Luchien Smith

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Emmanuel Apostolic Church

6114 SW 35th Court, Miramar, FL 33023 On Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.


Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith


Apostle Sharon Bennett Bishop Ernest McDonald


Overcomers Life Community Center Band

ORDER OF SERVICE Musical Prelude Overcomers Life Community Center Band Opening Sentences Elder Conroy Ricketts Opening Hymn Heaven’s Jubilee Verse 1 Some glad morning we shall see, Jesus in the air Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share What rejoicing there will be, when the saints shall rise Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies Chorus Oh what singing, oh what shouting On that happy morning when we all shall rise Oh what glory, Hallelujah When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies Verse 2 When with all that heavenly host, we begin to sing

Singing in the Holy Ghost, how the heavens will ring Millions there will join the song, with them we shall be Praising Christ through ages long, heaven’s jubilee. Chorus Oh what singing, oh what shouting On that happy morning when we all shall rise Oh what glory, Hallelujah When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies Tag When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies

Scripture Reading Minister Andrew Hudspeth 1 Corinthians 15:50 - 58 Prayer Scripture Reading Christina Miller

Psalm 35

Song Selection

Family Praise Team

Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith



Pastor JB Minister Dorette Kelly Minister Dwight Cassells

Open Tributes (2 mins) Praise and Worship Sister Triseana McGhie Special Video Presentation Eulogy Homily Apostle Sharon Bennett Prayer for the Family Bishop Ernest McDonald Recessional Hymn Sing the wondrous love of Jesus Sing His mercy and His grace In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory While we walk the pilgrim pathway Clouds will overspread the sky But when travelin’ days are over Not a shadow, not a sigh When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be


Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith

When We All Get to Heaven When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory Onward to the prize before us Soon his beauty we’ll behold Soon the pearly gates will open We shall tread the streets of gold When we all get to heaven What a day of rejoicing that will be When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory When we all see Jesus We’ll sing and shout the victory

TRIBUTES I love you more than you’ll ever know and if you don’t remember anything else, son, remember that you are a precious angel and if my love was enough to save you, you would have lived forever. You will always be in my heart and I will cherish every memory of you until we meet in Heaven. Osmond Smith -Father

My Son you will never be forgotten always Remembered in our Hearts and when a thought crosses our mind of you we will always remember you with a Smile and Song because Praise is what you did. May your legacy Live on. Love Your other Mommy Theresa Smith

I love you Luchien I know you are resting with our Father now mommie loves you.

Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith


You left this world, but not my heart I honor our life together by focusing on the joy we shared. You were more than just a husband; you were my best friend. Rest in the Peace and Love of our father I love you ❤️ 6

Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith

Daddy your arms were the first to embrace me our bond is forever I love you and will miss you Love your “One Son” Isaiah-Carter Smith

Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith



an that is born of a woman is but of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. (Job 14:1-2). Psalm 90:6 likens man as grass, stating that in the morning he flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening he is cut down and withereth. Jeremiah 29:11 states ‘For I know the thoughts that I have for you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end’. Luchien Cashin Tundai Smith was born in the district of Amity Hall, Mocho, Clarendon, Jamaica on October 2, 1983 to parents Clive Smith and Collette Robinson. He moved to live in Kingston with his mother at the age of two (2) years and attained his early childhood education at the Triumphant Basic School where he excelled and emerged as an “A” student. He later went on to Pembroke Hall Primary School in St. Andrew where upon completion of his studies, he was successful in the external examinations and gained placement at Pembroke Hall High School to obtain secondary level education. For a while, Luchien lived with his great grandmother, Mama Joyce. She found him to be humble and honest and loved him dearly, nicknaming him “Joyce


Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith

Luchien”. He always tried to maintain his independence and was very ambitious as a young man growing up. He always possessed a zeal to work and study which got him his first part-time job at a supermarket where he began to earn his own income. He also loved to cook and especially one of his favourite meals, dumplings and chicken back, which he would prepare for himself and other family members. Mama Joyce enjoyed his cooking and being her first great grandchild, he was endeared to her. I guess now the two are reunited on that happy shore. It is no secret that one of Luchien’s love was music and even from a very early age. This was his first area of entrepreneurship after migrating to the island of Antigua. He gained much success in this area of business and credited all of his victories to God being a constant in his life and his acknowledgement of the Lord, Jesus Christ. While living in Antigua, he became the father of two (2) lovely daughters, Cashina and Luchiana, whose birth were of great impact and propelled him to a higher level of maturity. After spending a number of years in Antigua, he decided to return to Jamaica where he decided to take a closer walk with God. He surrendered his life to Christ and was baptized at the Lighthouse Restoration International Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Jason Hall in May Pen, Clarendon, Jamaica. It was also at this assembly where he started his music ministry. Luchien was never afraid to take a leap of faith. He was always in a mode of life improvement and so, he migrated to Florida and nothing could have deterred his music ministry which he took to a higher level with the help of the Lord. He attended the Overcomers Life Community Centre under the distinguished leadership of Apostle Sharon Bennett, where he was active in ministry – serving on the usher board, drama team, men’s department and minister’s team. As a result of his stewardship, he was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for faithful service in 2019. He was a fashion icon in his own right, always attired per Luchien stylee. He loved dressing up, you know…being dapper and would always complement his outfits with the right shoes and accessories. Going to any event meant stepping out in GQ mode. And so it was that while attending a wedding ceremony at the Emmanuel Apostolic Church in Miramar, undoubtedly, wearing eye-catching ensemble, that the beautiful Tyshanna Smith served to be his eye-catcher. They met, fell in love and as they say…the rest is history. On June 18, 2019, they had their own wedding ceremony where the two became one. Indeed, the Bible is true that whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. The union produced a beautiful baby boy named Isaiah Carter. Oh, how Luchien was excited at the birth of his first son! Celebrating the Life of Luchien Smith


One of Luchien’s passions was working as a gospel DJ artiste which had him ministering at many gospel concerts. In this arena, he was more popularly known as DJ Israel and touched the lives of many with his music. He was a praise and worship leader who invoked the presence of the Lord in any audience that he ministered to, impacting the lives of many persons not only in the USA but also the wider Caribbean and other countries. His wonderful personality coupled with an ability to spin great music gave him a large following across social media platforms. Luchien was business minded and philanthropic in nature. In 2020, he opened an internet café and game shop in his childhood district, Woodside, Clarendon, Jamaica. He garnered much support from the locals as this was the community where he was partially raised and so there was much camaraderie to support a fellow son of the soil. Being skilled as an electronics technician, he was capable of elevating his business and positioning it to meet the needs of his customer base. On many occasions he invested in the lives of the children within the community by donating electronic devices and credit for data which aided greatly in the online learning process brought on as a result of the current pandemic. On his last trip to Jamaica, he hosted a treat for the children and presented them with gifts which brought smiles and happiness to many faces. Luchien was also selfless and caring. Whenever he was approached by anyone who would ask him for something he was wearing, he would literally take it off and just give it away. Many times he would travel with a full suitcase and return with an empty one. Well…naked he came from his mother’s womb, and naked he returned. He was quite an extraordinary individual. In January 2022, Luchien was hospitalized for heart problems he had been experiencing. The journey ahead looked rough but he was confident that with Christ in his vessel, he can smile at the storm. He clung to his faith in God and vowed that whatever the outcome, he would still trust Him. Sadly, after a medical procedure on the morning of January 24, Luchien transitioned this life. Mourning his passing is his beloved family: wife – Tyshanna, son – Isaiah Carter, daughters – Kashina and Luchiana, father – Clive, mother – Collette RobinsonWhitely, stepfather – Kingsley Whitely, adoptive father – Wayne Daley, sister – Marsha Smith, adoptive brother – Jason Gilzene and many more relatives and friends. Ciroc, DJ Rozay, Churchboy, DJ Israel, Game shop boss! He is no longer with us. Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight: here one day, gone one night. Like a sunset dying with the rising of the moon, gone too soon! May your soul rest in sweet peace.

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TRIBUTES LUCHIEN you have grown into such a lovely young man. Why did you leave us so soon. You have left us with a big void our heats. REST IN INTERNAL PEACE. Angie & Shaun

I guess heaven couldn’t wait for you. Luchien will never go away he will walk beside us even though he will be unheard or unseen. His precious memories will live in our hearts and mind .Your beautiful ,soul ,joyfulness ,kindness , smile ,laughter and legacy shall live on . We miss you so much and can’t understand why you had to go so soon .I know that the angles are rejoicing and your gone to be with the lord . Rest well Luchien Tundai Smith🕊💔 Charmaine (Grand aunt and cousins)

Sigh, A cousin that turned out to be the best big brother anyone could’ve asked for. The brotherly love we shared was like no other. Two different human being but yet so similar in our end goals. So sorry we couldn’t get to grow old together and conquer the world. I’m holding it down out here for you and we’ll definitely pick up where we left off on the other side. Forever my brother. I love you Jason Gilzene

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Dearest daddy, I love you, and will miss you. Kashina Smith

YOU ARE MY HERO Every daughter’s nightmare is losing her dad. But I have an angel watching over me and that is my dad. You held caught me when I fell you always be my childhood hero and for my later days as well. Every time I think of you my heart is still filled with pride. Oh, daddy how I love you, and the moment you left me my heart was split in two. One side was filled with memories and the other died with you. But as life goes on and tears on my cheeks remembering you is easy, I do it every day. But life without you will never be the same, oh daddy love, things can never be the same. Luchien Smith my loving, caring father as you sleep in peace you will forever be my Hero. Makailah Gnomes and Luciana Smith (Daughter)

Dearest daddy I love you and will miss you. Kashina Smith Luchien I will always miss you my baby daddy sleep well I will take best care of Kashina God knows what’s best, We sure will meet one day in Heaven. Diane

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The Journey of My Life Rabindranath Tagore

It was beautiful as long as it lasted, the journey of my life. I have no regrets whatsoever save the pain I’ll leave behind. Those dear hearts who love and care … and the strings pulling at the heart and soul … The arms that held me up when my own strength let me down. At every turning of my life I came across good friends, friends who stood by me even when time raced by me. Farewell, farewell my friends. I smile and bid you goodbye. No, shed no tears for I need them not. All I need is your smile. If you feel sad do think of me for that’s what I’ll like. When you live in the hearts of those you love remember then, you never die.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent those beautiful flowers, that we saw sitting there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts we thank you so much for whatever part. The family of the late Luchien Smith deeply appreciated all expressions of sympathy in our time of great sorrow. We ask that you continue to keep us in prayer. May God bless you all.

Professional arrangements entrusted to: Royal Funeral Services Inc.

17475 NW 27th Avenue Miami Gardens, FL 33056


Damion Bell Min. Kelly DJ Mark

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