FALL 2013
Featured Article
Dr. Charles C. Mullings
Dr. Ivy Armstrong
Lady Gloria C. Mullings
Michelle Davis
Chevone Wilkinson
Annette Taylor-Spence
Min. Paul Hamilton
EDITORIAL DONALD: THE BOY WHO PRAYED Dr. Charles C. Mullings Editor: This is a true story that occurred, at the revival in the Hebrides Islands, off the coast of Scotland. The campaign known as the Scottish Revival saw Duncan Campbell greatly used by God. The Editor of the Compass Magazine offers this story as a testimony to the efficacy of prayer.
the spiritual bondage persisted, so much so that half way through his address Duncan stopped preaching. Just then he noticed this boy, visibly moved, under deep burden for souls. He thought: “That boy is in touch with God and living nearer to the Saviour than I am.” So leaning over the pulpit he said: “Donald, will you lead us in prayer?” The lad rose to his feet and in his prayer made reference to the fourth chapter of Revelation, which he had been reading that morning: “Oh God, I seem to be gazing through the open door. I see the Lamb in the midst of the Throne, with the keys of death and of hell at His girdle.” He began to sob; then lifting his eyes toward heaven, cried: “O God, there is power there, let it loose!” With the force of a hurricane, the Spirit of God swept into the building, and the floodgates of heaven opened. The church resembled a battlefield. On one side, many lay prostrated over the seats weeping and sighing; on the other side, the affect of the Holy Ghost caused some to throw their arms in the air in a rigid posture. God had come!
mong those converted the following night was a fifteen-year-old boy who became an outstanding helper in the revival. This lad became a “frontline” prayer-warrior. Duncan called at his home one day and found him on his knees in the barn with the Bible open before him. When interrupted he quietly said: “Excuse me a little, Mr. Campbell, I’m having an audience with the King.” Some of the most vivid outpourings of the Spirit during the revival came when he prayed. In the police station, in Barvas, he stood up one night, simply clasped his hands together, and uttered one word “Father.” Everyone melted to tears as the Presence of God invaded the house. In Callenish, he prayed until the power of God laid hold on those who were dead in sins transforming them into living stones in the Church of Jesus Christ. However, the most notable example of God’s anointing upon him was in Bernera, a small island off the coast of Lewis. Duncan was assisting at a Communion service; the atmosphere was heavy and preaching difficult, so he sent to Barvas for some of the men to come and assist in prayer. They prayed, but
a child, I remember singing a catchy song, “read your Bible, pray every day, and you will grow, grow, grow.” I recall enjoying getting on my tiptoes symbolizing how much I would grow. I also recollect my enthusiasm about the tune and the feeling of pride that comes with knowing the lyrics. I did not realize, however, the worth of those lyrics intertwined with the melody. As time progressed, I kept hearing about the efficacy of praying; sometimes, though, I was indifferent to what I heard. Hearing it over and over became mundane, “said to death.” Unfortunately, I had not yet fully grasped the sweetness and fulfillment to be gained from this simple mantra. “…pray every day, and you will grow, grow, grow.” I prayed because it was expected; I felt obligated, and that is what I observed others doing. Over time, however, prayer became more meaningful and personal. I am not sure when it occurred, nor can I fully pinpoint what caused it. I believe it was a combination of maturity, encounters with Jesus, and constant repetition of this truism. Isn’t it ironic? I can undeniably state that life has never been the same. Praying to Jesus - the Only True God - with purpose takes believers on a beautiful adventure in which they get to know more about God and themselves in the process. This endeavor takes good character traits, some of which I will mention. Courage is an attribute that requires one to be real, to approach God without pretense or a mask. If there is ‘Trust’ in God the individual will feel a challenge to pray and believe that the God to whom he speaks will hear, understand and answer. Focus will result in one not allowing anything, anyone, or any situation to distract from pursuing Jesus. Praying with purpose is not without rewards: it gives assurance that Jesus is dependable; that He cares and that He sends results. Praying with purpose offers joy when discouragement comes knocking at your door. It allows the peace that surpasses all understanding to flood your soul in the various storms of life. “Read your Bible, pray every day and you will grow, grow, grow, is not just a catchy song; it is a life-changer. I am not on my tiptoe yet, but the adventure has begun. Come join me!! 6
On the Lighter Side
Azusa Street Revival Trivia Dr. Charles C. Mullings WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER ABOUT THE AZUSA STREET REVIVAL?
1. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost in California at the turn of the 19th Century was called (a) the first rain (b) the former rain (c) the latter rain
10. What was the students’ answer to the assignment given to them by their absent teacher? (a) Demonstration of love (b) speaking in tongues (c) laughing uncontrollably
2. First two to be baptized in Jesus Name during or shortly after the revival in California (a) Parham & Seymour (b) Ewart & Cook (c) Haywood & Bartleman
11. Where in Los Angeles, California did the first set of people get the Holy Ghost? (a) Azusa Street (b) Bonnie Brae Street (c) Hollywood Blvd
3. In what State of USA did Charles Parham establish his school? (a) Kansas (b) California (c) Indiana
12. For what was the dilapidated building at Azusa Street used just prior to the out-pouring of the Holy Ghost there? (a) Warehouse (b) Tombstone Shop (c) Horse Stable
4. Who was the first person in Kansas to receive the Holy Ghost? (a) Seymour (b) Osman (c) Cook
13. Who was the leader of the Azusa Street Revival? (a) Haywood (b) Seymour (c) Parham
5. In which year was the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World formed? (a) 1901 (b) 1913 (c)1906
14. Elder Seymour married a woman who spoke in tongues during the revival. Who was she? (a) Jennie More (b) Ruth Asberry (c) Gladys Osman
6. The church that padlocked it’s doors denying entry to Brother Seymour was (a) Baptist (b) Nazarene (c) Episcopalian 7. He took in Seymour when he was locked-out (a) Ewart (b) Parham (c) Asberry
15. Where did Elder Seymour get the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues? (a) Topeka, Kansas (b) Azusa Street, LA (c) Bonnie Brae Street, LA
8. Religious journalist who spread the good news of the Azusa Street revival throughout all the states of America. (a) Bartleman (b) Parham (c) Haywood 9. Who left the following assignment for his students while he was out of town? This is the assignment: “What was the initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost?” (a) Seymour (b) Haywood (c) Parham
Answer for Azusa Street Revival Quiz Located in the Creative Niche 7
The Record of Theological Seminaries in America
Part 3
J.R. Ensey …Harold J. Ockenga (1905-1985) was one of the early leaders of the Evangelical movement in America. He objected to the strategy of the Fundamentalists. He felt that Fundamentalism promoted a purist church and a separatist theology. He concluded that the history of Fundamentalism was one of splitting and separating— e.g., the formation of Westminster Theological Seminary in 1929 as a reaction to Princeton; the formation of Faith Theological Seminary as a reaction to Westminster; the division of Faith Theological Seminary to found the Covenant Theological Seminary; and finally the breaking away from Faith Theological Seminary to form Biblical Theological Seminary. Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, IN was begun in the late thirties as a reaction to the liberalism at Ashland Theological Seminary. Even so, it is widely accepted that the seminary that has faithfully held to its founding principles and the doctrines about which it came into being, is rare indeed.
in mid-twentieth century moved much of historic, conservative Protestantism to the left of center and made room for the New Socialism of twenty-first century. The spread of the New Evangelicalism in the seminaries came under fire from Dr. Charles Woodbridge: “The New Evangelicalism advocates toleration of error. It is following the downward path of accommodation to error, contamination by error, and ultimate capitulation to error.” Those opposing the New Evangelicalism pointed out that the adherents sought “middle ground” with respect to the theological controversies of the decades of 1960s-1980s. Some called the movement that was widely expressed in the halls of seminaria as “the New Neutralism.” William Ashbrook wrote: “Such neutrality represents a position difficult to maintain in any age, but in a day like ours when the battle is so clearly pitched between Christ and anti-Christ, it is an impossible position. In the realm of things moral and spiritual one must be either right or wrong. In the great fight of faith there is no middle ground on which the neutralist can complacently stand for long, and pronounce his anathemas or his benedictions, as the case may be, upon both sides. He is bound to wind up ere long in one camp or the other, and in a day when God is judging compromise in no uncertain terms, he is most likely to wind up in the wrong camp.” Neutralism was evidenced among the New Evangelicals by their open tolerance of German Liberalism and neoorthodoxy. Woodbridge quotes the president of Fuller Theological Seminary, David Hubbard, who in his inaugural address in 1963 stated: “The seminary should systematically inculcate in its students a theology of mutual tolerance and forgiveness towards those who, by reason of their particular doctrinal convictions, stand heretically over against the confessional lines set down by the first Christian community.” They have evidently followed Hubbard’s advice well. Fuller, established in 1947 as a conservative response to the reorganization and liberalization of Princeton Theological Seminary, is considered by many—perhaps most—Evangelicals to be far left of center in the areas of theology, psychology,
Princeton is a classic example of seminary liberalization. It was the first seminary founded by the Presbyterians in 1812 and has been the largest seminary of that denomination since that time. Princeton was led at times by conservatives and at other times by flaming liberals, and at least one of the liberals was accused of being a communist sympathizer. The first half of the twentieth century saw it go from hosting conservative leaning Keswick Conferences under Francis L. Patton to John MacKay (1889-1983), who assumed the presidency in 1936 to complete its journey into modernism and beyond. MacKay was tainted with collectivism and Marxist ideology (sometimes called “a Presbyterian Red”) and became a leading light in the National and World Council of Churches in the 1940s and 1950s. Those organizations embraced communist sympathies and were said to be infiltrated by hard line Marxists. MacKay had to defend himself before congressional committees as a result of his support for communist causes such as class struggle, Marxism, force and violence, and revolution. I will share more about seminaries and communism later in this paper. The New Evangelicalism that displaced Fundamentalism 8
and sociology.
Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Although integration of psychology with Evangelical theology Well-known Fuller Theological Seminary began to drift was “a Herculean task,” they did indeed succeed and this away from its conservative moorings in the 1950s as helped Fuller to become the liberal school it is today. It they adopted a stance of tolerance of the more liberal also became the largest interdenominational seminary in factions of Evangelicalism. Dr. Woodbridge spoke of the U.S. Fuller’s “apostasy” as early as 1955. That was the year that president Edward J. Carnell resigned rather than Predictably, the doctrine of inerrancy of Scripture compromise what he considered to be high standards. became a stumbling block for conservatives at Fuller. This drift was obviously the result of the desire for Those who intend to bring down the conservative view accreditation through ATS. It was struggling to shed of doctrine and lifestyle invariably go for the jugular its Fundamentalist image in this interest since it was vein of inerrancy. If they can undermine and discredit in danger of losing much of its financial support as a the authority of the Scriptures, then they can proceed in “separatist” institution. any direction they choose with impunity. Consensus of the faculty and overall harmony with the current culture Again, it invariably comes down to personnel—a school become the guiding light and spiritual authority. Once is its faculty, its people. Who will teach? Who will the benchmark of inerrancy is removed there is little serve as administrators? Who will serve on the board to keep the seminary from going off course. From that of trustees? All educational institutions need a base of point it is a slippery slope with no bottom. wealthy trustees and benefactors. That makes a nice chart, but it is fraught with potential problems. Almost Traditionally, seminaries have to constantly be publishing without fail, such benefactors want to exercise power their statements of faith to reassure their constituencies that their monetary investment has bought them. They of their orthodoxy, and that their faculties remain want to make decisions on the doctrinal direction of the subscribed to that statement. This is because so many school, and will usually pull for their choice of president of them tend to err from their foundational doctrines and administrators. More often than not such wealthy and conservative lifestyle principles. The record seems to persons are liberal thinkers, perhaps privileged to be be that the more one is educated outside the context of educated at popular liberal institutions, and will push the biblical truth, the less likely he is to remain faithful to school in the direction of their alma mater. Faced with his faith. the prospect of losing their financial support, the school will drift away from its founding principles and yield to Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) was one of the bestthe whims of a pluralistic trustee board. While it sounds known religious liberals in America during his time. At “progressive” to have a trustee and/or an advisory board Colgate University and Seminary he revolted against that demonstrates “diversity,” the founding principles the orthodox teachings of his youth, being influenced are likely to suffer successful attacks. there by William Newton Clarke, an early and influential proponent of religious modernism and liberalism. He For example, one of Fuller’s trustees appointed during transferred to Union Seminary (also known for its the financial woes of the late 1950s was the wealthy liberal positions on Christian doctrine) and was heavily and influential lumber magnate, Davis Weyerhaeuser. influenced by Walter Rauschenbusch, a pioneer and He promised substantial funds for the seminary if they champion of the social gospel. He later taught for years would install a Department of Psychology. Of course at Union Seminary. they ultimately acquiesced. Since then, that department has earned the reputation of being one of the most Fosdick’s experience is quite common in secular liberal and humanistic psychology programs being universities and theological seminaries. One is “deoffered in seminaries today. Some of my personal friends faithed” by the liberal professors then uses his education have studied there and made shipwreck of their lives and to acquire a teaching post where he spews his liberal ministries as a result. Weyerhaeuser, as chairman of the views into the minds of inquiring students and thereby board, appointed himself to head a search committee re-creates himself. After sitting at the feet of fools for a new president. It’s the story of the golden rule— (Psalm 14:1) for years, Fosdick then proceeded to make he who has the gold makes the rules. Fuller’s innovative fools out of most or all of his students who were willing School of Psychology paved the way for the accreditation to ingest his unbelief. In the introduction to one of his in 1969 of doctoral programs at Fuller, University of books, he wrote, “Obviously, any idea of inspiration Iowa and the University of Southern California by the which implies equal value to the teachings of Scripture, 9
or inerrancy in its statements, or conclusive infallibility of a running gun battle, he resigned but most of the in its ideas, is irreconcilable with such facts as this book faculty resigned with him to show their support. This is presents.” often part of the problem—the professors stick together, and the seminary’s administration was quite willing for Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918) was professor of him to continue teaching there, in effect, thumbing their Church History at Rochester Seminary. His book, A noses at their constituency. Lane was a liberal school Theology of the Social Gospel (1917), was instrumental in a conservative area, and it eventually merged with in turning many students away from a gospel of biblical McCormick Seminary in the more liberal atmosphere of salvation to one of “social justice,” a subjectively defined Chicago. term. It called for a more modernized gospel, “When all other departments of life and thought are silently Cushman McGiffert, one of the professors who left Lane changing…[lifting] the minds of men to demand a Seminary with Smith, moved to the chair of church better expression of Christianity…[than] conservative history at Union Theological Seminary. He was even veneration for old statements.” more radical. He did not believe that John the Baptist even knew Jesus Christ, that his “Behold…” statement Late in the nineteenth century, Dr. Charles A Briggs, a was not historical, and that the disciples did not accept vigorous advocate of higher criticism, was instrumental the deity of Christ. He held that the Bible was filled with in liberalizing Union Theological Seminary. In his inaccuracies, even claiming that Paul espoused heresies. inaugural address to the Seminary in 1891, he launched In writing he attacked the Bible’s verbal inspiration, into an hour and forty-five minute tirade against the inerrancy, authenticity, and authority. When he was authority and authenticity of the Scriptures, calling then faced with charges, he simply withdrew from the the view of inerrancy “bibliolatry.” He also inveighed Presbyterian ministry. However, he kept his position at against the inspiration of the Scriptures, miracles and Union and continued to train Presbyterian ministers, predictive prophecy. The New York Presbytery (Briggs even serving as its president from 1917-1926. The record was Presbyterian) received charges against him but of seminaries is that they are so desperate for degreed they were summarily dismissed. They were renewed personnel that they are willing to tolerate heresy and false and brought before the General Assembly. There they teaching without serious regard for the consequences. found him worthy of suspension from the Presbyterian ministry. Incredibly, he was allowed to retain his teaching to be continued… position at Union Seminary, which had withdrawn from the Presbyterian Church after Briggs’ inauguration message. Three groups emerged—those who strongly opposed Briggs’ views, those who favored them, and a 1 Ibid., p. 93. Likewise Westmont College in Santa third group, the “inclusivists” that felt the denomination Barbara, CA was founded to counter theological drift at should be “broad enough” to include them. This is not other Christian colleges. far removed from the “big umbrella” attitude we are 2 Letter from Herbert Philbrick to Edgar C. Bundy, and seeing in our own movement today. quoted in Edgar C. Bundy, Collectivism in the Churches (Wheaton, IL: The Church League of America, 1958), p. Henry P. Smith of Lane Theological Seminary in 250. Cincinnati agreed with Briggs and defended him publicly 3 Charles Woodbridge, The New Evangelicalism and in writing. When similar charges were placed against (Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 1969); p 15. him the Presbytery suspended him. However, the 4 Ed Dobson, et al.; p. 123. seminary wanted him to keep teaching. After three years
Think About it
AVE MARIA beautiful BUT…
by Annette Taylor-Spence
There is no disputing the fact that Ave Maria is a beautiful musical composition. When the Latin words are sung to the music, it transports us to heights of “worship” and wraps us with feelings of “love” even when those of us who speak English do not know what the words mean. So let us look at the original Latin text and the English translation: Latin Text: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. English Translation: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen. http://classicalmusic.about.com/od/classicalmusictips/qt/ave_maria_latin_prayer.htm For those of us who believe the Word of God in 1Timothy 2:5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; the knowledge that this “beautiful” song is non-scriptural should stop us in our tracks. Yes, I know it includes the words of the angel Gabriel in Luke 1:28 when the announcement was made of the impending birth of Jesus; and it combines them with the words of Elizabeth in Luke 1:42 when she visited Mary, but in the context of being a prayer to Mary, it is non-scriptural nonetheless. Gabriel followed instructions according to his divine mission and Elizabeth responded as led by God. We, however, were never given a mandate to revere Mary the mother of Jesus in like fashion. Our mandate was given in 1Timothy 2:5 as stated above which is in direct contradiction to the Ave Maria prayer. Hosea 4:6 states, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: To those of us who believe in the Oneness of God, who believe that the fullness of the Godhead rests in Jesus, I share this information so that we can make informed choices. When you consider using Ave Maria at your events, think about the message, and if this is not aligned with your doctrinal belief then do not send conflicting messages by choosing it, despite how melodious it sounds. If you would not say the Rosary then maybe you should not be singing Ave Maria. 12
Mountains Of The Bible by Dr. Ivy Armstrong 1.
Noah’s ark rested upon Mount___________after the great flood.
Abraham sacrificed his son of Promise, Isaac upon Mount _________.
In the battle of the kings, the Horites were smitten in Mount ________.
Upon Mount_________ The Lord spoke to Moses from the burning bush.
Moses received the Ten Commandments from God upon Mount _______.
The Lord instructed Israel to pronounce blessings on Mount _______.
The Lord instructed Israel to pronounce curse upon Mount ________.
Aaron was relieved of his priestly duties and died upon Mount _______.
Upon the Mount ________ Laban overtook the fleeing Jacob
Moses viewed the Promised Land from Mount ________and did not enter in.
Upon Mount _______________ Elijah destroyed the prophets of Baal.
Mount __________________ surrounds the city of Jerusalem.
King Saul’s Death took place upon Mount _______________.
The lord Jesus was transfigured upon Mount______________.
The Lord Jesus ascended to heaven from Mount _____________.
Answer for MOUNTAINS OF THE BIBLE located in the Creative Niche
he term apologetics is derived from the classic Greek word ‘apologia’ which means “speaking in defense.” It is the discipline of defending a position, often religious, through systematic use of information.
biblical manuscript transmission, philosophy, mathematics, logic, biology and evolution, it can also consist of simply giving an answer to a biblical passage. The latter case is, by far the most common and one is not required to get into intellectual enquiries to do this apologetics.
Apologetics is a verbal defense used in the New Testament. Probably the most famous verse that is commonly associated with Christian Apologetics is 1 Peter 3:15 “...but in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (NIV) Apologetics, therefore, is the task of convincing people to change their views and see it the “Bible way.”
Apologetics is similar to preaching because, in both situations, the goal is ultimately the defense and presentation of the validity and necessity of the gospel. It is always an attempt to persuade the listener to change his beliefs and lifestyle to conform to the biblical truth thus enabling him to come to a saving relationship in Christ.
For convenience, we can divide apologetics into offensive Christian apologetics is the branch of Christianity that deals and defensive. Paul, writing to the Corinthians in 2 Cor. with answering any and all critics who oppose or question 10:5, shows instructions for offensive apologetics. “We the revelation of God in Christ, and the Bible. Although demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up apologetics can be deeply intellectual, including studies in against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every 14
thought to make it obedient to Christ. On the other hand in Phiippians l 1:7 we see the defensive side: “It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.”(NIV)
12:32). It is not evidence that convicts a person of his sins, but the Holy Ghost (John 16:8). That is why we need to rely on God and trust that He will use our defense of the truth for His glory and their benefit. To ignore prayer in apologetics is to be prideful. It is the same as saying we don’t need God. We need to pray for those who are lost, those who cannot see the truth of the Oneness of God, pray for their minds to be opened, pray that God’s words will penetrate them and dislodge unbelief from them, pray that our witness will be strong, and pray that the evil one will not have a foothold within us. We are fighting a spiritual battle and need spiritual tools. Prayer is the most important of them all.
As an apologist, one can and should defend his reasons for believing, but he can also go into the attack mode and seek out those who oppose the apostolic doctrine and have a debate with the opposition. One of the greatest areas of apologetics is occurring in Christianity itself. It is Oneness Apostolic (Pentecostal) doctrine versus Trinitarian theology. We have listened to numerous intellectual discourses between Oneness adherents and Trinity proponents using evidential or classic apologetics. The Evidence Doctrine toted by Oneness believers – speaking in tongues as the initial sign that a person has received the gift of the Holy Ghost – is fiercely debunked by people of Trinitarian persuasion. In these debates the use of evidence, reason, philosophy, and logic are employed. The question is, should the apologist use only those criteria acceptable to the scholar?
It is the Lord who opens the heart and mind, not you (Acts 16:14). Ask God for guidance (John 14:14). Ask for blessing in your understanding (James 1:5) and your speech (Col 4:6). Ask the Lord to also open your understanding to His word (Luke 24:45). This is what He does.
Prayer brings humility to the one who is praying. It admits dependence on God. If we are humble and dependent on God, we are more likely to hear His voice. Prayer means that you are seeking divine intervention. It works power The Oneness apologist is critically aware that the use of to your words, changes your heart, and moves you closer reason, logic, or systematic argument without sincere and to God. gut-wrenching prayer cannot convict the opposition. Jesus chose one highly-educated, religious person and one doctor Being a great oneness apologist is not a badge of honor to as apostles. That was Paul and Luke, the rest were fishermen, be worn on the lapel. It is not a demonstration of one’s a tax collector, etc. They were normal people of the day who intellectual abilities or even praying abilities. Rather, it is a were available and willing to be used by the Lord. They were response to the calling of God upon him/her filled with the Spirit of God, and they were used as vessels of (1 Peter 3:15), that is to be undertaken with love and God. God uses all things for His glory. So, we do apologetics humility: Love of people and humility before God. by prayer and faith as well. To be involved in apologetics, therefore, does not require that you have ecclesiastical We can never allow the study and practice of apologetics training or years in seminary. However, it does mean that to replace the power, received by faith, in prayer. We must the individual should be willing to yield himself/herself ask God to empower the words of the apologist and open in prayer and ask God for instruction on how to make a the hearts of those with whom he speaks…then study and defense of the faith that lies within. Prayerfully take your witness to the best of our abilities. case to God and start studying. We can testify to the times when a verse or passage of Scripture suddenly “come alive” One of the ways to find out what God wants us to study is as we pray. Prayer, therefore, becomes the greatest weapon through circumstances. A missionary may come to your of the Oneness Apostolic Apologist. door and try to debate the Deity of Christ with you, and you find you don’t know how to defend it biblically. In that case, One of the dangers of the Oneness apologist is falling into you know you need to study biblical verses that teach Jesus the trap of relying on his own intellectual abilities to try and is God in flesh, or maybe an agnostic asks how you know wrestle someone into the kingdom of God. I am sad to say the Bible is true? If you don’t have an answer, pray, and that I have been guilty of this. start researching. Go to a Christian bookstore and get some Pride hides itself in the heart so it cannot be seen. When books on the subject. Talk to your pastor. You will learn. we find ourselves relying on our own knowledge instead of God’s word, mercy, and grace, then we have fallen into the trap. It is not logic that draws people to God but Jesus (John 15
ishop Garfield Thomas Haywood (July 15, 1980 – April 12, 1931) was an African-American, a multitalented person, and a man of vision. He was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, an architect, a painter, a poet, and a prolific writer of tracts, journals, books, and songs. He served as the first Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World from 1925 - 1931 Bishop Haywood traveled extensively, both in the United States and foreign countries, preaching and teaching the Word of God. He owned his own printing shop and printed all of Christ Temple’s literature and many tracts. When he could not travel, his tracts traveled instead. Many of his writings were translated into various foreign languages. They went to Russia, China, Japan, India, Africa, Wes Indies, and Israel. Among his many accomplishments, he purchased a building to be used as a saints’ home for those who were homeless. This home served as a home for elderly saints and visiting ministers and saints during their stay in Indianapolis. EARLY LIFE Garfield T. Haywood was born in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1880 and moved to Haughville, a neighborhood in Indianapolis, at the age of three. As a child, he attended School 52 and then Shortridge High School. Haywood was employed by the Indianapolis Freeman and Indianapolis Recorder newspapers as a cartoonist.[1] Bishop Haywood was the husband of one wife, Ida, who was a very powerful woman in the Oneness Movement. To that union was born one daughter. MINISTRY Bishop G. T. Haywood was one of the greatest pioneers of Oneness theology. He was a contemporary of William Seymour, the greatest name in the Azusa Street Revival. In 1908, he received the gift of the Holy Ghost accompanied with speaking in tongues. Less than one year later he was offered the assistant pastorate at a storefront church in Indianapolis, Indiana. In 1909 the Pastor of the church left town and gave the church over to Elder Haywood. Between 1909 – 1915 the church grew to 465 congregants. Bishop Haywood’s influence crossed ethnic boundaries; [2]
by 1913, Christ Temple had a bi-racial membership that grew to 1500.[3] Around 1915, Bishop Haywood received a copy of Frank Ewart’s paper Meat in Due Season, which argued for, Jesus’ Name doctrine. [2] In response, Haywood invited evangelist Glenn A. Cook to preach at Christ Temple. Cook was the first, in this era, along with Frank W. Ewart to be baptized in Jesus Name. Bishop Haywood did not believe the message and new baptismal formula preached by Brother Cook. He went home and sought the Lord, resulting in Bishop Haywood and his congregation converting to Oneness Pentecostalism, by baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. This was the beginning of the dynamic ministry of Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood, facilitating the spread of Oneness Pentecostalism throughout Indiana.[2]
of the Oneness movement. Many of his hymns, published in The Bridegroom Songs, a hymnal printed at Christ Temple, his Indianapolis church, are distinctly Apostolic. The chorus of “Do All in Jesus’ Name” copyrighted in 1923 says: Preach in Jesus name, teach in Jesus name, Heal the sick in His name and always proclaim It was Jesus’ Name in which the power came; Baptize in His Name, enduring the shame, For there is vict’ry in Jesus’ name
Similarly, the refrain of Bishop Haywood’s “The Lord of Lords says: He’s Lord of lords and King of kings, The Beginning and the end, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, The dying sinner’s Friend. If you will hear His voice, Be buried in His name, The third general counsel of the Assemblies of God Then the Comforter will come to abide. convened in October 1915 on the agenda was a debate on the merits of the new Jesus’-name doctrine vs Bishop Haywood was also an author and Oneness the traditional Trinitarian doctrine. G.T. Haywood apologist. He wrote tracts, such as “The Victim of and E. N. Bell spoke on behalf of the Jesus’ Name the Flaming Sword” and “The Finest of Wheat” doctrine; Collins and Jacob Miller spoke in the as well as published The Voice in the Wilderness, negative. The result was a draw, and the agreement a publication that became the official organ of the was to readdress the topic at the fourth general Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in 1925.[6] council in October 1916. The fourth general council, enacted a statement of faith which soundly rejected Bishop Haywood was a prolific painter; two of his Jesus’-name doctrine, causing just over one fourth of paintings are still hanging in his church, Christ the ministers, including Bishop Haywood, to leave Temple in Indianapolis. Additionally he was a poet. the Assembles of God. In 1911 Bishop Haywood had become affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies The following is one of the many poems he wrote: of the World (PAW) and after his conversion helped Out from His bosom burning and hot convert the origination to Oneness Pentecostalism. Drifting with fever straight to the spot Many of the former Assemblies of God ministers God breathes inspiration straight to the heart that left in 1916 formed the General Assembly of the His soul and his message every atom takes part Apostolic Assemblies. At the start of WWI, this group merged with the PAW in order for its ministers Every fiber assisting and giving reprove to obtain noncombatant status. The new and Like hailstones cutting down hard on the roof interracial organization appointed Bishop Haywood Burning and shining black roof and bright as its general chairman. By 1924, the PAW split Consuming the chaff, illuminating the night on racial lines due to logistical and social problems created by Jim Crow laws. Bishop Haywood Nothing secret uncovered remain received the appointment of Bishop over the newly Till mean men promise from sin to refrain reorganized PAW.[4] Word delivered sin disgraced Like vanishing leaves no blot to retrace G.T. Haywood, first Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, is perhaps the Praise mingled, weeping mother and son most beloved of all Oneness composers. His songs “I An action to prove of the good that’s done See a Crimson Stream of Blood” and “Jesus, the Son Fearless expounder of God’s Holy writ of God” gained widespread popularity even outside Alone makes mortal more heavenly fit 17
Seek not the authors of pulpit control Lest God! Lest God, blame you for some soul Bishop Haywood became ill but had an obligation to fulfill in Jamaica West Indies. He did not want to disappoint, so he went; he died shortly after his return to the States. After his death in 1931, Bishop Haywood’s burial was in Crown Hill Cemetery, and in 1980, the city of Indianapolis renamed the segment of Fall Creek Drive where Christ Temple stands, Bishop Garfield T. Haywood Memorial Way.[7][1] Bishop Haywood was a tireless defender of Oneness doctrine; and when he died, he left behind not only scores of hymns but a large body of apologetic tracts, sermons, and books. Bishop Haywood was a multi-talented person and a man of vision. He was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, an architect, and a prolific writer of tracts, journals, books and songs.
REFERENCES 1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Ray Boomhower “Haywood, Garfield Thomas” The Encyclopedia of Indianapolis 1994 2. ^ Jump up to: a b c Ewart, Frank (1947). The Phenomenon of Pentecost. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press. ISBN 978-0-932581-91-4. 3. Jump up ^ Being Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood Retrieved 2010-1-1 4. Jump up ^ Bernard, David (1999). A History of Christian Doctrine. Hazelwood, MO: Word Aflame Press. pp. 70–91. ISBN 1-56722-221-8. 5. Jump up ^ Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs: the Music of Early Oneness Believers Retrieved 2010-1-1 6. Jump up ^ Pentecost in Print: Papers and Tracts from Pentecostal Pioneers Retrieved 2010-1-2 7. Jump up ^ Garfield Thomas Haywood Retrieved 2010-1-2
THE EDITORIAL STAFF WISHES TO THANK THE FOLLOWING PASTORS WHO HAVE GIVEN THEIR SUPPORT TO COMPASS MAGAZINE. THEY HAVE ENABLED THIS PUBLICATION TO REACH MANY PEOPLE IN OUR JURISDICTION WITH A MAGAZINE PRODUCED BY PENTECOSTALS FOR THE BENEFIT OF PENTECOSTALS. This is a first in this area, and we are truly grateful for your interest in helping congregants maintain doctrinal integrity. We hope other Pastors will join in this effort. As always, thanks! Pastor Nyron Allen Dr. G. Oliver Barnes Bishop Ronald Cameron Pastor Hector Carpenter Bishop Benjamin Carter Pastor Lloyd Daley Pastor Ansel Drummond Pastor Clifton Ebanks Pastor David Elms Pastor Josephine Gallimore Pastor Johnny D. Hamby Pastor Mark Hattabaugh Bishop Dafton James Pastor Imogene Johnson Pastor Daniel R. Kyle Bishop Ernest McDonald 18
Bishop Henry J. McKoy, Sr. Pastor E. Paul McKoy Pastor Josephine Mitchell Pastor Keith Moore Dr. Charles C. Mullings Pastor Hensel Reid Dr. Harry & Dr. Sharon Scott Bishop Izett Scott Pastor Emmanuel Smith Pastor Carlton Smith Pastor S. Robert Stewart Pastor Royston Tracey Pastor Steve Walker Pastor Wayne Williams Pastor Winsome Young
Bible Quiz Please place the right bird in the Scripture Quotation
11. Of all clean birds ye shall eat, but these are they of which ye shalt not eat: The ___________ and the and the ___________and the Deuteronomy 15: 16
A) Chicken, B) Rooster, C) Hawk, D) Eagle, E) Dove, F) Peacock, G) Raven, H) Vulture, I) Quail, J) Ostrich, K) Stork, L) Crane , M) Turtledove, N) Sparrow, O) Pelican. P) Swallow, Q) Cormorant, R) Falcon, S) Kite, T) Heron, U) Ossifrage, V) Screeh Owl, W)Swan, X) Lapwing, Y) Glede, Z) Cuckow, A1) Ospray, B2) Great Owl, B3) Little Owl, C4) Gier Eagle ----------------------------------------------------------------1.John The Baptist saw The Spirit of God descending like a _________And lighting upon Jesus Matt 3:16
12 Are not two _______________ are sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father . Matt 10:29 13. Like a ______________ or a ____________ so did I chatter, I did mourn as a _______________ mine eyes fail with looking upward. Isaiah 38:14 14 ‌These are they of which thou shalt not eat _________ and the ____________and the ______________after his kind Deut:15:
2. Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered your children together as A _________ gathers her ________under her wings , and you would not. Matt 23:37
15. And every _______________________after his kind Deut:15:
3. Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bare you on ______________ wings and brought you unto Myself. Exodus 19:3-4
16.And when the days of her purification were accomplished ‌to offer a sacrifice according to the law of the Lord , a pair of __________ or two young 4. Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made. ___________Luke 2:22&23 And he sent forth a ____________ which went forth to and from until the waters were dried up from off the earth. 17. These are they of which ye shall not eat ..And the Gen 8:6-7 little ______________ and the great _________and the ___________ Deuteronomy 15:16 5. Doth the __________ fly by thy wisdom and stretch her wings toward the south? Job39:26 18. But the ___________ and the _________ shall posssess it the __________ also and the ________ 6 And it shall be that thou shall drink of the brook and I shall dwell in it and he shall stetch out upon it the lie of have commanded the ________ to feed thee (Elijah) there confusion and the stones of emptiness Isaiah 34:11 1 kings 17:4. 7. As the bird by wandering as the _______ by flying , so the curse causeless shall not come Proverbs 26:2
19 The ______________ shall rest there and find herself a place of rest. There shall the ____________ And lay and hatch and gather under her shadow there shall the _____________ also be gathered every one with her mat. make her nest Isaiah 34:14&15
8. Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the________ or wings and feathers unto the ______ which leaveth her eggs in the earth. and warmeth them in the dust. Job 39:13&14
20. (And these are they of which ye shall not eat and the ______________, and the ______________ and the __________ V17 And the ______________ And ______________________ after her kind and the _________________ Deutronomy 15:18
9. Doth the ___________ hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings towards the south? 10 The beasts of the field shall honor me the dragons and the _______________ because I give waters in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Isaiah 43:20 19
or the past nine years Pastor Terry Sartain has ministered to police officers and their families in Charlotte, N.C. Whenever the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. invited him to deliver an invocation, he prayed in “the name of Jesus.” But not anymore. Volunteer chaplains in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. will no longer be allowed to invoke the name of Jesus in prayers at public events held on government property. Major John Diggs, who oversees the chaplain program, said the policy is a “matter of respecting that people may have different faiths and that it is not aimed at any one religion or denomination.”
at a promotion ceremony. Before the for their sins on the cross, who wants event, he received a telephone call to reconcile himself to them and love from his superior major. them where they are, and now I’m told I can’t bless people as a result of that.” “I was told chaplains can no longer invoke the name of Jesus on The police department said he could government property,” Sartain said. still pray—just not to Jesus. “[He said] if I could refrain from that during the invocation he would Editor: If a few Christians live in a appreciate that.” Muslim country, could they dictate to the authorities that they cannot Sartain said he was surprised by the pray in the name of Allah? We are telephone call. The pastor said he has in a Christian country but any other prayed “consistently” in the name of religion can dictate to us that we Jesus at past police department events cannot speak in governmental arena in without any issues. “I’m very sad about the name of Jesus. That was the same it,” he said. “I’m a pastor and Jesus is the principle used to remove prayer from only thing I have to offer to bless people schools. Where will the Christian – his life and his person. It brings about community – the overwhelming Sartain, the pastor of Horizon Christian a very real concern about where we are majority - draw the line? Fellowship, told Fox News Radio he heading as a nation. I serve a God who was scheduled to give an invocation loves people unconditionally, who died
Warica Workshop, Inc. Poetry - Storytelling - Cultural Displays
Ivy Claudette Armstrong Phone: (954) 430-8141 Email: msivy4229@aol.com
The Crystal Door
And I awe-struck by that Crystal Door Lingered… never would have moved at all Transformed by God’s Almighty Power I heard My Master’s Blessed Call Faded my glorious, surreal Scene And I no more in doubt would dwell Nothing now glowed where all had been I was assured –All shall be well – “
Dr. Ivy Armstrong
I dared to pause from the heat of Time From the flood-gates watered by greed I dared to break free from the broad way From the road mislabeled “Need.” Resting upon God’s Great Grace I gazed with awe and tear-filled eye Hidden in a lonesome, secret place, Under the canopy of the sky
I felt the Power of His Presence There I Heard the pure Timbre of His Truth Touched the beauty of earnest prayer, Drank from the wine-cup of Youth! Then I returned to the toilsome road The road that’s ever broad and free Travelers were bending beneath their load But my heavy load was gone from me….
I sought for the blessing of God’s Face And the Peace His Blessings bring -With great tenderness and wondrous Grace My Savior drew me beneath His Wing And in that nestling love-locked stance My Lord fed me from Heaven’s Store In the gentle dawn as though in trance I beheld The Wondrous Crystal Door!
I dared to enter The Open Door, I dared to leave the pressing throng I dared to claim God’s Promises sure And The Lord gave me a Brand New Song!
Amazing! A more beautiful sight Than I’d ever in life seen before A Door of emeralds and rubies red Of Topaz’s warm amber light, Sapphires of deepest ocean blue And diamond’s translucent, bright! Glowing in rich, resplendent hue An incredibly, overwhelming sight.
I spent a moment with the Master At the end of my day Giving Him thanks for having been with me In all that I had to do and say.
A Moment with the Master Michelle Davis
Each moment spent with the Master, Was a blessing to my soul It brought peace and satisfaction That left me feeling whole.
I spent a moment with the Master When I woke with the dawn Giving thanks for life and rest And another precious morn.
That joy and peace can also be yours if you, too, will choose to spend A moment with the Master And on His strength, depend.
I spent a moment with the Master As my journey I began Seeking divine protection and Committing myself to His care.
So, although your day may be filled With many things to do Just spend a moment with the Master And let Him see you through
I spent a moment with the Master As my tasks I prepared to do Asking for wisdom and understanding And divine guidance, too.
Chevone Wilkinson P – urposefully pursuing the King of kings – Jesus R – ecognizing His goodness, His worth, His awesome power A – dmiration and adoration for who He is Y – earning for His presence and His direction E – xalting His name, expecting great things R – edirecting attention to the Redeemer and Restorer, the Problem-Solver
Azusa Street Revival Quiz Answers (1) c (2) b (3) a (4) b (5) c (6) b (7) c (8) a (9) c (10) b (11) b (12) c (13) b (14) a (15) c MOUNTAINS OF THE BIBLE ANSWERS 1.(ARARAT- GEN. 8:4) 2.(MORIAH-GEN.22:2) 3.(SEIR – GEN 14:6) 4.(HOREB-GEN.31:7,) 5.(SINAI- EX.16:1) 6.(GERIZIM- DEUT 11:29) 7.(EBAL- DET.11:29 ) 8.(HOR-NUM.20:22,) 9.(GILEAD-GEN.31:21,) 10. (NEBO DEUT 32:49) 11.(CARMEL -1KINGS Ch18) 12.(ZION PS. 87:2) 13.(GILBOA- 1 SAM 31:8) 14.(HERMON-MK. 9:2) 15.(OLIVET-MATT.21:1) 23
DIRECTORY OF PASTORS Pastor Nyron Allen Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Miami 838 NW 183 Street, Miami, Fl 33169 Phone: 305-652-7474 | 305-206-5535
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. Intercessory Prayer Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study
Pastor Hector Carpenter First United Church (Apostolic)
550 E. Jackson St Kissimmee. FL 34746 Phone: 407-847-4009 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School: 10:00 am Morning Worship: 11:30 am Evening Service: 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study - 7:00 pm Thursday Fasting 11:00 am Friday Young People’s Service 7:00 pm
Pastor Ansel Drummond Harvest Time Apostolic
5808 Mayo Street Hollywood, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 966-8444 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am –11 am Morning Worship 11:15 am Evening Worship 7 pm – 9 pm Wednesday Bible Study 7 pm – 9 pm Friday Youth Meeting 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Pastor Josephine Gallimore Oneness Apostolic Church
1826 NW 38th Avenue Lauderhill, Florida 33311 Phone: (954) 735-6010 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 10:30 AM Sunday School 11:45 AM Sun. Morning Worship 7:00 PM Evangelistic Service Monday 7:30 PM Prayer Friday 7:30 PM Youth Service
Bishop Dafton James Holiness Born Again
6452 Pembroke Road, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 987-1448 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 11:30AM -Sunday Worship 7:00PM -Revival Service Tuesday 7:30PM -Bible Study Wednesday 12 noon-Fasting & Prayer Meeting Friday 7:15 pm Youth Service
Pastor Daniel R. Kyle Pentecostals of The Palm Beaches
Palm Beach Central High School 8499 W. Forest Hill Blvd. | Wellington, FL 33411 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 10 am Sunday School (Bldg 4&5) Discipleship Classes 1&2 (Bldg 4/Rm103) Adult Classes (Auditorium) 11 a.m. Praise and Worship (Auditorium) Wednesday 7 p.m. Bible Study (Auditorium) 7 p.m. Youth Service (Chorus Room) Spanish Services also Available
Dr. G. Oliver Barnes Faith Tabernacle UPCI
5770 West Oakland Park Blvd | Lauderhill, Florida 33313 Telephone: 954-486-4013 | Fax: 954-572-1449 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 10 am-11 am Morning Worship 11am -1:30 pm Evening Worship (1st & 3rd Sun) - 6:30 pm-8:45 pm Wednesday Bible Study - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday Prayer Service - 6 am to 8 am
Bishop Benjamin F. Carter, Jr.
Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church of Avon Park 117 Ernest E. Sims Street Avon Park, Florida 33825 Phone: (863) 453-2374
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Morn. Glory (Prayer) 10:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 12:00 noon Sunday Evening 6:30 pm Wednesday Midweek Prayer Service 7:30 pm Friday Bible Study & Youth Activities 7:30 pm
Pastor Clifton Ebanks Faith United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 1637 State Rd. 7 (441) | North Lauderdale, FL 33068 Phone: (954) 917-5031
WEEKLY SERVICES Blessing of Babies First Sundays Sundays 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class Fridays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Johnny D. Hamby Pentecostal Lighthouse Church
21121 Judge Winikoff Rd, Boca Raton FL 33428 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Praise & Worship Service 3:00 p.m. Tuesdays Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Fridays Prayer 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Pastor Odane James The Transformation Center
2802 State Road 60 E Valrico, FL 33594 www.itransformationcenter.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 12 p.m. Children Ministry Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian Education Saturdays 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 9 a.m. Ministerial Training
Bishop Ernest McDonald Emmanuel Apostolic Miramar
6114 SW 35th Court, Miramar, FL 33023 Phone: (954) 983-2558 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Fasting 7:30 p.m. Prayer / Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m. Ladies/Men(1st) Youth Service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) Saturdays Prayer 8 a.m. -10 a.m.
Bishop Ronald Cameron Heaven Bound Apostolic Church of FL Inc 20923 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33169 Phone: (954) 974-5603 Cell: (786) 234-3299
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School: 10:30 am Midday Service: 12:00 Noon Evening Service: 7:30 pm Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm Thursday Bible Study - 7:30 pm Friday Youth Service 7:30 pm
Pastor Lloyd Daley
Gospel Assembly Church of Jesus Christ 7771 Pleasant Hill Rd, Lithonia GA 3005 Phone: (770) 482-8250
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service Wednesday 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 PM Youth Meeting
Pastor David Elms
Cathedral of Pentecost
5500 S. Pine Island Road, Davie, FL 33328 Phone: (954) 434-0405 | Web: cathedralofpentecost.com WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays
09:00 A.M. Adult Sunday School 09:00 A.M. J. O. Y. Church 10:00 A.M. Worship & Word 10:30 A.M. Sunday School (Pre-K-Md Sch)
Tuesday Evenings
07:30 P.M. Adult Bible Study Worship
7:00 P.M. Prayer
Rev. Mark Hattabaugh
The Pentecostals of Cooper City
5201 South Flamingo Road, | Cooper City, Florida 33330 www.the-pentecostals.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Haitian Service 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 7 p.m. S. Florida Bible Institute Wednesday 6:45 a.m. AM Prayer 10:00 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Bible Study /
Pastor Imogene Johnson Power of Deliverance Ministry 3090 NW 60th Ave | Sunrise, FL 33313 (754) 234-4357
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sunday School 10:30 am Midday Worship 11:30 am Evening Worship 7:30 pm Tuesday Bible Study 7:30 pm Thursday Del. Service 7:30 pm Friday Young People on The Move 7:30 pm
Bishop Henry J. McKoy Sr. True Witness Apostolic Church
185 NW 30th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: (954) 984-9795 / true Weekly Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Midday Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service (nightly) Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m Youth Ablaze (Every 3rd Friday)
Pastor E. Paul McKoy True Witness Apostolic Church
185 NW 30th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Phone: (954) 984-9795 / true Weekly Services Sundays 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Midday Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Service (nightly) Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m Youth Ablaze (Every 3rd Friday)
Pastor Keith Moore Bread of Life Community Church 4710 NW 165 St | Miami Gardens, FL WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Morning Worship 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Tuesday Prayer & Bible Teaching 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Dr. Harry & Dr. Sharon Scott Apostolic Tabernacle Church
210 North ‘J’ Street Lake Worth, FL 33460 www.AtChurchLakeWorth.org | (561)540-4542 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday Worship 11:00 am 2nd & 4th 7:00 pm Tuesday Prayer 7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Class 7:30 pm Friday (1st & 3rd) 7:30 pm Prayer & Deliverance Service
Pastor Carlton Smith
Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic 2900 NW 27th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-485-0190
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Consecration Prayer 12:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. Young People’s Service Wednesdays11a.m. Fasting /Prayer Fridays 7:30 p.m. Bible Class
Bishop Royston Tracey
Pentecostal Assemblies Apostolic Church 1535 NW 15TH AVE FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Winsome Young The Original Apostolic Church, Inc 3500 NW 15th St | Lauderhill, FL 33311 (754) 422-3119
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 12:00 p.m. Divine Worship 7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Wednesday Prayer and Fasting 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Study
Bishop Samuel Miller
Power Line Pentecostal Ministries
278 N.E. 35th Court Oakland Park, FL 33334 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9:00 a.m. Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Fasting 7:30 p.m. Prayer / Bible Study Fridays 7:30 p.m. Ladies/Men(1st) Youth Service (2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th) Saturdays Prayer 8 a.m. -10 a.m.
Bishop Charles C. Mullings First United Church Apostolic - Miami 3003 NW 207 Street | Miami Gardens, FL 33056 (786) 398-1136 WEEKLY SERVICES
Sundays 10:30 a.m. Christian Education 11:45 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesday 7:00 PM Bible Study Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. Prayer Monday - Saturday - Prayer (Online) 1-559-546-1700; Code # 631047 (You must have free long distance in USA) Friday 7:00 PM Youth Service
Bishop Izett Scott
First United Church Apostolic – Ft. Lauderdale 3280 N State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays Sun. School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Evening Worship 6:00 pm Monday Prayer Service 8:00 pm Wednesday Night Family Bible Study 8:00 pm Friday (1st&3rd) Youth 8:00 pm (4th) FUC Women of Purpose 7:30-9:00 pm
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Pentecostal Tabernacle International
18415 NW 7th Ave | Miami Gardens, FL 33169 www.pentab.org WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 9 a.m. First Fruits Prayer 10:00 a.m. Christian Education 11:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Tuesday 10 a.m Fasting and Prayer 6:00 p.m Men’s Prayer Wednesdays10 a.m. Staff Devotion 7:30 p.m. Pastor’s Forum / Youth Srv Fridays 7:30 p.m Evening Prayer
Pastor Steve Walker Gospel Light Apostolic Church 4710 NW 165 St | Miami Gardens, FL Phone: 305-624-6875; 305-621-4937
WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Friday Youth Power - 8:00 p.m.
Pastor Josephine Mitchell Gospel Tabernacle Church
704 SW 27th Ave Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33312 Phone: 754 246-9772 WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday: 10:00am - Morning Bible Class 11:30am - Family Worship 7:00pm - Evangelistic Service Tuesday: 7:30pm-Prayer Meeting & Bible Study Wednesday: Fasting Service (10am -1pm) Friday: 7:30pm – Youth Meeting
Pastor Hensel Reid (President) Banner of Love Apostolic Church - Miami 11663 NW 7 Ave Miami FL, 33168 banneroflovemiami@yahoo.com
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Pastor Emmanuel Smith Apostolic Refuge Tabernacle
7201 West Sample, Coral Springs, FL 33065 Phone: (954) 709-1986 WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 7:00 PM Evangelistic Service Wednesday 7:30 PM Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 PM Youth Meeting
Bishop George Taylor United Church of Jesus Christ
1050 S. Dixie Hwy, Hollywood, FL 33020 www.ucjcah.org/ WEEKLY SERVICES Sunday Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Tuesday Bible Class 7:30 p.m. Thurday Prayer Service - 12 p.m. Friday Youth Service - 7:30 p.m.
Pastor Wayne Williams
Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Church 1008 Peel Street Avon Park, FL 33825
WEEKLY SERVICES Sundays 10 a.m. Sunday School 11:45 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 p.m. Sunday Night Worship Tuesdays 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting / Bible Class every other week Wednesdays 10 a.m. Fasting Srv Fridays 8 p.m. Young People’s Meeting
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. (Acts 20:28 KJV) 25
South Florida Bible Institute admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. 27
WHO’S WHO AMONG ONENESS APOSTOLICS Nominate an Apostolic person who has contributed significantly (i.e. community service, spiritual guidance) to the Apostolic church. Submit: • A brief description of the nominee’s contributions • A clear color photograph of the nominee (passport – size) Submissions should be sent to compasstolics@gmail.com@gmail.com no later than December 15, 2013
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tell us how you feel about the articles in The Compass. E-mail your comments along with your full name, address and phone number to compasstolics@gmail.com. Your submissions may be included in our next issue. Letters included in this publication may be edited for length and clarity. Submissions must be received no later than December 15, 2013 to be considered.
PROFILE OF CHURCHES Two or three churches will be highlighted in the next issue of The Compass. Please submit a brief profile of your church along with accompanying pictures to: compasstolics@gmail.com. Please submit your entry to reach The Compass by December 15, 2013 to be considered for inclusion. The Editorial Board will decide the entries that will be in the next issue.
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