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November 2015

Fi F rs R M t F EE on r th ida ly y

a window on your world

Š Grapevine • November 2015



© Grapevine • November 2015

Upfront It certainly doesn’t feel like Christmas is around the corner with the warm sunny days continuing. However judging by the number of events that are up and coning in the following weeks it’s definitely in the air. Take a look at our events pages P7 and dotted throughout this issue. The European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 continues building on its Open Air Factory programme and its thematic lines. The Pafos2017 Autumn agenda closes the month of November with community involvement actions, gastronomy, theatre and the screening of a documentary. The aim of this program is the development of the city’s infrastructures and the network expansion for creative groups in Paphos, aiming towards a shared cultural journey with enthusiasm and openness continually reaching closer to 2017. Information: 2693 2017 and Unfortunately we didn’t have the same to list all these events, so please visit their website or phone for details.

November Sunset photographed by Alex Tull

Contents News & Views

4- 6

We are also stating a new series of magic tricks provided by Peter Stammers so that will give you something to entertain your friends and family after Christmas lunch... get practicing and we will have another one for you next month.

Out & About


Back next month,

In Colour

16- 18

Food & Drink

21 - 22


23 - 27

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30 below

Next Issue Friday, 4th December

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Email: Website: Deadline for all finished Adverts and Submissions 15th of the preceding month. See website for advertising rates Grapevine Magazine does not hold itself responsible for the accuracy or opinions of correspondents. Advertisements are accepted in good faith. Any complaints should be taken up with the advertiser. With thanks to all our advertisers and contributors for the articles / photos / ads that makes Grapevine the leader of the pack - we aim to stay leader and will continue to innovate and change to make sure our readers and advertisers are getting the best service on the island

© Grapevine • November 2015


A Load of Rubbish by Barbara Strain

Recently there have been a few rubbish articles in the local press. No, that’s articles on rubbish. The Mayor of Strovolos cites the selfishness of people who litter, but who criticise others for doing the same. The Paphos Mayor is reported to be cleaning up the town, removing illegal structures and general rubbishy areas; a columnist wrote about her personal campaign to reduce the number of plastic bags in circulation. The sad fact is that none of this is news. The question of disposing of rubbish and our responsibility as consumers and citizens has been around for a long time. OK, I’ll not get into the state of the streets in Elizabethan London nor the causes of the Great Plague – but I do remember signs in our local market saying ‘no hawking or spitting’, suggesting that a pubic hygiene campaign was necessary in the UK in the 50s. We didn’t have plastic bags then, though. Forward to in Harrogate in the 1980s. At the time I lived in a flat that was up two flights of stairs, so I was very aware of the amount of packaging that came with my shopping and had to be carried up the stairs and then down again to the dustbin. I remember in particular a Boots the Chemist’s salesgirl who thought I was odd ’cos a new lippy could just go in my handbag rather than in a plastic bag (OK, so hang on to the receipt). England didn’t catch on to the plastic problem for a long time. Twenty years ago I was impressed by the system in force in Germany. At the supermarket checkout the customer could discard unwanted packaging, thus giving the supermarket the job of disposing of it. Not the entire solution, but surely the supermarket chains were looking for ways to minimise the packaging.


© Grapevine • November 2015

The UK seems not to have cottoned on to that idea yet. On a recent visit I was disappointed to see that so much is sold pre-packaged. Fruit and veg, for example. Oh, those plastic-shrink-wrapped cucumbers and packs of five too-good-lookingto-be-true tomatoes. Thank goodness our local veggie shop sells fruit and veg as it comes off the vine or tree, out of the ground or whatever. I do still end up with one or two more plastic bags than I’d like, but they will weigh an individual orange or a bunch of bananas and put them in the bag with the beans, for example. Unlike one of our nearby supermarkets. Part of a chain with branches over the island, you’d think they would calculate the financial cost of dispensing things in plastic, quite apart from any environmental issues. But no, one day I went to the weighing station with my purchases loose, and asked for them to be put in as few bags as possible. The checkout staff are happy to have several labels on one of the large bags, but this assistant proceeded to put each item into a separate bag. Including a clove of garlic; in its own bag. By coincidence, I had reached this point in my writing when I learned that England has now imposed a 5p charge for plastic bags. The legislation says that for the charge to apply the bag must be unused, plastic, have handles and be 70 microns thick or less. That sounds simple then – could it work here in Cyprus? Since my grouse about the veggie baggers covers bags that are mostly thin, but not necessarily with handles, the charge would probably not apply. It looks as if we caring souls are going to have to continue our efforts to reduce our own use of placcy bags, and to keep on wishing that there was a general reduction in the number of them floating in the sea or littering our streets and countryside.

Anglican Church of Paphos Annual Charity Christmas Fayre - Wednesday 2 December 2015 The Annual Charity Christmas Fayre in aid of local charities, organised by the Anglican Church of Paphos, will be held on Wednesday 2nd December at the Monte Liza Wedding Venue, Mesogi Avenue, Paphos from 12 noon. Admission is 1 Euro for adults and children are FREE. Attractions at this popular event include a Grand Raffle with a first prize of 300 Euros, stalls offering local home-made produce, pickles, cakes and baked products; gifts; Christmas cards and decorations; craft items; books; plants; nearly new clothing at bargain prices; bric-a-brac and much, much more.

Magically yours by Peter Stammers

Paphos Magic Society easy trick series. This month: Matchbox Command Effect: A matchbox obeys your orders. Secret: Run a thread through the ends of a matchbox drawer ( see Fig.1.) Put a small eraser in the drawer on top of the thread (Fig.2.) then close the box. The matchbox should be near the top of the thread. If you hold the thread loosely the box will slide the thread but if you secretly tighten the thread the box will stop (Fig.3). With practice you can make it stop and go at your command.

From 1.00 pm the Cyprus Police Band will again perform their repertoire of well known Christmas songs and melodies and from 2.15 pm children from the TLC School will perform a range of seasonal music. Around 3.15 pm, the event concludes with the Grand Raffle draw, other prize draws and presentations. A large selection of hot, cold and seasonal foods and drinks will be available to tempt your taste buds and a range of traditional games of skill and chance to test your abilities. During nearly 30 years in operation, the Fayre has raised and distributed more than 250,000 Euros to a number of local charities. Last year 9,000 Euros, was distributed - an exceptional achievement considering the economic climate. With your help we can raise the same, or more, to give to these worthy causes. An Additional Attraction Hundreds of Helium-filled balloons will be ‘let go’ at a Grand Release on Wednesday 2nd December at the Monte Lisa Wedding Venue, Mesogi Avenue, Paphos at 3.30 pm. The event is the culmination of recent fundraising efforts on behalf of the Anglican Church of Paphos. Balloons are on sale at the Monte Lisa at 5 Euros each during the day. The winning balloon, with prize of €50, will be the one that travels the farthest as notified to the organisers by 31st December

Interested in magic then visit: Or email:

© Grapevine • November 2015


Revolution of the Mind: The Demise of the Republic By Andreas C Chrysafis

Strong words indeed! Yet, a political entrapment has begun with fervour. The current events are very disturbing. The Anastasiades government has abandoned its mandate to protect the Republic of Cyprus and has decided to replace it with some unknown entity. Negotiations are under way to do just that; it is called Bi Zonal, Bi Communal Federation! Meanwhile, Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan and PM Davudoglu attended (October 17, 2015) the inauguration ceremony of a fresh-water pipeline coming from Turkey to the occupied area. What does this mean? It means that Turkey’s military occupation has now officially rubberstamped its authority to amalgamate or annex its war trophy with the mainland - the installation of the pipeline was never out of love for the Turkish Cypriots but one of domination! It also confirms that Mr Akinci the TC leader is now Ankara’s official representative; Erdogan conveyed to him that the pipeline would be operated by Turkey and not by Turkish Cypriots! Sadly, the Anastasiades government and his foreign minister Mr Kasoulides both failed to protect the territorial integrity of the island by not doing enough to stop Turkey’s illegal consolidation of the occupied north with the mainland. Negligence or inaction by the current Europhile government has now opened up a Pandora’s box. Questions enter the mind as to where they have been the past few years when the pipeline was announced and under construction? Why did they not stop Turkey through the International Courts; the UN or the EU? Where they advised by the EU or others not to intervene? Cypriots would never know but it is obvious, the government did not have the political will to protect the country! Meanwhile, the charade of the bi-communal negotiations continues without substance or transparency. Mr Akinci on the other hand has been very active. He is received by heads of state including the UN, EU and the Pentagon Administration as the representative of a budding new Turkish Cypriot state. With his growing recognition, President Anastasiades’ influence is being marginalized to the status of “community leader” of the “Greek side”. In fact, Mr Akinci has been quite upfront with his objectives - Ankara’s intransigent objectives; he seeks a two-state solution; the 400.000 Anatolian illegal settlers to remain on the island; Turkey to maintain its Guarantor Power over the component state; he envisions a rotating central government;


© Grapevine • November 2015

Muslims are to make up the majority in the new TC state; settlement would be controlled as not to alter the demographic character of the Muslim component state; he also wants to adopt the Euro currency before a solution is reached; calls for equal share of the natural gas proceeds and he keeps on producing new “red lines”. Meanwhile, both President Anastasiades and Mr Akinci are confident that a Referendum would likely be presented to the people by March 2016. Yet, citizens have no idea what is being agreed behind closed doors and the likelihood of a “yes” vote seems remote. In fact, Greek Cypriots would oppose any agreement that’s likely to partition the island and certainly do not trust the current political charade. If the Republic of Cyprus is to survive as one country in line with its historical past, a new mind-set is necessary; a BBF fragmentation would not provide a solution but dissolution! Actually, the government has a responsibility to develop new radical policies and make defense alliances with nations that are willing to support the Republic with actions and not rhetoric and hypocrisy. One of those countries its Russia and by developing stronger links with that nation would be a wise move for a number of reasons; defense, protection; trade and tourism; technology and other advantages! With such powerful links, Cyprus would no longer feel vulnerable to Ankara’s constant provocations. Unlike other “allies”, Russia has been a consistent supporter and a loyal friend of Cyprus. At the UN Security Council, Russia has repeatedly voted in support of the Republic and has never once disappointed the people of Cyprus with double standards. There is always a measurable degree of risks but not as high as allowing Turkey dictating policies under the threat of a gun especially after the recent discovery of vast amounts of natural gas deposits. This has wet her appetite for more! The Islamization of Cyprus through sheer numbers in population also cannot be overlooked and such likelihood would pose the greatest threat to stability for years to come. The Syrian battle against the Islamic State and others proves that Russia answers to no one and has the freedom, decisiveness and the might to do the right thing where others, for 41 years have failed to assist Cyprus for their own self-interests. This has to stop and seeking Russian assistance can transform the entire political landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean to Cyprus’s advantage. The island it’s in a perfect geopolitical situation to become the Jewel of the Med for the Turkish and Greek Cypriots as well as all other citizens. In fact, it can no longer risk further erosion of its territorial and national integrity and the misguided proposed BBF promises the final demise of the Republic of Cyprus.

Rubber Ear Productions Set up Shop in Paphos Award-winning comedy theatre company have agreed residency in new theatre space to perform throughout the year – starting with a panto this December. Rubber Ear Productions, the comedy theatre company that brought you Sex, Chips and Ouzo, The Devil Wears Primark, Spare Ribs and many other plays from the pen of award-winning writer and actress Kathleen Ruddy have taken up residency at Anno Polis, a beautiful bespoke theatre warehouse conversion in Paphos old town. This is good news for all Rubber Ear fans – as the company will now be bringing many plays to Paphos – and some UK stand-up comedy too throughout the year, not just the usual summer months. The exciting new schedule begins with a panto, Jack and the Beanstalk, which will be performed in early December, with the venue providing food and drink for parents and children in an exclusive offer. Ruddy, who is also artistic director of the company, has wanted to provide entertainment in the ‘A Play, A Pie and A Pint’ format adopted in the UK by Rubber Ear but has brought it upmarket for Cyprus: ‘It’s more like ‘A Play, A Plate of top class food and a Pinot Grigio’ Says Ruddy: ‘ We’re planning on bringing over some comedy favourites and performing at times that better suit our audiences. We have been restricted in the past to touring during the summer months as we perform outdoors, due to lack of suitable indoor venues. This new venture gives us more flexibility all year round. I think the Rubber Ear faithful will be excited by the space and facilities.’

Food for children and adults Anno Polis will also be offering a Christmas themed buffet for adults and children at specially reduced rates for our shows. Adults will also have access to bar facilities. The food in the theatre is of the highest class and the space has the largest and best wine collection on Cyprus.

Tickets Tickets are priced at €17.00 per adult / €13.00 per child to the general public with a further 10% discount on block bookings of 100 plus. Schools are offered reduced rates according to numbers. Call 99908434 or 99060074 for reservations and information

What’s coming from Rubber Ear Productions in 2015/2016/2017 Starting now and to the run up to Paphos 2017, Rubber Ear Productions are planning to bring or produce: Abigail’s Party, Sexual Perversity in Chicago, Check Your Coupon, A Million Tiny Plays About Paphos, The Snowman, Sex, Chips & Ouzo, Shirley Valentine, The Scotsman, The Englishman & The Irishman (A trio of British and Irish stand up comedy), Velvet Nights (The best of Europe’s burlesque and cabaret acts) and The Tommy Cooper Show (Blood Brother’s star Daniel Craig stars in his sell out touring hit ‘The Tommy Cooper Show’ about the life and times of the late, great Tommy Cooper). And now’s your chance to sample the produce as they prepare to stage their first ever panto on the island; Ruddy’s version of Jack and the Beanstalk with a Cypriot twist and traditional audience involvement. Rubber Ear have recently returned to the island after a UK tour of The Devil Wears Primark which premiered in Cyprus in 2012.

Jack and the Beanstalk pantomime Performing this December 2015 at Anno Polis, Paphos Two performances daily as follows: Jack and the Beanstalk performances are as follows: Friday 4th Dec

Matinee Performance Afternoon Performance

12-2 pm 4-6 pm

Saturday 5th Dec Matinee Performance Afternoon Performance

12-2 pm 4-6 pm

Sunday 6th Dec

12-2 pm 8-10 pm

Matinee Performance Evening Performance

Free buses from Limassol and Nicosia Unfortunately this residency will mean we won’t be touring in other cities with this pantomime but we will be offering free buses from Limassol and Nicosia and with your pantomime tickets you can get a 20% discount off selected hotels if you fancy making a weekend of it.

Ioannides Card and Stationery Shop We are retiring and selling off everything buy the end of ther year. 50% on cards and stationery and special bargins on bigger items. Tel: 99 432763 © Grapevine • November 2015


Diary 0f events November and early December

For this month’s live music listings visit

Saturday 7 November 9pm Miles Cooler presents THE REAL THING Guitar/vocal, Bass, Drums – Blues Trio formerly known as ‘Andrey’s Blues Band’The Old Kamaroudi Konia Admission: €10 on the door no need to book!

you hits from the likes of Sinatra, Elvis, J.Cash, Deano, Bill Withers and much more + a raffle! With special guest ‘ Les Holmes ‘ on the saxophone. Tickets €20 includes a 3 course dinner, entertainment, plus a raffle to help raise addition funds. Starting at 7:00pm until late. A donation from ticket sales will go to the charity.

Saturday 7 November Variety Show to raise money for Paws Dog Shelter and Tala Monastery Cats at BASE (on the Paphos Airport Road). There will be singers, dancers and musicians, a raffle, handmade items for sale and, hopefully, a disco afterwards. Tickets are €8 only and snacks may be available. All proceeds to go to the 2 charities and tickets can be obtained by ringing me on 99903239/ Maria on 97645543 or Lynda on 99841142.

Seats are limited so booking early is advised. For tickets call Mike on 99854375 or from Sonny’s Restaurant

Saturday afternoon, 7th November The Band of the Royal Armoured Corps are giving a concert in Pissouri Amphitheatre on. It will start at 3pm and access will be from around 2pm. As always, come armed with cushions and a coolbox. Tickets are €10 for adults and €5 for under 16s; Reservations via or phone 99934668 but you can pay at the door also. 7th November. Table top sale at St Barnabas Pitches cost €10 each and tables an additional €5 per table. These need to be booked in advance please. Refreshments will be on sale. further information. On 99356451. Saturday Nov. 7th The Band of the Royal Armoured Corps Charity Band Concert in aid of ABF The Soldiers Charity. Pissouri Amphitheatre . 3pm. Tickets €10 or tel.99934668.= 12 – 15 November, 2015 2nd APOLLON INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL Annabelle Hotel, Paphos – CYPRUS. Tel: 99722031. THURSDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 8pm Mozart: String Quintet No. 4 in G minor, K. 516, Arturo Cuellar : Latin Fantasy for Piano and Strings Brahms: String Quintet No. 2 in G major, Opus 111. FRIDAY, 13 NOVEMBER Haydn: Piano Trio No. 39 in G major Hob. XV “Gypsy”, Mozart : Piano Quartet in G minor K.476 and Shostakovich : Five Pieces for two Violins and Piano, Mendelssohn : Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49 30” . SATURDAY, 14 NOVEMBER. Borodin : String Trio in G minor on Russian Folk Songs , Weber : Clarinet Quintet in B flat major, Op. 34 and Schubert : Quartet Movement in C minor D.703, Schumann : Piano Quintet in E flat major, Op. 44. SUNDAY, 15 NOVEMBER . 3pm : Family Concert (no interval) . Music by Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Faure, Tchaikovsky, Borodin, Led Zeppelin, Scott Joplin and tangos. SUNDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 8pm. Haydn: Quartet in D Major, Op. 64, No. 5, “The Lark”, Mozart: ‘Kegelstatt’ Trio in E-flat Major, K.498 and Brahms: Piano Quintet in F minor Op. 34 Friday 13 November World Diabetes Day. Free foot assessments available on between 10:00 – 14:00. Telephone: Elizabeth Dooley on 26222986 or 99117003 email cy for further information.

Saturday, November 21st Grab a bin bag, go for a walk and pick up some litter - PICK UP LITTER DAY. Post your photos on Keep Cyprus Tidy Facebook page. Sunday 29th November Christmas Craft Fair at Elea Golf Club. 10am-4pm. Crafters will come together and will be displaying and selling their home made and imported products. Candles, Books, Jewellery, Cakes, Sweets, Ceramics and Beauty Products will be among the items available to purchase. There will be a entertainment throughout the day and the launch of MadVent will take place, with money raised going to the Friends Hospice Paphos. Rock FM will be live from 12noon - 2pm and Thompson School of Dance will be hosting a danceathon from 10am - 4pm. Father Christmas will visit at 3pm with gifts for the children. Snacks and refreshment will be available. For further information please contact 99 387 311 or by e-mail Sat. 5th December 1920’s Great Gatsby Ball. Eléa Golf Club – In-Any-Event are creating a 1920’s style Gatsby Ball at Elea Golf Club on Saturday 5th December. The evening, sponsored by Felicitas Management Group, will include a welcome drink to the sound of the saxaphone, a served 1920’s themed four course dinner and after dinner entertainment with Melissa Williams. The evening is black tie or 1920’s style dress. Tickets for the evening are 45€ and available from In-Any-Event on 99 387 311 or by e-mailing Sunday 6 Dec: “Special Christmas Market in Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden with Farmers, Arts and Crafts, roasted chestnuts, home made mulled wine from local grapes. 10am2pm. Local, natural, homemade and handmade! Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers, artists and crafters. Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visit heavenonearthherbals or contact 96425879/99993412. Saturday 12 December SINATRA CENTENARY BALL Celebrating 100 years of the life and music of Frank Sinatra Coral Palace, Coral Bay, Paphos Doors open 6.30pm, Showtime 8.30pm. Dress code: black tie Tickets €25 including a sumptuous buffet dinner. Tickets available at Hearns Coral Bay, Cake Fairy Tombs of the Kings Road. and Computer SOS Chlorakas. Call Angela – Tel: 99856571 for more information


© Grapevine • November 2015

ws ing vie rit Re le W tic Ar

Pr Ed oo it f R ori ea al di ng

Friday 13th November Charity Event Poster by Michael Antoniou, in order to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association of Cyprus (Charity 1695). ‘Swing’in With a Difference!’ on at Sonny’s Restaurant in Kissonerga. An evening with Michael Antoniou bringing

Saturday 14th November Christmas Bazaar. Leptos Kamares Club – 10am and 4pm. This year there will be over 50 stall holders displaying their home made and imported products, including jewellery, clothing, pottery, beauty products, cakes, toys, paintings, christmas gifts and more. Fair there will be entertainment throughout the day and the water waltzers in the pool area. There will be a visit by Santa Claus at 3pm for the children and a charity raffle with the proceeds being donated to Cancer Patients Support Group. Snacks and refreshment will be available and if you would like further information please e-mail to or call 99 387 311

Church Groups


Sunday Services - Ayia Kyriaki, Kato Paphos - 8.15am and 6.00pm Holy Eucharist (4th Sunday Choral Evensong); St Luke’s, Prodromi - 9.30am Holy Communion; St Stephen’s, Tala - 11.00am Holy Communion. Wednesdays Ayia Kyriaki 9.00am, Holy Eucharist. Contact: Church Office - 26-953044 or 99-212627.


Every Sunday 10.30am at the Coral Star Restaurant, Coral Bay, A variety of midweek home groups and social outreach activities, etc. For more info, tel. Elder Val Morgan 99 407091. Email:

Directory of Societies, Clubs, Groups and Regular Meetings Paphos

Table Tennis, Thursday evenings, tel. 26-652763

Alcoholics Anonymous, tel. 99-916331 or 99-399240

Taichi & Qigong at Platinum Gym, Kamares Club & Crown Resort, text 99-923310 or email taichipafos@

Al-Anon family groups. Tel 97-699256 Alzheimer Self Help Group, tel. 26-621530 Bereavement Support Group, tel. 99-312662, 99-224147, 99-175510 or 99-541278

The Aircrew Association Cyprus, for Military Aircrew, tel. 26-815347 (island wide) The Pajero Club of Paphos,

British Guides in Cyprus, tel Michele 99-172549

The Royal British Legion, tel. 99 135894


Cancer Patients Support Group, Coffee Morning, tel. 26-654007


Anyone is welcome. Holy Mass times at Agia Kyriaki Chrisopolitissa, Kato Paphos: Saturdays 18.00 (valid for Sunday), Sundays 10.00 (Latin), 11.00 (English-Polish), 12.00 (English); at Latin Parish Hall, Tombs of Kings Rd: Saturdays 16.00 (valid for Sunday); at St. Nicolas Church, Polis, Saturdays 10.00; at Columbia Resort, Pissouri, Sundays 18.00. Parish Priest: Fr. Carlos Ferrero. Tel: 26-931308.

Cancer Patients Support, Craft Group, tel. 26-654007

Alcoholics Anonymous, tel. 25-368265 or 99-559322

Cancer Support Group & Info Help Line, tel. 97-760989 Chicago Bridge, tel. 26-937551 or 99-557829

Bridge in Every Friday at 2 Friends Restaurant. tel. 99-667592

Children’s Craft Workshops, Saturdays 10am, tel. 99-079194

C3A Cyprus 3rd Age,

C3A Cyprus 3rd Age,

Cyprus Services Rambling Club, tel. 99-292092


Cyprus Samaritans, tel. 77-777267, Freephone 80007773

Cyprus Women of Today, tel. 99-358525

We welcome you to worship with us at 10.30am each Sunday. We are now at the former Welcome Inn, 12 Adamantiou Korai St, Paphos. Elder Mike 99175985 and Elder Mark 99930070

Diabetes Support Group, tel. 99-861279

Food for Friends, tel. 25-634487

Duplicate Bridge, twice weekly at 6.45pm. paphosbridgeclub

Friends for Life Limassol Hospice Care, tel. 25-343000 or Admissions 99-189796

Easy Strollers Walking Group,

Happy Valley Hash House Harriers, tel. 99-434794

Fitness for Life, tel. Yvonne 99-034576

Limassol (Coeur de Lion) Lions Club, tel. 99-921290

Good Vibrations, Wednesdays 99 14 8892. www.

Limassol Bridge Club, Mon & Fri 3.30pm, tel. 99-645338

Harmony Ladies at Railway Inn Chloraka. Second Thursday of each month, 10am-12pm.

Man City Cyprus Limassol, tel. 99-130711 or 99-812393

Jukebox Jiving, tel. 96-349276

RAFA Aphrodite Branch Meeting. Tel 99-298723

‘Learn about your Body’ Last Friday of every month For more info call 99 993412 or email

Royal Logistic Corps Association, tel. 25-717002

New Friends Coffee Morning,

Line Dancing, Jane tel. 99-762047

The Limassol Ladies Club, tel. 99-951910

Coral Star Restaurant 10.30am Thurs, Coral Bay, Paphos

P.A.S.Y.K.A.F. (Paphos Bereavement Support Group - Saying Goodbye), tel. 99-312662

The Royal British Legion, tel. 25-315313

Tel. 24-652331

PALMS (Paphos Area Ladies Multi-national Society), tel. 99-341929


Where the message of Christ’s saving power & love is proclaimed & the Biblical view of His Kingdom taught. All are welcome. International Evangelical Church (Reformed), 352 St. Andrew’s Street, 1st floor (near the Municipal Gardens) Services 10.30am Sunday, Bible study 7pm Wednesday. Tel. 99-384742 or email: for more info


Invites you to join them for praise and worship each Sunday at 10.00am at No 20, 25th of March St, Paphos. Holy Communion is celebrated on first Sunday of each month. Tel. 99-757138

Int. Evangelical Church, Larnaca,

St. Helen’s Anglican Church, Larnaca, Tel. 24-651327

St Barnabas’ Anglican Church Limassol

PGA (Paphos Golfers’ Association) Amateur Golf for local players Details contact Mark (

Opposite the Old Hospital. Sunday Communion at 10am with Junior Church & monthly 11+ group on 2nd Sundays. Paphos International Sailing Club (PISC), Tel. Derek on 96-612371 Paphos Magic Society www. or Peter


All German-speaking Christians are warmly invited to a church service, second Saturday of each month at Ayia Kyriaki Church (St. Paul’s Pillars), Paphos at 4pm. Tel. 26-270619. Please confirm venue.

Int. Christian Fellowship (East), Limassol

Welcome 10.00am Sundays to: Worship, Study the Bible, Care for each other. Kanika Complex, Flat 201, Apollo Building. Tel. 99-917195.

Pissouri Anglican Group

Meet for Communion Services at 6pm on the second and fourth Sundays of the month in a room at the amphitheatre, Pissouri Village. Tel. 96-612371 or email:

Table Tennis at UKCA, tel. Antonio 99-334706

Toastmasters International, tel. 99-754042 or 97-744285,

Larnaca Alcoholics Anonymous, tel. 24-645523 or 99-344339 Antidote Theatre Workshops, tel. 24-822677 or

Stammers 99459673

Arsenal Cyprus Larnaca, tel. 99-015699

Paphos Writers Group, tel. Nikki 99-012601 or see

Dhekelia Sailing Club,

St John Ambulance, British Forces Overseas, Dhekelia, tel. 99-378054

Scottish Country Dancing, tel. 99-298512 Sequence Dancing, Tues Afternoons. Tel, 99-750332 or email Short Mat Bowling, tel. 99-983684 or 26-960522 Steni Village Art & Crafts Group, Thursdays, tel. 99-175988 Stroke Association, Latin Parish Hall, 1st Saturday each month, tel. Brenda 99-804161. Singles Sunday Lunch Club, tel. 99-754078

The Royal British Legion, Larnaca Branch,

Markets, Charity Shops & Car Boot Sales

Paphos Area Aladdins Cave Charity Shop, tel. 99-927452 Timi Market & Car Boot Sale, tel. 99-611637 The Duckpond, tel. 99-875217 or 99-090253 Paphiakos Saturday Market, tel. 97-718675 Stroumpi Farmers’ Market & Craft Fair. Second Sunday of every month. 10am-3pm. Tel. 97 839295. Craft Market, Thur 9-2, Coral Star, Coral Bay, tel. 99-387311

Full Moon This Month November 25th

Pano Akourdaleia Farmers Market. First Sunday of every month 10am – 2pm. Tel 99 993412 or 96 425879

Limassol Area The Flea Market, Fassouri, tel. 77-778828 Friends Hospice Charity Shop, Pissouri, tel. 99-802414 Linopetra Corner, tel. 99-612832

Larnaca Area Marios Nicola Foundation, Xylophagou, tel. 99-541248 © Grapevine • November 2015


Paphiakos Forthcoming Dates for Your Diary With the cooler, let’s call them “winter” months nearly upon us, we bring you some events and activities to keep you occupied. Add to this the fact that you can help the largest shelter in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East and you’ve got a winning combination! Wine & Cheese Tasting Experience – Saturday 7th November 2015, at Secret Valley Golf Club Restaurant between 1 and 5pm – A superb event by the Cyprus Food & Wine Club, with 7 wineries – Kolios, Vouni Panayia, SodapKamanterena, Fikardos, Tsangarides, Zambartas and Tsiakkas – present with their best wines for you to taste. The newest and fanciest shop open in town, Mesogiaki Gonia (inside Kings Avenue Mall, on the upper floor) will come with their best cheeses and deli products as the perfect accompaniment to the wines. Harpist Anna Kulikova will provide the background music, while Britta Simon from LR Health & Beauty will keep the ladies busy with a great presentation of the LR products. Entrance is €10 and it is paid on arrival. For more information please telephone 96510430. Pig Race – Tuesday 10th November 2015 at Ollie’s Tavern in Tremithousa – A nice evening out at the races in the comfortable setting of Ollie’s tavern. For €10 (no refunds) you have a choice of 3 delicious meals (to be served between 6 and 7:30pm)! Races start at 7:30pm and there will be 10 of them, at €2/race. For reservations please telephone Wendy at 99398361. Christmas Shopping Trip to Nicosia – Thursday 19th November 2015 – Our traditional Christmas Shopping Trip to Nicosia takes place once more, just in time for you to prepare those fabulous Christmas decorations and presents for all the family! As usual, we will leave the Paphiakos T-Rooms at 7:45am. We are stopping for a short break at Choirokoitia, to then continue our way to Nicosia. The first stop in Nicosia is the biggest Marks & Spencer shop in Cyprus, in the Strovolos area. From there, there is the possibility to go for a stroll in the Old Town, as the coach will drop you off near Ledra Street (please note that the coach is not picking people up from Ledra Street, they will have to make their own way back to the Mall of Cyprus). We are then going to the Mall of Cyprus and IKEA for some even more serious shopping! The meeting point is the big car-park behind the Mall. We will leave Nicosia at 4:15-4:30pm to come back to Paphos just in time for dinner. Tickets are €19 (no refunds), they are on sale and some of them have already been bought! So hurry up to get yours by calling 99753217.


© Grapevine • November 2015

All that Jazz! – Saturday 28th November 2015 at Hillview Restaurant in Pissouri, from 7pm – A beautiful pre-Christmas dinner & dance in aid of Paphiakos in the lovely setting of the Hillview Restaurant in the even more wonderful village of Pissouri. The event starts at 7pm and dinner is served at 7:30pm, with a menu that will make you hungry on the spot: starter – Medley for Two – “a selection of our old favourites feta parcels, deep fried mozzarella cheese, Halloumi coated in sesame seeds and mushrooms stuffed with feta cheese, sweet red pepper, garlic and parsley; main course – roast turkey & honey roast gammon served with roast potatoes, a selection of vegetables, gravy and all the Christmas trimmings; desserts – Assiette to share between 2 people – Christmas pudding with brandy sauce, raspberry cheesecake, crème brulee and sticky toffee pudding. The wonderful Melissa Williams will keep you dancing the night away and a raffle with amazing prizes will be held. Price per person is €27.50 to be paid at the restaurant directly (call George at 25221972). Boxing Day Swim – Saturday 26th December 2015 – We’re doing it again! On Boxing Day, when others enjoy their Christmas presents and rich meals in the company of family and friends, we are going for a dip in the sea! Sponsored “dippers” will brave the cold December sea to raise funds for the causes they truly believe in! So if you can spare a bit of money to sponsor one of our “dippers”, please do so! They need all the support they can get! Of course, they will need you to go along to Vardas Beach to cheer and support them, and also join them for some lunch and some well-deserved hot drinks afterwards. For more information on this special occasion, please telephone Dot at 97718675, or e-mail her at sponsor@ January Sales Shopping Trip to Nicosia – Thursday 21st January 2016 – ANOTHER ONE? Yes, another one! This time, for the magic winter sales… Everybody loves shopping during the sales period, right? We thought so, that’s why we’re offering you the possibility to enjoy another day in the capital! You must know the schedule by now: departure at 7:45am from the Paphiakos T-Rooms, short break at Choirokoitia, then onwards to Marks & Spencer Strovolos. Then, if you want to, there is drop-off available in the Old Town, near Ledra Street. From here we are going to the Mall of Cyprus and IKEA. Departure back to Paphos at 4:15-4:30pm. Tickets are €19 (no refunds) and you can get them by calling 99753217. Thank you for supporting us and don’t forget to follow our Facebook page https://

© Grapevine • November 2015


Clearing out by Barbarian

Web browsers you use on your mobile phone or tablet remember your browsing history, just like browsers on your PC. Anyone who borrows your phone or gets access to it somehow can see which webpages you’ve visited. Maybe you don’t mind friends and family seeing which websites you have been visiting, but what if your mobile device is stolen? Could your browsing history help someone to clone your identity? What’s more, whether it’s a mobile device or a PC, your cookies, cache and browsing data can be used to target unwanted adverts. Clearing the data on a regular basis is a good idea, and it’s not difficult. You can delete all or some of your Chrome browsing history. If you’re signed in to Chrome on multiple computers or devices, deleting your browsing history will take effect on all other devices. Open the menu at the top right hand of the Chrome screen, click Settings and Show advanced settings then choose the Clear browsing data option (or use Ctrl+Shift+Del keyboard combination to bring up the dialog box). Uncheck all the options except Clear browsing history and Clear download history, and choose the time period you want to delete. Remember that saved content settings and search engines will not be cleared and may reflect your browsing habits. For a little extra security, you can enter incognito mode by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N. Chrome won’t save your browsing history, but your service provider, employer ad the website itself will still have your browsing data. Firefox also makes it pretty easy to clear your web history, simply click on the Firefox button, expand the History section and select the Clear recent history option, or Ctrl+Shift+Del keyboard combination. Change the time range to Everything and then expand Details. Uncheck everything except the Browsing & Download History and then hit the Clear Now button. If you want to delete cookies, cache and history from iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, you can easily do it in a few steps. Press Settings on the Home screen and scroll down to Safari. Press Safari. Scroll down to Clear Cookies and Data. Press Clear Cookies and Data.


© Grapevine • November 2015

In iOS 8, press Clear History and Website Data. Press Clear Cookies and Data again. This deletes your cookies and cache. For Android devices, you should open the Browser application, select the Menu key, and select Settings then Privacy & security. Now you can select Clear history/Clear form data/ Clear all cookie data for each of the items you want to clear. If you use Internet Explorer, click on the settings button, navigate to safety and choose the Delete browsing history option - again you have the option of pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Del keyboard combination. Uncheck all the options except for History and then hit the delete button. You will notice that there are a lot of other things you can clear for your browsers and all the check boxes clear different things, so do check these out whilst you are working on the process. If you wish, you can disable the cache entirely in your browser’s options panel by choosing the ‘do not remember history’ option. The cache is used to speed up access to websites by loading data from the local memory rather than downloading it, however you probably will not notice a difference from a high-speed internet connection. You have to find your own balance between privacy and ease of access. ads If your main problem is with those irritating popup adverts, you can opt out. If you want to stop targeted altogether, visit the Google Ads Settings page and select the opt-out setting.

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club by Wendy Dacre

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club is a group of people who either own or appreciate classic vehicles; both two and four wheeled, and enjoy getting together, using and discussing them. We usually hold our monthly Socials at the Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita on the third Saturday of the month at 16.00. Not all members actually own a classic vehicle, and some that do are in the process of restoring them and use their ‘modern’ vehicles in the meantime. Impromptu run outs for classic cars are held on occasion and these are, as the name suggests, arranged at short notice and can be arranged by any member. They take the form of a run to a tavern for coffee or lunch, or in the summer months an evening run for supper. You can go as a group or alone and meet us at the destination. Total time around four hours. As there is little planning required there is no need to decide until the day whether you go or not. Following a great day out at the Episkopi Annual Fete on 19th September, where many of our cars were on display and the owners were able to chat to the public, our next event was the Autumn Ball held at the Aquamare Hotel on 3rd October. This was a fantastic night out at a super venue, greatly enjoyed by all who attended. The 11th October saw the first Platres Classic Vehicle Run organised by our Club, which was attended by vehicles from all over the island. After convening at the summit of Mount Olympus we adjourned to the Forest Park Hotel for a buffet lunch. We had a good turnout for the regular monthly meeting on 17th of the month, held as usual at Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita. We are now looking forward to our Annual Scrabble Run, which this year will be held on Sunday 1st November. Contact us on e-mail address: Phone: 99791872 or view our Facebook page: Paphclassics Website: for regular updates and details of events.

© Grapevine • November 2015


Wills Gift Your Assets After Death, Why Wait? by Sam Orgill

Change of EU Law impacts Expat Wills The adoption of the new EU law impacted Cyprus law by removing the options previously available to settle your Will under your home country laws. You should review your Will to ensure that your Wishes are meet and your assets can be distributed as you wish in your Last Will & Testament. Cyprus Law of Succession Now the EU is the controlling legislation which says that your estate must be settled in your country of Residence. That is not the same as the country you are from. A legal definition of Domicile has been introduced in Cyprus. Your country of birth and of your parents is defined as your country of origin. Where you are From. You can change your Domicile but this takes 20 years of living in another country. Nationality is not your Domicile. You may adopt citizenship or nationality in another country with cash or time (less than Domicile). But your Domicile is still your country of origin as defined in Cyprus and other EU countries that have adopted the EU legislation France, Spain, Portugal…. The significance of Domicile to the Changes to Wills and Succession is that EU law allows you to settle your Will (in your country of Residence) using the laws of succession for your home country of Domicile. Cyprus Law of Succession The Cyprus Laws of Succession described fixed rules of succession. Widows can only receive up to half the estate. Children will receive an equal share with a Widow. Where no marriage exists, or, children are not blood relatives, these people cannot benefit from the deceased estate. Remoter relatives including cousins and your grandparents siblings can make a claim. Only if no blood relatives survive the deceased can a widow inherit 100% of assets. The law is clear. No excuses. Make written changes to you Will to adopt your home countries law or settle your Will under your country of residence. Review your Will and consider Written amendments to allow your Will to be settled under the law of your home country. Domicile and Inheritance On the flip side if you want to avoid 40% Inheritance tax in the UK, your choices need further consideration. If you write in a Will confirming your domicile as your home country then Inheritance Tax is assessed there. No inheritance tax applies in Cyprus if family inherit under Cyprus laws of succession. You could trigger a full Inheritance tax assessment of Worldwide assets on death. Meaning UK expats pay 40% tax on Cyprus Overseas Property Assets. Gift it Away – Avoid Probate – Top Tips Inheritance tax could be avoided by gifting during your lifetime directly to beneficiaries or into a family trust. You stay in control and have freedom from forced heirship. - Gifting could benefit your spouse from second marriage, who would otherwise share with first marriage children and other blood relatives. - Gifts can protect all widows’ form losing control of assets during their lifetime. - Gifts will achieve Inheritance Tax Saving up to 40% on assets gifted in your lifetime. - Gifts in lifetime save the cost of Probate and achieve inheritance tax saving for expats up to 40% Now every Expat must review their Wills to ensure that your Wishes are meet and your assets can be distributed as your wish in your Last Will & Testament. Consider Inheritance Tax, Savings Taxes and Property Title Deeds: to bring your needs in line with the new legislation. ProACT Expatriate Tax Saving Expat Experts – Free Review ProACT can also assist and offer free review and advice to Make a Will, provide updates or revisions as required. You may want to make gifts to avoid Inheritance Tax. This may just give you piece of mind, but also ensures that when someone dies, unforeseen problems, expense and inheritance taxes are avoided. Contact Us for a Free Review. 14

© Grapevine • November 2015

Your Room with a View

On the 15th Floor overlooking Sliema Creek towards Valetta, Malta.

Give your Body the Holiday of a Lifetime 7 Days Half-board in a Wellness Rejuvenation Room 11th - 18th January 2013 The Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms offer the latest technology to help revitalise your body and mind by creating the perfect environment to soothe you into a deep healing sleep, leaving you to wake feeling refreshed and invigorated.

In your Wellness Rejuvenation Room you will find: Magnetic mattresses, which magnetise your entire body, relieving it from all aches, pains and stress. Magnetic pillows, which reduce neck and shoulder pain and stimulate circulation resulting in healthier blood with increased oxygen and nutrients. Far-Infrared Technology which balances the temperature of the bed for added comfort. Nikken anti-bacterial bedding that kills dust mites which is a great relief for anyone who suffers from asthma or sinus problems. A Power Plate Vibrogym, which can give you the equivalent of a full body workout in just 15 minutes. An air purifier, which removes contaminants from the air, great for allergy sufferers and asthmatics giving mountain fresh natural air indoors! A hot tub on the balcony, which has views to three compass directions. A water de-ioniser to filter all the water in the bathroom for an invigorating, soft, purified, mineral rich, perfectly PH balanced shower. Plus hydrotherapy bath, and Dermalife Spa-Jet machine in the bathroom. Television, fridge, tea and coffee making facilities including an expresso coffee machine. The Fortina Spa Resort has developed a “Dine around the World” concept, offering six Restaurants, most of which are located in the spectacular Tropical Garden, each specialising in a different cuisine from around the World. These Restaurants are Taste; serving Mediterranean and Vietnamese cuisine, Sa Re Ga Ma serving Indian cuisine, Can Thai; serving Thai and Chinese cuisine, Il Giardino pizzeria, Ristorante Tigne; specialising in Italian and Continental cuisine. Our specially designed and decorated restaurants, authentic chefs and waiting staff make dining in each Restaurant an experience in itself. The Fortina Spa Resort offers a wide range of therapies from around the World. The Spa offers beauty treatments, specialised treatments, a Physiotherapy Clinic, Chinese medicine and a range of other treatments. You also have daily use of the Spa Sante where facilities include: Whirlpool, Steam Room, Sauna, Ice Grotto, Lanconium, Relaxation room, Aqua Meditation and Pedi Jets. I have been enjoying this holiday for some years now, but am unable to go in January 2016 and can offer my week...

Price for the week €1500 (normal price €3100) for 2 persons on half-board basis Please phone 99 580320 for more information © Grapevine • November 2015


Feel Young Look Young Recently I have been introduced to some really fantastic new health and beauty products.

Instantly Ageless

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This is a 100% all-natural food supplement that provides the body’s cells with vital and essential nutrients that help provide support for optimal health not only for you and all your family but also for your pets. It has even proved to be beneficial to horses with arthritis!


This makes the feeling of youthful living last. This tasty gel contains powerful antioxidants including Resveratrol that repair free radical damage and protect cells against future harm. Your cells stay healthier, live longer, and leave you with the enduring effects of youth.

AM & PM Essentials

These unique dietary supplements slow the symptoms of premature aging. Potent vitamins and minerals target DNA and delay telomere deterioration. AM Essentials supplements release energy-enhancing nutrients that bring mental clarity and focus. The PM Essentials formula balances systems for a restful sleep.


Naturally enhances the enzyme (telomerase) needed to lengthen our short telomeres. This adds healthy life to our cells. Thousands of studies show the connection between short telomeres and the natural process of cellular aging. Of course nothing is known to stop aging, but healthy cells equal healthy internal systems. Healthy systems equal a healthy body. And a healthy body equals a strong, happy, youthful you.

To find out more about these products visit my website

Paste the webaddress directly into the top line (not via a search engine) or click on the advert on the links page of

or phone me on 99 580320 16

Š Grapevine • November 2015

© Grapevine • November 2015



© Grapevine • November 2015

Discounted Gift Trusts

Poem of the Month:

by Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI

In the UK, taxes on income and gains, which are based on residency, may be mitigated or avoided by moving abroad. Inheritance tax, however, is based on domicile, and careful planning is required in order to reduce any liability. In the UK, transfers between spouses are exempt. Other UK Inheritance Tax allowances are: • The first £325,000 of assets is exempt; the remainder is taxed at 40%. • Gifts made more than seven years before death are excluded. • Annual Exemption: £3,000 p.a. (per donor) if not used in the previous tax year can be carried forward

Wagging Tail by Beryl Hollands

Left and alone, Puppy dog I was born: to be, never knowing? What will happen to me: to young to see. Comfort of mother long gone, never feeling the joy, of what I have become, So lucky to be found. Given a home?/try to be, Good and never roam, Look after the home

• Small Gifts Exemption: If you give £250 or less to any one person in any one tax year, that gift can be ignored.

As if it’s my own,

• Marriage Exemptions: Certain allowances for giving money to somebody getting married.

Safe and sound, winter bed:

Out of Income Normal Expenditure: If you have income that is above your current spending, then provided that both normal living expenditure and the gifts you make are within your income, and the giving is regular or habitual, you can give away as much as you like.

Loved and kept, Always fed, am I big or small? Girl or boy: I have a home Doesn’t matter any more.

• Gifts to charities, for national/public benefit and to political parties are exempt. Reducing your Estate by giving your capital away; is for most people, the simplest solution to Inheritance Tax liabilities. When making a gift, there should be no reservation of benefit. For a gift to be valid, it must be given away to the entire exclusion of the donor. The gift would then become a Potentially Exempt transfer (PET) which after 7 years would be completely out of the donor (Settlor’s) estate. If death occurs before the 7 years has expired the gift would be taxed as follows 3 - 4 years 80% 4 – 5 years 60% 5 - 6 years 40% 6 – 7 years 20% Trusts can be useful for reducing IHT burdens: By settling (gifting) all or some of your assets into an appropriate trust, you may be able to reduce the amount of liability to the taxman. As an example - A Discounted Gift Trust would allow for the Settlor to benefit from income from the trust assets whilst a portion of the trust assets would immediately fall out of the estate. You should seek professional assistance and ensure that you fully understand the benefits you seek to achieve. In addition to the above there are a variety of other trusts available to assist with estate planning and with the recent introduction of the EU Succession rules the use of trusts may provide a solution. Also the use of a portfolio bond where lives assured and or beneficiaries can be stipulated thereby by passing ones investments directly to heirs without it falling into your estate are worthy of consideration. Your financial adviser or tax professional should be able to advise you on the best course of action for your individual circumstances. Should you have any queries or desire assistance please contact me. Vivian Nagel, MCSI, Hollingsworth International Financial Services Ltd Tel: +357 99579149 E-mail: Website: Authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to provide investment services, license IS/32457 © Grapevine • November 2015


Yoghurt Recipes by Cherry Dobbins

Homemade Yoghurt

½ tsp. cumin seeds

by Stevie Parle in The Daily Telegraph

15-20 curry leaves, shredded

The key to this is to use the most delicious milk you can find. You can eschew the powdered milk if you want, but you will need to leave the yoghurt to ferment for twice as long and sometimes the texture can be a little unusual.

large pinch asafoetida

1 litre whole milk

2 green chillies, stalks removed and finely chopped 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh root ginger 1 small tomato, skin and seeds removed, diced ½ tsp. lime juice

1 heaped tbsp. powdered milk

500g low fat Greek style yoghurt

60g natural full fat yoghurt 1. Wash and sterilise a 1 litre jar or a few smaller ones. 2. Put the milk in a saucepan and heat to 80°C – do not let it boil. 3. Take it off the heat and stir in the milk powder. 4. When the temperature drops to 45°C stir in the yoghurt. 5. Pour into the jar and seal with the lid. Place somewhere slightly warm such as an airing cupboard or near an oven (you can also wrap it in a towel to keep the heat in) for 4-6 hours. The longer the fermentation the more tart the yoghurt will be. 6. Place in a fridge for three hours to chill and firm up, then it is ready to use.

Cheese Sauce Topping This Good Housekeeping recipe is very useful if cooking for lactose intolerant diners as it works very well with sheep’s yoghurt and can be used to top dishes such as moussaka and lasagne.

1 tsp. chopped fresh coriander leaves 400-500g basmati rice, cooked according to directions on packet with 1 tsp. salt and cooled to room temperature. salt to taste 1. Heat the oil in a lidded wok over a high heat. When the oil is smoking, add the mustard seeds and immediately cover the wok with the lid and reduce the heat slightly. Beware – the seeds will pop and could jump out of the pan so keep at a safe distance. 2. Once the seeds have popped, remove the lid, add the cumin seeds and curry leaves, and stir fry for a few seconds until the cumin seeds darken. 3. Add the asafoetida, chillies and ginger, then stir fry for a further 1-2 minutes. 4. Add the tomatoes and lime juice and stir fry for a further 2-3 minutes, or until the tomatoes start to break down. 5. Remove the wok from the heat and, allow the pan contents to cool slightly, then stir in the yoghurt, coriander and cooked rice. 6. Season to taste and serve.

200g Greek style yoghurt 1 large egg 50g Parmesan cheese, grated

Furchester Mess

freshly grated nutmeg

A healthier Eton mess by JB Gill

75g fetta cheese, crumbled 1. Put the yoghurt, egg and half the grated Parmesan into a bowl and season with salt and pepper and a little nutmeg. 2. Mix together using a balloon whisk until combined 3. Scatter the fetta cheese over the prepared dish and then pour over the yoghurt mixture. 4. Top with the remaining Parmesan and bake as directed.

Yoghurt Rice by Cyrus Todiwala. Makes a nice change to an Indian meal.

2-3 tbsp. sunflower oil 1 level tsp. mustard seeds

Been to a good Restaurant or Taverna lately?

Grapevine always welcomes reviews from its readers from places to eat that are just that little bit special. If you need help please email us for our Restaurant questionnaire, which you can fill in and return to us.

4 meringue nests (I used 12 of Walkers meringue stars) 300g strawberries, halved 300ml natural plain yoghurt 1. Pop the meringue nests into a freezer bag and scrunch them up until broken into pieces. 2. Mash half the strawberries with the back of a fork until almost smooth. 3. Layer the ingredients into serving glasses. Start with some strawberries along with a spoonful of their juices. 4. Mix half the crushed meringue through the yoghurt and add some of this. 5. Top with more fruit and some of the crushed meringue. 6. Repeat until all the ingredients are used up and serve immediately.


© Grapevine • November 2015

A Warm Welcome at Peyia Bowling Club. Our small and friendly Club play in very scenic surroundings by the sea, at the Corallia Beach Hotel in Coral Bay. The sea breezes inspire us to enjoy a good game of bowls, followed by amusing banter over a well deserved drink, served by the welcoming bar staff, in the hotel. Besides competing in League games with the other 3 Bowling Clubs in Paphos and Limassol, we enjoy playing friendly matches against visitors from overseas. We play all sorts of Club competitions, including holding fun events. In September, the Scottish players in the Club challenged the ‘Rest of us’, to the second annual ‘Scots versus the Rest’ match. Having marched onto the Green, fully rigged out in Scottish regalia with flags a flying, the ‘Rest’ greeted them dressed in flowing red, white and blue shirts, waving decorated sticks and decorated noisy shakers. Our noble King, regal Queen and two lovely princesses joined us on the Green, to the sound of ‘Pomp and Circumstance’ played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Our regal Queen declared the game to start and warned the Scots to be very afraid, which prompted much noise and hilarity from both teams. Even though, the ‘Rest’

had dressed to impress, the Scots once again, were victorious in the majority of games. Afterwards, we all enjoyed a lovely ‘carvery buffet’ meal at the hotel. See photos. In November, the Club is planning a fun ‘Spoons’ match, where Members will be stirred not shaken, with lots of amusing prizes to be won, which will be followed by a meal in the hotel. Our Club Members pride themselves on their welcome to new or experienced Bowlers and Social Members too. We offer new or experienced Bowlers of any level, coaching on an individual or team basis. Look us up on our Club Website or phone Mike Holtom on 97602265. Or pop down to the Green on a Saturday or Wednesday at 9.30am or a Monday afternoon at 1.30pm to meet us and see for your-self just how much we enjoy our game of Bowls.

© Grapevine • November 2015


Food Notes from Paphos (and beyond) by Cherry Dobbins

I spent nearly an hour searching the hills of Stroumbi for the house of a friend. Finally, in desperation I decided to try the coffee shop in the middle of the village. I did not get the directions I needed but during the conversation I was informed that ‘the best chef in Cyprus, Ricchos’, was now at Andria Restaurant in Coral Bay. I checked that this was the Ricchos that had had a lunchtime restaurant in the main town and did outside catering. ‘Yes, yes’ I was assured it was the same person. Still not convinced I visited the restaurant. As soon as the bread rolls arrived with olive oil in a test tube nestling in the basket I knew. Ricchos is unique in his food presentation, I enquired and was informed that he was their consultant chef. The food was good also. I broke the habit of a lifetime and ordered a frozen fish dish – Dover sole with a lemon butter. For a frozen fish it could not have been done better. It was served with a delicious carrot puree, broccoli and sautéed potatoes. My guest had a dish of penne with tomatoes, olives and a strong hit of chilli. The penne was perfectly cooked. For pudding I had crepe suzette which was flambéed at the table. Unusually the pancakes were rolled rather than folded, so I unrolled them to mop up all the tasty sauce. The Andria restaurant is on the left if you are coming from

Peyia, about half way along the Coral Bay ‘strip’. When I wasn’t wandering the hills of Stroumbi I was entertaining visitors with a visit to the north of the island. After 30 years of visits we thought a trip away might be a good idea. We stayed in Kyrenia for a couple of nights and both evenings took a stroll along the harbour front to the castle and back. We played the good tourists and listened to all the restaurant touts before plumping for the first restaurant, The Six Brothers which is at the end of the harbour furthest away from the castle. The fresh local fish is as good there as it is here. My friends, wary of making a mistake, insisted that we ate at the same restaurant on the second night. For me this was taking the good tourist act a step too far. I knew that the other harbour restaurants also served good fish but decided it was easier to go with the flow and anyway on this night they were paying for the meal. We returned from the north in time for a birthday celebration at Manzanillo. The food was as good as always and the bill very reasonable for the quality of food and preparation. Whist we were there I learnt that they are offering special set menus for Sunday lunch and will probably extend this to other weekday offers. For more information call 99 57 53 70. They are situated on the coast road in Kissonerga and are closed on Mondays.

Yoghurt Facts, Tips and Tricks by Cherry Dobbins

Yoghurt is made by fermenting milk and cream using lactic bacteria starters or ‘cultures’. The bacteria are added to heated, pasteurised, homogenised milk and the milk is then incubated at a specific temperature to maximise the activity of the bacteria. The bacteria convert the lactose milk sugar to lactic acid. This thickens the milk and gives it the tangy taste.

• ‘Yog’ is an old Turkish word meaning to condense or intensify. • It is believed to come from the Middle East. They used to store milk in containers made from cow’s stomachs. It seems that natural enzymes from the stomachs would have curdled the milk and turned it into yoghurt. • In 1542 Francois 1 was suffering from constant gastrointestinal problems. None of his finest French doctors could cure him. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire heard of his distress and sent his own doctor to him with a miraculous cure – yoghurt. Yoghurt has been eaten by the French ever since and is now eaten throughout the world. • More than half the population of France incorporates yoghurt into their daily lives. • The active cultures in yoghurt are good for the digestion and help to prevent gas and bloating. • Yoghurt does not freeze well as both the texture and the flavour are affected.

Private Wine Tasting Small groups catered for (min 12 persons) Mon, Tues, Wednes, & Thurs evenings Central Paphos location Come and discover the beauty of Greek wines Follow your evening with a Greek charcoal grilled meal served with Greek wine at a reasonable inclusive price. Further details phone: Ann-Marie on 99 580320

• Store yoghurt in the colder part of the fridge and keep it sealed as it will absorb other odours. • Yoghurt is very rich in protein. • It is also rich in Vitamins B2 and B12, calcium, phosphorus and iodine. • The bacterial cultures help to boost the immune system. • The Oxford Dictionary recognises more than a dozen spellings of the word ‘yoghurt’. These include yogurt, yogurd, yahourt, yahourth and joghourt. • Outside of France 68% of women eat yoghurt compared to only 43% of men. • As a substitute for buttermilk take 150 ml. of plain yoghurt and 75 ml. of full fat milk and whisk them together. Let it stand for 5 minutes and then use in your recipe. •

There is a long held belief that eating yoghurt is associated with longevity. Bulgarians have a longer than average lifespan and it is thought that this is due to the large quantities of cultured milk products that they consume.

• Yoghurt revitalises dull and dry skin. Smear onto your face and leave for 10 minutes or longer as the ancient Indians did when they wanted to look beautiful.

Cancer, Loss and Grief Course 2016 Would you like to work for the nurses of The Cancer Patients Support Group, Paphos in supporting cancer patients and their carers in their own homes? No previous experience is necessary as training will be given, but you do need to be a good listener and have a caring nature. There will be no cost for the course training. The course will run for one day a week for eight weeks,. It will commence on Wednesday January 27th and will run every Wednesday until March 16th, 2016. The hours are from 10am until 4pm. Interviews will be in November.. To find out more please telephone: The Cancer Information Helpline 97 76 0989 from 9am until 1pm


© Grapevine • November 2015

2015 Atlantic Championships The 2015 Atlantic Championships will be hosted at the Athena Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus. Playing Dates: 30 November-13 December 2015 from 8:30 am until 20:00pm each day.

Bowling Club Raises Funds for Charity

The Aliathon Bowling Club have recently held two fund raising events for Charity.

The countries playing in this championships are as follows: Argentina / Botswana / Cyprus / England / Guernsey / Ireland / Isle Of Man / Israel / Jersey / Kenya / Namibia / Netherlands / Scotland / South Africa / Spain / Turkey / Wales / Zimbabwe. So come and support the country of your choice & enjoy some very good bowling? The Bowls Cyprus team will consist of; for the ladies: Lind Ryan / Fran Davis / Diane Roberts / Christine Lacy / Babs Austin Men: Loukas Paraskeva / Malcolm Rowe / Michael Jarvis / Bob Manson / Dave Griffiths.

They hosted a match against the Dennyside Bowling Group, a UK based group who organise an annual charity fund raising tour, and raised over €1,400 for the Paphos based Cancer Patient Support Group. Colin Lewington, the Vice President of the Group, attended the event and was presented with a cheque. Members of the Aliathon and Dennyside then enjoyed a BBQ lunch and liquid refreshments from the bar. Their second event was a Fashion Show organised by Judy Newman. Over 50 people enjoyed a show of 10 models exhibiting casual wear, smart casual and then evening wear all provided by The Warehouse – Pola in Peyia and Jimmy’s in Paphos. After the show everyone enjoyed afternoon tea and again liquid refreshments were available from the bar. The event raised over €620, with more money still coming in, and this will be divided between the Cancer Patient Support Group and the Friends Hospice at the end of the club year.

© Grapevine • November 2015



Transitional Outwear For The New Season

Getting dressed at this time of year can be tricky. In the UK days start out cold and crisp but end warm and sunny, frequent bouts of rain necessitate outerwear but it’s not time for your Winter coat just yet. In Cyprus, it’s still fairly warm apart from the evenings. What to do? Thick layers, hats and heavy coats are still several weeks away but in the meantime you may be looking for some transitional outwear to keep out the chill whilst we move from Summer into Autumn.

Here we showcase three top choices for Autumn 2015... The Coatigan This year’s must-have outerwear is the coatigan. Providing warmth as well as the opportunity to add some colours to your wardrobe, a coatigan is the perfect weekend cover-up. Who Can Wear It? The cocoon shape and soft fabrics of coatigans will look great on oval body shapes whilst those with natural style personalities will love the loose fit and casual nature of this style. Due to the relaxed fit of most coatigans it is likely you’ll be hiding your body shape a little underneath so opt for something that perfectly complements your colouring to ensure your skin glows and your eyes sparkle! The Trench In our opinion there is nothing more timeless and elegant than a trench coat year-round. A staple of many women’s wardrobes for decades now, the classic cut and understated simplicity of a trench coat will never go out of style. Who Can Wear It? A trench coat in a stiff fabric will be better suited to straighter body shapes like rectangles and triangles. Those of you with hourglass figures should opt for a version in a softer fabric that will work with your curves. The belt detail will show off a small waist but beware of too many pockets or large lapels if you have a large bust. The Cape The ideal layering piece for the season - the cape epitomises grown-up sophistication and is sure to give you an air of elegance and authority wherever you wear it. Whether worn with a sleek pair of cigarette pants and stilettos or denim and boots, a cape will add a touch of glamour to your look as you sweep through the seasons. Who Can Wear It? Capes look fabulous on those who are grand in stature as they tend be to quite voluminous, so you need some height to carry them off. That being said, if you’re petite, simply go for a fabric that is slightly lighter in weight and cut more neatly so you don’t get swamped. Add some colour to your look with your cape - this season they come in all shades and patterns, some even have fabulous faux fur trims to really up the glam factor! For more information contact Maggie Wright on 99318477 Treat yourself to a colour consultation - 10% off for Grapevine readers. Vouchers available for Christmas – only a few weeks away!

Nurses and volunteers of The Friends’ Hospice


© Grapevine • November 2015

Nurses and volunteers of The Friends’ Hospice in Pahos, who raised €2,500 at the King’s Mall in the town, selling speciallydesigned bracelets together with raffle tickets for the Madvent giant annual raffle in aid of the charity. The simple but elegant bracelets, bear the words ‘Hope, Love, Faith’ around a heart on a disc. The Madvent raffle, now in its third year and organised by The Outlet Store, is offering more than seventy quality prizes this year. Tickets, at €1 each, are available at all the Outlet’s branches and at any of the Hospice’s five charity shops Chlorakas, Kato Paphos, Polis, Pissouri and Geroskipou. This year’s raffle is hoping to exceed last year’s ticket sales of €20,000, all of which went to support the Hospice in offering palliative care for the entire Paphos region. Since it opened in 2006, The Friends’ Hospice, located in a special wing of St George’s Polyclinic in the town, has treated more than a thousand patients suffering from illnesses for which a medical cure is no longer possible. (photo: Eoin Connolly)

Psychology: Locus of Control. by Dr Vasilios Silivistris, DipComp DipSup MBACP BA MA FRSH PhD

Is your locus of control internal or external? Your perception of where control lies can have an impact on your viewpoint and the way you interact with your environment. This article briefly explores the differences between internal and external locus of control and how each affects organisational behaviour. Locus of Control. Control: an easy word to understand yet a challenging word to actually deal with. We have people that think they control everything, others that think they are controlled by the world around them and pretty much everything in between. Control can be defined as the power to determine outcomes by directly influencing actions, people and events. When we look at it that way, we can begin to see that there is no way to control everything in our lives. I am not saying we cannot control anything, but put in the context of that definition, we have to step back and really analyse what we can and cannot control. The word ‘control’ becomes even more interesting when we have the word locus, before it. Locus is defined as a position, point or place, or more specifically, a location where something occurs. A person’s locus of control may be internal or external. Internal vs. External Locus of Control. People who base their success on their own work and believe they control their life have an internal locus of control. In contrast, people who attribute

their success or failure to outside influences have an external locus of control. For example, let us say you are a person with an internal locus of control and you get a promotion at work or achieve some other type of success. You will probably attribute that positive result to the work you put in. In other words, your success was a direct result of your hard work. If, on the other hand, you have an external locus of control, you might attribute that promotion or success to external or environmental factors, such as luck, fate, timing, or other people. Let us use the same example and say that you were denied a promotion. If your locus of control were internal, you would find a way to blame yourself for the perceived failure. If your locus of control were external, it would be easy, even natural, and to blame outside sources beyond your control. The Benefits and Drawbacks. Individuals who identify with an internal locus of control tend to take more responsibility for their actions, whether those actions or the end results are good or bad. He/she do not accept outside influence for the outcomes, no matter what that is. In contrast, a person who identifies with an external locus of control looks at everything around them as part of the success or failure. There are drawbacks to both of these viewpoints, though. An internally focused person will be hard on themselves and constantly analyse what they did wrong. That perspective almost forces these individuals to be hard charging/driven individuals that at times can assume a take-no-prisoners attitude. Conversely, those that have an external focus may come off as someone who just does not accept responsibility.

Dr Vasilios Silivistris is a UK trained Psychotherapist and Counselling practitioner. Tel: 99 109177. Email:

© Grapevine • November 2015



© Grapevine • November 2015

Paphos Hearts of Gold Award The nomination process for the ninth annual Paphos Heart of Gold Award is now open and two new categories have been added this year. The philanthropic community-based award aims to recognise those who have shown tremendous courage, strength and determination, worked tirelessly within the community or for charities, overcome tragedies with a smile or have simply been a great help and support to neighbours and friends. The ninth annual Paphos Hearts of Gold Award ceremony will be held at Palia Ilekriki Cultural Centre in Paphos town at 12 noon on Friday December 11th. Nominees and their families will be invited to attend the ceremony. Marios Joannou Elia, Ambassador of tourism for Cyprus, has been named this year’s Patron, for a second year. The Paphos Zingers will provide a festive welcome and snacks and drinks will be available at the venue after the ceremony. Joannou Elia said: “It is an honour to be the patron of this important philanthropic community-based award for the second year, which promotes courage and courageous behaviour, as well as ethical values. All these are indicators of our cultural status.” He continued: “Last year’s awards were extremely successful, with close to 40 nominees. This year is going to be even more special, as two new awards have been added. I am very much looking forward to meeting the nominees and their families at the event.” A charity worker who has devoted her life to caring for and supporting others, and a budding young dancer who helps other people’s dreams come true, were the winners of last year’s awards. Sally Unsworth and teenager Nina Christodoulou were chosen by a panel of ten judges and announced by the Patron. The Junior Heart of Gold award is open for those under 18, and the Heart of Gold award is for adults. This year, organisers are also introducing the ‘Paphos Heart of Gold Lifetime Achievement award’ for outstanding dedication to the community; this award may also be given posthumously. The ‘Paphos Heart of Gold Jasmitha Singh Award for Courage’ will also be presented for the first time, and is open to children under the age of 15, who have shown determination, resilience and strength when faced with difficulties. This award is in honour of a previous winner of the Junior Heart of Gold award, Jasmitha Marharjasingh, who recently passed away aged just 15 years. The award will be presented to the winner by her mother, Sathiya Singh. Members of the public are now invited to put forward names of both adults and children that they feel are deserving of this year’s award. The award is open to everyone who is a resident of Paphos, of all ages and nationalities and winners are chosen by a panel of ten judges. Aphrodite jewellers in Paphos each year donates a hand crafted gold heart on a pin, which is the winners to keep. This year’s adult winner will also receive a weekend break with dinner at the five star Almyra hotel in Paphos. Massiva printer’s creates the nominees and winners certificates, and bouquets of flowers and individual flowers will be gifted by the Paphos municipality social welfare committee. Prizes for winners in two new categories will also be presented. Refreshments will be provided by Palia Ilektriki Restaurant. Nominations should be between 50-150 words and include contact details of the nominee, along with the person nominating them, to ensure conformation of receipt Nominations can be made by members of the public to a dedicated email or written nominations to ‘Paphos Hearts of Gold 2015’, P.O. Box 64142, Paphos, 8072, Cyprus. The award also has a dedicated Facebook page. The closing date is Saturday December 5th. Any nominations received after that date will not be valid. The Paphos Hearts of Gold Award 2015 is supported by Sunshine Radio, the British High Commission in Nicosia, Paphos Municipality Social Welfare Committee, Aphrodite Jewellers, Massiva printers, Almyra Hotel and Palia Ilektriki Restaurant. © Grapevine • November 2015


A Letter from Limassol by: Michalis D. Papas

Fine Arts, The remedy for what bad is to happen! Where then comes the drive for the Fine Arts? Perhaps for a better quality of life and above all a life full of joys and the want to have a most pleasant life, for everybody. For an enjoyable life then you need fine arts and thus have as pleasant a morning, a noon and a night that everybody wants and lusts for! Best of British luck to you then, and here I announce that Tottenham is my new team, because the waiter of Peperoni Pitsa, my intimate friend, wants and says that this team is better than Manchester United. So, with Fine Arts as a sundial we have a better life. But I ask you. What happens to the wife of the neighbour, what happens to the widow next door? What happens to the layman into the street? Will they have a better life or their wives will be sitting in front of the TV set trying to see a movie with about 100 murders in an hour? So, I am trying here to say that Fine Arts are the remedy for an enjoyable life, for which everybody will envy you, even if evil eye is accepted, nowadays, by Science and the Church, as something to be afraid of! Then the question arises: what do we live for? What are our expectations, and why the artist creates images new? Just for you, for us, for everybody, to make our life more comfortable and pleasant in order to go to the underworld full of pleasant experiences with and for an eternal memory. What is death when you have had a comfortable and pleasant life? Just rubbish and above all we have a world full of joys and then death is just the eternal sleep, where everybody has a rest, and after cloning we shall have Jesus to come again for a life that is eternal. From the bones then will arise a clone and life will be repeating itself. But if you have cloning then why not have the bones cremated? If you consider yourself not good enough to come to life again, just do not make children and do not have the eternity that a father and mother have. But those who have no children? We shall bring them again and again and we shall give them a better life, but above all: filled with comfort, pleasant memories and eternal life. So, Fine Arts will give: decoration, will give better masks for the carnival and certainly will give us what we came to planet Earth for. Comfort, happiness and eternity. You know me by now and I am an artist but I have the pleasure of creation because GOD is my fellow artist and has created the Universe with wisdom and certainly this bad world will not last for ever but as long we have a Sun, then we shall be alive. What happens next, nobody knows! Words have been ending and we shall make a statement here: be happy enjoying the ARTS and the artist is the job that everybody can do and that everybody must have a benefit of his/her works. ARTIST CREATOR the fellow-worker of almighty GOD. Good luck to you and never forget St John’s box. Brothers are all people and if you are a man and you are a sister then think that the life ahead of you is yours and nobody has the right to tell you how to live it, but for Heaven’s sake, give us a break! With all my love, Michalis Papas. 28

© Grapevine • November 2015

To Live Another Day by Richard Palmer

I don’t know the answer, I never understood Why people fight each other and shed so much blood. It’s not for me to reason, I just get the call To fight another battle and watch the enemy fall. For I am in the military, here to do a job To halt the vicious enemy, our lives they wish to rob. I do not want to fight, but it’s not for me to say Just peace on earth will do, that’s why I just want to live another day. Tomorrow may never come, my friends are proof of this They died in fierce battle a bullet they did not miss. So I am here to fight the enemy and avenge the lives of mates I just want to live another day before I see those pearly gates. Peace is all we ask for but peace we cannot make We have to keep on fighting for a town they wish to take. It’s not for me to reason I just get the call And hope I miss the bullet that would make me fall. So in these times of troubles I hope I have done my bit To bring some peace to earth before I have to quit. No arms or legs would hurt me, it’s happened to my mates But for now I will keep on fighting and avoid those pearly gates. For I am in the military, here to do a job To halt the vicious enemy, our lives they wish to rob. I do not want to fight, it’s not for me to say Just peace on earth will do, that’s why I just want to live another day.

© Grapevine • November 2015


CLASSIFIEDS SERVICES MOBILE AUTO ENGINEER British trained with over 35 years experience. Any vehicle catered for. Call any time 99 802067. See Main advert for more details. MARK The CARPENTER City & Guilds, also advanced craft, 32 yrs experience, kitchens, storage solutions, suspended ceilings, bedrooms, pergolas, fencing, decking, sound/heat insulation. All bespoke joinery. Portfolio/ references. All workmanship guaranteed. Free quotes. Mark: 96 395309 or email FRIENDLY ENGLISH GARDENER Friendly, reliable Englishman with 20 years gardening experience & City & Guilds qualifications, certificates & references available. Weekly/ fortnightly/as required. For a free quotation & consultation call Peter 99 137874 or PJ 96 234965 or check us out at Madock Ltd All aspects of house refurbishment: kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. Building works including, electrics, plumbing (including central heating), carpentry, plastering, painting, tiling roofing and mains sewerage connection. All work undertaken by our team of qualified tradesmen. No job too small. Call Tony on 99 009665 for a free, no obligation quote. EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER Soft furnishings, curtains, alterations, garden furniture, loose covers, canopies, large selection of quality fabrics & canvas available. For free quotation ring Busy Bees on 99 229778 or 99 250789. SAM’S DECORATIONS Professional plasterers and painters. Alterations, tiling, stonework, graffiadou, roofs and ceiling repairs, plasterboard works, tape and joining and much more. Please don’t hesitate to call Sam for your free quote. Tel 96 330553 or 99 262147. ALPHA CARPENTRY & JOINERY Fully qualified carpenters, custom made joinery i.e. storage solutions. Radiator cabinets with wide range of grills. All types of fencing & gates, pergolas, carports, wooden or composite decking. Plasterboard partitions & suspended ceilings. References available & all workmanship fully guaranteed. For all your woodworking needs with free quotes please call Mark 96 395309 or Rab 96 845598. email:

ATOM EXTERMINATORS LTD Pest Control, Termites, Woodworm, Rodents, Fleas etc. Members of British Pest Control Association, Royal Society of Health U.K. Licensed by Ministry of Agriculture (License n.9) Tel: 26 220336, 99637193. MARTYN THE ELECTRICIAN British electrician available for all electrical work big or small, fully qualified City & Guilds 236/2391 & NICEIC level. Extra sockets, water heaters, lights, installation work, testing, inspection and fault finding. Please call Martyn on tel 96 558321. Paphos, Peyia & Polis areas. 24-hour call out. For further info please visit NICK’S MAINTENANCE SERVICES British trained and fully qualified electrician, plumber and gas engineer able to carry out all types of repairs and maintenance on your home, garden or pool. Call 99 009798 for a free quotation. Paphos district. AT YOUR SERVICE’ - COMPLETE MAINTENANCE For all you property requirements, Specialist Painters and Decorators, Roof repairs, Drainage/Damp solutions, Balcony repairs, Patios, Double Glazing & Shutters, Fencing, Pergolas. Free quotation. Excellent prices, over 15 years experience. Please call 99112055 Email: Web: WANTED LEAVING CYPRUS?? Cars bought for Cash 99 315649. LESSONS Tutor/teacher with many years experience available [school subjects, languages French Italian English, music and/or piano/violin/cello] Call 9767 2951

FOR SALE Ioannides Card and Stationery Shop We are retiring and selling off everything buy the end of ther year. 50% on cards and stationery and special bargins on bigger items. Tel: 99 432763

To advertise on classifieds section, please send your advert clearly written, including € 10 for 30 words inclusive of VAT. Extra words are chargeable at € 0.25 each. Carefully count the number of words and decide how many insertions you require. Payment must be included with order. Email us on grapevine@cytanet. or post your advert to PO Box 62068, Paphos, 8060 or call direct to our office at 26819167, 24a Marias Loizidou, Paphos, 8047.

Deadline -15th of the preceding month. 30

© Grapevine • November 2015

Thanks to Starlight The 1st October saw the launch of MADvent Advent 3 for The Outlet Store and The Friends’ Hospice, and this year The Starlight Dance Party team did a superb job of kicking us off. Yvonne, Rosie and her team worked their socks off at short notice to put on a fab show night and over three hours of live music. Not only did Chris King, Vicky Mills and Ben Mills perform their normal stunning show but they were also joined by a host of local talents, Melissa Williams, Tony H, Raphael, Martyn Lopes-Dias and Simone Swift all did great guess spots. All of these local entertainers gave their time for free to come and support this winters fund raising and we’d like to say a huge thank you to them. Thank you also to the UKCA for the use of their facilities and off course the public who came along, had a great nights entertainment and started us off by buying the first MADvent Advent 3 tickets. Thanks also to the volunteers from The Friends’ Hospice who came along to sell the tickets and rattle buckets! Prizes for this years MADvent have again all been donated from local companies and we have over 70 prizes worth over €7000. The First prize is a 5 star trip to Malta with Emirates Holidays. Tickets are on sale at all of The Outlet Stores in Chlorakas, Mesoyi Ave Paphos and Kolossi and The Friends’ Hospice shops in Polis, Chlorakas, Geroskipou, Kato Paphos and Pissouri. Tickets are €5 for a book of 5. Prizes start to be drawn on 29th November at Elea Christmas Fair, then daily on Rock FM finishing on Christmas Eve with the star prize. Thank you to all of you that help us to support The Friends’ Hospice. lets hope that you’ll buy a winning ticket....

Stage One Does Pantomime.... Oh Yes We Can! English pantomime is a much loved tradition each end of year when Boxing Day is the usual opening night in UK for this seasonal offering. Foreigners find it bewildering with the transgender confusion when principal boys are played by girls, the ugly sisters and the Dame played by a fella and much banter to and fro with the audiences. Stage One does not produce a pantomime every year. The sets are costly, rehearsals are frequent and intensive with music, singing and dancing to be fitted in and large casts to organise. iThis year the company presents Norman Robbins’ The Sleeping Beauty with a cast of fairies both benign and evil, a bunch of hapless courtiers and a lively Dame, plus of course a beautiful princess under a spell till wakened by her handsome prince. Expect all the usual panto banter and bad jokes with plenty of audience participation. Margaret Wright directs and the sponsor is Number 10 Peyia. All tickets are 12 euros children under 12 half price for this family show. Booking is likely to be heavy so see below how to be sure of getting tickets . Put these dates in your diary NOW TUESDAY 1ST - SATURDAY 5th DECEMBER 2015, Curtain up 7.30 at the Emba Theatre. MATINEE SUNDAY 29TH NOVEMBER AT 3 P.M Book easily as below. • By Telephone: 99967737. The booking line opens Monday 9th November Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm • By e-mail: at any time • Visiting the Box Office at the theatre. The Box Office opens Monday 9th November Monday & Friday only from 10.00 am to 12.00 Midday. Rehearsals start again in January for the March production of the classic Agatha Christie thriller And Then There Were None. Directed by Andy Fox. In May Stage One audiences will enjoy The Vicar of Dibley in Love. AAH. Patrons can book in advance for thepantp and the thriller to be sure of getting the seat they want. See the info above. Stage One welcomes all who have an interest in theatre and especially those with technical or acting skills, Call 26911641 to find out more on this and the social events. Stage One has a Youth Group for children aged 12 and upwards

© Grapevine • November 2015



© Grapevine • November 2015

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