
Page 1 December 2016

Fi F rs R M t F EE on r th ida ly y

a window on your world

Š Grapevine • December 2016


For Sale -deSituated in a quiet residential cul Exo sac on the escarpment above m fro Vrisi yet only a stone’s throw ng Paphos Town Hall, the Cyta Buildi of rt and Makarios Avenue in the hea Paphos. se A unique modern town hou ard designed and built by a local aw winning architect. rs Open plan design on three floo and with an extensive roof terrace the in ort airp panoramic views to the st. east and the lighthouse in the we Accommodation comprises:Ground floor: Multipurpose room/garage, bathroom, enclosed open atrium and storage areas. First floor: Open plan kitchen and living room with large picture window to the panoramic view of Kato Paphos and the coast beyond. Second floor: Large bedroom with bathroom. Third floor: ter Roof terrace with electric and wa points. Fully carpeted stairs throughout. For sale with full title deeds at 170000 Euro. For appointment to view and fully appreciate this unique property please telephone 99 580320

Upfront The end of another great year looms before us and since Christmas is the time for peace and goodwill, let’s forget about any negatives and enjoy the festive season with our family and friends. The Grapevine team and all our Advertisers extend warm wishes for a perfect holiday season and the hope that 2017 will bring new hope and growth to all your dreams of the future. This month Cherry Dobbins takes a look at traditional recipes for a South African flavoured Christmas. There are also lots of events to attend throughout the month, check them out on page 8 and throughout our pages. Our psychotherapist, Dr Vasilios Silivistris, looks at ways to alleviate the ‘Christmas Blues’ on Page 21. Many of the local charities have organised Christmas fund-raisers to take part in. While Maggie Wright talks casual weekend-end dressing.

Merry Christmas photographed by

Chris Parsons

However, don’t lose sight of the real reason we celebrate Christmas. The New Testament Church has ‘Carols by Candlelight’ Services which you can attend see Page 24 . We wish all of you out there a jolly happy Christmas and a healthy & wealthy 2017! Back next year!

Full Moon This Month December 14th

Next Issue Friday, 6th January

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Email: Website: Deadline for all finished Adverts and Submissions 15th of the preceding month. See website for advertising rates Grapevine Magazine does not hold itself responsible for the accuracy or opinions of correspondents. Advertisements are accepted in good faith. Any complaints should be taken up with the advertiser. With thanks to all our advertisers and contributors for the articles / photos / ads that makes Grapevine the leader of the pack - we aim to stay leader and will continue to innovate and change to make sure our readers and advertisers are getting the best service on the island

© Grapevine • December 2016


Local Elections 2016 by Barbara Strain

The debate about the local election in Cyprus is over for now and the local elections for 2016 will take place on 18th December. With many residents having discovered their right as EU nationals to vote in local elections, it would seem a good idea to give readers an idea of the voting system used here. The polling stations – often the local school - will be open from about 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a one hour lunch break. All registered voters from the EU are eligible to stand as a candidate for the committee, although candidates for Mayor and Village Community Chairman must be Cypriot citizens. The list of candidates standing in each community is available at the local authority offices. Provided there is more than one candidate for the post of Mayor/Chairman, there will be two separate ballots. You will be given two papers, each a different colour. The first, for the Mayor/ Chairman election, will simply have the names of the candidates and a box in which you place a cross (x or +) or a tick for your preferred candidate. There are no photographs and the writing will be in Greek, so it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the names in advance! The committee election is a bit more complicated for a newcomer to understand. Unlike the UK, which uses a ‘first past the post’ system, Cyprus has adopted a version of proportional representation known as the Party List System. This is one of several voting systems that are intended to make the results more representative of the voters’ intention. The variant used here is the Open List System, where voters have some influence on the order in which a party’s candidates are elected Municipality and Village Committees have membership depending on the number of residents in the town/village. Voters have one vote for every four members of the Committee. For example if there are six seats on the Committee, voters have two votes each. A candidate must be represented in a list to stand for election, either with an


© Grapevine • December 2016

established party, or a coalition of parties, or as an individual. As well as the main political parties there could be candidates from various interest groups who have set up a party for the election, such as fishermen, hunters, or, indeed, the antihunting lobby. On the ballot paper you will see a series of columns with a list of up to six names in each. At the top there will be the logo and name of a political party/coalition/individual. At the bottom of each column on the ballot paper you will find a series of boxes, and you will also see a box next to each of the names. It is important to remember that you can ONLY vote for ONE list (that is one of the columns of candidates). You can put your tick or cross in the box at the bottom, showing your support for the whole of that candidate list. Or you can vote for the designate number of candidates (in our example given above, this is up to two) of the individual candidates in that list. Remember, too, that you will spoil your ballot paper if you vote for more than the allowed number, or if you vote for candidates from more than one list. Once the votes have been counted, the allocation of seats can take place. Expressed simply, the number of valid votes cast is divided by the number of seats available to establish a benchmark to be applied to allocate the seats according to the votes cast for each list. If all the available seats are not filled in this first round, the quota is recalculated according to the number of seats still available and the balance of votes not used. Finally, if there are seats still unallocated, they will be awarded according to the party/coalition/individual with the highest remaining votes.

Š Grapevine • December 2016


Revolution of the Mind Series: Referendum for Cyprus or Not? by Andreas C Chrysafis Article Thtee (of Three)

a referendum and face a similar humiliating defeat as it did with the UN Annan Plan, rejected by 76% of the population. Yet, it continues to insist that partitioning the island into two component states is a good solution.

The Cyprus negotiations underway are purported to “resolve the Cyprus issue” this year and one wonders why the urgency? The consequence of making a wrong agreement has hardly been debated and citizens have also been kept in the dark. During the threeyear-old euphoric negotiations, the Anastasiades government has succumbed to pressure to dissolve the Republic of Cyprus and replace it with a Bi-Zonal, Bi-Communal Federation (BBF). Officials have already started the spin and leaked out innuendos calling the New Cyprus a “Federation”. It’s as if the deal is in “the bag”. If the government gets its way a BBF would be signed contrary to its election promises that the final decision on a BBF would be vested with the people in a referendum vote! Is this the reason why the “pro-BBF” movement suddenly feels smug and reassured that a BBF agreement would inevitably become law with or without a Referendum? The likelihood of abandoning the Referendum cannot be excluded. One can be assured that the Anastasiades government has other plans up its sleeve. It will try to avoid risking the BBF question to

To avoid a backlash or leaks it has decided that the next secretive round of talks will be held between November 7 and 11 at the Swiss resort Mont Pelerine and far away from Cypriots in fear of spoiling those plans. Not surprisingly, the UNSG Ban Ki-moon himself would open the negotiations between the two leaders in Switzerland and the plot thickens. There are opinions that the current charade of negotiations with the Turkish Cypriot leadership should have never started in the first place. What those talks have managed to achieve throughout the years, has been to transform the Turkish military occupation of 40% of the Republic of Cyprus to a fullyfledged bi-communal conflict. That was never the case! However, meaningful peace negotiations are the only way forward to resolve issues or conflicts, and their effectiveness should never be underestimated but they must be conducted honorably. Cyprus in fact, needs a fair solution so it can leap ahead and citizens can start to feel secure without the Turkish troops breathing down their necks with military provocations. An agreement however should not be on the basis of one of gain, but one of optimum gain! This means that under the negotiations one should not give up its own advantage for nothing but a cooperative attitude that will ensure what is gained is not at the expense of the other party, but with it – a win-win situation as they say! The Cyprus negotiations have never been

conducted on a win-win basis but one of hard negotiations. When a party pretends to negotiate, but secretly has no intention of compromising whereby it pretends to reason but has no intention to do so then those negotiation are in “bad faith” and will certainly fail. Worse, when a combination of guile and bluffing or even blackmailing and assertiveness is applied in order to cede as little as possible and gain as much as possible without empathy for the other party, such an agreement if adopted would collapse and create irreconcilable problems in the future. The 1960 Zurich Agreement for Cyprus was a prime example of a badly negotiated agreement and a bad constitution that played havoc in both the Greek and Turkish communities! Negotiations however cannot produce win-win results when negotiating with a bullying and aggressive nation. Firstly, they would never abandon what they have gained by military force and secondly, they will never be satisfied but will demand more in the future. Why should they stop if they are not internationally ostracized by a political backlash? This is the case of Cyprus where a mediocre leadership has not been able to formulate a dynamic long-term defence and foreign policy to deal with Turkey’s military occupation. Instead, it has maintained a compromising policy so as not to offend its western “allies” – just like Greece has done for so many years and the results are obvious today! Cyprus has fallen into a Turkish trap! It has started negotiations in good faith with the Turkish Cypriot leadership and by doing so it has exonerated Ankara’s complicity in the entire tragedy. In fact the T/C’s are Ankara’s scapegoats so it can legalize its military occupation of Cyprus and the BBF agreement would reward Turkey’s Rule of the Jungle. Can Turkey truly be trusted to honour an agreement? Under the Erdogan regime with a leader that abuses every decent principle of human rights against his own people on the premise that they are the enemy to his dictatorial rule, can never and should never be trusted. Under the codename “Operation Euphrates Shield” Erdogan has now invaded Iraq and Syria to capture territories it claims are Turkish and has also laid claims to


© Grapevine • December 2016

Mosul and Aleppo. Under military provocations, Ankara continues to insist that some Greek islands in the Aegean Sea are part of Turkey. It also claims that parts of Evros as well as Thrace in Greece and Akamas water rights are Turkish territories. This is what Cyprus is dealing with: intransigent negotiations under the threat of Turkey’s guns! No matter what happens at next month’s meetings in Switzerland with aims to partition and dissolve the Republic, the Anastasiades government seems anxious to sign his mythical win-win agreement. It would then be up-to the Erdogan regime to dictate if the agreement is to be ratified by the Turkish Cypriot leadership or not! The Greek Cypriot side on the other hand is held hostage at Turkey’s whim. The distrustful charades of hard negotiations were always conducted in bad faith on the premise of: “take it or leave it” or, Ankara would declare the entire occupied area of Cyprus a Turkish protectorate - a blackmailing tactic indeed! Unfortunately, the Republic of Cyprus has never seriously considered the consequences of a possible bad agreement. When a cat is put in unfamiliar surroundings the first thing she does is to search for an escape route for a quick exit; a good partnership agreement on the other hand, it always provides an “escape clause” in the event the partnership doesn’t work out. If the BBF fails and the Republic of Cyprus had already been dissolved in the process, what would follow next? Is there a Plan B? Nobody talks of such a nightmare scenario because there are no answers or studies or even logistics to this question but the answer is quite simple: for the island of Cyprus, it would mean instability and political and social chaos for years to come with unforeseen consequences! A serious dilemma indeed; especially when the government operates in dark corridors without transparency on the premise that Big Brother knows best! People like to believe that a fair agreement will be presented to them without Turkey’s warmongering meddling and without partitioning or the obliteration of the Republic of Cyprus. Meanwhile citizens are none the wiser!

Vote ‘Georgina’ on Saturday 17th December We need your votes to help Georgina win Dansing Junior Competition. Georgina auditioned way back in June and earned her place in the final 11 dancers to perform each week on Mega One TV. She has been dancing since she was just a little girl and spends every minute of every day dancing, even when she should be doing her homework. We have been watching Georgina dancing every weekend now for 12 weeks on MegaOne TV. Every week we have seen Georgina’s dancing improve and every week the judges score her higher and higher. Last week she was given a standing ovation by the dance judge and 3 A+ scores for her contemporary Ballet piece. There is now only one more week to go before the live final on Saturday 17th December. On Sunday 11th December she will be performing a Fusion style of dance. This is a new modern style of dance which is typically improvised and does not conform to any particular dance style. She will be performing this to Alive by Sia. Georgina is the first non-Cypriot in the final and the overall winner is decided 60% from judges scores and 40% from public vote on 17thDecember. Every vote is vital for her to achieve her dream, the judges amazing scores are not enough. We are appealing to everyone of every nationality to get behind her and phone or text their vote and bring the trophy back to Paphos. Her final dance will be performed on a live show on MegaOne TV, Saturday 17th December. Georgina has been working on this piece for several weeks nowwith her choreographer, Ali Roumelioti who teaches her at Young Stars school of performing Arts in Kissonerga. She will be performing a heart wrenching Lyrical piece to I’ll See You Again by Westlife. Check on her FB page for details of how and when to ‘vote Georgina’FB/ GeorginaDanSingJunior

Magically yours by Peter Stammers

Paphos Magic Society easy trick series. This month: The Mystic Seven

Interested in magic then visit: Or email:

Effect: You predict which pile of cards a spectator will choose. Secret: One a piece of paper, you write: “You will choose the Seven pile”. The paper is then folded and given to a spectator for safekeeping. You now take several cards from a pack and arrange them in three face-down piles. The three piles are formed as follows: Pile One: Any seven cards. Pile Two: The four Sevens. Pile Three: An Ace, a Two and a Four (which add up to seven). A spectator is given the choice of any of the three piles. Whichever pile is chosen the prediction is always correct.

© Grapevine • December 2016


Selection of Events in December 10th Saturday Dec at Pentaras Restaurant (Tombs of the Kings - Chloraka), Micheal Antoniou & Simone Swift will be hosting the Casino Royale Christmas Ball; supporting the Alzheimer’s charity. Tickets cost €27.50. 3 course dinner, with a contribution of tickets sales going to the Alzheimer’s charity. Moonriver Swing band will be performing * Christian Everett - illusionist/ magician * Vegas style feather girls/dance show * Casino Tables * Auction to raise additional funds. Dress code: Men - Suit, Woman - Evening Wear. Doors open - 6:30pm, Show starts - 7:15pm. Seats are limited so booking early is advised. For tickets call Michael - 99 854 375 or Simone - 96 920 124 Cancer Patients Support Group SAT 3RD SPACE ART FOR CHARITY – Major charity exhibition of Cypriot and European Artists including artists work from the Tate Gallery in London. There are some 25 artists taking part. This is all taking place at the Annabelle Hotel in Paphos.The opening night is 8pm on 3rd December and the Exhibition goes on until 17th December. 50 percent of all sales of Artists work will go to local charities of which Cancer Patients Support Group is one . For further information ring Sarah on 99254491 or see the Facebook Page “Space Art for Charity” SAT 10TH At the Railway Inn, St Georges Hill, Chloraka. Entertainment by Sarah Jane Hulley. Ticket entrance 10 euro including hot and cold buffet. Tickets from The Railway Inn or Tony tel 99908777. Raffle in aid of Cancer Patients Support Group THURSDAY 15TH Traditional Christmas Dinner at Mothers Restaurant, Kato Paphos, with entertainment and games. Price 12 euro. Ring Martin tel .99296563 or Liz tel 99803060 to book your dinner and avoid disappointment. SAT 24TH Christmas Eve Breakfast at Christos Grill Restaurant in the Old Town(opposite the lower car park) from 10am. This has been a Christmas tradition for a number of years and all are welcome to support us. Entertainment by B#harp” plus a raffle in aid of Cancer Patients Support Group PARC Christmas Gifts & Bargains Galore at our Christmas Fayre & Saturday Table Top Sale from 10pm till 2am on the 10th December at the Coral Star Restaurant opposite Phillippos Supermarket Coral Bay. Vendor Tables also available for €10 each call Pam (99059068) for bookings Exercise those brain cells by entering our monthly Tuesday Fun Quiz 7-30 start & €5 entry also at the Coral Star (full bar & food available) Next Quiz 6th December Call Fiona (96589430) for more details or to book your team PARC would like to say a big thank you and to wish all of our supporters and volunteers a Merry Christmas and all good things in 2017 or more information please visit our website ( or our Facebook page ( Flamenco Evening Sunday 11 7pm. Oscar Guzman – guitar, Andres Canoso - dancer at A´ Lyceum School Paphos. Plus a Cyprus ethnic jazz performance by Oscar Guzman (guitar), Alexis Charalambous (violin) and Polis Charalambous (guitar) Tickets: €12, €10 (students). Tel: 99632346, Email: Sponsored by Royal Blue Hotel and Spa and the Paphos Academy of Fine Arts. Note: If you would like to sit with P3ACG members, please mention P3A when booking and upon arrival. Directions: From Kennedy Square, head out of town passing the old Police station on the left. The venue will be found a short distance on the left opposite the Municipal Park and the Town Hall. A´ LYCEUM; Archbishop Makarios III Street, Paphos. Droushia Dixie Seven Saturday 17at 7.30pm, Dixieland Jazz Band. The Vineleaf Restaurant Pissouri Beach. Bar opens at 7pm. Full hot and cold buffet served from 7.30pm. Come and listen, jive or stomp to the goodtime jazz of the 30s made popular by the likes of Louis Armstrong Kid Ory Sidney Bechet Chris Barber Acker Bilk and many more Tickets: €20 including dinner Reservations Tel: 25221053. Vineleaf Restaurant, The Beach Road, 53 Ampelonon Street, Pissouri Casino Royale Christmas Ball On Saturday the 10th at Pentaras Restaurant (Tombs of the Kings - Chloraka), Micheal Antoniou & Simone Swift will be hosting the Casino Royale Christmas Ball; supporting the Alzheimer’s charity. Tickets cost €27.50 3 course dinner, with a contribution of tickets sales going to the Alzheimer’s charity. * Moonriver Swing band will be performing * Christian Everett - illusionist/magician * Vegas style feather girls/dance show * Casino Tables * Auction to raise additional funds. Dress code: Men - Suit, Woman - Evening Wear. Doors open - 6:30pm, Show starts 7:15pm. Seats are limited so booking early is advised For tickets call : Michael - 99 854 375 or Simone - 96 920 124 An Evening of Popular Classical Music Paphos Kidney Association and Polis Charalambous present on Sunday 4 6.30pm


© Grapevine • December 2016

For this month’s live music listings visit

The Royal Blue Luxury Hotel and Spa, Yeroskipou Paphos. Staphanie Charalambous, Alexis Charalambous, Elena Efthimiou, Chrysoula Pentara, Jenny Barras, Polis Charalambous Programme includes: JS Bach: Air On G String, G Faure: Pavane Op. 50, A Vivaldi: Guitar Concerto in D,F Chopin: Nocturnes No 19 & 20, J. Massenet: Meditation,Soprano arias. Following the set programme, there will be an informal session of international music. Doors open at 6pm with a buffet at 6.30pm followed by the evening’s programme Tickets: Entry by advance purchased ticket only €18. Available from Polis Tel: 99632346, Email or Graham Tel: 99244679, Email Directions: From Debenham’s Roundabout drive toward Geriskipou, keeping in the left lane. At the second set of traffic lights turn left, straight up to the ‘T’ junction, turn right and then first left driving all the way up to the top of the hill to The Royal Blue Hotel. Tel: 26818111, Paphos Private Dog Sanctuary Carol Service and Christmas Fayre Bonamare Beach Bar, Airport Road, Timi, Sunday 11th December 11am – 4pm.. Come along and sing Christmas Carols with the children of the TLC Choir. Then sit back, relax and enjoy the other entertainment. Tickets: €12 adult - €6 children (includes a buffet). To book call Bonamare Beach Bar on 99 800 298 or Kim 96 785 976 Elea Christmas Fair Sunday 4th December. Elea Golf Club, Nr. Geroskipou on the Paphos airport road. Open from 10am to 4pm. Arts and Crafts, Full day of entertainment. Charity Raffle on behalf of Friends Hospice. Free entry, festival food and drinks available all day. For details or to exhibit please e-mail, or call 99 387 311 Polis Animal Rescue Group Presents Glenn Barnes: Singer and multi-instrumentalist. Wednesday 7 December 7pm. Drousia Heights Hotel. Bar opens 6.30pm, food served from 7pm. Four Decades of classic pop including Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks, Neil Young, Animals, Bob Dylan, Doors, George Ezra and many others. You may not have heard of Glenn Barnes before but this is someone who will make you sit up. Glenn is an established entertainer in the UK and has only recently moved to Cyprus. He plays acoustic guitar, 12 string guitar, electric guitar, banjo and harmonica all with great professionalism. He sings a wide variety of Classic Pop from the 60’s to the present day often accompanied by his wife. With the delicious buffet the Droushia Heights Hotel is providing, this is going to be a great night. Tickets: €20 including sumptuous Christmas buffet For tickets call Droushia Heights Hotel - Tel: 26332200 or Colin - Tel: 99146652 Table Top Sales at St Barnabas 3rd and 17th December – the last ones for 2016! We will take a break in January and then start again in February. For more information/ to reserve a pitch email nora. or call 99356451 • Follow our Facebook page: events/556469891217212/ • Are you struggling to make ends meet? • Do you have unwanted items cluttering up your home? • Are you raising funds for a charity or community group? • If yes, why not reserve a pitch at St Barnabas’ Table Top Sale and make some extra cash. Pitches, the length of one long table cost €10 each excluding tables. • Remember you are helping the environment by recycling things rather than consigning them to a landfill site. • Buyers you can pick up a bargain. Previous items for sale have included art, baby items, books, bric-a-brac, DVDs, greeting cards, household goods, jewellery, small collectible antiques, good quality second-hand clothing, handmade crafts, pre-loved treasures, toys, yummy home baking and much more besides. • This is always a great day out for the family so come and join us. • Free car parking in various locations around the church grounds. Please use your discretion and do not park directly in front of st barnabas as you risk incurring a fine by the traffic wardens. • Refreshments will be on sale in the church hall where you can be assured of a warm welcome! Kamares Christmas Fair Raises Money for Local Charities The annual Christmas Bazaar held on Saturday 12th November at Kamares Club, Tala, attracted hundreds of local visitors. There was over 50 stall holders displaying their home made and imported goods and the day raised over 800.00€ for Cancer Patients Support Group and the Royal British Legion. Organisers In Any Event said ‘The event is more popular each year and we must say a special thanks to our entertainers, Jason Collins, playing festival music throughout the day, Celia, Thompson School of Dance, The Dream Girls and Colin Wright on Saxaphone. Thanks also to the staff at Leptos Kamares Club for their help and to everyone who came to help raise the much needed money for the charities’.

Events @ Paphiakos THE BEST CHRISTMAS BAZAAR – Saturday 03.12.2016 At Alexander the Great Hotel in Kato Paphos – open between 10am and 4pm. Lots of stalls selling the best hand-made and best quality items! From wooden candles to cakes, from scarves to jewellery, we’ve got it all! DJ George Kara will be present all day, Santa will come for a visit and children from a dance school will show us their best moves! Food & drink is available and a great day in the best location possible is guaranteed. Come many! For stalls and information please call 99753217. MULLED WINE EVENING - Thursday 08.12.2016 At Paphiakos T-Rooms in Kato Paphos – between 6pm and 8pm, join us for a glass of the best mulled wine in town, mince pies and stolen! Simone Swift will be present to sing some Christmas carols, bring a small gift to the value of €5 to give to someone present and just have a great time! €5 donation. For information please telephone 99753217. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SATURDAY MARKET – Saturday 10.12.2016 At Ambassador Restaurant in Kato Paphos – The longest running market in Paphos puts on its best Christmas attire! Open as usual between 8am and 1pm, with lots of entertainment throughout the day and the largest variety of stalls! Cakes, jewellery, clothes, fresh veg, new & second hand stuff and much more! To book a stall call 97718675. BOXING DAY SWIM – Monday 26.12.2016 At Vardas Beach – The traditional sponsored swim is taking place as usual, starting 10am. People are going in the sea as usual, but this year’s surprise is Elsa the German Shepherd who’s sponsorship forms are already in circulation. If you’d like to sponsor our dear working dog Elsa, please telephone Kevin, her dad, at 97689915. JANUARY SALES SHOPPING TRIP TO NICOSIA - Thursday 26.01.2017 We can’t miss the January Sales! Another traditional trip here at Paphiakos, very popular! As usual, departure at 7:45am from the Paphiakos T-Rooms, pick-up from Rantzo at Pissouri around 8:15am. Stop over at Choirokoitia for refreshments. Then, M&S Strovolos, drop-off near the Old Post Office in the Old Town of Nicosia, then IKEA & Mall of Cyprus. Tickets are on sale, but seats are limited so be quick to avoid disappointment! Call or text 99753217.

© Grapevine • December 2016


Useful Apps by Barbarian

With so many smart phones and tablets on the market these days, it’s maybe time to have a look at some of the applications (apps) that have become so much an integral part of these devices. It may be that you don’t even think you are using apps, but remember that things like Google Translate or Kindle Reader come under the heading of apps and you will start to see that you are probably already reliant on several of them. Here we will look for useful apps that come for free. First of all, a look at some of the apps for Windows 10. The weather app included on Windows systems is OK, but ‘The Weather Channel’ goes much further. You can easily access multiple locations, see animated weather maps, read weather news, and watch weather videos. The app can even notify you about severe weather, rain, or breaking news. The app takes advantage of Cortana voice control, so you can say to your computer «Show me forecast videos» or «Show me weather at work.» If you have a Windows phone, and don’t want to pay for a Kindle device, download the ‘Kindle’ app for free and read eBooks on your Windows Phone. The Kindle reading app gives you access to a whole library full of books that can be synced over different devices so you can pick up from where you were, on any device that has the app installed. Android apps, whether from Google Play or another source, are many and varied. You probably have several loaded on your device. If you happen to notice that your battery is draining faster than it should, there’s a good chance one of your apps has gone rogue in the background. ‘Hello Battery’ is here to keep your apps under control. It’s free to download and use, thanks to the unobtrusive ads it carries. A secondary shortcut allows you to quickly change battery modes directly from the home screen.


© Grapevine • December 2016

If you are the sort of user who bookmarks a lot of sites when browsing, ‘Stash’ may prove to be a really useful Android app to download. It automatically organises them into categories based on their subject matter. And the bookmarking revolution isn’t limited to mobile since Stash is available on PC as a browser extension that syncs with your other devices. Across operating systems there are several apps that claim to help block those unwanted and annoying adverts. For Android there’s ‘AdBlock’, available from the Play Store. It blocks YouTube, Facebook and ads everywhere else on the web. You can choose to continue seeing unobtrusive ads, whitelist your favourite sites, or block all ads by default. Just install, then visit your favourite website and see the ads disappear! Unobtrusive ads aren’t blocked in order to support websites. For your iOS devices there’s an ad blocker from the well-known Kaspersky Lab. ‘Kaspersky AdCleaner’ for iOS removes and blocks ads, popups, autoplay videos, tracking scripts codes and other inappropriate content from your iPhone and iPad devices for clean and private mobile web browsing. If you are fed up with having to remember all those complicate passwords to access your websites, there are several password saver apps available. Your iPhone you can download ‘SaferPass’ for free. SaferPass Password Manager makes life easy; you will never forget another password and you can generate strong passwords that you don’t have to remember. What’s more, passwords are autofilled for you as you go to your sites. SaferPass can automatically log you in, fill in form information, and help to backup your passwords. It uses modern cryptography to make sure nobody else than you can’t access your personal accounts. Once you log in, they are stored securely encrypted with your master password. There are, of course, many more apps for all operating systems. You can pick and mix to suit your lifestyle and use of your devices.

For Sale

Honda Accord 1800cc € 750 ono Please call: 99 855635

© Grapevine • December 2016


Will You Wait for the Date? by Sam Orgill

5 Things to Protect your Overseas Property Investment from Expenses Plus Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings

In every case there is a legal process to go though: • to secure income to pay for living and medical expenses,

When you consider relocation the first thing you consider is somewhere to live. The second is to manage your income, whether from pension, investments, business or as a contractor. When you make the move to become an expat you get busy making local registrations for everything from electricity to visas, tax to social club, bank accounts to medical. We understand this.

• to sell or transfer overseas property investment and business assets to family and partners

Experience ProACT Partnership have developed our experience and skills for Expats Living and working abroad for over 16 years. We have built a deep understanding of how to organise a Family’s overseas property, business and pension assets to make the best tax savings, and to minimise the costs and delay when something goes wrong or the family simply decide to sell up and move on or relocate back home. Will you wait for that date of destiny? Plan Ahead What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas and achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, is the exit strategy. Of course the property purchase has to be completed quickly before it is ‘sold to the other buyer’. You can sort the details of finances while on the beach sipping cocktails, right? EU Brexit for Expats could impact in this areas with forced heirship and taxes invalidating existing arrangements. Begin With The Exit in Mind You could. In our experience it is better to prepare with the exit in mind. We have seen our client’s family lose their health through accident, disease or dementia. We have seen relationship break up in family, or between business partners, creating stress and financial loss. It could be that the children or parents back home need you to return, or that a partner dies or is seriously ill.

• to provide the best medical and nursing care after losing good health Property Tax Savings When Selling or Transferring When you do come to sell overseas property investments and business there is also a potential tax liability. Capital Gains and Inheritance Tax Savings of up to 45% can be achieved if you have organised your assets in a tax efficient manner. By looking forward, planning ahead you can save thousands in tax when selling overseas property. 5 Things to Protect your Overseas Property Investment 1. Make a Will for the Country the Overseas Property Investment or Business is located. This can save probate costs and time delays on death for your family 2. Write a Lasting Power of Attorney in case of accident or ill health to stop property assets, bank accounts, pensions or investments being frozen. Keep the Family in Control 3. Make a Trust to hold Overseas Property Investment. Keep the Family in Control, avoid the time and Expense of a/ Probate on death or b/ Ill health 4. Make a Family Trust to achieve Property Transfer Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax Savings up to 40% on overseas property, business and investments 5. Review the tax residency of the Owners of the Overseas Property Investment – Income from rentals and dividends can be taxed with widely different tax rates and allowances Make a Will Trust to Protect Cyprus Overseas Property Investment Make a Will and Trust your family and friends to protect your assets on death. A Family Trust avoids Cyprus laws of succession. By creating a Family Trust today for Cyprus Property you could also make tax savings in capital gains, inheritance tax and property transfer taxes. Look Forward – Plan Ahead Overseas Property Investment in Cyprus has become a better investment with lower property taxes in Cyprus. ProACT can offer help and guidance for Expats. Asset Protection is about looking forward to make an exit strategy for tax savings and lower costs. ProACT expat experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website. ProACT Expat Experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website. We value your feedback, please comment and share on our articles on our website www.

Night at the Opera Raises €1,200 The Orphean Singers have raised €1,200 through their ‘Night at the Opera’ in the Annabelle Hotel, Paphos, for The Friends’ Hospice. Picture shows Chairman Judith Perret presenting the cheque to Chris Jones, President of The Friends’ Hospice Foundation. The hospice provides palliative care, completely free of charge, to people suffering from illnesses for which there is no medical cure. Since its establishment in 1992, the Orphean Singers have donated more than €75,000 to local charities.


© Grapevine • December 2016

Š Grapevine • December 2016


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Give your Body the Holiday of a Lifetime 7 Days Half-board in a Wellness Rejuvenation Room 14th - 21st January 2017 The Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms offer the latest technology to help revitalise your body and mind by creating the perfect environment to soothe you into a deep healing sleep, leaving you to wake feeling refreshed and invigorated.

In your Wellness Rejuvenation Room you will find: Magnetic mattresses, which magnetise your entire body, relieving it from all aches, pains and stress. Magnetic pillows, which reduce neck and shoulder pain and stimulate circulation resulting in healthier blood with increased oxygen and nutrients. Far-Infrared Technology which balances the temperature of the bed for added comfort. Nikken anti-bacterial bedding that kills dust mites which is a great relief for anyone who suffers from asthma or sinus problems. A Power Plate Vibrogym, which can give you the equivalent of a full body workout in just 15 minutes. An air purifier, which removes contaminants from the air, great for allergy sufferers and asthmatics giving mountain fresh natural air indoors! A hot tub on the balcony, which has views to three compass directions. A water de-ioniser to filter all the water in the bathroom for an invigorating, soft, purified, mineral rich, perfectly PH balanced shower. Plus hydrotherapy bath, and Dermalife Spa-Jet machine in the bathroom. Television, fridge, tea and coffee making facilities including an expresso coffee machine. The Fortina Spa Resort has developed a “Dine around the World” concept, offering six Restaurants, most of which are located in the spectacular Tropical Garden, each specialising in a different cuisine from around the World. These Restaurants are Taste; serving Mediterranean and Vietnamese cuisine, Sa Re Ga Ma serving Indian cuisine, Can Thai; serving Thai and Chinese cuisine, Il Giardino pizzeria, Ristorante Tigne; specialising in Italian and Continental cuisine. Our specially designed and decorated restaurants, authentic chefs and waiting staff make dining in each Restaurant an experience in itself. The Fortina Spa Resort offers a wide range of therapies from around the World. The Spa offers beauty treatments, specialised treatments, a Physiotherapy Clinic, Chinese medicine and a range of other treatments. You also have daily use of the Spa Sante where facilities include: Whirlpool, Steam Room, Sauna, Ice Grotto, Lanconium, Relaxation room, Aqua Meditation and Pedi Jets. I have been enjoying this holiday for some years now, but am unable to go in January 2017 and can offer my week...

Price for the week €1500 (normal price €3100) for 2 persons on half-board basis Please phone 99 580350 for more information © Grapevine • December 2016


Peyia Bowling Club News

Shogun Short Mat Bowling

After a very busy Autumn of bowling in the Shirley and Ivan InterOur Charity Day on 19th November is fast approaching and will be Club Triples League and playing many visiting teams to Cyprus, all over by the time of this publication. Our chosen charity is the December will find us enjoying a more restful bowling schedule. Our Cancer Patients Support Group (Paphos). Mr Colin Lewington, photo shows some differing styles of delivering a bowl, featuring Chairman of the Group, came to Shogun to outline the good work from the left Stuart, Alan, George, Sheila and Shirley. that this charity does. Many people donate freely of their time to help cancer sufferers within the community. The results of S&I Triples League will be known after the final matches on 1 December, our Club results have seen us holding on to 4th place against a very Shogun have chosen wisely in supporting this tightly contested competition of 8 teams, with 14 Home and Away matches to be played. With another 4 matches to go, our team of 12 players (4 triples very worthwhile charity. More information about teams) will strive to improve our position on the League Table and maintain our Charity Day in next our record of winning at least one of the four games in every match we have month’s issue. played so far, our average being 2 plus per match. Throughout the Autumn, we have continued to play visiting Clubs from the UK, some of which are more competitive than others. However, whatever the results, we enjoy playing the matches and socialising after, with new or returning Clubs to Cyprus. On 5th December we will see the start of the Club 4 Bowls Championships to be played in 5 categories. Also, individual Members and Teams from the Club will begin the National Competitions season with the finals to be held in May 2017. Our Club Christmas meal and party will be held on 12th December at the Anesi Restaurant with Dominic Holmes to entertain us. Our Club Members pride themselves on their welcome to new or experienced Bowlers and Social Members too. We offer new or experienced Bowlers of any level, coaching on an individual or team basis. Look us up on our Club Web site or phone Mike Holtom on 99296508. Or pop down to the Green at the Corallia Beach Hotel, on a Saturday or Wednesday at 9.30am for 10.0am, or a Monday afternoon at 2.0pm for 2.30pm, to meet us and see for yourself just how much we enjoy our game of Bowls.

At the end of October we enjoyed a great weekend of bowling at the Mimosa Charity event in Protaras. Fourteen members of Shogun made the Phil Lodwick (far left) and team with journey for the inter-club Runners’ Up Trophy competition and three of our players – Derek Smith, Phil Lodwick and Jimmy Allison were in teams which reached the semi finals. Phil’s team made it to the final but was narrowly beaten. Well done everyone who took part. On the Friday evening we were all entertained by a quiz presented by Derek Lemon and this proved a great success. Well done Derek. On the Sunday morning we all moved on to the Kama Bowling Club (also in Protaras) for our Tens League Match. This is a competition for all the clubs in Cyprus played on a home and away basis. This is a new experience for some of our members and although we were squarely beaten by 6.1/2 – 1.1/2 it was thoroughly enjoyed and in good company. The weekend was rounded off on our way home with a delicious fish and chip supper and a well earned drink in Mandria. If you fancy taking up a sport which gives gentle exercise and in a friendly atmosphere why not give Shogun a try. We meet three times a week – Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 9.30 for a 9.30 start. There is a break mid-way through when tea, coffee or a soft drink along with biscuits are available. There is no membership fee to pay – just pay as you play. This is particularly good for people who are not permanently resident in Cyprus. The only requirement is to wear flat, heel-less shoes. The club has a variety of bowls which can be borrowed and tuition is freely given. The club is situated at the Shogun Karate Club which is situated along the main road of the village of Emba. For further information contact Malcolm 99077165, Danny 97637824

Positive Approach Needed For Bowls Cyprus Membership Recruitment The need to increase membership and initiate recruitment within the green bowling community was emphasised by Chairman David Hart at the recently-held annual meeting of Bowls Cyprus. While membership had declined over the past year at three of the four clubs on the island, the need to be positive by seeking new members was essential, he said. “Bowls Cyprus must commit efforts to improve the overall number of players on the island with a campaign to increase membership,” he said. “We know about those leaving Cyprus, but what about the existing audience we have on our own doorstep”? In order to get the message out more affectively clubs should hold open days, special coaching days, social events and possibly evening sessions for those working during the day. Bowls Cyprus was in the process of drafting some publicity material to help “shout” about the clubs and bowls and while at the early stage of development this would be processed as quickly as possible. 16 © Grapevine • December 2016

Opening his report, the Chairman thanked the officers who had served during the past year and for their dedication and time spent processing Bowls Cyprus. The result had seen a move forward for the betterment of bowls on the island which had produced a level of transparency for all bowlers to be kept aware of what was happening through a monthly newsletter. During the meeting Linda Ryan, a member of the Aliathon Bowling Club and a founder member of Bowls Cyprus, was made an Honorary Member of Bowls Cyprus for her work within the organisation and her playing skills which included representing Cyprus on a number of occasions at International tournaments. At the conclusion of the meeting retiring President Carol McGrath (In the report sent through earlier today regarding the Bowls Cyprus AGM, would you please note that in the final paragraph, the retiring President, Carol McGrath (Peyia BC) handed over the President’s chain of office to John Warner (Aliathon BC) for his term of office. For further information: Roger Shire, Press and PR Executive Officer,

Common Reporting Standards (CRS) by Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI

I wrote about this subject at the beginning of this year but thought it worthwhile running it again to remind those of you that have already read it and to inform new readers In July 2005 the EU Savings Directive came into force. This directive obliged financial institutions to exchange information with the tax authorities of the customers’ tax residence on interest/income earned on deposits and fixed income stocks. Much more information is now to be exchanged. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) approved by the OECD Council on 15 July 2014, calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. With growing frustration over tax evasion, the OECD has galvanised 100 countries into action. 56 countries have signed up to commence exchange of information from September 2017 on an annual basis on data starting from January 1st 2016, with another 41 countries adopting to exchange information in 2018. The EU is fully committed, as are the UK Crown Dependencies, namely Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. CRS operates on a tax residency basis not on nationality, domicile or citizenship. Example: CRS provides that a UK domicile, tax resident in Cyprus, with wealth in Jersey, will have data on them and their relevant assets in Jersey made available by the Jersey financial institution annually to the Jersey authorities who in turn will pass this on to the Cyprus tax authority. Reportable information includes but is not limited to information on the account holder, the relevant account number, the account balance or value, all types of investment income, and sales proceeds from financial assets and other income generated with respect to assets held in the account or payments made with respect to the account. Reporting institutions do not only include banks, but also custodians, certain brokers, collective investment vehicles and insurance companies where contracts have redeemable cash values. Reportable accounts include those held by individuals, trusts and foundations, with a look through to passive entities to report on the individuals that ultimately own or control them This means that financial institutions will look through shell companies, trusts or similar arrangements to cover situations where a taxpayer seeks to hide the principal but is willing to pay tax on the income. This is important for shareholders of companies where there are nominee directors etc. and for beneficiaries of Trusts. Many Governments have decided to implement complementary measures to encourage those whose affairs are not up to date to regularise them in advance of the first transfer of information. However, it should be noted that financial institutions which are within the early adopting jurisdictions will have taken snapshots of appropriate data as of 1 January 2016, which will ultimately be automatically exchanged. The exact timing will relate to the value at that date, with accounts greater than $1m coming before lower value accounts. Offshore bonds in the majority of jurisdictions legitimately and legally provide gross roll up, tax deferral, and a number of flexible options where, with the benefit of quality advice, the burden of tax might be reduced. It is extremely important that readers understand the consequences of failing to declare offshore income and gains, and, more importantly, to ensure they are not in an arrangement which they think is legitimate when it isn’t. Anyone concerned about whether their capital, income and gains need to be disclosed should take action. The OECD and Governments around the world plan for this to be a game-changer, as soon there really will be nowhere left to hide. We should remember that holding wealth overseas is often perfectly legal. It is the non-disclosure of wealth where obliged to do so that is illegal and this is what the CRS is aiming to address For more information on how the CRS may affect you please contact me. As this is the last article of 2016 I would like to wish readers a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous 2017 Elgin is a trade name of Numisma Capital Ltd which is authorised and regulated by CySEC (License Number 122/10). Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute financial advice in any way

© Grapevine • December 2016


A South African Christmas by Cherry Dobbins

To thirds of the population of South Africa are Christian and most of these are Protestant, although there are some churches that mix Christian beliefs with African ones. Whatever the denomination, Christmas, on December 25th, is a huge religious festival. Families come together and most people go to church on Christmas Eve to sing carols by candlelight and again on Christmas morning to celebrate the birth of Christ. Due to the many connections between Britain and South Africa most of the Christmas traditions are the same. There are presents, decorated trees, crackers, stockings and, of course, Santa Claus. You may even find a few houses decorated with lights. The main difference is that this all takes place in summer. Christmas dinner could be a barbeque or ‘braai’ as it is often called. Suckling pig is popular as well as turkey or beef. The main course is served with roast potatoes and vegetables or with yellow rice with raisins and vegetables. Some people find the British Christmas pudding too heavy and various lighter sweets are cooked. The famous Malva pudding being one of them. Unlike in Britain, Christmas afternoon is spent going out to visit friends and family or for getting together on the beach for a swim. Boxing Day is also a public holiday, allowing people to recover from the festivities before returning to work.

Festive Nuts Turn oven to 180°C Take 200g of mixed nuts of your choice and sprinkle over a baking tray. Melt 2 good tablespoons of butter and our over the nuts. Sprinkle to taste with paprika Roast for 10 to 15 minutes until golden brown.

Brie and Shallot Tarte Tatin This is a lovely vegetarian dish. You could use olives, fetta, tomatoes and basil instead of the brie and onions. If you can find the small pickling onions use those otherwise use half moon slices of red onion. Pastry 175g S.R. flour 90g chilled butter 1 tbs. chopped fresh herbs (optional) chilled water Filling 300g shallots peeled 30g butter 2 tbsp. olive oil 2 tsp. dark brown sugar salt and pepper slices of brie Make the pastry by rubbing the butter into the flour, stir in the herbs and then just bring together with a little cold water. Bring together into a ball, wrap and put in the fridge for 10 minutes. Turn oven to 200°C Put the onions into cold water and bring to the boil. If using sliced red onion take out as soon as the water reaches the boil. If using tiny onions allow to boil for 4 or 5 minutes. Choose a non stick frying of the size you want the dish to be as it will be your tart tin. It must also go in the oven.

Cashew Nut Stuffing

Heat the butter and oil in the frying and fry the onions with the sugar gently until they caramelise.

Sufficient for a 5kg turkey

Season to taste

1 sweet potato

Remove from the heat and lay over the slices of brie. When served the onions will be on top and the brie underneath.

butter and olive oil liver and heart of the turkey, chopped fine 500g pork sausage meat 4 rashers bacon, chopped fine 1 small tub chicken livers, chopped fine 2 onions, chopped fine 3 slices brown bread, crumbed 600g cashew nuts, chopped small salt and pepper ½ lemon, juice of chopped parsley brandy (optional) 2 eggs, beaten Bake the sweet potato and remove the skin and chop.

Roll the pastry out into a circle that will comfortably cover the food with a bit to spare. Lay the pastry over the cheese and onions and tuck down the sides. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven. Place the serving dish over the tart and invert. Serve immediately.

Panettone Pudding Much lighter than Christmas pudding this is more like a bread and butter pudding. 1 panettone (not the small or extra large just the usual sized one) 400ml cream 400ml milk 4 large eggs 1550g sugar

Heat a knob of butter in a good slug of olive oil and fry the onion, bacon, heart and livers with the sausage meat and cashew nuts, stirring all the time, till the mixture just changes colour all over.

110g softened butter

Add the sweet potato, mix well

Generous splash of Filfar or brandy (optional but nice)

Add the breadcrumbs and mix well

Turn oven to 180°C

Finally mix in the salt, pepper, lemon juice, chopped parsley, a good slug of brandy and the eggs.

Slice the pannetone evenly, 1 cm wide

Stuff your turkey. 18 © Grapevine • December 2016

10 tbs. orange marmalade

Butter the slices and spread generously with the marmalade

In a buttered pudding dish, layer the slices in a slightly upright way. Beat together the eggs and sugar. Add the cream, milk and booze.

Chocolate and Amarula Trifle

If you haven’t drunk the rest of the Amarula you could use some of it to make this trifle for Boxing Day or New Year’s Day.

Pour over the pannetone leaving a little if the bread above the surface to get crisp.

20cm by 20cm chocolate cake, best made the day before so it is a little dry.

Leave to soak for a good 20 minutes

1L egg custard, homemade or tinned as you prefer

Bake for 1 hour or until the custard has just set. The actual time depends on the depth of the dish. Cover with foil for the last 15 minutes if necessary.

500ml whipped cream A good handful flaked almonds

Traditional South African Malva Pudding with an Untraditional Amarula Sauce

2 chocolate flakes (or grated chocolate)

Amarula is drink that is a bit like Bailey’s. Sweet and creamy it has a more fruity flavour. It is available in many supermarkets including Khlorakas branch of Papantoniou.

In a glass trifle dish place a layer of half of the chocolate cake and spoon over (or douse) with Amarula.

The pudding recipe is from uktvfood as I had a problem converting millilitres to ounces or tablespoons. The sauce recipe is South African in format and so in millilitres. I just used a measuring jug for this. Malva pudding is traditionally served with vanilla ice cream and, or cream.

2 -3 or more tots Amarula

Top with half the custard. Starting with the outside put on blobs of cream till half the cream is used up. Sprinkle over half the nuts and chocolate. Repeat the above layers but spread the cream evenly over the custard.

Pudding 115g SR flour 1 tbsp. bicarbonate of soda Pinch salt 225g castor sugar 1 egg 1 tbsp. apricot jam (no lumpy bits) 200ml milk 1 tbsp butter, melted 1 tbsp white wine vinegar Sauce 125ml melted butter 200ml cream 125ml caster sugar 100ml Amarula Turn oven to 200°C. Grease a medium sized pudding basin (about 500ml capacity) For the pudding sift together the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Put to one side Using an electric whisk, whisk together the sugar, eggs and apricot jam for 15 minutes or until they are a pale colour.

Geseende Kerfees - ‘Merry Christmas’ in Afrikaans.

Blend half the milk into the mixture. Fold half the flour mix into the mixture Blend in the remaining milk. Fold in the remaining flour mix. Fold in the vinegar and melted butter Pour into the basin and cover with foil. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour until firm to touch and brown. Whilst baking prepare the sauce. Put the sugar, butter and cream into a pan and warm until the sugar has melted. Add the booze and stir through. Remove the cooked pudding from the oven and turn onto a serving plate and immediately, but slowly, pour over the hot sauce. Hopefully it will soak into the pudding. Serve any remaining sauce in a jug.

Farmers & Crafters: “Special Christmas Market in Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden with Farmers, Arts and Crafts, roasted chestnuts, home made mulled wine from local grapes, mince pies, Santa, choir, the whole lot! Sunday 4/dec 10am-2pm. Local, natural, homemade and handmade! Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers, artists and crafters. Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visit or contact 96425879/99993412.” © Grapevine • December 2016


Letter from Limassol Originality! By Michalis D. Papas

To write something is easy, but what will it be your offer to humanity if it is not something original? So, an artist if he/ she is going to be called a great master must be as fresh as a glass of water. So, if you want to be successful as an artist you must find something to offer to the world which is so original that nobody else has offered up to now! The surrealist movement, filled by paranoia, was not liked by the Nazis and so they had burned most works of ART that were found in Bauhaus! The world has condemned this action of destruction but what was created by famous artists as Paul Klee, and so many surrealists was burned. This means invaluable works of art were then ashes and so they were lost! The same happens now with ISIS when Islam makes them so paranoiac that they destroy nearly all of cultural worth! I am not certainly going to go into the self-admiration and say that I am one of these masters, but I am going here to stand and admire the works of so many fellow artists and say to the world: I have fellow artists that one day, the soonest possible, will come and offer their hand for a handshake with me that I have kicked away two scholarships just to satisfy the love I have for art, let it being POETRY, PAINTING, SCULPTURE, or even pieces of WRITING for my people, pieces of comment about society! Am I then original, as to be named as equal as Picasso, or Kandinsky, or whomever have you? I have made a workshop in Limassol, and I have about 140 paintings that not many people have seen! These works of art are part of my offer to the world, to the culture of all those who have eyes to see, all those who have ears to here. I am not saying that I am the new Picasso, but I am saying that the Cypriot artists are as original as the surrealists and they are worth considering as part of any home! My wife is a painter who has graduated with distinction from Hammersmith School of Building and Design and the comments are flattering, about my work! So, I have the humble opinion that you should never criticize a work of art, unless you know the artist well, or even unless you have understood his motives. Is he an artist just to make money? Is he an artist to decorate? Is he a philosopher-artist who has sacrificed everything just to make art to please first himself, and then every work of art he makes is a part and projection of him/ her?

Ode of a Middle Aged Man by David Waite

I’m still in my jim-jams and its 12 o’clock I’ve eaten my breakfast and run round the block I can’t find my tee-shirt and I’ve lost a sock Another day has begun. The number I dialled was not what I wanted The e-mails I accessed were all back-to-fronted The cat in the garden looks mangy and hunted Another day has begun The news on the wireless is black and depressing Clinton or Trump? – it’s got us all guessing If they both throw their hats in, ‘twould be a big blessing Another day has begun I look in the fridge to see what’s for dinner I’m getting so plump, but I want to get thinner I know I’m a saint, but I feel like a sinner Another day has begun I go to the bathroom to have a quick shave My head now is beach where once there were waves I look like a wildman, just emerged from the caves Another day has begun My ipad is wi-fi, my mobile is nifty I count all my texts – there’s well over fifty Some are quite genuine, others look iffy

If a work of art is worth to be placed into your sitting room to make the environment pleasant and to make you think? Then buy it and put it into your sitting room and when you are tired of it sell it and get your money back, but obviously buy something if not equivalent, something to make your environment pleasant, and above all to make you think and say: what has this man/woman has passed when making this work of art? Is he so spontaneous as to give up everything else, just to give something original to the world culture that nobody else has done up to now? Then his work of art is worth having and it will sell for millions!

Another day has begun

A penny for your thoughts then! To offer everything to the world culture is what makes a great artist, and I am not saying that I am one of them, but to be original is what makes you a real artist. When I had a fractured bowl I was put in bed for two months. My now deceased mother was reading to me fables and stories and I have liked and I was fascinated by the story of the great painter Rafael! I said to my mother then: I want to be like him. My father when my mother told him, made everything in his power to give me books and tools and I dare say now: I have a fellow artist, whose name I have forgotten! Is it you?

Some folks hit the bottle, but that’s not the answer

God bless and goodnight and always remember Saint’s John box, for the needy and poor! Sacrifice everything else and make art, and this will be worth as a piece of art that nobody else has done. Be original and you have succeeded. Imitate and you will be a monkey! This certainly is an original work of writing! If you imitate us and you may write one too, then, like us, give it for publication and we shall say: we have a fellow artist! 20 © Grapevine • December 2016

As words so eternal my soul do caress

The clouds are quite heavy, it might even thunder With lightening so bright it makes us all wonder If relying on gadgets is just a big blunder Another day has begun

Some bake a cake or become a good dancer While turning to crime makes others a gangster Another day has begun I open the Bible – I know it will bless At the end of my readings I’m free of all stress Another day has begun

Christmas Blues.

by Dr Vasilios Silivistris, DipComp DipSup MBACP BA MA FRSH PhD

about your situation. While you may want to give your loved ones every present on their list, you may not be able to. Instead, you could give them an inexpensive but special present. A gift given from the heart has the potential to be incredibly meaningful. While the Christmas blues can be agonising, it is possible that you can get through it and enjoy the Christmas season. While Christmas for many people means happiness and togetherness, it can also be a difficult time for others. The Christmas blues could start weeks before the holiday and for some, it can continue after the celebrations are over. You may experience the Christmas blues if you recently lost someone close to you, if you have moved to an unfamiliar area or if you have been through another type of drastic change. They can also be brought on by everyday stresses that have accumulated, such as financial difficulties, a loved one that is sick, relationship problems or any other multitude of problems. You may feel as though you are the only person going through this, but you are not alone. Many people experience the Christmas blues every year. •

What are these holiday blues?


Financial constraints.

Pressure and stress.






The best way to start to push your way through these feelings is to talk to someone. Whether it is a friend, family member, or a counsellor/ psychotherapist, you can express to them what you are going through without holding everything inside. Letting your feelings out may help you to start moving forward. The holiday season can be incredibly expensive if you are not cautious. If you have the Christmas blues and believe that it may stem from your financial problems, you should be honest with yourself and others

• Plan how to reduce Christmas Blues. • Identify some worthwhile things to do. • List them down. • Ensure your plans will help achieve your goal. How to Deal with Loneliness or Avoid the Christmas Blues. • If you really need to be home, pamper yourself by having good food, good music, and those good books waiting to be read. • Organise a potluck dinner or get-together with a handful of people from work or your immediate neighbours, people you are comfortable with.

PACIKAF Cancer, Illness, Loss and Grief Course 2017 Would you like to work for the nurses of PACIKAF? We are looking for people who have empaphy, availability and commitment. PACIKAF will be holding an eight session training course which will equip volunteers to support nurses, cancer patients and their carers in a non medical capacity. Dates: Tuesday February 7th until and including Tuesday March 28th. Hours: 10am until 4p.m Venue: Saint Michaels Hospice, Mesa Chorio Applications for interview should be made to The Cancer Support and Information Helpline 97 76 0989

• Take a short trip, a day trip to some place you have always wanted to visit but have not had the chance to do so. • Play Christmas music to keep you company and “alive” instead of feeling the blues. • Take a walk, a good walk to enjoy your environment. • Find something nice to do. Listen to your favourite music, buy something for yourself, or you can even take a long bubble bath. • Indulge yourself in a phone call to someone you care about or call trusted friends to talk to. It is worth the call charges if it makes you feel better. Plan ahead so you know they are available. • Rent fun movies from your nearby video/DVD shops and watch them; something to do after you have opened your gifts. • Find opportunities to hug. It will make you feel truly great. If there is no one to hug, hug your pillow for example, it works! Finally, I would like to wish you all, A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Peaceful, and Prosperous 2017

Dr Vasilios Silivistris is a UK trained Psychotherapist and Counselling practitioner. Tel: 99 109177. Email: © Grapevine • December 2016


Paphos Classic Vehicle Club Paphos Classic Vehicle Club is a group of people who either own or appreciate classic vehicles, and enjoy getting together, using and discussing them. We usually hold our monthly Socials at the Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita on the third Saturday of the month at 15.00 Not all members actually own a classic vehicle, and some that do are in the process of restoring them and use their ‘modern’ vehicles in the meantime We are working closely with several Presidents of other classic car clubs here in Cyprus in a new attempt to get all clubs united, by organizing a New Year Classic Car Rally and Tour in early January 2017 to celebrate the New Year and cut the Vassilopitta cake. All the clubs involved will meet centrally to celebrate this event.

our recent Show at the Episkopi Fete.

The club calendar for 2017 is being collated with Rally`s ,Run Out`s, Show`s, Club Meetings and much more ,details will be on the website and in the press. A new Facebook page has been created for club information and magazine article`s to be accessed , the address is below. Happy Motoring Contact us on e-mail address: Phone: 99046466 Facebook page: Website: for regular updates and details of events.


© Grapevine • December 2016

Maggie’s Beauty Spot: Weekend Dressing wearing with a flowing blouse and ankle boots and you’re ready to hit the town! Let’s Talk Textures – neutrals don’t have to be boring. You can add interest by mixing textures and contrasting shades. Team an ivory rib knit sweater with a leather wrap skirt, and add a cableknit tights. Throw a buclé coat over smart black trousers, loafers and a black rollneck for work.

MAGGIE’S BEAUTY TIP It’s the Weekend Off duty dressing is all about looking fabulous without making loads of effort. Mix knits, textures and metallics for a chic casual look for the colder weather. Splash of Colour – love your neutrals but fancy a change? Add a pop of colour to your outfit with a cosy oversize tie-belted coat – fab for wrapping up warm on a chilly day. Marching Orders – badges and gold details give a classic pea coat an on-trend refresh. Wear with jeans by day, or as a glam evening cover-up over a camisole, cropped trousers and heels. Pretty in Pleats – a metallic pleated skirt works for day, paired with a parka, chunky knit and trainers. Transform the skirt for nights out by

Daytime Comfort – layer a cardigan over a lace-trimmed camisole and wrap yourself in your softest scarf. Add sex appeal with a leather skirt. To take the look on to an evening, simply lose the layers and swap ankle boots for a pair of black suede heels. The Big Easy – who says pastels are just for summer?

Blush pink adds warmth to cool winter whites and greys. A throw-on slouch coat oozes style and comfort. Silver Lining – a traditional cable-knit sweater gets an instant update by teaming it with a metallic textured skirt. Who’d have thought? Throw on a poncho and the world’s your oyster! Greatest Knits – a slouchy knit is essential for staying cosy yet stylish on winter days. The jumper and silk skirt can be worn with almost anything in your current wardrobe; pair with trainers or metallic Converse to add a cool edge. Maggie Wright, Colour Me Beautiful 99318477 10% off for Grapevine readers. Vouchers available for Christmas.

© Grapevine • December 2016


Christmas Gifts by valerie Morgan

Have you ever wondered why the Three Kings, or Magi, gave those gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus? They seem to us, very strange gifts for so young a child. First of all the Magi would have given Jesus many gifts, but the only ones mentioned in Matt 2: 11 are gold, frankincense and myrrh. All three gifts have monetary and also prophetic values. The giving of gifts at the birth of a child would have been an Oriental custom and it is important to note that the gifts which the Magi gave were the very best that could be given during that period of time. Gold – is a metal with valuable properties and is still valued today. Obviously gold would have been of great benefit to the Holy Family as they were very poor. At the time it was a traditional gift to families at a birth to help with the financial burden of a new child. But it was also a common gift to a king. As a gift, gold symbolised virtue and Jesus’ kingship on earth to all people. What is important to note is that Jesus was not recognised as a king at that time by anyone else other than the Magi. Frankincense – is an aromatic gum resin obtained from trees throughout Africa and Asia. When the tree is cut, yellowish drops of sap ooze out. When the sap hardens it is pulled off the wood and gives a sweet scent when it is burned or warmed. Frankincense was used primarily as incense and perfume. Burning frankincense keeps away insects, very useful around a new born baby. Religiously, it was used in one of the elements for holy anointing. When the Magi gave frankincense to Jesus it symbolised His priestly office. Myrrh – is a gum that is obtained from a species of Commiphora tree, like frankincense it is produced from the sap of the tree. Both frankincense and myrrh have healing properties and myrrh seals wounds very well. It is also another ingredient in the holy anointing oil and also used in embalming. It was given as symbolic of the embalming that Jesus would receive after His death on the cross. So what gifts will we give this Christmas? My guess is that gold, frankincense and myrrh won’t rate high on the list. In these days of commercialism Christmas seems to have lost its true meaning in amongst the glitter and baubles in the shops today. Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier each year, with shops in the UK having Christmas cards on sale in August! But putting all the glitz aside, what does Christmas really mean? We are celebrating the birth of a child, but a very special child, the Son of God. Jesus left His throne at the right hand of God, to become a man here on earth. We celebrate Jesus birth by giving gifts to each other, but God’s gift to us was priceless. He sent His Son as a sacrificial gift. By giving His life some thirty three years after His birth in Bethlehem, Jesus paid the price for our sin, and by believing that Jesus is God’s Son and accepting Him as our Saviour we receive the most precious gifts that anyone could ever wish for; becoming a child of God and receiving eternal life. So, in between the turkey and tinsel don’t forget to say thank you to God for the best gifts we could ever wish for. If you want to learn more about these gifts, join us for our Sunday service at Coral Star Restaurant (opposite Philippos Supermarket) in Coral Bay at 10.30am. There will be no service on Christmas Day as Coral Star will be closed, but you will be welcome to join us at PCFI in Paphos. A Happy and Blessed Christmas to you all.


© Grapevine • December 2016

Friends of Friends A husband and wife have raised more than €1,500 to help The Friends’ Hospice in Paphos with its work for the community. Teresa Elliott, a long-time supporter of the charity, organised a Day of Health & Beauty at the UKCA Club in Chlorakas, with members pampered by therapists and beauticians who gave their services in return for a donation to the hospice. The fun day was well-attended and raised €600. And the good work continued. Teresa is the Welfare Officer for the Cyprus Association of Police Officers (CARPO) and her husband, Steve Tucker, is the Chairman. Both of them raised €910 through raffles at a recent lunch and an evening cruise from Paphos Harbour. Steve would like to hear from other retired policemen who might like to join CARPO. Its lunches are a great way to get to know one another and, in turn, welcome their own friends. Steve can be contacted at 97727635.

© Grapevine • December 2016


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of Indian rosewood with 4 draws €50 TEL: 99 580320

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© Grapevine • December 2016

Paphos 2017 Active Citizens on the Side of the Pafos2017 Organisation as Volunteers As the events and activities programme of the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 has been completed, the Pafos2017 Organisation succeeded in involving the society of Pafos in the Volunteers Programme with thousands of volunteers. On Saturday 19th of November 2016, the first mass meeting of all volunteers who have already registered in the Volunteers Programme was held – it exceeded all expectations with people of all ages – with the objective of coordinating and enrolling them in the Production, Communication, Cultural Barometer Management, Hospitality, Immediate Response and Social Participation teams.

With faith in volunteerism and community involvement in this grand project of the town, the Pafos2017 Organisation has on its side the Lanitis Bros company, which puts its social orientation in practice by supporting the Volunteer Programme and the needs of the volunteers, as its exclusive sponsor. The year 2016, the year before the official taking of the European Capital of Culture title, constitutes the period of processing and preparation on all levels in order to ensure the success of the project. In recent months and through open calls, targeted actions and invitations to social groups and institutions this large group of volunteers was established, based on the needs that arise from the Organisation in order to strengthen it. The Chairman of the Organisation, Dr Christos Patsalides, opened the event and welcomed the volunteers in the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 family and thanked them for their participation. He stressed the fact that their involvement and their altruistic contribution in the largest cultural institution of our country represents the liveliest part and the heart of the Organisation. Moreover, the Artistic Programme Director, Ms Georgia Doetzer, thanked the volunteers who are already active in the Pafos2017 Organisation since 2014 and welcomed the new volunteers. She stressed that the great participation of volunteers confirms the element of openness of the Open Air Factory and that the volunteers are one of its motivating powers. A representative of Lanitis Bros, Ms Kyriaki Savva (Brand Manager of the company and Coordinator of the Volunteers Programme) welcomed the event and thanked the volunteers for their selfless work. Characteristically, Ms Savva said: “We believe in the power of the team and the value of cooperation. Our commitment is to stand by the society of our country and to support its initiatives. For these reasons we have decided to join forces with the Organisation Pafos2017 and support the unsung heroes who give substance with their selfless action in this ambitious project”.


Š Grapevine • December 2016

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