Reaching Out Report & Course Catalog October 2020 * Vol. 13 Issue 10
“”Path to 2021” taken by David Burton. To submit a cover photo from somewhere in Greene County, please email the photo and your contract information to David Burton at,
Monthly Newsletter & Course Catalog of the Greene County Extension Council Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email: | Online
Greene County Extension Council Greg Boehne Chairman Jason Whitesell Vice-chair Morgan Ash Secretary
COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE Pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law: Notice is given: Greene County Extension Council will conduct a public meeting star ting at noon, Monday, Sept. 28, online. Zoom Meeting Online: Or dial in: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago). Meeting ID: 355 711 943 Noon —
Call Meeting to Order
Lisa Bakerink Treasurer
Roll Call — Secretary (Establish a Quorum)
Harold Bengsch County Commission
Consent Agenda Items — Meeting minutes (next page). Financials & bills are provided to council in a separate email for approval.
Tammy Lowrey Farm Bureau
Staff Reports & Reaching Out Report Update on approved mini-grants Report on statewide grants being written or pending
Jordan Miller MFA Samuel Snider City of Willard Joseph Hoffman City of Springfield Vacant 4-H Youth member Members at large Tony Ahart Missy Hayward Tyler Gunlock Scott Smith Chad Courtney Karen Dowdy Chris Schulze Rick Stenberg Alex Greiwe Larry Adams Ray Meyer Eric Sutton Mike Lofaro Tiger Ambassador
Old Business /Committee Reports CARES Funding Liability Insurance for Council (update) Council members & neighbor reimbursement
New Business for discussion Review of and action on submitted Mini-Grants New annual MOU with campus Pilot for Council Leadership Training Mini-Grants: 10 Workforce & Library Distance Learning 2) Lead, Learn and Dream Conference online Committee Reports Elections: current nominations and options Educational Presentation that Adds Value to Your Life Monarch Migration by Kelly McGowan PENDING: Any and all other matter s that come befor e the extension council CLOSED SESSION (if needed): Agenda includes a possible vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to Section 610.021 to discuss issues related to “individually identifiable personnel records.”
Adjourn FUTURE COUNCIL MEETINGS Monday, Oct. 26 | Monday, Nov. 30 | December: No Meeting Council receives proposals and financials by mail or email. Same information is available to the public on request. MU Extension is an equal opportunity/ access/affirmative action/ pro-disabled and veteran employer.
County Extension Council minutes MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COUNCIL OF GREENE COUNTY Date: Monday, August 31, 2020 Place: Via Zoom Meeting Attendees: Larry Adams, Tony Ahart, Morgan Ash, Lisa Bakerink, Harold Bengsch, Greg Boehne, Karen Dowdy, Alex Greiwe, Joseph Hoffman, Ray Meyer, Rick Stenberg, Eric Sutton and Jason Whitesell. The meeting was called to order at 12:04 pm, by Council Chair, Greg Boehne, who welcomed those in attendance, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Secretary Morgan Ash called roll and it was determined that a quorum was present. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Alex Greiwe and was seconded by Ray Meyer, to approve the June meeting minutes and June Treasurer’s report. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Harold Bengsch, to approve the bills and checks to be paid for the month. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Staff Reports: Kelsa Fer guson star ts a new position tomorrow and has ben finishing up her classes and reporting. Amber Allen is working on webinars with Amy Patillo regarding workplace stress. She is now certified and can offer adult mental health first aide classes. Kelly McGowan reported that programming has picked up. The Master Gardeners are meeting virtually and town halls are being held. The Millsap Farm walks are continuing. Gardeners Orchard is hosting Kelly McGowan for a news segment on television. Sherri Hull regularly visits the farmers’ markets and has been to Weller Community Church and Life 360 Church in Ash Grove. Myra Dickensheet has attended the C-Street Farmer’s Market, which has been successful. She has been assisting with the 6th and 7th grade curriculum rewriting with campus. Amy Patillo has had 30 webinars with 450 attendees. The strike force grant has been given an extension but it is wrapping up at the end of
Online at
September. The labor and workforce navigator series continues and also the Job Center and AIOCLO series for displaced workers continues. David Burton has 131 people enrolled in the Neighborhood Leadership Academy. the CARES committee with Greene County has been making recommendation for Federal funds distribution. Extension has been approved for $950 for personal protection equipment.
Old Business: Council Mini-Grants: The cap on the amount is $2,000 per grant. The total funds for this year is $16,000.00 to be distributed. $10,750.00 in proposals have been submitted this month. Greene is the first county to do this, but it seems like a popular and supported idea with superiors. Council would have more input on programming and funding the programming. There will be a report back to council within 6 months on the budget and impact of award. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Lisa Bakerink, to adopt the minigrant proposal in written form. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. New Business: Mini-Grant Proposals: Amy Patillo has applied for a workforce navigator canvas class. This would be a pilot class and would pay a $10 canvas fee per participant. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Rick Stenberg, to accept the minigrant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
Kelly McGowan has applied to continue the Millsap Farms tours. The current funding source is running out. This would cover 2-3 months, with 40 attendees until another funding source can be found. A motion was made by Harold Bengsch and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman, to accept the mini -grant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Amber Allen has applied for a class on family strengths through the Boys and Girls Club for up to
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County Extension Council minutes 25 participants. A motion was made by Karen Dowdy and was seconded by Joseph Hoffman, to accept the mini-grant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. David Burton has applied for funds to continue the Century Farms event as a virtual event this year. It would be state wide with Andrew McCray as a speaker. All funds applied for may not be needed.
This month’s minutes provides a list of mini-grant proposals approved by the council. This gives a glimpse at the work being done by specialists in Greene County.
A motion was made by Tony Ahart and was seconded by Morgan Ash, to accept the minigrant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. David Burton has applied for the Engaged Neighbor, 4-part class online. The money would promote National Good Neighbor Day marketing and would target the Western part of the county. A national author will be a speaker. A motion was made by Eric Sutton and was seconded by Ray Meyer, to accept the minigrant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. David Burton has applied for a state wide class, online, on oral history collection. This class could generate revenue. The cost is the expense of putting the class online. A motion was made by Morgan Ash and was seconded by Lisa Bakerink, to accept the mini -grant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. David Burton has applied to set up the 21 Qualities of a Leader class online. The class had 190 participants in 21 sessions and could be set up as a self-guided class, online. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Harold Bengsch, to accept the mini-grant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
Online at
David Burton applied for funds for the agricultural tour. There would be 4 sites visited, possibly in September. The money would come out of the gift donated fund. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Tony Ahart, to accept the minigrant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote.
Amber Allen applied for free program materials for 40 participants at a Boost Your Brain class as Kings Way United Methodist Church. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Harold Bengsch, to accept the minigrant proposal as written. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Liability Insurance Policy: Council has not been covered by the campus policy as originally thought. MOPERM policy information has been provided, including renter’s and property insurance, included in this policy. Theft of money and property would be included along with liability insurance with offers and council. This includes bonding for check signers too. A motion was made by Joseph Hoffman and was seconded by Tony Ahart, to purchase the proposed MOPERM policy. Motion to approve passed by unanimous vote. Council Nominations: Three nominations have been submitted and four positions are up for renewal. Nominations will be voted on in November. January’s meeting will resume in person. Until the January meeting, the rest of the 2020 meetings will be via Zoom. The meeting adjourned at 1:07 pm. Respectfully submitted by Morgan Ash
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Human Development Program Highlight: Focus on Kids
The purpose of the Focus on Kids (FOK) program is to help parents learn how to nurture and support their children through the divorce/separation process, and to help parents develop ways to effectively work together as co-parents. If you are interested in offering programs in your county, please contact me at
September Monthly Overview:
Meetings (Connect): 9/1/20-Workforce Collaboration Meeting 9/2/20-Green Dot Committee 9/3/20-Coaching with Jessica Trussell 9/4/20-United Healthcare Sponsorship Mtg 9/8/20-DPP Planning Call-Monett 9/9/20, 9/22/20-Home and Family Meeting 9/10/20-Healthy Families Task Force 9/10/20-Mercy Senior Solutions Collaboration Meeting 9/10/20-Alzheimer’s Association Meeting 9/11/20-Women in Agriculture Brainstorm Meeting 9/11/20-YMHFA Planning Meeting 9/15/20-Faculty Meeting 9/17/20-Child Abuse & Neglect Collaborative 9/18/20-CoxHealth Wellness Department Collaboration Meeting 9/18/20- Barry County Children’s Division Collaboration Meeting 9/18/20-Marshall Livestream 9/22/20- Show-Me ECHO & MU Extension Intro Meeting 9/23/20- Nixa School District Collaboration Meeting 9/25/20- NEAFCS Pro Development: Program Development Subcommittee 9/27/20- Green Dot Overview Speech Virtual Training 9/30/20- MU Extension Meeting with Freeman Hospital Programs (Educate): 9/2/20-10 Warning Signs (Alzheimer’s Association) (10 participants) Online at
Amber Allen
Human Development Direct Tel: 874-2958 Started: October 2019
Responsibilities: Impr oving families and senior adults with “Boost Your Brain and Memory,” “Focus on Kids” and Green Dot violence prevention and more.
9/3/20-Childcare Training: Staff Retention through Organizational Climate (6 participants) 9/8/20-Effective Communication Strategies (Alzheimer’s Association) (5 participants) 9/9/20-RESPOND: Building Community Resilience (12 participants) 9/17/20-PASTA Class-Kinship Support Group (17 participants) 9/21/20-Youth Mental Health First Aid-Billings School District (30 participants) 9/28/20-Boost Your Brain & Memory Statewide Series 9/29/29-Childcare Training: Making ABCs and the 123s More Active (Create): • 17 Facebook post were published using the hashtags #ExtendMU & #Committed2MOFamilies with 1,415 reached and 65 individuals engaged with at least one of the posts. Professional Development: • National Extension Association Family & Consumer Science Virtual Annual Conference • Webinars: Completing the Data Puzzle: Identifying Assessment Gaps, Mental Health Innovations in Agricultural Communities, The Importance of Using the Latest Data to Inform the Strategic Prevention Framework
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County Engagement & Community Development Specialist Achieve positive change in your leadership direction with new online program from MU Extension University of Missouri Extension has launched a new self-guided online class named “21 Qualities of a Leader” designed to help individuals develop personal leadership qualities. The class has 21 sessions (each takes about one hour to complete) and costs $50 per person. Individuals must register for the course on the MU Extension website. Put the class name in the website search bar to find the enrollment page. The course is in Canvas and uses a selfguided format. The first class was offered in April and May 2020 via Zoom and had 198 people from across Missouri register. We know leadership truly develops from the inside out. If you become the leader you should be on the inside, you will also become the leader you want to be on the outside. Several community development specialists with MU Extension take turns teaching different sessions online. Each session focuses on a quality outlined in John C. Maxwell’s book “21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.” A new habit is formed in 21 days. If you enroll in this class, you will get the most out of it by reading one chapter at a time and then watching the session videos and joining in the online discussion.
Online at
David Burton
County Engagement Specialist Direct Tel: 874-2954 Started: 2001
Responsibilities: Leader ship development, neighboring, heritage tourism, media relations, and works with council to fund and administer local programs.
Neighborhood Leadership Academy Underway Neighborhood Leadership Academy is underway statewide in a virtual format. David Burton, Pam Duitsman and Kyle Whitaker are leading the Ozarks Region group in NLA. Ten participants remain in the Ozarks Region portion of the class which runs until November. Participants are learning to lead themselves and to lead within their community as well. On Sept. 21, Jason Ray, director of the Southwest Council of Governments spoke to the group about local government functions and how to get involved.
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County Engagement & Community Development Specialist Commission Ag Tour Planned Solution Sought for Local for Sept. 29 and Includes Hay Bale Plastic Wrap Century Farm Honor Farmers in Greene, Polk, Dallas, Webster This year’s County Commission Ag Tour has fewer in attendance, due to COVID19. However, all three County Commissioners will join MU Extension specialists on Sept. 29 to learn more about agriculture in Greene County. This year’s tour includes four stops: 1) Show Me Genetic Services (formerly Genex) owned by Steven and Jamie Rogers 2) Bonebrake Herefords, owned by father and son Dr’s Mac and Al Bonebrake. Pearson Creek runs through the farm and has one of the first grazing systems in the county. 3) Andy Kuntz’s farm with one of the best stands of timothy, alfalfa and native grass for wildlife in the area. After lunch at Turner’s Station, the Commissioners will stop and award this year’s Century Farm honor to in person to the Roy and Shirley Bailey Farm near Rogersville.
counties that have plastic wrap on hay bales or silage — and would be willing to participate in a recycling program with a centrallylocated baler — need to write an email or letter of support of a plastic hay bale project. These letters will be used in the grant writing process. In the letter of support, include an estimate of the number of bags you would recycle. Then email a scanned letter to David Burton at or mail a letter to MU Extension, 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807. This grant proposal will be similar to a recently funded baler project near Linn, Mo. Baling helps to keep the plastic out of the waste stream. It also keeps framers from either burning it or burying it on their farm.
Donating to Greene County Extension is as Easy As: 1. Donate online at by mail or in person.
2. Stay connected with
Greene County Extension on social media, by email and/ or in service as a volunteer.
3. Enjoy making a difference in the lives of 45,000 county residents annually.
Helping Greene County Extension Do More, Reach More, Be More! University of Missouri Extension in Greene County
Located inside the Botanical Center at 2400 S. Scenic Ave., Springfield, Mo. 65807 Tel: (417) 881-8909 | Email: | Online at
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University Extension professionals in eight states have planned a virtual conference for individuals and groups who support local entrepreneurs. If you assist entrepreneurs and small businesses in your community, you will not want to miss this opportunity! Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities, November 9-13, will help practitioners learn about best practices to support local businesses, and provide new tools for your entrepreneur toolbox. For more information and to register visit #CECShowcase
Horticulture Specialist Master Gardener Hotline Still Open in Greene County Master Gardener Greene County Hotline is STILL OPEN for business to answer your important gardening questions. We are entering the summer gardening season and with that comes pests and unwanted plant diseases. Please contact us with your questions by phone (417874-2963) by email or on our website. Feel free to send pictures of your problems or questions via email. All calls and emails are being handled remotely by trained Master Gardeners and answered daily. Please leave a detailed message if calling or just sending an email. We can't tell you when we will be back to normal operations in the MU Extension Greene County Hotline office inside
Kelly McGowan Horticulture Specialist Direct Tel: 874-2955 Started: 2012
Responsibilities: Locally coor dinates the Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists chapters as well as horticulture educational events for the public.
the Springfield-Greene County Botanical Center but we are looking forward to it. In the meantime, if you need a faster answer to your important gardening question, use the MU Extension website and use the topic search box.
We are sold out of printed books. However, you can order books online at Printed and digital books and maps available from vendor. Proceeds still benefit Greene County MU Extension.
Online at
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Workforce Development Study maps future workforce demands of state’s No. 1 economic driver: agriculture Over the next decade, Missouri’s food, agriculture and forestry industries are projected to generate 13,000 job openings each year. Deliberate statewide planning and action will ensure a globally competitive workforce for employers in these industries that are foundational to Missouri’s economy. A study published Sept. 14 by University of Missouri Extension — Workforce Needs Assessment of Missouri’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Industries — charts a way forward to address challenges these industries face over the next decade and address their long-term workforce development needs. The food, agriculture and forestry sectors alone contribute more than $88 billion to the state’s economy — roughly 15% of the total state output. As the global demand for food continues to rise, states like Missouri must be ready to increase their production to stay competitive. Doing so will require multiple strategies, including the development of a nextgeneration agricultural workforce. The release of the study coincides with Gov. Mike Parson’s declaration of September as Workforce Development Month in Missouri. The study used labor market information, an employer survey, and industry and stakeholder focus groups and interviews to assess the needs of Missouri’s food, agriculture and forestry industries. The analysis shows that these industries face a double challenge: how to develop and find workers with experience and skills specific to many jobs within the industry, and how to compete with other industries for workers in demand throughout the rest of the economy. The study will inform work planned for next year on a statewide workforce strategy for Missouri’s food, agriculture and forestry industries. Key first steps — even in an era of tight resources and uncertain impacts from the pandemic — involve identifying partners and foundational needs.
Online at
Amy Patillo
Workforce Development Direct Tel: 874-2956 Started: November 2011
Responsibilities: Statewide coor dination of online and face-to-face educational programs and projects designed to grow Missouri’s workforce.
Labor Law Series
Do you have questions about changes to immigration law or questions about navigating any of the immigration and employment law? This month Roger McCrummen, JD, and BJ McCullick, JD will address these questions and more. Join us on Oct. 7 to learn about current and pending changes in immigration and employment law. COST: $10 per person. MCLEs credits are available Time: 12:00-1:00 PM Date: Wednesday, Oct. 7 Location: Online via Zoom Registrations are made at the following link:
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The Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference will bring together people from across the nation that support entrepreneurs in their local communities. Join us and learn best practices from business leaders, entrepreneurs, economic developers, decision makers, and others working to build up their communities, one business at a time. Register today to gain access to all sessions: Online at
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For answers to your ag questions ... MU Extension offers agriculture town halls online weekly for farmers, gardeners University of Missouri Extension is offering weekly online town hall meetings led by agronomy, livestock and horticulture specialists. “MU Extension has is a trusted and necessary resource to help Missourians get food on the table and gardens in the backyard,” says Lee Miller, coordinator of MU’s Integrated Pest Management program. State and regional extension specialists are hosting the weekly town hall question-andanswer sessions. Weekly times and topics Home horticulture: Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-noon. Forages and livestock: Thur sdays, noon-1 p.m. Field crops: Fr idays, 7-8 a.m. The sessions offer easy access and will be held using the Zoom teleconferencing system. Advance registration is required to receive email with the Zoom link and instructions. Register and submit questions online at
Online at
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Greene County “Reaching Out” Report
Last Updated September 23,
MU Extension Staff Serving Greene County Sherri Hull Nutrition Associate Joined 2008
M. Dickensheet Nutrition Associate Joined 2018
1845 S. National, Ste. 100, Springfield, Mo. Tel: (417) 865-0707
Myrna Stark FNEP Program Manager
Jay Chism, Regional Director, email:
Terri Fossett
Program director Joined 2000
Sarah Grubaugh,
Assistant, email:
Family Nutrition Education Program
2160 W. Chesterfield Blvd. F200, Springfield, Tel: 417-886-2059
Karla Deaver
4-H Youth specialist HQ: Lawrence County Tel: (417) 466-3102
Tim Schnakenberg
Southwest Region Directors Office
Andy McCorkill
Patrick Byers
Agronomy specialist HQ: Stone County Tel: (417) 357-6812
Commercial Horticulture HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044
Reagan Bluel
Kyle Whittaker
Dairy Specialist HQ: Barry County Tel: (417) 847-3161
Sarah Havens
Natural Resources specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (573) 458-6260
Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Livestock specialist HQ: Laclede County Tel: (417) 532-7126
At Missouri State 405 N Jefferson Springfield, MO 417-837-2612 waldoaj@missouri .edu
Ag and Environment HQ: Webster County Tel: (417) 859-2044
Dr. Pam Duitsman
Community Development HQ: Christian County Tel: (417) 581-3558
Allen Waldo
Contact: Chrystal Irons Lance Coffman Sandra Smart Irons
Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center, 405 N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield | 417-837-2617 |
Online at