Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church

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Theme: “God’s Chosen Vessel” For His Purpose and Direction

On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrust ed with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NIV)

Pastor’s Message



to everyone in the name of Christ, our Lord. As I have stated before, I am here today because of the unmerited favor of God and I stand on the shoulders of giants who have gone before me. One of whom was my beloved Pastor, Joe Cephas Johnson, who served and labored in this house for forty-one years. He was a man of great statue and compassion who mentored me and helped prepare me to continue on this well laid foundation. He was a great example of a true servant of God. He is truly missed and I am honored to be chosen to succeed him in this work, service to God first and then to man.

In this our fourth pastoral year, I am committed, even the more, to serve the Lord in all things. My constant and continual prayer to God is that He will lead and direct me to continue to build on a house that will truly serve Him. Our relationship with God directly mirrors our relationship with one another. We want the world to know that we are Christians by our love.

We continue to serve God with great expectation that HE will do greater and mightier things in and through this house; things that will manifest and magnify “HIS will be done.” It is our prayer that God will always rule and reign in this house; that this house will be a house of prayer; that this house will be a refuge; and that the Spirit of the Lord will always be full in this house.

For the glory of the Lord, Yours in Christ, Reverend Wayne Allen, Sr.,

Associate Ministers

Pastors’ appreciation services are important because they recognize the years of service and celebrate the experience, growth, and progress of a church under a particular pastor’s administration. Our pastors and spiritual leaders need the love, encouragement, and inspiration that comes with these celebrations.

1 Thessalonians 5:12 says “And now, we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to honor and respect those who work hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding in the Lord. Esteem them very highly and OVERWHELM THEM WITH APPRECIATION AND LOVE!

So to our Pastor and Leader, Reverend Wayne Allen, Sr. on this your “4th” Pastoral Appreciation

In Infinite wisdom, the Lord surely knew That we’d need a Pastor as faithful as you A love of God’s Word and a heart for his flock You give of yourself and you stand on the Rock

We thank you for your ministry, your guidance, and your care. We thank you for continually praying with us and for our needs. We thank you for counseling us through life’s challenges and fears. We thank you for your example to stand and persevere. We thank you for your example of good courage, care, and concern. We thank you for your sacrifice of time to study and deliver the Word of God to us with power, clarity, and conviction and we pray God’s greatest blessings for your life.

To Our Pastor’s Wife, Lady Jackie Allen When we thank God for our Pastor We must give Him thanks for two For when your husband came to us God also sent us you.

We thank you for your faithfulness, support, and dedication. May God grant you continual and divine increase is every area of your life.

The Associate Ministers

Reverend Nellie Bacon

Reverend Imogene Brown

Reverend Lottie Harris

Pastor John Ivey

Reverend Jamell Ross

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Favorite Scripture - Psalm 13:6 “I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.”

For “41” years Lady Jackie watched and learned from a shining example, her mother, the late Queen Emma Inez, the challenges and celebrations of being a First Lady. Never aspiring to become a First Lady, but support ing and praying with and for her hus band as God guided him, and as her father, the late Pastor Joe C. Johnson, mentored him, she grew into an understand ing and acceptance that it might one day be her assignment, and she put her trust in God

Since God’s way is not always an easy way, she’s had some very difficult challenges to work through. She is a gifted Psalmist for the Lord but health issues have challenged her gift. She honored her mother and father all the days of their lives, and now she’s challenged to learn to live without them… because God has called them home. Even though God’s way is not always an easy way, it is always the

In spite of mobility challenges that hinder Lady Jackie from doing all that her heart desires, she continues to press, and serve, and love far beyond what it appears she is able to do. She loves God, His Word, and His people. She loves the Man of God that God has given her and she partners with him in ministry to serve this house, and the community.

She believes God as a Restorer and her heart’s desire is to minister to Him in song. And so, we believe with her that not only will God restore the gift He has given her, but that the latter of the gift will be greater than the former and that God’s glory will be revealed in her total healing. And so, we celebrate with her for victory is sure and swift to come. We bless God for her and with her on this 4th Year “Appreciation Celebra tion.”


George Fishburne, Jr. has labored for over three and half decades as a writer, senior adjutant, minister, inspirational speaker, project manager, and leadership growth and development architect.

With the birth of The Write Stuff Literary Group (www.georgefishburne. com), where he is the Proprietor and Managing Editor, literary and communications services are offered, including but not limited to manuscript editing, dissertation coaching, and ghostwriting.

Elder Fishburne earned his Master of Public Administration Degree from Central Michigan University and a Master of Divinity Degree from the esteemed Columbia Theological Seminary. Additionally, he earned a Bachelor of English Degree from the historic Florida Memorial University, which has expanded and fortified his knowledge base concerning all things leadership, organizational communications, and structural design. He is completing his Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership at Luther Rice College and Seminary.

Elder Fishburne is a Life Member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated and an active member of the Mu Mu Mu Chapter located in Douglasville, Georgia.

His full-time career efforts accent his Fraternal membership.

He presently serves as the International Director of Program and Project Management at the International Headquarters of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,

Incorporated (www.oppf.org). In this role, he manages all Fraternity-wide programs/projects emphasizing efficiency, collaboration, and responsiveness in our partner/sponsor connections. He also has specific responsibility for providing onsite and ongoing support to our partners/sponsors who are allied with our suite of various meetings/activities, including the Fraternity’s Grand Conclave, Leadership Conference, Undergraduate Summit, District Meetings, Supreme Council Meetings, and other assorted meetings and conferences of note.

It is noteworthy that before serving in his current role, Elder Fishburne served as Omega Psi Phi’s International Membership Development Manager. He led a team accountable for responding to a large swath of ZenDesk tickets, facilitated improved records management, and guided life membership/ service award fulfillment.

He is the immediate two-term (2018-2021) Vice Basileus of Mu Mu Mu Chapter as well as the immediate past three-term (2015-2021) Regional Representative for the State Organization of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Additionally, he was elected by the State Organization to serve as Director of Public Relations in 2021.

He is an accomplished author, having penned works including A Higher Calling: Serving God, His Leaders, and His People with Excellence, A Charge To Keep I Have: Fulfilling Your Life’s Purpose, and The Ministry Matrix: Understanding and Applying Contemporary Ministry. His book titled “The Forgotten Founder,” detailing the life of Omega Psi Phi Founder Dr. Oscar James Cooper, is scheduled for release in 2023. Finally, the life story of his only daughter, the late Mikayla Courtney Fishburne, titled ‘From Pain to Purpose,” is also expected to debut in 2023.

Through workshops, symposiums, conferences, worship studies, seminars, and various other consultation formats, he daringly speaks to the specific need for a distinct people at a particular time.

Elder Fishburne currently resides in Douglasville, Georgia.

Presentation Night

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

7:00 PM

“God’s Chosen Vessel”

On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrust ed with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NIV)

Mistresses Of Ceremony

Janay Jones

Jasmine Jones

Prayer D’Zhyre Houston

Scripture Mary Samuels

Welcome/Occasion Bethany Allen


Reverend Wayne Allen, Sr.

Appreciation Service

Sunday, September 25, 2022


THEME: “God’s Chosen Vessel For His Purpose and Direction”

On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 (NIV)

Call to Worship

Reverend Nellie Bacon

Opening Devotion

EMBC Deacon and Deaconess Ministry


Sister Betty DeJean

Welcome and Occasion Deacon Kelvin Harris

Song of Preparation

The Word

Elder George Fishburne Jr.

Zion Hill Baptist Church of Atlanta, GA Pastor: Dr. Aaron L. Parker

Invitation to Discipleship

Reverend Jamell Ross

Remarks for

Reverend Lottie Harris

Closing Remarks

Pastor Wayne Allen, Sr.

Selection Choir
Offering Announcements


The Leader: Holy God, we praise You for Your wisdom in gifting the church with pastors. We thank You for giving us a pastor after Your own heart.

The People: Thank You for our pastor.

The Leader: You know that in order for your people to grow, they must be fed with knowledge and understanding.

The People: Thank You for our pastor who feeds us.

The Leader: You gifted the church with pastors to make us ready to do the work of the ministry, that the church would know the truth concerning our faith in Jesus Christ and that we may no longer be gullible concerning the strange teachings of this world.

The People: Thank You for our pastor.

The Leader: We thank You for our pastor, who labors in the Word of God to preach and teach—rightly dividing the Word of truth. Thank You for our pastor’s diligence in preaching and teaching the Word, in season and out of season.

The People: Thank You for our pastor’s faithfulness to Your Word

The Leader: We thank You for the time our Pastor spends in prayer, seeking You for direction in guiding this flock.

The People: Thank You for a praying pastor.

The Leader: Lord, we thank You for our pastor, who possesses a pastor’s heart and is willing to comfort and willing to correct with a heart that is full of compassion.

The People: Thank you for a caring pastor.

The Leader: Truly the pastor’s work is great and many times is beyond our understanding. But You have told us in Your Word to honor those who work hard for You, giving spiritual guidance to Your people. Help us to acknowledge, appreciate, respect, and overwhelm our pastor with love for the sake of Kingdom building.

Together: Thank You for the privilege of loving our pastor.


Count On Me

The Lord has need of workers, to till His field today, So kindly He has led me to walk in wisdom’s way; I pray for grace to help me with all my heart to say, O blessed Savior, count on me.

Refrain: Count on me, count on me, For loving-hearted service glad and free; Yes, count on me, count on me, O blessed Savior, count on me.

I count on Thee dear Master, for cleansing in the blood, For constant streams of blessing, a never failing flood; To ever new fruition, I see Thy mercies bud, O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain]

Now gird me for the battle when evil pow’rs oppose, And give me faith and courage to conquer o’er Thy foes; I pledge Thee my allegiance, my soul no other knows, O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain]

I’ll bear another’s burden along a lonely way, Or teach that burden bearer with confidence to pray; In service ever loyal, at home or far away, O blessed Savior, count on me. [Refrain] Amen.

Thank You

Pastor Wayne Allen Sr., the Associate Ministers, the Host Committee and the entire Ebenezer Family would like to thank you for sharing with us during this occasion. We hope to have been a blessing to you, as you have been to us. We pray God’s richest blessings upon you and your home.


Sister Cassandra Allen

Reverend Nellie Bacon Deacon Victor Bacon

Reverend Imogene Brown

Reverend Lottie Harris Pastor John Ivey Sister Bertha James

Reverend Jamell Ross Sister Christal Walker Jeniqua Haughton Joy Davis


You LEAD our congregation by opening God’s Word, and then you LIVE your life reflecting all we’ve heard. You CARE for others deeply and lift them up in PRAYER, and when we face misfortune, we know that you’ll be there. We really love you, Pastor, for EVERYTHING you do. And we thank God for giving us a PASTOR LIKE YOU.




Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 816 Northwest 1st Avenue Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 Telephone:
454-0245 Fax:
454-3999 Email: ebaptistchurch816@gmail.com Website: embchallandale.org

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