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2 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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December 2018
contents on the cover: New Shiloh Baptist Church 2100 N. Monroe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21217 www.newshilohbaptist.org 410-532-5306
Cover Story NEW SHILOH'S RENOVATION CELEBRATION BACKSTORY pgs 8-11 - Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr., Lady Monique Carter and the New Shiloh Baptist Church Family are celebrating their “Vision All In” renovation project to the main sanctuary of the New Shiloh Baptist Church. The renovation project began late this summer and after worshipping in their family life center for the last three months, on Sunday, November 25, 2018, the Carters and the New Shiloh Baptist Church Family marched into their newly renovated sanctuary for a celebratory worship service, which was followed by three days of revival services (Mon.-Wed.)
Bishop Shirley & Pastor Timothy Stanfill
Tiffany Bethea
Family, Fun, Fellowship
No is a Complete Sentence
Min. Carenda McCray
Tracey George
Revival is Coming
God’s Greatest Gift
4 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)
Handling Holiday Blues
Healthy Body
In Every Issue Contributors............................................ 6 Scripture Page........................................ 6 From the Editor....................................... 7
Charles & Ursula Harris
It Takes 21 Days to Get Fit
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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Dr. Carla J. Debnam Tiffany Bethea Min. Carenda McCray Tracey George Ruth Young Tyler Charles & Ursula Harris
GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne www.JandCDesigns.com WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period www.artsperiod.com
Grace & Glory Magazine By Mail!
For subscriptions go to our website: www.gracenglorymagazine.org For advertising information contact 443-813-6547; 410-370-2636 or info@gracenglorymagazine.org Grace & Glory Magazine is the ideal publication for all your advertising needs! Follow us on facebook at facebook.com/gracenglorymagazine and twitter @gracenglorymag Check out our website at: www.gracenglorymagazine.org
Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.
scripture 6
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Luke 2:7-14 7
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
6   December 2018 | Grace&Glory
From the
Merry Christmas!
It’s Christmas . . . a time of good cheer and holiday festivities, a time for singing carols and celebrating with family and friends. Twinkling lights, gaily wrapped presents, laughing children, jingling bells, fresh-cut pine . . . these are the sights and sounds of Christmas. As the world celebrates the holiday may the true meaning of Christmas never be lost. As believers the birth of Jesus is our reason for the season. The Son of God came to give us hope and peace to show us his Father’s love and compassion for everyone. “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel; which being interpreted is, God with us.” Matthew 1:23 Christmas is all about seeing Jesus in every tradition, every celebration, and every moment of the Christmas season. So we will not “spend” Christmas . . . nor “observe” Christmas. We will “keep” Christmas . . . may we keep it in our hearts that we may be kept in its hope. The Christmas season comes at the end of the year and you may have mixed emotions about this year coming to a close. This year has been challenging for many of us, to say the least. But I encourage you to still believe, “Don’t Stop Believing.” Don’t focus on the year gone by instead purpose in your mind to celebrate the season with your whole heart.
Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief
Instead of focusing on the challenges, the heartbreaks, the setbacks, purpose in your mind to make this your best Christmas ever! This Christmas look up into the Father’s face and tell Him you have received His Christmas gift . . . our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Eternal life and endless joy are parts of the gift. Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man. The best Christmas ever is not getting the perfect gift, it’s getting the true meaning of the season: the birth of Jesus! As believers we know Jesus is the reason for the season. This Christmas remember and celebrate the coming of our savior Jesus, the one who was chosen by God and sent with a purpose and destiny. This holiday season honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was born to save all mankind and was sent to give us a hope and a future. Jesus Christ came that we might have everlasting life for all those who will believe.
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11
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N ew Shiloh 's Renovation Celebration Backstory
It was a rainy Sunday morning when the New Shiloh Baptist Churchfamily gathered for its final service of worship on May 22nd, 1990, to Before march from the corner of Fremont Avenue and Lanvale Street, through the streets of West Baltimore, to its brand new, state-ofthe-art (originally) $11 million-dollar edifice on the corner of Monroe Street and Clifton Avenue, as led by the late Dr. Harold A. Carter. It had been almost five years in-themaking, but as Dr. Carter, his wife, the late Dr. Weptanomah Carter, members of the Carter family, along with over 2,000 members and friends came in order to hear what Dr. (Pastor) Carter’s closing words would be, as well as to pray a final prayer, miraculously the clouds dispersed, the rain ceased, and the sun broke through. It was time to march. In so many ways, across its 116-year history, New Shiloh has been recognized as not only a leading church in the city of Baltimore, but a creative and innovative church, as well. Many of the concepts and ministries that seem normal, if not taken for granted today, in the traditional African-American Baptist Church were initiated by New Shiloh, years ago. Among them would be the inclusion and
8 December December2018 2018||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 8
Pastor and Dr. Carter, along with Dr. Henry Baines and Dr. Daniel Carter lead the congregation back into the renovated sanctuary.
the active participation of the “First Lady” (laying the foundation for “team ministry”) in the work of the church, female leadership (eliminating deaconesses and calling both women and men, deacons), Sunday School on Saturdays; hence, the Saturday Church School, a local church calling the city to Christ by holding Evangelistic Crusades at the Baltimore Civic Center and Camden Yards, and the building of what’s been called, the first mega-church in Baltimore City. Fast forward 28 years and begin to think about how Architectural rendering things have rapidly changed, as well as the inevitability that time wears things down, unless given constant attention. For example, the audio system that was originally installed in the main sanctuary of the church was actually manufactured in 1988— two years prior to being used. At that time it was top shelf, inclusive of all the “bells & whistles” necessary in getting the Gospel out, as well as giving a symphony After
hall-like sound for the, then, Great Choir to be heard and the capabilities for recordings and broadcasts. Needless to say, within 10 years, most of the technology had already changed, as the digital revolution was afoot. As another 10 years passed, blown speakers, mics, and the original sound board were all replaced, at different times. Also, adding insult to injury, one of the main audio/sound companies that serviced the system went out of business. This information is shared because, quite frankly, the need for a totally new, top to bottom, 21st century sound system was the precipitous for the renovation which recently occurred. The growth of the church’s band also meant that wires and cables for guitars, keyboards, and the Hammond organ were usually visible (on the pulpit/stage). Before the church went wireless, mic cables were, also, a nuisance. All of the proceedings and then some simply gave a cluttered look in what was an incredibly beautiful sanctuary. Therefore, the desire was, not to redo the pulpit, altar and choir areas. The desire was to enhance them. At the end of 2017, the Official Board gave consent for such an enhancement/renovation project and at the beginning of the new year, the Vision All In Capital Campaign was rolled out. Vision All In is a two year (2018-2019) $1.5 million capital campaign to raise the funds for the renovation project. It is the typical pledge drive and then give concept. However, the church has built in several additional means to raise monies, as well; one of which is featured in this article. The first half of the year was generally spent securing pledges, along with convening a Capital Campaign Steering Committee. The goal of the committee was to determine at least one significant fund raiser, as a church-wide event and to do so before the end of 2019. It was this pastor’s desire and delight to name Dr. Robert and Mrs. Wanda Draper (both deacons) as Chairpersons of the committee. Little did any one expect that they would set the bar at sacrificially giving $200,000.00; half this year and half next
year. With the strength of pledges from the Diaconate, the Executive Board and the Steering Committee, we were ready to canvass the congregation, in May. On the 1st Sunday of July, our Loyalty Day, the church was called upon to begin, collectively, making good on respective pledges. In the meantime, an architect had been secured and initial bids/estimates for a general contractor and an audio/light company were tentatively selected. Also, we secured the expertise of one of our own members, Dea. Arthur Welch, to serve as our in-house Project Manager. Dea. Welch is a retired contractor and would prove to be invaluable. It’s worth noting that on the 4th Sunday in June, Dr. Matthew Thomas, leader of the Pentecostal Churches (over 600 in central India) prophesied during our Holy Communion service, as a part of his ministry, that every need would be met in a timely way and that $1.5 million was no big thing to God. With the aforementioned in mind, we believed God enough to have contracts received, signed, commence the demolition and move forward with the renovation. On Sunday, August 26, we moved to our second location—New Shiloh II—our Family Life Center, holding a special service and sealing off the main sanctuary until the project would be completed. For three months, as the work of renovation was taking place, our congregation remained strong, in spite of being in the Elizabeth Adams Banquet and Meeting Hall, which has the capacity for 600 seats. However, the general sense was that God was blessing us inasmuch as our services were cozier and more intimate. Twenty-two persons came to Christ, and our weekly giving remained steady. To be sure, God was with us. It was the Rev. Daniel Carter, who said in a prayer that he prayed during our first service in the Family Life Center, “Lord, we want to thank you that we have this space, (dubbed, New Shiloh II) to come to and worship in, and we didn’t have to find a place to lease or rent.” Such was a blessing, indeed. Pressure was really placed on the contractors to have the project completed in two months. Early on, however, about a month (Aug) Continued on page 10
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had really been lost because the main architect who’d been working with us left the company and we didn’t know about it for several weeks. Needless to say, no building project is exempt from unavoidables, change orders, and/or missed deadlines. However, our target date for completion was Friday, November 9th, believing that Sunday, November 25th would be our expected return. The idea was that the two-week interval would give us adequate and, in fact, necessary time to tweak, train, and trim. Ohhh, how those two weeks would prove to have been a wise plan. The good news was in spite of equipment delays, personnel delays, and what appeared to some as a frenzy and flurry of activity, as the 25th was approaching, all things—generally speaking—were ready, even as we had begun promoting our return, by faith. Needless to say, God is faithful. On Sunday, November 25th the “Renovation Celebration” began. And New Shiloh marched again…all the way from New Shiloh II, across the main lobby, and back into the main sanctuary. Amen. ◆◆◆
New Shiloh’s First Family’s Involvement It was the concept/ vision of Pastor Carter, Jr. to give the altar area a
10 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
clean, contemporary look, elevating the choir loft and making space for musicians and instruments. His concept also included having the elevation behind a paneled wall which would be inclusive of illuminated, stained glass crosses. The stage would allow for recessed kneeling/prayer benches (made by New Shiloh’s own, Dea. Andrew Whitley). His desire would be capped off by a centralized water feature. The hardwood flooring throughout the entire renovated area came via Dr. Monique Carter, along with the recommendation to retouch some of the patterns of the flooring layout, along with the desire to maintain an uncluttered look. Dr. Daniel Carter was a part of the total process and took a personal interest in seeing to the manufacturing and installation of the “Determined” logo light which shines in front of the Holy Communion Table. As for Mr. Timothy Carter?...Well, take a look. ◆◆◆
Renovation Celebration Praise Reports From 2 Workers After being on the job for about a week, Trionfo Builders’ onsite Project Manager, Jimmy Diffenbaugh couldn’t wait for Pastor Carter to show up, one weekday morning. As Pastor Carter came into the sanctuary, during the time of the original choir stand’s demolition, 54-year old Jimmy met him on the pulpit, or stage, saying, “There’s something special about this place.” Jimmy elaborated that his father had recently been diagnosed with cancer and needed to have his spleen removed. Jimmy had come to be aware that the church has an Early Morning Prayer Service, everyday (6:00 a.m.), about the time he’d been arriving for his workday. During those early morning hours, he seized those quiet moments to pray for his father, on the pulpit. The day prior, Jimmy had accompanied his father for a pre-op appointment, only to learn from the doctor(s) that his father would not need the surgery. He was told that the treatments that his father was given had worked. Jimmy’s response to the doctor(s) was, even as he shared with Pastor Carter, “That’s not it…that’s not it.”
Coming Soon, Darin Atwater & Soulful Symphony On Saturday, March 30th, at 6:00 p.m., New Shiloh’s “VISION ALL IN” Capital Campaign Steering Committee will present the one and only Darin Atwater and Soulful Symphony at the Murphy Fine Arts Center, on the campus of Morgan State University. This concert is a benefit for the renovation project. We cannot begin to convey our enthusiasm in being able to bring Darin back to Morgan and the city of Baltimore. Many, of course, know that he is a protégé of the late Dr. Nathan M. Carter, whose bronze bust is displayed in the atrium of the center. Darin will be joined by 24 singers and a 64-piece orchestra, making for a truly exciting, fulfilling, and uplifting evening. Tickets will be available via Ticketmaster, MSU’s box office and New Shiloh Baptist Church.
Jimmy shares his testimony with New Shiloh
The last week of renovation was Thanksgiving Day week, and the sound and light workers from AE Global Media were busy putting finishing touches on theatrical lighting and testing the sound system. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, Pastor Carter received a call from Donnie Haulk, the boss from AE, about one of his workers. “Pastor,” said Donnie, “I know you think I’m calling about another issue relating to completing the church’s project, but here’s why I’m really calling. I want to know, what have you done to Patrick?” “Huh,” Pastor replied, Isn’t today his last day? He told me that he would be leaving and returning to Charlotte.” “That’s correct,” said Donnie, “but he just called me and said that he wants to stay, along with Ken (another AE worker) through Thanksgiving Day and be on-hand Sunday for the church’s first service, back in the sanctuary.” “Pastor, this is not like Patrick. You see, Patrick is one of our nation’s top riggers. He was the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus’ top man until they closed the circus down. I was able to hire him for AE. What you don’t know is that he’s anti-church. Whatever’s going on there, keep doing it." ◆◆◆ Photo credits: David Johnson (cover) and Lee Anthony Gibbs
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12 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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14 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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to your good health
16 December 2018 | Grace&Glory 16 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
Dealing with uncomfortable emotions is challenging for everyone. During the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years it can be even more difficult. The holidays are usually a time for families and friends to gather for focused quality time. People travel to connect with their loved ones and hope to experience emotional encouragement. Churches, jobs, friends and organizations host activities for everyone to bond and have fun times as well. But for some persons the holidays can be a reminder of who is no longer with us and of what we desire to have in our lives but cannot due to family dysfunction, physical distance or the lack of meaningful relationships. The festivities, financial demands and family problems along with the changes in the seasons that can be a trigger for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) contributes to feelings of anxiety, sadness or irritability. This also leaves some persons feeling lonely, disconnected, depressed and even angry. These emotions are a normal part of what can be called the holiday blues. The holiday blues is real and can sneak up on persons as they face the challenges of dwindling resources, fake friendships and pressure to be joyful when inside they are feeling stressed. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and rescues those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). God is there to give us the support we need when we are at our lowest. Feeling down, annoyed or worried does not mean God has deserted you in fact that is when he is closest to you and me. The way to handle your holiday blues is to face it and then take steps to work through it know that there is a time for everything. One way to get through the holidays is making sure you connect with those who are in your circle. They may not be family or close friends but those in your church small group, book club or a gym buddy will do. Reach out to get the connection you desire but may not be able to have with loved ones at this time. When going through holiday blues try to stay active by participating in sports, walking, yoga or Zumba classes. Physical activity increases your endorphins and promotes feelings of happiness. Other ways to overcome the blues is to take a social media fast in order to refrain from comparisons of your life with the lives of those you may follow. Remember people sometimes only post what they want you to see not how their life may really be. Finally, handling the holiday blues is best faced with the awareness that the season is about celebrating the gift of Jesus and giving praise and thanksgiving for the gift of eternal life. Focusing on the King of Kings instead of the trappings of the culture can be the best Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, solution to the holiday blues. Renaissance Christian Counseling Center
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the living legacy foundation of maryland
“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” Proverbs 18:16 NIV
Give the ultimate gift this holiday season. The gift of life. Visit www.donatelifemaryland.org to register as an organ, eye, and tissue donor today. 18 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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keep the fire burning
Family, Fun and Fellowship by Bishop Shirley and Pastor Tim Stanfill
People are more important than things. In our always on and technologically connected society it’s so easy to get disconnected from the realities of life, our true feelings, and treating others humanely. As the holiday season is upon us, which is a common time of the year for families to spend together - the sad reality is during this time of the year, many people carry feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed for any number of reasons. So, in today’s feature of Keep The Fire Burning we’re going to talk about how to get realigned, reset and spark a new light with family, fun and fellowship this holiday season and beyond. RESET Let Go and Let God. People often say it but seldom do it. During our most difficult times, we cannot and must not focus on where we are physically in the moment, but instead we must look to where we are spiritually [John 14:2-3]. When we feel conflicted, overwhelmed or full of anxiety we must be strong and shift our infinite energy from wherever it is to the Kingdom of God. It is our awareness and capacity to be able to do this that will help you cope and heal when situations and experiences don’t work out as you had hoped, expected or imagined. If you cannot be with your loved ones physically or they cannot be with you, know that you are with them spiritually and open your heart, so they can be with you. REALIGN During this holiday season get out of your house and serve. You can serve alone, with family, co-workers and/or friends. Our family will spend time working in soup kitchens and helping and praying for the homeless. However, there are many organizations that can use your support - volunteer to read to children who are in the hospital, send care baskets to those who are currently serving overseas, or spend time with an elderly person who lives alone. Not sure what you can do? Ask your friends, co-workers or your Pastor or Bishop. SPARK Feel like the flame is burning out or burning on both ends? Slow Down, Pray and Give Thanks. It’s a beautiful time to be alive. If you are not at a place in your life where you want to be, give thanks that you have the awareness to know this and pray for the strength to push forward until you get there. As for today, you are here, and your family is wherever you are. Your family can be any individual or group of people you are spending time with. Just as you are sharing time Watch The Tim and Shirley Show with others brings you joy, know that you are also bringing joy to them. Don’t be afraid to share your light and love wherever you go on Facebook, Tuesdays at 8 PM [Romans 15:13]. www.facebook.com/TimShirleyshow Please email your questions on Marriage & Relationships to Tim & Shirley at TimShirleyShow@gmail.com 20 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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Assisting older adults and their families
Pastors &
Church Leadership
Are your members in need of help? Hosea 4:6 NKJV – My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
We may be able to help older adult members and their families: • save $109 a month on Medicare B • obtain assistance in covering the legal and service costs of retitling the deed to the home where you reside • locate funds to help pay for prescription drugs • receive needed rest for caregivers (St. Ann Adult Day Services) • receive information and education about Alzheimer's • receive education and assistance for caregivers
• complete HUD applications for senior housing • be screened for renters' and/or homeowners' tax credit • receive nutritious meals through Meals on Wheels or volunteer (for home-bound individuals) • learn about hearing device assistance or new Medicaid funding for one hearing aid • receive home modification assistance
CALL Catholic Charities to arrange a date and time for your church to host an event at
667-600-2100 or afa@cc-md.org
100 houses of worship will be asked to host this FREE outreach at their sites. This pilot concentrates on West Baltimore and Cherry Hill. Refreshments will be served.
Inspired by the Gospel mandates to love, serve and teach, Catholic Charities provides care and services to improve the lives of Marylanders in need.
22 December 2018 | Grace&Glory
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woman’s perspective
NO Is a
Complete Sentence Can you believe that it is already December my sister? I can’t. 2018 is coming to a close and we are fully immersed in the holiday season. I don’t know about you but I absolutely love the holiday season! I love spending time with family. I love the delicious food. I love the ability to reflect on what I am grateful for and how much love I am surrounded by. However, I must admit that the holidays can also be a stressful time for many with the demands of putting together holiday celebrations and buying gifts. This can be especially true for women who often shoulder the responsibility of planning and preparing family gatherings. So, I thought this an appropriate time for us all to be reminded that ‘No’ is a complete sentence. In our attempt to be there for our loved ones it is too easy as wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, cousins, etc., to forget to be there for ourselves. I can’t tell you how many times I have prepared a meal for my family and then later realized that I didn’t eat. Has this happened to you? In the midst of ripping and running we are often the last ones on our own list of people to be cared for and shown love. But I want to encourage you not to be overwhelmed. As a daughter of the king, peace and joy are your inheritance. “Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 ASV. Don’t live below your means and accept anxiety and stress as your own. What is the easiest way to live in peace even during the holiday season? Being honest with yourself about what you have the capacity to get done is a huge first step. 24 24 December December2018 2018||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
Many times, we take on too many responsibilities and are not real with ourselves regarding what we can actually handle. But I want you to practice with me for a moment. I want you to say, “NO”. Did you say it? How did that feel? You’re still alive, right? The world didn’t collapse. See you have the ability to say no. Saying no where appropriate is a self-preservation skill that is critical. God has called us to serve and love others but we can only serve from what we have. If we are empty and exhausted, what do we have to serve others? We must say no in some instances so that we truly have a YES when it is important. And guess what? No is a complete sentence! Don’t feel the need to owe an explanation when it is time for you to preserve. A simple NO will suffice. Now I recognize that for my people pleasers this will be hard however I want you to remember that you are just as special as the people you love and care for and you deserve that same care that you give others. The stronger, happier, and healthier you are the more everyone you love benefits. So, before you can give an automatic yes, I encourage you to first take inventory and make sure your yes won’t cost too much. Otherwise Tiffany Bethea you know what you need to say She-EO Life Mentor right? NO.
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Lady C Speaks
26 December December 2018 | Grace&Glory 26 2018 | Grace&Glory
Happy Holidays! As you read this message of HOPE, I pray that you are ready for Revival in your life before this year comes to an end. Just take a moment and lay hands on yourself and say, “Lord, send the revival.” The Lord knows where you are weak. He knows what you are worried about. He knows what you are stressed about, but I believe that before this year ends, revival is coming to you and your household. Can you feel the fire? Can you think about your passion being renewed towards God, your God? Despite all the hustle and bustle that we engage in every day, it is time to lay prostrate before the Lord and cry out before him with your whole Min. Carenda D. McCray heart and don’t move until you have received visitation. (Lady C) Some of you are weeping and even your children are weeping for the grief and pain I would love to hear from you! that some of us have endured- but take www.farenterprises.biz strength. Our savior draws nigh! Revival is info@farenterprsies.biz 888-473-2221 coming and so is your refreshing! Facebook (far enterprises, caranda mccray) 2018 is wrapping up, but God! Regardless Twitter @cdpgem of what you have experienced this year Text Lady C to 22828 for your weekly thus far, I truly believe that God will encouraging word breathe afresh in your life, your heart and your destiny. The Lord made it very clear to me a few weeks ago the specific purpose for FAR and for my life. He said, “FAR is a ministry of healing.” I am confident that wherever the Lord sends me, by His grace, women will be healed nationwide from the inside out. Whatever has been lingering, unsettled and unbalanced, the Lord will settle for you! You must finish this year well. You must finish this year strong. Revival is not coming to give you an emotional high. Revival is not coming for you to have a temporary commitment. Revival is coming to restore you so that your character will keep you in your days to come. Revival is coming so that you will not give up when challenged. Revival is coming so that you will not lose HOPE. Revival is coming so that you can embrace your new platform with grace and not force. When Revival comes, and it is coming, take the time to PLAN! Too many of us are shouting but we have no God given strategy! When true revival comes, it’s really a time of rebirth and redevelopment. Remember, revival will have no effect if you want to put old wine into new wine skins. (Mark 2:22) And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” 22
One thing we cannot afford is unbalanced elevation. Therefore, as you begin to praise and worship God. As you begin to stir up the gifts inside of you, healing and settlement will be your portion in Jesus Name! Why is God sending the revival? Because we cannot faint, fail or forfeit. We have come too far! I want to ask you to do something, give God permission to reveal more of Himself to you. Don’t look to the left or the right, don’t even say anything to your neighbor, but keep your eyes on the Lord. Where is your altar in your home? Run, get to that safe place in Christ and go with a spirit of jubilee. His presence, His power, and great grace will cover and envelope you in this hour. Take Cheer…Revival is coming!
Happy Holidays!
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Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!
Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers
3215 W. Belvedere Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21215 • 410.419.8841 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance)
Wish you a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Pastor and members
28 December December2018 2018| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 28
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trinkets to triumph
God’s Greatest Gift
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The time set aside to celebrate the birth of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. The body of Christ celebrates the Savior daily but during the Christmas season takes advantage of celebrating His birth, the greatest gift from God. An exciting part of this season is exchanging gifts. Gift giving is a way to show your love, appreciation and adoration for the recipient of your gift. Throughout the scripture you find numerous instances where someone received a gift. In the Old Testament, gifts accompanied Abraham’s servant when he went on a mission to find a wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:53), Isaac sent gifts ahead of his visit to meet his brother Ishmael to soften his heart before their meeting (Genesis 32:20), and Joseph received gifts from his brothers when they came to Egypt to buy grain during the famine (Genesis 43:25). Fast forwarding to the New Testament, scripture records the wise men bringing gifts to baby Jesus (Matthew 2:11), believers were given the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8) and God through Jesus giving spiritual gifts to His children (Ephesians 4:11). Everyone loves to receive gifts and during the Christmas season many gifts are exchanged between family, friends and loved ones. Picking the perfect present takes time if you want the recipient to truly enjoy the gift you gave. If you were to take a moment and reflect on the gifts you received over the years, you will recall some that were memorable gifts, some you may still possess and some that you are still waiting to manifest. One of the best gifts to receive is the gift of eternal life. Carnal gifts break, fade, stop working, etc. but a gift from God, like salvation, lasts beyond a lifetime. This gift of salvation through Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. This is God’s greatest gift. God gives the greatest gifts. Prophecy promised and fulfilled that a savior would be born and that He would be called Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23). God’s presence in your life is the best present you can ever receive. The wise men were aware of what this King would represent to the world, so they wanted to find Him and honor Him. They went out in search for the Savior and upon locating Him, presented baby Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). These treasures tell of His three-dimensional (divine, deity and destiny) and deep meaning of who He is and what He is to you. The gold gift presented was for His divine being. It is a reminder to you that you are part of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation (I Peter 2:9). The frankincense speaks to His deity and a reminder to you that you are the seed of Abraham and heir to the promise (Galatians 3:29). The spice of myrrh reminds you of His death, burial and resurrection and the plan He has for your destiny to prosper you, not to harm you and to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). God gives the greatest gifts. Not only did He give His son as Savior of the world, He also gave the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). He didn’t stop there. He gave you the gift of the Holy Spirit to abide in you and help you
activate and aid you in using your spiritual gifts He blessed you with. Every believer falls under the realm of one of the five-fold gifts God gifted His people with of either an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12). There is no better bliss than to see the appreciation of the gift you gave someone. God would be so pleased if you used your spiritual gift during this Christmas season to be a blessing to someone. Here are some examples: if you are an apostle, find someone to mentor to show them how to set order and share some of your leadership techniques. If you are a prophet, find someone to speak life into and give them an encouraging word from the Lord. If you are an evangelist, make it a point to share the Gospel each time you are shopping for gifts. If you are a pastor, pick a family to say an extra prayer for during this holiday season. Lastly, if you are a teacher, share your technique of studying the Bible with a fellow congregant. There is nothing worse than giving someone a gift and you find out that the receiver never uses it, re-gifted it or takes it back to the store to exchange it. Imagine how God would feel if you didn’t utilize the gifts He has blessed you with. Not only do you disappoint God, it is also a disservice to yourself and others. There is no greater feeling than to give a gift and to receive one back. God gives you a gift and you give it back by honoring Him by using it, putting it on display and sharing it with others. You do this by using the spiritual gifts you were blessed with. God gets great pleasure when you use your gifts, bless others with your gift and give Him the glory for His generosity. God gives the greatest gifts. Jesus is the greatest gift to receive and His presence is your life is the best present you can ever receive. God wants to give you a gift. He gives good gifts to those who ask Him (Matthew 7:11). What’s on your Christmas gift list? Whatever your answer is, God can give it to you. A good way to receive a gift is to give what you desire to someone else. Make an extra effort this Christmas to give a gift that you love and that you know the receiver will love, cherish and appreciate. The most cherished gifts are experiences more than objects. A tangible gift can disappear, become damaged or destroyed but a memorable moment will be forever in your mind and the mind of the recipient. God gives the greatest gifts. If you were to examine the gift receipt that accompanies a purchase, you will notice that there isn’t a price listed. The same is true with the gift of your salvation. You will never truly know that price that was paid for the gift of your salvation. Hold tight nd cherish this priceless gift. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Tracey Nicole George
30 December 2018 | Grace&Glory 30
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32 December 2018 | Grace&Glory