2020-2021 UCA Annual Report

Page 14


The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences became

Recognizing that this year’s freshmen are next year’s

a new college on July 1, 2020 — with nine departments

sophomores, and acknowledging that rising sophomores will

and one school: Art & Design; English; Film, Theatre, and

need post-pandemic support in order to avoid the “sophomore

Creative Writing; Languages, Linguistics, Literatures, and

slump,” Housing & Residence Life and Learning Communities

Cultures; Music; Philosophy & Religion; Political Science;

partnered to create a new program: The Sophomore Year

Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology; and the School of

Experience (SYE) Living & Learning Community (L&LC). Roughly


200 SYE L&LC students live in Bear Hall beginning fall 2021.

“United: The Acorn Project,” a ceramic ground mural produced

Kristy Bentley, Stephanie Boger, Kimberly Burges, and Miranda

by 600+ community members, was on view at Alumni Circle

Kent, all graduate students in the Department of Teaching

and the rotunda at the Arkansas State Capitol.

and Learning, co-authored a paper titled, “Mind Brain and

The Donald W. Reynolds Performance Hall continued service

Education Dialogue: Elevating Practitioner Perspectives.” Faculty member Jason Trumble led the work, which appeared

to students and the community during the pandemic. It also

in the ArATE Online Journal.

offered its first sensory-friendly performance to children with disabilities.

SERVICE AWARDS The University of Central Arkansas honored several faculty members with Faculty Excellence Awards on August 19 at the 2020 Faculty Convocation. Due to COVID-19, the event took place via Zoom.

Public Service

Research, Scholarship, and

Teaching Excellence

Mary Ruth Marotte

Creative Activity

Donna Bowman

Department of English

Arijit Mukherjee

Schedler Honors College

Department of Biology

Diversity and Inclusive

External Funding Impact


Classified Employee


Tansel Halic

Employee of the Year

of the Year

Amy Hawkins

Department of

Billie Hill

Nancy Bond

Center for Teaching Excellence

Computer Science

Division of Outreach and

Department of Physical Therapy

Community Engagement

14 | 2020 - 2 1 AN N UA L R E PO R T

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