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Our The is UnknownFriend
hen it comes to the unknown are you comfortable or uncomfortable? For many years I was one of those people who was very uncomfortable. I thought if I planned everything it would ensure that life would be predictable and safe. I quickly learned life cannot be controlled all the time. Just when you think you have it all figured out, you will be thrown a curveball, right? The one thing you can count on is change. Life is constantly changing.
How you handle the unexpected is the key to happiness and embracing the unknown. If you avoid these uncomfortable moments in life, you may not discover new ideas, paths, and perspectives. Many times, when things seem to be falling apart, the universe is giving you a chance to see the opportunity that is presented to you in the uncertainty.
When you start to crave stepping into unknown experiences, you create magical opportunities. Think about a time when you traveled to a new place and had everything planned out to the minute and a flight was canceled, or your guide couldn't take you on the tour. You decided to wander the streets on your own and you found the most delightful little café. There you met people who will be lifelong friends. This is embracing the unknown.
It takes trust and courage to live out of your comfort zone and be in the present moment. I’m not saying do not make plans but to be open and don’t resist when things don’t go as planned.
I’ve recently had to draw from my courage and experiences with facing uncertainty. My 83-year-old mother, who lives in a memory care facility, drank a cleaning solution that was left in a soda bottle for some unknown reason. She was in the ICU for 11 days. I was with her everyday not knowing what would happen next. I had to live in the present moment and make decisions that were in front of me every day, moment to moment. I had many people trying to push me to think about the future and talk to a legal representative, but I knew that making decisions about the future would take my ability away in the moment. I had to trust the unknown and it took a tremendous amount of strength to stay present and trust myself.
In the end, I made decisions that created a miracle for my mother’s care and healing. When I thought about the future, and none of it made sense or gave me a solution, I didn’t trust myself. I felt fearful and unsure. When I stayed in the present moment, I knew what to do without question. It was instinctive and that made all the difference.
Remind yourself during times of uncertainty that you can face anything. Take time to quiet the noise in your mind and daily life by asking yourself:
• What do I see in front of me?
• What is available to me at this moment, right now?
• What do I know to be true?
• How can this moment be an opportunity?
• How can I be fully present in this moment?
When you start to embrace the unknown head on, you will surprise yourself with the gifts and wisdom that will be provided. We all are much more aware and capable of knowing what to do if we take the time to quiet the noise and hear our own voices. Make decisions from a place of trust, love, compassion, not fear or anger. See what is in front of you and life will unfold with grace, love and ease.