Grace & Glory October 2017

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October 2017

contents on the cover:

Dr. Donte L. Hickman, Sr. Southern Baptist Church 1701 N. Chester Street Baltimore, MD 21217 410-732-8566

Special Feature pgs 8-11 - Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman is celebrating 15 years as pastor of Southern Baptist Church. Dr. Hickman gives us a look back and a look forward at his incredible journey, a journey that continues to unfold.

Feature Articles 20 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Tiffany Bethea

Fall Is Upon Us

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Tyneice Pack

Dr. Charles Barrett

Are You Alone or Are You Lonely

On Being A Misfit


Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)

What Matters Most

In Every Issue Contributors............................................ 6 From the Editor....................................... 7


Scripture Page...................................... 12


Ericka Johnson  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Donna Royalty Ross Ericka Johnson Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Dr. Charles Barrett Tyniece Pack

GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period

Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Bishop Frank M. Reid, Jr. AME Church Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

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from the the editor editor from

October is National Clergy Appreciation Month. This month congregations all over the nation will take time out to honor their Pastors. It is Biblical for a church to recognize and honor the men and women of God who serve faithfully the flock of God. Paul wrote the following words to the church at Thessalonica: “Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work . . .” (I Thessalonians 5:12-13) It is clear from scripture that the faithful and dedicated Pastors of our churches are worthy of appreciation and honor. Clergy Appreciation Day provides an excellent opportunity for our churches to affirm their love and appreciation for those who are called by God and who lead their congregations in fulfilling the Great Commission. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the Body of Christ. Pastors and other ministers work tirelessly caring for their flock. A minister's work day is rarely a "9-5" job, and they cannot go home at the "end" of the day and just leave all the occupational problems at the office. A Pastor is never off-duty and he is always on call. If we stop for a moment and think about all he does we would be more sensitive to our

Pastor’s needs. We should always lift our Pastors in prayer and ask the Lord to surround them with loving care, to give them strength and walk with them, and to help them with the burdens that they must bear. Many of us have been members of our churches for many years. If you look back over the years, I believe that you would agree that our pastors have played major roles in the fabric of our lives. They have prayed for us, taught us, corrected us and guided us. Our pastors have celebrated and laughed with us in the good times, cried with us in times of sorrow and loved us when we weren’t so lovable. As we celebrate Clergy Appreciation Month, remember to thank God for the precious gifts He has bestowed upon us, His anointed men and women of God, our beloved Pastors! “And He gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-12 Peace and blessings . . .

Jackie Epps


October Is Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. The National Breast Cancer Foundation's mission is to help women now by providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services. Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered women's advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children.

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief

Editor-in-Chief  77

Dr. Donte´ L. Hickman, Sr. Southern Baptist Church Baltimore, MD

Dr. Donte' & Lady Danielle Hickman Sons Donte' Jr. & Dawson

Looking Back, Seeing Forward... I can't believe that it's been 15 years that I have served as the Pastor of the "Great" Southern Baptist Church. Fifteen years ago I was asked by the then Pastor of 36 years, Reverend Nathaniel Higgs, if I would accept the congregations call to succeed him as the fourth Pastor in the history of the Southern Baptist Church. Many people don't know that exactly ten years prior to the call to become the Pastor of Southern that I had preached there in January of 1992 on my way to my first semester at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. I had never gone that far in East Baltimore in my life having been born and raised in Edmondson Village. I preached a sermon that Sunday entitled, "Too Legit To Quit" from Jeremiah 20:9. Right after I finished preaching, Dr. Higgs announced that I would be the next Pastor of the Southern Baptist Church. And he kept saying it every time I 8   October 2017 | Grace&Glory 8   October 2017 | Grace&Glory

came to preach and even when he preached for me at a church I pastored in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had no idea the path that God had configured that would fulfill the prophetic words and vision of Dr. Higgs the first Sunday in October of 2002. On the week leading up to that Sunday Dr. Higgs and Deacon James Strickland invited my wife and I to McDonald's on Perring Parkway and told us to order what we wanted. Dr. Higgs was quite a character and a giant of a person and Pastor. It was in that meeting that Danielle and I decided to accept this new assignment. It was very difficult to accept the assignment of becoming the Pastor of Southern because we had a very tumultuous experience in Philadelphia. I was so naive about the challenges of being an effective Pastor and how to navigate the wilderness of diversities of personalities, agendas, past hurts, firmly held ideals and church culture, while at the same time reconciling my own identity, convictions and leadership style. I was so traumatized by my first Pastoral experience that I wanted to be anything but a Pastor. I had been locked out of the church in Philadelphia on two separate Sundays and to this day I still don't know why. The last Sunday I preached at the church in Philly was the fourth Sunday in August of 2002 in the street in front of the church. I didn't want to preach, but my wife who is from East Baltimore told me in East Baltimore fashion to wipe my tears and preach to all of the people who chose to bring their chairs in the street to hear me preach including the ones who had blocked me from entering the church. I preached that Sunday, "I Must Be Crazy, But I Want The Job" from Job 13:15; and every week in that September I was invited to preach in various churches in Philadelphia and Baltimore while maintaining a weekly bible study in Philly. And then the call came from Dr. Higgs and Southern; just like that God had taken us higher.

Turning Point... When we arrived at Southern we had no idea of what to expect. There were rumors and letters swirling about whether I was really elected to be the Pastor and what happened to my ministry in Philadelphia. Nevertheless, at Southern I discovered

from the pastor's desk a leadership and congregation that was intentional about helping us to heal and to lead. I will never forget the words of Deacon Thomas Wright, "You have nothing to fear here...we are going to love you and help you to heal." Even when tumultuous times of transition came again, Southern stood with me; and this time I decided to stand with them. I knew then that this was the assignment God had called me to for the church and for my own character and cultivation as a Pastor. Some years later Dr. Higgs became very ill. When I went to visit him in the hospital he began to articulate how far I had come as a Pastor at Southern and that Moses and Joshua didn't always see eye to eye. He went on further to say that I was climbing the mountain and that I'm not where I want to be, but I'm looking good. He asked me to pray with him and his wife one of the strong prayers I prayed at the church. He then lifted up my hands and said you are the pastor of Southern and I'm going home tonight on the wings of your prayer. Reverend Higgs transitioned that night and I was chosen to preach his funeral. I preached, "The Bones of Elijah" from 2 Kings 13:21. That eulogy spoke of the strength of Dr. Higgs and how so many of us who came into contact with him were revived. I was certainly one of those who had been restored by his ministry and his life to carry the torch of Southern forward.

Difficult Choices... It was now my challenge to continue to lead and transition the church to continue to grow and make a difference in East Baltimore. The scripture that Southern uses as their motto is I Corinthians 14:40 where it says, "Let all things be done decently and in order." So I began to teach the Dr. Donte' Hickman & leaders and congregation Pastor Nathaniel Higgs about becoming a Purpose Driven Church where we would identify a vision and mission statement. We developed together that Southern's vision of where we were going would be, "Transforming the Church and The Community Into The Kingdom of God.” And we realized that was what I Corinthians 14:40 was all about. Our goal was to be a healthy church, that meant we had to be intentional about transformation, evolving and change. This is how our New Wine Experience was established. We didn't want to focus on church growth and development, but on spiritual health and transformation where growth would be a byproduct. So we had to make transformational choices even in renovating our church to facilitate contemporary trends and culture for ministry to a multigenerational congregation.

We went on to further develop our mission statement that would be the vehicle to enabling our vision. We learned through our study of the Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren that, a church should be intentional about a balanced approach and agenda in the areas of evangelism, worship, discipleship, fellowship and stewardship as outlined in Acts 2:40-47. Most of us think that it's the beginning of Acts that grows the church, but I contend that it's the last verses of Acts that have really cultivated and increased the ministry and impact of Southern Baptist Church. Our mission statement is the following: Encouraging People to Faith In Christ (Evangelism)- we strive to do evangelism through street ministry, charitable giving and outreach, social justice, community development, technology, social media, radio/television ministry broadcasts and multi-site ministry. Experiencing the Presence of God (Worship)- in our worship we are pursuing a convergence of genres of music and arts. We realize that people can experience Christ through gospel music, anthems, contemporary Christian music, spirituals and hymns. We also believe in technology to enhance our presentation of Christ; we invested in cameras, lighting, video screens and an LED Wall to facilitate worship on every level. Educating Believers (Discipleship)- in our discipleship program we strive to systematically cultivate people from a concentric model perspective of community, to a crowd to a congregation, to committed core members of our church. We begin with a Heart to Heart With the Pastor, to Spirituality 101, to the Growing Committed Discipleship Institute and a myriad of bible study classes and programs. Embracing Family Values (Fellowship)this is where we challenge members to participate in ministries and we challenge the ministries to replicate the mission statement in their agendas and activities. Equipping Disciples for Spirit-filled Ministry and Living (Stewardship)in this area we strive to empower people to grow in their generosity and support the work of ministry even as they seek to be responsible in their personal and family stewardship. It is important to note that while the mission sounds good we have to be very intentional and consistent to see it through. And this requires preparing and pursuing the right leadership to continue to transform the culture and mindsets of churched people. Continued on page 10  99

from the pastor's desk Continued from page 9

Growing in God On My Journey... I have learned over these 15 years that Pastoral ministry is not for the faint of heart. You can have the best intentions and still run into opposition, misunderstandings, disrespect, financial turmoil and personal misgivings. In so many instances, it looks easy on the outside, but it is very exhaustive internally. I have been saved for thirty years, but I have really grown closer to the Lord in the last 17 years that I have served as a Pastor. I will never forget my first church meeting in Philadelphia Dr. Donte´ Hickman with after only having been there Charles Barkley for a month. I arrived at the church to fliers being placed on cars with straight up lies about who I was and what I had done. I was already afraid to lead my first church meeting with their agenda, and now I had to deal with an attack on my character out of nowhere. The first thing I did was go to my office and lay prostrate before God in prayer; and God gave me a peace that enabled me to go through that meeting and others where people would literally cuss me and my wife out and get into fist fights where we had to call the police to end the meetings. At Southern I have continued to maintain a deep and consistent prayer life. God has made many ways through our prayers. Every time I have bowed at the altar of Southern God has turned things in our favor. I could not have made this journey and continue to fulfill this assignment without the Lord. There have been times where the very people I have helped and hoped for disrespected and degraded me. I have seen friends betray me. I have seen Pastoral colleagues shun and isolate me. Yet, through it all I have turned to the God in me to strengthen my character, tenacity and faith to push forward; and He has sustained me. I have not been perfect and have made many mistakes, but I have always asked God to forgive me and to never take His hand off of me. I contend that any effectiveness that I have in preaching, leading and developing is by the grace and anointing of God. And I have learned over these years to never take God's grace for granted.

Great Passion and Great Pain... It is true that great passion attracts great pain and this mostly because people are not, in many cases, as motivated as the leader. Dr. Higgs once told me (while he was fixing wall paper in the church) that people in the church as well as the leaders won't care about the church as you do. What I have discovered is that what 10   October October 2017 2017 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 10

we as pastors see as a Holy call is for many people a hobby or a hustle. When you are a visionary who then has to strive with the details of your vision and the minutiae of small minded and short sighted people you can become easily disappointed, discouraged, depressed, frustrated and fatigued. And if you are not diligent you will shrink to the level of the sheep rather than lead them beside the still waters and make them lie down in green pastures. Nevertheless, two things have helped me to mitigate against pains that threaten to thwart my passions for ministry. One is my determination to lead beyond my personal disappointments of people not showing up or following through. I keep going and expecting until people catch up. The other thing that motivates me as a pastor is my purpose and vision. Bishop Walter Thomas said to me over 20 years ago in a private meeting that the ultimate desire that you must have as a pastor is to see souls saved. He said if that is not your desire as a pastor you are in it for the wrong reason; and that has been my motivation ever since. I don't care if I'm invited to anybody's church or convention to preach. I don't care about making a national name for myself. I don't care about becoming a celebrity preacher. I want to see lives changed by Christ as he has changed me. Anything else I have gained has been a byproduct of pursuing that as my purpose.

Relevant Ministry... When I became the Pastor of Southern Baptist Church my only exposure to ministry was preaching and worship. All I thought about was how the church was going to grow and preaching revivals; but one of the members said I can't wait to hear his vision for outreach. Mary Harvin Transformation Center Ribbon Cutting For me, outreach was a soup kitchen and a clothing drive. I began to attend some of the community development corporation meetings at Southern as they were completing the $12 million-dollar senior housing facility named after the first three pastors of Southern (Coel, Grant, Higgs Senior Housing Facility). Sitting in those meetings I was bored and understood nothing. I began to look at the neighborhood and all of the vacancy and blight and started asking myself, how did this get this way, and if we rebuilt it what's to stop it from getting this way again. That's when God gave me the mantra of Restoring People As We Rebuild Properties. I began to establish task forces in the church to do a demographic study of the community to determine the real and felt needs of the community and how we could redress

from the pastor's desk them. Through that study we determined to facilitate services like behavioral counseling, HIV/AIDS services, workforce development initiatives, early childhood education, financial learning and lending services and a myriad of community health services. I determined that we were going to facilitate all of these services in a corner house we owned across the street from the church. Unfortunately, we were met with opposition from the residents and community associations who didn't want that type of facility next door to them. They fought us in the rezoning and they won. But I didn't give up. I went to their community meetings and they told me to build my center on the commercial property that the church owned and while I was at it tear down a block of vacant row homes on the adjacent block. All of a sudden through opposition a greater opportunity manifested, and from there we said why not build another senior housing facility with a community center. And as that vision materialized we began to acquire every vacant lot and abandoned house we could to restore people and rebuild properties. We have now acquired almost 200 properties, developed a Master Plan and engaged and partnered with community stakeholders. We also partnered with a diversity of developers to develop affordable housing, a community health and wellness center and clinic, and an arts and recreation center. We facilitated a chartered middle school for girls, developed an agricultural center with hydroponic farming, a light manufacturing plant and career simulator, as well as a collaborative public safety center. This to me is relevant ministry and a model for urban centers across our city and country.

What does it take to be a successful Pastor... As I continue to fulfill the vision that God has given to me I strive to pour into younger ministers who are perceiving a call to Pastoral ministry. In fact, one of my greatest passions is to develop young preachers to serve in full time ministry. I have been preaching since I was 17 years old and have pursued the path that the late Dr. Harold Carter, Sr. prescribed for me one Saturday afternoon as he was hanging up pictures in his new church office. He asked me who were some of my favorite preachers and mentors, and as I rattled them off he said, "You need an education." He said that if I could pass liberal arts classes then I should go to college and seminary and post-doctoral work. And he told me to try not to go to schools where every other preacher was going. Dr. Carter pushed me in excellence and diversity; I am forever indebted to him for that. I think any person that wants to be an effective pastor needs to pursue excellence and exposure to people and places beyond the usual. Hence, my educational pursuits have taken me to Texas, Louisiana, Chicago, Atlanta, Africa, Dubai, Panama, Brazil and so many other places. I have seen ministry on every level, so I try to personally train my sons and daughters in the ways I was

trained; and my hope for each of them is to surpass me in ministry. There was a time when all I wanted to do was preach. But I have learned that a Pastor must be fluent and flexible enough to engage business and corporate leaders, politicians and public policy, world cultures, community associations, judicial systems, developers, environmentalists and so many others to make a demonstrative and transformative difference in the lives of the least, the lost and the left out. Ministry today requires critical thought leaders who can survey the land, discern the culture, comprehend, crystallize and communicate a vision and overcome public misunderstandings and personal discouragement. To be a successful pastor you have to be willing to be pastored by Jesus and listen to other seasoned pastors beyond your peer level. And in the words of Dr. Nathaniel Higgs, "Never think you got it made."

Building Legacy... So I am grateful to God for giving me the grace to survive and thrive for 15 years. We have so much to do with so little time to do it. But I take solace in the fact that it is not all mine to do. God has shown me clearly the vision for our church and communities in East Baltimore, Harford County and Howard County. We have a massive undertaking of redevelopment that we are leading in East Baltimore that I hope to share with my colleagues in West Baltimore and across the city and country. As Dean of Pastors in the Global United Fellowship under the leadership of Bishop Neil C. Ellis, I believe God is moving me to a global platform of community development and transformation. We are not only building in the city, but we are also about to build a major development on land we own in Joppatowne (Harford County) and we are seeking to acquire property in Howard County to develop a church and affordable housing. I am currently praying about establishing a location in West Baltimore where there is an opportunity for me to minister where I grew up in Edmondson Village. We have at least one facility ready for us to come; but we are prayerfully waiting for God's green light. If there is a legacy that I would leave I believe it could be said of me that I was an Anointed Bold Change Agent for the Kingdom of God. God changed my life and it is my passion to see communities and families of people transformed by the power of God. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth, As It Is In Heaven!  11 11 



But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;


That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.



For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.



For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?


And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!


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to your good health

What Matters Most The storms of life and in nature are raging at such a pace that it is challenging our ability to accept and process the events before another one happens. We have been inundated with the sudden loss of loved ones, natural disasters and political chaos. Everyday we wake up to the news of death, destruction and division. In fact many of us have stopped looking at the news, checking social media or even connecting with others due to the fear of hearing more bad news. This has hardened some of our hearts to the reality of pain and suffering in this world. We need a reboot of our compassions in order to be receptive to what matters most. Philippians 2:4 encourages us to be sensitive to the needs of those around us, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” We have become self absorbed and only concerned about our problems, our bank accounts, our wants and our desires. God made us to be in relationship with one another and that connectedness helps us to experience what it means to be human. We need each other. And you and I have to begin nurturing our relationships so when trouble comes we have a network of people who we can call on in our time of need. The recent hurricanes, fires, street violence, racial tension and other difficult seasons of life make it more important than ever to be in a community of faith where you can be strengthened, supported, reassured and renewed. Focusing on what matters most is sometimes difficult but is worth it because so many people need to know they are not alone in this world. They need to know they are cared about and are appreciated and needed in our lives. The church is the perfect place to emphasize what matters most. It is our mission to share the love of Jesus wherever we go. Through friendship and fellowship we can share the Dr. Carla Debnam, joys and sorrows others experience and ensure them that we’ve got their back. Founder, Ultimately each of us has to decide what our priorities are and live accordingly. Renaissance No matter what struggles we face in life, we must continue to focus on what Christian Counseling Center matters most. 18   September 2017 | Grace&Glory October 2017 | Grace&Glory  19

woman’s perspective

The leaves are turning colors and falling to the ground. The air is a bit cooler and transition is in the air. I don’t know about you my sister but I love this time of year, the crispness of the air, the beauty of the colorful leaves and pulling out my favorite fall fashion. But I think there is a more profound observance that we can take from this time of year. This is a time of renewal and preparation in nature. All of the beauty we see is the earth preparing for her next season winter. It has been said that during this season Mother Nature is showing us by example how to let dead things go. When you think about it, even with the unmatched beauty, the leaves falling to the ground are the trees’ way to get rid of the excess. It is a way to get rid of something that was appropriate for the previous season but will not be a good fit for the next season. It has me thinking, is it time for renewal and transition in your life my sister? Are there any dead things that need to be let go? “Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1. We focus a lot of attention on making sure that we rid our lives of sin and believe me I think that is imperative. But I wish we would also focus as much attention on getting rid of weights that hold us back as well. Nature is showing us the simplicity of the fact that seasons change and when seasons change adjustments must be made. In the summer, it is appropriate to wear shorts and tank tops but when there is a shift and temperatures get cooler, it is no longer appropriate or wise. How often does the same principle apply in our lives? We grow and mature and shift in our character but we still attempt to carry people, places, things and habits that were only appropriate in the last season. I don’t know about you but I try to clean out my refrigerator at least once a week. It’s amazing how fast food that was healthy and even nutritious can quickly become toxic and damaging if we ingest it. Relationships, habits, and mindsets can be the same way. In one season, they can serve us and be good for us and if we aren’t careful, we miss the expiration date. All of a sudden, they are not healthy and nourishing to our souls, but rather they become toxic and need to be released. Do you recognize when it is time to release and renew? Do you recognize when you are in transition and entering a new season? My sister I encourage you to take a note from nature and embrace shift and newness. Let’s recognize when renewal is in the air and truly prepare for the new season which we are entering into. We must release toxic and unhealthy people, places, things, habits and mindsets that no longer serve us. We must have faith in God that He will not require us to release something without having a replacement. Let’s walk boldly into the new place that God is calling us into.

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Tiffany Bethea She-EO Life Mentor  21

single life

Do you enjoy when you have some quiet time to yourself? Or do you find yourself wishing you had someone to spend your time with? One question explains you’re lonely and the other explains you're alone. Most people don't realize that there is a difference between the two. People misunderstand what loneliness is, or rather, what it feels like to be alone. It is so often believed that people who have not yet found that special person are the ones who experience loneliness most often. In reality, you can be married with five children, have a successful job, real friends and still feel like the loneliest person in the world. Merriam Webster defines alone as “separated from others” and it defines lonely as “producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation”. Being alone is a state of being where loneliness is a state of mind. It is good to spend time alone but it not good to be lonely. You Never Realize How Lonely You Are Until It’s the End Of The Day and You Have A Lot Of Things To Talk About and No One To Talk To. ~ Unknown Being alone can be the most empowering experience of your life. It is a time where you are able to discover or rediscover who you are. If you are newly single or an empty nester it is important for you to rediscover yourself. You have spent a lot of your time focusing on the needs of other people. When you spend time alone you are able to: 1. Sort through your thoughts. 2. Gain a better understanding of who are. 3. Become open to the possibilities that are available for your life. Diane Lang said, “But alone is where your heart is. It is where YOU are. And, alone is where you will begin to really learn to love yourself for who you are — as you are. Until You Get Comfortable With Being Alone, You’ll Never Know If You’re Choosing Someone Out of Love or Loneliness. ~ Unknown Loneliness implies emotional pain, an empty feeling, and a yearning to feel understood and accepted by someone. Feelings of loneliness are most prominent after recently losing that special person that brightened your day. The feelings also can show up due to being single for years. When you become lonely it is easy to become engaged in relationships that may not be beneficial for you. Here are a few key signs of loneliness. 1. You would rather do anything to avoid being alone. 2. You distract yourself from your thoughts. 3. You lower your standards just to be in a relationship. If loneliness goes unchecked it can lead to depression. So if you find yourself in a place of loneliness I encourage you to reach out to a counselor. It is totally okay to have a counselor who can assist you with sorting through your feelings. Once you are able to sort through your feelings, you will be in a better place to reconnect with yourself. Being in tune with yourself puts you in a better position to create a life filled with joy. Tyniece Pack September 2017 | Grace&Glory 22   October 2017 | Grace&Glory  23

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gospel industry news

Gospel Industry News

JONATHAN NELSON Jonathan IS COMING HOME where it all began! Yes, you heard it right! Jonathan Nelson will be having his live recording "Home Again Live Recording" featuring Purpose Reunion, on October 21, 2017 at Church Of The Redeemed Of The Lord, 4321 Old York Road, Baltimore, MD. This reunion concert will feature the original Jonathan Nelson & Purpose Singers, even some of the original band members, a celebration of 15 years in music ministry! This recording will not just take us on a flashback journey of his hits but he will also be releasing new music. I’m super excited about this night, this is a recording you don't wanna hear about, you wanna be in the building, email jnpurposereunion@, or go to any of his social media outlets to get more details and do what u have to do be there Oct 21, 2017, at CRL, doors open at 5pm. TASHA COBBS Breaking Records Once Again with her new project Heart, Passion, Pursuit. All the millennials are going crazy over her song "I'm Getting Ready" which features Nicki Minaj, that she performed on "Black Girls Rock". This project has done over 2 Billion Streams in one week! TODD DULANEY Former New York Mets, professional baseball player turned, mega worship leader/gospel artist, Todd Dulaney, has released his NEW single titled, "Your Great Name"; the single debuted at #1 on Gospel Radio Charts. I’m still basking in the greatness of his last project which earned him several major nominations and an award. The full project "2nd Encounter" is slated to be out Early 2018. 28   28   October October2017 2017||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory


This group of amazing young people from Baltimore is bringing a newness to gospel & inspirational music. I was compelled from the moment I heard them. Their awesome vocal abilities accompanied by the musical production of Josh Lay/Left Brain Productions is an incredible combo. They will be releasing their debut project on Sat. Nov 4th, at the Eubie Blake Center, yours truly Miss Ericka J will be the MCHost for this awesome night, for more info go to their social media or website SMOKIE NORFUL Smokie is releasing a "DIGITAL ONLY" album on Motown Gospel titled "Nothing Is Impossible", it’s a 12-track compilation of his most inspiring songs. In addition, he also released a book last month titled, Take The Lid Off: Trust God, Release The Pressure, and find the Life he wants for you. KELONTAE GAVIN I had the awesome opportunity of experiencing the ministry of this young powerhouse in Baltimore a few years back, and since that day, I knew he would eventually grab the attention of the industry, he is a triple threat at such a young age, a singing, preaching, worshipping machine. He's released another single "No Ordinary Worship" from his upcoming project to be released next year first quarter titled "THE HIGHER EXPERIENCE".

gospel industry news

By Ericka J. CHERYL FORTUNE She will be releasing her debut project on October 13th, her single titled "Fighter" did well and made it to Billboards Top 15. Affected by the effects of Hurricane Harvey, she has had to cling to those lyrics for strength and encouragement and in addition lend support to others in this destruction; she will be donating her first month’s royalties to the Hurricane Harvey Relief. EAST COAST GOSPEL SUMMIT 2017 The Annual ECGMS is happening, the kick-off is The Choir Storm & Artist Showcase, Sunday, October 29, in the Turner Auditorium 720 Rutland Ave. Friday & Saturday, Nov. 3-4, all roads lead to Empowerment Temple for the Artist Showcase & Awards Show. The Summit will present the Heaven 600

26th Anniversary Concert featuring Deitrick Haddon, Jekalyn Carr, Isaiah Thomas, Brian Courtney Wilson and More! The artist showcase winner will be the opening artist for the Anniversary Concert, their single will be featured on the ECGMS Compilation CD, and they will receive complimentary studio production time. For more info, registration, and vending opportunities

It's HARVEST TIME! Look for the

TRAFFIK NEW SHOW DATE!!! Saturday, November 11,2017! SAVE THE DATE! The show will be held at Turner Auditorium 720 Rutland Ave, a Fashion Music Production to raise sickle cell awareness, that you don’t want to miss! Log onto http://www. or email traffikshow@ for further info and vending opportunities.

weekend Friday-Sunday 5:30pm on Heaven

manifestation of your harvest! If you've planted there will be a harvest! Be not weary in your well doing, YE SHALL REAP! Til next month you're now "IN Tune, IN the Mix, and IN The Know", follow me on Instagram & Twitter @misserickaj, "IN With MissEricka J" is featured every 600, iHeart Radio, or 102.7 hd2. Til next month like my fan page on Facebook “Miss Ericka J” www.instagram.con/MissErickaJ

Top 5 Gospel Songs

Top 5 Gospel Albums

#1 "Change Me" - Tamela Mann #2 "You Deserve It"- JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise #3 "Trust in You" - Anthony Brown & Group Therapy #4 "I'm Blessed" - Charlie Wilson feat TI #5 "You Waited" - Travis Greene

#1 Heart, Passion, Pursuit - Tasha Cobbs #2 The Blood Experience - Charles Butler &Trinity #3 Decrease - Todd Galbreath #4 Crossover: Live from Music City - Travis Greene #5 A Long Way From Sunday - Anthony Brown & Group Therapy  29 29

man talk

As a second grader, Alex was reading on grade level. But as he got older, his skills did not improve. Because Alex was maintaining, some felt that his reading was not getting worse. This, however, was not only inaccurate, but also impossible. In virtually every area of our lives, getting older bears the expectation of improving. Therefore, maintaining is synonymous with regression. In other words, if we’re not getting better, we’re getting worse. Likewise, if we’re simply maintaining our relationship with God, rather than becoming more like him, this is also concerning. While growth is both healthy and necessary, it is also uncomfortable. As students have recently returned to school, some may have felt nervous about meeting new teachers and peers. Others may have been anxious about the increased academic and social demands of a new grade. Will I understand the work? Will I be able to complete my assignments on time? How much homework will they give me? Will I be able to find my classes? Will I make new friends? These questions are related to being a misfit. And although the term connotes being excluded from certain groups, let’s consider three reasons why we were not designed to fit and why it’s okay to be a misfit.

WE ARE TOO BIG FOR WHERE WE WERE The initial days of a new school year may be somewhat intimidating, especially for students who are transitioning to new buildings. Those leaving elementary school for middle school, or middle school for high school, have traded their familiar surroundings and status of being big fish in little ponds for what feels like goldfish in a sea of the unknown. Educators often use terms such as mastery, frustration, and instructional to describe the degree of difficulty their students are experiencing with academic tasks. Whereas mastery is indicative of assignments being too easy, frustration communicates that concepts are too difficult. The sweet spot, however, is the instructional level: the place at which the student is appropriately challenged without becoming discouraged because things are too complicated, or bored because they’re too simple. For students entering new grades or new schools, this is scary—at least for the moment. But over time, as they learn the rules and routines of their new settings, they realize that where they are now, is actually where they should be. Yes, sixth grade might be somewhat daunting; but fifth grade was too easy for me. Yes, the social scene in college is going to take some getting used to; but I’ve grown beyond what high school had to offer. As people who are constantly evolving throughout our spiritual development, we often feel like misfits. Nevertheless, be encouraged. We were not designed to fit and it’s okay to be a misfit. In fact, discomfort is a necessary prelude to growth. The uneasiness that we feel when The Lord places us in unfamiliar situations is his way of ensuring that we are never, ever, only maintaining, but always growing.

met the requirements to pass eighth grade, this does not always mean that they are fully comfortable being high school freshmen. In some systems, youngsters are assessed at the beginning of the year to determine their baseline knowledge before they’re exposed to the curriculum. And periodically, evaluations are used to monitor their progress toward end of year objectives. By comparing their performance in the fall to their achievement in the spring, if there has been a positive change, instruction has been effective and students have learned—they’ve grown! Friends, it’s okay to be a misfit because we are never expected to have all the answers. Yes, we are too big for where we were; but we are still growing into all that we will eventually become. Don’t worry. In time, The Lord will show us, teach us, and expose us to everything we need in order to become more like him.

WE ARE EXACTLY WHERE WE NEED TO BE Despite being frustrated and overwhelmed by the uncertainty that surrounds us, be encouraged: where we are, is exactly where we need to be. In fact, this is our instructional level: the place at which we will continue learning and growing into what God desires us to be. Because he never gives us more than we can handle (I Corinthians 10:13), let’s trust the manner in which The Lord develops our Christian character so that we are more loving, more patient, showing more kindness, and demonstrating greater self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Because life is about change, and change takes time, let’s not rush to become more than who we are right now. Consider this: although David was anointed to be king (I Samuel 16:7-13), he spent years as a misfit before he assumed this position at 30 years old (II Samuel 5:4). Similar to our own lived experiences, while David was in obscurity— tending his father’s sheep; playing his harp to soothe Saul’s tormented spirit (I Samuel 16:21-23); serving his brothers, which led to defeating Goliath (I Samuel 17:17-18; 26-51); developing a close friendship with Jonathan who protected him on several occasions (I Samuel 18:1-4; I Samuel 20:9-13); and respecting a jealous and insecure leader who was trying to kill him (I Samuel 18:1-12; 19:10)—The Lord was developing and refining his Christian character. Despite being a misfit, through every situation, every challenge, and every fearful moment, David was growing out of where he was and into where God wanted him to be. Trust the process. Be encouraged.

Dr. Charles Barrett is a school psychologist with Loudoun County Public Schools and Associate Professor of Psychology at Northern Virginia Community College.

WE ARE TOO SMALL FOR WHERE WE ARE Coupled with being too big for where we once were, we are also too small for where we are now. Said another way, although students have 30   October 2017 | Grace&Glory

Dr. Charles Barrett 49  31

32   October 2017 | Grace&Glory

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