CONTENTS Celebrating 15th Years (Let’s Talk) - Erica Young: President of Carriers of His Glory Int’l Meet our Speakers: - Elder Mark Moore - Elder O’Neil Fisher - Pastor Ramon Gordon - Pastor Kenyatta McLeish A Call to Prayer - Pastor Robert A. Young: Snr. Pastor Tabernacle of Glory Manifestation – Apostle Delroy Smith Millennials & Prayer - The Significance of Prayer: Pastor Odane James - The Millennials Prayer Model: Pastor Ramon Gordon Children & Prayer (The Importance of Prayer) : Maureen Wright Pastor Williams - Celebrating 15 Years as a Faithful Partner COHG – Global Initiative (From Glory to Glory)
his year marks the 15th Anniversary of Carriers of His Glory International Prayer Ministries. To the glorious God, and our savior Jesus Christ be all the glory and honor and praise, for His great love and abundant grace.
What an honor The Lord has given to me and to all the precious partners and saints who have yearly sacrificed to make this conference a part of their annual celebrations. Together we can say, “Glory to God”. It is by His strength and help we have made this milestone as a ministry. Allow me to reflect on some memorable moments: The testimonies of the God encounters have been incredible. Whenever discouragement whispers and make suggestions against continuing, I remember the very first Prayer Conference: The Holy Spirit was outpoured in our Prayer Breakfast: Bishop Frank Otto and Apostle Delroy Smith, my spiritual fathers released me to go forth in the power of the Lord, what an occasion! On the last day of the conference, a brother told me, “I have been to many conferences, but nothing like this. This was an encounter...God’s presence could be felt so strong.” In that same conference, God used a friend I had not seen for many years to encourage me. She told me, “when I saw the flyer for the conference, I decided I had to come”. She looked at the person beside her and said, “she has been doing this since high school. Referring to the days I held prayer gatherings in a farm house at our High School. The challenges of meeting yearly budgets and all the other obstacles of leading any ministry has only bolstered my belief that God has ordained this ministry to be a support system to the Body of Christ. As Apostle Smith described it, “It’s a God Thing”. Carriers of His Glory pulls me, it stretches me, it challenges me to be my best self. It has a life completely of its own. It is a walking breathing organism which cannot be stopped - It is a Ministry of Prayer! Since prayer is said to be at the heart of Christianity; It’s what provides intimacy with God. We who were the enemies of God now are called heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. We now have access to the throne room – Glory to God! Intimacy is derived from relationship. The essence and the effectiveness of Prayer is rooted in Relationship – Our Father. The relationship we enjoy with our Heavenly Father is grounded in the Gospel. John 3:16 summarizes it: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes on him
should not perish but have everlasting life.” Through Jesus’ death we gained the privilege to become adopted sons and daughters of the Most-High God. COHG is an Evangelism Ministry! It is a Ministry of Empowerment – You are a Carrier of His Glory! The adversary knows it! The atmosphere knows it. We were designed to Change Atmospheres. As we take time to reminisce; on another occasion, it was my feeling that the assignment was complete, there was no longer a need to hosts this conference. Although there was still a strong desire in our hearts to see so much more. Standing in a service in New York, a preacher I was seeing for the first time who had no idea who I was, and what I was thinking of doing. He held my hand and said, “God says try again.” This brings tears to my eyes, because why God bothers with us, we will never know. But let me take a moment to encourage you, to try again, pray again. Greater is ahead! You may be wondering about all the promises you have received, but God is not a man, He cannot lie. There are so many more qualified, more gifted and anointed people, yet God has bestowed this great honor on us. Here’s what I have decided to do, I am forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forth to what’s ahead… greater glory, greater faith, greater harvest of souls. Let us live louder! Let us to love deeper and let us serve more faithfully than we have ever done before. And since the mission of Carriers of His Glory is to Enlist others to pray: Encourage regular times of prayer: Empower every believer to Carry God’s Glory, therefore I am enlisting everyone reading this article to join us as we press forward for greater, not only for ourselves, but for the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Seeking out those who are still held captive by their slave-master – the adversary. Let us go to where they have been held - In the darkness of their situations, releasing the glory of Jesus Christ. For we are not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God unto salvation. Time would fail to tell you all the awesome miracles we have seen, the visitation of angels; people who told me, “I received the Holy Spirit at Carriers of His Glory”. This represents the place where many said they received an awakening of their gifts and callings. Strongholds have been broken, relationships restored. Backsliders reclaimed. Lives preserved – the spirit of suicide defeated: Marriages restored – Glory to God! Let me tell you, God answers Prayers! God’s grace is sufficient. After you’ve prayed, and done all you can, STAND and see the salvation of the Lord. It’s not by our might or our power, but by the Spirit who makes intercession for us. Hallelujah! Carriers of His Glory is in a transitional posture. More so a birthing position: As we make these crucial pushes in the next few months, the contractions are real. We are endeavoring to listen to the instructions of our midwife (The Holy Spirit). He who is calling us to a higher place. We hear the voice, yet the pain is strong, but we continue to push. Because the same God who fifteen years ago instructed us, and spoke clearly, “It shall be Called Carriers of His Glory, for that is who you are”, that vision has brought awareness to many who thought they were insignificant to realize their purpose is greater than their pain. Our Speakers have been hand-picked for this assignment: We are not sure what God is up to, but it is something Big, as Elder O’Neil Fisher, from Toronto, Canada told us five years ago: Five the number of grace. God has brought him back to join us in the unveiling of our “Big Thing” in this our year of abundant grace. Pastor Ramon Gordon, last ministered for us nine years ago in our sixth conference – the Hour of Glory, He wasn’t the designated speaker, but through God’s divine providence he was selected. It was an experience we can’t forget. The weight of Glory was so great in the room we heard chains breaking. It may sound spooky to some – talk to the blind man whose eyes Jesus smothered with dirt and spit.
Pastor (then Minister Ramon Gordon) preached in the glory zone, which was released in greater measure in every service. Listen if you weren’t there, just ask someone! It cannot be telt but it could be felt. It was Heaven on earth – Why am I telling you all of this, because it’s ironic – Pastor Ramon is standing in The Apostle’s stead again. Nine years later…I’m telling you, Grace is meeting with Birthing. Fifteen years is triple grace – Abundant grace. I am not a prophet, but I believe what has been delayed is about to be manifested because of God’s abundant grace. Let me Encourage you to grab a hold of that word. Every aborted dream, every delayed promise. Grace has come to your rescue, It’s time! The anointing of this conference will transfer to you and your situation – just believe. Elder Mark Moore is joining us for the First time, and we anticipate an electrifying move of the Holy Ghost. As Carriers of His Glory steps out into new territories, with a mandate to reach Millennials, we believe Elder Moore has been given strategies to shift our thinking. The Power of Prayer is still as potent as it was when Jesus taught His disciples to pray...Let thy kingdom Come, let thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. A new generation of believers is emerging, and we want to undergird them in prayer and pass the baton to them inside the box (the right window of time). We have seen the US Athletic Olympic Women’s and Men’s Relay team disqualified in a race they were certain to win. They had speed, but not the correct strategy to pass the baton. Millennials have technology and accessibility to knowledge, which most of us Baby Boomers lack. But as I tell my three girls, life happens; a Harvard doctorate or six figures in the bank cannot remedy the crisis of broken marriages, sickness and set-backs. Achievement will not substitute a relationship with Jesus Christ which goes beyond the information available on google. We get to know Jesus through prayer – we develop Intimacy as we walk through the muddy waters of life and as we are embraced by His love and grace in the darkness of isolation. When we stand alone, and we feel the heartbeat of hope telling us, “You don’t walk alone.” Pastor Kenyatta McLeish is no stranger to Carriers of His Glory. He describes himself as “Born to Pray”. We have seen God use him in magnificent ways and this will be no exception. God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness… Last year Pastor Kenny ministered in his socks, we asked him why, he said there was a heat like fire in his feet, so he had to rid himself of his shoes. We pray that the fire will be all over him. Like Paul was specially anointed by God, we pray that those who are sick, or in any way infirmed will be made whole as they pass by the servant of the Lord. Let the fire burn! In addition, there are other wonderful articles in this issue that we encourage you to read and share. It will bless your life. Welcome to an atmosphere of Abundant Grace, where Jesus Christ sits upon the throne, so we pray, “Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done in earth as in heaven.” - Manifest
MARKMOORE Elder Mark A. Moore, Jr. resides in Atlanta, GA, where he is blessed to serve as the Pastoral Assistant of Faith Covenant Church under the pastorate of his father, Bishop Mark A. Moore, Sr. as well as the National Youth President for the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ, Inc. He is a graduate of Morehouse College, and obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology. He is the CEO and founder of The Moore Group Enterprises under which he has successfully hosted five Young Leader Retreats/ Conferences with registrants from all across the U.S., Canada, The Bahamas, Africa and the Middle East. He is emerging as one of his generation’s premier thought leaders in the areas of ministry, media and the market place. He is passionate about the opportunity to share with others. He has released clever and groundbreaking e-books and is the author of the highly praised “Boaz Is Dead.” He has accepted his charge to preach the gospel, and he LOVES his job!!!
O’NIELFISHER Elder O’Niel Fisher, was born in the parish of St. Mary, Jamaica. He was privileged to study at a number of reputable educational institutions such as the University of Technology and Seneca, College of Applied Arts and Technology. At the Age of 17, while attending the Linstead Pentecostal Tabernacle in St. Catherine, Jamaica under the leadership of Bishop Frank Otto, the convicting power of God touched him and as a result he was baptized and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Over the past 10 years, the Lord has enlarged Elder Fisher’s territory; he was promoted to an Evangelist and now the office of an Elder. He travels extensively preaching and teaching people of all walks of live across Canada, the United States, England, Grand Cayman, Cuba and the Turks and Caicos. Elder Fisher resides in Ontario, Canada with his beautiful wife, Evangelist Courace and their two (2) sons, Chozeh and Chaniel. He attends True Holiness Apostolic Temple of Toronto under the leadership of Apostle Felix Samuels. By the inspiration of God He recently authored “The Way Forward” a compelling read for everyone with a strong desire to seek after God.
RAMONGORDON Ramon O. Gordon was born to Copeland and Heather Gordon in Kingston, JA. He left Jamaica at five years old and was raised in Miami Florida. Ramon began developing an insatiable desire for God at an early age and began exhibiting the qualities of leadership. He began preaching at the age of 14 years old, and served in various positions in ministry under the leadership of his father, Bishop Copeland Gordon. Because of his desire for God, he attended Aenon Bible College in Indianapolis, IN. His ministry has taken him throughout the United States as well as around the world. He currently Pastors Kairos Empowerment Church in Tucker, GA. He is married to the beautiful Abigail Gordon, and they have three girls, Emma, Beverly, and Olivia. Ramon believes that there is no better time than now to impact the world. Because of this, he has a vision to impact this and future generations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a respected leader, a husband, a father, and ultimately, a servant for the kingdom of God.
KENYATTAMcLEISH Pastor Kenyatta Ihoma McLeish was born in Mount Prospect, Jamaica, West Indies and raised in Brooklyn, New York, he was chosen at the prime age of 16, while on the brink of making decisions that would forever frame his future. The Lord had other plans. He filled him with the Holy Ghost and fire on the 12th of August 1996, and Pastor McLeish knew immediately that the call of God was on his life and that he was called to pray. He has built his life on the foundation of prayer since. He grew in the spirit, under the guidance of his former pastor - Donald Wright of The Faith Apostolic Ministries – who played a massive role in his development as a young Christian. He preached his first message at age 17 confirmed the unique calling that was on his life. Raised in an Apostolic home with the influence of his great-great Grandmother - the late Mother Susan Copeland – an intercessor, and his Grandmother - Mother Evelyn Beatrice Raynor – also a prayer warrior, Pastor McLeish learned how to pray. His grandmother instilled in him the ways to pray and how to also unwaveringly trust in the God to which he prayed. His mother - missionary Barbara Raynor - a woman of great strength and tenacity, encouraged him to go to church and to pray. Today, Pastor McLeish is happily married to Lady Tamara T. McLeish with whom he shares not only the pastoral role but also two handsome boys – Kurtis J (the eldest) and little Tyler J. He speaks of his wife with a boyish sparkle in his eye, describing her as “one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, inside and out. “She has such class, grace and wit. “She is purposeful, elegant, prayerful, anointed and walks with such power, yet so full of humility and wisdom. He describes his marriage as one of the driving forces behind his ministry and is always careful to point out that he didn’t begin to minister until he got married – “My wife is my first ministry, she is my first love.” Pastor McLeish accepted the call to the ministry and was ordained a Minister in 2006. He headed the youth department of his former church as a Youth President and held the office of Vice President in the Men’s Department. Minister McLeish also spearheaded a Men’s Empowerment Fellowship group, which targeted empowering the optimal growth of men in all areas of life. Through his passion for prayer, the Lord birthed Prayer of Faith International Temple Apostolic (POFITA) on May 24, 2015.Bishop Stewart Smith installed him as Senior Pastor of POFITA on May 20, 2017, fittingly supported by the love of his life, Lady Tamara, who is the co-pastor. He is now under the covering of Bishop Smith whose leadership he has now submitted where he finds stability and Apostolic covering in the Gospel Light Ministries. His aim is to fulfil the mandate of God on his life and to make sure that the people of God are walking in their Godgiven Power.
I Welcome you to our Power and Glory Conference 2018 - the new addition to The Carriers of His Glory Int’l Prayer Ministries. We are excited to have you with us. This year’s theme, “Let Thy Kingdom Come” is a two-fold clarion call. The first call is a call for the manifestation of the power and glory of God’s kingdom in the earth. The second call is a call to prayer. Not a call to a PRAYER CONFERENCE or a call to a PRAYER MEETING or an early morning or midnight PRAYER LINE, but a call to a LIFESTYLE OF PRAYER. These prayer opportunities are just a tip of the iceberg within the context of the Biblical Call to Prayer. Let me draw your attention to the Muslim call to prayer. One internet source highlights the following. “It is known around the world by all Muslims as the adhan, athan, or azaan. It is recited by the muezzin (or a herald) at prescribed times of the day. The root of the word is meaning “to listen, to hear, be informed about”. “Adhan is called out by a muezzin from the mosque five times a day, traditionally from the minaret, summoning Muslims for mandatory (fard) worship (salat). A second call, known as iqama, (set up) then summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers. The main purpose behind the multiple loud pronouncements of adhan in every mosque is to make available to everyone an easily intelligible summary of Islamic belief. In modern times, loudspeakers have been installed on minarets for this purpose. The adhan recites the Takbir (God is great), followed by the Shahada (There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God). This statement of faith, called the Kalimah, is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam.” Islam treats prayer very seriously. I think Christians could do well to elevate the importance of prayer in our daily walk with our God. The disciples in Luke 11:1 asks the Lord Jesus to teach them to Pray. Jesus then gave them a prayer which has now come to be called the Lord’s Prayer. In fact, this should be called “the Disciples Prayer” as the Lord’s main prayer is found in St. John chapter 17. The question therefore remains WHY MUST WE PRAY. Why have we not been giving the vital importance to prayer as we should. I will highlight a few reasons WHY WE MUST PRAY.
1. The Example of Jesus Christ It was because of Jesus’ life of prayer why the disciples were led to ask him to teach them how to pray. Again, and again Jesus sought to be alone with his Father in prayer, especially at times of momentous decisions. He spent entire nights in prayer which produced tremendous results. (Luke 6:12). Jesus prayed at the Jordan, (Luke 3:21). He withdrew from the multitudes and prayed (Luke 5:16) He prayed in private
(Luke 9:18) at his transfiguration (Luke 9:28) In Gethsemane he prayed more earnestly (Luke 22:44)
2. It is one of the three Foundations of a Christian’s walk with Christ. In Matthew 6:1-8 Jesus articulated the three pillars of His faith. He outlined three spiritual disciplines: righteousness (almsgiving), prayer, and fasting (repentance). With each practice, He warns not to practice before people, but rather before “your Father, who sees what is done in secret” (verses 4,6,18), who is the one who rewards: “Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness before men (verse 1). … But, when you give to the needy. … Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you (verses 3,4). And when you pray. …Not if you pray. … Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you (verses 5,6). … When you fast. … But when you fast … and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (verses 16–18).
3. Through prayer we develop our spiritual walk with God Prayer is communication with God. It is through prayer that man relates to God who is a spirit. Prayer keeps you looking upward when life has you beaten downward. Prayer is the lifeblood of anyone seeking to keep their spiritual relationship on track.
4. Prayer gives us access into the supernatural realm When we pray in the spirit, which can mean praying in an unknown tongue or allowing the spirit of God to pray through us with groanings which cannot be uttered, we are sometimes allowing the spirit of God to pray about things that our human minds cannot comprehend. Howbeit we speak mysteries. (1 Cor. 14:2) This spiritual communication is crucial as we navigate the treacherous waters of spiritual warfare and intercession against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places.
5. Consistent Prayer was an important reason for the success of the OT saints and the early Church. The lives of Enoch, Abraham, David, Ezra, Elijah and Daniel gives us glimpses into the power of fervent sincere heaven directed prayer. Daniel prayed 3 times a day as a LIFESTYLE. We need the spirit of Daniel today. He prayed and fasted for 21 days confessing his sins and the sins of Israel. God sent the angel Gabriel to speak with him. I am saying that Christians should live on earth breathing the atmosphere of heaven in our daily lives. We through prayer and faith must believe that every word spoken by our Lord can come to pass as we pray in His name Jesus. The book of Acts is filled with the prayers of the apostles as they turned the world upside down and spread the gospel over the entire Roman Empire. They prayed in Acts chapter 4 and the place where they were was shaken. Peter was released from prison when the church prayed. Cornelius was saved as Peter prayed on his roof. PRAYER WAS THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE EARLY CHURCH LET IT BE SO NOW LORD.
6. Prayer delights the heart of God In Proverbs 15:8 it says The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him. God wants to delight in us and we please him when we live by Faith. He that cometh to God, must believe that he is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently please him. When we live by faith we walk by faith like Enoch we too will experience the transformation and ultimate translation into His Divine presence.
7. Prayer is a weapon against temptation In Matthew 26:41, Jesus told his disciples that the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. Prayer acts as a deterrent against the flesh as we yield our bodies to the spirit of God.
8. Prayer allows us to Intercede on the behalf of others Moses was called an intercessor. We are called to pray for all men, especially those who are in authority. 1 Timothy 2:1 said, “I urge, then, first that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” This is good and pleases God our Savior. 9. Through Prayer we exercise spiritual authority. Jesus said all Power in Heaven and Earth was given to Him. As his children we are joint heirs with Christ and are seated together with him in heavenly places. Through prayer and intercession, we exercise spiritually delegated authority through Jesus Christ.
10. That God’s Kingdom will be established in Earth as it is in Heaven. This is the ENDGAME. That the Glory and the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth. (Hab. 2:14). God is about His glory filling the earth and this happens when his Kingdom is manifested. LORD LET THY KINGDOM COME ON EARTH AND THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Conclusion: If Muslims can issue their adhan and call their followers 5 times a day to prayer, we can pray like Daniel 3 times a day. We have become weak and anemic as we have set our face to the TV the IPHONE, the IPAD and on Facebook and have gotten out of the book. This is a Call to Prayer. This is a call to the Closet. Many are coming out of the closet let’s go back in the closet and come out with a Divine mandate to spread the glory of God to a dark and dying world held in the power of Satan.
peaking about Kingdom manifestations the Kingdom of God is the rule, dominion and authority of Jesus manifesting through believers by the power of the Holy Ghost to prove to the world that He is alive.
The Kingdom of God being manifested begins with a relationship with God and progresses with training (at different levels: mental and spiritual); culminating with the phenomenon of God’s kingdom manifesting in a human life in all its spheres directly. When the Kingdom is manifest the Glory is revealed. The glory is the revealed manifested presence of God.
According to the Word of God, the dominion given to man at creation, which he lost due to his lack of walking in the power vested on him, was restored to him by the finished work of Christ thereby restoring him to that When the glory of God hits the people, anything is likely original state of rulership. “If you are in the Kingdom of to happen and I believe that we very are close to seeing God, this power must be manifest in you. the manifested glory of God. There has to be divine selfdisclosure of God’s manifest glory in the body of Christ. There is nothing you can do successfully in the Kingdom of God without the Power of the Holy Spirit. The glory of God comes when there is a collision between eternity and time between the heavenly When something is manifest it is evident, obvious, realm and the earth realm. The glory comes when apparent, and plain for everyone to see. Manifest is the barrier that separates the two (2) realms is something that is presented in either verbal or written removed and God in his infinite mercy steps out of form that provides evidence for something that is his realm into our realm and there is a mingling of typically indisputable. Something that is manifest is his omnipresence and his manifested presence which something that is clear to see by all. fills the earth, breaking every barrier and limitation, bringing ultimate healing and deliverance to the In order to manifest, exemplify and reflect the kingdom People of God. of God in the earth realm, we must first understand what the Kingdom of God is and how it operates. First You will know when the realms of heaven hits your life of all, the kingdom of God is “a majestic realm, a great because it supersedes the realm of time and your spirit and powerful empire, a monarchy, and a royal dominion will sense and respond in an extraordinary way. The that demands absolute loyalty to the King. Every subject solution of miracles is found then in their connection must be willing to give his or her life for the King. with God and His expressed will. This is especially noticeable in the doctrine of the kingdom. The kingdom, as the product of the supernatural, demands miracles; so that faith and hope in the It’s Kingdom Manifestation Time!! kingdom, as covenanted and predicted, requires belief in the miraculous. Faith in miracles is embraced in an Apostle Delroy Smith. intelligent utterance of the prayer, “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and the assurance that the same will ultimately be realized is expressed in “Yours is the power.”
THERE IS GREAT HOPE Millennial Generation Our world is changing. The things we once held sacred are no longer seen as such. People say they are spiritual, but they want nothing to do with the church. In a survey released by Religious Landscape, it indicated that Millennials (young adults born between 1981 -1996) are much less likely to pray or attend church regularly or consider religion as an important part of their lives. Thank God for those who have not bought the lie that the Bible is another story book, filled with myths. But they know it Micheal Hout, Professor of Sociology, says, “Many millennials have parents who are Baby Boomers, who expressed to their children the importance of thinking for themselves – that they find their own moral compass. They reject the idea that a good child is an obedient child.” Can you now see why there is so much wide-spread lawlessness in our world? That mind-set is at odds with the teachings of the Bible: Here are some Millennials who represents the hope for their generation as they continue to preach and teach the word of God and live prayerful lives. Let us hear from some Millennial Pastors.
rayer has and always will be the life line of a believer’s relationship with God. Its significance cannot be overstated and its power cannot be underestimated. It is in prayer we petition God for all things and it is through prayer that we receive from God all things that pertain to life and godliness. Prayer is not only the means of communication but also the true validation of a child of God’s active relationship with his Heavenly Father. In every generation this timeless truth will remain the same. Prayer will always be the privilege of Sons and without prayer there is no relationship with God. Communication is the substratum of any relationship and without it that relationship invariably suffers. Therefore, prayer is an essential element in the life of any believer. The resurgence of the “ministry of prayer” in our modern day church has presented the body of Christ with an awesome challenge and an awesome opportunity all at the same time. The individual believer and the corporate body needs to pray earnestly in order to conduct the kingdom agenda and fulfill the will of our Heavenly Father but prayer was never meant to become a public display of spirituality. This is why Jesus preached so earnestly against the public prayers of the Pharisee made for a show without the true reality of relationship. A believer’s prayer life should include personal as well as corporate prayer with the emphasis on personal prayer as our Lord commanded His disciples that when they pray they should “shut the door”. Thus the function of prayer is always more important than the formality of prayer. Hearing from God and being heard by God is always more important than being heard by men. What the modern generation has done wrong with prayer is to use it a bridge to get things from God instead of making God himself the object of the prayers. This type of pursuit has caused an emotional obsession with the formality of prayer with the underlining idea that a certain mode or style of prayer brings greater results than the other. Saints have then used this misnomer to build platforms on the faulty foundation that they have a greater access to God though their prayers than other believers. This became the birth of many “prayer ministries” in the generation. Prayer is not meant to make one powerful; in fact prayer is the position of powerlessness leaning upon The One with all Power. Prayer is about building faith and trust
with God though relationship. In addition, a believer cannot have relationship with God on their own terms. Relationship is not antithetical to true Religion as the book of James teaches, one helps to define the other. Namely, the written word of God, our primary witness is the basis for relationship and thus creates the ultimate parameters for prayer. To preserve prayer in its original intention we must be as committed to a faithful understanding of scripture as we are to having a faithful prayer life. One without the other will invariably lead this generation and the next into the pitfalls of biblical error.
The “spiritual but not religious” tagline is what you will most commonly hear from the budding and evolving mindset of millennials today. Many millennials have left their religious constructs in search of a greater meaning of life. At the core of this crisis of prayerlessness is the existential consciousness of one’s existence. That consciousness is rooted in the Who’s, Why’s, and What’s of the human experience.
important to my spiritual life. I was raised on prayer meetings and the value that prayer has in the life of the believer, and those experiences were paramount to my growth. Yet the power of prayer was made known to me through challenges I faced in life. Jesus gave the disciples the formula for prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13. In verse 10, the words say, thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. In this text I believe lies the ingredient to a truly powerful prayer life, and it is self-lessness. Millennials must be selfless and open to the move and flow of God in their lives. With this mindset, prayer will be seen less as a chore and a means by which God gets His agenda on the earth. In our society today, we see how intoxicated we have become with self and therein lies the root of this millennial problem.
During the winter months, birds of all types leave the frigid weather for warmer climate, but at some point, they return. However, this is not the case for millennials today. The migration of the millennial generation from the western conceptualization of church and worship has left a ripple effect that will ultimately affect generations to come. Unless there is a conscious reconstruction of the way we do church, we will lose a generation. The question then becomes, has the church failed in her duty to define the role of The fact is, you can be a millennial and have a prayer prayer in the life of the believer and if so, how do we life. Not only that but millennials can be educated and correct that wrong? prayerful, successful in business and prayerful, have enormous influence in the corporate sector and still Prayer is by far the greatest spiritual asset that we have be prayerful. This is what God wants. As a millennial, as believers at our disposal. Sadly, the importance prayer is strong in my life, without it I would not know of prayer has not been a highlight in this generation. peace nor assurance in God’s word. As long of Christ is Particularly in our western society, having a platform the model, then a life of prayer will reveal all that the has become more of a goal than having a prayer life. Father has prepared for you and me. Consequently, we see a rise in emotionalism with no spiritual substance to live a life of faith and consecration. Even though I am a millennial, I view prayer as vitally
Pray e r & Children by Maureen Wright
What is Prayer? Definition: -
• Prayer is talking to God as you would speak to mommy, daddy or your friends; for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship; invocation, intercession and devotion. • A spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him.
Teaching Children to Pray This is the responsibilities of parents, when we teach children to pray we are introducing them to Jesus and planting seeds for them to grow in their personal relationship with God. Prayer is one way of communicating with God directly. Teaching children to pray help them to understand that God is always accessible and always there for them.
Talking to God: This is the personal process of opening our hearts to our Creator and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Prayer is powerful and should be done daily. By talking to God, we learn more and more about His sovereignty and the plans He has for us.
Some Benefits of Prayer: 1) Having God as a part of our lives 2) Reinforcing our faith in difficult times 3) Knowing that we have the reassurance that God is a ‘Rock’ that we can lean on 4) Believing that there is ‘Power’ in prayer
5) It can make the difference in the lives of the persons who pray and those being prayed for 6) It calms fears and anxiety of troubled hearts
What Adults can Learn from Praying Children? • Children possesses strong faith
7) Reassure the souls that are seeking a relationship with God
• They trust easily, especially their parents • Children are transparent, they are truthful (they just tell you like it is, they keep it real)
The Purpose of Prayer: Adults need to teach and model prayer (let their children see then praying) pray each day and at nights, praying consistently and calling out their children names to God. It is important that there is prayer before we have our meals, this routine will continue with our children into adulthood. (Scripture: Proverbs 22:6) • To gain a better understanding of God • Because we depend on God for our every need • We were born in sin and possess a sinful nature and God as extended His unending mercy to us
Children in the Bible: Joseph Was loved dearly by is father and was given a ‘’Coat of many colors’’ by him. He was hated by his brothers because of his ‘’Dreams’’ and he was placed in a ‘’Pit’’ by them. Just when we thought all was well for him, Joseph’s struggles continued as he was send to ‘’Prison by Potiphar’s wife. However, God ‘s hand was upon Joseph’s live and he over came many challenges and went straight to the ‘’Palace’’ where he was Governor of Egypt.
• To build a strong relationship between God and Miriam ourselves • When done daily prayer can lead to a deeper understanding of self and God
When Children Learn to Pray They Will: -
Watched her brother keenly as he was hidden in the River Nile. When the Egyptians women discovered the baby, she was brave enough to tell them that she knew the ‘’Perfect baby-sitter’’ for Moses, which was his mother.
1) Grow up enjoying a fulfilled relationship with He heard God called his name three times God and a satisfying prayer life 2) Talk opening and honestly about anything and David everything to God Killed a bear and a lion who attacked his sheep with his 3) Let God know what they need and believing hands. He was anointed king of Israel that God knows what’s best for them 4) Talk to God about people they love and care for and asking God to help them 5) Ask God how to handle difficult people and situations and seek the best solution 6) Learn that they can talk to a God anywhere at church, at home and even on the playground. Remember children of God prayer is not eloquence of speech, it not even about our posture but it’s the sincerity of the heart.
y first experience at Carriers of His Glory Prayer Conference was held at The Worship Center in Orlando Florida. Apostle Delroy Smith preached that Saturday night. The glory of God ignited the atmosphere. The worship experience was phenomenal. The word of God came alive as Apostle Smith preached. It was a time of manifestation, glory, and power. Elder Davis, who at the time was with me, visiting from Jamaica, received a Rhema word that night that was fitting for his situation, as he and I had discussed a certain matter earlier. On another occasion`, It was the Fifth Annual Gathering – Theme “Manifestation” , Apostle Smith preached and spoke a Rhema word that encapsulated my personal situation and without physical touching me, the power of God ran straight through my entire being. It was life changing and an unforgettable moment. Bishop Mitchell from Brooklyn New York, spoke another dynamic word as the Lord used him mightily at the Rosen Center in Orlando. The point is, at every COHG Prayer Conference there is an ‘awe’ moment. Something out of the ordinary takes place. You never attend a service and not encounter God. COHG is true to its mission, prayer. Not just talking prayer, but persistently engaging in prayer. We have seen the results, experience the glory, tasted of the goodness of God, watched the miraculous happen, all stemming from the fervency of Holy Ghost directed anointed prayer. Wayne Williams Pastor Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Avon Park, FL
Glory to Glory From
Our Global Initiative …Going Where they Are. Last year – We received our Double Portion. We will now host two Conferences: The Power and Glory Manifestation Conference and our Annual Prayer Conference which will be taken to other states, cities and countries. We can’t give you all the information because we don’t have it all. This is what we hear, “Go, take it to the nations.”
Glory – Prayer Conference will move from state to state, city to city and nation to nation partnering with churches and civic organizations to meet people where they are. Heeding E.M Bounds words and holding more firmly to our Christian duty of evangelizing the world - By the power of the Holy Spirit we will use skillfully, the Word, Worship, Prayer to reflect God’s Glory in the darkness of this For the last two years, we have felt as though world. we were pregnant, seem like God kept giving us little glimpses of what we were carrying. Now we Will you join this Global Initiative as we truly are proud to announce, “Carriers of His Glory is Manifest, who we are - Carriers of His Glory! Reaching Beyond the walls with the glory. We are recruiting Champions of Change and preparing to This is our mandate: Go into all the world and go to the nations with the gospel of Christ armed preach the gospel. These signs will follow us: The with the weapons of Prayer, the Word and Love. blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk. For we have been anointed to feed the hungry, E.M BOUNDS SAYS, “PRAYER DOES NOT STAND to free the oppressed. Let God’s Kingdom come ALONE…IT LIVES IN FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHER on the streets of Atlanta, in every corner of North CHRISTIAN DUTIES. WE ARE DETERMINED TO and South Korea – Let His Kingdom come on the REACH THIS GENERATION AND PREPARE THEM storm-ravaged streets of Houston Texas, Let His TO REACH THE NEXT WITH THE MESSAGE OF Kingdom come to the war-torn streets of Syria and GOD’S GRACE. HE IS AWAITING US TO COME Gaza. Let His Kingdom come to the lava hit hills of BOLDLY TO THE THRONE OF GRACE, WHERE Hawaii. THERE IS FAVOR AND HELP. LORD, Let YOUR Kingdom come to the sun-parched The Power and Glory Conference is the result streets of Nairobi, Kenya. Let YOUR Kingdom come of Prayer. It is a combustion of Prayer and Word to the rolling hills and glittering lights of Hollywood power, Passionate Worship which unveils the Glory, California , Let Your KINGDOM COME TO THE and we believe an eruption is about to take place swamp infested jungles of the Amazon. Let your – “A Manifestation of God’s Glory. The Power and Kingdom come to the corrupt halls of the capitals Glory Conference is a Manifestation conference: It of the world. For thine IS THE KINGDOM, THE is a Deliverance Conference. It is an Intercessory POWER AND THE GLORY. Prayer Conference. FOR EVER AND EVER AMEN!!! “Oh Lord Manifest Until we are instructed otherwise. Carriers of His thy Glory throughout the world!”
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