Fall lsdos 2015 newsletter

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Lone Star Dutch Oven Society

Fall 2015


Membership Meeting The 2015 Membership meeting was held in Canton, Texas on July 25th. The temperature outside was hot enough to bake bread without charcoal, but the Civic Center offered air conditioned comfort for the weekend activities. Check out all the details in the draft minutes of the meeting that are included at the end of this newsletter.

President Robin Clute, Prairie Dog Chapter Trustee Tina Morris, Collin County Dutch Ovens Secretary Stephanie Vickery, Sam Houston Chapter Second Vice President Joe Huber, Traveling Dutch Oven Cookers First Vice President Sue Alexander, Chisholm Trail Chaparrals (not shown in photo)

No More Summer Membership Meeting Thanks to a change made to the By Laws, the 2016 Membership meeting will be held in the cooler months of the fall and not in the middle of the heat of summer. Look for an announcement of the location coming soon.

Name Badges Look for an email with details on how to order a LSDOS name badge, coming soon. Food, Fun, and Fellowship

Members Enjoy the First Big DOG The first LSDOS 'Big DOG' was held April 16 - 19, 2015 at the Canton Civic Center and RV Park. Thirty eight members camped or used local motels for the weekend. We enjoyed two fun cooking competitions - one pot main dish for the adults and a dessert prepared by the youth. The City of Canton Chamber of Commerce provided the judges for both competitions. Robin Clute coordinated the competitions with a wide variety of wonderful prizes. Current LSDOS members enjoyed this free event and everyone received a bag of charcoal for attending and all enjoyed picking up a door prize. Seven new member joined during the gathering. There were four different demonstrations presented on Saturday. The weather was treacherous! Extremely high winds made everyone duck for cover Friday and Saturday night. Several brave folks in tents endured the brunt of the storm in the concrete restrooms or found refuge with friends. We lost count of the number of awnings and tents that were mangled by the high winds. Oh, the joy of outdoor cooking! Dennis Clute and his musician friends entertained with bluegrass music after dinner on Saturday but had to make it an early night because of the approaching storms. Despite the high winds - a good weekend was reported by all.


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