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scripture page
2 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
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contents on the cover: Happy New Year! Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV) The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.
Special Feature pgs 16-19 We are spotlighting the contributors of the Grace & Glory Magazine as they share their 2016 New Year’s messages with you the readers.
Feature Articles 20 SINGLE LIFE
Making The Adjustment
Dr. Tim Tooten
Now is the Time to Worship
Tyneice Pack
To Everything There is a Season: Embrace the Season of Singleness
Dr. Charles Barrett
New Year, New Season: Begin With The End in Mind
Brandie Manigault
Birthing The Miraculous (Heidi Baker)
Healthy Body 4 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
Herline A. Knights, RD, LD
8 Weeks to a Healthier You in the New Year
Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)
It’s Time
Healthy Soul
Andrea Williams
In Every Issue Scripture Page........................................ 2
Donna Williams-Ross
In Trust Ministries dwilliamsross@aol.com nistries
Godlessness in the Last Days
Contributors............................................ 6 From the Editor....................................... 7
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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Harold A. Carter, Jr. Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Herline A. Knights Pastors Gregory and Tonya Dennis Carla J. Debnam Donna Williams-Ross Ericka Johnson Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Dr. Monique Flemings
PHOTOGRAPHY Mark L. Dennis, Alan L. Jones GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne-Nalley www.JandCDesigns.com WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period www.artsperiod.com PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing www.hgroebuck.com Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.
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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Dr. Frank M. Reid III Sr. Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church, MD Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD
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from the editor
“Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.” – Lucy Larcom It is a brand New Year and many of us are looking toward this New Year with a fresh new hope! With every New Year it is everyone’s hope that all things will be new again. The modern idea of hope is [to wish for, to expect, but without certainty of the fulfillment; to desire very much, but with no real assurance of getting your desire]. However in the word of God, hope is an indication of certainty. Hope in Scripture means [a strong and confident expectation]. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one also hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it. (Romans 8:24-25) What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet. God is often called “the God of Hope.” This means He is the source of all real hope. If we are going to have hope (confident expectation), it must come from Him for He alone has the power to give it. Hope gives us power to live courageously, to be all God has called us to be in Christ. In order to embrace all that is new for this brand New Year we have stepped into, we have to remain hopeful. Always remember your present situation is not your final destination, the best is yet to come. What is my assessment for the New Year? Well I don’t have a catchy slogan, I don’t have a theme or a prophetic word; what I do have is what I know. This is what I know about 2016: I know that God will still be faithful and His mercies will still be new every morning. (Lamentations 3:21-23).
I know that God will still do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) I know that God will still provide all my needs according to His riches. (Philippians 4:19) I know that God will still forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3) I know that God will still empower me to do all things through Christ that strengthens me. (Philippians 4:11-13) In 2016, I know that God will still be my strong tower, my fortress, my buckler, my friend, my comforter and my peace. I know that God will still be whatever I need Him to be! This New Year my prayer is that you will never lose your hope for the future; the hope that depends on the Word of God. We have a new hope every day of the year; it depends on knowing God and resting in His grace. I know the best is still yet to come. Say it today . . . and say it often. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief www.gracenglorymagazine.org 77 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
education digest
Making the Adjustment “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2).
If you’ve already made a New Year’s resolution, I pray you are off to a great start. However, the facts are not in your favor that you’ll be able to keep them. According to a recent article in Shape magazine, nearly half of us are making New Year's resolutions, but less than 10 percent of us are actually keeping them. Whether it's lack of motivation, lack of resources, or we just lose interest.” The publication goes on to suggest why resolutions are not successful. Reason 1: Going at it alone. If you are someone who has a higher success rate when you have outside support, then get a buddy. Reason 2: Extremely Lofty Resolutions. If your goal is to solve world peace, maybe a more attainable goal is to vow you'll finally read War and Peace. Reason 3: Giving up too easily. Whether you get discouraged or simply lose interest, giving up too easily is a big resolution breaker. Reason 4: Time Management. Instead of trying to accomplish it all in one day, break it up into manageable increments. Reason 5: Financial Burden. Be creative and try to find less expensive ways to complete your goals. Reason 6: Unrealistic Resolutions. You need to set a goal that is actually achievable in the time frame you set for yourself. Reason 7: No Plan. People set themselves up for failure because they commit to a resolution, fully knowing they have no plan in place to actually achieve it. Reason 8: Lack of Honesty. Make resolutions you
8 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
actually want to achieve because you really want to and are actually going to put a plan of action towards. Reason 9: Wrong Perspective. Quit dwelling on what you have not accomplished and focus on what you will accomplish instead. Reason 10: Not Believing in Yourself. Rather, congratulate and reward yourself for making the effort toward your goal. That will give you the energy and stamina you need to continue achieving your initial goal. I want to add a Reason 11. So often, we fail to keep our New Year’s resolutions, I believe, because we fail to look to the Lord Jesus Christ to help us make the adjustment. Instead, we tend to follow the pattern of the world. The world’s method more often than not fits the category of, “quick, fast and in a hurry.” We must yearn for an internal and spiritual adjustment, one focused on mind, body and Spirit. The Bible reminds us this is how true and lasting transformation takes place. It is only when we turn over the controls to God. Luciania, Jené : Top 10 Reasons You Don't Stick to Your Resolutions." Shape Magazine,. Retrieved from http://shapemagazine.com
Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. is an Emmy-Award Winning television reporter for WBAL-TV (NBC) in Baltimore, Maryland and the Pastor and Founder of Harvest Christian Ministries in Baltimore County, Maryland
Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr.
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10 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
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woman’s perspective
Tiffany Bethea She-EO Life Mentor www.Tiffanybethea.com Happy New Year beautiful! Yes I am speaking to you my sister. Look at you. You’ve made it through another year and you are just as remarkable and exquisite as ever. Nothing that you were worried about, no trial, no situation took you out last year. But instead you’ve made it into 2016 stronger, better and wiser. It’s time for you to celebrate yourself. How often do really stop to smell the roses or appreciate our own wins? So often we are focused on our responsibilities, concerns, worries, goals or cheerleading for others. Too many of us don’t take enough time to celebrate what we have accomplished and what we have allowed God to do through us. Today I want to celebrate you my sister! You’ve endured. Sometimes I don’t even know why the enemy bothers bringing trials our way. Hasn’t he observed that when daughters of the king go through situations, we come out with more wisdom, more gratitude, more direction, more compassion, more strength and more love for God? You think by now he would have gotten the hint. But nope, he continues to persist. In 2015 you experienced great trials, great difficulties; the weapons formed but they did not prosper. And no matter how much you felt as if you wouldn’t make it through, YOU DID! That is something to celebrate my sister. There are people who went through less than you but did not endure. Give God the glory and praise that is due Him; but be sure to celebrate yourself for sticking with the process and allowing yourself to see the victory. It was no easy feat I’m sure, but nonetheless you did it. Having done all to stand you are still standing and you have not quit. “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” You’ve heard this before but I bet you are realizing in this moment that this applies to you. You are the winner! Because you have refused to quit, you are the winner. Because you continue to endure through hard trials like a good soldier, you are more than a conqueror! Your heart is still beating. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” 12 12 January January 2016 2016 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
This phrase is true, but it is only true if we allow it to be. It’s one thing to come through a trial physically; it is another thing entirely to come through emotionally and spiritually. It is a choice to become better and not bitter, it does not happen automatically. How many of us know people who have gone through situations and come out sour instead of stronger? But look at you! You have come through another year filled with ups and downs and your heart has made it through as well. You are still loving and pursuing God passionately; and you are still loving people generously and compassionately. It is no small thing to be able to walk through the valley with your heart unscathed by the contaminants of anger, fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, and more that are so prevalent. Through the power of God you have managed to do it. That divorce didn’t keep you from believing in love. That miscarriage didn’t destroy your hope of motherhood. That job loss didn’t dim the dreams of your ideal career. That lost loved one didn’t deter your affection from God. You continued to worship God in spirit and in truth. You continued to love Him with your whole heart, mind, and strength; and He has kept you in perfect peace. Sounds to me like a call for celebration my sister. I want to challenge and encourage you throughout this year to take note of the victories and wins you experience. Often times the enemy will discourage us when we are in a trial and cause us to forgot all the wonderful things that God has done in us. Write down your wins my sister. Many of you may already journal. For those of you who don’t, I strongly encourage you to consider journaling in some form so that you have a written record to reference in your tough times. It will lift your heart to remember all of the celebratory moments that have already occurred. I believe great things are in store for you for 2016! Don’t miss them. Don’t be so focused on goal chasing that you miss the wins. And as those wins happen, take a moment to celebrate yourself. You deserve it!
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to your good health
King Solomon says it well, “There is a time for everything.” This scripture is often quoted at times of change and transition. It reminds us that life has its ups and downs and we should be ready for anything at anytime. We have to build up our level of endurance so that we can be prepared for whatever life brings our way. This seems to be true now more than ever. The hymn, Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand sums it up well. The first verse, “time is filled with swift transition”, is certainly true today. We have more ways to stay connected and it seems the information highway is now one block long with the many applications that help us manage our issues, our time and our relationships. Even with the realization of how time appears to be slipping away, some of us still have a tendency to procrastinate regarding the tasks we know God has assigned to us. The awareness that time waits for no one is not enough to get us motivated to start, continue or complete our God ordained mission. When being obedient becomes a challenge for us, God may use incidents, accidents and intentional actions as motivation to instigate the moments of impact necessary to promote change. God takes us on a 14 January January 2016 2016 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 14
journey of self-discovery that forces us to confront our excuses and examine our complaints about our circumstances. Ultimately, we wake up and realize that time is short and we must get in position to be blessed and to be used by God. Being aware of God’s timing is not enough. We must take action and seize the moment. We can no longer wait for family and friends to come into agreement with the vision God has given us. You and I must press towards the mark and apprehend the prize of the high calling. Wishing and wondering if ‘it’s time’ will no longer suffice. Taking action is the only recourse we have in the time of rapid change. Jesus tells Peter to ‘watch and pray’. This is a warning to not just get ready but to be ready when transitions, trials and trauma enter our lives. We cannot fall apart but must rise up and be willing to fulfill our calling saying in the words of Isaiah, “Here am I Lord, send me.” It’s time! Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center
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teen connect
Editor – Jackie Epps “May this New Year be a year of health & happiness , a year of wealth & wisdom, a year of peace & prosperity, and a year of love & laughter.” Jackie Epps Jackie Epps is the editor-in-chief and publisher of the Grace & Glory Magazine. Jackie co-founded and created the Grace & Glory Magazine in 2006. In 2008 she became sole owner of the magazine and started her own multi-media company, J.E. Media, LLC. Jackie Epps’ career in mass communications spans 35 years, beginning her career in radio broadcasting in 1980 working at WWIN Radio (Baltimore) for seven years. She continued her career in radio working at WXYV Radio (Baltimore) for the next two years. In 1989 her career shifted to television broadcasting where she worked at WBFF-TV (Fox Affiliate) for 10 years. From there Jackie moved to WMAR-TV (ABC Affiliate) where she has been employed for the last 17 years. At WMAR-TV her expertise is in advertising sales, program sales, and production. When the Grace & Glory television program was created in 2001, she was given the job of co-producing the program. In 2003 Jackie was promoted to producer of the Grace & Glory Show, a one hour faith based program designed to encourage, inspire and empower its viewers. It airs every Sunday morning and averages 15,000 viewers each week. Jackie Epps’ expertise in mass communications is often called upon as a consultant for media planning and buying. Jackie Epps is well known in the faith based community in Baltimore as a dedicated promoter of the gospel through her work in the Grace & Glory enterprise. One of the many things that Jackie enjoys most when not working on the magazine is spending time with her daughter and family; the both are very precious to her.
To Your Good Health – Carla J. Debnam “Take your sadness and turn it into joy, your weakness and turn it into strength, your losses into victories and your pain into peace. Remember you “can do all things through Christ who gives you strength”. Carla Debnam Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Catonsville, MD. She has a Master of Science degree in Pastoral Counseling from Loyola University Maryland and will graduate with a Doctor of Ministry degree in Transformational Leadership from the Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio in May 2016. Elder Debnam was licensed to preach the Gospel in June 2006 and ordained in June 2013. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She has written articles on mental health topics and frequently presents at workshops and conferences. Elder Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue and Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Volume 3-5. Elder Debnam is active in the outreach ministries of the church ministering to those in
nursing homes and prisons. She is the mother of Corey, Jewell and Jared and grandmother of Courtney. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading and baking and stands on the promise of Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."(NIV)
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Education Digest – Dr. Tim Tooten “I pray in the New Year that God will exceed your expectations.”- Dr. Tim Tooten Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. has shared Maryland's stories as a journalist for WBAL-TV 11 News since 1988. He is Baltimore's only fulltime education reporter. Tim began his broadcasting career in 1976 as a high school disc jockey in his native Live Oak, Fla. From there, he gained reporting experience in Washington, D.C., and West Virginia. Among the highlights of his reporting assignments include a half-hour documentary shot in Liberia, West Africa, called "Africa's Maryland." The documentary prompted Maryland's governor to sign an extensive cultural, educational and financial sister city agreement with two counties in the Republic of Liberia. Tim was honored with a prestigious National Headliner Award for his "East is East" documentary, which profiled life as an African-American growing up on Maryland's Eastern Shore. He also won an Associated Press award for his undercover investigative series of reports on the history of discriminatory practices in the private clubs in West Virginia. In addition to his broadcasting achievements, Tim is particularly proud of sharing the "good news" as pastor and founder of Harvest Christian Ministries in Baltimore, a non-denominational church. Tim holds a Doctor of Ministry degree (D.Min.) from Virginia Seminary in Lynchburg. He also received his Master of Arts degree from St. Mary's Seminary and University Ecumenical Institute of Theology in Baltimore, the country's oldest Catholic seminary. Tim graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in communications. He remains active in his community, employed as an affiliate broadcasting professor at Loyola University Maryland, and as a mentor to African-American men at Perry Hall High School. He is a member of the board for the Maryland Bible Society. Tim is married and is the father of three children and two grandchildren.
◆◆◆ Bookshelf – Brandie Manigault “Happy New Year! May you find yourself on a collision course with destiny in 2016; a course full of fulfilled promises, supernatural provision and abundance in all things. May you experience the overwhelming love of Jesus and all the joy that He has for you in 2016.” Brandie Brandie Manigault – When she learns of something good, her first instinct is to share it with the world; whether it is a sale at a store, a beautiful picture, a good book, or a revelation from the Word of God. Author of New Day Fresh Start, a daily devotional designed to unlock a journey of conversation between the reader and the Lord throughout the day, Brandie maintains a weekly devotional blog on social media. With a Business Degree from Oral Roberts University and a Master's in Human Services/ Marriage in the Family from Liberty University, she has managed both the administrative and the finance departments for businesses, ministries, and churches in Maryland, California, and Texas. She has helped local churches build from the ground up and consults for ministries nationwide. Alongside her husband, Tim, Brandie co-founded Healing Voice Ministries, a nonprofit ministry whose aim is to be a voice of healing and hope provoking the earth to experience fellowship with God through worship all by His grace and love. Together they serve their local church in California, minister to couples embarking on their journey towards marriage as well as couples in crisis. With all that she has going on, her number one priority is her husband and their three children. Brandie can say with all assurance that there is no other assignment more important, more fulfilling, more challenging or more rewarding than being a wife and mother. Brandie is a strong believer that "Love Wins"!
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Woman’s Perspective – Tiffany Bethea “Happy New Year! Are you ready for all the greatness that lies ahead? I believe that for many of us this year we will see more of the wonder of who God is and how amazingly He can work through a surrendered life. For many of us 2015 was a trying year. But look at us, we made it! The weapons formed but they didn't prosper. All of the muscles built through adversity in 2015 will be used in our destiny in 2016. Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard...It's about to be on! Get ready to be wowed by God!” Tiffany Bethea Tiffany Bethea is a minister and marketing & branding expert who combines her passion for God and business expertise to empower Christian entrepreneurs to create explosive business results. She speaks trains and works with ministries, nonprofits, faith-based brands and Christian business owners on creative branding, social media, email marketing, event promotion, mobile apps, marketing materials, and all things brand development.
◆◆◆ Man Talk – Charles Barrett “More than a Happy New Year, I wish that you would enter into the season that God has ordained for your life before the foundations of the world. It is my prayer that all of God’s children would walk in His divine plan and purpose for their lives. Be encouraged with these words: 2016 is the year of focus. If we focus on what God desires for our lives and remain faithful to what He has called us to do, we will experience great success and accomplish more than we’ve thought possible. Peace and Blessings.” - Charles Barrett Charles Barrett – Having been introduced to the wonderful world of music by his pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers in Freeport, New York, Charles Barrett began taking private piano lessons at the age of 6. Throughout his formative years in elementary, middle, and high school, he played piano, trumpet, and sang in various musical aggregations. Ever cognizant of his God-given gift, Charles began playing for worship services in various churches at the age of 11, which has led to becoming a competent pianist and organist who also possesses the requisite knowledge and experience to effectively execute a variety of musical projects. As principal keyboardist and ministry leader for worship ministries at Heritage Fellowship Church, he provides administrative, musical, and creative direction to all aspects of instrumental and vocal music and liturgical dance. In addition to his musical abilities, Charles is passionate about the power of the written word. As a writer, he has served as Guest Lectionary Liturgist for the African American Lectionary and currently authors a monthly column, Man Talk, for Grace and Glory Magazine. His writing can be described as thought provoking and challenging yet encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting. An avid believer in the necessity of education, Charles holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Psychology, English, Human Development, and School Psychology from St. John’s University and Lehigh University. He currently serves as a school psychologist with Loudoun County Public Schools (Ashburn, VA) and Associate Professor of Psychology at Northern Virginia Community College (Alexandria, VA). Charles and his wife, Lisa, reside in Northern Virginia with their son, Miles.
◆◆◆ Single Life – Tyniece Pack “A New Year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. May your spirit and determination be unshaken, as you enter into the New Year; with courage, faith and great effort, you shall achieve everything you desire. I wish you a very happy, blessed and prosperous New Year.”- Tyniece Pack Tyniece Pack is a spirit filled and spirit led child of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is the daughter of William and Christine Pack and native of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She is also the proud mother of Michael T. Johnson and Daughter-in-love Nikki Johnson. Tyniece is blessed to serve as an ordained Deaconess at Set the Captives Free Outreach Center under the spiritual covering of Pastors Linwood and Apostle Dr. Karen Bethea. She is a graduate of Baltimore School of the Bible and is currently enrolled as a Minister in Training at Set The Captives Free Outreach Center. Tyniece is also the Director of Joshua’s Journey young adult ministry (Ages 18-30) at Set The Captives Free Outreach Center. One of her favorite scriptures is Psalm 27:13 (AMP), “What, what would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living!” 18 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
Word of Encouragement – Donna Jennifer Royalty Ross “Happy 2016 to you and yours. I wonder if as many people are as excited about this year as I am. I truly believe that the Body of Christ needed the wake up call to action as we watched the end times unfolding right before our eyes. We are about to witness the subsequent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have seen it all – steady stream of suicide, suicide bombings, children killing parents, the wars in diverse places and the complete lawlessness in the earth. I believe the Church is getting ready to really experience its finest hour. We are the generations that are doing exciting things because of the Power of Attorney that Jesus left for us to conduct business on His behalf in the earth. Let's move forward quickly. Time is of the essence. In other words -- wake up everybody, no more sleeping in here. We have business to take care of.” Donna Jennifer Royalty Ross Donna Jennifer Royalty Ross – In February 1986, Donna made the life changing decision to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. As an ordained minister of the Gospel, she is committed to spreading the word to anyone who comes into contact with her. She has ministered in Maryland, Connecticut, Boston, Texas, and New York, to diverse congregations, women’s conferences and in hospitals and nursing homes. Her commitment to see people set free from the bondages of satan has led her to write daily on topics that are relevant to the times. Such topics have dealt with everyday struggles involving spiritual health and wealth. For about ten years God would daily give her “Words of Encouragement” and “Critical Information Update” to encourage the hearts of others via email. She has written Words of Encouragement from God’s Heart to Yours, Critical Information Update and From Disgrace To Grace; From Grace To God’s Glory, in the form of eBooks and paperbacks. She also writes a monthly column “Word of Encouragement” for Grace & Glory Magazine. She has been a facilitator of book clubs “Power of a Praying Wife” and “Power of a Praying Parent” for one of the largest women's prayer groups on Facebook. Donna has also volunteered as a minister at the Harford County Detention Center ministering to both women and men. She has a heart for and is passionate about women who have been emotionally, physically and sexually abused. She is a mouthpiece of the Lord, who fights for that one person that others look at as the underdog – the one who others believe will never make it. She enjoys encouraging others to step out of the boat and begin to trust God so that He can be glorified in the earth. Donna Jennifer [Royalty] Ross was born in Georgetown, Guyana. She is married to Earl Ross and the mother of two biological daughters and with her husband has a very huge extended family.
◆◆◆ Nutrition – Herline A. Knights “We are grateful for our work with you in 2015, and we look forward to working together in the NewYear. Happy and Healthy 2016 to Grace and Glory Magazine.” Herline A. Knights Herline A. Knights, a woman who lives by the phrase, “You Are What You Eat”, has made it her “business” to teach others to develop that same mantra, and in so doing, take control of their health. Herline began her road to nutritional wellness with a Bachelor of Science in biology from the College of New Rochelle in New York. She subsequently continued her education at Virginia State University where she completed an additional two years post-baccalaureate program in nutrition. Now a Registered Licensed Dietitian/Health Coach, Herline is certified in adult weight management. Her vast experience includes practice in a variety of settings. From her work as a Renal Dietitian- where she monitors, evaluates, and counsels dialysis patients- to her role as Clinical Dietitian and Nutrition Consultant- evaluating and improving the nutritional status of children and adults- she has worked with people with various nutritional needs. In her “spare time” Herline lends her expertise to Grace & Glory magazine as a freelance writer on the topic of nutrition. With several published nutritional articles, this dynamic teacher continues to display her passion for educating others, about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Added to her impressive dossier is the title of businesswoman. The proud owner of Global Health and Nutrition Consults, LLC, a nutrition consulting company, Herline has managed to carefully blend her passion to provide nutritional education with her business acumen to build a thriving consulting business. With the belief that “You Are What You Eat”, Herline’s mission is and will always be to ensure that everyone whose life she touches, eats and, therefore, lives well.
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single life
To Everything, There is a Season So Embrace the Season of Singleness. Being single is not a curse, but is a celebration of a season often short-lived and over looked by our desire to be in a relationship. I believe that God desires that we enjoy our season of singleness. Being single should be celebrated as equally as being married. It is a time that we are able to travel, serve God and others, as well as be spontaneous. Don’t allow your desire to be in a relationship cause you to move ahead of God's timing. Be patient because great things come to those who wait on God. Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. (Philippians 4:6 Amplified) As singles, we long to be in a loving and healthy relationship. I want to encourage you ladies that while you are waiting to become his good thing, or gentleman while you are waiting to find your good thing, there are some things that you should do. Deal with your past and forgive yourself and others. (Philippians 3:13) • A relationship that is loving and healthy must include a relationship with God. Get close to God first before getting close to anyone else. God without man is still God but man without God is nothing. If our relationship with God (Vertical) is poor it will cause our (Horizontal) relationship with others to be poor. Just as if our relationship with God is good then our relationship with others can be good. If
20 January January 2016 2016 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 20
we are not sure of what real love looks like or feels like, how will you know what it is when it shows up? This is the very reason that you must love yourself. We are the best example to other people as to how they should treat us. If we do not love and respect ourselves, we give others the permission to do the same.
Learn to validate yourself, love yourself and know your worth. (Psalm 37:5-6) • It is important to go into a relationship knowing who you are. When you don’t know who you are and understand your worth, you put yourself in a position to settle. To set boundaries in a relationship is vital to recognizing your feelings. We have to differentiate ourselves from the other person. Get to know yourself in order to discover your likes and dislikes. (Psalm 139:14) • On the journey to self-discovery it is important to: Get to know yourself and gain the courage to live the life that God created you to live. Be true to your core value and be okay with being different. God created you to be a designer’s original. Not a copy of someone else. Write out your goals so you are clear about the journey. (Habakkuk 2:2) • A dream written down with a date attached to it becomes a goal. The steps you take to achieve the goal will become the plan and your actions will make the dream come true. If you are not sure of where you are going when you get into a relationship you could end up being distracted from reaching your destiny. I hope that you are encouraged to embrace this sacred season of life to become whole so that you are able to offer your best self to your significant other. Mathematics is the only place where two halves make a whole. A godly marriage is formed when two whole people unite to become one in Christ. Tyniece Pack
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Book Shelf Birthing The Miraculous By Heidi Baker Happy New Year! I am starting the year off rereading a book by one of my favorites, Heidi Baker. After hearing her speak recently and getting a chance to sit with her I was convinced within myself that I had to go and reread Birthing The Miraculous because of its initial impact on my life. I wanted to fan the flame that it initially sparked. What do you say about a book that has the power to change your life; a book that consumes you and within its pages has the potential, if you let it, to bring you to a vulnerable place with the Lord? I don’t know how much justice I will do to the book in the next few paragraphs, but I will try! May I present to you Birthing The Miraculous by Heidi Baker. Birthing The Miraculous is a chalet ginger book to read if you are looking for a quick read; not because it was a hard read, full of big words. It is a relatively easy read full of stories and humorous notes. Baker’s word choices were not difficult to comprehend. The sentence structures were conversational, but I found myself reading passages over and over just to take it all in again and again. Reading Heidi Baker's words were like reading a dialogue with Jesus. I felt weepy at times as I felt the pull to want to know more about everything she was saying. At times I became so overwhelmed by Jesus in the pages that I had to just stop reading, again, and sit still. It was as if the words became alive as I read them. 22 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
by Brandie Manigault
One chapter that provoked me the most is called Deeper Still. Here Baker talks about living in a yielded place with the Lord; going deeper and deeper until you are consumed by His presence. One of my favorite lines says, “God is looking for a people He can so immerse in His love that for the rest of their lives they will have to survive inside His heart.” Birthing The Miraculous is full of lines like these that make you want to read more. The power of Birthing The Miraculous is in its ability to
reach everyone on every level. It is a call to all to experience God in a more yielded way, to expand our expectations, to love deeper, to prepare for greater. There is another level of living available. Throughout the chapters I would take screen shots of the pages on my phone (I have the Kindle version of the book) and send them to my friends so that they could experience what I was experiencing. Their reactions were just like mine; pure awe. I don’t just recommend Birthing The Miraculous by Heidi Baker, I urge you to go get it. I pray you get it. Dive into it and be consumed by it. After you read it, let me know what you think. I want to hear your thoughts. - Brandie
About the Author
Heidi Baker
Heidi and Rolland Baker founded IRIS Global in 1980 (called IRIS Ministries at that time), and began ministering together in Asia. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, pastors, churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique's ten provinces. Heidi is now "Mama Heidi" to thousands of children, and oversees a broad holistic ministry that includes Bible schools, medical clinics, church-based orphan care, well drilling, primary schools, evangelistic and healing outreaches in remote villages and a network of thousands of churches. She has BA, MA from Vanguard University and her PhD from Kings College (University of London). A documentary film called Compelled by Love: The Film premeires January 5th, 2014 which features the life story of Rolland and Heidi Baker, narrated by Reinhard Bonnke.
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nutrition & you
8 Weeks to a Healthier You in the New Year Happy and Healthy 2016! What New Year’s goals did you make when the ball dropped at midnight on December 31? If you resolved to improve your health during the upcoming year, you’re more likely to succeed if you gradually make healthy changes. Over the next few days, keep a food journal to help you identify areas that need improvement. Keeping a food journal helps you pinpoint your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal. Starting on January 3, follow this 8-week program to a healthier you. Week of January 3-9 Eat a healthy breakfast everyday. Many people often skip breakfast. Some skip it because they are often rushed in the morning and have little time to prepare. Some people skip breakfast as a measure to control their weight. Studies have shown that breakfast eaters have a higher metabolism and are more successful in work and school than those who skip that meal. Oftentimes, skipping a meal results in an increased total caloric intake, than if we just ate more frequently throughout the course of the day. Week of January 10-16 Drinking more water instead of soda, juice, sweet tea, coffee or other sugar-sweetened beverages drinks saves calories. Even the zero-calorie diet soda offers no nutritional value- it’s just water with added artificial sweeteners and caffeine. Carrying a bottle of water with you will encourage you to sip it instead of reaching for sweetened beverages. Week of January 17-23 Practice portion control. Check the serving size on the nutrition facts panel and use the correct measuring utensils to get an idea of what a serving looks like. For example, one serving of pasta means ½ cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 3-4 servings of pasta. You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask for a take-out container and take home the leftovers. Week of January 24-30 Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter and stock your refrigerator with baby carrots, celery slices, raw broccoli, and ready-to-eat salads. Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and help to keep your calories count low. Week of January 31-February 6 Make the switch to low-fat dairy products to reduce your intake of artery-clogging saturated fat. Try 1% or skim milk, nonfat yogurt, reduced fat cheeses, fat-free sour cream, and low-fat ice cream. For healthy bones and teeth, aim to have 3 servings a day. 24 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
Week of February 7-13 Boost fiber intake by eating whole grain foods and beans. It’s an easy way to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Make half your grains whole. Eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain cereal, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta every day. One ounce is about 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of breakfast cereal, or ½ cup of cooked rice or pasta. Look to see that grains such as wheat, rice, oats, or corn are referred to as “whole” near the beginning of the list of ingredients. Week of February 14-20 Know your fats. Look for foods low in saturated fats, Trans fat, and cholesterol to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Most of the fats you eat should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Keep your total fat intake between 20% and 30% of calories. Sprinkle flaxseeds on yogurt, cereal, and casseroles, and eat seafood twice a week. Instead of snacking on chips, and cookies, munch on a healthy trail mix made with nuts, dried fruit, and low-fat popcorn. Limit fried foods to one or fewer servings per week, and use olive oil or canola oil when cooking and baking. Week of February 21-27 Reduce sodium (salt) intake for a healthier heart. Research shows that eating less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium (about 1 tsp of salt) per day may reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Most of the sodium that people eat comes from processed foods, not from the saltshaker. Look for low- sodium canned soups and vegetables, and limit salty snacks. Enjoy fresh meats and produce, and flavor with herbs and spices. Finally, it is very important to find your balance between food and physical activity. Becoming a healthier you isn’t just about eating healthy; it’s also about physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. It also helps you control body weight by balancing the calories you take in as food with calories you expand each day. The centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with the American College of Sports Medicine, recommends adults get at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive physical activity daily. For instance, walking at a moderate pace for 30-60 minutes most days of the week will help you maintain aerobic fitness and decrease your risk for heart disease. It will also keep muscles flexible, reduce stress, and help prevent osteoporosis. Healthy Eating Guidelines are intended to promote overall health while reducing the risk of developing nutrition-related diseases like cancer and heart disease. They are directed at all healthy individuals over the age of 14. There is nothing difficult about healthy eating. It is simply a common-sense approach to food that is easy to live with, once you get used to it. Have a happy & healthy New Year!
By Herline A. Knights, RD, LD
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word of encouragement
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. [2 Timothy 3:3-9 ESV] As the year 2015 has now become history and year 2016 beckons us with new hope and a spirit of expectation for some, hopelessness and a spirit of despair and desperation has brought a spirit of doom and gloom for others. Therefore let us examine the difference of hope to hopelessness. New Hope Scripture shows that we are truly living in the last of the last days. In other words with each passing day there is a constant reminder of the times we are living in. For those who have spent time in the Bible, listening for and spending time in the presence of the Lord – there is hope. Faith being the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You may not have been in the word as often as you should have, but you are asking God for a closer walk with Him. We are seeing a bolder, blatant work of the devil our adversary. Therefore no longer can the Body of Christ sit pointing fingers at each other. It is time out for whose church is bigger than whose. It is time out for competition and bickering amongst the saints. God has given us a hope. God has left instructions on how to fight in this end time. One of the things Jesus said in His time with the disciples was, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:15-16). Why are we continuing to look to the Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists to go? You go. You have a hope, therefore you go. In many, many situations, your smile, hug, and word of encouragement can and will make a difference. We can use an acronym for HOPE – HELPING OTHER PEOPLE ENDURE. The hope of Jesus’ return should cause us to go out and help other people endure both the harshness and the coldness that is taking place in the world right now. Suicide is on the rise, young mothers are abandoning their babies at such a high rate that there seems to be a desensitized feeling in the atmosphere. There is no longer just “rumors of wars” – we are seeing wars and the USA is dealing with financial woes as other countries are also. A popular song years ago asked, “Where is the love you said you'd give to me soon as you were free.” God is love and we can no longer go around declaring that we know the love of God. We are part of one Body, no longer can we say, “You do your thing and I will do my thing.” No, no -- we are all in this together and yes you are your brother/sister’s keeper. We all have to have hope or we all have to not have hope—because we are all the one Body of Christ -if we belong to Christ. When I think of hope, I think of an expectation and an anticipation. There is a big hype about what 2016 will be – not may be – but must be. We have to believe that God is not a man that He should lie or repent. Our constant reminder of the HOPE should be what God has promised. 26 January January 2016 2016 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 26
What exactly are you hoping for in 2016? Remember there is nothing too difficult for God. Don't just expect to receive houses and/or cars, but expect to ask God and receive the heathen to become our inheritance. Have the hope and faith enough to ask God to use you to lay hands on the sick and watch them recover. The Holy Spirit living on the inside of you is well able to perform the things you ask for. Hopelessness Hopelessness is a result of not knowing Christ, not having a desire to know Him and therefore not trusting Him. Hopelessness comes when there is no vision – the inability to think about or plan the future with imagination. We continue to see children killing parents with no remorse. We are seeing the lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power (scriptures shown above). No more can we say that scripture is not being fulfilled because they are in real time. In other words, right now, somewhere, someone is complaining about police brutality. Someone is arrogant because they are financially wealthy. We see the blatant lawlessness of same sex marriages and even the audacity given to the church of performing same sex marriage or be held in contempt of court. Hopelessness comes with a spirit of lawlessness – people are doing whatever they want. Everyone is really doing what is right in their eyes. How much longer is this hopelessness going to continue? As long as the church continues to be divided – we must remember that a house divided against itself cannot stand. I encourage you to seek the Lord while He yet can be found. I encourage you to hope in God. I encourage you to know that your election is sure in Christ Jesus. Pray with me: Father in the name of Jesus, we are well aware of the times we are living in. Your word has made it clear to us, so no man will be without excuse. We however must remember that Your Holy Spirit is living on the inside of us waiting for us to give Him full control. Help us Father to relinquish our so-called rights to the One who sees all things and knows all things, so that we can see the victory through Your Spirit, amen. Blessed to be a blessing until all nations on the earth are blessed.
Donna Williams-Ross In Trust Ministries dwilliamsross@aol.com
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POWER AT THE POLLS The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Metropolitan Baltimore is pleased to announce its voter registration campaign in recognition of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. All faith institutions are encouraged to participate in Voter Registration Check-Up Sunday.
About Voter Registration Check-Up Sunday In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they missed a registration deadline or didn’t know how to register. In 2016 our city will engage one of the most crucial election cycles in its history, we want to make sure no one is left out. On January 17, 2016, people of faith from all over the city will “get a check-up” for the IMA of Metropolitan Baltimore’s Voter Registration Sunday. This single day of coordinated pastoral, clergy and volunteer efforts will create pervasive awareness of voter registration opportunities–allowing us to reach thousands of voters who we could not reach otherwise. What It Means • Volunteers at transportation hubs, retail stores, sporting events, and faith institutions. • Opportunity for congregants to complete registration forms. • Removes the embarrassment associated with not being registered if EVERYONE completes a form. • Possibly Thousands of voters registering to vote in a single day. • The Spirit of Dr. Martin King, Jr. and the Power of the church remains relevant What It Will Accomplish • Register Voters: A network of several churches operating in real time through Sunday morning worship will register thousands of voters in the pews and many more while encouraging the community at-large of the importance of voting. • Mobilize Volunteers: By partnering with congregations not usually engaged in voter registration drives, and amplifying existing drives through event-based recruitment and cultural outreach, Voter Registration Check Up Day will bring together several faith leaders across the Baltimore Metropolitan area to register voters. • Educate Eligible Voters: Many voters need to register and re-register every year. By utilizing the power of the pulpit and leveraging partners, we’ll educate more residents on one day than ever before, bringing new voters into the fold. • New Voter Machine Information: This upcoming elections the voting machines for Baltimore City residents will change. This effort will help to inform voters of the new system and process.
Voter Registration Check Up Day
has been made possible in part by a working group of Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Metropolitan Baltimore members providing coordination and support. Some of the participating faith institutions include: New Waverly United Methodist Church, Enon Baptist Church, Fountain Baptist Church, New David Community Church, Perkins Square Baptist Church, Metropolitan United Methodist Church, Prince of Peace Baptist Church, Heritage United Church of Christ and many, many more.
• Change the Conversation: Voter Registration Check Up Day will be an opportunity to put express the wide influence of faith leaders and celebrate the rights that unite us as Americans; democracy.
Voter Registration Check-Up Sunday If your church or faith institution would like more information on how to participate, please contact revkevinslayton@gmail.com .
28 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
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30 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
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gospel industry news
Kirk Franklin In celebration of his 20 year musical journey, Kirk Franklin is bringing his One Night Only Tour to your nearest city!!! First stop is Warner Theater in Washington, DC on March 19th, tickets are on sale now. While the tour’s main focus is the promotion of his 11th release "Losing My Religion", 20 years is a milestone, so the incorporation of his music over the past 20 years is going to be an epic night!! "Wanna Be Happy?" his latest single has been #1 on Billboard since its release. The tour’s next stop after Washington, DC will be Upper Darby, PA at the Tower Theater. Israel Houghton Israel is spreading his wings onto the big screen, with the release of his Special Concert Documentary, "Live In Asia." It will be in select theaters on January 19th.
Kirk Franklin
RCA Inspiration A few of the artists on the RCA Inspiration label are up for Grammys this year. New kid on the block, Travis Greene has been nominated; "Mr. Intentional" is killing since he stepped on the scene. Of course, Kirk Franklin with his new project blazing the Billboard charts has been nominated as well as Israel Houghton for his "Live In Asia” project.
Israel Houghton
32 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
BET Celebration Of Gospel Welp! The Celebration of Gospel will be returning this year! I’m excited!! After all the previous talk about it being discontinued
Follow me on twitter, www.twitter.com @MissEricka J, facebook www.facebook.com/ErickaJohnson, or via email missericka75@yahoo.com
gospel industry news
I'm so glad that's not the case. This year’s host will be Taraji P. Henson, minus Steve Harvey who has passed her the torch. The celebration will be held January 9th, at the Orpheum Theater. Some of this year’s participants will be Anthony Brown & Group Therapy, Tamela Mann, Erica Campbell, Tye Tribbett, Travis Greene, Jonathan McReynolds, LeAndria Johnson, Yolanda Adams, Tasha Cobbs, Charles Jenkins, and more. The show is scheduled to air January 31, 2016 Motown Gospel Shout out to Motown Gospel and its artists Tasha Cobbs and Brian Courtney Wilson on their Grammy Nominations. eOne Karen Clark-Sheard, Jonathan McReynolds, Dorinda Clark-Cole, and Lalah Hathaway are all nominated for Grammys this year. eOne congrats!! Four incredible artists out of the eOne camp! BMI Trailblazers The BMI Trailblazer Awards Luncheon will be held January 16th, at the Rialto Center in Atlanta, GA. This year it will honor two sibling duos, Bebe & Cece and Mary Mary. Yolanda Adams will be hosting this year’s luncheon. Happy New Year!!! Welcome, WE ARE DOING GREATER THINGS IN 2016!! God has not slacked in His promises! He breaks chains, not promise. I'm looking forward to all the amazing things God has in store for not just me and mine, but you and yours!!! ‘Til next month . . .
Top 5 Gospel Songs 1. Wanna Be Happy? - Kirk Franklin 2. Worth - Anthony Brown & Group Therapy 3. Intentional - Travis Greene 4. Worth Fighting For - Brian Courtney Wilson 5. #WAR - Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago
Top 5 Gospel Albums 1. Losing My Religion - Kirk Franklin 2. One Place Live - Tasha Cobbs 3. Marantha Music: Top 15 Gospel Praise Hits 4. Everyday Jesus - Anthony Brown & Group Therapy 5. Masterpiece - Deitrick Haddon
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man talk
There is nothing magical about 12:00am on January 1st. Without purposing in our hearts and minds that our lives will be different in 2016, we run the risk of pouring old wine into new wineskins (Mark 2:22). To this end, some of us might be familiar with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by noted businessman, Steven Covey (d. 2012). While each of his habits are important, Habit #2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND will serve as our focus. Let’s look closer… POINT ONE: WRITE THE VISION AND MAKE IT PLAIN Psalm 37:4 is defensibly one of the most misunderstood passages of scripture. Though the psalmist writes (paraphrasing) that if we delight ourselves in The Lord (spend quality time with God) He will give us the desires of our hearts, this does not mean that we will receive whatever we want. Instead, the text speaks to The Lord giving us what our hearts should desire. In other words, He will place within us the things that we should pursue. This, brothers, is central to our success in 2016! Habakkuk 2:2-3: Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed. These verses are inextricably connected to all that God desires to accomplish in and through our lives; because before we can expect to do anything worthwhile, we must know what it is we are trying to accomplish! If we seek God—if we ask Him to show us 34 January 2016 | Grace&Glory
what He wants us to do—He will but we are also less likely to be overwhelmed answer. Further, He will give us with having to complete a seemingly instructions. Our responsibility, insurmountable undertaking at once. however, is to record everything that POINT THREE: BE FAITHFUL TO YOUR PLAN: He says. We can’t rely on our minds IMPLEMENT IT WITH FIDELITY because we are prone to forget. And, In working with families and schools, there are as the text suggests, the vision that The often many good, if not great, plans that have Lord gives us will have implications for been developed to help children succeed. Why, others. Therefore, in order to effectively then, aren’t they achieving better outcomes? communicate The Lord’s plan, write The answer, at times, is rather simple: the plan it down—literally. In a journal. In a has not been implemented with fidelity. This notebook. In your phone. In your tablet. is to say that there is nothing wrong with the And, after you write it down, although it might plan but the manner in which it has, or has not, take some time to be fulfilled, know that it will been carried out. Brothers, before discarding come to pass. your plan because you think it is ineffective, According to Covey, one of the best consider this: have you been faithful to its ways to incorporate Habit #2 into our lives design? is to develop a personal mission statement Success is not about working harder but that focuses on what we want to be and do. smarter. And, the best way to work smarter Essentially, who am I? What am I about? is to know precisely what we are working What do I want to accomplish? Brothers, if towards. If we know what we want to you haven’t already, seek The Lord; wait for accomplish, all that we do necessarily rests His response; and when He speaks, write what on our response to the following question: He says. Moreover, allow your life’s mission Will doing this/these things bring me closer to statement to become the blueprint by which accomplishing my goal(s)? If the answer is no, your aspirations become reality. I pray that we will have the strength, courage, POINT TWO: WORK BACKWARDS and discipline to not engage in these things or As a school psychologist, I’m often involved with certain individuals. While there might with helping parents and teachers respond to a not be anything inherently wrong with a certain variety of academic and behavioral difficulties. activity or person, if they are not functionally related to what we are trying to accomplish, Related to beginning with the end in mind, at times this also means working backwards. they inevitably become distractions. In the Said another way, it includes establishing a words of Covey, “If your ladder is not leaning goal and then identifying benchmarks that can against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the wrong place faster.” be used to measure progress toward the goal. For example, if your goal is to write a book by December 2016, what specific steps must be Rather than wishing you a Happy New Year, taken that also provide evidence of progress I commend you to God, the Alpha and towards completing this project? Perhaps it’s identifying a topic (January 2016); outlining Omega—He who knows the end from chapters 1, 2, and 3 (February 2016); and drafting chapters 1, 2, and 3 (April 2016). the beginning. Parenthetically, not only does working Dr. Charles Barrett is a school backwards provide psychologist with Loudoun County Public the accountability Schools. He also serves as Ministry associated with Leader for Worship Ministries at Heritage specified due dates, Fellowship Church in Reston, VA. Charles Barrett
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36 January 2016 | Grace&Glory