greenland today no. 30

Page 1



• Large Deluxe Serviced Apartments • Near Copenhagen City Center • Sea View • Gym • Rooftop Terrace • Wine Bar


leder / editorial


er online Med søkabel til internettet og andre moderne kommunikationsformer er Grønland rykket tættere på resten af verden. Det samme gælder de fysiske forbindelser med flere fly fra København og Island end nogensinde før. Grønland er blevet mere tilgængelig. Med en omlægning af skibsfragten er der også nye tider på vej, hvad angår varer til Grønland. Der bliver brug for masser af gods til at opbygge de større byer, befolkningen flytter til i disse år. En udvikling drevet af folks ønske om at bo, hvor de kan

få uddannelse og arbejde. I 10 år har greenland today skrevet om netop udviklingen i Grønland. Samtidig har aviser og blade på verdensplan oplevet en ændring fra trykte til online medier. Dette nummer af greenland today er derfor det sidste trykte blad, du kommer til at sidde med i hånden. Vi forsætter fremover på og Facebook. God fornøjelse med læsningen Avi & Mads

The future

Moskus garn og strikvarer af eget design. Musk ox yarn and knitwear in our own designs. Bestil på vores hjemmeside/ Order on our website

Udgiver & Redaktør

is online With the submarine cable for the internet and other modern methods of communication, Greenland has moved closer to the rest of the world. The same applies to the physical connections. With more flights from Copenhagen and Iceland than ever before, Greenland has become more accessible. With the reorganization of sea freight, new times are coming for shipments to Greenland. Plenty of goods will be needed to expand the larger towns to which the people are moving in these times – a development driven by peo-

ple’s desire to live where they can take an education and find work. For 10 years, greenland today has written about developments in Greenland. At the same time newspapers and magazines have experienced a change from the printed press to online media. This issue of greenland today is therefore the last printed magazine. We will continue at and on Facebook. Enjoy reading Avi & Mads

Greenland is a door to a world of opportunities. You just need the right key. Setting up a business in a new country calls for thorough councelling and in-depth knowledge of all aspects of local law and cultural issues. Which is why you should talk to a law firm, that holds the right key.

Publisher & Editor



Nuna Law Firm, PO Box 59, 3900 Nuuk, Greenland. Tel: (299) 32 13 70

indhold / contents

grønland for begydere greenland for beginners


sommerlejr for børn Summer camps for kids

30-31 en uge som grønlandsk fanger one week as a greenlandic hunter

26-29 1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

NO. 04 2008

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

nBC’s matt lauer »live« are waiting. Find them all here!

1000 oplevelser venter. Find dem alle her!

Den globale opvarmning i Grønland Global warming in Greenland

n Livet er fascinerende

An unforgettable journey

Minik Rosing

Worlds most beautiful race


Videnskabelig leder


Scientific leader



Cool som grønlandsk indlandsis


Cool as Greenland’s inland ice

Greenland is waiting with experiences

for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful RasMus LyBeRTh fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring

Greenland Tourism & Business Council

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic

Greenland Tourism & Business Council

fastelavn i saatut shrovetide in saatut skriver stadig som 84 årig 84 year old and still writing Bedre levevilkår for Børnene Better conditions for the childrene

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic

Greenland Tourism & Business Council

fiSKetur i paradiS

KuupiK KleiSt

Mere end en fiskehistorie

Ny Landsstyreformand New Premier

fiShing in paradiSe

More than a fishing story

SelvStyre i Grønland


21. juni 2009

Den forventede fremtid er i dag

Self-governance in greenland

NO. 06

climate changeS

June 21st, 2009

The future is already here




Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

Energi og engagement Energy and commitment

Grønlands Rock Mama Greenland’s Rock Mama

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy

the sound of silence. Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start to explore Greenland at:


Greenlandic Books n Greenlandic art bøgEr om grønLAnd n kunst I grønLAnd

michael Binzer

nina Kreutzmann JørGenSen

Bøger om grønland greenlandic Books

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy the sound of silence. Start to explore Greenland at:

NO. 05

Greenlandic Books n Greenlandic art n Greenland in denmark Bøger om grøNlaNd n kuNst i grøNlaNd n grøNlaNd i daNmark


Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

ribe SubSc

• Abonn


Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

NO. 30 2017

Greenland Greenland Greenland Greenland greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today NO. 09 2010

NO. 10 2010


NO. 12 2011

et liv meD sport living with sport

borgmester i Nuuk the mayor iN Nuuk

det stenede sted The Boulder place

kærlig hilseN Paamiut from Paamiut With love


hunTer on The easT coasT Hard to make a living

den sidste dans The lasT dance

Udstilling om UdFordringer

NO. 11 2011

Dagbog fra arctic circle race Diary from arctic circle race

Kvinder i KajaK Women in kayak

Ses på nutidens forandringer

The climaTe of The fuTure Can be seen in present changes

Fanger på Østkysten Svært at leve af

greenland today

You’ll never forget it!

greenland today

NO. 08 2010

Fremtidens klima

greenland today

You’ll never forget it!

greenland today

NO. 07 2009

greenland today

greenland today

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy the sound of silence. Start to explore Greenland at:






Greenlandic Books Greenlandic art bøger om grønland kunst i grønland

NO. 03

NO. 02

NO. 01

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk ox safari or simply enjoy the

en lykkelig mand glaciers. Experience our unique arctic n A happy man n

NO. 04

n ung, kvinde og politisk leder go on a musk safari or simply enjoy i verdens største kommune the sound of silence. and StartntoYoung, explorewoman Greenland at: political leader in the world’s largest municipality

n Ikke et nyt fænomen

IsfjordEn - En koLd og hård ArbEjdspLAds The Icefjord - a cold, harsh workplace på tur mELLEm kAngErLussuAq og sIsImIut A journey between Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut

mode med grøNlaNdske rødder Fashion with roots in Greenland

against all odds culture, enjoy a whale watching tour,

klimaforandringerne climate changes n Known in many years

n Eksperter i sejlads i Arktis n Experts in Arctic navigation

The BenefiTs

krydstogt til grønland Greenland Cruise

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic

n Lige nu Right Now

royal arctic line a/S

NordVestpassageN, smutVej til stillehaVet Northwest Passage, shortcut to the Pacific

hverdag på et grønlandsk børnehjem Everyday life in a children’s home in Greenland

n Verdens smukkeste løb

Bøger om grønland n Kunst i grønland n grønland i danmarK sound of silence. Start to explore Greenland at: Greenlandic Books n Greenlandic Art n Greenland in Denmark

NO. 06 2009

n Life can be fascinating


Fra Fangerkultur til verdensomspændende Fiskerierhverv From hunting culture to worldwide fishing industry

Kayaking through the fjords n På hundeslæde på Horsens fjord

I Grønland venter store oplevelser for livet. Her er isbjerge, smukke fjorde, indlandsis og bragende gletsjere. Oplev hvaler, moskusokser, en unik kultur og meget mere. Helt enestående oplevelser, som du ikke får andre steder i verden. Vil du vide mere om Grønland og rejser til Grønland, så finder du masser af information på:

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

Maria Panínguak` kjærulff

OPLEV GRØNLAND Explore Greenland n I kajak gennem fjordene

lis sørensen

»Grønland har en stor plads i mit hjerte« »Greenland has a huge place in my heart«

NO. 05 2009

greenland today

NO. 03 2008

greenland today

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

greenland today

NO. 02 2008

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today 1000 Adventures NO. 01 2007

virksomheDerNes sociale aNsvar corPorate social resPoNsibility


In the Eye of Climate Change

exhibiTion abouT challenges In the Eye of Climate Change

ComebaCk til krabberne Aktivitet på havnen i Narsaq

crabs make a comeback Harbour activity in Narsaq


Drager på isen For many people a trip to Greenland is a trip into oneself. Kites on ice

For many people a trip to Greenland is a trip into oneself. A trip that gives food for thought.

OttO rOsing instruktør Director

High heavens, ice, beauty, hospitality – and innumerable activities.

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic

All of this creates a foundation for unforgettable holiday memories.

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy

Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start exploring at:

isbjerg på Flaske BottleD iceBerg

Southgreenland. Photo: david Trood

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S a i r g r eCouncil Greenland Tourism & Business

NO. 16 2012

NO. 17 2013

We know how it’s done

NO. 18 2013

With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. We belong in Greenland, we know all about Greenland, and we will give your exploration a lift. To us, it is routine to work in remote regions with a sketchy infrastructure and a challenging climate.

kultur, oplevelser & erhverv Culture, adventure & business

ny GastronoMi new GastronoMy Grønlandsk Globetrotter GreenlandiC Globetrotter

greenland today

We know how it’s done

kultur, oplevelser & erhverv You just have to ask. Culture, adventure & business

You just have to ask.

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 15 2012

With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. We belong in Greenland, we know all about Greenland, and we will give your exploration a lift. To us, it is routine to work in remote regions with a sketchy infrastructure and a challenging climate.

With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. We belong in Greenland, we know all about Greenland, and we will give your exploration a lift. To us, it is routine to work in remote regions with a sketchy infrastructure and a challenging climate.


Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

We know how it’s done

Invester I Grønland Invest In Greenland at trække IsbjerGe PullInG IceberGs


Greenland Tourism & Business Council

NO. 14 2012

NO. 12

NO. 11

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

NO. 13 2011


Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S


skræmmenDe ny film scary new movie

Greenland Tourism & Business Council - a pioneering nation

NO. 10

NO. 09



historisk møDe i nuuk historical meeting in nuuk

Southgreenland. Photo: david Trood

Face oF greenland

Greenland Tourism & Business Council - a pioneering nation

Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start exploring at:

NO. 08

NO. 07

Den blå bugt the blue bay

High heavens, ice, beauty, hospitality – and innumerable activities.

All of this creates a foundation for unforgettable holiday memories. Fugle i thule BirDs in thule Grab the chance and create your own personal Greenland adventure!

Grab the chance and create your own personal Greenland adventure!

the sound of silence. Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start to explore Greenland at:

A trip that gives food for thought.

You just have to ask.

travlhed i arCtiC base supply busy at arCtiC base supply


lyden af arktis the sound of the arCtiC


dinosaur land dinosaur Country


Rubies & explosives RubineR & spRængstof


CultuRe, adventuRe & business kultuR, oplevelseR & eRhveRv

kOngens kunst art Of a king

a new YoRkeR in ilulissat new YoRkeR i ilulissat

We give your exploration a lift

We are getting ready for the future

With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and

Our 12 robust and flexible AS-350 helicopters can handle almost any task. It is the ideal helicopter for sling operations with our experienced and competent long-line sling pilots.

partner for exploration. Oliedynamic & mineraler Oil & minerals

You will benefit from the fact that we are part of the Greenlandic society. We have the advantage of a broad network. We know the

arktisk sejlads local requirements andmed we havesejl an infrastructure in the form of hangarswith and aircraft all over the arctic vOyage sails country.

With our Dash 7s we provide a very flexible combi/cargo aircraft fleet that can meet all passenger and cargo requirements. With its unparalleled STOL capability, it matches the short runways all over Greenland and it is capable of landing on frozen lakes and other unmarked runways.

På telttur med børn camPInG wIth the kIds new business OppOrtunities

trubaduren sImon lynGe troubadour sImon lynGe

nye fOrretningsmuligheder

We are getting ready for the future Our 12 robust and flexible AS-350 helicopters can handle almost any task. It is the ideal helicopter for sling operations with our experienced and competent long-line sling pilots.

ChRis MaCdonald in nuuk ChRis MaCdonald i nuuk gReenland’s aiRpoRts gRønlands lufthavne

With our Dash 7s we provide a very flexible combi/cargo aircraft fleet that can meet all passenger and cargo requirements. With its unparalleled STOL capability, it matches the short runways all over Greenland and it is capable of landing on frozen lakes and other unmarked runways.

good food and hospitalitY god Mad og gæstfRihed

NO. 23 2015

thai boxeR thaibokseR

NO. 24 2015

greenland today

NO. 22 2014

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 21 2014

Air Greenland Charter P.O. Box 1012 3900 Nuuk, Greenland email: Phone: +299 343434 Fax: +299 320898


The latest development for operating in the offshore business is our planned acquisition of two EC225 helicopters to be in operation from 2015.

Air Greenland Charter · Tel. +299 34 34 34 · Fax +299 32 08 98 · e-mail:

NO. 18

We aim to provide a high level of service and this means that every single job is specifically tailored to suit the customer’s requirements. We simply are the sustainable choice. You just have to ask.



greenland today

NO. 20 2014

Air Greenland Charter P.O. Box 1012 3900 Nuuk, Greenland email: Phone: +299 343434 Fax: +299 320898

NO. 17

NO. 16

Air Greenland Charter P.O. Box 1012 3900 Nuuk, Greenland email: Phone: +299 343434 Fax: +299 320898


greenland today

greenland today

NO. 19 2013

We give your exploration a lift With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. You will benefit from the fact that we are part of the Greenlandic society. We have the advantage of a broad network. We know the local requirements and we have an infrastructure in the form of hangars and aircraft all over the country.

moskus, moskus, moskus musk ox, musk ox, musk ox

Air Greenland Charter · Tel. +299 34 34 34 · Fax +299 32 08 98 · e-mail:

NO. 15

The latest development for operating in the offshore business is our planned acquisition of two EC225 helicopters to be in operation from 2015.



We simply are the sustainable choice. You just have to ask.

NO. 14

NO. 13

We aim to provide a high level of service and this means that every single job is specifically tailored to suit the customer’s requirements.

DKK 49,95

nyt lavenergihus a new low-energy house

Kunstner Christian rosing artist Christian rosing masser af mineraler plenty of minerals

discovery greenland

frihed og lejlighed til at besøge 3 skønne byer og bygder, herunder Grønlands andenstørste

fantastiske Indlandsis i Kangerlussuaq og ikke mindst Diskobugtens perle, Ilulissat Isfjord.

Vi bor godt på det 4-stjernede Hotel Arctic i FUNKTIONEL ARKITEKTUR Ilulissat. FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE

Rejsen er rigtig god, hvis du godt kan lide at gå lidt på opdagelse, se de klassiske højdepunkter,

Classic: The”Golden Triangle” PÅ JAGT- OG FISKETUR of West Greenland


One of our bestsellers over years and a very classic tour. A wonderful trip to the triangle of three towns and also coastal ship and 4-star Hotel Arctic is included. You experience all the ”must see” of Greenland and the ”wow-factor” is high!


Kom og oplev midnatssol i det arktiske forår

Spring in the Arctic come and see the midnight sun Discover the highlights of Greenland with this 8 day adventure: the magical colours of the midnight sun, sailing among icebergs and through deep fjords, gourmet cuisine with a view of gigantic icebergs, and the endless expanse of the inland

med udsigten over gigantiske isbjerge, og

indlandsisens endeløse vidder. of greenland icecap. the national theater En uforglemmelig rejse, hvor vi udforsker de An unforgettable journey where we explore the grØnlands nationalteater

en eventyrlig rejse an adventurous journey

the bank of greenland Specialrejse: grØnlandsbanken Forårfornemmelser i Grønland

vigtigste steder og byer i det spirende arktiske forår.

50 år med s-61 50 years with s-61

Artist / Kunstner BolAttA silis-HøegH

Kom og oplev midnatssol

i det arktiskei forår urbaniseringen grønland Oplev Grønlands højdepunkter på dette 8 urbanization inMidnatssolens greenland dage lange eventyr: magiske

FroM nuuK to neW YorK FrA nuuK til neW YorK

himmeldans, sejlads mellem isbjerge og gennem dybe fjorde, kulinariske oplevelser

vigtigste steder og byer i det spirende arktiske

Hotel AngMAssAliK

hotel forår. KulusuK Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Specialrejse: Forårfornemmelser i Grønland 8 dage Afrejse maj 2015 Fra DKK 22.495 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Spring in the Arctic come and see the midnight sun

sirius sled patrol sirius patruljen

main sites and cities in the Arctic spring. Special Journey: Spring feelings in Greenland 8 days Departure May 2015 From DKK 22,495

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life

Greenland Tourism & Business Council

GreenlAnDic Books n GreenlAnDic Art Bøger om grønland n Kunst i grønland

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start exploring at:

NO. 10 2010


A trip that gives food for thought.

High heavens, ice, beauty, hospitality – and innumerable activities.

isBjerg på FlasKe BottlED ICEBErg

Southgreenland. Photo: david Trood

NO. 09

NO. 10


Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

Greenland Tourism & Business Council




Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 14 2012

We know how it’s done

NO. 15 2012

greenland today

NO. 13 2011

FaCe oF greenland

Greenland Tourism & Business Council - a pioneering nation

Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start exploring at:

NO. 08

NO. 07

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

We know how it’s done With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. We belong in Greenland, we know all about Greenland, and we will give your exploration a lift. To us, it is routine to work in remote regions with a sketchy infrastructure and a challenging climate.

With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and dynamic partner for exploration. We belong in Greenland, we know all about Greenland, and we will give your exploration a lift. To us, it is routine to work in remote regions with a sketchy infrastructure and a challenging climate.

NO. 16 2012

kultur, Oplevelser & erhverv culture, aDventure & business

kultur, Oplevelser & erhverv You just have to ask. culture, aDventure & business

You just have to ask.

invester i GrØnlanD invest in GreenlanD

travlheD i arctic base supply busy at arctic base supply

ny GastrOnOmi new GastrOnOmy

at trÆkke isbjerGe pullinG iceberGs

lyDen af arktis the sOunD Of the arctic

GrØnlanDsk GlObetrOtter GreenlanDic GlObetrOtter

DinOsaur lanD DinOsaur cOuntry

We give your exploration a lift With decades of experience acquired from Arctic operations, Air Greenland is your reliable and

You will benefit from the fact that we are part of the Greenlandic society. We have the advantage of a broad network. We know the

new business OppOrtunities

Fo o Pho o go Mo a e Na ha e Gu o nuu eq S o ch Roya G een and ona Beye Pe e en Ca en Egevang Pe e E a Q v u Toke B ød gaa d R kke R Han en dpv deop oduc on Ben Hea on g een and oday Kunuk B øn Mad Ph A c c mpo Dav d T ood Te e G een and La We Dan Bach K en en Anne Me e Eh e T ue No h Gem B a ne Sø en en Fo og afi Ma k ohn on La e Bak Me vang P pa uk S a en Do e Mand up A k ek e Ken Bowe Gukk Nuka W ndS ed G een and ce R ve Exped on N co a Ab aham K m n uk

mOskus, mOskus, mOskus musk Ox, musk Ox, musk Ox NO. 15 2012



Air Greenland Charter P.O. Box 1012 3900 Nuuk, Greenland email: Phone: +299 343434 Fax: +299 320898


Air Greenland Charter P.O. Box 1012 3900 Nuuk, Greenland email: Phone: +299 343434 Fax: +299 320898

greenland today

NO. 21 2014

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 20 2014

NO. 22 2014

nyt laVenergiHus a neW loW-energy House

Kunstner CHristian rosing artist CHristian rosing masser aF mineraler plenty oF minerals

fantastiske Indlandsis i Kangerlussuaq og ikke mindst Diskobugtens perle, Ilulissat Isfjord.

Vi bor godt på det 4-stjernede Hotel Arctic i funktiOnel arkitektur Ilulissat. functiOnal architecture

Rejsen er rigtig god, hvis du godt kan lide at gå lidt på opdagelse, se de klassiske højdepunkter,

men også noget af det lidt mere uspolerede. kitesurfinG

You cross the Arctic Circle, get to see musk oxen and the ice cap in Kangerlussuaq, Sisimiut’s beautiful houses that are as small colour spots in the rocky landscape, and the spectacular ice fjord in Ilulissat with myriads of ice from small cubes to giants in various colours depending on the sun’s reflections.


artist / Kunstner Bolatta silis-HøegH From nuuK to neW yorK Fra nuuK til neW yorK Culture, adVenture & Business Kultur, opleVelser & erHVerV

indlandsisens endeløse vidder. oF greenland tHe national tHeater En uforglemmelig rejse, hvor vi udforsker de An unforgettable journey where we explore the grønlands nationalteater vigtigste steder og byer i det spirende arktiske forår.

en eVentyrlig rejse an adVenturous journey

tHe BanK oF greenland Specialrejse: grønlandsBanKen Forårfornemmelser i Grønland


8 dage Afrejse maj 2015 Fra DKK 22.495 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

greenland today

Autumn feelings in Greenland

Discover spectacular locations, where you can feel the forces of nature of the Ice Cap at Kangerlussuaq, tour the capital of Nuuk, and enjoy the gourmet cuisine at Hotel Arctic. 8 days Departure September 2016 FROM 3,015 EUR

main sites and cities in the Arctic spring. Special Journey: Spring feelings in Greenland 8 days Departure May 2015 From DKK 22,495

Hotel angmassaliK HigH-teCH pHotograpHy HigH-teCH FotograFering Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 27 2016

Zoom in on snow and ice

Lie down in the snow, listen to the silence, and enjoy the greenish hue of the northern lights. A trip that combines winter, great nature and culture – the vast Ice Cap, Ilulissat Icefjord, and thousands of sled dogs. 8 days Departure January-April 2017 FROM 1,810 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Winter adventures in the snow

NO. 28 2016

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

A long weekend out of the ordinary

Get in touch with the marvellous Greenlandic nature, where dog sled rides, the northern lights and icebergs are only some of the highlights. A unique adventure on the top of the world. 8 days Departure January-April 2017 FROM 1.810 EUR

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 26 2016

2014 Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 25 2015

Spring in the Arctic come and see the midnight sun Discover the highlights of Greenland with this 8 day adventure: the magical colours of the midnight sun, sailing among icebergs and through deep fjords, gourmet cuisine with a view of gigantic icebergs, and the endless expanse of the inland icecap.

med udsigten over gigantiske isbjerge, og

Klatring i grønland ClimBing in greenland

hvem er GrØnlÆnDer? whO is GreenlanDer?

11 days Departure June-Aug 2014 From DKK 22,405



11 dage Afrejse juni-aug. 2014 Fra kr. 22.495 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 21

Experience Greenland from the water with Arctic Umiaq Line. Sail close to the icebergs and whales, and enjoy a well-deserved rest at the luxurious Hotel Arctic in Ilulissat, with its stunning view of enormous icebergs slowly gliding past your window. Immerse yourself in the ultimate Greenland with a visit to the active, always calving glacier at Glacier Lodge Eqi or the Kangia Icefjord. Enjoy world-class miracles of nature by land, by sea, and from the air. Be inspired at, or call +45 33 13 10 11, to turn your dreams into reality.

Kom og oplev midnatssol i det arktiske forår Oplev Grønlands højdepunkter på dette 8

east greenland dage lange eventyr: Midnatssolens magiske himmeldans, sejlads mellem isbjerge og østgrønland gennem dybe fjorde, kulinariske oplevelser

culture, aDventure & business kultur, Oplevelser & erhverv

NO. 22

arCtiC sounds lyden aF arKtis Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

greenlandiC Furnitures grønlandsKe møBler

Winter In Ilulissat! Clear your schedule and recharge your batteries in a very special way. Many possibilities await you, from hiking or dog sledding, sailing among icebergs, to exploring the town and restaurants. 5 days Departure February-April 2017 FROM 1,555 EUR

east greenland FældeFangst trapping

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11


Hotel arCtiC air ZaFari

sledding Cultures slædeKulturer

Kangerlussuaq mere enD et pitstOp mOre than a pit stOp


arKtisK HoVedstad arCtiC Capital

Den Gyldne Trekant En herlig rejse til Grønland, der giver dig stor frihed og lejlighed til at besøge 3 skønne byer og bygder, herunder Grønlands andenstørste by, Sisimiut. Hertil skal du lægge sejlads med kystskib blandt hvaler og isbjerge, den fantastiske Indlandsis i Kangerlussuaq og ikke mindst Diskobugtens perle, Ilulissat Isfjord. Vi bor godt på det 4-stjernede Hotel Arctic i Ilulissat.

The”Golden Triangle” of West Greenland One of our bestsellers over years and a very classic tour. A wonderful trip to the triangle of three towns and also coastal ship and 4-star Hotel Arctic is included. You experience all the ”must see” of Greenland and the ”wow-factor” is high!

Fra det grønne syden til de smukke isbjerge i nord

From southern Greenland to the northern icebergs

Tag med på den helt store rundtur i Grønland. Oplev kontrasterne på dette fascinerende 14-dages eventyr. Vandreture i overvældende stilhed og uberørt natur. Grønne bjerge og isbjerge i turkis. Varme blomsterdale og kolde gletschere. En livlig arktisk metropol og de små bygder.

The grand tour of Greenland. Experience the contrasts on this incredible 14-day adventure. Hiking trips in overwhelming silence and untouched nature. Green mountains and turquoise icebergs. Warm flower valleys and cold glaciers. A lively Arctic metropolis and small hunting settlements.

greenland in CHina Nyd den vidtstrakte indlandsis, når du flyver langs kysten. Tag med Arctic Umiaq Lines færge grønland i fjorde Kina gennem betagende og få et unikt indblik til Grønlands små bygder. Glæd dig til gastronomi i

verdensklasse på HotelnetWorK Arctic. Kort sagt: Denne arCtiCtur Business under midnatssolen giver dig alt det bedste, Grønland kan byde på.

KitesurFing in greenland KitesurFing i grønland

The wonders of the Arctic

rigsFællessKaBet tHe danisH realm

This Autumn and Winter, make your wildest dreams come true. Discover the wonders of Culture, adVenture &natural Business the Arctic and the breath-taking beauty of Greenland. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an Kultur, opleVelser & erHVerV


AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic: · Arctic Umiaq Line:

Embrace the winter wonderland in Greenland! The snowy season opens up new worlds and new trails across an otherwise roadless land. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an experienced tour organizer, you can experience more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to unforgettable activities. And be prepared to lose your heart.




experienced tour organizer, you can cover more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to exciting tours by boat and plane. And be prepared to lose your heart.

NO. 27

Culture, adVenture & Business Kultur, opleVelser & erHVerV

14 days Departures July 2016 From 5,270 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

The wonders of the Arctic

sermersooq Business CounCil

Marvel at the vast expanse of the inland ice sheet as you fly along the coast. Arctic Umiaq Line’s ferry takes you through breathtaking fiords, and gives you a glimpse of small settlements. Enjoy the world-class cuisine of Hotel Arctic. This trip under the midnight sun is an immersion into all the best of Greenland.

Fra kr. 38.975 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 28

musK oX, musK oX, musK oX 14 dage mosKus, mosKus AfgangemosKus, juli 2016

NO. 26

You cross the Arctic Circle, get to see musk oxen and the ice cap in Kangerlussuaq, Sisimiut’s beautiful houses that are as small colour spots in the rocky landscape, and the spectacular ice fjord in Ilulissat with myriads of ice from small cubes to giants in various colours depending on the sun’s reflections. 11 days Departure June-Aug 2016 From 2,960 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 25

Rejsen er rigtig god, hvis du godt kan lide at gå lidt på opdagelse, se de klassiske højdepunkter, men også noget af det lidt mere uspolerede. 11 dage Afrejse juni-aug. 2016 Fra kr. 21.895 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 30

AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic:



Come and experience the midnight sun. Discover the wonders of the Arctic and the breath-taking natural beauty of Greenland. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an experienced tour organizer, you can cover more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to exciting tours by boat and plane. And be prepared to lose your heart.

Classic: The”Golden Triangle” pÅ jaGt- OG fisketur of West Greenland fishinG anD huntinG One of our bestsellers over years and a very classic tour. A wonderful trip to the triangle of three towns and also coastal ship and 4-star Hotel Arctic is included. You experience all the ”must see” of Greenland and the ”wow-factor” is high!

NO. 20

The wonders of the Arctic

Come and experience the midnight sun. Discover the wonders of the Arctic and the breath-taking natural beauty of Greenland. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an experienced tour organizer, you can cover more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to exciting tours by boat and plane. And be prepared to lose your heart.

NO. 19

Oplev Grønland fra søsiden med Arctic Umiaq Line. Kom tæt på isbjerge og hvaler og tag et fortjent hvil på det luksuriøse Hotel Arctic i Ilulissat, hvor du har udsigt til de enorme isbjerge, der stille driver forbi dit vindue. Her kan du opleve det ultimative Grønland med en tur til den konstant kælvende bræ ved Glacier Lodge Eqi eller Isfjorden Kangia. Naturfænomener i verdensklasse, der kan opleves til lands, til vands og fra luften. Bliv inspireret på eller ring på +45 33 13 10 11, så gør vi din drøm til virkelighed.

The wonders of the Arctic

frihed og lejlighed til at besøge 3 skønne byer og bygder, herunder Grønlands andenstørste

AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic:

10 år med greeNlaNd tOday 10 years with greeNlaNd tOday

Forside foto / Cover photo: Alle 30 forsider / All 30 covers

Udgiver/Publisher Aviaq Nordlund Mørch

Oversættelse/Translation Maria Holm

Ansv. redaktør/Editor in Chief Mads Nordlund

Grafisk tilrettelægning/Layout Aviaq Nordlund Mørch (red./ed.)

greenland today

Sk ben e W e s Dav d Be amy Mad No d und g een and oday Pe e E a Toke B ød gaa d Team Gu de o G een and K m n uk Ca en Egevang

trubaDuren simOn lynGe trOubaDOur simOn lynGe

nye fOrretninGs muliGheDer-

The latest development for operating in the offshore business is our planned acquisition of two EC225 helicopters to be in operation from 2015.

Air Greenland Charter · Tel. +299 34 34 34 · Fax +299 32 08 98 · e-mail:

Klassikeren: piOnÆr fOlket Den Gyldne Trekant piOneerinG peOple En herlig rejse til Grønland, der giver dig stor

iskOlDt by, GulD Sisimiut. Hertil skal du lægge sejlads medGOlD kystskib blandt hvaler og isbjerge, den ice cOlD

greenland today


10 14 26 28 31 33 35 37 39 41 45 49 52 57 62 64 66

pÅ telttur meD bØrn campinG with the kiDs

We are getting ready for the future Our 12 robust and flexible AS-350 helicopters can handle almost any task. It is the ideal helicopter for sling operations with our experienced and competent long-line sling pilots. With our Dash 7s we provide a very flexible combi/cargo aircraft fleet that can meet all passenger and cargo requirements. With its unparalleled STOL capability, it matches the short runways all over Greenland and it is capable of landing on frozen lakes and other unmarked runways.

NO. 14

NO. 13

We simply are the sustainable choice. You just have to ask.

NO. 19 2013

We turn your dreams into reality Greenland is like a dream where experiences and possibilities abound. Visit colourful towns and settlements, feel the tranquillity and silence, and allow yourself to be seduced by Greenland’s impressive nature.

5 704973 201727

Greenland for beginners 10 years with greenland today greenland today is read all over the world Events at Greenlandic House Summer camps for kids My second home Greenland Ice River Expedition Easier to find trips to Greenland Greenland as »Ruby Country« Greenland’s nature in a Glass Hiking in Greenland One week as a greenlandic hunter Greenlandic sled dog threatened? Painting The World of Ice Unique artist Disko Bay cold-water prawns Artistic friendship

NO. 16

We aim to provide a high level of service and this means that every single job is specifically tailored to suit the customer’s requirements.

DKK 49,95

Vi gør drøm til virkelighed Grønland er som en drøm, hvor oplevelser og muligheder står i kø. Se farverige byer og bygder, mærk stilheden og lad dig forføre af den imponerende natur.

AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic: AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic:

DKK 49,95

6 14 26 28 30 32 35 36 38 41 42 48 50 54 60 64 66

kOnGens kunst art Of a kinG

partner for exploration. Oliedynamic & mineraler Oil & minerals

arktisk sejlaDs local requirements andmeD we havesejl an infrastructure in the form of hangarswith and aircraft all over the arctic vOyaGe sails country.

NO. 29



Embrace the winter wonderland in Greenland! The snowy season opens up new worlds and new trails across an otherwise roadless land. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an experienced tour organizer, you can experience more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to unforgettable activities. And be prepared to lose your heart.

NO. 28

NO. 27



AIR GREENLAND GROUP Air Greenland: · Greenland Travel: · Hotel Arctic: · Arctic Umiaq Line:

GreenlAnDic Books n GreenlAnDic Art n GreenlAnD in DenmArk Bøger om grønland n Kunst i grønland n grønland i danmarK

NO. 09 2010

KVinder i KajaK WomEN IN KayaK nanortaliK det stenede sted the Boulder place

randonee den sidste dans tHE last DaNCE




The wonders of the Arctic

experienced tour organizer, you can cover more than you think of this vast country. Look forward to exciting tours by boat and plane. And be prepared to lose your heart.

nu Now

isFjorden - en Kold og Hård arBejdsplads the Icefjord - a cold, harsh workplace

a journey between Kangerlussuaq and sisimiut

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy

the sound of silence. Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start to explore Greenland at:

lykkelig mand glaciers. Experience our unique arctic happy man


The wonders of the Arctic

This Autumn and Winter, make your wildest dreams come true. Discover the wonders of cuLture, ADVenture &natural business the Arctic and the breath-taking beauty of Greenland. We have packaged individual and inspiring tours that combine the best of the sights and the unique culture. With an kuLtur, opLeVeLser & erhVerV

n lige

n right

royal arCtiC line a/s n eksperter i sejlads i arktis n Experts in arctic navigation

på tur mellem Kangerlussuaq og sisimiut

Greenland is waiting with experiences

n en n A

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

You’ll never forget it!

otto rosing instruktør Director

All of this creates a foundation for unforgettable holiday memories. Fugle i tHule BIrDs IN tHulE Grab the chance and create your own personal Greenland adventure!

Grab the chance and create your own personal Greenland adventure!


kitesurfing in greenLAnD kitesurfing i grØnLAnD sermersooq business counciL



NO. 08 2010

drager på isen For many people a trip to Greenland is a trip into oneself. KItEs oN ICE

A trip that gives food for thought.

All of this creates a foundation for unforgettable holiday memories.

culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk safari or simply enjoy

the sound of silence. Greenland Tourism & Business Council Start to explore Greenland at:



rigsfæLLesskAbet the DAnish reALm NO. 26


14 days Departures July 2016 From 5,270 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

You’ll never forget it!

For many people a trip to Greenland is a trip into oneself.

High heavens, ice, beauty, hospitality – and innumerable activities.

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic


Marvel at the vast expanse of the inland ice sheet as you fly along the coast. Arctic Umiaq Line’s ferry takes you through breathtaking fiords, and gives you a glimpse of small settlements. Enjoy the world-class cuisine of Hotel Arctic. This trip under the midnight sun is an immersion into all the best of Greenland.

in the world’s largest municipality


Grønland kan byde på.

Fra kr. 38.975 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11


som grønlandsk indlandsis as Greenland’s inland ice

Fashion with roots in Greenland for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful rasmUs lyberth fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring

n ung, kvinde og politisk leder go on a musk safari or simply enjoy i verdens største kommune


The grand tour of Greenland. Experience the contrasts on this incredible 14-day adventure. Hiking trips in overwhelming silence and untouched nature. Green mountains and turquoise icebergs. Warm flower valleys and cold glaciers. A lively Arctic metropolis and small hunting settlements.

Grønlands små bygder. Glæd dig til gastronomi i


1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

n livet er fascinerende n life can be fascinating


Tag med på den helt store rundtur i Grønland. Oplev kontrasterne på dette fascinerende 14-dages eventyr. Vandreture i overvældende stilhed og uberørt natur. Grønne bjerge og isbjerge i turkis. Varme blomsterdale og kolde gletschere. En livlig arktisk metropol og de små bygder.

GREENLAND IN CHINA Nyd den vidtstrakte indlandsis, når du flyver langs kysten. Tag med Arctic Umiaq Lines færge GRØNLAND I fjorde KINA gennem betagende og få et unikt indblik til verdensklasse på HotelNETWORK Arctic. Kort sagt: Denne ARCTICtur BUSINESS under midnatssolen giver dig alt det bedste, NO. 25

11 days Departure June-Aug 2016 From 2,960 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 04 2008



n Cool n Cool

mode med grønlandsKe rødder


The”Golden Triangle” of West Greenland One of our bestsellers over years and a very classic tour. A wonderful trip to the triangle of three towns and also coastal ship and 4-star Hotel Arctic is included. You experience all the ”must see” of Greenland and the ”wow-factor” is high! You cross the Arctic Circle, get to see musk oxen and the ice cap in Kangerlussuaq, Sisimiut’s beautiful houses that are as small colour spots in the rocky landscape, and the spectacular ice fjord in Ilulissat with myriads of ice from small cubes to giants in various colours depending on the sun’s reflections.

11 dage Afrejse juni-aug. 2016 Fra kr. 21.895 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

minik rosing n Videnskabelig n Scientific

nordVestpassagen, smutVej til stilleHaVet Northwest Passage, shortcut to the Pacific

the beneFits

against all odds culture, enjoy a whale watching tour,

the sound of silence. Greenland Tourism & Business Council and Startn toYoung, explorewoman Greenland at: political leader

GreenlAnDic Books GreenlAnDic Art Bøger om grønland Kunst i grønland

NO. 05

Den Gyldne Trekant

NO. 03 2008

maria paníngUak` kjærUlFF

Fra FangerKultur til Verdensomspændende FisKerierHVerV From hunting culture to worldwide fishing industry HVerdag på et grønlandsK BørneHjem Everyday life in a children’s home in Greenland Krydstogt til grønland Greenland Cruise

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic

NO. 07 2009

Fremtidens klima ses på nutidens forandringer

The climaTe of The fuTure Can be seen in present changes

Fanger på Østkysten svært at leve af

hunTer on The easT coasT Hard to make a living

Udstilling om UdFordringer in the eye of Climate Change

exhibiTion abouT challenges In the Eye of Climate Change

ComebaCk til krabberne aktivitet på havnen i narsaq

arKtisK HovEdstad arctic capital

Rejsen er rigtig god, hvis du godt kan lide at gå lidt på opdagelse, se de klassiske højdepunkter, men også noget af det lidt mere uspolerede.

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

Kayaking through the fjords An unforgettable journey Worlds most beautiful race

Greenland Greenland GreenlAnd greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today

crabs make a comeback

mere end et pitstop more than a pit stop

En herlig rejse til Grønland, der giver dig stor frihed og lejlighed til at besøge 3 skønne byer og bygder, herunder Grønlands andenstørste by, Sisimiut. Hertil skal du lægge sejlads med kystskib blandt hvaler og isbjerge, den fantastiske Indlandsis i Kangerlussuaq og ikke mindst Diskobugtens perle, Ilulissat Isfjord. Vi bor godt på det 4-stjernede Hotel Arctic i Ilulissat.

NO. 02 2008

Den globale opvarmning i Grønland Global warming in Greenland

OPLEV GRØNLAND Explore Greenland n I kajak gennem fjordene n På hundeslæde på Horsens fjord n Verdens smukkeste løb

Greenland is waiting with experiences for life. Discover icebergs, beautiful fjords, the gigantic ice cap and roaring glaciers. Experience our unique arctic culture, enjoy a whale watching tour, go on a musk ox safari or simply enjoy the

Bøger om grønland n Kunst i grønland n grønland i danmarK sound of silence. Start to explore Greenland at: Greenlandic Books n Greenlandic Art n Greenland in Denmark

Kangerlussuaq Tourism A/S

1000 Adventures are waiting. Find them all here!

Harbour activity in Narsaq


From southern Greenland to the northern icebergs

NO. 01 2007

lis sørensen

»Grønland har en stor plads i mit hjerte« »Greenland has a huge place in my heart«

I Grønland venter store oplevelser for livet. Her er isbjerge, smukke fjorde, indlandsis og bragende gletsjere. Oplev hvaler, moskusokser, en unik kultur og meget mere. Helt enestående oplevelser, som du ikke får andre steder i verden. Vil du vide mere om Grønland og rejser til Grønland, så finder du masser af information på:

HotEl arctic air ZaFari

SLeddinG cuLtureS SLædekuLturer

Fra det grønne syden til de smukke isbjerge i nord

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Design your itinerary at Ilulissat Icefjord - boat trips among icebergs or to glacier fronts, hikes along the fiord or around town. Relax at Hotel Arctic with world-class cuisine. All with magnificent views of towering icebergs. 6 days Book your dream tour online Departure August-December 2017 FROM 1,620 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 03

12 days Departure June-August 2017 FROM 3,780 EUR

Weekend out of the ordinary

greenland today greenland today greenland today greenland today 1000 Adventures nBC’s matt lauer »live« are waiting. Find them all here!

1000 oplevelser venter. Find dem alle her!

Dream Tour in the Disco Bay

Feel the Greenland ice sheet beneath your feet, sail among icebergs from the Ilulissat Icefjord and stay at the Glacier Lodge Eqi. Trekking, boat trips and whale watching in pristine nature - truly an experience of a lifetime.

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Weekend out of the ordinary

Design your itinerary at Ilulissat Icefjord - boat trips among icebergs or to glacier fronts, hikes along the fiord or around town. Relax at Hotel Arctic with world-class cuisine. All with magnificent views of towering icebergs. 6 days Book your dream tour online Departure August-December 2017 FROM 1,620 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 04


NO. 02

East grEEnland FældEFangst trapping

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 01

Winter In Ilulissat! Clear your schedule and recharge your batteries in a very special way. Many possibilities await you, from hiking or dog sledding, sailing among icebergs, to exploring the town and restaurants. 5 days Departure February-April 2017 FROM 1,555 EUR

greenland today

GreenLAndic furnitureS GrønLAndSke møbLer

greenland today

12 days Departure June-August 2017 FROM 3,780 EUR

A long weekend out of the ordinary

Arctic SoundS Lyden Af ArktiS Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 29 2017

greenland today

Dream Tour in the Disco Bay

Feel the Greenland ice sheet beneath your feet, sail among icebergs from the Ilulissat Icefjord and stay at the Glacier Lodge Eqi. Trekking, boat trips and whale watching in pristine nature - truly an experience of a lifetime.

greenland today Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Winter adventures in the snow

Get in touch with the marvellous Greenlandic nature, where dog sled rides, the northern lights and icebergs are only some of the highlights. A unique adventure on the top of the world. 8 days Departure January-April 2017 FROM 1.810 EUR

NO. 28 2016

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

greenland today

Zoom in on snow and ice

Lie down in the snow, listen to the silence, and enjoy the greenish hue of the northern lights. A trip that combines winter, great nature and culture – the vast Ice Cap, Ilulissat Icefjord, and thousands of sled dogs. 8 days Departure January-April 2017 FROM 1,810 EUR

mineral exploration mineral efterforsKning Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

greenland today

NO. 27 2016

greenland today

Autumn feelings in Greenland

Discover spectacular locations, where you can feel the forces of nature of the Ice Cap at Kangerlussuaq, tour the capital of Nuuk, and enjoy the gourmet cuisine at Hotel Arctic. 8 days Departure September 2016 FROM 3,015 EUR

greenland today

NO. 26 2016

greenland today

greenland today

greenland today

NO. 25 2015

Enestående kunsthåndværker unique artist

Culture, adVenture & business Kultur, opleVelser & erhVerV

thule air base



HigH-teCH pHotogrApHY HigH-teCH FotogrAFering

Discover the highlights of Greenland with this 8 day adventure: the magical colours of the midnight sun, sailing among icebergs and through deep fjords, gourmet cuisine with a view of gigantic

med udsigten over gigantiske isbjerge, og icebergs, and the endless expanse of the inland culture, adventure & business indlandsisens endeløse vidder. icecap. Kultur, oplevelser & erhverv En uforglemmelig rejse, hvor vi udforsker de An unforgettable journey where we explore the

Culture, ADVenture & Business Kultur, opleVelser & erHVerV

main sites and cities in the Arctic spring. Special Journey: Spring feelings in Greenland 8 days Departure May 2015 From DKK 22,495



8 dage Afrejse maj 2015 Fra DKK 22.495 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11

NO. 24

Klatring i grønland Climbing in greenland

NO. 23


NO. 22

NO. 19

11 days Departure June-Aug 2014 From DKK 22,405 Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Oplev Grønlands højdepunkter på dette 8

east greenland dage lange eventyr: Midnatssolens magiske himmeldans, sejlads mellem isbjerge og ØstgrØnland gennem dybe fjorde, kulinariske oplevelser


You cross the Arctic Circle, get to see musk oxen and the ice cap in Kangerlussuaq, Sisimiut’s beautiful houses that are as small colour spots in the rocky landscape, and the spectacular ice fjord in Ilulissat with myriads of ice from small cubes to giants in various colours depending on the sun’s reflections.

11 dage Afrejse juni-aug. 2014 Fra kr. 22.495 Tlf. (+45) 33 13 10 11


men også noget af det lidt mere uspolerede. KITESURFING

NO. 21

Klassikeren: PIONÆR FOLKET Den Gyldne Trekant PIONEERING PEOPLE En herlig rejse til Grønland, der giver dig stor

ISKOLDT by, GULD Sisimiut. Hertil skal du lægge sejlads medGOLD kystskib blandt hvaler og isbjerge, den ICE COLD

Experience Greenland from the water with Arctic Umiaq Line. Sail close to the icebergs and whales, and enjoy a well-deserved rest at the luxurious Hotel Arctic in Ilulissat, with its stunning view of enormous icebergs slowly gliding past your window. Immerse yourself in the ultimate Greenland with a visit to the active, always calving glacier at Glacier Lodge Eqi or the Kangia Icefjord. Enjoy world-class miracles of nature by land, by sea, and from the air. Be inspired at, or call +45 33 13 10 11, to turn your dreams into reality.


We turn your dreams into reality Greenland is like a dream where experiences and possibilities abound. Visit colourful towns and settlements, feel the tranquillity and silence, and allow yourself to be seduced by Greenland’s impressive nature.

Bliv inspireret på eller ring på +45 33 13 10 11, så gør vi din drøm til virkelighed.

NO. 20

Vi gør drøm til virkelighed Grønland er som en drøm, hvor oplevelser og muligheder står i kø. Se farverige byer og bygder, mærk stilheden og lad dig forføre af den imponerende natur. Oplev Grønland fra søsiden med Arctic Umiaq Line. Kom tæt på isbjerge og hvaler og tag et fortjent hvil på det luksuriøse Hotel Arctic i Ilulissat, hvor du har udsigt til de enorme isbjerge, der stille driver forbi dit vindue. Her kan du opleve det ultimative Grønland med en tur til den konstant kælvende bræ ved Glacier Lodge Eqi eller Isfjorden Kangia. Naturfænomener i verdensklasse, der kan opleves til lands, til vands og fra luften.



Grønland for begyndere 10 år med greenland today greenland today læses over hele verden Det sker i Kalaallit Illuutaat Sommerlejr for børn Mit andet hjem Greenland Ice River Expedition Nemmere at finde rejser til Grønland Grønland som »Rubinland« Grønlands natur i glas Vandring i Grønland En uge som grønlandsk fanger Grønlands slædehund truet? At male en verden af is Enestående kunsthåndværker Disko Bay Kutter-Rejer Kunstnerisk venskab

30 2017

T yk P n ng P n Connec Ap

Ma e e Pa n ngs Dav d Be amy

Nw a



n G n an

www gu detogreen and com SSN 1902 8857

Qimatut Pension

Qimatut Pension

Pensionsopsparing for dig og dine medarbejdere

Retirement savings for you and your employees

GrønlandsBANKENs Qimatut Pension er pensionsopsparingen for grønlandske virksomheder.

The BANK of Greenland’s Qimatut Pension is a retirement saving for Greenlandic companies.

• • •

• • •

Vi rådgiver dine medarbejdere fra start til slut. Vi håndterer al administration. Kontakt os og lad os følge pensionsordningen helt til dørs.

We provide counselling for you and your employees. We handle all administration. Contact us and let us find a solution for your retirement savings.

- Vi gør det nemt at vælge pensionsopsparing - We make it easy to select retirement savings




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greenland today

Grønland for begyndere Af Team Guide to Greenland

Grønland er på størrelse med Vesteuropa. Mere end 85% er permanent dækket af en enorm iskappe, Indlandsisen, og befolkningen bor spredt langs den isfri skærgård med utallige smukke fjorde og fjelde. Hovedparten bor i den sydvestlige del af Grønland, mens en lille del bor i det nordlige Thuleområde, og i to afgrænsede områder på den barske østkyst.

Det grønlandske navn for Grønland er Kalaallit Nunaat, hvilket betyder grønlændernes (eller menneskenes) land

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

Grønlands indlandsis Areal 1,8 millioner km2. Volumen 2,7 million km3. Det svarer til ca. 7% af al ferskvand på jorden. Det højeste punkt på indlandsisen er 3.300 m over havets overflade, og isen er mere end 3.500 m tyk. Isbjerge og gletsjere Der er gletsjere over hele Grønland, som mere eller mindre aktivt producerer isbjerge på forskellige tidspunkter af året. Den mest producerende er Sermeq Kujalleq gletsjeren ved Ilulissat isfjord, der også er den mest besøgte. Dog findes der isbjerge over det meste af Grønland, alle unikke i form, farve og størrelser. De kan bjergtage enhver gæst. Befolkning I Grønland lever der omkring 56.500 grønlændere, hvoraf 90% bor i 16 byer,og resten i små bygder.

Foto/photo: david trood

Hovedstad Hovedstaden er Nuuk med omkring 16.500 indbyggere.


greenland today

30 2017

Sprog Det officielle sprog er grønlandsk med dansk og engelsk som sekundære sprog. Grønlandsk – Kalaallisut – er tæt forbundet med sprogene talt af Inuit i Canada og Alaska.

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

Grønlands areal 2.175.600 km2 – det samme som Frankrig, England, Tyskland, Spanien, Italien, Østrig, Schweiz og Belgien tilsammen. Det 341.700 km2 isfrie område er større end Norge – og 10 gange større end Danmark. Afstande Fra nord til syd: 2.670 km (samme afstand som fra Bergen i Norge til Tunis i Nordafrika). Fra øst til vest: 1.050 km (samme afstand som fra Edinburgh til Stockholm). Beliggenhed Sydligste punkt Kap Farvel, omkring samme breddegrad som Oslo. Nordligste punkt, Cape Morris Jessup, omkring 740 km syd for Nordpolen. Vestligste punkt, Cape Alexander, på samme længdegrad som New York. Østligste punkt, Nordostrundingen, beliggende lidt øst for Island. Således ligger Grønland øst, vest, nord og syd for Island. Polarcirklen Den nordlige polarcirkel er placeret på breddegrad 66° nord, som deler Grønland i hundeslædeland nord for cirklen og byer uden hundeslædehunde syd for. Byen Sisimiut er beliggende lige ved Polarcirklen, og her er mange flotte ture, herunder vandring på selve polar cirklen.

Ingen byer eller bygder er indbyrdes forbundet med veje Byer Der findes 16 større byer, hver med omkringliggende bygder. Ingen af byerne

eller bygderne er indbyrdes forbundet med veje. Selvom nogle ligger relativt tæt, er naturen en barriere med høje fjelde, dybe og brede fjorde eller gletsjertunger fra Indlandsisen. I Nordgrønland ligger byerne Qaanaaq, Upernavik og Uummannaq. I Diskobugten ligger byerne Ilulissat, Qasigiannguit, Qeqertarsuaq og Aasiaat. På vestkysten ligger byerne Sisimiut, Maniitsoq, hovedstaden Nuuk og Paamiut. I Sydgrønland ligger byerne Narsaq, Qaqortoq og Nanortalik. I Østgrønland ligger byerne Tasiilaq og Ittoqqortoormiit.

Alle byer og bygder ligger utroligt naturskønt, omgivet af fjelde og fjorde. Derfor mener de fleste grønlændere, at netop deres fødeby eller bygd er Grønlands smukkeste Bygder Grønland har haft flere end 60 bygder, men flereaf dem er nu ubeboede. Som i resten af verden sker der en urbanisering, hvor folk søger mod byerne, og de unge ikke flytter tilbage efter endt uddannelse. Bygdernes placering har primært været på grund af fiskeri og jagtmuligheder med naturligt læ fra eksempelvis fjelde på den ene side og et næs eller en odde, der har gjort det muligt at komme sikkert i land, før der fandtes havne. Højeste punkt Gunnbjørns Fjeld i Østgrønland, 3.733 m over havets overflade.

Moderne og traditionelt Grønland er på mange måder fyldt med kontraster. Man holder fast i traditionerne men anvender samtidig den nyeste IT-teknologi. Det er derfor ikke unormalt at se en dame i nationaldragt med den nyeste SmartPhone i hånden. I Nordgrønland kan man se en firehjulstrukket Mercedes holde tilbage for en hundeslæde, der krydser vejen, og i Sydgrønland kan man opleve får, køer og heste hos farmere, der slår græs til hø og høster kartofler, mens majestætiske isbjerge stille glider forbi i fjorden for enden af markerne. Fusionen mellem europæisk og grønlandsk mad ses blandt andet i moderne varianter af klassiske retter baseret på grønlandske råvarer og kød fra moskus, rensdyr og lam, i stærk kontrast til nationalretten suaasat – suppe – der basalt består af kød fra sæl, hvalros og alke som favoritterne, kogt sammen med ris og løg i selve suppen og serveret med aromat eller karry i store mængder. Grønlands dyreliv Det rige dyreliv ses alle steder i form af hvaler, ørne og mange andre fugle, moskusokser, rensdyr, sæler, polarræve og harer. Det er kun yderst sjældent, at mennesker ser Grønlands nationaldyr nummer ét: Nanoq – Isbjørnen. Stærke symboler Den smukke kvindelige nationaldragt er med sin perlekrans og broderier et symbol på, at traditionel grønlandsk kultur stadig har stor betydning i det moderne samfund. Familie og venner har stor betydning, og selvom Grønland er i top 10 med antalllet af Facebookkonti målt per indbygger, samles man forsat om alt fra barnedåb til begravelse med kaffemik. Det er en sammenkomst, 30 2017

greenland today


Foto/photo: toke brødsgaard

Det er ikke muligt at køre mellem Grønlands byer og bosættelser fordi der ikke er veje uden for de opbyggede områder sommer i Sydgrønland, mens den sidste havis og sne stadig ikke er smeltet i Nordgrønland. Et godt råd er aldrig at færdes alene i naturen, og altid at have flere lag tøj med, så man kan tage af eller på efter forholdene.

Kayak Ord der af verden kendes som Iglo (hus) og Kayak (båd) stammer fra de grønlandske ord Illu og Qajaq.

Infrastruktur Infrastrukturen er baseret på flytrafik og søtransport. Air Greenland flyver til og fra Danmark og Island, og indenlands med mindre fly og helikoptere. Air Iceland Connect flyver mellem Island og Grønland.

Historie De første mennesker kom til Thule-regionen for 4-5.000 år siden fra Canada. I alt indvandrede seks Inuit-kulturer på forskellige tidspunkter, og den nuværende befolkning er efterkommere af Thule-kulturen, der kom til Grønland omkring det 9. århundrede. Det var på samme tid som nordboerne og Erik den Røde ankom til Grønland i 982 som beskrevet i islandske sagaer. Man finder stadig rester fra Inuit-kulturerne i deres tidligere køkkenmøddinger, men de er nu truet af klimaændringer og optøning af områder, hvor der tidligere var permafrost. Norboruiner er mere vejrbestandige og stadig synlige i Sydgrønland og nær Nuuk. Et unikt syn for de få turister, der kender til dem. I Sydgrønland kan man stadig se stengærder omkring markene tæt på Igaliku, bygget af nordboerne for 1000 år siden, og man kan drikke af kilden, der stadig springer på samme sted som beskrevet i sagaerne. Besøg i Arktis Der er stor forskel på vejr og temperatur i Grønland, og det skifter hurtigt fra godt til barskt vejr. Der kan være 8

greenland today

30 2017

Før du bestiller Infrastrukturen og afstandene i Grønland gør det svært at booke en tur til Sydgrønland og en dagstur i Nuuk på samme tur. Vær opmærksom på denne geografiske kendsgerning, før du bestiller. Heldigvis har de fleste områder et stort udvalg af dagsture og ting, man kan lave, der alle kan ses på Styreform 1721-1953 dansk koloni, 1953-1979 amtslignende status, 1979 Hjemmestyre, 2009 Selvstyre. Grønland er et parlamentarisk demokrati og en del af Rigsfællesskabet sammen med Færøerne.

Nationaldag 21. juni Erhverv Fiskeri er Grønlands hovedindustri og udgør det meste af den samlede eksport - hovedsagelig rejer og hellefisk. Internet Alle byer og de fleste bosættelser har internetadgang med forskellig hastighed. Kommunikation Landekode +299 Kommunikationspriser Som i andre spredt befolkede områder på jorden er prisen høj for Gigabytes og Roaming. Valuta Møntenheden er danske kroner. DKK. Betaling Der er hæveautomater i de fleste byer, og de fleste større hoteller og forretninger modtager de største internationale kreditkort. Se mere

Foto/photo: royal greenland

der ikke kun byder på kaffe, men ofte også både kage og mad. Man ser blandt andet en traditionel delikatesse som mattak – hvalhud – der spises råt, som det er, eller med Aromat eller soya som eneste krydderi.

Greenland’s largest retail

chain with stores in 66 settlements and cities.

Fuel supplier

to mines and cruise ships. Experts in Arctic conditions.

Serving all sectors across Greenland.

The taste of Greenland with organic lamb.

Fuel supplier to mines and cruise ships. Experts in Arctic conditions.

Greenland’s largest retail 30 2017 chain with stores in 66 settlements and cities.

Greenland’s webshop with today of nonfood 9 agreenland wide selection products.

greenland today

Greenland for beginners

Greenland is the size of Western Europe. More than 85% are permanently covered by a huge ice cap – the Inland Ice, and the population lives scattered along the ice-free archipelago, with countless beautiful fjords and mountains. The majority live in the lower part of West Greenland, while a small part lives in the northern Thule area, and in two demarcated areas on the rugged east coast.

The Greenlandic name for Greenland is Kalaallit Nunaat, which means Land of the Greenlanders (or people) 10

greenland today

30 2017

Greenlands Inland Ice Area, 1.8 million km2. Volume, 2.7 million km3 – the equivalent of about 7% of all the fresh water on earth. The highest point of the inland ice is 3,300 m above sea level and it is more than 3,500 m thick. Icebergs and glaciers There are glaciers all over Greenland, which more or less actively produce icebergs at different times of the year, mainly in the summer. The most productive is the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier at Ilulisat isfjord, which is also the most visited. However, icebergs are found throughout most of Greenland, all unique in shape, color and size that can accommodate any guest.

By Team Guide to Greenland

Foto/photo: toke brødsgaard

Population In Greenland lives about 55,000 greenlanders, of which 90% of these live in 16 towns, and the rest in small settlements. Capital The capital is Nuuk with about 16,500 inhabitants.

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

Language The official language is Greenlandic with Danish and English as second languages. Greenlandic – Kalaallisut – is closely related languages spoken by Inuit in Canada and Alaska.

Arctic Circle The Northern Polar Circle is called the Arctic Circle located at 66°North, dividing Greenland into dogsled land above and land without dogsled dogs below. The City of Sisimiut are located right on the Arctic Circle, and there are severeal tours including the Arctic Circle Trail.

No cities or villages are interconnected by roads

Distances From north to south: 2,670 km (same distance as from Bergen in Norway to Tunis in North Africa). From east to west: 1,050 km (same distance as from Edinburgh to Stockholm).

Towns There are 16 major towns, each with surrounding settlements. None of the towns or settlements are interconnected by roads. Although some are relatively close, nature is a barrier with high mountains, deep and wide fjords or glacier tongues from the ice sheet. In North Greenland, the towns are Qaanaaq, Upernavik and Uummannaq. In the Disko Bay, the towns are Ilulissat, Qasigiannguit, Qeqertarssuaq and Aasiaat. On the west coast are the towns Sisimiut, Maniitsoq, the Capital Nuuk and Paamiut. In South Greenland, the towns are Narsaq, Qaqortoq and Nanortalik. In East Greenland, the towns are Tasiilaq and Ittooqortoormiit.

Location Southernmost point, Cape Farewell, about the same latitude as Oslo. Northernmost point, Cape Morris Jessup, about 740 km south of the North Pole. Westernmost point, Cape Alexander, about the same longitude as New York. Easternmost point, Nordostrundingen, situated a little to the east of Iceland. Thus Greenland is east, west, north and south of Iceland.

Settlements Greenland has had more than 60 settlements, but many of them are now uninhabited. As in the rest of the world there is a continuing urbanization where people are looking towards the towns and the young people do not move back after end education. The location of the settlements has primarily been due to fishing and hunting possibilities, with natural shelter from, for example, mountains on one

Greenlands Area 2,175,600 km2 – the same size as France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium combined. The 341,700 km2 icefree areas are bigger than Norway – and ten times the size of Denmark.

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greenland today


Foto/photo: Bjarne Sørensen Fotografi

side that made it possible to land by boat safely before there where ports.

All towns and settlements are located incredibly scenic, surrounded by mountains and fjords. Therefore, most Greenlanders think that their native town or settlement is Greenland's most beautiful Highest point in Greenland Mount Gunnbjørn in East Greenland, 3,733 m above sea level. Modern and traditional Greenland is filled with contrasts in many ways. One keeps track of the traditions while using the latest IT technology. It is therefore not abnormal to see a lady in national suit, with the latest Smartphone in her hand. In North Greenland you can see a four-wheel driven Mercedes holding back for a dog sled that crosses the road, and in southern Greenland you can experience sheep, cows and horses with farmers who harvest grass to hay or harvest potatoes while majestic icebergs are quietly sliding past the fjord at the end of the fields. The merger between European and Greenlandic food is seen in modern variants of classic dishes based on 12

greenland today

30 2017

Greenlandic raw materials and musk, reindeer and lamb meat, in contrast to the Suassat, a Soup consisting of seafood, walrus and razorbill meat as the favorites, boiled with rice and onions in the soup itself and served with aromatic or curry in large amounts. Greenland's wildlife The rich wildlife is seen everywhere in the form of whales, eagles and many other birds, musk oxen, reindeer, seals, polar fox and hares. It is only rarely that people see Greenland's national animal number one - Nanoq – the Polar Bear. Greenland's strong symbols The beautiful female national costume is with its pearls and embroidery, a symbol that traditional Greenlandic culture remains important in modern society. Family and friends are of great importance, and even though Greenland is in the top 10 with the number of Facebook accounts measured per capita, you will continue to gather wearing national costume at everything from childbirth to funeral with at a coffee Mik – a gathering which not only offers coffee but often both cakes and food too. Among other things, a traditional delicacy like Mattak – whale skin – that is eaten raw as it is, or with aromatics as the only spice. Kayak Words to the world known as Igloo (dome shaped house of snow) and Kayak (small narrow boat) originate from the Greenlandic words Igdlo and Qajaq.

History The first people came to the Thule Region 4-5000 years ago from Canada. In all, 6 Inuit cultures immigrated at various times and the present population are descendents of the Thule Culture that came to Greenland around the 9th century. It was about the same time as the Norsemen and Erik the Red arrived in Greenland in 982, as described in the Icelandic Sagas. Many of the Inuit cultures remains are still to be found in their former kitchen middens, but now threatened with climate change and thawing of areas with used to have permafrost. Norsemens ruins are more weather resistant, and still visible in South Greenland and near Nuuk, and a unique sight for the few tourists who know. In South Greenland you can still see stone fences around the fields close to Igaliku, built by the norsemen 1000 years ago, and one can drink from the source still running at the same place as described in the Saga. Visit to the Arctic There are large variations in weather and temperature in Greenland, and it changes rapidly from good to rough weather. There may be summer in South Greenland, while the last sea ice and snow are still not melted in North Greenland. A good advice is never to move alone in nature, and always have several layers of clothes so you can put on clothes on or off after the conditions. Especially the chill factor can surprise in cool weather,

Infrastructure Infrastructure is based on air traffic and shipping. Air Greenland flies to and from Denmark and Iceland, and domestic with smaller fixed wing aircrafts and helicopters. Air Iceland Connect flies between Iceland and Greenland.

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

Foto/photo: mads nordlund

It is not possible to drive between Greenland’s towns and settlements because there are no roads outside the builtup areas

National Day June 21

Before you book The infrastructure and distances in Greenland make it impossible to book a tour to South Greenland and a daytour in Nuuk during that trip. Be aware of this geographic fact before you book. Fortunately most areas has a huge selection of day tours and things to do, all listed on

Business Fishing is Greenland’s main industry and it makes up most of the total export – mainly prawns and Greenland halibut. Internet All towns and most settlements have internet access of various speed.

Government 1721-1953 Danish colony, 1953-1979 County-like status, 1979 Home Rule, 2009 Self Governance. Greenland is a parliamentary democracy and part of the Danish realm together with the Faroe Islands.

Communication Country code +299 Service costs As in other sparsely populated areas on earth, Gigabytes and Roaming costs are high. Currency The currency is Danish kroner. DKK. Payments There are Bank outlets in several cities, and most larger Hotels and stores accept major international credit cards. See more

Foto/photo: royal greenland

so respect the nature and rather bring too much than too little clothes.

30 2017

greenland today


historie / history

Et anderledes job Mens Cairn Energy borer efter olie, foretages en række seismiske undersøgelser. En af de involverede ingeniører var Mark Johnson på skibet »Aquamarine«. Imellem undersøgelserne hjælper de sammen med andre skibe med at trække isbjerge i kollisionskurs med boreplatformen væk. Et noget anderledes job.

A job with a difference While Cairn Energy drills for oil, a series of seismic tests is carried out. One of the engineers involved is Mark Johnson on board the »Aquamarine«. Between tests they and other ships help to pull icebergs away from a collision course with the drill platform. A job with a difference.

10 år med greenland today I år er det 10 år siden, greenland today udkom for første gang Med artikler fra hele Grønland om alt fra sport og kultur til erhverv og rejseoplevelser har bladet været med til at beskrive Grønlands historie i det sidste årti, gennem flere regeringer, et olie- og mineeventyr og en international krise. Nogle ting er derfor allerede historie, andre eksisterer ikke mere, og heldigvis er meget det samme, og andet udviklet til noget større, nyt og spændende.

Derfor har vi kigget i de gamle numre og fundet nogle artikler, som vi synes kunne være sjove at vise jer læsere her. I sidste nummer bragte vi historier fra greenland todays første fem år. Her bringes historier fra bladet i de seneste fem år.

10 years with greenland today This year, it is 10 years since the first issue of greenland today was published With articles from all over Greenland on everything from sport and culture to commerce and travel, this magazine has told stories of Greenland for the past decade: under different governments, in the midst of an oil and mining adventure and during an international crisis. Some things are therefore already history and others no longer exist; some things are fortunately the same, while others have grown and turned into something new and exciting. 14

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We have therefore looked through the old issues and found some articles, we thought it would be fun to show our readers here. In the last issue we included stories from greenland today’s first five years. Here are some stories from the magazine’s last five years.

Nummer 14, 2012 / Issue No. 14, 2012

Musk oxen to starboard North Sailing from Iceland got the idea to sail a schooner from Iceland to the east coast of Greenland and from there to take tourists who fly in from Reykjavik for a two-week sailing trip. It is a wonderful experience, disappearing into the world’s largest fjord system – Scoresbysund Fjord. Neither musk oxen nor Polar hares are frightened off by the infrequent guests, so you can get really close to the animals. This a unique place to sail in a boat with sails, following in the wake of former explorers and meeting Greenland’s pristine nature. North Sailing still sails every summer. Read the whole story on Guide to Greenland.


Ads in GreenlAnd, And worldwide Let us take care of your social media - while you take care of your work

Annoncer i GrønlAnd, oG udlAndet Lad os passe jeres sociale medier - mens I passer jeres arbejde Mail: Foto/photo: Mads Nordlund

Foto/photo: Mark Johnson

Med moskusokser til styrbord North Sailing fra Island har fået den ide at sejle en skonnert fra Island til Grønlands østkyst og her sejle rundt nogele uger med turister, der flyves ind fra Reykjavik. Det er en fantastisk oplevelse at forsvinde ind i verdens største fjordsystem, Scoresbysund-fjorden, og hverken moskusokser eller arktiske harer lader sig skræmme af sjældne gæster, så man kan komme helt tæt på dyrene. Det er helt unikt at sejle med sejl i kølvandet på tidligere tiders opdagelsesrejsende og møde Grønlands uspolerede natur. North Sailing sejler stadig turen hver sommer. Læs hele historien på Guide to Greenland.

30 2017

greenland today


Foto/photo: Bjarne Sørensen Fotografi

Vores råvarer - en kulinarisk opdagelsesrejse i Grønland Efter mange ugers samarbejde med Grønlands Levnedsmiddelskole i Narsaq, Inuili, udkommer en ny og anderledes kogebog, eminent forfattet af Finn Jørn Jakobsen med spændende foto af Bjarne Sørensen. Instruktive opskrifter og små fortællinger gør sammen med de flotte billeder bogen anderledes læseværdig end blot en opskriftsbog. Med bogens beskrivelser af samtlige grønlandske råvarer er den stadig aktuel og vil være det mange år fremover.

Our Produce - A journey of culinary discovery in Greenland Many weeks of working together with the Inuili catering school in Narsaq, resulted in a new and different kind of cookbook, brilliantly written by Finn Jørn Jakobsen with exciting photos by Bjarne Sørensen. The recipes are instructive and the small anecdotes together with the beautiful illustrations make this book much more readable than an ordinary cookbook. With the book’s content covering all Greenlandic produce, it is still relevant today and will be for many years to come.

Nummer 15, 2012 / Issue No. 15, 2012

Grønlands første butikscenter 27. juli 2012 åbnes dørene til Grønlands første butikscenter »Nuuk Center« med 25.000 m2 butikker, deriblandt madsteder og cafeer. I dag er Nuuk Center stadig Grønlands eneste butikscenter. 16

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Greenland’s first shopping centre On July 27th 2012 the doors opened to Greenland’s first shopping centre »Nuuk Center« with 25,000 square metres with shops, restaurants and a café. Today, Nuuk Center is still Greenland’s only shopping centre.

Safeguarding Greenland’s communication Under the name Greenland Connect, Tele Greenland has installed two communication cables. These were taken into use in 2009. One of the cables connects Greenland with Newfoundland in Canada and the other connects Greenland to Iceland. From these two locations there are connections to the rest of the world through the USA and Europe. Because the submarine cables were damaged on several occasions by coast-near icebergs, an 1100 metre long tunnel was built for each of them, so that they first appear on the sea bed at a depth of 200 metres. The project proved to be more difficult than expected, but there has not since been any damage.

Foto/photo: lars Weiss

Foto/photo: tele greenland

Sikring af Grønlands kommunikation Under navnet Greenland Connect har Tele Greenland installeret to kommunikationskabler, der blev taget i brug fra 2009. Det ene kabel forbinder Grønland med Newfoundland i Canada og det andet med Island. Fra de to destinationer er der videre forbindelse til resten af verden via USA og Europa. Søkablerne blev imidlertid beskadiget ved flere lejligheder af isbjerge nær kysten, og derfor bores en 1100 meter lang tunnel til hver, så de først dukker op på havbunden i 200 meters dybde. Projektet blev mere besværligt og dyrere end beregnet, men der har ikke været skader siden.

Spring rubies With investments of more than DKK 130 million True North Gems hopes to extract rubies south of Nuuk. The project is estimated to provide approx. 80 new jobs. True North Gems was not successful with its venture, but today a new ruby project has opened in the same place. Read more in this magazine.

Foto/photo: true north gems

Forårsrubiner Med en investering på over 130 millioner kroner satser firmaet True North Gems på at udvinde rubiner syd for Nuuk. Et projekt der skønnes at skabe 80 nye arbejdspladser. Projektet lykkedes ikke for True North Gems, men i dag er et nyt rubinprojekt i gang samme sted. Læs om det her i bladet.

Foto/photo: anne mette ehlers

Nummer 16, 2012 / Issue No. 16, 2012 Grønlands første jordbær For første gang lykkedes det at dyrke jordbær i stor skala på landbrugsforsøgsstationen Upernaviarsuk i Sydgrønland. De blev sejlet til de nærliggende byer og solgt for 25 kr. pr. bakke. I dag arbejder flere butikker på at sikre afsætning af sydgrønlandske grøntsager. Primært kartofler. Der er dog lang vej endnu før Grønland er selvforsynede, primært pga. den korte sommer. Men de lange dage med lys giver grøntsagerne en helt speciel smag med f.eks. søde majroer, der i Sydgrønland kan spises, som man andre steder i verden spiser æbler.

Greenland’s first strawberries For the first time, large scale production of strawberries was successful at the Upernaviarsuk Experimental Farm in South Greenland. They were taken by boat to nearby towns and sold for DKK 25 per punnet. Today, more shops are working at ensuring sales of vegetables from South Greenlandprimarily potatoes. However, Greenland is a long way from being self-sufficient, mainly due to the short summers. Nevertheless, the long days with sunlight give the vegetables a special flavour. For example, in South Greenland turnips are eaten in the same manner as apples are in the rest of the world.

Nummer 17, 2013 / Issue No. 17, 2013

Underwater photography in Kangerlussuaq Dan Bach Kristensen takes us into the hinterland in Kangerlussuaq, with a story of growing up in the 70s in Greenland, illustrated with fantastic photos of the landscape with enormous river meadows and incredible underwater photos of Arctic charr. Dan is still a freelance writer and photographer in his spare time and he has made some wonderful films and taken photos of the area, in part using a drone.

Foto/photo: dan bach kristensen

Med undervandskamera i Kangerlussuaq Dan Bach Kristensen tager på tur i baglandet ved Kangerlussuaq, hvor han beretter om en opvækst i 70’ernes Grønland illustreret med fantastiske billeder af landskabet med kæmpe flodenge og utrolige undervandsbilleder af arktiske ørreder. Dan er stadig freelanceskribent og -fotograf i sin fritid og har lavet nogle fantastiske film og foto fra området blandt andet med drone.

30 2017

greenland today


Foto/photo: arctic import

Designikon i sælskind I et samarbejde mellem møbelvirksomheden Fritz Hansen, livsstilsbutikken »Arctic Living« og firmaet Arctic Import lanceres designer Arne Jacobsens stol »Ægget« med grønlandsk sælskind. I dag eksisterer »Arctic Living« ikke mere i Nuuk, men interesserede kan henvende sig til Arctic Import, der stadig reklamerer med stolen på forsiden af deres hjemmeside. Design icon in sealskin In a collaboration between the Fritz Hansen furniture manufacturers, the »Arctic Living« lifestyle shop and Arctic Import, designer Arne Jacobsen’s chair »The Egg« is launched with Greenlandic sealskin. »Arctic Living« does not exist anymore in Nuuk, but if you are interested, you can contact Arctic Import that still advertises the chair on the front page of its website.

Foto/photo: mads phil

Nummer 18, 2013 / Issue No. 18, 2013

Ny kaj i Sisimiut havn På Grønlands nationaldag den 21. juni 2013 blev et nyt havneanlæg taget i brug i Sisimiut. En 120 meter lang ny kaj med en vanddybde på 12,2 meter gør det nemmere for blandt andet turister på krydstogtsskibe at komme i land. Sisimiut er kendt for et fantastisk sammenhold og samarbejde. Den nye kaj er ingen undtagelse, da en kommunal skattestigning på 1%, har været med til at finansiere det nye kajanlæg. I Sisimiut venter man ikke på ,»nogen« kommer og gør noget. Der tager man selv ansvar, initiativ og går i gang. 18

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New quay at Sisimiut port On Greenland’s National Day, June 21st 2013, a new port facility was taken into use in Sisimiut. A new, 120 meter long quay with a water depth of 12.2 metres makes it easier for e.g. cruise ships to dock. Sisimiut is known for its fantastic solidarity and teamwork. The new quay is no exception: a 1% municipal tax increase helped to finance the new quay. In Sisimiut, they do not wait for »someone« to come and do something. They take responsibility, take the initiative and they get on with it.

Nummer 19, 2013 / Issue No. 19, 2013 Foto/photo: david trood

Hvem er grønlænder? Er det udseende, sprog, fødested, hvor man bor nu eller noget helt femte, der afgør, om man er grønlænder? Det spørgsmål har Sussi Wille Broge skrevet en afhandling om. Her kommer hun ind på de historiske og kulturelle perspektiver, ligesom hun også behandler emnerne identitet, sprog og race. Det er ikke entydigt, hvem der er grønlænder. En øget mangfoldighed i udseende og sammenblanding af DNA, kultur og livsstil mellem Grønland og især Europa nødvendiggør en bredere holdning til, hvem der i fremtiden er grønlænder. En fin artikel baseret på Sussi Wille Broges afsluttende eksamensprojekt som kandidat i tværkulturelle studier. I dag er Sussi Wille Broge ansat som AC fuldmægtig i Departementet for Uddannelse, Kultur, Forskning og Kirke.

Who is Greenlander? Is it appearance, language, birthplace, where you live or something else entirely that determines whether you are a Greenlander? Sussi Wille Broge wrote a thesis about these questions. She dealt with the historic and cultural perspectives, as well as such things as identity, language and race. There is no unequivocal answer. An increased diversity of appearance and mixture of DNA, culture and lifestyle between Greenland and especially Europe mean it is necessary to have a much broader view of what, in future, defines a Greenlander. This fine article was based on Sussi Wille Broge’s thesis for her Master’s degree in cross-cultural studies. Today, Sussi Wille Broge holds a position at the Department for Education, Culture, Research and Church.

The highest north North of the world’s northernmost settlement it never really gets warm in the summer. However, there is abundant wildlife which biologist, writer and prize-winning photographer Carsten Egevang describes in an article about an area100 km north of the world’s northernmost settlement, Siorapaluk. He writes of the living conditions for walrus, king eiders, little auks and polar bears in this cold biotope called »North Water«. Today, Carsten Egevang is still a biologist and he still takes summer trips to North Greenland. He has published books and contributed to several more. He has won awards especially for his photographs of wildlife in Greenland.

Foto/photo: carsten egevang

Det nordligste nord Nord for verdens nordligste bygd bliver det aldrig rigtig varmt om sommeren. Dog er her et meget rigt dyreliv 100 km nord for verdens nordligste bygd Siorapaluk, som biolog, forfatter og prisvindende fotograf Carsten Egevang beretter om i en artikel. Han skriver blandt andet om levevilkårene for hvalrosser, kongeedderfugle, søkonger og isbjørne i denne kolde biotop kaldet »nordvandet«. I dag er Carsten Egevang stadig biolog og tager stadig på sommertogter i Nordgrønland. Han har udgivet og medvirket i flere bøger og vundet priser for sine fotografier af især dyrelivet i Grønland.

New platform of travel services in Greenland 30 2017

greenland today


Foto/photo: qiviut

Grønlandsk design hitter Trendy, elegant enkelthed præger flere af de grønlandske designeres kollektioner. Rene linjer og farver ses i spændende nye designs fra Bibi Chemnitz, Isaksen Design og Qiviut. På smykkesiden bruges stærke grønlandske symboler som hvalhale og isbjørn, hvor bl.a. »Duuden Design« står for fornyelse med moderne materialer og neonfarver. Siden 2014 er andre spændende designere brudt igen-

nem, blandt andet Louise Grace Lynge med sit mærke »Nuuk Couture«. Modeinteresserede kan følge med på »Greenland Fashion« på Facebook.

Greenlandic design is in Trendy, elegant simplicity characterizes several of the collections from Greenland’s designers. Clean lines and colours are found in the exciting new designs from Bibi Chemnitz, Isaksen Design

and Qiviut. With regard to jewellery, strong Greenlandic symbols such as whale tails and polar bears are used, with designers like »Duuden Design« bringing innovation with modern materials and neon colours. Since 2014, other exciting designers have come on the market. Among them, Louise Grace Lynge with her brand »Nuuk Couture«. If you are interested in fashion you can follow »Greenland Fashion« on Facebook.

Foto/photo: greenland today

Nummer 20, 2014 / Issue No. 20, 2014 Et lavenergihus i Arktis Med en ydermur af vedligeholdelsesfrie plader, vindspærredug, 3-lags passiv energitermovinduer, isolering med 340 mm. i loft, 220 mm. i ydervægge og 250 mm. i kælder og indervægge af krydsfiner bygger Carsten Th. Pedersen og Stine Skifte Pedersen fra Nuuk et super lavenergihus, der kun bruger det halve pr. kvadratmeter sammenlignet med deres tidligere boligs energiforbrug. I dag har huset bevist, at systemet virker. Kun en enkelt eftervarmer er tilkoblet

siden for at sikre, at udsugningsluften på vej ud er varm nok til at opvarme luften på vej ind. Det kunne lyde som et merforbrug, men har faktisk reduceret det samlede energiforbrug yderligere.

A low-energy house in the Arctic Carsten Th. Pedersen and Stine Skifte Pedersen from Nuuk built a super low-energy house with an outer wall of maintenance-free sheets, an air barrier, 3-layer passive energy thermal windows,

340 mm. loft insulation, 220 mm. outer wall insulation and 250 mm. insulation in the basement and plywood inner walls. The house only uses half as much energy as their previous house. Today, the house has proved that the system works. Only a single extra heat source has been added, to ensure that the air that is extracted is warm enough on its way out to heat the incoming air. This may sound like using more energy, but it has actually reduced the total energy consumption.

Climbing in Greenland Some of the world’s steepest rock faces are found in South Greenland. Each year they attract mountain climbers from all over the world. In 2003 Ben Heason was with an English team that followed their dream of climbing the steep rock faces. Today, Ben Heason is classed among the elite of some of the world’s best professional mountain climbers. He also works as a coach and motivational speaker for sports clubs and companies all over the world. 20

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Foto/photo: ben heason

Klatring i Grønland Nogle af verdens mest lodrette klipper findes i Sydgrønland. De tiltrækker hvert år bjergbestigere fra hele verden. Ben Heason var i 2003 en del af et engelsk team, der opfyldte deres drøm om at klatre på de stejle klippevægge. I dag regnes Ben Heason blandt eliten af verdens dygtigste, professionelle bjergbestigere. Han arbejder desuden som træner og motiverende taler for sportsklubber, skoler, messer og virksomheder over hele verden.

foto / Photo: Lasse Bak Mejlvang

Grønlands Nationalspil Grønlændere elsker at spille. Et af de mest udbredte spil er bingo, der afholdes jævnligt over det meste af landet. Lasse Bak Mejlvang beskriver stemningen en aften i Nuuk forsamlingshus, hvor der er intens koncentration under selve spillene, men højt humør og snak i pauserne.

Greenland’s national game Greenlanders love gambling. One of the most widespread games is bingo, which is played regularly in most parts of the country. Lasse Bak Mejlvang describes the atmosphere in Nuuk one evening at the local hall, where concentration is intense during the sessions, while there is laughter and chatter during the breaks.

Nummer 21, 2014 / Issue No. 21, 2014 Direktør, familiefar og kunstner I 2013 blev Mike Jakob Kristiansen direktør for Anlæg og Miljø i Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, Nuuk kommune. Fritiden bruges sammen med familien, og de senere år har kunsten også spillet en vigtig rolle. På rekord tid er hans kunst blevet kendt og anerkendt, hvilket ikke er så underligt med de helt unikke motiver af grønlandske dyr og tupilakker, han fletter sammen med sin pen.

Director, family man and artist In 2013, Mike Jakob Kristiansen became director of Buildings and Environment at Sermersooq Municipality, Nuuk council. He spends his spare time with his family and art has also played an important role in recent years. In no time, his art has found recognition and acclaim, which is understandable considering the unique motifs of Greenlandic animals and tupilaks he weaves together with his pen. 30 2017

greenland today


Nummer 22, 2014 / Issue No. 22, 2014 Fra Arsukfjorden til verdenshavene Den grønlandske erhvervsmand Anders Brøns, der er medstifter og storaktionær i Polar Seafood, fortæller sin historie. Han var udset til at overtage faderens købmandsbutik, men fiskeriet interesserede ham mere, og i 1984 etableredes Polar Seafood, der i dag har en international position. Selskabet driver en flåde af trawlere med produktionsanlæg og fartøjer, der leverer til egne fabrikker i Grønland. Desuden drives fabrikker i Danmark og Rusland og en lang række tilknyttede virksomheder.

foto / Photo: toke brødsgaard

Foto/photo: Kunuk Brøns

From Arsuk Fjord to the high seas Greenlandic magnate Anders Brøns, co-founder and major shareholder of Polar Seafood, tells his story. He was destined to take over his father’s grocers shop, but he was more interested in fishing and in 1984, Polar Seafood was founded. Today, it has an international standing. The company operates a fleet of trawlers with production facilities and vessels that supply the company’s factories in Greenland. Furthermore, the company operates factories in Denmark and Russia and has many associated companies.

50 år med Sikorsky S-61 i Grønland Siden den første helikopter landede i Nuuk den 10. april 1965, har den haft en symbolsk betydning for udviklingen i Grønland. Beflyvningen ændrede infrastrukturen i hele landet, og den daværende Kongelige Grønlandske Handel valgte kun at sælge petroleum af et mærke, der også kunne bruges som brændstof på helikopterne i tilfælde af en nødlanding udenfor normal rute. »Arbejdshesten« Sikorski S-61 blev primært valgt, fordi den havde to motorer, men kunne flyve på én, samt pga. dens pontoner, så den kunne lande og flyde på vand. I 2012 fløj S-61eren for sidste gang rutetrafik med passagerer. I dag indgår S-61eren stadig i SAR-beredskabet (Search and Rescue/red) med base i Kangerlussuaq. 22

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Nummer 23, 2015 / Issue No. 23, 2015 50 years with the Sikorsky S-61 in Greenland Since 10th April 1965, when the first helicopter landed in Nuuk, it has had a symbolic significance for development in Greenland. Helicopter flights changed the infrastructure throughout the country and what was then the Kongelige Grønlandske Handel (Royal Greenland Trading Company) elected to sell only petroleum that could also be used as helicopter fuel, in case of an emergency landing outside the usual routes. The Sikorsky S-61 »workhorse« was primarily chosen because it had two engines, but was able to fly with only one and because it could land and stay afloat on water. In 2012, the S-61 flew scheduled passenger flights for the last time. Today, the S-61 is still part of the SAR emergency response (Search and Rescue/ed.) based in Kangerlussuaq.

Nummer 24, 2015 / Issue No. 24, 2015 Grønland på flaske I Sydgrønland er et lille familieforetagende ved at udvikle firmaet InuaCare, hvor svigermor Anne Mette Koustrup og svigerdatter Pipaluk Silassen sammen producerer økologiske hår- og hudplejeprodukter baseret på grønlandske råvarer. Drømmen er at skabe arbejdspladser og et 100% autentisk grønlandsk produkt. I dag kører InuaCare fortsat med forskellige produkter, mens InuaCare Wellness tilbyder flere former for helsebehandlinger.

Foto/ Photo: INUACARE, Pipaluk Silassen

Greenland in a bottle In South Greenland, a small family business called InuaCare is growing, where mother-in-law Anne Mette Koustrup and daughter-in-law Pipaluk Silassen together produce organic skin and hair care products based on Greenlandic ingredients. Their dream is to create jobs and to make a 100% authentic Greenlandic product. Today, InuaCare still has various products, while InuaCareWellness offers various types of wellness treatments.

New platform of travel services in Greenland

Nummer 25, 2015 / Issue No. 25, 2015 Grønlands dagsommerfugle skrumper i varmen Sommerfuglene i Nordøstgrønland er blevet mindre i takt med, at klimaændringerne har fået temperaturen til at stige, fortæller seniorforsker Toke T. Høye fra Aarhus Universitet.

Foto/photo: Rikke R. Hansen

Greenland’s butterflies are shrinking in the heat Butterflies in Northeast Greenland are getting smaller as climate changes cause temperatures to rise, says senior researcher Toke T. Høye from Aarhus University.

30 2017

greenland today


Nummer 26, 2016 / Issue No. 26, 2016

Foto/ Photo: dpvideoproduction

Kitesurfing i Grønland Geza Scholtz fra Schweiz kitesurfer blandt isbjergene i Ilulissat. Det kræver helt specielt vejr, og på hans tre ugers ophold i Grønland bliver det kun til fire dage med surfing.

Kite surfing in Greenland Geza Scholtz from Switzerland kite-surfs amidst the icebergs in Ilulissat. It requires a specific type of weather and in his three-week stay in Greenland he only had four days of surfing.

Nummer 27, 2016 / Issue No. 27, 2016

New ice fjord center Greenland is getting a new rallying-point of international class in Ilulissat with a new Ice Fjord Centre designed by Danish architects Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Construction will be undertaken by Realdania By & Byg and is expected to be completed by 2020.

Foto/ Photo: Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter

Nyt isfjordscenter på vej Grønland får et nyt samlingspunkt i international klasse i Ilulissat med et nyt Isfjordscenter, tegnet af Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter. Byggeriet varetages af Realdania By & Byg, og skal være færdigt i 2020.

Nummer 28, 2016 / Issue No. 28, 2016 24

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Amerikanske blomster i Grønland Fotograf Ken Bower fik sig en overraskelse, da han besøgte området ved den tidligere amerikanske base Bluie East Two. De lokale i Østgrønland kalder stedet »Amerikanske Blomster«, en ironisk betegnelse, der dækker over en omfattende forurening ved basen, der blev rømmet helt tilbage i 1947. Siden har Ken Bower forsøgt at samle underskrifter nok til at få Det Hvide Hus i Washington til at svare på, hvad USA vil gøre ved det efterladte miljøsvineri i Grønland. Senest har den danske regering bevilget 150 millioner til oprydning.

Foto/ Photo: Ken Bower

American flowers in Greenland Photographer Ken Bower got a surprise when he visited the former American base Bluie East Two. Locals in East Greenland call the place »American Flowers«, an ironic term for the extensive pollution at the base which was closed down in 1947. Since his visit, Ken Bower has attempted to collect enough signatures to get The White House in Washington to say what the USA intends to do about the environmental contamination it left in Greenland. Most recently, the Danish government has provided DKK 150 million for clean-up work.

Nummer 29, 2017 / Issue No. 29, 2017 Ikke længere et offer Kunst kan bryde tabuer og standse seksuelle overgreb. Det var Gukki Nukas tanke med udstillingen »Revner i sjælen«, som er hans egen bearbejdning af de overgreb, han som barn blev udsat for. Siden er det gået stærkt for kunstneren med flere udstillinger, masser af positiv omtale og flere foredrag.

A victim no more Art can break taboos and prevent sexual abuse. This was the idea behind Gukki Nuka’s exhibition »Revner i sjælen«, (Cracks in the Souls) which was his way of dealing with the abuse he suffered as a child. Since then, things have moved fast for the artist, with more exhibitions, lots of positive publicity and several talks.

Besøg os i hjertet af København eller på

Kalaallit Illuutaat - Det Grønlandske Hus i København er et lille stykke Grønland i Danmark med masser af initiativer, aktiviteter og faciliteter.

Dagensgrø I samarbejde med de andre grønlandske huse i Danmark har vi udviklet en hjemmeside, som er nøglen til information om at flytte til Danmark. Dagensgrø For at udbrede kendskabet til Grønland har vi udviklet et interaktivt undervisningsmateriale til elever i folkeskolen og grundskolen. Materialet bliver fulgt op af en skoletjeneste. Her får eleverne viden om Grønland i dag. Besøg vores boghandel I vores boghandel har vi et bredt udvalg af bøger om Grønland og arktiske forhold. Besøg også: og

Mødefaciliteter Du har mulighed for at leje vores mødelokale med plads til ca. 25 personer - med borde ca. 45 personer - uden borde Videokonference Har du brug for at holde et langdistance møde, har vi faciliteter til at afvikle en videokonference. Lokaler Du har mulighed for at leje vores store lokale - Ajamut - i stueetagen. Der kan være ca. 50 - 70 personer i lokalet. Se mere om udlejning på Brug for et kontor? Har du brug for et kontor en dag eller en kort periode, så har vi et enkeltmandskontor med tilhørende PC samt printer, som du kan leje.

30 2017

Udstyr Panelmikrofoner Projektor Fjernsyn Udstyr til videokonference Internetforbindelse Kontakt: eller Susanne Jensen på +45 33 38 15 80 Nyhedsbrev På kan du tilmelde dig vores nyhedsbrev, som udkommer hver 14. dag.

Løvstræde 6 1152 København K Tlf. +45 33 91 12 12 greenland today 25 email:

greenland today

læses over hele verden is read all over the world Mange læsere har sendt os billeder fra forskellige steder i verden, hvor de har læst bladet. Det har været sjovt at se, og vi takker alle for de mange gode, sjove og anderledes foto.

Many readers have sent us pictures from different places in the world, where they have read the magazine. It has been fun to see, and we thank you all for the many good, fun and special photos.

Busan, South Korea

Miami International Airport, USA

foto / Photo: Einar Risnes

Shanghai, china

Umbrien, Italy

foto / Photo: Jacob Iskov

Amsterdam, Holland

greenland today

30 2017

Rome, Italy

foto / Photo: klaus berg


Parthenon, Athen

foto / Photo: barry brændstrup


Red Square, Moscow

foto / Photo: joachim arup fischer

Manhattan, New York

foto / Photo: poul erik tarp


foto / Photo: chwee wan


foto / Photo: Dr. Jesus Sรกnchez Carrasco

bay of Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico

Kruger National Park, South Africa

30 2017

greenland today


foto / Photo: martin Breum

Sydney, Australia foto / Photo: Andrew Peter Thompson

Koh Samui, Thailand

Tahiti, French Polynesia

det sker / Events

Det sker i Kalaallit Illuutaat Events at Greenlandic House Udstillinger / Exhibitions August 23 from 5 pm till 7 pm

5. oktober kl. 17-19

Exhibition opening »Tegn og billede« (mark and image). Nine artists – eight living in Greenland and one in Denmark – show their works with drawing as the central theme. The exhibition is open from August 24 until September 28. It is a part of Copenhagen Art Week.

Fernisering på udstillingen »Faces / Kiinnernerit« af Ivalo Frank og Jessie Kleemann. Udstillingen varer fra den 6. oktober til og med den 17. november. October 5 from 5 pm till 7 pm Exhibition opening: »Faces / Kiinnernerit« by Ivalo Frank and Jessie Kleemann. The exhibition is open from October 6 till November 17.

Åbningstider: Alle hverdage kl. 10-16

23. august kl. 17-19 Fernisering på udstillingen »Tegn og billede«. Ni kunstnere – otte bosat i Grønland og en i Danmark – viser nye værker med tegning som den centrale teknik. Udstillingen varer fra den 24. august til og med d. 28. september og er en del af Cph Art Week.

Opening hours: Weekdays 10 am – 4 pm

Arrangementer / Events 10. oktober kl. 17 Foredrag om historierne bag de grønlandske frimærker. October 10 at 5 pm A lecture about the history behind the Greenlandic stamps. 13. oktober kl. 18-23 Kulturnat: Aftenens tema er »Grønlandsk uhygge« og vil blandt andet bestå af en mørklagt udstilling, hvor man bevæger sig rundt i mørket med lommelygter, workshop hvor du kan lave din egen uhyggelige Mitaartut-maske, spøgelseshistorier, maskedans, uhyggelige lyde og meget mere.

2. december kl. 13-17

9. og 10. december kl. 11-16

December 10 at 5 pm

Juleklip: Vi gentager succesen fra sidste år og inviterer til en hyggelig eftermiddag med fælles juleklip. Papir og skabeloner vil være til rådighed og der sælges kaffe, the, saft og kage.

Julemarked: Traditionen tro holder vi et stort julemarked med 30 boder med grønlandsk håndarbejde og kunsthåndværk.

North Atlantic Christmas Concert with choirs from Iceland, Greenland and The Faroe Islands in Helligaandskirken (Church of the Holy Spirit) on Strøget. Doors will be open from 4.15 pm.

December 9 and 10 from 11 am till 4 pm Greenlandic Christmas Market with more than 30 stands with knitted work, sealskin products, beadwork, Christmas decorations, book sale and much more.

October 13 from 6 pm till 11 pm

10. december kl. 17

Copenhagen Culture Night 2017: The Greenlandic House takes part with a themed event called »Creepy Greenland«. Grap a flash light and explore the exhibition in the dark, learn how to make your own traditional scary mask, hear ghost stories, spooky sounds and much more.

Nordatlantisk julekoncert i Helligaandskirken. Færøske, islandske og grønlandske kor synger julen ind. Dørene åbnes kl. 16:15.


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December 2 from 1 pm till 5 pm Cosy get-together for the whole family: Christmas decoration making, activities for children and Greenlandic Christmas music.

Der offentliggøres desuden løbende arrangementer på og facebook. Besides the allready announced events, we regulary publish events on and facebook. Løvstræde 6, 1152 København K., Danmark


30 2017

greenland today


børn / children

Sommerlejr for børn »Foreningen Grønlandske Børn« har succes med at holde sommerlejr i Tekst: greenland today forskellige byer i Grønland

Billederne fra Nanortalik er taget af den britiske fotograf Nicola Abraham.

De seneste år har »Foreningen Grønlandske Børn« holdt sommerlejr for en hel bys børn med deltagelse af frivillige fra hele verden, der er med for at underholde og lære fra sig. Boldspil, store mængder Lego og kreative klippe-klistreværksteder er sikre hits. Desuden er der hold med danse workshops og mange andre former for samvær i de fire uger, en sommerlejr varer.

The photos from Nanortalik were taken by the British photographer Nicola Abraham.

Boost - Det er virkelig sjovt til sidst,


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30 2017

når hele byen inviteres til sammenkomst, hvor de frivillige laver en madret fra deres eget land, og børnene viser, hvad de har lært, fortæller projektleder Gunver C. Justesen fra »Foreningen Grønlandske Børn«. - Det er tydeligt, at børnene får et kæmpe boost af sommeraktiviteterne og de besøgende fra hele verden. Vi kan f.eks. måle, at lysten til at sige noget, både på dansk og engelsk, vokser gevaldigt på de fire uger, slutter hun.

Støtte Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Air Greenland, Lego, Panduro Hobby, Pilersuisoq, Brugseni, sportshaller, skoler, kollegier m.fl., frivillige fra forskellige lande samt fra forældre og andre fra byerne.

Se mere / See more – (in Danish only)

Summer camps n Camp Q, 2014, Qaanaaq n Camp East, 2015, Ittoqqortoormiit n Camp Nuan, 2016, Nanortalik n Camp Avannaa, 2017, Qaanaaq


camps for kids »The Society for Children in Greenland« enjoys success with its summer camps in towns in Greenland Text: greenland today

In recent years »The Society for Children in Greenland« has held summer camps for the children of an entire town, where volunteers from all over the world take part to entertain and teach. Ball games, huge amounts of Lego and creative cut-andpaste workshops are sure hits. There are also dance groups and many other activities to take part in during the four weeks a summer camp lasts.

Boost - It is really fun at the end, when the whole town is invited to join us and each of the volunteers cooks a dish from their own country and the children show what they have learned, says project leader Gunver C. Justesen from »The Society for Children in Greenland«. - It is obvious that the summer activities give the children and the foreign volunteers a boost. We see that, for example, the desire

to say something, both in Danish and English, increases enormously in these four weeks, she ends. Support Support is given by Peopleto-People, Air Greenland, Lego, Panduro Hobby, Pilersuisoq, Brugseni, Sports halls, schools and halls of residence etc. Assistance is provided by volunteers from different countries as well as parents and other people from the towns.

30 2017

greenland today


oplevelser / adventure

Mit andet hjem

Kim Insuk er den eneste koreaner i Grønland. Her fortæller hun om nogle af hendes mange oplevelser Tekst og foto: Kim Insuk


Jeg besøgte for første gang Grønland i 2003 og har boet her siden 2015, da jeg kom tilbage for at tage en kandidatgrad i Vestnordiske Studier på Ilisimatusarfik (Grønlands Universitet). Jeg skriver en blog på koreansk og blev via den fundet i januar af en tv-producent fra Sydkorea, der planlagde at producere en tv-dokumentar om Arktis med fokus på dyr, natur og menneskers liv med klimaforandringer. Arktiske tårer For ni år siden producerede koreansk TV en dokumentar om Arktis og klimaforandringerne. Programmet var en


greenland today

30 2017

stor succes i Korea, og det blev en god kilde til viden om Arktis. Dokumentarens titel var »Arktiske tårer« og viste en ret mørk side af Arktis og Grønland. Derfor opfatter koreanere stadig Arktis som et område med mange seriøse problemer. På en måde er det rigtigt, men virkeligheden er ikke så desperat. At arbejde med det koreanske tv-hold er en god mulighed for at vise koreanerne, hvordan Grønland reelt er. De første filmoptagelser i Grønland startede i midten af april og sluttede medio maj. Vores tur startede fra Nuuk via Ilulissat til Qaanaaq og derefter Upernavik.

Moderne Grønland I Nuuk filmede de købmandsforretningerne, Nuuk Center, moderne bygninger, universitetet, busser og trafiklys. Der er mange eksempler, der viser, at folk i Grønland ikke bor i Igloer, og at landet ikke er så desperat endda. Ilulissat har været det eneste sted omfattet af UNESCOs verdensarv i Grønland indtil nu, hvor Sydgrønland bliver det næste. Her fandt vi nogle mennesker, der kunne sejle med os og fortælle, hvordan Grønlands virkelige situation er. Vi så flere sælskind flyde i havnen. Da EU forbød importen af sælprodukter i 2009, blev den økonomiske situation for fangerne værre. Selv om EU lavede en undtagelse i 2015, hvis sælprodukter blev fanget af inuitter og oprindelige folkeslag, er der stadig mange, der ikke kender den ændrede forordning. EU undlod at oplyse

folk om den nye forordning. Dette er en af grundene til, at EU har svært ved at få observatørstatus i Arktisk Råd. Efter sælfangst tager mange jægere kun kødet, fordi skindet ikke længere er noget værd.

Hygge med jægerne, mens vi sad fast i en snestorm. (Fra venstre) Naimanngitsoq, tvproducenten, Aleq, mig og Niels. Foto af tv-kameramanden.

A great time with the hunters, stuck in a blizzard. (From left) Naimanngitsoq, TV producer, Aleq, me and Niels. Photo by the camera director.

Nordgrønland Derefter tog vi til Qaanaaq, den nordligste by. Det var ikke let, og flyet var forsinket tre dage pga. vejret. Her var vi med på sæljagt med hundeslæde og tre jægere, Naimanngitsoq, Niels og Aleqatsiaq Peary (Aleq). Aleq sagde, at vejret ikke blev godt, så jægerne ønskede at udskyde vores tur. Jeg og tv-folkene kontrollerede vejrudsigten, som så fin ud. Men vejrprognosen var forkert, og jægernes var rigtigt. Det sneede hele dagen. Vi var fascineret af jægerne og indså, at deres sanser er bedre end vejrudsigten fra computeren.

Fakta Turen blev sponsoreret af YTN Science

Facts The trip was sponsored by YTN Science

Blog Følg Kim Insuks engelske blog på

Blog Follow Kim Insuk’s English-language blog at

På den første jagtdag fangede de en sæl. I modsætning til hvalrosser og hvaler i Grønland er sæler ikke begrænset af kvotesystemet. Der er masser af sæler. Sæl har været en meget vigtig naturressource for det grønlandske folk. Ikke kun kødet, men også skindet og endda knoglerne er blevet brugt. For grønlænderne er intet dyr mere bæredygtigt end sæler. Naimanngitsoq sagde, at da EU forbød importen af sælprodukter, faldt jægernes indkomst drastisk. Siden da er antallet af fangere også blevet reduceret. EU påvirker ikke kun økonomien, men også jagtkulturen. Fangerne fortæller deres børn, at de skal få en uddannelse og få et bedre arbejde end fanger. Aleq sagde, at de måske er den sidste generation af jægere i Qaanaaq. Han tilføjede »Se på os. Vi kunne ikke komme ud på jagt til tiden, og nu sidder vi fast i en snestorm. Vi behøver ikke at være begrænset af nogen kvote, naturen styrer os allerede«.

Uventet møde Vi havde et ophold i Upernavik, da vi tog fra Qaanaaq til Nuuk. Her bor en grønlandsk pige, der er meget interesseret i Korea, og hun viste os de smukkeste steder. Hun havde lært sig nogle koreanske ord og introducerede mig til en gruppe piger, der ikke kun interesserede sig for K-pop, men også koreansk kultur og mad. Efter en måneds rejse med det koreanske tv-hold kom jeg tilbage til Nuuk. Denne sommer filmer de »Sommer i Grønland«, og jeg glæder mig til at besøge alle de fantastiske steder igen. Over hele Grønland var folk virkelig venlige og meget hjælpsomme. Livet som den eneste koreaner på verdens største ø giver mig mange chancer. Jeg har fået mange nye oplevelser. Hverdagen er helt anderledes end i Korea, og jeg lærer bogstaveligt talt noget nyt hver dag. Jeg føler, at jeg har fundet mit andet hjem i Grønland.

My second home Kim Insuk is the only resident Korean in Greenland. Here she tells about some of her Text and Photo: Kim Insuk many experiences I first visited Greenland in 2003 and have lived here since 2015, when I came back to start my second master’s degree in West Nordic Studies at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland). I write a blog in Korea and was found that way in January by a TV producer from South Korea, planning to produce a TV documentary about the Arctic, focused on animals, nature and people’s lives by climate change. Tears of the Arctic Nine years ago, the Korean broadcasting companies made a TV documentary about the Arctic and climate change. The program was very successful in Korea, and it became a fine introduction to getting knowledge about

the Arctic. The title of the documentary was »Tears of the Arctic,« and showed a quite dark side of the Arctic and Greenland. Because of this, Korean people still consider the Arctic an area with a lot of serious problems. Somehow it is true, but it is not that desperate. Working with the Korean TV crew would be a good opportunity to show the Korean people what Greenland is like. The first shooting in Greenland kicked off midApril and finished up in midMay. Our tour started in Nuuk, through Ilulissat, all the way to Qaanaaq and then back south to Upernavik. Modern Greenland In Nuuk, they filmed the big grocery shops, Nuuk

Niels is checking his gear before shooting. Niels tjekker sit udstyr inden han skyder.

30 2017

greenland today


(From left) Niels, Aleq and Naimanngitsoq. Aleq called them »the last hunter generation«.

(Fra venstre) Niels, Aleq og Naimanngitsoq. Aleq kaldte dem »den sidste fangergeneration«.

Shopping Center, modern buildings, the University, buses and traffic lights. There is so much evidence showing that people in Greenland do not live in igloos and that Greenland is not an island plagued by despair. Ilulissat Icefjord has been the only UNESCO World Heritage site in Greenland until recently. South Greenland just became one. We found some people who could take us sailing and tell us what the real situation of Greenland is. We spotted abandoned seal skin around the harbour. When the EU banned the import of seal products into the EU in 2009, the economic situation of seal hunters got worse. Even though the EU made an exception in 2015 for the seal products captured by the Inuit and indigenous communities, still a lot of people are not aware of the amended regulation. The EU failed to inform people about the new regulation. This is one of the reasons that the EU has a hard time getting observer status in the Arctic Council. After hunting the seals, many hunters in Ilulissat just take the meat from the seal because the seal skin is not worth anything anymore.

one of the most remote towns. Going there was not easy, as the flight was delayed for three days for various weather reasons. Here we went out seal hunting on a dog sled with three hunters, Naimanngitsoq, Niels and Aleqatsiaq Peary (Aleq). The day we planned to start our hunting trip, Aleq said that the weather looked like it would turn bad, so the hunters wanted to postpone our trip. My TV crew and I checked the weather forecast which seemed fine. However, the weather forecast was wrong and the hunters were right. Snow did not stop falling all day. We were fascinated by the sense of the hunters, and realized that their sense is better than the weather forecasts made by computers. On their first day of hunting, they caught a seal. Unlike whales or walrus in Greenland, the number of seals is not limited by the quota system. This is because seals are abundant. Seals have been a very important natural resource for the Greenlandic people. Not only the meat but also the skin and even the bones have been used in everyday life. For Greenlandic people, there is no animal more sustainable than seals. Naimanngitsoq said that when the EU ban-

North Greenland Then we headed to Qaanaaq,



greenland today

30 2017

ned the import of seal products, hunters' income drastically decreased. Since then, the number of hunters has decreased as well. EU is affecting not only on the economy but also the hunting culture. The hunters tell their children that they should get an education and get a better job than hunting. Aleq said that they might be the last generation of hunters in Qaanaaq. He added »Look at us. We couldn’t go out hunting in time, and now we are stuck in a blizzard. We don’t have to be limited by any quota. Nature is already controlling us!« Unexpected meeting We dropped by Upernavik on our way down from Qaanaaq to Nuuk. Here we met a Greenlandic girl who is very interested in Korea, and she took us to the most beauti-

ful places. She had taught herself some Korean and introduced me to a group of girls who are interested in not only K-pop but also Korean culture and food. After one month of traveling with the Korean TV documentary crew, I safely returned to Nuuk. This summer, we are going to film »Summer in Greenland«, and I look forward to revisit all these amazing places. All over Greenland, people were truly welcoming and very helpful. Life as the only Korean on the world’s largest island is giving me a lot of opportunities. I have had so many new experiences that I have never had before. Everyday life here is quite different from the one in Korea, and I learn new things every day. I feel that I found my second home in Greenland.

oplevelser / adventure


After 28 days and 1200 km (746 miles) travelled on the ice-cap, the WindSled finalized Greenland Ice River Expedition 2017. The expedition led by Ramon Larramendi have collected data for five international scientific projects, demonstrating the research potential of the convoy in the Arctic. The vehicle, powered by large kites, is a design by Larramendi, with zero pollutant emissions and very high efficiency. The expedition is sponsored by Tasermiut South Greenland Expeditions and supported by the EastGRIP base.

Ice River Expedition Tekst/text: greenland today

Efter 28 dage og 1200 kilometers rejse på indlandsisen sluttede WindSled Greenland Ice River Expedition 2017. Ekspeditionen, der var ledet af Ramon Larramendi, har indsamlet data for fem internationale videnskabelige projekter, hvilket demonstrerer forskningspotentialet i køretøjet i Arktis. Køretøjet, der drives af store drager, er designet af Larramendi uden forurenende udledning og med meget høj effektivitet. Ekspeditionen er sponsoreret af Tasermiut South Greenland Expeditions og støttet af EastGRIP basen.

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CAMBRIDGE SKALS EFTERSKOLE Kærvej 11 · 8832 Skals · Danmark Telefon +45 8669 5011 30 2017

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erhverv / business

Facebook Guidetogreenland Se mere / See more

Nemmere at finde rejser til

Grønland Firmaet »Guide to Greenland« startede sidste efterår i Nuuk, og den 1. maj i år åbnede de for siden på internettet. Her kan folk fra hele verden se de mange forskellige tilbud fra rejsebureauer og lokale turoperatører, som Grønland byder på.

Baggrund Bladet greenland today er i 10 år læst i mere end 20 lande, og desuden har greenland today i mange år vist billeder og historier på bl.a. Facebook og bladets hjemmeside Den store interesse for Grønland betyder, at over en million fra hele verden enten ser, deler eller kommenterer et billede eller en artikel fra greenland today hver måned. - Mange af dem skriver, at de gerne vil til Grønland. Derfor fandt vi på at lave et system, hvor alle rejsebureauer og turudbyder kan få glæde af den store interesse, fortæller redaktør af greenland today Mads Nordlund, der er medstifter af det nye firma. - Gennem årene har mange hjulpet os med historier og fotos fra hele Grønland

til greenland today. Det har skabt en kæmpe opmærksomhed ude i verden. Derfor er det vigtigt for os at give noget tilbage, så det fremover kommer hele Grønland til gavn gennem Guide to Greenland, forklarer Mads Nordlund.

Hele Grønland - Guide to Greenlands mission er »at sælge hele Grønland til hele verden«, fortæller partner Hans Jørgen Mørch. - Der har været meget fokus på Ilulissat i mange år, og det er fint, for Ilulissat er vigtigt som trækplaster. Nu vil vi også gerne åbne op for de mange muligheder i resten af Grønland. - Der er så mange skønne steder i Syd-, Øst, Vest- og Nordgrønland. Der er kælvende gletsjere over næsten hele landet, og alle Grønlands byer er omgivet af smukke fjorde, fyldt med is i forskellige størrelser og farver. F.eks. er mange isbjerge i Sydgrønland i smukke blå nuancer, mens de i Nordgrønland for det meste er hvide. - Selv ved hovedstaden Nuuk er der mange ture, hvor man kan sejle og se is, siger Hans Jørgen Mørch. Hans Jørgen Mørch.


greenland today

30 2017

»Guide to Greenland « gør det nemt at finde de mange tilbud, Grønland byder på Hele verden interesseret - Guide to Greenland når allerede ud til lande i hele verden. Det kan vi se på sidens besøgende og de mange forskellige sprog, de taler. I dag er siden på engelsk, men på sigt vil Guide to Greenland være på mange flere sprog, forklarer partner og daglig direktør Martin Madsen. - I dag er der allerede omkring 200 turismeprodukter i Guide to Greenland, og antallet vokser hver dag. Udover rejser og dagsture kan man booke mange af de grønlandske hoteller og andre typer overnatningssteder, fly og biludlejning. - Alle, der har et produkt til turister, kan få det vist gratis i Guide to Greenland. Det er vigtigt for os at vise alle muligheder for rejser og oplevelser i Grønland, så turisterne kan se det samlede udbud ét sted. - Det gør det nemmere for folk, der ønsker at se Grønland, og samtidig også enklere, for hvis man finder noget man gerne vil, kan man booke det med det samme via Guide to Greenland, uden at skulle lede rundt på Internettet, forklarer Martin Madsen.

Team Guide to Greenland.

Easier to find trips to Greenland »Guide to Greenland« makes it easy to browse through the many offers available in Greenland The »Guide to Greenland« company started last autumn in Nuuk and on May 1st this year it opened the internet website. Here, people from all over the world can browse through the many offers provided by travel agents and local tour operators in Greenland. Background The greenland today magazine has been read in more than 20 countries for 10 years and for many years greenland today has posted photos and stories on e.g. Facebook and the magazine’s own website The huge interest in Greenland means that more than one million people from all over the world either see, share or comment on a photo or an article from greenland today every month. - Many of them write that they would like to visit Greenland. We have therefore devised a system where all travel agents and tour operators can benefit from this interest, says the editor of greenland today, Mads Nordlund, who is co-founder of this new company. - Over the years, many people have helped greenland today with stories and photos from all over Greenland. This has created colossal global interest. It is therefore important for us to do something in return, so in future all of Greenland can benefit through Guide to Greenland, explains Mads Nordlund.

The whole of Greenland - Guide to Greenland’s mission is to »sell the whole of Greenland to the entire world«, says partner Hans Jørgen Mørch. - There has been a lot of focus on Ilulissat for many years and that is fine because Ilulissat is important as a draw for the tourists. Now, we want to open up for the many opportunities that are found in the rest of Greenland. - There are so many wonderful places in South, East, West and North Greenland. There are calving glaciers almost everywhere in the country and all of Greenland’s towns are surrounded by beautiful fjords full of icebergs in different sizes and colours. For example, the many icebergs in South Greenland have beautiful hues of blue while those in North Greenland are mostly white. - Even in the capital of Nuuk there are many excursions where you can sail out and see ice, says Hans Jørgen Mørch.

land and the number is growing every day. In addition to trips and excursions you can book many of Greenland’s hotels and other types of accommodation, as well as flights and car rentals. - Everyone who has a product for tourists can show it for free on Guide to Greenland. It is important for us to show all the available offers for trips, excursions and experiences in Greenland, so tourists can find all the offers in one place. - This makes it easier for people who want to visit Greenland and at the same time better, because if you find something you want to do, you can book at once through Guide to Greenland, without having to search the internet, explains Martin Madsen.

Martin Madsen.

The whole world is interested - Guide to Greenland already reaches the whole world. We can see this from who visits the site and the many different languages they speak. Today, the site is in English, but in future Guide to Greenland will be in many more languages, explains partner and day-to-day director Martin Madsen. - Today, there are already around 200 products for tourists in Guide to Green30 2017

greenland today


erhverv / business

Grønland som

»Rubinland« Fem år efter den sidste guldmines lukning har Grønland nu igen minedrift Tekst og fotos: Toke Brødsgaard

Der er store forventninger til, at rubinerne fra Grønland vil blive en efterspurgt og eftertragtet vare på det internationale marked, da de grønlandske rubiner er smukke og rene med en perfekt rubinrød farve. Samtidig produceres de med respekt for miljøet og udvindes under ordnede forhold, uden brug af underbetalt arbejdskraft eller børnearbejde. Aappaluttoq forekomsten Opdagelsen af rubinforekomster skete tilbage i 1966, hvor GEUS (De nationale geologiske undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland) kortlagde seks rubinforekomster i området omkring bygden Qeqertarsuatsiaat (Fiskenæsset) ca. 100 km. syd for Nuuk. Siden da har der løbende været efterforskning i området i større og mindre skala. I 2004 begyndte det canadiske selskab True North Gems deres efterforskning i området og lokaliserede flere interessante forekomster. I 2005 opdagede selskabet »Aappaluttoq forekomsten«, hvor de blandt andet fandt

en enorm krystal på 88 gram, der efter behandling blev udvundet til en 302 karat stor krystal kendt under navnet »Kitaa Ruby«. Forarbejdet Ansøgningen om udnyttelsestilladelse blev formelt indleveret 13. juni 2011 efter ca. to års undersøgelser og rapporter, der skulle danne baggrund for ansøgningen. I dette arbejde lå blandt andet en række borgermøder og høringer med lokalbefolkningen i Qeqertarsuatsiaat, da der herskede en del modstand mod minen, og man derfor ønskede en dialog om, hvordan minen kunne blive en fordel for bygden. Tilladelse Den endelige tilladelse til udnyttelse fik True North Gems i 2014, hvorefter anlæggelsen af minen begyndte. Entreprenørselskabet LNS Greenland har stået for at skabe infrastrukturen og faciliteterne i forbindelse med minen. True North Gems Greenland havde ikke held til at finde investorer og dermed penge Sprængningseksperten, der er leverandør af dynamit til minen. The explosive expert, and supplier of dynamite to the mine. Procesanlægget. The processing plant.


greenland today

30 2017

til at færdiggøre projektet og måtte i september 2016 erklære selskabet True North Gems Greenland konkurs. Efter forhandlinger med Selvstyret overtog LNS licensen til minen, opkøbte konkursboet og åbnede minen. Infrastruktur og faciliteter Nærmeste beboelse til minen er Qeqertarsuatsiaat (Fiskenæsset) en bygd med ca. 235 indbyggere. Den ligger ca. 10 minutters flyvning i helikopter fra minen. Minen ligger isoleret, og i vinterhalvåret er der ikke mulighed for at sejle til minen på grund af is i fjorden. Faciliteterne ved minen er en havn og derfra vejen til beboelsesområdet, der består af et antal barakker med enkeltværelser, kantine, motionscenter, opholdsstuer, sauna og en sygestue. Derfra går der en vej ca. 1,5 km. op til procesanlægget, og herfra fortsætter vejen videre til selve minen. Blodrød grusgrav Selve minen er et åbent brud, hvor man har sænket vandstanden ca. 10 meter i en sø.

Der er derfor ikke mineskakter, men i stedet et hul, hvorfra der sprænges klippestykker ud. Ved brug af den rette mængde dynamit ødelægges meget mindre fjeld end ved at benytte andre metoder. Rubiner har en hårdhed, der nærmer sig diamanter (9 på en skala ud af 10), og de bliver derfor ikke ødelagt ved sprængningerne. Procesanlægget Procesanlægget er første stop for klippestykkerne fra minen. Her knuses de og kommer i første omgang forbi 2-3 medarbejdere, der sorterer potentielt gode rå rubiner til side. Derfra sendes resten til en finere knusning, hvor resten af sorteringen foregår maskinelt på baggrund af vægtfylde og farve. Dagligt kommer der ca. 100 ton klippestykker ind i procesanlægget og ugentligt er resultatet omkring 100 kilo »korund«, der er navnet på de rå rubiner, der sendes til Nuuk for videre rensning og sortering. Al arbejdet foregår desuden under overvågning og strenge sikkerhedsforan-

The canteen and accommodation facilities, in connection with the mine. Korund, de rå rubiner. Corundum, the raw rubies.

staltninger, oplyser vicedirektør i LNS Greenland Gems, Jens B. Frederiksen. Faciliteter i Nuuk LNS Greenland Gems har hovedkontor i Nuuk. Her bliver korund fra minen renset, analyseret og sorteret i de forskellige kvaliteter. En del af rubinerne skal slibes i Grønland, mens resten enten kan sælges som rå rubiner eller slibes i udlandet af specialister. Unikke Der forskes i de grønlandske rubiner, der måske skiller sig ud med et »DNA«, så stenene kan identificeres unikt. Dette er ikke lykkedes endnu, men alle rubiner fra Grønland certificeres. Interessen i at få en grønlandsk identitet på rubinerne er for at garantere, de er »rene«, dvs. udvundet og bearbejdet uden brug af underbetalt arbejdskraft, dårlige arbejdsvilkår eller børnearbejde. Desuden er rubinerne blandt de ældste i verden. Arbejdspladser Ved anlæggelsen af minen har LNS primært benyttet grønlandsk arbejdskraft, som virksomheden har en målsæt-

Kantinen og overnatningsfaciliteter med mere i forbindelse med minen.

ning om. Lige nu er der fire ansatte fra den nærliggende bygd Fiskenæsset, hvilket har en kæmpe betydning for bygden. De øvrige ansatte i minen er også primært grønlandske. Under udarbejdelsen af betingelserne for minen har der været rigtig meget dialog mellem folkene bag minen, Selvstyret og indbyggerne i Fiskenæsset, og der er ikke længere skepsis overfor projektet blandt lokalbefolkningen. Betydning for Grønland Potentielle investorer har tidligere været bekymrede for at satse på projekter i Grønland, blandt andet på grund af politisk ustabilitet. Men da der nu er ro på den politiske front, er tilliden langsomt ved at blive genetableret fra de internationale investorer, der er nødvendige for at løfte fremtidige mineprojekter. Nu må rubinminen bevise sit værd. Den forventes at have en levetid på minimum ni år og bidrage med flere arbejdspladser og dermed skatteindtægter. Mon ikke rubinminen også bidrager med et optimistisk håb for fremtidig udvinding af andre råstoffer i Grønland, som verden efterspørger.

Fakta Rubinminen Aappaluttoq åbnede 11. maj 2017. Se mere :

Greenland as

»Ruby Country«

Five years after the last gold mine closed, Greenland once again has an operating mine Text and photos: Toke Brødsgaard

There are high expectations that the rubies from Greenland will be in high on the international market, since Greenland’s rubies are beautiful and pure with a perfect ruby-red colour. They are processed with respect for the environment and extracted under acceptable conditions, without underpaid workers or child labour. The Aappaluttoq deposit The ruby deposits were discovered back in 1966 when GEUS (The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland) mapped six ruby deposits in the area around the village of Qeqertarsuatsiaat (Fiskenæsset) about 100 km south of Nuuk. Since then, regular prospecting has taken place in the area on a larger or smaller scale. In 2004, True North Gems, a Canadian company started prospecting in the area and they found several interesting deposits. In 2005, the company discovered the »Aappaluttoq deposit«, where their finds included a huge crystal weighing 88 grams which, after processing, resulted in a 302 carat gem called »Kitaa Ruby«.

Processed The application for an exploitation licence was formally handed in on 13th June 2011 after two years of reviews and reports that formed the basis for the application. Preliminary work had included a series of public meetings and hearings with the local population of Fiskenæsset, since there had been some resistance to the mine and a dialog concerning the advantages the mine might bring was therefore in order. Licence The final exploitation licence was granted to True North Gems in 2014 after which construction on the mine began. The LNS Greenland construction company carried out the building of the infrastructure and the facilities for the mine. True North Gems Greenland did not succeed in finding investors and thus financing to complete the project, so in September 2016 True North Gems Greenland filed for bankruptcy. After negotiations with the government, LNS took over the licence for the mine, acquired the bankrupt estate and opened the mine. 30 2017

greenland today


The open face pit where the rubies are separated from the mountain. Bruddet, hvor rubinerne sprænges ud af fjeldet.

Infrastructure and facilities The closest inhabited place to the mine is Qeqertarsuatsiaat (Fiskenæsset) a village with approx. 235 inhabitants. It is located about 10 minutes by helicopter from the mine. The mine is at an isolated location and in the wintertime it is not possible to sail to the mine due to ice in the fjord. The facilities at the mine consist of a harbour and from here a road to the living quarters with a number of barracks with single rooms, a canteen, fitness room, common rooms, sauna and an infirmary. From there, an approx. 1.5 km road leads up to the processing plant and from here the road continues on to the mine. Blood red gravel pit The mine itself is an open pit where the water level has been sunk approx. 10 metres in a lake. There are no mine shafts. Instead there is a pit where the rock is blasted. By using the right amount of dynamite, less of the rock is destroyed than it would be, using other methods. Rubies

have a hardness that approaches that of diamonds (9 on a scale of 10) and they are therefore not spoiled by the explosions.

ed into different qualities. Some of the rubies are cut in Greenland, while the rest either can be sold as raw rubies or cut abroad by specialists.

The processing plant The processing plant is the first stop for the ore on its way from the mine. Here, the ore is crushed and conveyed past 2-3 workers who set aside the potentially good rubies. The rest is then sent to be crushed finer, where it is machine-sorted based on density and colour. Each day, approx. 100 tons of rock goes through the processing plant resulting weekly in approx. 100 kilos of »corundum« the name of raw rubies, which are sent to Nuuk for further cleaning and sorting. All the work is monitored and carried out under strict security measures, says vice president of LNS Greenland Gems, Jens B. Frederiksen.

Unique Greenlandic rubies are being investigated to see if they have a unique »DNA« which could be used to identify them. This has not yet been successful, but all rubies from Greenland will be certified. Obtaining a Greenlandic identity for the rubies is interesting, because it is a guarantee that they are »clean«, i.e. mined and processed without the use of underpaid workers, without poor working conditions and without child labour. The rubies are also among the oldest in the world.

The facilities in Nuuk LNS Greenland Gems has its head quarters in Nuuk. Here, the corundum from the mine is cleaned, analysed and sort-

Chairman of the Board of LNS Greenland Gems, Gunnar Moe, talking with the Director of the Greenland Employers' Association, Brian Buus Pedersen. 40

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Jobs As is company policy, LNS used primarily Greenlandic labour during construction of the mine. At present, there are four employees from the nearby village of Fiskenæsset which has a huge impact on the village. The other emplo-

Bestyrelsesformand i LNS Greenland Gems, Gunnar Moe, i samtale med Direktør for Grønlands Arbejdsgiverforening, Brian Buus Pedersen.

yees at the mines are also mainly Greenlandic. During preparations of the terms of the contract for the mine, there had been plenty of dialogue between the people from the mine, the government representatives and the inhabitants of Fiskenæsset and the locals are no longer sceptical. The significance for Greenland Potential investors have previously been concerned about investing in projects in Greenland, among other things due to political instability. But now that there is quiet on the political front, confidence is slowly being restored to the international investors who are needed to tackle future mining projects. The ruby mine must now prove its worth. It is expected to have a lifetime of a minimum of nine years and to contribute with more jobs and therefore taxes. The ruby mine will probably also contribute with optimism regarding extraction in Greenland of other minerals in global demand.

Facts The Aappaluttoq ruby mine opened on 11th May 2017. See more:

erhverv / business

Grønlands natur Tekst: greenland today

Gennem flere år har firmaet »PILU Arctic Care« arbejdet på at udvikle en serie hudplejeprodukter baseret på råvarer fra den rene grønlandske natur. Produktene har gennemgået alle de analyser, tests og godkendelser, der skal til i henhold til »Cosmetic Product Safety Report«. Dermed er de nu klar til markedsføring internationalt.

PILU Arctic Care PILU Arctic Care blev startet af iværksætter Ivonn Hegelund Stenskov i 2012. - Som barn vandrede jeg ofte sammen med min mormor i den grønlandske natur, hvor vi samlede urter og bær, fortæller Ivonn. - Min mormor fortalte mig om, hvordan man i gammel tid brugte urter og plantedele,

Greenland’s nature Text: greenland today

man kunne finde i den grønlandske natur. Hun fortalte om de forskellige planters unikke egenskaber, og hvordan de var blevet brugt. - Som voksen fik jeg så ideen til at anvende planterne i naturlige hudplejeprodukter, slutter hun. Produkterne Hudplejeprodukterne er ba-

i glas seret på forskellige planteekstrakter fra grønlandske urter, grønlandsk bivoks og smeltet indlandsis. De første produkter, PILU Arctic Care lancerer, er en antirynkecreme til ansigtet »AntiWrinkle Moiturizer Face (PIPALUK)«, og en »Repair Care (UILOQ)«, der virker genopbyggende for skadet eller tør hud - og læber.

in a glass

For several years, the »PILU Arctic Care« company has worked to develop a series of skin care products based on ingredients from Greenland’s pristine nature. The products have undergone all the analyses, tests and approvals required by the »Cosmetic Product Safety Report«. They are therefore ready for the international markets. PILU Arctic Care PILU Arctic Care was started by entrepreneur Ivonn Hegelund Stenskov in 2012.

- As a child in Greenland, I often wandered in nature with my grandmother and we collected herbs and berries, tells Ivonn. - My grandmother told me how the herbs and plants were used in olden days. She told me about the unique properties of each plant and how they were used. - As an adult, I got the idea to use the plants in natural skin care products.

based on different plant extracts from Greenlandic herbs, Greenlandic beeswax and melted ice from the icecap. The first products launched by PILU Arctic Care are an anti-wrinkle cream for the face »Anti Wrinkle Moisturizer Face (PIPALUK)« and »Repair Care (UILOQ)« to revitalize damaged or dry skin and lips.

The products The skin care products are


New platform of travel services in Greenland 30 2017

greenland today


oplevelser / adventure

Vandring i Grønland Hvorfor en vandretur pü sporet ved polarcirklen kan Ìndre dit liv! Tekst og foto: Peter Elia


greenland today

30 2017

»Folk kan slappe af og blive sig selv, når de bliver et med naturen«

Da jeg først fortalte venner og familie, at jeg skulle vandre den 103 km lange tur på sporet ved polarcirklen i Grønland (Arctic Circle Trail), og selv transportere alle mine overlevelsesting, uden mulighed for at få nye forsyninger i ni dage, og filme oplevelsen som en video dagbog, var mine venner og familie både nysgerrige og forundrede, og en ven mente, at jeg var igennem en midtvejskrise. Jeg var virkelig begejstret og nervøs for at vandre i et land, der føltes som et mysterium for mig, fordi denne type vandretur var et betydeligt skridt op, i forhold til de hyggelige vandre-weekender i Englands grønne og behagelige land, hvor de eneste farer kommer efter kaffebutikkerne er lukket, og man ikke kan få en kop te med kiks og syltetøj efter en afslappet vandretur. Ikke en overlevelsesrejse Tanken bag det at lave en film, var at vise en almindelig fyr (som mig) begive sig ud på en rejse, som nogle mennesker forestiller sig kun er for eksperter, men som viste sig ikke at være særlig skræmmende. Du behøver ikke at være en overlevelsesekspert for at vandre på Arctic Circle Trail, du har bare brug for lidt mod; og du skal sige »JA« til ting her i livet. Selvfølgelig skal du være i god fysisk form og have erfaring med at vandre. Forberedelse af mad og udstyr, samt det at lugte som et par gamle sokker fra tid til anden er dagsordenen. Jeg fandt Cicerones bog om Grønlands Arctic Circle Trail interessant og nyttig læsning til planlægning af turen. Men et reelt skift i tankegang er nødvendigt for at få dig ud over kanten og virkelig komme 30 2017

greenland today


»Her finder du over hundrede krystalblå søer med fantastiske bjerge som kulisser, mens du vandrer på Arctic Circle Trail ruten i uspoleret fjeld og jagter midnatssolen« i gang med at tage på denne slags »næste niveau« af eventyr. Pakning af rygsæk Den vanskeligste udfordring for mig var at bære en 20 kg rygsæk i starten af ​​ min tur, og forsøge at finde en række genstande i min labyrint af en rygsæk, der føltes næsten lige så stor som mig. Den gode nyhed var, at min rygsæk gradvist ville blive lettere, når jeg spiste mig gennem grød, snackbarer og »tilsæt kun varmt vand« middage. Jeg ved, at det ikke lyder som gourmet-mad, men hvad du oplever til gengæld er muligheden for at vandre i den vilde grønlandske natur. Her finder du over hundrede krystalblå søer til at slukke din tørst, eller til at svømme i med fantastiske bjerge som kulisser, mens du vandrer i uspoleret fjeld og jagter midnatssolen. Der er små hytter spredt sparsomt langs Arctic Circle Trail-ruten, som det eneste tegn på enhver infrastruktur langs stien. Jeg planlagde at sove i telt 44

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sammen med min campingveninde, men ved et uheld efterlod vi vores teltstænger i Grønlands hovedlufthavn i Kangerlussuaq. Jeg var ikke klar over min fejl, før vi skulle slå telt op den første nat, med nærmeste hytte 10 km væk. Jeg fortalte det til min veninde, og jeg kan ikke gentage, hvad hun sagde. Vi sov uden for under stjernerne, og to dage senere ville skæbnen, at vi fandt et forladt telt, der gav os mulighed for at vælge mellem at slå lejr eller bruge hytterne, men jeg foretrækker at campere, fordi jeg elsker følelsen af ​​at være tæt på de ydre elementer. Vandring I ni dage i træk tog jeg ikke min tegnebog ud for at betale for noget, og jeg brugte kun min mobiltelefon til at filme min videodagbog. Når du vandrer på Arctic Circle Trail-ruten, kan du sige farvel til den moderne verden, og den eneste transportform er dine fødder. I tusindvis af år har mennesker bevæget sig rundt til fods, og det er nok derfor, jeg havde en særlig følelse ved at vandre i Grønland. Jeg følte mig forbundet med, hvad mennesker er bygget til at gøre, og før du tænker, ​​jeg er blevet helt skør, vil jeg bare tilføje, at kontorarbejde kun har eksisteret siden den industrielle revolution. Det er ikke overraskende, at det monotone arbejde giver sundhedsmæssige problemer som rygproblemer og

muskelinfiltrationer, sandsynligvis fordi vores art ikke blev bygget til den slags bevægelser. Jeg vil mene, at menneskekroppen er skabt til at gå over lange afstande og bære tunge ting. Livsændrende oplevelse Denne vandretur ændrede mit liv, for nu ønsker jeg at finde flere skjulte steder på vores planet. At vandre Arctic Circle Trail-ruten blev starten på noget helt specielt for mig. Jeg oprettede en side på Instagram, kaldet »The Man Who Hiked the World« i april 2016, og i august begyndte jeg at offentliggøre mine billeder og videoer, og interessen var uventet stor. Billederne fra min vandretur på Arctic Circle Trail-ruten fascinerede mine følgere og andre på Instagram, så jeg nu har den største vandretursside på Instagram i Europa, og det er stort set baseret på mit eventyr i Grønland. Resultatet af denne oplevelse er, at jeg virkelig vil opfordre folk til at komme ud og udforske. Ved at følge i vores forfædres fodspor tror jeg, at folk kan slappe af og blive sig selv, når de igen får forbindelse med naturen. Desuden er der utvivlsomt også sundhedsmæssige fordele ved at vandre i de store landskaber, en chance for at blive et nyt menneske, forstå meningen med livet, grine og tilbringe fornøjelige øjeblikke, der aldrig bliver glemt.

Youtube The man who hiked the world Facebook Themanwhohikedtheworld Instagram @Themanwhohikedtheworld

Hiking in Greenland Why Hiking the Arctic Circle Trail Can Change Your Life! Text and photo Peter Elia

When I first mentioned to friends and family that I was going to hike the 103mile Arctic Circle Trail in Greenland, car-

rying all my survival goods with me and no opportunity to resupply over a nineday period and filming the experience

as video diary, friends and family were either curious, puzzled and one friend considered that I was going through a mid-life crisis. I was really excited about the opportunity to hike in a country that felt like a mystery to me and nervous because this type of hiking experience was a significant step up in comparison to cosy hiking weekends away in England’s green and pleasant land, where the only 30 2017

greenland today


»You will find over one hundred crystal blue coloured lakes, stunning mountain backdrops while hiking the Arctic Circle Trail ic Circle Trail in unspoilt backcountry chasing the midnight sun« dangers are arriving after the coffee shops have closed and not having a pot of tea with jam scones after a leisurely hike. Not a survival trip The idea behind making the film was to show a regular guy (like me) embarking on a journey which some people may assume was only for the experts to try but once completed isn’t particularly daunting after all. You don’t need to be a survival expert to hike the Arctic Circle Trail …you just need a little courage; you need to say YES in life. Of course, you have to be physically fit and have some hiking experience. Equipment and food preparation, packing light, and smelling like an old pair of socks from time to time are the order of the day. I found Cicerone’s book on Greenland’s Arctic Circle Trail was an interesting and helpful read for planning ahead. However, a shift in mindset will be what is needed to tip you over the edge and really get you started in taking on any next level adventure. Packing the backpack The most difficult challenge for me was carrying a 20-kg backpack at the start of my journey and trying to locate a variety of objects within my labyrinth of 46

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a backpack which felt almost as big as me. The inevitable good news was that my backpack would gradually become lighter as I ate through the sachets of porridge, snack bars, and »add hot water« dinners. I know it doesn’t sound very gourmet but what you experience in return is the opportunity to hike in a Greenlandic wilderness. There you will find over one hundred crystal blue coloured lakes to quench your thirst or swim in, stunning mountain backdrops while hiking in unspoilt backcountry chasing the midnight sun. There are small huts dotted sparingly along the Arctic Circle Trail, which are the only signs of any infrastructure along the trail. I planned to camp with my camping buddy, but I accidentally left our tent poles behind in Greenland’s Main Airport in Kangerlussuaq, which meant we couldn’t use the tent. I didn’t realise my mistake until shortly before pitching up on the first night with the nearest hut 10 km away. I broke the news to my camping buddy, and I can’t repeat what she said. We slept outside under the stars, and two days later, luck would have it, we found an abandoned tent which gave us the option to camp or use huts but I do prefer camping as I love the feeling of being close to the nature.

Walking For nine days straight, I didn’t take out my wallet to pay for anything, and I only used my mobile phone to film my video diary as there was no other viable purpose for it. When you hike the Arctic Circle Trail, you can say goodbye to the modern world, and the only method of transport is your feet. For tens of thousands of years, human beings have been getting around on foot, and that’s probably why I had such a special feeling hiking in Greenland, I felt connected to what humans are built to do and before you think I have gone completely mad, I would just like to add that office work has only been around to the masses since the Industrial Revolution and it is no surprise it comes with such health issues as back problems and RSI and most likely because our species wasn’t built for such endeavours. I would say that the human body was built to walk long distances and to carry heavy loads. Life changing experience This hike changed my life because now I want to discover more hidden gems on our planet. Hiking in the Arctic Circle Trail has started something special for me. I set up an Instagram page called »The Man Who Hiked the World« in April 2016 and in August I began to

»People can relax and become themselves when they reconnect with nature« publish my photos and videos, and the response was unexpectedly huge. There was a fascination with Arctic Circle Trail from my followers and other Instagrammers that now I have the largest following on Instagram for any hiking page in Europe, and it’s largely down to my adventures in Greenland. The result of this experience is that I really want to encourage people to get outside and explore. By following in the footsteps of our ancestors, I believe people can relax and become themselves when they reconnect with nature. In addition, there are also undoubted health benefits to hiking in the great outdoors, a chance to new people, capture the spirit of life, laugh, and spend joyful moments never to be forgotten.

With ten per cent of the world’s freshwater reserves – the Government of Greenland is focusing on the potential for exporting Greenlandic water for thirsty European palates and Arctic inland ice for their drinks. To read more about Greenlands ice take a look at

30 2017

greenland today


oplevelser / adventure

En uge som



Unikke billeder fra Thule i Nord-Vestgrønland af fotograf Jonas Beyer Petersen Tekst: greenland today, Foto: Jonas Beyer Petersen

- Det kræver noget helt specielt at leve livet som en grønlandsk fanger. I en uge blev jeg inviteret med ud på sæljagt flere gange med de to fangere, Thomas og Marcus, fortæller Jonas Beyer Petersen. - Omgivelserne er barske og formålet er legitimt. Nemlig at give mad til både fangernes familier og deres hundespand. Et hurtigt glimt - Det var en fantastisk oplevelse at leve et par dage i fangernes liv. Min fotosamling er kun 48

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et glimt af dette liv og yder det knap nok retfærdighed. - Man kunne nemt tro, at de jager for sportens skyld, men i virkeligheden er det stik modsat. Hele dyret bliver brugt, og det bliver gjort på en respektfuld og bæredygtig måde, slutter Jonas Beyer Petersen. - For at fremhæve det æstetiske i både fangernes liv og naturens storhed, har jeg valgt at bruge sort/hvide fotos, så fokus koncentrerer sig om menneskene og dyrene i denne ørken af is.

One week as

a greenlandic

hunter - It takes something truly special to live life as a Greenlandic hunter. For one week, I was invited out multiple times with two hunters, Thomas and Marcus, hunting seals, Jonas Beyer Petersen tells. - The environment is harsh and the purpose honourable; to provide food for both the families of the hunters and even their dog packs.

A quick glimpse - This was an amazing experience, living a few days in the life of the hunters. My photo collection is but a glimpse of it, barely doing it justice. - It would be easy to think that they hunt for sport, but in reality, it’s quite the opposite. The entire animal is used, and it’s done in a respectful and sustainable manner.

Unique photos from Thule in North West Greenland by photographer Jonas Beyer Petersen Text: greenland today, Phpto: Jonas Beyer Petersen

- To emphasize the aesthetic of both the lives of the hunters and the greatness of nature, I have chosen to use black and white photos, so the focus is on the people and the animals in this desert of ice, Jonas Beyer Petersen ends.


30 2017

greenland today


Er den grønlandske slædehund en truet dyreart? kultur / culture

Tekst: greenland today Foto: Carsten Egevang

Bestanden af grønlandske slædehunde er halveret siden 90’erne. Derfor sætter et nyt forskningsprojekt fokus på den grønlandske slædehund som art og kulturarv Grønland huser den største eksisterende slædehundepopulation i Arktis og en slædehundekultur, der er unik i verden. Både slædehunden og den højt specialiserede teknologi og viden, der er knyttet til dens oplæring og anvendelse, er imidlertid i fare for at forsvinde. Hundebestanden er reduceret fra 20.000 dyr for ti år siden til 15.000 dyr i dag, og nedgangen fortsætter. Årsagen skal findes i en kombination af den globale opvarmning, der betyder, at havisen lægger sig i stadig kortere tid over mindre havområder, i stigende hundefoderpriser og i konkurrencen med snescooteren.

Uden hunden ville grønlændernes forfædre Thulefolket have haft vanskeligt ved at kolonisere den nye verden i det arktiske område, og hverken Robert Peary eller Roald Amundsen havde kunnet erobre henholdsvis Nord- og Sydpolen. I dag lever den traditionelle viden om hundeslædekulturen, dens teknologi og kosmologi – det man med rette kunne kalde slædehundens sjæl – stadig i det grønlandske samfund. Men denne viden er ofte ikke nedskrevet, og nu er både slædehunden og den højt specialiserede viden i fare for at forsvinde.

skabeligt forskningsprojekt, der bl.a. skal beskrive slædehundens kulturelle betydning og kortlægge dens genetiske historie. Projektet involverer i alt tretten museer og tre universiteter. Det samlede initiativ koordineres i et sekretariat placeret ved Ilisimatusarfik, Grønlands Universitet, i Nuuk.

Kultur Den grønlandske hundeslædekultur rækker mere end 4.000 år tilbage i tiden.

Projekt »Qimmeq – den grønlandske slædehund« er et dansk-grønlandsk tværviden-

The number of sled dogs in Greenland has declined dramatically during the past two decades.


greenland today

30 2017

Antallet af slædehunde i Grønland er faldet drastisk i løbet af de sidste to årtier.

Kilder Qimmeq Københavns Universitet Statens Naturhistoriske Museum Foto Fotograf Carsten Egevang er en del af projekt QIMMEQ som fotograf og redaktør af en kommende bog om den grønlandske slædehund. Facebook Qimmeq

30 2017

greenland today


kultur / culture

Is the Greenlandic sled dog a threatened animal species?

Text: greenland today Photo: Carsten Egevang

The stock of Greenland sled dogs has been halved since the 90s. Therefore, a new research project focuses on the Greenlandic sled dog as a species and as a cultural heritage


greenland today

30 2017

Sources Qimmeq University of Copenhagen National Museum of Natural History Photo Photographer Carsten Egevang is part of project QIMMEQ as photographer and editor of a forthcoming book about the Greenlandic sled dog. Facebook Qimmeq

Greenland is home to the largest extant sled dog population in the Arctic region and a sled dog culture, which is unique in the world. Nonetheless, both the sled dog and the highly specialised technology and knowledge associated with its training and use are in danger of disappearing. Ten years ago there were 20,000 dogs. Today there are 15,000, and the decline is continuing. This is due to a combination of: global warming, which means that the sea ice covers sea areas for increasingly shorter periods; the rising price of dog food; and competition from the snow scooter.

Culture The Greenlandic sled dog culture and technology has a history that reaches more than 4000 years back in time. It is iconic and references to it are numerous. Without it the Thule People from which modern Greenlanders descend, would have had a hard time colonizing the New World´s arctic areas and without these dogs polar explorers like Roald Amundsen and Robert Peary would never have reached the Poles. Today, Greenland holds the Arctic’s largest remaining sled dog population and a globally unique traditional dog sled culture. But both the sled dog and the

culture that goes with it are threatened by extinction. Project »Qimmeq – The Greenlandic Sled Dog« is a Danish-Greenlandic multidisciplinary research project. Among other things, the project will describe the cultural significance of the sled dog and map its genetic history. The research project involve a total of thirteen museums and three universities. This joint initiative are coordinated by a secretariat located at Ilisimatusarfik, the University of Greenland, in Nuuk.

30 2017

greenland today


kunst / art

At male en verden af is En kunstner fortæller om at male i Grønland og det dilemma, man står overfor med vandbaserede farver i et frossent landskab Tekst og malerier af David Bellamy

Is har altid fascineret mig som kunstner. Det begyndte, da jeg først oplevede store issøjler og istapper, der hang ned fra vandfald om vinteren, og jeg så frosne søer højt oppe i bjergene. Jeg gik derefter i gang med at lave skitser af gletsjere. Jeg udforskede dem og særligt dem, hvor man rent faktisk kunne komme 54

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30 2017

ind ishuler og opleve fantastiske farver, som når lys brydes i en krystal. Sollyset skar igennem den tynde, gennemsigtige is i blå, grønne, gule og mange andre nuancer. Senere firede jeg mig ned i gletsjerspalter for at skitsere naturlige isbroer i deres vilde element. Den arktiske natur er endnu mere vild og dramatisk.

Her findes de vildeste isformationer skåret af vind, vand og sol, der funkler i en dans af lys hen over overfladen på et isbjerg. Vandet og tågens bevægelser kan også bringe isen til live. Alt dette gør is til et spændende motiv at male. Der er ikke meget, der kan overgå magien i at se de næsten gennemsigtige vand-

farver fange disse flimrende øjeblikke, der skifter farve for øjnene af dig. Når man skal lave skitser og malerier i Arktis, er det store problem naturligvis at arbejde med vandbaserede farver i temperaturer under nul. Det kan være en nærmest uovervindelig udfordring.

Historien For de tidlige polarforskere/ kunstnere var det en kamp uden lige at male motiver i farver i de lave temperaturer. I starten af det 19. århundrede blev vandfarver dog tilgængelige i fast form, hvilket gjorde dem meget lettere at transportere. Normal praksis var at skitsere et billede med

blyant, notere farverne og senere tilføje dem, når man var kommet i ly på et skib eller i en lejr. George Back, en løjtnant i den britiske flåde i det tidlige 19. århundrede, udviklede en talkode for farver. Han skrev koderne på skitsen, så han kunne bruge dem senere, når han farvelagde billederne.

Isbjerge i nærheden af Ilulissat. Akvarel

Mountainous icebergs near Ilulissat. Watercolour

Da kirurgen Edward Moss i 1875-6 malede i varmen under dækket på et skib, løb han op og ned mellem dækkene for at kontrollere farverne i virkeligheden. Den norske opdagelsesrejsende Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) skabte nogle fine akvareller på sine ekspeditioner, og akvarellerne afslører en fremragende kontrol i at farvelægge, når temperaturen tillader det. Kunstnere vendte ofte hjem med billeder af de mest fantastisk formede isbjerge, og de fleste billeder kom temmeligt tæt på virkeligheden.

en blyant eller en pen for at skabe detaljer.

Gin uden tonic I dag er vi langt bedre stillet, når det kommer til materialer og udstyr. Vi behøver ikke at fremstille vores egne farver, og de er klar til brug med det samme. Vi kan naturligvis også tage fotografier, men for mig er det umuligt at indfange alle farverne og tonernes finesser i isen med et kamera. Disse aspekter er meget vigtige for at give et maleri en følelse af ægte autenticitet. Når jeg bruger vandbaserede farver i frostvejr, tilføjer jeg vandet gin for at hindre eller forsinke, at mit materiale fryser. Jeg hælder også nogle gange gin i vandet inde i en hul pensel. Nogle gange bruger jeg farveblyanter på tørt papir, og når jeg så senere er tilbage i lejren, børster jeg noget vand på papiret for at skabe en akvareleffekt. I ekstreme tilfælde gnider jeg sne på skitsen efter brug af akvarelblyanter for at lave en slags rå »akvarel«. Derefter trækker jeg motivet op med

Pas på huller i isen Det at male på Indlandsisen i Grønland er en lærerig oplevelse for kunstnere, der er vant til mere normale landskaber. Dine medrejsende er det eneste, der kan hjælpe med at skabe en fornemmelse af skala. Om morgenen er du nødt til at vente på, at solen har smelte isens vandløb, før du kan skitsere dem. Dertil kommer problemet med at male det lyse vand mod en lys baggrund. Det er lidt ligesom at male en isbjørn i en snestorm. Skygger, mørkere toner og farver hjælper, men ofte er vi nødt til at overdrive disse, simpelthen for at få vandløbet til at skille sig ud fra baggrunden. Mange af de bedste motiver finder man på farlige steder, hvor man i værste fald risikerer at styrte i døden. Min kammerat Will Williams så hjælpeløst til, mens hans malegrej gled ned ad en skråning og forsvandt i et gabende hul i isen. På sådanne steder skruer jeg en ispløk ned i den stenhårde is for at forankre mig og mit grej, før jeg begynder på skitsen. Jeg passer især på mit wienerbrød, som er så vigtigt for at holde moralen oppe! Atletik på isen På indlandsisen var et af de mest fascinerende steder en iskløft – en kæmpe spalte i de store ismasser. Isen på bunden så ikke alt for sikker ud. Kløften var skabt af en iskold vandstrøm, der senere var sunket og herefter blevet dækket af et nyt lag is. Det 30 2017

greenland today


Om forfatteren David Bellamy er en kunstner og forfatter, der bor i Wales. Han er aldrig gladere, end når han er ude at arbejde i den vilde natur. Han har skrevet 18 bøger og hans seneste, David Bellamy’s Arctic Light, bliver udgivet af Search Press i forsommeren 2017. About the author David Bellamy is an artist and author living in Wales, who is never happier than when working in wild scenery. He has written eighteen books and his latest, David Bellamy’s Arctic Light, will be published by Search Press in the early summer of 2017. 56

greenland today

30 2017

så flere steder ud som om, at isen kunne brække under vores vægt, så det meste af tiden undgik vi bunden og skrævende i stedet over den med vores issko godt hugget ind i væggene på kløften. Til sidst blev vores videre færd forhindret af en dyb issø, som selv de mest adræte atleter ville have problemer med at komme over. På det tidspunkt havde jeg dog fået malet flere skitser, og i det mindste var isen ikke brudt op under os. Det er bestemt ikke sjovt, når isen begynder at bryde op under en, som den gjorde engang, da jeg var ved at lave en skitse af en isbro over en iskold vandstrøm. At skulle springe som en gal med alt ens malergrej i hænderne leder ikke just tankerne hen på afslappet akvarelmaleri, men ved den lejlighed havde jeg ikke noget valg.

is er Ilulissat Isfjord i Nordgrønland. Jeg nød at sidde og omhyggeligt betragte de kæmpe isbjerge og lægge mærke til, hvordan de ændrede udseende i takt med at solen flyttede sig. Isbjerge er virkeligt gode lysreflektorer, og dermed skaber de fascinerende motiver. Nogle gange ligner de juveler, der lyser op i et funklende skin. Den selvsamme is kan senere, når den ses i silhuet, ligne en flåde af mystiske, mørke-grå slagskibe. Som kunstnere oplever vi igen problemet med skala. Hvordan kan du få et isbjerg, der næsten er på størrelse med et rigtigt bjerg, til at se stort ud på et maleri? Her kan det hjælpe at tilføje fugle, men man kan også tilføje motivet en lille kajak eller en fiskekutter. Det giver ikke blot en ide om isbjergets størrelse, men tilføjer også lidt liv og farve.

Isfjorden Et af de mest fantastiske steder i verden til at observere

Guddommelige landskaber Efter flere ekspeditioner

og besøg i Grønland er jeg stadig ikke træt af at male is og kan slet ikke vente med at vende tilbage. Hver gang har jeg nye ideer til motiver og til hvordan, jeg vil tackle at skulle male disse. Selvom isen tynder ud, er Grønland stadig et virkelig smukt land og i min nye bog, David Bellamy’s Arctic Light, har jeg sat isen i centrum for at hylde de herlige landskaber, folket og landets dyreliv. Følelsen af fuldstændig fred og ro er en af de kvaliteter, jeg elsker mest ved Grønland udover de fantastiske, arktiske landskaber og dyrelivet. Jeg har mange gode minder fra mit arbejde med malerier og optegnelser i fjerntliggende hytter med en fantastisk udsigt hele vejen rundt. I den vanvittige travlhed og trængsel i moderne storbyer er det tanken om disse minder, der holder mig oppe. Længe leve denne herlige vildmark, som vi alle bør skatte!

kunst / art

Tynd is, Ittoqqortoormiit. Akvarel Thin ice, Ittoqqortoormiit. Watercolour

Ymers Bjerg, Tasiilaq. Akvarel skitse Ymers Bjerg range, Tasiilaq. Watercolour sketch

PAINTING THE WORLD OF ICE An artist's own report on painting in Greenland and the dilemma of painting with Text and paintings by David Bellamy watercolours in a frozen landscape Ice has always fascinated me as an artist. It began when I was confronted with huge columns and daggers of ice hanging down waterfalls in winter, or frozen lakes high up in the mountains. I soon moved on to sketching and exploring glaciers where one could actually get inside ice caves and witness amazing iridescent colours. Sunlight pierces through thin translucent ice – blues, greens, yellows and many more. Later I would abseil down crevasses to sketch natural ice bridges in dramatic locations. The Arctic nature is even more dramatic. Mind-blowing ice formations sculpted by wind, water and sun, coruscating sparkles of light dancing across the surface of an iceberg, or moving water and mist that seem to bring the ice to life. All of this makes ice an enthralling subject to paint, and there is little that can surpass the magical qualities of transparent watercolour washes in

capturing these shimmering images that change color before your eyes. For sketching and painting in the Arctic, of course the big problem with watercolour is that working in below zero temperatures can make it a monumental challenge. History For the early Arctic explorer-artists it proved quite a battle to capture scenes in color during low temperatures. By the early nineteenth century watercolours became available in cake form which made them easily portable. Normal practice was to sketch a scene with pencil, noting down the colors and later, in the comfort and warmth of the ship or camp, apply the colours. George Back, a lieutenant in the Royal Navy in the early 19th century developed a numerical code for colors which he would annotate on the sketch to use later when laying on the colors. In

1875-6, while painting in the warmth of the ship below decks, surgeon Edward Moss would run up and down between decks to check the colors of a scene. The Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) created some delicate watercolours of his expeditions, showing excellent control in laying the washes when the temperature allowed. Artists often returned home with scenes of the most fantastically-shaped icebergs imaginable and most were fairly close to the truth. Gin without tonic These days we are far better off as far as materials and equipment are concerned. We don’t have to manufacture our own colors and they are ready for instant use. We can also take photographs, of course, but for me it is impossible to capture all the subtleties of the colors and tones in ice with a camera, and these aspects are so im-

portant in giving a painting a feeling of true authenticity. When using watercolours, I add gin to the painting water to stop or slow down the rate of freezing, or use it inside a hollow-handled plastic brush-pen. Sometimes I apply color with watercolour pencils onto dry paper and later, when I’m back at base, brush on some water to create a watercolour effect. In extreme cases after applying the watercolour pencils I sometimes rub snow across the sketch to make a crude »watercolour«, and then draw into it with a pencil or pen to capture the detail. Occasionally, I simply draw in pencil and, like the early explorers, make notes of the colors and main tones, then complete it in watercolour later. I often enjoy painting watercolour sketches when the temperature is hovering just below zero, as the freezing washes can create wonderful reticulated effects on the paper. However, 30 2017

greenland today


Iskløft på Grønlands indlandsis. Akvarel Ice canyon on the Greenland ice-cap. Watercolour

relaxed watercolour painting but on that occasion I had no choice.

several brushes are needed for that as they quickly freeze up to hard points. Nature is incredible in its capacity to surprise us. Mind the gap Painting on the Greenland ice cap is an enlightening experience for the artist who is used to more normal landscapes. Apart from your companions there is nothing to give a sense of scale to the ice formations or, e.g., a moulin so large you could drop a train into it though there are no trains on the Greenland ice-cap! In the morning, you have to wait for the sun to melt the glacial streams before you can sketch them, and then there is the problem of painting light-colored water against a light-colored background, rather like a polar bear in a snow-storm. Shadows and 58

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darker tones and colors help, but often we need to exaggerate the tones simply to make the stream or the cascade stand out. Many of the best subjects are in dangerous places where one slip can send you into oblivion. Will Williams, one of my companions, watched helplessly as his painting pot slid down a slope and then disappeared into a gaping hole in the ice. In such places, I screw an ice peg into the rock-hard ice and anchor myself and my gear to it before starting to sketch, especially my Wienerbrød (Danish pastry) which is important for morale! Gymnastic leaps on ice On the ice-cap one of the most fascinating features we came across was an ice canyon – a massive crack in huge ice cliffs. The ice on the bottom

looked extremely dubious in places. This was obviously the bed of a glacial stream that had sunk and been covered by a new layer of ice which in places looked as though it might well crack under our weight, so most of the time we straddled the floor and dug our crampons into the side walls as we progressed round snake-like bends. Eventually our route was blocked by a deep pool, which even the most elaborate gymnastics would be hard pressed to circumnavigate, but by then I had managed several sketches. At least the ice had stayed firm. It’s no fun when the ice starts to break up beneath you as it did one time when I was sketching an ice bridge over a glacial stream. Having to make the mother of all leaps with all your painting equipment in your hands does not induce a feeling of

The icefjord One of the most spectacular places in the world to observe ice is the Ilulissat Icefjord in North Greenland. I liked to sit and observe the monstrous icebergs carefully, noting how they changed throughout the day as the sun moved round. Icebergs are magnificent reflectors of light, thus creating fascinating images as they »bend« the light. Sometimes they appear jewel-like, lit up in sparkling light, while at others when in silhouette the same mass of ice can look like a fleet of strange dark-grey battleships. Again, as artists we have the problem of scale – how do you make an iceberg almost the size of a mountain actually look big in a painting? Including birds can help, but introducing a small kayak or a fishing boat into the scene adds not just a sense of immensity of the iceberg, but a little life and colour. Glorious landscapes After several expeditions and visits to Greenland, I never tire of painting ice and can’t wait to return, each time with new ideas for subjects and how I am going to tackle these awesome scenes. Although the ice is thinning out, Greenland is still a truly beautiful country and in my new book, David Bellamy’s Arctic Light, I have made it a celebration of

Kayakers amidst the icebergs, Disco Bay. watercolour Kajakroere blandt isbjerge, Diskobugten. Akvarel

the glorious landscapes, the people and its wildlife. Apart from the stunning Arctic landscapes and wildlife, one of the qualities I love about Greenland is the sense of utter peace and quiet. I have many fond memories of working on paintings and journals in some remote hut, with spectacular views all round, and in the mad hustle and bustle of modern cities it is these thoughts that keep me sane. Long live this glorious wilderness that we should all treasure.


emories of Greenland

Bring back

Galleri Roar Christiansen Et unikt udvalg af grønlandsk kunst, litografier, kunsttryk, plakater, akvareller, træsnit, kobberstik, linoliumstryk, postog kunstkort. Se en del af vores udvalg på På gensyn i et galleri af en anden verden.



Gallery Roar Christiansen A unique selection of Greenlandic art, lithographs, prints, posters, watercolours, wood carvings, copper engravings, linocuts, postand art cards. See some of our selection on See you in a gallery of another world.


Tlf +299 32 13 . Fax +299 32 23 93 greenland today 3093 2017 Tuapannguit 8 . Box 348 . 3900 Nuuk e-mail:


kunst / Art

Enestående kunsthåndværker På et værksted i Nuuk guider Kim Kleist Eriksen en håndfuld drenge mod en bedre tilværelse. Samtidig med han lærer fra sig, producerer han det ene unika kunsthåndværk efter det andet Tekst: Mads Nordlund


greenland today

30 2017

Kim Kleist Eriksen er født i Sisimiut, men bor i Nuuk, hvor han er uddannet lærer på seminariet. Til hverdag arbejder han som værkstedsleder hos Piorsaavik. Et multiværksted for unge, der får hjælp via et undervisnings- og aktiveringsforløb for at komme videre. Begge hans forældre har altid været flittige og arbejdssomme. Gennem dem og deres arbejde har Kim mødt en del kunsthåndværkere, men først for tre år siden prøvede han selv at lave noget. - Det var fandeme godt og en fantastisk følelse, når noget, man har tænkt på, bliver til et færdigt produkt. Det tilfredsstillede mig så meget, at jeg var nødt til at prøve det igen. Og så har jeg lavet kunsthåndværk lige siden, fortæller Kim.

som guitarlærer på musikskolen og spiller selv guitar i sin kones band. - Det hedder Katsi Kleist Eriksen Band, og hun vandt talentprisen fra Koda i 2013, fortæller Kim stolt. Han og Katsi har tilsammen fire børn, og hele hans ansigt lyser op i et stort varmt smil, da han nævner konen og børnene. - Da jeg skulle fri til min kone, lavede jeg to ting til hende. Blandt andet en ring med en ravnefjer, der ikke lukkede helt. - Det var min far, der sagde, jeg er kreativ, og spurgte, om jeg havde tænkt på selv at lave en ring. Han gav mig en hvalrostand, han selv havde fået af min bedstefar. Det var en stor ære, og jeg var nervøs for at ødelægge tanden.


- Jeg vil helst undgå at lave faste opgaver. Ansigter og udsmykning skal ikke være det

Udover arbejdet på multiværkstedet, underviser han


samme. Alt skal være unikt. - Jeg har (næsten) lært at sige nej til nogle opgaver og arbejde efter mine egne præmisser, smiler Kim. - Det bedste er, hvis jeg har nogle symboler at gå ud fra, men ellers har frie rammer. Ellers kommer inspirationen mest fra arktiske dyr og historier. Selvfølgelig også fra andre kunstnere, men jeg prøver at lave mit helt eget. - Jeg elsker symmetri, men ved ikke hvorfor. For det meste prøver jeg at få flere ting med i ét værk.

Rollemodel Som lærer er Kim meget bevidst om, at han fungerer som rollemodel i hverdagen. - Det skal man være, forklarer han. - Du skal helst være en person, de kan følge efter. Det er en stor rolle at udfylde. - De unge har givet mig deres tillid og fortæller mig,

at jeg er deres »safe zone«. Det er jeg glad for, men bevidst om, at det forpligter. - At arbejde med de unge kan være hårdt, fordi det er menneskeskæbner, man har med at gøre. - Heldigvis har jeg en god støtte i min kone. Hun giver mig input, så jeg ikke tænker for meget over de unges situation, når jeg har fri. - Desuden elsker jeg, at mit job er så afvekslende, og at jeg har frie hænder i undervisningen. Den ene måned har vi husflid, den næste laver vi udsmykning, osv. - Jeg er nok mere kunstner, end jeg er lærer. Med kunst kan man udtrykke meget, slutter Kim Kleist Eriksen.

Unika Crafts Glass Art

Dooit Design

Intaleeqqap Aqq. 12 Nuuk Tlf.: +299 58 31 09

Opening hours Tue - Fri: 1 PM - 5 PM Sat: 11 AM - 2 PM

– everything is own work

Workshop Visit my workshop and see how the glass art are created

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30 2017

greenland today


kunst / Art

In a workshop in Nuuk, Kim Kleist Eriksen shows a handful of boys the way to a better future. At the same time as he teaches, he produces one unique piece of art after another


artist Text: Mads Nordlund

Kim Kleist Eriksen was born in Sisimiut, but he lives in Nuuk where he attended teaching college and qualified as a teacher. He is the leader of the workshop at Piorsaavik. This is a multi-workshop for young people who require the help


greenland today

30 2017

of teaching courses and activation courses to move on. Both of his parents have always been diligent and hardworking. Through them and their endeavours, Kim met many people who work with arts and crafts, but he did not attempt to make

anything himself until three years ago. - It was so damned good, the fantastic feeling of turning something from your imagination into a finished product. It gave me so much satisfaction, that I had to try again. And I have been working with handicrafts ever since, says Kim.

The beginning In addition to working at the multi-workshop he teaches guitar at the local music school and he plays guitar in his wife’s band. - It is called the Katsi Kleist Eriksen Band and she won a talent award from Koda in 2013, says Kim with pride. He and Katsi have four children together and his face lights up with a warm smile

when he talks of his wife and children. - When I proposed to my wife, I made two things for her. One of these was a ring with a raven’s feather, that did not close completely. - It was my father who told me I was creative and asked if I had thought of making a ring myself. He gave me a walrus tusk he had been given by my grandfather. It was a great honour and I was afraid of ruining the tusk.

Unique items - I prefer to avoid doing routine work. Faces and decorations should not be the same. Everything should be unique. - I have (almost) learned to say no to certain orders and to work on my own terms, smiles Kim.

- I prefer it, when I have some symbols to work with, but have a free reign. Otherwise, I find most inspiration in the Arctic wildlife and stories. And of course from other artists, but I try to do my own thing. - I love symmetry, but I do not know why. Mostly, I try to do several things with one piece.

Role model As a teacher, Kim is very aware that he functions as a role model in the day-to-day. - You have to be, he explains. - You must preferably be a person they can follow. It is a big responsibility. - The young people have given me their trust and they tell me I am their »safe

zone«. I like this, but I am aware that it also involves obligations. - Working with young people can be difficult, because you are dealing with their fates. - Fortunately, I find great support in my wife. She gives me input, so I do not think too much about the youngsters’ situations when I am not at work. - And anyway, I love that my job is so diversified and that I have a free reign with regard to teaching. This month, we have handicrafts and next month we do decorating etc. - I am probably more artist, than teacher. With art you can express a lot, ends Kim Kleist Eriksen.

30 2017

greenland today


mad / food

Disko Bay Kutter-Rejer

- i åben »strudel« med dild og knust feta Ingredienser - til 4 personer 300 g Kutter-Rejer 1 pk. filodej 1 bdt. dild 150 g fetaost 50 g smør 1 citron

Dild Salt og peber Pensl filodejen med smeltet smør og drys med revet citronskal og friskkværnet peber. »Krøl« filodejen sammen til små reder og bag dem i ovnen ved

180°C til de er gyldne og sprøde – ca. 6-8 min. Placér de lune, bagte filodejsreder på 4 tallerkener og knus straks feta over. Drys med masser af rejer og plukket dild.

Disko Bay cold-water prawns

- in open »strudel« with dill and crumbled feta Ingredients - for 4 people 300 g cold-water prawns 1 packet of filo pastry 1 bunch of dill 150 g feta cheese 50 g butter 1 lemon 64

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Dill Salt and pepper Brush the filo pastry with melted butter and sprinkle with grated lemon zest and freshly ground pepper. »Curl« the filo pastry together into small nests and

bake in the oven at 180°C until crisp and golden – approx 6-8 minutes. Arrange the warm, baked filo pastry nests on four plates and crumble the feta over them straight away. Garnish with plenty of prawns and sprigs of dill.

Making it easy to do business with Greenland

30 2017

greenland today


Kultur / Culture

inuuteq storch

Kunstnerisk venskab

Tre unge kunstnere udstiller sammen i Grønland med titlen »Kjoler og klæder«

De tre fotografer Igor Morales fra Brasilien, Nathalie Guio fra Colombia og Inuuteq Storch fra Grønland blev venner i New York, da de læste sammen ved International Center of Photography. Den sidste tid i skolen fandt de ud af, at de havde hver deres projekter i

samme kategori: kærlighed. Derfor besluttede de at udstille sammen og tænkte, at det skulle være i hver deres hjemland. De er startet i Grønland med udstillinger i Sisimiut, Ilulissat, Nuuk og Qaqortoq.

The three photographers, Igor Morales from Brazil, Nathalie Guio from Colombia and Inuuteq Storch from Greenland, became friends in New York, when they read together at the International Center of Photography. During the last time at school, they found out, that they each had their own

projects in the same category; love. Therefore, they decided to exhibit together, and thought it should be in each of their home countries. They have started in Greenland with exhibitions in Sisimiut, Ilulissat, Nuuk and Qaqortoq.

Tekst: Mads Nordlund

igor morales

Artistic friendship Three young artists exhibit together in Greenland entitled »Chirts & Cloves« Text: Mads Nordlund


greenland today

Nathalie Guio 30 2017

October 16-21 2017

Dream Tour in the Disco Bay

Feel the Greenland ice sheet beneath your feet, sail among icebergs from the Ilulissat Icefjord and stay at the Glacier Lodge Eqi. Trekking, boat trips and whale watching in pristine nature - truly an experience of a lifetime. 12 days Departure June-August 2017 FROM 3,780 EUR

Book your dream tour online Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

Weekend out of the ordinary

Design your itinerary at Ilulissat Icefjord - boat trips among icebergs or to glacier fronts, hikes along the fiord or around town. Relax at Hotel Arctic with world-class cuisine. All with magnificent views of towering icebergs. 6 days Book your dream tour online Departure August-December 2017 FROM 1,620 EUR Tel. (+45) 33 13 10 11

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