So much could be said about who Joseph Anthony Dean was. His life was not at all perfect yet God used him in ways that so many lives were changed for the cause of Christ and they continue to live according to the principles of the Word Of God.
Joseph Anthony Dean was born on May 29, 1941, in Yallahs, St. Thomas, Jamaica to Doris Ross and Mr. Dean. He was the last of four children. His father died when he was a young boy and he was left to be raised by his mother. His mother did what she could to raise her children the best she knew how. As a youth, he attended the Catholic Church, sang in the choir and at one point he stated he wanted to be a priest, however God had better plans for him.
Joseph attended Windward Road Primary School and Kingsway Preparatory School. He successfully completed his years of studies and earned his high school diploma. He knew the importance of education and continued through correspondence courses in I.C.S and Bennett College. With this education he obtained employment at several places such as the water commission in Jamaica. He learned swiftly and decided to be self-employed opening up his own companies. He built several homes from the ground up, and produced furniture that are present today in the homes of his family and others connected to them. Construction in the natural world was a niche however, he is most known for building the kingdom of God. He was the founder and builder of Gospel Light Evangelism Association with churches established in Jamaica, 2 in Haiti and a branch in Tampa, Florida. In 1975, he moved to the United States and continued to build the kingdom. He founded and established Apostolic Temple Incorporated of which the church Venetian Acres Apostolic Temple in Miami, Florida brought out the best in so many lives. Additional accomplishments and education can be seen in the news clipping of Personalities Caribbean posted in the Who’s Who in America 1988 .
Pastor Joseph Dean’s call, conversion and ministry was unique. He wrote the following to explain and share the most significant moments of his life as his eulogy.
Opening Remarks Pastor Paul Dean (son)
Congregational Songs In The Sweet By and By By and By when the Morning Come
Scripture Reading Andre Allen (grandchild)
Romans 8 v 1:14
Video Tribute He Lived, He Built, He Loved, He Served Produced by Paul Dean Jr. (grandchild)
Celebration of Life Tributes Leaders in the Faith
Bishop McDonald - Emmanuel Apostolic Church
Bishop S. Robert Stewart - Pentecostal Tabernacle
Song Family of God
The One Who Knew Him Best
Mother Lucy Dennis-Dean
Family and Friends Tributes
Eulogy Minister Tracy Dean (daughter)
Songs of Joy
Words of Comfort Pastor Paul Dean(son)
Closing Song Oh What a Sunrise
There’s a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore; In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blessed; And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.
By and by when the morning comes, All the saints of God are gathered home, We’ll tell the story how we’ve overcome: For we’ll understand it better by and by.
You will notice we say “brother and sister” ‘round here, It’s because we’re a family and these are so near; When one has a heartache, we all share the tears, And rejoice in each victory in this family so dear.
I’m so glad I’m a part of the Family of God, I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, For I’m part of the family, The Family of God.
From the door of an orphanage to the house of the King, No longer an outcast, a new song I sing; From rags unto riches, from the weak to the strong, I’m not worthy to be here, but praise God I belong!
God gives life
And he takes it away
He is the potter
And I am the clay
When I view the last sunset
And cross over the sea
I know a sunrise will be waiting for me
And oh what a sunrise its going to be Death will loose its sting
And the grave its victory
The silence will be broken
And the storm clouds rolled away I hear the saints of angels singing
On a home coming day
The time will come
For the last goodbye
This I spy tho tears dip their eyes
Death will take host
But only to sleep
In the arms of our savior so sweet
And oh what a sunrise its going to be Death will loose its sting
And the grave its victory
The silence will be broken
And the storm clouds rolled away I hear the saints of angels singing
On a home coming day
The silence (ohh the silence)
Ohhh the silence will be broken
And the storm clouds rolled away I hear the saints of angels singing
On a home coming day
Oh what a sunrise its going to be Death will loose its sting
And the grave its victory
Oh the silence will be broken
And the storm clouds rolled away I hear the saints of angels singing
On a home coming day
as written by
Joseph Dean was a blessed man. Allow me to tell you a few things about him.
He married Lucy Dennis, and they raised seven children. The eldest one Mark, a general contractor, preceded him in death. The remaining are: Daniel, a pastor and entrepreneur, Paul, a pastor with an engineering and law degree, Reba, has her bachelors in criminology and works the Miami Dade Police Department, Lydia has a Masters in Educational Leadership and is a Dean of instructions in North Carolina, Tracy, has a master’s in accounting and is a teacher, Wendy, has a PhD in pharmacy. He adopted his son’s wives, namely Carol, she is a nurse and Suzzette, his caretaker, is a school administrator that owns her own school.
Joseph Dean is like the sun. He rose on May 29, 1941, in Yallah, St. Thomas, Jamaica. He was raised in Johnstown, in Kingston, Jamaica and he loved to go dancing and fishing. One night he went to ask his girlfriend to go with him to a dance. His girlfriend had to attend a prayer meeting with her mother first. He decided to go to the prayer meeting to wait for his girlfriend. While he was there, he realized that Yahweh (God) exists. He realized that he should speak to Him. Most of the people were ending their prayer when he started to speak to Him. He described it like a spotlight was on him as he prayed. Frightened and embarrassed, he went home and locked himself in his room and never went to the dance.
In May of that year, he went to a pastor and asked to be baptized according to the scriptures on the first Sunday in August. The pastor agreed. Joseph, however, never attended church. He was a girl chaser, a gambler, a drunkard, a cursor, a fighter, a smoker, and did everything that was bad. When he was with his boys he cursed or used profanity for everything that happened. The Saturday night before his baptism, he and his friends went fishing by the Gypsum Stone Wharf. They stayed on the shore and threw their line. He went behind a clump of seagrass. He had to walk on the tree roots to get to a clear spot. He proceeded to throw his line out but it got caught on a tree. He tried to clear it but, while he was clearing it rather than cursing, he started to sing hymns. His friends wondered what was going on, Joseph was not cursing. Eventually, his friend came around to hand him his portion of a cigarette. When
his friend saw him, he cried out with a loud voice, “Anthony,”. It startled him so fell off the roof of the tree into the water. His friend asked him, “What is that around you.” He exclaimed, “I saw a light around you, I can’t stay out here with you any longer” and the both went straight home. On the way home he told his friend that he was going to be baptized and he would like to die as soon as he got baptized. He did not want to be bad anymore.
The Sunday that he went to be baptized, the preacher held his hand and was praying aloud. He drew his hands out of the preacher because the preacher started to speak in tongues. As he was walking away, to leave the pool that same light shone around him again and he began to speak in a language he did not know. After about thirty seconds, he then turned back to the preacher and demanded to be baptized immediately and the preacher obliged. From that time he was a changed person.
His common practice was to go up Wareika Hills to pray each morning. One morning, he prayed and said he wanted to see the God who he is praying to. He went far up into the hills and sat on a rock as he prayed. He saw a landing, about 18 inches above the ground, appear. Then he saw a pair of feet and a white robe, and the appearance of the feet were that of a man. He cried out, “Hallelujah” and continued to look further upward but turned and could not look at the man’s face. The light was too intense. He heard another person say,” somebody see God”. In Jamaica and in the US, following God’s purpose and plan, he built churches with evidence of God’s power throughout his ministry. We knew the deaf ears opened, as we heard the dumb talk, saw blinded eyes opened, saw crippled the walk, distorted faces restored casting it out of demons and the dead raised back to life and living today. So, much of the biblical miraculous operations are happening in our lives today. In 1975 he moved his family to the US. He heard in a dream that God wanted him to show what the first entry church was like. This he started to do. He left a lifetime of solid teaching that many testify to this day.
As a contractor, he had various projects. This event is significant. He became a subcontractor and took out a subcontract loan to build a vault for Burdines at SW 40th Street, in Miami. He had everything ready to pour the concrete when the architect for the shopping center asked if the wall facing the street was braced. The architect cited it was a concrete block wall that was being built without reinforcement therefore, it could not hold the four-inch slump concrete vibrating with a 4-inch vibrator. Everybody agreed with the architect that the wall should be braced.
The concrete was there, the pump was ready, and it was a special mixed concrete that the company would have to throw away. He had borrowed the money to pay for the concrete for no other concrete company would mix that kind of concrete before they got paid. He would lose thousands of dollars, have to pay for the pump again, the mix again, he would not get paid, and his workers would not get paid. That concrete was specially made for vaults. The slump had to be high and special chemicals had to be added to make it hard to cut therefore he would have to dump it. The work to add the brace would take days. He began to pray for a miracle, meanwhile everyone else was packing up and about to leave. He went to the backside of the wall and saw two large men in white robes leaning against the wall as people were walking through the men. He ran and shouted, “poured the concrete!” Everybody said he was mad. He shouted even louder, “pour the concrete, I am responsible for the outcome, POUR THE CONCRETE!” The architect was there and made sure that he vibrated the concrete more at certain areas where they thought it would move or collapse but it did not move. Following the pouring he went
back to the see if the men were still there, but they were gone. He did not see the men. That building stands strong today.
Besides going out fishing with his family, he would also go fishing with his church family. He purchased the boat and would go out periodically on the Atlantic or on the inlet to fish. On this particular occasion brother Evan McFarlane and sister Enid Peart went with him. The church was going to have a special dinner and he promised to supply the fish. The three went three evenings in a row and caught nothing. On the 4th night as he was going to their regular fishing spot a man appeared to him and pointed to a sandbank. The man said, “go there and fish”. He said to himself that that’s an illusion, so he went to their regular fishing spot. After about an hour they did not get a bite, not even a mosquito bite. The man appeared again and pointed to the same spot and said, “go over there and fish”. He told his partners about what he saw and said it was God. They said you’re getting out of your mind. That’s the sandbank, shallow water, the boat cannot go there. God would not show you a place like that. He insisted and took the boat to the sandbank. Once secured, he immediately threw his line and caught a snapper. Brother MacFarlane and sister Peart followed suit and threw their lines in and caught snappers in the shallow water that was no deeper than about 12 inches. They caught enough fish for the dinner. He had told the church that he would give them snappers and all of the fish were snappers. He and his partners agreed that they would not take any of the fish home and he took it to sister Mavis Kerr to cook for the dinner. They went the following night to fish for their homes. They caught more than they had caught the night before. He went to that place for subsequent nights but never caught another fish. They called that place “holy ground.”
Years would pass with additional supernatural, miraculous events occurring. However, he did not keep up medically with his body. Life and stress hit him with a stroke after he moved to Sebring, Florida in 2000. There he suffered a stroke that he did not fully recover from. Armed with a strong mind, and struggling with the use of his hands, he wrote and published the Commandments of Christ. Our brother Daniel Dean moved him to Tampa to be able to get good care for him and his wife Suzzette was the chief caregiver, handling all things he needed. She never wavered to keep us apprised of what was needed and most of the time handled it on her own. It is in Tampa where his sun setted on October 1st, 2023.
So much more can be said about his life. So many more stories of the events that God has done through him and his ministry that can be shared. He did live a life poured out to the cause of Christ.
More than sixty years ago I had the privilege and pleasure of meeting and being positively impacted by Joseph Dean. Though just a young boy at the time, as a fellow member of Pentecostal Tabernacle, Wildman Street, Kingston Jamaica, I was impressed by his fervor to win souls to Jesus Christ.
As I recall, at that time he had no ministerial ordination bestowed on him by the local church but he was someone who actively sought to share the message of salvation with others, leading them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Being a soul winner involves several key characteristics and actions. Firstly, it requires a genuine love and burden for others’ spiritual well-being, and that is the memory I have carried of Joesph Dean who later became a Pastor.
On behalf of my family and the Pentecostal Tabernacle Family, It is with a hopeful heart that I extend our sincere condolences to the Dean family during this difficult time. Losing a loved one is undoubtedly one of life’s greatest challenges, and it is important to remember that you are not alone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and we hope that in the midst of your pain, you find solace and comfort in the loving memories you shared.
A great man of God with a Healing Ministry
A trail blazer and energetic preacher
A dynamic teacher of anything especially God’s Word
A multi -talented man who taught his congregation well
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Bro. Dean. He was a loyal person and I called him my friend. When I was building our water system at our new church campus, I had to put in an underground water tank and Bro. Dean came by at that time. He was a big help to me. I was so thankful for him. I enjoyed preaching for him when we would come to Miami.
My wife Ivett and I are pleased to honor and remember a man who touched our lives in profound and selfless ways. Pastor Anthony Dean was not just a spiritual leader; he was a beacon of kindness, generosity, and unwavering devotion to his congregation and community. As we reflect on his life, we are reminded of the extraordinary love and compassion he shared with all who knew him.
One of the most poignant memories of Pastor Dean was how he selflessly performed our wedding ceremony when we were young and struggling financially. At a time when the burdens of life could have overwhelmed us, he stepped in with a heart full of love and open arms. We had little more than the rings we exchanged, our wedding attire, and a desire to start our journey together. Pastor Anthony did not charge us a single dime for the ceremony. His belief in the sanctity of love and the power of unity was more important to him than any material gain. He gave us a gift beyond words – the assistance of a beautiful wedding ceremony that will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
But his kindness didn’t end there. He also hosted a reception for us, complete with food and a delicious wedding cake, all at no cost to us. It was a celebration filled with joy and happiness, thanks to Pastor Anthony’s boundless generosity. His actions that day were a true testament to the love he had for his congregation and his commitment to making our lives better.
In addition to this, Pastor Anthony honored me with a unique responsibility. He trusted me to speak to his congregation in his absence, a rare privilege that spoke volumes about his faith in me and the strength of our bond. He was seldom away from his home church on Sundays, but when he was, he chose me to stand in his place. This was an incredible gesture of trust and love, which I cherished deeply.
Throughout his life, Pastor Dean exemplified love, compassion, and selflessness. He was a true shepherd of his flock, guiding and nurturing his congregation with unwavering dedication. His impact on the lives he touched was immeasurable, and his legacy will continue to inspire us for generations to come.
As we say our final goodbyes to Pastor Anthony Dean, remember the love he shared, the lives he touched, and the lessons he taught us. He showed us that the true essence of a spiritual leader lies in their ability to love, give, and serve selflessly. We are forever grateful for the kindness he bestowed upon us and for the privilege of having known such a remarkable man.
Rest in peace, Pastor Anthony Dean. Your memory will forever shine brightly in our hearts.
Bishop Ernest McDonald
Bless the Lord. I have known Pastor Joseph Dean for many years as an Apostolic Stalwart. As Pastor for the church in New Haven St Andrew, Jamaica, he led a great team of ministers and workers. Many souls were won to the Lord through that ministry. The church continues to grow under new leadership. He was a visionary, creative and forward thinking. The church community in Jamaica salutes him as an Apostolic General and gives thanks to the Almighty God for lending him to us. WALK GOOD SOLDIER
Pastor, Elder Joseph Dean was a no-nonsense preacher, pastor, teacher , a man with a fresh look at God and his church through the eyes of a visionary. He was a man who created an awareness of Jesus Christ in the 1960s- early 1970s that is still spoken of today, by those who knew him.
Pastor JD was an entrepreneur with great talent, one who honed his skill to reach many. His manner of dressing was impressive and this attracted much admiration and also some criticism. His charisma, along with a new approach to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, led Pastor JD to great heights in the Pentecostal Apostolic Arena in Jamaica at that time.
Pastor JD’s unique style will be missed yet his contribution to the Apostolic Faith will live on in the lives and hearts of the many whom he impacted.
He has gone to his reward! May his memory be cherished by those whose lives have been changed by his service to God and may we all continue to please the Lord who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light!
Pastor Joseph Dean was known to me as a youth . He visited IAM ministries and preached there when the late Bishop Ivan Evans pastored. I knew and grew up in the community with two of his children Wendy and Tracy Dean who worshiped at IAM.
He was an exemplary father of taking care of his children . His children mattered and I got that from interactions with his daughters and Bishop Evans. He was a friend of Bishop Evans and was keen on the ministry.He will be missed.
Bishop Frank Otto
I am greatly honored to be given this opportunity to bring tribute to a man of God who has enriched the lives of so many people. I was introduced to Pastor Joseph Anthony Dean by the late Bishop S. U. Thomas, Presiding Prelate of the Emmanuel Apostolic Church INC (my father in law). At the time he was pastoring a church in Kingston, Jamaica. He also owned and operated a furniture store in Jamaica and I was privileged to have him design and build our first bedroom set when my late wife and I got married fifty (50) years ago.
Pastor Dean will be remembered as a man of Godly conviction and persuasion and for his delivery of the word with much passion and fervor. He loved the church, he loved the word of God, and demonstrated a passion for teaching, delivering spiritual truth in practical terms.
Today we remember him as a humble man whose faith in God was strong and whose love for his family was quite obvious. As a man of God he demonstrated the Scripture verse “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). He therefore ensured that his children were brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
Although a stern father, he believed that every child deserves the best and so was committed to providing the best for his children including a good education and a positive example of Christian living. He was indeed a great character worthy of emulation. His transition has left a void that will be hard to fill, but earth’s loss is heaven’s gain. May his soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon him
There are no words that can describe my first encounter with this man of God, my Spiritual Father Bishop Tony Dean. My life was completely changed from the day I met this man of God in that small but big in the spirit temple in Opa-locka Florida, his teachings were definitely like nothing I had heard, to this day. His teachings helped to give me the strong foundation that I was able to build my walk with God on. The wisdom and his ability to rightly divide the Word of God was extraordinary. As many may recall, my first encounter with God was far from normal, and God used an unusual anointing to help birth-out an unusual son. I am proud to call him my Spiritual Father. My life in Ministry has exceeded to becoming an ordained licensed Apostle and Bishop, and I truly believe, because of the teachings and wisdom of Bishop Dean, I was able to accomplish all that I did in ministry.
On behalf of MCTR Ministries and RM Process Ministries, its leaders, and elders, rest on Pops, as I affectionately call you. Your assignment is over, now it is time for your sons and daughters to take all that you have poured into our lives and feed the world with solid teachings of Jesus Christ that you have taught us, God bless. I will never forget the song My Hope is Built on Nothing Less; “on Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand;” one of your favorites.
I met Pastor Dean while we attended the same church in Jamaica under the late Bishop Johnson. Our fellowship was so close that I officiated in his wedding. After a while I migrated to the United States and the friendship was severed for a while. Later he and his family also came to the United States and a reunion was rekindled.
When we reunited I had several health issues. It was so bad that I was put on disability. I had gone to several doctors but they had no cure for my illnesses. All the test results showed that my brain had moved to the back of my head. I had not double, but triple vision. Someone had to help me to go up steps because I was seeing several steps in front of me.
When I told Pastor Dean my health issues, he prayed for me and shortly after God healed my health issues. I was so healed that I went back to work, and stayed on that job for over five years. I am now ninety-two years old and I only need glasses to read. I can travel on my own and I go to the adult center in my area three times per week because I am not homebound.
My time with Venetian Acres Apostolic Temple was joyful and many were saved. Thank God for knowing Pastor Dean and I saw the hand of God on his life through the years. He was a true servant of God. See you later Br. Tony. Praise the Lord.
I have known Brother Dean since I was 18 years old. Brother Dean impacted my life in so many ways that is worth making mention of.
He was my first employer when I graduated from business school. I was employed by Gordean Construction Company and the knowledge that came with it was exceptional.
Brother Dean was a phenomenal Bible teacher who taught the infallible word of God. Brother Dean loved people and was always helping someone out of difficulties. He was always concerned about his congregants and their spiritual growth and have always made the way for them to grow both spiritually and physically. He would build houses with very little cost for people who could not qualify for mortgages.
Brother Dean wanted to build a place of worship and so he, along with members of the church, built a church building and a school called Gospelight Apostolic, in Duhaney Park, running off of the Washington Gardens Boulevard. It was there I experienced the laying of hands and casting out of evil spirits. It was also there that I received the Holy Ghost in 1971.
Here, in the United States, Pastor Dean again built a church amid neighborhood oppositions, but not only did he build the church, he built people to serve in the vineyard of the Lord, many Pastors, Bishops came through his tutelage.
Pastor Joseph Dean, a man after God’s own heart. He was a prophet, and evangelist, chosen by God for no man could do such miracles and be so daring if God was not with him. I was a Baptist member when I met Pastor Dean. Under his teaching ministry, I understood how important it is to be saved. I got baptized in Jesus’ name and received the Holy Ghost. That teaching has kept me to this day firmly grounded in the word of God.
I have witnessed many miracles and healings by God through Pastor Dean and I will name a few. One Sunday a blind woman was brought to church and he prayed for her and immediately she could see, because she could name certain colors that were shown to her.
Another miracle, a boy about the age of eleven or twelve was brought to church who could not speak for whom the parents requested prayer. Pastor Dean prayed for him and right away the child spoke.
Feeding the multitude replayed. God multiplied the food. We usually have a fellowship meal on Saturday nights after service. On this Saturday night we had invited guests and the food was not enough to feed everyone. Pastor Dean called to us and we prayed. We asked our members to wait until the visitors were fed. We gave each person generously and were sure not to miss anyone. After the visitors were served the food miraculously multiplied that our people were fed and we had leftovers that whoever wanted could take home food.
The wall of Jericho: Building of the church. When Pastor Dean was to get the permit for the church in Miami he was met with much resistance from the building department and residents in the area. The land was already purchased and we were ready to build. He called upon the members of the church to do a Jericho march. Each day we were to walk around the property one time and on the last day we would walk around the property seven times then we were to give God a loud praise. It was before day break in a winter month so we had to wrap ourselves in winter clothes and carry flashlights to see in the dark. For six mornings we marched around the perimeter of the land just as recorded in the Bible. On the seventh morning we met at the entrance to the property and made our Jericho march, shouted, prayed, and thanked the Lord for the outcome. Soon after that the residents dropped their oppositions and we were granted permission to build the church. That building still stands at 16341 NW 47th Avenue, Miami Gardens where lives are being saved up to today.
We want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude and admiration for the incredible impact Bro. Dean had on our lives through unwavering dedication to teaching us the word of God.
His teachings had a guiding light, illuminating our paths with wisdom, faith, and love. Through his sermons, he showed us the way to live a life rooted in faith, and understanding. His passion for the scriptures is infectious, and his ability to convey their profound messages has touched the hearts of all who have had the privilege of listening to him.
Bro. Dean’s legacy of faith will continue to inspire us as we walk our spiritual journeys, and we are truly blessed to have had him as our Pastor.
Today, we gather to pay tribute to a remarkable man of God, Pastor Dean, whose life touched ours in ways that are nothing short of miraculous. His memory and legacy are etched deeply in our hearts, and as we remember and celebrate his life, it’s impossible not to be overwhelmed by a profound sense of gratitude.
I stand before you today as a living testament to the incredible impact of Pastor Dean’s compassion, love, and unwavering commitment to his faith and his community. I came to this new country, a stranger in a foreign land with only my six-year-old daughter by my side, and no family to turn to. In the midst of my uncertainty and fear, it was Pastor Dean who reached out and became our guiding light.
He did so much more than just preach from the pulpit. He practiced what he preached, embodying the very essence of Christ’s teachings. When my daughter needed to be registered for school and transportation was a significant challenge, Pastor Dean stepped in without hesitation. For many months, he took it upon himself to drive her to school every single day, ensuring that she received the education she deserved. He didn’t just treat us like his congregation; he treated us like family.
But it didn’t stop there. With his heart full of compassion, he connected us with individuals who could help us secure jobs and livelihoods. He recognized our need for shelter and took action. Pastor Dean rented us housing at a reduced price, allowing us to live according to our limited income. His actions demonstrated a deep understanding of the practical challenges we faced, and he made it his mission to alleviate our burdens.
Pastor Dean was not just a caring pastor; he was a gifted teacher of the Word of God. His passion for the scriptures was contagious, and his knowledge was profound. He had the ability to bring the Word to life, making its teachings relevant to our daily struggles and triumphs. His sermons were not just religious lessons but also life lessons that inspired us to live according to God’s will.
But above all, Pastor Dean was a great student of the Word. He dedicated himself to a lifelong pursuit of understanding and living by the teachings of the Bible. His commitment to the things of God was unwavering, and his faith was a beacon of hope for all of us who had the privilege of knowing him.
As we mourn the loss of this incredible man, we also celebrate his life. We celebrate the love and compassion he shared with us, the kindness he showed to those in need, and the lessons he imparted from the Word of God. We honor the legacy of a man who touched our lives in immeasurable ways, a pastor who didn’t just preach but lived out the Gospel in every aspect of his life.
In closing, let us remember Pastor Dean as a shining example of Christ’s love and compassion. Let his memory inspire us to continue the work he started, reaching out to those in need, and sharing the message of God’s love and grace. As we say our goodbyes today, we hold onto the precious lessons he taught us and the love he shared with us. Pastor Dean, your memory will forever be a blessing in our lives, and your legacy will continue to shine brightly in our hearts.
Bro. Dean, Tony Dean, (Pop) was a fearless Trailblazer in his time in the Apostolic Church. He was not shy of talking to the leaders of the church on matters that could be improved. He had a strict focus on what he started out to do. My salvation today is due to his teachings and ministry. In spite of our differences in the marriage he taught me the Bible and left with me a firm foundation that cannot be moved.
We met while I was living at our Pastor’s house. My first visit to the church shocked me, because I saw people knocking over benches while tarrying for the Holy Ghost. Coming from a Moravian background, which I call holy quietness, to this strange happening, was kind of frightening to me at the time. I never went back to church for approximately one year, but Tony Dean was determined that I go to church. There were times when I did not go to church and he would leave church to come to the house to encourage me to go. He was relentless in evangelism, not only with me, but others can testify to that fact. Eventually, I got baptized and later we got married. We raised seven children who have all exceeded us in education.
God used him mightily in the ministry of healing, evangelism,and casting out demons. I have witnessed many healing in Jamaica and the United States. In Jamaica, a little crippled girl was brought to the
church and he prayed for her and immediately the child could walk. Because of that the Mona Rehab Center sent their crippled children to church on Sundays. The church flourished to where we were having upwards of five hundred attending our Sunday services.
When the church was to be built in Jamaica he met with obstacles from a certain building inspector who opposed the building in the area. After several push backs, on a certain day he went to the building department to check on the permit. God would have it that the inspector was not at work, so the other inspectors approved the permit. Tony Dean does not procrastinate, so the same evening he gathered up workers, got the necessary materials and poured the foundation. Next morning the opposing inspector stopped by our house to tell us why we could not have a church at that location. We told him the other inspectors signed the permit and the concrete for the foundation was already poured. Bro. Dean involved his children in his work, so I had to take the two week old baby to the site, where some dirt was put in her hand and have her throw it in the foundation. All her adult life she has been building lives in schools. Praise the Lord.
His accomplishments in the secular world. Shortly after our marriage he went to New York seeking a better life. While he was on a job in the basement of a house his blood froze. He fainted and was taken to the hospital where spent eleven days, so he returned home. He worked hard, saved some money and when it reached one thousand dollars he made a deal with the Lord that if He allowed him to find a lot of land for the money he had, that was his que not to return to New York. Seems like God agreed, for he found a lot namely 10 Corona Crescent for the exact amount of money and he built his first house. After that he built 9 Berwin Avenue, 10 Montary Avenue, and 130 Patrick Drive and a furniture factory at 73 Constant Spring Road where he manufactured furniture and wooden lamps. All this was done solely by him from 1966 to 1975, a matter only nine years. I was working as an attorney’s secretary up until 1971 so I had very little input in this.
We migrated to the United States in August 1975. In the United States we started a new life. He was buying run down properties, rehabbing them and selling them. The healing ministry continued. One morning one of our saints called him because she had a stroke and her face was twisted. We went to the saint’s house and he prayed for her and I saw the lady’s jaw moving like a worm was under the skin and immediately her face returned to normal. He also built a church at 16321 NW 47th Avenue. There is so much more to talk about but time and space would not allow. I am grateful to have known him and know that the love we shared was real in Christ. Peace and love till we meet again.
As for the days of our years, in them are seventy years; and if [men should be] in strength, eighty years; and the greater part of them would be labor and trouble; for weakness overtakes us, and we shall be chastened. Psalm 90 v 10
Joseph Anthony Dean also called Tony Dean is the washed belly ( last) child of my eldest Aunt , Aunt Doris. We are first cousins. My earliest memory of him was when he would stop at Yallahs to look for his Aunts Ena (my mother), Geva , Uncle Ferdie and us cousins and in-laws on his way to Mount Llebanus. In those days when town people came to the country in a motor vehicle it was a big thing in the community. The family would be hospitable to him and whoever came with him.
Tony was kind and helpful to his Aunts. I remember my mother needed a fridge and he bought a yellow Kelvinator two door frost free fridge and took it to Yallahs in his van. Daddy, Mama and I went to a relative wedding in Kingston which ended very late. He and Aunt Lucy gave us their bed to sleep and he took us or had us transported home the next day. (It was a long time ago, I don’t remember all the details). In the late eighties early nineties, I came to America and was invited to his house. Sorry everyone, the only people I remember from that experience are Reba, Aunt Lucy and Tony Dean. However the hospitality shown sticks in my mind.
He never left his family. He came to Jamaica and officiated the funeral service of his brother Ivan Wilson. The last time we met was at the memorial service of Mark Dean, his son. We had breakfast, laugh, chat and had a good time.
Walk good cuz “ the family chain is broken, nothing stays the same as God calls us one by one the chain will link again.” May his soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine on him.
We didn’t know much about the Apostolic doctrine until we immigrated from Jamaica in 1985 to live in Miami, FL. We visited several churches but couldn’t find one that appealed to us. Bro. Rupert was a Catholic, and I was Brethren. I was baptized in the name of the father, son and Holy Ghost. One day, we went shopping and met my cousin, Pastor Joseph Anthony Dean. He invited us to an Apostolic Church where he was the Pastoring. We went to visit the Church and found that it was different from all the churches that we were associated with. The way they worshiped the Lord clapped their hands. They spoke in a different language when the Spirit came upon them.
Pastor started to preach on the oneness of God, Deuteronomy 6:4 that the Lord our God is one Lord. Then he spoke about the one Lord, one faith, one baptism, Ephesians 4:5. We got excited hearing these Scriptures. The service ended. We went home, but these Scriptures resonated in our hearts.
We went back the next Sunday, and started to worship as we saw the saints worshiping. It was different this Sunday. The word of God was saturating our hearts. We got the full Psalm 100. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. The service was different this time. As we listened, we began to feel different. There was a void that needed to be satisfied.
At the end of the service, Sis Henry put her hand up and requested water baptism in Jesus name, as stated in the Bible. Bro Henry held his hand up and indicated that he too wanted to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Pastor Dean baptized both of us that afternoon upon the confession of our faith in Jesus Christ and that we would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. We became new converts and attended the Bible classes and prayer meetings.
Bro. Henry didn’t know how to pray, but each day he started getting more comfortable to pray. We were growing in the faith and the understanding of the Bible. We couldn’t wait to be in Bible Study classes and prayer meetings. Not long after Sis. Henry received the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues and getting revelations.
Pastor Dean taught us about prayer and fasting. We started to grow more in the word of God. After several months of prayer and fasting, Bro Henry received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Our home was now fired-up that both of us have received the Holy Ghost. Sister Henry became an ardent prayer warrior and was in charge of the prayer group. A group of us launched out and started home prayer meetings every Friday night. We were able to see and testify of the power and miracles we experienced through the Holy Spirit.Pastor Dean, after watching the brothers for a time, appointed five Elders. At this time, Bro. Henry became one of the Elders and also was appointed as the head of the adult Sunday School.
Pastor Dean was an excellent Bible teacher. Some of the Scriptures still resonate in our hearts today. When we hear anyone preaching any other doctrine than what the Bible says. We know it’s a lie. We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for keeping us in this wonderful and free salvation. We had changes in places of worship, but we were grounded in this great gospel that was once delivered to the apostles and never left the faith. We thank our Lord Jesus that through it all, we have learned to trust in Jesus and learned to trust in God. These lines are from a song Pastor Dean loved to sing. We thanked our Lord Jesus that we answered the call when Pastor Joseph Anthony Dean explained the Scriptures to us.May his soul rest in peace.
Growing up with “Pop” was a unique experience. It was the joy and pain, fear and faith, poverty and prosperity, family and isolation all at the same time! As a child, you have your own perception of your parent’s strengths and weaknesses that usually stems from how you felt you or others were treated. But, when you’re older and the responsibility of governing a home becomes yours, you come to realize they were faced with responsibilities and challenges you could not then appreciate. Then when you realize what you have become because of it, and what they were able to accomplish despite it, then you appreciate and even celebrate the wisdom of their ways and maybe life was not as bad as you think. Such was the journey with Pastor Joseph Dean, we the boys just called “Pop”.
Pop grew up in a fatherless home. By his own admission to us, he really longed for that relationship. Therefore, he promised the Lord that his children, to the best of his ability, would never long for the love and guidance and support of a father. Though we did not appreciate it then, I can see the value of it now. He was ALWAYS there for us. He would be at every major event; graduations, celebrations, etc. We had dinner around the dinner table once or twice per week where he again would share and discuss events. Then, above all, he always had time to take us fishing. Fishing time was talking time. He was going to give us a vision of how his sons would be in construction (many times we did not want to hear it.) He would talk about building on legacy through his sons of his flesh and sons of his spirit. Pop was a “hard” businessman. In our minds, we just wanted out of Pharoah’s bondage!
But look at us now. All boys went to different career paths but all ended up in construction. We got away from him, but could not get away from the seeds of wisdom he planted in us; we were all called to serve aggressively in the kingdom. It is now I can appreciate the fishing times, the dinner times, the church fellowship times, the family times. How did he have time for all of that?!
Though Pop only had a high school education, he was real big on studies and had a scholarly approach to the Bible. He would warn “Don’t believe any of those lying preachers. Make sure you see it the Bible for yourself with your own two eyes!” Every member of the church had to get a Strong’s Concordance and a Vines Expository. Everything we heard were encouraged to fact check. Don’t ever repeat Christian clichés or adopt general Christian practices and teach them as Bible truth. “A whistling woman and a crowing hen is an abomination unto the Lord”, “Cleanliness is next to godliness” were among the first sayings to go. Doctrinally, terms like “Trinity”, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit had to go.
With that mindset, a lot of his own teachings seemed radical! But I watched TBN, so I thought I knew better. LOL! I came determined every Sunday to discuss with him the errors he made in his message that week. I came to rebuttal, and he would sit up in his bed. I sat on the floor by his feet. I came to challenge Him and ended up learning at the master’s feet.
I am not sure if it was my arrogance, curiosity, or passion to not seem so radical to the rest of the world that motivated me to discuss scriptures for 2 to 3 hours after most Sunday services. I sought to change him but, God changed me and fortified me in the Apostolic Doctrine. I also got the vision to seek out the principles and practices of the first century church (i.e. the principles and cultural practices of the church the first 100 years after the death of Christ.)
Culturally, Valentines, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas had to go. Acknowledge the season, but celebrate it God’s way. So Easter became replaced by Passover and “Resurrection Day.” Church Anniversary survived. Pastor Appreciation died. See the pattern? Pop was radical, but not a rebel.
You go to school and go home to a big furniture factory by a gully with a big concrete boat! Yes! It was a 45 feet boat made out of concrete. That’s just a vivid image of an item in the furniture factory that Pop built and managed. I remembered the big church with the band and the big choir; Gospel Light Apostolic and the private school he built and ran. I remember the massive house at Patrick City. I remember the two story house looking like a big church with its own steeple and a big pool at the front at the bottom of Red Hills. I remember the white gate, the yard with pickups and dump trucks, the helpers, etc.
In America, I remember going to work with him on multimillion dollar houses in Coral Gables. Building the shells of housing projects in Kendall. Building another furniture factory in Liberty City and trying to protect it during the McDuffie riots. I remember working on the steel and concrete portions of 3 story bins to be used for wastewater treatment. Those big municipal jobs of 36-inch concrete walls and underground structures. I remember the buying houses and putting on additions that more that doubled the house in its size…then moving in. I remember the crews of 10 to 20 men building these structures.
I used to think it was normal. I used to think it was easy. What a wakeup call I have had over the last 30 years. Pop, with a high school education, was working on projects at 35 that I struggle to be qualified to work on today at 50, though I have an engineering and a law degree!
I wish I had known. I wish I could have appreciated it then. I wish I had spent more time learning, appreciating, and emulating the good rather than criticizing and picking at the bad. I would not be now 30 years behind! SMH
Pop was a bold man of faith and miracles with a heart for aggressive evangelism. In Jamaica, he built a 300-capacity church. Then he went did a six week tent revival to fill it! And fill it he did! I don’t ever remember going to church that wasn’t packed out with a whole lot of people standing outside looking through the windows. When we first came to America, we went to Pastor Wayne Rooks, the Pentecostals of Miami. I thought a packed out 500 seater church was the norm, not the exception. I
did not realize that I was being exposed to upper level spiritual excellence and should have done my very best to learn from it!!
Pop was a pioneer and exposed us to South Florida’s local spiritual pioneers. Pastor Barns, Bishop Mullings, Pastor Crooks, Pastor Lero, Bishop Gordon in Perrine and others. We would have service from 3pm-6pm on Sunday. Then run to Pastor Barns to catch the choir, the preaching and the altar call! Bishop McDonald would preach out at different churches in the morning and come to afternoon service and light up praise and worship!
His love for miracles brought in and Rev Curtis Lake (the preaching machine) out of Bishop S. D. James ministry. Bishop Ivan Evans was a best friend, close brother and frequent flyer. He was the first to invite Apostle Delroy Smith to South Florida (what a blessing he was) and we visited Bishop Wesley Johnson. Firehouse Pentecostal with real results was strongly promoted! Once when debating with a Muslim, he took them outside and said, “Forget the talk, lets pray. For my God answers by FIRE!” The Muslim man ran for his life! Pop believed God and was bold about it.
Pop also strove for excellence in biblical academics. Dr Joe Nelson quickly became a close brother and best friend when Pop met him. With Bishop Ivan Evans, another bible stickler, they pushed the church to strive for biblical and academic excellence. Pop started the first International University of Biblical Studies (IUBS) campus in South Florida and Bishop Evans in Jamaica. Pop received an honorary Doctorate from IUBS however, big titles was no not a thing, he just prefers to call himself “Bro. Dean”, the carpenter. Through IUBS we became friends with Dr. Gerald Jeffers, Elder Mark Brown, Pastor Keith Moore, and Bro. Damon Richardson.
As a mentor, Pop strongly criticized mediocrity in preaching and teaching and demanded excellence in solid bible teaching out of his associates. He wanted scripture and verse for everything! Out of that well spring came Bishop Ernest McDonald, Pastor Steve Walker, Pastor Daniel Dean, Pastor Paul Dean, Pastor Wilmot (later merged with Pastor Ansel Drummond), Pastor Ricardo McQueen, Elder McFarlane (who later became Asst Pastor at Pastor Barns for a season).
Over time, Pop, unfortunately, became personally overbearing to his saints, the sons of his spirit. One by one, for different reasons, they left. The men who were taught to hold everyone else accountable to the book had to hold Pop accountable to the book. It appears that pride, mixed in with frustration with God, that He did not grow the church as He did it for him in Jamaica, mixed with health issues, and business problems all came like a perfect storm to create a toxic environment for Pop. A toxic environment that spilled over into the family and the church. The home church became smaller and smaller.
Pop went on a trip to Rome and Turkey and did not take enough of his diabetic medication with him. As a firm believer in healing, He thought God would protect him and deliver him and went on the trip anyway. He had a stroke, an act of God from which Pop never fully recovered. God kept him stable and functional and humble for the next 21 years. But Pop’s tenure as the major player in the Apostolic movement came to an end.
But the Will of God was not done. The influence of the Pop’s ministry became greater and greater through his next generations. Now eight, one-God Apostolic Churches with a strong love for the supremacy of the Word, the power of His Spirit, love and respect for kingdom advancement and the community of the saints are now working in south Florida and the Bahamas. Pop did decrease but the ministry did increase.
Pop acknowledged a long time ago what none of us wanted to accept: God doesn’t want to heal him. And with that acceptance, Pop went on to fulfill a mission he believed God called him to do…to write. So, with two pointing fingers and determination he spent the remainder of his life writing, publishing, and writing again. He published two books: The Commandments of Christ and Joseph Dean the Carpenter. And when he wasn’t writing books, he spent his time writing letters.
He wrote letters to his family, children and grand children encouraging them, guiding them as a long distant mentor. He could not say a lot so Pop made the little that he could say count. He mellowed out as a humble caring inspiring human being always up for a theological discussion always up for mentoring: “Don’t fail where I failed. Get rid of the balloon mortgages.” “Make sure it’s in the Word.” And when he heard me preach, he would now fix and challenge my messages. What a change! LOL. He sold his house and its possessions and gave the proceeds to the Bible Truth Ministry (Pastor Daniel Dean’s ministry.) He poured over hundreds into Apostolic Temple International (Pastor Paul Dean’s ministry), at a critical times. He gave all that he could back to the kingdom.
Pop knew his time was short and prepared his family for it. He wrote letters setting his house in order. He planned some details of his funeral and purchased a small life insurance for the costs. On one of few final visits to me, Pop purchased his burial suit. In the final weeks, before his passing, he sent us all a letter to say that he loved us. He knew the time.
He called and wrote me more times in the last month than he did for two years. He was laser focused. He wanted to know that I paid off the church land that had a balloon mortgage. When I finally did it, I sent him the proof on Friday. He passed that Sunday, October 1, 2023. He was a fighter to the end. The news came on Monday, during our family thanksgiving memorial communion service for the Feast of Booths. The Feast of Booths is the Biblical version of America’s Thanksgiving Day. So, when I heard the news, I also heard the Lord in my spirit say, “Give thanks in this season for a life well lived!”
I say this in finality, may we all live to see the day when we can die in a way that the Lord can say, “Well done, My servant. Well done!”
Time is moving fast! It was 24 years ago that I embarked upon a journey which embodied a part of my life in a way that I never anticipated. What I thought would be an endurance of “airs’’ and “graces” and formalities, swiftly transformed into a gradient of love, warmth, respect, and understanding along with the good fellowship and relationship of a father-in-law.
Now, I finally experienced what having a father feels like. I could feel him, talk to him, tell him of things that concerned me; when I’m home from work and he’s home, those welcoming hugs were unbeaten! Or when I’m in the kitchen, he was always there with me. I remember last November as we celebrated your son’s birthday the decor on the cake was a model crane and a truck, and we all shouted “pour the concrete repetitively” I remember also, one morning after breakfast, I was at the kitchen sink, I glanced over at Pop and noticed he had tears, his head was down. I read his thoughts and I felt him and right then I knew he was starting to say good-bye. Intuitively I allowed him his moment, and afterwards we hugged.
Another highlight of our time together was bible talks with his son, my husband Paul. Anthony, who was also a part of our great togetherness. Needless to say, your leaving hit me real hard! I’m so grateful now for the time we shared together. We were both so excited in our interactions.He was such good company. Yes, I knew you were ready, yes I knew you were prepared, and with the zeal you had for life with the Lord. I also knew that the wheelchair and walker were in your way. Who wants to lose a gem? As you go, may the legend that you are continue through the generations following, and may we continue to proclaim “Your God is Our God!’
My name is Reba Dean. I am the first daughter of Pastor Joseph Dean. My father was a teacher, a provider, and a hard worker. My father taught me how to drive. Also, he tried to teach me certain things in building construction, which I never really caught. After high school he looked at my handwriting. He said he couldn’t read it, so he taught me to write his way, which is all caps and presently that is the way I write.
While we were in school he would visit the school to check on our progress. He even brought a belt to school and advised the teacher to use it if we got out of line. Pop chose certain classes for me to take and music was a must. All of us had to play an instrument. One time, my brother, Paul, took himself out of the band and I told Pop. He went to the school and enrolled him back in the band class. I never liked him coming to school to check on us, but after growing up I came to appreciate his presence in school, which many children don’t have that parent interest in their kids’ learning.
My father had a passion for higher education. When I graduated from high school, I told him I was going to work. He strongly objected , and told me none of his children were going to slap burgers as long as we were living in his house. That meant, we would not be allowed to work in Burger King, McDonald’s or any fast food restaurant getting paid minimum wage. He forced me to go to college which was one of the best things he ever did for me. Today, all of my siblings started college and most of us have higher education.
After he sustained a stroke he learned how to use the computer and he learned to type. I believe that kept his mind sharp and he was able to write. He published a book and was on his second. His speech was impaired so he would communicate through writing and he wrote a lot. He never missed sending a birthday card or a letter.
Also, none of us has ever been on drugs and we are living successful lives. He instilled the word of God in us that we have used to form a firm foundation for our lives and we are all involved in some form of ministry somewhere.
There are so many things to say about my father that challenges the mind. His life was a whirlwind of joy and pain, love and heartaches, challenges, victories and sometimes defeat. It is the lessons that will permeate and continue to resonate through my life.It’s hard knowing that I will not hear my phone ring each week as he does a check-in call and to know that your voice will not be heard to say I love you. Poppa, I have learned;
How to work with my hands. You insisted, as you built the church in Jamaica, all members must participate and I was the youngest at 2 weeks. You placed the dirt from the property in my hands and gently guided me to release it at the ground breaking. Construction from then on courses through my veins and is a joy. Cutting the lawn while you and my brothers were busy at work turned out to be a crazy mess since I was not skilled at using the edger. You came home and was upset initially, but to see that I had tried to help made you laugh and you then made sure I watched and practiced till I got it right. From then you made sure I was involved in numerous projects to include plumbing and carpentry. Our last project was my dining table in 2019 as you taught, through patience, the art of refinishing a table that took many days. Though you were physically limited I again watched you carefully and then you turned it over to me to get it right. Your teamwork strategy continued (youthe team and me- the work).
How to play an instrument and to sing. You heard me in the house singing and realized I had a gift. Though I wanted to play another instrument, you insisted on the piano reasoning that I needed to do both sing and play. I learned the basics in piano class but the real lessons came from you and the understanding of the 3 cords for songs to be able to use the fingering to play in multiple keys by using one song: Heaven now is in “C”, Heaven now is in “G” What a wonderful “F”, Heaven now is in “C”.
How to fish. The many days and nights, when no one else wanted to go, you and I went out on the piers on Miami Beach, and on the boat to fish. I had to cut the squid, tie-on hooks and sinkers, then monitor the line when you walked away. Times I will always treasure.
How to cook. Once the fish were caught, you taught me how to scale the fish, season them and fry, bake and steam them. Turkey frying was our thing and you made it known your likes and dislikes of my cooking.
How to love and care for others. The food bank at the church, feeding the homeless during the world’s holiday seasons, visiting those who were sick and praying with them all showing you care. Picking up a family struggling with groceries and taking them home; having multiple families share our home as they get themselves on their feet and assisting them with home purchases; marrying couples that could not afford it on their own, (mom the chauffeur, our house, for some was the chapel and reception hall. Once the church was built it was all hands on deck as the church grew to be sure the couple had a proper wedding to include decor and food at no cost to the couple just get dressed and come we all handled the rest.
How to read and study by studying the WORD. Many days sitting and listening to you and Paul debate the word or having the opportunity to sit and listen as you witnessed to others. Being your study buddy to seek for scriptures as you read and were inspired. Being diligent in taking time to gather and understand using dictionaries, concordances, encyclopedias and other tools to cross-reference and to expound on the word.
How to Love, worship and Serve God. Luke 10:27; Matthew 22:36–40; Mark 12:28–31 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12. and Psalms 100 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. You taught me to fast, pray and study to show myself approved unto God and to give my body as a living sacrifice to God understanding the process is ongoing to become more like HIM.
Your last lesson was how to say goodbye. It seems you and God had a deal that no one else knew about. I knew I enjoyed sending us letters with jokes but this was not that. You began by sending Paul a letter that I was present for when it arrived at his home over a year ago. In there you recited a song called “Patches”. I recall Paul, Carol and I sitting in bewilderment as you passed on the torch through those words. More events occurred where I watched as my brother became more and more bold taking on the mantle within the teaching of the word as you did. We became purposeful in bringing you to the Holy feast days. I would call him and we had the same urge to have you there with us, where you would observe, participate and be happy. “Good Job” you would say. Then, in August, I received an odd one liner letter that just simply said. “I love you, Pop. My heart raced by the energy it gave and placed it on my fridge. You called me oddly, early Friday morning September 28, 2023 and I declared to you that the land had been paid off for the church. You said excitedly, GOOD! I went to Port Saint Lucie on that day, for the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacle) to be with the church family. While at Paul’s house, I saw your letter addressed to him. We opened it and again the one liner. I pondered it and wondered what are you trying to say, knowing you’re a man of many words. I returned home on that Sunday feeling unusual after such a high service. It was on this day that you went home to be with the Lord, to tabernacle with HIM. I asked other members of the family and indeed they got the same one liner around that time.
So many more lessons learned that we will continue to use to grow in God’s grace. I miss you but know one day we will be around the throne singing and praising the Lord for all eternity.
It’s been 50 years of knowing you throughout At birth you called me a sign. No one knew what you were talking about.
In letters you called me warrior baby and many names and also my dove
And at times you would simply say how are you my love
Dad, my kids grew to understand your ways They would try to read your letters sent through the mail
Well Dad, I am simply a sign of what God meant me to be A sign that only you could see.
I’ve made it with tiny steps, sweat and tears I know you are proud your 2lb baby has made it through the years .
Dad, just like you, I teach in my own way That is apart of you I will cherish always
Dad, you are multi-talented, brave and a man of many trades. You were a carpenter contractor teacher preacher writer businessman radio personality singer dreamer visionary and father too. Dad, there are so many more talents that God gave you.
You lived a good life and did your part. Dad you will always remain in my heart
In life’s fleeting dance, we strive to live so bright, With each day’s grace, we bask in the warmest light. Through joys and tears, in every stormy weather, My grandfather’s memories will be cherished forever.
Though he’s passed on, his wisdom still guides my way, In my heart, his love and laughter will forever stay. For in the tapestry of life, his thread is woven tight, A legacy of love and joy, shining forever bright.
He preferred to be called Pop, He gave jokes that made him laugh a lot.
He loved to play like a kid, That was fine. But he can be very stern, Blunt and harsh sometimes.
He was the early bird, He was always ahead of his time.
Pen and paper were his best friends, He used them ‘til the very end.
He sent us letters and wrote his book. He wrote his eulogy and his funeral program, I truly admire this attribute.
He truly knew how to plan.
by Wendy Henry Pop
Letter To A Legend “In memory of my grandfather”
Dear Papa,
It has been a while since we last spoke, but now I carry you with me till I leave this earth. It’s hard sometimes to crack a smile, but the jokes you made replay in my brain. You were more than a grandfather, you were my best friend, mentor, father figure, and pastor all at the same.
Though I wish you were still here with me, it’s knowing you are at peace that dulls the pain. With that all I can say is thank you for the love, laughter, and memories for they help guide me to be the man God has set me to be; and most of all thank you for the blessing you placed on your little magga boy, for as he grows into a man I know you’ll help to guide his path. Forever will your name carry on. Until we meet again.
Words from Big Maaga Boy
Pastor Joseph Dean, was truly a legend of his time! In an excerpt from one of his books; “Commandments of Christ” reads, “I decided to home church…One night a heavenly visitor came to me in my sleep and told me to go and find what the first century church taught and write it in a book for all to see!” This was the basis for his profound teachings and the many miracles, and signs that followed him. Mark 16:17-18. These are a few of the things that occurred
He casted out demons a plenty throughout his ministry. In Jamaica while hosting a revival, with the late Reverend Curtis Lake Sr., a man came into the tent where he was preaching, wielding a knife. Reverend Lake was preaching that night. The young man walked back and forth disrupting the service for a few moments then left. The next night! He was preaching and the young man ‘Reds’ came back. Reds was much bigger than Bro. Dean yet, he grabbed and threw him out of the tent. Startled by what happened, Reds stayed to watch what was taking place. Bro. Dean turned his site to a young lady who had some demons in her. He rebuked the spirits and commanded that it come out of her. When it did, it hosted itself into Reds.
Reds then grabbed an empty pew up, which would take multiple people to lift to move it, and proceeded to throw it at the crowd. The brethren grabbed it in time and Reds took off running. Bro.Dean turned to the brethren and told them to go get him and bring him back. Sis. Lucy jumped in the vehicle and drove the brothers to where they found, ‘Reds’, about to jump off of a bridge to kill himself. They brought him back to the tent and got him up front. Reds grabbed a button off of Bro. Deans shirt and crushed it like powder. He then grabbed Bro. Dean’s tie to choke him but could not move his hand to do it.
Bro.Dean was fearless. He spoke to the demon and asked them who they were. They responded and the conversation proceeded. Finally, the demons yielded and relinquished their hold on Reds and came out. Reds for the remainder of the time refused to leave Bro. Dean’s side. Reds stated, “ they are there, see dem there” as he could see them calling to him and he was afraid. The next day, he immediately got baptized in Jesus’ name and received the Holy Ghost. As a result he was a faithful member and became the bass player for the church.
Bro Dean even traveled to Haiti to minister to and to help those that were lost and bounded by demonic possession and influences.
In Jamaica, a lady who suffered from epilepsy was delivered from that sickness upon being prayed for by a pastor.
A young boy, who was about 12 years old at the time, was brought to the church. He was totally dumb/ or could not talk. Pastor Dean prayed for him, he started to stutter, with more coaching, shortly after, he was able to repeat words that were said to him.
Several children were healed throughout his ministry. He prayed for a child who was afflicted with Polio and could not walk. After receiving prayer by Pastor Dean, the child was healed and able to walk. Following it became common for the Mona Polio Center to send children afflicted to church for healing.
Migraines plagued his daughter, Lydia, regularly. It would just about cripple her from seeing, playing the organ and singing. The migraines would last for hours. One Sunday, she had an episode that would be the last. She went to church but did not say anything to anyone about her pain. She tried to push through but it was unbearable and Pastor Dean recognized it. He called her up, laid his hands on her and prayed. She received healing that day and has not had one again. A few weeks later, the healing that she received was executed through her to another saint, as she exercised her faith and the teachings of her father. The member was healed that day and regularly reminds her of the event. We know the gift is transferable.
One morning Pastor Dean and his wife Sis. Lucy went to pray for Sis Olive Williams, a church member, who had suffered a stroke which caused her face to be twisted. Pastor Dean laid hands on her and prayed for her healing.
Immediately there were some wiggly movements on her face, and in a matter of minutes her face came back to normal!
Sis Elfreda Boyen Harris also received a miracle of healing. She suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. After a few weeks she came to church and her face was distorted, her speech slurred and unable to sing. She was one of the lead singers for the church. Pastor Dean and the church prayed for her and she was healed. Her face straightened out, her speech went normal and she could sing again to the Glory of God.
Sis Dorette Thompson testified of her husband receiving Jesus Christ as his Savior, after he saw what the Lord did for her. While worshiping, in church, Sis Dorette sustained an injury to her ankle, it was so bad that she called for her husband to come and take her to the hospital. Her husband, who refused to come with her, arrived and proceeded to take her out of the building. Pastor Dean saw that she was being removed and stated she must come up front. The ankle was visibly swollen and she was in tears from the pain. In the view of her husband, as Pastor Dean prayed the swelling went down and the pain ceased. She was healed and could now walk again on her own. As a result, her husband received Christ in his life! He could not doubt the power of God and the ministry.
As Pastor Dean continued in ministry, modeling the Apostolic Faith, many were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit! Even in the middle of the night. The members of the church would go and volunteer to answer phones on the TBN Prayer line. A Muslim woman called the TBN Prayer Line for help. She was suicidal, and desperately reaching out. Sis Lucy, got the call, referred her to Pastor Dean. He explained the way of salvation to her. By the time the conversation ended it was late, but she wanted to get baptized. He immediately got up and he went over to her address, and baptized her in her pool!
Another night Pastor Dean was having service at his Venetian Acres Apostolic Temple, a young man, now Apostle Ricardo McQueen, was coming from a nightclub and decided to stop by the church before going home.
During the alter call, the Holy Spirit fell on him, in his own words he said, “I felt a fire run through my body. It started on the top of my head, down to my feet, at that point I fell to the ground, and started speaking in tongues.”
Pastor Dean followed the teachings of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Acts 19:11 to 12 using his handkerchief for healing. Upon hearing from one of our members that her mother, who lived in St. Croix, was very ill, Pastor Dean tore his handkerchief, gave a piece to the member. She sent it to her mom to put it on her body. Shortly after, we received the news from the member that her mother was completely healed.
Another of our sisters, namely Sister Beulah Gillette, had a family member living in Canada who was sick for sometime. She told us that the child had gone to the doctor but was not well. Pastor Dean gave Sis. Beulah a piece of his handkerchief who sent it to Canada by mail. Again God healed the child from his illness which the doctor could not cure. The power of God has no limits.
More individuals have so much more to share about the ministry that occurred with Pastor Dean. We want your faith built to know we serve a miracle working God. Just like Pastor Dean, in the experiences described in the eulogy if you completely recognise the Almighty God, turn your life over to him, fast, pray, be baptized in Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) name as proclaimed numerous times in the word, seek to get to know Him and follow His Words and commandment closely, you will be healed, restored and use as an instrument of His Glory.
Our hearts are overwhelmed with the love, kindness and support that has been poured out to us in this challenging time. It is difficult to describe just how much your gesture of support in our time of need means to us. Losing our beloved father, pastor and friend has been unbelievably hard. We are still grappling with our loss from day to day, but is comforted and encouraged by your kind notes of condolences and actions in preparing for and participating in the memorial service. To have a reminder from the people that care for us that we are not alone in our grief is immeasurable. Thank you for reaching out, praying for and sharing love your. It is only with the help of the wonderful people in our lives that we will be able to get through this.
Grandsons - George Dean, Andnesio Howard, Daniel Dean Jr., Judah Dean, Paul Dean Jr., Dave Allen Jr., Andre Allen, Andrew Henry (Honorary)