July 2014

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“Reaching Out Report” the Greene County Extension Newsletter 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Email: greeneco@missouri.edu * Tel: (417) 881-8909

July 2014 * Vol. 7, Issue 7

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Upcoming events … page 2 Pam Duitsman… page 3-4 4-H Report … page 5 Nutrition program… page 6 David Burton … page 7 Patrick Byers … pages 8-10 Master Naturalists … page 10 Master Gardeners … pages 11-12 2014 Friends list … page 13 Sponsors & Partners page 14

Work Day in the Demonstration Garden Online Event Calendar The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at extension.missouri.edu/greene

Calendar is visible on right side of page.

Glenn Blake needed the help of a wheel barrow while weeding in the native beds of the demonstration garden in Nathaniel Greene Park. “I enjoy volunteering for work days because there are so many knowledgeable people in the master gardener chapter to learn from when we get together,” said Blake (Master Gardener class 2009). Members of the Master Gardeners of Greene County have scheduled work times in the morning of the first Tuesday of the month and the evening of the third Tuesday of the month. Members says there is always plenty of "the usual" (weeding, deadheading, touch-up mulching) but also time to learn-by-doing in the native beds.

University of Missouri Extension provides equal opportunity to all participants in extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or status as a protected veteran.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Selected Upcoming Extension Events in Greene County Business Development Classes

Salute to Century Farms

Regular business classes are held at the Small Business Development and Technology Center, 405 North Jefferson Ave., Springfield. Assorted dates and topics. Register by calling 417-836-5685 or check online www.ws.missouristate.edu/sbdc.

Organic Gardening Academy Topics will help you balance your garden with naturally occurring products and practices. All classes are at 6 p.m. Call MU Extension 881-8909 Aug 7 -- Organic Gardening for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects Aug 21 -- Garden Planning for the Next Season Sep 18 -- Composting Sep 30 -- Sustainable Gardening

Learn to Grow in the Garden: "Loving Lavender" Master Gardeners of Greene County invite you to stop by the Botanical Center at Nathanael Greene Park, 2400 South Scenic on Thursday August 7, 2014 from 6-7 pm (weather permitting) for Learn to Grow in the Garden: "Loving Lavender". Our casual hands-on class will introduce you to the beauty of this herb as it fills the garden with sensory delight from its soothing and refreshing fragrance to its multitude of uses. Meet in the Botanical Center Lobby, but our class will be taught by Master Gardeners in our beautiful gardens. Educational handouts and cool drinks will be provided.


Sept. 30, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Round Barn Event Center near Ash Grove Get $25 tickets at our office or order tickets online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene.

Put on your jeans and boots and come celebrate our agricultural heritage in an historical setting and help honor the Century Farms in Greene County. Our guest speaker will be David Baker, Assistant Dean of Agriculture Extension at the University of Missouri. He will discuss the 100 year history of Cooperative Extension and the challenges facing family Round Barn Event Cnt. farms in the coming 1520 years. We will honor those being named “Century Farms” this year and have musical entertainment by Acoustic Essays, a traditional bluegrass and classic country band. All proceeds will benefit Greene County Extension. Our event is made possible by our media sponsors: NewsLeader; Ozarks Farm and Neighbor Newspaper; KOLR/KOZL; Our Gold Level sponsor the Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District; and our silver level sponsors Old Missouri Bank and Cox Health Systems; and our bronze level sponsors: Race Acoustic Essays Brothers Farm Supply, Main Street Feeds and Fire & Ice Restaurant & Bar. Video promoting our event at http://youtu.be/j0vnASzxNzc.

Program Calendar Online The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene Calendar visible on right side of page.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Nutrition and Health Specialist Voices for Food Project Pam is the State Coordinator for the Voices for Food Project, focused on improving Food Insecurity. During July, Pam finalized community contracts, and worked with the six-state project team to develop community implementation procedures.  MO ranks among the top ten states with the highest % of “food insecure” households, and MO has had the single largest increase since 2000 in the percent of its population who is food insecure.  Specifically, SW MO has some of the highest rates of food insecurity in the State. One in six people are food insecure, one in four are children. These residents don’t know where their next meal will come from.  Pam is working with SW MO communities & Food Pantries to make a difference. This project is 75% of Pam’s appointment. Ozarks Regional Food Policy Council The council is a forum for representatives of the local food system, and provides a framework to address and provide solutions to food system issues. Pam works on both the Executive and the membership committee, chairing the Healthy People Subcommittee. During July, the group worked on indicator development to measure progress, community food projects and grants, finalizing assessment for publication, and outreach materials.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

Economic Development through Local Food Pam is working to bring a series of educational events to Greene County with Collaborators: Regional Food Solutions; Food CORE; Ozarks Food Harvest; SUAC; and the Ozark Regional Food Policy Council. Pam worked on marketPam Duitsman ing, budget, and secured Nutrition specialist sponsorships during July. duitsmanp@missouri.edu Healthy Lifestyle Initiative Pam works with communities to improve community environments and policies, and to provide programming for enhanced healthy lifestyles. During July Pam secured funding to help assist this work, and met with collaborators to coordinate programming. Local Food Programs in Greene County During July, Pam presented seven times to Greene County groups totaling 97 people, and was a part of several community strategic planning sessions focused on growing and connecting our local food system, and decreasing food insecurity in urban Springfield neighborhoods. Below: local food system meeting with community partners and City of Springfield officials.

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Nutrition and Health Specialist Below: Strategic Planning Session with Springfield Community Gardens — who partner with Pam’s local food work, with urban 4-H, MU Extension Master Gardeners, and with our Horticulture programming.

Missouri Foundation for Health Grant meetings A concept paper submitted for funding in June passed the first round and was invited by MFH for full submission. MFH conducted a site visit. Partners met at Greene County Extension offices to prepare project plans. Greene County Extension was approved to submit a follow-up grant proposal.

clients. More details and pictures to share in August Reaching Out Report. MU Extension Program Integration: Pam is a member of the Health Systems team, working to: integrate our health-related programs with research; maximize the impact of our programs by exceeding participant expectations; develop sustainable resource generation; and elevate MU Extension’s value. The work takes an interdisciplinary approach to increase the flexibility of the organization, and the ability to move resources quickly, based upon program needs. Pam worked on several projects during the month of July, including making preparations for a state-wide meeting to be held at the Botanical Center in late August. Additional work and outcomes in July:  Grant submission to Missouri Foundation for Health to fund community work in center-city Springfield  27 individual contacts/consultations during July  Springfield Food Hub advisory committee  Food Day campaign 2014 planning and development Professional Development:  Cultivating Healthier Food and Healthier Environment webinar  Grant writing webinar

Nutrition Education classes/Food demos at Farmers Market In July, Pam began a series of nutrition education programs at Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks which will highlight local healthy food and improve healthy dietary choices of Farmer’s market

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

4-H Report for Greene County

Sixth “Back to School Blast” Youth Horse Show Aug. 22-24 in Springfield Benefits 4-H The sixth annual “Back to School Blast” is a three-day youth horse show being held Aug. 22-24 2014, at the Ozark Empire Fair, 3001 N. Grant Springfield, Mo. This horse show is open to any youth nationwide and is a major fundraiser for Greene County 4-H. Proceeds from the show will help fund the Greene County 4-H fair, Greene County 4-H scholarships, contest fees, trips and many other 4-H activities in the community. The “Back to School Blast has grown to be the largest open all youth horse show in Southwest Missouri. We are very excited to have people travel from all over Missouri to support Greene County 4-H.” said Lynn Neidigh, Horse Show Committee Coordinator. “The show is open to 4-H members and nonmembers.” “Back to School Blast” has a mission to provide a positive, affordable big horse show experience that promotes horsemanship, sportsmanship and friendship. The show will include educational opportunities, vendors, and horse show/safety incentives including great prizes for every exhibitor. For showbill, rules and entry forms for the horse show like us on Facebook or go to www.backtoschoolblastallyouthhorseshow.org. Additional information is available for the event by emailing; btsbhorseshow@gmail.com or by calling Lynn Neidigh (417) 988-0798 or Gail Driskell (417) 830-3003 Thank you to this year’s horse show sponsors: Go Classic Trailer, The Equine Clinic, Signs Now, Ozark MFA, Ozark Empire Fair, SOMO Farm and Ranch Supply, PFI Western Stores Inc. and Race Brothers.

More About 4-H As the largest out-of-school youth organization in the world, 4-H is open to all boys and girls, ages 5 to18. Children who are five to seven years old are eligible for 4-H Clover Kids, an introductory program. Youths who are 8 to 18 years of age can select from a variety of 4-H projects and activities that stress social and life skills in areas like decision making, communication, social interaction, civic responsibility and physical skills. Children do not have to live on a farm to join 4-H. Project opportunities include computers, robotics, foods and nutrition, horticulture, large and small animals and more. Missouri 4-H is University of Missouri Extension's youth development program. Learn more online.

4-H Interns to Help with County Program Efforts Missouri State University graduate students in agriculture are going to begin working 20-hours per week for Greene County Extension this summer and fall. Half of their funding will come from MSU. The other half of their funding will come from the youth program assistant (YPA) fund with University of Missouri Extension. Karla Deaver, the 4-H youth specialist serving Greene County, will be their direct supervisor and will be coordinating the 4-H side of their schedule, using them as needed during the fair, achievement day, etc. These interns will also work with other extension specialists in the office. Part of the arrangement with MSU is for them to get a better understanding of the breadth of MU Extension. These new 4-H and Extension interns are: Cheyenne Arthur, Dakota Arthur and Jamie Gundel.

Contact 4-H Youth Development Specialist Karla Deaver at the Lawrence County Extension office by telephone at 417/466-3102 or by email at deaverk@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Family Nutrition Education Program

Becky Roark  

   

Republic WIC Clinic 35 clients Well of Life Food Pantry 304 families (Center City Christian Outreach) Central Assembly Food PanRoark try 120 families Price Elementary Summer School 144 students (one day) Greater Springfield Farmers’ Market (Tuesday mornings) 183 people Fair Grove Farmers’ Market -390 people




Sherri Hull 

   

Victory Mission Family Ministries Food Pantry – Display & Discussion about “Healthy Celebrations”; 131 Families Republic WIC Clinic, lessons on “Fruits & Vegetables” 34 clients Stewart Head Start, PreK – 45 students Grant Head Start, PreK – 30 students Greater Springfield Farmer’s Market – Tuesday mornings, 183 people

Jenni Nevatt I worked with over 81 participants ages 5-18 at the Springfield Boys and Girls Club, Musgrave unit and another 95 at the Henderson unit. Participants reviewed the five food groups then preFamily Nutrition Education Program pared and ate a healthy snack. 2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 I will also be at the Farmers Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. Market of the Ozarks on Tel: 417-886-2059 Thursday, July 31 demonCall the office to inquire about nutrition education. strating smoothie making.

Marty Wood

Fossett Online at http://extension.missouri.edu



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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Civic Communication Specialist and County Program Director BY THE NUMBERS (for the month)  News Service Subscribers: 9,822 weekly  Requests for advisement: 16  Regular weekly news columns: 18  TV/Radio Interviews – 5  Total articles written this month – 42  Created content ahead of time for distribution during the times I was on vacation. CPD DUTIES & PROGRAMS  Financial oversight, travel authorizations.  County Commission meetings.  Friends of Greene County Extension efforts.  Edited monthly “Reaching Out Report”  Regular updates to county extension website  Coordinating meetings of council committees  Marketing of Extension programs to local businesses for local specialists. SOCIAL MEDIA REACH (June 2014):  Individuals reached during this month via the regional extension social media tools: 144,322.  Created a poster on using social media to teach with Dr. Lydia Kaume. Poster will be used at a conference in Nairobi, Kenya this month.

HISTORIC SCHOOLS  Asked to present at Missouri Preservation conference in October as part of our efforts to develop a closer statewide program partnership with Missouri Preservation.  Presented at the naDavid Burton tional conference of Civic communication burtond@missouri.edu one-room school preservationists and historians in St. Joe, Mo. the first of July.  Working on the August newsletter (a quarterly publication) for members that is also sold online for non-members.  Work continues on the printed directory of historic schools in Missouri.

MEDIA WORK  Ozarks Press Association conference and board meeting in Springfield on July 18. Attended by 20 area journalists.  Made story pitches to 12 reporters requesting help on stories for national publications. GRANTS & PROPOSALS  Became a member of the HARO (Help a Re Working on four separate grant proposals to porter Out) network which allows national fund new and existing programs in 2015. reporters to query for sources. When a story  This fall I will be writing a grant for funding of is relevant to a local specialist I either make a 4-H youth assistant. the recommendation to a reporter or forward  Grant writing takes a great deal of time and the information to a specialist in an effort to there is no guarantee of funding. increase our national exposure in the media.  Updated our Expert (Media) Guide with new EMPLOYEE TRAINING PROGRAMS specialists and recent assignment changes.  Promoted trainings for employees from MU  Sold three copies of my “News Writing for Extension to area businesses. Our programs are the Non-Journalist” book online. local, affordable and re I am developing forms I wanted to say thank you! Without search based. and content for a new “Expert  Completed a postcard mail- the news service or your help turning Source Program” that I hope ing to the largest employers my writing into a news release, I to introduce this fall or early in Springfield and did radio wouldn't have made it into a statewide winter. ESP will be designed and TV spots to promote our agriculture news blast! So, a huge to get our clients and supportthank you and a major testimony to employee trainings. ers in the news more often as  Created a course packet that your support and efforts! story sources who can detail is on our website and is be- Jeremey Elliott-Engel how Extension has helped 4-H youth development specialist ing promoted in the media them. Newton County and online.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Horticulture Specialist Community Contact: TV and Radio  4 live interviews with KOLR10’s Chris Smith (1 delivered by Kelly McGowan)  4 radio interviews with Morris Westfall’s “Farm Page of the Air” Print media  Contributed to several articles and interviews Requests for information  Telephone contacts – 44 for advisement  Email contacts – 36 contacts  Office visits, professional contacts – 2 for consultation and advisement  Farm site visits – 13 for advisement Programs Presented:  “Grape Disease Identification and Management,” Fruit Disease Management ISE, Jefferson City (6/27/14)  “Opportunities with Volunteerism,” South Africa exchange program, Springfield (6/29/14)  “Food Safety from Farm to Fork,” West Plains (6/30/14)  “Basics of Urban Fruit Production,” Community Gardens conference, Manhattan, KS (7/7/14)  “Advanced Fruit Production,” Community Gardens conference, Manhattan, KS (7/8/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter meeting, Springfield (7/8/14)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist Board meeting, Springfield (7/9/14)  Lawrence County Horticulture Tour (7/10/14)  “Tomato Fertility Management,” Tomato Field Day, SW Center, Mt. Vernon (7/15/14)  “Organic insect control,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (7/16/14)  “Elderberry Development Program,” National Association of County Ag Agents annual conference, Mobile, AL (7/20-7/24/14)  “Elderberry Cultivar Development,” National Association of County Ag Agents annual conference, Mobile, AL (7/20-7/24/14) Coordinated:  Cooperated with LU faculty on Fruit Disease Management ISE, Jefferson City (6/27/14)  Food Safety Training Workshop, West Plains (6/30/14)

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

Master Gardeners of Greene County board meeting, Springfield (6/30/14)  Burmese garden project informational meeting, Noel (7/2/14)  First Thursday informational display, Patrick Byers Farmers Market of Horticulture the Ozarks, Springbyerspl@missouri.edu field (7/3/14)  First Friday informational display, Webb City Farmers Market, Webb City (7/4/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter meeting, Springfield (7/8/14)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist Board meeting, Springfield (7/9/14)  Lawrence County Horticulture Tour (7/10/14)  Tomato Field Day, MU SWREC, Mount Vernon (7/15/14)  “Organic insect control,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (7/16/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development meeting (Kelly McGowan), Springfield (7/21/14)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist chapter meeting, Springfield (7/21/14)  Horticulture soil test reports - recommendations and distribution for SW region – 23 reports during reporting period Participated in:  South Africa exchange program, Springfield (6/29/14)  Regional Soil and Water Conservation District meeting, Springfield (7/15/14)  Horticulture IPM teleconference (6/25/14, 7/9/14)  FMO Board meeting, Springfield (7/15/14)  National Association of County Agriculture Agents annual conference, Mobile, AL (7/20 -7/24/14)

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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Horticulture Specialist Human Interest Greene County: The Organic Gardening Academy, organized by Kelly McGowan and Patrick Byers, is a series of classes that focus on organic and sustainable gardening practices. The class meets twice monthly, and includes topics such as soil health, managing garden insects and diseases using organic practices, organic vegetable gardening, composting, preserving habitat for beneficial insects, urban water use, and intensive gardening practices. Each class includes a hands-on activity and a classroom discussion of the subject. Regional: Patrick Byers and John Hobbs, Extension rural development specialist in McDonald County, are coordinating a community gardening project in Noel that benefits Burmese families working in the poultry industry. Following an initial networking meeting with 20+ families who expressed interest in the gardens, John and Patrick attracted funding from area businesses, seed companies, and MU Extension to develop 3 gardens at Burmese housing developments. The gardens are currently producing a variety of vegetables in plots tended by over 50 families. John, Patrick, and Shon Bishop (Lincoln University) are conducting monthly information meetings with the families.

Organic Gardening Academy class members capture and identify insects in the Master Gardener Kitchen Garden.

Patrick Byers demonstrates construction and use of tomato cages.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Master Gardeners / Master Naturalists Continued from Patrick Byers: Upcoming programming and events  Global Food Systems Thematic Team meeting, Columbia (7/28-7/29/14)  “Organic Weed Control,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (7/31/14)  First Friday informational display, Webb City Farmers Market, Webb City (8/1/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County board meeting, Springfield (8/4/14)  “Organic Fruit Production,” EarthDance monthly seminar series, St. Louis (8/5/14)  Horticulture Exhibits Judging, Missouri State Fair, Sedalia (8/6/14)  First Thursday informational display, Farmers Market of the Ozarks, Springfield (8/7/14)  Burmese garden project informational meeting, Noel (8/11/14)  Metropolitan Food Systems Team Meeting, Columbia (8/12/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter meeting, Springfield (8/12/14)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist Board meeting, Springfield (8/13/14)  “The Xeriscape Garden – 20 Years of Sustainable Landscape Education,” Advanced Master Gardener Training – Drought and the Urban Landscape, Harrison, AR (8/16/14)  Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development meeting, Springfield (8/18/14)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist chapter meeting, Springfield (8/18/14)  “Pollinators and Beneficials – Maintaining Habitat,” Organic Gardening Academy, Springfield (8/21/14)  Extension Thematic Team meetings, Springfield (8/27-8/29/14)

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

2015 Missouri State Master Naturalist Conference in Springfield May 1-3 The Springfield Plateau Chapter of the Missouri Master Naturalist program will host the 2015 Missouri State Master Naturalist Conference in Springfield on May 1-3. The conference will have events and classes at the Botanical Center, Ramada Oasis Hotel and Conference Center, Valley Water Mill Park and Springfield Nature Center. The local chapter in Greene County now has nearly 100 members who will work to make this conference and event possible. Master Naturalists is a community-based natural resource, education and volunteer program. The Master Naturalists mission is to engage Missourians in the stewardship of our state’s natural resources through sciencebased education and volunteer community service. The purpose of the program is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach and service dedicated to that purpose. An announcement video about the conference can be viewed online at: http://youtu.be/84GkUuDjLaA

The Missouri Master Naturalist Program results from a partnership created in 2004 between the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and MU Extension (MUE). The Missouri Master Naturalist Program is recognized as a “named and branded” program within MU Extension. The MU School of Natural Resources is the academic home for the Program. See www.springfieldmasternaturalist.com or springfieldmn.blogspot.com/

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Master Gardeners of Greene County Looking Back, Going Forward 30 Years of Greene County Master Gardeners Celebration Friday, Oct. 3 will be the 30 year anniversary celebration for the Greene County Master Gardener Chapter. We are planning a big day with a fun party to celebrate! From 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., there will be a reception in the Master Gardener Demonstration Garden with Chef Craig von Foerster grilling vegetables and serving a light dinner. At 7 p.m. the fun will move over to the Darr Agricultural Center for a lecture by Dr. Todd Lasseigne. He is a well known plantsman who has traveled extensively throughout the world collecting new landscape plants. His topic will be Plant Collecting and he will give an update on the Tulsa Botanic Garden where he is president and CEO.

The Master Gardener Program is a popular and successful statewide volunteer community-service organization administered through University of Missouri Extension. The organization’s goal is to train gardeners who are willing to share their knowledge with others. Master Gardeners become volunteers of University of Missouri Extension and donate hours for community educational projects in horticulture. Volunteer activities include working with non-profit organizations, maintaining community gardens, conducting workshops, participating in a Master Gardener speakers’ bureau and staffing the Master Gardener “Hotline.” The Master Gardeners of Greene County can boast of over 300 members. For more information visit the chapters website at http://www.mggreene.org.

Upcoming Events:

Tickets are available to all Master Gardeners of Greene County now through July 31 for an advance price of $12. On Aug. 1, tickets will be available to all other southwest Missouri Master Gardeners. After August 15, ticket price will go up to $15 per person. After September 1, any remaining tickets will be made available to the general public.

August 7:

Tickets are available for purchase in the Hotline Room in the Botanical Center.

Monthly Chapter meeting from 6-8 at Botanical Center

Loving Lavender class from 6-7 pm in Nat Greene Demo Garden. Free and open to all Master Gardeners and public. Kelly McGowan

August 12:

Horticulture Educator University of Missouri Extension mcgowank@missouri.edu

August 18: Hotline training at Botanical Center

September 12-14: State Master Gardener Conference in St. Louis

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Master Gardeners of Greene County

Member Spotlight: Frank Shipe When did you join Master Gardeners and why? I joined in 2014 because I’d so many times been profoundly impressed by the knowledge and good spirit of Master Gardeners I talked with for gardening articles I was writing. What kind of gardening background do you have? In my mid-thirties I quit writing and editing for a living and started a small gardening business. It made little sense because I’d never gardened, but that’s where my heart took me and before long I was making a living at it. In time the two vocations dovetailed when I was asked to edit several gardening books, which in turn was very helpful because it required doing a world of very valuable gardening research.

What is your favorite thing about Master Gardeners of Greene County? Do I have to pick one? I like everything—the training, the people, the public gardens they do, the helpful info they provide the public, and, most of all, their mission to make this a better world.

What is one of your favorite growing tips that you would like to share? Because nature is on our side and the nature of plants is to survive, gardeners have a great likelihood of success in creating healthy, beautiful gardens.

What are a couple of your favorite plants? I love so many, but coneflowers and zinnias top the list.

Anything else about yourself you would like to share? I’m grateful for everything.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Donation period runs from October 1 to Sept. 30

2014 Contributors to “Friends of Greene County Extension” Corporate Level Master Gardeners of Greene County Sanford & Associates

Benefactor Level Richard & Janice Bemarkt

Patron Level Harold & Lee Ann Bender William & Virginia Darr

George Deatz Sharon De Rubis Friends of the Garden Greene Co. Soil & Water Conservation District

Ann Hall Joe Jenkins Michael & Jan Wooten

Sponsor Level Greater Ozarks Hosta Society James Mauldin

Old Missouri Bank RDW Family & Community Fund Jim & Nancy Tucker

Contributor Level Carl Allison Harold Bengsch Frank & Shirley Bridges Joyce Brown David & Stacey Burton Ramona Burton Marla Calico Cox Health Galen & Pam Duitsman Dr. Greenthumb/Greg Peterson Family Rusty Hathcock

Gaylen & Dedra Jones Jack Kaiser Darrell & Danette Proctor Ryan Lawn & Tree Jody & Barbara Norman Randall & Linda Sheridan Springfield Watergarden Society Gene Wallace

Friends Level John & Lisa Bakerink Glenn & Beverly Blake Shelby Bradley Campus, Inc. Alice Counts Bob Cirtin Gale & Becky Edwards Billie Sue Fuller Mary Gallagher James Garton Paul & Della Goodwin Ruth Grant David & Linda Hall Avis Holloway Richard & Yvonne Jarvis

Jeff Jones Mary Sue Joplin Main Street Feeds MFA Agri Services Pauline Marsh Steve & Marlu McElhany Dellene Nelson Race Brothers Farm & Supply Mike Sidebottom Steve & Pam Squibb Kathryn Steinhoff Ronald & Sue Carroll Terry

Cindy Arrowood Mr./Mrs. David Bailey Robert & Jana Belk Mardell Bontrager Keith & Malia Bucher Carr Stock Farms, LLC Kim Chaffin Steven Counts Barbi Dickensheet Don & Cassandra Garoutte Kathleen Goff Douglas Green Fred & Elaine Hamburg

Harrison Farm Dulcinea Fisher-Smith Rob & Brenda Funkhouser William Hosman Rita Johnson Bob & Barbara Kipfer Karen McDonald Dorothy Miller Frieda Morris Edie Nelson

Albert Niewald Gladys O’Dell Minuen Odom Cathy & Alex Primm Crystal Quade H. James Roper Carolyn Schirmer Second Wind Companies Matthew Simpson Patsy Spindler Carol & Edgar Stephenson Stewart Farm Elizabeth & Paul Taylor Randy Underwood Leslie Wilde

Join Friends of Greene County Extension Since 1914, Greene County residents have sought help in agriculture, gardening, 4-H youth, nutrition, families, business and community development from Extension. Members of “Friends of Greene County Extension” contribute financially to make it possible for Extension to continue having a positive impact on the quality of life in Greene County. To learn how you can help by contributing go to extension.missouri.edu/greene or call (417) 881-8909.

Lee & Julie Viorel David & Glenda Welde Chris & Colette Wilbers

Associate Level Jodie Adams Ted Anderson

Total Cash Contributed: 29,190.65

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated July 23, 2014

Extension/Partner Meetings County Commission meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays of month; confirm agenda and meeting at http://www.greenecountymo.org/commission. Commission building, Springfield, at 9:30 a.m. Park Board Meetings: Second Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Call 864-1049 to confirm location of meeting. 4-H Leader’s Council Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month (except July) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2852 S Dayton Ave, Springfield. Greene County 4-H Foundation: meets 3rd Thursday of each month at Panera Bread on Battlefield (across from the Mall) starting at 6 p.m. Master Gardeners of Greene County— board meeting: First Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Master Naturalists Board Meetings: The board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the MDC regional office, on the second Wednesday of the month. Master Gardeners of Greene County-membership meeting: Second Tuesday each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Greene County Farm Bureau — Second Monday of the month at Farm Bureau 2530 S Campbell Ave, Springfield. Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Greene County Extension Office located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 Fax (417) 823-4818 Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Corporate Sponsors 

 

 

Sanford and Associates, CPA, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 886-2220, www.adifferentcpa.com Master Gardeners of Greene County: http://www.mggreene.org Meyer Communications, KWTO 560 AM / KTXR 101.3 FM: (417) 862-3751 www.radiospringfield.com/ American Business Systems, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 866-5083, www.ambussys.com Sunshine Valley Farm, 8125 E State Highway AD, Rogersville, ph. (417) 753-2698, http://www.sunshinevalleyfarm.com/ Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Ph 417-864-1049, www.parkboard.org

Can I Help? Lorri Winters can help customers with material needs, soil tests or program registrations. Contact her at the Greene County Extension Center, (417) 881-8909. Lorri Winters joined Extension in 2005.

Lorri Winters Office Manager

Videos on YouTube Watch the videos posted to our channel at www.youtube.com/MUExtension417.

On Facebook Get regular updates about programs and news from MU Extension in southwest Missouri. Find us at facebook.com/MUExtension417. Each “Reaching Out Report” is used by Greene County Extension specialists to concisely communicate activities, contacts and events to members of the Greene County Extension Council, Greene County Commission and residents of Greene County. For more about this report contact the editor, David Burton, at (417) 881-8909.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.