Officiating Minister Rev. Renford Williams
September 10, 2022 11:30 a.m.

Bishop Dr. Preston Williams II Senior Pastor
GATEWAY CHURCH 2130 NW 26th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

Video Tribute
Message Bishop Dr. Preston Williams
Opening CongregationalRemarksHymn
Eulogy Berbeth Foster Taylor Esq. - Granddaughter
Invocation Bishop H. Fernandez
Sister & Brother-in-law – Jeneita & Micah Bent
Prayer of Comfort Bishop Dr. Preston Williams
Gateway Church – Rev. N.R. Hyatt Fernandez Family Wisdom Family Clover Haynes – Friend Beverley Cameron – Friend
Scripture Reading Errol Mascoe - Grandson Psalm 91
Scripture Reading Azaria Foster - Great-granddaughter Psalm 46 Harmony Paul - Great-great-granddaughter
Heaven’s Jubilee
Processional Instrumental
Closing Hymn Jesus Hold My Hand Recessional/Benediction
Order of Service
Song Briyanna and Friends Thank You Lord For Your Blessing
Song Gateway Choir
Song Briyanna and Friends The Blessing

With the help of her sister, Maysie was able to migrate to Florida in December 1978. Upon arrival, she worked

aysie Clementina Bruce, “Mama” as she was affectionately called, was born in Trelawny, Jamaica, on December 3, 1935, to parents Lucius Bruce and Louise Williams, affectionately known as Ganga. Maysie was the eldest of her siblings - Eric, Glen and Jeneita. Sadly, Lucius unexpectedly passed away and her mother moved to Kingston in pursuit of a better life for her Maysiefamily.became a member of Clifton New Testament Church as a child. She gave her life to Christ and was baptized at 12 years of age. She grew up in the church serving as a Sunday School Teacher, singing on the choir, and serving as a team leader for the Ladies Ministry among many other tasks. Her daughters remember the many weekends Maysie spent making “gizzadas” at home to sell at church. Later, when the church kitchen was built, they spent many nights waiting up late for her to finish making toto and potato
Maysiepudding.wasmarried to James Jones and together they had two daughtersCharmaine and Jacinth (Pat and Dawn). James left Jamaica for England in search of a better life for his family and for many years supported them. The plan was to sponsor Maysie and the children and things were progressing until he stopped communicating with his family. Maysie was undaunted by this, as she had her children to care for, so she continued life as a single

as a helper to a family in Jacaranda, but later got a job working at Plantation Rehabilitation Center in the housekeeping department. After some time in the housekeeping department, she saw the opportunity for improvement and became a Certified Nursing Assistant and worked as such until her
Maysieretirement.was a dedicated woman of God. On arriving in Florida, she began attending New Testament Church of God, now Gateway Church. She did not ‘miss a beat’ in serving and immediately became active wherever she could. Her passion was singing, so naturally she became a choir member, lending her strong alto voice to several musical productions. If there was singing, she was there. Although she never drove, she found a way to attend services, choir rehearsals, and any other activities taking place at the church. She loved her church dearly and was committed to supporting it financially. She also loved and believed in young people and offered tangible support by praying for and sending them care packages while in college. She remained a committed member of Gateway until her passing.
She is survived by her sister Jeneita Bent (Micah Bent); daughters Charmaine Jones and Jacinth Jones Parks; niece and nephews Marlene Bruce, Mark Bruce (Gloria Bruce) and Devon Bruce (Jackie Bruce); grandchildren Cheryl Walker (Carlos), Conelia Rose, Azim Foster (Jennifer), Berbeth Taylor (Orville Taylor), Errol Mascoe, Kadedra Bruce, and Shena Larmond; greatgrandchildren Ja’Nay (Stefan), Re’Nee, Carey, Naja, Jeniah, Jabril, Larry, Amir, Jasarah, Larrissa, Azaria, Azaiah; great-great-grandchildren Harmony and Stefan Jr.

Thank you, Lord, for loaning us Mama.
Thank you, Lord, for answering Mama’s prayers.
The strong woman I have become is from watching Mama. When you became ill, you prayed your way through your illness, and the Lord answered your prayers.
You showed us how to endure trying times, singing, and praising your way through it. Thank you, Lord, for sustaining Mama.
Charmaine Jones, Daughter
“Lord, we’re still learning to trust in your sovereignty, so whatever you give or take away, we’ll still bless your name.” (Minister Mark Brown)
Mama, on August 6th in the ER, when you raised your hand and said, “God, you’ve been so good to me,” I pretty much knew what that meant. You had told us on numerous occasions, after your surgery, that you had asked the Lord for a little more time to stay with us.

Thank you, Lord, for strengthening Mama.
Mama, you’ve always been there, through thick and thin, cheering us on. Now, no more phone calls in the middle of my shift whispering, “Call mi back when yuh get a break.” Now we must establish a new normal, and it is Thisdifficult.little tribute cannot contain all I have to say. However, I will cherish the memories and continue to serve God, without wavering, as you have taught us. Mama, we were hoping for a little more time to extend our love and appreciation for all you’ve done for us.
You gave out of whatever you had, and what we had, to share with so many others. Thank you, Lord, for providing for Mama.
Giving Thanks For Mama
Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on us when you chose Mama to be our mother and father in the absence of one. Remembering many nights in Jamaica, after a long day’s work, she often fell asleep over her dinner, tired. Still, she never stopped working to ensure we had what we needed. We had to beg her to stop working after extending several years past retirement.

I remember you saying that you could not use your tithe to buy me things. I didn’t understand it then, but now I know that God honored your obedience and provided for you.
Jacinth Jones Parks, Daughter
My Sacrificial Mama
it is with a heavy heart that I write this tribute. Thank you seems so inadequate to express my gratitude for everything that you have done for me. All that I have accomplished has been because of the sacrifices you made. When circumstances made you a single parent, you rolled up your sleeves and took on the challenge. You did all you could to ensure that your children got “a good start” in life. You took care of other families, so you could provide uniforms for high school, lunch money, and all the things I needed to attend Meadowbrook High. Looking back now, I don’t know how you did it, but somehow you did.
I am so glad that in the last year and, more recently, the last month, I was able to serve you by taking care of you during a difficult time. We were hoping for at least another ten years, but it was your time to go.

Sleep on, beloved, until we meet again. Say hello to Ganga for me.
You were a disciplinarian; never afraid to use the “rod,” but you were also a Godly example. Church was not optional. As I grew older, I understood what you were trying to do. I believe that serving in the church became a natural thing for me because I saw you do that; from “tuck shop” days in Jamaica until recent years when illness prevented you from giving physical service.

Auntie Maysie, I couldn’t ask for a better aunt than you. You were that special aunt, and those special memories of you will always bring a smile to my heart. If only I could have you back for just a little while, then we could sit and talk again just like we used to do. You always meant so much to me and always Thewill.
Auntie Maysie, Mother, Bestie
Kind! Loving! Special!
Sis Maysie was a kind, loving person and a great sister to Jen and me. Every time we visited her, she would always say something to make me smile or laugh. She was a dedicated woman of God, and no one could change that. I just loved hearing my former Pastor, Rev. Hyatt, say “Sister Maysie Jones,” and everyone knew what she was going to do. She was going to sing, “Thank you Lord, For Your Blessings on Me.”
fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain, but you’re forever in my heart until we meet again. You were a blessing.
Love – Marlene Bruce, Niece
We love you, Sis Maysie. Jeneita and Micah Bent, Sister and Brother-in-Law

I met Sis Maysie Jones, my wife Jeneita’s sister, over 39 years ago, and I have never experienced a dull moment with her.


From a tender age, I’ve known Aunt Maysie to be a true servant of God. While she was living and attending church in Jamaica, I couldn’t recall a time when she was not singing on the choir. She had a strong and beautiful voice. She was very passionate about Christ and very strong on discipline.
As her nephew, I couldn’t allow her to see me misbehaving at church or anywhere.
Auntie Maysie,

After she migrated to the States, she would keep in touch and encourage me as a young Christian. About two months ago, I had the opportunity to talk to her for the last time. So sorry to hear of her passing.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labour, and their works do follow them. (Revelation 14:13)
Rest in peace, Auntie. Devon Bruce, Nephew

I love you, Mark Bruce, Nephew
You were an awesome, incredible, fabulous, and beautiful person who has enriched my life as well as so many others.
Servant of God



Friendship’s Flower
Maysie travelled to Jamaica very often and would spend time with us. The relationship strengthened over the years as we grew into adults. She not only maintained a relationship with Mommy and Daddy but took a keen interest in us as children. Therefore, it was not a surprise that at every wedding or special celebration, she was in attendance along with Ganga. I loved making time for them. I would make sure we made our trips to Port Royal for a fish or to Devon House to enjoy some ice cream. When I migrated to Canada in 2008, Maysie lamented that no one would be available to take her on these trips that we enjoyed so much. Along with her co-author Ganga, those trips were filled with her vivid and captivating storytelling.
Still, in typical and expected behaviour, as our friendship was not built on convenience, Maysie strengthened our relationship in other ways. She would call and talk with us frequently. As soon as she was done asking about the children and offering encouraging words of wisdom, it was now Ganga’s turn to tell us the same story from last week. Your mother, grandma, auntie, friend, was a giant who valued friendship and treated us like family. She was a present friend in our time of need. She was there for us in good and bad times.
We will always love you. Rest well Maysie; say hello to Ganga and Daddy, then mommy wants you to kiss daddy for her.
When our father passed away, Maysie spent a month in Jamaica with mommy to offer her support in what was our lowest time. She was a praying, God-fearing angel to many. She took the time to go on her knees to make intercession for her family. She was very friendly and accommodating and opened her heart to many. Her sense of fashion was first class. She turned heads when she came to Clifton and had a wonderful Church of God voice. She is and will be forever immortalized in our hearts, as we will keep her memory alive with the countless stories we have about her.
They ate together, cried together, prayed together, and supported each other through everything. Maysie was more than a friend - she was family, a sister. Maysie and Ganga did not use their friends to meet their needs. Instead, they served humbly and sacrificially those whom Christ had called them to love. These words describe exactly who Maysie was to us. From as far back as I can remember, this fantastic woman was always around the family.

Jamaicans have a parable that states, “Good friends are better than pocket money.” The Bible also confirms this view. It states that Christian friends are not selfish. Our parents (George & Mar Wisdom) met Maysie and Ganga in 1975 on their wedding day. Just like a flower, their neverending friendship blossomed.
From Auntie Mar and us children. The Wisdoms

Friedrich Nietzsche
“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.”

I will miss our phone calls where she catches me up on all the local news and reminisces about when she visited me in Spain. Ending a call with her praying for me or her prayers before I left for the airport are some of my sustaining memories. Her faith in Jesus Christ, the one she tried to instill in all of us, is what will comfort me whenever I remember that she’s no longer with us.
Hard-working, always on the go, a quiet talker, a loud singer, a prayer warrior, a phone operator, stern, loving, and the best “hype woman” a grandchild could ask for. Those are only a few attributes that describe my grandmother, Maysie Jones. My memories of Mama span from stern disciplinarian to the loving granny who calls to check in and pray for you. As a child, it seemed she was only there to scold us, but as an adult, she was always there with constant encouragement and support. She meant so much to every generation of our family. She always knew what each of us was doing and could be counted on for a call to check in and a prayer. She knew and accepted each of us as we were and made us all feel like her favorite.

I love you, Mama. Cheryl Walker, Granddaughter
No hay extensión más grande que la herida por la pérdida de un familiar querido. Fuiste querida en vida y honrada tras tu marcha. Te tendremos en nuestras oraciones.
Carlos Aguado and family
Te Queremos
No wound is greater than the one left by the loss of a loved one. You were loved in life and honored in your departure. You will be in our prayers.

Our 6 generations are now down to 4, but the blessings you left will bring much more.
We Love You
God blessing us with you was just one of the greatest blessings we could ever receive. If I could thank you a million times, I’d still thank you a million more.
Until I see you next lifetime. Mama, I LOVE YOU FOREVER #Blessings of Abraham #Psalms91 #mypersonalprayerwarrior

lets us do it again, I’d chose YOU again and again.

Dear God, I want to thank you for giving our grandmother her rest. She was a living testimony that you gave us one of your best. We are thankful that our granny finally got her wings; now she’s up in heaven where she can enjoy everything. This battle seems so hard, but to her, it was already won. She was just waiting on your call to say, “Job well done.” So, I ask you, father, for strength today, have your will, and have your
So, I’m dedicating this one to my FAVORITE girl. How can I ever thank you? Today, I repay you with tears. The piece of your life that you gave to me was more than I could ask for, your love, your grace, and your daily prayers. Now there’s a second empty space left in me.
Marsha Taylor, Granddaughter
Mama, I will miss our Sunday visits and taking you to church. I will miss your ten butt dials in a row to my phone and your slick sense of humor. But, most importantly, I will miss that quiet strength you imbued and that you passed on to us through hugs and prayers. I know that you know how very much you are loved. Rest easy my granny! I will see you on the other side.
If Ganga was the heart of our family, then Mama was our strength. I remember as a child, I was so scared of getting in trouble with Mama. At that age, all I saw was a forceful, no-nonsense kind of woman. I am grateful to have had over 20 years of adulthood to come to know the quiet, compassionate, funny, and affectionate woman of God that Mama truly was. She battled through many hard times in her life that could have made her bitter and angry. Instead, she clung to the love of Christ and the love of family. This has made all the difference.
So today, I said a little prayer, and just hopefully I get one thru. I feel this is the
Conelia Rose, Granddaughter
last thing I could really ever do for you.

My Queen
I wanted to start by saying thank you, but how do I thank someone that I have seen give everything of themselves to see me be a better person? How do I find the words when the person who inspires me and encourages me to speak with conviction and confidence is no longer there to be the muse for those words? How can I be that better person without you by my side in moments of victory and success? Mama, you are with me in my heart, spirit, and mind. We spoke so much, and I took so much from our conversations about life, church, and not being just a person of words but of action. I see your strength in your offspring. Your character and toughness, which at one time seemed too tough, became what I embraced and welcomed.
Love you always, My Queen Clementine. Yuh Grandson AZ Azim Foster, Grandson
If your mother was the soul, you were truly the heartbeat of this family. Maysie, I miss and love you very much. May our talks and experiences live with me always. I hope always to honor you and never take for granted how much you mean to so many people. I pray you knew how much you meant to me. I will continue to talk to you from time to time. Please forgive any moments of weakness and selfishness when I tearfully wish you were still here with me. Still, I remember you taught me to be strong enough for people to lean on. I will continue to pray, work hard, and hopefully make you laugh and smile while you watch over us.
Azaria Foster, Great-granddaughter

I wish I could have spent more time with Mama, but we should be happy because now she is with her mother and we know she is up there in heaven having fun. I know we should be sad, but Mama would want us to be happy.
Mama, to say we had a close relationship wouldn’t do that relationship justice. What you mean to me can’t be explained, only honored and cherished. I truly adore your laughter. I remember your famous quotes, “When yuh hand inna lion mout tek time draw it out” or “yuh hav feh play fool feh catch wise.” I would call you the Parable Queen, and you found that so funny. I laugh now, remembering how many times you would say you didn’t need a ride and wanted to walk. I would have to practically pull you into the car to drop you to a destination.

I miss you so much, but I feel you around. I hear you in my head laughing at my foolish jokes. I love you deeply, and I appreciate all the love and care you’ve ever poured into me, even in the moments I didn’t even realize I needed it. You truly lived and loved, and I’ll forever be grateful to have you as a grandaunt. ‘Til we meet again. I love you forever.
When I attempted to make my first large purchase many years ago, I encountered obstacles that prevented me from doing so. My grandmother had the faith in me to put her credit on the line with no hesitation. She did not have one ounce of concern and trusted me 100% to do the right thing. She never asked once about the loan and how it was going until 3 years later. While driving her to her eye doctor’s appointment, she said, “Errol, the car still look nice. How much you have left to pay on it?” At that time, I had paid the loan off a year prior to that. She was so amazed and proud of me because I was able to do so in a short period of time. Every time following that encounter, she would mention how shocked she was that I was able to pay the loan off in such a short time. Each time she mentioned it, I felt a sense of accomplishment because she was so proud of what I was able to do.

My Grandmother, Maysie Jones, was an independent, hardworking, no-nonsense, caring, giving, nurturing, and loving Woman of God. She was always on the go and extremely sociable. She never asked for much, so whenever she did, you wanted to make yourself available. Her kind heart attracted people who eventually became extended family.
Errol Mascoe, Grandson
She was always so willing to do what she could to help family and friends, even if it was just offering kind, motivating, and encouraging words. I am EXTREMELY Blessed and Thankful for the time God granted me with Maysie Jones, and I will continue to make her proud!

Shena Larmond, Grandniece
A Kind Heart
mentioned you liked. When I complain about work, I no longer hear your voice backing me up on every complaint I make, lol.
I open your bedroom door, and you’re no longer sitting in your bed, ready to converse with me about absolutely everything. When I sit on the couch, we can’t cuddle and chat anymore. When I leave your house, you no longer grab my hands to pray for me. I can’t come over to drop you off random snacks you

Alex Haley
“In every conceivable manner, the family is a link to our past, and a bridge to our future.”


One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

Psalm 145:4

I will never forget that there is a piece of her in me, something that she gave me and asked nothing in return, her strength. What I inherited from Mama keeps her from being only a wonderful memory in my head. It allows her, in so many ways, to remain just as alive as always, alive through me and the rest of my Mama,family.for
Xoxo - Your First & Favorite Great-granddaughter, Mrs. White (Ja’Nay)

You Live In Us
Waiting to wake up and see 10 missed calls and 5 voicemails from you. I don’t know how I can get used to not seeing those notifications every day. I can’t thank God enough for all the memories I created with you. Your great-great grandkids and I are extremely blessed to have had you in our lives. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing you’re with Ganga now.
On the day I said goodbye to Mama, it hit me how incredibly privileged I have been to have my great-grandmother by my side for the past 19 years of my life.
Along with the sadness and grief I felt, I cannot deny the tremendous amount of gratitude that also remained. Mama worked tirelessly to improve everyone’s life around her, and she never failed to remind me how proud she was of me. I remember the last conversation I had with Mama. She mentioned to me that a year ago, she was talking to God and asked him for a little extra time to spend with our family and how she was more

I’ll miss you forever. Your boyfriend, Mr. White, is going to miss you too. Blessed be the fruit & Rest Up.
than blessed that she had been with us for over a year. She might not have realized it, but that gift the Lord gave her was not for her alone; the phone calls, conversations, and lessons that I learned from Mama in the last year will stay with me for the rest of my life.
your wisdom, your humor, tenderness and compassion, your understanding, your patience, and your love; I give you all of my thanks.
IMama,loveyou so much, and I’m glad I got to be a part of your lineage. Thank you for your wisdom and excitement. ❤ I love you for 4L Re’Nee Allen, Great-granddaughter

Naja Taylor, Great-granddaughter

Our Angel
Mama was a very kind soul with an enormous heart. Her love was eternal, and I’ll miss her. May she rest in peace.

The years I had with you were the best days. I remember the times that you and Ganga babysat me. I’m so sad and heartbroken that you’re gone. I know that I will eventually accept the fact that you’re not here anymore, but not that you left me.
Larry Smith, Great-grandson
Mama, the amazing lady I knew for 14 years. You are so strong. You are the true definition of a woman of Christ. All the stories I hear about you just make me realize this amazing, wonderful lady is my greatgrandma. I understand your physical body isn’t here, but I know your soul is up in heaven having a great time. We love you, MAMA.
I love you, and I’ll miss you. Riss Larrissa Smith, Great-granddaughter
Mama, your love to me was special, really one of a Gonekind.from my sight, but never from my mind. Being absent from the body but present with the GivingLord, your life to Christ was your greatest reward. This chapter of my life will be a hard read. Mama, you’re somebody we will always need. People say, “Sorry for your loss,” but for us, it’s a gain.
I love you, Mama. Your FIRST GREAT-GRANDSON CJ (Carey Allen Jr.)
For you, no more pain. Now there’s another angel that we have up above, There’s nothing to compare to a grandmother’s love. So today I give you more flowers, And yes, they are blue, another symbol of the love I have for you.
Amir Taylor, Great-grandson

Dear Mama,


Harmony and Stefan Jr.

Mama! You Left Too Soon…

We will make you proud!

We are forever grateful. The Family of Maysie C. Jones

Thank You
Never are we more aware of how much family and friends mean than at the time of Wordsbereavement.cannotexpress how grateful our family is for the love, prayers, cards, and encouraging words that you have shared with us.
Thanks especially to our church families, Gateway Church, Pentecostal Tabernacle, Genesis Christian Church, and The Faith Center, for the generosity and support you have shown to us during this difficult time.
Our family has a rich heritage Passed down by Godly parentage Love of God, family, and mankind Values Ganga and Mama left behind I will extol thee, my God, O King; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:1

Sunset Memorial Gardens 3201 NW 19th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Professional Services
Azim Foster Orville Taylor Errol Mascoe CoreyStefanMaxwellWhiteCareyAllenMarkBruce
Pall Bearers
Faith Center Banquet Hall 4061 NW 16th Street Lauderhill, FL 33313
Concept Design and Editing Annette Taylor-Spence Love CareFronting, LLC 954.439.5615 Printing Pentecostal Tabernacle Int’l, Inc. www.PenTab.org305.651.9696 Art Direction and Layout Gracious GraFX Studios www.GraciousGrafx.cominfo@graciousgrafx.com954.515.9016
Bell’s Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3750 State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319
There is going to be a meeting in the air In the sweet, sweet bye and bye I am going to meet you, meet you over there In that home beyond the sky Such singing you will hear never heard by mortal ear ‘Twill be glorious, I do declare And God’s own son will be the leading one At the meeting in the air