How the Greater Green Bay business community connects to the rest of the world.

OCT. 26, 2022 | RESCH EXPO | GREEN BAY ONE BIG DAY – WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2022 Keynote Speaker More than 180 Exhibitors Breakout Sessions Special Presentations Networking Reception AND MORE! KEYNOTE PRESENTATION John Sileo CEO of Sileo Group, Inc. UN-HACKABLE: Blockbuster Cybersecurity for the Manufacturing Industry John Sileo lost everything to cybercrime, including his multi-million-dollar software company and two years while facing jail time for cybercrimes he did not commit. He shares his experiences worldwide to keep others from suffering a similar fate. PRESENTED BY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities Still Available | Call 920-882-0491RESCHLOCATIONNEWEXPO | GREEN BAY Early Bird Registration IS NOW OPEN! Register today for $110. Price increases to $165 on Sept. 10. More information at: WWW.MANUFACTURINGFIRST.COM KEYNOTE

03 - 05 Community Conversations 31 Chamber Program Updates 32 Chamber Events at a Glance 33 Chamber Member Anniversaries Contact: Mark Dunning Membership Sales 920.593.3417mdunning@greatergbc.orgManager Publisher Laurie Radke, President/CEO, Greater Green Bay Chamber Editor Rick Sense, Vice President of Development & Government Affairs, Greater Green Bay Chamber 06 Fincantieri Marine Group 12 Manufacturing-Ahlstrom-Munksjö-Sofidel-KörberTissueNorth America 16 Green Bay Packers: A Global Brand that Continues to Grow 19 Transportation-ThePortof Green Bay - Breakthrough 22 Connecting Canada to Greater Green Bay and Beyond 23 Mexico and Global Greater Green Bay 25 Italy - A Global Connection to Green Bay 26 Agriculture and Forestry- The Global Impact of Trees - Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association - Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery 08 Building a Career in Manufacturing *Paid Content 34 Formal Group Created to Assist Community in Times of Crisis In Each AdvertiseIssuewith us! On the Cover The Port of Green Bay helps connect the Midwest to the rest of the world. It offers a direct route for shipping raw goods and materials and has 14 port terminals located adjacent to the Fox River. In 2022, the Port was responsible for importing over 1.9 million tons into Greater Green Bay. Photo credit: Chuck Zentmeyer Feature - Global Greater Green Bay Contents Mark PackersGreenPresident/CEO,Murphy,Bay Collective Impact is published quarterly by the Greater Green Bay Chamber, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay WI 54303. Collective Impact is supported by advertising revenue from member companies of the Greater Green Bay Chamber. For information about the advertising rates and deadlines, contact sales at 920.593.3418. Collective Impact (USPS 10-206) is published quarterly for $24 a year by the Greater Green Bay Chamber, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay, WI 54303. Periodicals postage paid at Green Bay, WI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Collective Impact, 300 N. Broadway, Ste. 3A, Green Bay WI 54303. PH: 920.593.3423. PRINTER: Solutions in Print Community Conversations Additional Features Mark FestivalPresident/CEO,Skogen,Foods03 04

2 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 LEARN MORE AT MIRON-CONSTRUCTION.COM An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Breakthrough Fuel GREEN BAY, WI At Miron Construction, we believe that creating meaningful connections is just as important as constructing the facilities that support our local economy. As a team we accept challenges, empower one another, and capture what truly matters, building innovation into our projects from the ground up. Together, we are Building Excellence. PACKERS STRONG ALL YEAR LONG VISIT• SHOP • DINE • TOUR • EVENTS PACKERS.COM

In June’s episode of Community Conversations, Chamber President/CEO, Laurie Radke, was joined by Mark Skogen, President/CEO of Festival Foods.
If you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self? I think I would tell my younger self that it is going to be about people. Finding smarter, friendlier, and more engaged people. This business, and really the world, will change so much you won’t even believe it. Those things are all evident to us today that good people are important and that the world is changing fast, but our industry in the last three to five years has real ly changed direction and I just know that anything’s possible when you have great people working around you. Watch the full interview and all Conversations.Community
What insight do you have for someone who is thinking about getting into a business. What’s important to be both successful and to stay focused on customer service? I can speak for how we try and go to market with our stores. We sell a com modity, so you can get that can of beans anywhere and so what are we going to do to be different? We put our atten tion behind the people that are going to work with us, finding the best of the best people who are going to be engaged, and really try and make a good guest experience inside the store, in this day and age (where) you can buy groceries online. We have to create an atmosphere in the store that says ‘I want to go there because I’m going to get this interac tion’ or ‘they’ve got this quality product that I might not get somewhere else’.
I know not only you personally, but also your organization give back a lot to the community. Could you share why that’s so important to you?
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 3 Community Conversations
Community involvement is one of the five values in our company. I’ve grown up knowing that that’s the right thing to do. It feels good to give back to a community where we sell groceries. When you can get people the food that they need in a safe fashion and then also give back to the community, it makes a difference and just feels good. Could you talk about the other investments you have besides the grocery stores? Well (today) we’re at the ballparkCapital Credit Union Park. I was here when the previous owners of the team kicked this thing off and I thought, “Well, how are they going to make this into a stadium?” It was kind of an industrial building and that’s still in place here, but it’s just a great place for family to hang out, watch some baseball, and enjoy our great summer weather. And what about your Epic Event Center, can you talk about your vision for that? Epic was an idea that we had for many years. Myself and a few friends would tour the country seeing bands in differ ent places and we had the advantage of seeing what was good at those places and what wasn’t so good. When we had the opportunity to finally put one (event center) together here we had all the good ideas. We’re very proud of it. It’s a 2,000-capacity venue, so it’s not a big auditorium that draws a differ ent kind of band and performance.

I’d say probably the first thing is the people. People often talk about Midwestern ethics and Midwestern charm. It’s hard to believe how many years I’ve been in Green Bay, but I just really enjoy the people and the city itself. What excites you about future development, not only here (Lambeau Field), but downtown and in Greater Green Bay?
4 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Community Conversations
In the July and August episodes of Community Conversations, Chamber President/CEO, Laurie Radke, is joined by Mark Murphy, President/ CEO of the Green Bay Packers.
I’m really excited about the future of Green Bay and we’ve tried to do what we can with Titletown. I think we’ve seen some positive impacts with that and I think you’ll contin ue to see growth and development there. One of the things we’ve really focused on is trying to make a better connection between Lambeau Field and downtown Green Bay. A lot of people have come in and probably just stay at Lambeau Field, (but we want to) get them to spend time downtown and vice versa, it’s good for everybody.
Part 1
What have you come to know and love about Greater Green Bay?

Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 5 Community Conversations
In our earlier episode (Part 1), we talked about the soccer game. Do you have anything you can share about what we might see in the future? We talked about trying to have one major non-Packers event a year. Obviously we’ve had concerts. We’ve had the Wis consin/LSU game. Coming up in 2026, we’ll have Wisconsin and Notre Dame so that’ll be great. We’re looking at a couple other things. Obviously, the NFL Draft would be huge and will certainly benefit the whole community. We’re hoping for the Big Ten Championship Game. We have had a college hockey game and that was years ago. We’d like to have another one and then we’ve had some discus sions over the years with the NHL about potentially having a game here as well. Watch Part 1, Part 2, and all other Conversations.Community
There’s a lot of discussion about (high speed rail) potentially coming to Green Bay. Could you share your thoughts on what kind of impact that would have? You can see I’m starting to smile. It would be great for our community to have. Having lived on the east coast, in the D.C. area, I was on Amtrak all the time and it was just so easy to get up and down the east coast. The thought of being able to hop on the train and in three hours get down to Chicago or stop in Milwaukee, it’d be great for this community.
Part 2 How do you continue to support such a healthy and positive working culture with your employees and your partners? That’s something we make a priority. Treating our fans like it’s the first time they’ve been here, which for a lot of people it is because Lambeau Field is the kind of place that is on a bucket list for a lot of people. We talk a lot about not only the fan experience, but also stewardship as an organization. A lot of that is how you are viewed in the community. Are you giving back? Do you provide a good guest experience; a good fan experience? I think our employees have rallied around that and really believe strongly that that’s what makes coming to Lambeau Field such a special experience.
When we think about the Packers, we obviously think about football. Can you share more about philan thropy and Packers Give Back? We’re a community owned (team), we’re owned by the fans. We are re ally community focused and based and it’s a high priority for us. (The) number one goal, obviously, is to win championships, but beyond that, it’s supporting the local community. Our director of community outreach, Cathy Dworak, came up with the concept of Packers Give Back. It was our attep mt to get everything, all the different things that we do, under one umbrella. This season, the Packers are going to be playing a game in London. Does this create any type of im pact, obstacle, or opportunity? It’s a little bit of both. We really put it off as long as we could for the main reason (that) Green Bay is by far the smallest community in the NFL and the relative impact of our home games here is astronomical compared to New York or L.A. We didn’t want to take a home game away from the local econo my. That said though, when the league moved to 17 regular season games, there was an understanding that teams could be required to play international games. We’re excited to be going to London. What is something we can look forward to with the upcoming season? We are number one in the league in terms of the number of nationally televised games. You’ll (also) see the concourse renovation with more of the stands being grab and go. We’re excited about the season. We’ve been knocking on the door (Super Bowl) and we want to knock the door down.

Construction on the first-in-class frigate is starting this summer, and the first deliv ery is expected in 2026. Marinette has also secured contracts for the next two frigates, and has contract options to build a total of ten ships over the next couple of decades.
F incantieri Marine Group (FMG) has recently established itself as one of the most important mari time companies in the U.S. shipbuilding market, but its nautical ties are global and the most diverse in the industry. FMG is slated to move its Wisconsin-based support office to Marina Circle in Ash waubenon later in October. From there, they will support the logistics and administration of the shipyards responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance efforts of some of the most important vessels in the U.S. maritime environment. Fincantieri’s three main U.S. shipyards are all within an hour of Green Bay; Fincantieri Marinette Marine (Marinette), Fincantieri Bay Ship building (Sturgeon Bay), and Fincantieri ACE Marine (Green Bay) form FMG’s ‘system of shipyards’ here in Northeast ern Wisconsin. From these locations they build and repair vessels seen daily on the Great Lakes and throughout the world.
Current projects at these shipyards are cre ating excitement throughout the maritime industry, as the Fincantieri team is building two additional LNG bunkering barges to add to the one which was built at Sturgeon Bay and delivered earlier this year. In addi tion to these high-demand LNG barges, the Bay Shipbuilding crew is also constructing a 639-ft. bulk carrier for Interlake Steam ship, which will be the first built on the Great Lakes in more than 35 years. This vessel is scheduled to be delivered this year. On the other side of the Bay, Fincantieri Marinette Marine is finishing up construc tion of the 14th and final Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship for the U.S. Navy, while starting construction on a completely new and larger class of ships, the Constel lation-class frigate also for the U.S. Navy.
6 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022
Recently launched Navy warships are put through rigorous testing on Lake Michigan, Fincantieri Marine Group
By: Eric Dent, Director of Communication, Fincantieri Marine Group Bay
Green Bay-based ACE Marine has remained busy fabricating aluminum superstructures for the LCS. ACE is an aluminum weld ing center of excellence, and accounts for the vast majority of the U.S. Coast Guard’s medium-sized response boats seen in ports worldwide. These small but capable vessels keep U.S. interests safe, at home and abroad.
Global Greater Green

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest ship building groups, and the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors. It is a leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval and oil & gas and wind offshore vessels, as well as in the production of systems and compo nent equipment, after-sales services and marine interiors solutions. Fincantieri is known for its expertise developed in the management of com plex projects, first-class references in infrastructure, and a reference player in digital technologies, cy bersecurity, electronics, and advanced systems. With more than 230 years of history and 7,000 ships built, Fincantieri maintains its expertise and manage ment while employing 10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double worldwide thanks to a production network of 18 shipyards operating in four continents and with over 20,000 employees.
The U.S.-based Fincantieri Marine Group accounts for nearly 2,000 of those jobs in its three shipyards.
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 7 Substance Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Green Bay, WI Residential and Outpatient Treatment Options Individual Counseling • Affordable Recovery Housing Family Education and Support • Free Consultations Available Insurance Accepted • Financial Assistance Available Call now for more information or to schedule a speaker for your organization 920-435-2093 hope. healing. recovery. A strong bottom line comes from a strong, cohesive team. Let’s get to work creating clarity about your company’s purpose and aligning your team around it.
Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, and the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors.
1,000-ft. Lakers move critical raw materials through out the Great Lakes and beyond, while the Coast Guard’s response boats and venerable icebreakers keep commercial sea lanes open and safe. Fincan tieri is the connection to each of these vessels.

Careers in manufacturing do not necessarily follow a traditional career ladder where every promotion moves the employee “up” another rung. With today’s dynamic, global environment and ever-changing workplace, career development can also entail employees taking on broader roles, lateral moves and specific developmental experiences. When employees are given opportunities to expand their responsibilities gradually the transition to the next role is smoother. Lateral moves can be helpful to career development because they broaden the scope of knowledge an employee has of the business processes important to operations. This increased knowledge and perspective leads to better decisionmaking capability. Making good decisions helps grow A CAREER MANUFACTURINGIN
THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY in Wisconsin continues to be a vital part of the business community as both large and small manufacturers invest in facility expansions and equipment modernization to improve production. New innovative technology has allowed for expansion in manufacturing segments that are core to Wisconsin’s economy such as paper, metal fabrication, and dairy industries. Technology has also impacted the type of employees these companies are looking for, emphasizing passionate individuals looking to develop their skills and become the leaders of tomorrow. Rapid technological advancements and shifts in hiring needs of companies have made the manufacturing industry more intriguing and rewarding for employees than ever before.
8 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022

When thinking about how to enter the manufacturing industry, there are multiple avenues you can take depending on the type of position being sought. Manufacturing offers positions in production, maintenance, engineering, IT, marketing, sales, accounting, human resources, logistics, quality, continuous improvement, and safety to name a few. One beneficial way to start a career is in an entrylevel position at a manufacturing production facility. This is one of the better ways to get immediate handson experience, developing an understanding of the business from the ground up. Another way to enter the industry is by specializing in a certain trade and gaining skills or certifications in that work area. New workers come into manufacturing from a variety of educational backgrounds from high school to technical training or a traditional 4-year degree.
When working as a general laborer, an employee can take an interest in a specific aspect of production and
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 9 credibility and helps leaders gain recognition for their leadership skills. It is also important that managers work with employees to expand the scope of their work as they prepare for their next role. Understanding how departments can work together creates opportunities for collaboration and teamwork and makes the employee more versatile and potentially able to take on a variety of new roles, rather than channeling them into one specific career path. Having a conversation with your manager or supervisor about your strengths, areas for development and how you can grow your career can be very beneficial. The simplest but sometimes most challenging communication skill is being able to ask for what you want in your career. For example, if you want to review your role and shift the focus of your position, ask to set up a meeting. A meeting will give your manager an opportunity to provide feedback that you can use to set new goals for advancing your career. Goal setting is important for you to do with your team members at work. Meeting with your team and having clearly outlined goals for a given period creates a path to success, with backup plans in case things do not go as initially planned. Such as, production speed goals, waste reduction, or higher production quality. Regardless of what it is specifically - when you come in for a shift, you can know what you are trying to improve and steadily work towards that goal. Effective communication is another key way to make sure you stay on track. This can be as simple as asking questions when you are unsure. When coming into a job, you are not expected to understand everything, which is part of why you are on a team. Asking questions when you have them can help the team and projects stay on track.
All these paths are vital as they will allow workers to continue to get on-the-job training by helping and working alongside more experienced colleagues. For example, a welder could gain valuable experience in a manufacturing plant and work with team members who may be more advanced in the trade to develop additional skills while in the job.

Green Bay Packaging (GBP) prides itself on being an equal opportunity employer with strong core values and company culture. As a result, safety is a top focus in all areas of manufacturing across our 37 locations. Safety in the workplace includes not only physical safety but also creating a healthy work/life balance that benefits an employee’s mental health. Another core value, sustainability, is engrained in every aspect of the business. This is demonstrated by our first in the world Net Zero Water validation from UL
10 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022
obtain valuable skills for further career advancement. Maybe it is an interest in quality assurance, as someone who works with the team to check for quality consistency throughout the production process. Finding your niche in manufacturing can help guide your career decisions. Gaining more experience and knowledge can help you find an area or department where you can specialize your skills and expand into a future role. In any role in manufacturing, attention to detail and problem-solving are interpersonal skills that are highly transferable to other industries or future manufacturing positions. Technical colleges are another way you can gain skills that would benefit a career in manufacturing. Programs at these schools are typically 1-2 years long and can be highly specific or a more general view of a subject. An Industrial Maintenance Certificate from Northeast Wisconsin Technical College can be earned in less than 12 months. In that program courses are designed to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of PLC’s, motors and drives, hydraulics, and mechanics. Having gained this knowledge can open many doors for your career. Companies also appreciate having a team with a diverse knowledge base because then they can develop the most innovative products and solutions. There are also plenty of apprenticeship programs that combine onthe-job training and formal instruction. All manufacturing companies hire engineers, who need formal training at the college level. There are also universities with special programs for engineers and chemists that are manufacturing specific. However, having a foundation built by working in manufacturing previously can help you during your college career and build connections between your studies and your future employment.

the employee. The employer is brought innovative ideas and unique skills from a new employee, and an employee is given real, hands-on experience in the manufacturing industry.
Interested in learning more about a career at Green Bay Packaging? Visit our website at to learn more about current opportunities.
While networking with peers, employees may uncover opportunities within the organization that they may not have known before.
Young professionals can also join our Young Professionals Network, opening doors and building connections across our decentralized organization.
Internships are valuable to both the employer and visit
Established in 1933, Green Bay Packaging Inc. is a family-owned, vertically integrated manufacturing company consisting of corrugated container plants, a folding carton facility, recycled and virgin linerboard mills, pressure-sensitive label roll stock plants, specialty converting operations, timberlands, and a sawmill facility. Headquartered in Green Bay, Wis., Green Bay Packaging is dedicated to the innovative development of its products and forestry resources, focusing on safety, sustainability, quality, and continuous improvement throughout all 37 facilities in 16 states. and our Sustainable Forestry Initiative ® (SFI ®) Chain-ofCustody and Certified Sourcing certifications. GBP has a legacy of consistently finding innovative solutions to sustainability issues in our production processes. GBP’s total quality management program is a planned, company-wide process that is integrated into all business goals. Quality is important in the products we produce, the spaces our employees work in, and the non-tangible services our employees provide. Customer service quality is important because we care about our customers and strive to create a positive working relationship. Every summer Green Bay Packaging hires people for “summer help” positions that aim to fill in for full-time employees who are using their vacation time. This role is the best way to get hands-on experience without committing to a full-time role. Throughout the summer, you learn the ins and outs of the machines and the operational processes behind the products we create. You work with other full-time employees and get to learn from their experiences, and better understand why they choose to work for GBP. Another way to test the waters at Green Bay Packaging is to get involved in an internship.

“The products we invent and manufac ture right here in Northeast Wisconsin are truly on the right side of history. We are creating products that are improving and will continue to improve the world we live in,” Ushpol continued.
Ahlstrom-Munksjö –A global organization, yet home to almost 2,000 Wisconsin residents has accelerated its pace of strategy execution to become the preferred sustainable specialty materials company. Contributed by Ahlstrom-Munksjö
12 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Global Greater Green Bay: Manufacturing
To learn more about Ahlstrom-Munksjo and to follow their sustainability journey, please visit
A hlstrom-Munksjö, a specialty pa per and materials company, is home to four Wisconsin paper mills and almost 2,000 employees. Through a clearly defined purpose, sharper strategic focus, and ambitious sustainability targets, the com pany is accelerating its pace of execution with the vision to become the Preferred Sustainable Specialty Materials Company. Additionally, by the end of the third quar ter of 2022, Ahlstrom-Munksjö plans to change its business name to Ahlstrom. In the last five years, Ahlstrom-Munksjö has tripled in size through acquisitions, mergers, and organic growth. In early 2021, Ahlstrom-Munksjö launched several ini tiatives to unlock the full potential of the company and build strong capabilities.
Ahlstrom-Munksjö is uniquely positioned to capture additional value from the growing markets for fiber-based specialty materials and make a larger contribution to society through its strong market position. Megatrends such as higher air/water quality requirements, restrictions on use of harm ful chemicals, increasing health awareness as well as plastic-to-paper substi tution and e-commerce in packaging will create growth opportunities. Furthermore, the pandemic has demonstrated the con tribution Ahlstrom-Munksjö’s medical products can have to people’s wellbeing and underlines the importance of health care as a market for the company. A more ambitious sustainability strategy with corresponding targets has also recently launched. “We aim for all new product introductions to serve the purpose to Purify and Protect and be sustainable by design,” explained Mark Ushpol, Executive Vice President for the Food and Consumer Packaging division of Ahlstrom-Munksjö. Many of the products produced for this division are manufactured in Wisconsin. “While the strategy spans across environmen tal, social and governance factors, special focus is on immediate improvements in climate performance. Ahlstrom-Munksjö commits to the 1.5°C Science Based Tar get initiative towards 2030 and to Net Zero emissions by 2050 the latest.”

Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 13 Work. Live. Grow. Play. Dream. Work. Live. Grow. Play. Dream. 01 340 N. Broadway, Suite 460 Green Bay, WI 54303 920.764.0835 • basecompaniesllc.com888.227.3815

By: Fabio Vitali, Vice President - Marketing, Sofidel America
T he Sofidel Group was founded in Italy in 1966 as a family business operated by Emi Stefani and Giuseppe Lazzareschi. Sofidel is the fifth largest manufacturer of household paper products including toilet tissue and pa per towels worldwide. The company earns more than $2.5 billion in revenue annually and employs more than 6,500 people.
Currently the United States is a major market for Sofidel with more than 1,600 employees and represents 25% of the total revenue of the group. Its U.S. headquar ters are in the greater Philadelphia area. Sofidel promotes sustainable energy sources and has achieved greater energy efficien cy in its plants and processes, including its Green Bay operations. Since 2008, Sofidel has been a member of the World Wildlife Fund Climate Savers program, an initiative that commits to the reduction of climate- altering emissions. As of 2020 Sofidel has reduced its CO2 emissions by 24%, thanks to investments in cogeneration, solar and hydroelectric power plants, bio mass power plants, and in general, constant improvement of energy efficiency and company logistics. The organization aims to use energy from renewable sources for 84% of its energy consumption by 2030. Since entering the U.S., Sofidel has expanded from serving B2B markets to also serving B2C markets. In 2020, Sofidel continued its commitment to innovation by developing the 100% paper pack Nicky Elite, a toilet tissue paper towel without any plastic packaging (replaced with paper pack) for the consumer market that helps to achieve the 2030 targets of the group to reduce by 50% (compared to 2013 levels) the use of conventional plastic. Sofidel is committed to growing its business within the U.S. and to the markets in which it operates. With a focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, Sofi del is honored to operate a plant in Green Bay and committed to improving the lives of its employees and the community. The organization aims to use energy from sourcesrenewablefor84%of its energybyconsumption2030.
Sofidel’s Commitment to Green Bay and Sustainability
Sofidel arrived in the United States in 2012 through the acquisition of Cellynne Tis sue Company, where it began operation as Sofidel America in three locations: Green Bay, Wisconsin; Haines City, Florida; and Henderson, Nevada. Since 2012 the company remodeled its manufacturing assets in the country and in 2015, the Group acquired part of the assets of Green Bay Converting Inc., further expanding Sofidel’s presence in the Green Bay area. Presently, the Green Bay plant is the biggest converting site of Sofidel in the United States with over 200 employees. Sofidel America also expanded its national footprint by adding three more sites in Circleville, Ohio; Inola, Oklahoma and Hattiesburg, Mississippi, adding both, paper manufacturing capacity and converting lines.
14 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Global Greater Green Bay: Manufacturing

“We tap into a variety of perspectives in pursuit of the best possible tissue industry solutions in rolled and folded tissue product converting, packaging, product develop ment, and digital technologies. There are no boundaries to our knowledge, or to our ability to help.”
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 15 Global Greater Green Bay: Manufacturing
The strategic alignment with parent company Körber Group in 2020 am plified an already trusted local and global reputation, and brought focus to ongoing development of a seamless full value chain experience for customers.
A solid collaborative infrastructure of expertise and innovation supports the logistical advantages of established Körber Group locations and business acquisitions in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. This true global reach means Körber Tissue North America is uniquely positioned to solve challenges for tissue manufacturers and converters anywhere in the world.
By: Claudio J. Munoz, Director of Marketing, Americas
There are ourboundariesnotoknowledge,ortoourabilitytohelp.
“At Körber Tissue North America, we’re proud of our heritage in Green Bay and extremely excited about the future,” commented Au gustine. “This community connects us to Wisconsin’s Paper Valley, a thriving local and global tissue industry, and to a broader purpose.”
In Green Bay, Wisconsin, area tissue OEMs have the best of both worlds. The corpo rate roots and headquarters of Körber Tissue North America have been firm ly planted in the city since 1978, serving tissue converters and manufacturers of all sizes throughout the world.
T he tissue industry is dynamic. Manu facturers and converters can gain or lose competitive advantage — and business — based upon the suppliers they choose. Finding a supplier that blends innovation, technologies, and connectivity into a single source solution is rare. Rarer still is finding lo cal accessibility to that single source solution.
“Leveraging the expertise of our global Körber Group team, we’re building a robust knowledge network of layered support that strength ens our customer partnerships locally and worldwide,” Augustine continued. “Körber Tissue North America is championing continued growth of resources, innovation, collaboration, and solutions that will fun damentally change the tissue industry and make our customers more successful.”
Connecting Green Bay to a World of Possibilities
Körber Tissue North America:
The unique commitment to responsiveness, collaboration, and service isn’t lost on customers visiting the Green Bay head quarters. “It’s common for our internal teams to pull together face-to-face project collaborations in our offices with Körber colleagues from around the world,” commented Augustine. “There is a palpable sense of a cohesive, engaged international business environment that promotes a free exchange of ideas and sparks innovation.”
“The specialized business areas within the Körber Group form an infrastructure of experts that bring together the best minds and solutions for our custom ers,” said Pete Augustine, President of Körber Tissue North America. Further, as one of the 6 global production sites within Körber Business Area Tissue, the Green Bay facility is able to leverage assembly production, spare parts, and technical service hubs in Italy, Brazil, and China to efficiently serve tissue convert ers wherever they are located.

By: Gabrielle Dow, Packers Vice President of Marketing and Fan Engagement
WPR offers businesses—and listeners—an alternative during the election season: vital political coverage without the political ads. To learn more about reaching WPR’s audiences contact Sherry Boushele-Walter at
16 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Global Greater Green Bay T
he Green Bay Packers are fortunate to have a great fanbase. You have seen them show their support at training camp, the annual meeting of shareholders, Family Night, home games at Lambeau Field, and, of course, our favorite – away games. There’s nothing better than our fans’ vocal support causing the home team to have to use a silent count on offense! Our brand strength and con tinuing growth tells us that even when we don’t rank as football fans’ favorite team throughout the country, we are very often fans’ second favorite team due to our ownership structure, our NFL- record 13 cham pionships and blue-collar heritage. Even though we have excellent widespread support, we continue efforts to attract new fans into the fold. This effort includes kids and fans who live abroad. A component of our overall brand strategy is to increase our brand reach and depth. We work to achieve this by getting fans into the top of the funnel, so to speak, which is one of the ways to grow the fan base. We do this by creating multiple touch points, such as digital content on and our social platforms, as well as in-person events, to develop meaning ful connections with them. Over the last 10 years, we’ve grown our fan platform, Packers Everywhere, to capture the transient fan. Through Packers Everywhere, we have a search function where people can find sports bars or other establishments to be with like-minded Packers fans on gameday. We now have 1,527 official establishments with 1,509 of those located in the United States, including 49 states (come on, Rhode Island Packers fans!). We have 18 establishments internationally, including Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Honduras, Israel, Italy, and Mexico. It’s not surprising that our international fanbase is also part of our growth strategy. The Packers are the last NFL team to be scheduled to play in England,
Green Bay Packers –
Great Wall of StonehengeChina-Wiltshire, England
A Global Brand that Continues to Grow
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Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 17 Global Greater Green Bay
Green Bay Packers International Online Visitors though not for lack of our interest in travel ing across the pond. We did not want to give up a home game to play abroad because of the significant economic impact for the local community (estimated at $15 million for each home-game weekend). Nor did the other NFL teams want to give up a home game against the Packers to host a game internationally (because of our previously mentioned fan support on the road). With the NFL’s new 17-game format, each team is now required to play an interna tional game once every eight years. Although we did not want to give up a home game, we are excit ed to finally be playing in London. With that opportunity, we will be having Packers Everywhere pep rallies to engage with fans in England, just like we do in the United States. Our fans in Europe are excited. The recent soccer friendly at Lambeau Field between Bayern Munich and Manchester City was another opportunity for us to introduce the Packers and American football to new fans in Europe and build on that con nection to the Packers and Lambeau Field. The friendly allows us to gauge the inter est of fans in Europe as we explore the opportunity to engage in the NFL’s new International Home Mar keting Agreements. NFL teams are now permitted to apply for marketing licens es in other countries. Many teams are already promoting their brands overseas and in North America. Our approach has been conservative and we are doing large volumes of research to understand what country or countries will be the best fit. We have a couple we are currently considering. We are also seeking to understand best practices in these new markets to avoid saturating social media or pushing con tent without meaning. We’re looking at cultural connections, GDP, culture, com petition in the marketplace, resources, etc. Our process is focused on growing the international business correctly and with purpose, as we have a lot to live up to. We are fortunate to have a strong brand and we need to keep it strong domes tically as we look to further carve into the international market and be good stewards for the Packers’ future.
Country United UnitedGermanyBrazilCanadaMexicoStatesKingdom Unique Visitors 16,639,860117,952376,37935,161178,643165,993 Followers 3,970,043375,948103,33686,03874,44037,679 Followers 2,093,364114,27568,56522,85522,85568,565 Followers 1,376,65697,56951,73568,33755,57930,394 Views 11,131,15192,909298,19856,854170,362168,521 Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube International Site/ App Unique Visitors: 1.3 Million SocialInternationalFollowers: 2.7 Million Paris, France The Green Bay Packers havefortunatearetoagreatfanbase.

18 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 1 1 N O N S T O P R O U T E S F L Y G R B . C O FM L Y G R B . C O M

The access to waterborne transportation is vital for the 14 businesses (and their em ployees) that make their home in the Port. Additionally, the Port supports nearly 1,300 well-paying jobs and has an annual econom ic impact to the region topping more than $147 million. Cargo entering and exiting the Port includes limestone, cement, coal and petroleum products, not to mention machinery and agricultural products. In recent years, limestone shipments have led the way as reliance on coal has dipped. Limestone is an important commodity that is used in many different ways; as a build ing material, as a component of concrete, as a base for road projects, in products such as toothpaste and paint, as a soil condi tioner, and in decorative landscaping. In 2021, limestone imports totaled nearly 660,000, a 12% increase over the previous year. Similarly, cement shipments reached 412,500 tons, up 5% while petroleum products increased 71% to 378,768 tons. This has also been an exciting year for the Port that includes planning for the potential development of the former Pulliam Power Plant property at the mouth of the river. The spring announcement of a $15 million Neighborhood Investment Fund Grant from the State of Wisconsin is an important step in developing that site for port operations. The Port has also been awarded a $1.1 million Harbor Assistance Program grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. In addition, while cargo shipments have been the main focus since its inception, the Port of Green Bay welcomed cruise ship visitors for the first time ever this year. The Ocean Navigator, part of American Queen Voyages, made two stops in June as part of a 16-day, Chicago round-trip tour of the Great Lakes.
T he Port of Green Bay has been a vital contributor to the regional economy of Northeast Wisconsin for more than 200 years. As the westernmost port on Lake Michigan, the Port of Green Bay offers the shortest and most direct route to markets around the world. That includes the entire Great Lakes region, which it self is the third largest global economy.
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 19
Transportation The
year,InRecoveryatypicalabout 2
The hope is that was just the beginning and Green Bay will become a regular stop for Great Lakes cruise ships in the future. Bay: Port of Green Bay –the Midwest to the Rest of the World
Global Green
By: Dean Haen, Director, Brown County Port & Resource million tons of cargo moves through the Port.

Value of Data Data is an important part of understand ing supply and demand in the global energy and freight markets. Our range and depth of client data help form an ecosys tem of aggregated data to provide a true benchmark for the holistic and industryspecific markets. Our applied knowledge team combines their knowledge of the global market and analyzes our data lake to provide expertise to our clients to help them make informed transportation decisions.
Continued Innovation Since 1980 the global supply chain has grown in complexity and requires more sophisticated solutions. As a result, we have expanded our suite of transportation technology to include solutions that provide data-driven benchmarking, carrier search capabilities, and optimize transportation networks by identifying opportunities and providing recommendations. On Earth Day 2022, we officially launched CleanMile to help shippers understand their total lifecy cle emissions, create an actionable plan to reduce emissions, and execute initiatives to make real progress on their climate targets.
20 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022
By: Jenny Vander Zanden, Chief Operating Officer, Breakthrough In February 2022, Breakthrough relocated its headquarters to the fourth and fifth floors of the U.S. Venture Center, located in Titletown District. The new space sets the foundation for innovation and collaboration with flex ible workspace options and amazing views of Lambeau Field. The Collabo ration Hub is an excellent location to attract and retain talent from across the nation and host an elevated experience for the company’s valued clients.
W hen you think of companies that operate on a global scale, your mind typically wanders to Fortune 500 companies. But did you know Break through, located in Greater Green Bay’s Titletown District, provides technology and market insights to many of these globally recognized companies? At Breakthrough, we monitor and analyze the global ener gy, freight, and sustainability markets to deliver solutions that inform cutting-edge transportation network strategies.
Annually, Breakthrough supports and processes more than 21 million shipments translating to over $22 bil lion in transportation spend.
Global Connection Fuel Recovery, our first solution, was de veloped to address a distorted calculation called the DOE index. Originating as a solution for the United States, we were quick to realize there was distortion across the globe. Today, we operate in the Unit ed States, Canada, Europe, and Mexico. We additionally expanded our solution to include marine. BAF programs are incon sistent across vendors because of changing regulations that are not defined, and pric ing models differ between vendors.
Global Greater Green Bay: Transportation
A Passion for Innovation Advances Start-up to Become a Global Leader in Transportation

Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 21 ENDLESS HEALTH OPTIONS FOR A HAPPY WORKFORCE. Prevea offers convenient medical services to inspire employees to get healthy and stay healthy. BEHAVIOR-CHANGING PROGRAMMING INCLUDES: LEARN HOW PREVEA CAN HELP YOUR EMPLOYEES AND BUSINESS. Call (920) 431-1999 Visit OCCUPATIONALHEALTH WELLNESSCENTERS HEALTHPOPULATIONMGT.EDUCATIONWELLNESS • Occupational health, such as pre-placement, DOT exams, injury prevention and post-injury care • Clinical care, such as primary care, urgent care and therapy services • Employee Assistance Program • Health screenings • Health coaching

W hen President Kennedy visited Canada’s capital city in 1961, he wisely observed that “Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends.” Canada and the U.S. share a deep and multi-faceted relationship unlike any other in the world. No two nations depend more on each other for their mutual pros perity and security. We are bound together not only by our geography and history, but also our values, our economy, our environ ment, and our resolve to improve the lives of our citizens. Much of this can be seen in the relationship between Canada and Wisconsin, including in Greater Green Bay. Trade Our countries share one of the largest trading relationships in the world; over $1 trillion in bilateral trade in 2021. Built on integrated supply chains, about 79% of Canadian exports to the U.S. are incorporated into U.S.-pro duced goods. Canada is also the #1 customer for most U.S. states and Wisconsin is no exception. The Badger State sells more goods to Canada than your next five largest foreign markets COMBINED! In Brown County alone, where 2,400 jobs depend on exports to Canada, $389 million in goods and services were exported North of the border last year. Not only do you sell to us things but Cana dian companies invest in the state’s economy. There are 189 Canadian-owned businesses that employ over 22,000 workers in Wiscon sin. One example is Agropur, a top 20 global dairy producer. Since Agropur’s first invest ment in Wisconsin, the company has grown to four manufacturing facilities. Agropur understands that in Wisconsin, cheese is more than a product – it’s an important part of the state’s heritage and they are proud to have four Wisconsin Master Cheesemakers guiding their manufacturing processes. The Little Chute plant is a top manufacturer of cheese sticks for the food industry. Agropur is currently expanding the plant, doubling pro cessing capacity and adding new skilled jobs. Canadian companies active in the U.S. offer leading-edge capabilities across sectors including digital industries, life sciences, advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, and clean technologies. And Canada is a pre ferred destination for foreign investment, given our competitive advantages of eco nomic stability, cost, workforce ability, supply chain integrity, and innovation prowess.
The Great Lakes One cannot think about Greater Green Bay without the Great Lakes, a mutu al environmental and economic asset. The Lakes contain almost 20% of the world’s surface freshwater, and are the basis for a $6 trillion regional economy. Our countries work closely to protect this shared asset. This year marks the 50th an niversary of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. First signed in 1972, it is a commitment by the U.S. and Canada to restore and protect these waters. At the sub national level, the Great Lakes Commission brings together eight U.S. states, including Wisconsin, and two Canadian provinces, to recommend policies and practices to balance the use, development and conservation of the Lakes. The group’s semi-annual meet ing was held in Green Bay in June 2022. We are also working on cooperative actions to achieve our common objective of net-zero emissions by 2050, aligning policy solutions and regulatory approaches, and building resilience to climate change impacts. As both countries continue to work togeth er, it’s clear in so many areas that we are stronger as nations when we work togeth er. At the Consulate General of Canada in Chicago, which represents our country here in Wisconsin, we are keen to work with you to advance our shared objectives.
22 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Global Greater Green Bay
Brown County Goods Exported tobyCanadaIndustry n Agriculture | 28% ($103 Million) n Apparel & Textiles | 3% ($11 Million) n Chemicals | 7% ($27 Million) n Machinery | 10% ($37 Million) n Forest Products | 39% ($144 Million) n Minerals & Metals | 3% ($10 Million) n Other | 10% (37 Million) In June 2022, the Consulate General of Canada hosted a reception at Lambeau Field for the Great Lakes Commission’s (GLC) Semiannual Meeting. From left: Canadian Consul Aaron Annable; Wisconsin GLC Chair Todd Ambs; GLC Executive Director Erika Jensen; Quebec Delegate in Chicago Mario Limoges.
Connecting Canada to Greater Green Bay and Beyond By: Colleen Duke, Senior Foreign Policy & Diplomacy Service Officer, Consulate General of Canada in Chicago

T he changing global context presents multiple opportunities to business es all over the world. North America makes up one of the most dynamic trade and investment regions in the world, encompassing more than 490 million consumers, as well as innovative compa nies and a talented workforce, within the framework of the United States-Mexico -Canada Agreement (USMCA).
•countries:Totaltrade between Mexico and the United States reached $661.2 billion USD in 2021 ($1.2 million USD in prod ucts traded per minute).
Geography may account in part for the fact that Texas, California, Florida, and Nevada are among the top US desti nations for Mexican travelers; however, Illinois and New York are also preferred destinations for Mexican tourists.
Wisconsin companies in Greater Green Bay are taking advantage of the USMCA to invest in Mexico’s market. Headquartered in Green Bay, Schreiber has seen significant growth in Mexico. As the world’s largest customer brand dairy company with annu al sales of more than $5 billion, Schreiber produces and distributes process, natural, cream, and specialty cheeses; yogurt; but ter; butter blends; sour cream; and a range of other creamery products to restaurants, foodservice organizations and retailers around the world. In addition, geographic proximity, among other factors, has shown to be a key consideration for business decisions in a post-COVID world. By building stronger connections in trade and investment, Mexico and Wisconsin contribute to the overall competitiveness and prosperity of the North American region, while tapping into fresh business opportunities in sectors such as tourism, which have an enormous potential:
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 23 Global Greater Green Bay
• The United States is Mexico’s top supplier of agricultural goods, with a market share of nearly 70 percent. Strong trade ties in key industries are clearly illustrated in the case of Wisconsin. Mexico is Wisconsin´s third largest trade partner, and second most important export market, after Canada. Wisconsin´s exports to Mexico are growing, including industrial machinery, medical and scientific instru ments, pharmaceuticals, and processed agricultural products. Trade with Mexico supports over 86,000 jobs in Wisconsin.
• In 2021, over 10.4 million Mexicans traveled to the United States, representing the largest source (47%) of total interna tional visitors for the second year in a row.
By: Amb. Claudia Franco Hijuelos, Head Consulate of Mexico in Milwaukee Check out Wisconsin-Mexico trade and connectionsinvestmenthere: industry.commexico Exports
Trade between Mexico and the United States shows the extent of economic integration and strong interdependence between both
State of Wisconsin Export Value - Top Export Markets Mexico and Global Greater Green Bay
The Consulate of Mexico in Milwaukee is pleased to collaborate with the Greater Green Bay Chamber to strengthen busi ness connections and people-to-people contacts between Mexico and Wisconsin.
• Mexico is the US’ second largest trading partner (2021).

$8,612 refund* for your healthemployeeplan? possible with UnitedHealthcare Level Funded for lower costs, Level Funded plans include a potential year-end surplus refund when your plan participant medical claims are lower than In fact, 31.7% of Level Funded plan sponsors in Wisconsin received a health plan refund in 2021, the average of which was $8,612.*
*Among the 31.7% of UnitedHealthcare Level Funded plan sponsors in Wisconsin who received a refund in 2021, the average refund was $8,612.86. UnitedHealthcare internal analysis, Jan. 1, 2021 through Dec. 31, 2021. Please consult a tax and/or legal advisor to determine if, by receiving this refund, there are any restrictions or obligations. Surplus refund available only where allowed by law. Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates, and UnitedHealthcare Service LLC in NY. Stop loss insurance is underwritten by All Savers Insurance Company (except CA, MA, MN, NJ and NY), UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company in MA and MN, UnitedHealthcare Life Insurance Company in NJ, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of New York in NY, and All Savers Life Insurance Company of California in CA. B2B EI221627817.0 7/22 © 2022 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 22-1612790-A
24 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022
More savings Exemption from many state premium taxes and Affordable Care Act regulations More flexibility Choice of a variety of network and plan designs, plus wellness programs and telemedicine at no additional cost More stability Stop loss protection from unexpected high claims and fixed monthly costs like a traditional health plan Talk to your broker or learn more at
Attending iT’s Tissue is important as the Greater Green Bay Chamber strives to establish stronger relationships and advocate for Greater Green Bay.
By: Mary Rhode, Director of Marketing, Greater Green Bay Chamber
Armstrong reflects on several comments made from her recent trip made by paper company CEOs regarding Greater Green Bay’s positive reputation, “They always had great things to say about their experi ence and touch points with Green Bay.” In addition, Armstrong says this regard ing why a tissue manufacturer choose Green Bay to either put down roots or grow their existing presence, “As we met CEO’s in the industry, they were concur rent with the idea that if you were in the tissue industry, you should have a presence in Green Bay. The industry concentra tion of decision makers coupled with the expertise and work ethic of the work force was consistently what we heard.”
Armstrong attended this year’s iT’s Tissue and took notice that automation was the leading technology focus. “The need to increase productivity is driving indus try investment and increasing efficiency is the competitive advantage many are bringing to the table,” said Armstrong.
Italy – A Global Connection to Green Bay
To paraphrase Massimo Franzaroli, CEO of Pulsar Engineering, “If you are in the tissue business you should be in Green Bay!”
Pictured left to right: Luigi Lazzareschi, Sofidel Group; Kelly Armstrong; Roberto Berardi, European Tissue Symposium W ith an industry concentration 14 times the national average, Greater Green Bay has seen tremendous growth in the paper industry and maintains its position as the leader across the coun try. Greater Green Bay is home to several Italian-based companies in varying indus tries. The largest concentration, however, is in the paper industry with Sofidel, Körber Tissue, Fosber, Toscotec, Maflex, Clean Paper, Pulsar, and Gambini all have locations here while their parent company is in Lucca. “Italian Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the second largest source of internation al investment in the Greater Green Bay area, said Kelly Armstrong, Vice President of Economic Development at the Greater Green Bay Chamber. “Our FDI strategy is meant to strengthen business ties, that exist in both Greater Green Bay (USA) and Lucca (Italy), two regions considered to be ‘Tissue Capitals of the World’.”
The Greater Green Bay Chamber is excited to continue building relationships with the Italian-based paper companies and raise awareness on why investing in Greater Green Bay is good for them and their employees.
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 25 Global Greater Green Bay

The forest products industry in Wisconsin provides more than 64,000 full and parttime jobs and has a total industry output of $24.5 billion and valueadded of $7.1 billion.
Trees grow continuously and just like a garden; the best results occur when they are cared for and nurtured. In addition to providing the products we depend on daily, forest management provides a variety of ecological services, wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, and recreational opportunities for visitors from around the state and globe. This results not only in a healthier envi ronment but also provides a great place for recreation and explora tion. This is one of the greatest attractions for people looking at Greater Green Bay as a place to live, work, and grow.
Helping to conserve and enhance this great resource are Wisconsin forest managers and loggers adhering to forest management guide lines provided by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). SFI is a global third-party verification system designed to ensure the public that sustainable forest management is implemented on certified public lands and that private forest land is enrolled in tax programs such as the Managed Forest Law. Wisconsin loggers, foresters, and Master Loggers are trained annually in a variety of topics including Best Management Practices for water quality, invasive species, endan gered species, and conservation measures for sustainable forest management. In addition, landowners are audited annually to ensure SFI standards are being implemented and adhered to. Purchasers of forest products locally and from around the world may rest assured their products came from sustainable, well-managed forests. Like the implementers of forest management, the forest management plans and practices used are scientifically driven and the equipment is highly tech nical to ensure the greatest value for the resource is achieved. An opportunity for you to learn more about the work done by timber pro fessionals from Greater Green Bay and across Wisconsin is coming to Green Bay in September.
The impact of improved forest manage ment throughout the U.S., Great Lakes Region and in particular Wisconsin, has a far-reaching impact on not only the glob al and area economy but climate change mitigation as well. Wisconsin is well known for its diversified forest and its partic ipation in certified forest programs. Sustainable well-managed forests go handin-hand with a vibrant forest products industry. One cannot exist without the other and Wisconsin remains the number 1 paper producer in the nation with Greater Green Bay playing a leading role in that production.
The Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association hosts the 76th Annual Great Lakes Logging and Heavy Equipment EXPO. The 2022 EXPO will be held at the Resch Complex beginning at Noon, September 8th (opening ceremony at 5:00 P.M.) and closes at 1:00 P.M. September 10th. The entire complex and surrounding area will be home to hundreds of exhibitors and displays from around the world including Finland, Sweden, and Canada.
Wisconsin’s forest products industry is truly an international business impacting not only the global economy but also the global environment.
The ProfessionalsGreatExecutiveBy:ofImpactGlobalTreesHenrySchienebeck,Director,LakesTimberAssociation
A ccording to Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources, the forest products industry in Wisconsin provides more than 64,000 full and part-time jobs and has a total industry output of $24.5 billion and value-added of $7.1 billion. It ranks 11th in the number of full-and part-time jobs, 9th in value-added, and 3rd in industry output in the state. It accounts for 1.7% of jobs in the state, many in and near Greater Green Bay. Additionally, Wisconsin’s forestry industry is a major player in the export market, providing 4.9% of foreign exports and 9.3% of domestic exports. It is an industry that has benefitted from improvement in process, realized effi ciencies, and greatly improved management.
26 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Global Greater Green Bay: Agriculture & Forestry

Join us for the 76th Great Lakes Logging & Heavy EquipmentExpo Resch Complex - Green Bay, WI Pre-Register and Save! $10 Early Admission $15 Admission at the Gate Covers All Three Days! Kids under 18 FREE! September 8, Noon - 5PM September 9, 8AM - 5PM September 10, 8AM - 1PM Sponsored By: For more information, call 715-304-2871, email or visit

• 10 a.m.–3 p.m. food, drinks, prizes, tours of the branch, and fun surprises!
• Members work with local festivals and events to increase visibility of the maple industry
• Works with National and International Maple organizations including NAMSC and IMSI to promote and support maple production, education, and research
The WMSPA has also created great teacher’s packets and kits free for teach ers throughout the state to help teach students about the maple industry. The WMSPA website ( is used to promote producers and pro vide a means to keep everyone informed of current activities. The website also has a map for consumers to find where their nearest maple producers are located.
By: Theresa Baran, Executive Dierector, WMSPA
More information: Opening August 19th E Mason St.
While the WMSPA still has promotion of Pure Maple Syrup at its core, it has evolved to help producers with many other issues, ranging from teaching new technologies to working with the government on maple related issues. The goal of Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association is to help our members make and market the finest pure maple syrup in North America. We accomplish this by promoting maple syrup and educating our producer members.
International Maple Conference October 26-29, 2022, La Crosse, WI Open to the Public! Join the WMSPA, along with the NAMSC (North American Maple Syrup Council), for the 2022 International Maple Conference. This event showcases WI and the maple industry to maple producers of all sizes from the U.S. and beyond. The conference includes a vendor trade show, Taste of WI, tours, educational sessions, NAMCS meetings, and so much more.
Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association
• Produces a Newsletter, Wisconsin Maple News, to keep our members up to date on current events
Global Greater Green Bay: Agriculture & Forestry Grand
I n the 1950’s a small group of maple syrup producers formed the Antigo Producers Maple Group, this group later transitioned into a state organization now known as the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association (WMSPA). The group’s main purpose was to promote and sell Pure Maple Syrup. Under the lead ership of dedicated presidents, executive directors, and members the organization has grown in size and in its mission.
• Hosts an annual Fall Tour which allows our members to visit other maple producers and businesses around the state
In addition, the WMSPA: • Works with state agencies to promote legislation that recognizes our hardworking producers
28 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022
• Organizes and promotes a First Tapping event to bring attention to the maple season
• Sponsors a booth at the Wisconsin State Fair that allows our members to promote and sell Wisconsin’s finest maple syrup

W hat started as a dream for two local newlyweds on their California hon eymoon in 1994 has turned into an idyllic and pioneering vineyard and winery in 2005 in the heart of Greater Green Bay’s Kewaunee County. At that time, the idea of a pioneering world class wine region in the heart of the “Frozen Tundra” seemed like an impossibility to most everyone. Since that time, Steve and Maria Johnson and family have spent the last 16 years growing grapes and making wines that are winning international acclaim. Most recently they were awarded the 2022 International Cold Climate Winery of the Year. You are invited to walk amongst the vines, take a tour, or relax on the patio overlooking their 10 acre vineyard. At Parallel 44 Vineyard and Winery you will learn, enjoy, and experience why it is the largest producer of unique and delicious “Wisconsin Ledge” wines in the Parallelstate.44Vineyard & Winery is located at N2185 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Kewaunee, WI 54216. Parallel 44 Vineyard and Winery
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 29 Global Greater Green Bay: Agriculture & Forestry
Pictured: Maria & Steve Johnson, Owners of Parallel 44 For more information on tastings, tours, and events:
By: Maria Johnson, Owner, Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery

To build on its success, the Greater Green Bay Chamber is working with Brown County Emergency Management and Leonard & Finco Public Relations to expand the group of communicators by identifying a broad range of public information officers and communication experts from a wide variety of businesses, industries, nonprofits, and the com munity. The idea is, when the next community-impacting crisis occurs, these individuals will be available to assist in getting messaging and information out at any time, day, or night. That assistance might include immediate messaging or longer-term support as the community recovers. “This group’s role will be to provide support services as needed,” ex plained Greater Green Bay Chamber President/CEO Laurie Radke. “If a significant crisis occurs, Brown County Emergency Management will let us know when and how we can assist based on a community’s needs during an incident. What’s important is that we have a group of experienced and knowledgeable communicators willing and ready to help for the greater good of the com munity.” The team will be activated as needed by Brown County Emer gency Management when requested by emergency response leaders. “This is a unique initiative, but we’ve seen firsthand through out the pandemic how successful a group like this can be,” added Radke. “The sole goal will be to serve our community through a crisis and during its recovery.”
30 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 A s a community, we’ve learned a lot of lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and one, in particular, was the im portance of having a core group of community leaders and com municators willing to lend their expertise during times of crisis. During the early days of the pandem ic, key agencies, community leaders and communications professionals assisted Brown County Emergency Management by distributing import ant pandemic-related information created by Brown County Public Health and their Public Informa tion Officers out to the community. This included everything from the importance of social distancing to the specifics on COVID-19 community testing sites. This effort then con tinued among hospitals and public health departments as the pandemic played out during 2020 and 2021. “Their expertise and diverse con nections were a valuable asset to distribute information and educate the public about the pandemic,” said Brown County Emergen cy Management Director Lauri Maki. “This group enhanced the COVID response team’s ability to quickly distribute key messages to the community while reaching the broadest audience possible. It proved to be a highly effective strategy, especially during a time when there was new information and updates happening frequently.”
Formal Group Created to Assist the Community During Times of Crisis

Program By: Emily Bangen, Talent Development Manager, Greater Green Bay Chamber As we know, many businesses are looking to fill open positions within their company. One strategic ap proach to filling those positions is Youth Apprenticeship. Youth Apprenticeship is a highly effective talent acquisition strat egy that allows students the opportunity to explore career interests, earn credit and wages, and gain valuable industry expe rience under career coaches and business mentors. This program allows businesses to hire students growing their industries talent pipeline and shaping their future workforce’s skills, expectations, and habits. The students’ interests span a wide variety of career pathways and industries. From human resources and marketing to welding and engineering there is a student in our area eager to work and ready to learn. With such a wide variety of interests from our students we are always welcoming new employers to join the program! Currently our biggest need is law offices, sound/av/technology, dentist offices, and chiropractic offices. Even if your business doesn’t fit into one of these catego ries, we might still have a student for you!
By: Ron Franklin, Hub Manager, Greater Green Bay Chamber Do you export? Do you manu facture cool products and send them around the world? If so, the Greater Green Bay Chamber can help! What is a Certificate of Origin (COO)? The Certificate to Origin, or COO, is a globally required document that states where your product is made and verifies that it is a quality product made to the specifications it should be in a country that verifies it as such. Every country outside of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) requires this piece of paper in order to accept it into the country. Regardless of what the product is, if it is being sold and imported for commercial use, a COO is required. The Greater Green Bay Chamber recently made the shift to an online COO. For you, this means time and money saved, thus allowing you to get your products shipped out faster and through customs without issues. How can we help? Through the online processing system, we can assist in supplying this docu mentation with a typical turnaround time of under 24 hours! The cost per certificate starts at $25 for Chamber members. Sign up for your free account by visiting the Small Business Resourc es page on the Chamber’s website.
Outside of just Youth Apprenticeship employment, our program stives to give all students in the area access to career bases learning opportunities. This in cludes career fairs, job shadows, job tours, mock interviews, and much more. To learn more and get involved contact Emily Bangen at Governed by the State of Wisconsin and the Department of Workforce Development, Youth Apprenticeship in Northeast Wis consin (NEWYA) is run in collaboration of CESA 7, the Greater Green Bay Chamber and Luxemburg - Casco School District.
Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 31
Helping you Export Your Products Around the World
Youth Apprenticeship
Chamber Program Updates

32 Collective IMPACT | Issue 3 2022 Does your business development team have a STRUCTURED , CONSISTENT and EFFECTIVE sales system? Tony Hoslet Sandler - Green Bay 811 Packerland Drive, Green Bay (920) www.hosletconsulting.sandler.comtony.hoslet@sandler.com391-5045 Sales Recruiting,LeadershipSalesSystemsTraining&ProcessesManagmentEducationDevelopmentHiring,On-Boarding Sales StrategicAssessmentsExecutiveCompensationCoachingPlanning Grow with people you know! 920.845.2345 Now Open in Howard! 325 Cardinal Lane Chamber Annual Dinner | Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022 Join us as we celebrate the Chamber’s 140th Annual Dinner. This special event celebrates our members and honors the many volunteers who make the Chamber successful. The Daniel Whitney, Ambassador of the Year, and ATHENA Leadership awards will be presented. CYP - Leader’s Luncheon | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022 Current Young Professional’s (CYP) annual Leaders Luncheon brings together community leaders and young professionals in a celebration of programming accomplishments from the past year. Invited community leaders are placed at each table to allow an opportunity for young professionals to meet and interact with those who have significantly more leadership experience. 2022 Chamber Events at a Glance Learn more about events View Chamberall events: Find Your Inspiration | Wednesday, November 2, 2022 The Find Your Inspiration event provides an opportunity for eighth grade students and educators to learn about different industries and career fields as they are selecting their high school Employersclasses.have the opportunity to showcase their industry and different career paths within their own organization through interactive activities at their booths.

Issue 3 2022 | Collective IMPACT 33 AUGUST 2022 30 years Leonard & Finco Public Relations, Inc. 20 years NEWCMG, LLC 15 years AmeriLux International LLC Iron PecardMountainLeather Care Co., Inc. Rasmussen University 10 years Green Bay Smiles Dental 5 years Oneida Nation School System SEPTEMBER 2022 50 years Prevea Health 35 years Oneida Golf and Country Club 30 years BMO Harris Bank HVS / Image Keepers, Inc. Wander Springs Golf Course 25 years The Family Radio Network, Inc. 20 years STV Advisors, Inc. 15 years Special Forces Building & Grounds LLC 10 years Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley Staples 5 years Axicor Home2Inc.Suites by Hilton Green Bay Twist Boutique OCTOBER 2022 35 years Connect, powered by American Family Insurance GreenCP Bay Packaging Inc. Green Bay Packers, Inc. 30 years Broadway Rental Cars, Inc. 20 years S&L Companies - Culver’s Franchise TundraGroupLodge Resort & Waterpark 15 years Culver’s - Voyager Drive Robinson Heating & Cooling, LLC 10 years Prevea 360 Health Plan 5 years Realty World Greater Green Bay, Ltd. Symes Realty LLC - Suamico Office VIEW OUR DIRECTORYMEMBER

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