“Reaching Out Report” the Greene County Extension Newsletter
2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Email: greeneco@missouri.edu * Tel: (417) 881-8909
May 2018 *
Vol. 11, Issue 5
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Each month read updates and reports on these University of Missouri Extension programs in Greene County: Nutrition Community and Human Development Horticulture Agriculture 4-H Youth Local Foods Each “Reaching Out Report” is used by Greene County Extension specialists to concisely communicate activities, impacts and events to members of the Greene County Extension Council, Greene County Commission and Greene County residents.
See program lists and calendars inside this newsletter for a glimpse of what is coming up.
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Become a subscriber and receive a monthly email with the direct link for reading the “Reaching Out Report” online. Subscribe on our website.
Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop A cooperative fruit tree grafting workshop was held April 11 in Springfield at the Bond Learning Center. The class was taught jointed by Missouri State University and University of Missouri Extension. Both Horticulture Specialist Patrick Byers and Horticulture Educator with Kelly McGowan helped to teach the course which was had nearly 20 people in attendance.
University of Missouri Extension is an equal opportunity/ access/ affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.
Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Financials Financial Notes The financial scorecard for the Greene County Extension Council is posted in the office manager’s office and shared at least monthly on the Greene County Extension Council Facebook page, Our office is working on several grants that would have a positive impact on our revenue and year-end financials: 1) a grant proposal with the Republic Community Foundation for community health programs; 2) grant proposals for help fund the EXCEL Leadership Class 2 and a capstone leadership seminar in 2019; 3) and a grant to help fund the Ash Grove Betterment Night set for July 19 at the Sunshine Center.
Master Gardener Core Training Feb - April 2018 - Administered by Kelly McGowan EXPENSES Item Quantity Core manuals 44 Copies made for class 7305 Specialists/speakers mileage 720 Required state fee to campus 49 Refreshments 0 Promotion or advertisments 2 Media releases and covearge 7
Cost Per $160/$275 0.1 0.37 55 0 0 0
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
Total 1,320.00 730.50 266.40 2,695.00 -
Office administrative fee is 10% of total revenue $ 693.00 Expenses SUB TOTAL $ 5,704.90 INCOME In-person enrollments 49 $0.00 $6,930.00 Sponsorships $0.00 $0.00 Additional sales or revenue 0 0 Total Income $6,930.00 Program gross gain $1,225.10 Specialist revenue generation to campus *NET PROFIT
$1,225.00 $0.10
Goals and for the year DRIVERS FOR 2018 Actual Soil tests 175 Total Registrations 581 Total Donors 13
Goal 400 1,000 120
Pert 44% 58% 11%
2017 359 1,162 91
2016 378 744 68
2015 332 660 102
2014 306
541 115
Extension Partner Meetings County Commission Meetings: 1st Monday of month; agenda at www.greenecountymo.org Historic Courthouse, at 9:30 a.m. Park Board Meetings: 2nd Fr iday of each month, 8:30 a.m. Confirm at 864-1049. 4-H Leader’s Council Meetings: 3r d Thur sday of month (except July),7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center. Greene County 4-H Foundation: 3r d Thur sday of each month at Panera Bread on Battlefield
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
(near Mall) starting at 6 p.m. Master Gardeners of Greene County— board meeting: Fir st Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Master Naturalists Board Meetings: at 5:30 p.m. at the MDC regional office, on the second Wednesday of the month. Greene County Farm Bureau: Second Monday of the month at Farm Bureau 2530 S Campbell Ave, Springfield. Starts at 7:30 p.m.
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Programs for 2018
2018 Programming
Some of our planned programing for the year.
MAY Turf Professionals Workshop— Springfield Mizzou alumni Tiger Ball —May 3 at the OASIS Conference Center in Springfield Children’s tours of butterfly house begin Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop Series, Springfield “Creating Video on You iPhone,” a handson workshop with MU Reynolds Journalism Institute in Springfield on May 19. May 29 at noon —Greene County Extension Council meeting and training JUNE Home food preservation class online with hands-on session June 6 and/or August 9 Ash Grove Betterment Fair June 24 at noon—Greene County Extension Council meeting with local foods training from Pam Duitsman Summer Horticulture Tour JULY Tomato Expo– July 24 at Botanical Center No extension council meeting Ozark Empire Fair
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
AUGUST EXCEL Class 2 begins Aug. 27 at noon—Greene County Extension Council meeting and training by Renette Wardlow on Brian Health
SEPTEMBER Sept 24—Greene County Extension Council meeting and Salute to Century Farm event at The Round Barn Garlic Festival – Sept. 21, Springfield Commission Farm Tour— (western Greene County this year). OCTOBER Beef production workshop—Springfield Urban Homesteading Festival – Botanical Center, Springfield NOVEMBER Missouri Woodland Steward program – Springfield (sponsorship eligible) Mizzou Alumni networking event Nov. 26—Greene County Extension Council meeting and workforce development presentation by Amy Patillo MARCH 2019 March 28—Leadership Conference for rural Missourians Page 4
Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
MU Extension Staff Headquartered in Greene County
Kelly McGowan Horticulture Educator mcgowank@missouri.edu
David Burton
County Engagement burtond@missouri.edu
Started: 2012
Started: 2001
Education: Bachelor s in horticulture from Missouri State; Masters in Forestry from University of Missouri.
Education: Journalism and political science (Bachelors); Master’s in marketing and communications, Drury.
Job responsibilities: I coor dinate the Cor e Training for the Greene County Master Gardeners, assist the Master Gardener chapter, and also develop and plan educational opportunities and events for the public.
Renette Wardlow Human Development wardlowr@missouri.edu
Job responsibilities: Community engagement through leadership development, social media, heritage tourism, and media relations efforts. Helps councils to operate, fund and administer extension office and to plan local programs.
Jeff Barber
Housing and Design barberj@missouri.edu
Started: J an. 1987
Started: Sept. 2005
Education: Bachelor ’s and Master’s in human development and family studies, University of Arkansas.
Education: Master ’s of architecture, University of Oklahoma; Bachelor’s in art and architecture from Drury.
Responsibilities: Pr ogr ams r elated to par enting, youth development, character education, teen issues, anger and stress management, building positive self-esteem and child development.
Pam Duitsman
Nutrition Specialist duitsmanp@missouri.edu Started: Nov. 1, 2009 Education: PhD and master’s degrees from Iowa State University. Responsibilities: Nutr ition and health education programs including classes on chronic disease management. Also works on projects to enhance food security in selected Missouri Communities, and working with Food Policy Councils.
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
Responsibilities: Jeff Bar ber is wor king with leaders in area communities and students at Drury to develop projects and visioning documents that improve living and expand economic options.
Amy Patillo
Community Development patilloa@missouri.edu Started: November 2011 Education: Bachelor ’s in Communications Sciences and Disorders; Master’s in Educational Administration and Communications; Ed.D. in Educational Administration. Responsibilities: Wor kfor ce development, leadership and community development programming for businesses, government agencies and nonprofits and leading local foods grants.
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
MU Extension Staff Serving Greene County Sherri Hull Nutrition Program Associate Joined 2008
Nutrition Program Associate Joined 2018
Marty Wood Nutrition Program Associate Joined 2000
Jennifer Nevatt Family Nutrition Program Manager SW Region Joined 2010
Terri Fossett
Nutrition Program Associate Joined 2018
Program director Joined —-
Family Nutrition Education Program 2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. F200, Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Tel: 417-886-2059
Karla Deaver
4-H Youth specialist Headquartered in Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102 Email: deaverk@missouri.edu
Tim Schnakenberg
Agronomy specialist Headquartered in Stone County Tel: (417) 357-6812 Email: schnakenbergc@missouri.edu
Bob Schultheis
Natural Resources Engineering Spec. Headquartered in Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044 Email: SchultheisR@missouri.edu
Contact: Chrystal Irons Sandra Smart-Winegar
Located inside the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center 405 N. Jefferson Ave. Springfield, Mo Smart 417-837-2617-Phone https://sbtdc.missouristate.edu/
Andy McCorkill
Livestock specialist Headquartered in Dallas County Tel: (417) 345-7551 Email: mccorkilla@missouri.edu
Patrick Byers
Horticulture Specialist Headquartered in Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044 Email: byerspl@missouri.edu
Jim Spencer Jr.
Agriculture Business Specialist Headquartered in Christian County Tel: (417) 3581-3558 Email: spencerjr@missouri.edu
Southwest Region Directors Office 3003 E. Chestnut Expressway, Suite 200, Springfield, Mo. Tel: (417) 865-0707 Jay Chism, Regional Dir ector E-mail: chismj@missouri.edu Sarah Grubaugh, Administr ative Assistant Email: GrubaughS@missouri.edu
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene
Business and Community Development
Graduating EXCEL Participants Highlighted March 29 During Greene County Mayor’s Assoc. Meeting EXCEL Class 2 Hopes to Build on Successes of 2018-19 Program
Participants in University of Missouri Extension’s EXCEL Leadership Class 1 were officially recognized March 29 during a wrap-up event held during the Greene County Mayor’s Association Meeting in Willard, Mo. Program for Emerging Leaders in Western Members of this first Greene County class – all residents of westQuantity Other Cost Per Total ern Greene County -- report- EXPENSES ed out on their project plans Specialists/speakers and fielded questions from mileage 190 $ 0.37 $ 351.50 mayors. Copies / Program Plans David Burton, county Booklet 4500 21 $ 0.10 $ 471.00 program director for Greene McAlisters - Republic County MU Extension, gave Meeting #1 16 $ 12.00 $ 192.00 a brief overview of the EXMama Locas - Ash CEL program for the Grove Meeting #2 18 $ 12.00 $ 216.00 mayors, explained what made this effort unique, and Pizza Hut - Willard Meeting #3 18 $ 11.00 $ 198.00 discussed the sponsorship need for Class 2. Headees - Republic “This first class was Meeting #4 18 $ 12.00 $ 216.00 funded by Greene County Regional Meeting at MU Extension Council reairport 18 $ 12.00 $ 216.00 serve funds. But the whole $ - $ program cost nearly $3,000, County meeting $ - $ so our council can’t continue Legislative Day Graduation event $ that every year,” said Burton. Program postage 125 $ 0.54 $ 67.50 The local extension ofPromotional Materials fice is seeking businesses, and Mailing $175.00 $ 175.00 organizations or grants to Print and Facebook ads 1 0 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 sponsor program attendees Expenses SUB TOTAL $ 2,328.00 for $300. This covers costs INCOME associated with the program. “It might be that a spon- Online enrollments 0 $300.00 $0.00 soring business would like to Comp Enrollments 14 $0.00 enroll an employee in the TOTAL $0.00 program. We can do that. Or Program gross gain ($2,328.00) maybe your business wants Revenue generation to campus $0.00 to provide a community
EXCCEL 2017-2018 Costs
*NET PROFIT ($2,328.00)
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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Business and Community Development scholarship to fund a program participant. We can do that too,” said Burton. One of the features that made this EXCEL project unique was the partnership with the Greene County Commonwealth. EXCEL members published regular community editorials in the Commonwealth as a way to encourage and foster local dialogue about community needs. “The Commonwealth has provided a terrific example of what it means to be a community newspaper,” said Burton. “Every paper should be engaged with their community in this way.” INDIVIDUAL PROJECT PLANS Creation of individual project plans was a requirement for EXCEL class members. Project examples from EXCEL Class 1 include the following.
Melanie Wasson and Britny Goodman added a Volunteer Recruitment effort for non-profits at the existing Business Expo in Republic organized by the Republic Chamber. Katie Keith has developed a training and coordination program for volunteers in Ash Grove to maintain flowers at the welcome signs, park and city triangle. Involved getting sponsors as well. A planting day is being scheduled for May 19 in Ash Grove. Erin Gray and AJ McCall worked jointly to create a list of safe places in western Greene County. Marked with a yellow triangle, these are where those in danger from abuse can seek refuge until police are contacted. This effort includes an awareness campaign about safe places as well as local backpack programs for hungry students. Gary Combs has worked on a project to name a new city walking trail in honor of a fallen soldier (graduate of Republic) and the creation of a hero wall inside the high school. Tim Wheeler is working to develop a communication mode between Ash Grove and Republic senior centers to connect drivers and cooks when Katie Keith with Ash Grove volunteers. a need exists. There are times when Republic has too many drivers for meal delivery, and Ash Grove is short, yet deliveries occur in the rural area between the two. Tyler Gunlock has begun work on the creation of an Ash Grove endowment as part of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. This foundation will seek to capture monies and keep them in Ash Grove for benevolent purposes and community development. Karen Dowdy is working on the creation of a welcome sign for the city of Willard. She is working as part of a current community committee to find the best location and partners. Dana Guerra has pursued answers to the housing shortage in Ash Grove. She set up a meeting with stakeholders to discuss the need for more family housing. This meeting led to a proposal to the Homebuilders Association about building in Ash Grove; creation of a property inventory for the city; and a packet for builders regarding costs and contracts. Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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Business and Community Development WHAT IS EXCEL EXCEL is a proven research-based community program for developing emerging leaders. This particular program targets residents of western Greene County. MU Extension is using this program to develop leaders in response to feedback received at 40 statewide community forums in 2017. Participants at those forums identified a lack of community leaders and volunteers as one of the most important issues facing Missouri. “That is certainly the case in Greene County,” said Burton. “And with these three communities we have some strong joint interests and connections, and the Greene County Commonwealth newspaper also covers these three communities, so that provided another unique tie.” EXCEL students learn to engage in building community networks, making well-informed community decisions and finding real solutions to real problems. In the process of EXCEL classes, they also learn more about county resources and issues facing their communities. “The purpose of EXCEL is community development through graduates who network and commit themselves as leaders to improve the lives of residents in their community,” said Burton. “Even after they graduate from the program, the goal is to keep EXCEL members engaged with each other through special opportunities and future EXCEL classes.” SPONSORSHIPS AND MORE A person can get involved by helping to spread the word about EXCEL to someone you think would make a great participant. Interested persons can sign-up for more information or the EXCEL orientation meeting online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene.
Graduating members of EXCEL Class 1 Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Business and Community Development
Come to the Springfield Botanical Center, home to Greene County MU Extension, and be part of the live audience!
Event will also be livestreamed online.
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
Last Updated April 25, 2018
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Business and Community Development
“Best Practices for Creating Content with your Phone” Workshop for Journalists, Educators is May 19 in Springfield “Best Practices for Creating Content with your Phone” is a workshop offered by University of Missouri Extension, in partnership with the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 19, at The Library Station. 2535 N. Kansas Expressway, Springfield. The workshop is hands-on, includes lunch and is free. Attendees will learn how to use free apps and a smartphone and social media to create and share engaging news or marketing video content using new tools and techniques. Jim Flink, a former veteran Kansas City TV news reporter and son of longtime Missouri community newspaper publishers, will provide a hands-on experience in creating content with your phones. Jim now works with RJI, focusing on mobile, video news content and production, as well as on distribution and monetization strategies. Attendance at this session is limited to 35. A smaller group makes it possible for this program to be interactive and tailored to each attendee’s expertise, interest and Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
needs. This workshop is especially valuable for those who are just learning about new ways to connect and grow audiences. More experienced attendees will benefit from reviewing best practices and ideas and also learning about new ways of connecting with audiences. “This is a test of our ability to deliver this type of useful information to journalists and journalism educators in southwest Missouri,” said David Burton, civic communication specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “A strong turnout for this event could lead the way to offering one or two different courses every year.” To learn more and to make the required advanced registration for this free event, visit the Greene County MU Extension website at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene.
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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Greene County MU Extension
As Seen on Facebook
The Facebook page for the Greene County Extension Council is regularly updated with reports and photos from ongoing classes and special events. Want to know more about how MU Extension is impacting Greene County? Follow us on Facebook. The following are a few selected highlights posted this past month.
Republic Expo April 7, photo by Ryan Squibb
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
4-H Presentation Day April 15 at MSU
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Agriculture and Environment
95th Annual Greene County Ag Production Conference Draws 90 Local Farmers The 95th Annual Agriculture Production Conference and Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Meeting was held March 20 at Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, 6821 West Independence, Springfield. This year’s event drew a crowd of 90 local landowners that were interested in the agriculture topics addressed by the two featured speakers. Dr. Eric Bailey, MU Extension State Beef Nutrition Specialist, presented “Objective Drought Management Planning.” Jim Spencer, MU Extension agriculture business specialist and Tim Schnakenberg, MU Extension agronomy specialist, jointly presented “Getting the Most out of Your Hay Production.”
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
The evening also included updates from the Farm Services Agency and NRCS, and the Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District. Based on evaluations completed at the end of the night, 92 percent of attendees gained knowledge in how to prepare for beef cattle nutritional needs during drought. Additionally, 94 percent said they had a better understanding of the true costs of hay production, and 92 percent said they better understand how to get the most yield and quality out of hay production Sponsors for this event include Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District, Greene County Farm Bureau, Integrity Home Care and Hospice, Legacy Bank and Trust of Rogersville, Main Street Feeds, Larson Farm and Home, FCS Financial, Old Missouri Bank, Conco Quarries, MFA of Springfield, Springfield Livestock Market, Race Brothers Farm and Home Supply, and the Greene County Commission.
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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018
Contact Dr. Pam Duitsman Tel: 417-881-8909 Email: duitsmanp@missouri.edu
No registration at the door. Individuals must register online and take the online portion of the class first.
Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated April 25, 2018 Home to these programs and more!
The Extension office offers:
Soil testing Lawn and gardening hotline Health Trainings for those who love plants 4-H program for youth Leadership development programs Nutrition education for families Community visioning On farm education Private pesticide applicator trainings Support for locally grown foods Programs for new business owners. Facilitation and moderator services Training for childcare workers Education for senior adults and families Training for communities, non-profits Research-based and affordable And much more
and Safety
Since 1914, Greene County and area residents have sought help from Extension in areas related to agriculture, gardening, 4-H youth, nutrition, families, business and community development. MU Extension programs focus on the highpriority needs of Missourians to improve lives, communities and economies with relevant, responsive and reliable educational solutions. Each county extension center, with oversight by locally elected and appointed citizens, is your local link to practical education on almost anything.
Facebook: Become a Fan
Find the Greene County Extension Council on Facebook along with Master Gardeners of Greene County and MUExtension417.
County’s Extension Website
The website had over 34,000 visitors in 2017. (extension.missouri.edu/greene)
“Reaching Out Report”
Monthly newsletter from Greene County Extension details events and is available at http://issuu.com/greenecoext.
Maggie Black
Office Manager for Greene County MU Extension Joined the local office in 2015 Maggie manages office financials, soil tests, event registrations, council relations, and customer service of all types.
Greene County MU Extension Office located inside the SpringfieldGreene County Botanical Center
2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 greeneco@missouri.edu Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Online at http://extension.missouri.edu
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