Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Int'l

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OUR MISSION STATEMENT “To Reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, To develop and bring to maturity those who believe in Him, so that we may realize our life’s mission on earth and ultimately our eternal purpose, in order to bring Glory to God’s name.”

LIFESTYLE STATEMENT V - Victory is our name and Nature I - I must decrease C - Christ is the head of my life T - Tithe and tell others of Christ’s Purpose O - Our purpose is to fulfill God’s plan R - Read and Obey the Bible Y - You are an important part of God’s plan


F ro m t h e pasto r a nd h i s w i f e

My fellow Kingdom partners, greetings. This year we embark upon the theme, “Go ye therefore” taken from Matthew 28:19. The command by Jesus still rings loud in the ears of the Apostolic Churches today, the command to “Go.” We are expanding our Global Outlook, our Global Outreach, and our Global Impact in the world around us. What better place to start than in our immediate community and work outwards. We solicit your prayers and support as this mandate is not unique to Victory Tabernacle but to all churches entrusted with the message of Christ’s Gospel. We are anticipating a might move of the Holy Ghost in this year’s Conference/Anniversary. We are excited that you have chosen to worship with us and to share in the fellowship of the saints. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to God and you for your continued support, whether in prayers, your physical presence, financial contributions and many expressions of love. Finally my beloved brethren: “Be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1Corinthians 15:58). Pastor Wayne and First Lady Arlene Williams


Daniel maxwell


astor Daniel Maxwell was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, the seventh of eleven children of Rupert and Marie Maxwell. Reared in the church, the hand of the Lord was upon Daniel at a young age. In 1994 when the family relocated to Winter Haven, FL, they joined a local Evangelical Church. It was there that Daniel’s interest in ministry evolved. Through the introduction of the ministry Daniel followed the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Accepting the call of ministry at a tender age, Daniel completed his credentials for ministry, serving in several capacities including youth minster, National Youth Evangelist, and National Adjutant. These appointments afforded Minster Maxwell opportunities to share the message of Jesus Christ throughout the State of Florida and across the United States. In 2015, after 12 years in the Evangelism ministry, Pastor Maxwell founded Lighthouse of Christ Inc. in Winter Haven, FL, where he currently serves as Lead Servant. In 2003, Daniel completed his Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Criminology from Florida Southern College. In 2006, Daniel went on to complete his Master’s degree from Troy University, majoring in Management.

Reverend Garfield daley


he Rev. Garfield Daley is the Pastor of Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica. He has held this position since 2013, and prior had served as an assistant pastor for this congregation for over fifteen (15) years. Rev. Daley is described as warm, caring and gentle, a man who possesses a humble teachable spirit. His honest and authentic personality captivates the young and young at heart. To the question; What do you enjoy most about being a pastor? Rev. Daley response “ just interacting with God’s people”. Rev. Daley is the author of the book, “Behold he Cometh” and has a passion for Architecture and Real Estate Development. He is married to the lovely Erica for the last twenty eight years and they have three children, Jewel, Crystal and John-Mark.


S . R o b e r t S t e wa r t


astor S. Robert Stewart is affectionately received as a “Man of a Great God.” In humility and excellence, he serves the body of Christ worldwide, both ministering to specific and corporate needs. Through strong foundational apostolic teaching, Pastor S. Robert Stewart has accepted the God-given mandate to ensure the preservation and propagation of the message. After 31 years of serving other pastors and building other ministries, Pastor Stewart was directed by the Holy Spirit in 1996 to establish Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. in Miami Gardens, Florida. A true visionary, consumed with a passion to evangelize, he accepted the directive to reach critical need areas and began the church in The Miami Inn Hotel. With the favor of God, and his Jesus-focused leadership, Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. has experienced tremendous growth thus becoming a pillar of strength in the Miami Gardens community and across the world. Pastor Stewart’s ministry has led him to minister across the United States, Canada, Venezuela, England, Argentina, The Philippines, Africa, and various Caribbean Islands. Pastor Stewart has made many significant contributions to the development of people and the community. His vision and dedication has led to the establishment of the following: The annual Focus on Jesus Summit Apostolic Fellowship International (created to foster unity among Apostolic churches), The annual Apostolic Camp International The Focus on Jesus Bible School The Beyond the Veil Retreat The Center for Advancement Restoration and Empowerment (CARE), GED classes Additional attempts to contribute positively to the community include the launching of PenTab Records, PenTab Academy Christian School, Pentecost Christian Bookstore and the Focus Media multi-media center. His personal motto “Focus on Jesus” has become the maxim by which the Pentecostal Tabernacle International, Inc. family strives to live. Pastor Stewart is married to his wife of forty five years, Jennifer Stewart, and is the father of four children, and a grandfather of three.


Dr. C. A. Holdsworth


ishop Dr. C. A. Holdsworth is the senior pastor of the Greater Grace Temple family of churches, which has its headquarters at 65a Deanery Road, Kingston 3, Jamaica, West Indies. The organization has Nine worship centres in Jamaica and three in United States. Bishop Holdsworth is the speaker on the Hour of Grace Broadcast - a production of the church’s outreach ministry. It is aired on LOVE 101 FM in Jamaica and on Radio Paradise in the Caribbean and Europe, on W.A.V.S. Radio, Hollywood and W.V.I.J. in Florida. Bishop Holdsworth was ordained as a Minister of Religion in 1967 in the Shiloh Apostolic Church of Jamaica Inc. He is an international speaker and has ministered in various churches in Jamaica, the wider Caribbean, United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Himself, an ardent Bible scholar, Bishop Holdsworth is committed to teaching and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. In keeping with this commitment, he has worked tirelessly to establish a Christian Education Ministry in Greater Grace Temple. He holds the Advanced Teacher’s Certificate through the Jamaica Theological Seminary from the Evangelical Training Association and the Emmaus Bible School. He is a graduate of the College of Arts, Science and Technology, now University of Technology, Jamaica. He holds a certificate in Supervisory Management and is an associate member of the Institute of Industrial Managers, Luton, England. He holds a Masters and Doctorate in Divinity. Bishop Holdsworth recently celebrated 50 years of marriage with his lovely wife Pancyline. He is also the father of 4 beautiful children, three girls and one boy. He has one precious grandchild, Jordan whom he adores.

Evangelist Joan Garrick


vangelist Joan Garrick, daughter of Sister Phyllis Roache was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and received the gift of the Holy Holy Ghost at the age of 12 at the Church of Jesus Christ in Spanish Town, Jamaica.

After spending the best 3 years of her life with her Grandmother, Mother Skeen, who led her to Christ, she migrated to Chicago, Illinois to be with her Mom. There she attended Shiloh Apostolic Church where her Pastor recognized the gift of an Evangelist in her and appointed her to the office and later ordained her to ministry. She began developing the gift and worked closely with ministry. Evangelist Garrick relocated to Florida in 1986 and continued ministering but soon realized that there was a greater work outside of the Church Building. Her passion to provide for the homeless led her to develop a Homeless Ministry of feeding and providing clothing on Thanksgiving Day to at least 100 people. With the assistance of her Pastor and the Saints, she was able to prepare the food in her home and distribute it on the streets of Fort Lauderdale for over 15 years. After relocating to Port St Lucie in 2008, she began working with Churches to provide this same service in different cities. She has ministered in Jamaica, Canada, England, South Africa and several States within the US. Evangelist Garrick is a Senior Property Administrator for a national Real Estate Firm but enjoys interior decorating and cooking for friends and family. Evangelist Garrick loves the Lord with her whole heart and believes that everyone she comes in contact with should experience God’s love through her. Her motto is “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering”, because, to know Him is to LOVE Him.

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 2018 7:30 PM - Reaching the lost in our Community THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2018 7:30 PM - Becoming Seeker Sensitive FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018 10 AM - Teaching Session, What do you have in your hand? 7:30 PM - Outreach Strategies SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2018 9 AM - Workshop, Becoming a Multicultural Church- Church of all Nations? 5:30 PM - How to Pastor this Generation? SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2018 9 AM - Witness Protection Program (WPP) 10:15 AM - Being a Purpose Driven Church 5 PM - Ordination Service 5:45 PM - Closing Service- Geared for Battle- The Call to Go.

Move Beyond


Girls Summit

Inviting ALL GIRLS ages 13 to 19 to come out and be educated on Strategies and Resources to Move Beyond Past Failures and Doubts & Move Towards SUCCESS When: Saturday, April 7, 2018 Where: Sun N’ Lake Community Center 3500 Edgewater Drive Sebring, FL 33872 Time:

10am – 2pm

FOR REGISTRATION CONTACT Diana Clarke 863-257-2095 Andrea Fennell 863-414-4884 Natalie Hay 863-233-9116

Move Beyond To God be the glory, great things He hath done. Congratulation Victory Tabernacle as we celebrate 15 years from the members of Move Beyond. It is such a privilege to be knowledgeable of who God is, who we are in God, and His plans for our lives. With this awareness, we can conduct our own individual selfanalysis, improve in areas as needed, and eliminate ALL that are hindering or could hinder us from moving forward in our spiritual as well as physical lives. Philippians 3: 13 -14 states, Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead. We can’t remain at the same level and expect to progress. As a result, it requires action to get to the next level. Sharing from personal experiences, we cannot attain success or gain, we risk our health, and we tend to compromise our walk with God, and become victims of fear and doubts when we allow ourselves to be consumed and plagued by our negative past experiences. For this reason, it is imperative that we move beyond to move forward. You may ask, move beyond what, or how can I move beyond? Simple, the answer must be personal. Each person must identify his or her own plague(s), doubt(s), and fear (s) with the goal to move beyond them and move forward. To move, simply means to change position. Beyond means, having progressed to or achieved more than a specified stage or level. So, how do we move beyond, we change from our current positions and progress to an advanced level. Furthermore, one must be willing to forgive, remain prayerful, focused, committed, dedicated, and able to persevere. By following these concepts and applying the instructions of Proverbs 3: 5-6 to my life, I identified my plagues, changed my positions and now advancing to the next level. Diana Clarke, Ph.D. 863-257-2095 Luke 32:22, But I have prayed for you, that your faith fails not: and when you have returned, strengthen your brethren. The vision for our Move Beyond Project is to not only advance ourselves, but to influence, and mentor others, especially our young ladies who are currently at the positions that we once were to adapt and utilize our strategies, resources, and resilience and move forward. Nothing Ultimately Beyond You!!!!!


Priority of the



t creation, God breathed into the man and he became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). The tripartite human is described as being made up of body, soul and spirit. The body that we see and interact with goes back to dust, while the scripture tells us that the spirit, as the essence of our mortal life, returns to God who gave it when we transition (Ecclesiastes 12:7). But what of the soul? Though the soul that sinneth shall die (Ezekiel 18:4), the eternal breath of God given to each of us as we are manifested with life continues on into eternity, either in eternal life or eternal judgment. This gives new meaning and understanding of the phrase “YOLO”-You Only Live Once. The mortal life that we experience for years or decades is but one element of the life of the eternal soul. That realization gives the invisible soul so much more priority than the visible things that we can see or feel. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26 KJV What is the value of the soul? Jesus compared the profit of the entire world - it’s riches, power, and influence, as paling in comparison to the value of one person’s soul. The soul that has found sadness, grief and pain in this life is the one that needs to know that Christ came and died to bring life and

By Deaconess Kim Dudley

love for the lost soul. The lost soul that is running around trying to gain pleasure, power or wealth in this world needs to find God’s purpose and calling that the blessing of life truly gives. Understanding the value of the soul reminds the believer of not only the importance of carrying the gospel, but also of living it each day we are on this side of heavenly glory. What a sad commentary it would be to spend our days carrying the message to others, but not refreshing and renewing our faith to show the gospel message in our everyday life. My soul, your soul, each soul that God has given life has immense value to Him, so much so that He took on our limited human existence to redeem us from the curse of sin and provide us the opportunity of eternal life in fellowship with Him-a return to the relationship lost in the Garden. Let us put (and keep) our priorities in line with value of our soul; as Jesus encouraged his first disciples: “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” (Luke 22:32).

“each soul that God has given life has immense value to Him”


Pasto r a l a i d c o m m i t t e e ( PAC ) Holy greeting in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Pastoral Aid Committee salutes Pastor Williams and the entire Victory Tabernacle family for fifteen years of hard labor on this side of the vineyard. We are proud to be a part of this legacy that thru the power of God has touch, blessed and transformed lives. May the Lord continue to bless this ministry, and strengthen us continuously for the journey ahead. Remona Morris Director

Greetings Ministerial Staff

Apostle Phillip Walters, Sis. Carlyne Dixon, Elder Elisha Singh, Evangelist Gloria Forbes, Sis Rosalee Lewis, Missionary Margaret Gordon, Sis Remona Morris, Evangelist Arlene Williams, Deaconess Peggy Fletcher, Elder Albert Morris, Minister Rashaud Thomas, Pastor Wayne Williams, Minister Jumar Moffat, Deacon Neville Fletcher.

Greetings S c h o l a rs h i p c o m m i t t e e

Greetings to all in the mighty name of Jesus. The Victory Scholarship Committee gives thanks to the Lord on our fifteen year of Ministry. God has done marvelous things wherein we are glad. The Scholarship Foundation was implemented in the year 2013, under the guidance and leadership of Pastor Williams. The mission of the Scholarship Foundation can be found in Proverbs 4:5-7. As verse 7 says: “wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all get understanding�. As we move forward into our fifth year of service, we strongly believe the Lords that He will enable us to increase our contributions to all our students. As a team we endeavor to reach the world with the gospel of truth. May God continue to bless this ministry. Yours Sincerely Sis. Ilett Singh

Greetings S u n day s c h o o l d e pa rt m e n t

Greetings in the precious of Jesus Christ! Fifteen years! What a milestone. Truly God has been exceptionally good to us here at Victory Tabernacle. The Christian Education Ministry is committed to developing mature believers (2 Peter 3:18). We are striving for improvement and growth not only in attendance numbers, but we are also focused on providing a consistent and structured teaching environment for God’s Word. I am blessed to be part of a group of teachers who are earnest about teaching the Word, as well as presenting it at various levels in a practical way that is applicable to daily living. This ministry team of teachers are dedicated and committed to the vision of discipleship. We recognize the mandate that has been entrusted to us, and are humbled for the opportunity to be used by God for the furtherance of His kingdom, in the earth. On behalf of the Christian Education Ministry team, I thank God for His many blessings over the years, and the work He continues to do through us. May we continue to find favor in Him. Director Rosalee Lewis


F ro m T h e Yo u t h De pa rt m e nt


reetings to all my father’s children in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our 15th Annual Church Anniversary. On behalf of the Youth Department of Victory Tabernacle we are delighted to have you worship with us during this great occasion. I would like to express my heart felt appreciation to everyone who has stood with the youth ministry of Victory Tabernacle Apostolic throughout these wonderful years of ministry. Though faced with many tests and having encountered many disappointments, with the help of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we have overcome and have continued to grow and prosper in Him. We as young people strive each and every day to become more like Christ and to become perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Having kept and continue to keep Jesus at the center of our church as well as our youth ministry, we strive to have a Godly GLOBAL OUTLOOK with the purpose of reaching souls globally, using our Godly IMPACT to have a global outpour of His spirit, resulting in a GLOBAL OUTCOME of born again souls for the kingdom. So as we GO to do his will we must remember that as his instruments we must be ready for use at all time. Blessings be unto you all in Jesus name! President Bro. Rashaud Thomas










oday’s leaders are often seen in terms of power, possessions, prestige, and position. Our self-serving culture with the me-first mentality makes acting like a servant with a humble spirit an unpopular concept. It is as if few want to take the initiative to step up to lead for fear of ridicule. But how, many times have we thought, I could have done that better, or, If only I were in charge, things would be different? If you are in a leadership position, get ready for someone to condemn what you are doing, reprimand you for the way you do it, or, tell you how to do it. Warren G. Bennis defined leadership as the capacity to translate vision into reality. But leadership is much more than that. Leadership is not always merely doing things right (that is management), it is doing the right thing. Effective leadership involves the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing a goal, but it-is not restricted to

By Robert Hudleston

the influence exerted by someone in a particular position or role because followers are part of the leadership process. Aristotle said, “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.” To be a good leader you have to be good follower. Taking on a leadership role is never an easy undertaking; so what does it take to be an effective leader? It requires commitment, caring, credibility, and communication.

Commitment Starts With Loyalty.

“Loyalty above all else’ except honor.” Without loyalty, there is no cause, no mission, and no faith. The psalmist said, “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall’ bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). Commitment requires trust, including trusting in yourself, your abilities, knowledge, and -skills. The Lord will guide you and do the rest.

Caring is being empathetic. The easiest thing for us Christians to do should be to care for someone or something. But the truth is, it is not. People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. The empathetic side of caring is understanding how another person feels, then placing yourself in alignment with that person. Credibility is hard to earn and to sustain. We

earn credibility slowly and over a long period of time. Credibility can be lost in a short time, if left unattended. One “uh-oh” can wipe out a thousand “atta-boys” in one second. The key to our credibility is our commitment. We build credibility, not by pretending, but by being honest with our self and others. Mistakes are bound to happen, especially by those in leadership. We must take responsibility for our mistakes and not blame someone else or ‘the circumstances.

Communication is the hardest requirement of effective leadership. There are four types of standard communication: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. We spend years learning to read, write, and talk; however, listening is a skill that is rarely learned well. It takes a conscientious effort on our part to listen to what another has to say and to understand what they are saying. Often instead of listening, we read into what someone is saying by their body language, and often we misinterpret the meaning and the context is lost. A leader must be able to listen “to seek first to understand, then to be understood.” This process allows our communication to edify. The U.S. Army’s acronym for Leadership is LDRSHIP (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, Personal courage). The first letters of these seven words represent the core values of leadership. The words “Loyalty, Duty. Respect” refer to relationship with others (God, family members, coworkers and bosses, friends, other acquaintances, or outside influences). The words “Honor, Integrity, Personal courage” refer to morals and values. The two words in the middle (“Selfless servant”) tie the independent person with the interdependent, the leader, and the selfless servant. To, be a leader is to be a selfless servant. Jesus is

our greatest example of what a true leader should be—He was servant-to all mankind. Max Dupree, CEO of Herman Miller, Inc.., said, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say Thank you. In between the leader is a servant.”

A Servant Cares, is committed,

communicates to lift others, and has credibility. An example of servant leadership is the Good Samaritan. (See Luke 10: 30-37.) The Good Samaritan took care of a man who had fallen among thieves. Who had beaten and robbed him and left him on the side of the road for dead. The Good Samaritan showed himself to be a true leader—he did not merely do things right; he also did the right thing.

The Reward of leadership is not wealth, fame,

or fortune; it is the honor of serving our God, our church, our family, our community, and our country to glorify our heavenly Father.

“Effective leadership involves the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing a goal”



Global Outlook

Global Outreach

Global outcome By: Sis Rosalee Lewis “There’s room at the cross for you, there is room at the cross for you, though millions have come, there’s still room for one. There’s room at the cross for you” are words from one of my favorite hymns. Response to this invitation to the cross requires a literal move, which is also symbolic of a step forward into a new and transformed life. Rest assured, that even though millions are already there, there is always room for any number of “you”!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28: 19-20)

This year, 2018, Victory Tabernacle Apostolic International is going global! Armed and energized with the Gospel, equipped and empowered with the Holy Spirit for outreach, and fully persuaded of the glorious How perfectly fitting that the first people that and victorious Outcome of our witness. Let’s Go! Jesus called at the beginning of his ministry were literally fishermen? Brothers, Peter and Andrew, and then James and his brother John all responded immediately to Jesus’ invitation, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” To the ears of these skilled and experienced fishermen, these words must have sounded odd. Nonetheless, intrigued, they immediately dropped the tools of their trade and followed Jesus on a different fishing expedition, that being, for the souls of men. Of course, Jesus knew When you consider that there are billions of people in the that these men already possessed special traits such world who have yet to hear the Gospel, that in of itself as patience, commitment, persistence, passion and should give each of us a sense of urgency about what we discipline, all of which were necessary to become the have been doing insofar as being His witnesses, sharing the truth of God’s love and making disciples of all men. world changers they later became.

Victory Tabernacle Apostolic International is going Global!!!!

Global Outlook

Fast forward three and a half years later, we see the now risen Christ in a final meeting with the remaining 11 of his disciples on a mount in Galilee. He gathered them one last time, to encourage, instruct, and command them concerning the work ahead for which they had been trained and equipped. Today, the mantel of the Great Commission which Jesus gave his disciples, and which they vigorously pursued even unto death, has been passed on through the ages and is the personal mission of every disciple of His.

As witnesses, we are the declared (walking, talking) epistles of Christ. To be known and read of all men (2 Cor 3:2-3). As credible witnesses to the world, we are salt, and we possess that ingredient that effects the palatability of the world. We are light, and no matter where we are positioned, we cannot be hid, but must bring the illumination of God’s Word into the environment of every soul, that they too may come to glorify the Father. Which of us can honestly say that if we had the cure to a loved one’s terminal disease, we would not without hesitation,

gladly share that information? Well, we should be even more eager, and earnest about sharing the message of salvation to a very terminally ill world. We are living in a time when hell has undeniably enlarged herself and her mouth without measure (Isa. 5:14) and we know that the soul outside of Christ is lost. As we look out, lets become mobilized!

Global Outreach

Sometimes we become intimidated and hesitant especially when we are called to step out of our comfort zone, whether culturally or socially. The great thing about sharing the Gospel however, is that we are all one body, one family, with the same Father, who has entrusted us to be His ambassadors. The world is hungry and thirsty for the bread and water of eternal life, and we can point the way to that life source. The world is waiting, and we can no longer wait. By its very definition, outreach indicates action, movement, or activity whether literally or figuratively. It would be impossible to reach the ends of the world with the Gospel without any effort or demonstrated activity. So, it would stand to reason that in order to be effective at our mission, we must mobilize and seize every opportunity to be used by God for his plan of salvation.

Global Outreach

We are all encouraged to have objectives and goals for our lives, whether long term or short term. No one, logically that is, starts on a journey, without a destination in mind. The critical and strategic thinker will often chart their course, and plan ahead as much as possible. A well-known quote by Lewis Carroll says, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” This is so true. It’s called being lost! However, to be lost is never in our Father’s plan for any of His children. In fact, before the very beginning of time, He had designed a plan of reconciliation wrapped up in the finished work of the cross. Meeting Jesus and allowing Him to transform everything about your life, guarantees your place in His eternal royal family. The encounter ignites an uncontainable fire that compels you to share Him with everyone that you meet. We have been entrusted with the message of truth, the message of unconditional love, message of forgiveness, the message of reconciliation, the message of salvation, and the message of hope. You and I are the light pointing to Jesus. As His witnesses, we are commissioned to go and make disciples of all men, globally.

Look out world here we come, reaching out, and Our Father reminds us that He has not given us a mind anticipating nothing less than a glorious outcome. or disposition of fear, but rather we are empowered, filled with His love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7). Wow! How much He’s prepared us to go! Also, that we should not be intimated by the faces of men (Jer.1:17). The Gospel of Jesus Christ is every language barrier breaker, every cultural wall toppler, every social status invader that you will ever need. Remember the all-important truth that you are never alone. Jesus said He is with you, to the very end (Matt 28:20) and furthermore, we have this treasure in our earthen vessels (2 Cor 4:7). Salvation is not a secret, its just the greatest truth, unfortunately, not often told. Let’s ready our feet with the preparation of the Gospel and reach out to the world (Eph. 6:15). In his name, we are ambassadors of His Grace.








A CHARGE TO KEEP I HAVE | CHARLES WESLEY 1.A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2.To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill: Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Master’s will! 3.Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And O Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! 4.Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself rely, Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forever die.

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord “Taking the oversight thereof, not by con¬straint, Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; dead at His appearing and king¬dom; “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- “And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye suffering and doctrine.” shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” “Watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy “You are to preach the Word,” not the opin¬ions ministry.” and traditions of men, not pleasing fables or sensational stories, to move the fancy or excite “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a the emotions. You are not to exalt your¬self, but workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly as in the presence of God you are to stand before dividing the word of truth.” a dying world and preach the Word. Let there be no levity, no trifling, no fanciful interpretation. As “Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in a minister of God you are to speak with sincerity conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. and deep earnestness, as a voice from God . . . Give attendance to read¬ing, to exhortation, to expounding the Holy Scriptures. You are to bring doctrine.” to your hearers those things which most concern their present and eternal good. “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. You are to warn them of the soon coming of Christ in power and great glory. Your mes¬sage must be “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doc¬trine; such as to lead men to see the importance that God continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both attaches to His law. So plainly are you to present save thyself, and them that hear thee.” the truth that no transgressor, hearing it, shall be excusable in failing to discern the importance of “Be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, obedi¬ence to God’s commands. You are ever to in meekness instructing those that oppose be conscious of the fact that you are a messenger themselves.” of God, commissioned by Him to do a work the influence of which is to endure throughout eternity. “Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, Your whole aim should be to bring sinners to lay hold on eternal life.” repentance, pointing them, by both precept and example, to the Lamb of God that taketh away “Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus the sin of the world. You should speak as one Christ. No man that warreth entangleth him¬self conscious of power and authority from God. Your with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him discourses should have an earnest¬ness, a fervor, who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” a power of persuasion, that will lead sinners to take refuge in Christ. “Giving no offense in anything, that the ministry be not blamed.” “Take heed therefore unto thyself, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you an overseer, to feed the church of God, which He bath purchased with His own blood.”


Wed•March 21, 2018•7:30pm

Pastor Garfield Daley………REACHING THE LOST IN OUR COMMUNITY – Before we can go Global we need a starting point, our community. Jesus commissioned us to “Go” (Matthew 28:19) and preach the Gospel to every creature (person). Go suggests a forward mobility, reaching outwards, going where people are in order to bring them to God. Go is a command, it is not optional.

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Thurs•March 22, 2018•7:30pm

Pastor Daniel Maxwell……….BECOMING SEEKER SENSITIVE – The Christian man and woman can be saved for so long that we lose touch of the people around us. We must recapture a passion for the souls of men who are lost without Jesus. We are driven by many things, money, fame, material possession, and things that have no eternal value. We must pray and ask God to baptize us with a passion for the souls of people.

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FRi•March 23, 2018•10Am

Bishop C. A Holdsworth……….WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND? – Often times we say we are afraid to approach people, we do not know what to say or even what to do when a soul is under conviction by the Holy Ghost. What has God given yotu? It is said that, “Talent is God’s gift to us; what we do with our talent is our gift to God.” We need not replicate anyone. We are unique individuals with God-given talents. Use what God gave you to impact this world.

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FRI•March 23, 2018•7:30pm

Bishop C. A Holdsworth ……….OUTREACH STRATEGIES – Jesus modelled strategies of evangelism. Often times He would go where the people are, the synagogue, the temple, their home, at a well, a wedding, and anywhere people may gather. His approach was different in every instance and His impact was without question. Let’s follow in the Master’s footsteps.

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SAT•March 24, 2018•9Am

Bishop C. A Holdsworth ………..BECOMING A MULTICULTURAL CHURCH – The Church started undoubtedly with Jews. However, the Great Commission was to “Go” into “all the world” and “make disciples of all Nations;” Nations sometimes is translated as Gentiles. Psalm 117:1 says, “O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise Him all ye people.” In spite of the complexities of different cultures it takes all kinds of people to make up the Kingdom of God.

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SAT•March 24, 2018•5:30pm

Pastor S. Robert Stewart…………HOW TO PASTOR THIS GENERATION? – Pastoring the souls of men who come to Christ in our generation comes with many challenges. We have to encounter and combat the teachings of humanism, modernism, postmodernism, liberalism, and a host of anti-Christian doctrines. The apostle Paul challenged the young Pastor, Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears” (2 Timothy 4:2, 3).

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SUN•March 25, 2018•9Am

Evangelist Joan Garrick………WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM (WPP) – Many eyewitnesses are afraid to come forward and testify about what they have seen and or heard. They fear for their lives. The believers can rest assured that they are protected by God as His witnesses. For Jesus said, “and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). The apostle John said in 1 John 1:3, “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you.”

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SUN•March 25, 2018•10:15Am

Pastor S. Robert Stewart ………..BEING A PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH – The Church must not be driven by programs, but by purpose. The Church’s mandate is recorded in Matthew 22:37-40 and Matthew 28:19-20. The Church exists to Worship/Love God, Evangelize, Make Disciples, Fellowship, and Ministry.

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SUN•March 25, 2018•5:45Pm

Bishop C. A Holdsworth ………..GEARED FOR BATTLE – THE CALL TO GO… Rick Warren said (paraphrase) – A Church must not be judged by its seating capacity, but by its sending capacity. Now that we have been given the tools, let us “Go” Global and preach His Gospel to a world that desperately needs Jesus. Remember, “Go” is not an option, but a command!

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