Desmond Wedderburn

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It hasn’t really hit me yet that the General has made his transition. Hard to believe that the man who wore many hats and played many roles in my life: My chief advisor, mentor, my daily dose of laughter, uncle, father-figure, my parri is no longer here to call and shout “Wah a go dung D.” Notwithstanding, I wanted his suffering to be over so I am relieved that he is now out of it.


I tend not to leave anything up to chance or pay much thought to good luck, but I do consider myself one of the very fortunate ones because of the role that Desi played in my life. He was not just the average uncle you would see only at family gatherings or a few scattered times throughout the year. He was far more than that for me. From as far back as I can remember, Desi was the one who took on the role of a father in the absence of my very own father. He had a special bond with my mother Blossom who was his older sister by a few years. If you knew Desi well, you know that he would do anything for his family especially his sisters who he loved and cherished. Helping Blossom to raise me was one such example. One would say that my mother raised me in a soft, sweet, and loving way and many would even say “Blossom spoiled Brian.” Uncle Desi was determined however to sour up that sweetness and balance things out so “the boy nuh grow up soft.” When my mother migrated to the US in my early teenage years, she didn’t even think twice about who would care for me in her absence. She was confident that Desi would do everything to guide, nurture and provide for her only child and that he did. When she transitioned in 1985, he was even more determined to keep me focused, instill good values so that I would amount to something and make her proud. While I got his tough love and we didn’t always see eye to eye, he did his best and I was never in need. Looking back now and as I raise my own z sons, I know that Desi just wanted the best for me. He taught me more about life than anyone else ever did. I learned to be strong, resilient, ambitious, and to be a go-getter all because of Desi. I am who I am today because of him. Walk Good My General~ Donovan T. Brown (Brian)

Family tribute from the Mcalmon and Allwood. Family: Our deepest condolences to the Wedderburn’s family. Desmond our beloved cousin and friend gone too soon. As for me Sonia, we became very close and good friends . He was always smiling, very jovial and making jokes even if you were down, when finished talking to him he lifted your spirits. As children we grew up together basically and practically lived at each other’s houses. l will always remember the fun times we shared going to church picnic at Bluefield beach and so many more fun times. As adults we kept in touch encouraging each other. It was always so good to chat and laugh on the phone. l was very happy and grateful to God that He allowed us to spend some time together. About 3 or 4 years ago l called him and told him that we were having a family get together at Mt Eagle and I was going to be there. He drove from Kingston although he was in pain. I will never forget that. Oh how much I cherished those special moments I spent with him. Desmond always supported us during difficult times like passing of our loved ones. I will surely miss hearing his voice on the phone saying Hello Baby Love. His favoritive words. Oh death where is thy sting Oh grave where is thy victory. Desmond you may be small in stature but you were a giant of a man. Sleep on my beloved cousin take your rest in the arms of your Saviour.


Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn

Opening Sentences What A Friend We Have in Jesus

Prayer Pastor H. Palmer First Lesson Phillip Witter (Brother-in-Law) Psalm 90:1-12 Tribute in Dance Kelise Witter (God-Daugher) Second Lesson Andreka McDonald (Grandniece) 1 Cor. 15:51-58 Musical Tribute Nicholas Smith (Grandnephew) Eulogy Joria Williams-Lindsay (Niece) Tributes Fredel & Nadine Smith (Nephew-in-Law & Niece) Howard Gough (Nephew) Canute Weddernurn (Grandnephew) Garfield Watson (Nephew) Norma Wedderburn-Johnson (Sister) Video Tributes Offertory Hymn Sermon

My Jesus I Love Thee

Pastor Roan Ruthland

Prayer for the Bereaved Family

Pastor Glazeter Leslie



Closing Hymn Farther Along

Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn



Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn

Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn


BROTHER. PROTECTOR, CONSOLER, GROU TRAVEL BUDDY, COMEDIC RELIEF, GREAT PORK CHEF. JOINT TOM & JERRY CARTOON LOVER, FRIEND. We are gathered here today in the memory of my brother Desmond and what he has meant to me, my parents, my siblings, the entire family and his friends. Together we will acknowledge and share our joy in the tremendous gift his life was to us, the conclusion of his pain and the significant pain that his passing brings. In sharing the joy and the pain together today, it is my hope that it may lessen our pain and we will more clearly remember the joy.


Like many children growing up in rural Jamaica, we were poor but rich in spirit, laughter and activities. We use to go to Mountain: an area where our father cultivated cane. It was our job to carry the cane out of the fields but on our breaks (not all approved by our father), my brothers(including Desmond) would go shoot birds. roast them and this enabled all brothers and sisters to have a feast in the bushes. I believe Desmond’s most nurturing spirit evolved from that time. Our brothers always took care of us. their sisters. I now think back to his later years where he could often be found in the kitchen: singing all his favourite folk songs like ‘Chichi bud oh, some of them ah holler, some ah bawl, some ah clingcling....’ His jovial spirit was always so heartwarming. Some may have considered it to be a burden to cook for many but Desmond loved it and approached it with such a joy and love that was evidenced in all the meals he prepared. I will miss our regular ‘Hey Sis’ calls where we would often reminisce on our childhood and tell shared tales re the fun we had. These were moments where we would often laugh so hard, our eyes would delightfully well up with water. We would use words like ‘Canonappo. which translated to ‘So said so done’ and we reveled in the joy that we had our own special language. Lastly yet most significantly as this has been the most important influence in my brother’s life. Desmond had maximum love for his family and yet no one could ever imagine a maximum cap on his love for our mother. He loved her without any reservation and has memorialized her in so many physical and emotional ways. Hence my only satisfaction amidst my grief - They are together again. So rest well my brother. May we one day only remember the gift of your love vs. the pain we now feel today. My heart is broken and I will miss you forever but as I know you will insist on this for me, I will one day be at peace. Love you forever. Your Sis, Daphne As I’m still trying to process it all that Uncle Des is no longer with us, it’s still so awkward referring to him in past tense. We just lost a unique character that we had as father figure brother. uncle. grand uncle. friend also life partner. In life we learn that death is inevitable and even when it’s not sudden circumstances. we can never be prepared enough when it hits so close to home. Uncle Des left a void that cannot be filled by any other. I remember years ago in the early gos when he was involved in a bad accident with his first blue Corolla that almost took his


Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn

life, he suffered broken ribs. hand and other serious injuries that I can’t recall. I remember how frightened I was making my way from Pembroke Hall by myself to go see him. When I got there he had to hop on one leg with crutches to come let me in. it was my first time experiencing a situation like this. I remember sitting there looking at him just assessing his condition thinking how lucky he was to be alive and thank God his life was speared. It just wasn’t his time yet, his guardian angels protected him. From this point I had the narrative in my head “Uncle Desmond strong to blow wow” It took months before he was 100% again. Uncle Desmond had a aura about him that I can’t exactly explain, you definitely can’t miss his voice because once he arrives on scene there is no questioning his presence. His voice really resonates in whatever setting he was in for sure. He was one that will tell you about yourself unapologetically and if you didn’t get in your feelings, he would be good with you soon after because he came from a place of good reasoning. Uncle Des was never one to hold a grudge or malice, this was just not a part of his character. Anytime I needed a different perspective on a matter Uncle Desmond could always depend on him for good, unbiased, and solid reasoning which would give balance to the situation. I will always love and miss that about him. Sleep well Uncle Desi and see you on the other side. ~ Your nephew, Andre.



What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear And what a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer

My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine; for thee all the follies of sin I resign; my gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer

I love thee because thou hast first loved me and purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged Take it to the Lord in prayer

I’ll love thee in life, I will love thee in death, and praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath, and say when the deathdew lies cold on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer

In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

Celebrating the Life of Desmond S. Wedderburn




Farther along we’ll know more about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We’ll understand it all by and by.


COMMITTAL When we all get to Heaven How great thou art

Tempted and tried, we’re oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long; While there are others living about us, Never molested, though in the wrong.

• There will be shouting on the Hills of Glory • I am under the Rock • I’m gonna say goodbye • No grave can hold my body down

When death has come and taken our loved ones Leaving our homes so lonely and drear Then do we wonder how others prosper Living so wicked year after year


At the Family Plot Geneva Dist. Grange Hill

Farther along we’ll know more about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We’ll understand it all by and by.

PALL BEARERS Andre Nedrick Canute Wedderburn Clive Watson Donovan (Brian) Brown Fredel Smith Howard Gough Phillip Witter Rashawn McDonald

Nephew Grandnephew Nephew Nephew Nephew-in- law Nephew Brother-in-law Grandnephew


We deeply appreciate your kind expression of sympathy in our time of bereavement. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. May the Lord’s joy continue to shine on you for your thoughtfulness and acts of love expressed towards us.

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