W. David Twiggs General Manager
I want to thank our residents for their cooperation in adhering to the new covid related procedures that have had to be enacted in order to open our amenities for member use. We have seen very good compliance from our members as they are using those facilities we have been allowed to open. For the most part our restriction come from the Arizona required mandates for re-opening. All of Executive orders and the processes they put in place for applications from must be reviewed to see how they impact and apply to all of our many various activities. These government policies have been somewhat fluid and vague as the are rolled out, but your staff is continually following these requirements and getting our applications to open in as soon as feasible. I also want to thank the staff for their diligent work on these issues and for their constant goal of keeping Sun City Grand as safe as possible during these trying times. I assure you that we will continue our efforts to open our amenities as safely and quickly as possible. I have enjoyed seeing residents enjoying themselves as their preferred activities become available. Continuing to do the things we love is very important even when those have to be adjusted with social distancing, zoom meetings, or wearing masks. At the core Sun City Grand is a festive active place to live and that will carry on regardless of the challenges we face.
Thank you, David W. David Twiggs
Grand Lifestyles | September 2020 |