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scripture page
Happy Father’s Day! A Father's Integrity
“I know, my God, that You examine our hearts and rejoice when You find integrity there." (1 Chronicles 29:17a)
A Father's Courage
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
A Father's Father
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows - this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But He makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." (Psalm 68:5-6)
A Father's Compassion
"Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him." (Psalm 103:13)
A Father's Legacy
"The father of one who is right with God will have much joy. He who has a wise son will be glad in him." (Proverbs 23:24)
A Father's Wisdom
"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life." (Proverbs 4:11-13)
2 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
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June 2017
contents on the cover: Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr. Presiding Prelate
Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors New Psalmist Baptist Church 6020 Marian Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 410-945-3000 www.kingdomassociation.org
Special Feature pgs 8-11 - Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr. is the Presiding Prelate of the Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors. He will be hosting this year’s 2017 annual conference, July 18-20, at the New Psalmist Baptist Church. The KACP Conference theme for this year is “Ministry Based On Big Dreams-Loosening The Imagination”.
Feature Articles 24 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Tiffany Bethea
Step Out On Faith
Herline A. Knights, RD, LD
5 Eating Habits That Are Making You Tired 4 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
Tyneice Pack
The Good FatherAbba Father
Brandie Manigault
Healthy Body
Dr. Charles Barrett
Good Good Father
Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)
Strength In The Struggle
In Every Issue Scripture Page........................................ 3 Contributors............................................ 6
From the Editor....................................... 7
Ericka Johnson
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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Donna Royalty Ross Ericka Johnson Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Dr. Charles Barrett Tyniece Pack
GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne www.JandCDesigns.com WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period www.artsperiod.com PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing www.hgroebuck.com Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.
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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Bishop Frank M. Reid, Jr. AME Church Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD
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from the editor
This is the month we celebrate our fathers. It’s Dad’s turn to be celebrated – so we dedicate this month’s issue to our Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, and Uncles. I know for some, Father’s Day can be painful, a sad reminder of growing up without a father present in the home or being active in their lives. The pain of growing up fatherless can sometimes leave a scar that is hard to remove. There may even be some situations or circumstances that warrant the absence of dad, but to a child without a father these things or reasons mean nothing. But, for every situation, circumstance or reason your father was not there, whether you realized it or not there was someone who was always there. . . Our Heavenly Father. We all may not fall into the category of growing up without a father, in fact the truth be told there are many fathers who are present in the lives of their children. Whether we grew up with a father present or not . . . there is one thing we all have in common, we all can claim the same Father; Our Father which art in heaven. We all share the greatest Father of all, and He has never been an absentee dad. Let me boast a little about Our Father. Our Father is omnipresent, He is with you at the same time He is with me, in fact He is everywhere at all times. Our Father is omniscient, He is the wisest of all, He knows everything about each one of us; He knows you better than you know yourself. Our Father is omnipotent, He is all-powerful. He is able to do exceeding abundantly more than you could ever hope or dream. Our Father is sovereign, He can do whatever He wants to do when He wants to and how He wants to. Our Father is a good provider, He supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Our Father is a protector; He is our shield and buckler (Psalm 91). Our Father is a comforter; He mends a broken heart (Matthew 5:4). Our
Father is a healer; He will restore our bodies (Psalm 103:3). Our Father sounds like a pretty great dad to me. He is great and mighty. He is a friend that sticks closer than any brother. He loves each and every one of us unconditionally with the same amount of love. And let us not forget that Our Father loved us so much that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus) so that we would be able to live with Him forever! I could go on and on but I believe you get the picture, Our Father is whatever you need Him to be. This Father’s Day celebrate your earthly fathers, they deserve to be honored and shown how much they are loved for all they do. Celebrate Father’s Day, if for no other reason that without your father you would not exist today. And while you are celebrating, don’t leave out Our Father which art in Heaven, He is the Greatest Father of all! We are His children forevermore. Happy Father's Day!
Jackie Epps
Jackie Epps
Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief www.gracenglorymagazine.org 77 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
I n t e rv i e w with
Bishop Walter S. Thomas, Sr. Presiding Prelate
Kingdom Association Covenant P astors G&G: Bishop Thomas, welcome back to Grace & Glory. Thank you for this opportunity to talk with you about this year’s upcoming Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors Conference. Would you say this is one of the most exciting events that take place at the Holy City of Zion? Bishop Thomas: Indeed. Each year the pastors, leaders and congregations from our organization gather for a time of fellowship and intensive ministry. It’s an exciting time because we come hungry to hear information and receive direction. This is one of the unique characteristics of our group; we are hungry to learn. G&G: Bishop Thomas, would you expound on this year’s theme “Ministry 8 8 June June 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
Based Upon Big Dreams” and what pastors and leaders will gain from this year’s conference? Bishop Thomas: This conference is a small intimate gathering where we have time and space to give one on one attention, answer questions and plot Ministry direction. This year we are dealing with “Big Dreams” and persons need to feel they have help and support as they explore vision and set direction. This can be a turning point for a Ministry as we support them as they “liberate” dreams which have been buried, stalled or misdirected. G&G: Bishop Thomas, who have you selected to join you this year as Conference preachers and presenters? Bishop Thomas: As our team met to develop this year’s program we knew we needed individuals and Ministries that could speak to the topic of “Big Dreams” and speak to “church folk”. I think we’ve achieved our goal. I am excited to welcome Bishop Joseph Walker, the Presiding Bishop for
the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International who will bring morning plenary messages at the Conference. Bishop Walker is seasoned in Ministry and a recognized “Dream Builder”, whose Ministry meets the needs of thousands of persons from all walks of life. Dr. Cynthia Hale has been in ministry for years and built her Ministry on “out of the box thinking”. She will push you to think about and minister to the “every bodies” who come to Church to receive ministry. Baltimore’s own Dr. Lester McCorn and Pastor Therm James will be with us as well as many of our younger pastors including, Pastors William Ashford and Paulette Bostic, who will put their stamp on how we shape and communicate the “Big Dream” messages. JJ Hairston will minister to us in worship and we expect the outpouring of the spirit. Complete information regarding all presenters is available on the website at www.kingdomassociation.org. G&G: Bishop Thomas you mentioned in a previous interview that one of the missions of the Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors is to be a strengthening haven for pastors and their churches. How would you gauge the progress of KACP at this point? Bishop Thomas: We have been faithful to the Word and stood strong as our brothers (and sisters) keeper. Many of our pastors and churches have struggled in the aftermath of the recession, some have launched out on big dreams, and others have been forced to take and make difficult steps. Fire hit one church, flood hit another and death has also hit our Fellowship. Yet in each case, the Fellowship has been a source of support, hope and encouragement for
our membership. We teach, talk, guide and impart wisdom – not just doing our annual conference, but during formal retreats and informal encounters and phone calls that let pastors and congregations know that they are not alone. KACP is a family that cares, responds and wants the best for the kingdom. G&G: Bishop Thomas, what are the functions of the Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors and what makes this association (KACP) valuable for a pastor? How can this association assist a new pastor particularly a new young pastor? Bishop Thomas: One of our main tenants is “iron sharpens iron”. Our organization has some of the best and brightest minds in the world. These are men and women who have honed their skills and are giving God (and His people) a return on His investment. We deal with subjects and approaches that we believe are cutting edge. We also foster the importance of relationships in our organization and churches. Again, we are a support system. I wish something like this had been available when I started as a young pastor but it wasn’t. Now, we have the chance to put this type of infrastructure in place and KACP is working hard to make it happen. I believe when pastors and churches link arms with us they are definitely made stronger and better. G&G: Is the Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors open to pastors of all denominations and is it open nationwide and abroad? Bishop Thomas: Yes, it is open to all. We cross so many lines and the only Continued on page 10 www.gracenglorymagazine.org 99 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
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thing we ask is that persons be hungry to grow and invest in that growth. Dr. Anthony Maclin handles our new member process and we urge pastors and churches to take advantage of the opportunity to attend the Conference to learn more about our Fellowship. Our website can also provide information on our mission and vision. Dr. Maclin can also be contacted directly at pastor@atthesanctuary.org.
G&G: Bishop Thomas, since the Association is a Fellowship of Pastors, how critical is it that the pastors represented in the KACP support each other? Bishop Thomas: It is absolutely critical. As the pastors fellowship, so will their churches. We believe it is time to bring the fellowship component back to church and revive that connection. We want Pastors and their people fellowshipping together and strengthening each other. This year’s Conference will include a Pre-Conference 10 10 June June 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
Crab Feast which is open to all church membership. This will be a great fellowship opportunity. G&G: Bishop Thomas, I understand that anyone can attend the annual conference, whether a pastor or leader, how is the KACP beneficial to someone who is neither a pastor nor leader in the church? Bishop Thomas: Here’s my first response – everyone has “Big Dreams”, and this is an opportunity to hear direction from The Lord and some “great ministry minds” on how they can be achieved. The Conference is for everyone in the church. We want this to be a place where members begin their journey of fellowship and growth. We want members to hear and see the witness being made and upon returning to their church be “the person” who helps shift the ministry to a new place. If the people hear what the pastors and leaders are hearing, they have a head start on developing support for the ideas and dreams God reveals for the ministry. G&G: Bishop Thomas, lastly as the overseer of the KACP and having multiple sons and daughters in ministry, what is the most important piece of advice you can give to men and women of God as it relates to being effective pastors in today’s society? Bishop Thomas: The advice I would give is this - to be an effective pastor or leader first concentrate on being a serious and sincere child of God; out of that relationship, the purpose and power of God will flow through you to accomplish every assignment and achieve every “Big Dream”.
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12 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
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14 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
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Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. 2017! Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!
Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers 1ST NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 3215 W. Belvedere Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance) 16 16 June June2017 2017| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
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18 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
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Pastor Mark R. Nolan
The New Hope Baptist Church is “The CHURCH WITH A HEART IN THE HEART OF BEL AIR”, strategically placed in this community by God to co-labor with Him in that great work of redemption. Having been in the Bel Air, Maryland community for 110 years, the church has been witness to the evolution of Harford County. This ministry is well respected among Ecumenical and Civic organizations. The congregation stands as a shining example of the power of selfless service. Jesus Christ has declared that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church (Matthew 16:18), we therefore, recognize a continuous warfare. We engage to reclaim the future and the integrity of the church and of our families to the Glory of God. Our goals are comprised of scriptural mandates to insure that we no longer yield strategic ground to secular devices. Our vision is to become a center of family life where all facets of life are addressed and ministered to. We commit ourselves and our resources to seeking the lost, preaching the good news, accurately teaching biblical principles, making disciples, and showing that in Jesus Christ there is "New Hope!" 20 June June2017 2017||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 20
New Hope was the first Black church in Harford County to serve a meal on Thanksgiving Day (2001), and now partners with the St. Margaret Catholic Church, (one of the largest dioceses in Maryland), in an annual serving to the larger Harford community. We also partner with the Ames United Methodist Church in the annual Race to Feed the Hungry. Our outreach extends towards those who are currently experiencing homelessness through the Welcome One Shelter here in the county. Not only do members volunteer time and instruction at the shelter over a range of subjects and needs, but also serve meals monthly to the residents. The New Hope Baptist Church is a friendly congregation that is welcoming and engaging. With more than twenty active ministries, there is an area for everyone to be involved. Our Worship hours are 8:00am & 11:00am and Sunday School at 10:00am. Bible Studies are Tuesday night at 7pm and Wednesday- Midday at 11:00am. Midweek Worship is Wednesday at 7pm. Pastor Mark R. Nolan is the 8th pastor in the story of New Hope. He has faithfully served this congregation as pastor, counselor, prophet, teacher and friend for 19 years. He has also been in the preaching ministry since March of 1977. This July New Hope is excited to celebrate with him his milestone in the Lord of 40 years of preaching and 20 years of pastoring. You are welcome to join us for worship any time the doors are open. You’ll find Pastor Mark Nolan & Big City Celebration with Lady Tawana Nolan Small Town Charm!
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to your good health
There is a lot going on in our world today. We have family issues, health issues, personal issues, community issues, political issues, mental health issues, spiritual issues and the list goes on and on. There is no shortage of problems that must be addressed in the present or in the near future. It is as if everything becomes urgent and has to be addressed immediately. That is how we operate but in Ecclesiastes 3, we read the providential wisdom that, “There is a time for everything.” Knowing when to act and how to act comes with the discipline of waiting. Waiting allows us to pray, meditate, seek wise council and then gather our thoughts before we step out on a whim. Struggles tend to drain us and can inhibit our clear thinking and good judgment that is why availing oneself to the help of the Holy Spirit, trusted friends and family and your local church can be a source of strength and encouragement. Our source of strength as Christians is within us through the power of the Holy Spirit, a daily dose of the word of God and through consistency in prayer. Even though we know who is the source of our strength and what spiritual disciplines to utilize when struggling, our first response is to sometimes panic and at our worst we give up. We are overcomers and must remember what the Apostle Paul shared in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.” Our struggles do not have power over us but we can get through them when we rely on our faith and focus on the future beyond the problems, distractions and stressors of life. There are many reasons our struggles can overwhelm us yet they cannot destroy us because God is for us and we will be victorious in the end. You do not have to feel alone and helpless when you face the difficulties of life. God is with you and has promised to never leave or forsake you. Each attack is going to weaken you but empower you for what’s ahead. You have strength in the struggle because you can rely on God. The prophet Isaiah says it best, “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:29-31). You can make it through your struggles when Dr. Carla Debnam, you stay in the game and do not give up. Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center
22 June June 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 22
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woman’s perspective
One night a house caught fire and a young boy was forced to the roof as his only means to safety. The father stood on the ground below with outstretched arms, calling to his son, "Jump! I'm going to catch you." He knew the only way for the son to make it to safety was to jump into his arms. But from the room all the boy could see was red hot bursting flames, thick gray smoke which seemed to rise to the moon, and blackness which felt like it was everywhere. As can be imagined, he was afraid to leave the roof. His father kept yelling, "Jump! I’m going to catch you." But the boy fearfully protested, "Daddy, I can't see you." The father replied, "But I can see you and that's all that matters." This story really illustrates for us the irony and the paradox of our entire Christian walk. Leaning on a faith is not always readily perceived by our five senses. Many times we are trusting God despite what we currently see, hear, taste, smell and feel. If we can be honest there are times where just like the boy in the story we can’t quite SEE God. God I would happily jump into that next thing that you are calling me to but I can’t see you. All I can see are the flames and the smoke and the darkness and I’m too scared that when I jump you might not catch me. Daddy didn’t always catch me. Mommy didn’t always catch me. My friends didn’t always catch me and I can actually SEE them. Now you want me to jump, to leap, to go, to do what I can’t actually SEE. This is the heart of Psalm 91:1-2 (NLT) which says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find REST in the SHADOW of the Almighty.2 This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him.” My sister can I submit something to you without you getting an attitude with me? How do you know when your walk has reached a level of effectiveness and maturity in Christ; you will know when it is marked by rest, peace, tranquility, calm, serenity, solitude and hold on NO MATTER WHAT SEASON OF LIFE YOU ARE IN. Come on. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” When you are not tossed to and fro by every little situation that comes your way but instead your life is marked by supernatural LOVE, JOY, and PEACE you have truly found the secret place in God Something interesting I want to point out is the definition of Shadow. In simple terms a shadow is what appears when light is touching an object. In other words, when we make direct contact with any degree of light a shadow will form. The shadow is an indicator that light has officially touched us; when I am resting in His shadow it is because I know that His light is present. I want to point out one interesting fact about shadows. Did you realize that not only are shadows visible during the daytime but also at night the light from the moon is sufficient enough to provide a shadow? I want that to encourage you that no matter whether the sun is shining in your life or whether you find yourselves walking through a dark season with God, you can always look back at the shadow and be reminded that the “Light” is with you and He will never leave nor forsake you. So in closing I remind you of where we started. I know that life can sometimes seem like a raging fire with flames and smoke. Sometimes the smoke may get so thick that you can’t quite SEE God; but find rest in His spirit knowing that He can always see you, touch you, guide you, and protect you. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
24 June June2017 2017| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 24
Tiffany Bethea She-EO Life Mentor www.Tiffanybethea.com
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single life
The Good Father
Abba Father!
Father's Day can bring a mix of emotions for both men and women as they reflect on their relationship with their father. For the child whose father passed away, they yearn for their touch. For the child who never knew their father, they wonder who he is. For the man about to become a father, he experiences excitement and joy of new life. There are countless situations surrounding the father-child relationship and whether you feel your father hit the mark or missed the mark; whether your father is present or not, we all have a Father we can celebrate this Father’s Day; we have a heavenly Father. This year Father’s Day is extra special to me because I am blessed to celebrate my son who became a Father in July of last year. You see, my son grew up without his dad being present in his life. This always concerned me as I pondered whether I provided the right opportunities and mentors to assist him in his journey to becoming a man. I knew that I could teach him life skills, manners, and help to develop his character, but as much as I loved him I could not teach him to be a man or a father. My father, his Godfather, men from our church, and the community provided guidance but I still questioned if it was enough. I sometimes wondered if he would show up for his children the way I showed up for him. Would he break the cycle of being the absent father? There are a lot of men in society who were raised by single mothers, and I want to encourage you that even if your father was not present you still have the ability to be a great father to your children. It does not matter if you are single or married you can break the cycle of being an absent father. Do you know how much influence you have over your children? As a father you should be your son’s first hero and your daughter’s first love. Think back to things that you desired to receive from your father. You wanted to know that he loved you unconditionally. You wanted to know that he would show up for you and that he was proud of you. You wanted to see him attend school programs, sporting events, and spend quality time with you and the list can go on. Well, your children desire some of the same things from you that you desired from your father. When you are raising children mistakes will be a part of the journey. It is not possible to avoid them. When you realize that you made a mistake ask for and receive forgiveness from God. Don’t beat yourself up; instead forgive yourself and move forward. It is important to surround yourself with wise counsel but more importantly maintain a close relationship with God. With God’s help and wisdom from His Word, you can be the father that God has called you to be! If your father was not present in your life allow God to be the example of a Father. God is a father who loves unconditionally, provides, walks, laughs, cries, rejoices, and carries our burdens. God, a Father that keeps His promises and will NEVER leave us! He is the Father we all dream of having because He is perfect in all his ways. So, remember that as hard as it may be to be a father it is even harder being a child without one. I salute all the wonderful fathers who continue to show up and touch the lives of their children, and give Tyniece Pack glory to my Heavenly Father who stands in the gap and shows up for us all. 26 June 2017 | Grace&Glory 26
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28 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
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By Brandie Manigault A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady named Jenny Kutz. Not knowing anything about her, we bonded over a cup of coffee and instantly became friends. What she is doing, the places that she has traveled, the things that the Lord is doing with her and her ministry, Love to the Nations, is nothing short of awe inspiring. We had a chance to catch up at a conference we both attended. I had to take a moment to and get her “on the record” for Grace and Glory because I believe that what she has to say needs to be heard and will inspire, encourage, and push us all to go after what God has for us in greater ways. Here is our conversation. -Brandie Brandie: Hi Jenny. Thank you for taking the time to talk to Grace and Glory. You caught our attention some time back with your book ABBA and since its release we have followed your journey around the world. Quite an exciting journey, I must say. So, I’m excited to talk to you about all that you have going on. Let’s start with the book since that was our introduction to Jenny Kutz. I read ABBA, and although my parents are not divorced, I did pull quite a bit of truths from it that I was able to apply to my own life’s journey. What is one thing that you would say to a potential reader that has dealt with or is dealing with their parent’s divorce and to a reader, like myself, who has both parents in the home? Jenny: I’ve discovered that whether you have the world's greatest dad, or an absentee Father, knowing God as your Father is fundamental to everything in our Christian life. We can be called Children of God, because Jesus Christ died on the cross to give us that identity. We are children of a Heavenly Father. Just yesterday I was facing something difficult and honestly my heart was hurting. I reminded myself, My Father loves me. My Father loves me. And it put my heart right at rest. This is the beauty of being a child. We can come to Him in pain. And the Bible says He will carry us in His arms (Psalm 68:19 NLT). 31 June June2017 2017||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 30
Brandie: Beautifully put. It is so good to know that no matter who we have around us, we always have Him. Now, you’re not just an author, you are an international speaker as well. Tell us about some of the countries you have been to. Jenny: I’m so grateful I've been able to meet people in different nations. You realize what God is doing is way, way bigger than you, and you’re encouraged at His hand in each place. Some of the places I’ve been to… Uganda, Nigeria, Iraq, Cambodia, Mexico, Australia, multiple places in Europe. Brandie: Do you have a favorite country? Jenny: It’s hard to say a favorite, because they are all so different, and I love them for different reasons. But my favorite places are most of the time the hidden places off the grid. But my heart is close to Europe and the Middle East…well, and Africa. Ok. This is a really hard question. I love them all. Brandie: While we are talking about other countries, tell us what is Abbahouse Thessaloniki? Jenny: Abbahouse Thessaloniki is a children’s home in Greece! The Lord gave me the vision for it in October 2014, and we received our first kids in June 2016. We have seen so many miracles take place in that home. He’s taken small hearts that were broken and abused and put them back together with His love. You go into the home and you can sense the presence of Jesus. He is there. It makes me so grateful to be able to be a part of this work, and it’s not just me. Definitely not. It takes a village. I wish everyone could meet the staff and family at Abbahouse. They are people so full of love, overflowing with PATIENCE… you have to have that in a children’s home. They are some of my heroes. Our constant prayer is that the Father would restore the innocence of these children and that they would have permission to be childlike again. We have seen God do it and now instead of these children being raised with the identity of an orphan, they are raised knowing they are children of God. Brandie: That is amazing. It’s so good to hear about God taking visions and making them realities along with the impact that it is having. So often we only hear about the visions that people have in their hearts and the things they want to do. So to hear you say you had a vision, God made a way for it, and it is changing the lives of kids in Greece is mind blowing. While we are on the subject of visions turning into realities, I heard that you have a single coming out. As a worshiper, what inspires you? Jenny: The most inspiring worshipper to me is the woman that poured out her perfume at the feet of Jesus. The single is called “Pour My Worship”, and it is my cry and prayer to love Jesus like that woman did. When I first started studying that account, I remember reading it and realized I worshipped more like a Pharisee than that woman who truly worshipped. When Jesus walked into the Pharisee’s house, all the Pharisee could think about was how HE was looking; how impressive HE was; HIS reputation. Jesus reminded him that he didn’t even anoint His head with oil when He walked in. But this woman came in with all her baggage, all her emotions, the alabaster box that contained all her worth, and poured it all out on the feet of Jesus. She didn’t care what
people thought, she didn’t care about her reputation. It was all as loss when it came to Jesus. She had gained everything she needed at His feet. And that was true worship. Jesus said her worship would be spoken about throughout the generations. Being a worshipper was her lasting legacy. Before anything, I want my legacy to be a worshipper. More than a good speaker, more than accomplishing much in life; I want to be known as a worshipper. I want to pour my life out as an offering before Him, whatever that looks like.
Grace&Glory on the go
Brandie: Are there any plans for a full album in the future? Jenny: Yes, definitely. My prayer for a full album would be that people would meet with God. So I’ll keep you updated! Brandie: Thanks! What’s one or two words that you would use to describe this season for you. Jenny: Surrender and Growth. I feel this is a season of complete yielding to the voice and heart of God, and He is doing some surprising things. Things only He can do.
Brandie: Before we go give us one fun fact about Jenny Kutz. I know that you are a lover of coffee! So tell us… how do you like your coffee?!
Brandie: For those of us who would like to stay connected with you and/or partner with you and your ministry what are some of the ways that we can do that?
Jenny: I’m actually pretty boring when it comes to coffee. In University I would drink Frappuccino’s about 3 times a day. That didn’t work on a college student’s budget… so I had to find a cheaper and healthier habit. So here I am years later, and I just get bold coffee and cream or sometimes double espresso and cream.
Jenny: We have a website, www.lovetothenations.com, that you can sign up and get email updates. You can find giving opportunities and the current projects we are doing. Our heart is to share the love of the Father through Jesus Christ, whatever that looks like.
Brandie: Well Jenny Kutz, thank you so very much for sharing with Grace and Glory Magazine all that God is doing with you. I’m sure this won’t be the last time our readers read or hear from you!
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nutrition & you
What and how you eat can affect your energy level throughout the day. If you are feeling groggy, maybe these tips will help you to get some spring back into your step. 1. Skipping meals, especially breakfast Going for long periods of time without eating causes your blood sugar level to drop, your metabolism to slow, and your muscles and brain to go into tired and “hangry” mode. Try eating something every three to five hours to give your body a steady supply of fuel. A breakfast like a whole-wheat bagel with peanut butter or a small bowl of wholegrain cereal at 7 AM, a piece of fruit and a string cheese at 10 AM, a turkey and cheese sandwich and a low-fat yogurt at 12:30 PM, a handful of nuts or seeds and another piece of fruit or some raw veggies at 4:30 PM, and your usual dinner at 7 PM will likely keep your energy levels more steady throughout the day. 2. Not eating enough fruit and vegetables Fatigue is an early sign of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, salad greens, strawberries, sweet potatoes, and watermelon. People who have a fever, inflammation, diarrhea, or hyperthyroidism will need more vitamin C. Smokers and women on birth control also need extra vitamin C. Advanced vitamin C deficiency can also result in irritability, muscle and joint pain, gum and teeth problems, and poor wound healing. 3. Not eating enough fish, shellfish, lean meats, beans, or greens About 9% of all females between the ages of 12 and 49 have iron deficiency anemia. If you are a vegetarian or simply do not care for the taste of meat, iron is also found in some vegetables including broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, and peas. Dried fruits and iron-fortified whole grains such as cereals and breads also contain some iron. Other symptoms of iron deficiency anemia
include: weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, dizziness, tongue swelling or soreness, cold hand and feet, fast or irregular heartbeat, brittle nails, and headaches. 4. Skimping on whole foods Magnesium deficiency causes decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and weaknesses. Later stages of deficiency cause numbness and tingling, muscle contractions, restless leg syndrome, sleep disorders, personality changes, heart arrhythmia, and even seizures. Processed foods often have much of the magnesium removed, so choose healthy, whole foods to boost your intake. The best sources of magnesium are almonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, soymilk, black beans, edamame (soy beans), peanut butter, whole-wheat bread, avocado, potatoes with skin, brown rice, and yogurt. People with gastrointestinal disease, people with type 2 diabetes, people with alcohol dependence, and older adults are at higher risk for magnesium deficiency. 5. You are not drinking enough water Dehydration can definitely make you feel sluggish; it can also cause headaches, muscle cramps, irritability, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and rapid breathing. Consider that water makes up 60% of your body and that it is necessary for regulating body temperature, lubricating the joints, flushing out waste products, carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells, protecting organs and tissues, and dissolving nutrients to make them accessible to the body. Most people need between 6 and 12 cups of water daily.
Herline A. Knights, RDN, LD
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gospel industry news Snoop Dogg Snoop is planning to record a gospel album! Yep that’s right you heard it! He's been a fan of gospel and says it’s been in his heart to do for a while, and he needs to do it now! He has been talking to Faith Evans and he’s thinking about also featuring Charlie Wilson, Jeffrey Osbourne and others. Stay tuned! I'll keep you posted!
Deitrick Haddon D' Haddy has a new single and video I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! The song is titled "A Billion People"; do yourself a favor and grab this single and watch the video, it will bless you! Thank me later!
Travis Greene Multi-Award Winner Travis Greene has released a new single and music video titled "You Waited" from his upcoming new project "Crossover: Live From Music City" it is available right now at all digital media outlets; both are awesome and I can’t wait for the full album.
BET Awards
Congrats to the nominees for the 2017 Dr. Bobby Jones Gospel/Inspirational Award- CeCe Winans, "Never Have to Be Alone"; Fantasia feat Tye Tribbett- "I Made It"; Kirk Franklin, Sarah Reeves, Tasha Cobbs, Tamela Mann- "My World Needs You" & "God Provides". 36 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
Anaysha Figueroa She is no stranger to music, her voice is the lead on the classic hit by Danny Eason "Holy Lord", you've seen and heard her traveling everywhere with Kirk Franklin. She released a previous single, a remake of The Hawkins classic "Holy One", which will remain in my playlist. Anaysha has one of the most unique and skilled voices and her anointing permeates the atmosphere when she ministers; coming out with a solo original was highly anticipated. The single is titled "Blessed" and was written by two of gospel music’s greats, Jonathan McReynolds and Baltimore's Own Jonathan Nelson and is currently available at all digital media outlets.
Mali Music I'm super excited to report Mali Music is releasing a new project THIS MONTH! The title of the project is "The Transition of Mali". If you haven't had a chance to check out the single "Gonna Be Alright" go do it! Mali has always delivered great mainstream cutting edge inspirational music and I can’t wait to hear the full project!
with Miss Ericka
gospel industry news
Follow me on twitter, www.twitter.com @ MissEricka J, facebook www.facebook.com/ ErickaJohnson,or via email missericka75@yahoo.com
Top 5 Songs Tiya Askia Tiya is straight out of Washington, DC! This young lady is incredible, if you have the opportunity to experience her minister live, you'll echo my sentiments. She's a member of Charles Butler & Trinity and is featured on their project. However, she has launched into the deep and has released her debut EP titled "Hear Our Cry" and it’s BLAZING the charts. The single debuted at #1 on Billboard Hot Singles! Support good music especially DMV Music!
Alexis Spight SAVE THE DATE! September 12! Alexis Spight will be doing a live recording in Detroit at the Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God. Special guests featured include The Clark Sisters, Mali Music, Kierra Sheard, and her BET Sunday’s Best family Amber Bullock, and Joshua Rogers.
Brittney Wright One of BMore's own Brittney Wright is doing a live recording on June 2, this is her third album. The project will be produced by Writerz Blok Music Group and the title of the album is "I Am Free". The recording will be held at Community of Hope Church in Hillcrest Heights, MD where she leads worship. Brittney is a phenomenal singer and has been sowing musical seeds and blessing to so many ministries across the country, and I am in full anticipation of this project. You definitely wanna be in the building!
#1 T ake Me To The King - Tamela Mann #2 You Deserve It - JJ Hairston #3 Joy - VaShawn Mitchell #4 You Waited - Travis Greene #5 I Need You - Donnie McClurkin
Top 5 Albums
#1 One Way Tamela Mann #2 WOW 2017 #3 You Deserve It JJ Hairston #4 Best Days - Tamela Mann #5 The Hill - Travis Greene Happy Father's Day to all the men that have stepped up to the plate of accountability, we need strong fathers and father figures in this world to help mentor and raise our sons and daughters, please don’t feel forgotten or unappreciated, we honor and celebrate you and we need you more than ever! I wanna honor my father the Late Rev. Bruce C. Johnson who was such an example and role model to men, I pray as I continue to grow and move into my destiny I continue to honor your name and legacy. My godfather Deacon Richard Gale, my Bishop Richard Pender Sr., my son’s father Pastor Randy Whitley, just to name a few of the men that have played a role in my life as well as the lives of others.
Clifton Ross, III DMV's own Clifton Ross, III, you know him from BET's Sunday’s Best, has released a new single titled "I Believe God", this is the title track of his debut EP, it debuted at #6 on Billboard album sales. WOO HOO! www.gracenglorymagazine.org 37 www.gracenglorymagazine.org 37 www.gracenglorymagazine.org 37
man talk
Written by Pat Barrett and Anthony Brown, Good Good Father is an anthem that celebrates who God is and how He defines who we are. Popularized by Contemporary Christian recording artist Chris Tomlin, this motif is echoed in a simple refrain: You’re a Good, Good Father; it’s who you are, it’s who you are, it’s who you are. And I’m loved by you; it’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am. To honor the greatest man in my life, Rev. Stuart Barrett, Sr., this edition of Man Talk highlights three ways in which he has been a good, good father to me. HE TAUGHT ME THROUGH RELATIONSHIP One of the most challenging aspects of working with people, especially young people, is the ability to develop a unique relationship with each one, without compromising the quality of these connections. Parenting multiple children is perhaps the best illustration of this idea. But because I don’t have personal experience with this as a father, I will liken it unto a teacher’s relationship with his students. Fundamentally, relationship is the foundation upon which learning occurs. Therefore, in order to effectively communicate information, teachers must establish meaningful connections with their students by consistently and intentionally investing the necessary effort to understand each one as an individual—in order to know the manner in which instruction should be approached and delivered to achieve the greatest success. My father, a former teacher, accomplished this masterfully. Although I didn’t realize it as a child, it was clear to me as an adult. Like a good teacher, dad developed a unique relationship with my brothers and me—relationships that had a lot less to do with money and tangible items than what was most important: his time. Dad gave us his undivided attention. Not only was he physically present in our home, but he was emotionally available and invested in our individual lives and well-being. One of the most important things my father did was to ensure that we had even more access to him as we were getting older. Having always served our local church, I remember it clearly: dad told us that he would be doing less [at church] because you boys need me now. Although I did not understand what this decision meant for the rest of my life, I am grateful for his wisdom and foresight. I fondly remember many Sunday afternoons that were spent sitting and talking around our dining room table. But not only did he talk to us, dad gave us a voice by listening to what we were saying. By listening, he understood how we were growing and our thinking evolving—each in his own way. The effort that my father spent developing individual relationships with each of us allowed him to support the dreams and endeavors that we found to be personally fulfilling. For one, it was taking him to the bowling alley or a music store to play drums. For another, it was sitting in the stands during his football games. For a third brother, it was cheering, loudly, at wrestling matches. For me, it was years spent paying for piano lessons and chauffeuring me to and from countless services and rehearsals. It was driving me to my college and graduate school interviews. Dad’s ability to love individually, yet equally, taught me an invaluable lesson long before Gary Chapman’s New York Times Bestseller, The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts: love is not about the manner in which we want to show people that we care. Instead, it’s about paying attention to what the object of our affection values so that we can love them in ways that are meaningful. Because of his relationship with us, dad’s love was demonstrated differently. In educational terms, it was differentiated and individualized so that each of us received exactly what we needed. 38 June 2017 | Grace&Glory
HE TAUGHT ME BY EXAMPLE Because dad was an exceptional leader, he did so by example. In other words, he wasn’t a do as I say not as I do type of father. Everything that he admonished us to do, and subsequently expected of us, was because he modeled these things. I remember hearing him start the car early in the morning, sometimes six days each week. He would leave by 6:00 and not return until 6:00 in the evening. Although this seemed rather inconsequential at the time, it left an indelible impression on me. My father did what was necessary to provide for his family. I’m sure that some days were terribly cold. I’m sure that some days he simply did not feel like going to work. But despite these things, he showed us the importance of responsibility, hard work, and sacrifice. For many years, my father was a worship leader. In fact, playing for him was a large part of how I began playing in church more than 25 years ago. But before I understood the importance of musicians and singers being true to what they professed publicly, I lived with a father who led his family in prayer and praise. I can say a lot more about this, but suffice it to say that my father’s life and example has had a profound impact on my appreciation of, and approach to, worship, praise, and music ministry. Even in recent years, my father accomplished something that was nothing short of tremendous. Not wanting any of his grandchildren to have an excuse for not furthering their education, dad earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees just shy of his 60th birthday! Dad’s example showed us that nothing is impossible. HE TAUGHT ME TO SERVE Without exception, my father has taught me the most about serving others. A deacon for more than 15 years, those in his care often called upon my father when they needed help in various ways. Not being more than 12 years old, I remember my father leaving our home in Long Island to purchase and bring chicken to a family that lived more than 40 minutes away. I remember that it was a Saturday night. I remember that it was cold. I remember that it was late at night. These things, however, did not matter to my father. Someone was in need and he did all that he could to serve. MY FATHER AND ME As a school psychologist, I have the privilege of serving children, families, schools, and communities. And because of what he showed me, I make myself available to my students. Because he gave me a voice, I listen to young people so that they, too, will know that what they have to say is important. I certainly did not realize how much my father was impacting me as I was growing up, but now that I do, I’m grateful. I’m grateful that my father knows me. In fact, he told me that he knows me better than I know myself (smile). I had to have been in college when he said that he knew when I was home because the house felt differently. I liked hearing it then, and I still smile when I think about it now. Because my brothers and I are now adults, dad says that his days of active parenting are over. Instead, he’s a consultant parent: you guys call me and I’ll tell you what I think; but Dr. Charles Barrett what you do is up to you. Never too busy Dr. Charles Barrett is a school and always prepared with what I need, I psychologist with Loudoun County am grateful for my father, my friend. Public Schools and Associate Happy Father’s Day, Dad.
Professor of Psychology at Northern Virginia Community College.
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40 June 2017 | Grace&Glory