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GrapevineCyprus.com October 2016

Fi F rs R M t F EE on r th ida ly y

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© Grapevine • October 2016


Upfront We say goodbye to summertime this month, with the clocks going back an hour on the last weekend of the month, Saturday 29th. However weather-wise October is usually a glorious month and there is always plenty to do and see. This year is no exception; there are loads of events listed on page 8 and dotted throughout our pages. If you feel like joining a new club, perhaps taking up a new sport or hobby there’s lots on offer. Good news for property owners, there’s a massive 75% deduction in your bill

The New Aphrodite! photographed by Marios Michaelides

if you pay it before the end of this month and you’ll get a refund of part of last year’s bill (as long as you paid that one on time!)... Take a look at page 12. We have two bank holidays this month one on the 1st, Independence Day and again on the 28th, Ochi Day. There is usually a lot of parading and brass band playing around this area of Paphos, however due to the roads works it will have to move somewhere else!

Full Moon This Month October 16th

Back next month

Next Issue Friday, 4th November

Catch up online www.grapevinecyprus .com

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Email: grapevine@cytanet.com.cy Website: www.GrapevineCyprus.com Deadline for all finished Adverts and Submissions 15th of the preceding month. See website for advertising rates Grapevine Magazine does not hold itself responsible for the accuracy or opinions of correspondents. Advertisements are accepted in good faith. Any complaints should be taken up with the advertiser. With thanks to all our advertisers and contributors for the articles / photos / ads that makes Grapevine the leader of the pack - we aim to stay leader and will continue to innovate and change to make sure our readers and advertisers are getting the best service on the island

© Grapevine • October 2016


Refuse The Plastic by Barbara Strain

Plastic has long been acknowledged to be a problem for the environment. Farmers burning black plastic in their fields or turtles mistaking supermarket bags for jellyfish, we can see plastic as an issue even in a small place like Cyprus. On the basis that ‘every little helps’ I do try my best to avoid dumping plastic onto the environment. Yet I feel it’s an impossible task when some supermarkets insist on putting each of my purchases – a head of garlic, bunch of spring onions, piece of ginger and a bunch of bananas each into a plastic bag, tightly sealed to prevent re-use. And then at the checkout they get put into another plastic bag. Unless I’m very quick and I have remembered to take my own bags. Plastic hit the headlines recently with microbeads that are found in cosmetics and toothpaste. Millions of kilos going down the drain. My (Australian) daughter had alerted me to this over a year ago, since when I’ve been - er scouring the shelves for face scrubs that don’t contain micro beads. It’s not always all that easy to spot as they may be made of polyethylene but can be of other petrochemical plastics such as polypropylene and polystyrene. You have to become an avid reader of the small print of ingredients to avoid these. To add to my woes I heard over the summer that there’s plastic in cigarette filter tips. 95% of cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate (a plastic), with the balance made from papers and rayon. Apart from damage to the environment, smokers may be inhaling heated plastic. And for the most recent. The Lib Dems in England have highlighted the use of disposable coffee cups. “Throwaway cups are a threat to wildlife and the environment and it’s high time the government stepped in to reduce the amount of waste created each year,” said leader Tim Farron. Most coffee


© Grapevine • October 2016

cups are lined with a layer of polyethylene which makes the cup waterproof, but makes it difficult for the cup to be effectively recycled, because it can’t be easily separated. Solutions? The environmentalists’ mantra is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, in that order. First, try to reduce the amount of plastic, when this isn’t possible, reuse it and finally, recycle. Applying this to all my above situations isn’t easy. We can all try to limit the amount of plastic packaging we use. The UK reduced its supermarket plastic bag use by 80% by imposing a 5p charge. Not sure how that would go down here in Cyprus, but it would be worth trying. Look for face-scrubs with exfoliants made of apricot stones or walnut shells or make your own using sugar or salt. Salt and baking powder (50/50 mix) makes a good toothpaste alternative. Cigarette filters? The environmental and health solution; er, stop smoking. Coffee on the go? Would a 5p charge as suggested by the Lib Dems work to reduce use, even in UK? Perhaps we need to try to kick that habit too. As to reuse; plastic bags are easy again, but the rest of the above gets silly – reusable toothpaste? I think not. Nobody in their right mind would reuse a ciggie filter, plastic or no plastic. Might be worthwhile seeing if your local coffee franchise would refill your old cup though? Recycling. Hmm, we have limited recycling on the island. Green dot have a good guide to what you can and cannot recycle. (http://www.greendot. com.cy/en/greeniversity) Unfortunately, plastic bags are not included in the plastics, metals and drinks containers (PMD) stream. Same with paper cups on the paper stream. Even in the UK, only one in every 400 paper coffee cup is recycled – it needs specialised equipment to separate paper from the plastic liner. I have not heard of anyone with a suggestion for recycling exfoliants, toothpastes or ciggie stubs.

© Grapevine • October 2016


Revolution of the Mind Series: Quarries - The Rape of Akamas by Andreas C Chrysafis Article Thtee (of Three)

Operating such an important park comes the responsibility of maintenance and safeguarding the facilities from exploitation, vandalism and fly tipping. It is critically important that Park Wardens managing the facilities are given the legal authority to prosecute those who abuse the grounds in the similar way that other nations do.

A civilized country can be measured by the way it respects its citizens, its ecosystem but also the way people treat their own environment! The 230 square km Akamas Peninsula is one of those rare regions that cry out for help to be saved from the enemy within. Can it be saved? That depends entirely on people’s behaviour; to act or not act - to care or not to care! Yet, Akamas offers a unique opportunity of becoming a gold mine - a “Jewel in the Med” others would say! The financial rewards are insurmountable not only for the government coffers but also for an eco-industry that can grow and bring amazing rewards. While compensating those that own land, Akamas should be established into a world-class National Land & Sea Park with zero tolerance to all kinds of development. Unfortunately, the island so far has not established a good record protecting its environment! In fact, Akamas Protection Zone has failed the EU Natura 2000 Awards and Cyprus also ranked low at the Environmental Performance Index released in January 2016 at the World Economic Forum. Still, it has a rough diamond that cries out for refinement but nobody seems to be listening or caring. Under pressure from powerful lobby groups the government has tentatively approved a number of projects such as a massive quarry, camping site, hotels etc. for development directly in the Akamas peninsula. For some, protecting the environment, wildlife and marine life means very little as opposed to wealth creation and yet, the peninsula is a gold mine in its own right. Some forget that’s what civilized nations do; take care of their environment! If properly maintained, a National Park can in fact generate revenues beyond expectations for local restaurants, lodgings, hotels, grocery shops and retail outlets. If Akamas aspires to become a world-class park, it’s imperative to commission experts and brain imports together with top professional Cypriots to work as a team and design a well-planned conservation reserve. Hiring second-grade or politically appointed specialists will not do! It is critically important to learn from the experiences of other international parks and apply the same ecological know-how and technology to the Akamas project. 6

© Grapevine • October 2016

The duties of professional Wardens or Custodians teams is to supervise, manage and perform functions in conservation areas such as biodiversity or scientific information; the development and operation of recreational programmes for the benefit of the visiting public; fire-fighting responsibilities and the ability to execute search-and-rescue missions as well as activities associated with law enforcement to investigate violations, complaints and trespassing including encroachment. Some would dismiss such aspirations as an impossible task to be achieved in Cyprus. Rubbish! When other countries can operate and protect their national parks and heritage successfully, why not Cyprus? Akamas beckons to be tested and the government has to take the initiative and stand up to those that want to develop it and protect it for future generations.

Comparisons Right across Europe parks are treated as national treasures and can generate not only national pride but also good revenue. Parks like the Wadden Sea National Park Denmark’s largest national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a good example of that. The Lauwersmeer is another amazing site declared a national park on 12 November 2003. The Nockberge Biosphere Park is a cultural treasure of the Carinthia Nockberge Mountains that proudly boasts as the biggest “UNESCO Biosphere Park Salzburger Lungau” park in all of Austria. Meanwhile, the Parc Nationale des Calanques it is France’s 200 sq. miles of mixed land-and-sea reserve on the doorstep of Marseilles. A part of the maritime core is totally off-limits to fishing. It is the first mixed Sea and Land Park created in Europe and it’s a symbol of ecological conservation and marine biodiversity that attracts millions of tourists each year. The list is endless and people enjoy visiting these national parks across Europe, England and Canada, the United States and in other progressive countries. Can Akamas become a world-class park? Absolutely! There is no valid reason as to why Akamas cannot become an amazing nature reserve like all the others.

The Akamas Land & Sea Park One of the best attributes of the region, it’s the Akamas coastline. Sadly, marine life in the region is steadily been reduced by pollution, sewage dumping and by irresponsible practices of commercial and private fishing. Even so, the region itself offers a rare opportunity to change all that and help develop a national eco-park of unique dimensions in conservationism. The

rewards of a combined Land and Sea park are immeasurable. If Akamas is to be a true national park, it cannot be emphasized enough that all hunting sporting activities must end to help rejuvenate the fast depleting wildlife; prohibit any kind of fishing or motor boats within a protective marine zone to help restore the fish supplies and underwater sea life; all kinds of safari vehicles, noisy quads and other rental operators to be licensed under strict terms and conditions and be obliged to follow selected routes with speed-controls; provide proper facilities for picnic areas and a wellorganized camping site; offer parking facilities at designated areas; establish safe trails to gorges and other points of interests; allow a strictly controlled number of food & beverage outlets to cater to visitors including resting areas and toilet facilities; establish eco-friendly buildings including an ecomuseum to educate the visiting public and school children on the importance of conservation; provide on-site scientific amenities for research by scientists and universities in biodiversity. Some would say it would cost millions! On the contrary it would make millions through taxconcessions, donations, marketing, EU Funding, UNESCO contributions and attendance fees, licensing and other income: that’s what normally self-sustained national parks do! In fact, it would create hundreds of new jobs and generate agro-tourism at its best attracting repeat visits by thousands of nature and sea lovers, but also education workshops for foreign and domestic students. The benefits are immeasurable as long as the park it’s operated professionally by dedicated personnel hired on merit and not connections. Most importantly, once a political decision has been made in support to protect Akamas, the political influence should end and be replaced by a National Trust Fund that would operate the Akamas Land & Sea Park with one aim in mind: for the enhancement and well being of the park on the basis of meritocracy with full transparency and accountability. Indeed, it’s a major project and demands a massive undertaking with critical decisions taken by dedicated top experts to see that it becomes a reality. If not, Akamas will end up like any other selective jungle of concrete boxes in the interest of private investors and not in the interest of the people. For this unique Akamas Land and Sea project to become a reality, it needs national pride and the support of the people.

The New Aphrodite! Nikoletta Antoniou, on this month’s cover, is a 12 year old Cypriot born dancer from Paphos who is currently starring in DanSing Junior on Mega TV, every Saturday and Sunday until December. Nikoletta danced a beautiful lyrical piece at her audition in Nicosia back in June and was judged by a famous singer, actress and dancer (who was bought to tears at the end!!!)and was given a ‘Golden Ticket’ which saw her straight through to the live shows. The program sees Nikoletta perform a different genre of dance, live, every week complete with fabulous choreography, music and costumes, hair and makeup. Nikoletta attends Young Stars Theatre and Performing Arts School in Kissonerga and is currently at school at TLC Peyia where she is on a five year scholarship. We would love you to support this talented young lady as on December 18th there will be a live final where she will need your votes. Don’t miss her every weekend on Mega TV to see her progress through this amazing journey and watch out for her telephone voting number so you can show her your support. The proceeds of the phone calls of the vote for the live final will go to a children’s charity. Nikoletta has a Facebook Page you can join, search Nikoletta DanSing Junior ❤ The stunning photo was taken at her sunset photo shoot by Marios Michaelides who available for all your photo needs. www.paphosphotographer.com

Magically yours by Peter Stammers

Cyprus Rugby News Cyprus celebrates 10 years of European rugby on the island at the start of this season. The Mouflons have been promoted 4 times in this period and now play in European Conference Division 1 South. New Sponsor We are delighted to be able to announce that the National XV’s team of Cyprus, the Mouflons, has a new sponsor, Twenty4Seven System Limited, a Paphos based company who install home alarm and security systems for both domestic and commercial premises. Their head office is in Peyia with a new shop opening very soon in Polis. We are very excited about working with Matt Storey, Andy Vick and their whole team during the coming season and thank them for the enormous support they are giving to Cyprus Rugby. New Coach This season also brings us a new Head Coach. Andrew Binikos (Bini) is a former Cyprus player who excelled as fly half for the National Team before hanging up his boots last year. Bini hails from South Africa and played at Natal Sharks before moving to Scotland some years ago. There he played for Currie in the Scottish BT Premiership and now he coaches Musselburgh.

New League Rugby Europe has changed the league structure with what was ENC Division 2 and has now become Conference Leagues 1 & 2 further sub divided into north and south. Cyprus will play in Conference League 1 South. The opposition will be Malta, Israel, Croatia and Andorra. A further change is that it will be a 1 year league with promotion/relegation at the end of this season. The first home game of the season will be against Israel on Saturday 12 November at Paphiakos Stadium, Paphos, kick off 14.30. Come along and support the Mouflons, the cost for entry is €10 which includes a match programme, children under 16 free. New Player Interested in playing for Cyprus in the future? All of the local clubs are looking for players of all ages. Beginners welcome. For details of your local team, mail secretary@cyprus-rugby.com or contact us through our website.

Interested in magic then visit: www.paphosmagicsociety.com Or email: paphosmagicsociety@gmail.com

Paphos Magic Society easy trick series. This month: Perplexing Pencil Effect: A pencil adheres to one hand and then to the other. Secret: The secret is a small pin pushed into the pencil. Hold the pin between the fingers of your right hand. The pencil seems to stick to the fingers. Bring your left hand to the pencil. Tum to the left and revolve the pencil between your hands. This causes the pin to move from your right fingers to your left fingers. .Remove your right hand and the pencil is now apparently stuck to the left fingers. By reversing this movement, you can move the pencil back to the right hand.

© Grapevine • October 2016


Selection of Events in October Saturday 8th October from 9.00am to 1.00pm Coffee Morning /Table Top Sale. St Barnabas Anglican Church, 153 Leontiou A Street, Limassol. Opposite the Central Police Station and Old General Hospital. Raising funds to pay school fees for orphans and underprivileged children in Kinkiizi, Uganda. Table top pitches which must be booked in advance are available for hire at €10 each. Bring your friends and be assured of a warm welcome where you can enjoy endless cups of tea, coffee and delicious home-made cakes and sandwiches. Offers of help and donations of cakes very welcome! For more information contact Nora:nora. ananiades@cytanet.com.cy Tel: 99356451. Together we can make a difference www. uganda-kinkiizi.com CPSG Saturday 8th October Sponsored Walk for the (CPSG) ‘’The Breast of Friends’’ From 9.30.a.m. Start at the Blue Olive, Coral Bay, near the Ascos Coral Beach Hotel. For info ring Maxine 26272701 Saturday October 8th Mesogi Arms. Come and Dance the Night Away to the ever youthful Maurice. Entrance €10 includes a buffet by Shelley and her staff. End of Summer Charity Event for the Cancer Patients Support Group. FROM 7.p.m. till late. Plus a Raffle for the CPSG. Make your booking at the Mesogi Arms Tel: Shelley on 99287599 Saturday 15th October. Total Colour Spectrum presents Show Time For the ‘Breast of Friends’ (CPSG). Wear something Pink. To be held at the UKCA Club. Entrance €15 includes a superb buffet and a glass of wine courtesy of Blevins Franks our sponsors. There will be time for dancing after the show plus a raffle for the CPSG. For info ring Maxine 26272701. Tickets from Maxine, the UKCA Club, Carmines Books and Peter Morton Sunday 23rd October. At the Academy of Music an evening of classical music by Polis Charalambou. Doors open 7.p.m. €15 incl entertainment and buffet style dining. Wine can be purchased. There will also be a raffle for the CPSG. For info ring Maxine 26272701 or Alan 99967861 And don’t forget our very own (CPSG) Christmas Bazaar Sunday November 6th at the Angelika Restaurant from 9.30 at the St Georges cross roads, with some great raffle prizes. If you can help on the day let Jan know on 26654007 PARC Try something different this month: Donate some of your “Time “ to help out with our Animal Welfare Programme. Even an hour or two a week,a month or when ever you can really helps,no experience needed we will show you the ropes. We always need volunteers,for the Table Top sales,fundraising,cat feeding,and out TNR programme,(Trap Nueter Release) Bargains Galore at our monthly Saturday Table Top Sale from 10pm till 2am at the Coral Star Restaurant opposite Phillippos Supermarket Coral Bay. Vendor Tables also available for €10 each call Pam (99059068) for bookings. Next TT October 15th If you have any unwanted gifts, bric a brac, clothing, household items etc, then please donate them to PARC.call Jean (96219797)or Julie (99712149)for more details, Alternatively you may leave your donations at Swanky Wags at Coral Breeze, Only Vets, next to the Post Office or RSS near the Peyia Chippy Please kindly note PARC does not have a shelter to take in animals,we also do not have a shop in the Peyia area. For more information please visit our website (www.parccyprus.org) or our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Parc.Cyprus) Tala Cats Fireworks BLUES BROS BBQ Fun night for all at the RAILWAY PUB Chloraka hill Chloraka for the amazing price of only 8 euros .In aid of the Talamonasterycats When Saturday 5th Nov 7.30 BBQ 8pm till late . Great food , plus must be the best entertainers ever and FIREWORKS.AMAZING Tickets available from The RaILway Tala Cat Park Whatsnewpussycat shop Kissonarga Petstuff Chloraka . Olivers Deli Tala or tal Lynda on 99841142 Date for your dairies 19th Nov CHRISTMAS WONDERLAND FAIR Stalls , entertainment , including , dancers , singers, choirs, belly dancer FARTHER CHRISTMAS with ELSA Starts 10.30 till 3pm at the monastery Agios Neofytos Tala For a stall ring Lynda on 99841142 Saterday 22 October at ahe Epsilon Taverna Emba Starting 7pm till late Wonderful charity event in aid of 3 animal Charities . Many Singers Dancers ,Saxophone player Classical Guitars and much more plus a wonderful Buffet stalls and dancing after . . Realistic bar prices ie Wine 2.50 glass .All for only 15 Euros and help 3 animal charities Polis Animal Rescue , PDDS and Tala Monastery Cats Tickets at Epsilon Tavern .Emba Petstuff Chl;raka, Shampooch Geroskipou .Whatsnew pussycat Kissonerga shop .Duck pond Polis animal stall , Cat park Tala, PDDS shop Chloraka Auto Airpark Timi or call Lynda on 99841142 Gaynor 99903239 Pawse for a Cawse Epsilon Tavern which is on the Paphos/Tala road and starts at 7pm, with tickets at just €15 to include a full buffet. The show is called Pawse for a Cawse and there will be singers, dancers and musicians with, hopefully, a magician and belly dancer, and all proceeds will be divided between Paphiakos Animal Welfare, Tala Monastery Cats, Polis Animal Rescue and Paphos Private Dog Sanctuary. There will be the usual raffle plus a craft stall, ‘guess the name of the teddy’ and lucky straws, and a


© Grapevine • October 2016

For this month’s live music listings visit www.nitbats.com The Service of Remembrance 2015 was the first Service held at the Harbour area,by the Royal British Legion, Paphos Branch. It was with some trepidation that we decided to hold such an ambitious event, as it had never been done before. It proved to be a spectacular success, supported by so many people, both resident and holiday maker. We have a marvelous team of volunteers, and they worked tirelessly to get the message out to the people of Paphos. The results of the day

show the success of their efforts. 500 chairs were ordered, but we estimate that we had in excess of 800 guests to join us for the Service of Remembrance. This year, we have ordered 1000 chairs and hope that every-one will have a seat. We will keep to the same format as last year, but we will be joined by Judith Evans, who will be singing one of her favourite songs and also the Standard and members of the Royal Marines Association to assist in this years’ Service. The service is on Sunday 13th November at 10am. If you need any further information on this wonderful event, please visit the Royal British Legion, Paphos Branch, web site. www.britishlegion. org.uk/branches/paphos or branches.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/ paphos/remembrance Annual General Meeting of Royal British Legion Paphos Branch will be held: at Neo’s Sports Club, Peyia. On 16th October TIME: 1900. Branch AGM Registration and Nomination Form can be requested from the branch secretary (trbl3692paphos@gmail.com and must be return to the Branch Secretary no later than …Saturday 8th October The Royal British Legion, Paphos Branch (BR3692) Legion Contact Centre: 0808 802 8080 Registered Charity Number: 219279 Patron Her Majesty The Queen lucky programme number will win €25! Each charity will have their own table with goodies as well, and Rock FM have agreed to be the media sponsors. For enquiries or tickets, contact can be made with Lynda – 99841142 or Kim – 96785976 or Oana – 26935018 or Gaynor – 99903239. ABF The Soldiers Charity Band Concert Pissouri Amphitheatre. Weds Oct 19th 6:30pm. Band of the Princess of Wales Royal Regiment. Contact abftickets@gmail.com. Music for Charity Sunday 23 October 7pm. Paphos Academy Of Fine Arts. Polis Charalambous. The Charalambous Trio - Stephanie piano, Alexis violin, Polis guitar. B sharp Chorus group directed by Melanie Ballard with Brenda Thomson playing Classical Pianoand Norman and Jenny Harris singing accompanied on guitar and Cajan Box Solo Saxophone by Baz Carter. Entrance: €15 including hot buffet (drinks pay at the bar). Part of the net proceeds will go to Kidney & Cancer Associations. 6.30pm doors open, 7pm buffet open, concert starts after food. Tickets – Tel: 99632346, Email: babaji@cytanet.com.cy. Directions: From the town centre Police Sation drive out of town passing the CYTA shop and then the Makarios statue on your left. Turn left at the Dimco traffic lights, then left past the kiosk and imediately right and the venue is on the right.

One of its Kind! Peter Morton Removals are proud to announce the arrival of their latest addition to their ever expanding fleet of removal trucks. This one is a brand new five container purpose built vehicle. Not only can it carry five of our 250 cuft storage crates at one time, it can hold up to 2200 cuft loose loaded which is the equivalent of a forty foot shipping container. It has five doors on the passenger side and two doors at the back with walk in ramps for easy access. Our lorry has been fitted with all round air suspension to glide over pot holes and other road surfaces that we come across every day here in Cyprus. The floor has been made stronger to allow us to collect and deliver vehicles, as well as personal effects. We have purchased this vehicle for our larger removals, office relocations and larger storage collections. We work in close conjunction with Chudley International Ltd in the UK who are also able to bring any items over from there. They have the same outlook as us and offer a great all round service. You are welcome to contact them direct on 01460 55655 or www.chudleyinternational.com. So for any of your relocation needs, be it a local removal, storage or shipping worldwide contact us for a first class service. Our corporate videos can be seen on our Facebook page “Peter Morton Removals” or on our website www.petermortonremovals.com For any further information regarding imports, exports, removals or storage please contact our office on: +357 26923588 or headoffice@petermortonremovals.com See advert on page 13

© Grapevine • October 2016


#pA55w0rdz! by Barbarian

Internet security is important. Of course it is. So, we need to protect ourselves by hiding important information behind a password. The biggest problem is keeping a track of the increasing number of passwords for a large variety of websites and contacts. How do you manage yours? A majority of people simply store them in a text file, spreadsheet, or some other similarly unprotected document. That’s a disaster waiting to happen. If a hacker ever finds his way into the computer, those passwords will be easy to steal. Also, if you have a hard-drive crash it’ll take down that password list along with everything else. The answer is to use a password manager--ideally, one that can sync with a smartphone and/or the cloud. These tools offer both simplicity and convenience. You just enter in the details of the various sites and services you use--user ID, password, Web address, etc.--and the password manager stores them in a simple, secure, password-protected database. Some can automatically generate secure passwords on your behalf , which is useful when your mind goes blank trying to invent a new one. In other words, you need to remember only one password to gain access to all your other passwords. The typical password manager is installed as a browser plug-in to handle password capture and replay. When you log in to a secure site, it offers to save your credentials. When you return to that site, it offers to automatically fill in those credentials. Some products detect password-change events and offer to update the existing record. Some even record your credentials during the process of signing up for a new secure website Here are a few password managers to think about: 1. LastPass There are two versions of LastPass - free and premium. Both can store an unlimited number of account logins in a secure vault protected by a master


© Grapevine • October 2016

password, will complete online forms for you automatically, and can employ multifactor authentication. The premium edition also syncs across multiple devices, stores passwords for desktop programs, and lets you share secured folders. 2. Dashlane Dashlane is LastPass’s most serious rival. Llike LastPass it has strong password security, exceptional ease of use and ability to store notes for future reference. It works on Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and with Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. As with LastPass there’s a premium version that adds unlimited syncing and sharing. 3. True Key True Key, by Intel Security, is the successor to the hugely popular PasswordBox. In addition to using a master password to protect all your other passwords, True Key can also recognize your fingerprint or your face for two-factor authentication. It’s free for up to 15 passwords. The app is available for PC, Mac, iOS and Android, although fingerprint recognition isn’t available on Mac or Android yet. 4. KeePass Password Safe KeePass Password Safe is both free and open source with strong security, multiple user support and a whole bunch of plugins to expand the app further. The app is small enough to run from USB without installing on a PC, it can input from and output to a wide range of file formats and there are stacks of customization options to play with. It’s a great little app, if a bit intimidating for absolute beginners. Getting all of your existing passwords into the password manager is a good first step. Next, you need to identify the weak and duplicate passwords and replace them with tough ones. Many password managers flag weak and duplicate passwords, and some offer help with the update process.

European Capital of Culture For the Opening Ceremony of the European Capital of Culture with the auditions for dancers for the Opening Ceremony of the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017, the Organisation is reaching the final preparation stage for the opening event of the institution. On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th of September 2016, the auditions for professional dancers as well as dance students took place at the Klea Pitsillidou Dance School, by the well known professional choreographer and dancer Ido Tadmor, the Cypriot director and actor Neoklis Neokleous and Jhonathan Soutchy, assistant choreographer. Applications from professionals, dance schools and students came in tens and the first selection of people that will perform the choreographic part of the event on the 28th of January 2017 has been completed. A big team of young dance students – over 40 people – as well as a number of professional dancers were chosen for the choreography of the Opening Ceremony, which has been inspired by the thematic section of the artistic programme “Myth and Religion”. October will mark the beginning of a collaboration between Ido Tadmor, his assistant Jhonathan Soutchy and dance teachers, for the Opening Ceremony choreography. The dance teachers, in their turn, will teach the required techniques and dance compositions to the students. Intensive rehearsals for the Opening Ceremony will follow in December 2016, prior to the beginning of the cultural year. During the time of the auditions, the choreographer and director of the Opening Ceremony had a meeting with the Chairman and the Members of the Dance Culture Association, which will also play an important role in the realisation of an impressive spectacle. Thanks go to Klea Pitsillidou Dance School and the Ambassador of Israel for their support. Photograph © Foto Larko, Pafos

© Grapevine • October 2016


Reclaiming Immovable Property Tax by Sam Orgill

How to reclaim immovable property tax on Cyprus Property Big changes in Immovable Property Tax (IMPT) on Cyprus Property mean that tax savings are available for Expats owning Cyprus Property. If you own a property with only a contract of sale , since 2014 you are responsible for immovable property tax and should be registered. This tax is paid through the income tax office. If not you could pay a higher rate of tax to the developer. Register as the IMPT payer to save expensive bills from a developer. 2015 IMPT Tax Saving If you paid your 2015 IMPT on time, you have overpaid! In Retrospect 2015 IMPT on Cyprus property has been reduced by 25%. Anyone who has paid in full will be due a tax credit. This will be processed with the next event. The tax could be offset against other IMPT due. If the property has been sold the overpayment needs to be reclaimed. 2016 IMPT Tax Reclaim Anyone who has received title deeds, transferred or sold property in 2016 so far, has over paid IMPT for 2016. The rate for 2016 has been reduced giving a tax saving of 75%. Any over payment needs to be reclaimed if you no longer own the property. If you have yet to pay your IMPT your payment is due by 31st October. The tax saving can work well for you if you have a 25% 2015 rebate due. This can be credited to 2016 tax meaning no additional payment is due for 2016.

including issues regarding IMPT tax savings, returns and rebates. Contact Us info@proactpartnership.com Contact Us Make a Will to Protect Overseas Property Make a Will and Trust your family and friends to protect your assets on death. A Family Trust avoids Cyprus laws of succession. By creating a Family Trust today for Cyprus Property you could also make tax savings in capital gains, inheritance tax, IMPT and inheritance taxes on your death. Look Forward – Plan Ahead Overseas Property in Cyprus has become a better investment with lower property taxes in Cyprus. ProACT can offer help and guidance about the Movable Property Taxes for Expats . Asset Protection is about looking forward to make tax savings. ProACT expat experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website. Contact Us ProACT expat experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website. Sam Orgill ProACT Partnership - Tax Saving Experts www.proactpartnership.com


TEL: +357 26 819 424

2017 IMPT – Tax Saving There is no IMPT tax due for 2017 onwards. In a radical approach the Cyprus Tax approach is to abandon a complicated process to claim this property tax.


IMPT Paid to the developer This can be complex. If you pay IMPT to a developer for your procession of property under contract of sale before 2013 , then you can reclaim this tax from the tax office 1/ after you receive title deeds 2/ if you have a contractual obligation to pay the tax to the developer.

living and working abroad, relocating overseas, investing offshore.

Before you agree to pay any developer you should carefully check your contract to ensure you have a liability to the developer. If you there is no contractual liability, you don’t legally have to pay, and you won’t be able to reclaim from the tax office if you do. In any case you can never reclaim any interest the developer may try to charge you for late payment of their IMPT liability to the Cyprus Tax office.

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Under new property laws anyone who has a contract of sale can apply directly to have the title deed issued, without having to wait for the developer settle mortgage, planning or contractual issues. This gives the property owner power to move forward without overpayment to developers. If you do pay valid IMPT payments under contract to a developer, to receive title deeds, then you can make an application to reclaim this IMPT from the developer. Tax Saving Review and Reclaims ProACT Offer a Free Review of all Cyprus property title deed issues


© Grapevine • October 2016

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Along with other articles for Expats Living and Working Abroad. Share the news - forward to a friend If the article is helpful, please read more at www.proactpartnership.com/blog

© Grapevine • October 2016


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Š Grapevine • October 2016

For Sale -deSituated in a quiet residential cul Exo sac on the escarpment above m fro ow thr Vrisi yet only a stone’s ng Paphos Town Hall, the Cyta Buildi of rt hea the and Makarios Avenue in Paphos. se A unique modern town hou ard designed and built by a local aw winning architect. rs Open plan design on three floo and e rac with an extensive roof ter the panoramic views to the airport in st. we east and the lighthouse in the Accommodation comprises:Ground floor: Multipurpose room/garage, bathroom, enclosed open atrium and storage areas. First floor: Open plan kitchen and living room with large picture window to the panoramic view of Kato Paphos and the coast beyond. Second floor: Large bedroom with bathroom. Third floor: ter Roof terrace with electric and wa points. Fully carpeted stairs throughout. For sale with full title deeds at 170000 Euro. For appointment to view and fully appreciate this unique property please telephone 99 580320

The £1 trillion pension crisis by Mark Hollingsworth

Pressure is mounting on the UK Government to oversee an overhaul of Britain’s company pension schemes in which more than 11million workers have savings. It comes as these “final salary” occupational schemes are registering their biggest ever funding shortfall, now at almost £1 trillion. This sum is the gap between the investments these pension schemes own and the likely eventual cost of the pensions they have already promised to pay. Unless solutions are found, experts warn, many hundreds of schemes are likely to fold into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), the lifeboat scheme which provides reduced pension payouts for retired workers caught up in cash-strapped schemes. As a result, savers may be required to give up some of their benefits in a compromise deal. For example, firms could promise to pay them more than they might obtain through a PPF rescue – but less than they are entitled to in their pension contract. While few workers contribute to them today, millions have entitlements built up in the past, when the arrangements were very common. There are 6,000 such schemes, attached to all types of business. Currently a staggering 5,000 of them are in deficit.

The alternative For those that have contributed to occupational pensions in the past but are not yet receiving their pension, it is clear that action must be taken. At the very least, a review of your benefit entitlement and the solvency of the scheme must be assessed. If 5 out of every 6 schemes are currently in deficit then the future looks very gloomy. Even if you are one of the lucky ones (1 in every 6) whose scheme is not currently in deficit, can you take the risk that the scheme will be in a position to pay out your expected pension every month for the next 20, 30 years ? Pension transfer advice requires you to seek qualified, expert advice and we can assist with these critical decisions in association with our affiliates in the UK. If such advice suggests that you should opt out of the scheme then you can instead take full control over your future pension provision by transferring your pension to either a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) or a Qualified Recognised Overseas Personal Pension Scheme (QROPS). Which one is best suited to you would require specific advice based on your personal circumstances and again requires expert advice. Many schemes (including those in deficit) are currently paying out enhanced transfer values. They are doing so as they are desperate to remove the risk of having to pay out pensions in the future that they simply cannot afford to do so. Life expectancy is increasing year on year which is good news in general of course but very bad news for the pension schemes as they are having to pay pensions for longer - something that they cannot afford to do. In summary, if you have not yet reached retirement age and have contributed to some form of occupational pension scheme, or even personal pension then the worrying statistics of pension shortfalls should jolt you into reviewing what it means to you. What is clear is that fewer and fewer schemes will be providing you with the pension that you were expecting when you finished working ! The good news is that there is a solution and we are able to help. Mark Hollingsworth, Director, Hollingsworth International Financial Services Ltd Tel: +357 99066840, +356 21316298 e-mail: info@hollingsworth-int.com Website: www.hollingsworth.eu.com Authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to provide investment services, license IS/32457 16

© Grapevine • October 2016

Reviewing your investment portfolio by Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI

Depending on the size and asset types within your portfolio it should be reviewed no more than quarterly and no less than annually.

Frequency of Review Reviewing a portfolio too frequently (daily; weekly etc) is not for the fainthearted as markets can be volatile and it is a certainty that at some point during the life of your portfolio markets will tumble, this can cause stress for most retail investors. Conversely in bull markets (those that rise for a length of time) investors are euphoric which is not a realistic emotion as markets and individual asset fall as well as rise.

Performance Review Assets require time to grow, if your chosen asset has not performed in the first 3 or 6 months look at the performance against the market and peer group, even then remind yourself of why you chose it in the first place, perhaps the manager is a maverick with an individual style who has beaten the market over long periods and due to this does not follow the crowd. Over longer periods assessing the position of your chosen fund within its peer group or against its benchmark is required and will prompt you to change that particular fund to another better performer within its sector. Individual shares should be reviewed more regularly to ensure they still fit your objectives. Recent news and/or poor performance can indicate problems with a company and other times it can be a temporary ‘blip’ which provides buying opportunities.

Asset Review A diversified portfolio will usually hold a range of different asset classes but exposure to each will vary depending on the economic outlook of the geographical areas you hold and the asset types. The regular portfolio review gives you or your adviser, the opportunity to rebalance the assets to best protect the downside of the portfolio or provide the optimum environment to take advantage of particular asset classes. This would also be the time to reduce any over exposure to one individual stock or sector and to look at dividend income; if this is a requirement. If it has not been highlighted within the performance review any manager changes to the funds you hold should also be reviewed.

Your own objectives and current situation This is an important factor when reviewing the portfolio as you need to account for any near term cash requirements for ad hoc expenditure or to commence income in retirement. Indeed you may be only a few years away from retirement and the portfolio should be rebalanced to reflect the potential need for income. The same goes for other regular expenditure such as educational fees for children or grandchildren, weddings, babies, relocation. Other life changing factors such as divorce, critical or other illness will also be a factor in this review.

Christmas Shopping Trip to Nicosia Thursday 17th November 2016. Departure time: 7:45am from the Paphiakos T-Rooms. Pick-up at Rantzo in Pissouri around 8:15am. First stop for refreshments at Choirokoitia. Then, SHOPPING TIME! Marks & Spencer Strovolos, then drop-off as close to Ledra Street as possible for those who want to enjoy the Old Town of Nicosia, and then it’s IKEA time! Shop until you drop in IKEA and Mall of Cyprus for 4 hours if not more! Return to Paphos is scheduled around 6:30pm. Tickets are €19 and you can get them by calling or texting 99753217.

If you need any assistance with your portfolio review or require any other financial advice please contact me. Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI Elgin AMC Ltd, Mobile 99579149 Fax: + 357 22 455626 Email: v.nagel@elginamc.com Website www.elginamc.com Elgin is a trade name of Numisma Capital Ltd which is authorised and regulated by CySEC (License Number 122/10)

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute financial advice in any way © Grapevine • October 2016


Great Hollywood Breads by Cherry Dobbins

With ‘The Great British Bake Off ‘hitting our small screens again I thought a couple of recipes from Paul Hollywood’s first recipe book, ‘100 Great Breads’ would be appropriate. The recipes are for fresh yeast so you will need to turn this into the appropriate amount of dried yeast. It is best to go by the recommendation on the packet. If that is not clear Paul recommends that for dried or instant yeast you use a quarter less than shown.

75g caster sugar water to mix 500g butter, chilled For the filling 10 apples, peeled and cored 100g sultanas

Peanut Bread

2 tsp. ground cinnamon

This bread is always a great favourite with the kids at teatime, loaded with honey or chocolate spread. For a change serve it with cream cheese and celery as an energy giving sandwich.

2 eggs beaten for egg wash

500g strong white flour 1 ½ tsp. salt 15g yeast warm water to mix ¾ jar crunchy peanut butter 100g caramelized peanut chips, to mix makes two loaves 1. Put the flour, salt and yeast into a bowl. Slowly add warm water and mix by hand until the dough is pliable. leave in the bowl to rest for 1 hour 2. Add the peanut butter to the dough and mix in thoroughly. The dough will now be sticky, so begin to add the peanut chips until the dough tightens up again. Divide the dough into two pieces and leave to rest for 1 hour. 3. Grease a baking tray. Punch any air out of the dough pieces and mould into two sausage shapes, approx. 30.5 cm long and tapering at each end. Roll each up into a coil, place on a baking tray and leave to prove for 1 hour. 4. Preheat the oven to 200C. Using a sharp knife, score a line down the middle of each loaf and dust each lightly with flour. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Apple and Sultana Danish Pastries You probably won’t use all the pastries at once, so you can freeze the finished dough for up to 3 months, You need to start this the day before.

apricot jam, warmed, to glaze For the water icing lemon zest, icing sugar and water 1.Dilute the yeast in a little warm water and put with the flour, salt and sugar into a large mixing bowl. Using a wooden spoon, slowly mix in a little water until the dough becomes pliable. Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead well until it feels elastic. Put the dough back in the bowl and leave in the fridge for 1 hour. 2. Return the chilled dough to your floured work surface and roll it into a rectangle 60x30.5cm. Flatten the chilled butter into a rectangle about 1cm thick and lay it over two-thirds of the dough. Bring the uncovered third of the dough into the centre, then fold the covered top third down, so that your dough is now in three layers. Return the dough to the fridge to chill for 1 hour. 3. Scatter some more flour over your table and roll out the dough to the same- sized rectangle as before. Repeat the folding process, one side on top of the other, and place the dough back in the fridge for 1 hour. You will need to repeat this process twice more before leaving the dough to rest, wrapped in clingfilm, overnight. 4. Line a baking tray. Roll out the dough to about 5mm thick, then cut 12.5cm squares from the dough. Fold the edges into the middle so you have a parcel, place each one onto the baking tray and leave to rise for 2 hours at an ambient temperature (20C+) 5. Meanwhile cook the apples in a pan with a little warm water to soften them for 7 minutes, then add the sultanas and cinnamon and allow to cool.

625g strong white flour, plus extra for dusting

6. Spoon at least 2 tablespoons of the apple mixture into the middle of each dough square. Preheat the oven to 200C. brush the egg wash onto the exposed parts of the dough, and bake for 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and brush with warmed apricot jam. Cool, then top with water icing.

1 ½ tsp. salt


Stage One: Theatre for All Seasons

2017 is Paphos’ Year of Culture and Stage One has a major role to play in the celebrations. Watch this space for exciting news. Stage One welcomes new members and encourages them to take part in all aspects of the theatre both theatrically or socially so if you are technically minded , artistic, a budding actor or just keen to get involved with something new come along to social Club nights on 3rd Thursdays at 7 p.m. Find Stage One Theatre in the main road through Emba village. All members help on a voluntary basis. Stage One’s Youth group is active again after the Summer break and welcomes young people over the age of 12 to come along on Saturdays mornings to enjoy new skills. For more information about Stage One call Caroline on 26911641

For the pastry 20g yeast

Stage One’s regular patrons know that there will always be something special for the final production of the year. In 2016 (November 29th-3rd. December) Stage One presents Wife Begins at Forty by that most beloved of British comedy writers Ray Cooney. Director Carol Harvey has always wanted to direct this play for Stage One and she has a stellar cast waiting to deliver those witty lines which will have audiences laughing away the winter blues. This play is sponsored by Chase Buchanan. A huge amount of dedication goes into every Stage One production, not only by the actors but the set builders and crew so please buy a ticket (only 12 euros buys you a comfortable seat, a glossy programme and high entertainment) to support live theatre in Paphos. Satisfaction guaranteed. How to book. The box office opens on November 8th.. By Telephone: 99 967737. The booking line opens November 8th. and is open Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 1.00 p.m By email: boxoffice@ stageonetheatre.com. Visiting the Box Office at the theatre. From November 8th Monday & Friday s only from 10.00 am to 12.00 Midday. The spring production starts in February 2017 and promises a real treat for crime lovers. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie is probably her most famous play having been seen by thousands in its long run in the West End. Sponsored by 3D Global Why not book your tickets for this sellout show when you book for the December play 18

© Grapevine • October 2016

Apollon International Connections Group is pleased to announce the formation of the first Cyprus International Food Festival taking place on 5 and 6 November 2016 at STOA in Nicosia, Cyprus and which is under the auspices of the Minister of Commerce, Tourism and Industry, Mr Yiorgos Lakkotrypis and with the support of the Municipalities of Nicosia.

Bread Making problems by Cherry Dobbins

Some of the problems you may find in with your bread and the reasons. The dough is heavy and close with little or no increase in bulk after the first rising. Likely causes – The liquid used was too hot and this killed the yeast. The liquid should be lukewarm. You can get this by using 1/3rd boiling liquid to 2/3rd cold. Remember that what comes out of your tap might not be cold at first so let it run.

Your Room with a View

On the 15th Floor overlooking Sliema Creek towards Valetta, Malta.

The salt was added directly to the yeast instead of with the flour and liquid. The salt draws liquid from the yeast and kills it. The dough is heavy and close with little or no increase in bulk after the second rising. Likely cause – There was too much heat during the first rising. Prove dough at between 26° and 32°C, no higher. The dough rises but very slowly. Likely causes - The air temperature is low.

The yeast was stale or stored in too cool a place.

The mixture was too dry.

The loaf or roll is well risen but the surface is wrinkled and there is a heavy layer just below the surface. Likely causes – The dough was over-proved and this made the gluten overstretch and collapse. The oven was too cool when the bread was first put in. The oven must be very hot when the bread goes in. Most recipes will require an oven temperature around 230°C or higher. The dough is well risen but the bread has large uneven holes. Likely causes – There was a lack of kneading after the first rising and so the yeast and gas were not evenly distributed. The oven was too cool when the bread was first put in. The oven must be very hot when the bread first goes in. This ensures that there is no over-proving but the yeast is killed quickly and a good ‘oven spring’ occurs. The loaf is badly risen and has a close texture. Likely causes – The dough was too dry

Not enough time was allowed for proving.

Bread has a sour, unpleasant flavour. Likely causes – The rising and proving process was too slow and this llowed acids to develop.

The yeast was stale.

Too much yeast was used giving a strong flavour.

When making dinner rolls they crack around the base and have a heavy layer underneath. Likely causes – The place for proving was too hot so the yeast was killed near the base and a skin formed over the roll which cracked when put into the oven

Farmers & Crafters: FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET in Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden. Sunday 2/Oct 10am-2pm. Local, natural, homemade and handmade. Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers, artists and crafters.

Give your Body the Holiday of a Lifetime 7 Days Half-board in a Wellness Rejuvenation Room 14th - 21st January 2017 The Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms offer the latest technology to help revitalise your body and mind by creating the perfect environment to soothe you into a deep healing sleep, leaving you to wake feeling refreshed and invigorated.

In your Wellness Rejuvenation Room you will find: Magnetic mattresses, which magnetise your entire body, relieving it from all aches, pains and stress. Magnetic pillows, which reduce neck and shoulder pain and stimulate circulation resulting in healthier blood with increased oxygen and nutrients. Far-Infrared Technology which balances the temperature of the bed for added comfort. Nikken anti-bacterial bedding that kills dust mites which is a great relief for anyone who suffers from asthma or sinus problems. A Power Plate Vibrogym, which can give you the equivalent of a full body workout in just 15 minutes. An air purifier, which removes contaminants from the air, great for allergy sufferers and asthmatics giving mountain fresh natural air indoors! A hot tub on the balcony, which has views to three compass directions. A water de-ioniser to filter all the water in the bathroom for an invigorating, soft, purified, mineral rich, perfectly PH balanced shower. Plus hydrotherapy bath, and Dermalife Spa-Jet machine in the bathroom. Television, fridge, tea and coffee making facilities including an expresso coffee machine. The Fortina Spa Resort has developed a “Dine around the World” concept, offering six Restaurants, most of which are located in the spectacular Tropical Garden, each specialising in a different cuisine from around the World. These Restaurants are Taste; serving Mediterranean and Vietnamese cuisine, Sa Re Ga Ma serving Indian cuisine, Can Thai; serving Thai and Chinese cuisine, Il Giardino pizzeria, Ristorante Tigne; specialising in Italian and Continental cuisine. Our specially designed and decorated restaurants, authentic chefs and waiting staff make dining in each Restaurant an experience in itself. The Fortina Spa Resort offers a wide range of therapies from around the World. The Spa offers beauty treatments, specialised treatments, a Physiotherapy Clinic, Chinese medicine and a range of other treatments.

com/groups/heavenonearthherbals or contact 96425879/99993412.

You also have daily use of the Spa Sante where facilities include: Whirlpool, Steam Room, Sauna, Ice Grotto, Lanconium, Relaxation room, Aqua Meditation and Pedi Jets.

FARMERS MARKET in Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden on Sunday 6/Nov,

I have been enjoying this holiday for some years now, but am unable to go in January 2017 and can offer my week...

Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visitwww.facebook.

10am-2pm. Local, natural and homemade! Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers. Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visit www.facebook.com/groups/heavenonearthherbals or

Price for the week €1500 (normal price €3100) for 2 persons on half-board basis Please phone 99 580320 for more information

contact 96425879/99993412. © Grapevine • October 2016


Suicidal Ideation.

by Dr Vasilios Silivistris, DipComp DipSup MBACP BA MA FRSH PhD

Taking your own life is a tragic reaction to stressful life situations and all the more tragic because suicide can be prevented. Whether you are considering suicide or know someone who feels suicidal, learn suicide warning signs and how to reach out for immediate help and professional treatment. You may save a life, your own or someone else’s. It may seem like there is no way to solve your problems and that suicide is the only way to end the pain. But you can take steps to stay safe and start enjoying your life again.

being emotionally high one day and deeply discouraged the next.

Suicide warning signs or suicidal thoughts include: • Talking about suicide for example, making statements such as • “I’m going to kill myself,” • “I wish I were dead” or • “I wish I hadn’t been born” • Getting the means to take your own life, such as buying a gun or stockpiling pills. • Withdrawing from social contact and wanting to be left alone. • Having mood swings, such as

agitated, socially isolated or lonely. •

Experience a stressful life event, such as the loss of a loved one, a break-up, financial, or legal problems.

Have a substance abuse problem, alcohol and/or drug abuse can worsen thoughts of suicide and make you feel reckless/impulsive enough to act on your thoughts.

• Doing risky or self-destructive things, such as using drugs or driving recklessly.

Have an underlying psychiatric disorder, such as major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or bipolar disorder.

Have a family history of mental disorders and/or substance abuse, suicide, or violence, including physical/sexual abuse.

Have a medical condition that can be linked to depression and suicidal thinking, such as chronic disease, chronic pain, or terminal illness.

• Being preoccupied with death, dying or violence. • Feeling trapped or hopeless about a situation. • Increasing use of alcohol or drugs. • Changing normal routine, including eating or sleeping patterns

Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order when there is no other logical explanation for doing this.

• Saying goodbye to people as if they will not be seen again. Risk factors: Although attempted suicide is more frequent for women, men are more likely than women to complete suicide because they typically use more effective methods, such as a firearm. You may be at risk of suicide if you: • Feel hopeless, worthless,

• Attempted suicide before.

For every presciption frame we are offering free sunglasses or get 40% OFF New Frames Only at our shop in the old town.

© Grapevine • October 2016

When to see a mental health professional. If you are feeling suicidal, but you are not immediately thinking of hurting yourself: Reach out to a close friend or loved one even though it may be hard to talk about your feelings. Contact a minister, spiritual leader or someone in your faith community. Make an appointment with your doctor. Look at doing some counselling or psychotherapy with an qualified and experienced mental health professional.

Dr Vasilios Silivistris is a UK trained Psychotherapist and Counselling practitioner. Tel: 99 109177. Email: v.silivistris@btinternet.com

Elean Opticians in Makarios Ave is open 9am - 1pm. There is access at the back of the shop. Special Offer - 6 contact lenses 25 Euro


Children and teenagers. Suicide in children and teenagers often follows stressful life events. What a young person sees as serious and insurmountable may seem minor to an adult such as problems in school or the loss of a friendship. In some cases, a child or teen may feel suicidal due to certain life circumstances that he or she may not want to talk about.

Parasites The invisible Enemy by Caroline Carter

Healthy Healing Presentation 19th October. Spa tonic. 6.30pm Most people believe parasites are only a serious problem in third world countries, but nothing is farther from the truth. Approximately seven out of ten clients seen at Healthy Healing have been found to harbor parasites. Scientists have identified over three hundred types of parasites thriving in Europe and the USA, including but not limited to the following: pinworms, tapeworms, hookworms, ringworms, whipworms, roundworms and heartworms. It is estimated that over seventy per cent of Europeans and ninety percent of Americans suffer from parasites and don’t even know it. When symptoms appear, the worms/parasites have probably been in your system for over a decade! Worms are the most toxic agents in the human body. They are one of the primary underlying causes of disease and are the most basic cause of a compromised immune system. Parasites are scavenger organisms living within us, aiding many serious health ailments to develop. Parasites thrive in the intestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and brain where they become “obese” when fed their favorite diet of sugars, processed and junk foods, toxins, and excessive carbohydrate consumption. The danger of these uninvited visitors exists in that they become extremely toxic and even deadly, as waste materials are expelled into the host body where their eggs hatch and larvae grow in tissue all over the body. Typical symptoms reported by clients found to be harboring parasites. Inability to gain or lose weight Digestive problems. Irritable bowel Syndrome Chronic Candida Chronic fatigue

Hungry despite eating well Gas and bloating

Tired after eating

Chronic diarrhea

Grinding teeth in sleep

Chronic constipation

Drooling in sleep Yeast infections

Stools that float

Numb hands

Various skin issues

Pain in the navel Itchy ears or nose Anal itching, especially at night

Cancer, Illness, Loss and Grief Course 2017 Would you like to work for the nurses of PACIKAF? We are looking for people who have empaphy, availability and commitment. PACIKAF will be holding an eight session training course which will equip volunteers to support nurses, cancer patients and their carers in a non medical capacity. Dates: Tuesday February 7th until and including Tuesday March 28th. Hours: 10am until 4p.m Venue: Saint Michaels Hospice, Mesa Chorio Applications for interview should be made to The Cancer Support and Information Helpline 97 76 0989

Mucus in stool

Chronic sinus or ear infections Urinary tract infections


Brain fog Forgetfulness Depression

Digestive problems

Water retention (mostly from Acid reflux tapeworms) If you would like to know more about parasites, live blood analysis and how to regain lost energy, come along to our FREE presentation on 19th October at Spa Tonic 6.30pm. (downstairs gym hall) This presentation will be of particular interest to those with diabetes as my colleague Mark Eddison will be presenting CELLSONIC, brand new technology which can heal diabetic ulcers, even those currently requiring amputation. This technology which can also stop or relieve chronic muscle and joint pains is now available in Paphos. You can reserve a front row seat by emailing healthyhealingcy@gmail.com or calling 9778931 Join our facebook group Healthy Healing Cyprus for regular updates on presentations. There will also be a raffle for therapy and live blood analysis, with all proceeds going to Stray Haven Dog Rescue. www.healthyhealingcy.com © Grapevine • October 2016


A Coastal Foot & Cycle Path from Geroskipou Seafront to the Airport by D. J. Slimin C.Eng. M.R.I.N.A. Retired

As a follow up to my recent article on a waterbus system I wish to offer another easy and affordable alternative to the present foot/cycle paths that follow the new dual carriageway through Geroskipou to the final dual carriageway roundabout. From there it turns left and continues up to the old airport road to the Eleas golf course, from which, there is no footpath or cycle path to the airport, only a poorly lit road! The pedestrians and cyclists who are situated directly adjacent to the lorries, coaches, taxis, private cars and motor bikes receive no protection from the emissions given off by the exhaust fumes and engine noises which can be very heavy at times! Manny cyclists do not even use the cycle paths, instead they use the road since when they come to a junction on the cycle paths they have to dismount due to the kerbs not being sloped to allow the cyclists to cross a side road without dismounting! There are now plans in hand by the Geroskipou municipality to commercialize the sea front area by making the road along the sea front a pedestrian only area with car parking areas inland of the existing road. A solution would be to build a foot and cycle path from the Phaeton Hotel ( the last hotel of the line of sea front hotels in the Geroskipou Resort) and place the Paths from this last hotel eastward along the sea shore to the end of the airport perimeter fence and then around the perimeter fence to the airport terminal. This direct and shorter route would offer a straight continuation of the Paphos sea front hotels footpaths onto the Geroskipou sea front from which it will continue directly onto the airport? All this final path will need is a cycle path of a tarmac material coloured red, as per the existing paths, and a footpath of a similar tarmac material coloured in blue? The lighting could be of a low level lighting situated at ground level (protected by heavy plated glass) and a handful of passenger shelters/seats for passenger protection and rest when taking the shortened walk to the airport in the hot midday sun. It will also offer a noise and emission gas free walk with a panoramic view of the blue Mediterranean and the occasional day boat and large passenger ships that pass by the airport. There are also the aeroplanes that pass low overhead as an added attraction as they land/take off from Paphos International airport. The space required for this project and the benefits it would bring far outweigh the minimal costs and the short time required to complete such an attractive solution.

Sailing with Pisc by Alice Stanley

Paphos International Sailing Club and TLC School are about to launch a new project that will see students take to the waters around Agios Georgios.

Photograph by Chris Scorer.

The primary aim of this project is to introduce students aged 16 to 18 years old to the exciting sport of sailing. Students, sailing “PICO” dinghies, will be taught all the skills required to rig, launch, sail, recover and de-rig a dinghy. In addition students will learn how to tie knots and how a sail provides power to manoeuvre a boat. Successful students will gain a certificate recognising their achievement in

gaining a life long skill. Joint project co-ordinators Phil Mutton, PISC Chief Instructor and David Lewis, Principal TLC are delighted that the many months of preparation are about to come to fruition and wish all students every success in their quest to learn the mysteries of the art of sailing. No mystery about the famous PISC Regatta on 7 - 9 October. This exciting event includes the European Kestrel Open Championship. Top class sailors will be flying in to compete at Agios Georgios. If you are a sailing fan or want to find out what all this excitement is about just COME ALONG. The event is held over three days Friday 7th. to Sunday 9th. October 2016. Make a day of it - hire a sun bed and shade, order a meal and drink from Koula’s friendly Kiosk, then just sit back and enjoy.

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club is a group of people who either own or appreciate classic vehicles, and enjoy getting together, using and discussing them. We usually hold our monthly Socials at the Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita on the third Saturday of the month at 15.00 Not all members actually own a classic vehicle, and some that do are in the process of restoring them and use their ‘modern’ vehicles in the meantime. The Classic Car Breakfast in August and September were well attended and enjoyed by all, if you would like advice on buying or running a classic car here in Cyprus come along and join us for breakfast on the first Saturday of every month at the Tea for Two restaurant next to Gabour`s in Kato Paphos at 9.00am were you will find some of our members to help. What a great evening was had on Mandria Beach for our annual Fish & Chip supper on the 7th of September . A big thank you to Kate and Pip for organizing this really enjoyable event, Now that the weather is a little cooler we will be arranging more events and mid week lunch runs so if you would like to take part check our website for updated information or ring the number below. Happy Motoring. Contact us on: e-mail address paphosclassicvehicleclub@gmail.com Phone: 99046466 Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Paphclassics Website: www.paphosclassicvehicleclub.weebly.com for regular updates and details of events.


© Grapevine • October 2016

Maggie’s Beauty Spot: Sharpen Up Your Look Whatever your size, shape or budget, we have the perfect outfits for every occasion. Reinvent Your 9-5 You can give your workwear a fashion edge and still look like you mean business. Add layers to a classic suit to give it a new-season spin, while a geometric print updates a sweater dress. Wide trousers in a Prince of Wales check with a white shirt will give you confidence to take on the day. Dress Smart - simply pop on classic loafers if you can’t ‘do’ heels. Go for Relaxed Glamour Lose the trackie bottoms! For laid-back glam, throw a sweater over a velvet lace-trimmed skirt with trainers, or a soft hooded woollen sweater under a boyfriend coat with your favourite jeans. Dress Smart – add the luxe factor to your look with contrasting fabrics. Meet Your Cover Stars There’s a coat to suit everyone – and every mood – this season. For a real statement, go for red, which works whether you’re blonde, dark, redhead or grey. For a feminine and youthful look, pair leopard-print faux fur with chic leather gloves and patent accessories. If you want to go for a classic look, a three-quarter length coat is the business – team with a metallic pleated skirt and matelot stripes on top to make it modern. Dress Smart - be bold and bright to add va-va-voom to your wardrobe. Get Sassy at the Weekend Out and about meeting friends this autumn and winter? Then opt for vintage lace, suede (real or faux) and vintage-style winter florals – they’re all must-haves for your wardrobe. DRESS SMART - don’t forget fabulous footwear or beautiful boots. Shine on at Night Sequins and sparkle guarantee you will dazzle on a glam night out. Batwing-style dresses are super flattering for pear shapes or for hiding a tum.

Dress Smart - not a fan of your upper arms? Try an on-trend capelet. Dazzle After Dark A metallic pleated skirt oozes night-time glam – and is just fab for showing off your figure. Complete the look with a tone-ontone metallic top and sparkling accessories. DRESS SMART- for daytime cool, wear a sparkly sweater with jeans and trainers. To book a colour consultation, contact Maggie Wright, Colour Me Beautiful 99318477. 10% off for Grapevine readers. Don’t forget Christmas is around the corner – gift vouchers available.

Aliaton Bowls Club

There was great turnout for the opening day of the Summer Season and the traditional President (John Warner) v Vice President (Norris Forster) Triples Competition. The overall result was a win for the Presidents team by one point. The winning triples team was from the Vice Presidents team. Well done to John Woodcock, Helen Hunt & Ken Edwards The Sarah Mulvanny Ladies and Gents competition saw 5 teams from the gents enter the green with the mission of winning back the Trophy. Unfortunately this was not the case and the Ladies won convincingly. Well done to the winning Ladies team of Therese Jarvis, Helen Hunt and Diane Roberts The Aliaton Bowls Club is the largest club on the island with nearly 100 members ranging from new to experienced international bowlers. For more information visit our website: www.aliathonbowls.com

© Grapevine • October 2016


The Reality Of God by Valerie Morgan

As I write this article I am just coming to the end of two weeks spent with my son and his family. But seriously, I wonder if any of the Grandchildren actually came to Cyprus. It seemed to me that whenever they were awake they were permanently plugged into a piece of electrical equipment, rendering them completely oblivious to any conversation or any participation in the outside world! Within our lifetimes, (I generalise here because most of the Grapevine readers are probably retired), technology has improved our lives greatly. When we think back to our parents’ generation, life was a great deal more labour intensive, especially for the housewife. So we have much to be thankful for. We have dishwashers, washing machines, televisions etc. And we even have computers! And yes, we would be lost without them for our banking and instant communication over long distances. But has text and email rendered conversation redundant? I have even witnessed an entire family in a restaurant who spent the whole evening on their iPhones and never spoke a word to each other! The world of our young people seems to have shrunk to laptop and iPad size and they seem to have no concept or even interest in the world around them. Some of the games that they play are based on war and killing, but in this unreal world there are no consequences to their actions. I sometimes wonder if this accounts for the dramatic increase in violence amongst teenagers at the moment. I fear we are rearing a generation of people who have no concept of the outside world or how to live in it. For society to work there must be rules and order. If there were no order in space what would happen? The planets would lose their stability and chaos would reign. Is this beginning to sound like the world we live in? Communication with each other is so important – the spoken word is paramount. Before history was written down it was carried from generation to generation by the spoken word. God spoke to Adam and Eve, Abraham and Moses. Moses wrote down the Ten Commandments that through the centuries and even today forms the basis of the laws that we live by. These laws are designed to make us aware that we as individuals are NOT the centre of the universe – God is! They also make us aware that we do not exist as an individual and that we have a duty of concern for the people we live with and the people in our society. Let’s have a look at those Ten Commandments. Exodus 20: 3 -17 (The Message) 1. ‘No other gods but me’. Well, if we all put God first, the world would be a much better place to live in. 2. ‘No carved gods of any size, shape or form of anything whatever, whether of things that fly, walk or swim’. What do you worship? A football team? The soaps on TV? Your iPad? Your iPhone? What do you put first in your life? 3. ‘No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter; God won’t put up with the irreverent use of His name’. Well, let’s face it, the standard of language on our streets today leaves a great deal to be desired! 4. ‘Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do………………’ Now I know in our society today this is very difficult to achieve if we want to stay in employment. But the rule was made not only to give us time to worship God, but also because our bodies need to rest and regenerate. 5. ‘Honour your father and mother’. Do I need to explain that one? 6. ‘No murder’. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful world to live in! 7. ‘No adultery’. Well that would solve a lot of problems, but according to the soap operas this sort of behaviour is quite normal and acceptable these days. 8. ‘No stealing’. Would that we could leave our houses at night and not have to lock them up like Fort Knox! 9. ‘No lies about your neighbour’. We should aim to live in peace with each other. 10. ‘No lusting after your neighbour’s house or wife…..’ Learn to be content with what you have and your life will be a calmer and more peaceful place to live in. If you would like to learn more about living with God in your life, join us at 1030am for our Sunday service. 24

© Grapevine • October 2016

New Anglican Parish Priest Installed in Paphos The Reverend Andrew Burtt has been installed as the new parish priest in the Anglican Church of Paphos. The installation ceremony, conducted by the Bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf, the Rt. Reverend Michael Lewis on Saturday 17 September 2016, was held in the ancient church of Ayia Kyriaki Chrysopolitissa (St Paul’s Pillar), Kato Paphos, in front of a congregation of nearly 200 people. Reverend Andrew joins the church in Paphos from his former position as Chaplain at Portsmouth Grammar School, England. Andrew saw this position as an opportunity to move on. ‘The time was right to look to a parish which would provide an opportunity to use my skills, extend my Ministry and at the same time provide me with new challenges,’ said Rev. Andrew. The Anglican Church of Paphos embraces the area to the western side of the island – from Pomos in the North, the Akamas in the West, Kouklia in the South to Arsos in the East with a population of over 90,000. The parish has three churches Ayia Kyriaki in Kato Paphos, St Lukes in Prodromi (near to Polis) and St Stephen’s in Tala. Bishop Michael Lewis and the Reverend Andrew Burtt

Further information about the Anglican Church of Paphos, regular and special services, details of its work in the community and social activities can be found by visiting the web site – www. paphosanglicanchurch.org.cy The Reverend Andrew Burtt, a brief biography Andrew was born and educated in New Zealand and after gaining degrees from Massey University and a teaching diploma from Christchurch Secondary Teachers’ College, he began his working life as a secondary school teacher in Stratford, in the North Island. After five enjoyable years teaching geography, he transferred to the other side of the desk to complete his theological studies at St John’s Theological College in Auckland. He and his wife, Bronwen, then completed joint curacies in the parish of Howick, Auckland, and subsequently travelled to England so that Andrew could apply to become an Army Chaplain. Nine very enjoyable years followed with postings in England, Germany, Hong Kong and the Middle East. With two young boys reaching important points in their education, it was felt that some necessary family stability was required and Andrew transferred back to school teaching combining classroom work with the wider ministry of a school chaplain. Andrew took up the senior chaplain’s role at Brighton College and, after a little over ten years, moved to be chaplain at Portsmouth Grammar School and then on to Cyprus. Both boys are now in their late twenties and early thirties but sadly Bronwen died in 2003. Andrew’s interests include keeping fit, along with walking, reading and cooking. He is very much looking forward to getting to know the parish in Paphos and working alongside fellow colleagues.

Paphiakos Fundraising Lunch Tuesday 11th October 2016 at the beautiful Blue Olive Restaurant in Coral Bay, next to the Ascos Coral Beach Hotel! Come and join the crowd for a fantastic time with delicious food and great entertainment by Blue Jar! Tickets are €18 per person and cover 2 course lunch (choice of cold or hot main and dessert) and entertainment. Start time is 12:30pm for lunch to be served at 1pm. A raffle with fab prizes will be held on the day! For reservations please telephone Paula at 96253686. Proceeds go to charity.

© Grapevine • October 2016


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© Grapevine • October 2016

A Letter from Limassol by Michalis D. Papas

Venus the Mother of Eros, and the Goddess of Love with its Sanctuary in Paphos Venus, Aphodite in Greek, was the daughter of Kronos {Saturn} and the mother of the Gods Earth {Gea}. How she was born is really an interesting story. Saturn was castrated and his testicles were thrown into the sea. They began to turn and turn until they reached Paphos .There before Pissouri [Limassol District] at what is called “Petra tou Romiou” Romios’ Stone [Romios=Greek, petra=stone] out of the foam of the sea [Aphros=foam] she was born .The nymphs welcome her and they dressed her in silken clothes and they took her to Palaepafos [Koukl i a, koukla=doll] [palios=o ld] where Kinyras was the king. He was the brother of Pafos [who created the city of Paphos]. There was a temple there and thus was dedicated to Venus. The festivities on her name were great. There was a parade of chariots up to Ieroskipos [ieros=holy and koipos=garden] and after the parade ended in KatoPafos. [where there is the port and in antiquity it was the capital of Cyprus]. Venus was the wife of Hephestus, who was lame and was the manufacturer of the weapons of the gods and the lightening of Zeus. So, Venus fell in love with the son of Kinyras whose name was Adonis .In some books of mythology it is said that Mars [Aris] was her husband. So, the god transformed himself into a wild swan [many of them were found in Paphos in ancient times] and he found Adonis hunting in the forest near Palaipaphos .So, he killed him with his sharp teeth. Venus was running barefoot after she heard the news and so the wild weeds made her feet bleed .From the blood of Venus red tulips grew and they grow in the fields of Cyprus. Artists made works of art inspired by the goddess of Paphos and statues of Venus in white marble and other materials are found all over the world. During Renaissance Botichelli made a very beautiful painting about the birth of the goddess and many artists, ancient or contemporary were inspired by her. Eros was the son of Venus, he had wings, and he was holding a bow and arrows which he used to aim at peoples’ hearts and thus they fell in love. The baths of Venus are found in Fontana Amoroza near Latsi, [Polis Chrysohous] and there is a big fig-tree . Out of its roots water comes out and there is a small pond where if the un-married persons can swim and so to be able to find their love partner. There is another place dedicated to Venus The baths of Adonis, near Koili village. There Adonis and Venus had their bath and played with each other erotically. It is said that if you swim in the small pool there, even if you are married, you may become a virgin again. Venus is mentioned in Iliad and Odyssey. There was a beauty contest between the goddesses and Paris [of Troy] gave the ‘apple’ to Venus and found her the most beautiful .So, Venus promised to give him as his mistress the most beautiful woman, of all times, Helen of Troy. So, she machinated his coming to Sparta where he fell in love with Helen and he abdicated her to Troy and so the Trojan war happened in order to bring back to Sparta Helen [the wife of Menelaus]. In Paphos you may find in the local museum many statues of hers but the originals are found in “The Cyprus Museum” in Nicosia. There are many things to be said about Venus, but the space and the scope of this article do not give me any other choice but to end.


© Grapevine • October 2016

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