Ledbury Focus September 2018

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Issue No. 159

September 2018

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Hello Readers... Welcome to the September issue of the Ledbury Focus. September is probably one of the nicest months of the year: the days are still warm and nights are still light, but cool. Coming from Africa (as I do) one of the things I enjoy most are the different seasons, each one so distinct from the others. In Africa, there is virtually no difference in the seasons: winter is just a few degrees cooler than summer, and it gets dark about half an hour earlier. There’s no crisp, frosty, winter days, no long summer evenings, or spring flowers and autumn leaves; and certainly no change of wardrobe – just pop a light cardigan over a cotton dress or t-shirt!

Ledbury Focus Publisher & Advertising Grapevine Publications (Worcestershire) Ltd 5\e 6treet ‡ %irtsPorton ‡ W5 $6 7el y 0ob info@grapevinepublications.co.uk www.grapevinepublications.co.uk

Editor %ett\ $nn $Pbur\ betty@grapevinepublications.co.uk

On to this month’s magazine. We have our usual array of articles and events to keep you entertained, and this month’s centre-fold will, I hope, both intrigue you and have you reaching for your pc, iPad or phone to order one of the books listed. This is a wonderful opportunity to take a peek behind the scenes (so to speak!) of celebrity life and at the same time, support a very worthwhile cause.

Advertising & Editorial %etty $nn $Pbury

Contributors $ge 8. Geraldine Holbourn Helen Mawson Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Jan Long Johnathan %ishop Leadonvale Vets PaPela Green 5ita .earsey Trevor Langley West Mercia Police

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DISCLAIMER. All information published is correct according to those who supplied it and no responsibility is taken if it is not. Care is taken to ensure all advertisements are truthful and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions. Artwork is accepted on the understanding that there are no copyright restrictions.


That’s all for this month. I’m off to our local fruit farm to pick cherries to make cherry liqueur for Christmas – yum! Till next time, keep happy and healthy.


Please cle


And speaking of worthwhile causes, make sure you check out the advert on page 56, which offers a great evening’s entertainment, the proceeds of which will go to another deserving charity.

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Shaw healthcare in Ledbury Ledbury Nursing Home National care provider Shaw healthcare are proud of their presence in Market Street, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2AQ Ledbury and how closely they work with NHS Hereford and Hereford County Council. 7ZR GHGLFDWHG VLWHV LQ WKH WRZQ RÉ›HULQJ DQ DUUD\ RI KHDOWK VHUYLFHV $ ODUJH HPSOR\HU IRU WKH FRPPXQLW\ RÉ›HULQJ VWDÉ› FOHDQ VDIH DQG KDSS\ ZRUNLQJ HQYLURQPHQW¡V DQG D VHOHFWLRQ RI YDOXDEOH VWDÉ› EHQHĂ€W¡V $OZD\V RÉ›HULQJ D VDIH FDULQJ HQYLURQPHQW¡V IRU WKH HOGHUO\ SHRSOH RI WKLV historic market town of Ledbury. We welcome volunteers into our services who wish to help and support local older people.

A warm welcome awaits Leadon all new residents Ledbury Health & Care Centre, Bank, Orchard Lane, Marketchoose Street, Ledbury who to live in ourLedbury home.

Ledburyen-suite ICU Ă DWV ² RQH DQG WZR Single rooms with bright communal lounge and dining 14 bedded intermediate care unit – EHGURRP H[WUD FDUH Ă DWV IRU ROGHU areas, where residents can socialise. NHS Funded – 24 hour nurse led. people. Fresh home in house kitchen. Creative and Ledbury Minorcooked Injuries food Unit from our $ ODUJH UHVWDXUDQW RÉ›HULQJ D VQDFN social by–our dedicated activity co-ordinator. Open 7 activities days a weekarranged – NHS funded and lunch menu. 24 hour nurse led.gardens with access20for Mature secure all daycare residents and families. place service. Tel: 01531 632488 - press option 1 Orchard place Ledbury Nursing Home y General Nursing Care yA 24 hourresidential Nursing 10 bedded and Care respite 36 bedded general nursing home. VHUYLFH RÉ›HULQJ VLQJOH HQ VXLWH y End of Life Care Market Lodge rooms. 10 bedded specialist Acquired Brain Please call Hayley Attwood Home Manager on Injury service.

01531 further 637 672 to arrange a visit toFollow the home us on For any enquiries, information or @shawhealthcare questions please LedburyHealthNH.Manager@shaw.co.uk contact: or email Jane Harris | Relationship’s and Sales Manager: shawhealthcare Follow us on Email: Jane.Harris@shaw.co.uk www.shaw.co.uk Tel: 07816 600 834 @shawhealthcare shawhealthcare www.shaw.co.uk Ledbury Focus


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Can running make you a happier person?


here is much evidence about the physical benefits of running such as weight loss, stronger heart, helps prevent high blood pressure, increases leg strength, strengthens immune system and increases bone density. But what about the mental health benefits? Running makes you happy! As you struggle to force yourself out of the door you may disagree with me, but when you come back I believe you will be happy. Stress and depression are major problems many people of all ages are struggling with and running may be the answer. If you are new to running, our ‘Couch to 5k’ courses might be just the thing to get you started. Jo joined our course in April this year and feels it's the best thing she's done for her mental well-being. An empty-nester and recently divorced, Jo was also new to Ledbury and struggled with loneliness and loss of confidence. "I don't think anyone would have noticed because I kept up a cheerful front" says Jo, "but at home I felt very unhappy and so mentally exhausted that it was hard to make decisions. I was eating extra to comfort myself and felt even worse as I put on weight. The Couch to 5k course seemed a good idea because I'd be with other beginners. I'd never run for fitness before although I'd done quite a lot of walking. Starting slowly and being with other people all trying to learn the same thing made me feel so much better. I began to criticize myself less and I felt I could tackle life with a brighter feeling. The support of all the other runners has been amazing." Sally who has run for Great Britain in the Olympics (1992) is one of the UKA coaches at Ledbury Harriers, who have been offering beginners running courses for the last three years. As a result our

Ledbury Focus

membership has increased which in turn has allowed us to offer more ‘paced’ running groups. This means if you join the Harriers you can run with a group of similarly paced runners. So, you won’t feel you can’t keep up. If you are a regular runner but would prefer to run with others, come down on a Tuesday night and try us out. For FREE C25k course register at

www.ledburyharriers.org.uk Places are limited - sign up TODAY! ...............................

07468 793405


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Put Your Best Foot Forward! 50% by the age of 70, leading to increased pressure on your respiratory and circulatory systems.


id you know that as part of the ageing process the following changes occur to your body? y The amount of oxygen our muscles use decreases by 10% per decade, making them inefficient. y The amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute also decreases by 10% per decade and also reduces the amount of blood flow to your muscles. y Your blood pressure naturally rises due to a build-up of mineral deposits and hardening in your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. y The amount of air you breathe in per minute decreases by

Ledbury Focus

The good news is the regular physical exercise combined with a sensible balanced diet can have a significant bearing on all of the above. One of the easiest ways to exercise is to get walking, it’s free and doesn’t require any specialist equipment. Brisk walking counts as a moderate-intensity activity, provided that you set a pace where you feel a little bit out of breath but can still carry on a conversation. Don’t feel that you have to take long walks every day. It’s best to try to make walking a part of your everyday routine. A daily walk, even if it’s just a 15-minute stroll to the shops, can help to keep you active and, if you walk with friends, it can give your social life a boost, too.

The best way to do this is: y Walk to the shops instead of driving. y Use the stairs instead of the lift or escalator. y When driving, park at the far end of the car park so that you have further to walk. y Plan a town or country walk at the weekend. y Join a walking group. It is fun to walk with other people and you might even make some new friends. Age UK Hereford & Localities have an office in the Master’s House, Ledbury, which is open Monday, Thursday and Friday each week, from 9.30am to 2pm. If you would like to know more about the services and support available please contact us: telephone: 0333 0066 299 email: contact@ageukhl.org Registered Charity Number: 1093502


Ledbury Remembers, Ledbury Reflects


ovember approaches. We are preparing to display the knitted / crochet poppies. Some will be on ‘i-cords’ but the rest will need stitching onto tape so that we can attach the poppies to the railing posts. There will be a couple of ‘sewing bee’ meetings in October to do this. First, we need to gather in all the poppies. Bodkins, in the Homend, are happy to act as a collection point. Julie says there is still some of the yarn donated by Bergere de France so please keep knitting for a while longer! Susan and Francis at Studio Crafts, in the Southend, are happy to store the poppies in readiness for the ‘sewing bees’. As their studio is not open every day, we have arranged with Ledbury Library that the poppies can be left with them during the two weeks beginning 17th September. Please hand them in at the latest by 29th September so that we have an idea of quantity. If this is a problem, we will be able to take ‘late deliveries’ at the ‘sewing bee’ meetings, but it would be helpful if you would let us know how many you have.

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We will hold a further planning meeting early in October to look at promoting and setting up all the exhibitions and displays. Dates for this and the ‘sewing bees’ to be advised. Thank you to everyone involved for all your ideas, creativity and support.

All Jobs Welcome. Collection & Delivery Service Onsite Servicing

Chainsaws Lawm Mowers Strimmers Hedge Cutters

For further information or to advise poppy numbers please contact :

poppies2018@gmail.com 16

01531 633392 07971 867891 info@jpmowerservices.co.uk

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Helping both men and women deal with the trauma of a relationship that has irretrievably broken down. By Malvern Branch Co-ordinator: Gill Owen I got involved with Divorce Recovery Workshop (DRW) years ago when a friend who had been on the course found it so inspirational she wanted to set up a local branch in Malvern, which is the only branch in Worcestershire. The workshops are run by experienced volunteers who have all been through the breakdown of a long term relationship and attended the workshops. Although my own divorce was a long time ago, I had to attend the workshops before becoming a facilitator. I was amazed to discover just how many emotions I had buried. Once I had completed the workshop I knew I had come to terms with my past and could let it go. When you go through a breakup you don’t always realise how much grief, resentment and anger you hold on to or how emotionally and physically exhausting it can be. How can Divorce Recovery Workshop help? The breakdown of a long term relationship is a form of bereavement; yet unlike the death of a partner, you are often expected to carry on as normal. Whilst friends and family can be supportive, they don’t always understand how you feel and even your best friend will eventually have had enough of you going over and over what has happened! Anyone who has been through the heartache of an irretrievable breakup is welcome at DRW, even if you are going through the divorce or if it was years ago. DRW will help

you cope with the many different emotions: shock, disbelief, rejection, anger, bitterness and guilt. You will gain a better understanding of what you are going through and be offered strategies to help you cope. What actually happens at a workshop? The course consists of six sessions covering: 9 / 0%&/ ." ))5 % --"+&+$ 0, *" 9 ,-&+$ 3&0% 5,1. 8 48 9 //1*&+$ +"3 ."/-,+/& &)&0&"/ 9 "00&+$ $, +! #,.$&2"+"// 9 *&)5 * 00"./ 9 =&+(&+$ ,10 +"3 .") 0&,+/%&-/ Participants watch a DVD on each topic and then divide into small groups with 2 facilitators -". $.,1- 2".50%&+$ / &! &+ 0%" $.,1- &/ strictly confidential and no one is pressured to talk if they don’t want to. When is the next one taking place? The next DRW course will run on 3 Saturdays, fortnightly, on 1 th and 2 th October and 1 th November 201 : 2 sessions per day with lunch in between. Is there a charge for the Workshop and where does it take place? DRW is a non-profit making registered charity but to cover our running costs we ask participants to pay £60 for the entire course. =" 2"+1" &/ &+ %1. %!,3+ , ! )2".+ and there is a free car park.

If you would like more information or to reserve a place, please contact me, Gill, on 01684 560394 or email: malverndrw@domarda.co.uk

www.drw.org.uk Ledbury Focus


Creating Your Garden Paradise ĂƌƟĐůĞ ďLJ :ŽŶĂƚŚĂŶ ŝƐŚŽƉ

Lawns D

ue to our very hot summer I’ve been getting a lot of calls about how to fix lawns, and as this is such a large topic I thought it best to cover the problems that everyone is facing.

and moss killer to go down and scarifying to get out all the dead moss and weeds, and remove old thatch (dead grass matter). If this dead organic matter is not removed it can add more wet material for mosses to grow on. (This is the part that many people miss when working on their lawns). The aim of scarifying is to treat a lawn badly affected by moss, and can result in bare areas where soil can be seen. When this happens a top dressing with grass seed needs to be applied promptly to fill the gaps before weeds seed into them.

The disadvantage of all this hot weather is that the finer grasses which make your lawn nice and tight, have died off, leaving weeds that are deeper rooted and tougher grasses to survive (these are the tufty ones), making your lawn very patchy. The one big advantage is most of the moss has died off with the fine grass. The other big disadvantage is ants: this has been perfect weather for them to build giant anthills. How to fix: By the time this is goes to print we may or may not have a hose pipe ban. If we do then there is not much you can do, as if you water your lawn by hand then you will have to keep it up every day!

If there is no ban and the weather is on the change, then it is time to go to work on the lawn. Firstly, cut down the anthills with a spade and treat the ants (read any When it comes to lawns, general labels carefully as you may need work is done in the spring to kick to keep pets away from treated start them as they start to grow. areas). Next, mow tightly to the Autumn is the time to make sure ground to get rid of any long your lawns are put to bed for the winter, but this year more needs areas, making it easier to scarify. to be done than normal. In spring Treat the weeds with a lawn weed work will still need to be carried killer; this is best done a few out: aerating, lawn weed,To feed times to make sure you get on advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk 18

top of them now, as it will make life easier later on. Then it is time to scarify – you can hire these machines if you don't want to buy one but want to do this yourself. If the ground is very compacted, your lawn may suffer soil compaction, especially if it is exposed to heavy usage, such as children and pets running around using it as the neighbourhood playground or racetrack. Fine soil can also compact and

when it rains puddles can appear. The simple way combat compaction is to aerate the lawn by creating holes all over it using a garden fork. There are aeration tools on the market which take out a small plug of soil. These are good especially on clay soils as the plug holes can be filled with compost to help improve soil quality and drainage. If your lawn is fine then this process can be skipped and only top dressing is needed.

This will depend on how much of the fine gasses are alive; if you get very cheap lawn grass then there is likely to be less of the finer grasses, so best to ask when buying. Mix grass seed and compost in a bucket and spread thinly into the gaps. The compost will act like a sponge when watered (this must be kept damp). Do not mow over these seeded areas until the new grass is six inches long, then make sure your mower is on a high cut and then lower on each following cut. Watering: once the seed is down you need it to germinate well before the winter, so regular watering is required. Feeding is not really needed as you do not want very lush growth just before winter, but this well depend on how quickly the lawn takes and when the weather is likely to change.

If you have an upcoming event please let me know. If you have a problem in the garden then please contact me and I will do my best to answer your questions. Are you interested in Foliation looking at any aspects of your garden from hard to soft landscaping, small to big projects? Get in touch with your questions or to discuss your garden project call my ofÀce number or email jonathan#foliation.co.uk Foliation Ltd 44 � Lakeside � Newent � Glocestershire � GL 6= Ledbury Focuswww.foliation.co.uk Follow me on 7witter #-on%ishop



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Dog Grooming With Love ÍťClipping ÍťScissoring ÍťTrimming ÍťHand Stripping ÍťBathing ÍťCatering for all breeds

Gill East - Professional Groomer For Bookings call me on 01531 670711


Ledbury Focus



It's our Happy Heuchera time ... Annual Heuchera Festival Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd September Free talk and tour "Behind the Scenes" of our nursery each day at 2pm ,ƵŶĚƌĞĚƐ ŽĨ ,ĞƵĐŚĞƌĂƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ EKt ǁŝƚŚ ŵĂŶLJ EĞǁ sĂƌŝĞƚŝĞƐ ƌĞĂĚLJ ĨƌŽŵ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ



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What’s happening to Peter Rabbit? A

t the base of an old apple tree in the orchard there is a familiar shape barely visible in the greying light of a late August evening. The shape seems motionless, but every now and again there is a twitch of its head, a raising of a paw that sweeps catlike over its ears as it grooms itself. The shape is a rabbit, both cute and a pest, loved and hated in equal measure. Can any rodent be so cosseted and yet so warred against as the humble bunny? Up until two years ago, remarkably I’d had no rabbits in the garden for twenty years. I could plant anything with impunity knowing it wouldn’t be ravaged by that endearing little creature made famous by Beatrix Potter. Their appearance in my garden seems to have coincided with the clearance of scrub lower down the hill in an area that was rabbit city, a place beloved by the whippets. Ledbury Focus

On first spotting these apparent refugee rabbits, I was somewhat alarmed for the safety of my garden, but so far no incursions have been made and no damage has been done. The rabbits and I live harmoniously together, so far but rabbits being rabbits… well, you know where I’m going with this Under the apple tree dusk is deepening and the rabbit’s form fades to invisibility in the deepening gloom. Could it be possible, I wondered, that one day wild rabbits will be an exciting rarity to see? Listening to Tom Heap (of CountryFile), on R4, telling of the decline of the rabbit population by some 60% in the last twenty years does make you wonder about this possible if un-likely scenario. This population decline coincides with the outbreak, in the 1990’s of Viral Hemorrhagic disease, fatal to rabbits and which pet rabbits can be vaccinated against. Now there is a new

strain, VHD2. An increase in predators such as buzzards could be another contributing factor. Since rabbits were introduced in the 12th century by the Normans they have become an important part of our ecosystem, especially for rare ground nesting birds who appreciate the close cropped grass. This is particularly true in the Brecks of Norfolk and Suffolk. Grazing rabbits have had a similar environmental impact on the upper slopes of the Malverns, benefitting certain plants as well as prey species such as foxes, polecats, stoats and buzzards. Now I rarely see rabbits on the hill and the once cropped grass, carpeted with red sorrel is now long and tussocky, the sorrel all but gone. The Mammal Mapper App allows people to record rabbit sightings…try it with the kids, could be fun. article & photograph by Geraldine Woods-Humphery


What's on ... in September Saturday 1st September Concert in Redmarley Church by Ross Choristers Varied programme. Wine & Nibbles. Tickets £10 from 01531 651869. Saturday 8th September Firework Champions Three of the UK's best firework companies compete against each other with a 10-minute firework display choreographed to music followed by a finale display from organisers MLE Pyrotechnics. Food and drink on site. Disabled access and parking. Prebooked price - adult £18, child £9. On the gate prices - adult £21, child £11. Gates open at 5pm. Tel: 01327 876 037. Eastnor Castle, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1RL. www.fireworkchampions.co.uk Sunday 16th September Late Summer Flower & Produce Show Open to the public 1.30 -4.30pm. Classes for vegetables, fruit ,flowers, photography, cookery. Results of the “Great Potato Grow” (the heaviest weight of potatoes grown in a bucket from one potato). Enquiries: Tel 01531 890453 or email: jenniferthick@aol.com. To be held in Dymock Parish Hall. Sunday 16th September Strensham Open Day Midlands Air Ambulance Charity is hosting its annual Open Day at Strensham airbase. Free family fun day, from 10am to 4pm; supporters have the opportunity to explore some of the charity’s fleet, see visiting helicopters, talk to aircrew and watch demonstrations of the lifesaving work undertaken on a daily basis. Helipod, bouncy castle, craft stalls and the new air ambulance flying simulator. Refreshments on sale throughout the day, along with Midlands Air Ambulance Charity souvenirs and clothing. Representatives from other emergency services will also be making an appearance. Tel: 0800 840 2040. Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, Northbound Service Area Strensham Hillcroome, M5, Strensham, WR8 0BZ. Friday 21st September Hereford Flavours of the World Flavours of the World Market comprises 20 to 30 stalls - international traders selling top quality artisan-produced foods and craft products from around the world. You have


tasted baguettes, you’ve experimented with croissants and we all love a warm pain-auchocolat. But this weekend how about a crunchy yet airy pain noix? Or a fresh and traditional tarte fraise, ou citron? Or Mille Feuille the way it was supposed to be done? Flavours of the World is crafted to stir the senses and appeal to locals and tourists alike, so people can enjoy exotic flavours and unusual aromas and delight in products they might not otherwise see or buy every day. 9am to 5pm. FREE. Tel: 07977 567726. High Town, Hereford, HR1 2AA. Monday 24th September Lovells Vineyard - Open Garden for NGS Long drive with Scotch Pines leads to 3 acres of garden and small wooded area with mature trees. Mostly lawns with small fruit orchard, borders and vegetable plot plus nine acres of established vineyard with red and white grapes. House (not open) dates to 1700's. Admission £4.50, children free. Refreshments available will be tea/coffee and cake or a wine tasting. 11am to 3.30pm. Open for charity. Lovells Vineyard, Malvern, WR13 6NF. ARTISTREE is a co-operative of local artists who exhibit in the gallery above the Heritage Centre in Church Lane in Ledbury. We have a number of wonderful exhibitions running throughout the year from March to October. Our show includes Painting, Sculpture, Furniture, Photography, Ceramics, Glass, Textile and Encaustic work, all on display in one of Ledbury's most historic buildings. Entry is free and we open 10.30 - 4.30 Wednesday to Sunday. The Ledbury Art History Group’s 2018-19 season of lectures will start on October 8, 2018, with John Travis, ‘Raphael, the Tapestries’. On November 12, Richard Box, will speak on ‘Magnificent Masterpieces, Part 3’. The lectures in 2019 will be: January 14, Maureen Schild, ‘Van Gogh’; February 11, Mary Stewart, ‘Photographers of the American West’; March 11, John Travis, ‘Titian’; April 8, Maureen Schild, ‘Goya’; May 13, Mary Stewart, ‘Scandinavian Artists’, and June 10, John Travis, ‘Veronese’. For information about joining the group, please contact Maureen Schild at 01531 890835; email: maureenschild@btinternet.com.

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Clubs & Groups 1st Ledbury Scout Group 07803 015344 Agricultural Society 01684 584900 Amateur Dramatic Society 01531 670843 Angling Association 01531 633600 Army Cadets Ledbury 01432 359917 enquiries.hwacf@rfca.org.uk Facebook.com/HWACF Art for Pleasure 01531 634710 Arts and Crafts Group 01684 310437 Badminton Club 01531 632430 Bell Ringers Eastnor 01432 853271 Bell Ringers ledburychurchbellringers@gmail.com Bowling Club Ledbury 01531 631680 Bowls Club Eastnor 01531 634530 Boxing Club Ledbury Amateur 01531 631879 Bridge Club 01531 670226 Carnival Association 01531 633172 Community Voluntary Action 01531 635339 Country & Western Club 01531 635682 Cribbage 01531 635116 Cycling UK, Ledbury Group 01684 564018 Eastnor Cricket Club 01531 633055 EFT Group 01531 631603 Evergreen Club 01531 636790 Ex-Round Tablers 01531 632298 Guides and Brownies 01531 634785 Hereford Deer Management www.hdms.org.uk Herefordshire Photographic Society e: dachsman78@yahoo.co.uk 01432 850554 Horticultural Society 01531 632489 Ladies Guild RNLI 01531 633286 Ladies Welcome Club 01531 636176 Ledbury Allotment Association 01531 635139 Led Amateur Dramatic Society 01531 632093 Ledbury Archery Club 07523 863214 Ledbury Area Cycle Forum chairman@lacf.org.uk Ledbury Art History Group 01531 890835 Ledbury Art Society 01531 631099 Ledbury Choral Society 01531 635081 Ledbury Cricket Club 07834 805841 Led Community Brass Band lcbb@hotmail.co.uk Ledbury Community Choir 01531 821423 Ledbury & District U3A 01531 633637 Ledbury & District Civic Society 07977 781826 Led & District Floral Art Club 01531 635404 Ledbury and District Harriers 07960 866381 Ledbury In Bloom 01531 634716

Ledbury & District Sports 01531 633703 Ledbury and District Amateur Swimming Club clubsecretary@ladasc.co.uk Ledbury Ladies Afternoon Club 01531 633620 Ledbury Fairtrade Group 01432 890532 Ledbury Food Bank 01531 633643 Ledbury Food Group 01531 633637 Ledbury Friendship & Activity Club 01531 633787 Ledbury Horticultural Society 01531 670037 Ledbury Marie Curie Fundraising Group 01531 630253 Ledbury German Circle 01531 633429 Ledbury Motorcycle Club 01432 860069 Ledbury Probus Club ledburyprobus@gmail.com Led Library Development Group 01531 632133 Ledbury Quilters 01531 635529 Ledbury Short Mat Bowls Club 01531 631272 Ledbury-Stromstad Twinning Association 01531 636176 Ledbury Support Group St Michael’s Hospice 01531 635404 Ledbury Swifts Football Club 01531 631675 Ledbury Tennis Club 01684 301643 Ledbury Town Football Club 01531 631463 Ledbury Young Farmers 07531 752651 Ledbury Youth Centre 01432 261589 Ledbury WI 01531 636808 Ledbury Naturalist Field Club 01531 635355 Ledbury Walkers’ Club 01531 634884 Malvern Hills Tools For Self Reliance 01684 540491 Parkway (Ledbury) WI 01531 632076 Ploughing Society 01531 634871 Rifle and Pistol Club 01531 636808 Ring & Ride 01531 635503 Rotary Club 01531 890696 Royal British Legion 01531 632491 Rugby Football Club 01531 631788 Skittle League 01531 632338 Simply Singing 01684 576681 Swimming Pool 0845 241 2590 Table Tennis Club 01531 630168 Theatre Club Ledbury 01531 632101 The Madison Shelbie Trust - Bereavement Support Service 01531 633654 Trumpet Agriculture Society 01531 670608 Visually Impaired Persons (V.I.P.) Support Club, Ledbury 01531 633853 WEA Ledbury 01531 634333

To advertise your event or list your club or group, email info@grapevinepublications.co.uk Ledbury Focus


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To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

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Ledbury Focus


Seniors & Computers . . . .!! As we Silver Surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers.

32 The Homend, Ledbury, HR8 1BT

I had a problem yesterday, so I called Eric, the 11-year-old next door, whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Eric clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after him, "So, what was wrong?" He replied, "It was an ID ten T error." I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, "An ID ten T error? What's that? In case I need to fix it again." Eric grinned, and asked "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?" "No," I replied. "Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out." So I wrote down: ID10T I used to like Eric . . . !! .....................

Do what . . . ?? There was a bit of confusion at the supermarket this morning.

Selection of fabric Haberdashery Sewing classes Curtain & Dress Making

When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me." Making a mental note to complain to my local MP about Security running amok, I did just as she had instructed. When the hysterical shrieking had finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card.

20% discount with this voucher


I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future. It's not my fault, they need to make their instructions to us seniors a little clearer!

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

DIRTY OVEN Hate cleaning your oven? Then let us do it for you!


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Ledbury Focus


SEPTEMBER at The Theatre

SHOWS The Ladykillers (presented by LADS)

Thursday 13th-Saturday 15th September 7.30pm Tickets £10/students £6

Julie (Encore Screening National Theatre)

Thursday 20th September 7pm Tickets £14/students & Over 60’s £12

Where is Mrs Christie? (presented by Worcester Repertory Company)


Saturday 22nd September 8pm Tickets £14/students £8

Tickets £6.00 Students & Film Club Members £3.00

As You Like It


(Presented by Pantaloons)

Wednesday 26th September 8pm Tickets £13/students £10

I, Tonya Wednesday 19th September 10.30am 2018/15/120mins

King Lear (Live Screening National Theatre)

Thursday 27th September 7pm Tickets £15/students & over 60’s £12.50

Last Night of the Proms (presented by Ledbury Community Brass Band )

Saturday 29th September 8pm Tickets £8/students £4

Call Me By Your Name Friday 21st September 8pm 2018/15/132mins

Easy Rider Friday 28th September 8pm 1969/15/95mins



To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

‘The Ladykillers’ presented by LADS is a classic black comedy – a sweet old Lady, alone in her house, is pitted against a gang of criminals posing as amateur musicians – but who will be forced to face the music? ‘Julie’ is a new version of August Strindberg’s play Miss Julie, it remains shocking and relevant in its new setting of contemporary London ‘Where is Mrs Christie?’ In 1926 Agatha Christie herself was at the centre of a mystery, she was missing presumed dead but eventually she was found at a luxury hotel in Harrogate! Was there a dark secret involved in her disappearance – all will be revealed! Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’ is considered by many to be the greatest tragedy ever written it stars Ian McKellan as Lear ‘As You Like It’ – The Pantaloons are back -always popular with Ledbury Audiences. This time they present their innovative and hilarious version of Shakespeare’s timeless comedy with foot stomping live music and their own brand of buffoonery!

Thursday 20th September 2018


‘Last Night of the Proms’ - a tribute to this great music festival featuring flag waving tunes as well as favourites from Ledbury Brass Bands repertoire FILMS: ‘I,Tonya’ based on the unbelievable events of American figure Skater Tonya Harding’s association with an ill conceived attack on fellow skater Nancy Kerrigan.


‘Call Me By Your Name’ based on the novel by Andre Aciman. 17-year-old Elio arrives ĨŽƌ Ă ŚŽůŝĚĂLJ Ăƚ ƚŚĞ ĨĂŵŝůLJ͛Ɛ sŝůůĂ ŝŶ Northern Italy. He strikes up a timid friendship with Oliver an American Intern who works there – unexpected emotions start to boil over.


‘Easy Rider’ A genuine classic with one of the most killer soundtracks ever-– two hippie bikers ride motorcycles across the American South West searching for the American Dream. Ledbury Focus

Doors open at 2.00pm for refreshments All U3A Members and Visitors are welcome 31

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Ledbury Focus


The Master's House September 2018 Programme Saturday 14th July to Saturday 8th September Library opening hours Summer Reading Challenge – Mischief Makers Sign up to the Summer Reading Challenge over the school holidays. Read at least six library books of your choice and collect stickers and prizes along the way. Explore Ledbury Library with a Beanotown treasure hunt and enter our free cartoon character competition. Under 13s Free Tuesday 21st August to Saturday 22nd September Library opening hours Herefordshire Life Through a Lens This exhibition brings the work of local photographer Derek Evans out of the archives and into the community. The first in a series of exhibitions comes from the hop yards of the county. Featuring both archive and contemporary images, it complements the newly released film 'Stories from the Hop Yards'. A Catcher Media project. Free Wednesday 5th September : 10am to 12 noon Master's House Tour The Friends of the Master's House will be hosting a detailed tour of this beautiful 15th century building. Free tickets / donations gratefully accepted Saturday 8th September : 9.30am to 4pm Heritage Open Day The Master’s House is open until 4pm as part of England's favourite heritage festival. Come explore this magnificent building and discover its past with our free tablet tour. Guided tours may also include St Katherine’s Hall and Chapel which are part of the original medieval hospital site. Free


Saturday 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th September 10am to 4pm Blacksmith Workshops with Stephen McRae @ Tudor Yard Joined Up Heritage invite you to experience the extraordinary ancient art of hand forging. With great skill and expertise, artist blacksmith Stephen McRae will guide you through the first steps of blacksmithing. Get involved with the design and creation of a piece of permanent public art called ‘Remembrance’. Tickets £40 per day (£120 for all four sessions) Monday 17th, 24th September, 1st October 10am to 1pm Creative Exploration of Art Materials with Jeanette McCulloch A course of three relaxed but informative workshops exploring a variety of art materials; gouache, ink, wax, chalks, graphite dust. Imagery from the Medieval world will act as a visual stimulus. This three week course is led by artist Jeanette McCulloch, who graduated from the Royal College of Art and is a community artist and illustrator. Tickets £60 Tuesday 18th September : 4pm to 6pm Introduction to the Internet Learn how to search the internet safely and effectively at Ledbury Library. Our tutor will also take you through accessing our library services online. Laptops will be available for the session. Provided by Fastershire. 16+ years Free tickets BOOK A GROUP TOUR OF THE MASTER’S HOUSE The Friends of the Master’s House welcome requests for private tours for groups of 10 to 20 people on Wednesdays, 10am to 3pm. Tours last

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Ward’s Gardens Providing an experienced quality service

All Aspects of Landscaping Garden & Tree Maintenance Lawn Mowing & 6trimming Hedge Cutting Fencing, Decking & Patios

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1½ hours. Email ledburylibrary@herefordshire. gov.uk to arrange a booking. All the Friends ask for is a donation that goes towards funding future heritage events in the building.

444 or 4 e wardsgardens#hotmail.co.uk

MASTER’S HOUSE GIFTS CART The Friends have a range of unique gifts for sale, such as tea towels, aprons, mugs and other small items to provide an interesting reminder of your visit to a unique building. BOOKING AND TICKETS Telephone: 01432 383499 Email: ledburylibrary@herefordshire.gov.uk Tickets will be available 6 weeks before the event. Tickets that have not been collected the day before the event, unless otherwise advised, will be reallocated. LEDBURY LIBRARY OPENING TIMES Monday 9.30am to 4.30pm Tuesday 9.30am to 6pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm Sunday Closed The building is open to the public during library opening hours. For more information on the services in The Master’s House please visit: Ledbury Library www.herefordshire.gov.uk/libraries Ledbury Poetry Festival www.poetry-festival.co.uk Age UK : www.ageuk.org.uk Friends of the Master’s House www.themastershouseledbury.org Ledbury Focus


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To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

The Warmth of a Real Coal Fire THE E PRACTICE SMALL FRIENDLY ACCOUNTANCY PRACTICE IN LEDBURY We offer all accountancy services including: Ȉ Self Assessment Tax Returns Ȉ Business Start Up Ȉ Vat Returns Ȉ Annual Accounts Ȉ Management Accounts

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We are a small family business and we are aware how hard you work running your business; let us ease the strains and stresses of your accountancy affairs with jargon free advice and one to one support. We will work together to achieve your goals, supporting each other using our strengths to best advantage. Contact us today:

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Chinese 5 Ca Yellow Stamp Est £400/£600

Monthly Sales of Antiques & Collectables 5th October at 10am With Stamp & Postcard Section also includes Silver, Jewellery, Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, Pictures & Collectables Viewing Day Prior 10am-7pm and morning of sale Fully illustrated catalogues available online Entries Invited 6th, 11th & 13th September 10am to 3pm or by appointment Home visits for larger consignments

Postcard by Henri Meunier from good selection

Live online bidding available www.smithsnewentauctions.co.uk

Diamonds are a girl's best friend . . .


lthough Smiths’ July antiques sale featured a special section for coins, private buyers turned out in force to fight over three gorgeous diamond rings in the sale, with it seems, some clandestine bidding going on in certain quarters.

catching diamond cluster ring estimated at £1000 to £1500 sold for £1550 to a commission bidder against a buyer in the room, whilst a fine 1.2 carat diamond solitaire ring sold for £2950 to an internet bidder from New Zealand. The New Zealand bidder also did battle with the unfortunate young man who went home empty handed – let’s hope he has better luck next time.

husband about it at some opportune moment. It seems things had gone badly that day for our purchaser as she reflected that ‘now was most definitely not a good time’ to inform him of her guilty secret. This made us all laugh but I hope she does not get into trouble, and it just goes to show that it is best not to get too carried away when bidding at auction.

Smiths’ next sale is on the 5th However it seems the New October and includes a special Zealander may later have found section for Stamps and Postcards, herself in deep water as she however it also includes a full range telephoned the saleroom to ask us Top price of the day was achieved of antiques and collectables. to hide the ring inside a teapot by a 1.8 carat champagne diamond Entries are invited on the 4th, 6th when we packed the items for ring estimated at £3000 to £4000 11th & 13th September 10am to shipping. She went on to explain which made £3700 and went to a 3pm or by appointment. For that she was only supposed to be woman in the room who fought off buying silver plated items for her further details please telephone a young man obviously looking for 01531 821776 or visit www. antiques business, but had treated an engagement ring. An eye smithsnewentauctions.co.uk herself the ring hoping to her info@grapevinepublications.co.uk To advertise call to 01684 833715 ortell email: 38

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To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk


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Make Do & Mend @ The Heritage Centre Saturday 15th September 2018

Join Meridith Towne for this exciting interactive event including table displays, dressed mannequins and opportunities for activities, handling and questions. The Heritage Centre Church Lane Ledbury 11am-3pm Free Admission!

Come and discover the practical and inventive ways in which we mended, recycled and repurposed our wardrobe during WW1.


To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk


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Complete Property Maintenance


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REMINDER: to lock out burglars West Mercia Police is reminding homeowners to lock out burglars after a series of overnight car key burglaries in Shropshire. about what they do with their car keys when they get home. It can be convenient to leave them near the door but this makes it easy for burglars. Our advice would be hide them away in a drawer or take them upstairs with you when you go to bed.


urglars got into the properties through insecure doors or windows before taking the keys to the vehicles - in three cases the car was stolen. Police want to remind people to take simple crime prevention steps and ensure they lock front and back doors, even if they are in the house and particularly at night. Windows that can easily be accessed from the outside, such as ground floor windows or windows where a roof or other object could be climbed on to gain access, should also be closed. Valuable items - such as car keys, mobile phones and wallets - should be hidden out of view and not left near open windows. Local policing commander for Shropshire, Superintendent Jason Wells, said: "We want people to think

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It's also very important to make sure the house is locked up before you go to bed. With the nice weather it's easy to leave doors and windows open but they are just an open invitation thieves. We work tirelessly to catch these burglars but we want our local residents to help us too, and make it even harder for them in the first place." For more crime prevention advice visit the West Mercia Police website www.westmercia.police.uk DISTRACTION BURGLARY You don't have to open the door Most callers are genuine, but some aren't. Burglars won't go to the trouble of breaking in if they can just knock and be invited in. So always be on guard when unexpected visitors - men, women or even children - turn up at the door. Occasionally some callers will pretend to be on official business from utility companies (gas, electricity, water) or the council.

They may pretend to be tradespeople who are calling to carry out urgent repairs or may claim that they have lost something in your back garden. To protect yourself from distraction burglary: r beware of anyone who says they are in a hurry - if in doubt, call a neighbour or friend r check to see who is at the door by using your door viewer, or looking through a front window r always put the chain on before you open the door as this is a barrier against unwanted callers r when an unexpected caller claims they work for one of the utility companies, they must be able to quote your password and unique customer number and produce an identity card: â–ˇ all of the utility companies operate password schemes contact the customer services department and set up a password with them â–ˇ make a note of your customer number, which can be found at the top of the utility bill and keep it handy - this number is unique to your household

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

â–ˇ as added proof of identity, genuine trades people should carry an identification card with their photograph on check this carefully and keep the chain on

r Get at least three quotes from local reputable companies who have reputations to maintain, and if possible seek recommendations.

r Only deal with firms with r if you're unsure about the caller's genuine verifiable telephone identity telephone the company numbers and addresses - beware the caller claims to represent, of companies that only use but don't rely on them giving mobile phone numbers and you the number as it may be accommodation addresses. false - genuine callers won't r Anyone who signs a contract on mind waiting the door step following a visit r if you're still unsure, ask the that was not arranged caller to come back later so that (unsolicited) does have 7 days in you can arrange for a friend or which to cancel it by law. relative to be present r All cancellation rights must be Doorstep crime can include rogue provided in writing to the traders offering home improvement customer at the time the or gardening services, or bogus contract is agreed, usually on the callers who claim to be the council, doorstep - it is an offence not to police, health carers or energy do so. companies. r If you don't want to speak to the trader don't open your door to WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR them - it can be hard to Rogue Traders distinguish the good traders r May say they are in the area and from the cowboys so it might be have spotted a problem with easier to keep the door closed. your home and garden r May claim to have materials left r Do not allow uninvited callers into your home. over from another job, like paving or tarmac r May try to pressurise you to buy goods or sign up for services on the spot r May offer to carry out work cheaply, but charge an extortionate price after it has been completed r May offer to drive you to a bank so you can withdraw money to pay them r Provide false names, addresses or telephone numbers

r Refuse to be taken to the bank to withdraw money - if you ever feel intimidated by them, close the door and call the police. Bogus Callers r May claim to be working for the council, water, gas or electric company. They could also say they are a nurse, doctor or from the police. r May say they need to come into your home, or try to get you to go outside.

TIPS TO KEEP YOU SAFE r If you are not sure who is at the door, do not open the door. r Check the identity of any caller. r Confirm who they are by calling the company they work for using number from the telephone directory. r Ask a neighbour to come round to check them before you open the door. r Tell them to come back at a time when someone will be at home with you. r Keep doors and windows locked and use the door chain every time you answer the door. Do you know about the Emergency SMS service? r It is a valuable tool that can assist anyone who may have communication difficulties with contacting the police or other emergency services.. r The service is free and allows you to use text messaging to get in touch with any of the UK 999 services (police, ambulance, fire and rescue or coastguard). It is available for anyone who finds making a voice call difficult, has communication difficulties, is deaf, and includes members of the autistic community. To use the service you need to preregister your phone on the website. For further details, http://www. emergencysms.org.uk/

r May try to distract you so they How to protect yourself from rogue can steal your money. traders: r Can be male, female or even r Do not be forced into making a children. quick decision on the doorstep. Ledbury Focus

45 45

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email: jbcomputerandlaptoprepairs@gmail.com


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Mark Coulter PĂŝŶƟŶŐ Θ DĞĐŽƌĂƟŶŐ Interior & Exterior


01531 631146 07963 312531 mark.coulter74@yahoo.co.uk ǁǁǁ͘ŵĐŽƵůƚĞƌƉĂŝŶƟŶŐĂŶĚĚĞĐŽƌĂƟŶŐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ Ledbury Focus


The TMJ and its impact upon our health by Helen Mawson, BSc Hons, DIpM, BTAA, BAUK, KFRP


Contact me for more information I offer a free 15-minute telephone consultation so you can find out more about the therapies I practice and how they could help you. I have clinics in Ledbury, Corse and Cheltenham. Contact me on:

T: 01531 579 035 M: 07904 457 075 or email me at helen@complete-balance. co.uk You can also find out more information on my website:

www.complete-balance. co.uk

Newsletter Sign up for my newsletter via my website in order to receive health information and promotional offers.


n this article, I share with you some information concerning the temporomandibular joint or TMJ (for short!) and its importance for our health. I will talk about how the joint can become unbalanced and the problems that can arise as a result. I will also share with you an exercise that is useful for strengthening the joint. Location of the TMJ The temporomandibular joint or TMJ is the joint of the jaw and is a bilateral synovial articulation between the mandible and temporal bone. The name of the joint is derived from the two bones which form the joint: the upper temporal bone which is part of the cranium / skull, and the lower jawbone or mandible. The TMJ essentially connects the jaw to the skull. Causes of TMJ imbalance Imbalance in the TMJ may be experienced after receiving dentistry especially after significant dentistry work where individuals have been in the dentist’s chair with their mouth open for an extended period. Some people hold stress and tension in their jaw area which can make the TMJ ache and feel uncomfortable. Injuries to the neck or jaw can also cause

problems with the TMJ that often respond well to treatment. I also work with the procedure to correct imbalance in other areas of the spine that are being compensated for in the TMJ. It is interesting that anatomically the TMJ almost mirrors the pelvis when viewed in a certain way. I will often work with the TMJ procedure when a client is not responding significantly to direct work on the pelvis or lower back as this may bring relief. Problems that may be caused by TMJ imbalance When the TMJ is out of balance an individual may experience all sorts of problems, some of these may include: r Allergies / Hay fever r Asthma symptoms r Upper respiratory tract problems r Congestion in upper respiratory r Sinus problems r Swollen glands r Sore throats r Neck problems r Eye-sight problems r Ear problems including tinnitus r Teeth grinding r Teeth crowding r Clicking jaw

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

r Migraines r Headaches r Hormonal imbalance r TMJ syndrome r Issues with facial symmetry The Bowen Technique and the TMJ procedure The Bowen Technique offers two procedures that work directly with the TMJ and that can be used to address some of the problems listed above. The advanced TMJ can be used to address more longstanding or stubborn TMJ problems. Light moves are made under the mouth and around the neck area, the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) which sits at either side of the neck is gently massaged which helps to drain the lymph in this area. The SCM muscle is like a big tube that sits at either side of the neck and can often become congested and painful. Directly working with this muscle alone can often relieve neck pain and sinus type problems. After the SCM has been worked several moves around the neck and throat area are applied. The next part of the procedure has the client placing a finger between their teeth, which opens the joint so we can make a light move over it in order to affect the fascia beneath. Gentle moves are then made behind and around the ear.

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The advanced TMJ procedure also applies a light move over the face near the cheekbone which effects the masseter muscle which influences the bite and jaw movement. The advanced procedure will also have an impact upon the Vagus nerve which has nerve tracks to many different body systems so in this respect is a significant element to consider when working with this procedure. Exercise to help strengthen the TMJ r Open your mouth about one inch wide r Place one hand under your jaw r With the hand under your jaw push against the jaw and resist the pressure for 6 seconds then relax r Repeat the above five times. NB: If you are in doubt concerning the balance of your TMJ do not attempt this exercise.

Ledbury Focus



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Ledbury Focus


Pontnewydd Male Choir Charity Concert at Market Theatre, Ledbury on 27th October Proceeds to Leukemia Research


ontnewydd Male Choir was founded 114 years ago by men working in local industry, and has been in continuous existence since then, even throughout the years of the depression and two world wars. The community spirit of the choir prospers and love of singing perpetuates. As a registered charity (509867) Pontnewydd Male Choir has raised many thousands of pounds


for worthy causes by performing concerts throughout the UK. The choir has also performed in many foreign prestigious venues and have toured The Netherlands, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium and return to Ledbury to provide a varied and inspiring programme of Welsh Male Choir singing. Carlos Alonso returns by popular demand. He is a recognised tenor

voice in the South West, having sung with the Bath Philharmonia Orchestra and performed at Colston Hall in Bristol and at Rosa Mannion’s Summer Concerts. Carlos is a member of Opera Sullis and organises charity and private concerts in UK and Spain. He is accompanied by our own Malcolm MacLeod who, amongst other things, presides over our Ledbury Choral Society.

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Free Quotations, Rates on Request Call Cris 01531 579440 or 07561 578763

email: carringtons.renovations@gmail.com !"# $ % ! & ' The Becks, Wellington Heath, Ledbury, Herefordshir5e HR8 1LY

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Ledbury Focus


Puffball fungus - photo courtesy of to Les Binns

What to see this month Migrating Birds Many of our summer migrants start to think about heading to warmer climes this month. Species on the move include swallows and martins, warblers, flycatchers, wheatears, whinchats and redstarts. Autumn migration has a very different feel to the great northerly rush of spring. The urgency is gone, birds slowly working their way south towards their wintering grounds, often stopping off for days or even weeks to refuel for the rest of their journey.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust's Guide to a

Wild September!

As our own summer visitors gradually disappear, birds that spent the summer in more northerly countries start to pass through on their way south. This is often the best time to find rare birds amongst the more common migrants. Inexperienced young birds making their first journey south are more likely to stray off-course, so species that would normally not be seen in the UK sometimes turn up. Weather is the key: westerly fronts moving across the Atlantic can bring American waders and songbirds, whilst easterly winds could carry Siberian gems like the beautiful red-flanked bluetail.

Fungus Forays With more than 15,000 species in the UK, fungi make up an entire kingdom of their own. These curious beings are neither plant, nor animal, and


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What's On

September 2018 Wildlife Watch Club: Seed dispersal and Nibbled Nuts Date: Sunday 2nd September Time: 12.30pm - 2.30pm

hicken of the Woods - photo courtesy of Lizzie Wilberforce

Explore the woods to find seeds, discover how they are formed, how they spread and grow into ginormous trees! We will also survey nuts and try to work out which animals have been nibbling them! Venue: Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum, Dinmore Hill, Leominster, HR6 0PY. Cost: £2 per child; booking essential: www. herefordshirewt.org / 01432 356872 Mini WILDPLAY at Eastnor Castle Date: Sunday 9th September

their diversity is stupendous. Chicken of the woods and King Alfred’s cakes, pink ballerinas and scarlet elf cups, blewits and boletes; some are delightfully named, some delicious, and others poisonous. Every habitat is home to a great variety zĞůůŽǁ &ůĂŐ Ͳ ƉŚŽƚŽ ĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJ ŽĨ >ŝnjnjŝĞ tŝůďĞƌĨŽƌĐĞ of fungi, and autumn is the best time to explore this little-visited world: you may well be surprised at just how many you come across! Fungi grow in every habitat, and you certainly don’t need to go to a nature reserve to find your first toadstools: there will more than likely be several species in your garden. Encourage fungi to grow by leaving logs and branches to rot and wait to see what arrives. You’ll end up helping beetles too!

What to do this month Herefordshire is rich in native hedgerows and this month they are changing into their autumn colours of bronzes and golds. They are also now filled with jewel-like fruits: deep burgundy blackberries; scarlet rosehips and dusty purple sloes. This is a wonderful time of year to do some hedgerow foraging but do remember that that is also true for birds and small mammals who need this glut to keep them going through the lean and cold winter months. Only ever pick small amounts at a time from abundant areas. A good rule to follow is that someone coming after you shouldn’t be able to tell where you’ve picked from! Ledbury Focus

Time: Opening times 11am - 5.30 pm

Have fun with the Mud Kitchen, bug hunting, den building & rope trail at Eastnor Castle. Activities suitable from 4-12 years. Venue: Eastnor Castle, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1RL Cost: Eastnor Castle Grounds admission applies Walk for Wildlife 2018 Date: Saturday 22nd September

This year’s walk tracks the footpaths of the Woolhope Dome though woods, meadows and orchards. Our annual fundraising walk is this year raising money for conservation and access work on our Woolhope Dome Nature Reserves: Common Hill, Wessington Pasture, Lea & Paget's Wood and Nupend Wood. Venue: Woolhope Village Hall, Martins Close, Woolhope, HR1 4QS Cost: £15; under 14s free; additional sponsorship welcome AUTUMN ANTICS at Eastnor Castle Date: Sunday 23rd September Time: 11am - 5.30pm Apple pressing, leaf art, making elf homes, bush craft & more! Activities suitable from 4-12years. Venue: Eastnor Castle, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1RL Cost: Eastnor Castle Grounds only admission.



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DEAN BOSWELL PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES Fast Local Service at a Fair Price Central Heating ‡ Repairs Bathrooms ‡ Drainage ‡ General Property Maintenance

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Tel: 01531 631335 or Mob: 07973 290 438 Ledbury Focus


Smoked Salmon, Spinach and Feta Parcels This delightful combination of fish, cheese and spinach makes a light and tasty snack which can be served hot or cold, for parties or any occasion..


225g smoked salmon, 350g crumbled feta 100g frozen, chopped ¼ teaspoon ground black ⅛ teaspoon minced garlic 1 x 500g packet puff pastry Serves 8


y Preheat oven to 180°C / Gas 4. Line two baking trays with parchment. y Combine smoked salmon, feta cheese, spinach, black pepper and garlic. y Roll out puff pastry on lightly floured surface to form a 30cm x 30cm sheet. y Cut sheet into 16 squares. y Place a spoonful of the filling in the centre of each square. Pull together corners of each square to form 16 triangular parcels. y Brush parcels with egg white and place on prepared baking trays. y Bake in preheated oven until parcels are golden, about 20 minutes.


To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Reflexology Relax Restore Revive Car Carol Clark FFR (Cert.) MFHT Ćš Ĺ˝ĹŻÇ Ä‚ĹŻĹŻÍ• EÄžÇ ÄžĹśĆš Ĺ˝ĆŒ

ĹšŽžÄž Ç€Ĺ?Ć?Ĺ?ĆšĆ? Ç Ĺ?ƚŚĹ?Ĺś ƚŚĞ dĹšĆŒÄžÄž ŽƾŜĆ&#x;ÄžĆ? ĆŒÄžÄ‚

Call or text 07925 268466 carolsfeet@gmail.com

All Roof & Chimney Repairs ÍťTiling ÍťSlating ÍťLead Work Eco Friendly Installation Specialists for Flat Roofs

Call Dean 01684 561791Íť 07920 001611

September Special Offer ÂŁ5.00 off any facial

Professional 6olutions -ames 2stler CMCIEH, CMIOSH 4 4 www.Positive-Pest-Control.uk Ledbury Focus


Tree Surgeon All Aspects Of Tree Work 13T& 4ualiČżed Fully Insured

John Walsh 01531 670423 07970 879381 johnrfwalsh@gmail.com


To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Let’s Go Together with Help for Heroes Saturday 15th September 2018


o date over 100 people have already signed up at www.malvernhillschallenge.org to join the Help for Heroes Malvern Hills Challenge along the Malvern Hills on Saturday 15th September. It promises to be a great day out filled with fun, fantastic views, great people and a truly amazing sense of achievement.

behind the Malvern Theatres, which is close to the centre of Town and the Great Malvern railway station. Entrants will receive their goodie bags and exclusive Challenge t-shirts (blue this year!). Special event coaches will take those entered for the Long Walk and Short Walk to their starting points.

Set in the beautiful Malvern Hills, with their spectacular views and historic landmarks, the route takes in the very best of the area combining some tough gradients and relaxing flats with picturesque woods and open grazing, all on clearly marked tracks and lanes.

The 15km Long Walk Challenge takes about 6 hours and starts in the enchanting Bromsberrow Estate, with its extensive 18th century parkland and ornamental woodland. It continues North to take in the charming hamlet of Whiteleaved Oak. Hollybush on the Eastnor Estate is an ideal place to take a breather before the haul up Monument Hill but its fabulous views across Herefordshire, Eastnor Castle and the Monument are well worth the effort. The hillfort at British Camp provides a focus for the next stage with a warm welcome to be found on the far side at the Malvern Hills Hotel.

The Challenge is not a race but trial of stamina, and caters for all abilities and ages. Both Long and Short walks kick off at the registration point in Priory Park

The 7km Short Walk (taking 2 ½ hours) joins the Long Walk as our coaches drop off entrants at the Malvern Hills Hotel and all set off to the Wyche via Pinnacle

Ledbury Focus

and Jubilee Hills with unique views West into Wales and East across the Severn Valley and to the Cotswolds. The Wyche provides a welcome break, with the Wyche Inn just a few metres off the route, before heading up to the Worcestershire Beacon and its stunning panorama. With the back of the Challenge broken, it’s down past the pretty St Ann’s Well, through Great Malvern’s Rosebank Gardens to finish back in Priory Park. Walkers will be greeted at the Challenge finish by local VIPs hosted by Hero the Bear, to present them with their medals – even dogs get a rosette! Food and other refreshment will be available. For transport home, the Malvern Splash car park and Railway Station are but a short walk (downhill) through the Town. Last Year there were 430 entrants on the Malvern Hills Challenge to support Help for Heroes and we raised over £13,000 from the event. Please do join us on Saturday 15th September. More information and entry is at www. malvernhillschallenge .org.


TRIVIA (answers on page 78)

SUDOKU Fill in the grid so that each line, row and 3 x 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9 without repetition.

6 9





5. To which family of birds does the peacock belong?


6. What goes a Geiger counter measure?






7. From which ancient game does badminton derive?

5 4

9 8






3. Which American golfer has been nicknamed the 'Golden Bear'? 4. Which London tube line is coloured green on the underground map?

9 7

5 1

What is the Decalogue usually called?

2. What is the name of Italy's state airline?

2 5



8. Which young actor died in a car crash in California in 1955?


9. What would you expect to find in a sarcophagus?


10. In which country doess the river Rhine rise? ACROSS 1 Bleat (anag.) (5) 7 Body of viewers (8) 8 There's often a catch in it! (5) 10 Minor roadway (4,6) 12 Casual garment (3-5) 14 Neutral colour (4) 16 Prayer ending (4) 17 Reprints (anag.) (8) 20 Inoperative (3,2,5) 23 Pub game (5) 24 Disclosed (8) 25 Grand meal! (5)

HOTPOT (answers on page 78) There's everything in this one! Anagams, cryptics, general knowledge and straight clues are included. 1






7 8

9 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 22



Travel voucher (6) Wine sediment (4) Month (4) Merriment (5) Honesty (9) Church room (6) Supple (5) He needs a clue to operate! (9) Tear (3) Mended (5) On ship (6) Variety of apple (6) Edible entrails (5) Coral formation (4) Gardening tool (4)



14 15




19 20


22 23

24 25

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Ledbury Plastering & Building Maintenance ĹŻĹŻ Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒĹŹ ƾŜÄšÄžĆŒĆšÄ‚ĹŹÄžĹś Ä?LJ Ä‚ ĹŻĹ˝Ä?Ä‚ĹŻÍ• ƋƾĂůĹ?ĎĞĚ ĆšĆŒÄ‚ÄšÄžĆ?žĂŜ Ç Ĺ?ƚŚ Ĺ˝Ç€ÄžĆŒ Ď­Ďą Ç‡ÄžÄ‚ĆŒĆ? ÄžÇ†Ć‰ÄžĆŒĹ?ĞŜÄ?Äž

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Over 25 years' experience A super friendly, honest service with a quality finish and attention to detail Fully Insured Please call Simon on:

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A J Roberts Farm & Garden Services ‡ Domestic & Commercial Grass Cutting ‡ Hedge Trimming ‡ Fencing Of All Types ‡ Tree Surgery ‡ Firewood For Sale ‡ Paddock Maintenance ‡ Agricultural Contracting ‡ 100-170HP Tractor & Driver For Hire

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This Spring... Transform and Rejuvenate Your Driveway, Patio or Paths

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Ledbury Funeral Services Ledbury’s Only Local Independent Service for all your funeral requirements Contact Hilary Jones who will be happy to discuss all your ĨƾŜÄžĆŒÄ‚ĹŻ ĆŒÄžĆ‹ĆľĹ?ĆŒÄžĹľÄžĹśĆšĆ?Í• Ç ĹšÄžĆšĹšÄžĆŒ ĆšĆŒÄ‚ÄšĹ?Ć&#x;ŽŜÄ‚ĹŻ Ĺ˝ĆŒ Ä?ŽŜĆšÄžĹľĆ‰Ĺ˝ĆŒÄ‚ĆŒÇ‡

Day and Night Service ¸ Chapel of Rest

01531 633388 132 The Homend Ledbury HR8 1BZ 64

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Magical day for Ledbury Rainbows L

edbury Rainbows used part of their Community Chest Grant awarded by Ledbury Rotary club to give their young members an equine experience day at Noakes Farm Riding School. Group Leader Sarah Fletcher and the team helped The Rainbows get to know the horses, learn about brushing and grooming them, followed by a talk and snacks. Then, dressed in the safety hats and harnesses and riding gear, they set off for a gentle walk over the fields and in the training ring. After lunch there came a magical moment when the gorgeous "Unicorn" appeared thrilling everyone present! Ledbury Rotary Club is delighted to have provided a range of experiences that help the development of young people! Thanks to everyone who assisted on the day. article & photos courtesy of Jan Long Rotary Club of Ledbury

Ledbury Focus


Greg - Decor

Painting & Decorating * Wallpapering * Interior painting * Exterior painting * Window frame painting * Stripping out damp areas * Plasterboarding & skimming * Repairing wooden window frames * Removal & replacement of coving * Redecoration of whole room

* Redecoration of whole house

or any other building inquiry considered... For a high quality finish & a fully insured service that you can trust.

Call me for a quote. Greg.

For your FREE home visit

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In order to prevent dental problems, it is helpful to understand how and why they arise.

Text or call me on: 07517 537784

Pets are usually born with healthy mouths, with pink (or pigmented) gums. However, over time the accumulation of plaque bacteria on the surface of the teeth, leads to inflammation of the gums – this is known as gingivitis (or gum disease). This is often accompanied by bad breath and also the accumulation of tartar on the surface of the tooth.

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id you know that tooth and gum problems in dogs and cats are very common, with around 85% of pets over the age of three years suffering from some degree of dental disease, causing ill health and pain?

If gingivitis is left untreated, it will in time, begin to attack the gum line and the underlying support structures of the teeth, leading to infections and gum loss, eventually leading to tooth mobility and finally tooth loss. Regular dental check-ups are a key part of monitoring for dental disease and the good news is that if gum problems are identified at the early stage (where there are signs of gingivitis), a combination of a Scale and Polish (under general anaesthesia) and ongoing home care can make a real difference to your pet’s oral health. Following the professional clean, under general anaesthesia, there are a number of homecare options available. Tooth brushing is the gold standard, but we understand that this is not always possible, so there are a number of dental diets and

To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk

Vet Talk

with Martin Leith BVetMed MRCVS

How healthy are your pet’s teeth and gums?

gingivitis & tartar build up - cat healthy mouth - dog

chews available. When brushing your pet’s teeth, it is very important that you do not use human toothpaste – this is because some of the ingredients in the toothpaste are harmful to pets.

of time, this abrasiveness can cause wear on the teeth. Why not swap your tennis balls for a rubber ball?

Does your dog like to play with tennis balls? The fluff on a tennis ball is designed to be abrasive (for better contact on the tennis court), over a prolonged period

When choosing any balls for your pet, is important to make sure they are the correct size for your pet – this will reduce the risk of injury.

dental scale under anaesthesia

If you are concerned about your pet’s oral health or would like any advice, please contact the surgery.

24 hour Emergency Cover 01531 632276 Ledbury Focus


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Eastnor Cricket Club News September 2018 eptember draws another busy season on the field to a close at Eastnor Cricket Club with the final Worcester League fixtures taking please on Saturday September 15th for both teams.


Finally, the club would like to thank all of our dedicated volunteers, vice presidents and of course our main sponsors Watsons Fuels and Marstons for their continued support in 2018.

Then, following a successful colts season, the junior section are holding a presentation day on Sunday 16th. During the afternoon the Grand Draw will take place also at the ground and the lucky winner of the £500 cash prize plus the 2nd prize of a 32” Colour TV will be announced. If you have not got your tickets they are still available from any club member or from the ground, so get yours soon.

For any further details on any of the above or on any aspect of the club where new members are always welcome please contact:

The Annual end of season dinner and presentations will be held at Ledbury Rugby Club on Saturday 6th October and tickets will soon be available. Everyone is welcome to come along so please get in touch and book your place.

Steve Onions at Clubsport Ledbury

t: 01531 635242 Jim Sandford t: 01531 633055 Andrew Hodges t: 01531 633161 or email: bistec59@gmail.com Also check out the club website for further news at:


A Local Organic Veg Box Delivered To Your Door >ŝƩůĞ DĂƌĐůĞ &Ăƌŵ ^ŚŽƉ produces vegetables and salads freshly harvested from our family run farm all year round. From our website choose your items for delivery or have our Farm Choice Delivery. Boxes: £7 - £9 - £14 dŽ ŽƌĚĞƌ Žƌ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗ :ŽŚŶ ŽŶ͗

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Free delivery in Ledbury We deliver to Ross, Colwall, Malvern & Worcester - Delivery £1




edbury Rifle and Pistol Club has been our local shooting club in town for 134 years. Before its current location, off the Ross road, members met at the old drill hall, where the Co-Op now sits.

The club has a limited membership of around 100 members who shoot targets for either personal enjoyment or in a number of competitions using a selection of air rifle, rimfire and centrefire rifles and long barrel pistols. Since 1974 the club has also had use of a 100m outdoor range at Hollybush quarry. Both sites have five lanes each. Shooting takes place on most weekday evenings at the indoor range, with Friday evenings being restricted to air rifle shooters only. From September the club is looking to expand its numbers by creating an air rifle only membership. Members of this section will pay a reduced rate of


annual subs in return for use of the range to shoot their air rifles in a safe and controlled environment. y Membership will be open to anyone over 18 years of age. y Members are restricted to use of the indoor range and only on a Friday evening between 7:30pm and 9:30pm, unless invited to a specific competition or training session held on another day. y Members may only shoot sub 12ft/lb air rifles or sub 6ft/lb air pistols. y Parent members (over 21) will be permitted to bring one child (over 10 years old) to shoot under their direct supervision. We are looking at this as a parent/child membership, and we are doing this to get young people into shooting. y The club will provide a range officer at all times to oversee range safety, and has a qualified

instructor in the NSRA’s Youth Proficiency Scheme. y We are looking into the feasibility of setting up a Hunter Field Target (HFT) course at our quarry range, that air-gun members will be able to use. For more information on HFT see https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Hunter_Field_Target Ledbury Rifle and Pistol club also provides the facilities and instructors for organised youth groups, Scouts, Guides, Cadet groups etc, to have air rifle shooting lessons on an autumn/ winter Saturday morning between September and April. Pictured below: members on the indoor and outdoor ranges and Ledbury Scouts under instruction. For more information please contact paul@ledburyrpc.co.uk ......................... www.ledburyrpc.co.uk

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Ledbury Focus

t: 01531 631149 m: 07970 717337 106 Bridge Street Ledbury y HR8 2AN



MUNITY COM CONTACTS EMERGENCY SERVICES P2L,&( ),5( $M%8L$1&( (Pergency W(6T M(5&,$ P2L,&( Ledbury Police Station Worcester Road Tel

ST..$THERI1E·S S8RGERY Market Street (off %ye St) Monday Friday aP pP Tel M$R.ET S8RGERY Market Street (off %ye St) Monday Friday . pP Phone calls taken froP aP Tel LED%8RY COMM81ITY HOSPIT$L Tel 1HS DIRECT Tel


ST.MICH$EL·S HOSPICE %artestree Hereford Tel

G$S Tel

D$Y LEWIS PH$RM$CY %ye Street Monday Friday . aP . pP Saturday . aP . pP Tel


%OOTS CHEMIST High Street Mon Sat . aP . pP




%8SY %EES PRE SCHOOL Tel LE'%8RY CHIL'RE1·S CE1TRE )aPilies with children Tel P$LS %reakfast and $fter School Club Tel LE'%8RY PRIM$RY SCHOOL Long $cres Tel JOH1 M$SE)IEL' HIGH SCHOOL Mabels Furlon Tel


CROH1·S & COLITIS 8. HEREFORDSHIRE 1ETWOR. herefordshire@networks.crohns andcolitis.org.uk Tel

HEREFORD CO81TY HOSPIT$L 8nion Walk Hereford HR ER Tel GLO8CESTERSHIRE ROY$L HOSPIT$L Great Western Road, Gloucester GL 11 Tel WORCESTERSHIRE ROY$L HOSPIT$L Charles Hastings Way Worcester WR DD Tel

HELP & SUPPORT $L=HEIMER·S SOCIETY Hereford Tel CHIL' PROTECTIO1 HELPLI1E Tel CHIL'LI1E Tel COMM81ITY S$M$RIT$1S Tel Tel '$SH (Drugs Services Herefordshire) Tel DIVORCE RECOVERY WOR.SHOP Tel HEREFORD & WORCESTER $DVISORY SERVICE O1 $LCOHOL Tel HEREFORDSHIRE R$PE & SE;8$L $%8SE S8PPORT CE1TRE Tel HEREFORDSHIRE C$RERS EMERGE1CY C$RD SCHEME EPergency Support SysteP For Carers Tel LED%8RY CHILDRE1 S CE1TRE ePail ledburychildrenscentre@ herefordshire.gov.uk www.herefordshire.gov.uk www.facebook.coP hfdscouncil Tel LED%8RY O8TRE$CH www.herefordshirecab.org.uk Tel M$RRI$GE C$RE (Relationship Counselling) Ledbury & Hereford PayPent by donation Tel

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WORSHIP C$THOLIC CH8RCH OF THE MOST HOLY TRI1ITY 1ew Street Saturday Mass . pP Sunday Mass . aP Tel ST MICH$EL·S P$RISH CH8RCH Church Lane . aP Holy CoPPunion (%CP) . aP Parish CoPPunion & Young Church nd, rd & th Sunday of the Ponth . aP Parish CoPPunion with %aptisP st Sunday of the Ponth . pP Evensong st & rd Sunday of the Ponth Tel %$PTIST CH8RCH The HoPend Sundays . aP Worship e[cept the Àrst Sunday in the Ponth. $ll age faPily Messy Church usually Àrst Saturday each Ponth . pP pP replaces Sunday service (info Facebook Messy Church Ledbury ) Tel METHODIST CH8RCH The HoPend Sundays . aP Worship Tel LED%8RY 48$.ERS %urgage Hall Church Lane st & rd Sunday of each Ponth aP Meeting for Worship Tel PE1TCOST$L FELLOWSHIP CoPPunity Centre Lawnside Road Sundays aP Praise & Worship Tel LED%8RY ELIM CH8RCH Ledbury PriPary School Long $cres Sundays at . aP Further info $rlette FraPpton Tel

Ledbury Focus


PUBLIC SERVICES LED%8RY LI%R$RY Master·s House Monday . aP to . pP Tuesday . aP to pP Wednesday: Closed Thursday: . aP to . pP Friday: . aP to . pP Saturday: . aP to . pP Sunday: Closed Tel: POST OFFICE Monday Friday . aP . pP Saturday aP . pP Tel: ROY$L M$IL DELIVERY OFFICE Tel:


Last Collection P.O . pP $t bo[ in town . pP


HO8SEHOLD RECL$M$TIO1 SITE Little Marcle Road Wednesday . aP . pP Saturday . aP . pP Sunday . aP . pP

VETS & ANIMAL CARE LE$DO1 V$LE VETERI1$RY CE1TRE Tel RSPC$ (cruelty, neglect concern hrs) Tel C$T PROTECTIO1 Tel RSP% Tel



TOW1 CO81CIL Church Lane Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri aP pP adPin@ledburytowncouncil.gov.uk www.ledburytowncouncil.gov.uk Tel: County Councillors: Ledbury 1orth Councillor Liz Harvey epjharvey@herefordshire.gov.uk Tel: Ledbury South Councillor EPPa Holton EPPa.Holton@herefordshire.gov.uk Tel: Ledbury West Councillor $ndrew WarPington $ndrew.WarPington@herefordshire. gov.uk Tel: Herefordshire Council Tel:

1$TIO1$L R$IL Tel

MP %ill Wiggin (con) Tel:

1$TIO1$L TR$VEL LI1E (%uses) Tel

TO8RIST I1FORM$TIO1 CE1TRE Ice %ytes The HoPend


Clover are a local Ledbury based family business you can trust for all your home improvements. We cover all sorts of projects, you name it, we can do it! Proud to be endorsed as a Which? Trusted Trader

Warmer weather is the best time get building projects started so if you need additional living space but an extension is not an option, why not transform the space you already have using your loft or garage?

We now offer payment options that can be used to finance any of our projects

We’ve used Clover for all our major works, there is no comparison really to other companies. We can rely on you, you’re here when you say and we’re always fully satisfied with the standard of work.

We want you to love the work we do for you and to love how we do it We are situated at Wall Hills Farm on the Hereford Road just off the Ledbury Bypass. To find out more, arrange a visit or discuss a project, please call Clover on 01531 631965 or email info@cloveryourhome.co.uk

Find us on Facebook: Clover Your Home Follow us on Twitter: @CloverYourHome Pichells Place, Wall Hills Farm, Hereford Road, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2PR www.cloveryourhome.co.uk To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk 74

Stock photos for illustration purposes only

9 Building Projects: Extensions and New Build, Bathroom and Kitchen Re-fits, Loft and Garage Conversions, Stonework, Electrical work, Plumbing work 9 Stoves and Logs: Wood-burning Stoves, Barn-stored, seasoned Logs 9 uPVC and Timber: Conservatories, Replacement windows and doors, Roofline and Guttering, Automated Garage Doors

Index of Advertisers Page 1

Accountants Chestnut Accountancy Ltd Greendawn Accounting Ltd Leadon Valley Accountancy The Practice Aerials, TV & Audio Aardvark Aerials John’s Aerials Lezlee Designs Architectural Services Josh Thomas Design House Arga & Rayburn Services Steven Davies

21 26 57 37 66 59 39 51 4

Auctioneers Smiths of Newent


Bathrooms & Kitchens B & B Services Culina Balneo Dream Doors John Shaw Martin Weager

80 2 11 10 36

Bookkeeper LCS Bookkeeping


Building & Construction Clover Conservatories Dave Conway Ledbury Construction Ltd Mick Kitchin Builder Steve Chandler Building Carpentry & Joinery Colin McCarthy Fine Joinery L H Joinery Car Hire Ledbury Private Car Hire Carpets & Flooring DM Carpet Edging Home Choice Flooring Ledbury Carpets & Interiors

Ledbury Focus

74 43 10 39 14

Cleaning Services Bliss Cleaning Services Diamond Cleaning Services Billy Russell Floor Care Oven Clean Professional Oven Cleaners Clothing Renaissance Coal Merchant A W Parker Community Services Age UK Divorce Recovery Workshop Ledbury Ring & Ride Shaw Healthcare Computer Maintenance J B Computers Conservatories, Doors & Windows Clover Conservatories M&M Lock Secure Malvern Glass Shane Howells Ltd Steamy Windows

36 26 14 16 29



15 17 60 9


74 33 57 32 4

Education & Courses Eastnor Pottery Language for Fun Stars Gymnastics

63 8 29

Electricians Acorn Electrical Services B & B Services J Hill Electric MCL Electrical

16 80 12 35

Farm Shop Little Marcle Farm Shop


Fencing Ledbury Fencing & Paving


Funeral Director Ledbury Funeral Services


Furniture Lock Stock & Barrel


Garage Doors Active Security UK Ltd


Garage Services Alfa Tech


63 68 18 39 21 16 64 22 60 35

26 13 29

Domestic Appliances Ledbury Domestic Repairs



Dressmakers Natasha Physick


Gardening & Landscaping A J Roberts Ben Andrews Tree Surgery Foliation Ltd Green Waste Club Hawthorn Landscapes J P Mower Services Ledbury Garden Machinery Newent Plant Centre Tree Surgeon Ward’s Gardens

4 29 47

Driveways & Paving Drive Revive Ledbury Construction Ltd Ledbury Fencing & Paving

64 10 12

Gyms & Sports Clubs Edge Fitness & Therapies Ledbury Harriers Stars Gymnastics

71 47 49

Country Retail Store Agrigame UK Ltd Dating Old Style Dating




Index of Advertisers Page 2

Hairdresser Utopia Hair & Beauty


Handyman Professional Handyman Service


Heating & Plumbing B & B Services Craig Taylor Dean Boswell Fusion Heating Solutions Hot and Cold Plumbing Professional Plumbing Service

80 36 57 51 71 3 50

Healthcare & Beauty Bethesda Physio Clinic Bliss Holistic Hut Carol Clark ReÀexology Ledbury Chiropractic Clinic Shaw Healthcare The Builders Yard The Uncommon Touch Massage Therapy Three Counties Physiotherapy TMW Training Utopia Hair & Beauty Home Security Active Security UK Ltd

50 14 59 43 9 12 10 33 8 59 68

House Removals JJ's House Removals Man and Van

71 77

Interior Design & Soft Furnishings Home Style Traditional & Modern Upholstery

68 77

Kitchens & Bathrooms B & B Services Culina Balneo Dream Doors John Shaw Martin Weager

80 2 11 10 36

Locksmiths M&M Lock Secure Ltd



Logs, Kindling & Firewood Get Logs 78 Mobility Aids & Services B & B Services Mobility 4 U

80 22

MOT Alfa Tech


Music Lessons Ledbury Drum Studio


Oven Cleaning Oven Clean Professional Oven Cleaners

16 29

Painters & Decorators A Touch of Class Carringtons Greg - Decor Ledbury Plastering Martin Weager Mark Coulter Marcle Decorators Painting & Decorating Services Steve Emery The Pink Painter Paving & Driveways Drive Revive Ledbury Construction Ltd Ledbury Fencing & Paving

3 53 66 63 36 47 63 64 60 53 64 10 12

Pest Control Positive Pest Control Ray Styles Red Kite Pest Control SGE Pest Control

59 78 46 36

Pet Care Country Cats Cattery Creative Canines Dawn’s Dog Grooming Leadon Vale Vet Centre

50 21 60 66

Orchard View Kennels Pet Passion Pet Sitting Walk About Woodside Luxury Cattery Woodlands Country Cat Hotel

51 77 46 47 49

Plastering & Tiling Ledbury Plastering Carringtons

63 53

Plumbing & Heating B & B Services Craig Taylor Dean Boswell Fusion Heating Solutions Hot and Cold Plumbing Professional Plumbing Service

80 36 57 51 71 3 50

Recipe of the Month Smoked Salmon Parcels


Roofing D P Roo¿ng WSS Roo¿ng

59 5

Shopping & Gifts Homend Shopping Mall


Solicitor Kidwells


Taxi Service Ledbury Private Car Hire


Van Hire JJ's House Removals Man and Van

71 77

Veterinary Practices Leadon Vale Vet Centre


Waste Collection Services Green Waste Club 39 Yoga Bliss Holistic Hut


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Ledbury Domestic Repairs

>ĞĚďƵƌLJ ŽŵĞƐƟĐ ZĞƉĂŝƌƐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ Ă ƌĞƉĂŝƌ service for all your household appliances.

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Ϭϭϱϯϭ ϴϮϭϴϭϬ Žƌ ϬϳϴϭϬ ϯϱϮϴϳϱ ǁǁǁ͘ƉĞƚƉĂƐƐŝŽŶ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ

WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů /ŶƐƚĂůůĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ EĞǁ Machines & Removal of Old Machines

Matt Barwick 07875 875 490 - 01531 636414

Jim Croysdale House, Office, Shops, Garage & Shed CLEARANCE Ebay/Facebook Collections Waste/Rubbish Removal Office/Home Moves

Re-covering & Full Re-upholstery Loose & Fitted Covers Cushion Inners & Covers Fabrics

01531 890139 07496 766224 jimscroys@gmail.com

www.ledburyupholsterer.co.uk Ledbury Focus


Kiln Dried Hardwood


Bulk Builder’s Bag of Split Logs only £75

Technology I was visiting my nephew when I asked could I borrow a newspaper. 'This is the 21st century' he said. 'We don't waste money on newspapers. Here you can borrow my iPad' I can tell you that bloody fly never knew what hit it.


Golf . . . ?? Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez. 'How was he killed?' asked one detective. 'With a golf gun,' the other detective replied. 'A golf gun! What is a golf gun?'

01531 Sept. 641999 Answers to Sudoku on page 62: 1.

The Ten Commandments

2. Alitalia

'I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan.'


He said . . . !! A man is recovering from surgery when the Surgical Nurse appears and asks him how he is feeling.

3. Jack Nicklaus 4. District 5. Pheasant 6. Radioactivity

'I'm okay, but I didn't like the four letter-words the doctor used in surgery,' he answered.

7. Battledore and shuttle cock

'What did he say?' asked the nurse.

8. James Dean


9. A corpse 10. Switzerland

Answers to Hotpot on page 62: ACROSS: 1. Table, 7. Audience, 8. Creel,

10. Side street, 12. Tee-shirt, 14. Grey, 16. Amen, 17. Sprinter, 20. Out of order, 23. Darts, 24. Revealed, 25. Feast.


DOWN: 1. Ticket, 2. Lees, 3. June, 4. Mirth,

5. Integrity, 6. Vestry, 9. Lithe, 11. Detective, 13. Rip, 15. Fixed, 16. Aboard, 18. Russet, 19 Ofal, 21. Reef, 22. Rake.



To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: info@grapevinepublications.co.uk


rowing cacti and succulents has been an addictive pastime of mine since my childhood, when at the age of eight, I was given my first cactus. Our neighbour, Mr Ames, was a keen gardener and I remember how I used to peer over the fence at him. At first we were just on waving terms, but then he asked my father if I could go around to his garden to visit him. He had a massive greenhouse and I was fascinated by the amount of prickly plants he had and by the variety of sizes. I watched with interest how he cared for them, and then one day, he surprised me with a gift - a tiny round ball with prickles all over. I was delighted with this, my first cactus, and put it on our kitchen windowsill. When my friends asked: “what is there to like about a prickly plant?” I would laugh and answer, “they don't take much looking after and they have the amazing ability to store water.” The majority of cacti and succulents grow in the desert, in environments with low moisture, dry air, good drainage and high temperatures. They get moisture from the morning dew and store it in their leaves. Ledbury Focus

The interesting thing about this plant group is that they are extremely diverse, from the very small and intricate, to the larger, striking yet beautiful plants. The word 'succulent' means 'juicy', and the water they store enables them to grow without much care. It's best to buy cacti in flower because it can take years for this to happen, and always make sure they are the right size for the pot. The compost should be allowed to almost dry out in the winter months before watering; this allows the cactus to go dormant. During periods of active growth cacti should be fed once every three weeks. I always purchase special cactus fertiliser and add a few drops when watering, however, many people use well diluted tomato fertiliser. You only need to re-pot when the roots fill the pot completely. One of the things I enjoy most about cacti is when they surprise me by growing a small one. I wait until the tiny ones are big enough, then remove them, and plant them alongside the host plant. Most of the time I am successful, and with patience, they do grow.

The Schlumbergera x Buckleyi, commonly known as 'Christmas Cacti', are sold seasonally. I find these are the easiest succulents to grow and the flowers are beautiful. I've had one for six years, and as it got older I split it and give the small plants as gifts to friends. This year however, after taking many small plants from my large one, it came to the end of its life, but I still have many small ones taken from it that will grow and continue to flower. My first little prickly cactus lasted three years and even flowered for me, but I found out too late that cacti dislike drafts, and unfortunately mine died as a result. I will never forget the time I spent with Mr Ames in his greenhouse, especially how much he taught me, and as a result, to this day I still derive great delight from my cacti plants. article & photos by Pamela Green


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