Order of Service
Processional “Beulah Land” Opening Remarks and Prayer
Pastor S. Robert Stewart
Hymn of Praise
“In The New Jerusalem”
Old Testament Reading Psalm 46 Mrs. Brenda-Lee Miller (granddaughter) New Testament Reading 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Dr. Adrine McKenzie (granddaughter) Congregational Hymn “Deeper” Tributes Calvary Tabernacle UPC, St. Ann, Jamaica North Beulah UPC, Priory, Jamaica Congregational Hymn “Jesus Shall Lead Me” Tributes Apostle Eileen Chang Rev. Dr. G. Oliver Barnes Congregational Hymn “The Last Mile of The Way” Reflections Great Grandchildren Grandchildren Children Eulogy Ms. Laurie-Ann Sharpe and Mrs. Emily Mills (granddaughters) Offertory Hymn
“All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus”
Elder Robert Sharpe (son)
Prayer for the Family
Pastor J.P. Davis
Recessional “Marching to Zion” “In lieu of flowers, a contribution will be made in support of North Beulah UPC in Priory, Saint Ann, Jamaica. Please make contributions payable to Pentecostal Tabernacle.”
I’ve reached the land of corn and wine, And all it riches freely mine, Now shines undimmed the blissful day, But all my sins are cast away
Beulah Land
The Savior comes and walks with me And sweet communion here have we, He gently leads me with His hand, For this is Heaven’s table land.
Oh, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land As on the highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore, My Heav’n, my home forever more!
The zephyrs seem to float to me, Sweet sounds of Heaven’s melody, And angels with the white robed throng Join in the sweet redemption song.
In The New Jerusalem
When the toils of life are over, And we lay our armor down, And we bid farewell to earth with all its cares, We shall meet and greet our loved ones, And our Christ we then shall crown, In the new Jerusalem.
When the last goodbye is spoken And the tear stains wiped away, And our eyes shall catch a glimpse of glory fair, Then with bounding hearts we’ll meet Him Who hath washed our sins away, In the new Jerusalem.
There’ll be singing, there’ll be shouting When the saints go marching home, In Jerusalem, in Jerusalem, Waving palms with loud hosannas As the King shall take His throne, In the new Jerusalem.
When we join the ransomed army In the summer land above, And the face of our dear Saviour we behold, We will sing and shout forever, And we’ll grow in perfect love, In the new Jerusalem.
Deeper in Thy love, O Jesus Doth my spirit cry to go. Until all my life is hidden Deep within thy cleansing flow. Deeper in that holy life ‘Til I’m lost with Christ in God. Hidden with my blessed Lord While I walk this earthly sod.
Daily must I seek to please Him Whether it bring joy or pain. I shall know then just how blessed Is the worth of Heav’nly gain. Deeper, ‘til at last in Glory In His likeness I shall come. Where the saints of all the ages Shall receive their welcome home.
Jesus Shall Lead Me
Where He may lead me I will go, For I have learned to trust Him so, And I remember ’twas for me, That He was slain on Calvary. Jesus shall lead me night and day, Jesus shall lead me all the way,
He is the truest Friend to me, For I remember Calvary. O I delight in His command, Love to be led by His dear hand; His divine will is sweet to me, Hallowed by bloodstained Calvary.
The Last Mile of The Way
If I walk in the pathway of duty, If I work till the close of the day; I shall see the great King in His beauty, When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.
If for Christ I proclaim the glad story, If I seek for His sheep gone astray, I am sure He will show me His glory, When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.
When I’ve gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me, When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.
And if here I have earnestly striven, And have tried all His will to obey, ’Twill enhance all the rapture of Heaven, When I’ve gone the last mile of the way.
All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, By His presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, O how blest to call Him mine!
Love of Christ so freely given, Grace of God beyond degree, Mercy higher than the heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea!
All that thrills my soul is Jesus; He is more than life to me; And the fairest of ten thousand In my blessed Lord I see.
By the crystal flowing river With the ransomed I will sing, And forever and forever Praise and glorify the King.
We Are Marching To Zion
Come, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne. We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.
Let those refuse to sing, Who never knew our God; But children of the heavenly King, But children of the heavenly King,
May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad. The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Before we reach the heavenly fields, Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry; We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground, We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground, To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high.
upert Sharpe, known to many as Brother Rob, was born on June 25, 1925 on the Island of Jamaica. He was the first-born child of Rebecca Sharpe and George Mongal. Rupert had seven brothers and sisters, all of whom preceded him in death. Rupert’s father traveled to Jamaica from India as an undocumented worker, which is why when Rupert was born he was registered under his mother’s last name, Sharpe. Many can recount the stories he told of his father who came from Calcutta to work in Jamaica’s cane fields. He shared many of his father’s stories of India and passed along many Hindi words from his father’s first language. As a young boy, Rupert grew up in the Darliston and Somerton districts of St. James, until his father accepted a job in St. Ann’s Bay and moved the family there. Rupert’s formal education did not go beyond primary school (elementary school in the States), as his schooling was cut short by the death of his parents. As the eldest, Rupert went to work early and assumed responsibility for his younger siblings. One of his first jobs was setting traps and from there he worked as a butler in the Great House on the Seville Plantation. Rupert went on to learn a trade and became a tinsmith, eventually spending over a decade in Jamaica’s thriving bauxite industry. Working at Reynolds Jamaica Mines was hard work, but he did it to provide for his family and ensure that his children had an education. Rupert was also an entrepreneur. He started his own business delivering cooking gas and other materials to businesses and individuals. He traveled the roads from Kingston and Montego Bay to wherever he was needed. In the later parts of his life, he was a mini bus operator and transported children, church members, and political groups. No doubt many can recall him driving– to and from conventions and church services across the island. No matter his earthly accomplishments, without a doubt his greatest loves were the Lord Jesus Christ and his wife of over sixty-five years, Doris Sharpe. Rupert Sharpe and Doris Brown were married on January 13, 1952. The couple raised five children, and helped to raise many grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Rupert and Doris raised their children with discipline, respect and above all a love for God. The couple routinely prayed together for each of their children, and all their grandchildren, who lived around the world. They beamed with pride at family milestones and accomplishments such as graduations and weddings. However, to Rupert and Doris, nothing in life was more important than a walk with the Lord. Every member of their household was reminded to “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” and “Fear God and keep him commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” The story is told that Rupert Sharpe was riding his bicycle home from work one day in 1948, when he had an encounter with the Lord. He recounted that the Lord told him that he was called to preach the Word and that he would be blessed with special gifts to complete the task. Walking home another day in the same year, he passed an outdoor service, where he heard the message of salvation. Rupert accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. He fully committed his life to Christ and never looked back. He went on to serve faithfully in the United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica for over 60 years. He was a member of Calvary Tabernacle in St. Ann’s Bay, where he served as a deacon and evangelist to many new
churches. Rupert never missed a convention, a street meeting or an opportunity to visit the sick. He spent his life working to build Christ’s Kingdom. In his early years, Rupert drove a blue transit bus, which he used to transport people to and from church. When his bus was not in the service of the church, Rupert Sharpe transported students to Ferncourt High and other neighboring schools. The students have their stories to tell of the many times Rupert would drive, worship and preach to them. Much can be said about Pastor Sharpe’s devotion to the things of God. He preached the Word of God wherever he went; in the car, on the plane, at the store. He was never ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Some might remember “Harvest Time,” a radio program. When it was first broadcast in Jamaica, Rupert would walk the streets with a transistor radio on his shoulder, so that people in his community could hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He visited many homes praying for the sick, blessing children, and interceding for families. He dedicated hours each day to prayer, fasting and studying the Word of God. His memory of scripture was unparalleled. He was also blessed with the gift of tongues. On one occasion, during a turbulent flight, Rupert began speaking in tongues so loudly that no doubt all the passengers onboard the plane heard him. After a safe landing, one of the passengers approached and informed Rupert that he had been praying in Mandarin Chinese. She reported that she understood every word of his prayer for the Lord to protect the plane and for a safe landing. After that encounter he led the lady to the Lord and baptized several of her family members in Jesus name. The stories of the prayers of healing and deliverance are many. In 1994 he became the pastor of North Beulah, Priory (United Pentecostal Church) where he led the church until he became aged. Sunshine or rain he was present at the church for prayer meetings and to open the church for Sunday School and worship services. Many revivals were experienced at the little Priory church. On one occasion thirty-eight persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In one particular year, over 100 persons received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is said that most persons in Priory were either baptized or filled with the Holy Ghost at North Beulah. Today, many ministers, church leaders and members of congregations world-wide credit their beginning to the little Priory church. Pastor Sharpe loved the word of God so much that it brought tears to his eyes when he read or listened to the scriptures. Likewise, singing the praises of God and talking about the goodness of God would make him cry and result in the familiar dip. One of his favorite songs, sung often and full-throated was, “All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus”. The lyrics of that song so aptly convey the essence of a man whose all and everything was wrapped up in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Rupert Sharpe will be remembered as a stalwart for Christ; a committed husband, loving father, and caring family man. We celebrate the life in Christ that Pastor Rupert Sharpe lived and the legacy that he leaves behind. People all over the world have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ through his faith and faithfulness. We celebrate with joy because Rupert Sharpe has fought a good fight, kept the faith and finished his race. We rejoice that his earthly body no longer feels pain for he is safely in the arms of his Lord and Master. Pastor Rupert Sharpe is survived by his wife Doris; his children Mavis, Avril, Robert, Ruth and Harper; 18 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren.
Thank You
The family of Rupert Sharpe would like to thank you and acknowledge with great appreciation your kindness during his time of illness and passing. It is during this time of sorrow that we feel the love and care of family, friends and the body of Christ. Your love is deeply appreciated and will always be remembered.
Special Thanks
Pastor S. Robert Stewart and the Pentecostal Tabernacle family. Royal Funeral Home Miami Gardens, FL Program Design Gracious GraFX www.GraciousGrafx.com