Grace & Glory Magazine January 2020

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scripture page

Isaiah 43:16-21 (NIV)

This is what the Lord says— He who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, 16

who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: 17

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 18

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 19

The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 20

the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. 21

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January 2020

contents on the cover: Pastors Jekia & Chris Ledbetter Victory Ministries of Christ Church 240 S. Hilton Street Baltimore, MD 21229 410-710-6093

Cover Story pgs 8-10 - Overseer Jekia Ledbetter is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Victory Ministries of Christ Church. She serves as an energetic end time prophet that carries a deliverance mantel in spiritual warfare. She is a Teacher, Intercessor Prayer Warrior and Empowerment Specialist. Pastor Jekia Ledbetter shares with us through her own personal testimony encouragement for the body of Christ, along with what is on her heart for this New Year 2020.


Timothy Manigault


Minister Carenda Deonne

Happy New You!



Rhoda Turner

Tracey George

Lifestyle Changes. Not Resoltions.

Double For Your Trouble: From Wait to Winning

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Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)

Time For A Reset

Healthy Body

In Every Issue Scripture Page........................................ 2 Contributors............................................ 6



Charles & Ursula Harris

Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels

Muscles Please Don’t Fail Me Now!

Coping With Post Holiday Depression

From the Editor....................................... 7  5

Meet the Contributors For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Jackie Epps EDITORIAL Dr. Carla J. Debnam Min. Carenda McCray Tiffany Bethea Tracey George Dr. Denyce Daniels Charles & Ursula Harris Bishop Shirley and Pastor Tim Stanfill Rhoda Turner Melva Henderson GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period

Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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JACKIE EPPS is co-founder and editor of Grace & Glory Magazine. Jackie's career in communications spans over 40 years in advertising sales, program sales, media planning and television production, working in radio for 11 years and shifting to television broadcasting in 1989. She also produces the Grace & Glory show, a faith-based television program that has been on the air for 18 years. DR. CARLA DEBNAM

Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Woodlawn, MD. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5.


Tracey Nicole George is a licensed minister and ordained deacon. She is a native New Yorker residing in Maryland and married to Danny George. Tracey works with her husband managing their inventory and asset control company, George Imaging. She is the creator of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog and ministry, designed to edify and encourage individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church.


Charles Harris is the owner of Chizel It Transformation Fitness. Charles is a highly effective fitness expert with a passion for health and wellness. He is a certified fitness trainer with the America Fitness Association of America with over 20 years of experience, and a certified Yoga Teacher at YogaWorks in Pikesville, Maryland. He is the author of I’m Too Cute to Sweat, What’s Your Excuse For Not Working Out?, and It Takes 21 Days To Get Fit. He currently teaches his mega cardio workout class throughout the state of Maryland.

DR. DENYCE WATTIES-DANIELS Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels has over 25 years of experience as a clinician and nurse educator. Her areas of expertise include critical care nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the use of technology in the classroom. She currently serves as faculty and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Resource Centers of the College of Health Professions at Coppin State University.


BISHOP SHIRLEY AND PASTOR TIM STANFILL Bishop and Pastor Stanfill are the co-creators of Kingdom Word & Worship Cathedral. They are humble servants who live by God's word in everything they do in life, love, travel and business. When they are not spending time with family they run missionary programs in Africa; share their ministry across the globe; and manage 3 businesses. They have learned how to keep their fire burning and keep God first, no matter what tests life brings them.

MIN. CARENDA DEONNE Min. Carenda was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Law degree from Regent University. Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring God's word through the power of love ever since. Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration.

Rhoda possesses a spirit of humility. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting. Being the 9th of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for family and the wholistic development of children. She is considered by many as a mentor and mother figure. Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ.

from the editor

Is Here!

The start of a Brand New Decade! It is time to file away 2019 like we file old tax returns, only pulling it out as a point of reference. The truth of the matter is 2019 is over, done, finished, out of here. It has come and gone, and for some that brings a sense of relief that it is over. The last few days leading up to 2020 have had a sense of excitement in the air. In fact, all I kept hearing was how excited everyone was for 2020 to get here. The anticipation for this New Year and New Decade has been exhilarating. I began to wonder, “Why is the anticipation of this particular New Year so great?” “What is everyone so excited about?” As you read some of the articles from our contributors for this month’s issue, you will get a sense of why everyone is so pumped for this New Year. First, I am pleased to announce a new column this year, Prophetically Speaking; this column will feature some of this generation’s prophetic voices. Timothy Manigault gives us our first installment; he is part of a multicultural multigenerational prophetic family known as The International Young Prophets. Timothy highlights some key things he believes is on the Father’s heart regarding His church and your life. Our contributors all share their excitement for the New Year. Tracey George (Trinkets of Triumph) shares with us that the Father is going to give us “Double for our Trouble”, the wait is over, and you are going to win over everything in 2020. Dr. Carla Debnam (To Your Good Health) tells us that 2020 will give us the opportunity for a fresh start and the chance to hit the Reset button. Min. Carenda Deonne (Monthly Manna) says a new chapter is coming alive for you and a fresh outpouring of God’s grace and mercy will renew you! Lastly, Pastor Rhoda Turner (Woman’s Perspective) admonishes us to make lifestyle changes in lieu of New Year’s resolutions that often fall short; and to examine these four areas in your life- Christian Walk, Relationships, Health, and Finances. Every New Year should lend some anticipation and excitement, if for no other reason than God has been gracious to allow you to see a New Year and a New Decade. I look at each New Year as

evidence of new hope and evidence that God is still right here with us. I believe that God has chosen us to be here for such a time as this; and that we can be confident that He will bring forth every promise that He has made just for us and to us. When God chooses you He sets you apart for His delight and to carry out His purpose for this world. Every New Year is a sign that God’s purpose for you is still alive and He still has a hope and a future for you that will be perfected until the day of salvation. My New Year’s excitement can be summed up in these words from Isaiah 43:18-19 (MSG), “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Happy New Year! Embrace the Excitement!

– Jackie Epps  7

From the

Pastor's D esk

Leading While Bleeding Written by

Pastor Jekia Ledbetter Victory Ministries of Christ Baltimore, Maryland

Happy Victory New Year and God’s Blessing to all of you. I would like to take this time to extend my sincere appreciation to Grace & Glory. I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share my personal testimonies and growth. I pray that as you read this article you will be encouraged to know, that you are not alone. My prayer is also that as you read this article you will be empowered to understand that God’s timing and design for your life is perfect and holds no mistakes. The month of January has always been known as the beginning of “Something New”, historically we celebrate January as being the first month of every New Year. January has been established for its excitement and foundational placement that would often set the stage for many resolutions and prophetic declarations for months to come. As we celebrate today, we celebrate not just a New Year but the arrival of a New Decade; a decade that will declare the announcements of numerous Victories and Survival of so many lives. I believe that all of God’s expectations, impartations and declarations for our lives were created and birthed straight from the womb of heaven. I believe that our heavenly Father has proven wit, no doubt that, He is Omnipotent (All Powerful) to protect us from anything or anybody, He is Omniscient (All Knowing) He knew us before we even knew ourselves, He is Omnipresent (Everywhere) He knows what is going to happen before we could ever know. Wherever we are He shall be there too. I believe in order to understand the fulfillment of greatness and every seasonal purpose of your life; we must learn to embrace the power of knowledge, history of strategic planning for its victory. Every relationship, problem, story or survived testimony has its endured outline of its own separate, beginning (start date), middle (the process), and ending (the closure to the whole matter). When I actually look back over the bridges that God has allowed me to cross, His grace of unmerited favor has covered me and demonstrated the residue of serving a God that can do anything but fail. It is through this belief and confession for Christ that I am able to share with you today. Sharing my past testimonies or mishaps has not always been easy for me, only because the judgment of others, mistrust, abandonment has often held the selfish opinions of others. Sometimes worrying about what others think you can cause you to be your worst enemy and create you to walk in fear and not faith but, there comes a time in life, where you have to trade your fears in for faith’s day if you going to trust God than, trust God but, you cannot walk with God and hold hands with the devil. We have to stop giving the enemy free advertisement, talking about “the devil is busy” well I declare that “God is busier”. Right before my eyes God started to molding, empowering and equipping me to teach, preach and prophesy at numerous workshops, revivals and prophetic encounters through various cities and all throughout the United States. Every assignment and sermon I preached became the blueprint of God’s hope, deliverance and restoration for many to follow. This type of movement and usage allowed me to feel alive, excited and determined to do God’s will even stronger. Determined to help save the world (lol) mostly every leader have felt this way one time or another. In being transparent, this excitement can allow you to start feeling comfortable in your victory, and in, your placement with God. We must never think or operate in life, like after victories we know where the enemy is going to strike next. 8   January January 2020 2020 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 8

Well, on Sunday, August 13, 2017, I thought I knew but, (omg) my new test, my new attack, my next stretching assignment had arrived and, in the comedian Kevin Hart’s voice, “I wasn’t ready.” I really thought I was ready but, life has a way of teaching us to stay ready, get ready and be ready. August 13, 2017, was the day my life would change forever. All of my prayers, preaching, teaching, and spiritual warfare lesson in tactics, could not prepare me for what would come next. I was so excited with great anticipation to celebrate 10 years of pastoring and now eighteen years in ministry. The day of the celebration had arrived and my grandfather kept encouraging me all that day saying, “You are a great pastor and no matter what, never give up because God has something great for you.” He kept saying this to me and I didn’t understand why! Well the time came for service to begin and the guest preacher kept asking the congregation, “Can anyone see what God is about to birth within this ministry?” All of a sudden, my granddad jumped up, shouted and danced across the front of the church, almost as if his feet were on fire. He couldn’t stop dancing or praising God, but, when he did stop he stood in front of me and said, “Now that was my victory dance.” My granddad pointed his finger towards heaven and walked back to his seat and collapsed. The words that I once didn’t understand was the last time I would ever hear him speak again, my grandfather passed away basically in front of everyone. (Wow) What a great shock, what great disbelief covered the air, what a way to celebrate ten years! Just imagine prior to this incident, a close friend, Pastor Sandy Johnson had passed a month before, three weeks later my cousin, an aunt, some of my church members, some of the church mothers, uncles and close friends passed away. My husband not even fifty years old now diagnosed with congestive heart and kidney failure and within six months, I had lost sixteen close family and friends. As devastating as I was, I never stopped functioning as a Pastor, wife, mom, grandmother, business owner, daughter, granddaughter, student and friend to many that were in need. I kept going, I kept working, and I kept counseling others, I kept providing for families in need but when, do your mind, body and spirit tell you to stop, slow down, yellow lights to flash saying you maybe in need. Something starting taking place in me, I couldn’t

describe but, I was still praying, reading my word, preaching and prophesying God’s love of wholeness, prosperity of restoration to many. I was now watching God use me for others to be free and I’m starting to feel like I’m not even free. My love and commitment towards God was now becoming offensive. In the very act of love towards my family, ministry and friends would now allow me to operate confusion of who I really was. My family, marriage, ministry and friends would deepen the demand for me to still produce what they needed from me and this love for them all, would allow me to press pass what I was now feeling; to be there for each of them. What do you do when God has called you to lead and assist others to live, love and be free but you find yourself weak, unfocused and leading while you are bleeding? What do you do, when you don’t even realize that you are losing blood? Within one year, I became withdrawn, restless, frustrated, no energy, producing a lack of trust towards others, I grew angry and begin having pains within my physically body. I was losing my desire for ministry, my family and my friends. I felt stuck, stagnated and now unbothered by other people’s opinions. I still went to invited functions, dressed up on the outside but dying on the inside. By the ending of the year 2018, the pressure became real and the anxiety became even more demanding in my life. Nobody noticed or they didn’t care. I remember often thinking to myself about all the people that said they were a brother or sister to me but no one even noticed my hurt or my pain. There were many family members, friends and colleagues that I had loved, helped, defend and trusted but now I needed them, no one was around. I knew I couldn’t be depressed, I’m a Preacher and Preachers don’t get depressed. God has used me numerous of times to cast out that foul spirit of depression, heaviness and oppression out of numerous people. I am quite sure that many people can relate to this struggle but may feel afraid to share their feelings because of broken confidentialities, judgment, and rejection from others. These feelings of FEAR are known to produce many to suffer in silence. This practice is carried Continued on page 10  9 9

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been called according to his purpose.” out within many believers and nonbelievers in life today. This spirit will allow you to feel offended, rejected and abandoned, even by God. Please know that this feeling doesn’t discriminate and has no respect for any race, gender, wealth or title.

I write today for you to know that sometimes God will allow you to collide with what you can’t control. He will cause you to lose control in order for Him to maintain a higher level of control within your life. Thanks massive control will cause you to empty out the old in you begging for God’s newness. Paul the apostle writes with Character, Integrity, and Accountability to the churches acknowledging and explaining that his struggle and warfare was within not on the outside but the inside (Roman 7: 21), “So, this is the principle I have discovered: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law. But, I see another law at work in my body, warring against the law of my mind and holding me captive to the law of sin that dwells within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” It is also in Rome, that Paul comes to the realization in (Romans 8:28), “And we know that in all things through God works for the good of those who love him, who have

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“God’s WORD is True and the Truth Don’t Need No Support.” Life as we know it will forever hold growing struggles grief and pain but, Isaiah 41:10 states, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” When the year 2019 came in, I heard the voice of God say to me, “Welcome to the year of the prophetic alignment.” He revealed that my granddad passing the mantle was a part of the alignment preparation. My struggles and the warfare within was all a part of the alignment preparation. He showed me every disconnect, every misunderstood mishap was a part of that alignment and sometimes, God will bring you to the desert for you to realize who really has the water for you to drink. The year 2019 might have brought some losses, but it also brought some gain; it might have brought some hurt, but it showed its clarity the same. In a vision God, kept showing me pipes under a sink, with some hands twisting and lining up the parts, this hand was busy tightening parts, switching parts in an effort of making all the pipes line up properly. Then when it looked like the pipes were all snugged together, I saw the pouring of almost like Drano being pulled in a sink. I noticed as the pouring took place not a dropped leaked out from the pipes. God revealed to me get ready for the great outpour. God allowed you to reach 2020 and this new decade, not for you to watch but for you to experience His abundance and prophetic fulfillment for your life. In 2019 you found out that you might be damaged but not destroyed, you took a hit but, you didn’t quit. God’s love is Amazing and He will forever process and sustain us for His greatness. I shared my heart with you in an effort to encourage and demonstrate to you that you are not alone and that God is Able to do what He said He would do. Stay Aligned to God....In your walk, prayers, worship, truth, Love and faith. For 2020 is the Prophetic Year of “God’s Great OutPour” (Joel 2:28 & Acts 2:17) Get ready to see God’s Restoration, Miracles, Signs and Wonders for us all!!!  11

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Pastors and Church Leadership Host a Free information session for Seniors

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14   January 2020 | Grace&Glory  15

Timothy Manigault, Senior Leader ECOS CHURCH Irvine, CA

Hello and happy New Year! I’m so excited to be among some of the prophetic voices that will be sharing with the Grace & Glory family throughout this year. My name is Tim. I serve as senior leader of ECOS Church in Irvine, California. I’m also honored to be part of a multicultural multigenerational prophetic family known as the International Young Prophets under the leadership of “Elizabeth” Tiam-Fook. Frankly, as 2019 hit its midpoint there was a noticeable Head turn by many prophetic voices in the world all leaning in to hear what the Father wanted to say to us, through us, and beyond us concerning 2020. It’s probably one of the most frequently asked questions to prophetic voices over the last six months: “What do you hear God saying regarding 2020.” For me the prophetic stirring regarding the New Year began during a Surprise invitation to join 60 spiritual leaders from America and Brazil to the nation of Israel. I arrived in Tel Aviv the day before Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year entering into 5780 on the Jewish calendar. If there is one thing that remains true to my seeking the Lord regarding 2020, it’s that He’s been speaking about this season for quite some time. With that in mind I’d imagine that this article would bring confirming words to what you already sense in your heart through what He has already spoken to you for the coming year. This is not in any way a comprehensive release of all the Father is saying, it is simply 16   January January2020 2020| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 16

a highlight of some of the key things that I believe are on the Father‘s heart regarding His church and your life. Let me first start by saying 2020 is not just a New Year it is the beginning of a new decade, a new season, and a new era. There is no overstating the significance of this year but there are some insights that may be helpful in processing the treasure trove known as 2020. Here are the topics I will speak to you briefly regarding 2020.

The Wilderness

Many people have experienced significant transition in 2019 and yet they have not stepped into their new established rhythm for the future. Many have walked out of an Egypt like experience or an experience that would have become like Egypt and they stayed in it; many relocations occurred in 2018 and 2019, many relationships significantly altered in 2019, and many major adjustments were experienced in 2019. This type of movement and adjustment without the relief of what’s next can cause many to grow weary and faint. The weariness is happening because many experience the joy of walking away from Egypt only to have to confront the Wilderness. You are not crazy and your frustration is understood but let me give you some insight, many of us have grown to despise the wilderness but the wilderness is designed for washing and worship. Exodus 7:16 notes, that the children of Israel were delivered so that they could worship the Lord in the wilderness. The Lord is looking for a specific offering from wilderness walkers that He cannot get from those who are in the Promised Land, and that is worship! The wilderness is the birthing place of destiny.

When the Lord is preparing to launch and release His people into their promises there usually is a season in the wilderness that washes away any remnants or residue of Egypt and prepares us to walk well in the promises of God. So during this time of transition don’t despise the wilderness instead choose to worship in the wilderness and know that this is not the end.

The Legacy of Principalities

In prayer one day I had an open vision. In the vision I saw a principality seated on the throne gliding along a timeline all of a sudden the principality hit what appeared to be an invisible wall. When it hit this wall the throne tipped over and crashed yet all the people who were also gliding along the timeline continued through this invisible wall as if nothing happened but they were all wearing backpacks. As you can imagine I had several questions. To streamline this for the sake of your reading here are the major points from this vision as it pertains to 2020. I heard the Lord say, “I am the God of times and seasons.” He was making clear that although certain principalities had dominion during the course of a set season that season was ending and the principality would be dethroned. He highlighted the importance of these two following things: 1. No matter how long you or your family or your church or your community have been dealing with certain challenges and principalities do not succumb to the thought, “This is how it will always be.” There is a grave danger when we allow persistent strong holds to dictate our faith for the future. 2. The backpacks that the people were carrying were symbols of old mindsets, old rhythms

and old language that had the potential to continue on the legacy of the dethroned principality beyond its set time. The Lord was actually highlighting that in some instances the dominion and strength of long reigning principalities had in fact been broken but because we were not aware we continued to carry the legacy and influence of defeated principalities into our futures. The cure is simple. As you walk in 2020 and this new era, be aware of the language that you are using, be aware of old patterns and with great intentions break allegiance with every principality and lie from your past.

a rise of the voice of the accuser of the brethren. We must be prayerful because both the voice of the accuser and the voice of the prophet will sound similar and will share similar language. How will we know the difference, you ask? The intention behind the voice and the end results; they both will highlight immorality, injustice, prejudice, and inappropriate behavior on any level, but one will seek health and wholeness as the end result while the other will seek death, destruction, and personal gain. The church must never use the light of heaven as an accomplice to condemnation and worldly shame.

it has ever known. I agree that the polarization on earth is marking a clear line between good and evil and right and wrong, but if the church for one second abandons the love of God and the Power of God we will lose city by city. I believe the Father wants us to walk in authentic power and live healthfully in the tension of discerning good and evil without abandoning love.


Finally, this year will be an intense political year. The body of Christ particularly in America would do well to remember that no political party should have our allegiance above the kingdom of God. There will be The Secret Treasure Trove ample opportunity this year for the body of As referenced in the wilderness Christ to self-mutilate in the name of God section, 2020 will be a continuation of transition as people, finances, influence in the blood sport that is politics… This repeatedly grieves the Father‘s heart. I am one and authorities are set in place for who believes that our faith should absolutely the next era in the earth. There will influence and guide our politics and yet I’m be those who simply think because also aware that we’ve hit 2020 life there is a line will change . . . they to be crossed will be disappointed. Praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem in which our On the surface 2020 faith is not will not seem to live Health influencing our up to its hype but beneath the In 2020 it will be a focus on increased health politics but our surface in the secret place will throughout the body of Christ. I’m not talking politics are used lie a treasure trove of mystery, about the physical body [although that is as the litmus insight, anointing, creativity, important] I’m talking about the overall health test of our faith. authority, and Provision Grace. within the body of Christ. There will be an Both major So many things are changing in increase in confrontation of the things that are political parties 2020. The landscape for certain not healthy within the body of Christ. There are in America have industries that was propping up certain things that have been allowed to exist in virtues that certain platforms, all of these the body because they didn’t quite qualify as “sin reflect biblical will be removed and those who “ but in this season there will be a noted increase principles and do not upgrade their technology of dealing with habits and patterns that are not both major by prayer and time in the word healthy, neither best practices for the noble bride political parties of God will simply not be able of Christ. As a note I will say there will also be Hosted at the Israeli State Department’s Ministry in America to catch the wind in 2020 and of Religious Affairs. have vices they will be most frustrated. The that reflect values that Heaven does not and simple instruction is to increase our personal will not EVER endorse. When we attempt to time with the Lord and to safeguard it with our cleverly craft messages that place the God of lives because out of that secret place will flow eternity comfortably at home in either of these EVERY advantage to excel! political parties we unknowingly partner with the ruler of this world in his attempt to reduce Lovers Will Dominate the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ to I was sharing on a conference call with a come under the dominion of a world that very group of prophetic leaders a few weeks ago simply is beneath Him. May the church remain and I sensed the Father saying “the lovers the church! ... A clear voice of morality, of will dominate”. Without any doubt our world purity, of justice, of love, of unity and of hope is becoming increasingly more polarized and to a dying world with our allegiance firmly while many would say “this polarization is the given to Jesus the Lamb of God! key for the church to thrive” I hear the father saying “this polarization will cause the church Expecting His best for you and your family in to become irrelevant, impotent, and ignored without these 2 key crucial ingredients- Love & 2020! Power. I agree that the polarization in the world is setting the church up for the greatest harvest Ministering at the INFLUENCERS conference.

Tim  17 17

to your good health

Time For A Reset We are embarking on the beginning of a New Year and new decade. There is always excitement in the air whenever we see change in our future. We have a new hope and our dreams for a fresh start begin to consume us. Some people look back and desire the good old days while others charge into their next season with great expectations. There is no right or wrong attitude when facing the unknown and exploring unchartered territory. Maybe it is a good thing to go from one emotion to the other and not limit our dreams and visions. With this shift in the atmosphere we can anticipate a freshness that can be the fuel needed to reset our lives. Sometimes our lives get entangled in drama, disappointment, delays, struggles and setbacks. These can cause us to get stuck or continue to repeat a pattern of behavior that is unhealthy. When this happens it 18   January 2020 | Grace&Glory 14 January 2020 | Grace&Glory

may be an indicator that we need to do things differently. Resetting your life may mean upgrading some of your old ways or totally gutting out old habits and start fresh with a new attitude, a new outlook and even new friends and associates. This requires us to make decisions that will have short term and longterm benefits. It may be unsettling in the beginning or take time to get used to but it will be worth it. Making the changes necessary to be your best can take time yet not changing will be even more challenging. We have to do our best to become what we desire to become. There is nothing that can happen that God is not aware of so taking the risk to reset your life and start fresh is worth it. Our lives consist of a series of choices and the best choice we can make at

various times is to start over again. We must do the work needed to change and become the person we desire to be. Resetting your life takes courage, commitment, and confidence and will require change but these can be done with the grace of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will redeem, reset and restore our lives. Make this the best year, best decade and the best life you want to live. It’s time for a reset.

Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center  19 15

monthly manna

I know it would have been “politically correct” to say Happy New Year! However, I just believe that in 2020 your story will change! Therefore, I think it’s only fitting to say, Happy New You! This is not about making New Year’s resolutions, or placing unrealistic expectations on yourself. No, this is about the pages of a new chapter coming alive before you. Does this mean you are exempt from trails and suffering? Absolutely not, but I just believe as you are reading this, a fresh outpouring of God’s Grace and Mercy is renewing you. One area in which your story will change is your mindset. Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.” In this New Year, your mind will do a complete shift. You are not burdened with the pattern of this world. Your mindset is above temporal things and mediocrity thinking. The New You will be intentional about everything because your focus is on Jesus and his good, pleasing and perfect will towards you. You will be sensitive to distractions and be able to shake them off as dust. Not only will you have a new mindset, but you are getting ready to experience a New Body! Supernatural healing and uncommon miracles are chasing you down. Always know, that the blood of Jesus is sufficient for you. I believe by FAITH that women who have been barren will conceive, and those who have been diagnosed with terminal illness will pick up their mat and walk! Not only 20   20   January January2020 2020| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory

will the New You consist of physical prosperity, but if your FAITH has been under the weather, God has just given you a pure dose of deliverance! By God’s great grace, you along with Peter will “walk on water!” As you read this, I feel God’s glory feeling your heart, mind and soul. You will awaken things that have been dormant for way to long, and you will bury things that have kept you in bondage for way too long. It is time for you to COME FORTH! Did you really understand the depth of what I just pronounced? Let me say it again! It is time for you to COME FORTH! Unwrap yourself from any “stinking” thinking and let the NEW YOU Come Forth! I anticipate testimonials because I trust in the God who gives orders to the morning. I trust in the God who knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. If you don’t remember anything I said, remember Carenda Deonne that this is your year to COME FORTH! I can’t wait 888-473-2221 to read your testimonials! Twitter @cdpgem Facebook @carendadeonne Happy New You!!!!!! Instagram @carendadeonne Live life on Blog @ the promise of #livelifeonthepromiseofimpact IMPACT!  21

Lifestyle Changes.

woman’s perspective

Not Resolutions.

With January being here, this is the time of year where people start the dreadful New Year’s Resolution. Many, many, many moons ago I decided not to start a resolution, because the word itself, to me, always seemed intimidating and out of reach. I had all of these great intentions, but it was accompanied by my horrible follow through. As one year left and a new year began, I realized that once again I had lied to myself; my high hopes of accomplishing a goal were followed by the disappointment of incompletion. So I changed the plan. Years ago, I decided that instead of making a New Year’s Resolution list, I would just start with a lifestyle change. Since then, I have taken November and December to look at and really examine these four areas in my life, seeing what changes need to be made. • Christian Walk • Health

• Relationships • Finances

After the self-evaluation I pinpoint the area where I want to see a change, and I start with small obtainable goals that are reachable. For example, on my list under “health” I decided that I wanted to lose weight. So what I did first was I stopped putting a number behind it. I stopped looking at how much I want to lose, but instead I started the change with an action. I began the change with the “how” and not with the end goal in mind. I started eating better and made it a point to go to the gym once a week. Some may ask, “Why do you start so small?” I believe that when you set your heights too high it may become intangible or even inconceivable. It can become out of reach, which then, in return, can cause you to spiral downward negatively affecting your perspective on attaining your goal. So, I start with an attainable goal. I start by evaluating my life and focusing on those four areas. For instance, once a week in the gym is doable with my schedule. It is something that I know that I can hit the mark on. One of the things that I try to keep in mind when I make these changes is that I never want to make my goals so high that if I find myself at a point in the year that I am not where I want to be, that I then try to stuff a whole year’s worth of work in that area into a few months. Then what was meant to be a good thing, a good change starts to feel like a burden, baggage, a hindrance or a stumbling block that I don’t want to 22   January 2020 | Grace&Glory

carry into the next New Year. I also reevaluate relationships, and I release the ones that are toxic to me. The philosophy I try to live by with friends is this, “if they don’t add to me then they take away from me”. Subsequently, only so much can be taken away until there is nothing left for me to give, making the relationship imbalanced and draining?” It’s a very intricate balance of adding and subtracting yearly. I look at my relationships with me as a sister, wife, mother and a daughter. I see what changes I can make, and what I can do better in those particular relationships in the New Year. I also look at my financial situation to examine what items can be tweaked in my budget to help push me further along in other areas of goal achievement. I look at my spiritual walk and see if there are some adjustments that can be made there. Not every year requires changes in every area, but I look intensively in each area before coming to that conclusion. I was in church one Sunday and my assistant Pastor shared a quote in our pre-service huddle. He said, “A parked car never goes anywhere.” The simplicity of that statement spoke to me so profoundly. You can have as many ideas that you want to accomplish in the New Year, but if you don’t put any small action towards them you will never make any progress. The Bible tells us in James 2:26 (NKJV), “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without work is dead also.” With each New Year I work, evolve, and work some more on becoming a better me. Change is hard and difficult, but it’s always needed and always worth it. So as you start your New Year, take a look at what changes you would like to incorporate, and take smalls step to allow those changes to become a reality. Pastor Rhoda Turner This year don’t make a resolution! Christian Faith Fellowship Church Make a lifestyle change working Chandler, AZ towards accomplishing those tasks that you’ve set before yourself.  23

trinkets to triumph

Double for Your Trouble: From Wait to Winning Happy New Year! You are in the midst of a brand new year and new decade. Expect God to move in your life this year and to give you double for all of your trouble. The wait is over! This year, 2020, is an indication and confirmation that God is going to give you double for all of your trouble you endured over the past years and will bombard your life with bountiful blessings. This New Year and season will bring a transition from a weight, to waiting for your breakthrough, to winning. The saying, “Woe is me,” will now translate to mean “W-winning, O-over, E-everything.” You will go from carrying the weight, those situations and circumstances that keep you from winning, to waiting for God to bring you through, to winning over everything. You will receive double for your trouble. Your affirmation for 2020 will be, “I am winning over everything.” You set up for success in September and created a new order for your life. You took the time to regroup and now your reset is here. You wrote your 2020 vision and now are ready for the Lord to validate it. This year your vision will become your victory and your wait will turn into you winning over everything. You have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and begin afresh. You have been waiting for God to show up and manifest the things that you have been praying about to become tangible. The time is now. The wait is over. You are winning over everything. Weight causes you to wait. At times, a weight, in others words a situation or circumstance, can be so heavy that it causes you to have to wait for your blessing. God promised to daily load you with benefits (Psalm 68:19) and not burdens. You do not have to be bound by the cares of this world. God said to cast all of your cares on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). You will no longer have to worry about any weight that may be hindering you from receiving all the Lord has for you. This year you can lay aside every weight (Hebrews 12:1) and be confident that this is your winning season and that you will be winning over everything. Waiting can weigh you down. Decree and declare that the wait is over and that you are free from anything hindering or holding you back. 24   January 2020 | Grace&Glory

You are loosed to go after the lion’s share, the biggest portion, and live a life full of wins. Start walking in your winning season. In this New Year 2020, look to receive double for all of your trouble. The wait is over. You are winning over everything. The wait is over! The number 20 is the number of completion. You can use Jacob’s story as your evidence of what happens in year 20. In Genesis 31:1-55, Jacob worked for Laban for a total of 20 years, fourteen years for his wives and six for his flocks. God told Jacob to go back to his father’s land and He will bless him. Jacob obeyed God, packed up his family and flocks, and fled. His time was complete with Laban after spending 20 years with him. He departed and received double for all of his trouble (Isaiah 61:7). Like Jacob, your wait is over and you can start walking right into your winning season and take possession of everything you are waiting to manifest. This year, your vision will move you to possess the double for all you have experienced. What are you waiting for? Whether it is a spouse, a house, a child or a chain to be broken, this is your year. While you are waiting start walking towards it and making steps to make it happen. Thank God in advance and believe that it is already done. Believe it in your heart that God will perfect everything that concerns you (Psalm 138:8) and that you are a winner. The wait is over. This is your winning season. You will possess double for all of your trouble. Starting now, you will experience a winter wonderland! God will work wonders in this winter season and you will be able to bask in the blessings the Lord promised you. You will be triumphant in it all and winning Tracey Nicole George over everything!  25

body basics

Muscles Please Don’t Fail Me Now!

The Power of Lifting Weights Will Change Your Life! There are so many benefits of having a regular weight training and exercise program in your life. Going to a gym and working out over the years have literally saved my life. Resistance training has always been my outlet, especially during some of my most difficult times. It has been a way to escape when the world around me seemed as if it was falling apart. Weight training has helped me stay focused and centered. A hard and intense workout always leaves me feeling uplifted and empowered. Nothing can compare to a nice workout with the fellas to help lift my spirit. You’ll see that once you have a steady exercise routine going, your mind and body will get used to it. After three weeks of consistent weight training, exercise will become a habit – a good habit. Lifting weights at least 3 times a week is recommended to achieve lean muscle mass and will help you to increase your strength. After age 30, we begin to lose as much as 3% - 5% of muscle each year during our lifetime. That statistic can be scary if you accept it, but I refused to and I was determined to do something about it. When I realized that men lose about 30 percent of muscle over their life span, I knew that pumping iron had to become a top priority. So, let’s talk about some ways that weight training can immediately help us live better. Weight Training Can Help Reduce Negative Moods Frequent exercise can help you to better process negative emotions so you can stay focused on the positive ones instead. People who exercise can more effectively deal with stressful situations in their environment. Frequent exercise actually alters a part of your brain called the dorsal raphe nucleus. This part of the brain is responsible for mood regulation and for alerting you to the presence of stress in your life. Weight training increases your serotonin level (that's the "feel good" neurotransmitter), which helps decrease negative emotions and increase positive ones. Lifting weights overall will just make you feel and look better. Weight Training Can Help You with Weight Loss Strength training helps boost your metabolism (the rate your resting body burns calories throughout the day). However, weight or resistance training can help boost your calorie burn during and after your workout as well. You burn calories during strength training, and your body continues to burn calories after strength training (just like you do after aerobic exercise), a process called "excess post-exercise oxygen consumption" or EPOC, according to the American Council on Exercise. When you do strength, weight, or resistance training, your body demands more energy based on how much energy you’re exerting, meaning the tougher you’re working, the more energy is demanded. Weight Training Can Help Your Strength and Balance Strength training also benefits your balance, coordination, and posture. One study showed that in older people who are at a higher risk of falling because of inadequate physical functioning, that strength training reduced their risk of falling by 40 percent compared with individuals who did not do strength training exercises. Balance is dependent on the strength of the muscles that keep you on your feet, The stronger those muscles, the better your balance. It is so important to increase our strength because our daily activities require a strong and healthy body. Going to the grocery store, doing yard work and running errands can be taxing to the body if we are not making ourselves stronger. Using dumbbells is one of the quickest ways to start a routine today. Doing biceps curls, shoulder and chest press exercises is something that you can do in the privacy of your own home. If you feel uncertain about proper form and technique, I suggest you hire a personal training to show you how to properly perform the technique, and to help you set up a workout routine that you can do at home. It’s your year and it’s your time. What are you waiting for? 26   January 2020 | Grace&Glory


Fitness Experts Chizel It Transformation Fitness Center 9006 Liberty Rd • Randallstown Md 21133 443-253-0090 •  27

health matters

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season are winding down. The New Year brings new beginnings. Regardless of one’s religious affiliation, the holiday season often inspires feelings of warmth, joy, and belonging. But for some people, this time of year can bring feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety. Many people experience feelings of stress and depression during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season that continue to be present in the New Year.

self-doubt. Resolutions for the coming year may be impossible to make if you feel unfulfilled in the prior year.

It’s important to recognize that if you’re not feeling joyful or happy during the holiday season, you’re not alone. The “New Year Blues” are real and much more common than you think. Try not to punish yourself for feeling unhappy as you anticipate the New Year.

How can you get beyond the "New Year Blues"? What steps can you take to fortify yourself in hope for the New Year? As Christians, we must remember that prayer does change things. Identify a prayer partner that will support the overcoming of your depression. Meditate on scriptures that center on your situation. Engage in exercise. Regular exercise stimulates the secretion of endorphins- natural chemicals produced in our brains that help to decrease feelings of discomfort and that maximize feelings of pleasure. Engage in acts of kindness. Performing an act of kindness for somebody else distracts us from focusing on our own difficulties and results in us feeling better about ourselves. Get adequate amounts of sleep. Avoid the use of caffeine at bedtime or the overuse of energy drinks during the day. Set a goal to go to bed undistracted by the television. Resist the urge to check your cellphone throughout the evening and night. Seek professional help if necessary. A therapist will help to put your thoughts and feelings into perspective. Do not let the stigma of receiving mental health care prevent you from getting assistance from a professional.

Feelings of depression, loneliness, and stress tend to increase during the holidays due to increased demands on our time and on our money. Family issues may intensify. Unclear expectations of the New Year may evoke feelings of anxiety. Social isolation can trigger feelings of depression. You may feel disconnected from family and friends and may avoid social gatherings at holiday time. Unfortunately, withdrawing from social events often heightens feelings of loneliness and symptoms of depression. You may feel that this sense of loneliness will continue through the next year. Grieving over the loss of a loved one or a lost relationship is also common during the holiday. Grief can contribute to feelings of sadness and depression. You may miss your interaction with a person. You may regret that the relationship is over and grieve that you will not have the opportunity to be with that person in 2020. The changing time and early darkness in the evenings can stimulate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD causes depression-like symptoms during the fall and winter months. Physical changes that occur with SAD include sleeplessness, low energy levels, and irritability. These symptoms can magnify feelings of sadness and depression. Some individuals keep a mental scorecard of the accomplishments of the past year. Unrealistic expectations of the achievement goals can result in feelings of defeat and 28   January 2020 | Grace&Glory

The New Year brings a sense of new possibilities. Make a positive effort to re-set negative feelings. Work towards embracing the New Year without dread. Understand that it may take time to reprogram your thoughts. Embrace the promise Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels of God that each day brings new Assistant Professor mercies of hope. Open your College of Health Professions heart to believing the New Year Coppin State University will be a great year for you and healthytips your family.  29

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