October 2015

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“Reaching Out Report” the Greene County Extension Newsletter 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Email: greeneco@missouri.edu * Tel: (417) 881-8909

October 2015 *

Vol. 8, Issue 10

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Financial Scorecard… pages 2 Upcoming events … pages 3 Nutrition program… page 4 David Burton … pages 5-7 Patrick Byers … pages 8-9 Master Naturalists … page 9 Kelly McGowan … page 10 Renette Wardlow … page 11 4-H Report … page 12 Jeff Barber … page 13-14 Pam Duitsman… page 15-16 Friends & Partners… page 16

Subscribe Now! Become a subscriber and receive a monthly email with the direct link for reading the “Reaching Out Report” online. Send your request by email to burtond@missouri.edu.

Greene County Extension Cares Staff and specialists from the Greene County Extension Center volunteered for a half-day of labor on Aug. 20 as part of the United Way Day of Caring. The group built a landscaped berm at the Branches at Brookline, a home for adults with developmental disabilities. The berm is now filled with birdfeeders, birdhouses and flower planters. The president of the board at Branches at Brookline, Debbie Dent, wrote: “This new area brings daily enjoyment to the residents as they feed and watch the birds. Thank you for participating in the Day of Caring and building this landscaped berm. You were such a fun group to host and we are grateful for your hard work and giving attitudes! ” Shown above are Jeff Barber (front), then left to right on row two: Maggie Black, Kelly McGowan, Clarrissa Hatley, Renette Wardlow; back row David Burton, Patrick Byers, Pam Duitsman and Erin Snider. More photos are available at https://flic.kr/s/aHskmwR5Mn.

University of Missouri Extension is an equal opportunity/ access/ affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Greene Game of Business Greene County Extension Scorecard – October 2015 Income

YTD #s

Budget #


Total % 274%


Forecast Actuals

0100 · Student Fees




K. McGowan



0210 · County Appropriations




81% David Burton



0400 · Gift/Grants/Contracts







* 0900 · Resales/Fees/Soil Tests

R. Wardlow




2100 - Postage Allotment




91% David Burton

2600 - MCHP Subsidy









1600 - Balance Transfers Total Income

384% McGowan/Byers $1,000.00

$0.00 #DIV/0! -$3,093.56

M. Black M. Black











Expense $23,822.11




M. Black



2800 · Payroll Expenses





M. Black



3100 · Travel




87% P. Duitsman



3600 · Postage





M. Black



3700 · Telephone Service





C. Hatley


3900 · Advertising





Jeff Barber


4700 · Publishing/Printing





D. Burton






D. Burton

$400.00 $200.00

2700 · Personnel - Wages

4800 · Reproduction & Copies





M. Black

5110 · Annual Meeting





R. Wardlow

6400 - Other Contract Services




6800 - Insurance












215% Patrick Byers





199% Patrick Byers





106% David Burton







Jeff Barber
















5100 · Supplies/Services

7010 - Ext. Council Election 7100 · Soil Test Expenses 7200 · Publications for Resale 7300 · Repairs/Maintenance 7700 - Furniture / Equipment 7999 - Fee Generation MU Total Expense NET INCOME

$ 7,211.71



72% David Burton



M. Black


R. Wardlow


Monthly forecast


$0.00 $720.00


-$559.00 -$1,950.90

Our Critical Number this year is “Net Income” and our goal is to finish the year in the black (positive balance) so those funds can be applied toward additional programs in the 2016 budget. Key Drivers for finances Soil tests done in 2015 Total # of donors in 2015










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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Selected Upcoming Extension Events in Greene County Exploring 4-H (Urban Club) MU Extension and Springfield-Greene County Parks staff are offering an opportunity for youth to explore a variety of 4-H projects and experiences as part of an urban group. This new program is open to children age: 8 to 13. Call 881-8909 for information on how to get involved or learn more online at http:// extension.missouri.edu/greene.

Master Gardener Orientation Required informational meeting for anyone interested in the 2016 MU Extension Master Gardener core training. Orientation sessions will be held on Jan. 26 and Jan. 28 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Botanical Center. This orientation meeting is free. The series of core trainings are $150. Call (417) 881-8909 Age: 18 yrs. & up | Fee: Free Date: Jan. 26 or 28 | Time: 6-8 p.m.

Master Gardener Core Training The 2016 Master Gardeners of Greene County core training will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from Feb. 23 to April 14 at the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center. For information, contact Kelly McGowan at mcgowank@missouri.edu

Business Development Classes Regular business classes are held at the Small Business Development and Technology Center, 405 North Jefferson Ave., Springfield. Register by calling (417) 836-5685 or check online www.ws.missouristate.edu/sbdc.

Program Calendar Online The most up-to-date list of reported upcoming MU Extension programs in Greene County is available online at http:// extension.missouri.edu/greene Calendar visible on right side of page.

Potting Shed University Invest in gardening skills for life and become a better gardener. Different topic every week. Offered by MU Extension and Master Gardeners of Greene County. Call 891-1515. Age: 18 yrs. and up | Fee: $5/class Time: Mon., 6-8 p.m. Date: 29-Feb Herb Theme Gardens 7-Mar Winter Sowing 14-Mar Bring Back Monarchs 21-Mar Houseplants 28-Mar Frugal Gardening 4-Apr Small Gardens Trees 11-Apr Haybale Gardening 18-Apr Twilight Gardens

“Scaling Up to Meet Demand for Local Food” is Nov. 5-7 “Scaling Up to Meet the Demand for Local Food” will be held at the SpringfieldGreene County Botanical Center; 2400 Scenic Ave., Springfield. The first day is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday Nov. 5. Day two is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 6 with the program on the last day being from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Nov. 7. The first two days of this workshop will focus on specific education for producers to enable them to scale up successfully. The last day of the work shop will provide a supervised hands-on preparation of your Farm Food Safety plan. Participants may register for the program for $70 per person or individual days for less. Information and tickets are available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene. Registration can also be completed by contacting Clarissa Hatley at the Greene County Extension Center by telephone (417) 881-8909 or email hatleyc@missouri.edu.

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Family Nutrition Education Program Becky Roark   

  

Fremont Elementary School: 90 students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades Bingham Elementary School: 169 students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades Holland Elementary School: 105 students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades (taught lessons on food safety, food group amounts, nutrients, digestion and label reading) Central Assembly Food Pantry: 105 families—Display, “Healthy Eating on the Run” Well of Life Food Pantry: 281 families— Display, “Protein” Attended the MU Extension Summit Conference, 10/26--29


 



Victory Mission Food Pantry – 151 adults Various displays and discussions at Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks – 120 adults Attended Extension Summit in Columbia

Marty Wood

Sherri Hull

Willard WIC - Eating Smart, Being Ac-

Completed series of lessons for 3rd, 4th, and tive: 26, 5th graders at Horace Mann Elem. - 172 kids  Willard Food Pantry Display: 34 families  Completed series of lessons for 3rd and 4th  Pregnancy Care Center -- Eating Smart, graders at Sequiota Elem. – 117 kids Being Active: 26 adults th th th  Began series of lessons for 4 , 5 and 6  Crosslines Food Pantry -- Display, 1264 graders at families Bois D’ Arc  Life House Crisis Maternity Home -- EatElem – 139 Each “Reaching Out Report” ing Smart, Being Active: 6 adults kids is used by Greene County  Display  Hand Extended Food Pantry: Eating Extension specialists to and discusSmart, Being Active: 67 adults concisely communicate sion about  Harter House/Strafford: Display, 81 activities, contacts and events Eating Better  People Helping People: Display, 22 adults to members of the Greene on a Budget at County Extension Council, Greene County Commission and residents of Greene County. For more about this Family Nutrition Education Program report, or to learn how you 2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. Suite F200 can reach 1,000 readers a Chesterfield Village, Springfield, Mo. month by advertising in the Tel: 417-886-2059 * http://missourifamilies.org Reaching Out Report, contact David Burton, civic communication specialist, at (417) 881-8909. If you would like to receive this by email each month, contact David Burton at burtond@missouri.edu. 

Fossett Online at http://extension.missouri.edu



Williams Page 4

Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Civic Communication Specialist & County Program Director Direct contact where learning is occurring is considered teaching. This includes one-to-one calls, emails to individuals who have asked questions or sought information, meetings that include learning, and classes.

BY THE NUMBERS (for the month)  Requests for advisement: 24  Regular weekly news columns: 12  TV/Radio Interviews – 2  Total articles written this month – 42  Telephone inquiries — 8 CPD DUTIES & PROGRAMS  Financial oversight, travel authorizations.  County Commission meetings.  Friends of Greene County Extension mailing.  Edited monthly “Reaching Out Report”  Regular updates to county extension website  Answers to various Council member concerns.  Great Game of Business details/planning.  Organize and conduct weekly staff meetings

      

    

Budget prep work. Constant Contact training for SRNS. DonorSnap training. Community development monthly mtg. Non-Profit Communication Conference Summit on Poverty. Open House at new Wright County ExtenDavid Burton sion in Mt. Grove. Civic communication Attended County Proburtond@missouri.edu gram Directors Civil Rights Training; Updated our Files Greene County COAD meeting; presentation of the communication team’s points plan. Fall Extension Conference (Columbia, Mo.) Serving on County Election Committee Botanical Center 4-H Club meeting Oct. 21. Mileage presentation to Farm Bureau Board.

SOCIAL MEDIA REPORT CARD FOR THE MONTH NEWS SERVICE Subscribers 2015 story views on AgEbb I encourage county extension Oct-15 8877 1,757,646 councils to provide content to MUExtension417 Twitter and FaceYouTUBE Subscribers Total Views book pages and to have clients 2015 461 477658 follow those regional options. I TWITTER Followers 2015 Activity also schedule social media posts. All media releases are posted to 2015 108 1122 AgEbb and social media by me FLICKR Followers Total 2015 Views using Hootsuite. KLOUT rating is a 2015 44 178,755 national measure of our social Facebook Followers Monthly Reach media effectiveness. managed pages = 70236 77,347 KLOUT rating (current / highest) = ‘15 Annual Cumulative Facebook Reach = 1,219,602 66 / 72 (out of 100) SWRN Blog Monthly views 2015 Annual Views Total 2015 Social/Online 2287 18,296 Contacts & Views= Percentage of Open Rate for Weekly Email 20% 3,325,835 David Burton’s focus of work as civic communication specialist: Community and civic engagement through communication and media relations, leading and moderating focus groups, non-profit education and support, social media in support of disaster recovery and response, marketing extension regionally, heritage tourism with an emphasis on restoring historic schools; and engaging council members with media relations efforts like the Southwest Region News Service and the Expert Source Program. As county program director: David also works with the elected council to operate, fund and administer the local Greene County Extension office and to plan local programs, to engage council members in this and other work, and to generate local revenue to support programs in Greene County

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Civic Communication Specialist & County Program Director Greene County Farm Bureau Funds Visits by Extension Specialists to Greene County Farms in 2016 Greene County Farm Bureau approved a donation of $1,500 to the Greene County Extension Council on Oct. 12. That gift will fund consulting and advising visits by University of Missouri Extension specialists to Greene County farms during 2016. The funding is being offered on a one-year trial basis to gauge its merit and success. This proposal came about as a result of staff discussions in our office as part of the Great Game of Business.

Friends Campaign Mailing in November The Greene County Extension Council has announced its fall 2015 “Friends of Greene County Extension Campaign.” Letters to past

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

donors and postcards to other supporters will be mailed the first week of November. The 2015 "Friends of Greene County Extension" campaign goal is $30,000 cash with $22,084 having been raised so far this year. The 2014 campaign ended with over $32,000 in donations. In 2016, funding efforts will begin again for the new year. Individuals interesting in supporting local Extension efforts can now donate online from that same website.

Donations to Friends of Greene County Extension for 2015 Cash = $22,084 See our list of donors to the Friends Campaign online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene/ giving.aspx

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Greene County “Reaching Out� Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Civic Communication Specialist & County Program Director

Century Farm Event Draws 100, Raises $1,500 for Greene County Extension A great turnout at a great venue to honor for great farming families. Photo #1: The Round Barn; Photo #2: Les and Barn Fielden, the Greene County Missouri State Fair Farm Family with David Burton; Photo #3: McAdoo Helfrecht - Lindsey Farm (1880): Charles & Suzanne Lindsey with Matt Simpson; Photo 4: Luther and Alice Wallis Farm (1913): Robert and Marcia Harralson, with David Burton; Photo #5: Whitesell Farm (1879) with Jim and John Whitesell and David Burton.

Photo #1:

Photo #2:

Photo #5:

Photo #4

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

Photo #3:

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Horticulture Specialist Community Contact: TV and Radio  4 live interviews with KOLR10’s John Ziegler (2 delivered by Kelly McGowan)  Interview on Hmong farm activities with Joplin Globe (10/22/15) Print media  Contributed to several articles and interviews Requests for information  Telephone contacts – 32 for advisement  Email contacts – 19 contacts  Office visits, professional contacts – 1 for consultation and advisement  Farm site visits – 6 for consultation

meeting (10/19/15) Master Gardeners of Greene County Hotline Development training, Springfield (10/19/15  Horticulture soil test reports - recommendations and distribution for SW region – 48 reports during reporting period 

Participated in: Patrick Byers  MU Extension Horticulture “Salute to Century byerspl@missouri.edu Farms” celebration (9/28/15) Programs Presented:  “Elderberry production, cultivar development,  Wright County Extension open house, and postharvest handling,” “Elderberry Pest Mountain Grove (10/1/15) Management,” Kerr Center Elderberry Work MSU Agriculture Department planning shop, Poteau, OK (9/26/15) meeting – grain elevator production project  “Fireblight,” guest lecture for (10/2/15) MSU Plant Pathology course, COUNTY ASSISTANCE  KY3 “Ask an Expert” panel Springfield (9/29/15) and interviews (10/6/15) Meeting with Greene  “Missouri’s Native Trees,”  Hollister grant announceCounty staff people on Springfield Botanical Center ment ceremony, Hollister landscape management (10/8/15) 5th Anniversary Celebration seminar series, Springfield for Greene County prop-  USDA SARE/NACAA (10/3/15) erty (with Robert Balek) Sustainable Agriculture Fellow “Plant Propagation,” Springship study tour, Nebraska field Federated Garden Club (10/2/15) (10/12/15-10/14/15) Gardening Study Course 1, Springfield (10/12/15) Upcoming programming and events  “Home Fruit Production,” Hickory County  “Soil Testing – Why we ask what we ask?,” Master Gardener class, Hermitage (10/20/15) Southwest Region County Support Staff  “Missouri Grape Production,” guest lecture for Conference, Springfield (10/23/15) MSU International Agriculture class (10/21/15)  2015 Extension Summit, Columbia  “Plant Propagation,” Christian County/ (10/27/15 – 10/29/15) StoneTaney County Master Gardener Core  “Plant Propagation,” Springfield Catholic class, Ozark (10/22/15) High School class (11/2/15, 11/3/15)  Southwest Regional Envirothon, Springfield (11/4/15) Coordinated:  Master Gardeners of Greene County board  SOP Scaling Up Workshop, Springfield meeting, Springfield (10/5/15) (11/5/15)  Master Gardeners of Greene County chapter  On Farm Food Safety workshop, Springfield meeting, Springfield (10/13/15) (11/6/15, 11/7/15)  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalists board  “Hygienic Queen Behavior” video shoot (in meeting, Springfield (10/14/15) cooperation with Amy Patillo), West Plains  Springfield Plateau Master Naturalist chapter (11/10/15)

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Master Naturalists 

 

“Home Fruit Production,” Christian/Stone/ Taney County Master Gardener core training, Ozark (11/12/15) Ozarks Food Harvest high tunnel relocation project, Rogersville (11/12/15, 11/13/15) Metropolitan Food Systems Team meeting, Columbia (11/16/15)

The University of Missouri Greene County Extension Services will also consult on the project. Tom Watkins Community Farm will provide: access to healthy, locally produced food for families in the neighborhood.

Springfield Community Gardens Starts at Tom Watkins, Springfield Community Gardens (SCG) is celebrating the start of the Tom Watkins Community Farm–the first organic, educational community farm in Springfield. As part of this educational garden space, SCG will launch its first High-Yield Farmer Training Program in early November. The project is funded by a $10,000 grant from the MTS Foundation, written in partnership with Ozarks Food Harvest. Expert Farmer Dan Bigbee of Fassnight Creek Farms will lead the program, and volunteers from the Tom Watkins Neighborhood and volunteer interns from Springfield Community Gardens will prepare the ground.

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The Missouri Master Naturalist Program results from a partnership created in 2004 between the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) and MU Extension (MUE). The Missouri Master Naturalist Program is recognized as a named program within MU Extension. The MU School of Natural Resources is the academic home for the Program. See www.springfieldmasternaturalist.com or springfieldmn.blogspot.com/

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Master Gardeners of Greene County Program Participation   

 

Farm Fest 2016 Shown above in picture with Eldon Cole, MU Extension livestock specialist. IMPACT: A couple from NW Arkansas visited the MU Extension booth on 10/4/15. They wanted to let us know that they had visited our booth three years ago and had talked to one of our specialists about growing alfalfa and also picked up some information. As a result, they went back home and started a successful business growing alfalfa and selling it to horse owners in the area. They also use the MU Extension website regularly for up-to-date information. See our website at http://extension.missouri.edu.

9/28/15-Century Farms Event 10/1/15-Wright County Open House 10/2-10/3-Friends of the Garden Anniversary Event and Garden Symposium 10/4/15-Extension Booth at Farm Fest 10/6/15-KY3 Ask an Kelly McGowan Expert Phone Booth Horticulture Educator (107 phone calls and mcgowank@missouri.edu 25 emails) 10/13/15-Master Gardeners of Greene County Chapter Meeting 10/16/15-Ethnic Life Stories Trail of Trees Participant Reunion Event

Upcoming Programs   

10/26/15-Christian & Taney County Core Training Presentation on Home Vegetable Production 10/27-10/29- Extension Annual Fall Conference 11/5-11/7-Scaling Up Workshop

Requests for Information    

Telephone Contacts- 12 Email Contacts- 6 Office Visits- 6 Site Visits- 3 (two to Sherry Hagenhoff’s new elderberry farm; one for a lawn)

Programs Presented  

10/1/15-KOLR 10 Live TV Spot (presented on black walnuts) 10/12/15-Federated Garden Clubs Garden Study Course (led a soils class and a houseplant class) 10/15/15-KOLR 10 Live TV Spot (presented on sweet potatoes)

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

The Master Gardener Program is a popular and successful statewide volunteer community-service organization administered through University of Missouri Extension. The organization’s goal is to train gardeners who are willing to share their knowledge with others. Master Gardeners become volunteers of University of Missouri Extension and donate hours for community educational projects in horticulture. Volunteer activities include working with non-profit organizations, maintaining community gardens, conducting workshops, participating in a Master Gardener speakers’ bureau and staffing the Master Gardener “Hotline.” The Master Gardeners of Greene County can boast of over 275 members. For more information visit the chapter website at http://www.mggreene.org.

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Human Development, Family and Health

If We Say It, We Must Mean It One approach to discipline that is not often considered is how much our environment has to do with the behavior of family members. Changing the environment is an overlooked way for parents to change unacceptable behavior of the child or children. Wise adults look for the cause of misbehavior. Sometimes changing the environment will solve situations that frustrate children and irritate parents. Is your child’s behavior being influenced by the environment? If so, the child is communicating that something, whether a routine, a relationship, or change to her physical space, is not working. It is causing distress or uncertainty. Fortunately, if this is the case, there are many ways to respond. Children tend to continue a behavior when it is rewarded and stop a behavior when it is ignored. Consistency in your reaction to a behavior is important because rewarding and punishing the same behavior at different times confuses your child. When you think your child's behavior might be a problem, you have three basic choices. One, decide that the behavior is not a problem because it is appropriate to the child's age and stage of development. Two, attempt to stop the behavior, either by ignoring it or by punishing it. Or three, introduce a new preferred behavior and reinforce it by rewarding the child.

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy "Stay Strong, Stay Healthy" is a sciencebased exercise program designed for individuals over the age of 55. The program places an emphasis on low-impact exercise that doctors support. Classes are being organized in Greene

County. If you are interested, contact Renette in the Greene County Extension office.

Upcoming Programs Scheduled Monday, Nov. 2 Powerful Tools for Caregivers 6 p.m. in Nixa

Renette Wardlow Human Development wardlowr@missouri.edu

Friday, Dec. 4 Team Nutrition for Child Care 9 p.m. in Blue Eye Wednesday, Dec. 9 Youth Program Quality Assessment 3 p.m. in Ava Tuesday, Dec. 15 Youth Program Quality Assessment 3 p.m. in Ava Wednesday, Dec. 5 Team Nutrition for Child Care 10 a.m. in Ozark

Space for Rent The Botanical Center offers meeting space for social gatherings and business functions. Contact us for all of your needs! Springfield Botanical Gardens at Nathanael Greene Close Memorial Park. 417-891-1515 | www.botanicalcenter.org

To learn more about this program or others impacting children and families, contact Human Development Specialist Renette Wardlow at (417) 881-8909 or by email at wardlowr@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

4-H Report for Greene County More About 4-H

Cobban Receives Missouri 4-H Foundation Scholarship Jessica Cobban of Fair Grove was awarded a $1,000 Orscheln’s scholarship on Sept. 11 at the Missouri 4-H Foundation’s Scholarship and Awards Banquet in Columbia. The foundation awarded 67 scholarships totaling $72,050 in academic awards to 4-H youth. “The Missouri 4-H Foundation is pleased to be able to contribute to the education of Missouri’s young people through the support of our donors,” said Missouri 4-H Foundation Executive Director Cheryl Reams. Cobban, the daughter of Matt and Jean Cobban, has been an active member of the Sac River Stablemates 4-H club for many years. She is currently a freshman at Missouri State University in Springfield.

4-H Open Enrollment Enrollment for 4-H in Missouri is now open online at: mo.4honline.com. Projects of all kinds are available to students that enroll in 4-H. Volunteers that want to give back to their community are also needed to be leaders. To learn how to get involved locally go to http:// mo4h.missouri.edu.

As the largest out-of-school youth organization in the world, 4-H is open to all boys and girls, ages 5 to18. Children who are five to seven years old are eligible for 4-H Clover Kids, an introductory program. Youths who are 8 to 18 years of age can select from a variety of 4-H projects and activities that stress social and life skills in areas like decision making, communication, social interaction, civic responsibility and physical skills. Children do not have to live on a farm to join 4-H. Project opportunities include computers, robotics, foods and nutrition, horticulture, large and small animals and more. Missouri 4-H is University of Missouri Extension's youth development program. Learn more online.

Council Still Working to Launch New Urban 4-H Club at Botanical Center Turn out for the orientation meeting Oct. 21 for the new urban 4-H club scheduled to meet at the Botanical Center was low. Despite having some inquiries, and a few volunteers committed to help with projects, the club is not yet ready for lift-off. “Basically it is back to the table on marketing and planning for this club,” said David Burton, county program director. “Typically clubs get started because there is an interested group and a leader. We are going about this one differently.” Katie Stienoff, director of the Botanical Center, had agreed to spearhead the start of the club. “The gardens make a great place for all types of activities and projects, from photography to horticulture, so we are going to keep trying,” said Steinhoff. MU Extension staff and council members are going to be challenged to spread the word and a promotional effort will also take place during the lawn and garden show. For more information, call the local extension office at (417) 881-8909.

Contact 4-H Youth Development Specialist Karla Deaver at the Lawrence County Extension office by telephone at 417/466-3102 or by email at deaverk@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Housing and Urban Development Specialist City of Springfield Zone 1 Blitz – Housing Committee The recent release of the 2015 Community Focus report shows that while unemployment in Springfield has fallen 4% in the last 5 years, the persons with income below the poverty line has increased 4% from 22 to 26 percent. This alarming trend and recent focus by City Council and City Manager, Greg Burris resulted in a focused effort toward the northwest area of Springfield including ‘listening sessions’ and a “Zone 1 Blitz”. I worked with other community leaders on the Housing Committee to rapidly develop recommendations to impact housing issues in the next 18 months. Highlights of the Housing recommendations:  Scale up weatherization of homes to reduce and stabilize utility costs  Work cooperatively with existing agencies and projects in the zone  Engage PACE and other funding for energy efficiency and home maintenance  Address the issues of absentee landlords by developing a pilot rental registration Identify and record abandoned, vacant and dangerous buildings in the zone

Stepping Up PACE Efforts Under the agreement between MU Extension and the Missouri Clean Energy District, we are partners in recruiting communities to join the Missouri Clean Energy District, educate the public, trade and profesJeff Barber sional, and to develop Housing and design prospective projects that barberj@missouri.edu could utilize PACE funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy improvements. Recent recruitment efforts include presenting the concept and MCED to the following:  McDonald County Commissioners  Barton County Commissioners  Christian Co Commissioners  Golden City – City Clerk Monett – City Manager Prospect contacts have included:  Drury University  YMCA  Our Lady of the Lake Parish - Branson  Reeds Spring Old High School - WPA Community Center Renovation  Large, national retail property owners Neighborhood upholstery shop Barton County and Stoddard County are the most recent members of the MCED.

Jeff Barber is working with leaders in area communities and students at Drury to develop projects and visioning documents that improve living and expand economic options. Information about his work can be found on the Greene County Extension website or contact him at (417) 881-8909 or barberj@missouri.edu. Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Housing and Urban Development Specialist Balancing Voices and Visions in McDonald County In mid-September, citizens from Anderson and Pineville participated in a 2-hour workshop hosted in each town. Using a gaming method, the students were able to get participants from various backgrounds to discuss the Goals, Objectives and Methods for making their cities the ‘ideal community’ in 20-25 years. Both groups had strong support for goals to “Promote a selfsufficient economy” and “Create a community that the youth will wish to stay and return to”. The mid-October meetings in each town focused on initial design concepts developed by each student based on their initial experiences in the towns, ideas they heard, inspiration from the place and early connections to what other communities have been able to achieve. Focus was on building upon assets and addressing the challenges. This project is shown in the photos at right.

Habitat for Humanity Healthy Home Assessment In early September, I worked with Habitat for Humanity staff to assess a home for moisture intrusion and suspected mold growth. Through the use of an infrared camera, a moisture meter and thorough visual assessment, it appeared that the moisture was the result of wind damaged shingles and was relatively localized and contained. Beyond environmental stress it was also noted that domestic stress may have played a significant role in the condition of the home as well. Through candid discussion, we worked with the homeowner to define a scope of work and discussed ‘right-sizing’ the homeowner’s needs, possibly in another home for her as children grow up and move out.

Other monthly community participation  Ozarks Green Building Coalition  CPO Housing Collaborative  CPO Environmental Collaborative  Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC)  Watershed Committee SGC Environmental Advisory Board

Jeff Barber is working with leaders in area communities and students at Drury to develop projects and visioning documents that improve living and expand economic options. Information about his work can be found on the Greene County Extension website or contact him at (417) 881-8909 or barberj@missouri.edu. Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Nutrition and Food Policy Local Food Presentations and Education During October, Pam presented four presentations, and wrote two articles focused on growing a strong Food System, and improving Food Security. Pam presenting work done by the Springfield-based Ozark Food Policy Council. Living Healthy with Diabetes Pam taught three sessions in Springfield during October, in collaboration with Mercy and CoxHealth. Each session lasts three hours. This course is a CDC “best-practice” for assisting participants to take control of their diabetes. Subjects covered include: 1) techniques to deal with the symptoms of diabetes, fatigue, pain, hyper/hypoglycemia, stress, and emotional problems such as depression, anger, fear and frustration; 2) appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance; 3) healthy eating ;4) appropriate use of medication; and 5) working more effectively with health care providers. Participants made weekly action plans, shared experiences, and helped each other solve problems they encounter on a regular basis. Each participant in the workshop received a copy of the companion book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, 4th Edition, an audio relaxation tape, pedometer, blessings journal, and tote bag. Classes are highly participative, where mutual support and success build the participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health and maintain active and fulfilling lives. Feedback from post-class evaluation: “This class was amazing. It has helped me so much. I am learning to change my eating habits and to exercise more. I feel better and accomplish more. I intend to use tools learned daily.”

Local Food Projects Pam continued to focus on local food projects in Greene County during the month of October, working with producers and organizations to connect, and to support greater availability and acPam Duitsman cess to local food. Nutrition Specialist In October, three duitsmanp@missouri.edu local events were held, and five planning sessions with community partners helped organize upcoming work. Pictures from farm to table dinner, Springfield, Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks

Food Hub Feasibility Study for the Ozarks: Pam is partnering with MSU’s School of Agriculture on a Food Hub Feasibility Study for the Ozarks area. Food Hubs increase access for consumers to source-identified, locallyproduced food. Producers and farmers have greater access to buyers, and save money on infrastructure, transportation and marketing. Wholesale buyers benefit by purchasing from one seller with a supply of food that meets their non-negotiable standards including food safety, liability insurance coverage, consistent products, reliable delivery, etc. The results of this study will be published in the next few months, and shared at the upcoming Scaling Up to Meet the Demand for Local Foods workshops. The Ozark Regional Food Policy council meets on the first Wednesday of every month.

Contact Nutrition and Health Education Specialist Dr. Pam Duitsman at (417) 881-8909 or by email at duitsmanp@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Nutrition and Food Policy 

Pam participated in a Department of Health and Senior Services Feeding Program workshop held in Springfield on October 15. The goal of this workshop is to reach more seniors and children with healthy food. Community Partners, schools and lunch-ladies assembled at the Executive Center in Springfield on October 15th.

Voices for Food Project: This project focuses on Food Insecurity, and working to develop and implement sustainable solutions to increase availability and access to healthy foods for communities. Pam is the Project Coordinator for Missouri. Voices for Food is a federally funded six-state research project, drawing on the expertise of Cooperative Extension services. The majority of Pam’s position is focused on this work, which will last into 2018. Photo is of Pam giving a Voices for Food Presentation on Oct. 7. Food Enterprise Workgroup A newly formed State-wide MU Extension Food Enterprise workgroup including Community Development, Horticulture, Ag Business, Agronomists, and Nutrition and Health Specialists met in October. The goal of this group is to assist local food projects throughout the state, and to increase funding for Food Enterprises from State, Federal, and Foundation (nonprofit) sources.

Participated in the following Seminars in October:  

Food Entrepreneurship: A Proven Approach To Build Your Local Economy and Jobs MU Extension’s Health Insurance Education Initiative Leader Training and Update Webinar SNAP: Leveraging the Nation’s Largest Nutrition Assistance Program for the Public’s Health Pam provided individual consultation to 17 individuals/farms/businesses in the month of October.

Seeds of Prosperity: Scaling Up to Meet the Demand for Local Food November 5-7. Please see the flier for this program on the University of Missouri Greene County webpage. General audience should consider attending day one of the workshop: Thursday, November 5.

Small Steps to Health and Wealth: Two sessions of this program are planned for November. SSHW encourages participants to make positive behavior changes to simultaneously improve their health and personal finances. Fact sheets are used that describe linkages between health and personal finances and over 20 specific behavior change strategies for better health and increased wealth. Participants learn to set goals; identify small steps to reach those goals; and monitor their progress.

Contact Nutrition and Health Education Specialist Dr. Pam Duitsman at (417) 881-8909 or by email at duitsmanp@missouri.edu.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu

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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report

Last Updated October 27, 2015

Can I Help?

Get Social with Greene County Extension

Maggie Black can help customers with material needs, soil tests and program registrations. Contact her at the Greene County Extension Center or email her direct at blackmag@missouri.edu. Maggie Black Office Manager Maggie Black joined Greene County Extension in 2015.

Extension Council Officers

Corporate Sponsors Sanford, Lea and Associates, CPA, Springfield, Mo.: (417) 886-2220, www.adifferentcpa.com Master Gardeners of Greene County: http://www.mggreene.org Greene County Commission, 933 N Robberson Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 http://www.greenecountymo.org/ Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Ph 417-864-1049, www.parkboard.org Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District, Ph.417-831-5246, http:// swcd.mo.gov/greene/index.html.

Greene County Extension Office located inside the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 greeneco@missouri.edu Office hours: Monday - Friday * 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Follow us on Facebook: GreeneCountyExtension Follow us on Twitter @MUExtension417 Follow us on YouTube: /MUExtension417

The following individuals are officers on the Greene County Extension Council during 2015.  Matthew Simpson, chairman  Harold Bender, vice-chairman  Mary Sue Joplin, treasurer  Nancy Williams, secretary See our website (http://extension.missouri.edu/greene) for a complete listing of council members and contact information for each member.

Voices for Food Grant Clarissa joined MU Extension in 2013 and works with Dr. Pam Duitsman on the Voices for Food Grant. She assists with documentation and other details required by this USDA grant and works to make sure the overall program, research, and community work Clarissa Hatley is effective and operations smoothly. Office Support

Extension/Partner Meetings

County Commission meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays of month; confirm agenda and meeting at http:// www.greenecountymo.org/commission. Commission building, Springfield, at 9:30 a.m. Park Board Meetings: Second Friday of each month, 8:30 a.m. Call 864-1049 to confirm. 4-H Leader’s Council Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month (except July),7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2852 S Dayton Ave, Springfield. Greene County 4-H Foundation: meets 3rd Thursday of each month at Panera Bread on Battlefield (across from the Mall) starting at 6 p.m. Master Gardeners of Greene County—board meeting: First Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. at the Botanical Center. Master Naturalists Board Meetings: The board meets at 5:30 p.m. at the MDC regional office, on the second Wednesday of the month. Greene County Farm Bureau — Second Monday of the month at Farm Bureau 2530 S Campbell Ave, Springfield. Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Online at http://extension.missouri.edu/greene

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