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Our metabolism consists of numerous biochemical processes within the body, each with their own role to play whether that be to reproduce, grow, respond to the environment or repair damage within our bodies. All of them are essential to our ability to function normally and sustain life. When metabolic function is altered within the body and our ability to regulate the processes becomes impaired, this results in either too much or too little of these chemical substances being produced in the body and this is known as a metabolic disorder.

cells (anabolism). These two biochemical processes are continually performing a balancing act with each other and represent our overall metabolic function. Conservative management of metabolic conditions vary on a case by case basis. However, lifestyle modifications such as the implementation of physical therapies can produce a number of positive outcomes. The primary outcomes treatment differs between conditions and individuals; however, physical therapy is a crucial component of any management program for individuals with metabolic conditions. Some metabolic disorders include Gaucher’s disease, Adrenoleukodystrophy and Diabetes.


1. Gaucher’s disease is known to adversely affect the skeletal system and the structural integrity of the bones in our body, so a program centred around weight bearing activities to help minimise bone mineral density loss is going to be a priority.

Metabolic conditions can vary in nature and affect our ability to break down larger molecules into energy (catabolism) or our ability to consume energy to build new

2. Adrenoleukodystrophy is a condition that damages the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brain and unfortunately has no cure, so the primary focus of any physical therapy treatment plan is to help slow the disease progression. This can include prescribing wheelchair based exercises to help relieve muscle spasms and reduce rigidity of the musculoskeletal system.

3. Diabetes is most prevalent and well known metabolic condition. The numbers worldwide are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. For diabetes, our primary focus is going to be on blood glucose management. However, it is important to note that with diabetes, and many other metabolic conditions, there are numerous other associated co-morbidities that often appear hand in hand with each other. For example, one of the benefits of undertaking exercise is to help manage and regulate blood glucose and insulin levels. This also assists in the management of other associated comorbidities such as obesity and cardiovascular disease.

By implementing a robust physical therapy plan that has both aerobic and resistance based components, we are able to prevent and manage the onset of associated pathologies such as neuropathies, back pain and arthritis. A combination of both strength and aerobic exercise is a key component of any exercise program to help reinforce the positive changes made, such as insulin sensitivity, blood glucose levels, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance. Ensure that variety is implemented throughout various modalities of exercise to help promote longevity of participation and to allow for different thresholds to be targeted to help assist glucose uptake and utilization as well as lipid, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Physical activity should be performed for at least 30-45 minutes every day at a moderate intensity and this can be split throughout the day (e.g. 3 x 10-15 minute bouts). It is important to drink plenty of water to remain hydrated and to ensure carbohydrates are either eaten or readily available pre and post workout to prevent the onset of hypoglycaemia.

Exercise Physiologist Carrick Dalton has a keen passion for the body and its functions and is continually looking for ways to increase his knowledge and skill base for the rehabilitation, and prevention of, injuries and conditions. Carrick has previous experience working with various sporting teams including Melbourne United in the NBL. He may be contacted at Health Point Physiotherapy website.

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