May 2015 Reaching Out Report

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“Reaching Out Report” the Greene County Extension Newsletter 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Email: * Tel: (417) 881-8909

May 2015 *

Vol. 8, Issue 5

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Financial Scorecard… pages 2 Upcoming events … pages 3 Renette Wardlow … page 4 Pam Duitsman… page 5 Nutrition program… page 6 David Burton … pages 7 Patrick Byers … pages 8-9 Kelly McGowan … page 10-11 Master Naturalists ... pages 11 Jeff Barber page 11 4-H Report … page 12 Friends of Extension... pages 13 Sponsors & Contact... page 14

Subscribe Now! Become a subscriber and receive a monthly email with the direct link for reading the “Reaching Out Report” online. Send your request by email to

Pictured above are staff of the Greene County Extension office in May of 2015 (left to right): Jeff Barber, Lorri Winters, Renette Wardlow, David Burton, Clarissa Hatley, Kelly McGowan, Patrick Byers, Pam Duitsman.

Lorri Winters Departs Greene County Extension After 10 Years June 1 will be Lorri Winter’s last day as office manager for Greene County Extension. After 10 years, she is starting a new chapter in her career/life by pursuing other options. “During this time, Lorri has managed our office, maintained our financial records, answered customer calls, worked with clients to enroll in classes, worked with memWinters bers of Master Gardeners program, and operated our office during the frequent absence of the specialists,” said David Burton, county program director. “Lorri has been an ambassador for extension with the park board. She has a natural ability to talk with strangers and make people feel comfortable. She will be missed.” Maggie Black, a resident of Ozark and member of Friends of the Garden, will begin working as the Greene County Extension Administrative Assistant on May 27. She has 30 years of clerical experience and is looking forward to learning more about MU Extension, meeting clients, and learning new things, including how to package a soil test! Black Extension staff are hosting a private going away lunch for Lorri. Members of the public have until June 1 to wish her well.

University of Missouri Extension provides equal opportunity to all participants in extension programs and activities, and for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or status as a protected veteran.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Greene Game of Business Greene County Extension Scorecard – May 2015 Income 0100 · Student Fees 0210 · County Appropriations

YTD BUDGET $7,195.00 $1,000.00

DIFF -$6,195.00

$8,410.00 $27,000.00




0400 · Gift/Grants/Contracts

$7,775.00 $25,000.00


0900 · Resales/Fees/Soil Tests




$0.00 $1,000.00


$0.00 $2,400.00 $0.00 $3,735.00 $28,466.00 $60,135.00

$2,400.00 $0.00 $27,934.00

2700 · Persnnl - Salaries & Wag $10,142.47 $32,989.00


$3,210.32 $6,956.00 $2,161.55 $6,000.00

$3,745.68 $3,838.45

$593.10 $2,400.00


$431.55 $1,000.00 $995.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $192.00

$568.45 $1,005.00 $192.00

4800 - Reproduction / Copies 5100 · Supplies/Services 5110 · Annual Meeting 6400 - Other Contract Services 6800 - Insurance 7010 - Ext. Council Election 7100 · Soil Test Expenses

$682.54 $200.00 $1,541.96 $2,000.00 $537.50 $500.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $350.00 $0.00 $1,300.00 $1,031.50 $0.00

-$482.54 $458.04 -$37.50 $1,000.00 $350.00 $1,300.00 -$1,031.50

7200 · Publications for Resale 7300 · Repairs/Maintenance 7700 - Furniture / Equipment

$996.00 $0.00 $1,083.08 $1,648.00 $0.00 $1,600.00

-$996.00 $564.92 $1,600.00

7999 - Fee Gen. Distribution


0300 - Investment Income

1300 - Miscellaneous Income 1500 - Postage Allotment 1600 - Balance Transfers Total Income


Expense 2800 · Payroll Expenses 3100 · Travel 3600 · Postage Meter 2100 · Postage 3700 · Telephone Serv - Local 3900 · Advertising 4700 · Publishing/Printing

Total Expense



$26,441.57 $60,135.00



Key Drivers for finances Soil tests done in 2015 Total # of donors in 2015



BUDGET 142 320 87

Online at



DIFF -178

Let’s Get in the Game Together The Greene County Extension Council and University of Missouri Extension staff in Greene County are now playing the Great Game of Business (http:// This is an open-book system of for the local office and will guide efforts to get local extension operations in the black. Part of the process is sharing financials (at left) as well as financial education for our council and specialists at regular meetings. Keep up with what Greene County Extension is doing to implement The Great Game of Business online at the Greene County Extension website under the tab “Great Game.” Weekly updated scorecards can be found there as well a chart (graphic shown at the top of his column) explaining the three main parts of the game.


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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Selected Upcoming Extension Events in Greene County Business Development Classes Regular business classes are held at the Small Business Development and Technology Center, 405 North Jefferson Ave., Springfield. Register by calling 417-836-5685 or check online

“Learn to Grow in the Garden” Series at The Botanical Center Master Gardeners of Greene County offer a “Learn to Grow in the Garden” series of classes at the Botanical Gardens, 2400 S. Scenic, Springfield. Each class is from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and has a registration fee of $5 per person, payable at the gift shop in The Botanical Center. “Milkweed” will be taught by Jean Ackley on Monday, June 8. “Herbs” will be taught by Barb Emge 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday, July 13. “Garden Above Ground” will be taught by Missy Sanford on Monday, Aug. 10. “Seed Saving” will be taught by Patrick Byers, horticulture specialist with MU Extension, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 14. “Urban Bee Keeping” will be taught by Ann Kynion, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 5. Learn more about the Master Gardeners of Greene County online at or contact the MU Extension Center in Greene County at (417) 881-8909.

Space for Rent The Botanical Center offers meeting space for social gatherings and business functions. Contact us for all of your needs! Springfield Botanical Gardens at Nathanael Greene Close Memorial Park. 417-891-1515 |

Tickets on Sale for “Dinner in the Orchard” June 20 Event Benefits Extension and Features Local Foods; Ticket Deadline June 10 A special upcoming event being billed as “Dinner in the Orchard” will benefit Greene County Extension and feature locally produced foods deliciously prepared. This second annual event begins with a welcome at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m., Saturday, June 20 at Sunshine Valley Farm Café, 8125 E State Highway AD, Rogersville, Mo. Proceeds from the event will benefit programs funded by Greene County Extension. This year, Chef Craig von Foerster of From Table to Farm, will put together a micro -local four course menu that will begin with appetizers in the orchard. Dine inside or on the porch with views of the Orchard. After dinner, attendees will have a chance to take home a homemade pie with a fun “pie pull.” Greene County Extension specialists are heavily invested in promoting and educating the public about locally produced foods, helping people produce their own food, teaching about good nutrition and helping local businesses succeed. Seating for this event is limited to 80 individuals and the first event did sell out. Advanced tickets must be purchased before June 10 and are available at a cost of $75 per person. Tickets can be purchased by cash or check at the Greene County Extension office, 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 or easily and safely online at http://

Program Calendar Online The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at Calendar visible on right side of page.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Human Development, Family and Health

Grant Funded Program Using MU Extension Specialists Seeks to Improve Physical Activity at Child Care Centers While it seems young children are always moving, most of them are not getting the moderate to vigorous physical activity needed to keep their bodies and minds healthy. Missouri MOve Smart Child Care is a program that recognizes child care facilities following a specific set of physical activity standards. University of Missouri Extension offers a coaching program that can help child care facilities become a MOve Smart Child Care by using the principles of “I Am Moving, I Am Learning” (IMIL) training. IMIL is an award-winning and proactive approach to increasing the amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. The goal is to improve the quality of movement activities purposefully planned and led by adults. The project is a grant funded jointly by University of Missouri Extension and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. An MU Extension specialist observes and coaches the center staff and director over a three-month period. The MU Extension specialist also helps the center develop a physical activity plan and helps them to apply for a “Choosy” activity kit or $500 to purchase physical activity equipment of their choice.

GREENE COUNTY IMPACT To date, two Greene County Child Day Care Centers have completed the program and obtained the status of a “Move Smart” facility with help from MU Extension. The “Where Families Grow” facility and the “University Preschool and Learning Center” have completed the program. “La Petite” and “Karris Kidsville, Babyville” are involved in the project.

Centers interested in taking part in the program agree to increase the physical activity of children and to help decrease the incidence of childhood obesity.


Renette Wardlow Child day care Human Development also providers have the opportunity to participate in “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” training. Individuals who spend the majority of their time caring for others run the risk of neglecting their needs. The training is effective for those who are taking care of an elderly parent or a disabled person and for those who care for other’s children. Research studies find high rates of depression and anxiety among caregivers and increased vulnerability to health problemslow. The program is designed to be attended in its entirety. Four, threehour workshops are offered to those who would like to go through training that will help them to take better care of themselves. In Greene County, the dates for the “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” training are Sept. 21, Oct. 5, Oct. 19, and Nov. 2. All classes will be held at the Botanical Center, 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield. To register for the program, contact Renette Wardlow, human development specialist, by telephone at 417881-8909 or by email at

To learn more about this program or others impacting children and families, contact Human Development Specialist Renette Wardlow at (417) 881-8909 or by email at

Online at

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Nutrition and Food Policy Voices for Food Project Through this project, Pam works with several Food Policy Councils and communities to improve food-insecurity. The project is a six-state, federally funded research project, drawing on the expertise of multiple disciplines – including nutrition, community development, agriculture and youth, through Extension services. The community work accomplished in May helped to develop and implement sustainable solutions that will increase availability and access to healthy food choices. Development of food councils continued, with stakeholder representatives from farmers, school administrators, business owners, and other concerned citizens. Three community capacity grants were submitted; community gardens continued to be developed; a fundraiser was held; and community meetings continued to build critical linkages to shape good foundations for addressing food needs. Pam is the Project Coordinator, and in that role provides guidance to the food councils. The majority of Pam’s position is focused on this work, which will last into 2018.

Ozarks Regional Food Policy Council The Executive Council finalized the Springfield Community Food System Capacity Assessment. The Council continues to focus work in Greene County this year. Operating from the Pam Duitsman foundation that Nutrition Specialist healthy food = a healthy population. A planning meeting of the Executive Council in May focused work on continuing sustainable projects which build connections within our local food system. Meetings and presentations this month included: Connecting Healthy Local Food back into Food Pantries to address nutrition, chronic disease, hunger, and skill building education; Building a Food Hub in SW Missouri. The ORFPC is a forum for representatives of the local food system, and provides a framework for addressing and providing solutions to issues such as food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste disposal. Healthy Food Pantry Collaborative: Greene County Food Pantry Directors and support organizations (CoxHealth; Ozark Food Harvest; MSU; Springfield/Greene Health Department; OACAC and MU Extension) met to discuss needs, capacity, programs, resources, and collaborative opportunities. MU Extension Program Integration: As a member of the Health Systems team, Pam has been working to integrate our health-related programs with research; maximize the impact of our programs; develop sustainable resource generation; and elevate MU Extension’s value. The team held a state-wide online meeting to update MU Extension partners on work progress and planned programs.

Contact Nutrition and Health Education Specialist Dr. Pam Duitsman at (417) 881-8909 or by email at

Online at

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Family Nutrition Education Program Becky Roark The places I taught in May are Fair Grove Elementary, Holland Elementary, Well of Life Food Pantry and Central Assembly Food Pantry. Gone on a vacation during the week of reporting.

Sherri Hull       


Completed series of lessons at Westport Elem K-2, 255 students Completed series of lessons at Campbell Small Wonders PK, 30 students Completed series of lessons at University Child Care Center PK, 20 students Completed series of lessons at Weaver Elem 3rd gr., 25 students Series of lessons at Orchard Hills Elem K, 3rd, 4th, 158 students Food Power Exhibit at Orchard Hills Elem – 382 students Display and discussion about Fruits & Vegetables at Victory Mission Family Ministries Food Pantry, 180 families Robberson Neighborhood Assoc. Event – Display, TBD




Jenni Nevatt Jenni will be finishing out her regular programming in Greene and Christian Counties during May and June. Most of the scheduled work is in schools. Then in July, she will begin her work as the FNEP Program manager, headquartered at the FNEP regional office. Nevatt replaces Teresa Deford who left about two months ago to serve as a regional FNEP director elsewhere in Missouri.

Marty Wood 

Willard WIC Eating Smart, Being Active, 19 Adults Willard Food Pantry Display 40 families Pregnancy Care Center Eating Smart, Being Active – 32 Adults Crosslines Food Pantry, Display, 1389 families

Family Nutrition Education Program

Crosslines (direct teaching), Eating Smart, Being Active – 14 Adults People Helping People Food Pantry Display, 16 families

2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. Tel: 417-886-2059 *

Life House Crisis Maternity Home Eating Smart, Being Active, 7 adults Hand Extended Food Pantry Eating Smart, Being Active - 49 adults

Fossett Online at



Williams Page 6

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Civic Communication Specialist & County Program Director What is teaching? Direct contact where learning is occurring is considered teaching. This includes one-to-one calls, emails, meetings, and classes. BY THE NUMBERS (for the month)  News Service Subscribers: 9,766 weekly  Requests for advisement: 11  Regular weekly news columns: 16  TV/Radio Interviews – 3  Total articles written this month – 42 CPD DUTIES & PROGRAMS  Financial oversight, travel authorizations.  County Commission meetings.  Friends of Greene County Extension efforts.  Edited monthly “Reaching Out Report”  Regular updates to county extension website  Screening applications for administrative assistant and conducting interview process.  New money-saving phone system for office. SOCIAL MEDIA REACH (April 2015):  Individuals engaged on various MU Extension Facebook pages: 28,998; also added 4 videos to our YouTube channel at MUExteision417. NEW EFFORTS  Implementing new softwares/online systems to manage southwest regional news service (Constant Contact), donor relations and the Expert Source Program (using DonorSnap).  Great Game of Business for staff and council.  Working out details on locations and special events in the county for soil test collection. PROGRAMS  Meeting of Greene County COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster); working with the communications team.

Greene County Extension Reaps Big Benefits of “Give Ozarks” Day May 5 The Greene County Extension Council participated in the first-ever David Burton Give Ozarks 24-hour Civic communication online day of giving on May 5, 2015. Supporters were asked to make online donations in support of local extension programming in youth, nutrition, horticulture and agriculture. The Greene County Extension Council finished with $3,285 in donations for the day. It was a good day and well worth the time and investment that staff and volunteers put in to promote it. Those new funds are essential to maintaining our programs and necessary for us to meet our fundraising goal for this year. Nationally, May 5 is Give Local America Day when community foundations across the country hold similar online fundraising events to boost resources for their local nonprofits, encourage new donors and raise awareness of philanthropy in general. Greene County Extension Council is a partner of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, which hosted Give Ozarks. The CFO is a regional public charitable foundation, founded in 1973, which includes 45 affiliate foundations and nearly 600 nonprofit partners and schools. Plans are underway to make the 2016 effort an even greater success.

David Burton’s focus of work as civic communication specialist: Community and civic engagement through communication and media relations, leading and moderating focus groups, non-profit education and support, social media in support of disaster recovery and response, marketing extension regionally, heritage tourism with an emphasis on restoring historic schools; and engaging council members with media relations efforts like the Southwest Region News Service and the Expert Source Program. As county program director: David also works with the elected council to operate, fund and administer the local Greene County Extension office and to plan local programs, to engage council members in this and other work, and to generate local revenue to support programs in Greene County

Online at

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Horticulture Specialist Community Contact: TV and Radio  4 live interviews with KOLR10’s John Ziegler (1 delivered by Kelly McGowan)  1 interview with radio station KRES on brown marmorated stink bug Print media  Contributed to several articles and interviews, including an interview with Juliana Goodwin of the Springfield News Leader on local farms Requests for information  Telephone contacts – 53 for advisement (included 26 contacts during KY3 television “Ask an Expert” panel on 5/12/15  Email contacts – 22 contacts  Office visits, professional contacts – 1 for consultation and advisement  Farm site visits – 6 for consultation/advisement Programs Presented:  “Planning and Planting the Vegetable Garden,” Springfield/Greene County Library Station gardening series, Springfield (4/27/15)  “Backyard Poultry,” Newton County Extension Spring Program, Neosho (4/28/15)  Project V.O.I.C.E. presentations (12 presenta-

tions that reached 120 students), Sequiota Elementary School, Springfield (5/13/15) Coordinated:  Master Gardeners of Greene County annual plant sale, Springfield (4/25/15)  Great Plains Growers Conference planning Patrick Byers committee meeting, Horticulture St. Joseph (4/29/15)  First Friday display at Webb City Farmers Market, Webb City (with Robert Balek, Randy Garrett (LU)) (5/1/15)  Master Gardeners of Greene County board meeting, Springfield (5/4/15)  Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter meeting, Springfield (5/12/15)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalists board meeting, Springfield (5/13/15)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist chapter meeting (5/18/15)  Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development training (delivered by Kelly McGowan), Springfield (5/18/15)  Young Sprouts in the Garden, Springfield (5/16/15)  Planning activities for Ornamentals IPM ISE to be held in Springfield, MO on June 18-19, 2015  Horticulture soil test reports - recommendations and distribution for SW region – 63 reports during reporting period

The work of Patrick and other MU Extension specialists in Texas County is featured in this month’s Rural Missouri magazine. Read at

Online at

Participated in:  Greene County Extension Council meeting, Springfield (4/27/15)  Noel Community Gardens project site visit, Noel (4/28/15)  MU Extension Thematic Team site visit, SE MO (5/6/15)  Viticulture ISE, Columbia (5/7/155/8/15)  Greene County Soil and Water Conser-

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Horticulture Specialist   

vation District annual mtg, Springfield (5/12/15) Metropolitan Food Systems team meeting, Columbia (5/18/15) SW region faculty mtg, Springfield (5/19/15) Lincoln University Busby Farm advisory board meeting (4/22/15)

Upcoming programming and events  Organic Pest Management ISE, Jefferson City (5/26/15-5/27/15)  MU Thematic Teams quarterly meeting, St. Joseph (5/27/15-5/29/15)  “Organic Pest Management for Vegetable Producers” and “Organic Blueberry Production,” LU Busby Farm Organic Field Day, Jefferson City (6/3/15)  First Friday at Webb City Farmers Market display, Webb City (6/5/15)  SARE Sustainable Agriculture Fellowship training, Little Rock (6/9/15-6/12/15)  Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development training, Springfield (6/15/15)

Online at

Ornamentals IPM ISE, Springfield (6/18/15-

6/19/15) Cochrane international exchange tour, central MO (6/22/15-6/23/15)

The Missouri Master Naturalist Program results from a partnership created in 2004 between the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and MU Extension (MUE). The Missouri Master Naturalist Program is recognized as a named program within MU Extension. The MU School of Natural Resources is the academic home for the Program. See or

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Master Gardeners of Greene County Member Spotlight:

Kathy Rapp When did you join Master Gardeners and why? My mother thought I needed something to do, so she encouraged me to join the Master Gardener program because I liked to garden.

Upcoming Events: June 8: 6:30-7:30– Learn to Grow in the Garden Series: Milkweed; class will be held at Botanical Center; $5 register in the Botanical Center gift shop

June 9: 6pm– Master Gardeners of Greene County June chapter meeting at Botanical Center.

Kelly McGowan Horticulture Educator

Visit for more information or ‘like’ Master Gardeners of Greene County on Facebook.

What kind of gardening background do you have? My grandmother taught me about gardening when I was 5. What is your favorite thing about Master Gardeners of Greene County? The Hotline; I like talking to people. What is one of your favorite growing tips that you would like to share? You have to water things occasionally for them to grow. What are a couple of your favorite plants? Prairie Blue-eyed grass and cutleaf oenothera Anything else about yourself you would like to share? This is my 16th year as a Master Gardener.

Online at

The Master Gardener Program is a popular and successful statewide volunteer community-service organization administered through University of Missouri Extension. The organization’s goal is to train gardeners who are willing to share their knowledge with others. Master Gardeners become volunteers of University of Missouri Extension and donate hours for community educational projects in horticulture. Volunteer activities include working with non-profit organizations, maintaining community gardens, conducting workshops, participating in a Master Gardener speakers’ bureau and staffing the Master Gardener “Hotline.” The Master Gardeners of Greene County can boast of over 275 members. For more information visit the chapter website at

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Master Gardeners of Greene County

Pollinator Garden Added to Master Gardener Demonstration Garden The newest addition to the Nathanael Greene Demonstration Garden at the Springfield Botanical Gardens is a pollinator garden. Master Gardeners Gail Wright, Alice Greenfield, Barb Decker and MU Extension Horticulture Educator Kelly McGowan added the garden to give home gardeners ideas that they could use to make their gardens more pollinator friendly. There has been a lot of news lately about the decline of the bee and monarch butterfly populations. This is due to a variety of factors including habitat loss, disease, overuse and misuse of pesticides. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done on a small scale to help these, along with other pollinators, out. Native plants are a great choice for pollinator gardens because they provide nectar, larval food and shelter. Plants of different heights and colors are a good choice considering that different pollinators prefer various sizes and shades of color. Along with bees and butterflies, pollinators includes moths, hummingbirds, wasps, bats, birds, beetles, flies and many other insects. Consider planting a pollinator garden near your vegetables. A healthy population of pollinators visiting your vegetable garden can improve fruit set and yield. Besides plants, there are other things that are pollinator friendly. A simple wooden block can be drilled with a variety of hole sizes and will attract solitary, non-aggressive bees. Hollow sticks and rotting logs placed throughout the

Online at

garden provide great habitat for pollinators. A shallow water dish can also be added to provide a water source. Want to visit the pollinator garden? The Springfield Botanical Gardens is open free-ofcharge from dawn to dusk 7 days a week at 2400 S. Scenic Ave. in Springfield, Mo.

Master Gardeners of Greene County host successful Young Sprouts in the Garden event for area children On May 16, Master Gardeners hosted the annual “Young Sprouts in the Garden” event. The mild weather and activity packed event attracted many area families. This free educational event is designed to get kids excited about nature and gardening. Some of the activities this year included a zip line, rotting log dissection, a digging for worms station, an up close look at ladybugs, crafts, games and a tour of the Butterfly House.

Housing and Urban Development Specialist Jeff Barber is working with leaders in area communities and students at Drury to develop projects and visioning documents that improve living and expand economic options. Information about his work can be found on the Greene County Extension website or contact him at (417) 881-8909 or

Jeff Barber Housing and design

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated May 22, 2015

4-H Report for Greene County

Horse Bowl and Hippology Mark the State Horse Event Over 200 4-H members, parents and coaches from all across the state converged on the University of Missouri Animal Science Center April 24 and 25 for the annual State 4H Horse Bowl and Hippology Contest. Teams from Greene County made a great showing for 4-H clubs in southwest Missouri. HORSE BOWL RESULTS Greene County won the senior division of the Horse Bowl. The Greene County team will represent Missouri 4-H at the 4H National Horse Bowl Contest this fall. The first place Horse Bowl Senior Team from Greene County was Megan Andersen (high individual), Jessica Stacy, Jacob Irmen, Micah O’Malley and Micah Burdick.

More About 4-H As the largest out-of-school youth organization in the world, 4-H is open to all boys and girls, ages 5 to18. Children who are five to seven years old are eligible for 4-H Clover Kids, an introductory program. Youths who are 8 to 18 years of age can select from a variety of 4-H projects and activities that stress social and life skills in areas like decision making, communication, social interaction, civic responsibility and physical skills. Children do not have to live on a farm to join 4-H. Project opportunities include computers, robotics, foods and nutrition, horticulture, large and small animals and more. Missouri 4-H is University of Missouri Extension's youth development program. Learn more online.

HIPPOLOGY RESULTS: This year Jackson County won the senior division of the Hippology Horse Bowl Senior Team Contest and will represent Missouri 4 -H at the 4-H National Hippology Contest to be held this fall. The Hippology first place junior team from Greene County included Ella O’Connor, Karley McCall, Cara Driskell and Mikayla Peterson. Hippology Top Individuals in each age category Rory O’Conner, Greene County, 8–10 Year Olds; Mikayla Peterson, Greene County, High Individual Juniors and Claire Clevenger, Jackson County, High Individual Seniors. Hippology Junior Team Contact 4-H Youth Development Specialist Karla Deaver at the Lawrence County Extension office by telephone at 417/466-3102 or by email at

Online at

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Donation period runs from November 1, 2014 to Oct. 31, 2015

2015 Contributors to “Friends of Greene County Extension” Marthe Close Johnny Davis Sanford, Lea and Jim Eckhoff Associates Gale Edwards Master Gardeners of James Garton Greene County David Hall Avis Holloway Patron Level Dr. Jeff Jones George Deatz Tim & Mary Sue Joplin Ann Hall Barbara Kipfer Pauline Marsh Sponsor Level James Mauldin David & Stacey Burton MFA – Ash Grove Springfield Water Don Nicholson Garden Society Jeanette & Tom Rouse Ryan Lawn & Tree Contributor Level Steve & Pam Squibb Carl Allison Katie Steinhoff Harold Bengsch Stephen & Sally Taylor Galen & Pam Duitsman Gene Wallace FCS Financial David & Glenda Welde Carl Hathcock Carr Stock Farms, LLC Galen Jones Jack Kaiser Partner Level Ronald & Sue Terry Harold Bender Matt & Teresa Simpson Kim Chaffin Kip Thompson George Freeman Matthew Simpson Friends Level Patsy Spindler Randy & Lisa Bakerink Emma Valentin Glenn Blake Nancy Williams M.D. Bonebrake Rose Shelby Bradley Joyce Brown Associate Level Malia Bucher Alice Counts Ramona Burton Marilyn Anderson Susan Cardwell Jeff Barber Robert Cirtin

Corporate Level

Total Contributed: Cash = 16,941

Patrick Byers Robert Cranksaw Barb Decker Robin & Brenda Funkhouser Rebecca Hoy Joshua Mathews Kelly McGowan Fred & Dorothy Miller Dean & Jackie Morgan Edie Nelson Lamont Nelson Benjamin Newville Earl Niewald Minuen Odom Robert Pears Ruth PenaherreraNorton Rebecca Roller Dale & Carrie Sanders Don Simpson Olivia Simpson Bryan Simpson Jeanie Skibiski Virginia Snyder Randy Underwood Renette Wardlow Cheryl Willis Lorri Winters

Donate Vehicles to Greene County Extension Cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, ATVs, boats, boat motors and farm equipment can be donated to the Greene County Extension Council thanks to a partnership with CoPart, a national company with a Rogersville location. Donations can be arranged through Greene County Extension. CoPart picks up the vehicle and auctions it online. When contacting the local extension office with a donation be prepared to give the following: name, address and telephone for the owner and type of item. If it is a vehicle we will need VIN, make, model, year, color and mileage. When the vehicle is picked up (or delivered) the owner must sign over the title.

Friends of Greene County Extension Members of “Friends of Greene County Extension” contribute financially to make it possible for Extension to continue having a positive impact on the quality of life in Greene County. Learn how to help by calling (417) 881-8909 or going to http://

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Corporate Sponsors Sanford, Lea and Associates, CPA, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 886-2220, Master Gardeners of Greene County: Greene County Commission, 933 N Robberson Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Ph 417-864-1049,

Can I Help? Lorri Winters can help customers with material needs, soil tests and program registrations. Contact her at the Greene County Extension Center or email her direct at Administrative Assistant Lorri Winters joined Greene County Extension in 2005.

Greene County Extension Office located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Last Updated May 22, 2015

Extension Council Officers The following individuals are officers on the Greene County Extension Council during 2015.  Matthew Simpson, chairman  Harold Bender, vice-chairman  Mary Sue Joplin, treasurer  Nancy Williams, secretary See our website ( for a complete listing of council members and contact information for each member.

Get Social with Greene County Extension Follow us on Facebook: GreeneCountyExtension Follow us on Twitter @MUExtension417 Follow us on YouTube: /MUExtension417

Extension/Partner Meetings County Commission meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays of month; confirm agenda and meeting at http:// Commission building, Springfield, at 9:30 a.m. Park Board Meetings: Second Friday of each month, 8:30 a.m. Call 864-1049 to confirm. 4-H Leader’s Council Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month (except July),7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2852 S Dayton Ave, Springfield. Greene County 4-H Foundation: meets 3rd Thursday of each month at Panera Bread on Battlefield (across from the Mall) starting at 6 p.m. Master Gardeners of Greene County—board meeting: First Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Master Naturalists Board Meetings: The board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the MDC regional office, on the second Wednesday of the month. Greene County Farm Bureau — Second Monday of the month at Farm Bureau 2530 S Campbell Ave, Springfield. Starts at 7:30 p.m. Each “Reaching Out Report” is used by Greene County Extension specialists to concisely communicate activities, contacts and events to members of the Greene County Extension Council, Greene County Commission and residents of Greene County. For more about this report contact the editor, David Burton, at (417) 881-8909.

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