Order of Service
Opening Remarks
Congregational Song
In the great triumphant morning, When we hear the Bridegroom cry, And the dead in Christ shall rise, We’ll be changed to life immortal, In the twinkling of an eye, And meet Jesus in the skies.

Bishop Robert Stewart
Pastor Omar Williams
In The Great Triumphant Morning
In the great triumphant morning, When the harvest is complete, And the dead in Christ shall rise, We’ll be crowned with life immortal, Christ and all the loved ones meet, In the rapture in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, We shall all rise to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise We shall all rise to meet Him, We shall all rise to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies.
In the great triumphant morning, What a happy time ’twill be, When the dead in Christ shall rise, When the Lord descends in glory, Sets His waiting children free, And we meet Him in the skies.
Bible Reading
In the great triumphant morning, All the kingdom we’ll possess, Then the dead in Christ shall rise, Reign as kings and priests eternal, Under Christ forever blest, After meeting in the skies.
We shall all rise to meet Him, We shall all rise to greet Him, In the morning when the dead in Christ shall rise We shall all rise to meet Him, We shall all rise to greet Him, And shall have the marriage supper in the skies.
Keron Shand (Grand Niece) Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
Song of Encouragement
You Are My Strength
Barbara Sharpe (Sister in Christ)
Dawn Skyers (Cousin)
Waleed Ward (Family Friend)
Pentab Praise Team
Tributes Bishop Frank Golding
Pastor Sonny Schambeau
Video Presentation
Chaplain Daniel Rivera
Chaplain Liaison; Osceola County Sheriff’s Office
Danique Garrick (Daughter-in-law)
Saxophone Instrumental
Song of Comfort
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well
With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood for my soul
Everad Richards
Pentab Praise Team

It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul
Message Bishop Robert Stewart
Prayer for the Family
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed, He’ll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory.
While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.
Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay.
Elder Ralston McKenzie
When We All Get To Heaven
Onward to the prize before us!
Soon His beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold.
When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory.
On September 26, 1939, in Golden Grove, St. Ann, Jamaica - Harold George Garrick was born to Vidah McFarland and John Garrick. He was a very quiet, unique and well-disciplined child, who loved school and loved to read and write. He would do various chores for his blind grandmother before leaving for school in the mornings. As a child he was known for his studious and hardworking attitude. It was prophesied to him that he would become a teacher to many.
His younger years were scarred with several adversities. He had a younger brother who also loved books and loved reading for anyone who would listen. His mom had them live with their blind grandmother and she would have them read the Bible and other books to her and other district members. One day his younger brother fell terribly ill after coming home from school and tragically passed away. Harold was left with his grandmother and had very little family ties. He stayed with an uncle for a short time and in his teenage years moved to Kingston. There he lived for a period with Sis. Ivy Stewart and family (mother of Bishop Bobby and Rev. Sammy Stewart). He became a dedicated member and servant of God at Pentecostal Tabernacle, Wildman Street, Kingston. He loved the outreach ministry and wanted to lead as many people to Christ as possible. There was no doubt that he chose to give his life to Christ to become a faithful servant for the rest of his life.

On March 28th, 1970, at a conference at Pentecostal Tabernacle, Wildman Street, Harold met Sis. Cherriana who was a member of Pentecostal Gospel Temple (PGT), Windward Road. He fell head over heels in love with her and they later decided to get married. The couple built a beautiful life, raising two children and serving God together.
After graduation, Harold applied and became the Director of the Jamaican German Automotive school and he worked there for 5 years. He helped numerous people to obtain employment at the school. Harold was one of the lucky few to be granted an opportunity to teach at the German Automotive School in Germany. He resided in Germany for a few years and traveled to other European countries such as Scotland, France, London, Belgium, and Sweden to see their way of living. He had many struggles, but Harold continued and persevered with his studies and later obtained his bachelor’s degree in automotive engineering and vocational education. In 1980, Harold, Cherriana and their two young children migrated to America. Harold spent his years working with The State of Florida and then later with Miami-Dade County in The Pretrial Services Division and then with Water and Sewer before retiring.

He was a dynamic outgoing achiever with over 25 years of Human Resource Development; Occupational Safety and Health Training Programs (OSHA), American Heart Association - CPR, First Aid and National Emergency First Responder; United States Department of Homeland Security - National Weapon of Mass Destruction Instructor (WMD).
When Harold migrated to America, he quickly got involved in ministry with the church that he attended in Miami, led by Pastor Rooks then to Pastor Bobby Stewart at Pentecostal Tabernacle Of North Miami. During this time, Harold worked very hard to provide for his wife and children. He often worked late hours, getting home super late, while taking dual classes at Barry University. He wanted his family to live the American dream and have a better and easier life than he had. Harold spent his life diligently working for the kingdom of God and staying active in the church. He taught bible studies, gave counseling, and gave financial support including aiding the start-up of a church in Kissimmee, Florida. In 2019, while grieving the loss of his wife, Harold decided to join the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office as a Chaplain, to keep himself active. He served in this capacity, as a support to first responders and grieving families, until the time of his death.
Director - Jamaican German Automotive School: Kingston, Jamaica from January 1975 - March 1980. Formulated, developed and implemented policies and procedures for managing the daily operational activities of the institution including teaching staff, students, and the administration.
Florida Department of Labor & Employment Security: Apprentice Training Representative for 2 years; 1983 - Oct 1985. Monitored the recruitment and employment practices of more than 150 employers in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin and Monroe counties. Conducted investigations and compliance reviews to determine infractions and alleged violations of state and federal employment laws. Developed Affirmative Action Plans to meet EEOC guidelines.
President and Training Consultant: HRD Training Solutions for 16 years from February 2008 - 2024. Facilitated Traffic School programs for drivers with suspended licenses, and drivers who violated Florida Traffic Laws.
Access Training Solution: Taught classes for 6yrs while in Miramar, Florida. Researched and conducted training needs assessments.
Miami-Dade County Government for 22 years as a Training Specialist II. Taught training classes for OSHA’s Mandated Health and Safety Courses, and Professional Development Courses for managerial, administrative, technical and clerical personnel. Miami-Dade County Pretrial Service Officer for 9 years from Oct 1985 - Sep 1994. Liaison Officer in Miami-Dade County, 11th Judicial Circuit and County Courts.
German Foundation: Bachelor of Science (BS) Eqiv., Automotive Engineering & Vocational Education 1984 - 1985
The Road Transport - Engineers Member activities and societies: Engineer Registration Board Member Institute of Engineers and Technicians Member.

Internship at BMW Auto Manufacturing Company, and Robert Bosch Electronic Company in Germany. Completed an internship at BMW Auto Manufacturing Company, and Robert Bosch Electronic Company in Germany.
Florida International University
Master of Science (MS), Education & Human Resources Development from 1983 - 1985. Activities and societies: American Psychological Association, Affiliate Member American Society for Training and Development
Served on: Miami-Dade Criminal Justice System, Miami Dade College Community Education Committee to Palm Beach County; North Technical Education Center Committee, Pentab Academy Council; and CARE, Inc.
Master Money Mentor: University of Florida University, Oct 2014 - Present · 9 years Between 2008 and 2024 Harold was busy working for the kingdom of God. He stayed active in the church in any way possible. In 2019 Harold decided to join the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office as a Chaplain. At this point Harold has achieved so much between being a father, a grandfather, and a spiritual father to many people who would seek his advice when it came to their spiritual work.
Sadly, on Thursday, April 11th, 2024, God called Harold home. He is survived by his 2 children, Kurt and Nicole Garrick, His daughter-in-law Danique Garrick, his grandchildren, Olivia and William Garrick, his sister Yvonne Wilson, niece Charlene Brandon, nephew Mark Nelson and other extended family members. We will all miss this great man of God. Please keep his family in your prayers. Let us never forget Mr. Harold George Garrick for all his accomplishments. He came from a lowly existence, never imagining his dreams would ever come through or that he would have had the opportunities that God has granted him.
Harold was an amazing husband, brother, father, servant for Jesus Christ, and friend to many. It takes one tree to make thousands of matches, but one match to light thousands of trees. Harold was that one match that lit, blessed, and poured out his life to thousands of people. His passion and fire for people to achieve the best in their lives will never be forgotten.
We hope that the legacy he has left behind will never be forgotten and will continue to live on through others.

Seasons changed…
My Dear Dad… Take Your Rest

I don’t even know where to start; I’m still in shock and disbelief. For my entire life you’ve been my hero and best friend. We’ve always gone places together and done so much, just the two of us, and we would leave mommy and Kurt home to have fun. I’ve looked up to you in so many ways. I’ve admired your love, kindness, and your generosity to your family and to everyone you meet. Sometimes you were too kind, and I would say that I’ve got to toughen you up, so people don’t take advantage of your kind heart and generosity.
At this time, I’m truly lost for words because my hero and mentor is gone. How do I move on from this? I don’t know, all I can do is ask God for guidance, strength, and for the will to go on. It was the hardest thing when we lost mommy a few years ago and now to lose you as well, the pain is unbearable.
I keep myself occupied so I don’t have to think about all the hurt and pain I must face in the upcoming days. This loss has hit me with a cloud of confusion that I just can’t believe. I tried everything possible hoping that this day would never come yet knowing that it was a possibility. I know that we are not here to stay forever and that we have to go some day but not so soon. However, I’m glad to know that you and mommy are together again because I know you’ve missed her tremendously. I have already heard several people state that they have dreamt you and you talked about how beautiful heaven is, and you love it there. We’ve even got confirmation that you’ve come to visit us and I’m so happy to know that because it brings some comfort to me.
Take your rest Dad, you deserve it; you were a hard worker. You were a friend, father, husband, and you’ve been a champion for the kingdom. You and mommy have always given one hundred percent to every church you’ve been a part of for years. You’ve given so much and made numerous monetary sacrifices to the work of God, even when things were rough. You’ve always put him first and God has always opened doors and made a way for our family. My God has not forgotten your faithfulness to him and his work.

You can now rest knowing that you’ve done a lot for the kingdom of God. You even used your own money at times to pay for the operations of the last two Kissimmee churches, hoping to see them grow and prosper. On Saturdays you and mommy would go on the streets and in various neighborhoods handing out tracts and knocking door to door. You would tell people about Christ, most people don’t even do that anymore but you both still did, because you wanted to see people saved.
I’ve gone with you both on numerous occasions, while visiting, to buy curtains to place in the church or pictures to hang on the wall or to fix up the foyer or the pulpit area. I have watched you lay tiles and be covered in cement all so that when guests come to church, they can feel at home. A lot of people wouldn’t have done what I’ve seen you and mommy do, but you do have a special crown to get.
I will do my best to honor your memory and to follow in your footsteps. You will never be forgotten; you are going to be in my heart forever. The days ahead will be terrible and it’s going to be super painful and rough, but I know God will give me the strength to go on. You have been a great role model and a great man of God. I have asked God just to continue to keep Kurt and I strong and together and unbreakable as we always were. I know you’re in heaven looking down on us. You and mommy are saying, “Look at our kids.” Take your sleep father, I know you were getting weary and now just enjoy heaven until I come.
Luv, your daughter - Nicky

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy…
Oh, how I miss you so much. My father, my daddy, my papa, my papito, my boom boom, my papa bear, my best friend, my mentor and my hero. It’s been such a beautiful life that I have spent with you from birth until now.
My father has impacted thousands of people throughout his entire life, trying to make this world a better place in so many ways, which is what he strived to do. If he could impart a positive word or help you in life that was his mission. He tried to make an impact on everyone’s life he came across from day to day, that was truly his life mission. My father was a selfless man, giving all to anyone, to better them and others.
On Thursday April 11, 2024, my life was forever changed when I lost you daddy. If I had one wish in this life it would be to have you back; to hold you, to hug you, to kiss you, to shake your hand and to tell you that I love you. You have taught me so many lessons and I have learnt so much from you. You were the best dad in the whole wide world; you were the one that I always looked up to. You were smart, funny, educated, a man of God, very loving and extremely forgiving to anyone. You had a heart made of gold.
I remember times, as kids, when my sister and I would watch TV and turn it off when we see you and mommy pulling into the driveway; we would run to plug it out. You would still know we were watching the TV because you’d touch the back of the TV and felt that it was hot. However, you wouldn’t tell mommy because you didn’t want her to be mad at us. Thank you, daddy.
A few great memories, and things I will miss about you Daddy.
As a child, I remember when you used to be proud of calling me daddy’s little boy and telling people, even strangers, “This is my son.” I remember you teaching me German when I was a child and it was so much fun sitting down with you and talking German with each other. I thought it was so cool speaking another language. You always worked in silence, and allowed your achievements to make the noise
You were the one who taught me how to ride a bicycle, you were the one who taught me how to read and write, you taught me about relationships, you pushed me to go forward with my education and to go to college. You created in me a passion for my career and now

I have started my own business. You taught me how to fish and drive a car. You always knew how to discipline me without ever laying your hands on me from birth; just that serious and mean look told me to straighten up my act whenever I was out of hand. I remember when I told you I wanted a baby brother and you looked at me and walked away, lol. I will miss our early morning Saturday drives around the neighborhood. I will miss that big pot of tea that you would always make for me. I will miss all those “forwarded” WhatsApp texts that you sent me daily and our everyday morning, afternoon, and night phone calls.
It won’t be the same coming over to the house with your grandbabies to spend the weekend with you and you’re not there. I will miss your words of wisdom. I will miss the times I came over to the house to visit you and I would see some sort of pamphlet or booklet that you would put on the dresser for me to read and acquire more knowledge. I’m gonna miss watching Monday night wrestling with you, falling asleep together on the sofa, and taking your Tupperware containers home with leftovers, only to return them with different lids. There were times you would give me a confused look when I’d be eating a sandwich and peel off the ends of the bread or not eat the bread back and you’d ask me why, and I’d reply saying that the bread back is duck and bird food. I will miss your big bowls of porridge.
I will miss those moments cutting the grass with you, feeding and playing with your grandchildren. I will miss going to church with you on Sundays, me running out right after church was done, waiting in the car for you to finish talking to the 100 people at church and then being the last people to leave the church parking lot. I will miss you baking bread pudding and Jamaican fruit cake and giving them away to people after church on Sundays, because you were just that giving. I remember when Covid came it was very hard on us to not see each other for almost a year. It seemed like a simple hug or visitation could be a deadly weapon, so we had to keep social distancing, but we were able throughout those times to still communicate through video calls, text messages, and phone calls. I will miss those moments whenever we were together as a family, especially during the holidays, and I would want to take group pictures of everyone. You would either disappear when I took my camera out or get up and become busy doing something, like washing the dishes, just to avoid being in a photo. To this day I still can’t understand why you were afraid of me taking pictures of you.
I will miss bothering you and telling you to pick up your feet when you’re walking in the house with your slippers on and stop dragging your feet on the ground. You would just look at me and tell me something in the words of go find something to do Kurty and leave me alone. I will miss the moments when you would tell me we need to have a little talk and a conversation would go like this, “Son whenever you travel, I want you to spend the money and get a hotel and don’t sleep at the roadside or at any rest stop, it’s not safe, so don’t be cheap.”

I will remember all the conversations about giving more and expecting less; to love more and forgive more; to listen more and talk less, because that’s why God gave us two ears and one mouth; to smile and not frown, because it takes less muscles to smile, and you never know who’s watching. I will miss the moments when you would ask me for my email address 100 times for the year and I would say, “Daddy, why don’t you just write it down and put it in your phone, or wallet or in front of your computer.” I will miss the moments when we had long conversations on the phone and when I would tell you how long we were talking for, say for like an hour, and suddenly you would just say all right Kurty I have some things to do so we’ll talk another time. I’d say, “WOW Daddy, why you gotta do me like that?” I would ask myself why I told you how long we were on the phone talking.
I will miss stealing your socks, and mashing down the back of your shoes, instead of wearing them properly. You helped me build my first toy model T ford car, and train set from scratch, and you always helped me with my science projects in school. I never heard you say a curse word out of your mouth, and you taught me how to have manners to everyone no matter the age. I will miss those moments when we used to flex our muscles and you’d let me feel yours. I remember going to stores like Zayres, Xtra supermarket, service merchandise, and radio shack with you on some weekends. I will miss when you would leave an entire conversation on my voicemail when you couldn’t get me. I will miss watching TV shows together like Matlock, Incredible Hulk, Airwolf, In The Heat Of The Night and many more. I will miss you being my 24-hour emergency automotive mechanic who knew everything about cars and trucks when I had questions about my own vehicle. I will miss the moments when you would say, “Kurty, come show me something on my computer” and what I thought would take two to five minutes would turn into an introduction to computer course.
You taught me that no battle is won sitting down. You taught me that the only thing I should chase in life is a better life, and a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. I will miss hearing you tell me that you love me; I will miss your hugs. I will miss eating sweet food together. I will miss randomly filling up your car with gas and surprising you. I will miss driving together with you as the backseat driver telling me to slow down and not to run the yellow lights.
You were there during the moments of my first breath in this world, and I was there even after your last breath out of this world. I held you in my arms crying chest to chest, face to face when you passed. However, I find peace knowing that you lived an amazing life, especially with me, daddy. I will miss the fact that in about 2 months it will be my 10-year wedding anniversary and I was going to ask you to be my best man. Daddy, you were my world; I am proud that I had you as my father. I promise to walk in your footsteps and to teach my son to do the same; to stay strong, to stay in the church, to love more, and to forgive more. Daddy “I LOVE YOU” and I will miss you for the rest of my life. I will miss hearing your voice and seeing your smiles. Daddy, you have run the race and kept the faith; you have fought the good fight. You are now safe in the arms of Jesus Christ. Until we meet again, say hi to mom, grandma, and my brother.
I love you grandpa because you’re the best Grandpa ever. I will miss you Grandpa because you used to make me porridge when I was hungry and go with me outside for walks, and play with me, and read books to me. And you taught me how to ride my bicycle.
I’m going to miss you Grandpa. I love you.
Your granddaughter - Olivia Adina Garrick

Good morning, Grandpa. I miss my Grandpa, I love grandpa, goo goo gaga.
William Anthony Garrick


There are no words to describe the pain of knowing that our family patriarch is no longer with us. During this difficult season, I am clinging to the love and memories that he left with us. It brings me comfort to know that he was there for all the major milestones of the last twelve years. From my wedding, my graduation, anniversaries, birthdays, and the birth of my children. I will hold on to the cherished memories of his smile when he held his grandchildren.
I recall the smell of his fritters and pancakes on Saturday mornings, the laughs that we shared as we went on walks together, cooked together in the kitchen and during our phone calls. As I grieve his loss, knowing that he is in the arms of God eases the pain. It is reassuring to know that he spent his years walking with God, loving his family and giving selflessly to anyone in need, never requiring anything in return. He lived his life constantly pouring out wisdom and by training others to better themselves. While grieving the loss of his wife, he chose to become a chaplain to help others to cope with their pain while coping with his own pain. This is the kind of person that he was. These are the memories that he left behind and we will remember him forever.
Love always. Your daughter-in-law - Danique Mickalia Garrick
Words cannot describe what I am feeling after losing my one and only brother Harold Garrick so suddenly. Today and every day, I want to remember and honor my amazing brother, Harold. After the tears have dried and the goodbyes have been said, all we have to hold on to are the happy memories that we have shared with you.
Your kindness, generosity, patience, pride, and infectious smile left a lasting impact on me and everyone around you. Your laughter was contagious, and your love for family was unconditional. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace, dear brother. Your memory will live on in my heart and the tears of all who loved you.
Yours Truly - your only sister, Yvonne

To Br. G, a man of few words. You didn’t always speak, but when you did, wisdom could be heard. We didn’t always visit you in Orlando, but when you sent down your fritters we always got a taste of deliciousness. We will never forget you, your thoughtfulness, kindness and Jamaican man humor.
Rest in peace Br. G. We love you, The Robinsons
“In God alone, my soul finds solace; from Him comes my salvation. He is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.” (Adapted from Psalm 62:1-2)
Harold Garrick, affectionately known as “Cousin Harold” in our family, was my father’s only nephew who held a special place in his heart. Papa would eagerly prepare a box of seasonal produce for Cousin Harold whenever he came to visit. His visits were always anticipated with joy by us kids.

Cousin Harold embodied humility and strong discipline. He placed great value on education and encouraged us to strive for excellence. His career path reflected this passion, from directing the German Automotive School in Jamaica in the early 1980s to owning his own Learner Driving School in Florida.
A devout man of faith, Cousin Harold lived by the words of Romans 14:8, believing that whether in life or death, one belongs to the Lord. His faith was unwavering. In addition to his faith, Cousin Harold had a talent for cooking and often delighted us with his cakes and sorrel during the Christmas season. Juliet shared how Cousin Harold’s inspirational messages would brighten her mornings, a testament to his caring nature. Even in his final days, he continued to uplift others, though his strength was visibly waning.
As Cousin Harold peacefully passed away, his life echoed the sentiment of 2 Timothy 4:7-8; having fought the good fight and kept the faith, he now receives the crown of righteousness promised by the Lord.
To Nicole and Kurt, may the love and guidance of your father continue to inspire and guide you. May God’s peace and comfort surround you during this challenging time. We extend our deepest condolences and stand with you in your sorrow. May God’s love and peace bring you solace.
Tribute to our cousin; From: The Francis Family.

Uncle Garrick, this continues to be surreal. I will never forget your amazing ability to host others in your home. You are selfless, you love God, you have been a source of strength and beautiful reminder of how we should live for God. You are a gentle giant and so respected by the people around you.
Thank you for always inquiring about my well-being and for making sure that I pursue my career with passion. Thank you for cooking and creating safe spaces for me to just talk to you when I’m around you. I’ll never forget the funny moments and with a straight face you would make statements that just caused me to laugh. You never could say the word ‘subwoofer’ but instead you would say ‘superbuffer.’
You are an exceptional servant of God and you will be greatly missed!
Your great niece Keron Shand

A Silent Tear
By Gaynor Llewellyn

Rest in eternal peace brother Gary.
From your family in England: Sister Lyn, Bev, Frank and the family.
Just close your eyes and you will see
All the memories that you have of me
Just sit and relax and you will find
I’m really still there inside your mind
Don’ty cry for me now I’m gone
For I am in the land of song
There is no pain, there is no fear
So dry away that silent tear
Don’t think of me in the dark and cold
For here I am, no longer old
I’m in that place that’s filled with love
Known to you all, as “UP ABOVE.”
Dear Bro. Garrick and family, thank you for being an incredible example of what a Godly Christian family looks like. From before Pentecostal Tabernacle existed, you were a present example to me of how a father supports his children - more specifically the way that you supported Kurt during the early phase of his photography journey. The relationship that you had with Kurt and the way that he respected and revered you informed how I should treat my father.

I’ve looked up to Kurt since I was a young child as we had similar passions for cameras. As a kid, when I visited the home, Kurt always had what he needed to pursue his goals and made me believe I could too because of the quality and passion he dedicated to his work. At the beginning of the ministry, Kurt was the one I remember attempting to tackle the videography responsibilities during our time at Miami Norland Senior High. Great fathers pave ways for their children to succeed. I saw those virtues demonstrated by you at a time when the narrative of black father figures was under attack.
Rest Well Sir and thank you. Sincerely, Dwight W. Stewart
Bro. Garrick has been one of five truly standup men that I have been fortunate to have met. He was always generous with his time and wisdom. He was a good example of a great Christian.
Mark James

Harold Garrick was among the first team of pioneering Jamaican Vocational Instructors who were trained in Germany in the 1970’s. He was the first Jamaican Principal of the Jamaican German Automotive School (JAGAS), where he led the explosive growth of the formal training of Automotive Technicians in the 1970s.
Harold has made invaluable contributions to youth training and development in the Automotive Industry in tandem with the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Sincere Condolences to the family from those of us who worked with and loved Harold: Laurie Richardson - Florida; Sueil Beepot - Florida; Linford Kelly - Georgia; Kempton Griffiths - New York; Hugh Brown - Florida; Fitzroy Black -Boston; May his soul rest in peace.
From: Instructors of the Jamaican German Automotive School, Kingston, Jamaica.
Church is like an enormous extended family. I first met the Garrick family of four, 44 years ago in 1980, when they arrived in Miami, Florida and we attended the same church. As I reflect and feel saddened, that death has once again invaded our church family circle by taking Bro. Garrick, it dawned on me that my main fellowship with the Garrick family is outside of the church walls.
In my late teens, I used to drive them to and from church. As the years progressed, in 1986, Sis. Garrick and I attended Bible school on Tuesday nights for 2 years. We were once again having driving fellowship. At the inception of Pentecostal Tabernacle in 1996, I found out that Sis. Garrick was a remarkable singer and Bro. Garrick was an extremely humble man. Thank God for his entrepreneurial skills, which he used to open a traffic school on the premises of PenTab. I even attended the school in order not to get points on my license.

My daughter, who is about 3 years younger than Kurt, attended college at UCF in Orlando while Kurt was there. On Sundays, Kurt would pick her up and take her to church. Kurt was invited to my daughter’s wedding elopement as a photographer. Plus, at her 40th surprise birthday party, during the Covid era, Gina told Kurt that he is always a part of her life events. Nicole is amazing, she had a telephone ministry, providing calls to seniors weekly.
My mothers, Sis. Lucas and Sis. McNally, were recipients of this wonderful ministry. Nicole also saved my nephew from going to jail by telling us about the jail diversion program.
On April 2, 2021, Bro. Garrick called me, for the very first time, on the phone. He was reminiscing about when he first came to Florida, and I used to take him and his wonderful family to church. Unfortunately, this was the last time I had the opportunity to speak with Bro. Garrick.
As we reflect on the life and ministry of our beloved Bro. Garrick, let us not simply focus our thoughts on his sad, tragic, and untimely passing; but let us focus our thoughts on his outstanding examples of family (immediate and church) and community service. Also, the hope that when the trumpet sounds the glorious resurrection, he will be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We miss him and grieve but we hope in the resurrection to come. Norlene Phillips
As we celebrate the life of Harold Garrick, I’ve had time to reflect on our shared experiences working together at Pentab Kissimmee. From the beginning, it was evident that he was going to be an important part of our vision to build something special. He was obviously driven and knowledgeable, which added to, not just my excitement to work with him, but also the joy of having someone beside me who shared my passion for Kingdom building. It didn’t take long for suggestions and ideas to flow from him. He was not only a man of discipline and integrity, but also a kind and considerate individual. I was surprised when he invited my wife and I to dinner one Sunday afternoon at his home. Although apprehensive at first, he turned out to be a very good chef.
One of the most impactful things about him was when he had to face adversity after losing his dear wife. He showed remarkable resilience and strength, which are admirable qualities when faced with such difficulty.
On behalf of my family, I want to take this moment to extend heartfelt condolences to his entire family. While we mourn his loss, we also celebrate a life well lived and take comfort in the numerous memories and his lasting legacy. Sleep on Elder G, you’ll be missed but never forgotten.

It has been a privilege to have been Brother Harold’s pastor for the past several months. From now on, I won’t look down at where he used to sit in our congregation without feeling grateful for his love for our congregation, support for his pastor, and his passion for the Kingdom of God. We will truly miss this precious brother.
Sonny Schambeau (Pastor – The Pentecostals of Kissimmee)
“Time like an ever-rolling stream bears all who breathe away.”
This is a line from the hymn, “O God Our Help in Ages Past”, which was written by Isaac Watts. Today, it finds fulfillment in respect of Harold Garrick. For all of us, the day of fulfillment will come.
Harold loved Jesus Christ supremely. Consequently, he was able to love - in an appropriate manner - his family members, and all other individuals. Furthermore, he was able to demonstrate commitment and compassion, as well as a sense of purpose and passion. So, wherever he went, he was a symbol of a selfless, humble human being who sought to live out heavenly values right here on earth. As we mourn his passing, let us seek to build on the non-material legacy he left us of love, commitment, compassion, purpose and passion.

To his children, Nickie and Kurt and all other family members, we offer our condolences, and give assurance of our continued prayers for your strength and comfort.
Sammy & Valerie Stewart
Pastor DG Hendricks

It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to a truly remarkable soul, my Uncle Harold, whose love knew no bounds. He touched the lives of everyone he encountered with his genuine warmth, kindness, and humanity. His departure leaves a void that will never be filled. Throughout his life, Uncle Harold exemplified the true meaning of love and selflessness. He always put others before himself, extending a helping hand without seeking recognition. His humble nature has taught me the importance of gratitude, taught me that acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of others, and to appreciate all life’s simplest joys.
Uncle Harold’s kindness knew no boundaries. His genuine compassion and empathy touched the lives of everyone around him. His love for family was unparalleled. He cherished every moment spent with us, creating memories that will forever be etched in our heart. As we mourn the loss of Uncle Harold, let us also celebrate the beautiful legacy he leaves behind. Let’s remember his infectious laughter, wise words, and all the love he showered upon us all.
Rest in peace dear uncle. You will always be loved and deeply missed.
Niece - Charlene Brandon
We will always cherish fond memories of Bro. Harold Garrick. We attended Pentab Jamaica for many years as young people. They migrated to Florida, and we migrated to New York. He would visit with his family and we would all enjoy rich fellowship and nice meals. We relocated to Florida where we worshipped again together at Pentab, North Miami. The fellowship continued as we exchanged visits and enjoyed good food. Years ago, they relocated to Kissimmee where we still continued our visits, friendship, and fellowship. Kurt, his family and Nicole will always be a part of our family.
Rest in Peace - Rod and Dor Ferguson
Harold Garrick, also known as brother G, was a disciplinarian, an educator, a brother, a son and most importantly, a child of the king. He exemplified and exuded resilience, love, and patience. Brother G was a proud man. He embodied knowledge, wisdom, and excellence.
Today as we honor him, I recall, he never missed an academic achievement in my life. He was present for my first college graduation and the completion of my doctoral studies. When asked to assist with drafting a plan for the health ministry at my local church, Bro G did not hesitate. He made himself available when called upon. He was never expressive with his love; however, I felt the extension of his love. I honor his legacy, of fatherhood, knowledge, excellency and most importantly, his tenacity to model the Christian life in fear of God. Bro. G, thank you for departing this earth and gifting me with memories I will cherish for a lifetime. My only regret, if there was one, would be lack of time to demonstrate my love and deep gratitude for the role you played in my development. It meant so much to me. Thank you, Bro. G.
Sincerely, Dr. Davina Smith


George and I are very saddened by your sudden passing. We are left with so many cherished memories of our friendship over the many years. We are looking forward to our meeting around the Throne.
Rest in peace. George and Monica McKenzie
Brother Garrick was my uncle-in-law. I remember him hosting me in his home for a while. He was a man of great character. He was honest, trustworthy, dependable, consistent and observant. He loved to cook, he was a great teacher, and very talented. He was respectful to everyone and a brave man. Most of all I’ve known him to be a man that loved the Lord. Nothing could stop him from being in the house of the Lord. I remember Brother Garrick would be the first one to get up in the morning on Sundays, make breakfast and would be ready for church before the rest of us.
I remember his late wife Aunty Cherry would be the last one to be ready and Brother Garrick would go back inside the house to get her, begging her to please leave out of the house. She would say, “I’m coming now” but it would be another thirty minutes before she was ready. He was patient and a gentle giant. He taught me to prioritize my relationship with Jesus. He is greatly missed but he is now resting in the arms of Jesus!
Your niece - Lileat Gooden

Bro. Garrick was the person who, when approached by my mother in 1979, got me enrolled into The Jamaican German Automotive School (JAGAS), in September of that year. I’ve been a trained mechanic because of him. I owe a debt of gratitude to him. Walk good my brother.
Donovan “Danny” Williams.
Brother Garrick. was a very dedicated man to his faith. There would never be a time you would talk with him and he would not discuss the word of God. He would say he had accomplished a lot of things in this world. However, the thing he strived for, more than anything, is to see his Savior face to face and to hear him say well done.
Rest in Peace my brother. Sis in Christ - Lorna Reynolds

For all the ways you have expressed your love and support, we want you to know that we are grateful. You have been the hands of Jesus extended in our time of greatest need. Whether you called, sent a text, visited, gave a gift, or prayed for us, every act has helped to sustain us.
We will continue this journey knowing that our village is praying and supporting us.
Love – The Garricks
Professional Services
Bell’s Funeral Home & Cremation Services
8390 Pines Blvd.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 954-974-3155
Pentecostal Tabernacle Banquet Hall 18415 NW 7th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33169

Hollywood Memorial Gardens North 3001 N 72nd St. Hollywood, FL 33024
Cedric Devon Frantz
Dwight Donald Stephenson Lewis Frotain Brandon Stewart Tomlin

Six and a half years ago I penned these words when you left…
I will spend my life loving and remembering every moment we shared. As I mourn your passing, I also celebrate your life knowing that together, “We shall behold Him” – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I Take Comfort In This Knowledge. Until then my love - Harold

And now the time has come…