The Compass Magazine Inaugural Issue

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On Life’s Journey



‘’The Lord reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength...”

YOU ARE INVITED TO ANNUAL HOLY CONVOCATION – KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA December 6 – 9, 2012 SPECIAL FEATURE: CELEBRATION: 21 YEARS OF SERVICE. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2012 SPEAKERS: Bishop Leslie J. Barnes (Brooklyn, New York) Bishop Charles C. Mullings (Miami, Florida) Pastor Audley Castro (Pickering, Ontario) Elder Aggrey Scott (Brooklyn, New York) Evangelist Joan Garrick (Port St. Lucie, Florida) SERVICES:

SCHEDULE Friday & Saturday 8 am to 9 am Morning Glory Breakfast 9:15am to 10:50am Teaching sessions 11am to 2pm Youths Service: 12pm to 2pm (Saturday only)

Evening Worship: Thursday & Friday 7pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday Divine Worship 11:30am

Bishop L.J. Barnes (Pastor), Elder H. G. Carpenter (Assistant Pastor) 550 East Jackson Street, Kissimmee, Florida 34744. Phone: 407-847-4009, Cell 407-963-4972, E-Mail

COMPASS GUIDE EDITORIAL 4-5 Dr. Charles Mullings LUNCHTIME MIRACLE Chevone Wilkinson




“And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Matthew 24:14 - KJV





World Christian Ministries Association - Florida, USA Pentecostal Assemblies of the World - Indiana, USA Apostolic World Christian Fellowship - Indiana, USA Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International - Kentucky, USA United Pentecostal Church International - Missouri, USA Church of our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith - N.Y, USA Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ - Ohio, USA Pentecostal Tabernacle International – Miami, USA Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ - Tennessee, USA Apostolic Brotherhood International - Texas, USA Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Ohio, USA Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Jesus Christ - California, USA International Circle of Faith - Kentucky, USA United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) – Washington DC, USA World Wide Pentecostal Fellowship - Oklahoma, USA


LIFE’S ROAD TRIP 14-15 Caswell Walford


Apostolic Church of Australia - Victoria, Australia Apostolische Pfingstgemeinde Deutschland - Germany, Europe True Jesus Church - Hong Kong Apostolic Church - India Apostolic Pentecostal Mission - (South) India Christian Coastal and Interior Ministries Association - India Good Samaritan for India - India New Life Power Gospel - India Assemblea Apostolica della fede in Cristo Gesù - Italy Europe Bethel United Church (Apostolic) – United Kingdom (UK) Holiness Born Again Apostolic – Jamaica WI Discipleship Mission - Kenya, Africa First Apostolic Church - Malawi, Africa Loyal Church of Jesus Christ - Malawi, Africa Gospel Assemblies - Pakistan, Middle East NSP Church of Pakistan - Pakistan, Middle East The Whole Gospel Ministries - Pakistan Pentecostal Revival Ministries - Uganda, Africa



This list is not exhaustive. There are church organizations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Ireland, Mexico, Cuba, and more…


For additional organizations see: International Apostolic Pentecostal Global Church & Ministry Directory 100’s of Listings

PURPOSE 17 Annette Taylor-Spence KISS OF BETRAYAL 18-19 J.R. Ensey APOLOGETICS 19




Be My Compass Dr. Charles C. Mullings


hades of night are falling, Darkness enveloping. Who will guide us through the dark, See us through the morning light?


here must be light deep within, Commanding the center of our being, Directing that uncertain course, The journey through this universe.


esus be that signal Light, Through this path, unfathomable. Without You it’s an illusion, This path must have Your illumination.


ord be the compass of our journey Home, From the confusion and chaos, we come. You know we are apt to lose our path, Great Commander release not your grasp.

he delight of our editorial staff is to present you with the first edition of The Compass Magazine. Dedicated to the apologetics of Oneness Apostolicism, we believe this is the first magazine of its kind in our area. The dedication of this publication is to the refocusing of the vision of the Apostolic Movement. The tracks have already been laid. Reinventing the wheel is unwarranted, our call is to be wise master-builders—working on a foundation that has already been laid. The apostolic way has become unclear for a number of our members. It is viewed by others as a hindrance, with wealth accumulation superseding their spiritual richness. Perception of the apostolic way becoming 4

archaic, leads to the trend to discard the antique, and on the contrary, design a course that aligns with the prevailing culture. A group comprising our finest leaders accepted the invitation to join the discourse that has led to this remarkable production. In that regard, The Compass Magazine salutes Pastor Ansel Drummond, Bishop Copeland Gordon, Bishop Dafton James, Bishop Charles Mullings, Pastor Hensel Reid, and Pastor Robert Stewart for this noble initiative. The construction of the magazine is on a premise, embodied in the following question: How can Apostolic brethren exemplify the oneness displayed in some leading Christian groups? A number of concerns continue to haunt that oneness that we seek. These include: a perceived lack of communication between Apostolics; the distortion of the apostolic culture; the compromising of doctrinal integrity and the overt or covert aggression displayed by some Apostolics towards others. These concerns moderated the interest in this publication. We hope that the magazine will cause us to focus on the importance of our journey, and help to provide answers to some of the challenges that we encounter. As a consequence, we trust that the compelling features introduced by our editorial staff, will arrest your attention. Simultaneously, we hope that if you are not already on the Highway, these impressions will place you on a path that leads to life eternal. Allow the contents of the publication to saturate your being and envelope your soul, and if the Spirit bids you, we hope that you will respond with a resounding Hallelujah! The demonstration of the true meaning of our labor is expected in your response to the many stories. We

anticipate your continued support of this effort. Your communication with the editor will be an indication of the value that you place in the contents of the magazine, as an instrument that contributes to your journey. Your feedback will also secure the input of your congregants in future editions. Our writers: Sis. Annette Taylor-Spence, Sis. Ivy Armstrong, Bro. Caswell Walford, Sis. Typhanie Stewart and Sis Chevone Wilkinson are remarkable persons. Kudos to their work. Additionally, young persons should read and digest the article by Sis. Typhanie Stewart. I concur with her ideas, which I believe, can help to halt the de-spiritualizing of our youth, as they interact with secular education. Parents and churches bear the primary responsibility to teach their children and have them saturated in righteousness, holiness, faith, and the apostolic way of



day at work around lunchtime, I reached for my handbag in an attempt to get some money to buy some lunch. After a diligent search, I discovered that all I had in my purse was my bus fare to return home. How could it be that I was so low on cash? Not to be discouraged, I continued my daily routine – Praying to my Heavenly Daddy at a certain time each day. I usually pray in my office walking around or on my knees. On this particular day while I was praying I opened the blinds and looked out at

life. In so doing, when they enter these de-spiritualizing institutions of men, their foundation will not be shaken. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. This enduring instruction is indisputable! In a future issue, I will share with our youths, how to navigate the turbulent waters of scientific theories as well as the theories of de-spiritualizing professors. We have opened this dialogue in order to generate thought and provoke intense spiritual reasoning. We know your energized status will propel you into a continuation of this dialogue through The Compass Magazine.

“The day may be upon us, when each church seems to operate as you a self-contained with concerns God Bless as you join us on“Oasis,” this wonderful journey! strictly for what happens within its confines. This Oasis seems to ignore the barrenness in its environs, thereby thwarting the oneness apostolic unity we so desperately crave.” Dr. Charles C. Mullings

the lake beyond the parking lot. This was when I saw the most peculiar thing. I saw something that appeared to be a folded piece of paper with the edges fluttering in the parking lot below. It caught my attention only because the wind was blowing. I looked at it for a while, and curiosity got the best of me. I had to find out what it was. I remember in the midst of praying saying, “God, I soon come”. I was on the second floor of the building so I proceeded to go down stairs, and then went around the back of the building and I came closer and closer to what I saw. Imagine my surprise and elation when I discovered that it was a five-dollar bill! As I reached for it, it started moving. I had to chase it across the parking lot before finally picking it up. I marveled at the wondrous God I serve. He knew my need and he gave me the unction to change my position to pray. The wind was blowing yet he kept that five-dollar bill in place and allowed me to get around to the parking lot all the way from my office. I remember being so grateful for how God provided. I remember enjoying my lunch even more that day. My Heavenly Daddy Jesus made a way.


Editorial Board


Apostolic Apologetics


Lady Gloria C. Mullings Annette Taylor-Spence Chevone Wilkinson Michelle Davis Dr. Ivy Armstrong Typhanie Stewart

GRAPHIC ARTISTS Shawn Ferguson Joan Walker


Minister Paul Hamilton

**Editorial assistance provided by Elder Delton McDonald**

Advisory Board

Bishop Benjamin Carter, Jr. Pastor Ansel Drummond Bishop Copeland Gordon Bishop Dafton James Bishop Charles Mullings Pastor Hensel Reid Pastor Robert Stewart

Writers! Poets! Artists! Join us on this journey. Share your God-given gift with us and we will share it with the world. Contact the editor for more information at Submission will be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Board. We reserve the right to edit and or refuse any article.

The Editorial Board of The Compass Magazine congratulates Jamaica on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of independence.

THE YOUNG BELIEVER’S JOURNEY Challenges Young People Face on the Journey from Reality to Eternity Typhanie Stewart


et’s face it. Young people are constantly making decisions that are crucial to the outcome of their lives. Each step marks the beginning of the rest of their lives. Decisions can go from which class to take, to which college to attend, to which job offer to accept, to whom to marry, all in a very short span of time. All along this path, the world is busy promoting the idea that any decision we make is right regardless of what the Bible or church leadership says. Such notions draw an inaccurate map of all roads leading to heaven. However, with the word of God as our guide, we have full access to the truth, which points to one right way to everlasting life with Jesus. This worldly concept, generally referred to as the epistemology of relativism is the knowledge dealing with a belief in changeable standards. The belief that concepts such as right and wrong; good and bad; truth or falsehood; are not absolutes but change from culture to culture and situation to situation is relativism. This concept is a danger for the young Christian. In pop culture, the media, and the political arena, immoral lifestyles and behaviors have become acceptable and have even become the norm. In classrooms with science lessons and philosophical dialogues, there is an angle that challenges the faith, intuition, and beliefs of Christian students. In social circles, peers and friends are pressuring young people to leave certain standards at the church or even abandon them altogether. At home, some apostolic parents are putting down the banner of truth and have not passed on the torch that was once handed to them by previous generations. As a result, it has become extremely important for our young people to depend on the Holy Spirit as their compass on life’s journey. Any other dependence will

skew their walk with God and will lead them away from the path that leads to life eternal. The major fallacy of relativism is that the very concept upon which it stands – the assertion that truth is objective – negates its validity. The truth is the truth no matter who chooses to believe it and live by it. Proverbs 16:25 (KJV) reads: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. It is easy to be deterred when ideas and lifestyles, which are contrary to the Word of God, are presented with false promises of glamorous outcomes. However, Gods promises are the only promises that have been tried and proven true. We are given the privileged opportunity to read the “back of the book“and see for ourselves that all other ways lead to spiritual death. In contrast, we will receive the ultimate reward of everlasting life if we stay on the straight and narrow path.

Backsliding Church Organizations Charles C. Mullings, Ph.D.

He knows that in tackling these controversial issues, he’s treading on sacred grounds and must exercise extreme caution. That’s why with great and careful effort, he presents these critical and sensitive subjects with the fear of God, through biblical records, and the church’s glorious eschatology in mind. Author Charles C. Mullings, Ph.D. braves the possible criticisms or violent reactions of some believers and church leaders as he puts the spotlight on the Backsliding Church Organizations.

Buy the Book

At: ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-4535-1724-6 ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-4535-1725-3 ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-4535-1726-0 7



take up my pen and my memories flow to those lovely days of my childhood; specifically to a time when I was about three years old. One day I saw a shiny new penny in my mother’s sewing machine drawer – I wanted it with all my heart. Every day when she opened the machine drawer, the penny was there, in the same position. It seemed to me that no one had any use for it and I needed it to buy snow-ball. I needed it badly, the more I saw it was the more urgently that I needed it. I had to have it. Not once did I think of asking my mother for it, I thought that she did not know that it was there, it was a forgotten penny, so I just took it. I waited my moment, snatched it, and tucked it safely into my underwear. The moment the deed was done my mother sounded the alarm: “Where is my penny? It must be Clyte (that is my pet name) who stole it! She was fishing around the machine!” Her voice sounded as if a thrashing was forthcoming – I was thinking – “stole it! What does she mean by those words?” I was seized immediately, searched, and severely chastised! My crime was revealed and judgment was swift. The chastisement did not diminish the lust that I felt from time to time, for things that were not mine. Something was wrong with my heart, something that I had no power to fix or control. When I was about six years old, I realized through my Sunday School Teacher, Miss Rose Fields, and Mama, the true state of my heart and the hearts of all humanity. We were born with a sinful nature. They taught me that Jesus could come into my heart and give me new desires. I learned the beautiful words from Proverbs 4:23 – Keep they heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. I wondered in my child’s mind - “How was I to keep a heart that was so wayward, so prone to do wrong, so apt to put me to shame?” I cried, “Lord help me – Lord help me to do what is right!” Even while I prayed, I would do what is wrong. I was in a state of disgust and desperation. The Lord heard my plea and gently taught me His ways and precepts. He continues to teach me today. A heart is an extremely precious thing! From it comes the value to build character. We have to tend our hearts very carefully much the same as a gardener tends a garden. Shortly song: 8

after I stole the penny, my mother taught me this Root them up, get them up, All those little weeds that in the heart may hide Envy, jealousy, Malice, and Pride, They shall never in my heart abide.

We are instructed to keep our hearts with diligence. We are expected to immediately recognize when any wrong enters our hearts, we must not allow any time to pass so that anything sinister can take root. Constantly guarding against our carnal natures is necessary to align our minds and wills to the will of God. We must painstakingly till the soil of our hearts through the reading of our Bibles, memorizing the Word, allowing it to permeate our beings through prayer, and then activating it in our daily lives through practical living. By this, we will maintain tender hearts and not become perverse. The lyrics of a song say, “Like a watered garden let my life appear”, is apropos. I love the Word - a complete manual that equips us from earth to glory. All the directions, guidelines, commands, and orders are recorded there. The child of God cannot lose his way if he follows closely what the Lord teaches through His Holy Word. I was shocked when as a teenager I learned that, the heart is deceitful and above all things desperately wicked. Who can know it? I usually wondered if the Lord knew my secret thoughts – some of my thoughts I really did not want anyone to know. I became aware through The Scripture that God knew my secret thoughts because – Known unto God are all things from the beginning. I prayed – “Oh Lord You found me out, just as you saw Nathaniel when he was under the fig tree – you see me and know my secret thoughts. My heart is deceitful and above all things desperately wicked, but I want a heart like Yours, Lord, I want my life to appear like a watered garden.” Then I was told of the wonderful words of Acts 2:38 – Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. What a wonderful formula. Now I have the formula to keep my heart with all diligence. It is The Holy Ghost that, • Makes my conscience tender towards the truth • Teaches me to differentiate between right and wrong • Enables me to tend to the garden of my heart Calvary is about this transformation. The Lord wants me to have a new heart because the natural heart cannot keep His standard. I would have kept on stealing. I am very thankful. For chastening me and for pointing me to ‘The Way of Life’ - thank you Mama. For the remission of my sins and for the supreme gift of the Holy Ghost - Thank You Lord. My heart is now like a watered garden by God’s grace.

“Life is a journey that should take us back to God. If life does not lead us to inherit eternal life, then life is wasted. The journey requires faith.” Pastor S. Robert Stewart

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s a child, I had always liked stories of courage: of battles fought and won, of struggles overcome; but when a real– life drama is in action before my eyes, it is both fascinating and praise-worthy. When I first met Sister Annette Taylor-Spence at Pentecostal Tabernacle, it did not take me long to realize that she is indeed a woman of passion and purpose. She was writing plays to be dramatized by our congregants, helping to train them to perform at their best, while most times racing against time to perfect the productions; she was raising children as a single mother with all the responsibilities that the role entails; she was working as the senior accountant for the church; she was in charge of the Singles’ Ministry; she was coordinating “Beyond The Veil”- an annual one week spiritual retreat; she was the Events Coordinator in charge of weddings; she was a Chief Aide in “Apostolic Camp International” heading up the Finance Department . She was serving simultaneously in all those aspects of the church’s ministries; she was all that and more. It was surprising therefore when she announced that she was returning to college, at 49 years old, to fulfill her dream and her mother’s wishes. She knew that her Mother carried a thirty-year disappointment: she had not completed her undergraduate degree. She would also be embracing a new relationship with her 17 yearold daughter Peta-Gaye who had just graduated from high school, as they would be matriculating together, taking some of the same courses, and studying together. Her journey through Nova was to begin in August, 2008. Annette did not foresee some of the strange and painful stressors that were to cross her path. In June, just before matriculation in college, her Mother was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. This reality was like a steel goad rammed into her emotions, causing pain, sometimes anger, fear, and sometimes resentment. The pain was further intensified by the news in January 2009 that her father who resided in Jamaica was also diagnosed with colon cancer which necessitated emergency surgery. Annette’s packed schedule was now like a concertinasqueezed to include trips to Jamaica. Her fiftieth birthday was spent by her father’s bedside; two weeks later, on May 26th, 2009, she was with him as he quietly passed from this life. Sister Annette shared the responsibility with her sister of care-giver for her ailing mother, taking her to medical


consultations, surgery and chemotherapy; often times she was studying while carrying out these duties. On September 28th, 2011, Annette’s mother departed from this life. Through it all she learned to trust in the Lord, leaned upon Him, and depended upon His promises. Not once did Annette slacken her pace, lose her grip, or complain. In fact, she added mission trips to Guyana to an already packed schedule. She just kept moving forward, knowing that there was a time coming when her efforts would be rewarded with success. Thirty five years ago, Annette graduated from Hampton High School in Malvern, St Elizabeth, Jamaica – where the Motto is - “With the Utmost Courage and Courtesy.” She lived up to her high school motto through her four-year journey of spiritual, emotional, and intellectual struggles, but by the Grace of God she overcame. Annette and her daughter graduated on May 12, 2012, the 53rd anniversary of her birth, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication. She earned this degree with distinction; a remarkable feat indeed. Sister Annette is to be highly praised for her persevering spirit as she puts God first. The Lord Jesus Christ kept her throughout her valley experiences. She continues to be an exemplary model of what a life yielded and committed to the Lord can achieve. As she approaches graduate studies this August (2012) with the same tenacity of the last four years, we pray that the Lord will continue to guide and bless her. Thanks to God for all He is doing, today Annette has a greater resolve to continue serving the body of Christ. Well done Sister Annette – we applaud you for blazing a path of courage and hope, giving others a shining example to follow. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a great encouragement to all single parents in the church, irrespective of your background. Stay immersed in church activities; go back to school and complete your education or avocation, and continue to follow the leading of our Lord Jesus Christ as you interact with secular education.

PASTOR DELROY MCFARLANE Headquarters 2440 NW 14th Street Fort Lauderdale FL, 33311

PASTOR HENSEL REID Miami Branch 11663 NW 7TH AVE MIAMI FL, 33168

EVANGELIST GURZEL DICKSON (Interim Pastor) Palm Beach Branch 3951 N Haverhill Road West Palm Beach FL, 33417

General Secretary: PH# 954-839-7591

Feature Article

LIFE’S ROAD TRIP Caswell Walford But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Mathew 7:14. (NIV)


t is said that life is a journey from birth to death. One day the journey will come to an end. Like the timing of our birth, the end is unpredictable. The journey that seems to end on earth, however, continues into eternity. What matters most is not the beginning, but the paths we take on the journey that will determine our ultimate destination. In life there are many roads that can eventually lead to the same destination but there is only one way to reach the heavenly domain. The road to heaven is by way of the cross through Jesus Christ.

•Matt 7:13 - Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. •John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

We depend on signs to give us directions and to assist with navigating our way on all roadways. Signs also give warnings to keep us out of harm’s way. Likewise, the Bible serves as our road map and gives directions about the path we should take that will lead to our final destination. It is irreplaceable as the ultimate guide for the journey of life. Through His Word, we are cautioned about danger ahead, sharp turns, and bumps in the road. Through God’s tender yet sometimes stern direction, He leads us along the “pathway of life,” showing us where to go for comfort, where to turn for strength, and how to look ahead with hope as a constant companion.

Morality Highway, and Self-righteousness Street.

Ritualistic Ramp

This shortcut bypasses the process of making a conscious decision. People on this path are under the false impression that they are fit for heaven based on rituals and religious ceremonies. Some have been baptized at birth, dedicated soon after, and later confirmed in a solemn ceremony. They have been led to believe that these rituals and noble activities will lead them to Heaven. The way to heaven is by way of the cross and the cross signifies sacrifice. The sacrificial altar cannot be avoided.

Delusion Drive

These drivers will not accept the entire Bible as the divinely inspired word of God. They deny the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. They do not believe in His sacrificial and atoning death on Calvary’s cross. They do not believe in hell. They scoff at salvation through Jesus Christ and the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. They expect only good from the hand of God. The prosperity and “feel good” messages are rampant. Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 - …because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie…

Modern Thought Boulevard

Individuals are using their own “spiritual” GPS as a guide, forsaking the written directions. The GPS used is based upon feelings and intellectual reasoning, which is causing many to deviate from the path set before them by Jesus’ example and exhortations of scripture.

Many persons of scholarship and many intellectuals tread this path. They are too proud to accept “Thus saith the Lord”, but instead they bow down before the gods of science, philosophy, modern thought, and all the manmade theories that are turning people away from God. These people refute biblical truths and propagate what is referred to as the theory of evolution. This devil inspired hypothesis is not even a theory because it has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the scientific community, against its own definition of what a theory constitutes, passes it on as proven fact. Many also advocate abortions and same-sex marriages.

The following paths need to be avoided – Ritualistic Ramp, Delusion Drive, Modern Thought Boulevard, Temperance 14 Trail, Second Chance Speedway, Procrastination Parkway,

Getting an education and preparing for your life’s work on earth is admirable, but should never be at the expense of preparing for eternity with Jesus.

Temperance Trail

This highly travelled road is overrun by those who wallow in the muck and mire of willful sin. In a manner not supported by scripture, some repeatedly confess their sins before a mere man, then off they go again around the race track of life repeating the same cycle.

The expression “filthy rags” does not refer to clothing covered by the dirt from the streets but rather to robes made unclean by the inward corruption that exuded from the sores of lepers. God sees our self-righteousness as coming from a diseased, corrupt and evil heart. We can never be justified in the sight of an infinitely Holy God unless we are clothed in His righteousness. • Titus 3:5 - Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to God’s mercy He saves us. • Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.

• Mark 2:7 - Who can forgive sins but God only? • ITimothy 2:5 - For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man, Christ Jesus.

Follow the Map The Lord has already established the journey for each of us with a predestinated end.

Procrastination Parkway

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

This disguised trail is crowded with those who practice sin but only in moderation! Every transgression of God’s word is sin, and none is trivial in His sight.

Second Chance Speedway

These travelers have heard and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ but they think they have a lot of time to get saved. They are young, in good health, and want to enjoy the pleasures of the world for a season. “There is time to serve God” they argue, “as I approach the allotted three score years and ten I will get ready.”

However, God’s road map states:

• Ecclesiastes 11:9 - Rejoice O young man in thy youth, and let thine heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; but know thou, that for all these things - God will bring thee into judgment.” • Proverbs 27:1 - Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. • II Corinthians 6:2 - Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Morality Highway

This road is crowded with many who take pride in their morals, and ethical standards and revolt against all forms of sin and evil. They are opposed to abortion, pre-marital sex, homosexuality and other conditions that are an abomination to God. This is a highway that is paved with “good intentions.” Sadly, these travelers do not follow the pattern laid out to the apostles in the book of Acts when the church was established on the Rock - Christ Jesus. They are dependent upon their religious heritage and high moral standards as their guide through life. If religious background and good moral standards could save the soul of man and put away our sins, then it would not have been necessary for Jesus to die that cruel, shameful and ignominious death on Calvary’s cross.

Self-righteousness Street

This is a path decorated with whitened sepulchers - the likes of Scribes, Pharisees, and other such church dignitaries. Conversations on the street sound like this one: “I thank God that I am not as other men. I’m not a drunkard, a blasphemer, an adulterer, or a murderer. I fast twice in the week and I give tithes of all that I possess. Surely, if anyone gets to Heaven, I will.” God’s Road Map warns against this thought process: • Isaiah 64:6 - We are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

On life’s journey, we will encounter many forks in the road. When presented with a choice, it is tempting to take what looks like the easiest way which may not lead us where we want to go. To seek what we are looking for we might turn to education or our focus may be on acquiring wealth, or we may strive for social standing. We may turn to entertainment, or the latest self-help fads to avoid the discomfort and pain that accompanies the path of sacrifice and commitment. While we do not negate the advantages of education, money, success, and social standing, by themselves these choices do not have the power to place us on the right road. If they are incorporated into the perspective of the heavenly goal then they are welcome pit stops. If not, then the question asked in Mark 8:36 is applicable – For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Editor’s Note The compass has always served as a guide to travelers, pointing them in the right direction. It helps with navigation by determining current position, and points the traveler towards the desired goal. We only get to travel this road of life once and so it is important to make the right choices. The Compass magazine is dedicated to guiding the sojourner on the path to eternal life. The Church is built on Jesus Christ and the formula for salvation in Acts 2:38 is still applicable today. The journey that leads to eternal life must follow the path established for the Church of Jesus Christ.


The Word


Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.”

We offer:  Prayer for the sick In house prayer meetings  Blessing of babies  Sunday School pick –up  Home Bible studies  GED Preparation Program 

" The Lord at His second advent shall not come with the "fiery law," speaking terror to His saints, but to be " glorified" and " admired" in them, Zion shall be the place of His throne, whence He shall judge and reign.

First United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) Inc. 550 E. Jackson St Kissimmee. Fl. 34746 Phone: 407-847-4009

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First United Church of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) Inc.

Our mission is to reach the lost. God has commissioned us to preach the gospel of glad tidings that men and women who are held in the shackles of sin will be delivered. He already paid the price for our salvation when He died on the cross. We endeavor to love, serve and obey our Lord, striving always to love all humanity by fostering the gifts and talents of each person. We attain our mission by caring and shepherding the flock, nurturing the children and young adults in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. The gospel must reach the world before the Lord returns; therefore, we as the servant of God will continue to teach and preach to every man and woman that will hear us.

To Our Visitors


Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pm Thursdays Fasting 11:00 am

Church Convocation: December 6 – 9, 2012 Leadership Training: October, 2012

Fridays Young People’s Service 7:00 pm Sundays Sunday School: Morning Worship: Evening Service:

10:00 am 11:30 am 7:00 pm


Quizzing Time What was the name of Noah’s Father? What was the name of Noah’s Sister?

2nd Sunday is Ladies Day 4th Sunday is Men’s Day 5th Sunday is Youth Day 5th Friday is all night prayer

All are welcome!

We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all visitors to our assembly. May you feel His presence as you worship with us today. We hope and trust that this service will leave an everlasting impression on you. If you would like to be a member of this Church or need further explanation on the scripture, Please feel free to call us. We love you. God bless and keep you is our prayer.

Elder H. G. Carpenter Pastor



Annette Taylor-Spence

Have you ever wondered why so many people in the world are seemingly without focus? Ever wondered why so many have possessions but no joy, no peace, and constantly seem to ‘exist’ rather than live life to its fullest? Could it be that as you read this you are also asking the question, “what is my purpose on earth?” There is a part of man, which always seeks to be reconciled to God, an aching void that yearns to be filled. Unfortunately, we try to satisfy the longings of our soul with many carnal desires, which can never give total satisfaction and cannot pass eternity’s test. God has designed us so that He would be the only one to fill that need. THE PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES CAN NEVER BE FOUND OUTSIDE OF GOD Hebrews 12:1-2 refers to Jesus as the Author & Finisher of our faith. If he is the Author, then he knows the beginning, the end, and every chapter in between. God did not write an unfinished symphony for our lives. The reason why there are so many unfulfilled people in the world is because they have not tapped into the Author’s manuscript to find out their purpose. TO KNOW YOUR PURPOSE - KNOW YOUR CREATOR (ISAIAH 45:9-13) It is impossible to know your purpose without knowing your creator. When a potter sits at the wheel to make a vessel, that vessel is already in the mind of the potter. He knows what he will make and he knows the purpose for which it is intended. After the vessel is made, several different individuals could use it for varying purposes without fulfilling the purpose for which it was created. The only way to know its intended purpose would be to consult the potter who created the vessel. Only when it is put to that specific use would it have fulfilled the purpose for which it was created. WHAT IS THIS PURPOSE? Could it be to get a good education, to build and bequeath an earthly legacy, to do good to all mankind, or even to be a faithful worker in the church? While these are all noble aspirations, if they are not God-centered and executed with the right motives, they do not satisfy the eternity test. Our purpose begins with God and was in His plan for us from before we were born. It is not confined to our desires, our happiness, our peace, or our dreams.

CONSULTING THE CREATOR Ecclesiastes 12:13 clearly states the collective purpose of mankind –Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created, also reinforces this fact. Individually, our calling and assignments will always fit in with the collective purpose of mankind. The unique task that God has for each person, or the specific gift He wants us to use, will be aligned with giving Him Glory. If the perceived purpose does not involve laying up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21) and glorifying God, then we should question if we are in His will. God’s purpose for us is not limited to our finite minds but is a part of the bigger plan of Kingdom building, which surpasses time and blends with eternity. PURPOSE IS CONNECTED TO RELATIONSHIP To fulfill purpose, we need a personal relationship with God. We can choose to surrender to His will based on knowledge of His Word and the realization of our sinful state. Alternatively, our surrender may come as a result of God “getting our attention”. We may need a ‘Burning Bush’ experience - a meeting where God will reveal himself and his instructions. We may need a ‘Damascus Road’ experience, to be banished to ‘prison.’ We may need a catastrophic illness, tragedy in the family, or any other situation where God needs to place us, in order to speak his will for our lives. God reveals Himself and His will when there is relationship.



The Record of Theological Seminaries in America J.R. Ensey’s

Dear Readers: The historicity of the church in USA is a storied account of the liberalization of Christianity. The Compass is starting the excerption of J.R. Ensey’s article, Kiss of Betrayal, to show the powerful forces that congealed to become a formidable affront to the gospel and the scholarship that is fast destroying the foundation upon which it is formatted. This should be compelling reading for the ministry minded individuals who are at the forefront of the battle contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Please follow this article in the next four or five issues. The article is outside the parameters of our editing process and is therefore offered in its original presentation with writer’s permission assured. The Editor

Background and History This paper will focus on the history of the seminary movement in America and its role in inculcating Christian doctrine into the minds of aspiring ministers. We will consider the movement as a whole as well as some individual institutions. From a historical perspective we will seek to determine whether they have been a bane or a blessing to American Christianity. The relationship of theological seminaries to our culture is easily observable. Since most lawmakers in the U.S. have been Christian in name, they would have been influenced to some degree by their clergyman. Their clergyman would likely be a graduate from a denominational seminary. When elected government officials fail to lead the country in a path based on Christian morals and ethics, it could possibly be traced back to clergymen who did not pass along the faith in a practical way. That is how instruction in our seminaries can impact our nation in a most basic manner, thus playing a key role in the development and maintenance of Christian decency—or the lack thereof—in American culture. A minister once said to me: “A seminary becomes the ultimate standard bearer of a denomination. It flies the colors of truth or the white flag of compromise. It is incumbent to do one or the other. Most seminaries over the past 250 years of American church history have succumbed to incremental compromise and have become the ensign bearer for cultural accommodation.” The English word “seminary” is taken from the Latin seminarium, translated as “seed-bed” or “breeding grounds.” By extension, the primary purpose of a seminary


Part 1

is to “breed”—recruit, train and produce—candidates for the Christian ministry. Seminaries are broadly defined as institutions of higher learning for educating students (seminarians) in philosophy, sociology, theology, spirituality and the religious life, usually at the postgraduate level, preparing students for ordination as clergy or for other important religious ministry. In the U.S., the term was formerly also used to refer to institutions of higher learning for women, often teachers’ colleges. Since at least the fourth century, there have been seminaries for the training of clergy. The first known group of seminarians was gathered by Basil of Ancyra. The term dropped out of general use in the Middle Ages, when most theological training was done in monasteries, and later in the universities. After the Protestant Reformation and the emergence of new denominations, seminaries again came into prominence, especially in the U.S. The sixteenth century Council of Trent ordered seminaries to be opened in every diocese to counter the Reformation. The seminary movement may have begun in America in prototype when Harvard University was founded. Indeed, the first universities in this country were formed for the primary purpose of training men for the ministry, although they taught other courses besides those dealing with religion. Both Harvard (1636) and Yale (1701) were founded out of that vision, although they were not “seminaries” in the strictest sense of the term. History of Early Universities and Seminaries in America The Puritans so dreaded an uneducated ministry that in 1636, only six years after the founding of Massachusetts Bay, the colony’s General Court voted money “towards a schoale or colledge.” Named after the Reverend John Harvard (1607-1638), a private benefactor and Puritan minister, Harvard College opened in 1638 in a house inside a cattle yard donated by the town of Cambridge, MA and in 1642, it graduated the first class of nine men. In 1650, the legislature granted an official charter providing for governance by a small, self-perpetuating corporation and a larger board of overseers to be chosen by the magistrates; half were to be ministers. Harvard was mostly influenced by Congregationalist theology. It had been established mainly as an institution for the education of Puritan ministers. Most of the early graduates became Congregational ministers. The curriculum from its founding through the eighteenth century

was largely theological. The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in the U.S. It was founded in 1693 by a Royal Charter issued by King William III and Queen Mary II, joint sovereigns of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Yale University in New Haven, CN, a traditional member of the Ivy League, is the third-oldest institution of higher learning in the U.S. Yale’s initial curriculum emphasized classical studies and strict adherence to orthodox Puritanism. Founders were motivated by a conservative reaction by Congregationalist leaders weary of what they identified as the increasing departure of Harvard College from its Calvinist heritage. Harvard and Yale, and others in the Ivy League category would eventually give a kiss of betrayal to their founders and their “divinity schools” would take a decidedly liberal turn. Today they are far out of the mainstream of biblical Christianity. Founded in 1791, Catholic-sponsored St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore is the first seminary established in the United States. Its doors are still open today. The first Protestant seminary in America, Andover Theological Seminary, was established in 1807 by the Congregationalists in Andover, MA. The seminary is currently called Andover-Newton Theological School and is located in Newton Centre, MA. It is operated today by the United Church of Christ.

States and Canada (ATS), the only government approved accrediting agency for seminaries. According to its web site, ATS is a membership organization of approximately 250 graduate schools that conduct post-baccalaureate professional and academic degree programs to educate persons for the practice of ministry and for teaching and research in the theological disciplines. The Commission on Accrediting of ATS accredits the schools and approves the degree programs they offer. Thus, most seminaries were established for the purpose of propagating the doctrines and methodologies of the parent organization or denomination. A seminary is ordinarily the highest level of learning in its particular religious movement. A seminary should be a conveyor of orthodox doctrine and practice (orthodoxy and orthopraxy) as determined by the parent organization. It is not a place to introduce new methodologies, theories or doctrines. Objective truth and practice held by the founding body should flow upward to the institution to be conveyed, not down from it as determined by the professorial faculty. It is not created as an innovator to send down new ideas and approaches to the parent body but to instill the principles and articles of faith as defined and embraced by the founding entity. But what is the real record of the theological seminaries over the years? Have they contributed anything to the slide into doctrinal compromise that is showing up across the board in Christian churches today?

to be continued.....

Today there are approximately 300 theological seminaries in America. I have arrived at that figure assuming that there are fifty such institutions that are not accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United



he term apologetics is derived from the classic Greek word apologia which means “speaking in defense.” It is the discipline of defending a position (often religious), through systematic use of information. To deliver an apologia means:- making a formal declaration that gives an explanation to rebut charges made. The defense of Socrates against the charge of corrupting the youth and not believing in the gods, whom the city accepts as deity, is a primary example.

Apostle Paul employs the term apologia in his trial speech to Festus and Agrippa when he says “I make my defense,” in Acts 26:2. This term also appears in Paul’s letter to the Philippians as he is “defending the gospel” and in 1st Peter 3:15 as he is stating that believers must be ready to give an ‘answer’ for their faith. The Compass Magazine is dedicated to giving an answer in defense of the Apostolic Faith.

This classical Greek term appears in the Greek New The Editor Testament from which the New Testament in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible was translated. The



Creat ive Niche

THE LINES ARE FALLEN UNTO ME IN PLEASANT PLACES – Psalm 16:6 Dr. Ivy Claudette Armstrong

The Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, yea, I have a goodly heritage. Blessed, Blessed is the Measure That heaps up my Treasure That measures my earthly Space Apportions me His Grace. The Lines are fallen unto me The Lines fell on Gethsemane With Love and Tenderness Pardon and Forgiveness The Lines are fallen unto me The Lines include Mount Calvary With Goodness and Mercy Triumph and Victory I’m a Partaker of God’s Grace That Redeems Adam’s Race Beneficiary of God’s Will Sealed on Gothgotha’s Hill The Lines are fallen unto me in Pleasant places, yea, I have a goodly heritage.


Annette Taylor-Spence I am designed by God - a masterpiece Made in His image - yet unique According to His plan - I am crafted With a specific purpose - I am assigned In my times of testing I question Will this last forever or for a season Should I give up - too much to bear Does it really matter - does anyone care Then The Lord reminds me – I am here Cast your burdens on me – I care I will bear you up when weak Listen to the Words of Life I speak Through the fire but not consumed Flood waters around but not overtaken In the valley but I am with you You are my child – This is what I do When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the Lord thy God… (Isaiah 43:2)


Annette Taylor-Spence

The beginning of a journey Meandering through time Rising to heights of glory Sinking to valleys low Now encouraged and then downcast Facing challenges Circumventing obstacles Rejoicing in victories Gaining wisdom from defeats A path paved with variety Life’s experiences carefully positioned Each an essential piece in the puzzle’s design A path into the future Guiding beyond the invisible horizon A place that awaits me I am on the path to destiny


Michelle Davis

My ship was in trouble, as the sea of life I sailed The waves threatened to overwhelm, and only confusion prevailed I saw no lighthouse to guide; I had no anchor to hold Fear and doubt became close friends, without a Captain for my soul. As I struggled to steer my course, I went to the right and to the left “Help me, please!” I cried to all; “Do not leave me bereft.” Above I saw only storm clouds; beneath me, the billows rolled I needed a map to guide me, to the Captain of my soul. One day, while I was struggling, and defeat seemed my lot Another ship drew alongside, and a sailor handed me a book He said, “Here is the map you need, to get your ship safely to shore It tells of the greatest Sailor there ever was; make Him the Captain of your soul.” I took the time to read the book, and I heeded the commands Now my ship sails with rejoicing, as the Holy Spirit guides I no longer fear the storm clouds, or the angry billows that roll For Christ the Savior is now my guide and the Captain of my soul. So, if you are having difficulty as the sea of life you sail Allow the Savior to lead you; He will take you through the gale He will be the lighthouse that guides; He will be the anchor that holds, When he becomes your Master, and the Captain of your Soul.

Answers to Journeying with Paul 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. b 11. a 12. a


DIRECTORY OF PASTORS Pastor Nyron Allen Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Miami 838 NW 183 Street, Miami, Fl 33169 Phone: 305-652-7474 | 305-206-5535

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study

Bishop Benjamin F. Carter, Jr.

Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church of Avon Park 117 Ernest E. Sims Street Avon Park, Florida 33825 Phone: (863) 453-2374

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Morn. Glory (Prayer) 10:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 12:00 noon Sunday Evening 6:30 pm Wednesday Midweek Prayer Service 7:30 pm Friday Bible Study & Youth Activities 7:30 pm

Bishop Copeland Gordon Grace Pentecostal Church 17510 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, PALMETTO BAY, FL 33157

WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Worship 1st, 2nd & 3rd 6:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Bible Class Friday (1st & 3rd) 7:30 P.M. Youth Explosion

Pastor Odane James The Transformation Center 2802 State Road 60 E Valrico, FL 33594 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 12 p.m. Children Ministry Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian Education Saturdays 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 9 a.m. Ministerial Training

Pastor Delroy McFarlane Banner of Love

2440 NW 14th Street, Fort Lauderdale FL, 33311 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays10:00 a.m. Fasting Fridays 8 p.m. Young Ppl Meeting


Dr. G. Oliver Barnes Faith Tabernacle UPCI

7100 West Oakland Park Blvd.Sunrise, Florida 33313 Telephone: 954-572-1447 | Fax: 954-572-1449 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am-11 am Morning Worship 11am -1:30 pm Evening Worship (1st & 3rd Sun) - 6:30 pm-8:45 pm Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday Prayer Service - 6 am to 8 am

Pastor Ansel Drummond Harvest Time Apostolic

5808 Mayo Street Hollywood, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 966-8444 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am –11 am Morning Worship 11:15 am Evening Worship 7 pm – 9 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm – 9 pm Friday Youth Meeting 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Pastor Hector Carpenter First United Church (Apostolic) 550 E. Jackson St Kissimmee. Fl. 34746 Phone: 407-847-4009

WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:30 am Evening Service: 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study - 7:00 pm Thursday Fasting 11:00 am Friday Young People’s Service 7:00 pm

Pastor Clifton Ebanks Faith United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 1637 State Rd. 7 (441) | North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Phone: (954) 917-5031 WEEKLY SERVICES “Blessing of Babies First Sundays” Sundays 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class Fridays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Meeting

Rev. Mark Hattabaugh

Bishop Dafton James

5201 South Flamingo Road, | Cooper City, Florida 33330

6452 Pembroke Road, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 987-1448

The Pentecostals of Cooper City

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Haitian Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 7 p.m. S. Florida Bible Institute Wednesday 6:45 a.m. AM Prayer 10:00 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Bible Study /

Pastor Imogene Johnson Power of Deliverance Ministry 6136 Nw 11th Street Sunrise Fl 33313

WEEKLY SERVICES “Out of many people, One Soul” Sundays Sunday School 10:30 am Midday Worship 11:30 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm

Pastor E. Paul McKoy True Witness Apostolic Church

85 N.W. 30th Ave. Pompano Beach, FL. 33069 Phone : (954) 984-9795 Weekly Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Midday Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service (nightly) Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m Youth Ablaze (Every 3rd Friday)

Holiness Born Again

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 11:30AM -Sunday Worship 7:00PM -Revival Service Tuesday 7:30PM -Bible Study Wednesday 12 noon-Fasting & Prayer Meeting Friday 7:15 pm Youth Service

Bishop Ernest McDonald Emmanuel Apostolic Miramar

6452 Pembroke Road, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 987-1448 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:300 p.m. Evening Service Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Fasting 7:30 p.m. Prayer / Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m. Ladies/Men(1st) Youth Service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) Saturdays Prayer 8 a.m. -10 a.m.

Bishop Samuel Miller

Power Line Pentecostal Ministries 278 N.E. 35th Court Oakland Park, FL 33334

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:300 p.m. Evening Service Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Fasting 7:30 p.m. Prayer / Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m. Ladies/Men(1st) Youth Service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) Saturdays Prayer 8 a.m. -10 a.m.

Pastor Josephine Mitchell Gospel Tabernacle Church

704 SW 27th Ave Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33312 Phone: 754 246-9772 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday: 10:00am - Morning Bible Class 11:30am - Family Worship 7:00pm - Evangelistic Service Tuesday: 7:30pm-Prayer Meeting & Bible Study Wednesday: Fasting Service (10am -1pm) Friday: 7:30pm – Youth Meeting

Pastor Hensel Reid (President)

Banner of Love Apostolic Church – Miami 11663 NW 7 Ave Miami FL, 33168

Pastor Keith Moore New Mission Worship Center 3033 NW 7th Avenue | Miami, FL 33127 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service Bible Class

Dr. Harry & Dr. Sharon Scott Apostolic Tabernacle Church

210 North ‘J’ Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 | (561)540-4542

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting

Pastor Carlton Smith

Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 2900 NW 27th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-485-0190

WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday Worship 11:00 am 2nd & 4th 7:00 pm Tuesday Prayer 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Class 7:30 pm Friday (1st & 3rd) 7:30 pm Prayer & Deliverance Service

Pastor S. Robert Stewart

Pentecostal Tabernacle International

18415 NW 7th Ave | Miami Gardens, FL 33169 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. First Fruits Prayer 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday 10:00 a.m Fasting and Prayer 6:00 p.m Men’s Prayer Wednesdays10:00 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Pastor’s Forum / Youth Service Fridays 7:30 p.m Evening Prayer

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Consecration Prayer 12:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Service Wednesdays11a.m. Fasting /Prayer Fridays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class

Bishop George Taylor United Church of Jesus Christ

1050 S. Dixie Hwy, Hollywood, FL 33020

7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Pastor Wayne Williams

Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Church 1008 Peel Street Avon Park, FL 33825

WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Thurday Prayer Service - 12 p.m. Friday Youth Service - 7:30 p.m.

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting

Bishop Charles C. Mullings First United Church Apostolic - Miami 3003 NW 207 Street | Miami Gardens, FL 33056 (786) 398-1136

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 a.m. Morning Glory 11:45 a.m. Consecration Prayer 12:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Wednesdays 11:00 a.m. Intercessory Prayer Monday - Saturday - Intercessory Prayer (Online) 1-559-546-1700; Code # 631047 (You must have free long distance in USA)

Bishop Izett Scott

First United Church Apostolic – Ft. Lauderdale 3280 N State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sun. School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 6:00 pm Monday Prayer Service 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Family Bible Study 8:00 pm Friday (1st&3rd) Youth 8:00 pm (4th) FUC Women of Purpose 7:30-9:00 pm

Bishop Royston Tracey

Pentecostal Assemblies Apostolic Church 1535 NW 15TH AVE FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311

WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting

Pastor Winsome Young The Original Apostolic Church, Inc

Universal Palms Hotel 4900 Powerline Road Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 33309 (754) 422-3119 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:00 p.m. Divine Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesday Prayer and Fasting 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Study

Prayer is an issue of our own volition. Prayer comes out of us as gratitude to an ever adoring God. It is a sign that we are in appreciation to God for his salvation. We pray to God because he is the only one we trust to steer our path through this pilgrimage. Prayer must be the bolt to lock up the night and the key to open the day. Excerpt from, “Backsliding Church Organizations” Continue to pray for Pastors who carry the awesome responsibility of guiding a people to their final destination with our Lord Jesus. 25


1. The two apostles ordained and sent forth as Missionaries were Paul and a. Andrew b. Barnabas c. Theophilus 2. The first missionary journey started at a. Canaan b. Jerusalem

c. Antioch

3. The first pause in the journey took place at a. Bethany b. Galatia c. Paphos

7. The third disciple turned back at a. Paphos b. Perga c. Pergamos 8. Paul and Barnabas preached mightily and were envied by The Jews in a. Syria b. Antioch in Pisidia c. St. Paul’s island 9. At _____ Paul and Barnabas healed a crippled man, and the multitude declared them as gods. a. Lystra b. Antioch c. Pamphylia

4. A Deputy Governor desired to hear the Word preached – his name was a. Sergius Paulus b. Agrippa c. Simon of Cyrene

10. The Jews expelled Paul and Barnabas from the city of a. Lystra b. Antioch in Pisidia c. Paphos

5. At Paphos, Paul and Barnabas encountered an occult man whose name was a. Elymas b. Bar-Jonah c. Simon the Sorcerer

11. After Paul was stoned, the two apostles fled for refuge to the city of a. Derbe b. Galatia c. Cyprus

6. A third disciple accompanied the two missionaries. He was called a. Luke b. John c. Bartholomew

12. The apostles completed their first missionary journey and returned to a. Antioch b. Jerusalem c. Lystra


Answers in the Creative Niche

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WHO’S WHO AMONG ONENESS APOSTOLICS Nominate an Apostolic person who has contributed significantly (i.e. community service, spiritual guidance) to the Apostolic church. Submit: • A brief description of the nominee’s contributions • A clear color photograph of the nominee (passport – size) Submissions should be sent to no later than December 15, 2012

PROFILE OF CHURCHES Two or three churches will be highlighted in the next issue of The Compass. Please submit a brief profile of your church along with accompanying pictures to: Please submit your entry to reach The Compass by December 15, 2012 to be considered for inclusion. The Editorial Board will decide the entries that will be in the next issue.

Letters to the Editor Tell us how you feel about the articles in The Compass. E-mail your comments along with your full name, address and phone number to Your submissions may be included in our next issue. Letters included in this publication may be edited for length and clarity. Submissions must be received no later than December 15, 2012 to be considered.

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