Overseer Vernon Stair

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Overseer Vernon Adolphus Stair was born in Hanover, Jamaica, West Indies on April 30th, 1909. He attended the Rusea’s High School and after leaving school he relocated to Kingston in the early 1930’s. While in Kingston, he reunited with his past school mate, Dora Webb, was now a Christian. She invited him to a cottage meeting at Major Humprey’s home. He attended the meeting and was ministered to by Major Humprey and that same night, he surrendered his life to the Lord. The friendship blossomed and she later became his wife. The union produced six children. He was employed with The United Fruit Company for over forty years where he sharpened his love for mechanics and farming.

Overseer Stair could fix anything and became a mechanic and often worked on his own vehicles. He loved animals, reared them and toiled to farm his backyard so he could provide produce for both the church, neighbors and his family. Overseer Stair labored assiduously through trying situations but never faltered, always with humility. He had a passion for the ministry and people and served in various ministry positions. He stood strong and was determined in whatever task given to see it through to completion. Both him and his wife who was affectionately called Mother Stair served the body of Christ well and set a good example for many to follow. He left a strong spiritual legacy for his family set and the stage for good principled Christian leadership in the Glad Tidings Church of the Firstborn, Inc. to follow. He retired from ministry in 1995 and later went on to rest from his labor on July 10th, 2000. That same year, his wife followed him.

Beside every good man is a great woman, Dora Josephine Stair, was the dearest friend and wife of Overseer Stair. What began as a friendship bloomed into love that produce a godfearing family. She was an industrious seamstress, nurturing homemaker, selfless woman of God who sought to satisfy the needs of all the brethren. Her calm and mild nature shouldn’t be mistaken as weak because she was a strong woman who ruled her household well. She was patient, kind and understanding and was often moved with compassion to freely give a helping hand. Who can find a virtuous woman, her price is far beyond rubies and her children rise and call her BLESSED!


• Youth President & Advisor

• Deacon

• Executive Board Chairman

• Missionary Board Chairman

• Director of Funeral Assistance Fund

• Pastor

• Member of Jamaica Evangelical Association

• Acting Overseer

• General Overseer

He also travelled and ministered overseas in the United States and Grand Cayman. He ministered and evangelized in every parish in Jamaica. Held various open-air meetings and crusades that drew many to the Lord and held baptisms in rivers like the Rio Cobre in St. Catherine, Borrow Bridge in St. Ann and Siloah, St Elizabeth to name a few. Whether by bicycle, car or foot, he was commissioned to evangelize souls for the kingdom. One of his main quotes when going on mission was “can what you get and get what you can.”


The weather was very bad one Sunday morning, when Deacon Conner and Pastor Stair had to visit the Passage Fort Assembly in St. Catherine. They made the journey to the assembly on bicycle. It was storming rain all day into night. Hours had passed and neither of the men came home. The family was anxious and worried when they heard, the Rio Cobre River was impassable. Eventually he came home drenched in mud and rain, shaking and expressed that Deacon Conner’s shoes came off while they were crossing the Rio Cobre, he attempted to swim and catch the shoes and thank God they were able to trod through and make it to safety. Mother Stair had to apply heat and give medicinal aid to her husband that night and he soon felt better. To him there was no boundary to assist the ministry and that selflessness carried over throughout his entire life.


“I have known Overseer V. A. Stair, the second general overseer of the Glad Tidings Church of The First Born, for all my life. I can attest to the strength of his character and compassion for others. I knew this giant of a man even before I became a member of this noble institution. Overseer Stair dedicated me as a baby in the year 1957, baptized me in the year 1974 and was the officiant at my wedding in the year 1979. This goes to show that I am well acquainted with this humble servant of the Lord. As a young man, during the 1970s, I remembered Elder as he was affectionately referred to, would visit the Water Lane assembly on occasions, arriving on a Saturday evening and leaving on a Tuesday morning. Elder Stair led by example and not by command. One of the customs that I have adopted from him is the reading of the Lord’s supper text 1 Corinthians 11:16 which says, “if any man seems to be contentious, we have no such custom”. Like what the Apostle Paul says to Timothy, “follow me as I follow Christ”, 1 Corinthians 11:1. I will also never forget one of his favourite hymns, “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”. An honest, dedicated, committed and hard-working are some of the ways to describe this great man of God. I would like to compare Overseer Stair unto the Prophet Samuel who said: “Here I stand. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and His anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed?

From whose hand have I accepted a bribe to make me shut mine eyes? If I have done any of these things, I will make it right. And they said, thou hast not defrauded us, nor oppress us, neither hast thou taken ought of any man’s hand”, 1 Samuel 12:3-4. This great man of God gave so much spiritually and yet receive so little materially. Overseer V. A. Stair had made an outstanding contribution to the Glad Tidings Church of The First Born and the wider community and for this I am eternally grateful. He was a people person. Overseer was also a man of vision. Prior to demitting office in the year 1996, he selected Pastor E. D. Walters and me to work alongside Pastor Mitchell, who was to be ordained as the church’s third General Overseer. If that decision turned out to be the right choice, we owe it to this great visionary. One regret that I have is that he is not here to read or listen to these beautiful words.

Thank you, overseer:

• For all the ways you have led and guided the flock.

• For all that you have done for our church.

• For being such a great example of living a life of faith.

• For being a good teacher and preacher.

• You were one of the best pastors this church has ever known.

• You were a blessing to our church.

Thank you for a job well done. We will meet you in the morning.

“Life has blessed us with many gifts and Vernon A. Stair was one such. To know the man was to know greatness. He touched many lives during his sojourn with the Glad Tidings Church of the First Born. My association with Overseer Stair went back to my childhood days when he would pay several visits to the church in Mt. Moriah. The members looked forward with great anticipation to see their pastor visiting to break the word and conduct communion service. He had impacted me in many ways. He contributed to many milestones in my life, some of which included baptism, ordination and marriage. He was truly a role model for me. Overseer Stair was featured prominently in all Conventions and Anniversary Services held within the body. You were forced to listen to this quintessential leader, who had so much to offer, in that he was regarded as a long meter, but his words were inspiring. Truly a servant of God. A man who had a passion for souls and who often went beyond the call of duty. One who was earnest in the spiritual warfare of fasting, prayer and thanksgiving. During my most formative years, he nourished me through his preaching. From him, I saw that the bible was to be taken seriously. He did not use the pulpit as a platform for expressing his opinions. He wanted people to hear what God had to say. When expounding the scriptures, he demonstrated a compelling combination of analysis and adoration. He explained to the church what the text or word says and what it means; while at the same time leading us to worship and praise the creator. I do remember the moments when his explanation would be transformed into adoration. His voice would go up into a higher pitch, a quiver would catch in his throat and earnestness would overpower his voice until no one in the room had any doubt. I can recall that his sermons never ended without an invitation, a call for a decision in light of our encounter with God’s truth. His ministry showed me the connection between faithfulness to God’s word and fervor for his mission. Thanks for taking me along on many missionary journeys to rallies, even when I had to stand on a chair to sing. This sparked my desire and laid the foundation for service in the Glad Tidings Church of the First Born. He exemplified many traits that were pertinent to the advancement of the church. He was an excellent listener, who took time to listen and learn what his members were going through. He was an approachable person. He possessed a meek temperament. It seemed like nothing ruffled his feathers. As a servant leader, it was crucial to use persuasion over authority to reach his followers. While listening to him, people felt a sense of relief and found peace in his words. He was highly respected and trusted to deal with matters coming to his attention. Members believed that he had the expertise to resolve issues brought to his attention. Overseer Stair persevered through trials and challenges. He had shown what it meant to open the word to the world and under his leadership, the church has remained unified. I pray that, like him I will always devote my words to the glory of God. I have tried to preach the way he had, with exposition that overflows in exultation and leads to exhortation. I will forever be grateful for his testimony and ministry.

Favourite Songs – Standing on the promises of Christ our King; All Hail the Power of Jesus Name; My Song shall be of Jesus.

Favourite Choruses – I will walk the road that Jesus walks for me; Goodbye World I am gone.

Favourite Scriptures – Ephesians 2:8; Colossians 3:1 I was truly blessed to have known him. His memory will be indelibly etched in the archives of the Glad Tidings Church of the First Born.

Bishop Dr E. D. Walters J.P.

“Most of us have heartfelt reminiscences of the surroundings in which we were nurtured. These memories are not entrenched in the physical environs, but relatively are associated with the regular customs of the people with whom we associated. The extraordinary quality of principles and practices has paved a foundation of unforgettable relationships, which has been a source of composure and serenity. God has predestined and navigated the path for my life through divine involvement and the influence of special personalities. Overseer V.A Stair was one such instrument God used to bring about spiritual and social inspiration in my life as a youngster. The presence of Overseer Stair was not only physical but also carried a profuse and almost tangible fragrance of the anointing. The uniqueness of this spiritual exuberance was also revealed by means of the words he spoke, his deeds of kindness, the expressions of joy he conveyed sparkled through an atmosphere of divine fragrances, and finally, the smiles he released flowed as an ambience of heavenly psychosocial radiances. Although he was of a very strict and stern personality, a joyful temperament of humility and kindness was always hidden on the inside and showed up to bring comfort whenever a needy external environment arise. Papa, as he was affectionately called by close family members was a motor vehicle mechanic, and hence the car he drove was properly maintained. When attending and returning from various functions, such as conventions, Anniversary or Open-Air meetings, Overseer Stair was always willing to make his vehicle available to transport us to or from our location irrespective of our personal status. In conclusion of this brief reminiscence, I must finally state that Overseer Stair encouraged family life as prescribed by the Bible and hence he gave valued counselling in accordance with the Word of God. He was the Pastor who presided over our marital engagement and was also the Marriage Officer at our Marriage ceremony. The divine inspiration and impartation at our wedding still presides over us and now we are about to celebrate thirtyfour years of marriage.

The Blessing of the Lord, through Overseer Stair, has been rich in our lives and it added no sorrow...Shalom”

Pastor Dave Kennedy

“Pastor V.A Stair was a dedicated Pastor, he was very humble, anyone could go to him with a problem. He was a very helpful and multi-faceted person. Not only did he Pastor the church, but he did various things like the plumbing and electrical work where it was needed. I visited with him to many of the outstation church branches all over Jamaica. Places like St. Thomas, St. Elizabeth, St. Mary and I enjoyed those missionary trips. I was quickly exposed to the fifty-three church branches as a young Christian, and he helped my spiritual growth. I am now 93 years old and thank God I am still going on at Glad Tidings

17 Law Street, Kingston. To God be the Glory!

Never forgotten- Elder L.L Thomas

“I remember so many things about Reverend Stair, but this one is most outstanding. On September 10th, 1994, I was asked to preach at the baptism service at the Red Berry Church in Clarendon. When the morning in question came, rain started to fall very heavily with hail stones, one wondered if the baptism service would go through. After the message, Rev. Stair sat with his bible for a while, and everyone was seated waiting for the rain to cease. Pastor Stair got up and started to sing, “Where he may lead me, I will go,” He went out in the rain and entered the pool. He lifted his hands and shouted, “Here is water” The candidates entered the pool and was baptized, the baptismal service went on. That same Sunday, a revival started in Red Berry and many souls came to know the Lord. On another occasion, he was taking brethren home from Glad Tidings Assembly in Kingston, upon reaching “Race Course” nka “Heroes Circle” he was stopped by the police and was told he could not go through due to a political meeting that was being held in the vicinity, he told the police “he was a legal, lawful citizen who is coming from church and going home” the police said, “ok Pastor” and proceeded to cleared the way and allowed him to go through. Pastor Stair was fearless! His memories live on, love and respect.”

“My first encounter with Pastor Stair was in the 1960’s, I was 17 years old. I went with Pastor Whittaker to Mandeville to attend a Missionary Service. Pastor Ward was the host Pastor and Pastor Stair was the speaker for the day. That message was very strong as Pastor Stair was under the anointing. When he was finished speaking, Pastor Ward took over the service but could not utter any words for a while, a sister in the congregation shouted out “ah suh it guh”, then Pastor Ward repeated those same words, “ah suh it guh,” Everyone received a blessing that day, it was a great day, one that as a young Christian, I will never forget.”

“In 1966, I came to know Pastor Stair when he visited the Pond Side branch in St. Elizabeth when officiating at a funeral. The deceased was only 12 years old, and to accommodate the family, Pastor Stair, held the funeral service on a Sunday, something that was not normally done. At that time, most people called him Elder Stair, I can truly testify of him being a real man of God. My experience with him was very impressive. He was informed that I was a builder, so he decided to use my services to do some work at the Glad Tidings Assembly at 17 Laws Street. We went to the hardware to purchase materials for the task. I remember Pastor Stair tying the lumber to the top of his car and helping each other carry the materials on the premises. That was a great act of selflessness, and he gained a lot of my respect. I was impressed by the excellent spirit that Pastor Stair had especially the accountability in handling God’s money. One could see that he was honest and trustworthy. God could depend on such a man; I wish we had many more Christians like that today. I was ordained as an Evangelist in 1980 and in 1988 as a Pastor by Pastor Stair. It was always a pleasure working with him. I can remember him saying “never eat fish with food in your mouth because fish has bones.” What a mighty God we serve, my time spent with Pastor Stair was well worth it and he will always be remembered.”

“Grace and Peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.” I have encountered Overseer Vernon Stair from birth. I was born in April 1965, and was dedicated to the Lord by him at the church in Mount Mariah, St. Ann. I cannot forget this great servant of the Lord, as he served as General Overseer for the Glad Tidings Church of the Firstborn for many years. As a young Christian, I came into Kingston and upon visiting the Glad Tidings Assembly at 17 Laws Street discovered the great work that was being done and was highly motivated. In my decision to relocate, I sought to buy a home close to his residence so that I could be in proximity and contact with this man of God. I visited the Stair’s residence in Kingston 13 quite often and would take fruits and vegetables for them. When Pastor Stair relocated to Kingston 19, I was blessed to be able to visit both he and Mother Stair and share good times in sweet fellowship until he went home to be with the Lord. I describe him as a “Mighty Man of God.”

“Pastor Stair was very good Pastor and gentleman, whenever I gave him anything he would ask if I really can afford to do it. He asked if I am sure. So kindhearted and humble was he. Always wanted to know about my well-being. It was a joy on any visit that he came to Garden Wood. Evangelist Henry, my assistant, spoke of him as the Pastor with the big fish tailed car. This car was used to carry as many brethren as possible on the visit to Garden Wood. We really miss him.”

“Overseer Stair was like a father to me. He would listen to everyone who had a concern. He was very firm and always gave good instruction. A man of God with good principles. He was very kind and would not like to see anyone in need. He presided over both my weddings and helped the family in difficult times.”

“The late Overseer Vernon Stair was a very humble, kind, and loving Pastor, who gave his all for the planting of and support of all the Churches in the Glad Tidings Church of the First Born. He had a GENUINE concern for the brethren, and he was approachable and very stern. He asked my mom, Evangelist Beryl Fraser to assist at Laws Street and installed her as the Evangelist, he told Pastor Douglas to watch him carefully so he could later assist during the serving of the Lord’s Supper. In 1992 he ordained him Deacon as he was persuaded of the Lord. Pastor Stair was present at every service unless he was out of town. He was also actively apart of our youth fellowship.

Wow, Pastor Stair would never failed to carry home brethren in the nights after service no one was left stranded I can attest to that, benefitted on numerous occasions, one night we left because of the amount of person that night, Pastor drove us down and I heard his stern voice “Fraser why did you leave” no explanation was accepted from that time, we

wait patiently and he ensures you enter your home before leaving. And lastly, I love to see when the Anointing is on Him and He speaks in another language, it was awesome. I miss Him singing, clapping his hand and lifting his feet so high, I can envision him now singing, “Redemption Cometh, Praise the Lord, what a wonderful Freedom, Glory to His Name”. We shall be united on that Great Triumphant Day.

“I have known Pastor Stair for many years, I got saved in the year 1982 and became a member of Faith Gospel Hall, Pear Tree Manchester. He was a very hardworking person, full of humility. His love for the brethren was shown very much. He would leave Kingston even to visit the fasting services held before crusades and conventions. He saw to it that things were planned for special services and ensured everything was in place. He was an intercessor in prayer, it was alarming how he would spend long periods praying, going to the highest dimensions and at the same time hitting rock bottom. I have much respect for this man of God as he was a good example for us to follow. Always remembered.

“Holy Greetings in Jesus Mighty name, I feel honored to speak about Pastor Stair, in my book he is and was one of the greatest Pastors ever lived, I preached in many of his churches, I think he was like Moses, very humble. He fixed his fishtail Belair car himself. I preached at Christian Pen, Passage Fort and other branch churches in the Portmore area. I ministered in his church always with a group and at Fitzgerald Avenue I was always treated with royal treatment and can remember the toto and ginger beer. I always try to attend Convention at Glad Tidings as it was always a blessing. I am sorry those days are gone, Pastor Stair was one of a kind, hard to be duplicated, I hope more men will take up the determination, like he did and say like the Apostle Paul said, for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Sis Stair, his wife and the children and some of the grandchildren are very kind and good to me, thank God I still have good fellowship and a special bond with them. Thank you and God Bless you all.”

“The Man of God, the Pastor Vernon Stair was a man who consistently lived and walked in integrity, humility, and steadfastness to truth. When you were in his presence you could see him living out his faith in God. He was a walking inspiration for one to believe great things of God. His very tone of voice when he spoke about God, it caused you to sense the awesomeness of God and made you want to draw near to God in holiness. I had the distinct privilege of being baptized by Pastor Stair when I was a young girl. His admonition to remain faithful until God comes or until he calls me home is still ringing in my ears and heart and encourages me to keep going forward. I also strongly believe that the prayer he prayed over my husband and I on our wedding day has been one of the firm pillars that our enduring marriage was built on. When Pastor Stair prayed, you knew God heard. His love for the unsaved was so evident whenever he gave an altar call. As he patiently entreated them, you could feel that love of God coming through, encouraging them to come just

as they are. The title Man of God is so well deserved for this good and faithful, humble servant who is now resting from his labor…. His legacy lives on….”

“Overseer Stair was a man of God, chosen and separated for the task. He portrayed good Christian principles and always enjoyed being in a fasting and prayer service. He loved the ministry of visiting the sick and shut-ins and took this great commission seriously. He was also employed during his time of service to the church, but the importance of conventions, crusades and open-air services was maintained. He ensured that each church property was well kept and in order to facilitate the expected crowd. His compassion and love for the saints was evident in way he related and showed respect from the smallest child to the oldest member. At convention mealtime he would see that everyone was served before he would sit and have his meal. Whenever he was travelling abroad, the officers and elders were asked to unite and keep things together during his absence. His care for the flock was outstanding. Pastor Stair was a prayer warrior, he would intercede, at times we thought he was gone to the” third heaven.” Overseer Stair was a great administrator, he displayed this in whatever did. He saw that everything that was written down was followed through, he executed things in order. He always wanted to sing on the choir but with all his other duties was not able to. He loved songs like “I Will Pour Water on Him that is Thirsty” “I Must Have the Savior with Me” “All the way, My Savior leads me” “Standing on the Promises of God” “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.” We all appreciated his service of love.”

“Having obtained help from the Lord, Overseer V.A Stair led Glad Tidings Church of the Frist Born for 40 years. A man with spiritual vision: fasting and prayer and The Word was his delight. Holiness was a specialty for him also. The church grew under his leadership, and today, this organization is alive and well. We therefore salute this outstanding servant of God.”



-Victorious E-Encouraging R-Resolute N-Noble O-Outstanding N-No Nonsense
-Strong T-Trustworthy
-Industrious R-Resilient

‘The Places I Remember Papa’

I proudly remember Papa as Elder Stair, in the pulpit at Laws Street conventions. I recall that as grandchildren we knew it was time to play quietly when he arrived home, having carried out his duties as overseer to churches in the country parts of Jamaica. I remember him standing by his open car trunk laden with produce sent by the grateful brethren. Of course, I also remember Grandma, his faithful wife whom he called ‘Dear’, sharing those things out and handing bananas, yams, and mangoes across the fence to our neighbors.

I remember Papa in the back quarter of our property that we called ‘down the Garden’, checking the breadfruit and papaw trees, and clearing dead leaves from around the banana suckers. I remember him bending over the open hood of many a vehicle in the backyard, as the first car mechanics instructor of the men in our family.

Papa was not one to make big shows of affection but when he smiled at us grandchildren and talked to us, we knew it was something special, even if he was just asking how was school or telling you kindly, that your dolly was an idol. (Smile!) But most often, I remember Papa on his knees, in the front ‘drawing room’, with open Bible communing with God. We will never know the troubles we have been spared in this life because Papa spent time in that place.”

Denise Armstrong, Granddaughter (on behalf of the brothers and sisters)

“Uncle Vernon was a very calm, quiet, hardworking, and religious man. Some of my earliest recollections of him was the annual family gatherings when he and his family would come to the country where he wand his other siblings and their families would get together and we would have a large picnic on the beach in Negril. Food and drink galore! I remember he would have very big American cars. He was mechanically inclined, and he was always tinkering with these cars. He was also a very religious man and when I visited his home or he visited us, we were never allowed to partake of a meal or even depart from his presence without him offering a prayer to the Almighty. Uncle Vernon and his siblings were very close-knit. Today, I am just beginning to appreciate the good examples set by them for us the younger generations. I know we are living in different times today and we are scattered far and wide, but I know that the examples set by Uncle Vernon and his siblings have made us better people. It is now for us to pass on these values to our off-spring and hope that they will embrace them so that the world can become a better place, May God bless his soul and grant him eternal peace.

Hon, Dr. David N.A. Stair, CD, JP., Custos Rotolorum, Hanover, Jamaica, West Indies., Nephew

“My father was a servant of God and I loved him very much. As a child, I saw him always working very hard. He showed his love to young and old. We travelled to the different country churches in the car together with other brethren. He encouraged me as a daughter to do music and arrange music class with Sis. Nedrick who taught me how to play the organ and piano. As a diligent father, I had to attend family worship before leaving home for school every morning. During my youth, I was involved in a lot of church duties at both the Glad Tidings Assembly and Victory Gospel Hall. When we relocated from East Kingston to Whitfield Town, I got baptized and became a member of the Victory Gospel Hall. Pops as he was affectionately called planted every fruit tree, raised chickens, goats and pigs, so we were never short on food. Pops example in the ministry has encouraged me to also take up the mantle, which I greatly enjoy. I love my parents dearly. We will meet again to part no more.

“As a child, I saw my grandfather as an influential yet humble leader, I admired how he would lift his hands to pray and worship with great conviction. I can remember his fearless attitude and strong will to accomplish anything he set out to do. As one of the youngest grandchildren, I was fortunate to see his softer side, shared times of laughter especially when I would try to convince him to eat certain things. He would say “No Missus, let that stay.” But with much convincing I would eventually get my way. I remember in his older years helping with his daily care, meals, showers, exercise, encouragement to take his vitamins and other medications. We travelled on planes together and I was always willing to help grandma with granddad. One thing stood out, he was determined, he was serious and passionate about people and the work of God. It was as if, he was assigned a specific task and took it seriously to completion. I remember one of his favorite songs, Dare to Be A Daniel, dare to stand alone, Dare to have a purpose firm and dare to make it known. May the fruits of his labor continue to reproduce. I am a proud granddaughter of this wellrespected man of God. Ruth-Ann Bennett, Granddaughter

“My Dad was great while being strict and stern. Every attitude that characterized a good father was enveloped in my Pops, who was affectionately called Poppa. As children, we had to be ready for church services and school on time. He provided what was needed to fully take care of us as a family. He stopped Mom from working so that the children could be taken care of at home. Whenever he was leaving to visit the churches in the rural areas, Deacon Connor was asked to oversee the family in his absence. He was the only driver at church at that time, so oftentimes as children we had to wait until the brethren were taken home before we would proceed home. My father worked fulltime at United Fruit Company while d managing the church affairs at the same. It became strenuous but he endured as he made a commitment to remain gainfully employed fulltime until his last child left high school. What a Dad! God was faithful and helped him to keep his end of the bargain. Once a year, Pops took us to Lucea, Hanover, where he was born to have family reunion, what a joy that was!

At the age of 15, I was baptized at Victory Gospel Hall by my father. After a few years of working, I decided to learn to drive and get my license. When I took the license to Pops, in dismay he couldn’t believe and wanted to do his own inspection before allowing me to drive. I had to cross every t and dot every I all because he couldn’t believe I was fit to drive. I drove him around town a few times and then one day to St. Catherine. I also drove him to Siloah, St. Elizabeth and oh what a day that was! From that time, I was given the privilege of being his personal chauffeur, and oh what a pleasure that was! The role of his personal secretary was added to my portfolio. I soon would help to prepare and type recommendation letters, applications, convention programs, wedding and funeral programs. My baking skills were also utilized for free as I was often asked to bake wedding cakes for functions at the church. The task was great, but it was a pleasure to do it for the Lord and to support the brethren and above all my father’s ministry. He was to me, the greatest father in the world!

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