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Valerio Landi
Greenager onlus, fully aware, instinctively renounces to any identification aimed at labelling it as one of the many existing associations. To be on the safe side, we wish to explain first WHO WE ARE NOT. First of all we are not old, neither inside nor outside, secondly we are not exclusive (please refer to the etymology of the term). We are neither integralists nor false environmentalists. We are not NIMBYâs (Not In My Back Yard) nor BANANAâs (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything) but also, we are not stupid âclean carbonâ supporters. We are neither a greedy onlus nor a fictitious social cooperative, we are not sitting on financed armchairs but are constantly moving to allow creativity, promote sustainable development and outside of any sentimental cliché we wish to give a smile to those who need it. We do not want a worse world, nor a world as it is now and this is why we aim at gathering people who, like us do their best to improve our surroundings, as far as possible.