Council Packet for February 2021

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Council Packet

Formerly known as the “Reaching Out Report,” this is only published when the county extension council meets.

February 2021 * Vol. 14 Issue 2

Maya Hufman, Greene County 4-H member and reigning National Teen Miss United States Agriculture. See story inside this newsletter.

Greene County Extension Council | Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email:

Greene County Extension Council Greg Boehne Chairman Alex Greiwe Vice-chair Morgan Ash Secretary Lisa Bakerink Treasurer

John Russell County Commission Tammy Lowrey Farm Bureau

COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE Pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law: Notice is given: Greene County Extension Council will conduct a public meeting starting at noon, Monday, Feb. 22, 2021, online. Zoom Meeting Online: Or dial in: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago). Meeting ID: 355 711 943 Noon —

Call Meeting to Order

Roll Call — Secretary (Establish a Quorum) Introduction or recognition of guests Consent Agenda Items — Meeting minutes (next page). Financials & bills are provided to council in a separate email for approval and may be delayed this month due to closures.

Jordan Miller MFA

Staff Reports & Grant Updates: Sherri Hull, Myra Dickensheet, Kelly McGowan, Amy Patillo, Amber Allen and David Burton

Samuel Snider City of Willard

Announcements: Give Ozarks March 24; Council leadership training for Lawrence and Greene County April 15, 22 and 29; Chairman representing Greene County at national extension event.

Jason Buffington City of Battlefield Joseph Hoffman City of Springfield Vacant 4-H Youth member Members at large Scott Smith Chad Courtney Karen Dowdy Chris Schulze Rick Stenberg Larry Adams Ray Meyer Eric Sutton Allison Anbari Christina Hammers Aaron Jones Stephen Snead Mike Lofaro Tiger Ambassador

Old Business /Committee Reports • Nominations committee report for officers New Business for discussion • Moving to QuickBooks online (costs and options) • Actions for Council ideas from Specialist Reports Educational Presentation that Adds Value to Your Life • “Reducing Loneliness through Social Connection” by Human Development Specialist Amber Allen CLOSED SESSION (if needed): Agenda includes a possible vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to Section 610.021 to discuss issues related to “individually identifiable personnel records.”

Adjourn FUTURE COUNCIL MEETINGS March 29, 2021: online Council receives proposals and financials by mail or email. Same information is available to the public on request. PENDING: Any and all other matters that come before the extension council

MU Extension is an equal opportunity/ access/affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.

Greene County Extension Council Minutes MINUTES OF UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COUNCIL OF GREENE COUNTY Date: Monday, January 25, 2021 Place: Via Zoom Meeting Attendees: Larry Adams, Tony Ahart, Morgan Ash, Lisa Bakerink, Greg Boehne, Chad Courtney, Karen Dowdy, Tyler Gunlock, Brandon Hebbert, Joseph Hoffman, Ray Meyer, Chris Schulz, Scott Smith, Rick Stenberg, Eric Sutton and Jason Whitesell. Guests in attendance: Christina Hammers.

The meeting was called to order at 12:03 pm, by Council Chair, Greg Boehne, who welcomed those in attendance. Secretary Morgan Ash called roll and a quorum was present. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to approve the November meeting minutes and financials. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Staff Reports: Kelly McGowan has a vegetable gardening class series starting soon. The inperson Master Gardener core training, limited to 20 people and scheduled for April, is already full. She is planning sites for the lavender grant. Amy Patillo has been able to provide local access to the Labor Law Series program based in Kansas City and St. Louis. There were 174 registrants in January. A series on climate change is coming soon. The 5 library hot spots have gone well. Amber Allen has finished the Boys and Girls Clubs series and they would like to continue the partnership in 2021. Her classes on Boost Your Brain have finished. There will be a Fe. 9 lunch and learn on programming, via Zoom. She is starting a kinship class called, “Parenting the Second Time Around.”

Old Business: Give Ozarks: The Give Ozarks event will take place March 24th, in partnership with CFO. David is in the process of creating a website for the 12 hour event, with the theme of, “Growing Healthy.” There is a $5,000 goal. Mizzou Founder’s Day: This year’s event will be a statewide event on February 11th, held online. Elections: The new council will be sworn in at the historic courthouse on January 27th, at 9:00 am. There will be a 3 night new council training series on April 15,22 & 29 in Lawerence and Greene Counties. Gail Eubanks withdrew from the election and everyone but Jason Buffington was elected. Mr. Jason Buffington will serve in the appointed position for the City of Battlefield. Lisa Bakerink will serve as City of Republic appointee.

New Business: Nominations Committee for Officers: The position of Vice-Chair will be vacant. Please let David know if you are interested. 2021 Budget: A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Lisa Bakerink, to approve the budget as presented. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Contract for Accounting Service: It has been discovered that Premier Choice Accounting cannot be used due to conflicting versions of Quickbooks software. The University must have Quickbooks access, so software version cannot be changed. A different company will need to be found. Saving Small Towns Case Study: Jason Whitesell and Tyler Gunlock gave a presentation on starting a community foundation franchise in Ash Grove. It

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Greene County Extension Council Minutes started as an Excel Program project by Tyler Gunlock, who then consulted with Jason Whitesell to gain ideas. It took several years and a lot of work to see results. It took a lot of time to make sure that they had the right 9 people on the board and to raise $30,000 to establish the 50th community affiliate. The group consists of highly interested people, who are very invested in the future of Ash Grove. They laid the ground work for the organization with Community Foundation of the Ozark’s help and advertising. Growing rural Ozarks program has now joined, which facilitates different projects in the community. Beautify Ash Grove is a project in the works out of this program. There was a Main Street clean-up last Saturday and will continue with future projects. An injection of $6,000 per year, into the community projects will occur with a focus on the long-term success of Ash Grove. A motion was made by Morgan Ash and was seconded by Jason Whitesell, to enter into closed session at 12:55 pm. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.


Annual Specialist review comments were reviewed and Greg Boehne solicited any questions, edits or additions. A motion to approve and to submit to campus the Specialist review comments was made by Lisa Bakerink and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman. The motion passed unanimously. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Eric Sutton, to adjourn closed session at 12:59 pm. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. A motion was made by Tyler Gunlock and was seconded by Jason Whitesell, to adjourn the meeting at 1:00 pm. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted by Morgan Ash

Extension Council Leadership Training For Greene & Lawrence Extension Council Members Three evening sessions / Two hours per session At Southwest Research Center in Mt. Vernon or Botanical Center in Springfield, Mo. (exact dates for which location being confirmed). 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 15 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 22 This training is based 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 29.

Meet Your Instructors Jay Chism, regional director David Burton, County Engagement Specialist Karla Deaver, 4-H Youth Development Specialist

on: The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner

Whether it is how Extension’s customers’ needs and expectations evolve, how our system is funded, or how technology is being used to deliver research-based educational programs to the local level, today’s modern Extension Service looks very different from what it has been in years past. As an elected Extension council member, you play a very important role in leading and shaping Extension services for future generations in your own local communities. This session introduces you to five competencies of leadership and how they relate to your leadership role as an Extension council member.

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Give Ozarks Day returns March 24, 2021, to support recovery efforts of nonprofits Give Ozarks Day, the regionwide day of giving presented by Bass Pro Shops and the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, will take place on March 24, 2021. The online crowdfunding event will run 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to support the CFO’s nonprofit agency partners. With the theme “Rally for Recovery,” this Give Ozarks will offer nonprofits the opportunity to raise operating funds to help sustain their work after a year of fundraising cancellations, financial challenges and program disruptions, often coupled with an increased need for services during the pandemic. The event will be powered by, the CFO’s crowdfunding platform developed in partnership with Springfield-based digital agency Mostly Serious. Each participating agency partner will have a fundraising page on the site to describe its program goals and financial needs Donors can go online and visit that would be supported by donations on March 24 to for operating funds. The CFO hosted Give Ozarks for three years in 2015–17 and raised more than $3.6 million in donations, prizes and matching funds for some 250 agencies. The Greene County Extension Council raised nearly $12,000 during that time period with Give Ozarks. Along with Bass Pro Shops, sponsors for the 2021 event include: Burrell Behavioral Health; Central Bank and Central Trust Co.; the Louis L. and Julia Dorothy Coover Charitable Foundation managed by Commerce Trust; the Darr Family Foundation; Great Southern Bank; Guaranty Bank; the Hatch Foundation; Legacy Bank; Ollis/Akers/Arney; and SFC Bank. KY3/KSPR is the media sponsor for the event. The sponsors will support prizes to be awarded hourly.

make a secure, tax-deductible online gift of at least $5.

The Greene County Extension Council has a 2021 goal of $5,000 for the “Give Ozarks” campaign on March 24. The Extension Council’s theme is: Growing Healthy, Engaged Neighbors since 1914

The CFO’s nonprofit agency partners are organizations with 501(c)3 or equivalent status that have established a fund with the CFO. More than 600 agency partners across the region participate in the program.

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Overcoming Obstacles, Finding Life’s Passion Reigning National Teen Miss United States Agriculture credits 4-H with her success As the reigning National Teen Miss United States Agriculture, Greene County 4-H member Maya Hufman has the privilege of speaking to thousands, educating audiences about agriculture. But just a few short years ago, the teen was so shy and reserved she rarely spoke in front of others. Born in Las Vegas, Maya always had a fascination with animals and agriculture. However, growing up in in a subdivision that had a postage-stamp sized backyard, there were limitations. Her mother, Dawn, came from a farm family, and she worked with Maya and her brother, Micah, to raise a bunny to learn the basics of agriculture. When the family moved to Springfield, Dawn quickly introduced the children to 4-H. “I was involved in 4-H as a kid,” Dawn said, “so I knew what a growth experience it was to raise animals and do 4-H projects as a child. It really builds a sense of responsibility and character.” In Missouri, Maya and Micah started raising and showing backyard chickens and ducks, then added rabbits. They both won awards for their animals and showmanship skills. They earned leadership roles in their 4H club, the Shooting Stars of Springfield, as well as the Greene County 4-H Teen Council. They did projects beyond agriculture, learning about baking, sewing, arts and crafts, expanding their interests. Micah added small engine repair, entomology, and welding. Maya had a dream to work with cattle. Casey Stiles, the founder of the Shooting Stars 4-H club, worked with Maya, introducing her to her own cattle. At church, Maya met a rancher who raised Red Angus and was looking for someone to work with his cattle

and show them. Maya jumped at the opportunity, and learned how to care for cattle, raise calves, and show the animals. She became a champion showman in cattle too. “The experience of working with cattle has been incredible,” Maya said. “It’s been amazing to see them develop and meet all of the great people who raise cattle.” Before her involvement in 4-H, Maya would never have considered entering the Miss Teen United States Agriculture competition. In her current role as a national queen, Maya does many public presentations. She credits her 4-H experience with helping her overcome obstacles. “I have a stutter, so public speaking isn’t the easiest thing for me, but I love doing it. 4-H gave me countless opportunities to practice and get used to projecting my voice and speaking in large groups. I have also been able to compete at speaking competitions which have helped me learn about myself, and helped me find my style of speaking.” Maya also credits 4-H with helping her gain confidence, improve her communication and social skills. “I really came out of my shell when I started showing livestock. 4-H has encouraged me to jump right into new

“I have a stutter, so public speaking isn’t the easiest thing for me, but I love doing it. 4-H gave me countless opportunities to practice and get used to projecting my voice and speaking in large groups. I have also been able to compete at speaking competitions which have helped me learn about myself, and helped me find my style of speaking.” - Maya Hufman Page 6

COVER STORY: 4-H Report things, and try everything. I learned it was okay to make mistakes, I learned to learn from my mistakes! My experience with 4-H has been incredible, life changing really. It has set me on a path for my future.” For Maya, raising cattle has helped her develop skills that she hopes to use for the rest of her life. She plans to go to college to study agriculture and politics, working to advocate for farming and ranching. Through 4-H, she went to the Missouri capital and learned about government first hand, working directly with state leaders. Maya’s family has fostered Maya Hufman, Greene County 4-H member and reigning several children, so starting a ranch to provide foster children National Teen Miss United States Agriculture, competes at Missouri State Fair with her Red Angus. a place to have positive experiences with animals and learn new skills is also a goal. mentor to others. I’ve been able to watch the The Shooting Stars club has been a place kids who watched me as a leader, a showman, to learn about others with different and a herdsman, kids I have been able to backgrounds. Stiles created the club for speak into, become better than me. I wouldn’t families with children with special needs. The be where I am today without 4-H.” club is known for working with families of a As America's largest youth development variety of backgrounds, including children organization, 4-H offers youth, families, and with autism, Asperger’s, ADD, ADHD, and adult volunteers of all ages many ways to sensory processing issues. engage, grow and serve – through clubs, Maya and Micah’s little brother, Zeke who camps, contests, conferences, special interest is 5, has taken part in 4-H for as long as he’s groups, in-school and afterschool programs, been able to attend club meetings. “For our and more! It's about young people making family, 4-H truly has been life changing,” new friends and memories while preparing to Dawn said. “The support from 4-H leadership be future leaders – from both rural and urban in Missouri and especially the Shooting Stars areas. For more information on how to get club and Casey has been outstanding. Our involved in 4-H, visit the Missouri 4-H children have been incredibly well served and website at or contact prepared through 4-H.” your local county Extension Center. Maya now mentors younger 4-H members, helping them find their passions through 4-H Writer: Karla Deaver, 4-H the way she found hers. “4-H shaped me, my development specialist ethics and morals, who I am as I person. 4-H serving Greene County gave me a way to get better in whatever I do, and also gave me a way to share my passion. Through 4-H I gained mentors and became a

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated February 18, 2021

MU Extension Staff Serving Greene County Sherri Hull Nutrition Associate Joined 2008

M. Dickensheet Nutrition Associate Joined 2018

1845 S. National, Ste. 100, Springfield, Mo. Tel: (417) 865-0707

Myrna Stark FNEP Program Manager

Jay Chism, Regional Director, email:

Terri Fossett

Program director Joined 2000

Sarah Grubaugh,

Assistant, email:

Family Nutrition Education Program

2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. F200, Springfield, Tel: 417-886-2059

Karla Deaver

4-H Youth specialist HQ: Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102

Tim Schnakenberg

Southwest Region Directors Office


Andy McCorkill

Patrick Byers

Agronomy specialist HQ: Stone County Tel: (417) 357-6812

Commercial Horticulture HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044

Reagan Bluel

Kyle Whittaker

Dairy Specialist HQ: Barry County Tel: (417) 847-3161

Sarah Havens

Natural Resources specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (573) 458-6260

Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Center

Livestock specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (417) 532-7126

At Missouri State 405 N Jefferson Springfield, MO 417-837-2612 waldoaj@missouri .edu

Ag and Environment HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044

Dr. Pam Duitsman

Community Development HQ: Christian County Tel: (417) 581-3558

Allen Waldo

Contact: • Chrystal Irons • Lance Coffman • Sandra Smart Irons



Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center, 405 N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield | 417-837-2617 |

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