Grace & Glory August 2017

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scripture page

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 3

Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, 11 trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things. 10

2   August 2017 | Grace&Glory  3

August 2017

contents on the cover: Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. New Shiloh Baptist Church 2100 N. Monroe Street Baltimore, MD 21217 410-523-5306

Special Feature pgs 8-11 - The New Shiloh Baptist Church is hosting their Annual Summer-Ending Revival in the month of August along with their Back-to-School Crusade. Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr., pastor of the New Shiloh Baptist Church shares with us the history of the Annual Summer-Ending Revival and a look back into past year’s revivals.

Feature Articles 20 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Tiffany Bethea


Tyneice Pack

Dr. Charles Barrett

Healing to Love Again

Lest We Forget: The Tragedy of Moving On Too Quickly

Stay Hydrated


Herline A. Knights, RD, LD

Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen

4   August 2017 | Grace&Glory


Healthy Body


Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)

Fight On

In Every Issue Scripture Page........................................ 2 Contributors............................................ 6


From the Editor....................................... 7


Ericka Johnson  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Donna Royalty Ross Ericka Johnson Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Dr. Charles Barrett Tyniece Pack

GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Bishop Frank M. Reid, Jr. AME Church Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

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from the editor from the editor you always, so give Him your undivided attention through prayer each and every day!

Faith and Education The month of August usually signals the downslide of summer and many will be preparing for the return back to school, particularly our college students. The freshmen are about to embark on the next journey of their lives. While this is an exciting time it can also be a little uneasy for many students who for the first time will be living away from the security of home. This is a good opportunity for parents to remind their college student that God will be with them every step of the way. I want to share with our new college students part of an article I read, taken from (What Christians Want to Know).

How To Be A Faithful Christian While In College – by Derek Hill

College is a time of life that unfortunately changes many men and women. Kids out of high school get excited about being out of mom and dad’s house, and going to live away in a dorm to finally be free. They anticipate new friendships and activities, and may even have good intentions of staying faithful to God. However, if they don’t surround themselves with Christian friends, many stray away from their faith. How can students be faithful to God while in college? The main point is simple. Keep doing the things that have made you stronger in the Lord each day. What things? Be Intentional With The Word Only true knowledge and wisdom is found in the Bible. College students get bombarded with many things that contradict the Bible while in class. It is a must that they return to real truth, the Bible, daily. In John 17:17 Jesus says, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth.” When we are reading the Bible we receive truth and are sanctified. Sanctified is defined as “to set apart to a sacred purpose” in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Holding fast to God’s Word keeps us set apart because when we saturate our minds with God’s Word, we naturally will want to follow it because we have made it a priority in our lives. Not only does the Word do this, but it also gives us ammunition

against the schemes of Satan. When you read about Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, you will find that every single time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus fired Scripture right back at him. Ephesians 6:17b describes the Word as a weapon, “And the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” Meditating on the Word will keep any college Christian on the right track. “For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Keep A Daily Prayer Life It is so important that students make time every single day to pray to God. I don’t mean a quick prayer while driving to class. I mean a time set aside where they are alone in their room with no distractions. When you are spending time with Him in prayer you are telling God, “I love You! I need to hear Your voice.” Prayer also keeps us “others minded”. If we aren’t making time for God, we naturally gravitate to pleasing our own desires. However, God speaks to us in prayer. He puts people in our minds to pray for. Parents, pray for your children in college. Students, pray for your unbelieving friends, that they may find true joy in the Lord. For your Christian friends at school, think like this: “I thank God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy.” (Philippians 1:3-4) Prayer will bring a refreshing sensation over you, even in the darkest times of school. God is seeking

Make Christian Friends God made us a family for a reason. Find some brothers and sisters in Christ that can hold you accountable. Get involved in a Bible study and enjoy some deep conversations about the Bible. Spend time with your friends and really get to know them. Pray with them and for them. Serve with them. Jesus promised that He is with us when we agree together and ask together in His name. “Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.” (Matthew 18:19-20) You will remain faithful when you remain friends with Christian brothers and sisters. College can be a tough time to stay faithful, but if you are intentional, you will do just fine. Make time to read your Bible. Make time for prayer. Make time to serve others. Make time to sing praises to God. Spend time with fellow Christians. All of these things will help you stay the course and finish the race well! ♦♦♦ My message to our new college students: “Live your life in pursuit of the dream God put inside of you- a dream only you can pursue and only you can fulfill. Today is the day to rise up and claim the promises of God. You must hear God’s voice until it becomes louder than any other voice in your life. You are engineered by God to be a success. God’s Word gives birth to your destiny. You are more than what you see in the mirror. You are a Designer’s Original . . . created for a purpose. God is in you to produce excellence. God designed you perfectly for the assignment on your life. Never forget that you are where you are today because God has kept you and sustained you. You can do what God says you can do, you can have what God says you can have. Our God is limitless!” Love you . . .

Jackie Epps

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief 7  7

Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. New Shiloh Baptist Church Baltimore, Md

For more than 50 years, the New Shiloh Baptist Church has called its congregation, community, and city to revival. There is nothing new about a local church doing so, but what has made New Shiloh’s revival different is that for almost 40 of the years, New Shiloh’s pastor, the late Dr. Harold A. Carter, served as the revivalist, and the revival took place at the end of the Summer season. Typically, churches send for a revivalist, and typically churches have had a Fall revival and/or a Spring revival. Summer is seen as vacation season. In fact, historically, many pastors would take the entire month off. Only in the south, can be found Summer revivals, which traditionally have been connected to Homecoming Sundays and such took place during the months of July or early August; not at the end. For the record, when the late Dr. Carter began to serve as pastor, in 1965, New Shiloh had two revivals: one in the Fall and one in the Spring (usually around Easter/Resurrection Day). It was the 8   August 2017 | Grace&Glory

latter that would, after about 5 years, become the impetus for the SummerEnding Revival, shifting from March or April to August. There were a number of significant reasons that have proven to be invaluable, for New Shiloh, over the years for having a Summer-Ending Revival. The following are some of them: • The Summer-Ending Revival meant that pastor and people had to stay, or become, charged up for the Summer. During a time that was viewed as “down time” or

The late Dr. Carter ministering.

from the pastor's desk vacation season, New Shiloh was called to “gear up.” • The Summer-Ending Revival led to instituting what New Shiloh knows as Loyalty Day. Loyalty Day is observed on the 1st Sunday in July and serves as a call and reminder to the members to remain committed to the church; hence, loyal, throughout the Summer, in attendance and giving. In fact, members are called upon to give a $100.00 sacrificial offering, over and above one’s tithe or offering, as a measure of their commitment. • The Summer-Ending Revival means that the church is called to a deeper level of prayer in preparation for the revival. The sense is that revival just doesn’t happen because it’s scheduled. It happens as a result of prayer, fasting, and seeking God for renewal. • The Summer-Ending Revival, for many became, and has become, a time for a spiritual vacation. In fact, over the years, there have been those who have intentionally taken their vacations, and time off from work, in order to fully devote themselves to the week of services. • The Summer-Ending Revival has been, and is a means for the Music Ministry of the church to be re-energized. In fact, this is how New Shiloh has formed such choirs, over the years, as the Revival Choir, the Crusade Choir, and even the Great Choir (albeit, the latter, much more resulting from City-Wide Crusades, as well as coming into the new church edifice, in 1990). • And, the Summer-Ending Revival served as a means of/for Church-Wide evangelism. Generally speaking, there’s been no Revival Committee, as such. The members of the church are called upon to promote the revival, distributing fliers, placards, and inviting others via word of mouth. It cannot be emphasized and appreciated enough that the effectiveness and “success” of the New Shiloh’s Summer-Ending Revival was built on the preachment of the pastor. Again, such was simply not the practice in most churches. Churches

invited an outside pastor/preacher to come in and prayerfully share suitable messages that would edify the congregation, as well as call sinners to repentance. In fact, any number of pastors/ preachers became known nationally, over the past 50 years, because of their revival preaching, like the late Drs. Caesar Clark, E.V. Hill, Manuel Scott and Bishop G. E. Patterson. People New Shiloh Baptist Church SUMMER-ENDING REVIVAL CRUSADE would come from near Sunday, August 25 – Thursday, August 29 POWER and far to the churches PREACHEDWORD where these men would be preaching. Dr. Clark’s impact, who pastored in Dallas, TX, for example, on the revival he conducted in the city of Philadelphia, for more than 20 2013 years, at the Vine Street Memorial Baptist Church went from 5 nights, to a week, and ended up being a 2-week revival, with him preaching every day, twice on Sundays and excluding the Saturday, with every service packed. 2100 North Monroe Street • Harold A. Carter Way • Baltimore, Maryland 21217



Celebrating the preaching ministry of the late Dr. Harold A. Carter

Bishop Rudolph McKissick, Jr.

Dr. A. C. D. Vaughn

SUNDAY • 8:30 & 11 AM

Bishop Walter S. Thomas MONDAY • 7 PM

Dr. Charles E. Booth


We Need a Word From the Lord, Come and Receive Yours! Glorious Worship Spirited Singing Fervent Praying Anointed Preaching

Dr. Joe Ratliff


Dr. Frank M. Reid, III THURSDAY • 7 PM


Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr., Pastor 410-523-5306 •

“A C hurCh D etermineD t o L ive W ith C hrist ”

The anointing that was on the late Dr. Carter was such that he not only preached the 3 services on the 4th Sunday, in August, which included the evening’s Holy Communion service, but 2014 he would subsequently preach for the next 5 nights, Monday through Friday. When it’s thought about, who better to preach the Word of God to a congregation seeking revival, than one who already knows the congregation? Furthermore—and this is the real amazing thing—he, also, led the worship. Continued on page 10  99

Q&A from the pastor's desk Continued from page 9

He was not only the church’s own revivalist, but he served as the church’s worship leader, as well. And, by worship leader, I don’t mean that he was just saying, “And next we will have….” He was leading the congregation, ushering us into the Presence of God. Such was simply unheard of. Yet, it was done and done so with strength and, even, awe. It’s no wonder that some of his “sons” in ministry referred to him as “the 8th Wonder of the World.” 2015 It must, also, be noted that his preachments for the revival were not repeated messages. They were prayed up and fresh. In fact, he usually preached around a theme. Most would agree that his most notable themes were the revival on the theme of “Love,” and the revival on the theme, “Just Jesus.” I was called to serve as pastor with Dr. Carter, my father, in 1996. You cannot imagine my utter reluctance, having grown up attending Summer-Ending Revivals, as well as recording most of them for reproduction, when 2016 he asked me to join him in preaching for the revival. To me, that was “his thing” and “his baby.” However, I was always open to his leading, and I acquiesced, believing that 10   August 2017 | Grace&Glory

through prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit, I would prove to be of some help. By God’s grace, together we alternated nights for 16 of the 17 years that we served together in mutual pastoral ministry. Yes, we did themes, even one year using the church’s stained glass windows as the basis for our messages, but we also preached as we feltso-led. I would always defer to him to be the one to bring the climatic Friday night message. No greater compliment could he have given me than during the last two years of his life, where

“Back-to-School Crusade” Altar Call

the Summer-Ending Revival is concerned, than having him say to me, privately, after I’d preached on those Thursdays, “Doc, we should’ve closed out tonight.” Since, his Home Going, quite frankly, I have been all over the place with regards to the revival. I am mindful that even the traditional Church has shifted emphasis away from the regular annual revival, in many instances. Moreover, the days of a 5 or 6-night (including Sunday) revival are pretty much over, in terms of human scheduling. Conferences, in-house workshops or one night crusades have more or less replaced the aforementioned. Yet, New Shiloh has a rich tradition that cannot be ignored. Then, there’s the pastoral preaching aspect. Frankly, I’m still amazed people even

from the pastor's desk come on Sundays, when I preach. So, I’m kind of terrified to put myself out there, without being totally led to; and, of yet, that has not occurred. However, for the past four years, it has been mine to, at the very least, keep the vision

2017 “Back-to-School Crusade” Choir

alive of having the church involved in some aspect of worship and renewal, at the end of the Summer. In 2013, the year of Dr. Carter’s Home Going, we sought to honor his preaching ministry by having “The Power of the Preached Word” Crusade and had several of his “sons” and friends/colleagues preach, including: Dr. A. C. D. Vaughn, Bishop Walter Thomas, Dr. Charles Booth, Dr. Joseph Ratliff, Bishop Frank Reid, and Bishop Rudolph McKissick. Most recently, we put our prayers and energy into a Back-to-School Crusade, last year, with Judge Glenda Hatchett. It was simply phenomenal with more than 1,000 in attendance (half of them were young persons). The evening included a spaghetti dinner in our Family Life Center, free school supplies (via gift cards), information booths, and special guests. Almost 40 young persons accepted Jesus, as their Savior. Therefore, this year, we are claiming synergy. We will have two evenings of Worship and Word, with Dr. E. Dewey Smith, preaching.

And, we will have a “Back-to-School Rally,” modeled after last year’s rally; however, Bishop Marvin Sapp will be our featured preacher. Once again, we will have dinner for our young people (at no cost), free school supplies and information booths (re: crisis intervention, counseling for a variety of needs, etc.). Indeed, excitement is already building and a buzz is already in the air. It’s interesting to note that whereas once New Shiloh basically stood alone regarding using the end of the Summer to bring the Body of Christ together in some organized and intentional way, now revivals, crusades and “Back-to-School” type services are replete, throughout our area. This is a wonderful thing. Given the plight of our city’s murder rate (almost 190 lives taken, at the time of this writing) the more churches, pastors, bishops, and men and women of God who are willing to not only Worship and be strengthened by God’s Word, but revived to be more impactful Witnesses, the better our city will be.

The late Dr. Carter in prayer

We are called to “brighten the corner where we are,” and you are invited to join us in helping us to do our part, for the Glory of God. Don’t miss it: WednesdayFriday, August 30th, 31st and September 1st.  11 11

NEW SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 2100 N. Monroe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21217

The Carter School of Music Presents

Annual Benefit Concert NSBC SANCUTARY CHOIR J. D. Alston, Piano W. Patrick Alston, Piano Chester L. Burke, Jr., Piano Eric Conway, D.M.A., Piano Janice C. Eteme, Soprano Rosalyn Gross, Soprano Leah Hawkins, Soprano Carolyn Mack, Soprano Janel Momanyi, Soprano Candace Potts, Soprano Cameron Potts, Baritone



FREE WILL OFFERING Dr. Alethia B. Starke, Executive Director Mrs. Kim L. Bradley, Chairperson Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr., Pastor

“ A Church Determined To Live With Christ”

12   August 2017 | Grace&Glory  13


Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. 2017! Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!

Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers 1ST NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 3215 W. Belvedere Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance) 14   14   August August2017 2017| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory  15

16   August 2017 | Grace&Glory


Youth &Young Adult Month


August 5th - 12:00pm 21st Anniversary Church Picnic Location: Sandy Pointe State Park August 7th -11th @ 7:00pm YOUTH WEEK August 26th @ 8:00am- Men’s Prayer & Car Wash

WORSHIP SERVICE Every Sunday @ 11:30am

FHOP - BIBLE STUDY Every Tuesday @ 7:00pm

FLGM’s 21st Anniversary September 2017 2320 Reisterstown Road | Baltimore,MD 21217 Phone: (410)523-8500 FamilyLife GlobalMinistries |

Bishop Alonzo & Pastor Mary Jones Pastors

The Awakening “Some Assembly Required”

Scripture: Matthew 21:16 (NIV) “Do you hear what these children are saying” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, “From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?”

July 30th @ 3:30pm

FOOD!! FUN!! GAMES!! FREE!! For more info please contact: Jasmin Jones, Youth & Young Adult Chair (443)420-7214  17

to your good health

! n O t h g i F Life has many ups and downs. It is up to us to overcome and stand in the face of adversity. We never know when troubles will come, what they will look like or how they will impact us but we all know that they will. Do not let the arrival of trials to stop you from moving forward and pursuing your destiny. There has to be more to life than waiting for the next problem. We must be prepared for our breakthrough and see what God has given us come to pass. In order for this to happen, we must get out of our comfort zones and exercise our spiritual muscle. We must fight the good fight of faith. In other words, we must fight on! Fighting on will not be like a conventional fistfight, boxing match or professional wrestling match. Fighting on will include prayer, fasting, worship, praise, fellowship and helping others. Using your spiritual gifts of helps, encouragement, leadership and others to push through the problems will be another

18   August 2017 | Grace&Glory

Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center

weapon to fight with. Acknowledging our need for one another is key as the fight of faith wages in so many areas of our lives. This is not a fight that can be won alone. We need everyone to help us to continue moving our faith forward. Discouragement and despair can creep in if the war on our faith lasts longer than we thought it would. This is the time when we must lean and depend on our past victories, knowing we can overcome by encouraging ourselves. Like King David, we may find ourselves alone and under attack, this is when he had to dig deep and fight on, in spite of adversity. We may feel alone in our fight but we are never alone. Jesus has promised to never leave us or forsake us. The Holy Spirit is our guide and God is an ever-present help in times of trouble. We can fight on because the battle is not ours it is the Lord’s. Be encouraged and be strong. You and I can succeed. No matter what the challenge may be, you must continue to fight on!  19

woman’s woman’s perspective perspective

It is hot outside isn’t it? We are in the full swing of summer now ladies. Vacation time is upon us. Children are outside playing in the fullness of the hot weather and beaches are full of those seeking fun in the sun. While we enjoy the warmth and beauty of this time of year our bodies require extra hydration to stay healthy. This time of year we also notice that attendance to church functions and activities begin to slowly dwindle as people travel and enjoy their summer vacations. Let us be reminded that while we may vacation from work and other responsibilities, we can never take a break from our relationship with God. We need Him daily! “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4: 13-14. When Jesus talked to the woman at the well drawing water, He illustrated for us the importance of our spiritual relationship. She was there to get water but Jesus uses this moment to teach and point to spiritual water that would never run out like the natural water. Have you ever been outside on a really hot day and been thirsty? Do you remember how great it felt to finally get a cold glass of water to drink? It was so refreshing and invigorating and you could almost feel it go all the way down, it was that enjoyable. So it is when the word and the presence of God goes in and touches all of the dry and thirsty places in our lives. There is a void inside each of us that nothing but the presence of God can satisfy. Too often we look for other places and attempt to satisfy it with money, sex, success, food, shopping, and so many other things. In the end we continue to the point where we fully realize that only God can quench the thirst that we feel. Once we fully taste of His glory we can never go back to the things that we once looked to for satisfaction. Only God will do it for us. Just like anything else that we loved and appreciated at first, once the novelty of our relationship with God wears off we may not spend as much time in His presence or in His word. But if we are not careful before long the same thirst He quenched is back again. It is only with sustained time in His presence that we continue to be satisfied. We must daily run to God for the spiritual drink of water that Jesus was speaking of. The living water that Jesus described is a fountain of water springing up inside of us. The Holy Spirit inside of us helps us to access this fountain of love, joy, peace, etc. found in the very essence of God. Too much time away from God keeps us away from this fountain also. So as we continue our vacations and our beach visits this summer my sisters, let’s continue to stay hydrated naturally and spiritually. Naturally drinking plenty of water will help our body temples to stay nourished and cared for. Spiritually, the presence of God and time in His word will keep us Tiffany Bethea in alignment and in the center of His will, peace and joy. Enjoy this lovely weather and Author | Speaker | Mompreneur please get out and see the beautiful earth that Tiffany Bethea Founder of “Kingdomboss" He has created. Talk with you again next She-EO Life Mentor month! 20   August 2017 | Grace&Glory  21

single life

now will not happen. You may not experience all of the stages of grief but you will grieve the loss.

2. Own your part as to why the marriage was not successful. • Acceptance involves giving up blame, resentment and regret. The ability to let go of those negative emotions is true acceptance, which ultimately gives you the freedom to move forward.

3. Deal with your feelings by seeing a Counselor. • Forgive your spouse as well as yourself. Forgiveness is key if you are going to receive what God has for you. Forgiveness does not excuse the hurt it releases you to be free.

4. Join a support group.

Divorce is the death of the dream that you had when you made the vow “for better or for worse”. It is that thing that you never imagined you would experience but here you are. You are in a place of confusion with a million emotions to sort through. Your heart is broken and you don’t ever want to experience this type of pain ever again. You build up a wall to keep others out not realizing that you are keeping yourself bound to the past. In the aftermath of a divorce, every man and woman needs to decide how he or she will start over. But what does starting over after divorce look like? If you are going to heal and walk into the abundant life that God has for you here are some of the steps that are needed.

1. Acknowledge the loss of your marriage and take time to grieve. • Divorce is a breach of covenant that violates your trust and safety. It’s devastating, but you must find a way to think clearly; there’s a lot at stake. • You will grieve for the loss of a future you had planned for but 22   22   August August 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory

• Support and sharing puts things into a clearer perspective and can be soothing. It reminds you that you are not alone. • As you become stronger you will be able to share your testimony with others of how you were strengthened to live after your divorce and not just exist. • Divorce Care is a Christian support group found in ministries throughout the United States. You can check out their website: https://www.divorcecare. org/ I want to encourage you that there is life after divorce. The trauma from the divorce may have caused you to feel like you’re unworthy of love, that you’re a failure or that you’re inadequate. If you feel that way my friend you’re in need of an identity makeover. Renew your mind and allow your heart to heal. God is not just a God of creating new things; He is also a God of re-creation making all things new, and that includes your heart and your life, if you let him. You never expected this would be your fate, but that doesn't mean God cannot do something beautiful in you. I know from personal experience that after you do the work to heal you will come to the place where you’re ready to receive and give love again. You are the only one who can determine if you will allow divorce to make you bitter or better. I pray that you choose Tyniece Pack better.  23

nutrition & you

Avoiding the...

Freshman Fifteen

Despite the ubiquitous warnings, books and discussions about the “freshman fifteen” and early academic weight gain that many students succumb to the first year of college, students continue to pack on the pounds their first year away from home at colleges and universities. Many students are savvy, and recognize that they earned their larger size by over-indulging at the ice cream bar in the dining hall, too many late night pizzas, using their dining money on giant boxes of M&Ms (and eating 16 servings at once) or eating their way through too many care packages sent from home. The added pounds legitimately mollify very few freshmen. For the registered dietitian, working with students who are struggling with new weight gain requires a combination of education and behavioral change work. Since students are living a new lifestyle, many times in a new (and temporary) housing situation, without access to 24   August 2017 | Grace&Glory

a kitchen, often limited funds and unknown food handlers, education requires a detailed look at all aspects of food choices to be effective. Following are some tips to help students get back to a healthier weight. • Drink water. The easiest calories for most students to cut out are the wasted calories on sugary drinks, juices and sodas. Unlimited soda and juice bars in dining halls promote over consumption. The only thing a student should drink like water is water. Caffeine may be a part of late night studying for students – diet sodas and low fat milk in coffee are better choices than high calorie alternatives. (Registered dietitians can take this opportunity to teach students how proper hydration boosts metabolism and prevents fatigue). • The Boy Scout motto. Be prepared. Stocking a dorm room mini-fridge and makeshift pantry with water, fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grain crackers, cereals and granola bars will set students up for success. Asking for care packages to be sent with favorite cereals, pre-portioned low calorie snacks, dried fruits and nuts is a great way to keep undergrads on track. • Schedule meals. Plan classes so that there is time for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, instead of back-to-back classes. Eating every 3 – 5 hours will prevent snacking all day long, skipping meals or grabbing convenience foods – all which may lead to excessive caloric intake. • Go green. Begin each meal with a piece of whole fruit, raw or steamed vegetables or a salad with light dressing. When getting back in line at the dining hall for seconds, students should be educated to revisit the fruits and vegetables, instead of the starches and fats. It is really hard to gain weight from overeating fresh fruits and vegetables, so these foods should be encouraged. • Go lean. Choose lean protein sources of fish, chicken, pork and beef. Good sources of protein are also going to include eggs, legumes, tofu and nuts. Broiled, baked, grilled, steamed and poached foods are the most healthful. Avoid sauces, gravies and marinades as much as possible. • Sleep and exercise. These essentials are not negotiable. Sleep is required for a well-oiled metabolism. Exercise is vital to maintaining a healthful weight. • No food in the library. Keep snacking and studying separate. Use study breaks as a time to have something to eat. Choose single portion or preportioned snacks that contain carbohydrate with a little fat and or protein. • Portion patrol. Patrol your tray to make a sure your plate looks like what would normally be given in a TV dinner, on an airplane or in a high school cafeteria ‘hot lunch’ line. Choose only one “new” food to try at a given meal (it will be served again) and fill the rest of the tray with familiar foods, fruits and vegetables. Don’t put desserts on your tray, or you will eat it. If you really want a sweet after a meal, make a special trip to get it. When the meal is over, leave the dining hall! • Hungry? Before each meal, check in with yourself to see if you are really hungry. If you are eating for a reason other than hunger, see if a glass of water, conversation with a friend or Herline A. Knights, short walk will fulfill the need. RDN, LD  25

man talk

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1). In light of what transpired throughout 72 painful hours of American history last month, many are asking a multitude of questions. First, why did these tragedies occur? But equally important, what do we do now? Although the second question implies taking the necessary steps to learn and grow from these heinous atrocities that claimed the lives of seven men, it is not meant to minimize the reality that there are hurting children, distraught loved ones, and splintered communities that are still reeling from these terrible events. In no way does it seek to overshadow the excruciating pain of young people who were left without fathers and families suddenly without providers. Yes, we must be careful to not rush the grieving and healing process by moving on too quickly; but we also cannot spend an inordinate amount of time merely glorifying the problem of injustice that continues to plague our nation. Even as we grapple with this critical challenge, one that is packed with possibility and promise for tomorrow, we should not deceive ourselves that the answer is simple—not that we would want such a response. Instead, we must work to develop and implement a multifaceted strategy that effectively addresses a complex issue such as racism. When the Apostle Paul wrote that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12), it is analogous to warring against things that we cannot see—things that transcend what can be discerned with our natural senses. And so it is with racism: a systemic and systematic structure of inequity that is maintained by some benefiting while others are necessarily mistreated. For this reason, the problem is not Black people or White people. The problem is not law enforcement or police brutality. The problem will not be addressed through the lens of gun lobbyists, increasing access to mental health treatment, or changing legislation. These things are symptomatic of institutionalized racism, which is embedded within our political, educational, and every other societal system. Although no individual or entity bares the blame for the place in which we find ourselves, it will take everyone’s involvement to dismantle a centuries-old establishment. In responding to a national tragedy more than 20 years ago, I heard these words from Rev. DeForest Buster Soaries, “It boggles my mind and challenges my ministry.” A simple statement, but its profundity continues to echo as I, like many others, seek to not only understand what happened but also what must be done in the days, weeks, and years ahead. As we look closer this month, I invite you—Black, White, Native American, Asian, Hispanic, rich, poor, male, female—to consider three ways, albeit far from exhaustive, that we can honor the sons, brothers, boyfriends, husbands, and fathers whose lives were lost on July 5, 6, and 7, 2016. THE ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL: IT ALL BEGINS WITH ME As Jesus shared a meal with his disciples before his impending crucifixion, he told them that one of them would betray him—very soon. Alarmed by this disheartening news, each of them began to ask, “Lord, is it I?” (Matthew 22:26) This simple question offers an important lesson: we must always ask ourselves what we did, or did not do, to contribute to our present circumstances. In other words, before expecting anything from anyone, we must consider this fundamental truth: maybe it’s me; maybe I’m the problem. I Corinthians 13:1-8, eloquently speaks about the preeminence of love. And as individuals living in times like these, the best that we can do is demonstrate love. In spite of all that is going on around us, love never fails. Very importantly, love has nothing to do with agreeing with others but everything to do with respecting the dignity and humanity of all people. In fact, it was love, for all people, that ultimately led Christ to voluntarily endure the suffering and shame of the cross as atonement for all of our shortcomings and sin. Even in these difficult days, do we love as Christ would love—unconditionally regardless of social status, political affiliation, and ethnic group membership? Additionally, each of us can do something to advance the case for justice. Regardless of being a member of a marginalized group, we can use aspects of our privilege to advocate for someone else. In recent weeks, one of the best examples of

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this was Officer Nakia Jones’ scathing rebuke to her sisters and brothers in blue. Although she is a Black woman and is subjected to discriminatory practices in a variety of ways, Officer Jones used her influential position as a good cop to rightfully challenge those who were not upholding their sworn oath to serve and to protect. Brother, sister, you too might be a law enforcement officer. Are you speaking up and speaking out against the criminalization of Black men? And to my White brothers and sisters—those who are not victims of racial profiling and other unfair practices—consider these words from Benjamin Franklin and Martin Luther King, Jr., “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the Ku Klux Klan but the White moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice.” THE ROLE OF THE COMMUNITY: THE STRENGTH OF COLLECTIVE UNITY Through the lens of behavioral psychology, the manner in which Black men are treated in America is a matter of classical and operant conditioning. The majority culture, in many ways, has constantly associated being Black with things that should be feared and that are inherently bad and inferior. While headlines refer to White men who’ve used guns to assault others as shooters, Black men are more often described as killers. Albeit subtle, these and other practices have classically conditioned people, even Black people, to fear Black men through their repeated pairings with violence, crime, drugs, aggression, and intimidation. And, the lack of appropriate punishment for those (e.g., some members of law enforcement) who commit crimes against Black men has been reinforcing, which enables these violent acts to continue. Whether intended or not, the absence of an unpleasant consequence communicates that what was done is okay and therefore it happens again, and again, and again... Now, what? As community members, we must harness our collective strength by organizing and prioritizing. What is important to us, as Black people in our communities? And, how can we accomplish what we want for our communities? Although voting in federal elections is important, our local officials—county executives, sheriffs, school board members, district attorneys, and county judges—have significantly more influence over our day-to-day lives. The current policies that have led to a disproportionate amount of Black men being killed by police cannot be effectively addressed by the federal government alone. Communities, therefore, must identify injustice and demand change—improved legislation and greater accountability—from their locally elected officials. Sisters and brothers; let’s commit ourselves to becoming more actively involved in local politics. Pentecost (Acts 2), an event that forever changed the course of history through the birth of the New Testament Church, was the result of a group of people who were gathered in one place and who shared the same vision. The place in which we find ourselves calls for unity—not Black unity, but human unity. Let’s organize our communities and ourselves so that we can experience the collective strength and impact that is only possible by having a singular purpose and goal. THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH: THE CENTRALITY OF THE GOSPEL A passive approach to Christianity is an indictment on the living and breathing Body of Christ. Passive Christianity—a belief that God will take care of everything while we pray and have faith in His power to do the impossible—is a convenient and lazy excuse to not do and become all that He requires of us (Matthew 5:13-16). I have likely never heard the 14th verse of II Chronicles: 7 referenced more than I have in the past few weeks.

man talk

And while it admonishes us to humble ourselves, pray, and seek the face of God, it also says that we must turn from our wicked ways. In other words, coupled with praying—for justice and for God to change the hearts of people throughout the land—He expects us to do things differently (James 2:14- 26). It would be tremendously insensitive to move on too quickly—of resuming business as usual in our quest to restore normalcy. While many of our churches likely referenced the awful events during their services, what about now? Because news stories and social media activity are focused on other things, has The Church, which has been charged with advocating for justice and the least of these, followed suit? In the same manner that Advent is a season and is celebrated over 4 weeks, we, as a people and a nation, are in a season that cannot be limited to a single week’s cursory acknowledgment. What, then, should churches do? For those of us who boast of our sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit, pastors and church leaders should consider suspending their sermon series, especially if they are not salient to the realities of the current sociocultural climate. Because the Holy Spirit is alive and responsive to what we need, at times He will interrupt our best laid plans. Let’s pray that our church leaders would be both sensitive and courageous enough to hear and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit so that we won’t miss what needs to be said in this pivotal and prophetic moment. Relatedly, as a former music director, parishioners occasionally asked me about the process of identifying worship service selections. My response was that the songs sung had very little to do with what I liked or what was in heavy rotation on the radio. Instead, I would ask The Lord what He wanted to hear. The One who is touched by our feelings, our emotions, our hurt, and our pain would want to hear songs that encourage those who are afraid and filled with questions. Although The Gospel is not a fairy tale, it is Good News. For this reason, more than ever before, The Church must be intentional about giving their congregants the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. Regardless of all that is happening around us, The Lord of Hosts is with us and the God of Jacob is our refuge (Psalm 46). And even though we are pressed on every side by troubles, we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed (II Corinthians 4:8- 9). As a Black man living in 21st century America, I never imagined that I would be experiencing, firsthand, what is going on around me. These problems should have been solved by now. These things, reminiscent of the tumultuous and turbulent 1960’s, should not be happening. But alas, they are and we must find the strength to work toward better. Although difficult, this requires the work of challenging ourselves, first as individuals; working together, with all people, as communities; and the Body of Christ proclaiming the Good News of The Gospel in both word and deed. Paraphrased from Galatians 6:9, let’s not get tired of doing what is right; because eventually we will see the results and it will be worth it. Regardless of how uncomfortable, let’s not abandon this place—this difficult place of suffering. Let’s not abandon this place of pain. But let’s work through it, together. Let’s learn Dr. Charles Barrett from it, together. Let’s grow from Dr. Charles Barrett is a school it, together. Walk together children, don’t you get weary…

psychologist with Loudoun County Public Schools and Associate Professor of Psychology at Northern Virginia Community College.  27 27

• G O S P E L I N D U S T RY N E W S • with Miss Ericka J. The Walls Group Their new single "My Life" is written by the family group members Darrel Walls and Ahjah Walls, accompanied by Eric Dawkins and Warryn Campbell. The single is currently available at all digital media outlets. The Walls Group is comprised of these siblings whose vocal abilities and presentation are simple amazing! I absolutely can’t wait to hear the full project which was also produced by Eric Dawkins and Warryn Campbell.

Jekalyn Carr

She has released her brand new single titled "You Will Win" written by her dad who also penned her other award winning Grammy nominated songs. She's also a contributor to the soundtrack for OWN Network TV Series "Greenleaf" and will make an appearance on the show in this upcoming season. BeBe Winans BeBe has been diligently on the east coast performing and promoting his stage play which is his life story and autobiography and he's headed to the west coast. He has released a new solo project recording and it will feature Tramaine Hawkins, Marvin Winans, Mom Winans, Debra Winans, and Tobbi & Tommi. Look out for it!

Jacky Clark Chisolm Jacky of the legendary sister group The Clark Sisters is releasing a new single titled "Cover Me". Jacky is an ambassador for St. Jude’s Sunday Of Hope and supports St. Jude’s Children Center; proceeds from the single will be contributed to support children and families battling cancer.

Tasha Cobbs Heart, Passion, Pursuit is the title of her new project, and everybody has been awaiting confirmation of the buzz on social media regarding the controversial invitation from Hip Hop Superstar Nicki Minaj for Tasha to come to her studio and allow her to put "16 bars" on Tasha's new project. Well, its confirmed and it happened, Nicki Minaj is featured on the song "I'm Getting Ready"; apparently, Nicki has been a fan of Tasha's music for quite some time now. This is an interesting collabo but musically they both are great so I can’t wait to hear the song. Also, featured on the project are Kierra Sheard and Todd Galbreath. 28   28   August August 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory

gospel industry news

Hezekiah Walker Hezekiah is on the road with his "Every Praise Gets Better” Tour, he's celebrating 30 years in music and shows no signs of stopping musically or otherwise. The tour will also feature Praise & Worship leader, singer, songwriter, Israel Houghton. These two are absolutely a "Dynamic Duo"! The tour will be coming this way August 19th, in Washington, DC. In addition to being the amazing gospel artist and musical genius he is, Bishop Walker not only pastors a church but multiple churches in various locations, as well as serving as the Presiding Prelate of PCJC Churches, formally lead by the late Bishop Kenneth Moales. The PCJC Annual Holy Convocation is coming to Baltimore for the second year in a row, at the Hilton Baltimore, August 16-19, for more info

Leandria Johnson

Leandria is making waves with her latest endeavor with the releasing of the music video for her single titled "All I Got", but that’s not all, she has also released another single titled "Holy Ghost" which is available right now at all digital media outlets.

Top 5 Gospel Songs #1 "You Deserve It"- JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise #2 "I’m Blessed"- Charlie Wilson #3 "Change Me"- Tamela Mann" #4 "Joy"- VaShawn Mitchell #5 " My World Needs You"Kirk Franklin feat. Sarah Reeves, Tasha Cobbs & Tamela Mann

Top 5 Gospel Albums #1 Sunday Song- Anita Wilson accompanied by The Company #2 One Way- Tamela Mann #3 The Hill- Travis Greene #4 Playlist; The Very Best of Marvin Sapp #5 Dear Future Me- James Fortune

Got to thank Ms. Jackie Epps for the lovely tribute she did to honor my mom Pastor Sandy Johnson last month, the love and support you have offered and given to me during this time I'm extremely grateful. My mom would have been celebrating her birthday this month on August 11th! My heart is broken and not just my family but so many others are hurting and have many questions, but I have to trust God and His decision, as she would always say, " Christians don’t die, they transition”, and she rejoiced and boasted in the assurance that she was living to live again! While I miss her sorely, the life she lived, her selfless actions, her genuine unconditional love for everyone who was blessed to meet her, the impact she made left a legacy, heritage, and blueprint for us to carry on. I'm blessed to be your daughter Happy Birthday MOMMY!!!

Ericka J.

Til next month follow me on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter @misserickaj you can also catch me every weekend at 5:30pm for my segment "IN With Miss Ericka J" where I keep you continuously "IN Tune, IN The Mix, and IN The Know" with Miss Ericka J!  29 29

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