Grace & Glory October 2015

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Dr. Donté L. Hickman, Sr.  1

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contents on the cover: Dr. Donté L. Hickman Southern Baptist Church

1701 N. Chester Street Baltimore, MD 21213 410-732-8566

Dr. Donté L. Hickman, Sr.


Special Feature pgs 8-10

- A candid interview with Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman who is celebrating 13 years as the Pastor of the Southern Baptist Church. -From the Pastor’s Desk- an article from Dr. Hickman, “Where are the dreamers in Baltimore?”

Feature Articles 26 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE 36 BOOK SHELF Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea

14 EDUCATION DIGEST Dr. Tim Tooten Rewind


Dr. Monique Flemings

Embracing The Season of Change


Herline A. Knights, RD, LD

October Calendar for Family Health

4   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

Stop The Countdown


Eve (Wm. Paul Young)


Dr. Charles Barrett

Teen Dating

Self-Control & The Proverbs 25:28 Man

Healthy Body


Staying Fit For Fall



Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)

No More Drama

Healthy Soul


Ericka Johnson

In Every Issue Contributors............................................ 6


Donna Williams-Ross

In Trust Ministries nistries

Spreading the Good News of God’s Love

From the Editor....................................... 7 Scripture Page...................................... 11  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Harold A. Carter, Jr. Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Herline A. Knights Pastors Gregory and Tonya Dennis Carla J. Debnam Donna Williams-Ross Ericka Johnson Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Dr. Monique Flemings

PHOTOGRAPHY Mark L. Dennis, Alan L. Jones GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne-Nalley WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Dr. Frank M. Reid III Sr. Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church, MD Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

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Dr. Donté Hickman, S L. r.

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from the editor

October is National Clergy Appreciation Month. This month congregations all over the nation will take time out to honor their Pastors. It is Biblical for a church to recognize and honor the men and women of God who serve faithfully the flock of God. Paul wrote the following words to the church at Thessalonica: “Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work . . .” (I Thessalonians 5:12-13) It is clear from scripture that the faithful and dedicated Pastors of our churches are worthy of appreciation and honor. Clergy Appreciation Day provides an excellent opportunity for our churches to affirm their love and appreciation for those who are called by God and who lead their congregations in fulfilling the Great Commission. Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do His work and build up the church, the Body of Christ. Pastors and other ministers work tirelessly caring for their flock. A minister's work day is rarely a "9-5" job, and they cannot go home at the "end" of the day and just leave all the occupational problems at the office. A Pastor is never off-duty and he is always on call. If we stop for a moment and think about all he does we would be more sensitive to our

Pastor’s needs. We should always lift our Pastors in prayer and ask the Lord to surround them with loving care, to give them strength and walk with them, and to help them with the burdens that they must bear. Many of us have been members of our churches for many years. If you look back over the years, I believe that you would agree that our pastors have played major roles in the fabric of our lives. They have prayed for us, taught us, corrected us and guided us. Our pastors have celebrated and laughed with us in the good times, cried with us in times of sorrow and loved us when we weren’t so lovable. As we celebrate Clergy Appreciation Month, remember to thank God for the precious gifts He has bestowed upon us, His anointed men and women of God, our beloved Pastors! “And He gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-12 Peace and blessings . . .

Jackie Epps


October Is Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence Awareness Month Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. The National Breast Cancer Foundation's mission is to help women now by providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services. Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered women's advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children.

Editor-in-Chief  77


Interview With

Dr. Donte L. Hickman, Sr. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Baltimore – Harford – Howard G&G: Dr. Hickman, it’s always a pleasure to talk with you, particularly for the occasion of your 13th Pastoral Anniversary. If you were to sum up these last 13 years in three words what would they be and why? Dr. Hickman: I would sum up these last 13 years with these three words, God is faithful. When I was called to become the Pastor of Southern I really didn't know what to expect. And as the years ensued I learned so much about myself and the ministry that God entrusted to me. It has been an adventurous journey of faith and favor. I am still in awe at how God has continued to bless us and grow us through times of testing and tragedy. Through the years I have maintained a great determination to transform the church and the community into the Kingdom of God. And through every experience, expense, and expansion effort God has faithfully seen us through. G&G: Dr. Hickman, would you give us a snapshot of your years preaching the gospel; those years were not all spent at Southern Baptist Church correct? Dr. Hickman: I began preaching on Wednesday, May 2, 1990 at 17 years of age at the Gillis Memorial Christian Community Church. During those years I was very fortunate to preach all around the city for youth days and other events, as well as in revivals with Pastors who were generations ahead of me. It was Dr. Harold Carter, Sr. who impressed upon me the need to pursue a liberal arts education. And upon completion of three terminal degrees, I served as the Assistant to the Pastor at Gillis for three years. From there I was called to Pastor a church in Philadelphia for two years; and then I was selected by Dr. Nathaniel Higgs to be his successor as the Pastor of Southern Dr. Donté L. Hickman, Sr. Baptist

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Church. Dr. Higgs actually announced from the pulpit in January of 1992 that I would be the next Pastor of Southern after I had preached my first time there on my way to my first semester at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas. And ten years later it was so! G&G: Dr. Hickman, you pastor one church in multiple locations. How are things going? You are up to how many services now between the locations? Any plans for more? Dr. Hickman: We are now up to five services every Sunday in three locations. It is an absolutely awesome and inspiring experience for me. We began our multi-site ministry in Harford County in a movie theater five years ago. We recently celebrated our fifth year in a tent revival on a five acre swim club property we purchased in Joppatowne to build a church there. On Easter Sunday of this year we held a worship service in Howard County that drew over 160 people; and after fifty-two joined that day, we decided to continue bringing our worship services there. The Lord has been faithfully blessing us with a growing attendance over the past six months. We are focused on maximizing the current locations and services we have and duplicating our ministries before planting other churches across the state. G&G: Dr. Hickman, how do you measure the success of a church body when there are multiple sites? What are some achievements at these multiple sites that have brought you satisfaction? Have there been any disappointments? Dr. Hickman: We measure the effectiveness of multi-site ministry by the continued growth and participation of every member in the ministry of our church. It is absolutely gratifying to see so many people come to our church and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. It is also deeply moving to see people from diverse communities and cultures unite in one church to worship and serve the Lord together. We have been able to purchase property to build another church and expand our ministry and the message of Christ beyond traditional boundaries. What is particularly challenging beyond disappointing is my own desire to want our own facilities in each location to be able to expand our ministry capacity and presence. Nevertheless, my passions are tempered by the willingness of the people to simply worship and serve where they are in this season. G&G: Dr. Hickman, we understand that pastors are more than the person that stands up and delivers a message each week, there are things about being a pastor that are incredibly challenging, does a pastor ever struggle with his faith? How important is it for a pastor to be encouraged by its congregation? Dr. Hickman: As a pastor I have struggled with my patience in

Q&A seasons of enduring hardships, tragedy and necessities. I have often wanted to grow more rapidly, build more swiftly and see my visions come to pass more quickly. But God has taken us the way of slow, steady and stable growth through spiritually healthy, thoughtful, intentional and transformative ministry. And despite my haste, God has always manifested himself and motivated me to know that I can always depend on Him. There has never been an instance where the Lord has not blessed us as a church when we needed Him. And a part of his blessing is in the people that he has entrusted to me who pray for me, support me and always respond when I ask them to join me in faith to pursue our vision. The encouragement of a congregation through their response to the word to worship, work and witness for Christ is absolutely essential in and for the work of a visionary pastor.

G&G: Do you think marches and other demonstrations help or hurt these issues? What other strategies could be used by the leaders of the faith community to support a cause or movement to better its communities? Dr. Hickman: We need all forms of activism to affect justice, equality and charity in our communities. What is missing is the collaboration, strategic planning and partnerships necessary to bring about substantive change. Our communities need an agenda of priorities toward designing policies that inure job opportunities, economic development, quality education, and business incubation.

G&G: Dr. Hickman, to what extent, if any, do you believe a pastor and his church should be involved in the issues that are plaguing our communities, i.e. drug abuse, crime, gun violence, young people in jail, gangs, etc. Dr. Hickman: The church is the one place that should seek to engage people holistically. Whenever we read the gospels we see through the example of Jesus Christ to not only give people a message of healing, deliverance, salvation and transformation, but also a demonstration of the same. Moreover, Jesus also engaged in the area of politics and secularism to exact justice on behalf of the disenfranchised. And historically, the church and people of faith especially in the African American community have been the bedrock of communal liberation, transformation and adjudication. The real work of the church has always been outside of the walls of the building for the benefit of the least, the lost and the left out.

G&G: Dr. Hickman, after 13 years of pastoring at the Southern Baptist Church, what has been your ongoing passion for this ministry? What is next? Where do you see this ministry . . . say . . . ten years from now? Dr. Hickman: My ongoing passion for Southern Baptist Church is to be a ministry of individual, congregational and communal transformation. Christ compels us to evolve in our discipleship as mature Christians who hunger and thirst after righteousness. I still want to see people give their lives to Christ and let his will be fulfilled through them. And before ten years I intend to see the community that we are in that has been abandoned for decades be revitalized and become just as vibrant as Canton, Fells Point, Roland Park and Guilford. I intend to see our church acquire and build the necessary facilities to accommodate the capacity of our members and ministries to continue the work of transforming lives through Christ.

G&G: Dr. Hickman, obviously pastors are leaders in their congregations, do you believe pastors should also be leaders in the communities surrounding their churches? Do you G&G: Dr. Hickman, shifting gears a little, think the people who live in these what issues do you see facing the church communities expect the pastors to lead body right now? What is the most pressing in their communities? Do you consider need in the community surrounding the yourself to be an effective leader? Southern Baptist Church and Baltimore City Dr. Hickman: Pastors should be at large? leaders by their example in living Dr. Hickman: Our churches, especially in the healthy, holy and hopeful lives inner city need to see ourselves as community through Christ. Pastors should be stakeholders and developers that invest in leaders in their engagement within rebuilding the neighborhoods surrounding our the community of their churches to churches. The people in Baltimore and in urban discern the felt and real needs of the centers around America need safe, livable Lady Danielle and Dr. DontĂŠ L. Hickman, Sr. people and seek to bring about positive communities, affordable housing, job training, change. Pastors should be leaders mental health counseling, early childhood in their empowerment of people to pursue their divine vision and education and so many other amenities that are afforded other vocations in life. Pastors should be leaders who ensure that people communities and families. The church needs to turn its attention are heard and helped in their pursuit of justice and equality. I seek from building mega churches to building mega communities. Our to continue to grow in my effectiveness as a leader. Undoubtedly, the most pressing need in the community of Southern Baptist Church is Lord has enabled me to be an effective leader in the church and in the resources to raise blocks of abandoned and dilapidated houses to community having overcome so many obstacles toward transforming redevelop quality and affordable homes, a youth empowerment center, the church and the community into the Kingdom of God. We have a food market and a family life center to complement our Senior made many remarkable strides against overwhelming currents and yet Housing facilities and Community Transformation Center. We believe we have so far to go. And I am encouraged and excited about the next that we can begin the process of eradicating the fight in Baltimore phases and stages of my journey of faith, love and joy as an emerging by eliminating the blight in Baltimore and by restoring people and Pastor. rebuilding properties.  99 

from the pastor's desk

By Dr. Donte L. Hickman, Sr.

After a recent shooting in West Baltimore that included a ten year old boy, Police Commissioner Davis said, "When no witnesses come forth that it's an indictment on society." I agree that it is an indictment upon a society that has systemically oppressed our inner-city communities in a combine of poverty and brutality and then expect them to trust the perceived perpetrators of systemic oppression. Congressman Elijah Cummings said at the prayer vigil, "Our children deserve a life of normalcy." I agree with Congressman Cummings in that there is nothing normal about the environments that our children are growing up in that lead to molestation, murder, misogyny and mayhem. The silence and the violence in our inner city neighborhoods is a symptom of the culture of neglect that prayer vigils and charitable events alone will not change. Since April 2015 Baltimore has been living in the aftermath of riots and unrest that we haven't experienced since the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His assassination was a death blow to the hopes and dreams of a disenfranchised community of African American citizens. It was because of Dr. King's dream and undeniable engagement on behalf of the oppressed that inspired the imaginations, innovations and aspirations of African Americans everywhere to pursue the American Dream of life, liberty and happiness. Dr. King dreamed and enabled our ancestors to fight for justice and equality. But when the dreamer was killed our urban centers experienced a physical and psychological devastation that we have not recovered from, especially in Baltimore. What has happened to Baltimore, the City of Pride, the City that Reads, the City that Believes, the Greatest City in America that we have succumbed to the delimiting caricatures of "The Wire" and "The Corner"? Baltimore was the incubator of dreamers like Eubie Blake, Oprah Winfrey, and Reginald F. Lewis to name a few. And maybe the real question is, “Where are the dreamers in Baltimore?” In a meeting with city officials, I offered again that one of the ways that we could eradicate the fight in Baltimore is by eliminating the blight in Baltimore. The pockets of poverty that we allow to persist in the form of vacant houses, drug "treatment" centers on corners, dilapidated schools, and liquor stores on almost every corner only fuels the fire of gang and gun violence, unreported rape, untreated mental health issues and low ambition. When I expressed how much Southern Baptist Church has invested in acquiring vacant properties at a cost above their value to 10   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

develop affordable housing, a family life center, an early childhood and youth empowerment center, a food market and other mixed use property development to complement our Coel, Grant, Higgs and Mary Harvin Senior Housing developments and Community Transformation Center, one of the City's staff exclaimed, "The problem with Reverend Hickman is, he is a dreamer and I am a realist." To my shock and chagrin, that statement crystallized for me the problem in Baltimore City. Baltimore needs more dreamers in positions of authority and access to our assets that will seek not to settle for a subjective reality, but will pursue every resource to restore people and rebuild properties in the urban communities of our city. Although we need police and prayer, our problems are beyond just policing, prayer walks and photo ops. We need real solutions to complex problems. We need leaders with the kind of energy that can change the ethos of our city. We need leaders behind the scenes to work with people on the scene trying to make a substantive difference. We need leaders who will find and implement solutions to address the sobering realities that impact our impoverished communities every day. Where are the dreamers from Baltimore [like Frederick Douglas who fought to abolish slavery] who will now maximize inner harbor development toward inner city community revitalization? Where are the dreamers from Baltimore [like Thurgood Marshall who won the decision that desegregated public schools] who will now build innovative school facilities and programs and make early childhood education available to every child free of charge?

Where are the dreamers from Baltimore [like John H. Murphy who founded the Baltimore AfroAmerican Newspaper] who will now establish incubator programs and development banks for innovative and emerging businesses? Where are the dreamers in Baltimore [like Dr. Harold A. Carter, Sr. who envisioned and established the New Shiloh Village with a worship center, seminary, music school, senior housing, a head start and other amenities in the heart of the city] who will now deconstruct and reconstruct Baltimore from Hilton to Milton Streets? Baltimore can end the nightmare of entrenched poverty, murder, drugs and dilapidation, if we are willing to demand and embrace a vision to redress the root causes of our disparity and dysfunction.

scripture page  11


B&P Tunnel Project Community Meetings Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Carver Vocational Technical High School 2201 Presstman St., Baltimore, MD 21216

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

John Eager Howard Recreation Center 2100 Brookfield Ave., Baltimore, MD 21217

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mount Lebanon Baptist Church 2812 Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore, MD 21215 All meetings will be from 6:00-8:00 PM, with a formal presentation at 6:30 PM. The same information will be presented at each meeting. The Federal Railroad Administration, Maryland Department of Transportation, Amtrak and the Baltimore City Department of Transportation will host three meetings in October 2015 on the status of the B&P Tunnel Project, a federally funded engineering and environmental study to develop an alternative to the existing B&P Tunnel. Meetings will include information on Alternatives 3A, 3B, and 3C, which are being retained for further study, and preliminary study impacts. If you are unable to attend the meeting, we encourage you to submit comments via

12   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

the B&P Tunnel Project website, by email, or by mail to B&P Tunnel Project, 81 W. Mosher Street, Baltimore, MD 21217. In addition, presentations from the meeting will be posted to the website ( after the meeting. Meeting locations are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require translation services, please contact, at least one week in advance of the meeting. Si necesita traducción por favor póngase en contacto:  13

education digest

Just recently I had the pleasure of returning to a very important chapter of my life as the father of three blessed children. I visited my oldest daughter’s elementary school out of state where she serves as an assistant principal. In so many ways it was like going down memory lane. I was being introduced as her father to students and staff members. It was almost as if I had pressed the rewind button on an old tape recorder. My mind was flooded with memories of the days when I attended back-to-school and parent conference nights. But I now have a fresh perspective on what those days must have meant to my daughter and me. The visits were important then and now, especially as I get to share them with new parents I encounter at work and church. Not long after leaving my daughter's building, she drove me across town to visit my grandson’s school. It was my first grandparent's day and I had taken time off to be present. Once I reached his campus, it was yet another opportunity to reflect and rewind. Instead of being introduced as a father, I proudly reminded teachers that I was a proud grandparent. As I took part in various planned activities in his classroom, I soon discovered that this role was just as important as the previous visit to my daughter’s school. After completing both visits, the scripture passage shared at the beginning of this column, Deuteronomy 4:9 immediately came to mind and served as a sort of foundation for my reflection. I am now

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challenging and charging parents to visit their child’s school. I can assure you it won’t take long for you to discover its value. Even if you are not a parent or grandparent, these are still priceless opportunities to be marked present in the life of a young person. As I left my grandson's school I started a conversation at the entrance of his school with an 8th grade student. I asked her about her future life plans. She said she wanted to become a heart surgeon. For the next few minutes she gave me permission to rewind to a time and place when I too dreamed big. I told her that my dream of becoming a journalist started at about her age. I went on to share that beyond my professional career that I’d also discovered a ministry. A ministry that can best be described as nothing short of a life-long commitment as servant for the Lord Jesus Christ. I wish you could have seen the smile on her face and the determination in her eyes as our conversation wrapped up. I joked with her that I hoped I’d never become one of her heart patients, but that I was sure she’d succeed. Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. is an Emmy-Award winning journalist for WBAL-TV (NBC) in Baltimore. He’s also the pastor and founder of Harvest Christian Ministries in Baltimore County, Maryland

Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr.  15

Join Us

for the Fifth Annual

Give thanks. Give life.

Gospel Fest!

November 14th, 2015 • 3:00-5:30pm

Join us as we gather with friends and neighbors to honor and celebrate the lives of our donors and the impact they continue to have on the Baltimore community. Through music and joyful noise we will rejoice and give thanks for our donors, their families, and countless lives changed through organ and tissue donation.

featuring Stephen Hurd

Singing Sensations Youth Choir

Saturday, November 14th, 2015 • 3:00-5:30pm • Doors open @ 2pm For more information, call 410.242.7000 or visit


Union Baptist Church 1219 Druid Hill Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 16   October 2015 | Grace&Glory


Admission is FREE, but tickets are required. Tickets available at:  17

to your good health

It seems that in the age of social media we have become addicted to the dysfunctional lives of man-made and selfmade celebrities on the various reality shows, nighttime soap operas and crime and drama shows. We watch because somehow it makes our lives seem less troublesome or it adds excitement to our daily routine. Unfortunately we live in a context where drama has become the norm. We no longer have to watch it on the television or Internet because drama has come to our house, neighborhood and city. We live under the haze of unrealized dreams, unfulfilled spiritual lives and unspoken hurts. We know drama up close and personal, yet fear and embarrassment and the perpetuation of ‘family secrets’ prevents us from dealing with it. The Bible says that “the people perish for a lack of knowledge”. Our people are dying because of the lack of adequate resources necessary to stabilize their life. They have disconnected from family, friends, church and God to their own demise. Our people are dying from Depression, Anxiety, Rage/Anger, Stress, Substance Abuse, Violence and other undiagnosed and untreated disorders. There is a direct correlation between our community’s use of alcohol and drugs and the condition of our mental, physical and spiritual heath as well. We are medicating our pain and yet still find no peace. What is most alarming is the health crises, untimely deaths, and violent behavior and murder rate in our community as a result of unhealthy actions that persist because we have not always addressed the root of the problem. The answer to many of our challenges is found in living in God’s plans and purpose and letting others know that God has a plan for them as well. Proverbs 3:5-9 has a 18   18   October October 2015 2015 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory

few words of advice that we need to incorporate in our lives: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health; your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor God with everything you own; give Him the first and the best.” (MSG) Putting into practice the wise counsel of God and of those who have sacrificed on our behalf would help begin the healing we need in all of our lives. We have heard the saying, “If you know better then you can do better.” The challenge is getting people from the ‘knowing’ to the ‘doing’. Exposure is good but mentoring, teaching and leading people from imagining their desires to the manifestation of them is what is needed to bridge the gap between vision and reality. There are many churches, government agencies, community organizations, sororities and fraternities who are standing in the gap yet there is so much more that needs to be done. In order for us to live with less drama in our lives, let’s begin by taking responsibility for our family, our work environment, our church and our community. If we all take on the area God calls us to then we can begin to see the changes we have been working towards. Let’s declare our lives a ‘no more drama zone’ and help others do the same. Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center  19

single life

The beauty of the fall landscape can not be denied as we capture the radiate rich colors of red, yellow and orange in the natural beauty around us. The colors, the weather, the shifting and changing of the seasons, signals a time of spiritual change and awakening. As the strong trees shed their green leaves, we see those green leaves fall turning from green to yellow, orange and red giving the signature colors of the seasonal changes.

Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead… (NIV)

Our lives are very similar to the changes that we see in these trees. We are strong and vibrant and full of life and then change is required for growth. The change that is required demands that even the good vibrant “green” healthy thing in our lives must fall and be removed. Often we don’t want to shed the good things in our lives, but their shedding is a necessity to our growth and development. Even though things are healthy and good and vibrant, sometimes these good things are seasonal and must be removed.

Embracing the new seasons in our lives require that we let go of “good” and “bad” things in our lives. It’s a great time to conduct a personal inspection of our lives to check for possible expiration. Often we have expiration dates and are still trying to move forward with an old plan or old ideas from God.

When was the last time that you allowed “good things” to be removed from your life? It is easy to remove items from our lives that we can identify as poisonous, or dangerous. Are we able to do the same with items that we identify as “good”? You may say, “Why would I want to remove good things from my life?” Holding on to things that are out of season are just as damaging as holding on to toxic relationships. Just as we check the date on the milk carton to see if the product is still consumable and fitting for our bodies to receive, we must consider the same in our personal and spiritual growth. When we inspect a carton of milk, we check the date to see if the recommendations for using this product are still in effect. After reviewing the date, a closer inspection of the product is given. We recognize the danger of ingesting stale, outdated food knowing the impending dangers. In our spiritual life, we see our “good” and may not recognize that the “good” is actually outdated. To our human eye, we are pleased, but our spiritual man is longing for something different…something fresh. The rut of the same ole thing may not be obvious to us until we see that our growth has been stunted in an area.

Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go. But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me. (ERV)

We may hold on to these good things because of the following: 1. We feel a sense of accomplishment in our good. 2. We identify our self and draw self-worth from our good. 3. We enjoy how others see our good. 4. We are comfortable in this zone of ease. 5. We are fearful of the new zone. As we seek the Father, He will show us areas in our lives where He desires to breathe freshness and a new wind upon us….allow Him to refresh you! Remove the old and prepare for the new seasons. Open your heart to new relationships, new people, new opportunities, and new horizons. Jeremiah 29:11 …..I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (Message) Father, thank you for allowing me to embrace the new season of my life. You have a plan for my life and I trust Your perfect plan. I release the old, the good, the bad and I joyfully move into my new season knowing that You are in full control of my life and You have my best interest. Thank you for loving me!! Dr. Monique Flemings

Monique Flemings Ministries, Chicago, Illinois 20   20   October October 2015 2015 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory  21

Time For A

Check Up By Elder Keith Penn Jones, MBA It is interesting the similarity between a ministry (organization) and an individual as it relates to the topic of health. Just as the health of an individual can positively impact an individual’s longevity and quality of life, the same can be true for a ministry. When it comes to health, one must always consider the risk factors. Kaiser Permanente puts it this way, “The single most important thing you can do for your health is to understand your risks, and what you can do about them.” Now think about this quote in the context of your ministry. The single most important thing you can do for the health of your ministry is to understand your risk and how to minimize these risk factors. For any ministry large or small, the greatest risk to the health of the ministry starts with the leadership team. John Maxwell states it this way, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” The leadership team (I like to use the term senior leadership team), is the highest level group of leaders who meet regularly to discuss the direction of the ministry. This group sets vision, strategy and action plans that guide the entire ministry. A healthy ministry has a healthy leadership team. So what does a healthy leadership team look like? A healthy leadership team has at least three attributes. The first attribute is Shared Vision. SHARED VISION: Shared Vision is the discipline by which a ministry co-creates vision and strategy. Surprisingly, it is not uncommon that the vision and strategy of many ministries are created by a few, without the active involvement of key stakeholders within the ministry. Removing key stakeholders from the process often has a negative impact on the ministry in the form of lack of engagement, lack of commitment, lack of 22   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

(Part 1)

personal ownership and under performance. Healthy ministries that have developed a culture of shared vision are experiencing leadership teams that exhibit greater ownership of the vision and strategy of the ministry and a personal sense of purpose, not only at the leadership level but throughout the ministry. Building a culture of shared vision usually leads to greater unity and collective power. How healthy is your leadership team? Does your ministry have a culture of shared vision? Are your key stakeholders or leaders exhibiting symptoms such as lack of engagement, lack of participation, lack of commitment and lack of personal ownership of the vision, strategy and plans of your ministry? If the answer to any one of these questions is yes, contact me, it may be time for a check-up. In Part 2 of this article next month, I will cover the next attribute of a healthy leadership team: Alignment. Elder Keith Penn-Jones, MBA is an Executive Pastor of Administration at Set The Captives Free Outreach Center and CEO of the Penn-Jones Group. He has extensive experience in the faith based and non-faith based arena, with operational improvements, leadership training, team building and project management.,

Elder Keith Penn Jones, MBA  23

24   October 2015 | Grace&Glory  25

woman’s perspective

I can’t wait until Friday! I can’t wait for vacation! I can’t wait until retirement! I can’t wait until I get married! I can’t wait until…I think you get the picture. I’m pretty sure you have heard or even spoken one of these phrases or one very similar at some point. They can be pretty harmless, or seemingly so. The truth is we live in a world where people are constantly on count-down mode in anticipation for what is to come, to the point where they are not actually enjoying where they currently are. We are physically present in our now but not spiritually or emotionally present. The trouble with living on countdown mode is that it reveals the discontent we feel with our current space. The truth is many of these statements are consistently made and really speak to a deeper feeling in our hearts. How many people do you know that start the countdown to Friday every Monday morning? Is this not revealing a deeper discontentment with their current employment? Or how many ladies have you heard constantly on count-down mode to being married even before they are courting a gentlemen. Is this not revealing a deeper discontentment with their singleness? ‟ "…for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Philippians 4:11) Paul gives us a powerful statement in this scripture where he reveals the power of contentment. To be content means to be happy, to be pleased and to be relaxed. It is not the same as being complacent which speaks to not having a desire for more. Sometimes in our effort to do more, be more, achieve more and have more we confuse not being complacent with not being content. It is very much possible to have a strong desire for all of God’s best and yet be grateful and satisfied with where you currently are in life. In fact it is in that state of contentment that we have the peace and clarity to hear God’s voice enough to receive instructions on how to keep moving forward and progressing. Discontentment brings disconnection. When we allow our hearts to become discontented, we distance ourselves from the only one who has the power and wisdom to guide our footsteps. We absolutely must learn to have a future focus and yet live in the now! 26   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

What happens when we are not present in the now? When we are not present in now, we miss key lessons that we will need tomorrow. In order to show up to tomorrow prepared, we must be present in today and gain all of the lessons and skills that are ours for the taking. Often times we are so frustrated with where we currently are or what we currently have that we miss the opportunity to get ready for what is next. ‟"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” (Luke 16:10) The truth is if we are not faithful, consistent and satisfied in our present place, it is very likely that we will not be faithful, consistent and satisfied in what is to come. We must embrace and treasure our now moments to practice for what we see coming down the road. Today is a gift that is why it is called the present! Every day that we awake with breath in our bodies we are truly privileged; especially if you are healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually, you have reason to be grateful. My mother always taught me that THANK YOU makes room for more. The more grateful we are, the more we attract abundance. It is the discontented heart that sees very little overflow. It is the discontented heart that slowly distances itself from the very God of the overflow. But the grateful heart seeks His face and is blessed by His hand. Stop the countdown my sister! Your tomorrow is coming. It is bigger, better, and brighter than what you could even imagine. So you need your now moments to prepare for it. Embrace it with all of your strength. Don’t allow your heart to become discontent. But instead receive the gift of the present. The very God of today will keep you Tiffany Bethea and usher you into your predestined She-EO Life Mentor tomorrow.  27

28   October 2015 | Grace&Glory  29

nutrition & you

OCTOBER CALENDAR By Herline A. Knights, RD, LD





Thursday Enjoy bowling night with your family!

Friday 1


Try a tasty green 2 Get the whole 3 family in shape with fruit! Kiwi is in some home exercise season! videos! Try the Wii Fit™ or Dance Dance Revolution®.

Invent a game that 4 Buy some chicory 5 involves yard work today. It is an for you and your kids! overlooked bitter green that is delicious in salads. Try it tonight!

Store whole 6 citrus fruit, hardrind squash, eggplant, and root veggies in a cool, dry place. Store onions away from other vegetables that might absorb their odor.

Visit the library to 7 find books on birds, plants, and insects that live in your neighborhood. Then visit a park, garden, or other natural habitat to look for what you learned about.

Serve roasted 8 parsnips and Brussels sprouts with dinner. They make a delicious side to any dinner.

Sweeten your 9 morning oatmeal today with fruit instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners. ones without added oil or salt.

Use the stairs at 10 work today instead of the elevator. Tell your kids to do the same!

Make roasted 11 beets tonight. Look for the golden ones at the grocery store to make your dish extra special.

Create a fun 12 lunch for your child by cutting sandwiches into fun shapes and putting foods in colorful containers.

Designate 13 today as “no remote” day. If your kids need to change the channel, they will need to get up to do it!

Purchase chalk14 so that your kids can create “sidewalk” art in the driveway or on the sidewalk outside of your house. They can also create a hopscotch board.

Make healthy 15 Play a game 16 brownies as a treat. of laser tag with Do not eat the the family! uncooked batter, because it contains raw eggs.

Add bok choy to 17 your salad or a healthy stir-fry. Bok choy is making its seasonal appearance right now.

Take the kids on 18 a nature walk and collect colorful leaves. Take them home, wash, and dry carefully, and then let your kids create a fall collage.

Eat leftovers for 19 dinner tonight. It is best to eat leftovers a few days after they were made, unless you freeze them. Do not keep leftovers in your refrigerator for more than 2 or 3 days.

Replace your 20 spaghetti with spaghetti squash tonight. Top with your favorite lowsalt, low-sugar tomato sauce.

Do your 21 cereals and other dry goods line your counters? Make sure to store them out of direct sunlight, so that they remain safe and fresh.

Create a healthy 22 marinade for your lean meat tonight. Make sure to marinate in the refrigerator, not on the counter or in the sink.

Is it a windy 23 day? If so, find a grassy field or the nearest beach and fly a kite.

Is your refrigerator 40° or lower? Use an appliance thermometer to double check.

Make an easy 25 three-bean salad by mixing three cans of different beans and a low-fat, low-sugar salad dressing.

Bring the 26 Pack your 27 neighborhood kids lunch for work today to save together for an money and organized game calories. of basketball or baseball.

Buy frozen vegetables at the30 store, if fresh ones are too expensive. Frozen vegetables retain almost all of their nutritional value and are available yearround.

Trick or treat! 31 Halloween is a day for treats, but limit the kids to just a few pieces of candy.

30   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

Clean out your 28 Sign your 29 closets and family up for a donate clothes Family Fun Run. to a worthy cause for some truly feel-good exercise!

24  31

teen connect

From installing baby gates to fastening bike helmets and seat belts, parents put their kids’ safety first. But once kids hit adolescence, the risks can become less obvious. When it comes to teen dating violence, for example, many parents are blind to the risk and so don’t offer the help their children may need. Even when parents recognize teen dating abuse, their attempts to intervene can be off-target and often go ignored. Given the alarming prevalence of teen dating abuse, all parents should become educated on risks and warning signs. Simply recognizing abuse, however, isn’t enough; parents also need to know how to talk to their teens when they suspect abuse, or they risk pushing their child closer to the abuser. Learn to identify abuse and follow these steps to create your own teen dating-abuse action plan. Wake up to the risk Many parents falsely assume their child isn’t at risk for dating abuse. In truth, teen dating abuse affects both males and females in all parts of the country and from all walks of life. One in 10 high school students reports being hit, slapped or physically hurt by his or her boyfriend or girlfriend in the past year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And one in four adolescents report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse by their boyfriend or girlfriend. The numbers are just as worrisome for young adults in college. According to Liz Claiborne Inc.’s Love Is Not Abuse 2011 College Dating Violence and Abuse Poll, nearly half of dating college women report having experienced violent or abusive behavior at some point in their dating lives, and one in five report actual physical or sexual abuse or threats of physical violence. Even if young people aren’t being abused themselves, chances are they know someone who is. “The reality is this is an issue that could affect anyone at any time. None of us are immune from it,” says Marjorie Gilberg, executive director of Break the Cycle, a leading national nonprofit organization addressing teen dating violence. Watch for red flags Despite the prevalence of teen dating abuse, many parents remain uninformed. Of teens who reported being victims of physical abuse, only 10 percent of their parents were aware of the abuse, according to a 2009 survey. That may be because parents are missing the signs. Abuse can take many

Teen Dating Abuse

32   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

forms and doesn’t always result in obvious bruises or cuts. This list of potential warning signs, compiled by the National Teen Dating Helpline, can help parents determine if their teen is in an abusive relationship. Warning signs include: • Your teen’s partner is extremely jealous or possessive. Your teen’s partner emails or texts excessively. • You notice that your son or daughter is depressed or anxious. • Your son or daughter stops participating in extracurricular activities or other interests. • Your teen stops spending time with other friends and family. • Your teen’s partner abuses other people or animals. • Your teen begins to dress differently. • You notice unexplained marks or bruises. Learn about digital abuse Digital abuse, or the use of technologies such as texting and social networking to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate a partner, can be particularly difficult for parents to spot. Yet more than half (56 percent) of teens have been victims of social and digital media abuse, according to the 2011 APMTV Digital Abuse Study. The average teen exchanges nearly 3,500 messages each month, according to Nielsen, which makes it hard for parents to distinguish between typical teen behavior and digital abuse. A high volume of texts alone is not necessarily worrisome, Gilberg says. It’s the nature of the texts between relationship partners that can raise concern. “If there’s a lot of the ‘w’ questions–where are you, who are you with, what are you doing, why are you doing it, when are you going to call me–that’s not healthy behavior,” she explains. Gilberg advises parents pay close attention to their phone bill to see if there’s an inordinate volume from one particular person. How to talk teens Parents who suspect that their teen is a victim of digital abuse or controlling behavior should tread cautiously. While a parent’s first instinct may be to forbid all future contact with the suspected abuser, that’s not always the best approach. “Saying ‘you can’t see him, you can’t see her; you can’t go here, you can’t go there,’ often drives them closer to the abuser,” Gilberg cautions. A more effective approach may be to show the teen that parents support him or her, no matter what. Parents should make a point of empowering their teens by letting them know they are entitled to respect and love and that no form of abuse is acceptable. “Don’t judge, offer help,” Gilberg says. Let them know that you’re concerned for their safety. Where to go for help If a teenager won’t confide in parents, be sure he or she knows there are other sources of help. Point teens to (the website of the National Teen Dating Helpline), encourage them to call the Helpline at 1-866-331-9474, or tell them to text “loveis” to 77054 for support and help from a peer advocate. Confidential help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  33

body basics Believe it or not the end of summer is almost here, and the fall is fast approaching. Summer is time for traveling, spending long days enjoying friends and family -- often at the expense of not paying attention to our eating habits. So I thought I’d give you a jump-start on wrapping up your summer and giving you some healthy eating tips to get ready for fall; if you’re looking to eat healthier and maybe drop those few pounds that might have crept on when the sun was shining.

TIP #1: EAT BREAKFAST I know this seems so simple, but how many times are you rushing out the door and forget this meal? It’s incredibly easy to do, so it is usually my number one tip. A quick, proteinfilled breakfast can start raring your metabolism for the rest of the day. Got only five minutes? Cook up an egg with some lean ham and put it on a whole wheat wrap. Best part? This wrap is completely portable! If cooking is just not going to happen, then a smoothie is the very best thing to do. Blend yogurt, fresh fruit and a little ice, and you’re good to go. Want something more decadent? Take out the yogurt and replace it with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. TIP #2: ENJOY WHAT END OF SUMMER HAS TO OFFER There are two really great and incredible nutritious foods in season right now: berries and tomatoes. Eating food at its peak is both economically smart and ensuring that you will have the very best tasting produce. There are endless healthy recipes that utilize berries and tomatoes. Here is one I love:

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Quick Cucumber and Tomato Salad: Dice 1 large cucumber into 1 inch cubes. Dice 2 large tomatoes into 1 inch cubes. Chop ¼ of 1 medium red onion. Place together in a large bowl. Vinaigrette: 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of champagne vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, whisk together and drizzle over veggies. You can enjoy this alone or on top of a bed of mixed baby greens. TIP #3: YOU DON’T NEED TO KEEP YOUR SUMMER WORKOUT SCHEDULE One of the things I hear from gym members is their schedule doesn’t permit them to go to the gym as much, so they abandon any and all workouts until the following summer. Instead of stopping all together, set a realistic schedule for your fall workouts. Although it may not be as often or as long as your previous schedule, it’s important to maintain some form of workout. By simply maintaining, you can guarantee fewer pounds gained over the course of a few months. Can’t make it to the gym? Now that summer is over, the weather in most parts of the country becomes ideal for walking. Take advantage of this. Walking one hour can burn anywhere from 150 to 450 calories, depending on your size and how fast you walk. Over the course of just a few months, those calories add up! If possible, I suggest you bring an iPod or a radio headset. Try audio books as a great way to catch up on your reading. Listening to music or a radio program will make the time go by faster. TIP #4: JOIN A CLASS Start taking advantage of the range of classes offered at your gym. This is a great way to get you out of the house and working out. In addition, you’ll meet others who are motivated to workout. This is good because often times agreeing to meet at class will increase your odds of getting you in the class. By following these simple guidelines, you can assure yourself of not only a healthier body but a healthier attitude as well. And who knows? Maybe these simple tips will help get you that body you’ve dreamed of by the time summer rolls around again! Ken Hunt is the owner of New York and Miami’s Steel Gym, an AFI-certified trainer and a fitness expert with expert advice featured in the New York Times, Compete, Horizon Barcelona, La Cosmopolatina, Men’s Fitness, DailyBurn, SiriusXM and LA Talk Radio, Edge, Ethan Says, IDEA Fitness Journal, Latin Trends and many other health blogs and sites.  35


Book Shelf Eve

by Brandie Manigault

trafficking and its internal and By Wm. Paul Young external effects When I saw a post on social media about a on an individual new book by Wm. Paul Young, I immediately and those in her got excited. I didn’t know what the book was community to expose about, when it would become available, or how God’s unconditional, much it would cost, but what I did know was never-ending, neverthis- if this new book would have even the failing, always chasing slightest impact on me that his last two books love. The entire book had, than I had to have it. Unfortunately, from cover to cover, at the time of my becoming aware of this makes you pause and new book, it wasn’t yet released. I waited reflect on your own life. Young pulls on your semi patiently for two months, continuously heart strings as you read the fight this young checking online in hopes that the released girl faces- the internal battle and lies of date would get moved up (knowing good and worthlessness and the inability to be loved well that it wouldn’t)! So when it was finally because of her past. He makes you evaluate available I went to, typed in Eve the people who you surround yourself with by Wm. Paul Young, added it to my Kindle when he develops the characters of John, library and wasted no time getting started. Before I knew it, time had ticked by and I was about a 1/3 of the way through the book hardly looking up; it is a real page turner. One thing that I loved about Eve is that Young beautifully intertwined fact and fiction as he unraveled the Beginning (creation), the Creator, Adam, Eve, and the serpent, and although the book is named Eve, to me every character was the main character. Some characters were more prominent than others in certain sections, but I feel as though they all had their opportunities to shine. It wasn’t until the very last pages that some “light bulbs” went off for me regarding the deeper identity of certain characters. There is no way to read Eve without contemplating the heart of God at every page you turn. Eve is full of wonder and mystery, secrets, lies, and deceit. It’s packed full of love, romance, nature and nurture. It connects multiple worlds, dimensions, and times without leaving you to wonder how you got from one place to the other. Young takes you by the hand as you travel from past to present and back again. Young took the sensitive subject of sex36   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

Letty, Anita, Gerald, and Simon. Needless to say, Wm. Paul Young did not disappoint me with this read. It was brilliantly written. In fact, he blew my mind and opened up my heart more to receive the overwhelming message of love weaved within the pages. One of the MANY lines that caused me to stop reading and reflect says, “True love requires an open hand. Without the power to say no, love never will be real, just illusion.” If you are a fan of The Shack and Cross Roads, then be assured that Eve is neither a waste of time nor a waste of money. You will be glad you read Eve. For those who like to participate in book clubs, Young includes a discussion guide in the back to help facilitate your talks.

About the Author

William Paul

William Paul Young is a Canadian author, best known as the author of three novels,The Shack, Cross Roads & Eve. Young had written primarily as a way to create unique gifts for his friends, until his wife repeatedly urged him to write something for their six children in order to put down in one place his perspectives on God and on the inner healing Young had experienced as an adult. The resulting manuscript, that later became The Shack, was intended only for his six kids and for a handful of close friends.[1] Young initially printed just 15 copies of his book. Rejected by 26 publishers, Young and his friends published the book under the name of their newly created publishing company, Windblown Media in 2007. The company spent only $200 in advertising;[2] word-of-mouth referrals eventually drove the book to number one on the New York Times trade paperback fiction best-seller list in June 2008.[3][4] Young considers himself a longtime devotee of C. S. Lewis. Young credits Lewis for his interest in the themes of characters exploring tough questions that often keep them from faith in God.[6] Young's second book, Cross Roads was published on November 13, 2012 through FaithWords.[7] His latest book, Eve, releases September 15, 2015 with Howard Books.  37

word of encouragement For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him. He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation—he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ’s name.] [John 3:16-18 – Amplified Bible] This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him. [John 3:16-18 -- The Message Bible] 38   October October 2015 2015 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 38

There is a song that tells us to: “Go tell it on the mountains, over the hills and everywhere.” In other words, we are commissioned to tell this lost and dying world of God’s unwavering love and faithfulness. The Good News is this: For God so greatly loved the world that He gave - He gave Himself in the form of Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son. Webster Dictionary describes love as “an unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. Jesus was the ultimate expression of God's love for mankind. When God so selflessly sent His Son into the world to die for our sins, it was love that motivated Him. It did not matter to God that He had seen our betrayal and denial of Him before the foundation of the world, He still made the decision that He wanted us and would give His Son’s life as a ransom for ours. As we watch all the things happening in the world right now, we need to be out in this chaotic world being living epistles read of men. We need to be out in the world letting others know that they too can be safe and secure with a God that promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Someone on your block, in your development, on your job, at the Laundromat needs to know the love of our Father -- God. It is imperative that we share the Good News, that Jesus willingly paid the price for the sins of all mankind. God’s love for us can be found in 1st Corinthians 13:48, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” So regardless of what you are faced with today, sickness, financial lack, fear, anxiety, marital problems, estrangement with your children, etc., remember that God is love and love is the message that we are sharing in this world today. I encourage you to spread the News! I encourage you to let everyone you meet, know how much God loves them and has forgiven them of all their sin. All they have to do is to accept God's love and free gift by acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior [Romans 10:9-10]. Prayer: Father, in the Name of Jesus, thank You for the ultimate expression of Your Love -- allowing Your Son to die in my place. Had You not allowed the death, burial and Donna Williams-Ross resurrection of Your Son I know that In Trust Ministries I was destined for hell and I thank You for that love, amen.  39

gospel industry news

Kirk Franklin

After 4 years, HE'S BACK!! I have watched Kirk do everything in these last four years, anticipating this moment! HE has always delivered great game changing music. "Wanna Be Happy" is such a catchy soulful, head bouncing song, to me it’s a blend of the old and the new, balancing out to be the feel good music we need right now. "Every human being was wired with a desire for happiness. And we will try different things all in pursuit of that feeling. With this song, I'm saying if you really wanna be happy, you have to start with the originator. My goal is to try to lead people to the manufacturer of their souls.” The single "Wanna Be Happy" is currently available at all digital media outlets, and has already broken all kinds of records, #1 on Billboard and in sales. But we knew that right, it's Kirk! This is the first single from his forthcoming 11th project, slated to be released in November, on his label Fo Yo Soul Records.

Jonathan Nelson

Last month on September 21st, to be exact, Baltimore's Own, Jonathan Nelson released the single "Anything Can Happen" to all digital media outlets. New Label, New Look, New Sound, I'm loving it! I'm so excited about the release of the entire album that will be released soon, I'll keep y’all posted. Talking with Jonathan he said that he's so proud of this particular project and feels it's his best one yet. I've literally loved all his music from Day 1, so the buildup along with the reviews I got from everyone I talked to that attended the live session in Florida, had nothing but amazing things to say about their experience that night. We gotta support our own so if you don't already have it, head on over to your favorite digital media outlet and grab the latest single from Jonathan Nelson "Anything Can Happen". A great song!!!

Lonnie Hunter

Bittersweet, Lonnie Hunter announced last month his radio show would be ending September 21st. "It's time for change", says the pastor of worship at Bethany Baptist Church in New Jersey, under the leadership of Pastor David Evans. His single release "He's Worthy" from his CD #GetItDone has done well on Billboard. Lonnie will make his final appearance as host of the McDonald's Inspiration Celebration Gospel Tour, but will be back in 2016 to host the 10th year anniversary of the tour.

War Room

If you have not seen this movie, you are doing yourself a huge injustice. Go see this awesome movie about prayer, the importance of it, and the power of it. It's not what you would define as your typical Christian movie, in my opinion. I honestly didn't know what to expect, however I have enjoyed the other movies the brother duo has put out. This is definitely a "must see." 40   October 2015 | Grace&Glory

Erich March

Most people know the March name in the DMV, as being synonymous with the funeral services they provide. However there is so much talent in that family and it's alive and growing. Mr. Erich March is a playwright and author and he also draws amazing breathtaking portraits, just to name a few of his many talents. This month his playwriting and directing comes to life with his debut Gospel Musical stage play titled "In The Tomb". The play is a graphic depiction of the resurrection story from the "inside out". The two hours after Jesus’ family and friends laid him in the tomb, is what you'll get to experience; what it may have been like not just for those that loved him, but those that betrayed him, despised him, and wanted him dead. This musical stage play features, some of DMV's fantastic actors and singers, Randy "Fruity" Roberts, Naomi B, and Will Kearney to name a few. You'll laugh, cry, rejoice, and praise, but you won't be sorry you experienced "In The Tomb". Coming to the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Auditorium at Mercy High School, October 16-18, 2015. For tickets and info visit

gospel industry news Follow me on twitter, @MissEricka J, facebook, or via email

Eric Scott

Our hometown musical gift, Eric Scott is celebrating 20 years since he recorded his project "I Will Be Alright". After a hiatus from music to focus on pastoring and building ministry he has decided to bring everyone back from his group Eric Scott & Company. Eric Scott & Company served as a foundation for many singers and musicians who went on to do great things nationally and internationally. The group is coming back for 2 powerpacked events to celebrate this milestone in ministry. It kicks off, Friday October 7, with a Flashback Friday Concert featuring Cedric Meekins & In Full Effect, Blessings, Sisters in Christ, RJ Washington & Perfective Praise, Antoine Spence & Nu Prayze, Danny Evans & The Robert Evans Pentecostal Crusade Choir, Guy Robinson & Light the World, Bishop Richard Pender & The Voices of Christ. Saturday October 17, will be the 20th Anniversary Live Recording of Eric Scott & Company. The recording will feature some of the old music revamped, as well as some new music. Keeping the legacy alive will be the introduction of ESCO2, the children of the singers joining their parents for the recording, the next generation of Eric Scott & Company. Special guests will be Lacretia Campbell, Danton Whitley & Mosaic Sound, Levitical Priesthood, and Bishop Bruce Parham. Both events will be held at Set the Captives Free, 7111 Windsor Mill Boulevard. For tickets go to

East Coast Gospel Music Summit 2015

Coming to the Towson Sheraton, October 30-Nov 1, the summit will include workshops, panel discussions, and drum clinics. Registered participants will have access to all the key components to becoming successful in the music business. There will be representations and instruction from record labels, distribution companies, entertainment law, BMI, ASCAP, covering songwriting, social media, radio, marketing, etc. There will be concerts, a stage play, musician shed session, artist showcases, an awards show & after party, and will conclude with a choir storm concert. Everybody who's anybody is headed to Baltimore, JMoss, 2103, JJ Hairston, VaShawn Mitchell, Charles Jenkins, Deon Kipping, Stanley Brown, Livre, Alexis Spight, Joe "Flip" Wilson, Earnest Pugh, Phil Bryant, Bishop Andrew Ford, Zak Williams, Charles Butler, and Greg O'Quinn, just to name a few. TRUST ME, YOU DON'T WANNA MISS THIS!!! For information and registration go to www.

Tasha Cobbs

Top 5 Gospel Albums #1 "One Place" - Tasha Cobbs #2 "A Different Place" - Kim Burrell #3 "Everyday Jesus" -Anthony Brown & Group Therapy #4 WOW Gospel 2015 #5 "Destined to Win" - Karen Clark-Sheard

Top 5 Gospel Songs #1"Wanna Be Happy" - Kirk Franklin #2 "Worth" - Anthony Brown & Group Therapy #3 "Intentional" - Travis Greene #4 "WAR" - Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago #5 "Worth Fighting For" - Brian Courtney Wilson

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, let's continue to support, help, and pray for those that are affected and have to fight through this disease, let's also celebrate the survivors. I personally celebrate my grandmother, Vena Jackson, 35 year breast cancer survivor. Til next month, while some celebrate Halloween this month, it's Harvest Time for the believers of Christ, God is about to bless you with your harvest for all you have sown, get ready, and enjoy! 4141 

man talk Having noticed a post on my Facebook newsfeed, this was not a matter of coincidence but rather a divine opportunity to hear what The Lord began speaking to me. As these truths blessed and challenged me both in my natural development as a man and spiritual growth as a child of God, I trust that you, too, will be encouraged with the message found in the 28th verse of Proverbs chapter 25. As always, he who has ears let him hear what The Spirit is saying. Without a doubt, the greatest compilation of wisdom writings can be found in The Book of Proverbs. For this iteration of ManTalk, Proverbs 25:28 is particularly meaningful. The NIV Bible contains these words, “A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” As men, and more importantly, Christian men, we must develop and exercise self-control. As you continue reading, you will see two areas in which we should always demonstrate selfcontrol. Last, I will offer a few practical suggestions for churches that are interested in helping men to mature in this area of their lives. Let’s look closer… Throughout the span of human development certain behaviors might be expected based on an individual’s age. In fact, psychologists often refer to them as being developmentally appropriate. Essentially, while a child’s tantrum behavior as a result of having to wait in line at an amusement park might be developmentally appropriate at 2 years old, such conduct is concerning at 12 or 22. Spiritually speaking, this principle is clearly illustrated in I Corinthians 13:11 when Paul writes: When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. AREA # 1: DEMONSTRATING SELF-CONTROL IN OUR RELATIONSHIPS As men, learning to effectively regulate our emotions will inevitably impact every area of our lives, especially our relationships. Not only does self-control encompass reigning in our sexual impulses, desires, and having the ability to delay gratification, but also equally important is the manner in which we treat those whom we say that we love. It is no secret that those who are closest to us are often the ones who have the uncanny ability to hurt us the most. But despite hurt feelings, Proverbs 25:28 men self-regulate their emotions. Although we are angry, we do not sin (Ephesians 4:26). Although we have been hurt, we do not hurt others. In fact, Proverbs 25: 28 men disregard the myth of catharsis (although widely purported as true)—that pent up anger and emotions must be released in order to experience relief. Especially if we are married, Proverbs 25:28 men recognize the solemnity of this sacred covenant and its symbolic representation of the love that Christ has for His church (Ephesians 5:25). In other words, Fellas, please understand... women don’t mind submitting, they just don’t want to submit to chaos. There is nothing more attractive than a man in control, who actually has control. 42  October October 2015 | Grace&Glory 42   2015 | Grace&Glory

AREA #2: DEMONSTRATING SELF-CONTROL IN OUR PROFESSIONAL LIVES Proverbs 25:28 men who are in control of their emotions are responsible and disciplined—two hallmark characteristics of manhood and maturity. They are responsible for providing for themselves and their families and are disciplined to do that which is necessary in spite of how they might feel. As responsible men, they demonstrate a personal work ethic that embodies Colossians 3:23. In other words, although Corporation X employs us, our approach transcends the duties that we have been assigned to complete. Because we are serving The Lord, our punctuality and the quality of our work and conduct represent excellence and the spirit of Christ. As disciplined men, we model for those around us—younger brothers in our families and communities—the importance of consistency—waking up each day and going to work regardless of our feelings. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LOCAL CHURCH Historically speaking, African Americans, and especially African American men, are less likely to participate in counseling support services. And while there are valid reasons for this sentiment, they do not exonerate us from the reality that some would likely benefit from engaging in a therapeutic process. As the church has often been the hub of activity in our communities, it is fitting that our local houses of worship become equipped to provide the muchneeded counseling and support services for the communityat-large. For men specifically, churches should be ever-mindful of creating atmospheres in which they won’t feel condemned or judged for their shortcomings but rather embraced and encouraged to live according to Proverbs 25:28. Men whose issues stem from unaddressed hurt and anger, which are manifested in maladaptive behavior (e.g., verbal abuse), should no longer be ignored but engaged by qualified professionals operating from a position of love and grace. Structured groups might also prove beneficial for men to support one another according to the principles of Proverbs 27:17 as they continually strive to intentionally put the ways of childhood behind them. Like many other skills in life, self-control must be taught and modeled. Unfortunately, for some men, this wasn’t their reality. But despite what was seen or not seen, demonstrated or not demonstrated by others in our lives, we serve a God who is able to do what is seemingly impossible. Brothers, be encouraged. Despite our past circumstances, mistakes, and missteps, it is never too late to become a Proverbs 25:28 man. Peace and Blessings.

Dr. Charles Barrett is a school psychologist with Loudoun County Public Schools. He also serves as Ministry Leader for Worship Ministries at Heritage Fellowship Church in Reston, VA.

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