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grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue



grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


SMHC Praises The Charity Volunteers And Supporters The St Michaels’ Hospice Charity (SMHC) recorded an exceptional year in 2016 with a number of successful events raising much needed funds for the Archangel Michael Hospice. At the January celebration for the staff of the five SMHC shops, the Trustees including two new members Chris Peet and Andrew Lauder - called for a unanimous vote of thanks in recognition of how much all the Charity and Hospice volunteers have contributed in 2016. “Our volunteers have been amazing this year and sometimes, sadly, things often get too rushed to thank each one individually for their efforts,” remarked the charity’s Trustee for PR & Media, Nikki Dake. There are, of course many other individuals who support the charity with their generosity and good works. In 2016 there were two major art exhibitions with proceeds or part thereof donated to the charity. Dozens of well-attended events as diverse as pamper days at a prestigious beauty parlour to country and western gigs from Arizona’s Terry Taylor also contributed much appreciated funds. A gift from UKCA member Lorna Holly of a fantastic hand-made ‘Rainbow Safari Quilt’ together with a generous sum caused quite a stir at the February Hospice Charity Open Coffee Morning as did the donation from the Royal Engineers Association represented by their member Jim Barr from the eastern end of the island. Jackie Barr also proved a generous patron having donated the proceeds from some of her artworks to the Charity.

Mona Skordi, Hospice General Manager receives the February monthly Charity cheque from Michele Brooks Secretary of the SMHC

The monthly Coffee Mornings have become a time when thanks and appreciation are given to everyone who has supported the charity and the efforts of UK fundraiser John Kearns were much applauded at the March event; he brought a further €1,800 with him on his holiday and handed it over in notes to Michele Brooks, SMHC Secretary. Almost every month a sizeable cheque is given from the charity to the Hospice and funds raised this last year have exceeded all expectation. “Our sincere thanks go to everyone for all their hard work this year,” concludes acting Chairman Keith Broughton. To stay in touch with SMHC events and support the fund-raising, visit their Facebook page or find more details on our Website: www.

Debbie Bell from the UKCA demonstrates the amazing workmanship in the Rainbow Safari Quilt donated by Lorna Holly

Artist Jackie Barr and Hospice General Manager Mona Skordi who presented her with her certificate of appreciation for her fund-raising efforts


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

SMHC member Terry Taylor with new Arizona singer, Pauline Parr; together they are booked to perform for the charity at venues across the region including Costa Rica Bar Chlorakas

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Polemi in bloom Hundreds of visitors made the trip to the Polemi Tulip Festival, making this year a wonderful success.

Enjoying free food and drink

A huge crowd gathered outside the Metochi Cultural Centre in the main square and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves taking advantage of the free wine and other tasty treats on offer.

A sea of colour”

The same could also be said for the numerous religious icons for sale. But the main attraction was the entertainment programme, which included traditional songs and dances, poetry reading, and a play: “The Grandfather and His Grandchild”, all performed by Polemi High School and the Culture Folklore Workshop of Konia… with the music provided by the group 4x4.

Decorated gourds and religious icons

There were numerous stalls offering a variety of local arts and crafts. I have always been fascinated by the art of decorating gourds… and I was certainly not disappointed, the examples were beautiful.

And there they are… close up

And finally, the real stars of the day… the many thousands of tulips in all their splendour.

A big ‘thank you’ and well done to everyone involved… fantastic!

Waiting in the wings


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

(images copyright, reproduced with permission)

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue



grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue



grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue



grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue



grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Hole in the Wall At last, the much-talked-about bar ‘Hole in the Wall’ opened its doors… the official opening was performed by the Mayor of Peyia, Marinos Lambrou. Small from the outside, the bar suddenly becomes the equivalent of Dr Who’s tardis. As you enter, it opens up into a spacious bar area… interestingly decorated with brick walls and old photographs of the original wild west Hole in the Wall gang, which included Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. Even more impressive is the enormous garden/sun terrace, where you can sit and relax under the pergola-type roof which gives everything a sun-dappled effect. The bar opens from 11.30am every morning. The lunchtime menu is still being finalised, but you can already enjoy a selection of homebaked pies, pasties and sausage rolls. Also proving really popular is the choice of traditional stone-baked pizzas prepared fresh by our partner, Napoli 1522… these are the best pizzas in town… and are available daily until 5.00pm, Monday to Saturday.

And then we come to Sundays at the Hole in the Wall! From 12 noon to 4.00pm, we serve a genuine Cypriot Souvla lunch. The souvla is a selection of chicken, pork and sheftelia, served with fat chips, village salad & bread for €8.95. For entertainment, we have DJ Mike’s Magical Musical Mystery Tour… why the name? Because the diners choose the music, so we never know where we will end up. This show has proved good fun and is incredibly popular, and makes for a great lunch in the sun. Booking is absolutely essential.

In the evening, except Sundays, you can enjoy a traditional fish & chip meal, just as they used to taste. All meals are cooked freshly to order by Frydays. Both Dave Lodge and Cath Jones are perfectionists and Dave is a qualified fishmonger and award-winning fish fryer. Frydays will skin, fillet and portion all their own fish. The batter is traditional in colour and texture but lighter and remains crispy. Only the finest quality fish from a leading fish merchant in Grimsby are used. For their chips they use the best local Cyprus potatoes as their texture is perfect for chips. Other choices on the menu are homemade fish cakes, wholetail scampi direct from Whitby (not the reformed stuff), battered sausages, saveloys, meat pies with side dishes like mushy peas, curry sauce, pickled onions and large gherkins. They also serve genuine lamb donner kebabs, flown in from a leading kebab house in the UK.


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

Nearing completion is Oscars, a purpose-built function room with three large screen televisions showing the Premiership action and all major sporting events. Oscars is also the perfect venue for any type of private party, such as birthdays, wedding receptions, christenings, etc. Please take a look at Oscars… we think you will be impressed. Hole in the Wall bar, Coral Bay. Tel: 26 955 922

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Citizens of Another Country by David Waite

I have lived in Cyprus with my wife for almost eight years now, and when I meet someone for the first time I always ask them if they are on holiday, or living here. If they are residents, I want to find out what brought them here, and whether it is working out for them. I love living in Cyprus. OK, there are things that could be improved. The sewerage system – but that is being fixed at the moment. Some of the roads have ‘sleeping policemen’ on them which are more like Sumo wrestlers – but that’s only to stop the bigger problem of ‘boy racers’ causing noise and potential accidents. Some houses are not insulated; making them hot in the summer and cold in the winter, but that is easily fixed if one has the money and will to do so. And corruption was a big problem when we first arrived, but that has been greatly reduced with the appointment of good and honest officials. There is so much to like about Cyprus. The wonderful climate, the outrageously colourful flowers and trees, the fact that one is only ever a few miles away from a beautiful coastline, and of course the Cypriot people themselves who I have found to be kind, thoughtful and generous. Added to all that, one is in a country where crime is low, and the values of the Ten Commandments are still respected and adhered to. The referendum called by the British government to decide whether the United Kingdom should remain in the EU caused many ex-Pats in Europe to consider applying for citizenship in the country that they were currently living in. For the Christian, it opens up an interesting debate, because once a person turns their life over to Jesus, they become citizens of Heaven. This is what the Apostle Paul has to say about it, after he has given a brief account of all the men and women of faith mentioned in the Bible. “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but, having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.” (Heb 11:13-16 NKJV) So, however good and enjoyable the place where I currently living might be, realistically I know that my time on earth will come to an end. And although my spirit will leave my body, and people will declare me to be dead, the Bible makes it very clear that everyone’s spirit lives on – for ever. The question then becomes: do we live for all eternity in the Presence of God in Heaven – or not! I know I am going to Heaven, not because I have been ‘good enough’, or I have ‘done enough’, but because Jesus the sinless Messiah paid the penalty for my sin when He died on the Cross. So by asking for God’s forgiveness and requesting Him to take charge of my life, I claimed my passport to the Heavenly City.


And a passport to Heaven is waiting for all those who do the same. So, is there anything stopping you from claiming yours right now? grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


What is Alcohol Withdrawal? by Dr Vasilios Silivistris DipSup DipComp BA MA FRSH MBACP PhD

“Alcohol is a depressant, if alcohol and caffeine were discovered today, both would be banned.” Introduction

Alcohol withdrawal is different from withdrawal from most other drugs because alcohol withdrawal can be deadly. The only drugs as likely to cause death from withdrawal as alcohol are the benzodiazepines. Heroin withdrawal rarely, if ever, kills anyone. However, untreated major alcohol withdrawal can kill one person in three. Fortunately, these fatalities are almost completely preventable if people are properly tapered off from their alcohol use. The three Levels of Alcohol Withdrawal Level 1) Minor Withdrawal: Shaky hands. Sweating. Mild anxiety. Insomnia. Nausea. Headache.

These symptoms may appear within 6 to 12 hours after quitting drinking. Level 2) Mid-level Withdrawal:

Minor withdrawal symptoms at a more intense level where there are visual, auditory or tangible hallucinations. The patient generally is aware that the hallucinations are not real. Possible seizures. Racing pulse. Irregular heartbeat.

These symptoms may appear within 12 to 48 hours after quitting drinking.


Level 3) Major Withdrawal: Delirium. Alcohol-induced hallucinations. Profuse sweating. Seizures. Severe blood pressure spikes. Severe tremor. Racing and irregular heartbeat. Fever. Possible death.

These symptoms may appear within 48 to 72 hours after quitting drinking and peak in five days. Major withdrawal is the dangerous one

Popular slang in the United States refers to the shakiness which comes with mild alcohol withdrawal as delirium tremens (D.T.s.). This is a rather confusing use of terminology since correctly speaking; delirium tremens are associated with major withdrawal. Real delirium tremens is life-threatening and can kill one in three untreated patients nevertheless, the shakiness associated with minor withdrawal is not life-threatening.

lets go of the rope, the other goes flying in the opposite direction. When alcohol is suddenly removed from a neurotransmitter system which has been fighting to overcome its effects, the neurotransmitter system goes flying off in the opposite direction. The main neurotransmitter system involved in alcohol withdrawal is the GABA system. The GABA receptors are a class of receptors that respond to the neurotransmitter, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the chief inhibitory compound in the mature vertebrate central nervous system. Alcohol’s effect on the GABA system leads to:Relaxation. Sleep. Calm. Relaxing feeling. Less panicky. When alcohol is suddenly removed from the brain, then the neurotransmitter rebound in the GABA system leads to

What Causes Alcohol Withdrawal?


Alcohol withdrawal is caused by neurotransmitter rebound. When alcohol suppresses the action of a neurotransmitter system over a long period of time, the neurotransmitter system adapts by working harder to overcome the effect of the alcohol and to try and function at normal levels in spite of the presence of the alcohol. When the alcohol is suddenly removed from the body, the neurotransmitter system still continues to function far in excess of normal levels.


Since the alcohol is no longer present to suppress the effects of this hyperactivity, what we now see are effects which are precisely the opposite of those caused by alcohol. It is much like two people playing tug-of-war who are equally balanced, if one person suddenly

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

Hallucinations. Anxiety. Panic. Muscle cramps. Seizures.

Benzodiazepines affect the GABA system in much the same way as alcohol does and this is why benzodiazepine withdrawal can also be life-threatening. Dr Vasilios Silivistris is a UK trained Psychotherapist and Counselling practitioner. Tel: 99 109177. Email:

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


LIVE MUSIC IN PAPHOS - MAY 2017 Nitbats is going to be changing soon, the name will change to NB Music Cyprus to match with the Facebook Group, exciting times! Venues and performers please post your events into the Facebook NB Music Cyprus Live Music Listings Paphos group. https://www. All welcome to join the group, just send a group member request to Jan Robinson Paphos. Please listen to Paphos Rock 98.5 FM’s Get the Buzz Show from 11.00 am to 12 Noon with Simone Swift and Jason Collins on Fridays as Jan will be interviewing live, local music performers. Please message me on facebook or email me if you are a performer in Paphos and would like a chance to tell people more about your show. Listen live at: Because of the publishing deadline, these are just a small selection of events taking place in May.

7 May A HERO OF OUR TIME - BOLSHOI BALLET from 7pm. Music: Ilya Demutsky, Choreography: Yuri Possokhov, Libretto: Kirill Serebrennikov. Cast: The Bolshoi Principals, Soloists and Corps de Ballet. Encore. Estimated Duration: 2H45. Ticket price: 10 euro pp adults/8 euro pp child/senior. Brand new production by choreographer Yuri Possokhov is a tragic poetic journey that can only be seen at the Bolshoi. K Cineplex Nicosia, Larnaca and Paphos 7 May PAPHOS ZINGERS - EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE PAFOS 2017 - from 8pm at Chlorakas Amphitheatre. The Zingers are thrilled to have been accepted to perform at this prestigious event. Enjoy an hour and half of an eclectic mix of songs from around the world performed by the Zingers in their finery. No tickets needed. There may be a little surprise guest appearance. email: Tel: 99144500. 10 May CONCERT FOR SAXOPHONE AND PIANO with MARIANNA GEORGIOU and NIKOLAOU NIOLAOIDI - from 8pm at Technopolis20 Cultural Centre, Nikolaou Nikolaidi 18, 8010 Pafos. With original compositions for piano and saxophone and covers of popular classical works . Entrance: 10 euro pp. Reservations necessary at 70002420 10 May KENDALL EVENTS PRESENT: ELTON JOHN & BILLY JOEL TRIBUTE BY GRAHAM NASH. Hot buffet included for 25 at most events/or show only 14 euro. Ticket info: www., email: Tel: hotline - 96818066: 10 May - Acropolis Tavern, Aphrodite’s Avenue (by Mesogi traffic lights), Tremithousa 12 May - Terra e Mare, B1 198 Amathoutos Ave, Pareklisia, Limassol 13 May - Plateau Restaurant, Evagoras Palikaridi, Pissori 14 May - King Soloman’s Restaurant, off Coral Bay/Pegeia Road 13 May PIANO RECITAL with ANITA TOMASEVICH - from 8pm at Technopolis20, Nikolaou Nikolaou 18, 8010 Pafos. The artist Anita Tomasevich Stavrou will present a piano recital


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

with works by Schubert and Chopin. Entrance: 10 euro pp. Reservations necessary at 70002420. 13 May SUNSET SOUL COAST PARTY - from 5pm - late at Tsiakkas Tavern, 8574 Kissonerga, Pafos. The venue has an amazing view. Evening includes Fire Shows and great performers and UK DJs flying in to make this an extra special night for the first of their 2017 Sunset Beach Parties. With UK international Soul Motown Just Jake, Disco Diva Simone Swift and Sweet Soul Tiffany Ariela. Plus Brian Jay and other DJs playing great music and The NOMAD with classic Soul set for the after-party rocking to the early hours of the morning. Preorder Entrance only tickets at 10 euro pp and receive your first drink free. Treat yourself to a sumptuous luxury Buffet which includes a free drink served from 6.30pm for 22.50 euro pp. Tel: 95175110. 13 May PAPHOS PRIVATE DOG SANCTUARY & STARLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT PRESENT A CHARITY FUNDRAISER – at Sunflower Bistro, 113 Chlorakas Ave, by traffic lights on corner of St Gegorges Hotel/Tomb of the Kings Road. Mr Christian Everett, Magician & Illusionist will be doing some first hand magic at your table as well as a full show. Special guest, a new artist plus disco until 1am. Tickets 12 euro pp must be pre-booked. Cold buffet with 2 homemade desserts. Food from 7.30-8.30 pm, entertainment from 9pm. Tickets also from PPDS Charity Shop to of St George’s Hill and New Boots Garden Nursery, Coral Bay Road. Tel: venue 26220278. 13 May SHIN DIG/BARN DANCE for CPSG - from 7pm at UKCA Clubhouse, Tomb of the Kings Road, Chlorakas, Paphos. With Graham Ormiston acting as Caller. 15 euro pp inc. buffet (5 euro of ticket price to the charity). Raffle. Res. Ess. Tel: Margaret - 97839074. 13 May - DER ROSENKAVALIER - LIVE from 7.30pm. Composer: Richard Strauss, Conductor: Sebastian Weigle. Featuring: Renee Fleming, Elina Garanca, Matthew Polenzani. Estimated Duration: 4H12. Sung in German. 18 euro pp adult/13 euro child/senior. Synopsis: The dream cast of Renee Fleming as the Marschallin and Elīna Garanca as Octavian star in Strauss’s grandest opera plus stars Gunther Groissbock as Baron Ochs. Sebastian Weigle conducts the sparklingly perfect score 14 May TINA CHESTER - AN EVENING IN PARADISE & POLIS CHARALAMBOUS - from 6pm at Paradisos Hills Hotel, Lysos, Paphos. With the fabulous Soprano vocals of Tina and superb guitar skills of Polis. Programme inc. Concerto d’Aranjuez - Joaquin Rodrigo, Un Bel Di - Puccini (Madam Butterfly), Scarlatti Sonatas, Nelia Fantasia - Ennio Morricone (The Mission), Vivaldi Concerto, Music of the Night - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Summertime - George Gershwin. m22 euro pp includes dinner with a choice of menu and donation to Paphos Kidney Association for each ticket sold. Special accommodation rates at the hotel for the night. Res. Ess. Email: Tel: 99486291.

LIVE MUSIC IN PAPHOS - MAY 2017 15 May CONCERT with THE ENSEMBLE ‘QUINTUS’ With Savvas Christodoulou – Flute, Natalie Neophytou – Oboe, Christiana Antonoudiou – Clarinet, Annita Skoutella – French Horn & Evangelos Christodoulou – Bassoon - from 8pm at Technopolis20 Cultural Centre, Nikolaou Nikolaidi 18, 8010 Pafos. The Ensemble ‘Quintus’ will present a different music performance based on the music works of Manos Hadjidakis and Vasilis Tsitsanis. Entrance: 12 euro/8 euro (students). Reservations necessary at 70002420. 16 MAY STAGE ONE THEATRE, EMBA: email: boxoffice@ , tel: 99967737. All tickets need advance booking. 16 May: A choral evening with choirs from all around the island: Orphean singers, Paphos Voices, Island Blend Barbershop Chorus, Sine Nomine, Harmony, Phoenix 17 May: EIGHT by Ella Hickson – 8 monologues (performed at Edinburgh Fringe Theatre) 20 May: Youth Theatre with Youth groups from around the island. Stage One, TLC School, International School of Paphos and Thompson Dance young stars 21/22 May: Adult theatre with theatre groups from all around the island 24 May: A Frolic through the works of Shakespeare 26/27 May: Old Time Music Hall with a mix of favourites from the ‘Good Old Days’. Novelty acts, singing and dancing and a melodrama. The nights vary. 18 May AFTERNOON TEA with BLUE JAR - from 2 - 4pm at Elea Estates Golf Clubhouse, 1 Eleon Ave, 8310 Geriskipou, Pafos. Blue Jar duo with guitar/violin/vocals ‘swing the standards’ and ‘fiddle the favs’. Al fresco afternoon tea served on their outside terrace overlooking the golf course out to the Mediterranean sea. Sumptuous choice for 12 euro pp/15 euro pp inc. glass of fizz Res. Ess. email: or Tel: 26202110. 18 May ELECTRIC BLUES JAM NIGHT - from 7pm at Phoenix Social Club, 5 Ikarou St., Kato Paphos. Bluesy Open Mic/ Jam Night for electric guitars. A chance for all us non gigging musicians to meet and play with like minded souls of all abilities. Bring your electric guitar, harmonica, saxophone, keyboard, percussion etc. Amps provided or bring your own. NO BACKING TAPES. 2 euro entry charge for non club members. 4th Thursday of the month. email: studuke@ or Tel: Stuart 99068421. 19 May THE CORNER OF A FOREIGN FIELD - from 8 - 10pm in Lemona Village, Pafos region. With DJ and dancers. The Corner of a Foreign Field involves an artistic feast that will bring together foreign and local residents, intellectuals and. In the spirit of Louis Bunuel’s film, the artist Lia Lapithi sets up an open-air feast with the foreign inhabitants. The event will be filmed and the material was used for an audio-visual project which is to travel to biennales and festivals all over the world. An additional celebratory meal will take place at Lemona Square while at the same time, the film produced in 2015 will be screened at the local school in the village. A joint project betweeen Lia Lapithi and Nic Costa of Tekni Art.More info

about the project: www.pafos2017. eu. Tel: 99143293 – Nic. 19 May A MUSICAL TRIBUTE TO EDITH PIAF with THE ‘STEPPIN OUT JAZZ BAND’ - from 8pm at Technopolis20 Cultural Centre, Nikolaou Nikolaidi 18, 8010 Pafos. A tribute concert honoring the legendary French singer, Edith Piaf, with a programme that will include some of her greatest songs. Entrance: 10 euro pp. Reservations necessary at 70002420. 19 May MAY BALL - at Leptos Kamares Club, Tala, Paphos. With the great music and guitar/keyboard/vocals from Easy Duo who sing all the hits. 22.50 euro pp includes a glass of pink bubbly and buffet. Dress code is black, pink and white. Bar opens 6pm and buffet from 7pm. Tickets from Reception - Tel: 26652277. 19 May DROUSHIA DIXIE SEVEN - ‘A SUMMER EVENING UNDER THE STARS’ - from 7pm at Vasilikon Winery, Kathikas Paphos. Droushia Dixie Seven is a seven piece band playing music from the great American Jazz Age of the 1930’s and 40’s recreating the original sounds of Louis Armstrong, Kid Ory, Sidney Bechet, the Firehouse Five and many others and reflecting the 1950’s London jazz revival by the likes of Chris Barber, Kenny Ball, Acker Bilk and Monty Sunshine. Bar opens 6.30pm. Full hot and cold Buffet from 7 pm to include their delicious oven roast kleftico! 25 euro pp, ticket only inc. dinner. Vasilikon Winery Kathikas Tel: 26633999 and Hearns Peyia Hill Peyia Tel: 26622441. 19 May BEN MILLS SINGS BUBLE AND OTHER HITS - from 7.30pm at The Farmyard Restaurant, 8573 Kathikas, Paphos. Indian Style buffet 18 euro pp. Excellent dance floor.Tel: 70009696. 20 May CHARITY BAZAAR - from 10am at the UKCA, Tomb of the Kings Road, Chlorakas area, Paphos. Lots of charities are manning stalls with a variety of goods available. Live music and dance displays throughout the day. Jason Collins from Paphos 98.5 Rock FM will be DJ of the day. Food and drinks available for purchase. Tel: 99057368 – Debs. 20 May SOUL NIGHT WITH KIRSTY DEWAR AND SPECIAL GUESTS - from 7pm - midnight at King Soloman’s Tavern, 10 St Georgeo Road, 8560 Pegeia, Pafos. Join them for a fab night with the very talented singer/musician Kirsty Dewar from Limassol. She will be entertaining you with her amazing singing and playing the guitar to create a lively party set atmosphere! To finish off the night their very own special guest Soul Legend UK DJ Mike Peers will be playing fantastic Soul and Motown music to dance the night away! Ticket include a Full Buffet for 20 euro pp or party only for 10 euro pp to include a free drink. Tel: Lisa - 95175110. 21 May ONE DAY ONE SONG - at the Paphos Castle Square. The premise is that people come together in various groups on one particular day and practise/learn one song. Application grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue




forms are now available. Please see Ruth Walton’s facebook page. Proceeds to Archangel Michael Hospice, Paphos. Application forms available from the Hospice or Tel: 99389073 26 May CLASSICAL CONCERT with PIANO, CELLO AND VOICE with Tatiana Stupak, Robert Grod & Alysa Kuchinskaya - from 8pm atTechnopolis20 Cultural Centre, Nikolaou Nikolaidi 18, 8010 Pafos. The programme will include works by Chopin, Bach, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Faure, Dvorak, Mozart, Schubert, Antonio Caldara and Vincenzo Di Chiara. Entrance: 10 euro pp. www. Reservations necessary at 70002420. 26 May MOONRIVER SWING BAND - from 7 - 11pm at Pizza Express, Pafinia Sea View Court, 53 Poseidon Ave, Pafos Harbour area. An outstanding show covering the greatest hits of the unforgettable Frank Sinatra. Michael Antoniou - vocals, Renard Nourmachine - piano, Ivan Sarbash - sax, Constantinxous Paouros - drums. Contribution of tickets to the Alzheimer’s Association. 24.50 euro pp inc. 3 course buffet. Tickets available at Pizza Express or Tel: 99854375. 27 May KAMARES FESTIVAL - from 10am - 4pm at Kamares Leptos Club, Tala, Paphos. Over 40 stalls selling arts & crafts, handmade and imported goods. Full entertainment programme. Festival food. Supporting local charities. email: Tel: 99387311. 27 May MID-LIFE CRISIS BAND - from 2 - 5pm at Searays Cafe/ bar, 1 Lara St., (road to the Akamas), Pegeia, Pafos. 5 piece brilliant band play Rock, Pop and more. Food from 1pm. Tel: 99617415. 31 May MACUMBA - A LATIN - JAZZ NIGHT with RODOS PANAGIOTOU – DRUMS, GOERGE MORFITIS – KEYBOARD , ILIAS IOANNOU – TRUMPET - from 8pm at Technopolis20. Macumba is a creative latin-jazz project which approaches different Afro- Cuban & Brazilian Funk rhythms, through a modern post-jazz aesthetic. for evolution during the creative process of composition. ​ This event will take place outdoors in the Technopolis20 garden.​Entrance: 10 euro pp. Reservations necessary at 70002420. 2nd June 80’s AGENDA TRIBUTE BAND - 1st Time in Cyprus! & Direct from the UK! Morrelli Events Proudly Presents The Sensational 80’s Agenda Tribute Band. Performing hits by some of the great 80’s bands and solo singers including: ZZ TOP, U2, REM, BON JOVI, BRYAN ADAMS, BILLY IDOL, DURAN DURAN, DIRE STRAITS AND more. Buy On-line Now at (No Handling Fee). Box-Office 96-586891 ticketsales@ Friday 2nd June Ampolones Outdoor Concert Arena Peyia. Saturday 3rd June Pissouri Amphitheatre. Monday 5th June (Bank Holiday) Chloraka Amphitheatre. Tuesday 6th June Terra E Mare Limassol grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

What’s On Sensational ‘The 80’s Agenda’ tribute band

Coming Events TREASURE HUNT Sunday 14th May 2017 at Ollies Tavern in Tremithousa. Registration starts at 11.15am, treasure hunt to start at 12pm. Lunch to be served after. Tickets €10 to include 2 course Sunday Lunch. Raffle. Tickets available at Ollies Tavern or by calling 99771763. Limited spaces, hurry up to book to avoid disappointment! WINE WORKSHOP, TASTING AND LUNCH AT VOUNI PANAYIA WINERY Saturday 27th May 2017 at Vouni Panayia Winery. Guided wine tasting held by Mr. George Kassianos, professional sommelier followed by lunch with unlimited wine in the fantastic setting of the Vouni Panayia Winery! Tickets €28 (no refunds) to include lunch, workshop and transport. Departure 11am from Big Church car-park in Kato Paphos, pick-up from Tala Square at 11:45am. Limited seats, for tickets call or text 99753217. Tickets available, get yours quick to avoid disappointment! QUIZ NIGHT To be held every last Tuesday of the month at T-Rooms in Kato Paphos (next to Ambassador Restaurant). Starting Tuesday 30th May 2017! Quiz starts at 8pm, food served from 7pm. €10 per person to include choice of 2 hot meals and dessert (vegetarian option upon request). €2 quiz entrance fee. Call 99771763 or 99655581 to book or just turn up at T-Rooms!

Direct from the UK! Morrelli Events proudly presents the sensational ‘The 80’s Agenda’ Tribute Band. Performing hits by some of the great 80’s bands and solo singers including: ZZ Top, U2, REM, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Billy Idol, Duran Duran, Dire Straits, and more... ‘The 80’s Agenda’ are among the best bands in the UK, having performed at tribute festivals and concert arenas. They are among the very elite in their field and their performances have been ranked as some of the best ever! The evening will begin with our very own special guests - 80’s Soda-Pop Girl Band, performing pop hits by classics like Wham!, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Kylie and other 80’s pop party singers. Followed by the main event, The 80’s Agenda “legends” Tribute Band! Guaranteed to be a fun packed evening of 80’s music festivities, so come along and join these unique evenings of dancing, singing and 80’s party hits! Friday 2nd June - Ampolones, Peyia Doors open 6pm, Showtime 8pm, Main Concert 9pm. Tickets €15 from Carmines Gifts in Peyia & PAWS in Chloraka. Bar on site! Tables & Chairs first come first served. Saturday 3rd June - Pissouri Amphitheatre Doors open 6pm, Showtime 8pm, Main Concert 9pm. Tickets €15 from Platea in Pissouri Square, Blown Away Hair Salon, Episkopi & Vanity Flair, Limassol. Food & drink picnics welcomed! Monday 5th June (bank holiday) - Chloraka Amphitheatre Doors open 6pm, Showtime 8pm, Main Concert 9pm. Tickets €15 from PAWS in Chloraka, The Seafood Shop & Carmines Gifts, Peyia. Picnics welcome! Tuesday 6th June - Terra E Mare, Limassol Doors open 6pm, Showtime 8pm, Main Concert 9pm. Tickets €15 from Vanity Flair, Limassol & Blown Away Hair Salon, Episkopi. €10 hot buffet available on the night.

Buy tickets online now at (no handling fee). Box-Office: 96-586891. Email:

SUMMER FAIR Thursday 8th June 2017 at Ollies Tavern in Tremithousa. Starts 5:30pm. Great range of stalls to browse showing clothes, jewellery, accessories, cosmetics, cakes, preserves, eggs, plants, non-fiction books and more! Free entrance. Food & drink available from Ollies Tavern. Stalls €10. For info and bookings call 99771763. TRIP TO FAMAGUSTA Back by popular demand! Saturday 24th June 2017. A great day out on the Eastern coast of Cyprus visiting the magnificent ruins of Salamis, the ghost city of Kato Varosha and of course the Old Town of Famagusta, full of character and charm. Departure from Pahiakos T-Rooms at 7:30am, pick-up from Pissouri at Rantzo around 8am. Program: quick stop at Choirokoitia – ruins of Salamis – 3 HOURS FREE TIME IN FAMAGUSTA – guided drive through Kato Varosha – quick stop at Choirokoitia. Tickets are available - €29 (no refunds) – call or text 99753217. grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


News from the Anglican Church of Paphos Ascension Day service in the forest on Thursday 25th May

The Anglican Church will again be holding its annual Ascension Day service in the picnic area at Peyia Forest on Thursday 25th May at 11.00am. The unusual setting provides a peaceful tranquil environment for this important service in the churches year. Why not join us for the service in the beauty of the forest and bring a picnic to enjoy afterwards. Everyone is welcome. Special Service to mark ‘Wesley Day’ on Sunday 28th May

The Anglican Church of Paphos will be holding a special service at St Stephen’s, Tala at 11.00am on Sunday 28th May when it will be exploring and commemorating the life of the Wesley brothers and of course singing some of the famous Wesley hymns. All are welcome to come along and join with us for refreshments after the service. First church ‘Spring Fayre’ a great success

The first Anglican Church of Paphos Spring Fayre held at St Stephens Church in Tala on Saturday 25th March proved to be a great success. The church Craft Group which organised the event would like to thank all those loyal supporters who came and made purchases as well as everyone who manned the stalls, made cakes and produce and supplied items for sale on the day. Let’s look forward to another Fayre next year. For more information on forthcoming events, service times, location maps and directions please visit our Website: John Wesley (1703-1791) - a short history

Wesley was an ordained priest in the Church of England and theologian who founded Methodism. On the evening of 24th May 1738 he experienced an evangelical conversion and felt ‘his heart strangely warmed’. He became an itinerant minister who preached in the open air to all who would listen, travelling far and wide throughout Britain on his horse. Wesley had no intention that his style of worship would compete with the Established Church but inevitably it grew outside the parish churches as he said “the world is my parish”. Wesley died claiming he was a ‘loyal member of the Church of England’, but within seven years of his death, Methodism was established on four continents outside of Europe and finally it separated from the Church of England.


John’s younger brother Charles, also an ordained priest in the Church of England, wrote over 6,000 hymns many of which are firm favourites today including the famous ‘Love divine all loves excelling’ sung at many weddings. He used well-known and easily sung tunes which was another reason for the Wesley brothers being seen as separate from the Church of England since their joy in music and singing was seen as ‘enthusiastic’ and was rejected for not being sufficiently ‘formal’. Over the past few years the Church of England and Methodists have been working closer together and the various Anglican parishes on the island of Cyprus will be marking ‘Wesley Day’ (24th May). grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

How to choose your Financial/Investment Adviser? by Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI

I have recently come across a situation where investors have used a so called Investment/ Financial Adviser where they had no idea where their money was invested and in fact are now having extreme difficulty obtaining the return of their initial investment. There were no regular updates and no proof of investment other than a confirmation of receipt of monies from the adviser. There are many questions an investor should ask before making any decision to use a particular company/individual. Are they regulated and by which body?

Financial/Investment/Insurance Advisers in Cyprus should be authorised by the Cyprus Insurance Companies Control Service (ICCS) which is governed by the Insurance Mediation Directive (IMD) and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec) which is governed by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MIFID). Advisers based in another country should be authorised by their own regulators to provide Investment & Insurance Services and thus should also have approval to passport their services into Cyprus. Where are they situated?

Having your adviser situated in the same country as you is a definite plus. Tax laws in your new country of residence may be different from the UK, but some, like UK inheritance tax can still apply. Make sure your adviser is aware of your tax situation where you are resident. How long has the company been providing financial planning?

You should never be asked to send your money or make a cheque payable to the adviser or their company. The investment monies should be paid into the platform that you have agreed to open to create your portfolio. This may be a bank, insurance company or stockbroker/online broker. Let us go back to basics - a financial adviser should be exactly what the title describes, that is a person who can advise on financial matters. A financial adviser should not be feared as being a hard-sell merchant who insists that you meet with them and/or do whatever he or she is suggesting. You are the client so the ultimate decision of what happens to your investments is yours and yours alone. If you are being pressured into meeting with a new financial advisor or investing into products that you are unsure of then end the call or meeting and try to find an experienced and qualified financial adviser. Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI. Elgin AMC, Mobile 99579149 Fax: + 357 22 455626 Email: Website www. Elgin AMC is a trade name of Numisma Capital Ltd which is authorised and regulated by CySEC (License Number 122/10) Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute financial advice in any way

In the fickle world of offshore finance, advisers come and go. This is not what you want. You want to know that the company that you choose to appoint as your adviser is committed to being around for the long term. Background, education and experience

How long they have been providing this service and what experience have they had in the various aspects of financial matters? There are several approved financial planning qualifications ranging from basic through to comprehensive levels. However, qualifications cannot be viewed in isolation as hands-on experience is essential. An adviser with many years experience is likely to be more able than someone who has passed the appropriate exam but has no real experience. So qualifications plus experience is what you should be looking for. References from their existing clients

Advisers provide a highly confidential service to their clients and it is expected that many clients may not wish to be known, but there is nearly always some client who is happy to provide a reference. Your own instincts

Just because a person is likeable does not automatically make them sufficiently qualified to offer you the best in financial planning but if you ask the above questions and are satisfied with the answers then the final choice will no doubt be influenced by the rapport between you and the adviser. Once you are comfortable with your decision then the financial planning can begin. A good adviser will give his/her rationale (in writing) for suggesting changes to your overall financial strategy if he/she cannot give you a reasonable explanation of his/her motives for these changes then find someone who can! grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Charity News Bra Chain Aphrodite’s Bra Chain Ladies, STILL need your bras! We are pushing on with collecting and linking all the ones donated, but we still need more, so please have a rummage through your drawers, ask family and friends from all over the world to send them in. We really want to break the record as well as raise the profile of the Archangel Michael Hospice. However, this is not the sole purpose of the ladies involved. We have been busy, raising money in lots of other ways over the month of April. The fortnightly Quiz at Pantelis in Skouli is going from strength to strength with the help of Penny Snelgrove. Over April we have held a CurryOke night at Alfie T’s, organized a Twilight Walk and received the proceeds of the Caring Canine Show at Bonamare Beach Bar. Thanks to the organizers Leigh and Pauline Bishop. May brings a trip to Kyrenia, a Fashion Show (again at Alfie T’s) and another One Day One Song event. This event proved to be exceedingly popular last October, raising €700 for the Archangel Michael Hospice and was enjoyed by everyone who took part, hence why we are repeating it on 21st May. The idea is people sign up to learn one song in one day and then we all get together and perform this song at Paphos Castle Square at 5.00pm. Registration fee is €5. For further details and registration forms, contact 99389073 or see the Facebook Page, One Day One Song! For any information on any of the events, please ring Ruth on 99389073.

Events at Paphiakos & CCP Animal Welfare After a busy first few months of the year, here we are getting closer to the hot summer months, when the team at Paphiakos Anima Welfare have prepared a series of events in support of its invaluable activity. Here are the highlights of the coming period! Wine Workshop, Tasting & Lunch - Set in the beautiful scenery of the village of Panayia just 30 minutes away from Paphos, one of the best wineries in Cyprus, Vouni Panayia, is hosting a very special wine-related for Paphiakos. Saturday 27th May 2017, Mr. George Kassianos, professional sommelier, will hold the presentation of the Vouni Panayia wines at the aforementioned location. The guided wine presentation will be followed by a delicious lunch and all the wine you can drink! Transport is organised from Paphos, with departure at 11am from the car-park of the Big Church in Kato Paphos. There is also a pick-up point in Tala Square at 11:45am. Tickets for this very special day are €28 to include wine workshop, lunch and transport and can be obtained by calling 99753217. Trip to Famagusta - Saturday 24th June 2017, due to popular demand, Paphiakos & CCP Animal Welfare are holding their second Trip to Famagusta. An amazing day out in and around the very interesting Old Town of Famagusta. Visit the incredible ruins of the ancient site of Salamis, enjoy 3 hours’ free time in the centre of Old Famagusta sightseeing, having lunch or souvenir shopping. Finally, a guided drive through the Ghost City of Kato Varosha is organised upon leaving Famagusta. Departure is at 7:30am from the Paphiakos T-Rooms in Kato Paphos and pick-up at Rantzo in Pissouri is scheduled for approximately 8am. Passport essential. Tickets €29 - call or text 99753317. You can follow our activity by checking our website www. and our Facebook page www.facebook. com/Paphiakos. Call us every day between 7am and 7pm at 26946461 for any questions.

International School donation Pupils of years 5 & 6 of the International School of Paphos have presented €550 towards the upkeep of The Friends’ Hospice. They raised the cash by selling items they had made themselves or had bought in bulk for resale. Prior to the sales, which took place during the morning breaks over two days they also produced budget plans and projected profit margins as part of the exercise. Assisted by the I.T. department, they also manufactured a range of promotional and advertising materials for the events.

Chris Jones, President of the The Friends’ Hospice Foundation, receiving the donation from four representative pupils of the International School of Paphos, Zhenhon Wang, Alexia Macedo, Georgia Chapman and Victoria Sagdeeva, with their teachers, Mrs Kotsovos and Mr Coates.


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

My thought of the Day - Extortion In Motoring Fines by Andreas C Chrysafis

The recent announcement that motoring fines in Cyprus are to increase by as much 500% are no less that extortion by a government desperate to raise money to cover up its failures at the expense of ordinary citizens.

I am a strong believer in Rule of Law and I do believe that the law of the land should be respected but likewise; I believe that the law must also be a fair law and not be used to serve political agendas. I do however detest authorities attempting to drain every penny out of people’s hard earned cash. Such is the case with this motoring new proposal; it aims to drain every bit of cash out of poor citizens pockets with exorbitant fines and imprisonment. The rich can afford to pay high penalties to avoid incarceration but when a fine represents one or two week’s wages for a poor worker that cannot be right. Yet, the current proposal will not stop bad drivers – there will always be idiots – but it will hit the unemployed and the poor the hardest in a ruined economy. Society is not full of pious angels and anyone can make a mistake but from an 85 Euro fine for not wearing a seat belt to a sudden increase of 200 Euros, is not only unfair but also obscene. Such crippling fines if not paid in time can rise to 500 Euros and send the offender to prison! That’s not only a bad law but also one that for sure would lock hundreds of people behind bars. They could easily remove their driving licenses as a deterrent but that would not make them money! Then I ask a sane person - is such a law fair? Is it fair when a father, a son or a daughter or someone’s mother ends up in prison for not having the money to pay a massive fine for a driving offense? That’s an archaic medieval law and has no place in a civilized modern EU society – but only in Cyprus! The government’s proposal is utterly unjust and I hope it’s rejected big time – that’s if the parliamentarians are listening and decide to do the right thing! Reject this madness!

I am please to announce that the beautiful oil painting on canvas, “Akamas in Bloom” has now found a new home in Russia to be enjoyed by many others for years to come. It was a wonderful love affair while it lasted - but, nothing remains the same!

It will now be a part of my new Hard-Cover Coffee Table Book “Andreas C Chrysafis ART - Volume 1” to be published next month. grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Club News SUN + SEA = FUN

This is the formula that motivates this great club, Paphos International Sailing Club (PISC), to sail all year round from their sailing base at AGIOS GEORGIOS HARBOUR located at the end of the coast road just before the Akamas peninsula. Now is the time that our “sailing calendar” gets more interesting. Two unmissable events are planned for late May and early June: 1. SAILING OPEN DAYS at Agios Georgios. THURSDAY 25 & SUNDAY 28 May from 10.00am to 3.00pm. These special days are designed for you. Please come and see if this exciting sport - one of the few active sports where technique and concentration are far more important than strength - is for you. So, nothing ventured nothing gained. We will show you how a dinghy is rigged, launched, recovered and moves through the water using wind power alone. For those of you who are more into engines then we have 2 high speed RIB Safety Boats. If you are over 18, then for €10 become a temporary PISC member and experience sailing and power boating on the day. In addition you can enjoy this new sport on Thursdays and Saturdays for the next month. We also have a wide range of social activities centred on our clubhouse which is situated on the coast road in the Sea Caves area. Here there is a fully licensed bar and restaurant. Come to Agios Georgios you will get a great welcome, have some fun and if you would like to go out in a dinghy or RIB, a buoyancy aid will be provided but bring “wet” shoes. 2. SAILING “ROUND THE ISLAND RACE” SATURDAY 3rd. JUNE starting 11.00am. As part of 2017 Paphos City of Culture, PISC are organising a Sailing Race around the famous

archaeological site based on the Island of Yeronisos situated 100 metres off Agios Georgios. All Sailing Clubs in Cyprus are invited to join PISC to make this Race a truly spectacular event. It will be possible to see the race from the mainland. Bring your Binoculars and Cameras to capture the dinghies as they jostle for the best position at the start line before racing round Yeronisos. Alternatively watch our volunteer Beach Crew expertly help launch and recover the dinghies from the slipway in the Harbour. Afterwards get a bite to eat and drink (or maybe a naughty ice cream) at The Cafe on the Beach. Say “ya soo” to Koula, Maria and Roula. Their smile will make your day. See you there.

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club Paphos Classic Vehicle Club is a group of people who either own or appreciate classic vehicles, and enjoy getting together, using and discussing them. We usually hold our monthly Socials at the Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita on the third Saturday of the month at 16.00 Not all members actually own a classic vehicle, and some that do are in the process of restoring them and use their ‘modern’ vehicles in the meantime. Our 4th Annual Paphos Harbour Classic Vehicle Display takes place on Sunday 11th June 2017 at the Paphos Castle Harbour between 09.00am and 1.00 pm. Entrance is free so come along and enjoy probably the best show of classic cars on the island. The club entered nine cars in the 48hr Cyprus Rally that took place on the 1st and 2nd of April. We had a far amount of success with: Sally and Stuart 1st in class X. Robert and Mary 2nd in class F Don and Natasha 2nd in class G Colin and John 3rd in their class. Congratulations to all four teams, This event brought together Classic car clubs from all over Cyprus the total amount of money raised for charity at the time of writing is not yet known yet but will be in excess of several thousand euro`s. A group of our club members attended a coffee morning at Archangel Michael Hospice on the 6th of April where our vice chairman Ian received on behalf of the club a certificate from the trustee`s in


grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

recognition of our fund raising efforts for the hospice. Please see our website/facebook page or phone the number below for further information. Happy Motoring. Contact us on e-mail address: Phone: 99046466 Facebook page:PaphosClassicVehicleClub. Website: for regular updates and details of events.

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Feedback Dear Grapevine Readers, In 2008 we decided to purchase a second home in Cyprus. After visiting various different villas we fell in love with one close to Paphos. Back then we had to send regular Euro mortgage payments from our GBP bank account to the mortgage provider in Cyprus. As of last February we officially relocated and moved in to our lovely villa so we also had to transfer over our living expenses on a quarterly basis into Euros too. Initially we used our bank to make these payments but became unhappy at their service when we realised we could receive more Euros using a broker. After a bit of research we began using a currency exchange broker however their service wasn’t what we’d hoped for. In the end we reverted to using our bank to complete the transfers for ease of use. We’ve been a fond reader of the Grapevine Cyprus magazine for years now, I recall we first picked one up during a supermarket visit. It was from Grapevine Cyprus that I was introduced to TorFX so thought I’d explore how they differed from my bank and the previous broker. What I like about TorFX is that you can see the rate online through their platform. Yes, it changes but you can see that change as it happens. If you want, you can talk to your bank whilst online and directly compare the rates at the same instant. The fact I can arrange the currency exchange and transfer with TorFX at a rate I am happy with, and then transfer the amount into Sterling to them later the same day rather than sending the Sterling first and getting the rate afterwards is a huge plus in my view. After the transfer agreement is made the money takes no time to arrive in Cyprus. Richard (Paphos)

Useful titbits from TorFX: • FX does not just mean speculative trading – it’s short for foreign exchange! • Whilst you’d use your bank to make an international transfer, you don’t have to accept their exchange rates. You can choose who completes the currency exchange when making international payments through your bank. • Both individuals and businesses can gain more control of the exchange rates affecting the payments they make or receive through their bank. • Farmers receiving the Basic Payment Scheme can choose to receive their payment in GBP or EUR. TorFX could get them more GBP if they accept EUR and we do the currency exchange. (And if you’re interested - what’s new with TorFX?) • Our personal clients can now transact from £100 up to £25,000 on our online payment platform. (They still have their account managers available to complete their transactions via phone too for over £25K). • We’ve won the Consumer Moneyfacts ‘Best International Money Transfer Provider of the Year’ and ‘Best Customer Service’ again for the second year running!


Go directly to our website via the links page on the Grapevine Website: grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue

CLASSIFIEDS [ PROPERTIES FOR SALE ] Kamares Village, Tala, Paphos - detached 3-bed villa, with superb unobstructed views reasonably priced at €235,000 2.5 bathroom, solar heated private pool, lovely garden, garage & off road parking. Full title deeds. Excellent value for quick sale. Tel: 99112055 [ PROPERTIES FOR RENT ] Paphos Town - Store/Office for rent, 150sq.m Tel: 99361229 [ PROPERTY WANTED ] Detached Villa/House/Bungalow with pool for 2017, any area of Paphos region. Email: [ ARTICLES FOR SALE ] Used Portable Oxygen Concentrators for Sale - Very Good Condition and Attractive Prices. Two types available: 5LPM LoveGo Portable Oxygen Concentrator. We have two Airsep Freestyle Portable Oxygen Cylinders available for sale, complete with batteries and bag. Medical Reclining Armchair for Sale. Please call 99826301 [ ARTICLES WANTED ] Children’s play equipment for garden. Slide, house etc. Photos to tedmoult@ Cyprus Samaritans - donate your unwanted goods to Cyprus Samaritans, we can collect, house clearances free of charge, furniture, white goods, bric a brac etc. Limassol & Paphos areas only. Call Richard on 99151910 [ BUSINESSES FOR SALE ] Kato Paphos - Long established, very successful restaurant/bar in the tourist area. Prominent position. Operated for many years to a high professional standard. Popular with locals and tourists. For details, call 99647341[

Please send your clssifieds to: or post to: Grapevine Magazine, PO Box 61628, 8136 Paphos

grapevine | your local community meeting place | may 2017 issue


Noticeboard Kendall Events present the exceptional Graham Nash as Elton John & Billy Joel from Wed 10th May - Tue 14th May. Tremithousa, Limassol, Pissouri & Coral Bay. Full details of venues can be found at To book tickets, call 96818066 Cyprus Samaritans May Fayre - Sat 13th May, 9am-1pm at Angelika Restaurant in Chloraka. A variety of stalls, raffle, live entertainment.

Cancer Patients Support Group Paphos Recently been diagnosed with cancer. Worried? Scared? Don’t know what to do? Call our confidential Helpline 97760989 Mon-Fri 9am-1pm www.

Searays Cafe Bar - Sat 13th May live entertainment with Glenn Barnes, 2-5pm. Bookings 99617415

Cyprus Samaritans provides emotional support to people experiencing grief, distress or despair. Call Freephone 8000 7773 between 4pm-midnight every day or email

Car Boot Sale second Sunday every month at Swanky Wags. Next boot sale is 14th May. Please note our June boot sale is a week earlier on 4th June 10am-2pm. Tel: 96325877

What’s New Pussycat Fundraising for the Tala Monastery Cats. Check out our new website for latest offers and follow us on Facebook.

Treasure Hunt - Sun 14th May at Ollies Tavern in Tremithousa. Registration starts at 11.15am, treasure hunt to start at 12pm. Lunch to be served after. Tickets €10 to include 2 course Sunday Lunch. Raffle. Tickets available at Ollies Tavern or by calling 99771763.

PPDS Paphos Private Dogs Sanctuary - We need your help. Furniture and house clearance items required for our charity shop. Any items will help. Please call Paula 96037435

Vegan Venture at Lengo Tavern – Sun 14th May 4pm. Good food, music & raffle. Tickets €20 from Erin on 99964226

UKCA Bridge Group, Duplicate Bridge held every Tuesday morning at 8.30am for 9.00 am. start at the UKCA. No partner needed Contact 99157301

Craft Market last Saturday of every month at Swanky Wags. Please note our May Market is a week earlier on 20th May & the next one is 24th June, 10am-2pm. Tel: 96325877 Steni Farmers & Crafters Market on 3rd Sunday of every month from 10am until 2pm. Next markets are 21st May & 18th June For more info, call Catherine 99104622. Location Steni Village Museum grounds. Refreshments at Watermill Cafe. Come join us! Kamares Festival - Sat 27th May at Kamares Club near Tala. Arts, crafts, charity games. Full day of entertainment. Free entry, refreshments served all day. For details or to exhibit, please email or call 99387311 Searays Cafe Bar - Sat 27th May live entertainment with Mid Life Crisis, 2-5pm. Bookings 99617415 Wine Workshop, tasting & lunch at Vounipanayia Winery - Sat 27th May. Guided wine tasting followed by lunch with unlimited wine. Tickets €28 to include lunch, workshop and transport. Departure 11am from Big Church car-park in Kato Paphos, pick-up from Tala Square at 11:45am. For tickets call or text 99753217. Paphos Folk Club – Folk Night at Phoenix Social Club Thu 1st June 8pm – 11pm. €2 to non Phoenix members. Tel 26273076 or 99908241 Coffee Morning at Paws Dog Shelter - Sat 3rd June 9am -12pm. Come & join us for a drink and a cake or a breakfast sandwich (or both). For more information Tel 99320631 Step Into Summer at the Agios Neofytos Monastery Café Tala Sat 3rd June.10.30am - 3.30pm. Entrance free. Sponsored by Rock F.M. Over 30 stalls, .fashion show, entertainment, raffle, tombola, cake stall. Food and drink severed all day. All money raised going to the Tala Monastery Cats Summer Fair - Thu 8th June at Ollies Tavern in Tremithousa. Starts 5:30pm. Great range of stalls. Free entrance. Food & drink available from Ollies Tavern. Stalls €10. For info and bookings call 99771763. The World’s Premier tribute to the Bee Gees by Stayin’ Alive,brought to you by Kendall Events in June. Pissouri Amphitheatre 9th, Tala Amphitheatre 10th & 11th, Paralimni Amphitheatre 13th. Visit for more info or to buy online. 96818066 for ticket outlets or reserve. Searays Cafe Bar - Sat 10th June live entertainment with Steve Welsh, 2-5pm. Bookings 99617415 Summer Ball at Swanky Wags - Sat 10th June €17.50. Tickets on sale at Swanky Wags, proceeds to PARC Tel: 96325877 Royal Ascot Race Day - Sat 24th June at Elea Golf Club, from 3pm. Pimms on arrival, 4-course Ascot style lunch, incl. strawberries & bubbly. Live entertainment. Live racing on the big screen from 4.30pm, charity tote & raffle in aid of CPSG. Prizes for most original hats. Sponsored by Blevins Franks. Tickets €55. For tickets, please email or call 99387311

Paphos Bereavement Support Group - saying goodbye If you have suffered a death either recently or in the past, you are welcome to come along to support group. You can listen and/or share your feelings with other bereaved people in a safe and confidential environment. The group meets on the 1st Monday of each month from 2pm-4pm at the Cyprus Samaritans Centre, Chloraka (near Papantoniou). Individual counsellor meetings can also be arranged. For further info, call Rita 99175510 Scottish Country Dancing Every Tuesday at the Latin Parish Hall, Tomb of the Kings Road. 6pm-8pm, beginners welcome at 5.30pm. No partner necessary. More information at or call David 99010059 or Janine 97715679 The Paphos Writers Group Meet every Thursday morning 10am-12pm top floor at Neo’s, Coral Bay. If you are interested in writing as a hobby, contact Nikki, our secretary, on 99012601 or see our website Paphos Amateur Radio Club We meet on the third Thursday of every month at DT’s Bar, Tombs of the Kings road (near Lidl), 19:00- 19:30hrs. Weekly Chat Net on 145.750 every Wednesday at 19:30hrs. Visitors are most welcome and events include field days, junk sales, quizzes and fox-hunt. For further details, contact Richard 5B4AJG - Tel: 97857891 Email: British Guides in Foreign Countries We are part of Girl Guiding UK & follow the same exciting programme as the UK & wear the same modern uniform. Come & join us to make new friends, enjoy great activities & have fun. Rainbows for girls aged 5-7 years, Brownies 7-10 years and Guides 10-14 years. Units meet on Wednesdays at the Latin Community Hall, Tomb of Kings Road. We also need Adult Leaders & Helpers. Contact Michele Cook on 99172549 for further information. Trefoil Guild Part of Girl Guiding with over 22,000 members in UK - now a Branch here in Cyprus. We provide support and help to our local British Guiding Units sharing our skills and interests. Our Guild helps other Charities, undertakes exciting challenges, enjoys travel & adventures & has great fun together lunch is always included!. The Trefoil Guild is open to anyone over the age of 18 years, with or without any previous Guiding experience. If you are interested, please call Gwyneth Green on 96395297. Visit www.trefoilguild. Duplicate Bridge held every Tuesday and Thursday at 6.30 pm, at the Fantasia Club. Contact 99157301, or website paphosbridgeclub

Trip to Famagusta - Sat 24th June. Tickets €29 For more information call or text 99753217

Please send your notices to:

Paphos Folk Club - Folk Night at Phoenix Social Club Thu 6th July 8pm11pm. €2 to non Phoenix members. Tel 26273076 or 99908241

Grapevine Magazine, PO Box 61628, 8136 Paphos


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