Grace & Glory Magazine January 2019

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January 2019

contents on the cover: Pastors Jason & Rhoda Turner Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) 3029 N Alma School Road Suite 218 Chandler, AZ 85224

Cover Story pgs 8-11 - Grace & Glory Magazine welcomes and introduces Pastors Jason & Rhoda Turner. Pastors Jason & Rhoda Turner are a dynamic ministry duo, pastoring the Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Arizona. In October 2017, with the blessing from their founding church and pastors Bishop Darrell & Pastor Pamela Hines, Pastors Jason & Rhoda Turner planted Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona).



Tiffany Bethea

Min. Carenda McCray

New Year, New You?

Happy New Year!

22 SINGLE LIFE Ruth Tyler-Young

The Benefits of Gratitude

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Bishop Shirley & Pastor Timothy Stanfill

Tracey George

Happy New Year 2019

Living The Lion’s Share


Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)


Healthy Body

In Every Issue Scripture Page........................................ 2 Contributors............................................ 6 From the Editor....................................... 7


Charles & Ursula Harris

It Takes 21 Days to Get Fit  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Dr. Carla J. Debnam Tiffany Bethea Min. Carenda McCray Tracey George Ruth Young Tyler Charles & Ursula Harris Bishop Shirley and Pastor Tim Stanfill

COVER/COVER STORY Katie Piks Sarah G Photography PHOTO CREDITS GRAPHIC ARTIST Claire Lesesne WEB ADMINISTRATOR Andre Felipe for Arts Period Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC,

a Baltimore based, independent publisher.

Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

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Advisory Board Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Bishop Frank M. Reid, Jr. AME Church Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Archbishop Ralph L. Dennis Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Healing Voices Ministries Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Dream Life Worship Center Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

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From the


2018 has ended. It is time to file the year 2018 away like we file old tax returns, only pulling it out as a point of reference. The truth of the matter is 2018 is over, done, finished, out of here. It has come and gone, and I have wondered is anything different from when we first started 2018 twelve months ago. I asked myself the question, “Is there one thing that I can say that resonates in my spirit after all that has transpired in 2018?” My answer was, “Yes, I still believe!” In spite of all that I did or did not accomplish last year, I still believe. In spite of what God did or did not do in my life last year, I still believe. In spite of disappointments, heartaches, tribulations, and all of the ups and downs, I still believe. In spite of all that is going on in the world today, i.e. natural disasters, terrorism, threats of terror, mass shootings, and even the high crime rate in our city, I still believe. Believe ‘what’ you may be asking? I believe that we serve an ‘in spite of’ God. In spite of everything, I still believe that God is on our side. In spite of what it may look like or how it may feel, I still believe God is in control. In spite of myself and all my shortcomings, and when I miss the mark, I still believe God loves me unconditionally. In spite of my occasional fear, my sometimes-little faith, and my sometimes lack of trust, I still believe God is Almighty. What is my assessment for the New Year 2019? Well I don’t have a catchy slogan that rhymes with 2019. I don’t have a theme or a prophetic word. But what I do have is what I believe, and I am fully persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him. (II Timothy 1:12) So here is my assessment for 2019: I believe that God will still be faithful, and His mercies will still be new every morning. (Lamentations 3:21-23)

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief

I believe if you take delight in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) I believe that God will still provide all my needs according to His riches. (Philippians 4:19) I believe that God will still forgive all my sins and heal all my diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3) I believe that God will still empower me to do all things through Christ that strengthens me. (Philippians 4:11-13) I believe that God wants me to dream big and believe that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I could ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20-21) I guess by now, you have figured out my favorite words is Believe. One meaning of Believe is, “to regard the existence of God as a fact, to accept something as true”. In 2019, I believe that God will still be my strong tower, my fortress, my buckler, my friend, my comforter and my peace. I believe that God will still be whatever I need Him to be! Do you Believe?  7

Pastors Jason & Rhoda Turner Senior Pastors

CHRISTIAN FAITH FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (ARIZONA) 3029 N Alma School Road Suite 218 Chandler, AZ 85224 THE VISION At Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona), it is our focus to provide an environment where people can have a life-changing experience by encountering a life-giving God. John 10:10 declares that, “…I am come that they might have life and have life more abundantly.” And this is why as soon as you walk through the doors into one of our Celebration Experiences you will sense, see and feel the presence of God. Our goal is to infuse life and God’s love into humanity through engaging powerful Celebration Experiences that offer biblical truth in relevant and practical ways. But you will soon discover that we’re more than just a church with a weekend service. We believe that developing authentic and enduring relationships with others is a key to spiritual growth and maturity. And this is why, as part of our core structure you will find a strong network of small groups (Acts 17:4-7, 18:1-3, 18:7-11, 18:24-28, 19:8-10).

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I want to echo this quote from author and pastor, Chris Hodges: “Together, we’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there’s relevant teaching, heartfelt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need. In short, we’d like to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time.” Every Christian believer needs a church where they can connect and call home. And we believe Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) can be that ‘home’ for you. From the very beginning, Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) has focused on reaching those who do not know God personally and building relationships through Small Groups. We believe that the life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday services, and the simple style of Christian Faith will bring growth to the lives of people.

We also reflect and echo the mission statement of Stadia that declares that 'every child should have a church'. We believe in family and we believe in providing a safe, joyful and engaging environment where every child can flourish as they discover their God-given purpose. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, "Allow the children to come to Me and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven." It is amazing to know that children were not a bother or inconvenience to Jesus but rather He wanted to make sure that no one would get in the way of them getting to Him. At Christian Faith we strive to change the negative narrative and to begin to script a history that understands and values the importance of children and getting them to Jesus.

Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona). They are passionate in developing competent leaders on every level (home, marketplace, church) that can impact the world. They are as equally passionate about missions’ work, which they believe “are the hands and feet of Jesus Christ” and must be incorporated into the life of every believer. They both travel nationally and internationally to share the message of Jesus Christ and have been featured in various media outlets. Rhoda Turner possesses a spirit of humility, and it is very evident that God’s hand is upon her life. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting.

At Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) we believe that the church should be a place Being the 9th of 10 for the entire family, a place for children, Rhoda has a people of all ages. Pastors Jason deep passion for family The Turner Family & Rhoda have four amazing and the wholistic children that love God, love His development of children. people and love His church. As a family they serve the Her love for humanity goes beyond the four walls of her Phoenix Valley and welcome everyone from the young to home and she is a mentor, mother figure and a galvanizing the young at heart to come and Celebrate God! We invite leader. Rhoda's passion for children has led her on a you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when professional and personal journey that is immersed in the the focus is simple, “Reaching People That Are Near To care for children by advocating and caring for those who Us But Far From Him.” often times are thought to be voiceless and not able to care for themselves.

JASON & RHODA TURNER If you are around Jason & Rhoda Turner for any length of time it is very clear that they love God and they are in love with each other. Consequently this love for God and humanity is the reason why they felt compelled to expand ministry to the Phoenix Valley. In October 2017, with the blessing from their founding church and pastors Bishop Darrell & Pastor Pamela Hines, they planted Christian

Jason Turner began in ministry at the age of 12. It has always been his objective to simply present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a clear and relevant way. Throughout the years, God has used him to minister life and salvation to literally tens of thousands of people. It is without question that his life is an example of one that is given to the purposes of God. Continued on page 10  9

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Jason Turner is also an advocate for equipping emerging ministry leaders and this is evident in his former tenure as President of Dominion Bible College and in his current commitment as consultant to various ministries and ministry leaders throughout the country. Prior to his appointment as Senior Pastor, Jason Turner served as Executive of Church Services and Associate Pastor to General Board Member Bishop Darrell L. Hines Sr. at Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Milwaukee, WI. Today, Jason Turner serves as Senior Pastor of Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona). He has been in ministry for over 30 years but he will tell you that he is most proud of his 23-year marriage to Rhoda and their four amazing daughters.

THE MISSION Our story is not ours alone but an extension of the faith of our pastors, Bishop Darrell & Pastor Pamela Hines, founders of Christian Faith Fellowship Church based out of Milwaukee, WI. We thank God for them and honor their lives and their example of how to pursue God through obedience and to live a righteous and holy life. Pastor Jason Turner dreamed of planting a church with a simple goal – to help people connect with God so that they could reach their full God-given potential. With the

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help of the initial Launch Team, 12 people committed to seeing this dream become a reality, Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) began October 8th, 2017. That Sunday, over 40 people attended the very first service at Harkins Chandler Crossroads 12 in Chandler, Arizona. Most recently God has blessed Christian Faith Fellowship Church (Arizona) to move into their very own facility. This expansion has generated tremendous faith within the congregants and the community, as this is a milestone that is not often seen by a church in the East Valley that has only been in existence for a year. This achievement is a direct reflection of God's providential hand on this ministry and the generosity of His people. God has a plan to use this church to connect with the existing churches in the area and create an even bigger blanket that brings covering, protection and comfort to people who are in need of the life giving message of Jesus Christ. My greatest desire is to see the Kingdom of God expanded through the intentional act of church planting and cooperation. One of the goals for our church is to personally help plant a minimum of 100 churches in the life cycle of our establishment and to see that purpose extended into and expanded by the next generation of local and international church leaders. But helping to plant churches is not enough if the leaders are not sustained and supported. With this thought in mind

we designed and created The Leadership Institute. This branch of instruction is our contribution to the collective global tree to help‌ 'Equip emerging leaders to be firmly grounded in biblical truth so that they may impact the world through their service to humanity and the church.' I believe with all of my soul that no one should have to do ministry alone. Therefore the driving force behind the reason for our Leadership Institute is to equip, empower and send. I want to see a church that thinks and acts beyond the borders of its local walls and takes time to consider the importance of their space and place within the broader context of the body of Christ and that all these essential parts are needed in order for the body to be healthy, whole and fully functional. Unity does not mean the same but rather it is the understanding that it is the coming together of different parts that makes a whole and thus reflects God's purpose of unity. Unity is not defined as all being the same but rather all being different within the same body, which is Jesus Christ. Here is a quote from the video, 'Welcome To Church': Over 2,000 years ago the church was born and it was comprised of people that were passionate about the message of Jesus Christ. In 369 A.D. the church built the first hospital as a place to care for those who could not care for themselves. Today the church is the largest single provider of healthcare in history. The church was the first to stand up for the rights of children and created the first and largest orphanage system in the world. 100 out of the first 110 colleges and universities were founded as Christian institutions and they included Harvard, Dartmouth, Yale and Princeton. The church has shaped much of the world's greatest art, architecture, music and literature. But the impact of the church isn't ancient history. Over 300,000 churches in America and almost 5,000,000 churches around the world stand ready to be instruments of change. Everyday the church brings food

and fresh water to millions of people around the world. The church fights to free slaves in every part of the world. The church stands ready as a first responder on the scene to provide relief for victims of disaster. The church is not just a building but a revolution of people being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ who bring His message to the world, not just through teaching and singing, but through action. I believe that the greatest agent for change within the world is the church. I want to help rescue the purpose of the church from the hands of those who would want to see it destroyed and be one of many servant leaders that help to restore the beauty and dignity of what God had always intended for the church to be. The church was always meant to be a place of restoration, hope, healing and prayer. The church is a light in the midst of darkness that beckons and champions humanity to a greater purpose of living and not just existing (John 10:10). I am proud to be a shepherd and leader within a community of faith that is constantly sitting at the table of fellowship with God and breaking the bread of communion with each other and purposing within our hearts and actions to walk out this amazing journey called life. We will get it right and we will get it wrong; we will have times of joy and times of suffering; times of surging forward and times of retreat; times of jubilant expressions and moments of agonizing reflection; times of triumph and times of despair; but most importantly throughout all those times we will have Emmanuel (God with us) and Emmanuel will have us. Christian Faith Fellowship Church  11 11 

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to your good health

Over the past several months I have heard the idea of reset preached, taught and presented in various ways. Those who attended these sessions could apply this concept of starting fresh to their lives, their families, their ministry work or their church. The concept of being reset or having to reset something is not new. There are times when we have to reset our clocks because of a power outage or due to daylight savings time or maybe because we have purchased something new. Also, we have had to update and reset our electronic devices from time to time because of new software versions or because we have downloaded new applications (apps) to help us navigate our lives. Whatever reason you have for resetting electronic and computer systems, think about your life and realize that you may be in need of a spiritual download and resetting so you can be whole and secure and able to produce

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fruit for the Kingdom. Think of the pruning process mentioned in John 15, “He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, have already been pruned Renaissance Christian Counseling Center and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” Pruning is a way God gets the most out of your life by trimming away those things that are no longer needed in exchange for a better, more effective person for His glory. You and I can choose to reset our lives or let God in His wisdom lead us in the timing of our reset. Life itself can push us into reset mode when we are faced with trials, troubles and disappointments. Whether you choose to reset your life or if it is divinely or circumstantially driven, make the most of it so you can use this as a time of refreshing and restoration.  17

woman’s perspective

Happy New Year my sister! I am excited that you have made it to 2019 in the land of the living with us. No matter what you may be currently facing or experiencing, can we agree that every day above ground is a blessing? Can we agree that no matter what you experienced in 2018, you have stepped into a fresh start, a new chapter, a new book filled with 365 pages. The question is what will you fill the pages of 2019 with? If you notice, the title is a statement and a question and that my sister is very intentional <wink>. One thing I know is that this time of year is filled with excitement, goal setting, envisioning, dreaming and planning for the year ahead. New Year’s resolutions are being made, new goals are being set or possibly old goals are being revisited. One thing is certain, even though it is a new year and yes, it is filled with incredible possibility, if nothing in you changes you will experience the same things in 2019 that you experienced in 2018. Here are some ways that you can see the change you desire in 2019: 1. Celebrate the wins of 2018- Before focusing on what is to come, it is important to reflect on what has been. What worked well for you last year? What can you actually take with you into 2019? The celebration of our past victories often fuels us for the next ones. They lift our spirits by reminding us that we’ve experienced victory and achievement before. Build your confidence for what you still need to do by celebrating what you have already done.

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2. Get clear on what needs to be different this year- “Write the vision and make it plain so that he who sees it will run”. Habakkuk 2:2. The problem with accomplishing our goals often is that we have an idea, but we are not super clear what EXACTLY we would like to get done. And if we can be honest as women especially, we can get caught up in the emotions of it and not really zoom in on what we need to be doing. Ask yourself, “Am I super clear on exactly what I would like to accomplish? Is it measurable? Is there a deadline?” 3. Evaluate your capacity- What will it take to get your goal done? Will you need to save money? Will you need to cultivate some new relationships? Will you need to move? Will you need to cut down on television time? It is important to take a moment to evaluate what your inputs are and make sure they match your outputs. Do you have the capacity to accomplish your desired goal and if not, how can you increase your capacity? 4. Get rid of fear and all its friends- The #1 reason above all that keeps us from winning is one simple word, FEAR. In this season woman of God, I want to ask you a real question, “What are you afraid of?” Have you ever thought about what is the REAL thing keeping you from your next level? I often hear people say that their problem is procrastination, but truthfully procrastination stems from fear. If you are going to win this season my sister, you must face your fear through the spirit and power of Jesus. 5. Set accountability in place- The book

of Psalms lets us know that God places the solidarity in families. My dear sister we are not meant to be islands. I know that the wounds of previous sister-friendships may have left your trust in women fragile. But if you are going to grab hold of everything God has for you in this season, you must allow him to divinely order your footsteps to connect with the women who will help you birth what is inside. There is no growth absent accountability. Who will hold you accountable to actually reach your goals this year? 6. Celebrate milestones along the waySometimes we are so focused on the big picture that we miss all the little moments leading up to it. I have learned to enjoy the celebration and not just obsess over the destination. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Every time you take a big “bite” towards your goal, celebrate yourself and be intentional about it. It will fuel you and energize you for the next steps forward. 7. Just DO IT- The word tells us that faith without works is dead. I don’t even have that much to say about this one. After all is said and done, JUST DO IT! God is on your side, who can be against you. Here’s to a phenomenal 2019 my sister!

Tiffany Bethea She-EO Life Mentor  19

Lady C Speaks

What an awesome God we serve. If it had not been for the Lord on our side where would we be? In this New Year of our Lord, 2019, you will have to encourage yourself! Those who you depended on in 2018 will not be your dependency in 2019. This will be a very peculiar year. If you are wondering what I mean by peculiar, I believe there is going to be an unseen and unheard boldness stirring up inside of you. I believe that you will look at your challenges differently with a spiritual perspective. I believe that many of you will be preaching your trial sermons in your own homes with the audience of the Lord and his angels. You are no longer waiting until Sunday morning to declare victory, but victory is getting ready to break loose in your home; in your kitchen and in your prayer closet. 2018 was your year of training and pruning, but 2019 will be your year in which our great God will remember you! He will remember your ministry, marriage and miscarriages and His mercy will be sufficient for you. You missed some opportunities in 2018, you missed some open doors trying to

force open closed ones. You missed some divine moments because your eyes were focused on something or someone else. Oh, but thank God for this New Year. Your priority in this New Year is to encourage yourself. In 1 Samuel 30:1-6, we read the story when David and his men return to Ziklag, not only did the Amalekites burn Ziklag down with fire but David and his men’s wives, sons and daughters were taken captive. The bible tells us that David wept until he couldn't weep anymore, and that he was in great distress, "but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God." Did you weep in 2018? Were you in distress in 2018? Now, arise in this New Year and encourage yourself in the Lord your God. Let boldness arise. Let fear be completely ashamed. Let every good and perfect gift be stirred within you. Let life not death be in the power of your tongue. This is the year to encourage yourself! No one else is going to take responsibility directly or indirectly, the Lord is holding YOU accountable. Your voice cannot be silent this year. Encourage yourself in Jesus Name!

Min. Carenda D. McCray (Lady C) 20   20   January January 2019 2019 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory


Are You Ready To Answer the Call? We live in a society where the strength of the church is diminished or weakened by individual personal gain. It’s a Me, myself and I mentality. The church is at HER best when the people of God come together as one body in Christ for the sole purpose of the Kingdom Agenda. Our society today eliminates the need to have long lasting relationships. Although, in God’s Kingdom His citizenship differs because the Bible tells us that one citizen has dominion over a thousand but two together gives authority over 10k! God multiplies our talents when we come together on one accord; and that places FEAR in the enemy’s camp. Satan’s political move in God’s physical house is to DIVIDE and to Conquer. 1. Satan doesn’t want the people of God to operate in oneness. 2. Satan doesn’t want the Body of Christ to agree. 3. Satan doesn’t want togetherness in the same place. Let’s Start Being REAL WITH GOD and ourselves! Beloved you will find that today will BEGIN to be the BEST DAYS of your LIFE WHEN YOU SAY YES TO GOD!

Evangelist LaRondi Nicole Flowers 1ST NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 3215 W. Belvedere Ave. • Baltimore, MD 21215 • 410.419.8841 Rev. Washington M. Flowers, Pastor & Founder UMUSTBREAL@GMAIL.COM “A Small Family Environment Where We Say Yes To God!” (Worship begins at 11:00 am in the lower level of Brown’s Memorial Baptist Church-Denmore Avenue Entrance)  21 21

single life

For most of us giving thanks and expressing gratitude is greatly emphasized and exercised when we first started to interact with our peers ~ that’s usually in pre-school or kindergarten. As we age, learning how to express ourselves by saying “please” and “thank you” is eventually used in every aspect of our lives ~personal, business, professional and it lasts a lifetime. Let’s be honest, saying thank you and expressing gratitude is genuine common courtesy. I recall when my mother was training me how to properly “set the table” for dinner. Everything had its place on the table. After I completed my assigned task of placing the china, silverware and glassware we gathered around the table. My mother led the family in a collaborative prayer of thanksgiving before partaking in a bounty of food that set before us. She concluded the prayer with “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1, King James) That was her way of a solo expression of giving thanks. Giving thanks and demonstrating gratitude should be expressed daily and continuously and be one of our most admirable traits. We should allow it to become second nature. During this season across North America and countries around the globe, families and friends will fellowship, dine and give thanks for how the Most High God has preserved their strength, health and sanity throughout the year. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 the Bible records, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” We may not always say thanks, however subconsciously we act it out. We arrive home after a long day and take off our shoes. We sit down on the plush, comfortable sofa. And then we release a long, hard sigh. That is our inaudible way of praying and or giving thanks (Romans 8:26). Our non-verbal cues say more than we can adequately verbally express. Saying ‘thank you’ has its own rewards. A scientific study asserts that having a sense of gratitude manifests great benefits and through our acts we gain mental, physical and spiritual fortitude. Although there are countless ‘return on our investments’ of gratitude, here is an abbreviated version. Expressing thanks has mental benefits Our acts and verbal expressions of gratitude will increase our mental

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stability because of our consideration for others. We are reminded in 2 Corinthians 9:11 “that you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” The current mercurial news cycle will cause us to continually pray, praise and express a greater level of gratitude with the expectation of a favorable outcome. Expressing thanks has physical benefits A study on patients’ gratitude and the effects on their perspective and blood pressure revealed that patients with hypertension significantly decreased their systolic blood pressure numbers when instructed to “count their blessings.” (3 John 1:2 New International Version) “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” Expressing thanks has spiritual benefits When we pour out our gratitude of thanksgiving with authenticity, I believe it reverberates into eternity. Our expression of faith and sincerity benefits us and others. The Scripture admonishes us to “give thanks to the LORD for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 106.1) I have grown accustomed to expressing my gratitude every morning when my feet slide out from beneath the quilt and touch the floor. I say “Thank you Lord!” Why? To express my gratitude to God who has granted me breath and strength because not everyone answered the roll call. If Jesus Christ in His most vulnerable moments extended expression of thanksgiving how much more should we do the same? If your family is great in numbers or small, give thanks for their presence and yours. During this season of reflection and introspection, let’s allow ourselves to operate intentionally with a spirit of giving thanks and appreciation for the many tangible and intangible Ruth Young Tyler blessings that we @Journalistlife are granted.

keep the fire burning

Happy New Year 2019 by Bishop Shirley and Pastor Tim Stanfill

The holiday season is here! And with the holiday season it’s a time we traditionally think of to celebrate, be merry, and have fun. Travel plans have been made. Lists of gifts for family and friends have been drawn up. And arrangements for parties and other social gatherings are in full gear. It is indeed the season to be jolly, but it’s also the season when spending and stress runs wild. The holidays can be stressful when families are separated and emotions are running high. Thus, it is during this time that you must remember and be conscious about keeping the drama out your life. Your mind must stay focused on God and your priorities you must address to serve Him. This means shining your light bright for all to see. Matthew 5:14-16 states that: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Shining your light from atop of the hill can help others find their way. You can make a dark space much brighter starting by sharing more light in your home or in the places you most frequent. It is often said that “a happy wife means a happy life”. However, in terms of keeping the fire burning in your relationship, “a happy spouse means a happy house”. This does not mean buying expensive gifts or professing your love after an argument. It means fully sharing the gift of love. It means showing empathy and compassion in their greatest time of need. It means openly expressing your appreciation for the time and support they give to you. It means believing in their dreams. It means encouraging them or cheering them up if they had a challenging day. It means doing things that you see needs to be done even if it is not your ‘designated’ chores. It means preparing a meal and cleaning the dishes just because. If you are struggling financially this holiday season and worrying about what gift you will give your spouse, remember that the gift of yourself is truly the greatest gift of all. It is not necessary to stress out or exhaust yourself emotionally. God is calling for ALL people to be happy even amidst the times and struggles we might witnessing around us. God is always Watch The Tim and Shirley Show calling peace, joy and happiness to His people. You are the on Facebook, Tuesdays at 8 PM miracle.

Blessings to you and yours and we are sending you our sincerest wishes for a Happy YOU Year!

Please email your questions on Marriage & Relationships to Tim & Shirley at  23 23

body basics

It Takes

21 Days to Get Fit!

Over the last 10 years I have had the pleasure and opportunity to help hundreds of clients through many health and fitness challenges. I have witnessed countless success stories over the years. Many people have experienced supernatural results in as little as a three-week period when they follow the program regime down to a tee. I can’t really explain all that happens to individuals, but the results have been astonishing in the areas of health, nutrition and attitudes. Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a habit and break an old one. I am a living witness that this is true. When you want to start a new habit, just focus on doing simple changes for 21 days and watch what happens. It’s a good way to create new habits because it is not too overwhelming and demanding. For example if you want to stop a sugar habit, just eliminate sugary drinks and sweets for 21 days and replace them with water or something healthy. It will become a natural change without thinking about it. Now, when you have completed a healthier choice for 21 days consistently, your subconscious mind has made a choice of stopping the habit. Your neural pathways have formed and you will more than likely continue with your new habit automatically and you will experience major benefits mentally and physically. When starting or breaking any habit we tend to tell ourselves that we are going to change and it’s for life. Our conscious mind will just say, “Yeah right!”, and start to fight us. That will create a battle inside of your mind instantly. However, when we tell ourselves, I’m doing something different for 21 days, our minds will be more willing to co-operate. We all know we have conversations with ourselves, “Should I go to the workout or go watch my favorite TV program?” When we want to start something or give up something, like fried foods for example, we may say I am giving up meats tomorrow. Immediately our brain kicks in and says no meat for life, and then we start thinking about all the delicious fried chicken our moms used to make, etc. When we look at our goal short term we are more likely to achieve our goals. 21 days is the perfect and proven amount of time to make it happen. Charles and Ursula Harris 24   January January2019 2019||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 24

Fitness Experts  25

trinkets to triumph

Happy New Year! This year look for the Lord to do a new thing in your life. This year decree and declare there will be a new you and a new order. This year dare to do something different. I challenge you to live the lion’s share. The lion’s share is an expression which refers to the larger part, or most, of something. It is an expression that alludes to Aesop's Fable about a lion who got all of a kill because its fellow hunters: an ass, fox, and wolf, were afraid to claim their share. This year live like the lion and go after all God has for you. If you do, you will take advantage of the blessings of being a part of His royal family. Jesus came that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Living the lion’s share is the abundant life. Lions can teach you a lot about life. You can use the lion to model the abundant life of living the lion’s share. This year consider adopting some of the lion’s habits. By researching and watching lion specials on National Geographic Television, you can get a glimpse of the life of the lion and will notice how its life wonderfully compares to that of the Christian life. Lions are the second largest cat after the tiger. You are second also made just a little lower than the angels and are crowned with glory and honor (Psalm 8:5). Lions have the loudest roar than any other big cat and can be heard up to five miles away. You have a voice to use to shout out praise, glory, and honor to your God. Lions live in groups called a pride consisting of related females, their offspring, and a minute number of adult males. You fellowship and congregate with other Christians who are like-minded individuals. Female lions hunt together. You work together with fellow believers to achieve common goals. Female lions form the pride and don’t tolerate unrelated females. You are always mindful of the company you keep and know that two people cannot walk together if they do not agree (Amos 3:3). Female lions move the den of cubs several times so no predator can pick up the scent of the cubs. You need not be predictable and can make muted moves to go after your goals. Lions are apex predators and are at the top of the food chain. You are at the top of the food chain and sit in Heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Lions play a crucial role in maintaining our ecosystem. You play an important role in winning souls for Christ and for being the salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13). The darker and fuller the mane of the lion, the healthier it is. You can let your light shine by living for the lion’s share. It shows God’s glory is evident on your life (Matthew 5:15-16). Lions are usually inactive for 20 hours a day and are super busy for four hours. You can be a good steward of your time when you plan your day. Lions spend around 50 minutes a day eating and two hours a day walking and roaming around. You can get into a good habit of eating less and moving more to be fit for the King. Lions hunt in coordinated groups and stalk their prey. The stalking lion has a plan and is ready to execute it at a moment’s notice. Start each day out with a plan and pursue and devour your dreams and goals each day. One way a lion kills its prey is to literally suck the breath out of them by covering its mouth with theirs. Shut the mouth of your naysayers and 26   January January2019 2019||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 26

prove the doubters wrong by what you say out of your mouth followed by actions towards living abundantly. A lion’s kill includes stalking their prey, the pursuit, the jump, the strength, and the actual bite. Levels! There are levels to living the lion’s share. It’s strategically set up. Pursue your purpose. Jump in and take your proper place of operating in your gifts and talents and living your best life. Know that the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and dare to devour your dreams and goals. Jesus is the Lion of Judah (Matthew 1:1) and you are His pride. Live the lion’s share. Living the lion’s share is a mindset. King Solomon is the epitome of someone living the lion’s share. Even in his powerful posture, he surrounded himself with statues of lions. He knew how powerful lions were and what they represent. His throne had two lions, one on each side (I Kings 10:19). Lions even lined the six steps of his throne (I Kings 10:20). If you recall, he only asked for wisdom from God but God gave him so much more. He knew that the abundant life began with wisdom. Solomon lived for the lion’s share. The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians, “I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren't ready for anything stronger. And you still aren't ready.” (I Corinthians 3:2). The Apostle Paul was telling the Corinthians to level up if you want to live the life Christ is expecting you to live. He was pushing them to live the lion’s share. Declare and demand the lion’s share and be ready for more than milk. Live the lion’s share and go after all that God has in store for you. You have been faithful over a few things so He wants to now make you ruler over many things (Matthew 25:23). The enemy is “like” a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). He roams around, like a lion, seeking someone to devour. You are a part of the pride of the Lion of Judah and the enemy cannot conquer you. Live the lion’s share and no evil shall come near you (Psalm 91). At times other lions (people) will come from another pride and try to challenge you. There are examples in scripture of mighty men that defeated lions. Samson ripped a lion to pieces with his bare hands (Judges 14:6). David rescued lambs from a lion’s mouth (1 Samuel 17:34-35). Benaiah, one of David’s mighty men, chased a lion into a pit and killed it (2 Samuel 23:20). These men were not afraid to tap into the power they had. You shouldn’t be either. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Live the lion’s share. God has not given you the spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7). Go after all God has for you. Say good bye and good riddance to any obsession or obstacle that was built to hold you back and to hold you bound. You weren’t built to be basic but you were born and blessed to be the righteous of God in the Earth. The righteous live the lion’s share. Take advantage of the access to the abundant life available when you are connected to the King. This year, live the lion’s share which is the abundant life Jesus promised you. Declare the Tracey Nicole George lion’s share over your life. Live the lion’s share. Receive it. Revel in it and roar!  27

28   January 2019 | Grace&Glory

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