To My Loving Babe
I love you from the depth of my heart but the Lord loves you best. My heart burns to see you go but I know you are in Paradise with your Lord and Savior. I will continue the good work so that we can meet again one blessed day. Babe, I will never forget that you said I should always read Isaiah 40:31. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.
I will cherish your love in my heart forever. Your loving husband Martin.
na Smalls Buchanan who is affectionately called Pinky or Sister Pinky, was born to Jeffery and Maud Johnson on July 31, 1939, in the Parish of St. Ann, in a little district called Middle Buxton in Jamaica. As a child her parents instilled godly values in her. She grew up in the fear and admonition of Christ. As an adult she was baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost. She lived an exemplary life before her children, family, and friends.
This woman of God first started her Christian journey at Emmanuel Apostolic Church in Miramar while she was living in Miami. She later relocated to Port St. Lucie and decided to make Treasure Coast Church of God her spiritual home. There she continued her missionary calling, which included visiting and praying for the sick at home or in the hospital. She was always willing and available to cheer up the broken-hearted. Ina was a kind-hearted person. You just had to say “I like that dress” and she would say, “You want it? You can have it.” The love she had for others was exceptional, selfless, and passionate; she had a heart of gold. She was very loyal and reliable. Her word was her bond. If she told you she was coming to pick you up at 10:00 a.m. you had to be ready for 9:30 a.m. because she did not like waiting.
Ina loved outdoors and everything related to nature. Her garden was her pride and joy. She enjoyed sharing her produce with everyone who came to visit. Even though Ina was community friendly orientated she believed that charity begins at home. Therefore, her home was the meeting spot for most celebration events; her kitchen was the center of her family. To her family she was a mother, grandmother, great-grand mother, missionary, friend, and a prayer warrior. Even in her final weeks on earth she was still trying to counsel others. No one would leave without a “God bless you, I love you.” She taught us all the importance of staying together as a family that legacy will live on. She is survived by her husband Martin Buchanan; her children Linval, Sharon, Pauline, Clifton, Eleisa, Kendalee, Nick, and Karl; twenty grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; eight sisters; and two brothers. Three of her brothers pre-deceased her. Also left to remember her fondly are nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and a host of other relatives too numerous to mention.
Sister Ina… Sister Buchanan… Sister Pinky…, may your soul rest in peace. Your work has ended on earth but just began in heaven. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation 14:13
The Fruits of Her Womb Lo, Children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psalms 127:3 ear Mom or Sister Pinky as you are affectionately called… You were my cup of tea in the morning, my break time snack, and my supper every night before going to bed. We used to talk every day, nights, and in between. We never seemed to get enough of each other; we shared that special bond. I will cherish the good times we had, especially on our cruise to the Bahamas, our mini vacations in Jamaica, and not to mention the numerous family gatherings we spent together.
Oh yes, I’m surely going to miss getting my little box mailed to me with a little of everything that you took pride to produce in the backyard like papaya, mango, guava, yam, potato, and tea bushes. I even used to get the good old time salt fish. Did you grow that also in the backyard? hmmm, just wondering.
Mother we stayed bonded even to the end of your life’s journey. I was blessed to be by your side through your sickness and by your bedside to hold your hand, play your favorite songs (Ride out the Storm, I’m Drinking from My Saucer…etc) and to witness one of God’s greatest moments when you took your last breath to answer the Master’s call.
You are gone from this life but will always be remembered. This is not a goodbye, this is, ‘see you later’. Your Loving daughter Pauline
y heart still aches with sadness and tears still flow at times…but the love we share will ease the pain through the long and lonely days. I will miss our special celebrations at Christmas and Thanksgiving when we all gather to eat and have fun. I will miss your yellow rice and your favorite cornbread recipe. I will miss your calls for birthdays – you never forgot a birthday!
You were there to guide me whenever I had to make any major decisions. Sis. Pinky I will miss you more than words can say. I remember that morning on your hospital bed as Pauline and I sang and prayed. You started to rejoice, you lifted your hands and spoke in tongues to your Lord and Savior and gave Him praise. I watched you fight but in the end you said “Not my will but God’s will be done.” I will miss you but I promise that I will see you again. Love you Mom – Sharon
om is how I address my mother because of the special bond between us. The only woman that I can say loves and cares about me without a doubt; you’re always there for me through thick or thin. Back in the days in Jamaica I can remember all the clothes and shoes among other nice things that you would furnish me with. One of my teachers once told me not to wear my church shoes to school and even when I told her that it was the oldest and ugliest one I had she did not believe me. They just couldn’t believe that I had nothing less to wear. Mother you lived an exemplary life for everyone especially your children. No words can describe your exceptional love for us. Even though I am living in the UK over 4,000 miles away, the distance didn’t keep me from seeing you on a regular basis and to be a part of most of the family gatherings. I wouldn’t miss your mac and cheese, or corn bread, and that delicious cow head stew that you would prepare especially for me. Thank you mom for being my chauffer, to pick up and drop me off at the airport, my tour guide, my chef, and my counselor etc. Now I have to find my own way out but I learned from the best. What can I say, I now have my own angel watching over me. Thank you mother, until we meet again. Your beloved son Cliffy
The Fruits of Her Womb Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed… Psalms 127:5
other where do I start? I could go on and on. There are so many scriptures that you have ingrained in me as we would talk. The one that stuck with me the most was 2 Timothy 4:7-8. The words penned by the Apostle Paul are very fitting for a virtuous mother who ran well. He says, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day.
These words will forever be embedded in my heart. Mother, you were not just a mother to me. You were a special gift wrapped in white, and filled with pure love – an ‘Angel’. The fruit of the spirit was your life story: Love... Joy… Peace… longsuffering… gentleness... goodness... faith… meekness…temperance. Mom your works were impeccable. Mother, I remember when I was in pain late in the night…you came and prayed for me and made me some tea and I felt so much better. You were always there for me and my children...every birthday...every Christmas…every Thanksgiving; we were always together no matter what. I remember the weekends that I spent with you even up to before you took ill. You would always put some money in my hand and say “put some gas in your car.” When I got home you would call every time to make sure that I was home. I even have the recording of you calling me about a month ago while on your sick bed. When I got home and saw your name on my phone as the missed call I was in awe, you were calling to see if I made it home safely. You said, “okay baby I know you are home, I love you, God bless you.” When I started baking and selling cakes as a weekend business I discussed with you the utensils that I used. You didn’t say anything at the time but a few days later when I visited, you told me to go to the back of your car and take the box that was there and put it in my car. It was my first commercial cake mixer in order for me to make more cakes in less time. You always supported me in everything. You often said “better days are ahead dear” or “after a storm there is a calm.” Two days before you passed away you came to me in a dream just to beckon to me that you were leaving. My heart didn’t want to accept it, but I knew you would be at peace. When I left your room that Saturday I could tell you were on your way to heaven…but I still held on to hope. Hoping for more time to spend with you, hoping to see you smile again, hoping you would call and say “baby are you home yet?”
Mother, my heart will forever hold a special place for you, that secret place that no one else can tap into except for the Trinity. You were a Proverbs 31 mother; many mothers do noble things but you have surpassed them ALL. Mother you have your wings, God only picks the best flowers from His garden. The legacy which you have left behind will impact generations to come. I will love you for a thousand years and thousands more. I will miss you... Rest in peace mother until we meet again. Eleisa
My Beloved Mother
ords can never explain the impact that you have made in my life. The many hats you had to wear while I was growing up, the strength and unconditional love. The love we share is an unbroken bond that passed from mother to child. They say that angels stand guard and watches over us, I can say I have known my angel my entire life; I had the joy to be able to call her Mom. Not only have you touched my life but the lives of countless others. I Love and miss you but as you always told me, “I’ll see you again My Baby.” Love always, Karl
Forever in My Heart A loving heart stopped beating A voice I love grew still It broke my heart to lose you But I know it was God’s will Your memories will always be with me In my heart and soul For how can I forget… A Mother who had a heart of gold. I take comfort in knowing… That you didn’t go alone For part of me went with you The day God called you home. Your daughter Kendalee
Order of Service Musical Prelude Call to Worship Pastor Ray Franklin Hymn Congregation When we all get to Heaven Prayer Pastor Ray Franklin Old Testament Reading Ramon Gordon (grandson) Psalms 23 Selections Joy McKay Melodies of Praise New Testament Reading Ishmael Bella (grandson) Romans 8:35-39 Song Evadney Campbell (sister) Open Tributes 6 individuals - maximum 2 minutes each Musical Selection Oliver Olgarene “As I Knew Her” Velma and Abner Prosper Hymn Congregation Blessed Assurance The Life & Times of Ina Sharmin Anderson (friend) Message Pastor Ray Franklin Prayer for Family & Benediction Recessional Hymn Congregation Amazing Grace
When We All Get to Heaven Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed, He’ll prepare for us a place. Chorus When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory. While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh. [Chorus]
Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay. [Chorus] Onward to the prize before us! Soon His beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold. When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory.
Songs of Comfort Blessed Assurance Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Chorus This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest; Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.
Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see. ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we’d first begun.
Grandma’s Thank You Thank you for being my grandma Thank you for being a second mom Thank you for being someone I could call on Thanks for the many dumplings… They made me strong Thanks for teaching me and raising me I’ll never forget the summer you made me study Psalms 23. You’ve seen me for worse but most of all for better. I know that you too shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Thank You Aldean H. (AJ)
The Child of God Does Not Die You may have taken your last breath but you will never die. Your passion for life and zeal for helping others will keep you alive in our memories forever. Rip Grandma - Ramon
Treasures My Angel
randma you meant the world to me. Like my Mom you were more than just a grandmother; you were a friend, an older sister, and now my angel. I spent a lot of my childhood around you watching everything you did. I enjoyed going to church with you, playing ludo & dominos with you, and even praying with you. Growing up you always made sure I was in good hands and had money in my pocket. “A little change, don’t tell your mom” is what you would say. I won’t forget those piggy banks you kept under your bed for me and Jawan. Over the years they got lighter and lighter from us sneaking money out of it. I always wanted to be the best grandson I could be to you which is why I enjoyed helping you out around the house or outside in the yard raking up leaves from your mango tree. Grandma, I’m going to miss everything about you, the hugs you gave me, the food you cooked, the jokes you told, the gifts, and most importantly the love you gave me. I wish I could have been there for you in that hospital like you was for me my whole life but I couldn’t due to my deployment status. I know if you were still alive you would tell me “Drico, it’s okay, sometimes you got to learn to take the bitter with the sweet.” So Grandma, if you can hear me, I just want to say that I love you. I’m sorry you are not here and I’ll never forget you. You’ll always be in my heart, you’ll always be in my life, and you’ll always be my angel. Thank you for being the best grandmother anybody could ever ask for. Thank you for all the good memories. Most importantly, thank you for giving birth to your daughter who I can proudly call my mom. Sleep in peace. Love, Drico
Last Year, around Thanksgiving, I was feeling down and afraid to stay in my home due to a break in. My dear sister was kind enough to invite me to Florida to show her support to me in my hour of crisis. I cannot forget how she welcomed me. Sometimes she even climbed in the bed with me and made me laugh my worries away. Our bond will be missed. Veta Sister Pinky always remembered birthdays. She loved Christmas and giving gifts. She was welcoming and would go out of her way to be hospitable. Pinky took good care of me when I was sick and I’ll never forget her kindness. Joan My heart aches for my sweet P. I love her so much. My thoughts are filled with her each day. When Pinky relocated from the Bahamas to Miami I never thought I would get over it. However, I found out it wasn’t too far from the Bahamas to Florida and began to take trips which would mostly involve spending time with her. I will always remember the many delicious meals, our shopping experience and humorous conversations. Shirley Sister Pinky cared about me being her youngest sister. When we were young she made sure that I was properly dressed when rushing off to kindergarten. As an adult, I remember Sister Pinky as being welcoming, loyal, and giving but that she also wanted loyalty to be reciprocated. Fern We will miss your generosity as you never forgot us not only when you traveled to Jamaica but also when you reached out to us from afar. Our love for you is tremendous. Willie-Mae, Delsie, Frances, Evadney, Talman and Earl Sister Pinky, we are going to miss your zest for life, your laughter and your helpfulness. You will forever be missed from our presence but not from our hearts. Farewell, sleep on and take your rest, until we all meet one day in that great triumphant morning.
At the Graveside Choruses
It’s Alright Some Sweet Day I’m Gonna Say Goodbye No Grave Can Hold My Body Down
Pallbearers Clifton (Son) Karl (Son) Ramon (Grandson) Rohan (Son-in-Law) Wesley (Nephew) Ralph (Nephew) Clayton (Friend)
Professional Services Aycock Funeral Home
Fernhill Memorial Gardens & Mausoleum 1501 S. Kanner Highway Stuart, FL 34994 772-283-6246
Rolling Oaks Cemetery The family invites you to join them in a time of fellowship and reflection immediately following the interment.
St James Orthodox Church 2201 Airso Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34984
Thank You The family of Ina Smalls Buchanan extends sincere thanks and appreciation to the relatives and friends for the shared expressions of love during our time of bereavement. We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate all the telephone calls, flowers, cards, and all other expressions of sympathy. May the peace and love of God abide with you and may God continue to bless you all. We pay special tribute to‌
Treasure Coast Church of God
For spiritual guidance and support
Treasure Coast Hospice
For compassionate care and support to Sis. Pinky and the family
Aycock Funeral Home
For dignified and respectful final services
Rolling Oaks Cemetery
For preparing a resting place for our beloved To all those who have given their service at this time, we are grateful for your help and guidance through this process.
The family
Graphic Design & Layout Shawn Ferguson
Gracious Grafx Studios 954-515-9016
Concept Design & Editing Annette Taylor-Spence
AnnT Spence Consulting 954-439-5615
Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. 305-651-9696
Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Psalms 73: 24-26
In glory land, is where I’ll be In glory land, His face I’ll see No more pain or storm clouds rise When I see Jesus, beyond the skies He’ll welcome me, He’ll welcome me To that place of blessed peace No more pain or storm clouds rise When I see Jesus, beyond the skies