Officiating Clergy
Musical Prelude
Congregational Hymn
First Reading
Bishop Harry Scott
Pastor Sharon Scott
Minister Knadia Scott (Organist/Praise and Worship)
Bishop Harry Scott
When We All Get To Heaven
Dr. Grace Augustine (Daughter) Psalm 90:1-12
Prayer Song Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah
Opening Prayer
Second Reading
Third Reading
Pastor Marlon Francis (2nd Cousin)
Sis Dorcas Taribo (Daughter) Proverbs 31:10-31
Bethel United Church Choir
Ms. Jennifer Thompson (Daughter) I Corinthians 15:50-58
Bishop David Francis (Son)
Selection Mother Francis’s Adult Children
Portraits Of Mother Francis
As a Mother
As a Grandmother
As a Great Grandmother
As a Niece
As a Godmother
As a Virtuous Woman
Dr. Grace Augustine (Daughter)
Ms. Nadine Augustine (Granddaughter)
Cassandra Hollis (Granddaughter)
Sharna Wilcox (Granddaughter)
Cassandra Hollis and Sharna Wilcox
Minister Jasmine Stephenson
Brother Bentley Noble
Ms. Andrea Graves
Solo Selection
Open Tributes (2 min)
Ms. Jackie Brown (Niece)
Community of Friends/Brethren
Selection Banner of Love (West Palm Beach)
In her own words
Mother Francis
Ms. Alison Robinson (Sister)
Selection Banner of Love (Fort Lauderdale)
Sermon Elder Paul Hamilton
Prayer for the Family
Pastor Sharon Scott
All County Funeral Home
Death Hath No Terrors
1 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place.
When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory!
2 While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when trav’ling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.
3 Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay.
4 Onward to the prize before us! Soon His beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold.
1 Guide me, O Thou great *Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy pow’rful hand.
Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want no more.
2 Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliv’rer, strong Deliv’rer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield; Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.
1 Death hath no terrors for the blood-bought one, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! The boasted vict’ry of the grave is gone, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
Jesus rose from the dead, Rose triumphant as He said, Snatch’d the vict’ry from the grave, Rose again our souls to save— O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
2 Our souls die daily to the world and sin, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! By the Spirit’s power as He dwells within, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! [Refrain]
3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death and hell’s Destruction, Land me safe on Canaan’s side. Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee; I will ever give to Thee.
3 We seek a city far beyond this vale, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! Where joys celestial never, never, fail, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb!
4 We’ll then press forward to the heav’nly land, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! Nor mind the troubles met on ev’ry hand, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! [Refrain]
5 We’ll rise some day just as our Saviour rose, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! Till then shall death be but a calm repose, O glory hallelujah to the Lamb! [Refrain]
“A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman – who is he that can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls. The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely so that he has no lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil” – Prov 31:10-11 Amplified Bible Version
Doris Louise Francis (formerly Riley) was born to the union of Charles Samuel II and Muriel Maud Riley in the district of Alderton, in the garden of Saint Ann, Jamaica West Indies. The official date of birth on record is April 14, 1929. Unofficially, Doris Francis repeatedly emphasized that her actual date of birth was March 29, 1929. She received her early education at Alderton All Age School and attended the local Methodist Church. As the eldest child to Charles and Muriel Riley, the young Doris assumed the role of helping her parents to take care of her younger siblings. Even though she did not attend school as much as she would have desired, she maximized her education to the extent that she could help her parents in several ways including selling agricultural produce at various markets, buying needed items for the household and bringing home the rest of the money. She helped her father as a bookkeeper while he oversaw several employees working for Alcan Jamaica Limited under the supervision of one Colonel Barrett. Young Doris went to sewing school with
noted seamstresses in the area and learned machine embroidery and other related skills. Doris also did various jobs in Saint Ann and Kingston which included cooking, looking after children and housekeeping.
As Doris matured as young woman, there developed a mutual love interest between her and one Archibald Francis, one of her school mates, a young man from the district of Alderton. After securing parental consent they set out to plan their lives together. A series of reversals led to Archibald Francis’ decision to migrate to the United Kingdom to seek better financial opportunities. He left Jamaica with some of his relatives, school mates and others in 1956. As fate would have it, Doris Francis also migrated to the United Kingdom in 1957 and was received by her aunt’s husband, Lloyd McDonald in London UK. Archibald, who had settled in Birmingham, reconnected with her after a few weeks of her arrival in the United Kingdom. Doris left London and joined him in Birmingham. They were later joined in holy matrimony at the Birmingham Registrar Office in October 1957. This union eventually produced six children namely: David, Jennifer, Andrew, Grace, Hopeland and Dorcas. Hopeland died shortly after birth in 1969 and Andrew died much later in the year 2018. Doris maintained several sewing jobs benefitting from her sewing experience in Jamaica. She also worked at several child day care centers over time.
While Archibald Francis was employed at GEC Company, he met Mr. Joslyn Whitton, also known as Deacon Whitton, who invited him to Church. Archibald and Doris Francis attended the annual convocation in 1958 at the Bethel Apostolic Church located at 2 Gibson Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, UK, pastored by Bishop Sidney Dunn. That church was then affiliated with the Church of God in Christ Jesus Apostolic with Bishop Randolph Carr as the Presider. Doris Francis was the first of the immediate family to be baptized in Jesus’ name. Archibald was baptized the following night. Doris Francis was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1959, the same year as Archibald Francis.
Doris Francis, now known as Sister Francis, became a faithful member of the Gibson Road assembly and was one of the first ushers appointed in the young church that was started in 1955. Also, she was a part of the prayer band with Mother Dunn, Mother Taylor and other sisters driven by Brother (later Bishop) Algernon McKenzie. She continued ushering until she started having children. Nevertheless, she remained a faithful member bringing her children to church, while her husband, Archibald Francis, now known as Deacon Francis was out transporting those members visiting the outstation churches.
Sister Francis, with the agreement of her husband Deacon Francis stayed at home to raise the young children while he became the breadwinner. However, Sister Francis’ entrepreneurial spirit led her into the business of buying and selling various kinds of female attire. She also made furniture covers, also known as “chair backs”. Deacon Francis, who was the only driver, accompanied her and picked up the items from the wholesale stores and helped to sell them. When he was at work, Doris would go out on foot with the children if there was no one to babysit them and operated the business. The Lord blessed their business and they both accomplished many of the goals they set for the family.
Sister Francis, with the help of her brother, Mr. Lloyd Riley, filed for the family to gain permanent residency in the United States. This long process was eventually completed in the mid-1980s. Sister Francis and the children migrated to the United States and Deacon Francis retired in Jamaica. In June of 1990, Deacon Archibald Francis passed away after a lengthy illness. Sister Francis assumed the role of family leader and she guided the family through changing and tumultuous times. Sister Doris Francis studied and became a Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide. She was given rave reviews and positive feedback from her patients, their relatives and friends for the way she took care of her patients. She was a firm believer in education and stressed its importance to her children using her own life story. It is clear that her frequent admonitions were heeded in that her children and grandchildren have excelled in various fields including real estate, medicine, health and psychology among other areas of study.
Sister Francis continued her Christian walk while residing in the United States and was a member of Banner of Love Apostolic Church in Miami and West Palm Beach (that assembly started in her house) and Original Faith Family Church. She served to the best of her ability in various roles including Church Mother and usher, and she served refreshments to Sunday School children. She was an encourager thus she strengthened those who were discouraged. She became a mother figure to both young and old alike. She would also be found handing out tracts, inviting people to come to church, collecting prayer requests and praying for people. Many positive results were gained as a result of her tireless efforts.
Mother Francis had been acquainted with sickness and pain over her many years on this earth. However in the last three years, and especially the last year or so of her life, she experienced rapidly declining health. She maintained an upbeat personality especially when she recalled the many things the Lord had done for her. She often talked and sang about heaven and the prospect of going there brought her great joy. Mother Francis continued to fight valiantly through her illness until it pleased the Lord to take her home to be with Him on Monday, January 22, 2024 at about 6:53 am at the ripe age of 94 years.
Mother Francis was preceded in death by her husband Deacon Archibald Francis; sisters: Joyce Riley and Thelma Riley; brothers: Charles Riley III, Lloyd Riley and Boliver Riley; sons: Andrew Francis and Hopeland Francis. Mother Francis leaves to cherish her memory the following: her children: David Francis, Jennifer Thompson, Grace Augustine and Dorcas Taribo; stepdaughter Winnifred Smith also known as Tiney; grandchildren: Cassandra Hollins, Susan Thompson, Sharna Wilcox, Natasha Augustine, Nadine Augustine, John Francis Taribo and Jolie Taribo; nine remaining step grandchildren, twenty-seven step great-grandchildren and four step great-great grandchildren. Sisters: Mrs. Ellen Boreland, Mrs. Essie Sampson, Mrs. Hyacinth Colquhoun, Mrs. Allison Robinson, Ms. Linette Richards, Mrs. Pauline Davis and Mrs. Vivienne Jackson; a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives, several godchildren and a host of brothers and sisters in Christ, friends and acquaintances too numerous to mention.
The Holy Scripture states “Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised” – Proverbs 31:28-30 KJV
“…Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them.” –Revelation 14:15 KJV
Mother Doris Louise Francis is resting in peace and God’s light perpetually shines on her.
The family of Mother Doris Louise Francis wishes to thank in a special way the following:
The medical staff of Wellington Medical Center, JFK Medical Center, Bethesda Medical Center, Kindred Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Good Samaritan Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital, Coral Bay Rehabilitation, Select Hospital, Medicana Nursing Home, Boulevard Manor Nursing Home. Her primary doctors including Dr. Sridhar Vennamaneni and his staff, and Dr. Isabel Bueno and her staff, and numerous other medical specialists and their staff.
Several nurses, certified nursing assistants and home health aides who cared for Mother Francis during her illness.
The family wishes to thank all of Mother Francis’ brothers and sisters in Christ locally and internationally who visited, supported and prayed for Mother Francis during her illness and are now praying and supporting us, the family.
The family wishes to thank the staff of All County Funeral Home and Palm Beach Memorial Park for their professional service and support to Mother Francis and family in her final days and since her transition.
The family wishes to thank each other (immediate and extended family members) for their support and care extended to Mother Francis: inquiring about and coordinating her care at home and in the various medical centers especially in her final days. Last but not least, we the family thank our precious Lord for giving us the strength to look after Mother Francis to the best of our ability and for comforting, strengthening, and helping us to navigate the bereavement process and beyond.
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” – President Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President, about his mother, Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln
It is with mixed feelings that I submit this tribute to a godly mother, a woman of substance in the person of Doris Louise Francis. I can honestly say that I could not have asked for a more caring and supportive mother. I have known her all my life. She along with my dad, Archibald Francis who predeceased her over thirty years ago was my first teacher. She instilled moral and godly values into me. She taught me to pray and to believe God to answer my prayers. Her teachings were not just by instruction but also by example. I could talk to my mother about anything, and she would always give me sound advice. She was my prayer partner. She was my main cheerleader. She supported in me in my various endeavors; celebrated with me in my successes and commiserated with me in my failures. She always had an encouraging word.
It was always a delight to hear her talk about her childhood, how she learnt the value of hard work and responsibility helping her parents to take care of her younger siblings. The various challenges that she encountered along the way and how the Lord brought her through. She always talked about meeting my dad; both having grown up in the same district of Alderton, Saint Ann, Jamaica. She often spoke of their journey to the United Kingdom, their wedding and how they encountered the Lord through the Pentecostal experience. Even when she had difficulty remembering recent activities and events, she could still recall with vivid and minute details the various experiences and challenges she went through many years ago, and how the Lord saw her through.
As a child I observed her love for my dad and his love for her. They had mutual respect, and they were united as they taught my siblings and me godly values and other important practical lessons for a successful life. She supported him as they both made plans and implemented them for the welfare of the family and the Lord blessed their many efforts with success. My mom took very good care of my dad, and particularly when he was terminally ill, until the Lord called him home.
It was very painful for me to see my mother experiencing declining health for the past three years; especially in the last year or so of her earthly journey in which she was unable to communicate and could not help herself. She experienced a combination of organ failures and other health challenges. Nevertheless, the Lord God had determined that my mom had enough. Therefore, it pleased Him to take her home to be with Him. I really miss my mother and will continue to do so for the rest of my life; but I thank God for the blessing that my mother had been to me and to all who have been acquainted with her. She cannot be duplicated nor replaced but she can be celebrated and emulated. I will always cherish her memory and endeavor to follow her example.
A verse of a memorial poem says: “A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us God only takes the best.”
My mother Doris Louise Francis is resting in peace and God’s Shekinah light shines perpetually on her.
Loving submitted by David Francis, A very grateful son
Greetings in Jesus’ name our soon coming king. It is hard to find the words to express my true feelings. Today the family, friends, and well-wishers mourn the recent loss of my mother, the late Doris Louise Francis. She truly defined what a virtuous woman’s attributes are as she would lead her home with integrity and discipline. I remember as a young girl growing up, she would say my name Grace came about at my actual birth. Yes, as a big baby, she believed only the grace of God had delivered me, hence Grace. This means to have or receive unmerited favor from God. As a young girl growing up, she always enjoyed teaching me how to read the bible and attend church regularly along with her late husband, Archibald Francis. She also instilled the importance of education. Her favorite quote to me was “Learning would be my friend when riches fail”. I vaguely remember she would encourage me to do my schoolwork after dinner. I would say “I have no homework”, then she replied, “well find one”. Mom was stern and did not play when it came to reading and completing school assignments.
She was great with her hands too, and yes, she cooked 5-star Jamaican foods. Her cooking was second to none but unfortunately elaborate cooking did not carry over to me. Her multi-craft work such as sewing and decorating made her exceptional; she would make crafts and give them to those she came in contact with. I remember for my 16th birthday she bought me a sewing machine because she felt every woman should learn to sew. She would make church dresses, and drapes, interior design and today I am a prodigy. Her spiritual life was impressive and she feared the lord. She was the epitome of Job in the bible. She would worship God no matter what came her way. Job in the bible “sinned not, nor charged God foolishly” (Job 1 v 22). For my mother, serving God was paramount to her entire existence in life.
When I first migrated from Jamaica to Miami, Florida, mom had encouraged me to work as a nursing assistant. I had no plans to venture into nursing as I was focused on fashion designing, while I was at high school. Mom said, “You have to do something else to provide for your family”. She would train me to do private duty cases and give me on the job training to take care of the sick. My mom guided me until I enrolled in college to study Nursing. I later continued my nursing journey with my mom as an advocate, now I hold the final degree in nursing as a Nursing Scientist. Mom was not only a mother, she was indeed a terrific grandmother. Mom was hands-down a babysitter for my two beautiful daughters, Natasha and Nadine. My children would say grandma makes porridge, soups, and all Jamaican foods. They were trained to eat Jamaican food at an early age since saying “no” at meals was not an option. Mom made sure one would pray and they would eat what she made. My mother was keen on my children’s reading. They both had graduated from State University. I truly thank God that he allowed her to be my mother and I miss her greatly. We love you as a mother and grandmother.
May her soul rest in peace.
Dr. Grace Augustine (daughter), Natasha and Nadine
Mother Francis was my mom. Mom would share stories about how God blessed her with the opportunity to have children after so many years of waiting for God to answer her request. She believed whatever she asked for, Jesus would grant her the desires of her heart and would pour out his blessings on her.
She talked about taking a boat to England. While in England she learned more baking techniques and how to design/decorate cakes. I would assist my mom with baking and later I developed a love for cooking and cake decoration.
My mom would discuss how she changed to the Apostolic faith. My mom has always been a faithful person to God. She sees herself as a servant of God. She taught us how to pray, read our bible, attend church, and wait on the Lord. I have experienced so many spiritual miracles, and I would like to share a few testimonies.
One day while living in England, I was visiting a sick neighbor, who had sweets on her floor. I am not sure how much I ate, but at some point, my mom noticed I was eating the neighbor’s prescription. I recalled my mom getting concerned about what I had done and rather than taking me to the doctor, she took me to church. I recalled going to the altar and these church saints began to pray for me. One missionary laid her hands on me and said, “Lord, please touch her, even if she swallowed deadly poison.” I recalled thinking that my mom told her what I had done. Later I asked my mom, did you tell her what I had done? My mom said no, she did not tell the missionary what happened. I could only conclude that when you seek God, he will bring the right people to you at the right time, to assist you through challenging times. Yes, I was delivered from the deadly poison.
I recall another miracle when I was living in Jamaica. I was a teenager at the time. I was walking to my home in Greendale, Spanish Town, Jamaica when I decided to take a shortcut to get to my home. I remember approaching the shortcut when I noticed a man with a cutlass ahead of me. I felt a strange vibe and decided to allow him to go ahead of me. I waited for some time, thinking he was gone. The trees were so high and thick, it was impossible to see ahead. After some time passed, when I thought it was safe, I decided to continue along this path. After traveling some distance, the man was waiting for me. He raised his cutlass and spoke words that I could not understand. I fell backward and started yelling for my dog Rambo. I was able to find the courage to run back the way I entered the path. I was scared, upset, and was experiencing so many emotions. As soon as I arrived home, my dad, the late Deacon Francis, was there and he shared with me my mom was on the phone, calling from New York. I was hysterical and crying when I took the receiver. I could hear my mom in a calm voice telling me that she saw in the spirit what had happened to me, and she wanted me to know, she was interceding on my behalf. I did not need to explain to her what had happened.
Later in her life, Mom was healed from Covid. I have experienced so many blessings and miracles, too many to share, but I am giving thanks for the time she was here. Mom will be missed, but I know she is resting well in the arms of God.
We love our grandma. We enjoyed taking trips from California to Florida to visit her. She would hug us and tell us how happy she was to see us. She would watch Christian programs and seemed to love the Lord. She seemed interested in our affairs and would ask how we were doing in school and talk about the Lord. She would tell us stories about her family. She was always working on making something, like using a wood frame for decorative runners. She seemed happy and showed interest in us.
When we traveled to England, she would talk to her brother, Great-Uncle Riley. We got to spend time with him. He too, would take a similar interest in us, and he seemed kind. Before we left, Mom and Uncle prayed for us to have a good journey home. We will continue to travel to Florida and England, but we know it will be different. We will not get to see them on Earth again. We hope to be in Jamaica soon to continue to celebrate their lives. We will always love and remember them forever.
Love always.
Francis Taribo and Jolie Marie Taribo (grandchildren)
Dear My Darling Grandmother,
Where to begin still seems so unreal. Grandma, you were the rock that held the family together. I thank you for all your sacrifices, how nurturing you were, your passion, your love, your admiration, your wisdom and strength. You may have passed on but your memories will always live on with us. When I gave birth to my eldest child 22 years ago, you and my mother were there to make sure the doctors knew what they were doing. I will miss all the story times you shared and the times you were kneading wool to knit.
Grandma, you taught us everything except how to live without you. Get your rest Grandma, I know you’re in a better place dancing in the sky.
You are forever in our hearts, Love Always your Granddaughter Susan xoxox
Dear Grandma,
I really want to thank you for everything. I was blessed to be a part of the last years of your journey. It was always an adventure, from dropping you off at assisted living, to you coming to live with me. You helped me with my cooking skills so I cooked more when you were home. I remember one night I rushed home to start dinner but I don’t think I timed the broccoli correctly. I was just trying to have dinner ready for you. After I served dinner and you started eating, you turned to me and asked if can I cook the broccoli a little bit longer . My kids love you and especially loved the time y’all spent together. I’m wiping my tears as I type this. I know you’re okay and in a better place but I’m missing you tremendously. Continue to get your rest. This isn’t a goodbye, it’s a see you later. I will see you again.
Sharna Thompson-Wilcox. Granddaughter
Dear Grandmother,
I want to say thank you for showing me how to stay strong and always believe in GOD. I want to thank you for your sacrifices, your care and concerns, your love and everything that you have done for this family. As you can see, I am wearing a hat in your honor because you love your hats. I remembered one Sunday morning I wasn’t wearing a hat and you took one out of your purse and placed it on me. The most precious memory of us is when you were present on my wedding day, helping me get ready for my big day. You could see that I was nervous so you held my hand and started to pray. I am glad I was there for you as you were there for me. I love and miss you so much. Grandmother, continue to rest with the angels until we meet again.
Love always, your granddaughter
Cassandra Hollins
To the family of the late Sister Francis. My wife and I send our deepest condolences to the children on behalf of the whole Rodway family. We have known Sister Francis and Deacon Francis since we went to Bethel United Church in 1970, and enjoyed fellowshiping with them and their children. Sister Francis was a lovely sister and we gladly watched her celebrate her 93rd birthday with her brother, Elder Charles Riley (who we were particularly close to). I know he would be heartbroken at her passing if he was here. May the Lord send you comfort through your time of mourning and peace as Sister Francis sleeps on in Jesus. We regret the passing of Sister Francis and are praying for all of you.
To the Francis family. Our deepest condolences to all of you on behalf of the Noble family. Mother Francis was my godmother and I loved her dearly. She was a true godmother till the end of her life. With us, mum Francis would send video greetings to me and my family by WhatsApp, and she made me an embroidery cloth that I use till this day; my bible rests on it every Sunday. So mum Francis, you will be missed down here, but heaven is where your home is. Rest in peace until we awake in God’s likeness. Much love Bentley
The Noble’s Family United Kingdom
Doris Louise Francis was known to me as Mother Francis. Your life was full of loving deeds and good work. She was a stalwart, a Trailblazer, an Icon in the gospel of Jesus Christ. She was a no-nonsense child of God. You will be greatly missed. Your soul R.I. P.
Pastor G. Dickson
B.O.L. Apostolic Church, West Palm Beach
My first encounter with Mother Francis was at the Main Entrance Door at the Foodtown Supermarket doing one of her good deeds of handing out Christian pamphlets or tracks. I often observed her working quietly and joyfully for the Lord. Mother Francis demonstrated much commitment and loyalty to God.
Sister Debbie Lalor
B.O.L. Apostolic Church, West Palm Beach
Mother Francis was a wonderful worker of God, A true mother. She had always been an encouragement to me on many occasions when I really needed a word. I was blessed to worship and fellowship with her for many years. She will be greatly missed.
Apostolic Church, West
Palm Beach
No more pain
No more disappointments
No more sickness on this side of life
I am now awaiting to be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds as He has promised. It is well! It is well! It is well, Mother Francis It is well with your soul!
Mother Francis was a great giant woman of strength. She was faithful to the end. Kindheartedness was one of her many fine qualities. She was hard-working.
Mother Francis consistently and continuously served God with all her heart, and I can still hear her relating those wonderful stories of Gibson Road, England. She never ceased reminiscing this testimony when God blessed her womb and put her gainsayers to shame.
Mother Francis, I hear you singing, “When I wake up, wake in glory. And to Jesus, I’ll sing the redemption story
Oh, I shall see Him, blessed be. Who has bought me to be free When I wake up, in glory by and by”
Rest in Peace Mother Francis!
Sister M. Alexander
B.O. L. Apostolic Church, West Palm Beach
Mother Francis! You were a special, Unique Rose in the Garden of Life. Your beautiful petals were admired by all who came in your path. I thank God for your wonderful example of life. You are greatly missed.
Church, West Palm Beach
Wipe your tears!
And dry your eyes.
For I am in a better place
With Heaven as my prize.
God gives life, and He takes it away.
Life is just a stepping stone.
A pause before we make it home. A simple place to rest and be, Until we reach eternity.
Everyone has a life journey, A path to take with lots to see.
God guides our steps along the way, But we were never meant to stay.
Rest in Peace, Mother Francis
From all of Banner of Love Apostolic Church, West Palm Beach
Sister Francis, mother Francis, was known to us as a wonderful woman of God, who had served the Lord with dignity, and who loved her family. She had prayed with us and encouraged us to serve and stay in the Lord. Mother Francis was also known for her beautiful smile. Her smile was like sunflowers opened in the midst of the sunlight. Just imagine how beautiful that was.
She loved her oranges and Jamaican pastries. Whenever mother Francis wanted to go on the road, one or two of us would go with her, but the rest of us would sit and wait on her to come from the market, because we were sure of getting oranges, Jamaican Tastee Patties, Jamaican round buns and cakes aka bulla. To seal it off for our dessert, we would get a big, bright, a beautiful smile. Our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow. It hurts so much that you are gone. You have brought us so much joy and happiness to our lives, and we are so grateful for the time we shared together. You will never be forgotten, mother Francis. We miss you more than words can say, and we will cherish every moment we shared, and memories we have of you.
Rest well, mother Francis. Heavens are rejoicing. We love you!
Sister Tiny and family
The Banner Of Love Ministry was graced and blessed with the presence of Mother Doris Francis and her family when they became members of the Miami branch church sometime in 1987. She was an ardent worshiper for over three years before relocating to West Palm Beach.
In West Palm, Mother Francis and her son, Bishop David Francis, allowed her home to be used as a place of worship. The inaugural service was held on Palm Sunday 1993 and continued until a larger place was found to establish a sanctuary.
Mother Francis was a gentle giant, she was soft spoken yet stern in her discourse pertaining to The kingdom of God. She displayed a sweet disposition and modeled a healthy Christian life. She would not compromise her Christian principles for the riches of this world. She did not allow her age or the lack of personal transportation to diminish her zeal to evangelize. She was often seen walking the streets and presenting tracks on public transportation or in the malls.
Mother Francis had many health challenges over the past 1 1/2 years. However, she fought a good fight, kept the faith and went home to receive her righteous reward. What a legacy she has left behind! She has sown seeds of love, both within and outside of her family, which will continue to grow and flourish in future generations. Mother Francis had many fine qualities that many admire but very few will ever attain.
Sleep on our Sister, take your rest, you are gone but will never be forgotten. Our prayers are for the immediate and extended family. May God bring you peace, strength and comfort during this time of bereavement and beyond.
WB/ BOL- Ft. Lauderdale
Mama Francis, Your life was a blessing to me and my family I will cherish the memories we have of you and I am glad I was able to celebrate your 94th birthday with you You are loved beyond words, missed beyond measure.
Rest well Mama Francis Heaven gained an Angel.
Aleisa Walter AKA Tiny Step granddaughter
Palm Beach Memorial Park
3691 Seacrest Blvd, Lantana, FL 33462
Officiating Clergy
Pastor Delton McDonald
Selection Shall We Gather At the River
Prayer Elder Paul Hamilton
Committal of the Remains
Selection Sleep on Beloved
Choruses Our Church Brethren
1 Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod, With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God?
Yes, we’ll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God.
2 On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will talk and worship ever, All the happy golden day.
3 Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown.
4 At the smiling of the river, Mirror of the Savior’s face, Saints, whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace.
5 Soon we’ll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace.
1 Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take your rest; 2 Calm is thy slumber as an infant’s sleep Lay down your head upon thy Savior’s breast: But thou shalt wake no more to toil and weep: We love thee well; but Jesus loves thee best Thine is a perfect rest secure and deep Good night! Good night! Good night!
3 Until the shadows from this earth are cast; 4 Until the Easter glory lights the skies; Until he gathers in his sheaves at last; Until the dead in Jesus shall arise, Until the twilight gloom is overpast And He shall come, but not in lowly guise Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night!
5 Until made beautiful by Love Divine, 6 Only good night, beloved – not farewell! Thou in the likeness of thy Lord shall shine, A little while, and all His saints shall dwell And He shall bring that golden crown of thine In hallowed union indivisible Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night! Good night!
The immediate and extended family members of our dearly departed Doris Louise Francis (Mother Francis) wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our brothers and sisters in Christ, friends, acquaintances and well-wishers for your love and the support extended to us on account of her transition to glory. We thank you for your calls, gifts, flowers, your physical and virtual presence at Mother Francis’ Celebration of Life Service, and most of all, your prayers. Please continue to pray for us as we continue to navigate the bereavement process, and get on with the business of living. Our prayer is that God will richly bless each and every one of you.