April 2014

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“Reaching Out Report” the Greene County Extension Newsletter 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Email: greeneco@missouri.edu * Tel: (417) 881-8909

April 2014 * Vol. 6, Issue 4

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Upcoming events … page 2 Council letter … page 3 David Burton … page 4 Agriculture … page 5 Patrick Byers … pages 6-7 Master Naturalists … page 7 Master Gardeners … pages 8-9 4-H Report … page 10 Pam Duitsman… page 11 Nutrition program… Pages 12-13 Jeff Barber … page 14 2014 Friends list … page 15 Sponsors & Partners page 16

Online Event Calendar The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at extension.missouri.edu/greene

Calendar is visible on right side of page.

Jerry Fenstermaker (Republican)

Steve Helms (Republican)

Bob Cirtin (Republican)

Debate of Candidates for Presiding Commissioner

Benjamin Brixey (Liberterian)

Donna Bergen (Democrat)

April 29, 2014 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Executive Conference Center 910 W Battlefield Rd, Springfield Hosted and funded by members of the Greene County Extension Council Moderated by Extension Council member Matthew Simpson Event program available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene

University of Missouri Extension provides equal opportunity to all participants in extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or status as a protected veteran.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Selected Upcoming Extension Events in Greene County Business Development Classes

Salute to Century Farms

Regular business classes are held at the Small Business Development and Technology Center, 405 North Jefferson Ave., Springfield. Assorted dates and topics. Register by calling 417-836-5685 or check online www.ws.missouristate.edu/sbdc.

To be a sponsor or purchase tickets call Greene County Extension at 417-881-8909  Sept. 30, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Fee: $25 per person  Held at the Round Barn Event Center between Ash Grove and Willard  Get tickets at our office or order tickets online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene.

Organic Gardening Academy Topics will help you balance your garden with naturally occurring products and practices. All classes are at 6 p.m. Call MU Extension 881-8909 May 1 -- Preparing Garden Soil May 6 -- Basic Plant Nutrition/ Organic Fertilizers Jun 12 -- Growing Organic Vegetables at Home Jun 19 -- Disease Scouting and Treatments Jul 16 -- Organic Pest Control Jul 31 -- Organic Weed Control Aug 7 -- Organic Gardening for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects Aug 21 -- Garden Planning for the Next Season Sep 18 -- Composting Sep 30 -- Sustainable Gardening

Botanical Camps Kids (age 7-11) are invited to spend the morning with Botanical staff, Extension specialists and volunteers to connect with gardens. Call 891-1515 Date: June 2-6 and July 7-11 Gardening June 9-13 and July 14-18 Arts in the Garden June 16-20 and July 21-25 Bugs & Butterflies Time: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fee: $75/week; FOG members $50/week

Young Sprouts in the Garden Explore child-oriented displays, crafts, and activities designed to nurture an appreciation for gardening and nature. Visit the Plant Zoo, climb a tree, “pollinate” flowers, observe ladybugs and more. Call 881-8909 or visit www.mggreene.org. Age: All ages Fee: Free Date: May 17 Time: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Put on your jeans and boots and come celebrate our agricultural heritage in an historical setting and help honor the Century Farms in Greene County. Our guest Round Barn Event Cnt. speaker will be David Baker, Assistant Dean of Agriculture Extension at the University of Missouri. He will discuss the 100 year history of Cooperative Extension and the specific challenges facing family farms in the coming 15-20 years. We will honor those being named “Century Farms” this year and have musical entertainment provided by Acoustic Essays, a traditional bluegrass and classic country band based in Springfield. Over 110 farms in Greene County have been owned and farmed by the same family for over 100 years. That is a great example of successful family farmAcoustic Essays ing and a good reason to celebrate. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Greene County Extension Council.

Program Calendar Online The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene Calendar visible on right side of page.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

A Word from the Extension Council Greene County Extension's value to the Springfield Botanical Gardens and county residents

members for organizations like Master Gardeners of Greene County, Master Naturalists, Friends of the Garden, Greater Ozarks Hosta Society, Friends of the Gray-Campbell Farmstead, Ozark Daylily Society, Federated Garden Clubs, other park partners and friends. Additional park visiWhy is Greene County Extension important to tors will mean more rentals of park facilities and the residents of Greene County? That is a great park volunteers. Of course with the increased question. The reason is simple, the University of visits and conversation the park will become recMissouri Extension is more than just a resident of ognized even sooner as a “must see” location for the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center regional residents and beyond. You can help us building at 2400 S. Scenic Ave. It is the “heart” of spread the message university research based information available to Please join Friends of residents of Greene County Greene County Extension, plus others from outside the Would you consider joining which is now working to county. For example, there provide Extension needed are many people calling and “Friends of Greene County financial support due to coming into the Master Garreduced funding from the Extension” and help provide deners of Greene County Greene County CommisHotline service (nearly 2000 the financial support sion. Again, over the last last year alone) looking for few years the Extension answers to the many hunneeded to keep Extension office’s operating income dreds of questions that come meeting its vital role in the has been reduced to the up regarding horticulture. state mandated minimum Other contacts with the Excounty and at the of $10,000, this is not tension offices deal with 4enough to sustain ongoing Botanical Center? H, agriculture and other isoperations. There is more sues. The Extension office is information plus a Giving where people who want a Form link at http://extension.missouri.edu/ soil test or to have a plant analyzed for disease greene/giving.aspx that can be used to join come to leave their samples for processing. "Friends" helping support MU Extension operaIn addition to horticulture and agriculture other tions in Greene County. main MU Extension programs focus on nutrition, Make your tax deductible check out to Uniparenting, entrepreneurship, personal finance, fire versity of Missouri and just write “Friends of and rescue training plus more. The Botanical CenGreene County Extension” on the memo line of ter meeting rooms are used to present many topics your check and the front of the Giving Form. of interest to the public, all of which bring large Please mail or deliver the check to Greene Counnumber of visitors to the Springfield Botanical ty Extension Center, 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Gardens. Springfield, Mo. 65807. For more inforOnce visitors are exposed to the Master Garmation call (417) 881-8909 or visit http:// dener Hotline service, meeting rooms, etc. at the extension.missouri.edu/greene/ Botanical Center they will either be spending some Thank you for your continued support. time exploring the grounds or return to visit the George Deatz 114 acres with its 36 gardens and other features Greene County Extension Council later. Word of mouth will then bring their many contacts to the Springfield Botanical Gardens if they enjoyed what they saw and the way they were treated by Extension and other staff members. All of this activity leads to more potential

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Civic Communication Specialist and County Program Director KEY PROGRAMS OR EVENTS  Internal reporting known as webapps.  CPD phone conference on upcoming training.  Southwest Regional Council meeting  KOLR TV Spot  I submit three special newspaper columns each week. These are provided free-of-charge as part of our mission in public education.

GARDEN WRITING: Conducting this program again on May 1. Working to expand the audience and get additional help from Springfield Writer’s Guild members so program can be ongoing.

BY THE NUMBERS (for the month)  News Service Subscribers: 9,667 weekly  Requests for advisement: 34  Regular weekly news columns: 16  TV/Radio Interviews – 3  Total articles written this month – 44

County Presiding Commissioner Debate

COUNTY PROGRAM DIRECTOR DUTIES  Financial oversight, travel authorizations.  Park Board and County Commission mtgs.  Friends of Greene County Extension.  Edited monthly “Reaching Out Report”  Regular updates to county extension website  Coordinating meetings of council committees  Working on funding options to place a parttime Youth Program Assistant in Greene County to support local 4-H programs.  Working on funding options to expand the position of Horticulture Educator to full-time.  Grant proposals declined by Gannett Foundation, Mercy and County Senior Citizens Board. SOCIAL MEDIA REACH (March 2014) Individuals reached during this month via the regional extension social media tools: 187,486.

David Burton Civic communication burtond@missouri.edu

Members of the Greene County Extension Council hosted a debate for candidates running for Greene County Presiding Commissioner on April 29 at the Executive Conference Center, 910 W Battlefield Rd, Springfield. In advance of the event we had coverage in all county newspapers and on most television and radio stations which helped to draw a crowd. There was also great media coverage of the event itself. Council member Matthew Simpson was moderator for the debate, and other council members took on assignments along with Savannah Fitzgerald, a semester intern with Greene County Extension from Missouri State. Debate participants included: Bob Cirtin (Republican), Steve Helms (Republican), Jerry Fenstermaker (Republican) and Benjamin T Brixey (Liberterian). Donna Bergen (Democrat) was unable to attend.

ANNIE’S PROJECT: This program for women in farming has concluded. We had 24 in attendance for six Monday nights.


National conference for historic schools group in St. Joe and expansion of Missouri group. Marketing of Extension programs to local businesses for local specialists. Ongoing fundraising efforts and mailings, included contact with 2013 donors that have not yet given in 2014. Work on a Taney County program grant.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu


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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014


Prices at Bull Sale in Springfield Shatters Previous Records The 83rd Southwest Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association’s bull sale March 31 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center followed the current beef market trend with a record average price of $4389. The 37 successful bidders on the bulls shattered the association’s previous high of $3393, set at the October, 2013 sale according to Lot #27, sale topper at $6800 from Naylor’s Eldon Cole, livestock speAngus, Buffalo cialist with University of Missouri Extension. The top seller and new record price was $6800 on an Angus, October, 2012 son of SAV Bismarck 5682 consigned by Naylor’s Angus, Buffalo. The successful bidder was Joshua Mahan, Strafford. The 6.8 frame bull ranked in the top 30 percentile or better on calving ease direct, weaning weight, yearling weight, A bull waits patiently to see where he’ll go as intramuscular fat, ribeye the large crowd looks on. area and $Wean. A herdmate, and also a Bismarck son was the second high seller at $6500. The six Naylor bulls averaged $5467. The 31 Angus bulls averaged $4598. Three Polled Hereford bulls, all consigned by Bonebrake Herefords, Springfield, averaged $3650. Their top seller brought $4500 form Charles Harris, Taneyville. Bebout Charolais, Theo- Auctioneer, Jerry Lehmann works the crowd dosia sold the two Charolais for another $100 or $250 bid.

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for an average of $2600. Julius Fraley, Houston paid $3000 to claim the high price for the Charolais. Cork Cattle Company, Wentworth had the lone SimAngus. Jacob Davison, Aurora paid $3700 to take him home. According to Cole, the bulls in the sale had to meet some strict standards for calving ease, weaning and yearling weight, milk and intramuscular fat expected progeny difference (EPD) values. “They also must weigh 1100 pounds or more and have a frame score of 5 or more at 365 days of age,” said Cole. The SW Missouri BCIA welcomes prospective consignors for their next sale, Oct. 27. Details on the process are available from University Extension livestock specialists or contact sales manager Pam Naylor, Buffalo 417-3458330. Also, check for information on the website at www.swmobcia.com.

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Horticulture Specialist Community Contact: TV and Radio  5 live interviews with KOLR10’s Chris Smith  4 radio interviews with Morris Westfall’s “Farm Page of the Air”  2 interviews with KSMU on freeze damage to fruit crops  1 interview with KY3 on freeze damage to fruit crops  1 interview with KOLR10 “Ozarks Live” program  I interview with KSPR on freeze damage to fruit crops Print media  Contributed to several articles and interviews Requests for information  Telephone contacts – 77 for advisement  Email contacts – 49 contacts  Office visits, professional contacts – 10 for consultation and advisement  Farm site visits – 10 for consultation and advisement

Programs Presented: 

   

 

“Plant Diseases,” Master Gardeners of Greene County core training, Springfield (3/27/14) “Seed Saving,” Springfield Herb Society seed swap, Springfield (3/29/14) “Food Safety From Farm to Fork,” Carthage (4/1/14) “Herbaceous Flowers,” Jasper County Master Gardeners core training, Carthage (4/1/14) “Home Fruit Production,” Master Gardeners of Greene County core training, Springfield (4/1/14) “Getting Started in Produce Farming,” Beginning Farmers workshop and tour, FMO/ KRAFT series, Springfield (4/9/14) “Home Fruit Production,” Cedar County Master Gardener core training, Stockton (4/10/14) “Overview of Organic Gardening,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (4/17/14) “Developing Issues,” Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development meeting, Springfield (4/21/14)

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“Elderberry Research and Development in Missouri,” Elderberry Mentoring Meeting, Redbud, IL (4/23/14) “Elderberry Cultivars,” Elderberry Mentoring Meeting, Redbud, IL (4/23/14) Patrick Byers “Elderberry Pest Horticulture Management,” Elder- byerspl@missouri.edu berry Mentoring Meeting, Redbud, IL (4/23/14)

Coordinated: 

           

Master Gardeners of Greene County Potting Shed University classes, Botanical Center, Springfield (3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21) LU/MU Composting workshop, Mount Vernon (3/27/14) Master Gardeners of Greene County board meeting, Springfield (3/31/14) Master Gardeners of Greene County core training (4/1/14) OTC – TLM advisory board meeting, Springfield (4/8/14) Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter meeting, Springfield (4/8/14) Beginning Farmers workshop and tour, FMO/KRAFT series, Springfield (4/9/14) Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist Board meeting, Springfield (4/9/14) Apple tree planting event, Farmers Park development, Springfield (4/10/14) Grafting Demonstration, Botanical Center, Springfield (4/11/14) Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development meeting, Springfield (4/21/14) Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist chapter meeting, Springfield (4/21/14) Horticulture soil test reports - recommendations and distribution for SW region – 166 reports during reporting period

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Horticulture Specialist Participated in:       

Metropolitan Food Systems team meeting, Columbia (3/28/14) Global Food Systems Thematic Team meeting, Columbia (3/31/14) SW Regional Faculty meeting, Springfield (4/15/14) SW Regional AG Category meeting, Springfield (4/15/14) Grand Opening, Webb City Farmers Market, Webb City (4/15/14) Regional horticulture specialist search committee meeting (4/16/14) UMEA quarterly Adobe Connect meeting (4/23/14)

Upcoming programming     

Master Gardeners of Greene County annual plant sale, Springfield (4/26/14) “Soil management for organic gardeners,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (5/1/14) First Thursday informational display, Farmers Market of the Ozarks, Springfield (5/1/14) First Friday informational display, Webb City Farmers Market, Webb City (5/2/14) Master Gardeners of Greene County spring banquet, Springfield (5/4/14) “Plant nutrition and organic fertilizers,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (5/6/14) Young Sprouts in the Garden, Botanical Center, Springfield (5/17/14) Shown above: Royal Raindrops Crabapple in Master Gardener’s Demonstration Garden in Nathanael Greene Park.

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Attracting Bluebirds to your Yard Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) are a popular species and recognized as Missouri's state bird (Figure 1). Bluebirds, often referred to as harbingers of spring, are yearround residents in many locations across the state, although populations from northern areas commonly move to southern parts of the state and beyond in winter. Fortunately, these birds can be easily attracted to home and farm landscapes with correctly constructed nesting structures in appropriate locations. University of Missouri Extension has a publication on this topic available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/p/G9429.

The Missouri Master Naturalist Program results from a partnership created in 2004 between the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and MU Extension (MUE). The Missouri Master Naturalist Program is recognized as a “named and branded” program within MU Extension. The MU School of Natural Resources is the academic home for the Program. See www.springfieldmasternaturalist.com or springfieldmn.blogspot.com/

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Master Gardeners of Greene County

Young Sprouts May 17 It’s that time again: Saturday, May 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. is the Master Gardeners of Greene County’s annual Young Sprouts in the Garden event. It will be held at the Springfield Greene County Botanical Center grounds and the admission is free. This is a fun opportunity for kids to learn about nature and gardening. For more information visit the Master Gardener website at www.mggreene.org or call 417-881-8909.

Master Gardener Hotline in Full Swing Just a reminder that the Master Gardener hotline is open to the public for the 2014 season. Calls, emails, and walk ins are welcome. The volunteers in the hotline are available to answer all of your gardening questions from 9-4:30 Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 9– a.m. to noon. They are located inside the Springfield Greene County Botanical Center at 2400 S. Scenic Ave. Springfield. The phone # is 417881-8909 ext. 320 and the email address is hotline@mggreene.org.

Beware of the Tent Caterpillar The Master Gardener Hotline is beginning to receive calls on tent caterpillar. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions: Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

The Master Gardener Program is a popular and successful statewide volunteer community-service organization administered through University of Missouri Extension. The organization’s goal is to train gardeners who are willing to share their knowledge with others. Master Gardeners become volunteers of University of Missouri Extension and donate hours for community educational projects in horticulture. Volunteer activities include working with non-profit organizations, maintaining community gardens, conducting workshops, participating in a Master Gardener speakers’ bureau and staffing the Master Gardener “Hotline.” The Master Gardeners of Greene County can boast of over 300 members. For more information visit the chapters website at http://www.mggreene.org.

 

usually found on stone fruit trees the caterpillars will eventually become moths and complete one life cycle per year the shiny egg masses overwinter Kelly McGowan on the tips of Horticulture Educator branches. Watch University of Missouri for these and reExtension move before they mcgowank@missouri.edu have a change to hatch in spring. after hatching, the larvae spin a web for protection; the web can be removed by hand. to escape predators, the caterpillars come out at night to feed; the best time to remove the web is in the evening before they come out. Bt spray can also be used. Page 8

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Master Gardeners of Greene County Member Spotlight:

Minuen Odom Q: When did you join Master Gardener’s and why? I joined MG in 2013. I wanted to learn more about gardening correctly by using compost, mulches, and appropriate plants. Q: What kind of gardening background do you have? I was raised on a farm and always worked in several gardens. We planted at least three large vegetable gardens and sometimes had a “hidden” watermelon patch. I did not garden during my working years. Q: What is your favorite thing about Master Gardeners of Greene County? My favorite thing is meeting other gardeners and the rich resources of knowledge available to us. Q: What is one of your favorite growing tips that you would like to share? A lawn can’t have too many tulips or daffodils! Q: What are your favorite plants? Basil, Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), Wild Ginger Q: Anything else you would like to share about yourself? I enjoy cooking the fresh vegetables from our gardens; I particularly like to can and freeze for the winter. I’m a retired RN and educator; I have 4 sons scattered from the east to west coast; I am married to a geologist who works for Environmental Works, Inc.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

Master Gardener Events: 5/4/14 - 4 p.m.— Spring Banquet 4/13/14 - 6:30 p.m.—Monthly Chapter Meeting 5/17/14 - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.—Young Sprouts in the Garden 6/7/14 - Annual Master Gardener garden tour 6/26/14 - Road trip to Linnaeus Garden in Tulsa, OK

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

4-H Report for Greene County

Personal Presentations Day 4-H Clubs in Greene County participated in a “Personal Presentations Day” on April 13 at the Springfield Livestock Market meeting room.

As seen in the picture above, nine-year old Jack gave an illustrated talk during Personal Presentation Day.

Teen Council Conference

More About 4-H As the largest out-of-school youth organization in the world, 4-H is open to all boys and girls, ages 5 to18. Children who are five to seven years old are eligible for 4-H Clover Kids, an introductory program. Youths who are 8 to 18 years of age can select from a variety of 4-H projects and activities that stress social and life skills in areas like decision making, communication, social interaction, civic responsibility and physical skills. Children do not have to live on a farm to join 4-H. Project opportunities include computers, robotics, foods and nutrition, horticulture, large and small animals and more. Missouri 4-H is University of Missouri Extension's youth development program. Learn more online.

MU Extension 4-H program deserves support By Lynn Neidigh, Willard Please support University of Missouri Extension’s 4-H program. My son has a developmental disability, and 4-H is one of the few youth organizations that has the innate structure to provide him with priceless opportunities and support. Children interact and learn from adults and peers in a structured yet selfpaced man-ner. It is a safe environment for youths to be able to explore their interest and discover themselves. Invest in a program that has the structure and capability to make a huge difference in the lives of all youths in the county. Give a financial gift to Friends of Missouri Extension.

Above is the official photo of the Greene County delegates for State 4-H Teen Conference. The 4-H youth specialist, Karla Deaver, is on the back row center.

Contact 4-H Youth Development Specialist Karla Deaver at the Lawrence County Extension office by telephone at 417/466-3102 or by email at deaverk@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Nutrition Specialist USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Grant: This “Voices for Food” six-state project is the focus of Pam’s position. In April, a six-state team met for a week in Wilmington, North Carolina to finalize community tools that will assist rural communities to reduce Food Insecurity through work with local Food Policy Councils and Food Pantries. Pam has begun recruitment of communities in the SW region of Missouri, and is working on development of a Coaching Guide for Extension Faculty to use.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Pam held fourteen (14) sessions of this 21/2 hour class during the month of April, with 173 participants. This six-week series covers subjects such as: techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation; appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance; appropriate use of medications; communicating effectively with health professionals; nutrition; and how to evaluate new treatments. Outcomes of this class include: Improvement of health outcomes and reduction of health care use; Decreased activity limitations and depression symptoms; Improved communication with health care provider; Improvements in quality of life, fatigue and sleep problems; Improvements in pain and shortness of breath; A significant improvement in ER visits and hospitalization.

Ozarks Regional Food Policy Council A lot of work is taking place in Greene County to support the local Food System. The Ozarks Regional Food Council includes members from over 50 Greene County organizations. In April, teams met to review the recommendations set out from our Food System Community Assessment. A marketing team, and separate project teams have been formed to tackle

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separate key recommendations focused on building our Food System, and providing practical solutions for issues such as food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste disposal.

Economic Development through Local Food


This “Seeds of Prosperity” team is working to strengthen the local Food system in Greene County with a focus to increase Economic Development for the county. This team met in April to plan workshops to reach out to producers and large systems. Regional Food Solutions; Food CORE; and the Ozark Regional Food Policy Council.

Greene County Food Day committee Pam is a member of the planning team for the implementation of Food Day Activities for 2014. Greene County Extension will be a sponsoring organization this year, with educational events beginning July 1, and running into November, The objective for Food Day events are to promote safe, healthier diets; support sustainable farms; and end hunger. A 2014 marketing and implementation plan was developed in April.

MU Extension Program Integration Pam is a member of the Health Systems team, working to: develop health-related programs that integrate research from the MU system, and bring evidence-based education out to communities through Regional Specialists. This team met twice during April.

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Family Nutrition Education Program

Becky Roark       

Republic WIC Clinic—30 clients Well of Life Food Pantry — 268 families Shady Dell Early Childhood Center — 65 students (1 week) Boyd Elementary School — 215 Roark students (1 week) Amazing Kidz Day Care — 15 students (1 week) Holland Elementary — 140 students (4 weeks) Pre-K through 2nd grade Fair Grove Elementary — 266 students (4 weeks) Pre-K through 2nd grade

  

Victory Mission Family Ministries Food Pantry – Display & Discussion about “Facts on Fat”; 135 Participants Republic WIC Clinic, lessons on “Healthy Snacks” 32 clients Completed series of lessons at Sequiota Elem. K-4th grade, 300 students Started series of lessons at Jeffries Elem. K2nd grade, 288 students and at Ash Grove Elem. K-3rd, 176 students


Marty Wood   

Sherri Hull



    

Willard WIC Eating Smart, Being Active Adults —15 families Willard Food Pantry Vegetarian Diets Display Adults —17 families Pregnancy Care Center Eating Smart, Being Active — Adults 67 adults Hand Extended Food Pantry Phytonutrients Display—Adults 45 families Southwest Mo. Indian Center Healthy Celebrations Display — Adults 22 families Ritter Springs Head Start Let’s Read About Healthy Eating Children —120 children Harter House-Strafford Childhood Obesity Display Adults —75 adults Southwest Missouri Office on AgingStrafford Eating Smart, Being Active Seniors —25 Adults

Jenni Nevatt This month I was back at Carver middle school to offer nutrition and food safety lessons to 114 sixth and seventh graders. I was able to speak to all the 6th Family Nutrition Education Program and 7th grade Health classes at 2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 Carver this school year. Across Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. town at Reed middle school, Tel: 417-886-2059 119 6th-8th graders participated Call the office to inquire about nutrition education. in nutrition lessons through their health classes. In addition to basic nutrition information, students learned about food safety and were able to evaluate their hand washing skills.”

Fossett Online at http://extension.missouri.edu



Williams Page 12

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Nutrition in the County

Family Nutrition Education Program Reaches 34,830 in Greene County During 2013

nutrition, make healthier meal and snack choices, eat breakfast more often, are more willing to try new foods and increase their physical activity,” said Fossett. “This important programming effort serves to reduce healthcare costs over the participant’s lifetime, saving taxpayers money in reThe University of Missouri Extension Family duced public healthcare benefits and insurance Nutrition Education Program (FNEP) propremiums.” vides long lasting benefits to residents of Greene Programs offered in the county during 2013 County. During fiscal year 2013, the FNEP proincluded a variety of curricula, methods and tools gram in Greene County had a direct influence on that provide programming specific to a client’s 8,502 participants plus another 26,328 indirect parneeds considering age, culture, reading level and ticipants for a total of 34,830. abilities; supports Missouri’s School Wellness The goal of direct teaching in FNEP is to conPolicies; and aligns with the Department of Eduduct an average of six classes with each client, to cation’s (DESE) grade level expectations. promote behavioral change. A significant number “Our lessons with hands-on activities are deof Greene County residents also participated in signed for youth and the adults that support them, these Extension programs through indirect teaching pregnant teens, and immigrant populations,” said methods at venues like food pantries and school Fossett. and community health fairs. MU Extension nutrition programs are held at Nutrition education for youth provides inforGreene County locations like the Pregnancy Care mation in kid-friendly terms and lessons with Center, Springfield/Greene County WIC Clinic, hands-on activities. Activities include opportunities Southwest Missouri Office on Aging, Price Cutfor taste-testing healthy foods and ter Grocery Store Classroom practicing skills that lead to good and Victory Mission Family MU Extension is health. Education for adults indedicated to providing Ministries. In-classroom educludes nutrition, food safety, physcation is also offered by MU research-based nutrition Extension at many elementary ical activity, and food resource management. education to Missouri’s schools in the county. Show“FNEP reached Greene County Supplemental Nutrition Me Nutrition educational disyouth and adults by partnering plays that incorporate different Assistant Program with Greene County schools, nutrition messages are also community groups and agencies,” (SNAP) recipients and maintained at Greene County said Terri Fossett, coordinator of food stamp eligible locations. the Family Nutrition Education School nutrition efforts includcitizens. Program for southwest Missouri. ed a variety of in-school proMU Extension is dedicated to grams, educational displays, handouts for teachproviding research-based nutrition education to ers and handouts that are taken home for the enMissouri’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Protire family. gram (SNAP) recipients and food stamp eligible “Evaluation data collected across the state citizens. reflects the positive impacts that occur in every The Family Nutrition Program (FNP) is funded county with FNEP,” said Fossett. by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Adults who participate in FNEP show imFood and Nutrition Service through SNAP (food provements in eating more vegetables and fruits, stamp program). In the Farm Bill, SNAP-Ed (FNP) exercising more, planning meals ahead of time, was funded for $401 million nationally. In Misand making healthy food choices for the family. souri, FNEP will be funded at $10.495 million. “Participants in FNEP become more aware of

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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Housing and Environmental Design Specialist

"Senior CoHousing" Offers Life in a Tight Knit Community A new idea called "Senior Cohousing" is beginning to emerge in the United States as a housing option for the older adults. According to Jeff Barber, a housing and urban design specialist with University of Missouri Extension, this new approach allows residents to design and run their community, primarily by consensus. "Their focus is on creating small, closeknit villages where residents build bonds and know everyone's name," said Barber. "The concept began in Denmark in the 1960's as multi-generational cohousing. It is now gaining popularity in Europe and the U.S." When adapted to senior living, Barber says this pattern builds on independent living, creates a fuller lifestyle, fosters interdependence of neighbors and can extend life expectancy. "The result is a cross between condominium and traditional neighborhood, where residents join in a partnership to help each other, while living in their own home," said Barber. These walkable, mini-villages are suited to both rural and urban settings where residents own their own homes according to Barber. However, this new concept creates areas where residents can gather in common areas to socialize, share meals, garden or participate in other activities. "This approach allows a living arrangement that can be more dignified than assisted living Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

or a nursing home," said Barber. "Elders in our society are often very active, representing an incredible source of volunteerism and wisdom. Through the cohousing model, these older adults can develJeff Barber op relationships suited Housing and design to caring for one anoth- barberj@missouri.edu er in a tightly knit community." Residents in cohousing situations often improve their physical and mental health because of the increased opportunities to meet and socialize with others. Additionally, when they look out for each other, they take satisfaction in their ability to contribute to others. "Research indicates these feelings can be crucial in confronting loneliness, confusion and isolation that can lead to depression and even early dementia," said Barber. More information can be found online at www.seniorcohousing.com and www.cohousing.org. Or, you can contact Jeff Barber at (417) 881-8909.

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Donation period runs from October 1 to Sept. 30

2014 Contributors to “Friends of Greene County Extension” Corporate Level Master Gardeners of Greene County Sanford & Associates

Patron Level William & Virginia Darr George Deatz Friends of the Garden Ann Hall Joe Jenkins

Sponsor Level Greater Ozarks Hosta Society Greene Co. Soil & Water Conservation District James Mauldin RDW Family & Community Fund Jim & Nancy Tucker Contributor Level Carl Allison David & Stacey Burton Ramona Burton Marla Calico Dr. Greenthumb/Greg Peterson Family Rusty Hathcock Gaylen & Dedra Jones Jack Kaiser Old Missouri Bank Ryan Lawn & Tree Jody & Barbara Norman Randall & Linda Sheridan Springfield Watergarden Society Gene Wallace

Friends Level John & Lisa Bakerink

Glenn & Beverly Blake Shelby Bradley Alice Counts Bob Cirtin Billie Sue Fuller Mary Gallagher James Garton Paul & Della Goodwin David & Linda Hall Avis Holloway Richard & Yvonne Jarvis Jeff Jones Mary Sue Joplin MFA Agri Services Pauline Marsh Steve & Marlu McElhany Dellene Nelson Steve & Pam Squibb Kathryn Steinhoff Ronald & Sue Carroll Terry Lee & Julie Viorel Chris & Colette Wilbers

Associate Level Jodie Adams Cindy Arrowood Mr./Mrs. David Bailey Robert & Jana Belk Mardell Bontrager Keith & Malia Bucher Carr Stock Farms, LLC Kim Chaffin Steven Counts Kathleen Goff Douglas Green Fred & Elaine Hamburg Harrison Farm Dulcinea Fisher-Smith Rob & Brenda Funkhouser William Hosman Rita Johnson

Bob & Barbara Kipfer Dorothy Miller Frieda Morris Edie Nelson Albert Niewald Gladys O’Dell Minuen Odom Cathy & Alex Primm Crystal Quade H. James Roper Second Wind Companies Stewart Farm Elizabeth & Paul Taylor Randy Underwood Leslie Wilde

Join Friends of Greene County Extension Since 1914, Greene County residents have sought help in agriculture, gardening, 4-H youth, nutrition, families, business and community development from Extension. Members of “Friends of Greene County Extension” contribute financially to make it possible for Extension to continue having a positive impact on the quality of life in Greene County. To learn how you can help by contributing go to extension.missouri.edu/ greene or call (417) 881-8909.

Total Cash Contributed: $21,304.65

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated April 24, 2014

Extension/Partner Meetings st

Office located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 Fax (417) 823-4818 Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


County Commission meetings: 1 and 3 Mondays of month; confirm agenda and meeting at http://www.greenecountymo.org/commission. Commission building, Springfield, at 9:30 a.m. Park Board Meetings: Second Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Call 864-1049 to confirm location of meeting. 4-H Leader’s Council Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month (except July) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2852 S Dayton Ave, Springfield. Master Gardeners of Greene County— board meeting: First Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Master Naturalists Board Meetings: The board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the MDC regional office, on the second Wednesday of the month. Master Gardeners of Greene County-membership meeting: Second Tuesday each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Greene County Farm Bureau — Second Monday of the month at Farm Bureau 2530 S Campbell Ave, Springfield. Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Greene County Extension

Corporate Sponsors  

 

Sanford and Associates, CPA, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 886-2220, www.adifferentcpa.com Master Gardeners of Greene County: http://www.mggreene.org Meyer Communications, KWTO 560 AM / KTXR 101.3 FM: (417) 862-3751 www.radiospringfield.com/ American Business Systems, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 866-5083, www.ambussys.com Sunshine Valley Farm, 8125 E State Highway AD, Rogersville, ph (417) 753-2698, http://www.sunshinevalleyfarm.com/ Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Ph 417-864-1049, www.parkboard.org

Can I Help? Lorri can help customers with material needs, soil tests or program registrations. Contact her at the Greene County Extension Center, (417) 881-8909. Lorri Winters joined Extension in 2005.

Lorri Winters Office Manager

Videos on YouTube Watch the videos posted to our channel at www.youtube.com/MUExtension417.

On Facebook Get regular updates about programs and news from MU Extension in southwest Missouri. Find us at facebook.com/MUExtension417. Each “Reaching Out Report” is used by Greene County Extension specialists to concisely communicate activities, contacts and events to members of the Greene County Extension Council, Greene County Commission and residents of Greene County. For more about this report contact the editor, David Burton, at (417) 881-8909.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene

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