Capital Programme update SR21 Update GPA's Capital Programme secured c.£560 million in the Spending Review 21 (SR21) funding (£90 million Resource DEL and c.£470 million Capital DEL) to deliver 19 projects: 16 Government Hubs and three Whitehall Campus buildings. This portfolio will provide office accommodation for c.11,900* identified Places for Growth (PfG) roles and a further c.21,7000 spaces (including Whitehall) from local office consolidations. This is projected to generate £2.9 billion in cashable savings over 20 years. However, SR21 proved to be a difficult settlement given the very tight constraints on public finances and, as a result, a number of planned Government Hubs and Whitehall Campus projects were deferred into the next Spending Review for further consideration. Whilst this portfolio is smaller than initially proposed, Ministers strongly reaffirmed their commitment to the GPA Capital Programme, supporting investment and improving the quality and performance of the Government’s estate. GPA has begun developing delivery plans for these projects and supporting spend profiles. *Excludes Staff costs
London, Old Admiralty Building In April, Old Admiralty Building in London was our first Whitehall Campus project to go live. Its success was the culmination of GPA-wide collaboration to deliver the c.13,000 square metre hub during COVID-19.
Wolverhampton, i9 Wolverhampton, i9 delivered and completed in record time, providing a second headquarters in the North for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. The fourth floor was delivered in 12 weeks (by 25th October) from the issue of the initial design (stage three). And the ground floor was completed just two weeks later. We continue to receive very positive feedback on the standard and finish of the building.
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Croydon, 2 Ruskin Square Construction remains on schedule at Croydon, 2 Ruskin Square which will eventually accommodate c.5,000 FTE’s from the Home Office by late 2024. The Hub will account for 45% of the Imigration Service in the UK and will allow the Home Office to centralise from three existing buildings in Croydon.
Peterborough, Fletton Quays Construction remains on schedule at Peterborough, Fletton Quays with handover to GPA expected in February 2022. The final fit-out will complete before Defra and the HMPO begin to move in in early 2023. Fletton Quays will accommodate c.1,000 FTE’s across six stories on this regeneration site in the centre of Peterborough.
Clive Anderson Capital Projects Director, GPA Talk with Clive on email (Gmail users) Connect with Clive on LinkedIn Government Property Agency Website I LinkedIn I Twitter I Email