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2 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
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June 2018
contents on the cover: Father's Day!
Special Feature pgs 8-9 - It’s Dad’s turn! We are celebrating Father’s Day! The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington. However, it was not until 1972 that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. We hope you enjoy the articles and tributes in this month’s issue as we celebrate, honor, and remember dear ole Dad!
Feature Articles 16 SINGLE LIFE
Ruth Young Tyler
The Love of a Father
Walk In Your Own Heels
Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)
What About You?
4 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
Healthy Mind
Dr. Charles Barrett
If You Don’t Father Them, Who Will
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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
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Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Ruth Young Tyler
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Happy Father’s Day! A Father's Integrity
“I know, my God, that You examine our hearts and rejoice when You find integrity there." (1 Chronicles 29:17a)
A Father's Courage
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
A Father's Father
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows - this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But He makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." (Psalm 68:5-6)
A Father's Compassion
"Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him." (Psalm 103:13)
A Father's Legacy
"The father of one who is right with God will have much joy. He who has a wise son will be glad in him." (Proverbs 23:24)
A Father's Wisdom
"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life." (Proverbs 4:11-13) 6 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
from the the editor editor from
This is the month we celebrate our fathers. It’s Dad’s turn to be celebrated – so we dedicate this month’s issue to our Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Brothers, and Uncles. I know for some, Father’s Day can be painful, a sad reminder of growing up without a father present in the home or being active in their lives. The pain of growing up fatherless can sometimes leave a scar that is hard to remove. There may even be some situations or circumstances that warrant the absence of dad, but to a child without a father these things or reasons mean nothing. But, for every situation, circumstance or reason your father was not there, whether you realized it or not there was someone who was always there. . . Our Heavenly Father. We all may not fall into the category of growing up without a father, in fact the truth be told there are many fathers who are present in the lives of their children. Whether we grew up with a father present or not . . . there is one thing we all have in common, we all can claim the same Father; Our Father which art in heaven. We all share the greatest Father of all, and He has never been an absentee dad. Let me boast a little about Our Father. Our Father is omnipresent, He is with you at the same time He is with me, in fact He is everywhere at all times. Our Father is omniscient, He is the wisest of all, He knows everything about each one of us; He knows you better than you know yourself. Our Father is omnipotent, He is all-powerful. He is able to do exceeding abundantly more than you could ever hope or dream. Our Father is sovereign, He can do whatever He wants to do when He wants to and how He wants to. Our Father is a good provider, He supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Our Father is a protector; He is our shield and buckler (Psalm 91). Our Father is a comforter; He mends a broken heart (Matthew 5:4). Our Father is a healer; He will restore our bodies (Psalm 103:3).
Our Father sounds like a pretty great dad to me. He is great and mighty. He is a friend that sticks closer than any brother. He loves each and every one of us unconditionally with the same amount of love. And let us not forget that Our Father loved us so much that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus) so that we would be able to live with Him forever! I could go on and on but I believe you get the picture, Our Father is whatever you need Him to be. This Father’s Day celebrate your earthly fathers, they deserve to be honored and shown how much they are loved for all they do. Celebrate Father’s Day, if for no other reason that without your father you would not exist today. And while you are celebrating, don’t leave out Our Father which art in Heaven, He is the Greatest Father of all! We are His children forevermore. Happy Father's Day!
Jackie Epps
Jackie Epps
Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief www.gracenglorymagazine.org 77 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
a father's day tribute
The Value of a Single Father Honor thy father …. that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Honor your father . . . so that you may have a long life in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. – Exodus 20:12 Most of the time when we hear “Single” it is usually followed with the description “Mother”. The idea of the Single Father is not the most common thought, yet there are many men that have the role not only as Father but “Single Father”. There are men that juggle their careers, social life and other obligations around their primary role as Father or Dad. These heroes are a valuable part of their children’s lives. They are an example of manhood in the lives of their children. We see them every day and often do not realize that they are carrying the weight not only as Father but in some cases they are parenting alone. This month of June as we honor Fathers, let’s place honor and value on the single Dads and support them as they parent their children. There are men that are the sole parent to their children and they are valuable, needed and definitely necessary. In a society that appears to devalue the lives of men, especially the African American Man, we want to take this time to pay tribute to the men that serve as Father, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, Big Brother, and especially to those men that serve as a Single Father. We want to remind these men how valuable they are to us as a society and as a Christian community. The community of believers can begin by providing the following for single Dads: Look for opportunities to celebrate and honor single Dads. Just as we do with single mothers, placing equal effort on celebrating single dads can provide the same morale booster, and it places value on what that single dad is going as a parent. Single Dads shape the lives of their children in so many valuable ways and their ability to be seen as a role model is key to restoring and pacing honor on them. Look for opportunities to educate single Dads. Unlike women who may attend conferences and workshops for self-development, men are different in that their opportunities for education may come through activities such as bowling, fishing or golfing. Scheduling these outings for the men will allow time for the single dads to glean wisdom from other men and even network amongst themselves. Additionally single Dads are taking in information often when we think they are being passive. Don’t be fooled by their demeanor, they are growing and expanding mentally in their quiet silence at times. Look for opportunities to support the single Dad. Support for single Dads may come in many different ways. Some examples of support may include providing mentoring to the daughter of a single Dad, or child care relief, allowing the Dad some much needed time for themselves. The single Dad needs some rejuvenation time as any single parent will. The personal self – care time is a must for balance. Look for opportunities to create value for single Dads. Take the stigma off of the role of single Dads, and begin to see them beyond the child support payment machine. Avoid negative comments, and stereotypes and actively create time to value and esteem them. Creating special occasions where the single Dad can be celebrated and appreciated is important in building and restoring honor to our Dads. As we begin to establish or re-establish honor on the role of Fathers, we can stand on the promises according to the word of God. God’s word promises us long life when we honor our Father and Mother. When we honor or respect our Fathers we extend our life span. Let the restoration of value begin in our Christian community as we set and establish the guidelines for how we recognize, esteem and love our Fathers. As we set the guidelines, others will follow, but it all begins with us. I encourage you during the Dr. Monique Flemings month of June to intentionally place honor Monique Flemings Ministries, and value upon our Single Father . . . let the Chicago, Illinois healing begin with us !!
8 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
a father's day tribute
What the Father Says About Fathers There are all kinds of fathers, and yours may be a whole different story. But there is one thing they all share: No matter what their personalities, gifts, struggles, circumstances… every one of them is called to live God’s way. And when they do, their families are blessed, communities are strengthened, and a ripple effect of goodness happens in the world. Our Heavenly Father has much to say about fatherhood: As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him. Psalm 103:13 NIV When our fathers show compassion, they give us a glimpse into the heart of God; strong -- yet tender, deeply understanding, fiercely loyal, and always ready to help us through the toughest of times. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 NIV Bringing up a child with healthy boundaries and godly discipline is no easy task. But even in the most frustrating moments, a loving father is called to be like Jesus – standing firm in the truth, yet grace-filled; never critical and demanding. The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them. Proverbs 20:7 NIV The actions of a father speak volumes to his children. Even if they can’t articulate it when they’re young, they’re watching and learning. And even if they won’t admit it when they’re older, there’s a strong pull to follow in his footsteps. When a father chooses the right path, his family is blessed. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents… Malachi 4:6 NIV A father’s deep affection offers a sense of security and assurance that nothing else can give. The heart of a child is beautifully designed to respond to that love; it’s a connection strong enough to last a lifetime. As you reflect on God’s Word about fathers, what thoughts come to mind about your dad or father figure? Maybe he’s been a great example of service to others; maybe he spent time with you as a child, helping you learn to navigate life; maybe he showed a spirit of grace in a moment when you just knew he’d had it with you. This Father’s Day, consider writing a card to that father in your life? Let him know something you appreciate about him, something specific you remember; some way he has helped to shape the person you’ve become. Share one of the Scriptures above and show him how his life has been a reflection of God’s truth. And if your dad is no longer with you, there is surely another dad in your life – a husband, a relative, a friend who’d be so blessed to receive a thank-you note of encouragement. We all know that no earthly father is perfect, but we can choose to focus on their life-giving ways and trust that God is always working to bring out the very best in them. (Philippians 1:6) The men in our lives need to be lifted up, to be reminded that we are strengthened by their presence, that we see the love of our Heavenly Father reflected in theirs, that we honor who they are and who - by His grace - they are becoming. How to Make Father's Day Unforgettable Father-love is irreplaceable. Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their love makes. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and build each other up,” and Father’s Day is a chance for us to do just that. Lift those dads up; celebrate their unique calling; remind them how much they’re appreciated every single day. Prayer: Prayer is a simple gift you can offer anytime, anywhere for the
men in your life. Spend a little time on Father’s Day thanking God for the blessing of their presence; pray for their strength and guidance. Ask Him for the ability to see and celebrate the good in them, offer them grace in their brokenness, and encouragement for the daily journey. Experience: A memory made together is a gift that can last a lifetime. Consider treating Dad to something he’s never done. Take him on a special trip (even a short road-trip!) to a new place, or surprise him with a unique experience – skydiving, horseback riding, canoeing, birdwatching. Plan a weekend outing to a local event you’ve always wanted to try. Sometimes there are memories waiting to be made right in your own backyard. Favorites: What does he love to do? If he’s a sports guy, plan a day around one of his favorite things: a fishing trip, golf outing or baseball game. Maybe he’s a movie watcher – how about a family movie marathon with his favorite theater treats? An outdoorsman might love a sunset hike, canoe float or bike ride. An indoors-man may enjoy some quiet time with the family. Pull out some favorite old board games and have a tournament; plan a few surprise video calls with far-away family members; head to his favorite coffee shop for a leisurely afternoon together. Gathering: Get your favorite dads and their families together for a good old-fashioned celebration – a homemade meal or potluck, lawn games and maybe even some water balloon fun (because boys will be boys!) Take over the grill and let the dads kick back. It may be an opportunity to not only bless the men you are related to, but to reach out to others who may not have a place to be on Father’s Day. God’s heart for those on the outside is clear – we are called to welcome them in, and we’re blessed each time we open our homes and our hearts. Remembering: We’ve all had to say goodbye to good men in our lives, and Father’s Day can be a time to honor their memory. Proverbs 10:7 CSB says: “The memory of the righteous is blessed.” Spend some time reflecting on the legacy they’ve left – how did they show the love of Christ? What did they teach us about being men of God, and how can we pass that wisdom along to those following in their footsteps today? Consider writing a note of encouragement to one of the men in your life who’s building a lasting legacy. Remind him that the choices he’s making today and the time he’s taking to pour into his children (the little ones and the grown ones!) www.dayspring.com will impact generations to come. www.gracenglorymagazine.org 99 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
10 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
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Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!
Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers 1ST NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 3215 W. Belvedere Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21215 410.419.8841 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance) 12 June June2018 2018| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 12
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to your good health
I recently attended a workshop where the participants were asked, “What brings you joy?” This seems like an easy enough question to answer but for some of us it can be a challenging one. It turns out some of us have forgotten what we used to do to have fun, how we used to spend our free time or what activities we enjoyed doing. The hustle and bustle of life and ministry has absorbed much of our free time and has left some of us too exhausted to pursue hobbies or recreational activities. This may seem like no big deal but it is important to make time for pleasurable experiences that bring fulfillment. Life is filled with challenges, troubles and things that we are obligated to do. Having joyful moments and times set aside to engage in hobbies, leisure activities and time alone is just as important as volunteering at church, babysitting your niece or nephew or attending worship service. The time spent doing what brings you joy is crucial to your mental, spiritual and physical well-being. The key to making the most of the time you have
been given is to appreciate your gifts and talents and use them whenever possible to the glory of God. When we make time for God’s work, God gives us the desires of our hearts and provides us with the time and space to pursue our creativity and our interests. There is a time for everything and whatever we choose to do has to honor God. God can be central in our extracurricular activities as long as they do not conflict with His will or His way. We have been challenged to take time to find our place of joy. When we identify what our “joy filled activity” is, lets begin to incorporate it into our schedules and lives. There is a time to laugh and a time to play and enjoy what life has to offer. Remember to do what you love to do so you can become healthy and whole. It’s time for some of us to focus on ourselves. Whenever you begin to get caught up in the cares of this world remember to consider what brings you enjoyment Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, and then just do it. Renaissance Christian Counseling Center
14 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
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single life
My father was a blue-collar worker. After years of laboring, he became disabled due to severe arthritis and bursitis in both his arms, hands and legs which limited his physical strength and impeded his ability to walk. During my formative educational years in elementary school, I walked home every day to have lunch that my dad prepared for me. In spite of his disability, my dad’s presence provided a sense of reassurance, protection and comfort. In spite of his disabilities, his presence spoke volumes -- integrity, dependability and the voice of reason. During his younger and more vibrant years, he accessorized his attire with a cane; it later became a constant dependency. My olfactory senses are still sensitive to the antiarthritic topical medicine he used, Heat. He earned his position as head of household with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. My parents were active members in the United Methodist Church in the early 1950’s and became the first family to integrate the church. Soon thereafter, dozens more became productive parishioners. I recall that December morning I walked into the house after playing in the backyard; Daddy was sitting on the cedar chest which contained mom’s fabric and sewing materials. He leaned to one side and began making a loud snoring sound. I went into the kitchen and said, “Mom, daddy is snoring really loud!” She walked into the dining room, shook him on the shoulder and called his name, “John! John! Oh my God, he’s having a heart attack!”, she said as she rushed back into the kitchen to call for an ambulance. At eight years old, I wasn’t sure what the medical consequences represented. However, I did know for certain that it wasn’t favorable. The ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital. Eleven days later, I was fatherless. The third Sunday in June is recognized as Father’s Day. It’s a time when we honor fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, stepfathers, uncles, brothers, husbands, and those men who serve as mentors and role models. Men who embrace their role as an active and responsible father have an awesome responsibility of imparting wisdom, showing children how to love, respecting and caring for others, teaching self-restraint, disciplining, protecting, educating, training them how to become self-sufficient, making wise choices, developing their spiritual lives, providing financial resources, showing them how to become a productive member of society, and how to defend themselves and their families ~ and that’s just the short list! Fathers instruct with truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. (3 John 1:4 KJV) Fathers discipline wisely. He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. (Proverbs 13:24 KJV) Fathers show love. My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. (Proverbs 3:11-12 KJV) This season and throughout the year show a greater level of regard for the men who serve in their perspective places. They may not do nor say everything right; however, their role should be respected. A father is a man who exercises paternal care, provision and protection to his offspring. My personal definition of “daddy/dad” is: a term of endearment given to the responsible man by the child who initiates the fulfillment of the aforementioned and is endorsed by the female counterpart. 16 16 June June 2018 2018 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
Mothers need help in training a prepubescent child into a well-rounded man of character. Mothers also need assistance in training their female children and emphasizing the importance of virtue and integrity. In essence, a man’s presence is greater than his presents. Women need assistance with teaching a boy how to become a responsible, loving and a respectful man and teaching a girl how she should be treated. Holding a door open for Ruth Young Tyler a woman is not a courtesy, it’s expected. The @Journalistlife qualities of chivalry should be a standard and taught consistently. There is an urgency to defend, uplift and give reverence to those who serve as fathers and role models. We salute all of the men who embrace the blessing of being called “daddy” and honor them for their commitment in favorably molding the hearts and minds of their children.
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woman’s perspective
Hello my sisters! It is officially summer. After the winter we just endured I will dare not complain on these hot days, even though it is tempting. One of the things I am observing the most is the conversations of women discussing their “summer bodies” and doing much comparing. At this time of year, it is not uncommon to hear women not only comparing themselves to each other, but also to their former selves. I’m not sure that as women we understand how truly detrimental it is to our self-esteem and self-image to constantly compare ourselves to others. We must evolve to a place where we celebrate our own uniqueness and love the skin that we are in. Instead of trading places with women who appear to have everything we think we want, we must be confident enough to WALK IN OUR OWN HEELS! In our conversations, as innocent as they seem, where we constantly compare ourselves to others and secretly desire to trade places with them; we are really truly harboring discontentment in our hearts. Discontentment eats away at our peace. It is hard to have peace when we are not content and satisfied with who and where we are. My sincere desire for all of you amazing women of God is to see you not only love God but also love yourselves, His workmanship. When you truly achieve healthy self-love and esteem you no longer desire to be anyone else or walk in their shoes. Instead you enjoy WALKING IN YOUR OWN HEELS. You are God’s masterpiece! “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are Your works…” Psalm 139:14. This passage lets us know that God has handcrafted us and we are His marvelous works. Think about it. We are always singing and exclaiming that He does all things well. Do we truly process the fact that we are included in that? We offer Him praise when we honor and appreciate His handiwork. You my sister are His marvelous handiwork! If you desire to be anything else you express to God that what He created wasn’t good enough; and we know everything He does is spectacular. There is no else like you! Have you really thought about that? For the billions of people that have and will ever live there is not one like you. There is something unique and special you bring to the earth that not one soul can bring but you. When we spend time in the presence of God to discover what it is that makes us unique, our self-esteem and self-love automatically increase. There is nothing as fulfilling as discovering what God gave you that He didn’t give anyone else. Once you discover your unique factor, you can continue to enhance your esteem and self-love by cultivating that skill/ability and sharpening what you have. Just like any other type of investment you will find that the more you invest in yourself the more value you will feel. Your uniqueness will lead you to your purpose! “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.” Proverbs 18:16. The gifts and abilities that God has given you are a direct indicator to your purpose. Do you want to know why you are here and what you were created to do? Once you spend time in the presence of God and He reveals what makes you unique and your gifts you will 18 18 June June 2018 2018 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory
Tiffany Bethea She-EO Life Mentor www.Tiffanybethea.com find they will lead you right to what He has created you to do. Once you step into that purpose space that was personally designed just for you, you will never again feel the temptation to compare yourself to another sister or even desire to be her because you will be creating a life that you love! I heard a singer recently say in their song, “I was losing at being you but I’m winning at being me.” That line really got stuck in my head. It is such a strong statement. When we attempt to be like other people we will always be a mere copy. But why would we settle for a copy when we are already an original masterpiece of our own. No one can be you like you can so don’t leave that spot unclaimed. Enjoy being you my sister. The only person we should compare ourselves to is the person in the mirror and constantly making her better. Don’t desire to be anyone else. Walk confidently in your own heels!
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20 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
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man talk
IF YOU DON'T FATHER THEM, WHO WILL? Although it was 20 years ago, I remember what The Lord spoke to me: If you don’t go, who will? At the time, I was preparing to speak to my peers about the importance of sharing the Gospel and the life of David seemed to be an appropriate illustration of this challenge. Through the lens of I Samuel chapter 17, The Lord showed me that when no one else was willing to fight Goliath, it was David, a young shepherd-boymusician, who was neither intimidated nor afraid that volunteered to stand up to the uncircumcised Philistine. Rather than waiting for another, perhaps an older or more qualified soldier, it was David who recognized a need and answered the proverbial call. What would have happened if David weren’t willing to fight Goliath? How would history be different? In the same manner, brothers, if we don’t father the children entrusted to our care in our homes, churches, and communities, who will? As we approach the annual celebration that is dedicated to both fathers and father figures, let’s take a few moments to consider this very important question. This month, I especially want to encourage those who are not biological fathers but fathers, nonetheless. In fact, because 46 percent of remarried couples already have a child under 18 living in the home (Manning, 2015)1 blended families are a significant possibility. With this in mind, and those who might be dating women with children, let’s look closer…
First and foremost, men, especially fathers, accept responsibility. For the brothers who have married women with children, this covenant necessarily includes a commitment to her children. As husbands to women with children, the manner in which we love and respect our wives, provide for our families, and lead them according to Biblical principles become daily examples to her children. While this does not minimize the significance of a child’s biological father, men living in blended families must also be careful to not discount their role and responsibilities. More than being physically present and financially dependable, are you emotionally available to the children in your home? Do they have your time and attention? Brothers, have you accepted the fatherly responsibilities of your blended family?
the best interest of the child, in reality, this is much easier said than done. What happens when what’s in the best interest of the child is uncomfortable for me, as a man and as a husband? Without oversimplifying potentially complex situations, men who love their wives and want the best for their children place their well being above their own by genuinely adjusting to new expectations. Very importantly, this is not synonymous with lowering expectations; but for the sake of the children they love, fathers accept the awkwardness and inconveniences of their new normal—not passively or begrudgingly, but with a sincere spirit.
More than biology, fatherhood is about relationship. And, not being a biological father does not lessen the important place that you have in a child’s life. For all of the brothers that have been blessed to speak into the lives of young people and impact them in meaningful ways, in many respects, not only are you a father but you also might be their only representation of a father figure. Therefore, if you don’t father them, who will? If you don’t teach them, who will? If you don’t love them, who will? If you don’t encourage them, who will? Because children are impressionable—carefully watching our actions, even when we least expect it—what, then, will we do with such an amazing opportunity? It is my prayer that we would look to the words of the Apostle Paul recorded in Ephesians 6:4,”Fathers, don’t exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.” Happy Father’s Day.
Like other family systems, blended families have unique challenges. Whereas couples whom marry without children might have the luxury of learning one another before juggling the added demands associated with raising a family, those in blended families Dr. Charles Barrett is a school psychologist must simultaneously adjust to a new marriage while negotiating all with Loudoun County Public Schools. He also that comes with developing healthy, well-adjusted young people. serves as Ministry Leader for Worship Ministries at Heritage Fellowship Church in Reston, VA. Even when couples agree that they will always do whatever is in
22 June 2018 | Grace&Glory
Charles Barrett
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24 June 2018 | Grace&Glory