certified Usui Reiki master teacher in practice since 2004, helps people to relax. He says, “Reiki is a gentle, safe and non-invasive, hands-on healing touch therapy that renews your vital energy and brings a deeply relaxing experience.” “I’m sure you know how you get stressed out from overwork and not enough rest. Well, I’m offering you a natural way to relax your body and mind by channeling Reiki’s vital life force energy through my hands into your body,” Gans elaborates. “Reiki is all about service and providing a safe, non-intrusive healing experience. There is no pressure, manipulation or massage. As the energy flows into your body, it helps to balance, heal and harmonize your body, mind, emotions and spirit,” says Gans.
First visit is free. Location: 23922 Lake Cook Rd., Deer Park. For appointments, call 847-304-4315. See ad in the Community Resource Guide.
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Green Internet Radio Network Launches
Our Most Supportive Shoe Just Got Better!
he Green Divas Global Digital (GDGD) Radio Network (GDGD Radio) is the first global digital radio network dedicated to green and health-related programs—a great online source for people in search of fresh, often entertaining tips and information about sustainable, healthy living and ways to make the world a better place. GDGD Radio was founded by Green Diva Megan McWilliams, host and producer of The Green Divas Radio Show, and North Barrington resident Lynn Hasselberger, producer and CMO of the network and producer of The Green Divas Radio Show. Their show features high-profile green divas and dudes, environmental and sustainability experts, natural health nuts and creative foodies. Other GDGD Radio programs include Chicago’s The Mike Nowak Show, Running with Nature, with Mariel Hemingway and Bobby Williams, Earth Matters, with Bill Kurtis, Yale Climate Connections, Mrs. Green’s World, GVK (Good Vibrations with Kristin), The Lanada Williams Show and The Green Divas Show. GDGD Radio reLynn Hasselberger and Meg McWilliams cently launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the development and marketing of a new website that can better support the online station with a larger global audience. If the goal is met by the April 22 deadline (Earth Day), Hasselberger promises to streak through downtown Chicago, clad only in body paint (and perhaps a pair of shorts and shoes). Listeners can help amplify the voice of green reason around the world by contributing to the campaign. Cool perks like organic tees and totes, a meet-and-greet with Chicago legend Bill Kurtis, a guest spot on a program and even a Hawai’i Island Retreat are available.
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NAChicagoNorth natural awakenings
February 2015
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point. click.
newsbriefs LifeWave Institute Provides Surf and Turf Physical Rehab
ndrew Serlin, DC, provides a unique combination of aquatic and landbased therapy for a complete healing approach to wellness and rehabilitation at the LifeWave Institute, in Northbrook. His holistic rehabilitation approach to wellness and recovery uses a combination of chiropractic care, warm-water aquatic therapy and massage, while integrating mind-body practices like tai chi, qigong and acupuncture into a treatment plan specifically designed to best address the particular needs of each patient. Incorporating relaxation techniques into the recovery process is often vital to allow patients to learn to best cope with stress and pain without resorting to overuse of pharmaceutical products that often add an additional obstacle to full recovery. LifeWave Institute rehabilitation is simple and effective, often producing life-changing results. Serlin is a chiropractic physician with certifications in acupuncture, tai chi, qigong, aquatic rehab, Aquastretch, Aquatic Pilates and Ai Chi. LifeWave Institute is one of the only centers in the Chicago area with this type of rehabilitation, which is used by professional sports teams and hospitals, but rarely in a private practice. The center has a HydroWorx Instafit 500 pool, featuring an underwater treadmill, variable resistance jets, an underwater camera and hydrotherapy massage hose. Location: 3113 Dundee Rd., Northbrook. For more information, call 224-723-5693 or visit LifeWaveInstitute.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide.
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Highland Health Foods | Highland Park · 847-831-0460 No cash value. One coupon per person per visit. Void if copied or altered. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Not valid on end of the month sales. Expires 2/28/15.
natural awakenings
February 2015
A Healthy Approach to Intestinal Maintenance
mall intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition in which too many and the wrong kinds of bacteria inhabit the small intestine, or small bowel, usually due to another condition that interferes with normal intestinal activity. Bacteria are allowed to stay overlong and multiply or even spread backward from the colon into the small intestine. The results may include constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue and even anemia, because iron and vitamin B12 are absorbed here. Allopathic medicine usually kills off the overgrowth with antibiotics that tend to stay in the intestinal tract. The small intestine is then reseeded with healthy probiotics to establish the proper balance of gut bacteria essential to the absorption of nutrients and the production of some natural vitamins. Steven Frank, founder of Nature’s Rite, advises that as a more natural alternative, some naturopathic practitioners are using an enhanced aqueous silver colloid to kill off the overgrowth before reseeding. According to the Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, after using either technique, it helps to ingest herbs such as plantain, licorice, marshmallow and slippery elm bark, as well as aloe, to heal the damage. For more information, call 888-465-4404 or visit NaturesRiteRemedies.com. See ad on page 4.
Marriage is Good for the Heart
esearch from the New York University School of Medicine found that married people have significantly less cardiovascular disease (CVD) than those that are divorced, widowed or otherwise single. The study used data on the rates of CVD from the health surveys of more than 3.5 million men and women collected at 20,000 U.S. medical centers. Married people under 50 had 12 percent lower incidence of heart disease than single people. Married couples between 51 and 60 years old had a 7 percent lower risk, while those over 60 had a 4 percent lower risk. The results were presented at the 2014 scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology. Researcher and cardiologist Jeffrey Berger recommends that doctors show increased diligence for single patients: “If one of my patients is recently widowed or divorced, I’m increasingly vigilant about examining them for signs of any type of cardiovascular disease and depression,” he says.
Health Tips for Winter Weather
his is the time of year when everyone experiences symptoms caused by the cold air outside and the dry heat indoors. It’s tempting to grab whatever familiar remedies are at hand, yet it’s most prudent to seek interventions that offer toxic-free solutions. In fact, effective solutions are not only safe, but also provide nourishment to our skin, the largest organ in our body. We want to prevent dry, cracking, painful skin with a protective coating that keeps it moisturized with products that include aloe, comfrey leaf derivatives and Melaleuca Altifolnia derivatives, as well as others with nourishing, softening and healing properties. These same ingredients are also helpful in lip balms. Dry indoor air can be quite troubling, and many people use seasonal humidifiers that can be sources of bacteria and mold if not cared for properly. Clean air ducts are vital. Releasing a solution containing Melaleuca Altifolnia leaf extract and citrus solvents through home air ducts and humidifiers is very effective in combating the indoor mold and dust mites. Karen Levy Bashkin, RN, MN, is now offering help in preserving health during the winter months. For more information, call 224-558-7646 or visit YouMeToxicFree.com. See ad in the Community Resource Guide.
Shop Local. Eat Local. Grow Local. Spend Local. Start a trend. 18
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I had a heart attack and a stroke a few years ago. I was unable to exercise and I did not have any desire to be active. After months of therapy, I was able to regain some strength but I had put on over 60 pounds in the process. I am 78 years old and I never thought there would be an answer to helping me lose the weight around my gut and belly. I completed 6 sessions on the Laser-Lipo and lost a total of 12 ½ inches and 7 pounds in the areas that bothered me the most. I have signed up for another 6 sessions and on already loss another 3 inches. I would recommend this treatment to anyone and any age. Thank You Anthony! -SB, Northbrook
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“It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Give yourself 12 weeks. Don’t quit.”
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natural awakenings
February 2015
globalbriefs Greenwashing Conundrum Biodegradable Plastic Bags Are a Hoax
In 2010, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed recommendations for environmental marketing claims. The agency has sent warning letters to 15 marketers informing them that their claims may be deceptive, and requested more scientific evidence that plastic bags labeled as biodegradable, or “oxodegradable”, implying the bag will break down in time when exposed to oxygen, were true to the claim. Because many bags are dumped in the low-oxygen environment of a landfill, the FTC considers those advertised benefits as dubious. Joseph Greene, a professor at California State University, Chico, points out that oxodegradable should be amended to “oxofragmentable” to be more accurate, because the plastics just break into smaller and smaller pieces. Chemically, they don’t break down into anything less hazardous. In fact, if these plastic bags disintegrate in the ocean, the fragments will be about the right size for sea creatures to mistake them for plankton. Source: Rabble.ca
Portable Feast
Guess Who’s Delivering Dinner A new service called Plated (Plated.com) is providing households the ability to prepare a fresh, homemade dinner without having to think about menu planning or grocery shopping. The ingredients arrive at the door in a biodegradable box, pre-portioned and ready to cook in 30 minutes. Customers browse a rotating menu of chefdesigned recipes on the Plated website and select their favorites each week, add the number of plates to the shopping cart and set a delivery date. For the price of subscription to the service, they receive a box with perfectly portioned ingredients and detailed cooking instructions. Based in New York City, Plated delivers its subscription boxes to 47 states, with plans to further expand in the next year. Source: Treehugger.com
Forward Leap
Batteries that Last 1,000 Years A group of Swedish researchers has discovered an unconventional way to give new life to rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which power everything from iPhones to electric cars, using pine resin and alfalfa seeds. The researchers plan to take up to two years to improve the chemistry of the product, and claim that the recycled batteries could last up to 1,000 years, according to researcher David Brandell. It has been estimated that demand for the batteries from automobile manufacturers could explode up to 400 percent in the next six years. The researchers see the technology as a global antidote to current methods for recycling manufactured Li-ion batteries that are energy-intensive and require toxic materials to manufacture. Source: EnvironmentGuru.com 20
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GMO Pushback Hawaii Lobbies for Anti-GMO Laws
The Aloha State enjoys a year-round growing season, with multiple harvests annually. Last year, the Hawaiian island of Kauai passed genetically modified organism (GMO) farming restrictions, but they were overturned in court. Now, Maui County, which includes the Hawaiian islands of Maui, Lanai and Molokai, has approved a moratorium on the cultivation of genetically modified crops. The majority of Monsanto’s GMO corn seed sold to farmers in Argentina, Brazil and the U.S. comes from its Maui operation. If the law stands, Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences, another biotech firm with operations in Maui County, will need to seek alternatives. Lawsuits have already been filed by both opponents of the ban and proponents that want rigorous enforcement built in. Michael Lilly, former attorney general of Hawaii, expects the new law to be struck down like the previous Kauai attempt on grounds that state law supersedes it, although appeals in that case are underway. Meanwhile, an injunction has stalled the whole process. The message from anti-GMO forces is that although giant firms have deep pockets and many options, staunch determination to stem the tide of GMO crops worldwide may eventually bear the sweet fruit of victory. Source: Grist
NO MORE NIGHT SWEATS! Laboratory research shows that over 60% of women will be in need of hormone therapy and hormone replacement medications at some point in their lifetime. Save Rite Pharmacy & Compounding offers compounded medications available in a variety of dosages styles and methods to help women who suffer symptoms due to common hormonal imbalances and deficiencies, including: • Menopause • Irregular menstrual cycle • Moodiness • Hot flashes • Post-partum depression • Decreased libido • Weight gain • Vaginal dryness • Painful sexual intercourse • Sleep disturbances • Night sweats • Osteoporosis • Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
For some women, these medications will be in the form of patient specific Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). However, not all women’s
health-related issues are solved by hormonal replacements. Because of this, Save Rite also stocks the Metagenics* research-based medical foods, nutraceuticals, and key programs. * The Metagenics line can only be stocked by registered health care providers and practitioners, and will not be found in any grocery store or regular retail pharmacy.
Save Rite is a registered ZRT laboratory test provider, and sells blood spot and saliva test kits directly at our store. Our pharmacists work directly with you and your physician on hormone testing and results. For women that may not feel comfortable talking to their doctor about hormone replacement, or don’t know a physician who regularly prescribes BHRT, we at Save Rite Pharmacy have the answers to all your questions. Also, if you do not live in the surrounding Chicago area we provide shipping with our personal mail service throughout the state of Illinois!
FTER my hysterectomy in my early 30s, I started experiencing menopausal symptoms such as extreme hot flashes and night sweats. I tried various herbal remedies such as soy products and black cohosh, but they never fully resolved my symptoms. A pharmacist at Save Rite Pharmacy worked with my doctor and me and soon after saliva testing I started bioidentical hormones. I was skeptical at first, but after a few short weeks my symptoms had nearly disappeared! After Pharmaceuticals • Compounding • Supplies a slight increase in my dosage, I no longer have any night sweats or palpitations, and 3479 N Broadway, Chicago my mood has vastly improved. I am certain bioidentical hormones helped me get my life back!”
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Hilton Rosemont Chicago O’Hare Airport 5550 N. River Road • Rosemont, IL 60018 natural awakenings
February 2015
point. click.
in the Face of Adversity Jenny Mandell is the founder and president of Break4Health, said to be the first health studio in the U.S. to combine the latest technologies proven to help reverse osteoporosis, improve balance and increase strength.
win. webCLICKS!
Body Mind Spirit Expo Feb 28 - Mar 1 Northlake WIN A FREE TICKET TO
Matrix Energetics Chicago ME, Mar 13 - 16 Rosemont
Good Food Festival Mar 21 Chicago WIN A FREE TICKET TO
The Writer’s Workshop Presented by Hayhouse March 21-22, Rosemont
Visit NAChicagoNorth.com/ CHI/Contests and sign up today for your chance to
oping daily with the efand complementary to existfects of multiple scleroing well-care programs. The sis (MS) herself, Manstaff works with a variety dell states, “We believe that of clients: from those with many chronic diseases can be chronic conditions, neuroprevented, delayed or allevimuscular and nerve disease, ated through the reconditionosteoporosis, coordinaing of our muscular, skeletal tion and balance issues, to and neurological systems. The athletes looking to improve greatest barriers to effective their game and individuals Jenny Mandell and trainer reconditioning are access to looking to increase daily the modalities with the greatmuscle strength. est efficacy and the time that it takes to “My objective in life is to help complete the therapy.” Mandell adds people become aware of the alternathat Break4Health’s programs require a tives in treatment for different disorders minimal amount of time, “while utilizand to inform them that it doesn’t take ing the best-quality and most effective six to eight hours per week to stay fit technology available.” and healthy, along with feeling relief The studio focuses on clients that from multiple sclerosis symptoms,” says want a natural solution to address osMandell. “My largest achievements to teoporosis, as well as those looking for this day are my three beautiful children an alternative to going to a gym in order and having the ability to manage my to improve their strength or balance. MS. Because of Break4Health’s proThere is even a program that addresses gram, maintaining strength and control multiple sclerosis. At Break4Health, two over my body comes easier these days.” modalities offer a non-pharmaceutical treatment in only five to 10 minutes per For a free assessment, call 312-909week. The bioDensity machine improves 6343. Break4Health locations are in bone density, muscle density and overall Northbrook, Chicago, Oak Park and strength, while the Power Plate machine Schaumburg. For more information and employs whole-body vibration to imto register online, visit Break4Health. prove balance, flexibility and strength. com. See ad on page 13 and in the Break4Health’s system is natural Community Resource Guide.
Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it’s your responsibility to love it or change it. ~Chuck Palahniuk
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Obstacles Point the Path to Wholeness and Healing
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by Deborah Shouse
ince childhood, Mary O’Malley always thought that something bad was about to happen and experienced a continuous dread that gnawed her insides. Over the years, she tried to eat, drink and medicate away the anxious feelings plaguing her, and sought help from group therapy, hypnotherapy and psychiatrists. Then in 1972, in her late 20s, O’Malley attended a yoga workshop that helped advance her quest to let go of struggles and embrace life. Later, when she met Stephen Levine, whose teaching is influenced by Buddhism, he conveyed, “There’s nothing in you that needs to be fixed,” and invited her to view her own issues with curiosity and compassion. The transformational insights learned along her journey shared in her book, What’s In the Way Is the Way, include simple tools for those that need to move beyond struggles to live in the present with more peace, ease and joy.
Train as a Tightness Detective
Ask this internal question when feeling stressed: “In what aspect of life am I 24
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
holding on for dear life?” Is your breath short, are your shoulders tight; do you feel a fist in your solar plexus or an elephant sitting on your chest? These are indications that you’re aligned with some struggle. By softening and breathing into the tight places, you can open into life and better align with ease and grace.
Strengthen the Curiosity Muscle
Whenever O’Malley experienced inner gnawing, she tuned into her body and inquired about the dread: “How big is it and how deep does it go? Does it have a flavor?” The more she questioned, the more curiosity and attention she brought to the emotion and the freer she felt.
Turn Curiosity into Compassion
O’Malley learned to more accurately self-report her feelings. Instead of, “I am afraid,” she learned to assess; “Dread is here.” Then she cultivated compassion, treating the dread as her friend signaling the need for a solution. She acknowledged and listened to the stricken and paralyzed parts of herself, knowing they were separating her from
joy because they needed to be heard and understood.
Step Outside Struggle to Embrace Humility
O’Malley believes that struggle is humanity’s core compulsion. We develop a story about the difficulty of life and heroically fight against myriad injustices. Yet making a U-turn in perspective to see them as challenges is tailor-made to help us recognize and achieve separation from our individual struggles in favor of a better way of experiencing life. “The dictionary misses the full meaning when it defines humility as ‘lowliness, meekness, submissiveness,’” O’Malley believes. “True humility is a state of great availability, and from this kind of openness we can reconnect with the joy of being fully alive.” She now discovers gifts embedded in every single challenge. Deborah Shouse blogs at DeborahShouseWrites.wordpress.com.
Join us for the 4th Annual Conference
Nourishing Our Roots and Healing From the Ground Up June 5, 6 and 7, 2015 (preconference workshops on June 5 begin at 9:30am)
Held at Camp Helen Brachman in Almond, WI A retreat and learning space offering workshops for women new to herbalism, as well as experienced herbalists. Preconference immersions, 40 workshops, plant walks, drumming, dancing, red tent, movie screenings, talent show, kids and teens herbal camps, herbal marketplace, delicious local food, community and much more! Experience herbal wisdom the Wise Woman way!
Featured Guests: Dr. Jody Noe and Lesley Tierra Registration for the weekend as well as preconference workshops is available on our website:
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February 2015
Feel, Believe, Become at the 2015 Body Mind Spirit Expo by Carrie Jackson
The Body Mind Spirit Expo (BMSE), in Northlake, February 28 and March 1, is a one-stop shop for people looking for alternative and holistic resources. The Expo started in Oregon in 1987 and has been held in Chicago since 2002. This year’s theme is “Feel, Believe, Become,” and Producer Megan Mitchell says that it’s a great place for people to explore the metaphysics. “BMSE showcases people from all over the country and highlights what’s new in holistic healing and alternative health.”
ith 72 presentaneeded to fulfill their greatest tions over the potential. The Chicago area weekend—15 more resident’s highly interactive than last year—attendees sessions enable participants can sample what interests to identify their true areas of them. “We have a wide passion and to eliminate the range of subjects, including blocks that stand in the way relationships, meditation, of achieving their critical yoga, aromatherapy and goals. She uses her book, pets. There’s a new focus The Real Brass Ring: Change on holistic treatments for Your Life Course Now, as a Megan Mitchell animals, which is exciting,” starting point to share her 14 adds Mitchell. Rules for Happy Living, which include She notes there will also be a large listening to your emotional radar, speakdisplay of crystals, gems and crafts. ing your peace and leveraging your “Often people come to the BMSE not personal alignment to create a life that knowing what they’re looking for, but you love. “Your path might not be clear it’s all here, and we encourage people at the beginning,” she says, “but it’s to explore.” All of the presenters and incredibly rewarding to clarify your life’s vendors are listed on the Expo website work, confront your fears and get started (Bmse.net), but here is a sample of what on achieving goals that will bring true attendees can expect. life satisfaction and joy.” Dianne Bischoff James (LiveYourEverything.com) is a life reboot specialist who conducts workshops and presentations around the country designed to give people the tools Dianne Bischoff James
Leslie Fonteyne
Leslie Fonteyne (LeslieFonteyne. com) is a life transformation teacher, intuitive energy healer and spiritual guide who has published audio teach-
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
ings, meditations, and a bimonthly blog on how to step into abundance. Her workshop at BMSE, Blowing the Lid Off: Abundance Now! will help people identify and remove the energetic blocks that interfere with their ability to manage their finances, relationships, work life and adventures. “I intend for participants to step boldly into their own abundance and transformation, based upon the combination of my teaching and their willingness to allow me to work with them to clear their blocks and shift into all they are meant to be,” she says. Vincent Genna (VincentGenna.com), MSW, is an author, spiritual teacher and psychic medium who believes that love and relationships are the two most important aspects in life. He sees not just his clients’ blockages, but also the solutions to empower them to move through them. He advises Vincent Genna people to realize that they are fully responsible for the all of the relationships in their lives, from friends and lovers to bosses and neighbors and that the relationships we have in our outer world mirror the relationships we have with ourselves. “Research has shown that humans, young and old, will not thrive and can actually die when deprived of love and healthy relationships,” he says. “And people in healthy relationships live longer, are happier, and are healthier.” Jen Heine has been a practitioner of Max Christensen’s Kunlun System (PrimordialAlchemist.com) for about eight years and shares these teachings from the Chicagoland area as an apprentice in the Chicagoland. The system is named after the Kunlun Mountain Range, in Tibet, reflecting the nature of this tradition. Heine will be sharing the teachings and offering assistance Jen Heine
on finding one’s own path. “Kunlun is for those who are looking for something different that is not New Age, but grounded in the root, providing results of self-awakening, self-healing and self-knowing,” she says. “In considering this path, people should know there are many paths to enlightenment, and they are not all the same in form or result.” Heather Shannon is a holistic psychotherapist, health coach and practicing Buddhist who incorporates awareness of mind, body and spirit in all of her work with her clients. She founded the Health and Wellness Counseling Associates of Chicago (HwcaOfChicago. com) in 2011 to provide clients with a holistic approach to mental health. Her presentation at BMSE, Three Secrets to an Exciting Life, will look at ways to use mindfulness techniques to feel more present and alive in our Heather Shannon daily routines. “People can be gentler with themselves and enjoy their lives more at the same time,” she says. “Most of our efforts in life, misguided or not, are directed towards attempts to protect ourselves from painful emotions and experience more positive ones.” Shannon encourages people to focus on their sleep quality, nutrition, relaxation, variety of exercise, healthy relationships, career choices and spiritual practices and not to forget to have fun. Admission is $12 for both days, and parking is free. For information and to purchase tickets, call 541-482-3722, ext. 1 or 2, or visit Bmse.net and download a $1 off coupon. Enter to win a free ticket at NAChicagoNorth.com/CHI/Contests. See ad on page 3 and at NAChicagoNorth.com. Carrie Jackson is an Evanston-based writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings Magazine. Connect with her at CarrieJacksonWrites.com.
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February 2015
and sprinkle B-vitamin-rich nutritional yeast on dishes like noodles and soup.
Naturopathic Doctor
Laurie Brodsky, e-consultant, DrLaurieND.com, New York City. Give up gluten. Gluten is a complex, gooey conglomeration of many proteins that sticks to the digestive tract, often stimulating behavioral issues. When gluten inflames a child’s digestive system, brain inflammation likely occurs, as well. Look for gluten-free pasta, bread, crackers and cookies made from rice, quinoa, flaxseed and non-GMO (genetically modified) corn.
Nine Ways to Help Restore Calm and Focus by Jenna Blumenfeld
lthough experts aren’t certain why it occurs, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 3 to 5 percent of school-age children, causing symptoms such as inattentiveness, frenetic activity, anxiety and forgetfulness. Kids with ADHD typically respond to drug prescriptions designed to provide calm and focus, but some carry unpleasant side effects like appetite changes and muscle spasms. Experts suggest considering these natural options to complement an afflicted child’s integrative treatment plan.
Sara Vance, owner, Rebalance Life, San Diego, California. Up omega-3s. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that recent studies show kids with behavior problems have low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient vital for brain health. Children’s daily diets should 28
contain omega-3-rich foods, such as chia, hemp, nuts and fatty fish. For children 12 and older, supplement with fish oil containing 1,200 milligrams (mg) of (DHA) docosahexaenoic acid and (EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid combined. Try magnesium. Low levels of magnesium, also known as the calming mineral, are associated with restless legs, anxiety and irritability—all of which can exacerbate ADHD. For kids ages 4 to 8, start with 130 mg of magnesium in the morning. If the child has trouble sleeping, another dose before bed may help. Reduce the dose if loose stools occur. Boost B vitamins. Vitamins B6 and B12 are important building blocks for brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Deficiency can impair nerve cell communication, hindering memory, focus and attention. Encourage a child to eat B-packed organic foods like eggs, poultry, bell peppers, yams and spinach,
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Pair fats with food. Healthy brain function requires a proper ratio of antiinflammatory omega-3 fats to the more common inflammatory omega-6 fats (found in canola, soybean and corn oils). Encourage balance by eating omega-3 foods at mealtime, when the gallbladder releases bile into the digestive system, allowing better omega-3 absorption. Avoid processed foods. High-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors such as Yellow 5, Blue 1 and Red 40 are linked to increased hyperactivity in children. Choose whole, real foods like whole grains and organic meats, vegetables and fruits. Use maple syrup rather than white sugar to sweeten foods—it’s fullflavored, so a little goes a long way.
Behavior Specialist
Margit Crane, educator, GiftedWithADD. com, Seattle, Washington. Lead by example. Parents have more power to handle their child’s ADHD than they think. Model the desired behaviors—if children are not allowed to eat in the living room, the rule should apply to the whole family. Maintaining consistent rules is vital. Set boundaries. Many parents and teachers believe that boundaries for ADHD-laden kids, that are often sensitive by nature, may be harsh or limiting. But these children actually thrive with boundaries. Rather than offer kids unlimited choices, give them two or
three options. This helps a child feel safe. Regard a troubled child as scared, rather than angry—this will enable parents and caregivers to speak to them with compassion. Work with teachers. Some children with ADHD may have trouble fitting into traditional schools. When speaking with teachers, use collaborative words such as “partnership” to obtain healthy cooperation. Teachers have an entire class to attend to, not just this child; address them with respect and understanding, and everyone will ultimately benefit.
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February 2015
the flood of adrenaline; Star of Bethlehem, for shock and loss; and Mimulus, for fear and anxiety. “Combining a few drops of each of these in a water bottle or tea several times a day helps you regain a feeling of balance,” Erwin says. She also likes drinking bloodcleansing noni juice to help wash adrenaline out of the body, and taking salt baths enhanced with lavender essential oil to literally “wash away the darkness.”
GRIEF Remedies to
Emotional Aids
Riley views art and music therapy, plus journaling (a “personal roadmap” that helps chart her progress), as powerful healing tools. She’s also seen first-
Heal the Heart by Kathleen Barnes
rief can arrive suddenly with the death of a loved one, serious illness, loss of a job, parental dementia or decaying relationship. In any case, it takes a toll. “Grief encompasses all of our thoughts and feelings. Mourning is when we put them into action by talking, crying, perhaps doing rituals,” explains Tracy Riley, a licensed clinical social worker and grief counselor in Jacksonville, Florida. “Grief isn’t something that’s over when you wake up one day,” Riley counsels. “It’s ridiculous when an employer gives you three days off and then expects everything to be fine.” She notes that time helps heal all wounds, but even a decade after losing a loved one, the pain can remain and life is never the same, although most of us learn to live with loss and move forward. “Some things can’t be fixed,” concludes Megan Devine, a psychotherapist in Portland, Oregon, and author of the audio book, When Everything is Not Okay, who blogs at RefugeInGrief. com. After witnessing the drowning death of her fiancé, she says, “I didn’t need to hear platitudes that everything would be OK. I needed something solid to hold onto when my whole world exploded.” 30
Physical Aids
An unexpected death and any emotional shock is an extreme stressor that causes the adrenal glands to release a flood of adrenaline. Tina Erwin, La Mesa, California author of The Lightworker’s Guide to Healing Grief, explains, “If you get a shock when someone close to you dies, your adrenal glands are blown out almost instantly and you are overwhelmed with adrenaline, much like we often see in people with post-traumatic stress disorder. You need to rebalance your body chemistry.” Intense grief can sometimes show up as chest pain, a classic sign of heart attack, due to a temporary disruption of the heart’s normal pumping action from a surge in stress hormones, according to the National Institutes of Health. Yet Imperial College London scientists now have found that a recognizable “broken heart syndrome” may temporarily protect the heart from being overwhelmed with adrenaline. “Healing the physical side of grief ultimately helps healing on an emotional level, too,” says Erwin. To assist herself following the death of her 6-yearold niece from a sudden infection, she uses several Bach flower remedies for trauma—Rescue Remedy, to rebalance
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Helping a Mourning Friend
ere’s comforting advice from grief advocate Megan Devine for friends yearning to soothe a bereaved friend. Don’t try to fix it: Don’t say anything that tries to fix the unfixable, and you’ll do fine. It’s an unfathomable relief to have a friend that doesn’t try to take the pain away. Grief belongs to the griever: You have a supporting role, not the central role, in a friend’s grief, which is an entirely personal experience. Anticipate, don’t ask: Don’t say, “Call me if you need anything,” because your friend won’t call; not because they don’t need support, but because identifying a need, figuring out who might fill it, and then reaching out to ask is beyond their energy level, capacity or interest. Instead, make concrete offers of practical assistance in doing normal tasks or chores for the friend and deliver on them. Be willing to witness searing pain: Simply be quietly present. Acknowledge their state and stick with simple truths: “This hurts. I love you. I’m here.”
hand how animals can play a key role through the mourning process. Her miniature schnauzer intuitively approaches her clients that are anxious and grieving and gives them permission to pet him. “It puts people at ease,” she says. “Then they can talk more freely about their pain.” Numerous studies, starting in the 1980s, show that stroking a furry pet lowers blood pressure.
Charting a Personal Course
For the bereaved (literally defined as “torn apart”), the symptoms of grief are meant to slow us down, advises Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D., director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition, in Fort Collins, Colorado, and author of numerous related books, including Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart. Society expects bereaved people to “carry on, keep their chins up, be glad they had him/her as long as they did or else be grateful that our loved one’s pain is over”—all platitudes that are more hurtful than helpful, says Wolfelt. Mourning takes time, but it also requires a social context, he explains. “It’s the shared response to loss. If you isolate yourself, you are grieving, not mourning. You can’t do this on your own. It’s bigger than you.” For those that feel stuck or unable to move forward, experienced grief counselors may be able to help. Kathleen Barnes is the author of numerous health books, including Ten Best Ways to Manage Stress. Connect at KathleenBarnes.com.
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Coping with Bell’s Palsy
Using Complementary Medicine by Ivan Narkevitch
he medical condition known as Bell’s palsy (BP) can come on without prior warning, and causes a sudden weakening in facial muscles, making one side of the face appear to droop. Usually the patient can’t fully close the eye, their smile is one-sided, the eye tears a lot and salivation is affected. It may be accompanied by numbness and facial pain. It is a quite painful and often embarrassing condition that can often be relieved through conventional protocols, accompanied by complementary therapies including massage, acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). BP is so named after Sir Charles Bell, a Scottish surgeon who first described the facial paralysis more than 200 years ago. Statistically, 40,000 Americans suffer from this condition every year. BP may occur at any age, but older people, diabetics (up to four times more often) and those in the last trimester of pregnancy are considered higher risk groups. People with a compromised immune system are more susceptible to develop the condition, which may be a reaction caused by a viral infection. BPlike symptoms can be caused by other conditions such as a stroke, infections, tumors and Lyme disease. If symptoms are present, seeing a doctor to rule out other causes is in order. While the exact cause is unclear, what technically results is a swelling and inflammation of the seventh cranial
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nerve, which controls the muscles on one side of face. Swelling of the nerve leads to compression of the soft nerve fibers inside the narrow, rigid skull bone corridor, compromising function of the nerve. Normally, a course of corticosteroids is prescribed by the patient’s doctor, along with physical therapy and exercises. Sometimes Botox injections are used medically to “freeze” the tremors. Alternate treatments may be just as effective in controlling symptoms and healing, including acupuncture therapy, massages and TCM formulas as adjunct medical treatments. In some cases, BP can cause a permanent inability to drink from a glass or form facial expressions such as smiling or frowning, difficulty eating certain types of food, muscle twitches in the face, and dry eye and mouth, so patients should address this condition aggressively. Early intervention with acupuncture, laser acupuncture, exercises, massage therapy and proper nutritional supplementation help to prevent permanent dysfunction of facial muscles. Significant improvement is usually noticed after as few as three or four sessions of acupuncture. From an Eastern medicine standpoint, traditional acupuncture theory sees the cause of this condition to be the penetration of pathogenic “cold and wind” in superficial meridians of the face and neck that were not properly guarded by protective qi. Acupuncture
therapy restores qi energy circulation in the affected meridians, providing better blood flow, decreasing the inflammation and reducing anxiety. Brief, shallow insertion of tiny needles in specific points maintains “awareness” of the gentle apparatus, transferring electrical signals from facial nerves to specific muscle fibers. Topical application of cold laser at the acupuncture points helps to boost metabolism in the nerve endings and decrease swelling of the nerve. Daily at-home facial muscle exercises, combined with gentle facial massage, help to support the acupuncture. Using artificial tears helps to decrease dry eye discomfort and prevents permanent damage of the cornea. Ivan Narkevitch, LAc, LMT, is the owner of SanaMedica Healing Center. For more information or to schedule an appointment at the Skokie or Park Ridge office, call 847-825-2427 or visit SanaMedica.us. See ad on page 7 and in the Community Resource Guide.
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February 2015
psychology professor and director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The evidence comes from research that shows how our brain and nervous system are designed to enhance our chances of experiencing it.” When we share positive emotions with another person, experience a synchrony between their biochemistry and behaviors and ours, plus exhibit mutual care, love can bloom, whether we stay happily single or decide to pursue a committed relationship. She calls this triple-action sequence “positivity resonance”. Love, she observes, is less a smooth, solid path than momentary experiences of connection.
Making Love Last
Happily Coupled Creating Loving Relationships that Thrive by Judith Fertig
“To be fully seen by somebody… and be loved anyhow— this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
t the conclusion of her bestselling memoir, Eat Pray Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert had fallen in love with Jose Nunes (called Felipe in the book), a Brazilian living in Indonesia. The divorced Gilbert, reluctant to have her heart broken again, had vowed never to remarry… yet ultimately changed her mind when U.S. immigration law presented her with multiple choices: marry so they could live together in this country, stay single and live as ex-pat partners or say goodbye to Nunes. Gilbert chose a marital partnership that suits the shared life they want: honest and, after years of travel, settled in one place. She says, “For the first time in my life, living in a small town with a lovely husband in an old house with a big garden and several pets, I feel absolutely rooted in a way I have never experienced 34
before and never would have imagined even desiring. But it is what we want—at least for now—and we’re relishing that stability.” Gilbert records the process of going from two global wanderers falling in love to a married couple sharing domestic chores in her follow-up memoir, Committed: A Love Story.
Love Science
The spark that ignites such a partnership is love, which is “primarily about connection,” says Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., a positivity expert and author of Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become. “It’s vital to our health and happiness, affecting our brains and bodies at the cellular level. “We were born to love,” emphasizes Fredrickson, who also serves as a
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The more areas of connection we have with our partners, the more opportunities we have to positively resonate every day, adds Frederickson. Thomas G. Plante, Ph.D., a psychology professor at California’s Santa Clara University and adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine, agrees. “Long-term relationships, like marriages, are partnerships in living,” according to Plante. “The vast majority of the time couples are together they’re not having hot sex, but are sharing a practical day-to-day life together.” Shared activities aren’t always exciting or glamorous. Raising children, working, managing a home, cooking and cleaning, shopping, being with friends and family and the rest of regular daily living is where the rubber meets the road in relationship satisfaction, observes Plante. “If couples aren’t compatible in these areas, then the connection and attraction will inevitably atrophy, tensions emerge and too often, relationships fracture and fall apart.” Compatibility means different things to different people, and requirements can change as individuals in a romantic partnership change over time. Compatibility also means agreement that the relationship is worth the effort to nurture and sustain it.
Partnering Life’s Dance
Five couples in different stages of loving partnerships share how they make their
special relationships work. The key to them all is shared values. Doing everything together. For newlyweds Drs. Josh and Chelsea Axe, of Nashville, Tennessee, a mutual commitment to vigorous wellness and physical fitness keeps them together. Says Josh, “The healthy lifestyle I have chosen to live is so important that I need someone who is able to not just agree, but also partner with me.” Married in 2012, the two chiropractic physicians went on to co-found the BurstFIT interval training program and meld their professional, as well as personal, lives. Chelsea notes, “There is truth to the phrase, ‘Couples that sweat together, stay together.’ When working out together, you share a specific energy you create while pushing yourself to your mental and physical limits. You have your partner right there doing it alongside you, knowing they’re supporting you; so when you each break through a mental or physical barrier in your workout, you step over together into a strength and confidence that carries over into your marriage. Being a part of each other’s goals and the struggles to reach them unifies us.” Remarks Josh, “I feel like we can both be successful individually, but when we’re a team, the outcome is synergistic.” Chelsea adds, “It’s never a mindset of ‘me.’ It’s always ‘us.’” Balancing work and play. Barbara and Bob Unell, of Leawood, Kansas, dated as teenagers, went their separate ways in college and then found each other again in their early 20s. “We went on a blind date in 1968 and both belted out songs on the car radio,” recalls Barbara. “I thought he had a great sense of humor and was fun to be with. All these years later, it feels like we’re still dating. We’re crazy about each other.” Both Barbara and Bob describe themselves as enthusiastic, playful, entrepreneurial, altruistic and geared toward creative projects, whether undertaken together or separately. “We’re both, ‘Let’s try this,’ sort of people,” says Barbara with a laugh. When the Unells had twins, now grown, they realized there was no national publication addressing how
“Seventy-five to 80 percent of all chemistry evaporates within six to eight months unless the relationship is significantly undergirded by deeper and more durable compatibility.”
ments and realize how good we have it,” says Karen. What first attracted them to each other—and keeps them together—is a love of playful fun and good times with friends. Karen remarks, “I knew Dick was ‘the one’ when he jumped flat-footed over a wingback chair at a friend’s house. That showed me that he was young at heart.”
~Neil Clarke Warren
Making ends meet. Eleven years ago, when family therapist Susan Franklin lost her husband, Michael, a university college professor, she felt bereft and overwhelmed. The pair had owned a country property near Cleveland, Ohio, where they boarded horses. Susan realized, “I couldn’t keep up with everything on my own,” and Jake Marshall, a musician friend of Michael’s, offered to help. Over time, Susan and Jake became close, and they now live together. Although Jake is a great supporter in many ways, he’s not in a position to help financially. Susan depends on her late husband’s insurance and pension benefits, which she would lose if she remarries. “Jake is so laid back and easy to be with, I can relax,” says Susan. Michael, on the other hand, always seemed to fill a room. Jake helps Susan with chores around the property and she is always there cheering him on from the front row when he performs at local venues.
to parent multiples, so they launched Twins magazine in 1984. Bob founded and managed an advertising agency while Barbara wrote bestselling parenting books, but the whole family traveled together on her speaking engagements. In response to becoming a breast cancer survivor, Barbara founded the nonprofit Back in the Swing in 2000 to support survivorship care at cancer centers. When they needed additional staff, Bob joined the team in 2009. One of the biggest things that Barbara has learned from Bob is, “You can make work fun.” “Although we come from different backgrounds, Bob and I know the power of mutual respect, trust and kindness,” reflects Barbara. “Part of our connection is that we have shared history and never take each other for granted.” Bridging the age gap. Karen and Dick Eagle, from St. Louis, Missouri, are 16 years apart in age, but are close in the ways that count. Both are strong-minded and still vie to get their own way even after 30 years of marriage. “We argue over the stupidest things, and then resolve our disagree-
Cultivating Care
Working out as a couple, sharing a creative project or making a gourmet meal together can do more than keep partners feeling connected. Shared activities also keep the positive experiences ongoing and resonating. “That special bond and the commitments people often build around it are the products of love, the results of the many smaller moments in which love infuses you,” maintains Fredrickson. Such moments not only accumulate, but can also be stored in memory and banked to feed a relationship during the tougher times. “Love is something we should recultivate every day,” she says. A loving partnership is always a work in progress. Judith Fertig is a freelance writer from Overland Park, KS.
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February 2015
Creating Healthy Relationships by Maureen Riley
e expect things of our intimate partners that we expect of no one else. Our expectations are like a private litmus test we apply to our lovers. They “flunk” whenever we feel bewildered or betrayed, or realize that what we expect is not what they expect or are even able to fulfill. Being unaware of our hidden expectations or the validity of our differences can sabotage and destroy our relationships. We can return to pleasure and revive a relationship by identifying the hidden “love knots” and “emotional allergies” that bind us and our loved one together in pain. Love knots is a term coined by marriage therapist Lori Gordon in her book of the same title. They are caused by subconscious assumptions about love, families and what we can and cannot talk about that we bring into our relationships. Many of these beliefs and assumptions originate in childhood and have never been thought about or shared or updated. They feel so obvious to us we may have a hard time reframing and letting them go, yet they become hidden landmines that explode when touched. One of the most common of love knots is: “If you really loved me, you would know what I think, need or feel and you would give it to me.” Many people are astonished and hurt when their partner either doesn’t know that they are upset or why they are upset. When asked, “What’s wrong?” they might retort, ”Well if you don’t know…” and then walk off, leaving their partner feeling puzzled or guilty for they know not what. In effect, the message to our partners is, “You owe it to me to make up for everything that I didn’t get before, so always do this positive thing I loved from my past. Never do anything like this painful thing that I hated, and we’ll be fine!” It’s empowering to know we can feel more love with our intimates by taking more responsibility for what might be going on within us. Every love knot contains a false assumption that if someone loves us, then they implicitly know what is in our mind and heart, and certainly hold our likes and dislikes in high regard. When they don’t know, the next assumption is that they must not love us. Believing this generates an emotional reaction of anger
or hurt and a behavior; we walk away and distance ourselves or lash out. Healing a love knot is based on identifying it and then finding its more humanized premise. Rewriting the aforementioned love knot goes like this: The only way to know for sure what someone wants or cares about is to be told. We must make our expectations explicit and share them without blaming. To expect our partner to read our mind is unrealistic and courts disaster. To understand the origins of love knots, we need to realize how different parts of our brain operate and process information. According to researcher and author Paul MacClean, the “love brain”, or emotional brain, is one of three “brains” we possess. It only scans our memory banks for pain or pleasure. It doesn’t ask, “Is this reasonable?” That’s the job of the frontal cortex, which we often leave out during an emotional reaction. Love knots, and to a large extent our expectations of intimate relationships, are invisibly programmed by our previous close relationships, especially with parents, siblings, former spouses or lovers. Disappointments and hurtful memories remain in the love brain’s emotional memory, clouded by the passage of time. They command us from our subconscious mind and still play an active role in our dayto-day lives in the form of emotional allergies. “We need to talk,” might just trigger our partner’s unconscious memory of a parent saying this right before delivering a punishment. They will not want to talk as a result. Undetected emotional allergies create intense negative reactions toward the people that trigger them, making them appear as an enemy against whom we need to launch an attack to protect ourselves from harm. Our reactions may appear rational to us, but they are not. They are connected to an unhealed emotion or traumatic event in the past creating a protective, yet maladaptive response. Our partner, to whom we unconsciously hand this bill from our past, is unaware of our balance sheet. If we treat them as the unreasonable enemy, we are evening up the ledger on someone else’s account. So the next time there is withdrawing or blaming, take a pause for centering, put on a detective hat and get curious. Untangling hidden love knots may require some help, but it is worth the effort to discover what the possibilities for healthy relating really are.
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Maureen Riley is a therapist for couples and singles with an international practice. She is a certified facilitator of the PAIRS Foundation marriage and relationship education classes. Contact her at 773-761-9412, Maureen@PurelyVital.com or PurelyVital.com.
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The reason so many people who are eating well and taking good supplements are still sick is ... nutrition can’t get into the cell! A recent medical study showed — more than 80% of the population is insulin resistant at some level That means that the sugars and nutrients we need for energy cannot get into the cells. (If a cell phone battery cannot be recharged — it powers down and eventually dies). If you are tired, and have dis-eases that have names … your cells are also powering down and dying. When the sugars (polysaccharides) can’t get into your cells to be used for energy, they cause another problem, too. They float around your blood stream, sticking to proteins and fats—or “glycating”. Wherever they stick they cause problems … if they stick in the bloodstream they cause hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure, in the brain they cause learning and memory issues or dementia, in the eyes—cataracts, in the skin—wrinkles. With my raw natural product you can recharge your cells and reverse the glycation and aging now!
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The basis of the product is a ancient, heirloom strain of royal purple rice that is now grown in Thailand in a pristine valley that has never seen chemicals, pesticides, or GMO’s. Then, the purple husk, which is extremely high in anthocyanin antioxidants, along with the very heart of the rice (the endosperm) is removed—this is the part that carries the super polysaccharide sugars and polypeptide amino acid building blocks. Everything else is discarded. With only the dense nutrient rice heart left — this is then milled down to the size of a micron! That’s it—that is all that’s in this amazing raw natural product.
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But What Really Got My Attention…
HAPPY MEALS Eating Healthy Foods Fights Off Depression by Lane Vail
dvertisements for antidepressants abound, yet a recent analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the benefits of treating mildly or moderately depressed individuals with these drugs “may be minimal or nonexistent” compared with a placebo. Most physicians agree that at least part of the prevention of and recovery from depression can be addressed through diet. “Every molecule in the brain begins as food,” says Dr. Drew Ramsey, author of The Happiness Diet and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. “Food choice is the biggest puzzle piece patients have under their control.” Ramsey describes the modern American diet as being overwhelmed with highly processed foods, refined carbohydrates, omega-6 fats and sugar. His food philosophy serves as an overall 38
prescription for mental health: “Eat food that comes from farms and not factories; simple, recognizable human food.” Registered Dietitian Kathie Swift, an integrative clinical nutritionist in Lennox, Massachusetts, and author of The Swift Diet, agrees that food is powerful medicine. She recommends a balanced, flexitarian diet founded on plants, but including high-quality, animal-sourced foods. Just shifting our processed-foods to whole-foods ratio yields an improved mood, Swift says, which continues to motivate dietary change.
Prebiotic/Probiotic Potential
Recent science suggests a deeper meaning to the “gut feeling” adage. Bacteria in the gut and neurochemicals in the brain communicate intimately and bidirectionally via the vagus nerve, explains Swift. Altering the gut’s microbial population, whether from chronic
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stress, antibiotic overuse or nutritional deficiencies, can change brain chemistry and thereby influence mood, mental clarity and sleep, she says. In 2013, Canadian researchers altered both the neurochemicals and behavior in mice by switching their intestinal microbiota; anxious mice given the microbes of intrepid mice became braver, and vice versa. Another small study in the British Journal of Nutrition showed a decrease in depression and anxiety symptoms in volunteers taking probiotics for a month. Essentially, says Swift, “We have a brain in the belly,” which must be nourished by both prebiotics (soluble fiber) and probiotics (fermented food). “Fiber is the quintessential substance to feed the lovely community of bugs in the gut,” says Swift, “while fermented foods interact with resident bacteria and give them a boost.” She recommends a variety of vegetables as a primary source of fiber, especially legumes, along with fruits, nuts, cheese and the occasional gluten-free whole grain. Probiotic foods include fermented vegetables, kefir, yogurt with live active cultures and apple cider vinegar.
B Happy
Most psychiatric medications target feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, says Ramsey, but the body also manufactures these chemicals naturally during the methylation cycle, a B-vitamin-dependent neurological process. “B vitamins are superstars of the brain,” Ramsey says. “Think of them as lubrication for the brain’s gears.” Folate, or vitamin B9 is particularly important to healthy nervous system functioning. A meta-analysis of 15,000 people reported in the Journal of Epidemiology associated low folate with a higher risk of depression. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and Swiss chard are high in B vitamins, as are beets, eggs, lentils, beans and whole grains; helpful fruits include papaya, avocado and berries.
Omega-3s Please
“It’s a horrible notion that fat is bad,” says Ramsey.
Swift agrees, noting, “We need a major renovation and reeducation of this important neuro-nutrient.” The integrity of a neuron cell membrane, which Swift describes as “a beautiful and fluid layer of lipids,” is crucial for brain health because it dictates communication among neurotransmitters. “The fat we eat becomes the fat of our cell membranes,” she says. “So nourish your membranes with adequate amounts of the right types of fat.” Long-chain omega-3s (DHA) docosahexaenoic acid and (EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid build and protect neurons, help prevent cognitive decline with age and can boost overall mood and mental performance, says Ramsey. A study in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry found that treating depressed patients with omega-3 EPA was as equally effective as Prozac. “DHA and EPA are the two most important fats for brain health on the planet, period,” states Ramsey. Foods rich in omega-3s include fatty seafood like salmon, mussels and oysters, plus sea vegetables, walnuts, flaxseed and grass-fed beef. For vegetarians and vegans, Ramsey recommends an algal DHA supplement. Focusing on feeding the brain doesn’t preclude staving off heart disease, obesity or diabetes. “Follow the rules of eating for brain health,” Ramsey says, “and you’ll also be slim, energized, focused and resilient.” It’s all a recipe for happiness. Lane Vail is a freelance writer and blogger at DiscoveringHomemaking.com.
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February 2015
Eco Feng Shui Tips to Bring More Positive Energy into Your Home by Sarah Tarver-Wahlquist
hen we’re hungry for change, we may feel the impulse to spruce up our living spaces. Rooms that feel cluttered, drab and unappealing drag on our energy. Applying the basic inspired tenets of the ancient Chinese art and science of feng shui can transform and re-energize any space, improving the way we feel. Translated as “wind and water,” feng shui—which has been creating healthy and harmonious environments since its origins 3,000 years ago—can activate our rethinking the arrangement, uses and tone of each room while bringing beneficial green changes home.
While a complete feng shui treatment may require major revamping, we can also take some low-cost steps to immediately create more harmony while eliminating toxins that are unhealthy and disrupt the energy flow.
Bring in Green “Bringing natural elements into a space will aid the circulation of chi, help achieve a balance and yield an indoor environment of peace and calm,” says feng shui practitioner Maureen Calamia, owner of Luminous Spaces, in St. James, New York.
Feng Shui Basics When considering how to apply feng shui principles, it helps to have a trained practitioner make a map, or bagua, analyzing how energy, or chi, moves through a building. They will determine ways to help chi flow and settle in appropriate places to support all aspects of life. Recommended alterations typically start with furniture placement, color choices and key accessorizing. Sample bagua maps are available online for referencing. 40
Feng shui categorizes the natural elements as water, metal, fire, earth and wood, reflected in items like stones, plants and water features, as well as art and wall decorations and paint colors. Filling a home with living plants is favored by many feng shui experts. “Surround yourself with green plants, including cuttings from the yard,” advises Debra Duneier, a feng shui master practitioner, certified eco-designer and author of EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience, in New York City. “They bring energy and life force into your home, while also filtering the air you breathe.” If adding plants isn’t feasible, she recommends picking up some fresh flowers each week. Remember to change the water every day and dispose of the flowers at the first sign of wilting (dying flowers bring negative energy).
Banish Toxic Materials “Healthy indoor air quality is an essential aspect of good feng shui,” attests Alisa Rose Seidlitz, an eco feng shui consultant/designer, certified green building and interiors professional and owner of Ambiance Eco, in Berkeley, California. “Materials used inside our homes, such as cleaning products and furnishings, can either contribute significantly to poor air quality or support positive feng shui.” Indoor air quality is significantly impacted by furnishings and décor. When seeking out the cleanest, greenest options, pay special attention to: Cleaning products. Safely discard toxic cleaning chemicals by taking them to hazardous waste pickup sites. Many household jobs can be done with vinegar and baking soda. Paint. Revisions in wall, trim and
Color Me Feng Shui
ere’s a quick primer on the colors associated with each of the five natural elements and ways to bring them into a home. Seek a balance of all five in each room, appropriate to its use. Wood Water Earth Metal Fire
green, brown blue, black earth tones, soft yellows/oranges white, gray red, purple, bright yellows/oranges
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living plants, wood, flowers water features, running fountains, glass brick, tile, ceramics rocks, stones sunlight
furniture colors quickly freshen a room and bring new energy, especially when they align with Earth’s natural elements. Avoid conventional paint, which contains dangerous volatile organic compounds (VOC) that off-gas into the air. Look for widely available zero-VOC brands. Other options include displaying art or colorful wall hangings. Flooring. Many toxins lurk in conventional carpeting and adhesives used to lay wood or tile floors. Look for natural wool rugs, reclaimed wood and zero-VOC floor adhesives. Preserve resources and alter the energy in a space by repurposing reclaimed materials for rehab projects. For good feng shui, smudging with dried sage cleanses any negative energy leftover from previous owners. Furnishings and fabrics. Mainstream furniture is typically treated with toxic flame retardant, so always ask how furniture has been treated before purchasing. Seek out nontoxic and natural materials like natural rubber mattresses and hemp or organic cotton shower curtains and window coverings.
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Follow Your Joy Feng shui is multifaceted, but at its center is a search for balance and harmony. When making changes at home, it’s good to know we can follow our instincts and add things that bring us joy. Feng shui experts provide guidance in choosing colors and elements, but each of us is ultimately the best judge of what feels best for our own space. “I often ask my clients: What kind of message are you sending yourself?” says Duneier. “You can use your space to send yourself a message of a beautiful, abundant and healthy life.”
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Sarah Tarver-Wahlquist, a writer from Tucson, Arizona, also freelances for GreenAmerica.org.
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February 2015
break offers. Green initiatives include water recycling, Earth-friendly cleaning supplies, laundry ozone wash system and energy-efficient lighting.
Spring Break by Mira Temkin
Stay in Eco-Friendly Accommodations Located on a five-acre organic farm on the border between Wisconsin and Illinois, the Inn Serendipity Bed & Breakfast (InnSerendipity.com), in Browntown, is a wonderful place to relax and recharge. What makes this hotel unique is that it’s powered by renewable energy sources of wind and sun. Breakfast is made with fruits and vegetables grown in the inn’s organic gardens. On the grounds are a life-size chess set and a thriving colony of honeybees. The inn also serves as an educational site for fossil-fuel-free and climate-neutral living, with a wind turbine providing teaching moments for the whole family. Situated in Madison, right across the street from the Arboretum, is Arbor 42
Photo courtesy of Arbor House
here may still be snow on the ground, but it’s not too early to think about making plans for spring break. Visit a real working farm and milk a cow. Tour an organic cheese factory and see how those delicious cheese curds are made. Splash around an indoor water park, making memories the family will long remember. Families seeking a fun, healthy and environmentally friendly vacation won’t have to look any further than our neighbors to the north. In 2006, Wisconsin forged the way with the first state-sponsored sustainable travel green certification program in the country which serves as a role model for other states, as well as globally. Just a few hours away are a variety of Travel Green certified restaurants, hotels and venues that are committed to serving vacationers while sustaining green practices and supporting the local economy.
House, An Environmental Inn (ArborHouse.com) another green bed & breakfast. Their natural, eco-friendly practices include organic linens, energy-efficient appliances, locally produced toiletries and green-certified cleaning products. Babysitting is available, too, so guests can explore Madison at night. Wilderness Hotel and Golf Resort, in the Dells (WildernessResort. com), offers a variety of condo, hotel and cabin accommodations, but the biggest draw is the five indoor water parks, featuring the world’s largest indoor wave pool. Choose from parks that have slides, a lazy river, floating rafts, a hot spa and lots more. The resort has just added an indoor go-kart trail that guarantees thrilling, nonstop family fun. In the Wild Canyon Café, kids eat free with each adult meal purchased. Check out its website for other spring
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Get Some Cheese (It is Wisconsin) Wisconsin has more artisan cheese makers than any other state. Lucky visitors have a chance to see just how “squeaky” cheese curds and wheels are made. Green County, about 45 minutes southwest of Madison, is the big cheese. Start at the National Cheesemaking Center (NationalHistoricCheesemakingCenter.org) to learn about the history and process of cheese-making. Emmi Roth Kase USA, in Monroe (RothCheese. com), is a Swiss company that produces a variety of award-winning cheeses using old-world techniques and traditions. Guests will think they’ve wandered into the Alps at their charming chalet factory. Take a self-guided tour and observe the entire process. The best time to catch the cheese masters in action is between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Cedar Grove Cheese, in Plain (CedarGroveCheese.com), is one of Wisconsin’s most environmentally conscious producers of organic and local cheese. In December 1993, they became the first in the country to require that its milk-producing cows be free of the synthetic recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). In addition, none of the ingredients are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO). Additive-free cheese varieties include white cheddar, farmer’s cheese, pepper jack and colby. Check its website for tour dates and times. Hungry for lunch? Stop at Baumgartner’s Cheese Store & Tavern (BaumgartnerCheese. com), Wisconsin’s oldest cheese store, opened in 1931. Try their limburger with mustard and cheese on rye and wash it down with a locally crafted brew.
Photo courtesy of Mira Temkin
Traveling Locally and Green for
waukee’s first community supported agriculture (CSA) restaurant, diners will find a truly unique farm-to-table experience that supports the local economy. Braise grows its own vegetables, bakes its own bread and butchers its own meats. The menu changes daily, so there’s always something new to try, depending on the season. It’s not just great pizza. It’s pizza that subscribes to eco-friendly practices in the Dells. Yes, at Moosejaw Pizza and Dells Brewing Company, (DellsMooseJaw.com), delivery vehicles run on vegetable oil recycled from the kitchen fryer. They also handcraft 10 varieties of their own beer with the used brewing grains recycled as horse feed. Put on those overalls! Hinchley Dairy Farm Tours (DairyFarmTours.com) in Cambridge is an authentic working farm where visitors can milk a cow, pet and feed farm animals, go on a hayride and learn about farm life. The season opens early April.
All aboard the East Troy Electric Railroad (EastTroyRR.org) for a delightful ride through the Southeast Wisconsin countryside. Enjoy a sweet stop at the Elegant Farmer (ElegantFarmer.com), famous for their award-winning Apple Pie Baked in a Paper Bag. It’s a great, wholesome outing for the whole family. Get ready for a spring break that’s fun, educational and eco-friendly, and be sure to bring back some of Wisconsin’s famous cheese.
Photo courtesy of Mira Temkin
Photo courtesy of Moosejaw Inn
Discover Wildlife in its Natural Habitat Nature centers across the state provide easy access to open prairies, well-maintained preserves and woodlands, perfect for exploring plants, animals and birdlife. The Aldo Leopold Nature Center (AldoLeopoldNatureCenter.org), in Black Earth, features award-winning interactive trails and seasonal events. Birds rule at the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge (fws.gov/refuge/necedah), with more than 100 species of migratory and resident birds. Wildlife is a close second with wolf packs, whooping cranes and white-tailed deer. Now designated a Wetland of International Importance and a Globally Important Bird Area, Horicon Marsh (dnr.wi.gov/topic/lands/wildlifeareas/ horicon) is both a state wildlife area and national wildlife refuge. Just an hour’s drive from either Madison or Milwaukee, this birdwatching paradise is known for its migrant flocks of Canadian geese and more than 300 bird species. Start at one of the visitor’s centers and see the heron nest cameras that show the birds being hatched. Go canoeing or hiking to spot wildlife. The Urban Ecology Center (UrbanEcologyCenter.org) in Milwaukee features a green building showcasing recycled and renewable materials. Kids will be fascinated with the recycled slate blackboards and the interior furniture made from sustainable trees. Take a hike at the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center (SchlitzAudubon.org) on six miles of trails that wind through acres of forests, wetlands, prairies, ravines and the Lake Michigan shoreline.
For more green travel ideas, visit TravelGreenWisconsin.com. To find a state-bystate guide to green travel, visit the American Hotel and Lodging Association at Tinyurl.com/GreenLodgingAHLA. Mira Temkin is a freelance copywriter and travel journalist based in Chicagoland, and can be reached at MiraTemkin@gmail.com.
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February 2015
When Your Pet Passes A Guide to Mourning, Remembering and Healing
by Julianne Hale
pet’s love is extraordinary because it is unconditional. It doesn’t have expectations, pass judgment or try to leverage guilt. It is rich in loyalty, trust and adoration. Domestic pets provide warmth, companionship and love, as well as purpose, fun and conversational gambits for family members. For lonely hearts, they are a lifeline, providing a physical, emotional and spiritual connection to life that may prove critical to survival and happiness. Loving pets seem like an endless source of happiness while with us, but few outlive their owners. Loss is as much a part of having a pet as potty training. For some, the loss of a dog or cat is debilitating and the grieving process can take months. Rev. Gary Kowalski, author of Goodbye, Friend and a Unitarian Universalist minister in Santa Fe, New Mexico, contends that the depth of the relationship that we develop with pets emerges from the time we spend with them every day—exercising, feeding, grooming and even sleeping with them. The relationship is pure and uncomplicated, and the pain of separation can be especially intense and profound. The challenge of pet loss is often complicated by the difficult decision to
Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. ~ Anatole France euthanize an aged or suffering animal. “One of the hardest things about having a dog is that sometimes you have to decide to end its life,” says Jon Katz, of upstate New York, a New York Times bestselling author of many books about dogs, including Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die. “Our job as pet owners is to be an advocate for our pets, making sure they do not suffer. Don’t poison the joy that you shared with your pet with guilt over your decisions,” he says. Katz recommends taking photos of pets and making intentional memories in the time leading up to parting to encourage closure. The same kind of rituals we use to honor and say goodbye to other family members can likewise help ease the pain of a pet’s passing. Owners can gather with loved ones and friends to
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celebrate the life of their pet with a burial ceremony or memorial. Kowalski likes adding meaningful words. His book includes a variety of readings that pet owners can use in their rituals taken from poems, literature, the Bible and other sacred texts. When a human friend or family member dies, compassion and empathy flows from everyone we meet, but many may not be aware of, or understand, the depth of grief associated with a pet’s death. “Some people feel embarrassed or don’t understand that mourning a deceased pet is a normal process,” explains Julia Harris, a pet bereavement counselor from Ellijay, Georgia, and author of Pet Loss: A Spiritual Guide. Support is essential during times of grief, and it can be difficult to find an understanding friend to discuss it with. Several online communities are devoted to providing support. An Internet search of “pet loss support” yields a wealth of online resources. In the same way that the belief in an afterlife comforts people of many faith traditions when a person passes, the possibility of the same destiny for pets can offer comfort. “Perhaps one of the most common questions I am asked is whether or not animals have a soul,” explains Harris. “I encourage people to know that the soul, like love, is eternal. It leaves the physical body, but the loving relationship continues.” While there’s no standard timeline for the grieving process, it’s important to keep perspective. Excessive grief can lead to depression. “If the grief is interfering with life and your work, then you may need to seek professional help,” advises Katz. Not even a parent is capable of providing the purely unconditional love we receive from pets. Kowalski views it as a sacred connection, observing that through the unconditional love and acceptance that we receive from our pets, we get a little glimpse of what God’s love must look like. Julianne Hale is a writer and editor for Natural Awakenings and blogs about family life at AnotherGrayHair. WordPress.com.
Helping Pets Stay in Shape During Winter by Rob Freeman
inter can be hard on everyone, including dogs. It becomes tougher for walks outside for the pets and owners because would rather to stay inside where it is warm especially when it is below zero outside. To keep everyone in good shape during these very cold winter days,
Happy s ’ e n i t n e l Va Day!
start with fewer calories to keep dogs trimmer. Snow is tough, but it can serve as great exercise equipment for a dog. Running through the snow can burn more than five times as many calories as running on regular pavement, so make it into a game and have fun with it. Put the mittens on everyone’s paws, get that favorite stick or ball out and play fetch through the deep snow. The deeper the snow, the more calories are burned. If there is room and the space permits, try indoor play. It’s surprising how many calories can be burned and how much fun can be had with few simple indoor games. If a dog loves to chew, the act of chewing can actually burn a good deal of calories. Deer and elk antlers make a great indoor chew. They do not smell, make a mess, crack or break and are full of healthy minerals like calcium and phosphorus. No animals are harmed to obtain the antlers, which are shed naturally and collected. Rob Freeman is the owner of Northshore Pet Chef, offering healthy, fresh, all-natural pet food delivered to the door. For more information, call 847-920-4738 or visit NorthshorePetChef.com. See ad on page 45.
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February 2015
calendarofevents Event sponsored by Natural Awakenings Chicago.
African American History Month
Women’s Networking Group – 11:30am-1pm. 1st Wed. Offered through the Hoffman Estates Chamber of Commerce. Buy own lunch. Location varies around Hoffman Estates. Dr.Kristen@TheBalanceDoc.com. HEChamber.com.
Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9:30am-2pm. Enjoy a wide range of seasonal, sustainably produced goods from local farmers and vendors. Available items may include winter produce, honey, meat, eggs, baked goods, tea, salsa, sauces, spreads, preserves, yarns, beauty products and more. Temple Sholom/ Broadway United Methodist Church, 3480 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago. Info, Callie: 312-733-4640, Callie@FaithInPlace.org. FaithInPlace.org. Solful Sunday – Feb 1 & 15. 1-4pm. Join us for a free spiritual networking/potluck. Solful Gifts, 1040 S Milwaukee Ave, Ste 130, Wheeling. More info: SolfulGifts.com.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Groundhog Day Free Neuropathy Check – Feb 2, 9, 16, 23. 9-10:30am. Do you have numbness or tingling in your hands or feet? Call now to schedule free 15-min Neuropathy check with a print out to take home. Test checks the state of your arteries and if you have proper blood flow ($395 value). Limited appointments available; reservations required. North Shore Health Solutions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060. NorthShoreHealthSolutions.com. Breema: Transformative Self-Care – 1-2:15pm. Breema is a fabulous alternative to yoga. Come learn a great, new approach to health and wellness with Breema Bodywork Specialist, Rita Hickman. Wear comfortable workout clothes. $10. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. Inside-Inspire.com.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Malcolm Smith, International Healer – 9am-6pm. Accepting appointments for 30-min private healing sessions. $90. Also available for a limited number of remote healings in the evenings. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. To schedule: 847-299-6535 or AREChicagoCenter@gmail.com. Free 15-Minute Microcurrent Facelift – 10am3pm. Experience firsthand how gentle, non-surgical, all-natural, time-tested, non-invasive, affordable, effective, FDA-approved Cosmetic Microcurrent treatment can benefit your life, renew your mind, body, tissues, cells, skin and countenance to help you look and feel 10-20 years younger in 10 short sessions with no negative side effects. Beautiful Image Co. Facial & Body Sculpting at Lakefront Chiropractic, 630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe. For appt: 708-406-9234, BeautifulImageCo@gmail.com. BeautifulImageCo.com. Moonlit Ski – 6-8pm. Cross-country ski by the light of the full moon. Fee includes ski rental. No preregistration required. Will be cancelled IF poor snow conditions. $13/adult, $8/child. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. 847-433-6901. Pdhp.org.
46 46
Go Green Highland Park Meeting – 121:30pm. 1st Wed. All are welcome to attend. Email if you would like to be involved but are unable to. Madame ZuZu’s, 582 Roger Williams Ave, Highland Park. More info: GoGreenHP2014@gmail.com. GoGreenHP.org. Healing Circle – 6:30-9pm. 1st Wed each month. Wide variety of healers and healing modalities available to try: Soul retrieval, removing entities, portals and windows (Michael Soto, the Ambassador of the group), Reconnective Healing® (Svetlana Shafir), Reiki, Clearing the energy field and more (Lisa Severson-Sutton), Spiritual Psychology, Connective Tissue Specialist, Energetic Transformation (Dr. Peggy Crow, DN), Touch for Health, Energetic Transformation (Linda Kleyman, HTP), Bio-energy practitioner, Spiritual counselor, Ancient techniques healer (Natalia Remmy) and more. Donations $20. Sun Gates Wellness Center, 395 E Dundee Rd, Ste 400 & 500, Wheeling. 847-345-0988. More info: SunGatesCenter.com/Healing-Circle.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 My Best Friend’s Closet Turns 5 – 6-9pm. Join MBFC as they celebrate 5 fabulous years of consignment. Come celebrate and help raise money to benefit Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation. Live music. Le faire & libations. Peach Carr blowout designer sale. My Best Friend’s Closet, 1780 Green Bay Rd, Highland Park. 847-681-0002. MyBestFriendsClosetHP.com. Mindfulness for Self- and Relationship Fulfillment Series – Thursdays, Feb 5-26. 7-8:30pm. With Licensed Unity Teacher and Spiritual Counselor Lynn Barrette, LCSW. Learn how to better experience the richness of the moment; cultivate awareness and your “Observer Self” and gain greater management of the mind’s plethora of unruly thoughts. Suggested reading is Dr. Ronald Siegel’s book, The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems. Free-will offering. Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-297-0997. UnityNorthwest.org.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Girls Night Out – 5:30-7pm. Grab your best friend and head on over to the Whole Body Department for a fun night out on us. We’ll have numerous vendors, wine and chocolate tasting. RSVP for a swag bag to take home. Free. Whole Foods Market Deerfield, 760 Waukegan Rd, Deerfield. 847-444-1900.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. See Feb 1 description. Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1234 N Arlington Hts Rd, Arlington Heights. Info, Callie: 312-733-4640, Callie@FaithInPlace.org. FaithInPlace.org.
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Morton Grove Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am2pm. Our winter market still provides the shopping and camaraderie of a regular farmers’ market, but because of our goal to provide only locally grown produce, there is a very limited amount of fruits and vegetables available. Morton Grove Civic Center, 6140 Dempster St. MGFarmersMarket.com. Cooking Class: Indian Treats To Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day (Vegan, Gluten-Free) – 9:3011:30am. Learn to make: Morning Love: an energizing juice to start your day in style; Utta Pam: lentil and rice pancake with fresh vegetables and chutney; Chocolate Truffles: a raw vegan dessert with Indian flavors. $50 (includes handouts, Indian spiced tea and tastings of the recipes). Arya Bhavan Restaurant, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. Registration required: 773-274-5800. AryaBhavan.com. Nature Discovery Day – 10am-12pm. Visit our nature classrooms, do a craft to take home, explore the science of nature, go sledding or cross country skiing, view live animals and enjoy a roasted marshmallow around a crackling campfire. Free. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. 847-433-6901. pdhp.org. You Are Intuitive – Feb 7, 14, 21, 28. 10:30am-1pm. A practical course to discover and develop your intuitive abilities. Feb 7: Beyond the Physical Realm: Intuitive Channels, Energy System, Psychometry, Astral Projection and more. Feb 14: Empathic Abilities and Telepathy. Feb 21: Clairvoyance, Seeing the World Through Your Third Eye. Feb 28: Clairaudience, Channeling, Connecting with Spirit Guides and Intuitive Writing. Solful Gifts, 1040 S Milwaukee Ave, Ste 130, Wheeling. More info: SolfulGifts.com. Holistic Fair – 10:30am-4:30pm. 25-min sessions with individual practitioners for $35, plus 25-min free workshops/lectures throughout the day. Modalities include Aura Photography, Reflexology, Numerology, Flower Essences, SRT, Vibrational Healing, Clairvoyance, Akashic Records, Healing with Crystals, Angel Readings. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535. For specific practitioners & workshops: HolisticCenterChicago.com. Gasland 2: Film Screening and Discussion – 1-3pm. In this explosive follow-up to his Oscarnominated film Gasland, filmmaker Josh Fox uses his trademark dark humor to take a deeper, broader look at the dangers of fracking, the controversial method of extracting natural gas and oil, now occurring on a global level. A discussion led by Go Green Wilmette follows. Free. Wilmette Public Library, 1242 Wilmette Ave, Wilmette. 847-256-6935. WilmetteLibrary.info. GoGreenWilmette.org.
savethedate Be Your Own Valentine – 4-7pm. Join us for a day of wellness and love for yourself. Enjoy wellness activities that will be ongoing throughout the event: Heather Fraelick, LMT, will provide Mini-Massage sessions and lead a group Stretching & Self-Care Techniques class. Dr. Katie Ray, DC, will lead Breath Techniques & Essential Oils group sessions. Heidi Shimko, LAC and Reiki Master, will provide Mini-Acupuncture sessions. Shruti Sekhri and Team at Rooted Self Expression Center, will lead Visualization & Art sessions. All proceeds benefit NoStigmas.org. $25 suggested donation. Rooted Self Expression Center, 2221 W North Ave, Chicago. 773-698-8740. RootedCenter.com/Special-Workshops.
Nirvana Day (Buddhism)
Soultending: An Experiential Series for Women – 9:30am-12:30pm. With Dr. Keren Vishny. 6 Wednesdays beginning Feb 11. This series is for women wishing to take time out from the busyness of modern life to nourish body and soul. In an atmosphere of curiosity and respect, participants will utilize body-based meditation, imagery, journaling and simple art forms as vehicles to connect to inner experience and to each other. $180. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. 847-920-9292. ZBWellness.com.
Cooking Class: Indian Treats To Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day (Vegan, Gluten-Free) –9:3011:30am. See Feb 7 description. $50 (includes handouts, Indian spiced tea and tastings of the recipes). Arya Bhavan Restaurant, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. Registration required: 773-274-5800. AryaBhavan.com. White Stone Service – 10:30-11:45am. Special service will support you in looking ahead and claiming your truth today. You are not defined by yesterday. During our meditation, we will listen to Spirit for a new name, a new way of being in the world. Our band, The Grateful Living will have special music at this service. Free. Abundant Life Spiritual Center at Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866. AbundantLifeUnity.org. Reiki 2 Class – 1-6pm. Learn 3 powerful healing symbols (empowerment, mental/emotional and distance). These highly effective symbols support healing, calmness and clarity for yourself and others. In Reiki 2 class, learn the application of these symbols and practice using them. Pre-req: Reiki 1. Reiki Healing Energy, 115 N Marion St, Ste 12, Oak Park. To register, Janice Lodato: 708-738-0438. ReikiHealingEnergy.net/Reiki-Class-Descriptions. Energize Your Life – 1:30-3:30pm. Join Dawna Gutzmann, MD, to learn a variety of healthy methods for increasing your physical energy and mental alertness. $75, but free if reg at least 72 hrs in advance. 5225 Old Orchard Rd, Ste 36, Skokie. Pre-registration required: 847-332-2776 or Info@DGutzmannMD.com. José Stevens and 2015 Forecast – 2-5pm; doors open 1:30pm. José Luis Stevens, PhD, is the president and co-founder of The Power Path Inc., an international consulting firm based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He uses Personnessence, a powerful perennial philosophy and personality system as the basis for much of his work. He is known for his accurate use of intuition in understanding people and his ability to understand and forecast world trends. His yearly forecasts tell us how we can expect to relate to the year ahead. $15. Ethical Humanist Society, 7574 N Lincoln Ave, Skokie. ChicagoIons.org.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Free Neuropathy Check – 9-10:30am. See Feb 2 listing. North Shore Health Solutions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060. NorthShoreHealthSolutions.com.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Free 15-Minute Microcurrent Facelift – 10am3pm. See Feb 3 listing. Beautiful Image Co. Facial & Body Sculpting at Lakefront Chiropractic, 630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe. For appt: 708-406-9234, BeautifulImageCo@gmail.com. BeautifulImageCo.com.
Adult Program: Yoga – 7-8pm. Move and groove to tropical beats in this introductory class. Wear comfortable workout clothes and shoes. Bring water bottle and a small towel. Palatine Library, 700 N North Court, Palatine. To register: 847-358-5881 x 167 or PalatineLibrary.org.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Nat’l Freedom to Marry Day Lincoln’s Birthday Love Chakras: How To Open Up And Attract Your Mate (includes Indian Dinner) – Explore ways to sense and open the flow of love through your body so you become a radiant love magnet and send out the kind of vibes that will signal your love partner to show up. Learn some surprising facts about the law of attraction and how to free your hidden, limiting love script. Presenter: Maureen Riley, Master Energy Healer, Love & Success Coach. $30. Arya Bhavan Restaurant, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. Reservations: 773-274-5800. AryaBhavan.com. Inner Hope and Wellness for Women – 7-8pm. Tried every diet? Still overweight? Lacking energy? Not healthy? Then come out and get the tools you need to be happier and healthier with Certified Health & Nutrition Coach Michelle Eberwein. $10. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 224-622-7991. Inside-Inspire.com. Discover and Live Your Full Potential – 7-8:30pm. Did you activate your higher brain today? The pre-frontal cortex (higher brain) is our executive functioning center and expresses joy, confidence and clarity. Would you like to learn how that is possible? See how the evolutionary Higher Brain Living® system changes your brain and changes your life. Free. AWAKEN Higher Brain Living® Center Grant Park, 410 S Michigan Ave, Ste 414, Chicago. 312-881-9591. RSVP: SecondThursday. Eventbrite.com. HigherBrainLivingGrantPark.com. Release Fear and Restore Confidence in Minutes – 7:30-9pm. Raydiant Pathways offer a powerful way to engage intuitively with your heart, mind and Higher Self to release limiting patterns and restore higher function for any goal you have, or issue you face. Learn about the process and explore how Raydiant Pathways can support you to have the life your heart desires. Led by Aliess Kime. Free. Raydiant Day Center for Raydiant Life Fitness, 1400 Greenleaf St, Evanston. 847-869-6477. RaydiantDay.com.
Pain Relief with Castor Oil – 7-9pm. Audrey Vercillo has studied Cayce’s prophecies and healing modalities for more than 40 years, focusing especially on the incredible healing properties of castor oil. Learn about the many miracles she has witnessed using the castor oil pack and how to make one yourself. Free; donations accepted. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. For cost & more info: 847-299-6535. Free Shiatsu Intro – 7-9:30pm. Learn fundamental techniques and philosophies of Zen Shiatsu, and chat with current students and instructors. Free. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Valentine’s Day V Day (Victory over Violence Against Women & Girls) Community Qigong – 7:45-8:45am. A meditative movement exercise synched with the breath. Class focuses on working through each of the 12 classical meridians and their places within the daily life cycle. It is ideal for most everyone; especially Shiatsu students and enthusiasts. Free. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org. Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. See Feb 1 description. Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park, 5500 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago. Info, Callie: 312-733-4640, Callie@FaithInPlace.org. FaithInPlace.org. Chicago IANDS Presents: Steven Fanning, PhD – 2-5pm. Steven Fanning, quadriplegic NDEr and former UIC History Professor, was healed during NDE. He is now a healer and author. $20 suggested donation. Evanston Hospital, Frank Auditorium, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston. 847-251-5758. ChicagoIANDS.org.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Lunch and Learn: Boosting Your Nutrition with Chef J – 11:30am-12:30pm. Do you know what the labels mean in the grocery store on items? Do you want to rediscover the taste of real food? Learn a back to basics approach to preparing healthy meals by keeping it simple. Chef J will help you rethink the grocery shopping experience. $20 for kosher lunch. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. 847-379-5777. TashFitness.com. A Journey of Self Discovery – 1-5pm. With Ellen Katz, MS, psychotherapist and meditation guide. Offers a process for connecting with our core self through initiating a respectful internal dialogue and applying universal principles of discrimination and navigation. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828 or InfinityFoundation.org. Solful Sunday – 1-4pm. Join us for a free spiritual networking/potluck. Solful Gifts, 1040 S Milwaukee Ave, Ste 130, Wheeling. More info: SolfulGifts.com. Bright Body Tuning: Brighten Your Brilliance – 3-5pm. Raise the octave of your light body energy centers with Raydiant Pathways. Gain new perspective. See new options and create new solutions. Take home your own custom energy synchronizing tool. Led by Peter Kime, creator of Raydiant Pathways. $28, $23/pre-registration. Raydiant Day Center for Raydiant Life Fitness, 1400 Greenleaf St, Evanston. 847-869-6477. Register: RaydiantDay.com.
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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 President’s Day Washington’s Birthday Free Neuropathy Check – 9-10:30am. See Feb 2 listing. North Shore Health Solutions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060. NorthShoreHealthSolutions.com. A Hootin’ Good Time – 1-2:30pm. Meet live owls up close. Linda Breuer of Barnswallow: A Wild Bird Concern will bring several educational birds and share what makes them such fascinating creatures. $8. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. 847-433-6901. pdhp.org. Power Up 2015: Year of the Wood Sheep – 7-9pm. Chinese New Year is Feb 19, the Year of the Wood Sheep. It’s the perfect time to get your life in “Baalance” as Laurie Pawli explains how to bring the benefits of the year’s positive aspects to your door step. She will review how to Welcome the Gods of Wealth into your home for the year, give tips on relationships, creativity and moving forward for a fulfilling year ahead. $35; $25/10 days advance. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828. InfinityFoundation.org.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday Maha Shivaratri (Hinduism) Free 15-Minute Microcurrent Facelift – 10am3pm. See Feb 3 listing. Beautiful Image Co. Facial & Body Sculpting at Lakefront Chiropractic, 630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe. For appt: 708-406-9234, BeautifulImageCo@gmail.com. BeautifulImageCo.com. 3rd Tuesday Meditation – 7pm. With Ellen Katz, integrative psychotherapist. This guided meditation for inner healing is a monthly offering to the community. Free. Inner Balance, 350 Pfingsten, Ste 107, Northbrook. To RSVP join “Inner Balance Meditation”: Meetup.com. More info: InnerBalanceNow.com. Beyond Listing: Why eBird is Your Best Birding Friend – 7pm. Whether or not you use eBird to keep track of your bird sightings, it’s an invaluable tool for planning birding excursions, determining when and where to find birds you’re looking for, discovering the best places for birding nearby and around the world, and more. Matthew Cvetas, regional eBird editor for Illinois, will show us how to use the site to enhance our birding experiences. Free. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. For more info & complete schedule, Rena Cohen: 847-831-0331. LakeCookAudubon.org.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Ash Wednesday (Christianity) Whole Planet Foundation Kick-Off: A Bowl for your Soul – Whole Foods Market Deerfield invites you to support our Whole Planet Foundation’s A Bowl for Your Soul fundraiser. We have teamed up with the Highland Park Art Center to help raise monies for the foundation. Pick out your favorite handcrafted bowl and soup for only $10, while supplies last. Bowls will be available for purchase during lunch and dinner times. Whole Foods Market Deerfield, 760 Waukegan Rd, Deerfield. 847-444-1900.
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Men’s Group at Abundant Life Spiritual Center – 9:15-10:15am. The group’s initial content and focus will a metaphysical study of prominent male characters featured in the Bible. We’ll examine their life purpose, their journey and the corresponding archetypes at work within their personalities, life decisions and accomplishments. Group participants will introspectively examine how these metaphysical characters and archetypes are actively at work within their own lives today. Free. Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866. AbundantLifeUnity.org. Wellness Wednesday Institute – 6:45-8pm. 3rd Wed each month. Class explores the 5 brain wave frequencies, how they affect the body, mind and spirit, and various vibration meditations to bring you back into equilibrium. Explore, awaken and journey toward a healthier life and environment. Learn how to manifest an abundant, boundless life of love, peace and happiness by shifting your frequency. $25. Awaken Your Spirit & Embrace Your Journey, 319b Harrison St, Oak Park. To register: 312-720-2638, eyjonharrison@gmail.com. AwakenYourSpirit.webs.com. Are You Tired of Living with Neck Pain? – 7-7:30pm. Is your neck pain keeping you from doing the things you love to do? If yes, then this workshop is for you. During this complementary 30-min workshop learn a three dimensional exercise that will help restore neck motion. North Shore Naprapathic Fitness & Wellness, 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste S5. Northbrook. Space limited; register: 847-272-3700.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Chinese New Year (Year of the Sheep) Awaken Your Potential Through the Power of Your Brain – 7-8:30pm. Attend a live demonstration of a revolutionary gentle-touch method that energizes the most evolved part of your brain. $75 but free if register at least 72 hrs in advance. 5225 Old Orchard Rd, Ste 36, Skokie. Pre-registration required: 847834-9073 or DawnaG@IAmHigherBrainLiving.com. Naturopathic Heart Health – 7-8:30pm. Join Dr. Thor Connor for an informative class on natural methods for supporting cardiac health. Free. World Tree Natural Medicine, 17W703-f Butterfield Rd, Oakbrook Terrace. 630-407-4379. TheHealingPowerOfNature.com. Open Mic Music Jam – 7-9pm. Bring your instrument and stop on by. These nights are magical and very fun. No cover, but donations help pay for the space. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. Meetup.com/ Songwriters-Inspiration-Circle. Inside-Inspire.com.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Club Divine – Enjoy ecstatic dancing, DJs, healers, bodyworks, musicians, vendors, conscious communities and more. Unity in Chicago, 1925 W Thome Ave, Chicago. 773-678-9346. RSVP tickets: ClubDivine.eventbrite.com. Info: Facebook.com/ ClubDivine. ClubDivineChicago.com. Beginning Zen Shiatsu – Feb 20-22 & Feb 27-Mar 1. 7-10pm, Fri; 9am-4pm, Sat/Sun. Learn to give a basic 1-hr shiatsu treatment that you can share with friends and family. Course is a stand-alone offering; also the first 30 hrs of our complete shiatsu certification programs. $450 plus books. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org.
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Meditate-A-Thon: World Peace through Inner Peace – 7:30pm-12am. Experience 5 different meditation techniques: Kirtan: Joyful Chanting, Guided Relaxation, Sound Healing, Breath Work, and Guided Spiritual Meditation. This inspiring night of inner peace contributes to a for world peace. All proceeds are for Infinity’s expansion building fund. No meditation experience needed. $50. Highland Park Recreation Center, 1207 Park Ave W, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828, InfinityFoundation.org or Meditate.MyEvent.com.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion – 9am-noon. With bestselling writer Gregg Levoy. Tune into what inspires your passion and what defeats it. Cultivate passion as a life skill that brings vitality to all your engagements, from work and family to a creative, social and spiritual life. Broaden your experience with hands-on exercises and deep reflections to embrace all that can passionately be yours. $55/10 days advance, $65. Infinity Foundation, 1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park. Register: 847-831-8828. InfinityFoundation.org. Cooking Class: Basics of Vegan Indian Cooking – 9:30-11:30am. Includes: Intro to Ayurvedic Spices: get to know the health benefits of over 15 spices and how to cook with them; Uppma: wheat farina stir-fried with vegetables and spices, served with chutney; Coconut Macaroons: a sugar-free, raw dessert with an Indian twist for coconut lovers. $50 (includes handouts, Indian spiced tea and tastings of the recipes). Arya Bhavan Restaurant, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. Registration required: 773-274-5800.AryaBhavan.com. Uncovering Hidden Gifts from the Grief Journey – 10:30am-4pm. With Ramaa Krishnan. In this workshop, achieve insight from the psychology of the chakras, learn tools and meditations for healing past and present wounds, gain an understanding of the messages from the inner world, and leave with a daily healing regimen. $65, $55/A.R.E. members. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. To register: 847-299-6535. Clairvoyant Awareness and Tools – 2-5pm. As a first step to developing your abilities, this workshop that will answer a lot of questions around this topic. Be in a guided meditation, learn to ground, have the tools to access your answers, think outside the box and harness your clairvoyant awareness. Walk away with tools to be used in everyday life. $65. Clairvoyant Center of Chicago, 518 Lee, Evanston. 847-757-2838. Forgiveness is Freedom: Healing Drum Ceremony – 7-9pm. Life happens, and can feel hurtful. But holding onto hurts only hurts you. Free yourself to create new space inside. Powerful drum vibrations shake loose what’s been stuck. Subtle vibrations of essential oils gently open new neural pathways. Supportive group energy helps us to forgive and be free. $25. A Healing Soul, Ltd, 555 W Central Rd, Hoffman Estates. 847-370-5181. FreeYourself2BeYourself.org.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. See Feb 1 description. North Shore Unitarian Church, 2100 Half Day Rd, Deerfield. Info, Callie: 312-733-4640, Callie@FaithInPlace.org. FaithInPlace.org.
Cooking Class: Basics of Vegan Indian Cooking – 9:30-11:30am. See Feb 21 description. $50 (includes handouts, Indian spiced tea and tastings of the recipes). Arya Bhavan Restaurant, 2508 W Devon, Chicago. Registration required: 773-274-5800. AryaBhavan.com. Open House at Raydiant Day – 2-5pm. Join us in all things Raydiant. Refreshments and fun. Free gifts and course coupons. Meet Raydiant Day instructors for upcoming courses and gatherings, including Bright Body Tunings, Nia, 5Rhythms, the Bright Heart Raydiant Pathways workshop and Creating Sacred Garden Spaces. Free. Raydiant Day Center for Raydiant Life Fitness, 1400 Greenleaf St, Evanston. 847-869-6477. RaydiantDay.com. Reiki Clinic – 3-5pm. Receive a mini-session (20 min) of Reiki from multiple practitioners. Experience deep relaxation, decreased anxiety, greater clarity and improved sleep. Each session is individualized to your needs and accelerates healing on all levels. $10. Reiki Healing Energy, 115 N Marion St, Ste 12, Oak Park. To schedule time slot, Janice Lodato: 708-738-0438. ReikiHealingEnergy.net/Reiki-Clinic.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Free Neuropathy Check – 9-10:30am. See Feb 2 listing. North Shore Health Solutions, 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook. RSVP required: 847-715-9060. NorthShoreHealthSolutions.com. Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases Lecture – 7-8pm. With Jerry Gore, MD, and Cynthia Love, LAc. If you suffer from a condition or ailment (eg, fibromyalgia, allergies, arthritis, digestive disorders, depression and thyroid disease) that makes you sick and never goes away, come and learn more about autoimmune and chronic diseases. Free. Center for Holistic Medicine, 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/ Deerfield. For more info & to RSVP: 847-236-1701. Holistic-Medicine.com.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Free 15-Minute Microcurrent Facelift – 10am-3pm. See Feb 3 listing. Beautiful Image Co. Facial & Body Sculpting at Lakefront Chiropractic, 630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe. For appt: 708-406-9234, BeautifulImageCo@gmail.com. BeautifulImageCo.com. Introductory Qigong Class – 6-7pm. Qigong is an ancient oriental self-healing art that enhances your vitality and sense of well-being. It is easily adapted to any physical limitation or fitness level. It is considered the ultimate anti-aging exercise, adding years to your life and life to your years. $5. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. 847-379-5777. TashFitness.com. Gallery Style Readings with Intuitive Medium Susan Reich – 7-9pm. Our loved ones continue to be connected to us. During this appearance we will join in a brief meditation to help calm and center. Susan will bring messages from your loved ones. Due to the size of the audience, not everyone is guaranteed a reading. $25. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. 847-920-9292. ZBWellness.com. How to Overcome Any Problem Workshop – 7-9pm. With Greg Barrette, minister of Unity Northwest Church. Mastery is the goal for every soul on Earth. In mastering our common, everyday problems, we gain much needed strengths and lessons that will propel us into mastery. Free-will offering. Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-297-0997. UnityNorthwest.org.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Free 15-Minute Microcurrent Facelift – 10am-3pm. See Feb 3 listing. Beautiful Image Co. Facial & Body Sculpting at Lakefront Chiropractic, 630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe. For appt: 708-406-9234, BeautifulImageCo@gmail.com. BeautifulImageCo.com. Living Well with Essential Oils Discussion Group – 6:30-7:30pm. 4th Wed each month. Come join other women to discuss the benefits they have enjoyed in living a healthy life with essential oils. Each month new oils will be discussed and everyone will have a chance to share their experiences. If you have never used essential oils before, this is a great place to start. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. 847-379-5777. TashFitness.com.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Find the latest events at NAChicagoNorth.com.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Winter Astronomy – 7-8pm. Visit Heller to see the moon, constellations and Jupiter through our telescopes. Everyone welcome, but content appropriate for adults and children over the age of 6. Will be cancelled if cloudy. Free. Heller Nature Center, 2821 Ridge Rd, Highland Park. 847-433-6901. pdhp.org. Caring for the Caregiver – 7-9pm. With Dianne Reddington. Learn Dianne’s story of Grief in Action and her part in creating the now international Well Spouse Association caregiver support groups. An experiential workshop and a sharing of how to deal with grief. Free; donations accepted. Edgar Cayce Holistic Center and Bookstore in Unity Northwest Church, 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines. 847-299-6535.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. See Feb 1 description. Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S Longwood Dr, Chicago. Info, Callie: 312-733-4640, Callie@FaithInPlace.org. FaithInPlace.org. 2015 Body Mind Spirit Expo – Feb 28 & Mar 1. 10am-7pm, Sat; 11am-6pm, Sun. The expo brings to life a positive, healing environment. Includes presentations, more than 100 exhibitors and live entertainment. $12 weekend admission; free parking. Midwest Conference Center, 401 W Lake St, Northlake. For more info: 541-4823722 x 1 or 2. Bmse.net.
Young Living Essential Oils – Feb 28-Mar 1. 10am-7pm, Sat; 11am-6pm, Sun. Sample the joyous aromas of essential oils and learn their value in supporting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life, naturally. Zyto scans available too. Booth 416 at the BMSE Expo. Additionally, Linda Roberts, Animal Communicator, will be doing a presentation on the benefits of these oils for your large and small animals on Sat, 1pm. Midwest Conference Center, 401 W Lake St, Northlake. bmse.net. Bright Heart Raydiant Pathway – 1:30-5:30pm. Open to the guiding presence and light within your heart. Experience more joy, connection and nourishment. Bring kindness, strength and courage to yourself and others. Explore and empower the deep intelligence of your knowing heart using Raydiant Pathways, a new process for light body transformation. Led by Peter Kime, creator of Raydiant Pathways. $75, $65 before Feb 22. Raydiant Day Center for Raydiant Life Fitness, 1400 Greenleaf St, Evanston. 847-869-6477. Register: RaydiantDay.com.
SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Midlife Reboot: Living the Life You Love – Join Dianne Bischoff James, MS, a Life Reboot Specialist, at the Body Mind Spirit Expo, and discover your path for living a joyful, authentic existence. Based on her award-winning book, The Real Brass Ring: Change Your Life Course Now, learn the 14 Shortcuts for Happy Living and the best techniques available to rediscover what you truly want, remove blocks and make your transformation easy. $25/ advanced, $30/door. Midwest Conference Center, 401 W Lake St, Northlake. More info: bmse.net. Meet Your Spirit Guides and Take a Past Life Journey – 12-2pm. Susan Wisehart will facilitate a group guided journey at Body Mind Spirit Expo to meet your spirit guides where you can deepen your connection with them to receive inspiration and guidance for your life purpose. Also take a group guided journey to a past life to discover a happy incarnation with loved ones or your talents and gifts. Susan is in private practice in Des Plaines and Mundelein. General Expo Admission: $12 (print out online tickets); $15 at Expo. Workshop: $25 (print out online tickets); $30 at Expo. Body Mind Spirit Expo, Midwest Conference Center, Rm 1, 401 W Lake, Northlake. More info & individual sessions: SusanWisehart.com.
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MONDAY, MARCH 2 Become Licensed as a Higher Brain Living® Facilitator – 6:30-8:30pm. Higher Brain Living® creates an energy surge to the Higher Brain, opening a gateway to expansive higher living like no other. Attend a presentation and live demonstration to learn how to change lives. Free if preregistered ($97 at door). Hilton Chicago/Oak Brook, Hills Conference Center, 3500 Midwest Rd, Oak Brook. For more info & to register: 855-418-5491, HigherBrainLivingEvents.com/Chicago.
SATURDAY, MARCH 7 Posture Psoas and Positivity – 11am-1pm. Improve body attitude thru a deep band of abdominal muscles called the psoas. Learn how they can prevent dowagers humps, back tension and loss of torso shape. Body alignment affects one’s health and well-being. $50. Sweet Magic Studio, 6960 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago. 773-764-6488. KareenaYoga.Dance.
SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Reiki 1 Class – 1-6pm. Reiki 1 includes the history, applications and current research on this light touch therapy from Japan. In class, you receive the full level 1 attunement and practice offering Reiki to yourself and others. Take this class so you can offer first-level Reiki to yourself and others. Reiki Healing Energy, 115 N Marion St, Ste 12, Oak Park. To register, Janice Lodato: 708-738-0438. ReikiHealingEnergy.net/Reiki-Class-Descriptions.
savethedate FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Matrix Energetics Seminar – Mar 13-16. With Dr. Richard Bartlett and Melissa Joy Jonsson. Friday’s opening event, 7-9pm, The “Matrix Energetics Experience” seminar is free. Learn to access transformation and infinite possibilities by accessing the field of the heart with the Matrix Energetics® Fundamentals Intensive seminar and open intuitive abilities further with Unplugged, or the Spatial Clairvoyance seminar. Hilton Rosemont Chicago O’Hare, 5550 N River Rd Rosemont. More info: 800-269-9513 or Info@MatrixEnergetics.com. MatrixEnergetics.com. Enter to win 1 of 2 Free Matrix Energetics® “Fundamentals” Seminars: NAChicagoNorth.com/CHI/Contests. ®
SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Foods to Fight Inflammation for Pain Management – 10am. With Certified Health and Nutrition Coach Michelle Eberwein and wellness expert and shiatsu massage specialist Rita Hickman. Learn which foods cause inflammation and which foods can fight inflammation. Get the proper tools to learn how to eat right and fight inflammation. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. Inside-Inspire.com.
savethedate MONDAY, MARCH 16
What’s in a Dream? – 7-8:30pm. With Dr. Keren Vishny. Throughout the ages, across the world people have looked to dreams as a source of healing, insight and spiritual connection. Come learn some basic principles that will help you open your dreams’ wisdom. Keren will share stories from her own dream journey, and guide participants through an exercise that can be practiced at home. $25. Zero Balancing Wellness Center, 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette. 847-920-9292. ZBWellness.com.
Be Healthful Retreat: Spring Awakening – 10:30am-3pm. This all inclusive event includes mini-spa services such as facials, massage, makeovers and manicures, to wellness services such as acupuncture, energy healing and wellness consults. Attend 3 panel discussions on personal growth, career strategies, mindfulness, nutrition, holistic lifestyle and ask questions you’ve been dying to know from our experts. We are bringing in top professionals in the industry to educate and help you experience your own holistic health awakening. $60/person; special group rate discounts. Mars Gallery, 1139 W Fulton Market, Chicago. 630-699-2938. BeHealthfulRetreat.com.
THURSDAY, MARCH 19 Good Food Festival & Conference – Mar 19-21. 9am-5:30pm, Thurs; 8:30am7:30pm, Fri; 10am-5pm, Sat. Greet spring, and celebrate the region’s growing local food community. The Good Food Festival & Conference invites you to be inspired, learn, meet local farmers and artisans, and enjoy delicious food and drink, of course! Saturday Festival: $10/advance, $15/at door; additional workshop & trade days range from $45-$220/advance. UIC Forum, 725 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago. More info: GoodFoodFestivals.com.
FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Localicious – 7-9:30pm. Localicious is one of Chicago’s premier tasting events! Meet the chefs and sample a bounty from some of the area’s best restaurants and craft beverage makers, at this annual celebration of local food. $80/advance, $95/at door. UIC Forum, 725 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago. More info: GoodFoodFestivals.com.
SATURDAY, MARCH 21 Writer’s Workshop – Mar 21-22. 9am-5pm. A weekend for writers with Mike Dooley, Reid Tracy and Nancy Levin. Are you a writer with a great book idea with a strong desire to be published? Do you just need the insider scoop on how to perfect and publish your book? This is the workshop for you! $450 by Feb 24; $550 thereafter. Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 9301 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont. Rosemont.com/desconvention. HayHouse.com.
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SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Crossing Over with John Edward – 1pm. See John Edward live. Reading not guaranteed. Donald E Stephens Convention Center, 9291 Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont. Tickets: 800-514-3849, JohnEdward.net or etix.com.
SATURDAY, MAY 16 Conscious-Con – May 16 & 17. A gathering of many of the world’s leading transformational masters. Keynote presentations feature Panache Desai, Paul Selig, Matt Kahn, Julie Dittmar and Tara L. Robinson. Includes workshops, musical performances, film screenings and consciousness products, services and art by healers, spiritualists, readers, mediums, energy and light workers, channels and transformational teachers. Full weekend access: $199; expo areas only: $20 (includes vendor-sponsored workshops). Cincinnati’s Duke Energy Center, 525 Elm St. For more info or to register: 513-515-0087 or ConsciousCon.com.
FRIDAY, JUNE 5 4th Annual Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference – June 5-7. Guest speakers: herbalists and authors, Dr. Jody Noe, Leslie Tierra and many more. Over 60 workshops and plants walks, kids’ and teen camp. Plus swimming, evening entertainment, marketplace, red tent, film screenings, roundtable discussions on building herbal community and much more! Preconference workshops topics include: Herbal First Aid, Herbs for Lyme Disease, Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis, Herbs for Body Systems and Holistic Sexuality. Held in Almond, WI. For more info: MidwestWomensHerbal.com.
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. ~Aristotle
ongoingevents Daily All Month 15% Off Heart Support Supplements – Thru Feb. During a visit with Dr. Arutcheva, receive 15% off on all heart supplements offered at Antalee. She can guide you towards choosing which supplements can be the most beneficial in order to improve overall heart health. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130. Antalee.com. $35 Back Treatment – Thru Feb. In this 30-min back treatment, our estheticians will use 15 mins of the time to exfoliate the back and apply various masks and creams to rejuvenate the skin. For the remaining 15 mins, our estheticians will massage the back area to improve blood circulation. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130. Antalee.com. $55 Mani/Pedi – Thru Feb. In this mani/pedi treatment enjoy Antalee’s extra offer of a manicure with Guava Passion mask for the hands, and a pedicure which includes a paraffin treatment for the feet. Antalee uses all-natural nail polish by Zoya. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130. Antalee.com. $65 Heart Health Check Up – Thru Feb. Naturopathic methods are able to reveal early genetic changes in the heart and vessels that precede pathological changes in the organ. Learn how to protect your heart naturally to avoid surgery. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130. Antalee.com. $85 Any 90-Minute Massage – Thru Feb. Enjoy a massage from Antalee and choose from any of these options; Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, aromatherapy, reflexology, prenatal, sports, reiki, or cranial-sacral therapy. Antalee Wellness Spa, 1834-36 Glenview Rd, Glenview. 847-486-1130. Antalee.com. Nordic Supplements in February 20% Off – Highland Health Foods, 149 Skokie Valley Rd, Highland Park. 847-831-0460. BG Organic Salon Special – Thru Feb. New clients save 10% off color and cut. 6704 N Northwest Hwy, Chicago. 773-763-6322. Facebook.com/ BGOrganicSalon. Daily Silent Sitting Meditation – 6-7:30am. This is a time that we are taking to consciously be with the energy, the silence, the now. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Free Haircut with an All-Over Color – Get an all-over color for $85 and receive a free haircut valued at $60. Upstairs Hair Affair, 5901 Dempster St, Ste 203, Morton Grove. 847-737-5315. UpstairsHairAffair.com. Kundalini Yoga from Science to Faith – Focus of this weekly group is the use of kundalini yoga, yantra yoga, sound, light, breath, forgiveness and advanced yogic to practices to liberate our flow of energy so that we can flow once again with life. Soma Arts, 5215 N Ravenswood, Ste 307, Chicago. 773-236-7662. SomaArts1.com.
Mind, Body Fitness Classes & Workshops – 9am-9pm. Pilates, yoga, dance, Aerial Hammock, Reformer and more. $17. Pilates Plus, 654 S Roselle Rd, Schaumburg. 847-923-1201. More info: PilatesMindBody.com. Mingle Juice Bar Crowdfunding Campaign – Thru Feb. Help Mingle Juice Bar fund business expansion to bring you more healthy foods, including an amazing new juicer to pump out even more nutrition-packed juice. See crowdfunding campaign at Fundable.com/Mingle-Juice-Bar for great rewards. 1830 Tower Dr, Glenview. 847-834-0659. MingleJuiceBar.com. Organic Keratin Smoothing Treatment Special – $100 off on an organic keratin smoothing treatment. Upstairs Hair Affair, 5901 Dempster St, Ste 203, Morton Grove. 847-737-5315. UpstairsHairAffair.com. Thermography: Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging – 2-6pm. Be Optimal, 1249 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. To schedule an appt: 847-486-8000. BeOptimal.com.
Sunday Hiking Meditation – All day. 1st Sun. Just walking, breathing, listening, sensing, being present. Nature brings us in deep contact with our natural state of joy and harmony. $65; $75 includes 3 meals. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Greening Your Block – 8:30-10:30am. Once a month on Sun. We can green our neighborhoods, block by block. A meeting to inform and inspire each other. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Feminine Divine Support Group – 10-11:30am. Through study & ritual we learn the impact of the Divine Feminine and how much her wisdom, healing is needed. Through supporting and sharing our intuitive wisdom, authentic greatness, healing powers, we manifest beauty, harmony. Join our support group honoring the Sacred Feminine; become the Feminine Divine. Women’s Wisdom, The Dance Building, 1330 Webford, Des Plaines. 847-258-7225. Abundant Life Spiritual Center Sunday Service – 10:30-11:45am. An uplifting Sunday celebration service with an inspiring spiritual message that directly applies to your life now. Pop/rock/indie music provided by The Grateful Living. Free. Patty Turner Center, 375 Elm St, Deerfield. 847-337-3866. AbundantLifeUnity.org. Out Chicago Radio Program – 11am-1pm. The only local and live LGBT radio show in the Chicago Metro Area. Out Chicago is an outstanding new show about LGBT life, current events and civil rights hosted by Scott Duff, a Chicago-based actor, comedian, theatre educator and activist. A graduate of Northwestern University, he is a founding member of About Face Theatre. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPTFM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). Call-in: 773-763-WCPT. ChicagosProgressiveTalk.com.
Online Live Streaming with Mystic Bhashkar Perinchery – 11:30am-1pm. Once a month on Sun. A coming together with Bhashkar Perinchery promotes an atmosphere for deeper awareness and insight. This interactive online conference offers an opportunity for anyone on the inner search to listen and ask questions. Free. More info: Lifesurfing.org/About-Us/Initiator. Noon Meditations – 12pm. Take time to regenerate yourself. Make time for meditation, quiet reflection and an inspirational message of wisdom from Sri Goswami Kriyananda and the Temple swamis. Donation. The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 2414 N Kedzie Blvd, Chicago. 773-342-4600. YogaKriya.org. Open-Level Hatha Yoga – 12-1:15pm. With Charlotte Hammond. Start your week right with a gift to yourself. Open-level Hatha at a true urban lotus with an experienced teacher. Plenty of parking. Ring buzzer for access. $10, cash only. Urban Lotus Yoga, 2950 W Chicago Ave, Ste 201, Chicago. 312-547-9247. UrbanLotusChicago.com. Community Yoga Nidra – 3:30-5pm. 3rd Sun. With Savita (Laura Jachim). A guided meditation technique that renews the physical body and releases the mind to unconscious obstacles and energetic blocks. Be Optimal, 1249 Waukegan Rd, Glenview. 847-477-3069. Awakening-Wellness.com. Spiritual Gathering – 6-7:30pm. In a world where killing is sport, war is entertainment, and betrayal is common, how do we make peace? Join us every Sunday for a Spiritual Gathering open to the public. An opportunity to partake in a discussion focusing on the meaning of inner and outer peace. Peace, an idea whose time has come. School of Metaphysics, 222 W Wilson St, Palatine. 847-991-0140. Full Moon Meditation – 8-11pm. Once a month on Sun. A 3-cycle indoor meditation night, silent sitting alternates with dance. On full moon more energy is available, so practice to silently contain and celebrate this universal energy. You may bring your dinner and come at 6pm. $15/$20. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org.
Monday Facials – Come experience a rejuvenating 45-min facial for $45. Great for all skin types, we use only natural, organic and vegan skin care products we make by hand. So Well, 4819 Main St, Skokie. Appt required: 847-676-5571. SolayWellness.com. Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Be introduced to yoga, a relaxing, gentle class. First class free; $12. Keep The Beat Wellness, 333 Skokie Blvd, Ste 106, Northbrook. 847-559-1992. KeepTheBeatWellness.com. Gluten-Free Monday – 10am-7pm. All gluten-free grocery items 10% off all-day long. Free. Earthly Goods Health Foods, 6951 Grand Ave, Gurnee. 847-855-9677. Nia: Holistic Dance Fitness – 11-11:55am. Mon, Wed, Fri. Whether your goal is a gentle workout or joyful cardio, with Nia you can develop flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability in your body. Led by Aliess Kime, White Belt Nia Teacher. $11/ drop-in, $80/unlimited monthly pass. Raydiant Day Center for Raydiant Life Fitness, 1400 Greenleaf St, Evanston. 847-869-6477. Register: RaydiantDay.com.
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February February 2015 2015
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markyourcalendar Footbath Detox Mondays – 11am-6pm. Sluggishness, fatigue, low energy and poor sleep? A 30-min ionic footbath stimulates cells to release toxins and rebalance the cellular system that is responsible for overall health. The process continues after the toxins are dislodged during treatment, allowing your entire body to function optimally. Save $10. Nutritional Health Solutions, 480 Elm Pl, Ste 108, Highland Park. 847-207-2034. DigestiveHealthSolutions.com. Communal Acupuncture – 3-6pm. Held Mon, Wed and Sat, 12-4pm. Detox, heal, rejuvenate, relieve stress or work on any issue you have in the comfort of a healing, beautiful, eco-friendly space designed to help your journey. $15/session. So Well, 4819 Main St, Skokie. Appt required: 847-676-5571. SolayWellness.com. 50/50 Class: Zumba and POUND – 6:30-7:30pm. Aliza Mor, nationally certified instructor for over 5 years, will get the party started with 30 mins of Zumba followed by 30 mins of POUND (weighted drum sticks are used for a cardio/strength workout). Beginners are very welcome and no judgment is allowed here. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. Registration required: 847-379-5777. TashFitness.com. Yang Style Tai Chi – 7:15-8:15pm. This series: Fan Dance. A new 10-wk series introduces students to the practice of health and enlightenment through ancient mind-body-spirit disciplines. $120/10 wks, $15/dropin. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org.
Tuesday Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement – 10-11am. Feldenkrais focuses on the relationship between movement and thought. Come increase mental awareness and improve your physical movement with Feldenkrais instructor Rita Hickman. $10. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. Inside-Inspire.com. Shiatsu for Women – 10am-7pm. Shiatsu massage keeps you in balance; helps you handle life; lets you move forward with calm, confidence, and helps you manage your pain. Clothed. Meaningful. Unique to you. Sliding scale $50-$200. InSpire Massage, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. InspireMassage.com. Near Infrared Sauna Session – 12-3pm. Tues, Wed & Thurs. So Well in Skokie offers a $10 30min Near Infrared Sauna Session, great for skin, relaxation, detoxing and more; $10 30-min Infrared Massage Energy Bed Session, great for relaxation, detoxing and muscle aches and pains. So Well, 4819 Main St, Skokie. Appt required: 847-676-5571. SolayWellness.com. Kid’s Yin Yang Yoga and Tai Chi – 5:30pm. With Debra LaMantia and Paulie Zink. For kids 8 & up. A combo class of yin yang yoga and tai chi. $12/ class, $50/package of 5. Stirling Tai Chi Society, 1123 N Ashland Ave, Chicago. 847-337-9124. StirlingTaiChi.com. Shiatsu Student Clinic – 7 or 8pm. Also Fri, 11am or 12pm. At our popular Advanced Student Clinic, clients can receive a 45-min session from an advanced Zen Shiatsu student. Sessions are performed in a group setting with instructor observation. Live shakuhachi
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and singing bowl music is provided by Jia Senghe. $35/45-min or $90/3 treatments. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. Availability limited; for appts: 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org. Community Yoga Nidra – 7:30-8:30pm. 1st Tues. With Savita (Laura Jachim). A guided meditation technique that renews the physical body and releases the mind to unconscious obstacles and energetic blocks. Inner Balance, 350 Pfingsten, Ste 107, Northbrook. 847-477-3069. Awakening-Wellness.com. Yin/Yang Yoga – 7:30-8:30pm. Promotes flexibility and healing, develops the flow of energy in your body and enlivens your innate ability to move with fluidity, power and grace. Master Paulie Zink style. $12-$17. Chicago Yoga Center, 3047 N Lincoln Ave, Unit 320, Chicago. 773-327-3650. Tai Chi Class – 8:15pm. Also Sat, 9am. Reduce stress; increase flexibility and balance; improve muscle strength and definition; increase energy; stamina and agility. Wear flat-soled shoes and loose fitting clothes. $10/class. Whole Health Acupuncture, 50 Turner Ave, Elk Grove Village. 847-357-3929. WholeHealthPrograms.com.
Wednesday Wellness Workshop – 3rd Wed. Fun and informative. Awaken Your Spirit Massage & Energy Work, 319B Harrison St, Oak Park. 708-434-5370. AwakenYourSpirit.webs.com. Morning Yoga Class – 9:30am. Also Sat. With Svetlana Stillman. A great way to start your day. House of Ayurveda, 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste C6, Northbrook. 224-723-5797. Happy Hour Initial Evaluation and Acupuncture Treatment – 11am-1pm. Initial evaluation and treatment for instant pain relief or any health concerns. The most natural medical approach in the universe: no drugs, just your body’s ability to heal itself. $20. Deerfield Community Acupuncture, 405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211, Deerfield. 847-845-4090. DeerfieldCommunityAcupuncture.com. Guided Meditation – 12:45-2pm. Relax and experience the stress-relieving benefits of meditation led by Dr. Om Johari. Free. Palatine Public Library District, 700 N North Court, Palatine. Registration required: 847-358-5881. PalatineLibrary.org.
Thursday Acupuncture Services – 9am-1pm. With Dr. Aleksey Polyakov, DC. An initial consult is $100 and each visit thereafter is $85. A package of 5 acupuncture treatments is $400 ($25 savings) or 10 for $750 ($100 savings). Jen Z’s Beauty Services, 2665 Waukegan Ave, lower level, Highland Park. 847-433-8401. JenZsBeautyServicesInc.com. Free 15-Minute Acupuncture Consultation with AcuGraph – 1-7pm. Online schedule every Thursday per appointment only and online schedule only. Bridge to Health Acupuncture Clinic, 4751 W Touhy, Ste 304, Lincolnwood. Info: 773-956-0002. To schedule: BridgeToHealthAcupuncture.com. Feldenkrais: Awareness through Movement – 5-6pm. The Feldenkrais Method uses a practice of body awareness as a means to attain a higher degree of freedom in our lives. $100/10-classes pre-paid, $12/ drop-in. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org.
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Meditation Introduction – 6:15-7:15pm. This class is an introduction to playful meditative exercises and an opportunity for you to ask questions that arise. Free. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Meditation Thursdays at the Center, Rosley’s Rocks and Gems – 6:30-7:30pm. Join us for our weekly night of centering. Meditation guided then silent; all levels welcome, and all questions welcome. Free. 4344 N Western Ave, Chicago. 773-561-7200. CrystalMaster.com. Tash Fitness Bootcamp – 7-8pm. Wanda Taylor, nationally certified instructor for over 25 years, will run you through the course to help build your stamina, strengthen your core and muscles, laugh a lot and most of all strengthen your community feeling with other women. Beginners are very welcome and no judgment is allowed here. Tash Fitness, 8816 N Bronx Ave, Skokie. Registration required: 847-379-5777. TashFitness.com.
Friday Shiatsu Student Clinic – 11am or 12pm. See Tues listing. Zen Shiatsu Chicago, 825A Chicago Ave, Evanston. Availability limited; for appts: 847-864-1130. ZenShiatsuChicago.org. Mindfulness Class – 12:15-1:15pm. Each class will consist of guided mindfulness exercises such as sitting and walking. No previous experience necessary; class also supports those who are experienced practitioners. An open practice so can come and go as need to. With Eric Lieb, Certified Mindfulness Trainer. $10/pre-register, $12/drop-in. Center for Holistic Medicine, 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/ Deerfield. For more info & to RSVP: 847-236-1701. Holistic-Medicine.com. Loving Kindness Meditation – 6:30-7:30pm. Free group guided meditation for peace and relaxation. We have been providing this free community event in Evanston for over 14 years. Drop-ins welcome as no registration is required and all of the supplies are provided. 2153 Ashland Ave, Ste 3, Evanston. 847-866-0505. MSI-Healing.com.
Saturday Mighty House Radio Program – 8-11am. Funny, friendly experts with answers and ideas to help with all of your home improvement projects. Join Ron Cowgill, Robbie Ehrhardt, Rich Cowgill and the Mighty House team each Saturday morning to get help with all your home improvement and repair issues. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPTFM 92.7 (North), WCPY-FM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). Call-in: 773-763-WCPT. ChicagosProgressiveTalk.com. MightHouse.net. Tai Chi Class – 9am. See Tuesday listing. Whole Health Acupuncture, 50 Turner Ave, Elk Grove Village. 847-357-3929. WholeHealthPrograms.com. Core Vinyasa Yoga – 9-10:30am. Also Mon & Thurs. A deep movement flow class that pauses to deconstruct poses releasing stress, and mental and emotional patterns. $60/5-classes in 8 wks, $16/ drop-in. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Ecology Center Winter Farmers’ Market – Thru Apr 25. 9am-1pm. Ecology Center at the Ladd Arboretum, 2024 N McCormick Blvd, Evanston. Info, Diane Khouri Joseph: Info@Sheekardelights.com. Indoor Farmers’ Market – 9am-1pm. Year round. Heritage Prairie Farm, 2N308 Brundige Rd, Elburn.
630-443-5989. HeritagePrairieFarm.com. Northshore Pet Chef at Ecology Indoor Farmers’ Market – Thru Apr 25. 9am-1pm. Come visit us. Ecology Center at the Ladd Arboretum, 2024 N McCormick Blvd, Evanston. More info: NorthshorePetChef@gmail.com. Morning Yoga Class – 9:30am. Also Wed. With Svetlana Stillman. A great way to start your day. House of Ayurveda, 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste C6, Northbrook. 224-723-5797. Happy Hour Initial Evaluation and Acupuncture Treatment – 12-2pm. Initial evaluation and treatment for instant pain relief or any health concerns. The most natural medical approach in the universe: no drugs, just your body’s ability to heal itself. $20. Deerfield Community Acupuncture, 405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211, Deerfield. 847-845-4090. DeerfieldCommunityAcupuncture.com. Tarot Reading – 1-3pm. Come out for tea and tarot readings with Rita Hickman. A positive, inspirational reading to help you find the answers you are looking for in your life. $10. Inside Holistic and Cultural Arts Center, 1241 N Green St, McHenry. 815-245-9673. Inside-Inspire.com. Free Chats on Kunlun® System – 3pm. Discover more about a powerful and transformative system of practices to awaken one’s potential and connection with the root. Chats are casual allowing for question and answer regarding this system. Free. Pure Juice Café, 24 S Evergreen Ave, Arlington Heights. EvolvingStarSpirit.com. Vet Talk Radio Program – 6-7pm. Program hosted by U.S. Marine Corps Vet Antonio Correa and Fred Newson of the U.S. Navy. Both men have lived the life of a military man, and now they are working to give a voice to the veterans. Gain a new perspective on the issues facing veterans today. On WCPT-AM 820, WCPT-FM 92.7 (North), WCPYFM 92.5 (West), and WCPQ-FM 99.9 (South). ChicagosProgressiveTalk.com. Independent & Documentary Films – 7pm. Monthly. Meet other local indie and documentary film fans, discuss and recommend movies to one another. Watch films/movies that raise ethical and other important topics. Inner Metamorphosis University, 1418 W Howard St, Chicago. 773-262-1468. Lifesurfing.org. Register: CIDFilms.com.
office space available
AKASHIC RECORD READING – Open the record of your soul’s journey to find information to support you in your life right now, heal your past and help you into your future. Heal. Grow. Investigate. Find direction. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034. AstrologicalDetails.com.
PRIVATE OFFICE TO SHARE: “JUST BRING YOUR BRIEFCASE” – Gorgeous fully furnished/ decorated waiting area, small kitchenette and bathroom. Your treatment room is currently empty, has a window and hardwood floors. Lots of parking but discreet. This “wholistic” office would be perfect for a massage therapist, psychotherapist, etc. We are located behind Northbrook court shopping mall. Available immediately! Looking for the right person to share with. You will have access 24/7, security system, free WiFi, and privacy. $650/month. Northbrook location. For more info: 773-551-5083.
ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY – Understand yourself, your motivations, your feelings. Recognize your talents, strengths, successes. Overcome difficulties and confusion. Astrology can help pull it all together. Relationships. Career. Plan the future. Serious astrology for serious seekers. Private, personal consultations. Lin Ewing: 847-609-0034. AstrologicalDetails.com.
hiring Relationship Management/Sales – Excellent opportunity for flexible part-time work with great rewards. Natural Awakenings Chicago is seeking a self-motivated professional with strong interpersonal and communication skills to introduce businesses to the benefits of advertising to our community in print and online. Ideal candidate must be self-motivated, organized and creative in sourcing suitable clients and events to target in Chicago and suburbs. You must enjoy conversing on the phone and hosting face-to-face meetings, as well as enjoy working both from your home and from the road throughout the metropolitan area, and have previous relationship-based ad sales experience. You’ll need at least 20 flexible daytime hours per week to prosper. Occasional weekend and evening time required to attend events and network. Pay is generous commission, plus bonuses. Email your name, a brief description of your experience and your phone number to Info@NAChicagoNorth.com.
SUB-LEASE – We have an opening for a healthcare practitioner in our multi-provider modern wellness office! We’re located in the NW suburbs just off of I-90 & Barrington Rd. Please contact us if we’ve reached you at an opportune time. Email Dr.Kristen@TheBalanceDoc.com and we’ll send you details and photos!
real estate Vegetarian/Vegan Realtor IN Western Suburbs – My company’s motto is “The Standard of Excellence.” My goal is to fulfill that standard with every client with whom I work. I would love to hear from you about what your real estate requirements are or to answer any questions you have with regards to residential real estate. Isabel Wolf, Broker, ABR. Charles Rutenberg Realty, 1733 Park St, Ste 150, Naperville, 60563. 630-728-2490. IsabelWolfRealtor.com.
services CELEBRATING YOUR BIRTHDAY? HAVING A SLUMBER PARTY? ADD TO THE FUN! – Enjoy group mini-facials with our organic, toxin-, GMO- and cruelty-free skin products. Start off your journey in cosmetics world by wearing the Pangea glow! Info, Mihaela: 708-769-1741. 800-668-8230.
natural natural awakenings awakenings
February February 2015 2015
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communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care & green living in our community. acupuncture BRIDGE TO HEALTH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC
4751 W Touhy, Ste 304, Lincolnwood 60712 773-956-0002 BridgeToHealthAcupuncture.com Relieve stress and pain, address addictions and improve overall health with acupuncture. We combine Eastern and Western approaches to pain relief, and offer a unique AcuGraph (Acupuncture Digital Exam) to provide a readout of your acupuncture meridians to identify and classify your energy imbalances and improve treatment results. Insurance accepted.
405 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 211 847-845-4090 DeerfieldCommunityAcupuncture.com Quick pain relief, long-lasting results, sliding scale pricing of $20$40/treatment where you pay what you can afford. Offering acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in truly peaceful and healing environment. Open early/late hours, 7 days a week. For more info, testimonials, or to schedule an appointment, call 847-845-4090 or visit DeerfieldCommunityAcupuncture.com.
1545 Waukegan, Glenview 60025 847-901-1800 • HSAcupuncture.com
Open the door to healing and balance through acupuncture. Mitzi Labant, Andrea Friedman Ishikawa and Cynthia Funai specialize in pain related problems, infertility, NAET (allergy elimination technique), anxiety, depression and chemo/radiation side-effects. They can successfully treat CFS/ fibromyalgia, immune system problems, insomnia, menopausal issues and other ailments in a relaxed and nurturing environment.
WHOLE HEALTH ACUPUNCTURE 50 E Turner Ave, Elk Grove Village 847-357-3929 WholeHealthPrograms.com
Offering community acupuncture on a sliding scale from $15-$40. Acupuncture is most affective when done consistently and for a full course of treatment. This brings faster relief, so you can get back to work and the things that you enjoy. Pricing lets you afford to have acupuncture simply because it feels good.
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acupuncture & traditional oriental medicine LANA MOSHKOVICH, LAc, ND, MSOM
1834 Glenview Rd, 2nd Fl Glenview 60025 847-508-1470 Nirvana.Naturopathics@gmail.com NirvanaNaturopathics.com Trained in both Western and Oriental Medicine, I use acupuncture and a dietary approach along with herbal remedies to resolve musculoskeletal pain, internal medicine health issues, insomnia, anxiety and women’s health. Schedule your initial appointment on Schedulicity.com to find out if acupuncture can help you. Get a healthier and alternative approach to your chronic health conditions.
architecture & design LENORE WEISS, AIA, LEED-AP
Lenore Weiss Studios, LLC 847-291-8285 LenoreWeissStudios.com Lenore Weiss Studios, LLC, offers high-quality residential and commercial architectural and interior design. It provides “environmental awareness” on every level; from a broader ecological scope of sustainable and healthy building solutions, to the careful attention to detail that successfully shapes clients’ own supportive personal surroundings. For more information, please visit LenoreWeissStudios.com.
Jen Z’s Beauty Services 2665 Waukegan Ave, LL, Highland Park 60035 847-433-8401 JenZsBeautyServicesInc.com JZMag.com
Beauty and wellness for mind, body and soul. Jen Z’s specializes in advanced neutraceuticals and weight management products and services. Services include: skin care, facials, waxing, makeup, spray tan, massage, full mani/pedi services. For your full-body wellness, we now offer acupuncture with Dr. Aleks; we also offer Reiki, wellness consults and essential oils.
bodywork Healing Body Therapeutics
Barry Krost, BCTMB Chicago • 312-288-6139 HealingBodyTherapeutics.com A holistic practice exploring our natural ability to heal with therapeutic help featuring Ortho-Bionomy®, a powerful bodywork and energy technique that uses specific body positions to provide effective pain relief that supports natural healing, and Family Constellations, a process that releases problems rooted in our family system over several generations.
Roth Structural Integration
Diane Roth, BCSI Highland Park, 60035 847-831-3213 • RothSI.com Structural Integration (SI) realigns, rebalances and re-educates the body through manual therapy and movement education. Chronic pain, bad posture, tired and achy bodies are signs that the body is out of balance. SI benefits include decreased pain, injury rehabilitation, improved posture, ease in movement, and increased flexibility and stamina.
630 Vernon Ave, Ste F, Glencoe 60022 708-406-9234 • BeautifulImageCo.com
Beautiful Image Facial & Body Sculpting’s™ (1974) all-natural microcurrent “Magic Wands” restore vibrancy and reverse aging. This highroad to younger, healthier skin and disposition recharges cells, sans surgery. Shed 10 years across 10 gentle treatments. Look ravishing; feel glorious, inside and out. See ad on page 15.
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Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
825 Chicago Ave, Evanston 60202 847-864-1130 ZenShiatsuChicago.org You’ll feel the stress melt away like the snow in spring through our relaxation-focused shiatsu massage practice, which offers the same energizing benefits as acupuncture combined with the restorative power of yoga poses. Dress in cozy threads, shiatsu is performed on fully clothed clients. Professional and student therapists available. See ad on back cover.
Zero Balancing Wellness Center
Mary H. Murphy, LMT, CZB, CST-D 809 Ridge Rd, Ste 200, Wilmette 60091 847-920-9292 • ZBWellness.com Zero Balancing (ZB) works with the flow of chi through the skeletal system. Gentle, and energizing, a ZB session leaves the client with a wonderful feeling of body-mind integration and energized relaxation. ZB can help relieve body pain, emotional distress and boost well-being. Received clothed, ZB addresses the whole person.
brain health Marny Turvill, MD Evanston 60201 847-864-9098 DrMarny@gmail.com
Has your life been taken over by PTSD, a concussion or other TBI, chemical sensitivities, anxiety, or a child with learning or behavior problems? If you are ready to take back control and thrive, contact Dr. Marny now! You can feel better, think better and behave better without medications!
coaching & counseling CENTERED COACHING
Dr. Robbie Maller Hartman, PhD, PCC 847-831-5660 CenteredCoaching.com Professional certified life coach and licensed clinical psychologist with over 20 years experience in health and wellness. Specializing in emotional eating issues, non-dieting weight loss, healthy lifestyle coaching, mindfulness meditation training, and stress management. Mentored by bestselling author Geneen Roth, as seen on Oprah. Call for a complimentary phone consultation.
Sheree Nathanson, ACC, CSC 847-274-8696 LivingInHarmonyNow.com Fill your life with joy and harmony using techniques and support from a certified life coach. Sheree is passionate about helping you to succeed, and provides direction and feedback for your ongoing success, as well as tips in conscious living from her world-class mentors. Call for free phone consultation.
colon hydrotherapy NORTHSHORE COLONICS
Lori Hirshman, I-ACT certified 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 113 (behind Northbrook Court), Northbrook 60062 Add’l location: Colonics in Grayslake, 408 Center St 773-551-5083 • NorthShoreColonics.com You don’t need to suffer any more! We offer a relaxing and private environment where discretion and absolute cleanliness is never taken for granted! Our I-ACT certified practitioners have more than 12 years experience in Colon Hydrotherapy, Guided Programs, Life/Nutritional Coaching, all to help you make better choices for yourself. See ad on page 39.
THINK BEFORE YOU BUY: make the green choice.
feng shui Laurie Pawli, Certified Feng Shui Consultant
Jim Kolar, Rph 3479 N Broadway, Chicago 60657 773-525-0766 SaveRitePharmacy.com
The Feng Shui School of Chicago LauriePawli@gmail.com CreateTheFeeling.com TheFengShuiSchoolOfChicago.com
Save-Rite is your locally owned compounding specialist in Lakeview. Besides dispensing traditional medication, we work closely with your doctor to customize medications for pediatric care, sports medicine, pain management, veterinary needs and a wide range of hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). We also offer a variety of medical equipment and daily living supplies so that you’ll always enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Free delivery to Lakeview and surrounding areas. See ad on page 21.
You can now learn feng shui in the Chicago area. The Feng Shui School of Chicago is recognized as a Gold Level School, the highest standard established by the International Feng Shui Guild. We teach basic “Feng Shui in a Day” classes, as well as a comprehensive 77-hour “Certified Feng Shui Consultant Training Program”. A “layering” approach is taught using Form, Best Personal Direction, and Front Door Bagua placement. Laurie is a student of Grand Master Professor Lin Yun, Katherine Metz and Denise Linn.
crystal healing green/healthy foods & restaurants
4344 N Western Ave, Chicago 60618 773-561-7200 CrystalMaster.com
Join us at our new location, The Center, where we offer the widest selection of chakra healing stones, rough crystals, collectors’ pieces and specialty items. Come meditate in the crystal skull room, relax and heal on our new Amethyst Biomat™, and see our skilled and professional readers and healers.
digestive health specialist
2508 W Devon, Chicago 60659 773-274-5800 AryaBhavan.com Facebook.com/AryaBhavanChicago Arya Bhavan offers a menu of authentic vegan, raw, gluten-free and organic Indian dishes, prepared with healthy ingredients, no GMO or MSG, and a careful mix of Ayurvedic Indian spices with nutritional properties that benefit both mind and body. We help you “Eat Well, Feel Well, Think Well, Heal Well!”
mingle juice bar
Reneé S. Barasch, LDHS 480 Elm Place, Ste 108, Highland Park 60035 847-207-2034 • DigestiveHealthSolutions.com
1830 Tower Dr, Glenview 60026 847-834-0659 MingleJuiceBar.com Facebook.com/MingleJuiceBar
Digestive problems? Acid Reflux/ GERD, IBS, Crohn’s, colitis? Let us help you naturally achieve nutritional balance, feel better and enhance the quality of your life. Improve digestion while reducing discomfort and bloating so you can eat the foods you love again. Certified digestive health specialist/enzyme therapist. See ad on page 9.
Enjoy healthy, delicious, reasonably priced coldpressed juices, smoothies, nut milks, chia puddings, acai bowls, salads and gluten-free desserts at Mingle. Organic vegetarian soups, fair trade hot chocolate, tea and cider are also available to warm your insides when it’s cold outside. See ad on page 39.
essential oils
green real estate
Karen Duewel 847-772-0212 YoungLiving.org/KarenDuewel
Imagine the power of complete wellness in your hands. Try Young Living’s carefully crafted line of essential oils, natural supplements and products designed to support your balanced, healthy life. Call me about multivitamins, antioxidant support, agebased nutrition, weight management, joint &mobility, energy & stamina, healthy snacking and more. See ad on page 31.
Baird & Warner Green Broker 847-212-5214 Katie.Hauser@BairdWarner.com I understand that heating, cooling, energy efficiency and commuting distance are important to your home buying and remodeling decisions. As a NAR Green Broker, I’ll help you find the dream home that meets your sustainable lifestyle. Working together, we’ll locate the best resources to make green improvements and sustainable renovations.
natural natural awakenings awakenings
February February 2015 2015
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K. BOEHM, DDS, & Associates
healing arts MARIAN MCNAIR
Cellular Harmonies Sound & Vibrational Healing 847-234-0193 CellularHarmonies.com Experience how the soothing, peaceful tones of Marian’s voice and beautiful crystal bowls infuse vibrational healing of your body, mind, spirit. Contact Marian now for private and group sessions: wellness ceremonies, celebrations and Goddess Gatherings. It’s an extraordinary opportunity to recapture your sense of well-being in a loving, nurturing atmosphere.
1585 N Barrington Rd, Ste 106, Hoffman Estates 60069 847-884-1220 1440 Maple Ave, Ste 2A Lisle 60532 630-810-1280 KBoehmDDS.com
State-of-the-art holistic methods of dental care in a relaxed environment. Having extensive knowledge of the correlation between oral and overall health, Dr Boehm offers bio-friendly materials compatible with your body. Services include mercury-free fillings and crowns or bridges, safe mercury removal, fluoridefree office, electrodermal screening, homeopathy, cranial osteopathy, orthodontics and jaw orthopedics, laser treatment of gum disease and ozone therapy.
Dr. Yvette Collins
healthy relationships
122 S. Michigan Ave, Ste 1212, Chicago Across from the Art Institute 312-335-1441 TheAbsoluteSmile.com
ALLEGRA MAGRISSO, LCSW 2500 Ridge Ave, Ste 305, Evanston 60201 847-866-6515 AllegraMagrisso.com
The path to a more satisfying relationship begins with awareness that change is necessary for growth. Allegra brings 22 years of a mindfulness-based therapeutic practice supporting clients resolve relationship impasses and cultivate healing interactions. She works with couples, parents and children, intergenerational units and coworkers engage in honest communication.
Dr. Collins encompasses a holistic philosophy incorporating innovative approaches to patient care. Specializing in Oxygen/Ozone therapy that can enhance dental treatments, reduce toxicity and eliminate gum infection. Services include: non-invasive periodontal therapy, removal of metal fillings, nonmetal restorations, digital X-rays, Bio-Compatibility materials testing and lymph gland relaxation treatments.
HEALTHFUL ALTERNATIVES, P.C. Dr. Marianne W. Schaefer 4801 W Peterson Ave, Chicago 60646 773-777-8300 The-Toothfairy.com
holistic dentistry DR. ALLA AVER, DDS
1300 Waukegan Rd, Glenview 60025 847-998-5100 • GlenviewSmiles.com Stay healthy with a whole-body, preventative care approach. We use non-fluoridated ozonated water, periodontal herbal treatments, and gluten-free herbal paste. Restorative options include: safe amalgam removal, BPA-free fillings and sealants, non-metal crowns and bridges, sleep apnea and TMJ appliances, and non-acrylic night guards, partials and dentures. Our conservative approach includes: digital X-rays and intraoral camera, nonsurgical gum therapies including laser and ozone, and herbal irrigation. Material reactivity testing, saliva pH and microscopic plaque analysis are available. Our natural approach includes dental homeopathy, craniosacral therapy, and nutritional counseling. Dental discount plan available and PPO insurance plans accepted. See ad on page 16.
Your full concentration and participation will achieve the best dental care. Our patients feel their participation adds to their knowledge and reduces their stress. Years of experience have taught us that comfort comes first, and it will change the way you think about dentists. Visit Chicago’s most interactive dental website. See ad on page 27.
MIDWEST INTEGRATIVE DENTISTRY 11952 Oak Creek Pkwy, Huntley 60142 847-659-8500 • MidwestDentistry.com
Dr. Sukel is a holistic general dentist, cosmetically restoring teeth without mercury or fluoride. Our digital X-rays and CT cone beam provide 3-D views for detailed diagnosis of root canals, laser gum treatment, missing teeth, implants and dentures. Sleep appliances and TMJ treatments for head and neck pain are also available.
TAF G. PAULSON, D.D.S., P.C. 233 E Erie St, Ste 816, Chicago 60611 312-944-7444 ChicagoHolisticDentistry.com
We offer gentle holistic dentistry that supports vibrant well-being in a caring and peaceful environment. Our Conscious Care includes mercury-free fillings; non-surgical periodontal therapy; digital X-rays; safe, biocompatible materials; bacterial analysis using a microscope; dental homeopathy and nutritional counseling. We guide you to dental wellness thorough education. Free indoor parking. See ad on page 11.
Dr. Andie T. Pearson
Gaiamed Dental 929 Ridge Rd, Wilmette 847-977-1655 HolisticDentalChicago.com Holistic dentistry involves an awareness of care that relates to the entire person. Gaiamed is a full-service practice using the most biocompatible dental options. Our services range from nonsurgical gum care to mercury-and-PBA-free restorations, crowns, bridges, partial and full dentures, children's dentistry, braces, implants, dental homeopathy, and craniosacral therapy. See ad on page 5.
Dr. Bernice Teplitsky, D.D.S., P.C. 773-975-6666 WrigleyvilleDental.com Helping you reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease by using state-of-the-art technology, biocompatible, custom materials, practicing mercury-safe dentistry, and treating you like a partner in health.
holistic fitness BREAK4HEALTH
Chicago, Oak Park, Northbrook, Schaumburg 312-909-6343 Break4Health.com How much time are you spending a week exercising and not getting results? Technology now exists to train your muscles, nerves and bones effectively and naturally without spending hours at the gym. 10-20 minutes once a week can help you reverse osteoporosis, improve your balance and get stronger. Call and make an appointment today. See ad on page 13.
2115 N Damen, Chicago 60647 312-373-0727 ComfyFitness.com
Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it’s your responsibility to love it or change it. ~Chuck Palahniuk
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Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Disenchantment or intimidation of the classic gym setting keeps many from getting into shape. If this sounds like you, Comfy Fitness can help. Our trainers will guide and teach you how to reach your health and fitness goals while leaving you looking forward to your next workout. Call for a free fitness assessment today.
Ivan Narkevitch, LAc, LMT
holistic health practitioner Awakening Wellness Holistic Services
Laura (Savita) Jachim, CMT, CYT, CHT, Amrit Yoga/Yoga Nidra Facilitator 847-477-3069 • North Shore locations Awakening-Wellness.com Reshape your life, rebuild health, renew your attitude. Savita customizes session(s) to meet your personal intention and needs; utilizing holistic lifestyle coaching, therapeutic massage, energy work and yogic technologies to combat the negative effects of stress, to restore balance in body and mind and to awaken vitality from within.
4711 Golf Rd, Ste 525, Skokie 60076 847-495–2427 1875 Dempster St, Ste 180, Park Ridge 60068 847-825–0800 SanaMedica.us Bring relief to your body and mind from pain with the gentle, warm, welcoming & genuine touch of holistic health practitioner Ivan Narkevitch. Over 25 years of clinical experience and extensive postgraduate training in acupuncture, massage therapy, manual spinal decompression, spine & joints mobilization, homeopathy, bioresonance, anti-aging medicine, nutritional & herbal supplementation. See ad on page 7.
312-399-6040 Stephanie@StephanieTorba.com StephanieTorba.com • SeasonsCream.com
Are you ready to preserve your health and the health of your family? Do you already suffer from chronic health conditions? Karen will help you strengthen your immune system by teaching you how to reduce toxic chemicals in your personal environment and providing resources that reflect the best of science and nature.
Holistic nutritional therapist, licensed personal trainer and life coach. Solutions for weight loss, cardiovascular and digestive issues, sensitivities, disease prevention and management, muscular and bone health, sleep and hormone issues, individualized diets: vegetarian/ vegan and sports nutrition. Menu planning, cooking lessons and grocery store tours. Also works with children.
224-558-7646 YouMeToxicFree.com
FEEL GOOD AGAIN HEALTH Amy Andrews 847-361-6238 FeelGoodAgainHealth.com
Crossinology Brain Integration Technique Practitioner 2565 Shermer Rd, Northbrook 60062 312-342-3077 • Crossinology.com
Center for Holistic Medicine 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/Deerfield 60015 847-236-1101 Holistic-Medicine.com Dr. Gore is director, supervisor and staff physician. He obtained his MD from the University of Illinois School of Medicine and his post-graduate work at Northwestern Institute of Psychiatry. He has over 30 years of experience blending nutrition, supplements, homeopathy, psychotherapy and collaborating with other practitioners at the center to offer a truly holistic medicine practice. See ad on page 27.
IL Center for Progressive Medicine 1002 W Lake St, Chicago 60607 312-243-3338 • DrNick.net Dr. LeRoy has 20 years of experience in collaborating with his patients to determine why they are not well. He specializes in investigative work that includes a detailed discussion, examination and laboratory testing, then creates an integrative treatment plan that often includes diet and nutrition changes, acupuncture, chiropractic and other lifestyle modifications. Dr. LeRoy is best known for breast thermography, HPV treatment and GI problems. See ad on page 41.
holistic medicine
North Shore Health Solutions LTD 1446 Techny Rd, Northbrook 60062 847-715-9060 NorthShoreHealthSolutions.com
Dr. Kristen Bobik, DC
Amy is a health detective and hormone whisperer who uses evidencebased lab work to help people who suffer from overweight, fatigue, depression, hormonal and digestive issues. If your tests are “normal” but you don’t feel right, you can uncover the hidden causes, rebuild health and feel good again.
Dr. Jerry P. Gore, MD
2500 W Higgins, Ste 420, Hoffman Estates 847-310-0303 The BalanceDoc.com
Our wellness clinic averages only a 5-minute wait time before you’re getting natural, safe, and effective treatment with the Doctor. Dr. Kristen specializes in acupuncture, low-force chiropractic care and food intolerance testing, and uses unique diagnostic tests to uncover the real cause of your health concern. Located at the corner of Higgins and Barrington roads. See ad on page 33.
Dr. Kim Martin, DC, FASA, BCIM, CFMP, is a certified gluten-free practitioner in Northbrook. She specializes in “Solving the Mystery of Your Chronic Condition” using Functional Medicine, blood work, stool samples and saliva. Free 15-minute Neuropathy Check available February 2, 9, 16 and 23. Call 847-715-9060 for more details. See ad on page 19.
Mind Body Healing Center
Do you have ADHD, autism, or other specific learning difficulties? Are you under emotional stress or pain? Schedule a free consultation today to start on your path to feeling your absolute best. Shelby is trained in Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique, a revolutionary form of energy work which is drug-free, non-invasive, and a restorative approach to healing.
6137 N Elston Ave, Chicago 60646 773-631-5001 DrEuniceDeane.com Dr. Deane is a premier holistic chiropractic physician who offers total body solutions to chronic health and pain challenges. She treats all three sides of the triangle of health—structure, chemical and emotions— to resolve problems at the root cause. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and want to flip the switch from pain and chronic illness, Dr. Deane can help. Call for appointment. See ad on page 31.
77 W Washington, Ste 1704 Chicago 60602 312-285-5287 MindBodyHealingChicago.com We treat both the emotional and physical aspects of your health and specialize in depression, anxiety, digestive disorders and pain management. We provide diagnostic testing such as Biomeridian screening and apply natural interventions such as psychotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, nutrition, massage and energy work. Insurance accepted. Available evening and weekends.
We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it. ~John Lennon natural natural awakenings awakenings
February February 2015 2015
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NW ACADEMY OF HOMEOPATHY Twin Cities area in Minnesota 952-955-4117 HomeoVista.org
If you think healing should be safe and gentle, while treating the whole person, consider a career in Homeopathy. We have been training professional Classical Homeopaths since 1995 with convenient weekend classes in the Twin Cities area. Four-year accredited program includes classroom and clinical training with expert faculty.
holistic medicineayurveda Monica Yearwood
3807 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago 60618 773-697-3640 Info@HamsaCenter.com Monica Yearwood is an ayurvedic practitioner who empowers her clients with experiential practices. Her focus is digestive health, detoxification and lifestyle. Monica’s programs integrate diet, herbology and practices that cultivate awareness such as meditation and yoga. She runs programs out of her ayurvedic center, Hamsa Ayurveda & Yoga, in Chicago.
holistic physical rehabilitation LIFEWAVE INSTITUTE, LLC
Dr. Andrew Serlin, DC 3113 Dundee Rd, Northbrook 60062 224-723-5693 • LifeWaveInstitute.com Pro athletes heal quickly with aquatic therapy and so can you at one of the only facilities in Chicagoland with a warm water pool featuring an underwater treadmill. LifeWave Institute combines chiropractic, massage, aquatic and land-based rehab with practices of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Chi Kung and acupuncture to deliver comfortable and effective muscular and joint pain relief.
integrative medicine MARCO DE LA CRUZ, MD
Three locations: Lincoln Park, Roselle, McHenry 773-248-6200 • SelfHealthMD.com
820 AM Streaming live: ChicagosProgressiveTalk.com Chicago’s Progressive Talk is a whole lot more than just a radio station. It is a community of several hundred thousand people who are sustainably inclined, environmentally responsible, community conscious and socially engaged. Monday through Friday the program lineup features national show hosts who broadcast from various cities across America. From the very political, to the very serious, to almostover-the-line edgy, they talk about what matters to you. On the weekends, specialty shows cover home improvement, gardening, Chicago politics, and much more. Listen on the radio or tune in online at ChicagosProgressiveTalk.com. See ad on page 63.
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A Healing Soul, Ltd. NW Suburbs; 847-370-5181 FreeYourself2BeYourself.org
SelfHealthMD is your resource for comprehensive integrative, preventive and restorative medical services. Taking a mind, body and spirit approach to your health, we teach you self-health strategies and techniques you can use for optimal health. Services include: comprehensive evaluations, natural medicine treatments, BHRT, nutritional counseling, IV therapy. New patients receive a copy of Balancing Act: A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Optimal Health by Dr. De La Cruz.
For gentle yet powerful change, experience a rich resource of breathwork, energy work, hypnotherapy, Craniosacral Reiki, somatic expression, dream work, Past Life, Soul Retrieval, and compassionate reflections to heal your body, mind, subconscious, energy and spiritual selves. Many people say that they feel lighter and more whole. Call today for your appointment.
Silvia Panitch, MD, Medical Director 3344 N Ashland Ave, Chicago 60657 773-525-6595 LakeviewIntegrativeMedicine.com
Balance your spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical well-being, and get the tools to heal. We integrate Western medicine methods of functional and internal medicine with modalities including acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, nutrition, enzymes, amino acids, bio-identical hormones, homeopathy and neurotransmitters. Specializing in women’s health, weight control, pain management, gastrointestinal issues, adrenal fatigue and food allergies.
DR. CHERYL SCHWARTZ, DO Center for Holistic Medicine 240 Saunders Rd, Riverwoods/Deerfield 60015 847-236-1701 Holistic-Medicine.com
I specialize in Internal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. My goal is to help people in good health maintain their well-being, while assisting those with health problems to feel better and move to a more positive path. I manage general internal medicine issues as well as treat appropriate patients with Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, a hands-on method of healing. See ad on page 27.
integrative psychotherapy
Dr. Fatima Vilich, MD 2700 Patriot Blvd, Ste 250, Glenview 60026 847-919-8651 DrFatima@Vibrant-Health.info Vibrant-Health.info Finally get relief for chronic illness, pain and suffering, and stop getting treated just for your symptoms. One of only 200 doctors certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine, Dr. Vilich finds the root cause of disease and starts the healing process—relieving pain, decreasing inflammation, stabilizing hormones, improving energy and much more. See ad on page 29.
Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com Chicago www.NAChicagoNorth.com
Ellen Goode, CADC, CBT, ICST, CMT City & Suburbs • 312-504-4106 BodyBasedPsychotherapy.net
Want more from life? If you tried some other therapy or self help before and felt some deeper conflict was unseen or unresolved, it probably was. Mind/Body Therapy goes deeper and broader than other approaches. Helping clients with addictions, relational problems, abuse, personal and spiritual growth, etc. since 1988. Free initial consultation.
Clinical Director, Inner Balance Northbrook, Chicago, Palm Springs 847-224-0244 InnerBalanceNow.com Ellen’s 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist integrates a conscious approach to healing old patterns through a mix of trauma and mindfulness-based psychotherapies, HMR, Lifeline, The Work (Byron Katie), energy medicine and somatic awareness. Join Meetup.com “Inner Balance Meditation” for updates on her events, and visit her at EllenKatz.net.
Christina Samycia, PsyD 77 W Washington, Ste 1704, Chicago 60602 312-285-5287 MindBodyHealingChicago.com
Dr. Christina seeks to inspire individuals to discover their authentic selves and lead a more meaningful life. She works with individuals who are interested in personal and spiritual growth and utilizes existential, psychodynamic, spiritual, cognitivebehavioral and mind-body interventions such as neuro-emotional technique (NET) and hypnosis. She is also the author of Discovering Inner Peace.
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natural awakenings
February 2015
integrative soul coaching Peter Kime, MA
Center for Raydiant Life Fitness Evanston • 847-869-6477 RaydiantDay.com
319B Harrison St, Oak Park 708-434-5370 AwakenYourSpirit.Webs.com
Experience more joy, energy, inner knowing and direction. Creator of Raydiant Pathways, Peter Kime, uses Raydiant Touch and Ixion Raydiant Integrations to revitalize your core energy body and empower your Soul Light Intelligence. He partners with you to stop self-sabotaging behavior, step free of limiting beliefs, and create the life your heart yearns for. Free initial consultation. See ad on page 17.
Embrace your journey with a healthy balanced mind, body and spirit. Our humanistic and focused personal life coaching, therapeutic massage, reflexology, Reiki, craniosacral therapy and meditation restores the body’s synergy to nurture its self healing abilities. Life is a journey, let Awaken Your Spirit support yours.
massage therapy intuitive consultation MICHELE HEATHER
847-509-8289 MicheleHeather1@yahoo.com MicheleHeather1.com Do you feel stuck? Mentally blocked or can’t make a decision? Michele helps you identify and release issues keeping you from full expression of your Essences. Surround yourself by the love of your Guides to release issues for an awesome, humbling and life-transforming experience. Michele is also psychic and a Reiki Master Teacher.
lifelong learning & personal growth INFINITY FOUNDATION
1282 Old Skokie Rd, Highland Park 60035 847-831-8828 • InfinityFoundation.org Offering more than 200 Courses for Life in personal, professional and spiritual growth and development. Meditation Marathon, World Peace for Inner Peace, with chanting, relaxation, guided meditation, Feb 20. Workshop Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with bestselling writer Gregg Levoy, Feb 21. CEUs available. Reasonable practitioner and classroom rental. Call or email for a free course guide.
Holistic and Cultural Arts Center 1241 N Green St, McHenry 60050 Inside-Inspire.com Live near McHenry? Feel like a leaf without a tree? We’re your fun, relaxed, creative hangout just around the corner. Get a shiatsu massage, hear original musicians, find your tribe, tap into your inner healer. Plus, reasonable practitioner and classroom/event rental. Find your whole new world INSIDE. All ages. See ad on page 33.
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WOMEN’S MASSAGE THERAPY OF EVANSTON 636 Church St, Ste 505, Evanston 60201 312-607-3194 MassageAndDoula.com
Women’s Massage Therapy is a small, private practice that focuses entirely on women’s health and well-being. Many services are geared toward new moms, but all women are welcome for massage and Reiki sessions. Also offer birth doula services, placenta services and infant massage classes for new parents.
naturopathic consultation DR. ALLA ARUTCHEVA, MD, PhD, ND
Associate Professor, Rush University Med. School Antalee Wellness 1836 Glenview Rd, 2nd Fl, Glenview 60025 • 847-486-1130
When your body is in an imbalanced state your health is compromised. Dr. Alla Arutcheva’s Full Body Check Up is a non-invasive, highly reliable test that can provide you with a snapshot of your current state of health. She can also identify which supplements your body needs for optimal healing benefits.
naturopathic doctors
nutrition Eating with Ease
Charlotte Hammond, MS, RD, LDN, RYT 150 N Michigan, Ste 800, Chicago, 60601 312-547-9247, EatingWithEase.com Registered and Licensed Dietitian providing integrative nutritional counseling and Medical Nutrition Therapy for weight management, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, osteoporosis, special needs, bowel disorders, vegan/vegetarian diets, dietary transition, mindful eating, detoxification, safe supplementation and more. Also available for grocery store tours, cupboard clean-out, menu management and seminars.
organic mattresses & bedding NORTH SHORE BEDDING 984 Willow Rd, Ste H, Northbrook 60062 847-291-6770 NorthShoreBedding.com
We offer a safe and cost-effective alternative to conventional mattresses, in a low-pressure, relaxing sales environment. Full selection of all-natural and organic latex mattresses, pillows and accessories, including Natura, Savvy Rest, Suite Sleep and Sleeptek, plus USA-made Simmons Beautyrest. Locally owned and operated since 1983. See ad on page 43.
organic spa Solay Wellness / So WELL 4819 Main, Skokie 847-676-5571 SolayWellness.com
So Well is your unique destination for wellness in Skokie. Enjoy our Salt Relaxation Room, $15/session; Infrared Salt Sauna, $15/session or Heated Massage Beds, $15/session. While you’re here, discover over 300+ artisan crafted, organic and fair trade Salt crystal lamps, bath & beauty, healthy gourmet, natural home products and more to continue your wellness journey. To learn more, or order securely, call or visit website.
Wm. Thor Conner, ND, LMT Kristina Conner, ND MSOM 17W703-f Butterfield Rd, Oakbrook Terrace 60181 630-407-4379 TheHealingPowerOfNature.com
Naturopathic medicine uses a wide range of therapeutic modalities to address nearly any medical concern with the least invasive treatment. With roots in traditional wisdom and branches in modern science, we use a whole person focus featuring botanical, nutritional, homeopathic, physical and Chinese medical approaches which are highly effective and will often find answers that others miss. Call for a 15-minute consult to see how we can help you.
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preventive medicine DR. LYNNE BELSKY
Living Well MD 1535 Lake Cook Rd, Ste 306, Northbrook 60062 847-418-2030 LivingWellMD.com Care for body, mind, and spirit with personalized, integrative medical care. Concierge physician dedicated to helping you stay healthy, prevent disease, and feel your best. See ad on page 16.
reiki Richard Gans, MA, RMT
Certified Reiki Master Teacher 23922 Lake Cook Rd, Deer Park 60010 847-304-4315 Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Reiki is a gentle, safe, and non-invasive hands-on healing touch therapy that renews your vital energy and brings a deeply relaxing experience. Your first Reiki session is free. Reasonable rates. Call to schedule an appointment.
Janice Lodato, MA, RMT
Reiki Master of Masters 115 N Marion St, Ste 12 Oak Park 60301 ReikiHealingEnergy.net Reiki helps you to heal faster, sleep better, and live more calmly. I offer Reiki sessions and classes (1, 2, & Master) to bring balance to your being and help you live your best life. Call or email to schedule a session or class, 708-738-0438, ReikiHealingEnergy.net@gmail.com. Approved Provider, NCBTMB #451704-11.
solar - residential and commercial Solar Service
Lisa Albrecht, Renewable Energy Specialist 847-677-0950 SolarServiceInc.com Yes, solar works great in Chicago! We are the premier solar design and installation company in the Midwest with over 2,000 solar commercial and residential projects in the Chicago area. Solar is clean, smart and affordable. We specialize in practical solar solutions. Let us help you Harvest the Sun!
spiritual & life renewal THE EDGAR CAYCE HOLISTIC CENTER AND BOOKSTORE At Unity Northwest Church 259 E Central Rd, Des Plaines 60016 847-299-6535 AREChicagoCenter@gmail.com
Full-service bookstore, Cayce remedies, spiritual growth study groups, monthly programs, workshops and holistic fairs, intuitive skills development training, knowledgeable seekers, intuitives, healers and more. Call for hours. See ad on page 13.
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Enter our online contest at NAChicagoNorth.com/CHI/Contests
women’s fitness
spiritual boutique INTUITIVE RESOURCES 650 Meacham, Elk Grove 60007 847-508-5322
Intuitive Resources is a spiritual boutique conveniently located in the northwest suburbs. Our large selection of services includes Reiki, chakra therapy (cleansing and balancing), Tarot card and intuitive readings, past life regression, etc. Our shop offers a large variety of spiritual gifts to choose from: candles, crystals, books, jewelry, sage/incense and much more. Open Monday through Friday from 11am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am-6pm. See ad on page 23.
TASH Fitness
8816 N Bronx Ave Skokie 60077 847-379-5777 TashFitness.com Looking for a safe, inspiring, non-judgmental environment to help you attain a better quality of life? At Tash Fitness, “We Get It.” We fight the cravings every day and work on the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of our lifestyle changes, one change at a time. See ad on page 29.
sporting goods
Rev. Carol Saunders 375 Elm St, Deerfield 60015 847-337-3866 AbundantLifeUnity.org
610 Central Ave, Ste 169, Highland Park 60035 847-266-8323 ShopNewShoes.com Fitting you in the correct type of shoe for your activity, and in the proper size and width for your feet, is our number one objective. When shoes fit well and your feet are comfortable, your whole body feels better and you can perform at your optimum level throughout the entire day. Largest selection of New Balance footwear and apparel in the Chicago area, with extensive inventory of sizes and widths from 2A-6E. Friendly staff is experienced in helping to resolve or relieve many common foot ailments such as plantar fasciitis, bunions, morton’s neuroma, hammer toe, and arch pain. Locally owned and operated since 1995. See ad on page 15.
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We are a Unity spiritual community with practical and inspirational teachings that emphasize you as a divine creation. Our Sunday services are current, relevant and uplifting. We welcome everyone. Family friendly. Sunday Celebration Service with indie/pop/rock music by The Grateful Living 10:30am at the Patty Turner Center, in Deerfield.
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Join our vibrant healthy community. We welcome all fitness levels and ages to learn the benefits of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, including Women’s and Children’s Yoga. Our intention is to provide a safe haven for cultivating your spiritual practice and exploring your higher self in a fun and relaxed environment.
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BRINGING MORE THAN HOMEWORK HOME By Ryan Hogan It’s the time of year when we send our kids back to school from the holidays. Unfortunately, while schools are good places to learn they are great places to catch a disease. In fact, children’s Upper respiratory illnesses (URI’s) cause more doctor visits and missed school days than any other illness in the US. Luckily, there are a few things you can do at home to help reduce the chances of your child getting sick at school this year.
sanitizer before eating snacks, lunch and after using a shared computer mouse, pencil sharpener, water fountain or other community objects. Now, most people know we need to wash our hands, but one thing most people don’t really relate their health to is nasal hygiene. Using a saline spray with xylitol, such as Xlear Nasal Spray, is safe for all ages. Research has shown this natural sweetener is useful in preventing bacterial otitis media (ear infections), among other upper respiratory problems that are most likely to occur in fall and winter months. Additional xylitol studies have also shown a significant reduction in asthma attacks when a xylitol nasal spray is used on a daily basis. Xylitol affects nose and throat bacteria in two ways:
HOW? Before we talk prevention, we need to know how infection spreads. Many childhood illnesses are caused by viruses and bacteria that are transferred from person to person. URI’s increase in fall and winter as we spend more time crowded indoors. All it takes is one sick child, going to school for the spread to begin. Small droplets from a child’s cough or sneeze travel through the air and land on surfaces like desks, doorknobs and people. These germs are easily spread when someone touches the contaminated object and then proceeds to touch their eyes, nose or mouth. Children’s immune systems are less mature than those of adults, so they’re more vulnerable to these germs. Washing your hands and your nasal passages and also keeping their hands away from their nose, eyes and mouth are the most preventative habits to form at a young age.
Decreases the adherence of harmful bacteria on their surface cells.
Stimulates the body’s own natural defense system
Since the average American child has six to ten colds a year, using a xylitol nasal spray is a safe and effective way to promote better upper respiratory health, year round. FINAL HEALTHY TIPS In addition to frequent hand-washing, teach your child some other school health basics:
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Our best defense is to stop cold germs where they breed. Good hand-washing is the most effective way to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, handling trash and prior to touching food to help eliminate germs. Soap and water should be used for 20 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice). Using alcohol-based hand cleaners is also effective. Remind your child to use the
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
Give your child a package of tissues to keep in his or her desk.
Encourage your child not to share water bottles, food or other personal items.
Ask your child’s teacher to include hand-washing time before lunch or snacks.
Have your whole family practice nasal hygiene and the use of xylitol saline spray like Xlear.
Even with all of these tips, your kids are bound to come down with something over the course of the school year. We all get sick at some point or another, forming healthier habits and maintaining a positive attitude is all we can do as parents. For more information, please visit www.xlear.com.
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