Grace & Glory July 2023

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1 We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods.

2 This I declare, that He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I am trusting Him. 3 For He rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague.

4 He will shield you with His wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. 5 Now you don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; 6 nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.

7 Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me. 8 I will see how the wicked are punished, but I will not share it. 9 For Jehovah is my refuge! I choose the God above all gods to shelter me. 10 How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near? 11 For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go. 12 They will steady you with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on the trail. 13 You can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath your feet!

14 For the Lord says, “Because he loves me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he trusts in my name. 15 When he calls on me, I will answer; I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. 16 I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation.”

scripture page
Psalm 91:1-16 (TLB)
Grace&Glory 3

July 2023 on the cover:

Bishop Durant K. Harvin III, Senior Pastor

The Reverend Lisa C. Harvin, Co-Pastor

The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple - The GIFT

P.O. Box 150

Randallstown, Maryland 21133

410-240-4062 Mobile

Cover Story

Pgs 8-11

This month we welcome back Bishop Durant K. Harvin III and Co-Pastor Lisa C. Harvin of The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple. They are celebrating 10 years as the founders of The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple (The G.I.F.T.). Bishop Harvin shares with us what this 10th Founders’ Appreciation Anniversary means to him, and Bishop Harvin also talks about celebrating 35 years in ministry.

Healthy Soul


Season Bowers

Jehovah Sneaky: The God of Surprise and Delight


Elder Tracey George

Restored and Ready to R.U.N.


Min. Carenda Deonne Beamon

The Bondage of Pride

The Freedom of Humility . . . Stay Humble


Pastor Rhoda Turner

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

4 July 2023 ™
Grace&Glory 5 Healthy Life Healthy Mind 18 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dr. Carla J. Debnam Encourage Yourself If you’re thinking about buying or selling, I’m here to answer your questions and help you get the best market value. Let’s talk! – Tyson TYSON CELL 443-554-9697 OFFICE 410-6700-9100 Exit Preferred Realty 2105 Laurel Bush Rd. | Suite 200 | Bel Air, MD 21015 EMAIL TYSON AT Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated EXIT PREFERRED REALTY Call Tyson Lesesne Realtor The Vurganov Group 443-554-9697 In Every Issue Scripture Page ....................................... 2 Contributors........................................... 6 From the Editor ...................................... 7 32 HEALTH MATTERS Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels Exercise 34 GOSPEL & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Ericka J. Entertainment

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:11


Jackie Epps


Dr. Carla J. Debnam

Min. Carenda McCray

Tracey George

Dr. Denyce Daniels

Rhoda Turner

Season Bowers

Ericka J.


Claire Lesesne


Andre Felipe for Arts Period



Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Woodlawn, MD. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5.


Tracey Nicole George is an ordained elder. She is a native New Yorker residing in Maryland and married to Danny George. Tracey works with her husband managing their inventory and asset control company, George Imaging. She is the creator of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog and ministry, designed to edify and encourage individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church.


Min. Carenda was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Law degree from Regent University. Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring God's word through the power of love ever since. Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration.


Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels has over 25 years of experience as a clinician and nurse educator. Her areas of expertise include critical care nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the use of technology in the classroom. She currently serves as faculty and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Resource Centers of the College of Health Professions at Coppin State University.


Rhoda possesses a spirit of humility. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting. Being the 9th of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for family and the wholistic development of children. She is considered by many as a mentor and mother figure.

Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ.


Season Bowers- is a Pastor, radio host, and Joy bringer! After spending over 20 years as a professional actor on stage, the Lord called her into full-time ministry. Season is passionate about releasing freedom and joy to the Glory of God in every way she can everywhere she goes.

6 July 2023
Follow us on: Grace & Glory Magazine @gracenglorymag GraceandGlorymag Check out our website at: Grace & Glory Magazine is the ideal publication for Encouragement, Empowerment and Inspiration.
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Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited. 6 July 2023

Prayer Changes Things

What did you pray for today? What and who is on your prayer list? What are you believing God for? No doubt you prayed for your family and loved ones today. Perhaps you may have prayed about your home, your finances, and your health. I believe you would agree that prayer is single handedly the most powerful tool we possess. Prayer lays the foundation for sweet dreams at night, and prayer jump starts us at the dawn of a new day. Some of us even whisper a little prayer as we go about our daily activities. We know that prayer is one of the best ways to communicate with God and to spend time with God. In fact, the bible tells us to, “Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

We all know that prayer changes things. There is plenty of proof in the Word of God to validate prayer and the benefits of prayer. One of God’s promises is that He hears us when we pray. Isn’t good to know that no matter what we are faced with, we can go boldly to the throne and make our petitions known to God and He will answer? The Word of God tells us that, “What things soever ye desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24

Prayer is not only a tool, but it is a powerful weapon that we all possess. It can break strongholds, heal the sick, bind the brokenhearted and send the enemy fleeing away from you. There are times when it may seem that our prayers have not been answered fast enough. But we discover while we wait for an answer, that answer is always right on time. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16.

This year is half gone, much has happened, and time waits for no one. Our world, our country, our state, our city, and our neighborhoods are in a state of emergency. There is so much heartache and devastation in the land. The media paints a grim picture every day, reporting some of the worst events in our history. From natural disasters i.e., hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires to manmade disasters i.e., financial recessions, depressions, and the effects of climate change.

Crimes committed by youth and young adults are at an all-time high. The cry of mothers losing their children to senseless violence is heartbreaking. The plight of our young people is frightening, it makes you want to holler and throw up both your hands. But I believe all is not lost. Why do I believe that all is not lost? Because I believe prayer still works and prayer still changes things. There are millions of believers in this world, in our country and in our cities. God promises us in His Word, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

Let us all Pray. “Man ought always to pray.” Luke 18:1

Peace and Blessings . . .

Grace&Glory 7 from the editor

HARVIN, III Bishop Durant K.

8 July 2023

Q&A Interview - Bishop Durant K. Harvin, III

G&G: Bishop Harvin, welcome back to Grace & Glory Magazine. It has been a while and we are so excited for this opportunity to talk with you again. Let’s start with what’s happening right now, you are celebrating 10 years of pastoral service with The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple. How do you feel after 10 years of serving this ministry?

Bishop Harvin: Thank you Jackie. Yes, it has been a while and I am happy to be back! I’m also happy to see how Grace and Glory has continued to thrive. I remember when you were giving birth to the vision, and it is amazing to see how you’ve nurtured it for the impact that it has today. As for this 10th year pastoral anniversary at The GIFT I can honestly state it has come swiftly and is in some ways surreal.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, when we last talked with you, you were pastoring the Emmanuel Christian Community Church, and I understand this ministry was dissolved. What has been the most challenging areas in transitioning from the former Emmanuel Christian Community Church and building a new ministry, The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple?

Bishop Harvin: Whenever I think about it, I can’t help but to shake my head because I am reminded that God, without fail, is faithfully amazing! You are correct. Emmanuel Christian Community Church is now defunct, and I had the dubious privilege of serving as pastor when harvest time came. In retrospect, the most challenging aspects of the transition were learning to trust the wise counsel given to navigate through that period and remaining focused on the faithfulness of God. The temptation to be bitter, angry, and/or defensive after you have been falsely accused, blamed, and even betrayed is relentless, but the rest of the story is that we outlive the lies and move forward in purpose. Paul’s words to the church at Rome hit differently for me now…” the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed..."

G&G: Would you share with us the vision behind starting the ministry of The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple? How would you describe these last 10 years?

Bishop Harvin: The vision for The GIFT—The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple was conceived while I was driving on 795 one Tuesday afternoon. I knew God was going to do something. I just didn’t know any specifics. Thus, anticipation and anxiety were vying for the front seat in the car and anticipation won! Just a few weeks before, Holy Spirit whispered to me that I was to submit my notice of resignation as pastor and now, He was

announcing the next move. It started with a word, gift. Then it was expounded on with the revelation-- Greater Immanuel Faith Temple, The GIFT. Thereafter, a core group began to meet each Friday evening to seek the Lord and study the Word so that at its foundation the ministry would be what God wants. The vision and mission were born out of these encounters.

The last 10 years, the first decade, has been miraculous and mysterious, therefore, it has certainly been a work of God. I’m grateful for every single aspect of the journey to this point and for the proactive work of God’s promises where we are and for the destiny that we will possess.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, was there a point in your ministry journey when you realized that God had called you to a different assignment of this magnitude?

Bishop Harvin: Yes. Suffice it to say that I have come to that realization multiple times.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, how would you describe the ministry of The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple? What makes it different from the ministry of Emmanuel Christian Community Church?

Bishop Harvin: My instantaneous response is The GIFT is a committed community of believers ignited by God's Word. We radiate the light of Jesus Christ the Lord and live with irresistible joy! We endeavor to manifest and develop disciples of Jesus Christ the Lord, through Christ-centered evangelism and life-changing experiences. That’s the formal, polished vision and mission statement. The boots on the blacktop reality is that we are a God-family of hardworking, sometimes hardheaded, take the hard way through, people from every generation, seeking to fulfill God’s purpose for His church and our lives because we have been impacted by the God who loves us and loves HARD!

As for how the ministry of The GIFT differs from the former work. At the former work the litany response was often, “We’ve never done it that way before.” The epitaph of a dying church. For The GIFT, our litany response is, “We’ve done it that way before.” We expect to experience what God is doing, not just rehearse what God has done. I need innovation and creativity to be pumping in just like the air we breathe.

Continued on page 10

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Bishop Durant K. Harvin III and wife, Co-Pastor Lisa C. Harvin

Continued from page 9

G&G: Bishop Harvin, you are also celebrating 35 years since you preached your initial sermon. Most pastors have shared that “preaching the gospel” was not what they had planned for their lives. Was it the same for you, did you have other plans for your life?

Bishop Harvin: Yes. I planned to be an attorney. My generation’s Thurgood Marshall. That didn’t pan out. I am nonetheless grateful that my youngest son just graduated from law school and is preparing for the bar now. So, there is vicarious satisfaction for me in that regard. I am humbled by God’s plan for, and power through, my life.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, looking back at where you were when you started this journey, where did you think it was going to lead you? Are you at all surprised at where you are today?

Bishop Harvin: Ironically, this question has been the topic of conversation of my inner circle for the last year. So, I can state succinctly that when I look back at where I started, I was confident that it would lead me to the next iteration of the same. My reality does not align with that expectation. However, only a small part of me is genuinely surprised and I will not allow myself to be disappointed. I am emboldened by the fact that God does not withhold any good thing from us, and that God has not terminated renovation and construction in my life. I’m moving into my Caleb season.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, I believe part of the lasting legacy of a Pastor is his passion for preaching the Gospel and leading God’s people. It has been said that great passion does not come without great pain. What would you say it takes to be a successful Pastor today? What are your thoughts on why some have chosen to leave ministry?

Bishop Harvin: I wholeheartedly agree. One of the most profound things I have heard in recent day is that the people that a pastor leads benefit from the pastor’s tears. It struck a chord in me because one of the early learnings of the pastoral journey for me is that pain is unavoidable, and it shouldn’t be wasted. Some of the most fruitful outcomes in my life are the yield of situations that

were fraught with excruciating pain. In my estimation, a successful pastor today is one who is willing to see themselves in the dual role of being a pallbearer for pointless perspectives and practices, as well as a prophetic pioneer who can give voice to the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and actualize its relevance in an evolving culture. This is a tall order for sure and is likely a contributing factor to why some leave ministry, along with exhaustion, discouragement, congregational abuse, and imposter syndrome—they were never called to it in the first place. Pastoral ministry is hard, but I am a first-hand witness that with divine infusion and trustworthy support we can meet the mark and fulfill the calling. Faithfulness is success.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, I’m sure in 35 years you have experienced many changes in ministry. What would you say has impacted the church the most? What is your perspective on the future of the church?

Bishop Harvin: What comes to mind immediately is technology. When I started preaching thirty-five years ago, cell phones were carried in small attaché cases or were plastic bricks the size of the side of one’s face. Today cellphones can carry out nearly every function in our daily lives and for ministry. In like manner, I remember selling cassette tapes at my home church after service and now all you need is wi-fi connection, and you can go to church anywhere on the globe. Wesley said the world is my pulpit and now our parish can be anywhere in the world. These developments are beneficial if we keep pace with integrating them appropriately in our ministry operations. The pandemic certainly advanced this for many of us. I believe that the future of the church is secure—as it always has been. The church of Jesus Christ cannot be prevailed upon. God will have a witness in the earth until Christ returns. The real challenge is for those who lead and administrate in each generation to be acutely aware of the nuances of our existential context and position the gospel accordingly.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, are there any future plans for The Greater Immanuel Faith Temple, where would you like to see this ministry in the next 10 years?

10 July 2023 Q&A

Bishop Harvin: Of course. We are coming in the final strides of reengaging the ministry after the remote period during the pandemic. This has been a glacial process, but we are finally gaining momentum and will pick up where we paused back in 2020. The 10th Anniversary emphasis was just the jumpstart that we needed. Vision is not just a statement or concept for us, it is the compass for our day-today operations. Our priority in this immediate season is the purchase of a facility/campus that will accommodate our innovative, multi-generational ministry.

In the next decade, I pray to see The GIFT thriving in our own facility/ campus and having established three additional satellite campuses in this region. You may recall that I led Emmanuel to be the first African American congregation to move to the multi-campus model in Baltimore back in 2001. That mantle abides patiently in me for another appointed opportunity.

♦ ♦ ♦

G&G: Bishop Harvin, shifting gears a little, a few questions about you, tell us about your upcoming book publication?

Bishop Harvin: I’m excited about my forthcoming book, “Prosper My Soul”. I’ve been carrying it for an extended period and have been intentional about getting it out this year.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, how would you describe yourself in three words? And what is one thing most people would be surprised to know about you?

Bishop Harvin: Resilient (I’m built to last.)

Resourceful (Creativity is a divine attribute.)

Regal (Happy just knowing I’m His child.)

Some might be surprised to know how much joy I get from receiving mail and packages. It's a real thing!

G&G: Bishop Harvin, what keeps you

motivated to keep moving forward?

Bishop Harvin: He woke me up this morning!

G&G: Bishop Harvin, is there anyone who has had a tremendous impact in your life and your ministry journey?

Bishop Harvin: Yes, it took a village. I have been blessed in both aspects. In my life, my grandmother, Fannie Mae Bevans Poulson; my godmother, Mildred Elaine Larkins Rees; my uncle/ godfather, Lee Abraham Harvin, Sr.; my father, Durant Harvin, Jr., my maternal angel, Eva Delores Easley Thomas, each of sainted memory; and my mother, The Reverend Cynthia Sparrow Harvin. There are certainly others, but I can’t list them all right now. In ministry, my parents in ministry, Bishop John R. and The Reverend Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, and my apostolic father, Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr., have left an indelible imprint on this vessel. My prayer is to grow to be found worthy of the spiritual parentage that covers, corrects, and cares for me.

G&G: Bishop Harvin, what words of wisdom would you share with that pastor who has just started their journey in ministry?

Bishop Harvin: 1. Be your authentic self. Your agent, or the imposter you, can't handle the task. The private you will make a public appearance.

2. Give your best to what God has called you to. Your first ministry is your family. God calls us to serve the Church not to make her a mistress.

3. Value yourself, your time, and your money. Waste is intolerable. Surround yourself with those who share those same values. #OSP4LIFE

4. Love many, trust few, count the seats in your canoe! Everyone can’t go. Everyone won’t go. Make the journey with those who do!

5. Deception and betrayal are simply props.

Don’t let them distract you from the featured presentation!

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12 July 2023
Grace&Glory 13
14 July 2023
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16 July 2023
Grace&Glory 17

DEBNAM Dr. Carla

18 July 2023

Encourage Yourself

It’s been a long three years. The Covid-19 pandemic has been downgraded and all the safety nets that went along with the emergency expired as a result. Many are overwhelmed and exhausted because even though it is officially over, the results of the pandemic continues to impact us mentally, physically and spiritually. This has been complicated because of the racial discrimination, gun violence and concern about school and community safety. We are all working through the daily stress of virtual meetings, commuting to work, navigating our safety, and taking risks to return to business as usual. We have taken on the demands of working hybrid, supporting our families, and being active in the community; all while facing our fears and frustrations sometimes without the support we had in the past.

Our resolve and motivation have been stretched and some

have stopped working towards their goals and dreams due to the impact the pandemic has had on us socially and relationally. People suffered through break ups, layoffs and the loss of loved ones. People are further stressed due to the price of food, fuel and housing. So many have been displaced and even replaced as jobs and family moved across the country and the economic woes continue. We need encouragement and hope now more than ever. The need to survive and endure the day-to-day stress of the world has drained us all. Taking time to pour into ourselves is sometimes low on the ‘to do’ list but it may be time to make it a priority.

Making time to care for yourself is no longer an option. We must take a stand for our health and for our hope. Both are under attack from the cares and troubles of the world around us. Our ancestors sacrificed and committed themselves to

the greater good for the benefit of all. We too have taken time to bless others but sometimes to our own demise. Proverbs 11:25 (NLT) gives us hope, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

We need hope during this time of change, challenge, and chaos. We can be hopeful because God has the final say and will help us navigate the uncertainties of life. We can be hopeful because our hope is not in our circumstances but in God. The song by Clay Evans says, “Hallelujah, anyhow. Don't let your troubles get you down. If Satan blocks your way, stand right up and say: Hallelujah, anyhow.” We can be hopeful because we have made it through past difficulties and our track record for overcoming adversity is proven by the fact we are still standing. You are not alone on this journey. Together we can face the uncertainties of life. Don’t give up. Praise God and encourage yourself!

Grace&Glory 19
to your good health
20 July 2023
Grace&Glory 21


22 July 2023

Jehovah Sneaky: The God of Surprise and Delight

There is a top-secret mission happening right now. Things are moving and shaking behind the scenes. People are being placed in positions, and skills are being taught and learned. You may not be aware of it, but the Lord is at work preparing something you wouldn’t believe even if he told you. And the best part is, he is getting a big kick out of the whole thing!

Jehovah sneaky: the God of surprise and delight.

My husband and I opened a coffee shop in March. This was not something we had dreamt of doing or had been planning for years. In fact, to many people in our lives it seems as though this came out of the blue! On the surface it seems to have started because of a Christmas present. I bought my husband a personal nitro cold brew keg for Christmas two years ago, and he really geeked out over it. The idea came about as he enjoyed trying all kinds of coffee in his nitro keg, and subsequently teas and other drinks. He said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a coffee shop that felt like a craft brewery but had many varieties of coffees and teas on tap? It was a great idea, and we took a risk—-a big one! We’ve never done anything like this before. Intrepid Nitro Coffee and Tea Bar (In Knoxville TN) came about because of a gift. But was it more than that? Had the Lord used so many little things along the way? Yes! That’s what he does!

As I look back, I can see so many little puzzle pieces that have slowly been laid out to make the frame. The random six months my husband worked at Starbucks when we were in grad school gave him the basic knowledge of barista life. The first person we met when we moved to the city, we now live in asked us what we had planned; “We want to open a coffee and tea bar,” she said, “I own a tea company!” She became our tea provider. While speaking at a conference in a different state I met a man who happened to live in my city and own two coffee shops. He roasts our coffee and was integral in helping us get started. Months of looking for the perfect location all over the city ended with us in the same intersection I had declared the first day we visited the city that it was my dream location. Two of our first employees were from the small town we had just moved from 3000 miles away, but we didn’t know them.

In Deuteronomy Chapter 31, the Lord tells Moses and Joshua that he will go before them and conquer the land, before they even get there, preparing it for his people. While the rest of the narrative follows the steps of the people, I can only imagine what the Lord was doing. Of course, time isn’t linear to the Lord, but I love the thought of the Lord dispatching angels to pave the way, and then God himself moving through the land with strategy and victory.

“The Lord will destroy the nations living in the land, just as he destroyed Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites. The Lord will hand over to you the people who live there, and you must deal with them as I have commanded you. So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” — Deuteronomy 31:4-6

The Lord went before them long before this moment. He was at work building cities, cultivating land, and shaping people’s hearts and lives. What does the untold story of Rahab consist of? How was her life prepared for that fateful day she met the spies? The God of the universe is Lord over the heavens and the earth and the nitty gritty. He is in the details.

One thing that I find interesting is that, even though God had gone before the Israelites to prepare the way, there were still battles they had to fight. God didn’t pave Easy Street for them! The obstacles and battles they faced weren’t because they were on the wrong path, the challenges had purpose. This brings me so much comfort. We know without a doubt that the Lord has paved the way for us in this new venture. It’s filled with God’s glorious footprints, it’s also full of challenges.

On your path today, I bless you to look for the glorious, tiptoed footprints of your Father in heaven. He has gone before you, preparing the way and leaving traces of His goodness for you to find. There are also battles along the way for you to fight, but take heart, you are not fighting alone, He has prepared you for this battle. Jehovah Sneaky, He loves to be found.


Grace&Glory 23
Season Bowers Pastor, Author, Radio Host, Joy bringer 619-807-8509 Follow the joy at Instragram, Facebook
joy bringer
24 July 2023
Grace&Glory 25

Deonne Min. Carenda

The Bondage of Pride

The Freedom of Humility…Stay Humble!

I do not know about you but in this timing of my life I am fully committed in deepening my relationship with God. I am fully committed in being loyal to God, spending time with God and repenting unto God, and allowing quiet time to hear from God. I am not taking a long time anymore to get on my knees or beat my chest and say Lord forgive me; have mercy on me. There are some things in my life that are just not negotiable anymore. I do not do drama, and I want to please God. I want our relationship to be pleasurable. How does that happen? That happens on the basis of communication.

When you think of a relationship whether it is a friendship or something that will grow to happily ever after, it starts with communication. It starts with getting to know that person, understanding what moves and drives that person. In addition, it’s also understanding things that they like and dislike. Now for me, I am not a fan of chocolate cake, but if you bring me some crème brulee, I am very happy. I am not a fan of skittles, but if you bring me

some gummy bears- I am over the top happy.

The same holds true in our relationship to God. You get to grow together, laugh together, cry together but also the sensitivity and the understanding of boundaries, respect and what pleases Him. One thing I know about God’s character, and I hope you also can attest to this also, is that His love runs deep. We know that God gave His only begotten son that we may have life and have it more abundantly. His love is truly unconditional, and we will never be able to fully comprehend the depth of that love. I also know He is a giver, and a rewarder, and according to Psalm 86:15, David reminds us that the Lord is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth.

However, on the flip side in growing in my relationship with God, I am aware of the things He does not like. According to Proverbs 6: 16-19, the Lord hates six things, in fact seven are detestable to him, and when you have time you can read that list in full, but one of the things on the list is arrogance and pride.

26 July 2023

The bible goes on to tell us in Proverbs 16:18 that pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit with the humble, than to divide plunder with the proud.

Just take a moment to say to yourself, “Stay humble.”

This is resonating in my spirit so powerfully because it’s easy to get caught up. When you get that promotion, when the milliondollar grant comes through for your nonprofit, when you build that dream home, drive that dream car, and become debt free, oh it’s easy to start feeling yourself.

When you start speaking on bigger stages, and sitting at the table with people in high places, it doesn’t take much, for pride to sneak in. When your child gets a full ride to college on scholarships, or your child or grandchild just graduates from medical school or law school, it’s easy to start feeling yourself. When you can see the degrees on your wall, and people start singing your praises and telling you how good you are at what you do, and you might be just that good, be careful not to crack the window of pride, because only by the grace of God there go I.

Its easy to get caught up. You have thousands of followers on social media, and every time you turn around someone is bragging on you and giving you compliments. You may be the first to make history in your family, community, or gender, but remember to stay humble. They sang David praises! In 1 Samuel 18:7 it says, “And the women sang to one another and they made merry saying Saul has killed his thousands and David his ten thousands.” If they did it in the bible, it also holds true today. No matter how often people sing your praises, remember to stay humble.

Some people become prideful not just over material things, but the fact that they can say I never spent a night in jail, or never had to battle with drugs or alcohol – be careful! Others who have gone through some tragic and horrific life experiences and God has elevated them beyond their wildest dreams now has become prideful as if people and God owe them something; be careful.

I have never seen anything like it. We live in a world where people do what they want, when they want, how they want, say what they want, and even will deceive you to get what they want There is no humility, no boundaries, no respect, and our world is in utter chaos. The demise, the destruction, and the delayed blessings of God, I believe can at times stem from the root of pride. It’s hard for God to maximize you in your purpose and expand your territory when you are arrogant; too prideful to admit when you are wrong, too prideful to admit perfect patty messed up, too prideful to forgive yourself or others. You have all the answers, not open to listening to others, everything you say is right. We are living in some scary times.

I am here to be that voice, this girl from Baltimore, MD (Eastside) who loves the Lord, wants to remind you and myself, that no matter how high we go, no matter how green the grass is on this side or the other side, no matter the praises and the accolades, remember to stay humble. The Bondage of Pride. The Freedom of Humility…Stay Humble!!

The Bible says in 1 John 2:16, “For all that is in the world the

lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the father- but is of the world.”

Being humble is not just about the opposite of pride or arrogance, but it’s also about lifestyle. The lifestyle of a believer that deepens his or her relationship with God. If you do not do anything else this year, you need to pray and ask God to surround you with humble people. Why, because humble people are blessed people of God.

They may not say much, brag or boast, they may not drive much or live in a mansion, but they have the ability, capacity, and resources to take you to the next level in your purpose. They may be sitting back, observing, and watching your lifestyle, your attitude, and your behavior. They are willing and ready to be your destiny helper, but if you have a lifestyle of pride, you will miss your blessing. Remember, we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will lift us in due season. (James 4:10-11). Humility is not just an act; it is a lifestyle.

There is bondage in pride, but freedom in humility. Do you still not believe me? The bible says in James 4:6-7, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” I wish you could see me shouting right now, stay humble!!! Grace is the basis of our Christian faith; we believe we are saved by faith through grace Grace is the underserved, unmerited favor of God. Grace is not earned it is freely given. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want God to resist me, or to refrain from giving me what He so desires to give. Humility is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of wealth!! When we are humble, God freely gifts us with the grace, the unmerited favor of God, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

The bible tells us in Luke 14:11 that those who humble themselves will be exalted. In addition, Colossians 3:12 tells us to clothe ourselves with humility.

I want to leave you with three things-

1. When you stay humble, God will increase your wages. The bible says in Proverbs 22:4, “Humility is the fear of the Lord, its wages are riches, honor and life.”

2. When you stay humble God will increase your wisdom- The bible says in Proverbs 11:2, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

3. When you stay humble God will testify about you! In the book of Acts when Paul did his sermon in Antioch he talked about David, and God’s testimony concerning David. We know David had many flaws, but one thing is certain; David was humble. It says in Acts 13:22, “After removing Saul God raised up David as their king and testified about him. “I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my own heart who will carry out all my will.”

May the Lord increase your wages, may the Lord increase your wisdom, may the Lord testify about you because no matter the suffering or the glory, you remained humble.

Live Life on The Promise of IMPACT!

Grace&Glory 27 monthly manna


28 July 2023

Restored and Ready to R.U.N.

Get ready to R.U.N.! R.U.N. is an acronym for Reignite Ultimate Newness. Sometimes situations and circumstances can get you down and cause you to lose your faith and hope in your purpose and what you are believing God to do in your life. Restoration is here! It is time for you to get back to the joy of your salvation (Psalm 51:12). It is time for you to reignite the gifts and talents God has blessed you with. It is time to live your life to the ultimate level, take your rightful place in the Kingdom, and experience a newness in your walk with the Lord. Get ready to R.U.N.

Before you can get ready to R.U.N., restoration must take place. Restoration gets you ready to R.U.N. It leads to rejuvenation and the opportunity to reinvent yourself. When you experience restoration, you become better than your original self. Restoration allows you the opportunity to recover what was lost. Restoration results in a release. It gives you the opportunity to forget those things that are behind you and to look forward to a refreshing future (Philippians 3:12-14).

Restoration reignites the fire deep down inside of you and makes you arise anointed and ablaze. It gives you an open ear to hear God’s instructions and direction. When it manifests in your life, you will say like Eli told Samuel to say the next time he heard the Lord call him, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” (I Samuel 3:7-11) Restoration gets you ready to receive the blessings of the Lord. It causes a resurrection in you and makes you a new creature. It leads to a revival, causes you to reap rewards, and reignites you to take your rightful place in God and no longer live beneath your privilege. Get restored and ready to R.U.N.

There are many Biblical examples of people experiencing restoration. Samson went through tremendous trauma during his lifetime. He was

a Nazarite which is a person who takes a vow to be set apart to serve God (Judges 13:5). His life purpose was to begin rescuing Israel from the Philistines (Judges 13:5). Although he was a powerful man of God, he had issues. His parents objected to his marriage, but they weren’t aware that his attraction to a pagan woman was a part of God’s plan to begin rescuing Israel from the Philistines (Judges 14:4). He was full of pride and vengeful (Judges 15:4-5; 14). He let Delilah trick him into telling her where his strength came from, and it caused him to be captured by the Philistines (Judges 16:17-21). But through it all, God still used him mightily. While in captivity, his hair grew back, and his strength was restored (Judges 16:22). Samson prayed to God for strength one last time, was able to bring down the temple walls where the Philistines were having a celebration, and he was able to kill more people during his death than when he was alive (Judges 16:30).

Consider the prodigal son’s experience. He demanded his inheritance early, his father gave him his portion of his estate, and he went away and squandered it all (Luke 15:11-13). He came to his senses and returned home to the open arms of his father and a feast (Luke 15:17-24). His father was just happy to have his son home and restored him back to his rightful place (Luke 15:21-31). God wants to restore you too to your rightful place so you can be reignited and ready to live an ultimate new life in Him.

Restoration makes you rest, rule, and abide with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Restoration leads to you receiving back everything that the enemy stole from you. Most importantly, the key to restoration is forgiveness. Jesus is ready to forgive you and restore you. He wants you to live a reignited ultimate new life. Ask the Lord to create in you a clean heart (Psalm 51:10) and get restored and ready to R.U.N. Reignite your ultimate new life and R.U.N.!

Grace&Glory 29
trinkets to triumph

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

• Parents, we have to be willing to admit when we make a mistake.

• Be willing to ask for help.

• Look to the Word of God for guidance.

II-Scripture Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Heritage in the Greek is defined as-

• They are a gift that God placed in our hands because, they belong to Him.

• We have to answer to God about how we handle the gift that He gave us.

III-Nurture {bringing something to them}

• Feeding them.

• Spiritually (reading the Bible to and with them).

• Once we feed them naturally the fruit will be shown.

My daughter wanted to start a Christian club at her school. She went through the proper channels, and she was denied, because the school already had a Christian Club for Athletes. She was determined and was able to get the club started. Her first lesson was about being an individual and not following the crowd. She used bubbles as an illustration of how they float at their own pace. That showed me my fruit.

• Naturally making sure they eat healthily and that the plate is evenly balanced.

Initially when I was thinking about this article I wanted to talk about self-care. I wanted people to understand the importance of loving themselves. Then I received a phone call from a dear friend. On that phone call he was requesting prayer because his son had attempted to commit suicide. My heart was so saddened by this. On the next day I went to work and at work I was asked to pray for a student who also attempted to commit suicide. I was so troubled by this as well.

When I got home from work I cried, and I hugged my girls and was impressed to talk to them about life; if there were any issues that would cause them not to be happy. They said that they were fine, and I reiterated to them the importance of us having open communication.

People parenting is difficult. When you have children, they aren’t born with a manual. As parents there is a lot of trial and error. I always make a joke with my oldest daughter that she was my practice baby. I apologize often to her for the mistakes that I made as a parent.

• Watch what you say or who you are talking about while your child is around or inactively listening.

• Create open lines of communication.

• Asking questions that you don't want to know the answer to.

IV- Protect them {keeping things away from them}

• Praying with and for them.

• Teaching them how to pray.

• Monitor what they watch, their social media accounts, and listen and know their passcodes to their electronic devices.

• My job as a parent is to protect what I've inherited.

V- We are not perfect, we're going to make mistakes(tying in the title)

• Be quick to apologize when you are wrong.

Don’t cry over what you can’t change. Be persistent in what you can. No one is perfect, create a village that can yield support. Know that we are all in this together.

30 July 2023
Pastor Rhoda Turner Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ
TURNER a woman’s perspective
Grace&Glory 31

The very word may make some people groan. Most physicians recommend we engage in daily exercise. Unfortunately, many do not heed this instruction due to work schedules, fatigue, and physical ailments.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), regular physical activity is vital for your health. Adults who sit less and do any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health benefits. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.

Regular physical activity can improve thinking, learning, and judgment skills. It can also reduce your risk of depression and anxiety and improve sleep. Exercise can help weight reduction by burning calories and increasing metabolism. Recent studies suggest regular walking can reduce belly fat.

A sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to your health. Regular physical activity can lower your blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, increase circulation and strengthen your heart. Exercise improves muscle strength, coordination, and balance. Joint pain from arthritis is reduced with exercise. Always consult with your physician before participating in rigorous physical activity.

Research identifies that the risk of bladder, breast, colon, and esophageal cancer is reduced with regular, moderate exercise.

Walking is a simple way of increasing physical activity. Walk around your neighborhood or a track at a local school or gym. Choose a smooth surface to reduce the risk of tripping and falling. Wear

supportive athletic footwear. Enhance your access to walking by parking away from the mall's front door. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator when possible.

Consider doing yard work like planting, raking, and mowing the grass. The bending, squatting and stretching performed in yard work strengthens muscles.

Sign up for a line or hand dance class. Dancing is a fun and enjoyable way to improve coordination, agility, and flexibility. Many individuals enjoy socializing with others that comes with dancing. Taking the time to remember steps and the changing movements of dance is also a great way to challenge your brain.

Participating in aerobic exercise requires more strenuous vigorous exercise. Aerobic exercise is physical activity that increases the heart rate and the body's use of oxygen. Exercises like jogging, spinning, swimming and Zumba are aerobic activities. Please see your physician before engaging in aerobic exercise.

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. Everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Just exercise. Select the type of excercise that is right for you.

Be consistent in participating in the activity several times each week. Most of all enjoy yourself and be proud of yourself for supporting your physical health.

32 July 2023
health matters

Ericka J.

34 July 2023

Gospel & Entertainment

Jonathan McReynolds

While on his domestic tour that’s selling out everywhere, by the way, and on his fifth #1 single “Your World”, Jonathan has released yet another single “Able” featuring Marvin Winans. Let’s Go!

Deitrick Haddon

D Haddy is back at it, with his group “Voices Of Unity”, releasing his new single “Back To Life”, doing as only he does, this song is feel good for sure, it’s gospel funk, contemporary, summer drive music, bringing it all “to life” and I’m loving it! In addition, on June 18th he launched his radio show, “The Worship SUNDAY Experience” on 103.9 FM.

Zak Williams

Zak Williams & 1 Akord “Revisited” is all the buzz right now! Philly’s Own delivers choir music on a level that has left its mark and is keeping choir music alive. The single “Jehovah Jireh” has been celebrated in the Top 20 Hits on Billboard Charts since its release. The album features Lorraine Stancil, Lowell Pye, and Bishop Eric Figueroa this is a real good one y’all!


Chase Williams & Shabach

One of the leading choirs of my younger years that definitely raised the bar for choir music is back! Dropping their single written by hitmaker Jason Clayborn “Power Of God”, a feel good church bop, I’m loving it and Shabach sounds great, it’s available at all digital media outlets! I’m anticipating the full project “CHASing The Next Chapter” to be released!

Chico Robinson

Chico Robinson & SOD are all geared up to release a prophetic sound in the earth. The single titled “Safe” features Marc Britt, Deborah Carolina, and Anton Milton. It’s absolutely one to add to your library. It’s “Safe” to say, Pastor Robinson is spreading the gospel on every platform. The single is available on all digital platforms.

“Til next month, Be blessed, love real big, in real life!” Follow me: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @misserickaj Email

Grace&Glory 35 News
Jonathan McReynolds Deitrick Haddon Zak Williams Chico Robinson B Chase Williams & Shabach

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