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2 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
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MAY 2018
contents on the cover:
Mother's Day! Special Feature pgs 8, 10 - We are celebrating Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world, and Mother’s Day 2018 occurs on Sunday, May 13, in the United States. The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914. We hope you enjoy the articles and tributes in this month’s issue honoring that phenomenal woman called ‘Mother’!
Feature Articles 14 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Tiffany Bethea
Ruth Young Tyler
Mom, My Favorite Girl
Mommy Care
Carla Snuggs/everydayfamily.com
Workout Tips For Working Moms
4 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
Healthy Body
Brandie Manigault
5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman)
In Every Issue
Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)
Contributors............................................ 6
From the Editor....................................... 7 Scripture Page...................................... 12
Andrea Williams/Tehillah Enterprises
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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Ericka Johnson Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Ruth Young Tyler
GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne www.JandCDesigns.com WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period www.artsperiod.com
Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.
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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Bishop Frank M. Reid, Jr. AME Church Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD
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from the editor
“Mothers love with all their strength, all their being, and all their hearts, and with that love they perform magic when called upon, move mountains when necessary, and give the moon and stars whenever possible.” Mother’s Day is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. Who is this woman that we go out of our way to celebrate with such grandeur? All over the world, people will be busy shopping for this woman trying to find that one special thing that will express their love for her. Who is this woman that Hallmark goes above and beyond to describe? Who is this woman that songs and books are written about her? Poems will be read in church about her. Little children will proudly show off their ‘Crayola’ creations for this woman. Who is she? We call her Mother! There are countless ways to describe this woman. Her ability to love unconditionally. Her protective nature to keep her children from all hurt, harm and danger. She is a nurturer; she makes sure her children’s physical and spiritual needs are met. She is also her children’s first teacher, developing their minds to survive in the world. There are many attributes of this woman we call Mother. She is our refuge, our ‘way-maker’, our best friend. She keeps all of our heart’s desires and dreams close to her heart. Perhaps the most important attribute of this woman is her praying spirit. Her prayers cover her children when they are near and far. A mother’s love is the most powerful love we experience in life. When God created this woman, He knew that she would be an extension of Himself. The attributes of our mothers are strikingly similar to the attributes of our Heavenly Father. As we celebrate, honor and remember our mothers, let us Praise God for His wonderful creation! As you enjoy spending time with your mother this Mother’s Day, remember to lift in prayer those whose heads are bowed down because their mothers have now gone to be with the Lord, and we pray for those mothers who may be mourning the loss of a child. Give them a warm and loving hug this Mother’s Day and whisper in their ears that God knows and He cares! “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”
Jackie Epps
Editor-in-Chief www.gracenglorymagazine.org 77 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
a mother's day tribute
8 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
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a mother's day tribute
10 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
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scripture page
Proverbs 31:25-31 (NLT)
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness.
She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.
Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.
Happy Mother's Day!
12 May May 2018 2018 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 12
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woman’s perspective
Mommy Care
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you fabulous moms, grandmoms, moms-tobe, and those of you caring for children like they are yours. Motherhood is a wonderful gift to be cherished and appreciated. The ability to give life and love another human being selflessly and unconditionally is an amazing reflection of the special love that God has for us. As beautiful and amazing as motherhood is, it is also a major responsibility. If we as mothers are not careful our health and wellness can suffer in our attempt to be there for our families. I can remember days where I had fed my child and taken care of him and looked up only to realize that I myself hadn’t eaten a thing and was starving. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 expresses the heartbeat of our God in the statement, “May your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord.” If in fact this scripture is God’s desire for us, how do we manage to be loving, godly mothers and still remain spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy and whole? We must recognize that self-care is not selfish! Not only must we come to terms with this fact but we must embrace it and include it in the culture of our families. When I reflect on 1 Thessalonians 5:23 I wonder did God know that we would be mothers when He inspired that scripture. Surely He must know how difficult it is to take care of everyone else and ourselves. But I believe that the amazing, magnificent God that we serve already had taken that into account and yet the scripture still stands. It is God’s desire that we experience wholeness and wellness, not just spiritually but in every area of our lives. Even the airline instructions dictate that before we assist anyone with their mask that we safely secure our own. How many of us take that wisdom into the care for our families? We often help everybody else secure their mask at the expense of us gasping for air. But my sister it is not God’s desire that you be struggling to breathe as you journey through motherhood. It first begins however with us embracing and not feeling guilty with regular self-care practices. Here’s the good news that I have found, regular self-care can be included in our day to day activities. We do not necessarily have to go out of our way or create lots of extra steps. That is good news for the moms with a few children and especially with young children. The key I have found is identifying what truly relaxes you and capitalizing on those moments. For example I 14 May May 2018 2018 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 14
love music and have found music to be truly refreshing to my spirit and mind. When I am in route to pick up my son from school I intentionally play music that invigorates and revitalizes me. I release everything from the day that has happened previously and refocus my energy so that when he arrives with the energy of 10 people I am ready to engage him with joy and energy. Good self-care does require planning and intention. We must pay close attention to our energy levels and our moods and not allow ourselves to go too long without refilling our tanks so that we have enough to give to the children that we love. The reality is that we cannot serve from empty cups. It is God’s desire to see us overflowing and running over with His fruit of the spirit. We must ask ourselves when our tanks get low, what fruit do our children experience. We can easily tell when our tanks are in need of refill because we become less patient, easily irritated and even emotional. It is these moments when we must be honest with ourselves and recognize that we need a “mombreak”. I encourage you to invite your children to understand the significance of a “mom-break” and share with them how they benefit. Explaining “mom-breaks” goes something like this: “Honey mommy wants to be the very best mom I can be for you because I love you so much. In order for me to be that mom, I have to be happy and have moments to myself to refresh. When I take my mom-breaks please know that I am doing so because I love you.” “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” It is God’s desire to see us in health and flourish and yes that is before and after you experience the bliss of motherhood. Here’s to your upcoming “mom-breaks” and Tiffany Bethea the increase in your self-care. She-EO Life Mentor www.Tiffanybethea.com
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single life
Ruth Young Tyler @Journalistlife
By Ruth Young Tyler Mother’s Day can garner mixed emotions for people. For some it’s a time of reflection and remembrance and for others a time to celebrate. Children and adults go to great lengths to honor and pay homage to the woman who endured labor pains, restless nights, midnight feedings and diaper changings to ensure that we were comfortable. Some who lack culinary skills will even attempt to prepare her favorite meal. Aging from a teenager to a young adult, can be an exciting time and daunting, simultaneously for mothers who are widowed, divorced or raising children with an absentee partner. Nevertheless, mothers seem to endure like a solider and emerge victorious. Many of us can recall looking out in the crowd during a school play or ballgame and finding our mother smiling and waving with her purse on her lap. As you begin to age, and are fortunate to have the resources to do so, you will become the caregiver to the one who cared for you. School-age children make cards and jewelry to affirm their love for Mom. In elementary school one year, I made my mother a paper-clip necklace. Each small paper clip was meticulously wrapped in pieces of self-adhesive, colorful wallpaper. On Mother’s Day Sunday morning, as I donned my white button-down poncho, Mom proudly wore her paper clip necklace, as if it were one-of-a-kind cultured pearls. That day she and the necklace were inseparable. Every Mother’s Day, radio stations will begin to play a 1973 classic, I’ll Always Love My Mama by the Intruders. I'll always love my mama She's my favorite girl. I'll always love my mama She brought me in this world. For so many of us Mother’s Day reminds of the reality that the one who birthed us is no longer in this earth realm. Granted ~ not every mother and child relationship is harmonious. Nevertheless, the fact remains everyone was birthed through the womb of a woman. It was July 28, 2003 I traveled three hours to visit Mom. We talked, laughed and enjoyed a bowl of strawberry ice-cream. We were set to run several administrative errands the next day. It was an early Tuesday morning. I assisted Mom with taking her medicine. “When I’m in Heaven, I won’t have to take this medicine anymore,” she said. It was a hot day. Mom and I walked toward the building to conduct business. She said her glasses were blurry and she removed them from her face. She stumbled back and I caught her in my arms before she hit 16 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
the pavement. I performed CPR and called 911. She was rushed to a nearby hospital. The doctor called the time. It was 2:10 pm. My Mom had transitioned. Honoring your mother (and father) has its own rewards. According to Ephesians 6:1-3 in doing so you are granted long life. Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do. “Honor your father and mother.” This is the first commandment with a promise: If you honor your father and mother, “things will go well for you, and you will have a long life on the earth.”(NLT) Mothers “wear many hats” and provide guidance on a myriad of topics. The list can become exhaustive, yet an abridged version is offered. Mothers love and nurture Nurturing requires providing care to the whole child ~ physically, spiritually and emotionally. Proverbs 22: 6 encourages to, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (KJV) Mothers educate and instruct Education is a lifelong commitment that extends beyond traditional schools and textbooks. We’re empowered through her wisdom, wit and wise counsel. Proverbs 1:8 encourages us to, “Hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.” Mothers protect and pray Moses’s mother, Jochebed hid him in a basket of bulrushes and set him afloat on the Nile River to preserve his life from the hands of Pharaoh and his army. (Exodus 2) She prayed earnestly to God to protect her son. What faith! After giving birth, I realized that children do not come with a manual and neither does motherhood. It’s innate for some and it requires on the job training for all. It’s been nearly 15 years since my “favorite girl” transitioned. In spite of the pain of her loss, I still honor her legacy and the Proverbs 31 woman I watched her become.
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to your good health
There are times when life comes at us hard and fast. We are up one day and down the next. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but not to the point where we decide to give up and quit. The thought may cross our mind but something within us makes us continue to press on past our thoughts and the stress of the moment. It is the inner drive to make it another day no matter what is happening that is needed now more than ever. The daily reports of shootings, sex trafficking, homelessness, congressional chaos along with health challenges and family turmoil is enough to make the toughest among us want to give up. It is during these times when we must become ambassadors of faith and have the tenacity to tough it out. We must be relentless in our pursuit to endure and overcome the cares of this world. The option to give up and give in is not ours to take. As people of faith we have to move past our fears and frustration and make a decision to keep it moving. It is the kind of perseverance that Jesus modeled when he was tempted, accused of being a devil, questioned about his authenticity and betrayed by the disciples. Jesus did not compromise who he was or his integrity to get through his toughest experiences but he knew his purpose and that was
18   May 2018 | Grace&Glory
the basis for every decision he made. We too can use our purpose to help us focus on what is most important. You and I cannot let the forces of this world knock the wind out of us. We must use them to push us into fulfilling our assignment. We must be uncompromising and pursue our passion in the face of obstacles. Relentless faith is what is needed in this season of extremes. When our backs are up against the wall our faith has to come through for us. Now is the time that the years spent in Sunday school, Bible study, small groups, attending conferences and weekly worship should manifest as our faith in action. The strength of our faith is increased as we exercise our faith with the various obstacles that we face. There are no easy answers to the complex problems in our lives and in the world around us but we must not give up. A relentless faith can be trusted under fire. Without faith it is impossible to please God and to survive we must diligently seek him. These difficulties we face push us into God’s presence. If we seek him with all of our heart, mind Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, and soul then we will win.
Renaissance Christian Counseling Center
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body basics
The demands and time constraints working mothers face sometimes make it nearly impossible to find time for fitness. Using the following strategies, working mothers can find the time to sneak fitness into their daily routine: 1. Determine ahead of time which day and times you can exercise, then schedule it on your calendar. This may mean getting in exercise in the early mornings or late evenings. One of the best times to squeeze in a workout is in the morning. “Do your workout first thing in the AM before ‘mom-duties’ begin and before your hectic schedule starts,” says Jeff Wooten, Certified Fitness Trainer and president of The Body Mechanic. 2. Make exercise a priority. In order to take care of your family you must first take care of yourself. “Fitness must be on the same level as brushing your teeth or showering, otherwise it won’t get done and you will make excuses. Decide that you must exercise as much for mental health as well as physical health,” says celebrity trainer and co-founder of Itrain.com, Grace Lazenby. 3. Find exercises that can be done in the home because they are more convenient. Purchase exercise videos, such as in-home walking, yoga, Pilates, strength training, and cardio kick boxing. Most routines require very little equipment and if you keep several videos in rotation, you will keep your workout routine interesting and varied. 4. Discover workout routines that involve your baby. There are many workouts, including yoga for mothers and infants that will allow for participation of both mother and child. Many gyms offer mommy and me classes.
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5. Your lunch break provides a good opportunity to squeeze in a workout. If you don’t have the time to get to the gym, put your sneakers on and take a brisk walk after lunch. 6. Get your family involved in fitness. Plan hikes, bike rides, or play sports with the entire family on the weekends. Working out on the weekends also allows you to get in longer workouts. 7. If you can’t find a block of 30 to 40 minutes of uninterrupted time to work out, work out in spurts. Two or three 10 minute blasts of cardio are just as effective as one 30 minute workout. It all adds up. 8. Stroller fitness (walking or jogging with your child in a fitness stroller) is a great option for working mothers. This is a workout which allows you to spend time with your child while still carrying out your jogging or walking program. Fitness does not have to take a backseat to motherhood or work obligations. With a little creativity and time-saving tricks, you can take advantage of the little time you have to incorporate fitness and wellbeing.
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Book Shelf Birthing the Miraculous By Heidi Baker In all honesty, writing this review has been a little challenging. What do you say about a book that has the power to change your life; a book that consumes you and within its pages has the potential, if you let it, to bring you to a vulnerable place with the Lord? I don’t know how much justice I will do to the book in the next few paragraphs, but I will try! May I present to you Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi Baker. Reading Birthing the Miraculous took me longer than I had anticipated. Not because it was a hard read, full of big words; it was a relatively easy read full of stories and humorous notes. Baker’s word choice was not difficult to comprehend. The sentence structure was conversational, but I found myself reading passages over and over just to take it all in again and again. Reading Heidi Baker’s words were like reading a dialogue with Jesus. I felt weepy at times as I felt the pull to want to know more about everything she was saying. At times I became so overwhelmed by Jesus in the pages that I just stopped reading and sat still. It was as if the words became alive as I read them. One chapter that provoked me the most is called ‘Deeper Still’. Here Baker talks about living in a yielded place with the Lord; going deeper and deeper until you are consumed by His 22 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
by Brandie Manigault
presence. One of my favorite lines says, “God is looking for a people He can so immerse in His love that for the rest of their lives they will have to survive inside His heart.” Birthing the Miraculous is full of lines like these that make you want to read more. The power of Birthing the Miraculous is in its ability to reach everyone on every level. It is a call to all to experience God in a more yielded way, to expand our expectations, to love deeper, to prepare
for greater. There is another level of living available. Throughout the chapters I would take screen shots of the pages on my phone (I have the Kindle version of the book) and send them to my friends so that they could experience what I was experiencing. Their reactions were just like mine; pure awe. I don’t just recommend Birthing the Miraculous by Heidi Baker, I urge you to go get it. I pray you get it. Dive in to it and be consumed by it. After you read it, let me know what you think. I want to hear your thoughts. -Brandie
About the Author
Heidi Baker is a Christian missionary and the author of several books. With her husband Rolland, Heidi founded IRIS Ministries in 1980, a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to Jesus and service, especially among the poor. In 1995 they started a new ministry to the poor and homeless children in Mozambique. Beginning with nothing, within a matter of months they were given a dilapidated orphanage in Maputo with 80 children. From there, the ministry has expanded to include well-drilling, free health clinics that service the poor and sick, feeding programs, primary and secondary schools, cottage industries and now over 5000 churches in Mozambique and a total of over 10,000 churches in over 20 nations. Their ministry is known for its reports of miracles, and in September 2010 the Southern Medical Journal published an article presenting evidence of “significant improvements” in auditory and visual function among subjects exhibiting impairment before receiving prayer from the ministry. Originally from Southern California, the Bakers are now based full-time in Pemba, Mozambique. www.gracenglorymagazine.org
Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!
Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers 1ST NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 3215 W. Belvedere Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21215 410.419.8841 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance) www.gracenglorymagazine.org 23 23 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
gospel industry news
Written by Andrea René Williams Music has been a part of Tommye Young-West’s life from the very beginning. Who could have imagined that a little girl from Dallas, Texas would sell enough records to go platinum, open up for artists like Teddy Pendergrass & The Blue Notes and Stevie Wonder and shake the music world? But even with her mainstream music career and its successes, there was something missing. She found it when she returned to Gospel music. Since her monumental rise to R&B, Tommye Young-West has dedicated herself strictly to sacred music, singing and assisting the Fine Arts Department at her home church, The Potter’s House in Dallas, led by the incomparable Bishop T.D. Jakes. After 10 years away from the recording studio, she returns with two churchy singles, “He Lifted Me”, featuring Gospel Pioneer Dr. Bobby Jones and “In Jesus Name”, a powerful, spirited track. It’s an exciting time for the songstress. The two singles are a precursor to the artist’s upcoming record on Rock Daniel Records, founded by Gospel industry insider Darrell King. The project is a celebration of the genre Tommye loves, taking the listener back to her traditional Gospel roots. Even though many love her for her old-time Gospel music, she’s determined to include tracks that appeal to the younger audience as well. Music lovers can expect praise and worship and choir music, all with the goal of “turning people’s lives around”. Whether it’s traditional or contemporary, Young-West provides music that can “take you from Monday to Tuesday”. Her return to
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recording comes after experiencing a season of grief. Her husband, Calvin West, after almost 40 years of marriage, passed away a few years ago. Right next to her daughters – famed background and lead vocalists Candy West and Chelsea West – he was her backbone and the strongest supporter of her music ministry. The loss was a traumatic one for Tommye, but even through the tears, she continued to sing. Singing has always been a source of comfort for her. It’s a talent that was honed at her father’s church and by legends like Dr. Mattie Moss Clark and James Cleveland, both of whom took her under their wings. Since that time, she’s experienced many highs in her music career. She was tapped to record a song for the soundtrack of a Cicely Tyson film named “A Woman Called Moses”, an NBC made for TV movie. She’s performed with the Dallas and North Carolina Symphony Orchestras and sung with artists such as Shirley Caesar, Yolanda Adams, Donald Lawrence, Kim Burrell, Mary Mary, The Hawkins Family and the late Daryl Coley. During her illustrious Gospel music career, she’s released five CDs. One of her songs, “A Path In The Sea”, was written by her own pastor, Bishop T.D. Jakes. Others may recognize her voice on tracks like “Oh Give Thanks” from the Antioch Fellowship Choir’s CD and on the song, “All ‘n All” on a project from the Georgia Mass Choir. Many have taken note of Tommye’s accomplishments and accolades have followed her music ministry. In 2018, she was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Dallas Metroplex Music Association. In addition, she was recently blessed with an Honorary Doctorate in Music from Texas Bible Institute. Also, the Trinity University of Ambassadors honored her with a Doctorate in Humane Letters. Although Tommye is grateful for the recognition, her goal is to uplift through music. She wants to inspire believers to hold on even in the midst of trials. She came through and wants others to do the same. “Those who have dreamed, labored, sacrificed and haven’t been treated as they should have been – I want them to know that God has a purpose for them,” Tommye shares. “I want them to know that they will not leave this earth until what God has for them has been completed. I encourage them and want to let people know that no devil can stop them from the blessings that God will manifest in their lives.” Andrea Rene Williams, CEO, Tehillah Enterprises, LLC A Gospel & Christian Music Publicity & Marketing Firm www.TehillahPR.com • 240.222.3022 (office) • 240.305.5568 (cell) Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
gospel industry news
Written by Andrea René Williams
Psalmist Raine is known as one of today’s most popular worship leaders. Recognized as a prophetic psalmist who provides an unforgettable worship experience, she has recorded three albums with mostly unrehearsed music, flowing in the spirit of the moment. Adding to her burgeoning repertoire of worship anthems, the award-winning artist has just released a brand new project, Refresh Worship Live II: For The Nations, Live In Atlanta. The project, the fourth release from Psalmist Raine, can be found on iTunes, Amazon and other digital music outlets. Chock full of one praise and worship song after another, the project flaunts an international flair. Psalmist Raine was intentional in making sure the double CD, which includes 28 tracks, ministered from a global perspective. “Our goal for the night was for God to speak to the nations,” recounts the psalmist. “We wanted the Lord to minister to the body of Christ, not just in the four walls of the church or even our nation, but to speak to the world. He did just that,” she said. Psalmist Raine and the Refresh Team prayed for months about the recording, for every country of the world and the 7 mountains of influence (religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment and business). She had a number of guest artists, prophets and apostles to share during the evening’s live recording including Prophetess Sophia Ruffin, Prophetess Sharde Martin, Apostle Chris Montgomery, Apostle Bryan Meadows, Erick David Townsand, Dee Wilson and Rsa. Refresh Worship Live II: For The Nations, Live In Atlanta contains many thought-provoking songs including “Cisterns” (featuring Dee Wilson) and “Grave Diggers” (featuring Erick David Townsand), a track that was preceded by the prophetic word “Dig It Out” by Apostle Bryan Meadows. The first single from the project was the uplifting and reverent track, “King of Glory”. Psalmist Raine included a riveting remix of her popular tune, “We Send Up Praise” along with a new rendition of “Here We Are”. Songs like “Pour/Flow Out”, “No Lack/River Flows” and “Yes To The Call” set a sweet atmosphere of worship.
Prophetic Releases are included in the live recording that beautiful complement the message of the songs. Psalmist Raine also featured instrumental tracks to several songs, perfect for worship teams to use in their churches. Singles “King of Glory” and “We Send Up Praise (Remix)” are both currently hitting Gospel radio stations. A top 20 Billboard charting artist, the Chicago-based worship leader released three previous projects prior to the newest one: Believe Again – The Live Experience, Refresh Worship Live, and To Abba. She has traveled the world leading people into the presence of God. Psalmist Raine has appeared on many Christian television stations including TBN, The Word Network and Cornerstone TV and is the host of The Morning ReFresh Show on WayofLyfeRadio.com on Tuesday mornings from 9AM – 12PM CT. She serves in her home as wife to Apostle Jalani McCaa and their three children, as well as at her home church, Life in Christ Family Worship Center, as Worship Leader under the leadership of Apostles Royal & Kimberly McClinton. She also trains other worship leaders through her ReFresh Mentorship Program. For details of her upcoming engagements or more information on Psalmist Raine, log on to www. BeReFresh.com. www.gracenglorymagazine.org 25 25 www.gracenglorymagazine.org
26 May 2018 | Grace&Glory
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28 May 2018 | Grace&Glory