GOVERNING BODIES There are three governing bodies representing students, faculty
the university. The Student Government Association serves as a
and staff at the University of Central Arkansas. The Student
liaison between students and administration. The Faculty Senate
Government Association, Faculty Senate and Staff Senate each
represents the more than 550 faculty members at UCA, and the
work independently and together to support the campus. The
Staff Senate advocates for staff members.
Board of Trustees provides overall direction and management of
BOARD OF TRUSTEES The seven members of the University of Arkansas Board of
the board serves for seven years beginning on Jan. 15 and ending
Trustees are appointed by the governor and approved by the
Jan. 14 of the final year of the term. The board elects its chair,
Arkansas Senate. The members must be residents of Arkansas
vice chair and secretary from among its members, each serving a
and can be selected from any part of the state. Each member of
one-year term.
Mr. Joe Whisenhunt
Mr. Robert “Bunny”
Mr. Everette Cornell
Ms. Kay Hinkle
“E.C.” Maltbia
Dr. Terry Fiddler Vice Chair 2026
3 2 | 2020 - 21 AN N UA L R E PO R T
Mr. Curtis Barnett Secretary 2027
Ms. Amy Denton 2028