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“O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.” An attitude of gratitude is an overwhelming expression of our appreciation, first to God our Father, and to all members and supporters of Victory Tabernacle Apostolic. We have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord. Today we welcome you to our 16th Church anniversary and Conference. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate and give praise to God for all that He has done. This year’s theme is Keeping Jesus As The Focus. In Luke 6:28-35, the disciples of Jesus, those in the inner circle,
Peter, James, and John had one of the most humbling experiences on the Mount of Transfiguration. At this encounter, they saw Moses and Elijah and Jesus who transfigured Himself before them. Peter exclaimed, not knowing what to say, “let us build three tabernacles.” After the transfiguration, the figures/ appearances of Moses and Elijah faded in the shadows leaving only Jesus. Moses represented the law and Elijah the prophets. Both the law and the prophets pointed to Christ, Israel’s Messiah. John the Baptist declared, Behold the Lamb of God! And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus (John 1:36-37). The message is
clear; Keep your Focus only on Jesus. The Heavenly Father testified of Jesus and said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him. (Matthew 17:5). It is incumbent upon us to intentionally make Jesus our focus, in our preaching, singing, praise and worship, and everything we do and say. This pleases our Heavenly Father. This we will do by God’s grace. Shalom! Kingdom Servant Leaders Wayne and Arlene Williams
CONFERENCE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2019 7:00 PM - “Looking unto Jesus” - (Hebrews 12:2 ) BISHOP C.A. HOLDSWORTH, GREATER GRACE TEMPLE, KINGSTON, JAMAICA THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2019 7:00 PM - “For we preach Christ Jesus the Lord” - (2 Corinthians 4:5) BISHOP C.A. HOLDSWORTH, GREATER GRACE TEMPLE, KINGSTON, JAMAICA FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2019 9:00 AM - Fostering Unity, Building Relationships PASTOR ALAN TODD, GLOBAL MINISTRIES INT’L, TORONTO, CANADA 7:00 PM - “My Gift...My Talent...God’s Glory” – (1 Corinthians 10:3) PASTOR ALAN TODD, GLOBAL MINISTRIES INT’L, TORONTO, CANADA SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019 10:00AM - Changing Times, Unchanging Message/Methods of Evangelism in the 21st century (Panel of Ministers) 5:00 PM - “For the Preaching of the Cross...is the Power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18) PASTOR S. ROBERT STEWART, PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE, MIAMI, FLORIDA SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2019 9:00 AM - “He Must Increase, I Must Decrease” (John 3:30) BISHOP GARFIELD DALEY, FAITH APOSTOLIC MINISTRIES, KINGSTON, JAMAICA 9:00 AM - “Keeping Jesus as the Focus” (Youths) SIS ALLISON TODD, GLOBAL MINISTRIES INT’L, TORONTO, CANADA 10:15 AM - “Keeping Jesus as the Focus” PASTOR ALAN TODD, GLOBAL MINISTRIES INT’L, TORONTO, CANADA 6:30 PM -“Even so, Come Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20) PASTOR ALAN TODD, GLOBAL MINISTRIES INT’L, TORONTO, CANADA
To focus is to direct one’s attention to a central point. To focus on Jesus means He occupies the forefront of our minds. Such focus is only fitting because Jesus is the head of the body, The Church. In John 13:1-17, we see that Jesus was able to wash the feet of His disciples because He understood His purpose and had the right motive. The motive behind why we serve is the most important factor. Cain and Abel both gave an offering to the Lord; but only Abel’s offering was accepted because his motive was pure. (Gen. 4:1-7) Brethren, let us desire to serve with the right motive and a spirit of excellence because only what we do for the Lord will last. The Lord will only bless us with more gifts after we prove to be good stewards of the gifts that we already have. (Matthew 25:14-30)
FOCUS ON JESUS maintain that focus because it is incumbent upon us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.
Evangelist Gloria Forbes
There are many distractions in the world that would cause us to misplace our focus. However, regardless of what situation presents itself, we should always remember that our focus must be on Jesus. It is even more important to
Evangelism is the means by which we share the good news of salvation, otherwise known as The Gospel - the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every bornagain believer is commanded by Jesus himself to share the good news. In Matthew 28:1920, Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. That instruction is also for us today as followers of Jesus Christ. The first step to evangelism
is having a burden and a love for souls. Next, evangelism forces the believer to study God’s words so that he/she can “rightly divide the word of truth” according to 2 Timothy 2:15. To evangelize is to show sinners the way of salvation: to persuade them to be saved and to accept Jesus as their Lord and savior in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus Christ is the focus of the salvation plan. Those who seek to share this news must themselves make Jesus the focus of their lives; the actions and words of the evangelist should proclaim the same message.
KEEPING JESUS AS THE FOCUS: STUDY THE WORD everlasting life, then it should be a no-brainer when deciding where to place our focus.
Elder Elisha Singh
In our fast paced, attention grabbing world, it is easy to get caught up in the things of this world. We have a choice to make. Either to focus on the things of the world or to keep our focus on Jesus. John 14:6 reads: ‌I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the father, but by me. If Jesus gives
Matthew 14:28 reads: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. As long as Peter had his eyes on Jesus he was able to walk on water but the moment he took his focus off Jesus he began to sink. To focus is to direct ones attention or concentrate on something. If we are focused on Jesus then He has our attention. The Word of God will keep us and our mind stayed on Him. We must commit to daily reading and study of The Bible. To be guided by the Light of The Word, we need to know what The Word says.
Pray, stay in constant communication with Jesus. Trust in the Lord, He is your only protector. We should recognize that the Lord is the source of our needs and all good things. Focus on Jesus Christ and you will find your perspective on worldly things changing. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. Congratulations to Victory Tabernacle for successfully completing 16 years of ministry in Avon Park. This ministry has focused on teaching The Word which has been a light on our path.
What is prayer? Prayer is communion with God. Prayer is never to change God BUT allows us to: understand and conform our lives to God’s will and way, gives access and advance into God’s kingdom, power and glory and intimately know, love and worship Him. Prayer, similar to a cellphone, is not designed for one-way communication. A cellphone’s primary purpose is not for its self but to serve as a conduit to connect us in relationships. Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Evangelist Arlene Williams Prayer is the lifeline of a believer. The devil is not intimidated by our own intellect or prayerlessness; he is intimidated by those who pray in Jesus name knowing that God takes FIRST place in their lives. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10) 1 Thessalonians 5:17 admonishes us to - Pray without ceasing. Prayer is as important as the air that we breathe. An active prayer life is the difference between us
merely existing or living in God’s will. Prayer is so powerful that Charles Spurgeon said, “I would rather teach a man to pray than ten men to preach.” Let us keep Jesus as the focus as we obey James 5:16. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
This is not a popular topic, neither is it an easy one to discuss. I will try my best to be as transparent as possible. I will share some of the major challenges that Christians have to deal with while serving their country. Please do not get me wrong, the army is a place of good discipline and much can be learned from being a part of it. In many ways the army reflects the Christian life. When on the battlefield, one has to be alert and focus on the mission. A soldier serves his Chief Commanding Officer and his country. A Christian man or woman serves his Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ and also his fellow men. A soldier does not entangle himself with the affairs of this life. A Christian understands that he/she is a stranger in this world. First, the most important advice I would give to anyone who expresses an interest to join the army is: “Make sure you really know Jesus for yourself and be strongly rooted in His Word.” I have been in the Army for almost eight years. After being on two deployments, I have seen just about everything. The Army is known for its ruthlessness. Men are known for their unfiltered mouth. In the field which I presently serve (Artillery), everyone seems to have four things in common. 1. Cursing on a regular basis 2. Smoking like there is no tomorrow
3. Dipping and spitting in a bottle 4. Drinking alcohol as if it will let them forget about life With that being said, the questions you might be asking yourself of a Christian are: • How do you function in an environment where every other word that comes out of their mouth is a curse word? • How do you function in an environment where most females are looked at as ‘an easy target’? How do you serve in an environment where pornography, masturbation, fornication, and adultery are accepted as normal? • How do you function in an environment where your mission seems to take precedent over your spiritual needs? • How do you function when females, out of desperation to fulfil their needs, are throwing themselves at you with no regard as to whether you are married, single, sick or healthy? My answer to that is: It takes a lot of Jesus on the inside to survive and stay saved. I would be lying to you if I tell you it is easy. It can be easier when you still have family and loved ones around most of the time to keep you in line. But what do you do when you are
16TH ANNIVERSARY who do not know Jesus or believe in the laws of God, take liberty in watching porn, and masturbating to get by. They do not hide it and they are not ashamed about it. It is right there in front of me every day and I have to deal with it and stay sanctified.
halfway across the globe away from all those people? The first time I received my deployment order to serve overseas it was bitter-sweet. As a soldier, I wanted the experience and the challenge that comes with a deployment. As a family-man and a Christian, the thought of leaving my family and everything and everyone I love behind was a dreadful feeling. Added to that, the deployment would be for almost a year. There would be limited communication with those at home, and no promise of returning home alive adding the element of fear. It was more challenging for a person like me who is active in my local assembly and trying to live a pure and holy life before God. There are additional challenges that come with deployments. Yes, being away from family, children, and my church are all difficult challenges that I have dealt with. There are two challenges that come with being in the army that are the most difficult ones to deal with on a daily basis. 1. Killing people: The first time I had to flip that switch to release an artillery round was very traumatic. After that rocket went out from the tube, I sat there in my seat for a good second thinking to myself… what did I just do? Then reality hit… I am there to do a job. 2. Exposure to sexually explicit activities: Those
That is why I made the statement earlier, “You have to know Jesus for yourself.” When placed in situations like those, it is not what the pastor or anyone told me about Him that keeps me. It is the personal experience that I have with Jesus and having a good knowledge of His Word. Only a personal relationship with Jesus can save you. It is not easy; it is very tempting to do what the others are doing. It is very tempting to try to be among the popular ones and satisfy the flesh for that moment. After all, who would know? The pastor is not there to see you. Your family is not there to know what is going on. Your fellow soldiers are not going to tell on you. So who is going to know? I’ll tell you who, the one that sits above looking down on us, that’s who would know. Knowing that He is ever present and has all knowledge of both the seen and the unseen acts is what keeps me focused. That is what keeps me from doing the wrong thing. On my last deployment I was placed in an environment where I was not able to attend any church service for approximately 5 months. We were in an environment where no one believes in God and our chaplain was not allowed to come there to have service with us. The only thing that was able to keep me was that which I already have on the inside of me. There were days when I felt like Jesus was far away from me but I remembered his promise…I will never leave you nor forsake you, I will be with you to the ends of the earth. I had to remember that Psalm 139:8 says: If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. Now to answer the question: How do you keep your focus on Jesus while serving in the United State Army? The answer is this: Keep your integrity and remember that when no one else can see and know what you are doing, Jesus can.
THE CENTRAL FLORIDA KINGDOM ALLIANCE & AFFILIATES Bishop Benjamin F. Carter Jr. Bethel Pentecostal Holiness Church Pastor Wayne Johnson & First Lady Sandra Johnson Heaven Bound Pentecostal Church Pastor Rudolph Hyde & First Lady Marlene Hyde Faith Temple Apostolic Ministries Pastor Daniel Maxwell & First Lady Kandice Maxwell Lighthouse of Christ Apostolic Church Pastor Patrick Webster & First Lady Glenda Webster True Holiness Church of Jesus Christ Pastor Robert Young & Co-Pastor Erica Young Tabernacle of Glory Apostolic Church
Beloved, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. (Psalm 133:1) It is an honor to greet everyone in the name of Jesus the Righteous. We gather this weekend to celebrate with Bishop-Elect Wayne D. Williams, First Lady Arlene Williams and the fine saints of Victory Tabernacle in their Sixteenth Anniversary Celebrations. We also gather to witness the ordination of a man of a Great and Mighty God to the Bishopric. Anniversaries are times to reflect and give thanks for the blessings of the past and to express our appreciation to God for his ever-abiding faithfulness and goodness. This
year’s theme is refocusing on Jesus. God truly has blessed this ministry under the leadership of these two wonderful servant-leaders. They have been faithful to God throughout the years and we see the fruit of their labor in the many lives who have been transformed and turned around for good. I knew this facility when the place we now call the main sanctuary was a bare concrete floor. It is truly amazing what a man with a vision can accomplish. Pastor Williams is a sober, faithful, conscientious, disciplined and hard-worker. He did not do it alone, but along with his hard-working saints and a devoted wife they have made an indelible spiritual and physical mark in the
city of Charm. I am proud to call Wayne Donovan Williams my closest friend. He holds a very, very, special place in my heart. There is nothing I have, I would not freely give him. He is someone we can, and should all congratulate, emulate and celebrate. As he ascends to the Bishopric I am honored to be here to celebrate a worthy achievement and a sacred call. I know by God’s grace he will acquit himself honorably in the office for which he is worthy through the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Congratulations, saints of Victory Tabernacle and Congratulations Bishop Wayne D. Williams (my
brother from another mother), on this memorable occasion. From all of us The entire Kingdom Alliance, The TOGAC Family, Pastor Robert & Erica Young & Family – CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Lifestyle describes the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture. Our lifestyle is expressed in every aspect of our lives including work, leisure, and also behavior. There are many lifestyles such as a glamorous life or an adventurous life that are sought after by many. However, a Christian’s lifestyle must reflect Jesus; whatever we do, Jesus must be our focus. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6) Encourage each other, love without condition, pray always, and seek to be in the house of the Lord as much as possible. Wherever we go and whatever we do… our actions, words or deeds must be a witness about Jesus. Matt. 5:13-14 reminds us that we are the salt of the Earth, and light of the world. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe. Stand for Jesus: we are His hands, His feet and His eyes on the earth. Shine for Him! Let your lifestyle be a full reflection of Jesus Christ.
Elder Albert Morris
Child of God…. Minister…Pastor…now Bishop too Why are all these titles being placed on you? Titles are empty if the holder does not function You however clearly have the unction “By their fruit you will know them” – that is The Word We see your fruit – it’s not only what we heard You are anointed to serve That we clearly observe Men look up to you seeking to be led Congregants gather at your feet wanting to be fed You are chosen by God – anointed and appointed Placed in a dark world for a season he determined Like David you were prepared, now being positioned To take on added duties hence you are commissioned The lions will be bigger, the bears fiercer Giants will rise up and the path appear darker But never forget the battles in your history
By Annette Taylor-Spence The same God of yesterday will give you victory Like David, be penitent when you stumble And in serving others remain humble Don’t forget your past – Shepherd Boy Not suggesting for a moment you should be coy But never forget – ‘pride goes before a fall’ So take heed – don’t forget the one who gave the call When He says “well done” as He bids you enter To that place of joy where He is center The words you will hear Falling on your ear Will not be bishop, pastor, or evangelist But servant is the title he will take from the list
Unfortunately I could not be with the Victory Tabernacle family on this occasion. However, my absence is not an indication of being disconnected. You are all in my thoughts and prayers and I congratulate the ministry on another year of service to the Avon Park/Sebring community. To Pastor Wayne Williams, on the occasion of being consecrated to the office of a Bishop, I am not sure “congratulations” is the appropriate thing to say at this time. I would rather say to a friend and brother who I respect, that you have my support and I will keep you in prayer. I have no doubt that you are capable of the task that will come with this new office. However, the one who will do exploits for God will be buffeted and challenged on all sides; as a result, the path ahead will sometimes be lonely. I want you to know that there are those of us who will be encouraging you, praying, and constantly covering you, so that you can fulfill the call of God.
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of a good leader is his ability to maintain a spirit of humility, even in the face of major promotions or elevations. This is true of you my friend and brother, Bishop-Elect Wayne Williams. Since our bible school days, in the late 1980’s, before either of us were married, before we had pastoral responsibilities, and before we had other secular undertakings, it was easy to see the mark of God on your life. It was evident that you were destined to be a great leader and yet a great servant in the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. You demonstrated then that you were a man of excellence, and thirty-two years later, this still holds true. You always pursued the Almighty God, and never a position. That I know. The saying is therefore fulfilled in your life my brother, “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” (Prov. 18:16). Indeed, you are walking in your calling and gifting. Congratulations on this significant milestone Bishop-Elect Williams. On behalf of my wife, Lady Erica, and I, our entire family, and the Faith Apostolic Ministries family, we extend to you, Bishop-Elect Wayne Williams, and co-pastor Lady Arlene Williams, and the Victory Tabernacle Apostolic family, our deep love and unwavering support as you continue in the service of the master, in this new role of Bishop. Grace and peace. Bishop and Lady Daley Faith Chapel Church, Jamaica
WORSHIPPING AND FOCUSING ON JESUS Minister Rashaud Thomas and Minister Jumar Moffat
Greetings one and all! On behalf of the Victory Tabernacle Youth Ministry, we would like to formally welcome you to our 16th annual church anniversary.
we should practice daily and not limit to moments within the four walls of church building.
John 4:23 states: But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
We were created by God for the sole purpose of giving Him the glory that is due unto His name. We tend to complicate things when it comes to our place in God, when really our job boils down to one simple 7 letter word: WORSHIP.
We are instructed not only to be true worshippers but to worship in spirit and in truth. As young ministers, we focus on the following points as our approach to worship. • Every man’s purpose is to worship. • Worship is a direct connection from the heart of men to the heart of God. • Worship is a lifestyle that
If we grasp the idea that worship is a connection from the heart of man to the heart of God, then we won’t need to be pumped and prodded to give glory to God. It will then become evident that worship cannot be defined by the singing and clapping of hands or by the emotional highs that we sometimes experience in a service. Rather, worship takes place in all forms, in all aspects of our life; from the very
thought process to the acts that we commit to doing daily. Whether on the street, at home, in church, in class, or wherever the location may be, our life needs to exude worship to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We encourage you to let us come together and worship the KING OF KINGS in all purity and truth. We are extremely grateful that you have come to celebrate with us on this joyous occasion. Be blessed in Jesus name.
KEEP JESUS AS THE FOCUS - HAVING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE Sister Rosalee Lewis - Sunday School Superintendent Sister Remona Morris - Church Secretary
Greetings, in the awesome name of Jesus! It has been sixteen years. Let all the people say “But God!” We are thanking God for His blessings that we are able to celebrate another year of His abundant grace towards the ministry of Victory Tabernacle Apostolic International, Inc. As we rejoice in His favor we are forever grateful for the opportunity afforded us to minister the gospel, impact lives, and serve. The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are a part of the (His) body, fitly joined together to effectual working (Ephesians 4:16). Serving as we do in various capacities is truly a humbling experience and an absolute privilege. Our daily prayer is that the mind of Christ be in us, transforming our lives, our attitude and behavior, to build wholesome relationships that are reflective of Him. We pray for the Lord’s continued guidance as we continue to labor together with our leaders to accomplish His will, and all for His glory. We join with the Psalmist in praising the Lord for His goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men (Psalms 10:31).
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You may support our Ministry through Monetary Contribution to Victory Tabernacle Apostolic Int’l Inc 1008 Peel Street Avon Park, FL33825 Mailing Address P.O Box 68, Avon Park, FL33826 Phone: 863-452-0855 Fax: 863-452-1760 E-mail: victorytab7@aol.com